Case Analysis - Mystery Guest

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Leonardo, Cara Denise A.

November 14, 2014

Maramba, Derianne C.

HRIM 112

Pascual, Miguel Carlos A.

Case Analysis


Point of View
The group decided to make a management consultant as their point of view. Professional

management consultants are contracted by organizations to provide advisory services in an

objective and independent manner.
Services include, but are not limited to, strategic planning, facilitation, quality assurance,
education and training, investment counsel, identification and analysis of management problems,
developing solutions, and the implementation of proposed solutions.
This makes him/her an unbiased third person. He/she can give opinion and advice
because his/her expertise involves how to improve and solve management services and

Statement of the Problem

How could the management have handled the situation better regarding the
mystery guest?
What could the management have done in terms of training?
How could the management improve their evaluation process?
What could the management have done to improve their services to the guest


knowing that there was little amount of time given to them to prepare?
In line with the problem of the case, the objectives are:
to help the hotel implement the proper procedure on staff training;
to know the proper way of evaluating current operations; and
to know how to improve the relationship between the upper management and its




This is not the first time the hotel had a mystery guest. We assumed this because

the staff knew what to do already when a mystery evaluator would arrive.
The mystery guest is a professional critic of hotels. The hotel gave much attention
on the hotels evaluation. This could mean that the mystery guest is a highly


respected person because the hotel wanted to ensure a high rating.

Areas of Consideration
It is stated in the case that, The general manager has a relaxed attitude and takes
policies and formal procedures lightly. This is and will be a reflection on the staff

performance and attitude in their line of work.

It was also said in the case that, Training at this property consists of learning
where to punch in, being told when to make meal breaks, and receiving a 15minute tutorial of the computer system used for checking in and out. The rest of
the training was quite literally on the job where new front desk clerks learned
by trial and error. This is one area to consider that affected the sudden change of
procedures. Because Stephen was improvising and learned only by trial and error
for the past two years, he developed a habit of this improvisation. So when the
new procedures were given, he went on his usual and comfortable routine. This is

an area to consider due to its implications on the evaluation.

As said in the case, The front desk manager then gave Stephen copy of the
standardized corporate procedures for checking in a guest. This means that the
hotel had a standardized procedure before; its just that they are not following it

for day-to-day operations.

The analysis of the results of the evaluation was discussed after three weeks the
incident happened and Stephen was verbally reprimanded. The hotel did not have
any procedures in conducting the debriefing and analysis for the evaluation. This
affected the relationship between manager and staff and at the same time did not


really address on what needed to be worked on.

Alternative Courses of Action
a) The management shouldve not changed Stephens procedure hours before the
mystery guest arrived. Instead, the management shouldve let Stephen do his
usual procedure.
b) The management shouldve given Stephen an ample amount of time to practice
the standardized procedure for corporate guests.


c) The management shouldve started training Stephen the standardized procedure at


the beginning of the hotel operation.

Evaluation of Alternative Courses of Action
a) The management shouldve not changed Stephens procedure hours before the
mystery guest arrived. Instead, the management shouldve let Stephen do his
usual procedure.
The management would know the hotels strengths and weaknesses since
they would follow their usual procedures. This means that the evaluation

would not only evaluate the staff but also the hotels current operations.
The management would have more room for improvement since they will

be evaluated with the usual procedures done.

The management would have a basis on how to improve their operation.
This is in connection with the first advantage; the management will be
able to know what to change and how to change it because the evaluation
not targeted only on impressing the guest but actually following how

guest services are conducting.

They may not pass the evaluation standards given by the mystery guest.
Since it is said in the case that the management is very lenient and relaxed,
the work of the staff may also be a reflection of their leadership. This

means that the standards to be evaluated may not be met.

They may be demoted to a lower rating hotel. This disadvantage is in

connection with the first disadvantage.

b) The management shouldve given Stephen an ample amount of time to practice
the standardized procedure for the guests.
Stephen wouldve not spaced out and he could have followed the new

procedure perfectly.
Stephen couldve practiced the new procedure to other guests beside the
mystery guest. If he was given an ample amount of time, he will be able to
practice, train, and try out the new procedures given to him so by the time
of the evaluation, he is now ready.


The hotel would have positive feedback from the mystery guest. This
would be so because Stephen had the time to practice and do what is

expected of him.
It wont help the hotel improve their usual operations.
It would be short-term. They just changed the procedure the last minute
just to potentially get a good evaluation from the mystery guest. Right
after the evaluation, the new procedure might not be followed again

because its purpose was just for the mystery guest to be impressed.
Stephen would forget the new procedure right after the stay of the

mystery guest.
c) The management shouldve started training Stephen the standardized procedure at
the beginning of the hotel operation.
The hotel would know their strengths and weaknesses. The evaluation
would actually serve its purpose since their standardized procedure would


be the one that would be evaluated.

The hotel would have an actual and objective basis for improving their

standardized procedure.
The service of the hotel wouldve been high quality and consistent at the

start of the operation.

The group recommends following Course of Action No. 3, The management
shouldve started training Stephen the standardized procedure at the beginning of the
hotel operation. The third course of action would have prevented on-the-spot changes
that might affect the staffs performance and the hotels current operations. Training
Stephen the standardized procedure would measure the real performance. Treating the
mystery guest as someone who is like a normal guest of the hotel would accurately create


that mindset that you should always be on top of your game.

Exhibits, Diagrams, Computations, etc.
Five Lessons Learned
1) There is a reason why some things are standardized.


Based from what weve learned in our HRIM 104 lectures, standardization is an
important step in the process of preparation. This is to ensure that both quality and
quantity are set and controlled. Standardization must be followed to have a
smooth flow of operation. It helps train personnel because the plan is laid out well
and clearly.
We can connect this to the case assigned to us. The hotel had its own standardized
procedure on guest relations. However, they were not able to follow this. This
complicates the system and disrupts the day-to-day undertakings of the staff.
Therefore, the standardized procedures were of no use and purpose because they
did not apply it.
Standardization is not only meant to be implemented. It must be followed as well.
2) Definition and delegation of tasks are important.
As discussed before, job descriptions are made to ensure that tasks are welldefined. Definition of tasks means knowing what your responsibilities are. It is a
way of limiting that actually helps employees to concentrate on what they have
to do.
Delegation, hand in hand with the definition of roles, is a significant step in
managing staff. When delegating, a manager splits the tasks. It implies that they
can focus on what their tasked to do; and not on what theyre not asked to do. For
the manager, overseeing and troubleshooting is made easier because they can
trace who is in-charge for each task.
3) Training is essential for success.
The greatest athletes in the world train, work, and strive to be the best that they
could be. Training is the perfect venue wherein employees are exposed to the
environment where they will be working in. It means that when a staff is already
on the actual job, he/she will be able to deliver what is asked of him/her.
Confusion and other problems can be avoided. Training does not only involve the
technical abilities; but it will also help staff on how to conduct oneself on the field
that they are assigned in.
We must always remember that training for technical skills is an easier thing to
teach than training the attitude of a person. Therefore, the right attitude together
with training, makes the result a success.
4) Practice makes perfect.


A staff is not expected to get the flow and the procedures set by the management
right away. Practicing and constant undertaking of a certain duty will help a
person grasp the idea and concept more. Practice helps you know your mistakes
and how to learn from them. Practice makes you see your strengths and know
your weaknesses. Here, a person can harness their strengths and improve on their
weaknesses. As one continues to practice, they are not only improving their
strategies and techniques. Character is also built as the road to close perfection
is not an easy task. It cannot be achieved in a snap. It is worked hard for.
5) The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement.
No matter how good you are, you will always find an aspect or aspects of your
job that you can always improve on. Improvement means that you are always
willing to be the best person that you can be. It shows how much dedication you
are pouring out because exerting on improvement takes a lot of time and effort. It
means you do not settle on what is good you are exerting effort to be the best.
Passion is shown because you are willing to devote and commit. It also takes a lot
of humility to learn from your previous mistakes; however, how will you be able
to move forward and reach for a higher goal if you do not want to change or adapt

to the situations you are in?

References, (2014). About Management Consulting. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 12 Nov. 2014].


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