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July 19, 2015

In This Issue

The Caller
is published
(Deadline Wednesday
at Noon)
First Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
109 E. Wilshire Ave.
Fullerton, CA 92832

Interim Pastor:
Rev. Dale Suggs
Donna Woodbridge
Lisa Parks

Issue 29

Events July19 July 26, 2015

Remember in Prayer
Prayer Requests, 7/12
Spiritual Disciplines Wk
Serving in the Military
JYF Lemonade Stand
Save the Date
Childrens Ministry Task Force 3
Sr. Book Club & Adults
Christmas in July
Gleaning Trip
Bibles & Freshen Up Kits
Thank You Choir & Bells
Hands On Habitat Event

Serving Sunday


July 19: Mini Camp begins - Dale gone through July 25

8:00 A.M. - REAWAKEN Worship Service
9:00 A.M. - Sunday School for all ages
10:15 A.M. - REMEMBER Worship Service, Brian Shrout preaching
1:00 P.M. - Casa de Oracin Service, Sanctuary & FH
July 20
8:30 A.M. - Noon ESL class, Room 107
5:30 P.M. - Alzheimers Facilitators meeting, Chapman Lounge
6:30 P.M. - OT Study @ Donnas
July 21:
12:00 P.M. Sr. Adult Meeting, Chapman Lounge
5:30 P.M. Pathways of Hope General Board Meeting, Rom 101A
7:00 P.M. Casa uses Sanctuary & Chapman Lounge
July 22:
7:00 P.M. Council of Elders, Chapman Lounge
July 23:, Tri Tip Downtown Market Casa; Wee Camp begins
5:00 A.M. - Casa, Prayer Group, Chapman Lounge
July 24:
8:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. - ESL Class, Room 107
July 26: Jr. Camp begins
8:00 A.M. - REAWAKEN Worship Service
9:00 A.M. - Sunday School for all ages
10:15 A.M. - REMEMBER Worship Service
11:30 A.M. Childrens Ministry Task Force, Chapman Lounge
1:00 P.M. - Casa de Oracin Service, Sanctuary & FH
July 27:
6:30 P.M. - OT Study @ Donnas
July 28:
8:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. - ESL Class, Room 107
7:00 P.M. Casa uses Sanctuary & Chapman Lounge
July 29:
8:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. - ESL Class, Room 107
July 30: Tri Tip Downtown Market Donnas team
5:00 A.M. - Casa, Prayer Group, Chapman Lounge
8:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. - ESL Class, Room 107
July 31:
8:30 A.M. 1:00 P.M. - ESL Class, Room 107
AA Groups: Sun. 8 P.M., Room 107; Thursday 8 P.M., Friday, 7:30 P.M.,
Sat. 8:30 P.M., OCYPAA, Sat. 3:30 P.M., FH
AL-Anon: Fri. Noon, Room 101A
NA Group: Tues. 7:30 P.M., FH
OA: Tues. 7 P.M., Sun. 10 A.M., Room 107

Remember in Prayer

Continue to pray for: Jim &

Helen Bailey, Sue Bacon, Dottie Bense,
Sandra Brown, Linda Christman, Jack
Doughty, Lorna & Skip Farnum, Barbara
Hasty, Anna Lou Horspool, Carolyn Kenrick,
Colleen Langston, Flora Miller, Kristine
Perry, Norma Rill, Betty Rollo, Gayle
Schoeff, Marj Schwenker, Claudia Tammen,
and Bob & Donna Vannoy.
Please pray for the following PSWR
Gateway Christian Church
11760 Gateway Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90064
David McAllister, Pastor

Readings and Prayer Concerns for

Week of July 20 July 26, 2015

Monday, July 20: Reading: 2 Samuel 11:

1-5; Pray for Helena Baxter-Herrera as
she attends Mini Camp until Wed. at Loch
Tuesday, July 21: Reading: 2 Samuel 11: 6-15;
Pray for Sr. Adults meeting today at noon in
Chapman Lounge.
Wednesday, July 22: Reading: Psalm 14; Pray
for the Council of Elders meeting tonight.
Thursday, July 23: Reading: Ephesians 3:14-19;
Pray for Lyndsey Smith and Jeremiah as they
attend Wee Camp at Loch Leven this week.
Friday, July 24: Reading: Ephesians 3:20-21;
Pray for the exchange students visiting from
China and attending ESL classes in Room 107
this week and next.
Saturday, July 25: Reading: John 6: 1-15; Pray
for the Global Ministries Missionary in
Ecuador, Bethany Waggoner.
Sunday, July 26: Reading: John 17: 20-24; Pray
for the Childrens Ministry Task Force meeting
after the 10:15 service today.

Sunday Statistics

July 12, 2015

91 (Remember Service)
4 (Reawaken Service) 94 (Casa 1 P.M. service)
Weekly Giving: $3,301.20
Missions: $366.80
Budget Goal: $3,777
Christmas in July: $60
Downtown Market $1040.80

Prayer Requests, July 12, 2015

Scott & Mary
Alice Maraj

Rod Farley as he has

surgery on Tuesday
Prayers for myself as I have
leukemia and will be having
aninfusion from my sister,
Jane, on Tuesday.

Serving in the Military

Adam Hawley, Deb

Taylors nephew, is back at Ft.
Lt. Cmdr. Patrick OConner, Betty
Rollos grandson-in-law who is home and will
be stationed at Hanford, CA.
Lt. Patrick Rollo, Betty Rollos
grandson, is at sea for several months.
PFC Brandon Vannoy, grandson of Bob
& Donna Vannoy, has been deployed to
Afghanistan for a tour of duty.
Michael J. Borden, Chief, Nancy
Geigers grandson, in Norfolk, VA.
Brandon Johnson, Army Chaplain,
Mariette Linbergs cousin has returned from
his deployment in Afghanistan.
Lt. Austen Packer, Laura Lee Wiggins
friend, is back at Oceana, NAS, in Virginia
Lt J.G. Kip Packer, friend of Laura Lee
Wiggins, has been deployed to Moron, Spain
Pvt. Kash Cross, Ted & Sammies
grandson is at Ft. Gordon, GA and will
graduate from Helicopter Repair school in a
couple of weeks and after a leave will be sent
to Korea.
Mjr. Christopher Evans, cousin of
Annie Fraters who is serving in Seoul, Korea.

JYF Takes a Stand Against


Please mark your calendars

and come support the JYF lemonade stand
each Sunday in August following the 10:15
A.M. service. The proceeds will go to Pathways
of Hope.

Important Dates to Remember

Homeless Shelter forums:

July 22, at 5:30 p.m.,
Eastside Christian Church, 3330 E. Miraloma
Avenue, Anaheim.
August 5, 5:30 p.m., Grace Ministries
Korean Church, 1701 W. Valencia Drive,
September 26 Rock the Loch, All day
music concert at Loch Leven. Watch Caller for
more details later.
October 4 6 Disciples Women
Spiritual Growth Retreat at Loch Leven.
October 17 PSWR Gathering,
Riverside First Christian Church

Childrens Ministry Task


The Childrens Ministry Task Force will

meet next Sunday, July 26 after the 10:15
service in Chapman Lounge to choose the
curriculum that we will use in the Fall.
As was pointed out to me the other day,
one of the most important calls in ministry is
working with children and getting them rooted
in the Word. If you would like to be a part of
this very important hands-on ministry,
please join us in Chapman Lounge next
Donna Woodbridge

Senior Book Club News

The Senior Book Club met on

July 9, to discuss the novel, Mary
Coin by Marisa Silver. This beautifully
written book reminded us of the hardships
suffered during the Great Depression. We all
enjoyed Pat Hunds delicious peach cobbler.
We will meet again on Thursday,
September 3, 2015, in Chapman Lounge to
discuss The Girl With a Pearl Earring which
is a 1999 historical novel written by Tracy
Chevalier. Set in 17th Century Delft, Holland,
the novel was inspired by Delft School painter
Johannes Vermeers painting, Girl with a Pearl
Earring. Chevalier presents a fictional account
of Vermeer, the model and the painting.
The Linbergs will be our hosts.

Seniors Meet Tuesday July

21, 2015

The seniors are meeting this

coming Tuesday, July 21st at 12 noon. Our
speaker for that day is David Moore Director,
Legacy Planning for Chapman University. He
reminds us that he has proudly served as
Alumni Director for the University from 20042008. Many of you may know David and heard
him speak at other church events in the area.
He will be presenting his new presentation
The Secrets Your Advisors Never Tell You.
He has six areas of planning for Seniors that
are up to date and interesting for us to know.
This is a quote that David adds to his emails,
Dont judge each day by the harvest you reap,
but by the seeds you plant. Please plan to join
us next Tuesday at 12 noon. Bring your lunch
and Jan Farley is providing dessert. See you

Joy to the World

Thank you to for

your generosity and for
your willingness to help Pathways of Hope
plan ahead for Christmas gifts for its families.
It is fun and exciting to see the
ornaments disappear from the wreath and the
gift box to begin filling up with the gifts you
have chosen for your recipient.
There is still time for you to take an
ornament and bring your gift to the box in the
Narthex. Please leave the price tag on it as we
need to submit a total of the amount donated
from FCCF.
As you donate to Pathways of Hope
please remember that you are eligible for a
thank you gift in an opportunity drawing
which will be held the first Sunday in August.
*Thank you gifts are
1. Two tickets to the Christmas Concert
(2015) of the Mountainside Master Chorale.
2. A Christmas Classic Movie Night-athome Its a Wonderful Life DVD, Popcorn
and candy basket.
3. Christmas CD, and candles basket.
The Outreach Ministry Team

Potential Mission
Trip To Dinuba,

A few weeks ago we told you about the

opportunity for members of our congregation
to partner with members of Wilshire Avenue
Community Church from Nov. 1 - 7. Thats a
Sunday through a Saturday, with travel to and
from Dinuba, located in the Central Valley,
occurring on Sunday and Saturday. Those who
sign up for this trip would be on a waiting list
to take the place of members of the Wilshire
Avenue who might have to cancel. To date,
two of our members have asked to be put on
the list for this mission tripBarry and
Donna Woodbridge. If this activity interests
you, please give your name to Donna
Woodbridge or to Ed Linberg ASAP. We
want to get the names of those interested in
this activity submitted to the Wilshire Avenue
congregation by the first of next week. So, let
us know of your interest by this coming
Sunday, July 19.
The work to be done would likely
include making a soup mix and/or processing
dried foods that will then be sent to countries
around the world where hunger continues to
be a major problem. The cost is $100 for the
week, plus sharing the cost of travel to and
from Dinuba. Meals and lodging, in beautiful
facilities that are part of the Youth With a
Mission Center in Dinuba, are included in this
fee. Now thats a deal, and participants will be
making a difference in the lives of people who
struggle to have enough to eat for their families
and themselves every day.
The Outreach Ministry

Bibles And Hygiene Kits

In past issues, weve

you that the Outreach Ministry,
using money from the Haney Bequest and
interest from the Brown Fund, purchased
almost 100 Bibles/New Testaments and an
even larger number of hygiene kits.
These two items have been very popular
gifts for those who came to the Hot Meal
Ministry on the first Wednesday of both June
and July. So popular in fact, that Phil Forbes,
whos distributed them, informed the Outreach
Ministry on Wednesday night that we do not
have a sufficient supply to meet the expected
need for distribution on the first Wednesday in
August. In reviewing our resources, the
Outreach Ministry learned that we have about
$200 on hand in special funds to pay for
another order of Bibles and hygiene kits, since
this is a non-budgeted item that we chose to
purchase after wed begun expending funds
from the current years budget. The cost to restock these two items in is $427 plus.
However, going on faith, we authorized Phil to
re-stock the supply of these two items so that
they will be on hand on August 5, the next date
when our congregation handles the Hot Meal
Ministry. If any one would like to contribute
toward the cost of the Bibles and the hygiene
kits, just mark Bibles/Hygiene Kits on the
memo line of your check and put it in the
offering plate. Your gift will be appreciated.
Finally, many thanks to Phil for taking
the lead in providing these two resources for
the people who come to the Hot Meal Ministry
on the first Wednesday of each monththe
monthly date when we provide the meal and
the support personnel to serve the meal to our
guests from the community.
The Outreach Ministry

Patty Emerson shared this article by John Rutter & thanks to our

Choral music is not one of lifes frills. Its something that goes to the very
heart of our humanity, our sense of community, and our souls. You express,
when you sing, your soul in song. And when you get together with a group of other singers, it
becomes more than the sum of the parts. All of those people are pouring out their hearts and souls in
perfect harmony, which is kind of an emblem for what we need in this world, when so much of the
world is at odds with itselfthat just to express, in symbolic terms, what its like when human beings
are in harmony. Thats a lesson for our times and for all time. I profoundly believe that.
And musical excellence is, of course, at the heart of it. But, even if a choir is not the greatest in
the world, the fact that they are meeting together has a social value. It has a communal value. And I
always say that a church or a school without a choir is like a body without a soul. We have to have
a soul in our lives. And everybody tells me, who has sung in a choir, that they feel better for doing it.
That whatever the cares of the day, if they maybe meet after a long days school or work, that
somehow you leave your troubles at the door. And when youre sitting there, making music for a
couple hours at the end of the day, thats the only thing that matters at that moment. And you walk
away refreshed. You walk away renewed. And thats a value that goes just beyond the music itself.
Of course, as a musician, I put the music at the heart of it, but all of these other values just stand
out as a beacon. I think our politicians need to take notemy gosh do they ever! [laughs,] and our
educators, those who decide education budgets, church budgets, just need to remember its not a
frill. Its like a great oak that rises up from the center of the human race and spreads its branches
everywhere. Thats what music does for us. And choral music must stand as one of the supreme
examples of it.
Thank you to Mitch Hanlon, Rod Bagheri and our Chancel Choir, to Sharlane Blakeley and
our Bell Choir, for the great music they bring to us each year from September through June. WE

Habitat for Humanity

Looking for an opportunity to do a Hands-On project ?
Be a part of this event that kicks off the season in creating a stronger Woodcrest community! Habitat
OC's Neighborhood Revitalization Program harnesses the energy of the Woodcrest residents, empowering
them to take the lead in improving their own neighborhood.
For more information about the Woodcrest Pride Season and about each of the projects, please click on this
Saturday, July 25
WHERE: Woodcrest Elementary, 455 W. Baker Ave., Fullerton, CA 92832 (map)
Event Projects and Tasks: Woodcrest Space: painting and assembling furniture; Emergency Center:
assembling kits and enhancing the center; Home Preservations: cleaning up, landscaping, and painting

***EVENT PREP: check out Volunteer Hub under Neighborhood Revitalization - Community Building for th
event prep volunteer opportunities!***
Contact Danah at

First Christian Church

109 E. Wilshire Avenue
Fullerton, CA 92832
Reawaken (Early Worship Service) Sunday, 8:00 A.M.
Church School for all ages: Sunday, 9:00 A.M.
Remember (Traditional Worship Service) Sunday, 10:15 A.M.
Youth Group: Sunday, 1:00 P.M.
First Christian Church . . .
Celebrating the diversity of all of Gods children,
we are Disciples of Christ practicing spirit-filled worship,
faith-building community, and passion-powered service
to our neighborhood and to the world.
Where encounters with God are not only ordinary,
theyre extraordinary!
Where invitations not only happen on occasion,
they happen on every occasion.
Where hands not only give to the needy,
they serve the least of these

Serving July 19, 2015

Serving July 26, 2015

Greeters: Rod & Jan Farley

Guest Book: Barbara Fenters
Coffee Host: Hospitality Ministry
Acolyte Parent: Angulo
Sound & Video: Travis Robidoux
Lay Leader: Amy Styffe
Childrens Moment: Paige Richmond
Elders: Bill Martin, Kathy Robidoux
Nancy Geiger
Diaconate: Leslies Team
Prepare: Randy Langston, Lisa Parks
Ushers: Phil Forbes, David Styffe
Serve: Leslie Beck, Randy Langston, Lisa
Parks, Amy & David Styffe
Clean Up: Leslie Beck, Diane Daugherty,
Amy Styffe
Alternates: Sue Harless

Greeter: Judi Smedley

Guest Book: Bev Reinke
Coffee Host: Hospitality Ministry
Acolyte Parent: Beal
Sound & Video: PJ Vannoy
Lay Leader: Emily Malotte
Childrens Moment: Alice Wallace
Elders: Nancy Malotte, Randy Langston,
Annie Frater
Diaconate: Leslies Team
Prepare: Phil Forbes, Sue Harless
Ushers: Phil Forbes, Lisa Parks
Serve: Leslie Beck, Diane Daugherty, Sue
Harless, Lisa Parks, Amy Styffe
Clean Up: Leslie Beck, Diane Daugherty,
Amy Styffe
Alternates: David Styffe

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