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Strategy Update

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Tweaking our USD/THB call

What's going on?
Kbank has adjusted its USD/THB projections to 34.00 and 34.25 for Q3 and year-

end 2015, while embracing a rising trajectory to 34.75 for year-end 2016. A
rising USD/THB trajectory as global markets adjust to the Feds policy is still the
main theme for the FX market not only this year but also the next one. Although
the U.S. economy stalled in the first quarter of the year, we remain quite bullish
on a rebound in Q2-Q3 this year. Given the continued improvement in the U.S
labor market, inflation expectations have started to creep up towards the 2%
target, suggesting that the Feds dual mandate will soon to be achieved. This
reflects our belief that the underlying U.S. economic conditions will regain
momentum, and ensure the Fed stays on course to raise interest rates later this

The rapidly depreciating trend of the THB against USD has raised the average

exchange rate to about 32.85 YTD. Based on our new assumption for the
exchange rate during 2H15, the full-year average exchange rate will likely
increase to around 33.5 or more. This trend will clearly benefit the
competitiveness and profitability of Thailands key export products and services
(tourism-related industries).

Electronics: We foresee exporters of electronics, for which the global business

Analyst (s)
Sumek Chantrasuriyarat

5 June 2015
Kasikorn Securities PCL

outlook remains favorable, should see upside in terms of profitability. Companies

in the electronics sector under our coverage normally earn around 70%-90% of
their total sales revenue in USD, while around 55%-80% of their total cost of
goods sold (COGS) is denominated in the currency. It can thus be expected that
any exchange-rate fluctuation, especially THB/USD, will have a direct impact on
the bottom lines of these stocks. Assuming that other factors remain unchanged
and that no hedging instruments are utilized, we estimate that for every 1% THB
depreciation against the USD, core earnings of the electronics stocks under our
coverage will rise by 2.3%-5.1%. Note that we assume the USD/THB in our
earnings forecast model at Bt33.8 in 2015 and Bt34.5 in 2016. Our top picks are
KCE and SVI.
Tourism: We expect THB weakness to also benefit the Thai tourism sector as it

will make traveling in the country cheaper for tourists holding foreign currencies.
This should boost international tourist arrivals. We prefer Hotel and Airport stocks
over the Airline sector due to fewer worries about FX volatility in foreign-currency
costs and debt. We rate the Hotel and Airport sectors as Overweight while
attaching a Neutral rating to the Airline sector. Our top picks are CENTEL, ERW
and AOT

Baht weakness, however, is normally negative to airlines, as 50-70% of their

costs are in foreign currencies and they mostly pay in USD for jet fuel and some
lease expenses. Moreover, their outstanding debts are usually in USD, euro and
yen. Thus, THB weakness against key currencies will hurt their operating earnings
and cause unrealized FX losses.
Winners and losers: ERW, CENTEL, MINT and AOT are the winners from THB

weakness. THAI will be the biggest loser in the sector due to its high foreign
costs and debts. BA and AAV will see a negative impact from THB softness but
at a lesser extent due to their better natural hedges. Every Bt1 change in
USD/euro/JPY will impact earnings by Bt3.5bn for THAI, Bt130m for BA (or 8%
of net profit) and Bt140m for AAV (or 8% of net profit).

5 June 2015

Strategy Update

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5 June 2015

Strategy Update

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