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Dylan Loo
P.O Box 1707
Honokaa Hi 96727


Description: An event ad to promote a fundraiser using only Microsoft
word and a scanner.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles): I started by
scanning an image of a sweater that i own. I then made a bunch of
different shoes using the shape tool and free handed all of the shapes
that are made. I started with the wave, then worked my way to the
right with the palm tree, the sun set, the rocks and lastly i made the
title Luau and lastly i made the two flowers. Then i took the my
scanned image which was my sweater and i put that image into the
shapes that i made. Lastly i wrote the message and incorporated the
colors of the sweater in the text. I was able to learn that you can do a
lot on Microsoft, all it takes is a creative mind and playing around with
all the different tools. Programs I used: Microsoft Word, Epson Scanner, (PDF converter).
Message: I am running a fun raiser which consist of a luau, there will
be music, food, hula dancing and good company. It will be $2 entry
and $10 for a local Hawaiian plate lunch. All proceeds will go to the
homeless shelters in Rexburg.
Audience:Anyone looking to support the community and anyone who
loves local Hawaiian food.
Color scheme and color names: Complementary Blue- Orange
Top Thing Learned: How to use a scanner properly and all the different tools that Microsoft word has.
Title Font Name & Category: Custom made decorative font with subtitle in Ayuthaya which is slab serif
Copy Font Name & Category: Avenir next regular which is Sans Serif
and Ayuthaya which is slab serif
Scanned images used, sources, original sizes, location of scanner
used: scanned my sweater and left the resolution at 150 because it
was already a big image.



Description: Logo for an organization
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I created this log on illustrator, i
knew that i wanted to create a surfing brand because i like surfing
logos and i want to start a surfing company of my own someday. I
started making the wave by using different shapes, once i finished
the wave i saw that the wave had the shape of a c so i thought
of surfing lingo that started with a c. So that when i though of
carving a wave.
Message: The meaning of the wave and carving is not just related
to surfing but i want to relate it to your life and carving your own
wave to be successful in life.
Audience: Surfers, people who love going to the beach.
Top Thing Learned: i learned how to use illustrator and i learned
how to make a simple but yet very complex design. It took me a
while to make this logo especially the wave because it wasnt a
shape that was already in the program but i used different shapes
like circles, rectangles and ovals to create the shape and then i
had to make sure that the shape would line up with the litter c.
I also learned the importance of choosing the right font because
that was a big deal in this logo.
Color Scheme and Color Names: blue/ teal and orange.
Title / Body Font Names & Categories: Orator Std.- Sans Serif
Myanmar MN- Old Style

Description: Matching letterhead and business card designed using a
personally created logo.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I created the logo using simple
shapes in Adobe Illustrator. I also used the pathfinder too to cut and
combine these simple shapes. Once the logo was created, i opened
a new two pages InDesign and placed my logo illustrator file into this
document. I first started designing the business card, i started with the
back of the card and cropped the wave so it zoomed in on the c of
the wave which stands for carve. Then i choose a color scheme that
reminded me of the beach and choose a split complimentary color
scheme which included the colors, blue, orange and green. On the front
of the card i tried to copy the same design that i created on the back
and put my contact information and my logo their as well. Next i created
the letterhead and i coped the same design as my business card. I put
the face with the c representing carve on the letterhead and i turned
the opacity down to 11%. I put the logo in the bottom left corner and put
the my contact info in the top right to show alignment and i made three
line shapes and used the same colors as the business card.
Message: The company is a surf company and our message is directed
to anyone that loves the ocean and loves to surf.
Audience: My audience is directed to surfers and also those that love to
go to the beach.
Top Thing Learned: I learned how to brand a company by created a
unifying business card and letterhead.
Color scheme and color names: Split complementary including colorsblue, orange and green.
Title Font Name & Category:BlairMdITCTT (Sans Serif) and Avenir Next
(Olds style)
Copy Font Name & Category: BlairMdITCTT (Sans Serif) and Avenir
Next (Olds style)


Description: Matching letterhead and business card designed using
a personally created logo.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I created the logo using simple
shapes in Adobe Illustrator. I also used the pathfinder too to cut and
combine these simple shapes. Once the logo was created, i opened
a new two pages InDesign and placed my logo illustrator file into this
document. I first started designing the business card, i started with
the back of the card and cropped the wave so it zoomed in on the c
of the wave which stands for carve. Then i choose a color scheme
that reminded me of the beach and choose a split complimentary
color scheme which included the colors, blue, orange and green. On
the front of the card i tried to copy the same design that i created on
the back and put my contact information and my logo their as well.
Next i created the letterhead and i coped the same design as my
business card. I put the face with the c representing carve on the
letterhead and i turned the opacity down to 11%. I put the logo in the
bottom left corner and put the my contact info in the top right to show
alignment and i made three line shapes and used the same colors
as the business card.
Message: The company is a surf company and our message is
directed to anyone that loves the ocean and loves to surf.
Audience: My audience is directed to surfers and also those that
love to go to the beach.
Top Thing Learned: I learned how to brand a company by created a
unifying business card and letterhead.
Color scheme and color names: Split complementary including
colorsblue, orange and green.
Title Font Name & Category:BlairMdITCTT (Sans Serif) and Avenir
Next (Olds style)
Copy Font Name & Category: BlairMdITCTT (Sans Serif) and Avenir
Next (Olds style)



Description:I created an original logo and brochure on indesign, i also
came up with text to include in my brochure and used pictures that i
found online.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): indesign and photoshop
Message: Created an original brand and logo called All Natural, which
is a juice company that specializes in Acai bowls, Shaved ice and
Smoothies. All of our products are used from natural fruits that we
receive on a daily basis.
Audience: Anyone that wants a health and refreezing drink, also those
who have had a long hot day in the sun and need something to cool
them off.
Top Thing Learned:I learned how to create a brochure and i had to
use my creativity when designing my logo and also i had to think of
ways that i could apply my logo in my brochure so everything was
cohesive and looked like one.
Color scheme and color names:complementary colors including blue
and green, which can be seen in the logo.
Title Font Name & Category:STHeiti sans serif
Copy Font Name & Category:Oriya Sangam MN- old style
Word Count of copy:300 words
Thumbnails of Images used:
Sources (Links to images on original websites)- i used photos that i
found on google and photos from a restaurant called Hina Rays.
Dont forget to include your video presentation!-



Description: This is a flier that I made for the Graduate Leadership
Conference for Vonant Communication.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles): I made this flier
on adobe InDesign, and I focus on my message and audience at first.
I wanted to make a flier that was both professional but had a sense of
fun and excitement from the designs and pictures. I got the design for
the different shape sizes in the middle of the page from the vonant logo,
and at first I had shapes on the whole page. There was too much going
on and I needed to simplify it. So I started with my focal point, which
was the picture and put shapes around that instead of having shapes
on the whole page. At first I didnt have enough white space and
everything looked cluttered and smashed on one page. But by focusing
on the focal point I was able to base my design around that. I choose
fonts that were bold and professional to add contrast from the fun and
exciting design and then I added different color contrast to each shape
to add a border to the picture.
Message: I wanted to focus my message to be focus on the graduates,
and I wanted them to be excited about coming to this conference and
know they were going to learn and have fun at this event. My flier has a
sense of seriousness with the bold letter but the shapes and design add
fun and excitement.
Audience: My audience is the graduates that will be coming to this
leadership conference.
Top Thing Learned: I learned that less is more, and that the more white
space that you have in-between big, contrasting elements is what you
should also try to achieve. I also learned that it is important to have a
message and focus on your audience, not just your design. It is ask
helpful to start with your focal point and work you way around that.
Title Font Name & Category: Charcoal CY and Modern number 20
which is Sans serif and Modern
Copy Font Name & Category: Charcoal Cy and Modern number 20
which is Sans serif and modern
Links to images used in this project: vonant logo and julie peterson



Description:An inspirational montage made by the blending of two or
more images, and the use of typography.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, Steps taken while designing): First
i thought of a quote that was inspirational to me and i choose this
quote Throw your heart over the bar and the rest of your body will
follow. Then i found pictures that related to this quote, i found three
pictures, one of the beach, the mountains and then a clip art of a
guy going through the steps of pole vaulting. I first started making
the background and use a mold on the picture of the beach and the
picture of the mountains and blended both pictures to make as if
they were one. Then i put the pole vaulting picture in the front of the
background that i created. Lastly i choose which font i used and i
tried to blend it in with the background.
Message: I wanted the picture to get the message across as well as
the quote. So i wanted to start off low in elevation and increase to
the mountains to show a relation with the quote that when you put
your heart in anything all is possible, it might seem small but it will
increase over time. I also used a pole vaulting picture because the
quote talks about trowing your heart over the bar and thats what i
thought about.
Audience: Anyone that needs motivation and loves nature as well.
Also people that need to be uplifted and need to know that when you
put your heart into something anything is possible.
Top Thing Learned:
Filter / Colorization used and where it was applied: In the pictures in
the background
Color scheme and color names:
Title Font Name & Category: Modern
Copy Font Name & Category:
Thumbnails of Images used:
Sources (Links to images on original websites / with title of site):



Description: A web page i designed to show a personally designed logo.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):I created this web page using only
TextWrangler. I had never seen or written any HTML/CSS before. It was
interesting for me to see the process of designing a web page, this was
something new to me and outside of my comfort zone. But the tutorials
helped me along the way. I first started with the message that i wanted
to get across and i wanted my audience to understand the purpose for
creating my logo. then i place my message and logo into my webpage.
After I marked up all my content and inserted my image, I attached
a pre-made CSS document to my HTML. I then used the colors from
my logo as the colors for my web page. Then i put a picture in the
background and changed little details to make my web page that much
better, including changing the fonts, changing the border and color of
Message:That my company Carve the Wave is a message to all to get
outside and do something because wherever you are their is adventure
all around us. I want people to know that their is beauty and fun all
around us, it doesnt mater what state or city you life in.
Audience: My audience is centered around anyone who needs motivation and encouragement to live, get out their, explore and go on an
adventure. also anyone who love the outdoors, including the beach,
mountains, rivers.
Top Thing Learned: I learned how to design a web page and i learned
that as i use the resources around me i am able to get things done.
Usually i go to the commons for help, but they closed early today and i
resolved to using google and finding out the answers for myself.
Color scheme and color hex(s):complementary, blue and green
Font Families & Category:Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;
Copy Font Families & CategoryArial Black, Gadget, sans-serif; :
Changes made to the CSS: changing the padding around my logo
so that it would be centered, changed the border color and made the
borders straight instead of rounded, also i changed the font color and
style of the fonts.



Description: Demonstrate good photography and image editing skills. Incorporating color into a poster layout with original photo.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles): I first went out and
took pictures of different things that were around me and i choose the
picture that i took the lighting picture that i took indoors. I put the picture into
adobe and change the quality and color of the picture by playing with the
different setting including saturation and brightness. Their wasnt much that i
needed to do with the picture because i took it in the i-center and the lighting
was great in their. I also sharpened certain parts of the image that i wanted
to stand out. I sharpened the volleyball and my shoes and the nike signs on
my socks and shoes. Then i used the eraser tool and i erased the background of the picture because i want the attention to go straight to the ball
and shoes. Then i choose the split color scheme and choose the color red,
orange and teal. I got inspiration from the picture for the color scheme from
the picture because it had a little red and teal. Then i used the paint tool to
make the different shaped lines and lastly i put the title and message in.
Message: I wanted to make an attractive poster that was influenced by the
slogan just do it by nike and this is something that can be posted around
campus or at the gym. I want this poster to motivate people to get off the
truck and do something weather its play a sport, go on a hike or just be
Audience: My audience is people that love to be active or those that are j
ust sitting inside of their homes doing nothing. I want my audience to be
focused on college kids to motivate them to get out and do something and
be active.


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