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Derrick Campus

BEC 710
Water Resource Engineering



: Deepak R Prasad

ID #

: 2006001699

Question No. 1
Q1a. Types of distribution system adopted for Suva city by WAF.

Figure 1 sourc: Water Authority of Fiji (WAF).

The above figure shows the Suva City map and WAF water pipe network as an overlay. It can
be concluded that WAF has a Dead End or Tree System distribution network. This is because
Suva City does not have a definite road pattern. There are areas where lots are divided in
rectangular pattern. In these areas, WAF has adopted Grid Iron System to some extent.

Q1b. Water distribution material adopted by WAF including shape of conduit.

WAF considers distribution pipe material based on the following properties:
The durability to last for long periods, buried in often aggressive soil environments.
Typical design life is 50 years minimum.
Corrosion resistance to the water inside them.
Low to nil solubility to avoid contaminating the potable water.
The strength to carry internal pressure.
The selection is from the list of; Steel, Galvanised Iron, Concrete, un-plasticised poly vinyl
chloride -uPVC and Polyethylene pipes. Plastic pipes are mostly used throughout the system
with metal valves and fittings for branches. While, DICL (Ductile Iron Cement Lining) pipes
are used for the mains due to high pressure and large diameter requirement.
In all case, pipe shape is circular.

Q1c. After disinfection why underground or overhead tanks.

The basis of tank option solely depends on the Hydraulic Gradient and construction cost. If
overhead tanks are used, water can then be transported via gravity main to the household.
In this way, cost of pumping water is eliminated. However, supporting structure need to be
constructed and consistently maintained. Overhead tanks are prone to wind forces.
Underground tanks on the other hand, may have just the right RL for gravity flow as well. In
this case, it will be a better option as it will not be subjected to storm gale winds.
Alternatively, a pump can be setup if base RL does not meet the Hydraulic Gradient
requirement. Unfortunately, Pump efficiency reduces as it deteriorates and even breaks
down. Pump option will have variation in flow and disrupted water supply if breakdowns
All in all, underground storage is normally preferred for large tanks where there is sufficient
base head for gravity flow.

Question No. 2
Q2a. Type of sewer system in Suva city? Why?

Figure 2 source: Water Authority of Fiji (WAF).

The above figure shows the Suva City map and WAF sewer pipe network as an overlay. The
gravity pipes are in green while, raising mains is in red.
WAF has a Separate Sewerage System. Sewerage is collected from household in zonal
pattern and transported to Kinoya Sewerage Treatment Plant. Surface runoff is not collected
by WAF. The reason is to reduce treatment cost. Furthermore, Fijis current Environmental
Law does not require surface runoff treatment either. Discharge into normal surface drains
is accepted practice.
WAF do have plans to include Industrial waste. But this is yet in the implementation phase.
Only few companies have been added to the collection network.

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