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045 383 4084
Operating Instructions
I 07:89
Issue: 01



A) INTRODUCTION ................................... 2
B) CONTROLS ....................................... 4
C) CALIBRATION .................................... 5
D) OPERATION...................................... I I
B. OPERATION .......
i) Display ................................... 20
ii) Switch Functions ......................... 20
iii) Using the Ratemaster ...................... 21
iv) Reaction Time ............................. 23
v) Total Reset ............................... 24
vi) Setting the pressure Reli-I V.ilv ......... 25
C) FAULT FINDING .................................. 26
I)) INPUT DATA RECORD .............................. 27

here are now three field settable factors on the laternaster which increase the flexibility of
the automatic ontrol performance.
"he automatic control is still self learning and :ontinually adjusts the system response time in
order to jptimise the performance. This aims to provide the fastest )0ssible reaction without
giving any 'overshoot' or i nstabi1i ty.
I ho actual flow rate control is achieved by pulsing bhfl flow control valve and the length of
pulse is influenced by 1 number of things.
Jnder certain circumstances the pulse length can lie so short as to have virtually no effect on
the flow rate.
Consequently it is now possible to set I.lie Minimum I'M I M< Width - this is Factor 1. The
Factor' can be .<I lu number between 1 and 62, 1 being the shortest pullt, 62 being the
longest pulse.
The Ratemaster is factory sot with Factor 1 at 02 which is optimum for
most situations.
The second factor is the "Response Multiplier" which increases or decreases the overall
system response. Again this can be set to any number between 1 and 62, 1 being the slowest
response, ( J 2 being I.lie I <> . I <*. t . Hie K.i l.einas is factory set with Factor 2 at OH
whHIi Is optimum lor most, situations. .....
Ratemaster 20 Head Unit ........
Ratemaster 20 Windscreen Sticker


There are two halves to the instrument.
The left side displays information on the sprayer performance i.e. speed, area, flow, rate. RDS produces a stand-alone nonautomatic instrument with these functions called the Spraymeter 2. For the purpose of this book, the left-hand side of the
instrument will be referred to as the Spraymeter 2.
The right side of the instrument enables the tirytl application rate to be set and also contains the circuitry for the
automatic control. For the purpose of this book, the right-hand side of the instrument will be referred to as the Ratemaster.
The instrument as a whole is the Ratemaster 20.
The Ratemaster 20 may be used in t)i. n|i*( m i n i I n Automatic mode. Before attemptiny to w.w I I r
h r i i iiimmii I n automatic, it is essential that the !!|>i .lynmi m calibrated, and that the operator becomes famil.i.n
w l l l i that side of the instrument. This must be done in th-Manual Mode so select this function by pressing the Man/Auto
button on the Ratemaster to set the chevron on the display above the 'Man' position.
Fig 1 Ratemaster 20
AUTO rviAf\l
Par I
Part Toi iiO

he Spraymeter provides the sprayer operator with the 'otlowing information:



m. | >. 11.


Actual Forward Speed at

any particular moment.
Total Area




Partial (trip) area




partial volume sprayed


i |.i 1 11 it in


Total volume sprayed

litres x K)


Application Rate


(|i> I 11 H 10
y/.u 'i


The total and sub-total area readings, volume readings and calibration factors are stored indefinitely in the instrument memory,
until reset.
The various components utilised in the Spraymeter system are:
i) The instrument module mounted in the cab.
ii) A Speed Sensor, either a) A Doppler Speed Sensor
or b) A Vfoeel Speed Sensor
consisting of a wheel sensor and two magnets, attached to the front wheel of the tractor.
c) A magnetic sensor on the prop shaft.
iii) A Flow Sensor in the sprayer pipeline.
iv) An automatic cut-out switch to prevent area accumulation, when turning on headlands etc.
v) 12 volt power supply and earth.

vii) 1 quick release (Harting) cable connector.

vii) Area Compensation Interface. This device can be Eltted to the existing electrical sprayer control unit, in order to
automatically adjust the Spi iyiiK't.1'] inputs to accumulate area correctly for the boom widths in use.

) 69 SELECT DISPLAY. Press and hold this switch to move the chevron symbol on the display to the desired position. When
used together with the Programme Switch, M, this switch is used to change the input figures.
I O RESET SWITCH. Pressing this switch allows the area and flow registers to be reset to zero. Resetting is effected by
simultaneously pressing the switch.
"M" PROGRAMME SWITCH. To prevent unauthorised or unintentional changes to the calibration, the programme button is
'hidden' behind the "M" of the word Ratemaster. Pressing this switch changes bhf instrument from its Display Mode to its
Programme-Mode. In this condition each display function will show its corresponding programme function, indicate whether
the instrument is operating in Metric or Imperial units and will allow the programmed value to be altered by use of I he ^
When the instrument is turned on, a chevron symlol will appear at the bottom of the display. This indicate:; which function
is being displayed, and will advance from b- i t bO right when the large C9 switch on the bottom right hand side of the
instrument fascia is pressed. (Sen Fig . 1) .
Each of the six chevron positions has a particular output display and a particular input as detailed < > n t h e - windscreen
sticker and reproduced in Fig. 2 The Calibration procedure can only be carried out when i h< instrument is in the 'programming mode' . This is achieved
by press i i n | and liohlhi'i (lie "M" <>| K, it > -in. ist n . NumlxMS a i < - t h e n set by | >i ess i i H i a mi i
< I e, is i ii'| t h e ^3 button :INPUT SETTING PROCEDURE
1. ' Press (21 symbol until chevron is above t h e
appropriate function.
2. Press and hold "M" symbol to activiate programming mode. Momentarily a row of dashes will appear-across the display
level with the Met. or Imp. indicator indicating which system is in use. Subsequently t h e - display will show the value
currently held in the memory. The decimal point will be flashing or may not be on the display at all.
3. Press and hold C3 symb)l. The Decimal point will move from left to right and may be stopped in desired position by
releasing .

Windscreen Sticker. Fig. 2.
" A6 5 6 &

Tol 10
G ID 69
RESET. To zero area and volume functions, select function to be zeroed, press and hold (JgJ then press and
C. PROGRAMME INPUT. Position chevron over desired symbol. Press and hold "M". Enter input with C*^
D. AUTO/MAN. Press to change mode of operation. symbol shows mode.
E 4 F. a) In Manual Mode. Buttons operate pressure control valve directly. Pressure will not vary with speed.
b) In Auto Mode. Press buttons to set required application rate.
4. If the Q i-s released for longer than half a second, the decimal point will stop flashing and the left hand digit will start to
flash. This may be cycled to the required value as for the decimal point.
5. When the Q release<3 again, the next digit will flash and so on until all digits are programmed.
6. When the last digit is programmed the decimal point will flash again, and the process may be repeated if necessary.
7. When all digits are programmed, release both buttons and normal display mode is restored.
I'lotn; At I h i ' . :.i.i<|<- tin 1 i >i i > 11 < i mined factor is "normalised", to dliijilny in. ix i ilium i n ml u l ion
e.g. if 003.5 is entered it will be converted to 3.500. This allows maximum accuracy when conversions are used e.g.
1| m

miiWAlin '.I'l I I i M I I M in
6 ""Al MN'IOM
M AMI A Nl 1/ ,'l I W.....I ;1 v.....Ml | mi I Al
METRIC 0. "Of-]

SELECT DISPLAY. Press and hold





1 / .....I I



until chevron on display moves to nbovo dt)lro<i lunction. <^


When cycling the digits or decimal point, ensure that the "M" button is maintained firmly pressed.
If the function selected does not include a programmable factor, pressing the "M" will NOT cause any digit to flash.
ro 11 . iiiiiii ii n i l 1 K In:.! i iurn 'iii .
Metric/imperial Operation. (Position lii.'l )
The instrument is factory set to METRIC. This is easily checked. By pressing "M", 4 horizontal bars will briefly appear across
the screen in line with the wool MET. at the right hand side of the display. This indicates Metric operation.

If is is desired to change to Imperial Units, advance chevron to g^) position. Press and hold the "M" button.
The 4 bars will re-appear across the display. They will be in line with the letters MET or IMP at the right hand side of the
display. While holding the "M", Press and hold the H^jj . The position of the bars will alternate between MET and IMP.
Release the tWTJ when the bars appear in the desired position. Release "M" and instrument will return to 'operating' mode.
2) Speed Sensor Factor. (Position )
The "Speed Sensor Factor" is the actual distance travelled by the vehicle between two speed sensor pulses. If a conventional
wheel sensor is installed with two wheel magnets, this distance is the effective rolling circumference of the wheel.
IX>termine this circumference by driving the vehicle forward, m field conditions, with the implement attached, for exactly
ten revolutions of the sensed wheel. Measure this distance and divide by ten to find the Speed Sensor Factor. Measure in
metres or inches.
Carry out this test whenever soil conditions or Whitl changes.
If a prop shaft sensor is installed, normally having a single magnet on the shaft, the distance tavelled for two turns of the prop
shaft must be determined.
In this case, drive the vehicle forwards for exactly 20 turns of the prop shaft and divide this distance by 10 to find the Speed
Sensor Factor.
If a Radar Sensor is installed, the Speed Sensor Factor is 02.00 metres.
Having established the Speed Sensor Factor, programme this fiqure into channel 1 as described on p. 5.
3. Implement Width/Nozzle Spacing
The Ratemaster 20 incorporates an Area Compensation Interface which interfaces with the
sprayer switch box and identified which boom sections are actually switched on. When this
interface is in use, ensure that the interface cable is connected to the Ratemaster and that the
switch on the back panel labelled ACI/C.O. is set to ACI. Programme the instrument with the
individual nozzle spacing in metres or inches e.g. 0.500 metres.
If the Ratemaster is being used with a manually controlled sprayer or a different implement,
an automatic override switch should ber fitted and connected to the grey Harting connectorl.
In this case set the switch on the back panel labelled ACI/C.O. to CO. and programme the
instrument with the full implement width.
4. Sensed Width (Position p 6 )

Depending on the design of the sprayer, the flow sensor may measure the flow to the full
boom or the flow to only a part of the boom. Programme the width of boom to which flow is
actually measured in metres or feet.
5. Flow Sensor Factor (Position
tol 10

The Flow Sensor Factor is the number of pulses per litre (or per gallon) given by the flow
sensor. This changes according to the size of the turbine assembly and may require
adjustment due to the characteristics of the particular installation.
Initially set as follows:
Imperial U.S.
3," 4
454. G

Subsequent recalibration.
If the volume accumulation appears to be consistently incorrect, based on weight or measured volume discharged, the Flow
Sensor Factor can be adjusted accordingly.
Corrected Flow Sensor Factor =
Indicated Volume Discharged
Original Flow Sensor Factor x-
Actual Volume Discharged.
e.g. If a 1 inch turbine is installed and a Flow Sensor Factor of 650 pulses per litre has been set, and the Spraymeter indicated
that 1680 litres have been discharged whereas 1795 litres have actually been used, then the corrected Flow Sensor Factor is
t e n I680
650 x 1795 = 608.4 pulses per litre.
N.B. To establish the actual volume discharged, use weight, a calibrated water meter or refill the sprayer tank using a calibrated
measuring bucket.
6. Boom Configuration/ACI Test (Position 9@ )
Press and hold the "M". The display will show a 2 digit number followed by a letter 'n' or' r'.
The number indicates the number of nozzles or units in use, or recognized by the Area Compensation Interface (if fitted). It is
not programmable.
2Move the chevron to position 1, Speed.ii) Press and hold the Reset switch.

The display will start to flash after

four seconds.
iii) Holding the Reset switch, press and release the
The display will show tESt
iv) Release the Reset switch.
The display will show 8.0 hm/hr (5.0 mph)
Any other I unci-ion can now ! selected and will base calculations on a speed of 8km/hr.
Area will not accumulate during static simulated tests.
If a different test speed is required, this can be achieved by resetting the speed sensor factor whilst the test
routine is operating.
v) To escape from the test mode,, simply press the Reset switch and normal operation is resumed.

As each boom section is switched on, press and release the asterisk. The first part of the number should show the number of
nozzles switched on.
The 'r' or 'n\ is set for "recirculating" or "non-recirculating" boom selection valves. Set [' if
the boom selection valves .divert flow back to tank, set 'n' if the valves simply cut off (solenoids). Pressing
the QJJ
alternates the display between 'r' and 'n'.
1. The instrument will be on whenever the vehicle ignition is on. The display is permanently illuminated.
2. Press and hold the switch. The chevron on the display will move from one function to the next, when it is above the desired
function, release the pJJJJ
i) Displays forward speed in km/hr or
ii) ^ and @p . These are the area registers. Area will accumulate whenever the sprayer is working. When the sprayer is
switched off, the chevron on the display will flash slowly and area will not accumulate. If an Area Compensation Interface
(ACI) is installed, then the area accumulation will be corrected for the number of boom sections in operation.
iii) $i A These are the volume registers and show the volume of liquid sprayed out of the machine.
Displays directly in litres or gallons,
w9 Displays tens of litres or gallons, i.e. A display of 1485 is actually a total of 14,850 litres.

It is often convenient to use the 'Part' Area and 'Part' Flow registers to record each tankful and to use the Totals for Field or Day
To reset Flow and Area registers, move the chevron symbol to the appropriate position, press and hold button, press and
release l^fr button and then release button.
^1 Application Rate. The actual measured
application rate in litres/ha or galls/acre is displayed on channel 6. This display is continuously updated based on the speed and
flow rate inputs.
Spraymeter incorporates a speed simulation facility. This allows a static test to be carried out on the sprayer to confirm that
nozzle outputs and indicated application rates are correct.
To select this test facility:
- 14 -

FAULT FINDING (Spraymeter)

Instrument does not come on.
a) Fuse.
b) Connections.
c) Faulty instrur?=r.t
Check fuse and replace if necessary.
(1 amp IV x V fuse).
Check connector blocks are pushed fully
home and power and earth cables are
connected correctly at connector block
and to vehicle supply.
Refer to RDS.
Instrument shows PROG.
a) Memory Loss
Press and hold all three buttons as the instrument is powered up. This clears all registers and resets the instruinent. Now
Incorrect Speed Reading.
a) Incorrect Speed Sensor Recalibrate. Factor.
4. Fluctuating Speed
a) Wheel Sensor Reading.
: Ic^pler Sensor.
5. No Speed Reading.
a) Speed Sensor.
b) Instrument.
c) Cables.

a) Magnets not directly opposite each other.
b) Clearance between magnets and sensoi inconsistent.
c) Poor connections or worn cable.
a) Sensor dragging through crop.
b) Sensor looking at moving part of vehicle.
c) Low sensitivity - Re-set.
d) Excessive vibration. Re-position.
Disconnect sensor. Use a piece of wir to link pins 2 and 5 on the grey connector. Making and breaking this link simulates
speed. If there is now a speed reading. Sens is faulty.
If there is no speed reading - check instrument.
Check Speed Sensor Factor is programme Check for broken or corroded cables or connections.

r ea -. z z jmu lat ion

a) Instrument.
b) Cut-Out.
c) ACI.
low not ccumulating.
a) Sensor
z .-jrbine.
Application Rate Incorrect.
-- ' : gramme .
Check Implement Width Programme. With no ACI. Set full implement width With ACI. Set individual nozzle spacing.
Ensure chevron flashes when sprayer is out of work.
Check ACI Connections in Boom Switch Box.
a) Check cable is correct polarity.
b) Check sensor is screwed fully into body.
c) Set Flow Sensor Factor to 1.0. Remove sensor from body - pass a screwdriver back and forth across end of sensor. Flow
should accumulate (if cut out is off). If yes - sensor is okay - turbine may be siezed.
d) With Flow Sensor Factor at 1.0, disconnect sensor from 6 way connector. Make and break connection between pins 3 and
6 of blue connector.
If flow now accumulates, sensor is faulty.
If still no flow - instrument is faulty. _
Turbine can be disassembled for cleaninc and servicing if siezed.
Check Flow Sensor Factor, Sensed Width and Implement Width are all set correctly.

Ratemaster ofer pulverizatorului cu un flux complet automat , un sistem de control al ratei
de aplicare .
Operatorul doar stabilete rata de aplicare dorita , n litri pe hectar , pe ecranul din
dreapta .
Ratemaster " citete " rata real de aplicare de la Pulverizator i apoi ajusteaz debitul
pentru a se asigura c rata dorita este atinsa , indiferent de viteza pulverizatorului.
| Debitul este controlat de o valva fluture acionata electric care actioneaza ca o supap
de eliberare a presiunii variabile.
| Ratemaster poate fi de asemenea utilizat ntr-un mod manual . In acest caz,
ntreruptoarele Ratemaster sunt folosite pentru a regla manual presiunea de pulverizare i
, prin urmare, s modifice rata de aplicare .
Acest mod manual poate fi folosit la stabilirea unei anumite presiuni particulare sau pentru
a efectua controale de calibrare in scopul rereglarii automate pentru aplicaii la faa
locului , n anumite zone ale unui cmp.
nainte de a utiliza Ratemaster n modul Automatic , este esenial ca seciunea
Pulverizatorului sa fi fost calibrata i pe deplin neleas .
i) afiaj
Numrul afiat pe Ratemaster este rata de aplicare " int" n litri pe hectar sau de litri pe
acru la care dorii s pulverizati .
Dac Pulverizatorul este setat s funcioneze n uniti metrice , atunci Ratemaster arat
litri pe hectar . Dac Pulverizatorul este setat s funcioneze n unitile imperiale atunci
Ratemaster arat litri pe acru .Daca Pulverizatorul ar fi schimbat de la un sistem la altul ,
atunci afiajul de la Ratemaster se va schimba automat.

.Simbolul V din partea de jos a ecranului ne arata daca Ratemaster functioneaza in modul manual sau automat.
Functionarea comutatoarelor
Acest comutator , situat n partea de sus a Ratemaster-ului selecteaz dac instrumentul
funcioneaz n modurile automat sau manual . Modul curent selectat este indicat de mici
zigzag-uri/ V-uri pe fundalul ecranului .
Apsai i inei apsat VE si comutatorul/ butonul i zigzag-ul va alterna ntre fiecare
poziie . Atunci cnd este de asupra de poziia corespunztoare , eliberai comutatorul .
b ) comutatoarele S3 i CH .
Dac este selectat modul Automatic, butoanele + i - sunt folosite pentru a schimba > rata
de aplicare " int" care apare pe ecran.
Apsnd i meninnd apsat butonul + va determina cresterea ratei de aplicare afiata i
invers . Cifra se va schimba iniial n pai mici i apoi , n cazul n care comutatorul este
inut Pornit , se va accelera la un ritm mai rapid .
Dac modul manual este selectat butoanele + i - sunt folosite pentru a conduce supapa
fluture i a modifica manual presiunea de pulverizare .
.Unele versiuni de valve de control au un fluturas ce se misca la 360. Prin urmare, semnele + i se refera la
rotirea in sensul acelor de ceasornic sau in sesul invers al acelor de ceasornic a fluturasului.
Valva poate fi condusa manual intr-o directie pana cand este intr-un sector potrivit rotatiei
sale, pentru a face butonul + sa creasca presiunea i butonul sa o scada.
) Folosirea Ratemaster
a) Actionarea automat a Ratemaster-ului va funciona numai n cazul n care comutatorul
principal al pulverizatorului e in pozitia Pornit, adic atunci cnd zigzag-ul/V-ul
Pulverizatorului este permanent pornit, nu intermitent .
b) Cnd pulverizatorul este oprit la sfrit, zigzag-ul de pe ecran Spraymeter va ncepe s

clipeasc , afiajul ratei de aplicare va merge la zero , iar supapa de control a fluxului va fi
n aceeai poziie pn cnd pulverizatorul este pornit din nou si este restabilit controlul
c) n cazul n care pentru un motiv oarecare Ratemaster nu este n msur de a atinge
obiectivul de aplicare afiajul Ratemaster va clipi LO . sau HI . Acest lucru se ntmpl
atunci cnd rata real de aplicare se abate cu mai mult de 10% sub sau peste inta .
Acest lucru se poate produce dac rezervorul pulverizator este aproape gol ; n cazul n
care viteza este prea mare sau prea mic pentru supapa pentru a putea face fa debitului
cerut ; dac ieirea din pulverizator este insuficient pentru producia ceruta ; sau dac
valva de control este blocata sau nefuncionala.
d) n cazul n care designul pulverizatorului solicita ca senzorul de curgere/debit sa fie situat doar ntr-una din seciunile de
bra, acesta trebuie s fie aranjate prin instalarea comutatorulului de intrerupere sau de zona de Interfaa zonei de compensare
c funcionarea automat este intrerupta n momentul n care zona bratului este inchisa. In timp ce zona bratului este inchisa,
controlul ratei de aplicare la bratul ramas trebuie sa se faca manual.
e) Limite de viteza
Ratemaster va controla doza de aplicare a pulverizatorului intr-un interval larg de viteze de naintare.Aceast control al
debitului se realizeaz prin modificarea presiunii.
Dac presiunea este reglat peste o banda prea larga, spectumul picturii va fi modificat in detrimentul eficienei pulverizarii.
Prin urmare, operatorul pulverizatorului trebuie totui sa conduca cu viteza "int" i presiune "int" aa cum rezult din
diagramele de duze..
Cel mai bun mod de a utiliza Ratemaster 20, prin urmare, este de a opera n general cu Pulverizatorul afiand viteza de
deplasare inainte i verificand dac rata de aplicare este controlat corect din timp n timp.
iv) parametri de control
Exist acum trei factori care pot fi setati pe Ratemaster care cresc flexibilitatea performanei de control automat.
Controlul automat este nc autocontrolat i continuu regleaz timpul de rspuns al sistemului, n scopul de a optimiza
performana. Aceasta i propune s ofere cea mai rapid reacie posibil fr a da nici o "depire" sau instabilitate.

Controlul real al ratei de curgere se realizeaz prin pulsarea supapei de reglare a debitului i lungimea impulsului este
influenat de un numr de lucruri.
n anumite circumstane lungimea de impulsuri poate fi att de scurta nct s nu aib practic nici un efect asupra debitului.
. Prin urmare, este acum posibil s se stabileasc latimea minima a pulsului - aceasta este
Factorul 1. Factorul poate fi lsat la orice numr ntre 1 i 62, 1 fiind cel mai scurt puls iar
62 fiind cel mai lung puls. Ratemaster este setat din fabrica cu Factor 1 la ,02 care e optim pentru
toate situatiile.
Al doilea factor este multiplicatorul de raspuns" care cre te sau scade rspunsul global al
sistemului. Din nou, acest lucru poate fi setat la orice numr ntre 1 i 62, 1 fiind cel mai lent
rspuns, 62 fiind cel mai rapid.Ratemaster este setat din fabrica cu Factor 2 la 08, care este
valoarea optim pentru majoritatea situa iilor.
Factorul 1 i 2 pot fi modificate in mod independent sau mpreun pentru a ncerca mbunt irea
performan elor sistemului.
Factorul 3 este setat pentru a informa Ratemaster-ul ce tip de supap de reglare este instalat pe
pulverizator. Acest lucru va fi fie un robinet/supapa fluture cu rotatie de 360 sau o supap cu
capt ce se opre te la pozi iile complet deschis sau complet nchis.
In primul caz Ratemaster trebuie s identifice pozi ia complet deschis i complet nchisa supapei
i sa limiteze automat cursa supapei. In acest ultim caz acest lucru nu este necesar deoarece
supapa este oprit mecanic. Factorul 3 este setat fie la 00 pentru o valva cu oprire sau 01 pentru
valve fluture cu o rotatie completa de 360 . Ratemaster este setat din fabrica la 00.
Pentru a seta Factorii 1, 2 i 3
I) Inchideti alimentarea Ratemaster-ului.
II) Apsa i i ine i apsat comutatorul manual -auto in timp ce alimentarea este restabilit.
Elibera i comutatorul Manual-Auto.
iii) Afi ajul va arta 1 02. Aceasta nseamn c Factorul 1 este setat la 02
iv) Apsa i butonul + pentru a cre te sau factorul sau butonul - pentru a reduce.

v) Pentru a schimba la Factorul 2, apsa i i elibera i butonul Man-Auto. Ecranul va afi a 2 08.
Aceasta nseamn c factorul 2 este setat la 08. Schimbati acest numr n acela i mod.

vi) Apsa i i elibera i butonul Man-Auto din nou. Ecranul va afi a 3 00, ceea ce nseamn c
Factorul 3 este setat la 00. adic Ratemaster se a teapt s vad o supap cu capat oprit.
vii) Apsa i butonul+ sau - pentru a alterna ntre factorul de 00 i 01.
viii Pentru a restabili func ionarea normal, opri i Ratemaster-ul i-l reporniti din nou.
v) Resetare totala
Daca ar exista o problem major cu sursa de alimentare a Ratemaster-ului sau n memoria
acestuia, afi ajul va arta "Prog", aceasta nseamn c ar trebui s fie resetat Ratemaster-ul dup
cum urmeaz:
a) Opri i alimentarea Ratemaster-ului.
b) Apsa i i ine i apsate toate cele trei butoane, Man-Auto, + i -.
c) Reconecta i alimentarea.
d) afi ajul va indica numrul de emitere a programului.
e) Elibera i butonul.
f) Ecranul va afi a o int de 200 de litri pe hectar (sau 17.8 galoane per acru)
g) Resetati rata int i timpul de reac ie
vi) Setarea supapei de eliberare a presiunii
Supapa manual standard de reglare a presiunii a pulverizatorului trebuie resetata pentru a ac iona
ca o supap de siguran maxim a presiunii.
Comuta i Ratemaster-ul la "Manual".
Actionati pulverizatorul cu toate sec iunile de bra pornit, pompa sa func ioneze la o tura ie
normal de func ionare i cu un set de duze tipice montate.

.Folositi butoanele + i pentru a regla presiunea Ratemaster-ului la maximum posibil.

In acest punct supapa electrica de control presiune va fi complet inchisa. Acum apasati butonul
pentru a reduce presiunea.

Factorul 1 si 2 pot fi modificati independent sau impreuna pentru a imbunatati performanta sistemului.
Factorul 3 este setat pentru a informa Ratemaster-ul ce tip de valva de control e instalata pe pulverizator.
Aceasta va fi fie o supapa fluture cu o rotatie de 360 sau o supap cu capt ce se opre te la pozi iile
complet deschis sau complet nchis.
In primul caz, Ratemaster-ul trbuie sa identifice pozitiile de complet inchis si complet deschis a supapei si sa
limiteze automat functionarea spapei. In cazul al 2-lea acest lucru nu e necesar deoarece supapa e oprita mechanic.
Factorul 3 este setat la 00 pentru o supapa cu oprire si la 01pentru o supapa fluture cu o rotatie de 360 .
Ratemaster-ul e setat din fabrica la 00.
Setarea Factorilor 1, 2 si 3
I) Inchideti alimentarea Ratemaster-ului.
II) Apsa i i ine i apsat comutatorul Manual -Auto in timp ce alimentarea este restabilit.
Elibera i comutatorul Manual-Auto.
iii) Afi ajul va arta 1 02. Aceasta nseamn c Factorul 1 este setat la 02
iv) Apsa i butonul + pentru a cre te sau factorulsau butonul - pentru a reduce.
v) Pentru a schimba la Factorul 2, apsa i i elibera i butonul Man-Auto. Ecranul va afi a 2 08.
Aceasta nseamn c factorul 2 este setat la 08. Schimbati acest numr n acela i mod.
v)Apasati si eliberati din nou butonul Man-Auto. Afisajul va arata 3 00 ceea ce inseamna ca
Factorul 3 e setat la 00. De exemplu Ratemaster-ul se asteapta sa vada o supapa cu oprire.
vi)Apasati butoanele + i pentru a alterna factorul intre 0 si 1.
vii) pentru a reveni la operarea normala, opriti si porniti Ratemaster-ul din nou.



Rata de aplicare instabila

Rata setata nu se potriveste cu rata

Instabilitate cand reintra in capatul

a) Timp de reactie prea rapid

b) valve de eliberare a presiunii e
setata prea jos pe pulverizator
c) viterza de inaintare se schimba
prea rapid iar Ratemaster-ul nu face
a)Cablul valvei rupt
b)Ratemaster setat la MAN
c)valva blocata
Cablu din cutia de control a
interfetei pulverizatorului e defect
sau rupt

Vezi cartea
Viteza stabila
Verifica cablul
Schimbat la AUTO
Verifica functionarea valvei in mod
Verifica cablurile

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