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Falconry Heritage

Vitamin deficiencies, especially vitamin A, is suspected

to cause a higher sensitivity to respiratory infections.
Vitamin A is needed for optimal mucosal integrity,
deficiencies of this vitamin are likely to diminish the
natural defence strategies of the mucosa. Optimal
nutrition is therefore very important in preventing
Aspergillus infections.
When confronted with a less than optimal situation
and/or events, such as a parasite load, traumatic injuries,
and others, vigilance is needed to prevent concurrent
aspergillosis to develop.
Corticosteroids are pharmaceuticals that dramatically
compromise immune function and should be used
in birds only with the utmost care, and preferably be
avoided altogether.
There have been some studies about vaccination against
Aspergillus, but so far no vaccination for practical use is
available. Further studies are needed to determine the
value of this form of preventive medicine.
Prophylactic treatment with antifungal drugs is
suggested to have beneficial effects in diminishing the
chances of developing aspergillosis. This could be used
in periods known to compromise immune function.

Cooper JE. 2002. Birds of Prey: Health and Disease 3rd Ed.
Wernery R et al. 2004. Colour Atlas of Falcon Medicine.
Harrison et al. 2006. Clinical Avian Medicine.
Hsu. 2013. Handbook of Veterinary Pharmacology.
Jones MP et al. 2000. Pharmacokinetic disposition of
Itraconazole in Red-Tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis). Journal
of Avian Medicine and Surgery 14: 1522.

Falconry equipment and folk

ornamentation of Kazakh
eagle masters in the Altai
region of Mongolia
Dr. Takuya Soma
Affiliation: University of Kassel, Germany


Kazakh eagle masters in the Altai region of Western

Mongolia adorn their captive Golden Eagles with
personally decorated equipment. At festivals and
ceremonies falconry equipment is not only practical,
but becomes a platform for artistic expression with
the development of locally specific ornamentations.
Kazakh artistic crafts are simple, but nevertheless can
be impressively elaborate and indigenous. This short
article presents the ethnic art of falconry equipment
in contemporary Altaic Kazakhs. In general, falconry/
hawking are thought of belonging to male affairs
emphasising masculinity. However, falconry equipment
shows some coactions of both men and women to
produce equipment in order to adorn both captive
eagles and the masters themselves.
All pictures in this article were taken by the author in
Bayan-lgii Province, Western Mongolia. Mostly chance
finds at the eagle-masters house in Sagsai District, or at
the Golden Eagle Festivals in 2011, 2012 and 2013.

Figure 1. A riveted hood at the festival


Metal and Leather Works

Metal and leather are the principal

materials used in making falconry
equipment. Cow leather is essential
material for hoods, gauntlets and jesses,
but nowadays these items are often
bought at market. Even old leather boots
and jackets can also used as a source for
Metal and leather combination works are
well expressed in hood (tomoga) making.
Masters provide special decorative hoods
for use at the festival (Figure 1).
Jesses (ayak bau) are also important items
of falconry equipment exhibiting fabulous
artistic representation in eagles. Figure 2
shows where part of an anklet is decorated with silver
rivet ornaments, which also provide protective strength
for the surface of the leather.

Figure 3. Traditional rivet designs and the pattern iron


Nowadays, local metallurgy is no longer

as popular as it has been in the past.
Previously, all falconry equipment was
produced by the eagle owners themselves.
However, at present, only one herdsman
in Sagsai, Mr. S. Komash, can produce
classically designed falconry equipment
with rivet ornamentations. He can also
produce horse shoes and bridles (Figure 4),
so that local people sometimes request his
products, mainly by bartering exchange
with livestock.

Figure 2. A set of jesses with silver rivets

Figure 4. A saddle produced by Mr. Komash, Sagsai

Rivet ornaments represent an eagle owners

individuality. Once, masters could recognize
a region and even individual craftsmen from
a glance at a pattern and design of hoods.
For instance, a decorative hood with rivet
ornamentation is one of characteristics of
masters from Altai. A variety of rivet patterns
can be found in designs (Figure 3), being
commonly used for both falconry equipment
and horse bridles. Most rivets are made from
silver but occasionally copper or steel is used
for ornamental rivets; they can be cast, but
more commonly they are fashioned in a forge.
Copper work needs some metallurgical skills
to mould it.


Wooden and Painting Works

Wood is not readily available in Sagsai and needs to

be obtained from other regions at relatively high cost.
Timber from pine (Pinus spp.) and poplar (Populus spp.)
mainly are used for making arm braces, feeding bowls
and perches.

Artistic works on the eagles perch (tugur) is now hardly

found. Normally, eagle masters use old river-worn
timber, stone or an old tyre for a perch. In contrast, a
unique fox shaped perch at the provincial museum is
an elaborate piece of work (Figure 7).

Arm braces (baldak) are made from poplar wood

ordinarily, but sometimes from ibex horn with fabulous
decoration on the surface of the pillar (Figure 5). The
twisted pillar design is one of the common traditional
styles (Figure 5).

Figure 7. A fox-shaped perch at the provincial museum

Sewing Works
Womens hand sewn works are also combined with
equipment. Gauntlets (bialai) represent a combination
of male and female work in which the arm hole is
adorned with embroidery (Figure 8).
Figure 5. A arm brace made from ibex horn (above), and
traditional twisted design (below)

Mr. Esentai, the experienced furniture craftsman in

Sagsai created a set of beautiful lacquer-painted arm
braces and a feeding bowl (saptu ayak) (Figure 6). The
young master Jensbek exchanged this set of arm brace
and feeding bowl for one sheep in 2009. A feeding bowl
(saptu ayak) is normally directly hollowed from wood.
Some of them are carefully painted and lacquered to
resist water.

Figure 8. Gauntlets with embroidery adornment

Figure 6. A set of feeding bowls and arm brace produced by

skilled furniture master, Mr. Esentai, Sagsai.


A feeding pouch (jem karta) is womens excellent work

for a falconer (Figure 9). This is designed with two
separate rooms inside. One is for meat and the other is
for a feeding tube etc. The surface is also decorated by
traditional embroidery. At the festival, falconers also put
some celebrated medals on here.

Figure 11. An old wall-hanging tapestry (tus kiiz)

Occasionally, eagles are also decorated with embroidery

cloth (Figure 12). The idea is the same as horse and
camel ornamentation at the festival.

Figure 9. A food pouch by female handiwork

Decoration on traditional falconers trousers made

of mutton leather is mostly the work of women with
embroidery around the legs (Figure 10).

Figure 12. An eagles costume


Figure 10. Hunting trousers with embroidery adornment

Old wall-hanging tapestry (tus kiiz) (Figure 11) is cut and

reused for decoration.

As is seen, falconry equipment is an essential platform

for local artistic representation by Altaic Kazakhs. It
includes cross-gender craftworks both by male wood
and metal crafts, and female handiworks for soft
furnishings. The decline of the eagle falconry tradition
will threaten not only falconry practice itself, but also
the artistic decoration on falconry equipment, which
only survives among Altaic Kazakhs in Mongolia.


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