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According to Dr John Henry CLARKE

The Plant Nosodes (4)

Ergotinum (Derivative) * Nectrianinum * Secale Cornutum * Ustilago.

Ergotinum (Derivative)
Ergot of rye.
The alkaloid of Secale cornutum,
Clinical (Ergotinum)
Anal incontinence.
Heart, paralysis of.
Sphincters, paralysis of.
Characteristics (Ergotinum)
Ergotin is best known by its physiological use as a hmostatic in uterine and pulmonary
It acts by causing contraction of the arterioles, and its effect is produced most promptly when
it is administered by subcutaneous injection.
Its homopathic uses are in the main identical with those of Secale, but Ergotin will
sometimes succeed when Secale fails.
Koeck, of Munich, has recorded a case in point (H. Monatsbltter, Sept. , 1898).
Secale, like Phosph. , has "wide-open anus" in its symptomatology. Koeck's patient had
suffered from diarrha since the Franco-German war, and latterly had lost all power of
retention. It was for this that the doctor was consulted.
The rectum had lost all sensation, so that the patient had no warning and was never clean. The
odour may be imagined. Old-school treatment had failed to relieve him.
He was about to be pensioned by his employers, and had thoughts of suicide. Secale 3x
ameliorated slightly ; the 2x had the same result. "
Remembering Kafka's advice to use the alkaloid when the indicated drug did not seem to act,
he prescribed Ergotin 2x. "

After taking this for four days the patient regained control.
Dmange (La Semaine Md., January, 1886) records the case of a young lady suffering from
typhoid fever and threatened with heart paralysis.
Stimulating injections of ether and of rum, and frictions completely failed to rally her.
Cyanosis increased rapidly and threatened the trunk. Fainting spells occurred in rapid
succession, pulse filiform. Ergotin was then injected and the pulse rose, and the symptoms of
collapse disappeared.
(Most of the symptoms of this patient may be found under Secale. )

Nosode of cancer of trees (Nectria ditissima).
Trituration of the parasite.
Clinical (Nectrianinum)
Characteristics (Nectrianinum)
Nectrianinum is a clear liquid of a yellowish-brown hue which was prepared by Bra and
Chauss (Med. Rev. of Rev. , April, 1900, quoted H. M. , XXXV. 533) as follows :
Cultures (of Nectria) of two months of age, on grape broth, are evaporated on a water bath
until reduced to one-third of their original volume. They are filtered through paper and again
through porcelain.
The liquid is then taken to the autoclave at a temperature of 120 C. This assures that all
spores are killed. Injected into healthy animals in 5 c. c. doses several times a week no result
is observed. In cancerous men and animals, on the contrary, the injections cause a rise of
temperature in from two to four hours of 1 to 3.
If the dose is increased the hyperthermia is accompanied by chills, sensation of cold,
accelerated pulse, palpitation, headache, thirst.
The crisis terminates after some hours in polyuria and profound sleep. In very advanced
cancer reaction may not occur. In a summary of the results the observers say that
Nectrianinum has caused :
"Arrest or diminution of hmorrhages ; suppression of fetid discharges ; a tendency at times
to epidermisation of the neoplasm with a corresponding well-defined arrest in its evolution. "
The patients were < when treatment was discontinued and > when it was resumed. A maximum
of 4 c. c. per day was never exceeded.
Relations (Nectrianinum)

Compare :
Scirrh., Epitheliomin.

Secale Cornutum.
Ergot of Rye.
N. O. Fungi.
Secale cornutum.
Spurred Rye.
The black, horn-like spur into which the grains of Rye (Secale cereale, N. O. Gramine) are
changed by the fungus Claviceps purpurea.
Tincture of The fresh spurs collected just before harvest.
Clinical (Secale Cornutum)
Abortion, threatened.
Anus, incontinence of ; open.
Bladder, paralysis of.
Cholera ; infantum.
Diaphragm, cramp in.

Feet, cramps in ; burning of ; coldness of.
Glands, swelling of ; suppuration of.
Hmorrhagic diathesis.
Heart, palpitation of.
Liver, enlargement of.
Lochia, fetid.
Menstruation, excessive.
Milk, suppressed.
Morvan's disease.
Myelitis ; diffusa.
Nails, degeneration of.

Ovaries, tumours of.
Paralysis ; post-diphtheritic ; spastic.
Placenta, retained.
Post-partum hmorrhage.
Pregnancy, false pains of.
Raynaud's disease.
Small-pox, hmorrhagic.
Spinal irritation.
Stomach, cancer of.
Stricture, spasmodic.
Tongue, biting of.
Uterus, inertia of ; neuralgia of ; prolapse.
Characteristics (Secale Cornutum)
Rye and grasses are apt to be affected with the Ergot disease in damp seasons, and when
grown on damp, ill-drained lands. If breeding cows are turned on pastures where infected
grasses grow they are very liable to drop their calves.
Ergot has been known as a hastener of parturition from remote times. Its other actions have
been for the most part learned from the terrible epidemics of "Ergotism" which have
occasionally devastated districts in which Rye infected with Ergot has been ground into flour
and eaten by the population. Death takes place in convulsions ; or else from gangrene and
consequent exhaustion ; or from exhausting hmorrhages or discharges, as diarrha.
Many who escape immediate death are reduced to a cachectic state, from which they never
recover ; are paralysed, have limbs distorted and senses impaired. In general the sufferer
retains a clear intellect and a good, even abnormally good, appetite to the last. The nervous

symptoms of Sec. are convulsive. The body is at times rigid ; at times rigidity alternates with
This is especially seen in the hands, which are either clenched or have the fingers spread
widely apart (a keynote symptom). The muscles of the face and abdomen twitch. There is
incontinence or retention of urine. Spasmodic retching, the stomach is violently contracted.
Through the like action on the vaso-motor nerves there is first contraction and then dilatation
of blood-vessels ; the fingers turn bluish black. This stagnation leads to dry gangrene of the
parts. Sec. shrivels up the skin, makes it dry and harsh ; sallow complexion. It is therefore
suited to thin, scrawny women, feeble and of cachectic appearance ; women of irritable,
nervous temperament ; of pale, sunken countenance. To very old, decrepit persons.
On the other hand, it is also suited to : Irritable, plethoric subjects. Women of very lax
muscular fibre ; everything seems loose and open ; no action, vessels flabby : passive
hmorrhages, copious flow of thin, black, watery blood. For Sec. lessens the coagulating
power of the blood. and produces a hmorrhagic diathesis ; persistent, offensive bleeding.
Small wounds bleed persistently. Purpura comes within this category.
One grand characteristic of Sec. , which will determine its selection in many cases, is :
"< By external heat. "
This applies to cholera, purpura, gangrene, and any condition which may present symptoms of
Sec. In cholera cases calling for Sec. the patient is cold, almost pulseless ; there are
spasmodic twitchings of muscles in various parts (especially spreading of fingers), eyes sunk,
features pinched ; surface harsh, shrivelled, dry, as though no moisture were left in the body.
Though cold to the touch, cannot bear to be covered. In spite of this coldness, Sec. has
burning among its characteristic sensations : burning in all parts of the body as if sparks were
falling on the patient.
Another characteristic sensation is numbness ; tingling as if ants crawling all over, > from
rubbing. This may accompany hmorrhages, loss of other fluids, debility, or skin affections.
In the later stages of ergotism there is ansthesia.
The discharges are exhausting and offensive. Diarrha is peculiar, involuntary ; with wideopen anus. The boils in which Sec. is indicated are small and painful, with green contents,
mature very slowly, heal slowly, and are very weakening.
The eyes are affected in various ways : Pustulous conjunctivitis ; suppuration of cornea ;
dilated pupils, distortion, and strabismus ; ptosis ; suppressed tears. Catarrh has been caused
in many instances. "< From warmth" will be the leading indication in many eye cases requiring
Exophthalmic goitre has been cured with it ; the heart being acted on by Sec. as other hollow
viscera, and violent palpitation induced. Sec. has a great affinity for the uterus, whether gravid
or not. Though its use in ordinary doses in obstetric practice is attended with danger, it may
be used on its homopathic indications with perfect safety. It is indicated : (1) In threatened
abortion, especially at the third month ; prolonged, bearing-down, forcing pains. (2) During
labour when the pains are irregular, too weak, feeble, or ceasing ; everything seems loose and
open, but there is no expulsive action ; fainting. (3) For after-pains when too long, too
excessive ; or when there is hour-glass contraction of the uterus. (4) For suppression or nonappearance of the milk. The menses of Sec. are irregular ; copious, dark, fluid ; accompanied
by labour-like pains in abdomen ; there maybe a continuous watery discharge of blood during
the whole time between the periods.
Teste records this case :
A lady, 50, fat, very soft flesh, had flooding which nothing could stop. After several useless
attempts, Teste gave large doses of Sec. with scarcely any effect. The patient asked for

infinitesimal doses. At that time Teste had no faith at all in infinitesimals, but he yielded to the
patient's request, and gave one drop of the 6th. The flooding ceased immediately and
Peculiar Sensations of Sec. are :
Anus as if locked up.
As if contents of uterus would fall forward.
As if eyes were spasmodically rotated.
As if fingers asleep.
As if intoxicated while undressing.
As if limbs had been a long time in hot water.
As if mice creeping under skin.
As if sacrum would be forced out.
As if soft air were creeping through back.
As if something alive creeping under skin.
As if sparks of fire falling on different parts.
As if testes being drawn up to inguinal ring.
As if there were some resistance to be overcome in speech.
As if tongue paralysed.
As of a heavy weight in stomach.
As of a solid plug in nose.
Fuzzy feeling in limbs.
Region of stomach as if contracted.
Uterus as if burnt.
Sec. is indicated in Suppressions : tears ; lochia ; milk ; sweat.
Averse to fat and meat.
Desires lemonade and sour things.
Thirst with dry mouth or burning.
The symptoms are :
< After eating.
< By touch.

> Lying doubled up in bed.

All symptoms < just before menses.
Cold applications >.
Many symptoms (cramps, twitchings) < night.
Motion and any exertion <.
Open air >.
Sinking spells 3 a. m.
The right side is predominantly affected.
Walking = giddiness.
Wants to be fanned.
Warm applications <.
Warm drink <.
Wet bandages > labour pains.
Relations (Secale Cornutum)
Antidoted by :
Camph. , Op.
Compatible : Chi. (Teste classes Sec. with Chi. in his Ferrum group), Ars. , Aco. , Bell. , Merc. ,
Compare :
> Uncovering, Aco. , Calc. , Camph. , Fer. , Iod. , Lyc. , Pul. , Sul. , Ver.
Anus wide open, Apis, Phos.
Burning feet, cramp in calves, Sul.
Cholera collapse, Camph. (sudden), Ver. (cold sweat on forehead).
Cholera morbus, Colch.
Cold skin, cannot bear to be covered, Camph.
Cold surface, sunken, pale face, blue lips, tingling in limbs, speech stuttering, Lach. Action on
blood-vessels, Bar. c.
Diabetes, Plb.
Diarrha discharged with great force, Samb. , Crot. t.
Exophthalmic gotre, Lpus. , Scut. , Thyr.

Eyes < from warm applications (Asar. > cold washing).

Follicular pharyngitis, K. bi.
Hmorrhages, Bovist. (flow between periods ; menses flow mostly or only at night or early
morning ; puffy condition of body ; parts feet enormously large), Mitchella (less passive, blood
brighter, dysuria with the hmorrhage), Trill. p. (bright red and profuse, faint feeling, rapid,
feeble pulse), Ham. (with hammering headache), Erig. (flow in fits and starts ; with dysuria),
Ust. (flow bright red, partly clotted). Fer. ph. , Chi.
Hmorrhagic diathesis, Lach. , Phos. Cholera, shrivelled up, gangrene, burning sensation,
Ars. (but Ars. is > by heat).
In labour, Cinnamon ("In post-partum hmorrhage, Cinnamon increases labour-pains,
controls profuse or dangerous flooding, is always safe, while Ergot is always dangerous. " H.
C. Allen).
Labour-like pains, Pul. , Sul. , Bell. , Calc. , Caul. , Gossyp. , Lil. t. , Sep. , Vib. o.
Old persons, Con. Twitching, coldness, chilblains, cholera, also botan. , Agar.
Spastic paralysis, Lath.
Threatened abortion at third month, Sabi.
Compare also : Ergotinum, which sometimes acts when Sec. is indicated and fails (see case
under Ergotinum).
Causation (Secale Cornutum)
Lifting (= abortion).
Injury (= gangrene).
Sexual excess.
Mind (Secale Cornutum)
Consciousness seems to continue to the last breath ; and just before death it seems as though
the patient would improve.
Discouragement and timidity.
Fear of death.
Furor, with desire to jump into the water.
Great anguish.
Great anxiety.
Loss of consciousness.

Madness and inclination to bite.

Mental alienation.
Sadness and melancholy.
Weakness of the intellectual faculties (stupid, half-sleepy condition ; moaning).
Head (Secale Cornutum)
Attacks of vertigo of different kinds, also chronic.
Diminution and loss of senses, sight, hearing, &c.
Hair falls out.
Head confused and stupefied (unconsciousness with heavy sleep, preceded by tingling in
head and limbs ; in hmorrhages from the uterus).
Headache with dull and painful confusion, esp. in occiput.
Peculiar feeling of lightness of head, esp. in occiput.
Scalp sore.
Semi lateral headache (left).
Sensation as from intoxication while undressing.
Stupefaction, with tingling in head and pain in limbs, which are < from motion.
Twisting of head to and fro.
Vertigo as from intoxication.
Eyes (Secale Cornutum)
Cataract, hard or soft ; with headache, vertigo, and roaring in ears.
Complete blindness.
Convulsed eyes.
Double or triple vision.
Exophthalmic goitre.
Eyeballs sunk deep in the sockets ; and surrounded by blue margins.
Eyes yellow.
Fixed, wild look.
Mist, spots and a veil before the sight.

Pain in eyes, with feeling as if spasmodically rotated.

Pupils spasmodically contracted or else dilated.
Sparkling before the eyes and cloudiness of sight.
Suppressed secretion of tears.
Suppuration of cornea ; < from warm applications.
Weakness of sight.
Ears (Secale Cornutum)
Humming and roaring in ears ; and hardness of hearing.
Transient deafness.
Undue sensitiveness of hearing, even slightest sound re-echoed in head and made her
Nose (Secale Cornutum)
Nose feels stopped yet watery discharge runs from it.
Nose stopped left side as with a solid plug.
Nose-bleed : blood dark, runs continuously, with great prostration, small, thread-like pulse ; in
old people or drunkards ; in young women ; from debility.
Face (Secale Cornutum)
Distorted features.
Face discoloured, pale, yellow, wan, with eyes hollow and surrounded by a blue circle.
Face of a deep red.
Forehead hot.
Lips and mouth painfully contracted (spasmodic distortion ; risus sardonicus).
Lips bluish or deathly pale.
Livid spots on face.
Muscular twitchings, usually begin in face and then spread all over body, sometimes
increasing to dancing and jumping.
Swelling of face.
Tingling in face.

Teeth (Secale Cornutum)

Bleeding from gums.
Difficult dentition.
Grinding of teeth.
Loosening and falling out of teeth.
Mouth (Secale Cornutum)
Dryness of mouth, with thirst.
Frequently bites tongue.
Increased secretion of saliva.
Painful tingling in tongue and throat.
Sanguineous or yellowish green foam before mouth.
Stammering, embarrassed, indistinct, weak speech ; as if the tongue were paralysed ; or there
were resistance to be overcome.
Swelling of tongue.
Tongue discoloured, brown or black ; or else loaded with a thick coating (of mucus).
Twitching of tongue.
Very offensive breath.
Throat (Secale Cornutum)
Burning sensation or troublesome tingling or crawling in throat.
Dryness of throat.
Follicular pharyngitis ; hawks up little follicular exudation.
Inflammation of the sophagus.
Paralysis of muscles of swallowing and speaking ; in danger of choking.
Appetite (Secale Cornutum)
Burning, insatiable thirst.
Dullness of the taste.
Insatiable hunger, esp. for acid things.

Unnatural appetite, even when dying from exhausting discharges from bowels.
Stomach (Secale Cornutum)
Burning sensation in scrobiculus and epigastrium.
Continuous nausea ; < after eating.
Cramp in stomach.
Disgust, esp. for meat and fatty things, and nausea.
Easy vomiting.
Excessively painful sensibility, distressing oppression (as from a weight), and anguish in pit of
stomach, with ineffectual want to vomit.
Frequent risings.
Great anxiety and pressure in pit of stomach, with great sensibility to touch.
Hmorrhage from stomach.
Inflammation and cancer in stomach.
Inflammation and gangrene of stomach.
Nausea and inclination to vomit.
Retching and vomiting of bilious, crude matter.
Vomiting of black bile.
Vomiting of dark brown, coffee-grounds fluid ; of all food and drink.
Vomiting of food, with great debility.
Vomiting of lumbrici.
Vomiting of mucus.
Abdomen (Secale Cornutum)
Abdomen excessively inflated and tight.
Burning (or coldness) in abdomen.
Burning sensation in abdomen.
Colic, with pains in sacrum and thighs, frequent risings, and vomitings.

Cuttings and tearing pains in abdomen.

Fixed, burning pains in splenic and lumbar regions.
Inflammation and gangrene of the liver.
Liver enlarged.
Painful colic, with convulsions.
Pains in hypogastric region.
Pains in the loins as from false labour pains.
Sensation of excessive coldness in abdomen and back.
Strong pulsation in umbilical region.
Stool and Anus (Secale Cornutum)
Anus wide open.
Cholera ; diarrha after the cholera.
Constipation, with continued and ineffectual want to evacuate.
Diarrha : frequent brown discharges, dark-coloured ; very offensive ; thin, olive green ; very
exhausting ; pernicious.
Diarrha of a putrid smell.
Diarrha, with sudden prostration of strength.
Expulsion of worms.
Hmorrhage from the bowels.
Involuntary (very watery) evacuations.
Loose, frequent evacuations, with serous, slimy, or else discoloured or brownish fces.
Offensive, watery diarrha (in child-bed).
Paralysis of rectum and anus.
Urinary Organs (Secale Cornutum)
Bladder paralysed.
Emission of urine, drop by drop, difficult, scanty, with continued want to urinate.
Enuresis : of old people ; pale, watery, or bloody urine.
Hmaturia ; bloody, albuminous urine ; thick black blood.
Increased secretion of urine.

Scanty, hot, burning urine.

Suppressed secretion of urine.
Urinary deposit like white cheese.
Urine retained.
White urine, clear like water.
Male Sexual Organs (Secale Cornutum)
After lightness in occiput, strong dragging in spermatic cord, so that testes seemed drawn up
to inguinal ring.
After sexual excess palpitation of heart.
Chronic spasmodic stricture of urethra.
Numerous erections, even after coition.
Weak memory after exhausting coition ; impotence.
Female Sexual Organs (Secale Cornutum)
Cancer and gangrene of uterus.
Catamenia too profuse and of too long duration, sometimes with violent spasms.
Defective contraction of uterus after miscarriage.
Discharge of blood during pregnancy.
Female genital organs in general ; pains like labour pains, which are protracted for a long time,
skin cold and no wish to be covered, &c. ; labour pains ceasing ; labour pains too weak ;
abortion in the characteristic patients. H. N. G.
Gangrene of vaginal mucous membrane, with a dark, slate colour.
Labour ceases, and instead twitchings and convulsions.
Lochia scanty and fetid, or of too long duration and sanguineous (followed by fever and
inflammation of uterus).
Metrorrhagia of a black, liquid blood, flowing esp. during a slight movement, sometimes with
tingling in legs and great debility.
Miscarriage (esp. in third month).
Offensive discharge from uterus causing her to vomit (Ussher).
Prolapse of uterus.
Puerperal convulsions.
Sanguineous congestion in uterus.

Suppression of milk.
Swelling and warts on the cervix uteri, which is partially open.
Too long and too painful after-pains.
Vagina hot or cool.
Respiratory Organs (Secale Cornutum)
Anxious and obstructed respiration, with sighs and sobs.
Expectoration of blood during violent efforts to breathe.
Feeble voice, inaudible, stammering.
Heavy, anxious breathing, with moaning.
Painless aphonia in morning, as the day goes on he gets hoarse (produced. R. T. C. ).
Spitting of blood, with or without cough.
Voice hoarse and hollow.
Chest (Secale Cornutum)
Dyspna and oppression of chest.
Suffocating oppression of chest, with cramp in diaphragm.
Heart (Secale Cornutum)
Painful sensation over heart.
Prcordial anxiety.
Prcordial tenderness.
Pulse small, very rapid, contracted ; frequently intermittent ; fluttering, slow, depressed.
Violent spasmodic palpitation of heart.
Neck and Back (Secale Cornutum)
Pain in back and small of back.
Profuse miliary eruption on nape of neck and chest.
Sensation of coldness in back.
Severe pain in (lower) back < when walking much or sitting long in same position. R. T. C.
Stiffness of nape of the neck.

Tingling and insensibility in back (extending to tips of fingers and toes).

Limbs (Secale Cornutum)
Burning of hands and feet.
Cold gangrene of the limbs ; the dead part separates at the joints and drops off.
Contraction of hands, feet, fingers, and toes.
Cramps in legs, calves, arms, hands, and toes.
Disagreeable sensation of sleep and formication in limbs.
Distortion of limbs.
Drawing, crawling, tearing, and tingling in limbs and joints.
Fuzzy feeling in limbs.
Jerks and convulsive movements in limbs, which manifest themselves esp. at night, often also
periodically, and which are > by stretching the parts violently.
Limbs become cold, pale, and wrinkled, as after being a long time in hot water.
Numbness, insensibility, and coldness of limbs, esp. tips of fingers and toes.
Trembling of limbs.
Weakness, heaviness, and torpor of limbs.
Upper Limbs (Secale Cornutum)
Burning sensation in the hands.
Contraction, distortion, and turning back of the fingers.
Degeneration of pulp of nails, the nails are raised.
Distortion of the hands.
dematous swelling in the wrist.
Peculiar prickling in tips of fingers that are very sensitive to cold after awhile they began to
suppurate, and later the nails separated from their matrix and fell off one after another, leaving
an unhealthy granulating surface.
Spasmodic curvature of the arm, with drawing in the part.
Spasms with fingers spread apart.
Swelling of the hands, with black pustules.
Tingling, crawling, with numbness and insensibility in finger-tips.
Lower Limbs (Secale Cornutum)

Burning sensation in (swollen) feet.

Contraction of the legs and toes.
Distortion of feet.
Distressing cramps in calves and soles, esp. at night.
Feet seem asleep and stiff.
Gangrena senilis.
Lassitude and soreness in the legs.
Mortification of toes.
Swelling of feet, with black pustules.
Tingling in toes.
Generalities (Secale Cornutum)
< From drawing up limbs ; esp. in troubles of childbed.
> From stretching out the limbs.
Affections in general of right side ; crooked limbs ; sensation of deadness in any part.
Amaurosis occurring in patients characteristic of this drug ; hard hearing ; blue colour around
Burning sensation in all parts of the body, as if caused by sparks.
Collapse when the patient cannot bear covering.
Complete mortification of some parts by sphacelus.
Copious vomiting of a mixture of thick, black, pitchy, bilious, and slimy matter.
Cramps in legs, arms, and chest.
Drawing, tearing, and tingling in the limbs and joints.
Dry gangrene, particularly on right side, beginning in toes and running up the limb.
Epileptiform convulsions.
For female complaints chiefly, and esp. when occurring in thin, scrawny, wrinkled females or
General atrophy and emaciation.
Great lassitude and indolence.
Loss of sensation throughout the body.

Rapid emaciation of paralysed parts.

Skin is cold, but the patient does not wish to be covered up.
Tonic spasms ; of all extensors.
Unsteady gait ; unsteadiness of the whole body ; trembling ; rapid sinking of strength.
Violent and wandering spasmodic pains.
Skin (Secale Cornutum)
Anthrax becoming gangrenous.
Black, gangrenous pustules.
Blackness of outer parts ; crawling on the skin as of insects.
General desquamation of epidermis.
Heat, with thirst and want of perspiration.
Miliary eruption, esp. on chest and nape of neck.
Purpura hmorrhagica.
Sanguineous vesicles, which turn to gangrene, in the limbs.
Skin rough and dry.
Skin sallow, lead-coloured, flaccid, and shrivelled.
Subcutaneous tingling.
Swelling and pain without inflammation ; coldness, blue colour, gangrene.
Torpor and insensibility of the skin.
Ulcers that turn black ; skin withered and gangrenous.
Sleep (Secale Cornutum)
Coma with delirium, starts, and fright.
Deep, lethargic sleep.

Sleeplessness, with agitation and dry heat.

Strong inclination to sleep and coma.
Fever (Secale Cornutum)
Cold perspiration.
Cold, clammy sweat all over, esp. above waist-line.
Coldness of surface of body ; esp. of extremities and face ; dryness.
Dry heat, with quick pulse, agitation, and sleeplessness.
Excessive coldness in back, abdomen, and limbs.
Pulse unchanged, even with the most violent attacks.
Small, suppressed pulse (generally slow and contracted, sometimes intermittent, only slightly
accelerated during the heat).
Violent shivering, followed by violent internal burning heat, with violent thirst.

N. O. Fungi.
Ustilago maidis.
Clinical (Ustilago)
Headache, menstrual.
Menorrhagia, at climaxis.
Menstruation, excessive ; vicarious.

Nails, affections of.

Ovary, left, affections of.

Characteristics (Ustilago)
Burt, who proved Ust. on himself and others, introduced the remedy to homopathy. It had
been observed that pregnant animals feeding on maize affected with smut were very liable to
Roullin had noted that shedding of the hair, and sometimes of the teeth, occurred in animals
and men ; that mules fed on it cast their hoofs, and that fowls laid eggs without shells. The
provings brought out a specific affinity for the generative sphere of both sexes, and especially
for the left ovary and uterus. Ust. congests the uterus and produces hmorrhages, generally
passive or in clots. It is in uterine hmorrhages, menstrual, post-partum and climacteric that
Ust. has been most successfully employed.
It has also relieved vicarious menstruation, bleeding taking place from the lungs and bowels ;
and bleeding between the periods with left inframammary pain.
Hurndall (H. W. , XXXVI. 27) relates the case of the small bitch which brings out many features
of Ustilago action.
About a fortnight before he saw the patient she had aborted five ftuses, at about the fifth
week of gestation. Since then there had been passive hmorrhage of dark clots. Moreover,
she was a perfect specimen of alopecia, not having a hair of any sort on her body and only a
little about the head. Os uteri soft, spongy.
Great tenderness about the posterior parts when manipulating the hind-quarters. Ust. 3x was
prescribed, five drops three times a day. In two days the hmorrhage was completely
arrested, tenderness reduced, spirits revived, and general health improved. At the end of three
months there was a nice coat of hair growing, which in due course became perfectly normal.
Loss of hair and nails is a keynote for Ust. , and combined with the other symptoms made the
correspondence perfect.
Among the Peculiar Sensations are :
As if forehead would burst open.
As if head were being lifted off.
As if intestines were being tied in knots. (This last symptom was produced in a patient of mine.
As if something were under root of tongue pressing upward.
As of a lump behind larynx.

Bearing down, as if everything would come from her.

Excessively tired feeling.
Uterus as if drawn into a knot.
The symptoms are :
< By touch (abdomen ; eyes).
< Rising and motion (menorrhagia).
Colicky pains > by constipated stool.
Open air = lachrymation.
Pressure < (ovaries).
Riding in carriage < backache.
Swelling < pains in tonsils.
Walking < frontal headache ; pain in left groin ; pain in loins.
Warm room = oppression and faintness.
Relations (Ustilago)
Compare :
Bearing down and prolapse of uterus, Sep.
Botan. , uterine affections, nails, Sec.
Crusta lactea, Vinc. m. , Melit. , Med. , Mez.
Faint at 11 a. m. , Sul.
Flying rheumatic pains, Puls.
Frequent emissions and lumbar pains, Cob.
Intermittent flow, Ham. , Bovis. , Elaps.
Left ovarian pain, Lil. , Lach. , Caul. , Sul. , Thuj. , Vib. o.
Pain in right shoulder, Urt. ur. , Sang.
Subinvolution, Na. hcl.
Vicarious menstruation, Bry. , Ham. Millef.
Mind (Ustilago)

Could not bear to see or talk with any one.

Depression of spirits in afternoon.
Irritability, < being asked a question or to repeat anything.
The day seemed like a dream.
Very sad, cries frequently ; exceedingly prostrated from sexual abuse and loss of semen ;
sleep restless.
Head (Ustilago)
Frontal pain : in morning ; in forenoon, with smarting in eyes ; all day, with aching distress in
eyeballs and with fullness in head in morning ; with distress in epigastrium.
Headache : all the morning ; at 7 a. m. ; in evening, < forehead ; < walking.
Loss of hair.
Nervous headache from menstrual irregularities in nervous women.
Prickling in left temple.
Scald-head, watery serum oozing from scalp.
Scalp dry, cad congested, with loss of hair.
Vertigo at climaxis with profuse menstruation.
Vertigo in attacks, sometimes with double vision, sometimes white specks blot out everything
else, later attacks of vertigo with internal heat.
Eyes (Ustilago)
Aching in eyes and lachrymation.
Attacks of twitching in eyes, they appear to look (revolve) in circles and dart from one object
to another.
Continual watery flow from eyes and nose with occasional chills.
Hot feeling on closing lids.
Lachrymation in open air.
Lids agglutinated in morning.
Spasms, with vanishing of vision and head seems to whirl.
Vision of spots dancing to and fro.
Weakness of eyes.
Nose (Ustilago)
Boil in right nostril.

Bright epistaxis, > pressure.

Dryness of nostrils in forenoon, with dry feeling in skin.
Rhinitis, bitter taste, offensive odour noticeable to patient himself.
Face (Ustilago)
Burning of face and scalp from congestion.
Sudden pallor in face when sitting, and in evening.
Teeth (Ustilago)
Aching all day in decayed upper first and second molars.
Shedding of teeth (in animals).
Sometimes looseness of teeth.
Mouth (Ustilago)
Prickling in tongue, with feeling as if something were pressing the roots upward, with dryness
of nostrils.
Salivation : bitter ; thin, bitter.
Taste : coppery ; in morning ; slimy coppery ; slimy coppery in morning ; slimy ; slimy, with
burning distress in stomach.
Tongue coated in morning.
Throat (Ustilago)
Burning in sophagus at cardiac orifice.
Dryness of fauces, with burning dryness in stomach.
Dryness of fauces, with difficulty in swallowing, feeling of a lump behind larynx, later frequent
efforts to swallow, with feeling as if something had lodged in fauces, afterwards irritation of
fauces, and on swallowing feeling of a lump in larynx.
Lancinations in right tonsil (fauces were somewhat inflamed when the medicine was taken),
next day fauces hotter and more sensitive to motion.
Left tonsil enlarged, congested, dark reddish, right painful on swallowing at 2 p. m. ; left
painful at 9 p. m. ; next morning congestion of left extending along Eustachian tube and
causing pain in ear.
Roughness of fauces.
Appetite (Ustilago)
Appetite : craving ; poor.
Thirst at night.

Stomach (Ustilago)
Burning in sternum and cardia.
Cutting in stomach.
Distress in stomach in forenoon ; in afternoon, > by supper.
Eructations : of sour fluid ; of sour food.
Hmatemesis, passive, venous, accompanied by nausea, which is > by vomiting.
Pain in epigastrium with drawing pain in joints of fingers.
Pain in stomach : frequently in afternoon ; on full inspiration.
Abdomen (Ustilago)
(Pain as if intestines were tied in knots. ).
Distress in umbilicus and right hypochondrium.
Drawing pain in right hypochondrium all day.
Pain : in right lobe of liver ; in umbilicus ; in umbilicus before natural stool ; in left groin when
Periodical cutting in umbilical and hypogastric regions at 6 p. m. , < at 8 p. m. by a constipated
stool, afterwards grumbling pains in whole abdomen.
Stool (Ustilago)
Light-coloured diarrha.
Loose stool at 4 a. m. , with pain and rumbling in abdomen.
Natural stool at 4 a. m.
Soft stool, next day dry, lumpy, two days later black, dry, lumpy.
Urinary Organs (Ustilago)
No desire, but uneasiness.
Tenesmus of bladder and incontinence of urine.
Urging, urine light-coloured.
Urine : increased ; scanty, red ; acid, high-coloured.
Male Sexual Organs (Ustilago)
Chronic orchitis, irritable testicle.
Desire depressed.

Erections : when reading at 4 o'clock ; frequently during day and night.

Erotic fancies.
Genitals relaxed.
Pain in testes, < right.
Pain in testes, sometimes neuralgic ; in paroxysms, sometimes causing faintish feeling.
Scrotum relaxed and cold sweat on it.
Seminal emissions and irresistible tendency to masturbation.
Female Sexual Organs (Ustilago)
Between periods constant suffering under left breast at margin of ribs.
Bland leucorrha.
Burning distress in ovaries.
Constant aching distress at mouth of womb.
Constant flooding.
Deficient labour pains.
Extreme pain during period.
Hypertrophy and subinvolution.
Intermittent neuralgia of left ovary ; enlarged, very tender.
Lochia too profuse, partly fluid, partly clotted ; prolonged bearing-down pains ; uterus feels
drawn into a knot.
Menorrhagia at climaxis.
Menses : too scanty with ovarian irritation ; too profuse and too early ; blood clotted ; as if
everything would come through.
Menses copious, bright red, not coagulating easily (in a woman who thought she had passed
the climacteric, as there had been no discharge for over a year), it stopped as suddenly as it
began, no pain, only faintness and confused feeling in head.
Menses that had just ceased returned, bright-coloured, soreness and bearing down in left side
preceding the flow and partially ceasing with it.
Oozing of dark blood, highly coagulated, forming occasionally long, black, stringy clots.
Puerperal peritonitis.
Suppression of menses.

Tenderness of left ovary, with pain and swelling.

Uterus : hypertrophied ; prolapsed ; cervix sensitive, spongy.
Vicarious menstruation from lungs and bowels.
Yellow and offensive leucorrha.
Respiratory Organs (Ustilago)
Feeling as if there were a lump behind larynx, which produces constant inclination, to swallow.
Chest (Ustilago)
Aching, burning distress in sternum and under it in stomach, with neuralgic pains.
Constriction, with pain.
Drawing pain in left infra mammary region, waking me at 3 a. m. , > turning on back from right
Heat and pressure.
Oppression along median line.
Pain in left infra clavicular region in morning.
Spasmodic tearing at top of left side and passing to sixth or seventh rib, at 3 p. m. when
standing or reading, < breathing.
Heart (Ustilago)
Burning pain in cardiac region.
Sudden flying pain from heart to stomach, arresting breathing.
Back (Ustilago)
Bearing down in sacral region as in dysmenorrha, changing to left ovarian region and
gradually extending through hip.
Pain in back extending to extreme end of spine.
Pain in lumbar region.
Pain in region of right kidney, < sitting still ; next day in region of left kidney, > moving about,
with heat, fullness, soreness on deep pressure (but it relieved the pain), with uneasiness in left
thigh, frequent desire to urinate, stream very small, the following day it requires considerable
effort of will to empty the bladder, which is done slowly, pain and soreness in left loin continue
; heavy in lumbar region, in bed with uneasiness about bladder (had had no desire to urinate
on going to bed), woke early in morning with distended feeling in bladder, micturition slow and
difficult, urine scarcely coloured, pain in back < next night, < lying on face, > lying on right
Limbs (Ustilago)
Cutting in bones of right hand and foot.

Frequent rheumatic symptoms in arms, fingers, and legs.

Upper Limbs (Ustilago)
Hypertrophy or loss of nails.
Intermittent, numb tingling sensation in right arm and hand every day.
Pain in right elbow, < motion.
Pain in shoulder-joints ; rheumatic, in muscles of right shoulder.
Rheumatic drawing pain in finger-joints, < second joint of right index, all afternoon.
Stitching along metacarpal bone of right index.
Lower Limbs (Ustilago)
Cramp-like stiffness in left leg, < raising foot so as to press upon toes.
Feet swollen ; in morning.
Pain in left knee when walking, increasing to cramp, obliging me to lean upon the arm of a
friend, the pain, with occasional cramps, lasted all the evening, < raising foot so as to press
upon toes.
Generalities (Ustilago)
Faint feeling at 11 a. m. in a warm lecture-room.
Faint spells beginning in epigastrium, with small pains in hypochondrium and bowels.
Languor : during the day, with headache, < noon, and with burning frontal headache at 9 p. m.
; in morning on rising ; at 2 p. m.
Malaise as if I had taken cold ; felt sick with a cold, continual watery flow from nose and eyes,
with occasional chills.
Neuralgic pains in forehead, hands and feet.
Rheumatic pains all up and down left side, with cutting in left knee and calf if I pressed any
weight upon toes or flexed knee with any weight upon it.
Rheumatic pains in muscles of arms, hands, fingers, and small of back, those in back <
Symptoms of a cold.
Skin (Ustilago)
Boils on nape.
Congested feeling in skin.
Painful, destructive disease of nails.
Skin dry and hot.

The scalp became one filthy mass of inflammation, two-thirds of the hair came out, the rest
matted together, with oozing of watery serum from scalp, eruption like rubeola on neck and
chest, gradually extending to feet, thickest on chest and joints, itching < night, rubbing any
part brought out the eruption, on face and neck it was in patches like ringworm, but not
Sleep (Ustilago)
Difficult falling asleep and then unpleasant dreams.
Restless night ; with fever ; with troubled dreams.
Sexual dreams ; without emission ; and disgusting, waking him, arose and urinated with
difficulty and tenesmus.
Fever (Ustilago)
Burning in face and scalp.
Chills running up and down back.
Heat at night.
Internal heat ; with vertigo ; < eyes, which are inflamed and sensitive to light, eyeball sore to
touch ; intermittent, < eyes.
Skin dry ; at night ; and hot.

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