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Chastity is the habitual moderation of the sexual appetite in accord with right
reason as defined by the works of Thomas Aquinas and Aristotle. It is not just the
regulation of behavior, which would be self-control, but of the very desires that lead to
sexual behavior. The norm is "right" reason which we may adduced as in conformity
with God's Law, not merely worldly reason.
Among Christians, vow of Chastity is common to religious order. As these people
commit themselves to Christ and to the Church, they must profess their vow of Chastity
before the Lord. Both the Nuns, Priests, Ministers, and the like have this vow in
common aside from vows of obedience and poverty.

Chastity and Faith.

In order to understand Chastity in connection to faith, we must look into the

scriptures as what is written in the Bible. First, we look to the words of Jesus in the
Gospel: "It is from within, from men's hearts that evil intentions emerge: fornication,
theft, murder, adultery, avarice, malice... All these evil things come from within and
make a man unclean" (Mk 7:21-23; also see Mt 15:19, 20). St. Paul adds, " can be
quite certain that no one who actually indulges in fornication or impurity or
promiscuity ...can inherit the kingdom of God" (Eph 5:3-7; also Gal 5:19-21). Fornication
is defines as any voluntary sexual intercourse of an unmarried person with another
unmarried person of the opposite sex.
Thus, Scripture is quite clear about extramarital sex. Some seek to rationalize
their way around this but that is ultimately a denial of Christ's teaching and that of His
Church. The denial of a Scriptural teaching is far worse than a sexual sin committed out
of weakness. The Bible condemns the act of sexual intercourse to those who are not
married, in short premarital sex. The Christian faith is vocal on the preservation of
chastity of the individual so long as that they are not yet married.
In the case of the Church leaders or consecrated people, they must be true to
their vow of chastity. They must have that control to enable them to preserve their being
chaste. Because it is conferred as a gift by Gods Spirit in the hearts of those he has
called to a life of total consecration.

Chastity and Society

The society we have now is complex than 100 years ago. Changes are hastily
made, and it happens in just a snap of our fingers. It is a reality that nowadays, it is very
rare to find a chaste person before entering to marriage. That is our society we are
living now. Pre-marital sex is very rampant and which it leads teenage pregnancies and
the like. The Catholic Church condemns such as act as immoral and damaging to the
faith of the individual. Our government, nonetheless make a way to atleast lessen the
effects of teenage pregnancy by promoting the use of condoms and contraceptives. But
the Church is vocal that they are against the belief and the teaching of the Church.

The Church and the State is in conflict when it comes to matters of Chastity. They
cant reconcile them, because there is the separation of Church and State. The policy of
the State may not be in conformity of the teachings of the Church, but the government
as the governing body of the society in the secular aspect of mans life will also push its
own policies and laws for it is also their own mandate. The irreconcilable differences is
clear and well established. So long as they exist, both will try to defend one anothers
stand on certain matters such as chastity and the like.


Chastity should be understand as a personal faithfulness to God and his

teachings, not just some physical attribute. It must be our faith that governs the
foundation of our Chastity because human as we are we make mistake. It doesnt mean
that if we are not anymore chaste, we are forever like that. But so long as we are chaste
in our faith in God then God will provide for us and grace us with his abundant

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