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ISIS Acquiring New Territory and Land Is Not An Evidence That Allh Is

Aiding Them
By Shaykh Ali ar-Raml ()

Translated by Abu zim Sabir Crispin ()


Some people claim that ISIS recently taking control over pieces of land is

evidence of Allhs support for them. How do we respond to this?

Shaykh Al ar-Raml () : All praise is due to Allh. May Allhs Peace and Blessings
be upon the Messenger of Allh. Anyone who uses such things as evidence is testifying to his
own ignorance; such speech would never be made by a person of knowledge. If he were to look
at the evidence from the Book and the Sunnah, he would never find evidence for what he is
Additionally, if we take a look at history, from the times of past up until our time, this persons
statement would mean that the various disbelievers and people of misguidance and innovation
are following the truth. This is because several periods of time has passed in which they were
in power and they took control over many territories. Just look at the Rfiah! They took
control of Iran, and now they have taken control over Iraq, and they continue to attempt to
take control over other lands. Also, look at the Jews and the Christians. Throughout history

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they have taken control over many lands. The majority of the Islmic lands were, at one point
in history, in the hands of the Christians. The same goes for the people of innovation. At one
point in history, the majority of the Islmic lands were in the hands of the Ashars, the Sfis,
and other than them. Even Makkah was occupied by the Ubayds. Should it be said that they
were following the truth just because they took control over some land? That is false speech
and no one with any knowledge whatsoever would make such a statement.
The important thing - may Allh bless you all - in knowing truth from falsehood is the
evidence from the Sharah. This is how who is right is distinguished from who is wrong. How
could they [ISIS] possibly be following the truth when they are killing the people of Islm?
They kill the people of Islm and leave alone the idolaters. This is a sign which the Prophet
( ) himself mentioned about them, and it describes them precisely. You find that
they kill the people of Islm and their main concern is the people of Islm. If some disbelievers
try to prevent them from achieving their goal they kill them, but otherwise they leave them
alone. This is because the main people they intend to kill are the Muslims.
How can you know who is right from who is wrong? When it comes to taking control over land,
the wars between the Muslims and the disbelievers are continuous; sometimes we win,
sometimes we lose. This is the nature of war: you win some, you lose some. Ab Sufyn stated
this when he was asked by Hiraql about his wars with the Prophet () . He said:
In the war between him and us, he wins some and he loses some. A day for him and a day for
us. This is the Sunnah of Allh in His Creation. The important thing for those whom Allh
allows to come into power is to establish His Legislation and His Religion, not to kill and

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slaughter the Muslims under the pretence that they are disbelievers. We seek refuge with Allh.
This is how we respond to the person who makes such doubtful statements. And Allh knows

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