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Doll dildo

BR-04(doll dildo) looks like gel filled soft dildo. It is solid enough to spread
hole it is inserted to, but soft enough to bend inside on user movement without a lot
of stimulation. The base model comes with soft gel like cup and small 5mm hole at
base going deep inside dildo. Product may have different variety of colors. The base
of the dildo, where hole is, may be pressed deep inside dildo, but would return to
original shape or position once pressure stopped. If ordered from manufacturer BR04 may come in any shape ordered.

Once fully inserted into vaginal opening the cup melds to outer labia for
certain amount of time. Estimated time can be measured how clean the surface is( the
less time left the cleaner it is, up to ability to look inside with flash-light). The
product works as usual dildo without any special capabilities if inserted in any other
After the dildo fully inserted and cup bonded any surface stimulation over cup
is completely muted,and clitoris is hidden behind cup, so external stimulation over it
is blocked. Outer cup over dildo itself is rather soft and stretchable. It is quite
possible to push outer part(cup) quite deep inside, resulting in near instantaneously
generated arousal, heat or need depending on pressure. Though once pressure
released cup returns to original position. For base model of dildo after pressure on
cup released the arousal remains the same, though it can calm eventually down in
natural way. Base model disables this feature for 2 minutes after orgasm, allowing
user to enjoy her/hir work.
The hole in other hand is quite sensitive and well lubricated, and all stimulation
inside it is directly transported to vaginal channel. The hole is pretty stretchable itself
to accommodate even largest toys the user able to take. Though inserting or
extracting larger insertions may result in rather sharp wave of arousal, before any
stimulation occurs.

BR-04 can be removed only within 1 minute after orgasm, and only after
expiration timer passes. If after expiration timer passes user is failed to reach orgasm
in half of expiration time then product disables it's function and remains defunct for
12 hours. Otherwise if product haven't been removed in 1 minute period after orgasm,
it would reactivate again with same timer.

X in series code can be any other letter defining series. (Example: BR-04SN-SNSS)

Series Descriptors

BR-04SX-XX-XX: Short duration series. The duration the dildo stays adhered
is from 15 to 35 minutes depending on user.
BR-04NX-XX-XX: Normal duration series. The duration the dildo stays
adhered is from 4 to 6 hours depending on user.
BR-04LX-XX-XX: Long duration series. The duration the dildo stays adhered
is from 1 day to 1 week depending on request.( default is 2 days)
BR-04EX-XX-XX: Eternal duration series. The duration the dildo stays
adhered is from 1 week to 1 year depending on user. This series are
manufactured strictly on commission and work only on commissioner
herself(or hirself).

Clitoral stimulation
BR-04XN-XX-XX: Null series. Clitoral stimulation doesn't applied.
BR-04XL-XX-XX:Light series. There is constant light stimulation on clitoris
which might get muted after orgasm. It is more a tease rather stimulation.
BR-04XM-XX-XX:A way to nudge user to find ways to play with herself.
Stimulation is quite definitely pleasurable.
BR-04XH-XX-XX:Pretty strong stimulation capable to bring pretty close to
orgasm but not over. The sensitivity tends to be lower then other series, but
generally orgasm achievable over the same amount of time as other series.
(mostly done to prevent explosive insertion orgasms)
BR-04XC-XX-XX():Custom series. Would you like outer layer to pull out and
cover your clitoris. Would you like it's external stimulation to be muted,
enhanced or have same effect as pressing cup. This and any other options are
negotiable on order. (For some cases commission may be required)

Hole structure.
BR-04XX-SX-XX: Smooth series. The insides are rather smooth which quite
simplifies object insertion, resulting in rather low heat spikes. And just
enhances and slightly spices the intercourse for both sides.
BR-04XX-AX-XX: Average series. Base series. Small objects which have size
close to hole size inserted quite easy, larger average cock for species in
question would almost always make wearer needy, but stimulation from slowly
sliding channel over object may cover this. This series favour slow and steady
sex. And large insertions would mostly leave partner needy and whimpering
for more. (keep in mind that cup can depressed rather deep inside reducing
discomfort for partner or just fun ;).
BR-04XX-RX-XX: Rough series. The objects of size of hole would have just a
notch as hard to insert as average cock sized objects for average series. As for
objects of larger sizes well let's say inserting and pulling them out might
require some time.

BR-04XX-CX-XX(): Custom series with design number in round brackets.

Could be practically with any options would it be very smooth, almost
frictionless, hole both lowering stimulation and need generated due to
movement of foreign objects inside hole, or option to make harder or almost
impossible inserting/removing artificial objects. Or making easy to insert, hard
to remove any object, or vice versa. This series covers any other possible
exotic options, including custom hole pattern.

Arousal control
BR-04XX-XN-XX: Standard series. Pressing on cup increases arousal if
possible up to a certain point, but releasing cup let's arousal to fall back
BR-04XX-XU-XX: Controlled series. The heat is controlled by cup
deformation: Pressed hard in desperate need, left alone arousal is at base
defined value (slightly pleasurable level). If ordered from supplier values may
be changed on order demand.
BR-04XX-XS-XX: Switch series. Once pressed arousal would stay at highest
value pressed, until released to neutral state and pressed again. (if new value is
lower arousal would be allowed to fall naturally)
BR-04XX-XL-XX: Slut series. Middle ground between BR-04XX-XU-XX and
BR04XX-XN-XX series. Arousal for this series as usual increase near
instantaneously upon cup pressure, but upon release it drops slowly. But here is
a catch, the arousal drops quite fast at first, then slows down the lower it
becomes the slower it drops, until cup pressed or released farther and state of
arousal is changed. This function is influenced by orgasm control series
By default upon strong pressure on cup(which makes user desperately
needy) and release. The state would fall:
from desperately needy to needy nearly instantaneously.
From needy to in Heat in 1-2 seconds.
From In heat to annoying itch in 2 minutes
Then it slowly drifts down from this level for 13 minutes.
Keep in mind that it doesn't matter how large changes are. The changes
happen by same curve over the same amount of time regardless. (so small
changes may be not so noticeable over long run then large.)
Both fall off curve and recession time may be change if product is
ordered from manufacturer in order form.

Hole sensitivity

BR-04XX-XX-SX: Standard series. Stimulation is neither stronger nor weaker.

BR-04XX-XX-LX: Light series. As series name suggests The stimulation
received would be quite light making user to work for orgasms harder. Value
may change on order demand if ordered from supplier.

BR-04XX-XX-HX: Heavy series. Slightly amplifies orgasms. Value may

change on order demand if ordered from supplier.
BR-04XX-XX-NX: Null series. No stimulation at all from hole. Can be hell
especially if doubled with any series providing clitoral stimulation. Can only
be done on commission basis and only works for person ordered BR-04.

Orgasm controls
Worth noting this series option has nothing to do with actual orgasm control. It
is present to define weather option of respecting user orgasms and suspending
product's functions for small amount of time till afterglow period passes.
BR-04XX-XX-XS: Standard series. Pretty much standard. Short period after
orgasms product is disabled for user to enjoy afterglow.
BR-04XX-XX-XN: No relief series. Dildo functions even during and right after
orgasm. May result in not quite satisfying orgasms, and being horny right after.
This series only made on commission basis and only work for person who
ordered it.
BR-04XX-XX-XQ: Quick series. Products stops it's functions during orgasms.
Though any action causing state of dildo to change after orgasm (like puling on
inserted object for example) would completely resume functions of dildo.

Ordering from manufacturer.

It is possible to order product directly from manufacturer with specified minor
or already implemented modifications of product. The larger non implemented
modifications or some standard series may require personal contract commission and
personal presence for taking measures or analysis.
There is order fee at cost 20% of average value of all ordered products. The fee
is instilled in order to protect shops ordering larger batches of products
Products may ordered in batches,in any composition and numbers. The number
of copies don't affect the fee only average cost. So the larger order is the lower is fee.
Due to absence of any limitations on custom series or modifications of
products that are not covered in commission case, we happily take orders from shops
with any custom or unique modifications of any product in any numbers as long as
they are legit. This way we encourage our partners to improve service and provide
product for any taste for customer.

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