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Curtis Bullock

Curtis Bullock
505 Countryside Ave
Rexburg, ID 83440

Table of Contents
Stationery/ Business Card
Web Design
Event Ad


Business Card

Description: Created logo for matching letterhead and business cards

Date: June 14, 2015
Course/Instructor: COMM 130 - Visual Media - Brother Reeder
Program(s)/Tools: Adobe InDesign; Adobe Illustrator
Objectives: Use the basic tools in Illustrator & InDesign. Create a new logo to fit a company or
personal image. Use the new logo to design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead.
Include contact information: name, address, phone, website, and email on each piece. Use periods,
bullets, or spaces in phone number; no parentheses/ hyphens.
Process: I initially created the logo using basic shapes in Adobe Illustrator, after using the various
tools within Illustrator, I transferred the logo over to Adobe InDesign to complete the rest of
the project. At this point, I decided to start working on my letterhead now that I knew I had my
logo created. I made sure to keep each edge roughly an 1/2 inch from the margin. I then typed
the information I needed for the specific letterhead, this include my contact information and the
information of the business. After I created the letterhead, I created the front and back of a business
card, while I was still use Adobe InDesign.

Description: A logo for the organization.
Date: June 8, 2015
Course/Instructor: COMM 130 - Visual Media - Brother Reeder
Program(s)/Tools: Adobe Illustrator
Objectives: Create three completely different, original logos to fit a company or personal image that will
appeal to the audience. Do not imitate existing logos or use previous designs.
Market research: gather opinions from at least ten people about which logo appeals most to them.
Use only the Illustrator tools to create and draw your logos. (No Illustrator pre-fabricated flares, symbols,
etc.. No photos or live-tracing. You may use an image or drawing as a guide to trace it with the pen/
pencil, but delete the image before submitting.)
Refine one logo with variations for color
Process: The process for this particular project took several drafts. I initially created 3 logos for jeephead.
com. Once I created the logos, I asked people to tell me the logo they preferred. After receiving 20+
comments, I realized that the above logo was the preferred logo. Overall, I refined the color scheme for
this logo. This project was created using Adobe Illustrator

Description: A two-sided folding brochure
Date: July 12, 2015
Course/Instructor: COMM 130 - Visual Media - Brother Reeder
Program(s)/Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign
Objectives: Set up and align a two-sided, folded document. Create an original, new logo and use it in a
brochure. Incorporate quality images.
Process: To begin with, I started with Adobe InDesign to create the basic outline of the brochure. I split
the layout so that I would have a front, back, and inside for my brochure. A major tool that I used was
the pen tool. I wanted to keep my logo simple enough that it would fit nicely on the front page of my
logo without taking up too much room on the front of the brochure. I chose pictures that would help my
audience understand the importance of performance off-road parts. Each picture is described within the
brochure to understand how to each part is effective with off-road performance parts for Jeep Cherokees.
In addition, any text within the brochure was aligned to help the brochure appeal nicely to the reader and
easy to read. The text wrap tool was used in several parts of the brochure.

Web Design
Description: A website to show a logo personally created.
Date: June 27, 2015
Course/Instructor: COMM 130 - Visual Media - Brother Reeder
Program(s)/Tools: The programs used were: Photoshop and NotePad ++
Objectives: Size and optimize an original logo as a .png for a web page so the long side is 300 500
pixels. Write content to describe the process of creating your logo and how it appeals to a target audience.
(Minimum of 200 words. Include rationale for colors, appeal to target audience, design skills, etc,)
Acquire a working knowledge of HTML. (Include all required tags Doctype (provided), html, head,
title, meta charset (provided), body, h1, h2, p, ol or ul (with li tags), img, br, and a link to blog) Acquire a
working knowledge of CSS. (Customize the provided CSS provided to format the HTML to complement
the logo design. Change at least the following: The h1 text color & h1 background color, font colors for
the paragraphs & list items, the background color, font families and add at least one css comment.)
Identify hex colors to match logo, using Photoshop color picker.
Process: I created this website using NotePad ++ , in which it was the first time I have used this program,
as well as work with CSS/HTML. It was interesting to use, what seems to be, such a simple program.
However, with extensive knowledge, NotePad ++ can be extremely beneficial when working with HTML
and/or CSS. Once I inserted my image/logo to the document, I attached my pre-made CSS to my HTML.
Once I had all the necessary information in the document, I used the same color scheme that I used on
my logo. The purpose of this was to have my website flow well together.

event ad
Description: The Off-Road Mayhem Expedition is a charity event created to raise diabetes
awareness and all proceeds go to the American Diabetes Association.
Date: May 17, 2015
Course/Instructor: COMM 130 - Visual Media - Brother Reeder
Program(s)/Tools: Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Word
Objectives: Comprehend image sizing (how pixels and inches work together)
Find, scan and import a high-quality image. Create a full-bleed design. Choose a color scheme
and typeface(s) that work for your message and audience. Learn to use only Word design features
without using any Adobe programs, including Photoshop.
I scanned the image of the jeep and then used Adobe Photoshop to resize the photo as well as
make it a better quality image. In order for the font and other such aspects I used Microsoft Word.
I added the font and created the white background in order to better show the fonts and colors
of the project. I added text boxes as necessary for the font and made sure everything blended
well. together. The major programs used were Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Word, a scanner, and (PDF converter).

Jp Magazine presents

Off Road Mayhem


May 22
9 am - 9 pm
Kelly Canyon
$15 entry fee

Proceeds go towards
American Diabetes Association

Description: Be able to portray the Jeep Cherokee in an effective way with a quality photo
and good editing skills developed through Adobe Photoshop.
Date: May 24, 2015
Course/Instructor: COMM 130 - Visual Media - Brother Reeder
Program(s)/Tools: Adobe Photoshop and Cannon Camera
Objectives: Learn basic photography skills. Choose a color scheme, take a photo to match
those colors, then incorporate the colors into the layout. Use a digital camera to take a
quality image, then download it. Adjust image levels, saturation, color balance, sharpen
tool on separate layers for NDE (non-destructive editing.)
Size and crop the image, then place on an 8.511 page layout.
Use layers to design text, and repeating graphic elements in Photoshop. Print with fullbleed margins. Trim only 1/8 (0.125) from all four sides.
Process: Initially, I developed a plan and decided on a color scheme (Analogous) to use
for my project. I then had to decide where and how I was going to take a picture, in which
I planned on using my T3i Rebel Cannon Camera. I had to drive about 30 minutes and
position my Jeep Cherokee in a way that portrayed to my audience how I wanted my
Jeep to look. Once I was able to take the picture I wanted too, I downloaded the picture
into Photoshop and began working on the 4 basic edits (levels, sharpness, saturation, and
color balance). After that, I incorporated my color scheme into my design, in which I
used the eye dropper and adjusted the colors as necessary

Description: An montage that was created to show the inspiration found from eternal
Date: May 31, 2015
Course/Instructor: COMM 130 - Visual Media - Brother Reeder
Program(s)/Tools: Adobe Photoshop
Objectives: Use the FOCUS design process with strong focal point and flow. Unify a
layout with a consistent theme and dominant spiritual message. Learn to blend two or
more images together gradually, using masks. Demonstrate more advanced Photoshop
skills for layout with multiple elements. Use a mask to apply a filter to one part of the
image. Apply typography principles (titles, quotes, events or scripturesyour choice).
Format type: Legibility; Small copy & Title with varying text size. Theme word(s). Select
good quality images
Process: Initially, I cropped the image to be 8.5 inches by 11 inches and then selected
the picture of Christ. I chose to have Christ in the upper right hand corner because of
spacing, it fit much better and allowed for the picture to flow well. At that point, I used
100% opacity with a black brush to rid of any hard edges. Once I was able to get rid of the
hard edges, I used 30% Opacity to gradually blend the picture in with the image of the
Columbia River Temple. I then added text, a quote by President Ezra Taft Benson, that I
felt worked well with the images that I was blending together.

Description: A black and white flier created to give information on the Graduate
Leadership Conference.
Date: May 12, 2015
Course/Instructor: COMM 130 - Visual Media - Brother Reeder
Program(s)/Tools: Adobe InDesign
Objectives: Apply the design principles and use appropriate typography.
Incorporate basic InDesign skills to improve basic flier layout.
Retrieve image and logo from links on this page.
Create a project folder with image, logo and InDesign document to keep links in
InDesign intact.
Process: As stated, Adobe InDesign was used to create this project. Initially, I started
sketching some possible layouts for this flier and then I turned to InDesign to see
how effective the flier would be. As I created the flier in InDesign, I understand that
organization and simplifying the flier would be the most important principles to utilize.

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