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Writing informal letter


The date

Dear , / Hi ,
Write the opening remarks.
Ask your friend some introductory questions.
Paragraph 1

Describe where you are (the place / the weather)

Paragraph 2

Say what you are doing.

Paragraph 3

Mention the people in the group.


Make an excuse to stop writing.

Signing of

Say goodbye and sign your name.

Extra Information

You can add extra information here.


-Weather: changeable, cloudy, cold, freezing, hot, rainy, sunny,
-Accommodation: cabin, campsite, farm, hotel, rented cottage, tent
-Locations: in a forest, in the middle of nowhere, in the mountains, on the
coast, near a town
-Activities: canoeing, diving, parachuting, rafting, sailing, skiing,
snowboarding, trekking, windsurfing

Informal Letter

Match the headings to the paragraphs.

a) an excuse to stop writing

b) introductory questions

d)- extra information

e)- what they are doing

c)the people in the group

f)- where they are

1- How are you? I hope the summer job is going well. Have you decided where to
go on holiday? The skiing break sounds the best, doesnt it?

2- Anyway, were camping here on the Isle of Sky. Were staying on a campsite in
the middle of nowhere. Weve been here for five days but it feels longer. Its
rained every single day can you imagine it? Everything is wet our shoes,
our sleeping bags, all our clothes!
3- We go walking every day and yesterday we saw some seals. Weve all tried
sailing and windsurfing, but were not very good. This afternoon I fell into the
sea five times!
4- Heres some news for you about the group. Tom complains about everything.
Collin spends all time trying to be funny. And Roger gets lost every five
minutes! But then Im sure you can imagine all that!

5- Well, I must finish its my turn to cook tonight. Write back soon Ill be home
on Monday (15th). You can tell me all your news!

6- P. S. Brian phoned before we left he wants you to get in touch.

Course: Eng 201

Informal Letter


Put The paragraphs in the correct order.

) a- P. S. Brian phoned before we left he wants you to get in
) b- Well, I must finish its my turn to cook tonight. Write back
soon Ill be home on Monday (15th). You can tell me all your news!
All the best,

) c- Heres some news for you about the group. Tom complains
about everything. Collin spends all time trying to be funny. And Roger
gets lost every five minutes! But then Im sure you can imagine all
) d- We go walking every day and yesterday we saw some seals.
Weve all tried sailing and windsurfing, but were not very good. This
afternoon I fell into the sea five times!
) e- Anyway, were camping here on the Isle of Sky. Were
staying on a campsite in the middle of nowhere. Weve been here for
five days but it feels longer. Its rained every single day can you
imagine it? Everything is wet our shoes, our sleeping bags, all our

) f- How are you? I hope the summer job is going well. Have you
decided where to go on holiday? The skiing break sounds the best,
doesnt it?
introductory questions
1- How are you? I hope the summer job is going well. Have you decided
where to go on holiday? The skiing break sounds the best, doesnt it?
where they are
2- Anyway, were camping here on the Isle of Sky. Were staying on a
campsite in the middle of nowhere. Weve been here for five days but it
feels longer. Its rained every single day can you imagine it? Everything
is wet our shoes, our sleeping bags, all our clothes!
what they are doing
3- We go walking every day and yesterday we saw some seals. Weve all
tried sailing and windsurfing, but were not very good. This afternoon I fell
into the sea five times!

the people in the group

4- Heres some news for you about the group. Tom complains about
everything. Collin spends all time trying to be funny. And Roger gets lost
every five minutes! But then Im sure you can imagine all that!
an excuse to stop writing
5- Well, I must finish its my turn to cook tonight. Write back soon Ill be
home on Monday (15th). You can tell me all your news!
All the best,
extra information
6- P. S. Brian phoned before we left he wants you to get in touch.

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