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HRM Introduction Importance and Evolution

Human Resource Management is an elaboration of the STAFFING function

which is part of the basic principles of Management namely

Leading and,

The Evolution of HRM from Personnel management is traced to period following

the Industrial Revolution.
The pioneering contributors include,
Peter Drucker and Douglas McGregor and dates back to fifties.
The thought process centred around following thoughts that capture the essence
of HRM.
An effective Management must direct the vision and effort of all managers
Towards a common goal..Peter Drucker
The management philosophy must be built up based on attitudes and beliefs of
about people, and The managerial role of achieving integration ...Douglas
Thus the Human Resource management is a strategic approach to the
acquisition, motivation , Development, and management of the Organisations.
. HRM is a specialised field which attempts to achieve the Organisation needs
and Goals and objectives thru development of programmes and policies that also
promote satisfaction and enhancement of the individuals.
The evolution of HRM is linked to its older form of Personnel Management and its
are traced to the advent of Industrial Revolution. The early contributors include..
Robert Owen , Adam Smith, Charles Babbage,.
Eventually in the Scientific Management Era the main contributors include
Fredrick W Taylor. His principles of management covered the following

The development of a true science of each job

A scientific selection of the right person for the job,

Training a person to perform his job in a scientific manner,


Friendly co-operation between the management and the men.

The industrial psychological era followed up and had following contributors.

Hugo Munsterburg .....Psychology and Industrial Efficiency
Elton Mayo ... Experiments at Hawthorne works of Western Electric Company
in late 1920.
They concluded that Human and Social Factors, not physical variables accounted
for the Productivity.
Thus the emergence of a social system happened that deviated from TechnicalEconomical System.
The eventual thinkers include
Abraham Maslow ...Theory of Hierarchy of needs..1954
Herzbergs theory ... Two Factor theory of Motivation
The Douglas McGregors Theory X (Hard Approach) and Theory Y (Soft
Rensis Likert s theories of Systems of Organisation...
The Globalisation and Ever Changing needs of the business include
Mergers and Acquisitions, Mobility of work force, Outsourcing, Global Village
concept and the recent Slow Down or Recession.
The Evolution is seen as under
1. Industrial Revolution Era to 19th Century
a) Shift to Factories
b) Mechanisation replaces Manual production
c) Migration / Urbanisation
d) Need for Education/Trg
e) Scale compelling need for specialists to manage
2. Trade Union Movements impact Close to 19th Century
a) Common issues and Exploitative issues taken up
b) Grievance Handling as an outcome to overcome forms like
Strikes/Slowdown etc

Social Responsibility Era Early 20th Century


a) Philanthropy & paternalistic approach Robert Owen

b) Promotion of Social Welfare Age /Hrs of Work/Facilities & other Welfare
4. Scientific Management
a) Job Analysis- Time & Motion Studies/fatigue etc
b) Standardisation Tools/ times /Cost elements
c) Scientific Selection & Training
d) Financial Incentives
e) Change in attitude Co-operation in place of Conflict
Human Relations Area- 1930-50 Dependence of following on
a) Importance of Social factors at Work Place (Hawthorne experiments)
b) Group formation and Influences
c) Leadership
d) Communication
6. Behavioural Science Era -1950-1960(Contributions of Maslow, Herzberg
Mcgregor, Rensis Likert, Blake & Mouton )
a) Behavioural Studies reflected on Motivational aspects
b) Managers ability to tap and direct potential, besides healthy

Systems & Contingency Approach Era -1960

a) HR management as a system

b) Open Social Systems dependent on impacts of Actions that are situation

8. Human Resources Management Era post 1970s
a) Specialisation From Personnel to HRM
b) Educational Streams developed to adapt to this

The Line and Staff orientation of the HRM function.

The way an Authority is used dictates whether a Function is Line or Staff.

Authority is the right to make decisions; direct others work and give

A Line manager is one who is authorised to direct the work of a subordinate

and responsible for accomplishing the Organisations Goals.

Staffs Manager is the one who assists and advises Line Managers.

Thus the Human Resources Function is a staff function and includes

1 A Line Function within the department. This also includes the Implied
Authority that is vested in the function for various activities,

2 A Coordination Function. This concerns with implementation aspects of

the HR function

3 Staff or Service Function.. Concerns Serving and advising Line Managers.

Involves Hiring Training Evaluating, Rewarding ..etc of Manpower

The HRM is thus concerned with the following functions

Conducting Job Analysis

Planning Manpower Needs and Recruitment.


Orienting and Training new employees

Managing Wage and salaries

Providing Incentives and Benefits

Appraising Performance
Communicating ..Interviewing, Counselling,


Training and Developing

Building Employee Commitment

Other areas that matter include

Employee Health and Safety
Grievances and Labour Relations
Promote and instil Org Culture through policies/procedures /processes as an
ongoing activity

Difference Between Personnel Management and HRM.

Personnel Management
Concerns Management of
Considers the Economic
potential contributed by the
Treats the Persons/Group of
Persons as a part of a Cost
Centre and relates to costs
Views the resource as a
commercial item that can be
bought/ purchased
The Planning for the
Resource is mathematical

The engagement of the

Group is directed towards
organisational Benefit/ Profit

Human Resource
Concerns Management of Skills,
Knowledge, abilities,
Talent aptitude and creativity
Considers the economic aspects
alongside the other influential
factors like Social, Psychological,
Treats the Group as profit centre
and considers costs incurred on
them as an investment. Relative
workings of these are different
from PM..
Views as a resource contributing
to objectives and relates to these
more as investments
The Planning considers present
capabilities and the potential,
allowing opportunities for overall
growth of individual and the
group. Also considers the
Resource as a Talent pool with
record on this for constant
The engagement of the individual
and the group is towards mutual
benefit and considers individual
advancement in Skills,
Knowledge, abilities, Talent
aptitude and creativity of the

individual and the Groups

Has lesser Role in Strategic
Planning due to Numerical
accounting of the Resource
and only the costs thereof

Has higher consideration in

Strategic Planning on account of
the depth of involvement in the
Resource utilisation

Role of HR manager
As seen in the comparison the role of HR manager revolves around managing
the Human Resource with a view that they and their well being is an investment
towards the aim of achieving the Org Goals.
Role of a Mentor ..The Hr manager must at all times view his responsibility
towards the
Human Resources on the lines of a Mentor. In this it is the ability to listen to and
appreciate the concerns of individuals and the Groups and provide guidance/
answers not loosing the sight of the Organisational Objectives . The other
responsibilities would include the development of the resource.
Acting in the capacity of a Change Agent/ catalyst. The HR Manager is to bring
to the table
his ability to utilise the resource most profitably. In this he can act as a change
agent by
appropriate inducement of the Resource and guiding them in enabling to achieve
Organisational objectives.
Professional knowledge partner.. Today's HR manger needs to be very
versatile. He has to not only know his own profession well but also have adequate
exposure to various faculties like .. Social Sciences, General Knowledge,
Accounting, Technical Know-how and Technical advances, IT and latest advances
in this field, Mathematical Acumen, etc.
As a Controller:-Managerial Competence is a must and the Role calls for the
abilities in Planning, Organising, commanding and Controlling. There is a great
need to provide proven leadership to the people .The HR manager thus has to
cultivate the ability to get along with people belonging to different ethnic groups,
Communicate effectively, and provide leadership in times of Crisis.

Strategic Partner..The HR manager has to possess the capability to provide

strategic guidance and participation in the Organisations strategy. Here his
ability to consider the Resources potential and align it with the Organisations
Objectives is very important.
The areas in which the HR managers Role Contributes are..

Optimum Utilisation of The Human Energies

Conversion of the Human Resources into Human Assets
Enhancing the Quality of Life both at work and Home and enabling the
individuals with self esteem and self actualisation by providing
opportunities of Recognition.
Encouraging use of Talent and unutilised potential and opportunity to
realise aspirations while encouraging excellence, learning and creativity,
innovation and initiative. This calls for providing opportunities for Learning /
Training and Development besides Growth in the organisation.
Contribute to well being of the Society through care and concern for Social
Creating a Work Culture that fosters Good faith, Trust, Harmony and
satisfaction and motivation.
Adaptability to change be in areas of Technology, Organisational Objectives
(Customer Focus) ,Social, Economical and Political Changes and their
impact on the work force

Duties of HR Manager

To maintain and update Job Analysis , description and specifications for all
Planning the Human Resource Requirement and carrying out the
Recruitment, Selection and Placement.
Providing orientation (Induction) and training of New Employees
Manage the Compensation (Wage Administration) plan and its efficient
implementation through Finance dept
To appropriately operate schemes towards incentive, benefits and upgrade
these as necessary
Carry out Organisation wide Performance Appraisal and performance
management and keep operative the Compensation plan up to date in line
with the environment.
Corporate Communications related to HR.. House magazine, Important
announcements, Notice Boards, e mailers, campaigns etc
To Carry out and facilitate (Where other than HR Trg is undertaken)Training
and development across the organisation

Building employee Commitment through efforts in Organisational

Development, and other practices. (e.g. Placing HR Reps in depts)
Ensure all legal Compliances applicable to the Organisation like Minimum
wages, PF, Gratuity, Workmans Compensation etc at all times
Handling Employee Grievances and maintaining Harmony in Industrial
Providing appropriate Health and safety measures as called for by the law
and in line with practices in the Industry
Advising management on Issues pertaining to Ethics, Discipline and Morale
in The Organisation.
Maintaining Confidential Records of all personnel and keep a cross check on
referrals related to Placement and earlier employment and credibility
checks of employees,
Watch for cases of Subversive activities and anti social activities including
control on personnel of doubtful antecedents and those engaging in
unethical activities
Maintain information on Demographic matters like Gender, Family Status,
etc Watch for cases of Subversive activities and anti social activities
including control on personnel of doubtful antecedents and those engaging
in unethical activities
Ensure all legal Compliances applicable to the Organisation like Minimum
wages, PF, Gratuity, Workmans Compensation etc at all times
Maintain information of Critical importance like Handicapped Employees,
Socially active Employees, Club Activities etc
Ensure Administrative efficiency in operations like Canteens, Transport, and
other Facilities .Providing appropriate Health and safety measures as called
for by the law and in line with practices in the Industry
Public Relations and sharing of good rapport with neighbourhood,
Government and other bodies like Chambers of Commerce etc.
Maintaining, Developing and Modifying Organisation Culture in Line with
Organisations Mission

The concept of HCM emerged in Mid nineties ( around 1985)

The Human Capital refers to The sum total of Knowledge , Education ,
Training , Skills and expertise Of a Firms employees .
1. Thus the HCM is now more into managing these Assets Vis a Vis the
People that possess them
2. While HR considers people as investments , HCM would consider
investment in Knowledge Education, Training and Skills.
as more relevant

3 HCM s outlook is to align the key possessions to the organisational strategy

and objectives than the superficial alignment of organisational hierarchy by
broad alignment
4 The most competitive companies will have the best strategies and methods
for attracting, hiring, managing, developing and retaining top performing
5. The success of any company will depend on its ability to understand how
human capital links to its performance and its wealth.
Introduction to HCM
1. The success of any company will depend on its ability to understand how
human capital links to its performance and its wealth.
2. The most competitive companies will have the best strategies and methods
for ttracting, hiring, managing, developing and retaining top performing
3. In today s scenario the organisations need to train managers on how to
apply human capital management (HCM) principles and methods to
business strategy and performance.
Principles of HCM
1. Building a powerful human capital strategy requires solid facts, measures,
and processes
for discerning where the firm will get the most leverage from its people.
2. Recent technological advances have been the catalysts for the emergence
of new approaches to human capital management. (Commn, Nano
technology, solar energy, and impact on learning and other abilities)
3. Business models and human capital strategies must match.
4. Taking advantage of the observations and records of actual events
maintained in a companys HR information systems (HRIS) helps discern
how business model and human capital strategies have been working for or
against each other. E.g. FMCG/Retail /Infrastructure
5. Theres a floor to cost reduction but no ceiling to value creation.
6 Find the key points of leverage for increased profits.
7 View your human capital as a value-producing asset instead of a cost to be
reduced, or reined in.
8 New management tools now exist to help orgs analyze how key outcomes
such as productivity are affected over time by human capital attributes and
practices. These tools help predict the return on human capital
9. Identifying and focusing on whats important will drive value.

Manpower Planning and Recruitment

Human Resource Planning is a process of determining and assuring
that the
Organisation will have an adequate number of qualified number of
Persons available at the proper Time, performing jobs which meet the
needs of the enterprise and which provide satisfaction for the
individuals involved.
Dale S. Beach

Manpower planning is the process including forecasting, developing

and Controlling, by which a firm ensures that it has the right number
of people, and right kind of people at the right places at the right time
doing work for which they are economically most useful
Nature of HR/ Manpower Planning
As indicated by the definitions , the Manpower planning is about

Ascertaining manpower needs in Numbers and Kind

Ascertaining Existing Inventory of Manpower and analysis

thereof to include Potential tapping

Assist in Determining Shortfalls /Surplus and comparison

with needs . Also helps in projecting Future Needs

Providing a platform to commence various programs e.g.

employment , training, or retirements/ discharge etc.

Initiate actions related to Acquisitions, utilisation ,

Improvement ,and preservation of the Human Resources

Objectives of Manpower Planning

Optimum Use of Human Resources

Manage balance in allocation and distribution of Resources

Determine the future skill requirements in line with org


Create feasibility to ensure availability of resources as and

when necessary

Control the costs aspect in respect of HR

Formulate Policies governing Promotions and Transfers etc

of Manpower
Benefits of Manpower Planning

Reduction of labour Costs by enabling anticipation of

Shortages/Surpluses and correcting in balances in timely
manner before these become a burden

Provides a platform for planning the Employee

Development in line with skills needed by the organisation

Corrective mechanism to identify gaps in existing

manpower in terms of skills available versus needed and
imparting necessary training to fill the void

Provides leadership in overall business planning /strategic

planning process

Provides visibility to Personnel matters like Succession,

development , job rotation/changes, growth opportunity

Better visibility of Manpower management and importance

to the organisation

Provides solutions in respect of manpower like alternative

manpower and policies affecting them

Process of Human Resource Planning

Steps in Planning

Determining Objectives of Manpower Planning

Inventory of Current manpower

Demand status in Future

Job Requirements

Employment Plan

Trg and Development Program

The Manpower planning Process

Steps In Manpower Planning

Each Component of the Process has various Facets and these cover
Objectives of Manpower Planning These relate to Future
Needs and consider organisations Future Needs and provide an
effective ROI in Human Resources
Current manpower Trends :-This is to consider the analysis of
current manpower supply, by Function, By Occupation, By Skill
Levels, or By Qualifications and
relevance to organisational
needs in line with the Work Practices, Leave entitlements, Hrs of

Demand Forecasting :Trends in Employment refers to examining statistical status

for recent past and determining trends .Stability and
fluctuations are determined and noted . Relevance to Statistical
data is also carried out. e.g. Sales achieved and the manpower.

Replacement Needs relates to replacements that can be on

of predictable matters like(a) Retirement
(b) Resignations
(c) Terminations
(d) Transfers , and
(e) Deaths -Unpredictable ,causing temporary disruption
that can be

Productivity- This aspect has coverage of -Increase in
Productivity , Application of Industrial Engg . for enhancement of
Production w/o change in Manpower, Change in Technology
( Tools , eqpt, Processes)and its impacts. This would include
relevance to Job Analysis
Growth and Expansion These would cover the Time Span of
a Plan and needs forspecific manpower and accuracy in
projections matter.
Absenteeism Considers the absenteeism trend and applies
this to consider availability of requisite manpower, so as to not
have impact of this on work and productivity
Job Requirements This step considers qualitative aspects
Specializations and numbers are considered and provide good
tools of Manpower planning
Employment Plans :-this involves a program that captures
Recruitment, Selection, Training, Transfer , and promotions over
a period of time
Training and Development Programs :- The Skills inventory
provides information on the trg and Development needs of the
organisation including New or Old . Enhancing Productivity or
maintaining it both these are possible by this.
Appraisal of Manpower Planning :- Periodic Stock Taking and
Review and corrective actions to keep the plan on track to cover
shortfalls or adjust surpluses is needed

Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for

employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the
organisation. Edwin B Flippo
Recruitment is the development and maintenance of adequate
manpower resources and involves creation of a pool of available
labour (Talent bank) from whom the organisation can draw when it
needs additional employees . Dale S Beach
A parallel can be drawn between Marketing and Sales where
Marketing is an effort to attract prospective buyers and sale is when
actual buying happens.
The process has new Jargons that capture this activity and include
1. Poaching
2. Nerd Rustling
This includes
Identifying different sources of supply
Assess the validity of these resources
Choose the matching and suitable source/s
Invite response by means of Applications from these/ initiate

The sources of Recruitment are broadly divided into two

Internal From Within
External - From Outside

Internal Sources
Transfer - The activity involves shifting employees from an
assignment to another
(Shift, Dept, Job ) considering his compatibility in terms of knowledge
And attitudes. With the job to which shift is planned . Also considered
for Multi

skilling this can take a shape of Job Rotation and would have less to
do with
change in Responsibility, Pay and Status.

Promotion- In this case the Shift is for a Higher Position, Role, Status
and related effects on Pay and authority. This can be a part of a
Succession Plan that is organisationWide besides career progression
when considered in isolation for an individual.Most often resorted to
by organisations ,they give a great fillip to enhancing the
Organisational Bonds and Culture, and in return a renewed
commitment and performance from those considered.

Merits of Internal

Demerits of Internal

Enhancing Morale, Motivation

and Performance

scope for induction of Fresh

Talent reduced

Maintenance of Industrial

Perpetual /Routine promotions

may setback performance

A low cost activity not

needing reference checking

Repetitive transfers can hamper


A transfer is a good training

tool towards promotion

Inclinations to compete and vie

for progress can be affected.

Balancing manpower
availability and succession
plans can be pursued

Subjectivity in this can result in

negative impact

Recruitment at Gate: - A common feature to make up the need for

labour that is low in skill and often dubbed as Casual /Badli workers ,
The resources make up for
1. Absenteeism
2. Seasonal Work (Includes work on weekly off)
3. Planned Maintenance (Long Breaks )
4. Temporary increase in outputs.
5. Need for temporarily filling positions (Low Skill ) that are created
by transfers.
Casual Applicants: - These include applicants that send in
applications without any
advertisement on account of Here Say information or the Companys
goodwill . A cheap resource when tracked with diligence and care, is a
very valuable source of applicants
Advertisements: - Most often resorted for Qualified and
Experienced personnel not Available by other means , this provides a
very fair exposure to the organisation and also captures the
requirement in depth allowing candidates to apply these for fair
assessment of their own suitability. The Flip side it may result in large
response (Uncalled for) needing sorting.
Employment Agencies: - These relate to the Governments service
through the exchanges. The Compulsory Notification of Vacancies also

provides a platform to bring together the provider and the needy. The
private sector is relying less on this and more on other resources.
Consultants :- Specialised services provided for Middle to top
positions especially in Professional and managerial cadre , the
consultants maintain a data bank and provide shortlisted (pre
matched)candidates and charge about one Months CTC to the
Campus Placements:- Specialisation In Educational Streams now
copes with complex requirements of the Industry and the practice
involves recruiters being at the Campus as per a Schedule, assisted
by the Institutes personnel enabling short listing and conduct of Tests
and Interviews . Much publicised for placements by IIMs and IITs and
B schools of repute, this is a reflection of Brand Value as well.
Recommendations /referrals :- Often promoted by organisations,
this provides candidates whose referrals and screening is partly taken
care of , Is useful when in need for large numbers with simpler
profiles. When this involves incentives to employees for referring, it is
still less costly as compared to consultants.
Labour Suppliers :- The contractors hold a large number of persons
that can be utilised by the Organisation. The system is used in Real
estate industry where the nature of work is predominantly temporary
and transitory, though specialised e.g. Centering, Tiles Fixing, and
Plumbing etc. Also some functions that can be passed on to such
contractual agencies include House Keeping, Security etc.
Telecast / Business Conferences / Comm. News :- These means
are not direct means of promoting employment but provide an
insight into the future plans of the company and the relevant Impact
on employment e.g. Expansion, Acquisition, New Products ,etc .
Information Released from various surveys also provide inputs on the
employment scenario.
Job Portals :- these are exclusive business methods thru which one
can get access to Data Banks maintained by the portals like, Monster, Job@ A charge allows Companies
access to the Rich Data base where sorting is easy and with
appropriate filters a short listing is possible. The dependence

however is on data as fed by candidates and poses risks of having to

sort over toned /exaggerated profiles.
Walk Ins and Rallies :- This pertains to a scheduled activity where
the prospective candidates are reached by various means
(Advertisement, Radio Announcements , website insertions and
posters at relevant locations e.g. institutes etc,) and are screened by
a group representing the organisation. The Positions are generally of
expertise very common and available in numbers. Popular in
Recruitment for the Police and Army.The Walk ins for industry have a
preliminary screening to align those with requisite background,
alongside objective tests for short listing.
Apprenticeship Program : - The companies in Engineering Industry
have been running these programs for creating a Manpower aligned
to their needs, Telco, SKF and L & T are some examples. Though this
is a training activity in which the individuals draw a stipend and are
not employees in the fullest sense, but eventually are absorbed as
Regular Employees on completion of the Apprenticeship
Partnership Programs: - these are not direct recruiting areas but
lead to creation of a Talent pool that is almost tailor made for the
industry. The arrangement is of sharing of the special needs of
industry with technical institutions like ITI where the Curriculum and
Training is aligned around these. The Government of Maharashtra is
funding this program recently launched (Sep 2009).

Job Analysis It is the procedure of determining the Duties and Skill

requirements that are required for performing A job and the kind of
individual that needs to be employed for it
Job Description It is the listing of Duties, Responsibilities,
Reporting Relationships and Work environment and Supervisory
responsibilities regarding a Job

Job Specifications:- A list of Human requirements pertaining to a Job

viz ..
Skills , Education. Personality etc
Job Evaluation : pertains to comparison of Jobs within an
Organisation where relative worth is a major consideration

Purpose of Using the Information (Quantitative /Qualitative)

Will decide the Nature of data being collected

Method of Collecting it

Consider and review relevant Backgrounds

Includes relational aspects of the position
Processes that have relevance to the Job in terms of its
peculiarity of the position
e,g. in assly line or work flow
Choose a Sample ( Similar ) position
Enables considering commonly applicable factors
Applicability of sample to a large number easy
Carry out Job Analysis
Involves collecting data like , traits, environment, education etc
Verify the information with reality
Provide opportunity to review , confirm the information and
acceptance by Job Holder
Develop the Job Description and Analysis
Create a Written Output summarizing the inputs collected as a
referral and
record document

Parties to the Activity

HR Specialist, The Worker ( Job Holder), Supervisor of the Worker
Methods to collect Data
Diary / Logs

Are Conducted one to one and may involve interviewing a group
if job represents a Large Size
The Interviewee must understand the query correctly and not
reflect on Personal /individual efficiency
Immediate supervisor should be in attendance
Very Common

May be viewed as an

Simple And Quick

Can be defied if viewed


Effective Communication
can yield Valuable info

Information provided
may be vitiated

Contents of Interview Questionnaire/Questionnaire

Questions seeking answers to What in respect of
The Job
Major Duties of the Job
Location of Work
Education , Experience, Skill etc about the Job
Responsibilities and General Duties
Performance Standards applicable and accountability
Working Environment and work Conditions ( Heat, Dust ,
Noise etc &Exposure type)
Physical Emotional &Mental Demands on the job
Health safety and hazard Conditions and Exposure type/

Useful where job consists of observable activities only
( Clerk Vis A Vis Engineer)

Observation of a work Cycle of the jobs is followed by

clarifications with Job Holder
Also includes questioning and Interview to support

Logs/ Diary's
Pertain to recording of activity in detail with Time and Other
May be circumvented, by exaggeration if not closely supervised
Lengthy , Time Taking and looses relevance if having gaps in
Job Description Will Contain
Job Identified
Job Summary
Responsibilities and duties
Authority Vested in the position
Standards of Performance
Work Conditions
Job Specifications
Job Specification would include considerations about traits /Skills
and contain
Experience ( Length),
Former Job Performance
Training Record /Performance
Behavioral aspects to indicate job related aspects ( e.g.
Industriousness, Unruly (double negatives), Adaptable, )
Job Enlargement
Concerns horizontal expansion (Widening Scope )of The Job

Involves increasing activities carried out

Does not alter the autonomy or Responsibility

Expands the Varieties of tasks performed ( e.g. Quality checks by

Reduces Reapeativity / Boredom

Achieved Through 4 Stages
Challenging the Employee involves tapping potential and
support by changes
Replacing Repetitive/Boring tasks by Mechanisation
Assigning more tasks / operations within the same job
Using Job Rotation
Job Enrichment
Concerns both Horizontal and Vertical Restructuring of the job
Attempts to increase meaningfulness and satisfaction of work
Job is upgraded and involves
More Autonomy on how the job is performed
Accountability is enhanced
A unit of work ( end to end) is assigned
Access to more information provided Skills and Development up
gradation emphasised

A career Denotes a succession of related jobs, arranged in a hierarchy

of prestige,
Through which a person moves in an ordered, predictable sequence.

A career is more than just the job or sequence of jobs a person holds
a period of life time .It is the individually perceived sequence of
attitudes &
Behaviors associated with work related experiences and activities
over a
Persons life
This covers the following aspects of a Career

Reference to different Jobs Held over Employment/Life


Process and activities that are enablers for Job

Attitudes and values and beliefs related to the job

Relationship with the persons identity to the work

Career Anchors
These are the Basic drives ( persons potential, possessions ) that
create urge
to pursue a career
Career Anchors include
1. Technical Competence
Professional satisfaction and continuous learning
(Sharpening the saw Stephen covey 7 Habits, 8 th Habit)
2. Managerial competence
Opportunity for Higher Responsibility, decision makingrisk
taking, Influence
(Leadership qualities)

3. Security
Concerns security of Career through compliance to Norms
(Adherence to protocol leading to sense of security? Rebels* ?)
4. AutonomyFreedom of action and independence ( being responsible)
5. Creativity-

(Opportunity to innovate and take risks*)


Traditional Career

Protean Career


Promotions/Salary Rise

Psychological Success


Security for

Flexibility in




Resp for Mgmt





Spiral /Transitory


Know how/
Dependency on Trg

Relationships &

Career management
Mechanisms that assist include
1. Self assessment
2. Reality Check - Feedback ( P.A. With Career Development
3. Goal Setting (Drawing Short & long Term Goals , with manager
to include
Competencies, Areas for Improvement, Career Goals, Next Level and
T & D needs )
4. Action Plan ( Career Management System - a collaborative
response as a business need , supported by Sr. Mgmt, and
access to info on avenues . Linked to HR practices Performance
Mgmt, Trg, etc)

The Self Assessment would include pertinent self query to include

seeking answers
About Following activity & its intent
Step 1

Where am I (Trace journey till now & likely)

Step 2

Who am I (Examine Roles - ?)

Step 3
to happen

Where would I like to be & what would I like

(Enables Goal Setting)

Step 4
would do if

An ideal Period ( Link to step 3 of what you

this was feasible)

Step 5

An Ideal Job ( relates to Current Goal )

Step 6

Career Objective through current Inventory

What gets you excited?
What do you do well ? Or known for ?
Whats needed to achieve your goals ?
What interferes in achieving in your Goals ?
Whats your long term career objective ?

(Ref Raymond Noe 365)

Training is the act of Increasing the Knowledge and skills of an
Employee for doing
A Particular job Edwin Flippo
Its components include

Skills and


Development refers to Formal education , job experiences,

relationships and assessments of personality and abilities that help
employees perform effectively in their current or Future Job and
company .
Objectives of Training
1. Enhance the knowledge Level in an Employee in enabling
Performance on specific Job
2. Imparting New Skills , to fasten the Learning process
3. Creating desired Change in ATTITUDE of the worker towards
The Work
The Organisation
4. Improve overall performance of the organisation
5. Reduction of Wastes
6. Enhanced awareness of Safety and Relevant application of
it( Resulting in Reduction in Accidents)

7. Prepare Workers for Career Path by developing Requisite Skills for

it ( Succession /
Replacement/ New positions)
Need For Training
Change In technology ( Valuing Knowledge -Lathes to SPMs TO
CNCs , to Robotics and Nano Technology )
Customer Focus ( Reflection in Quality / variety of the product)

Productivity ( Lowering Costs per Unit, Sustenance In competition,

Modifications to methods/ processes)
Stability of Tenure (Attract talent Reduce Attrition, Enhance
Confidence in Organisation, Reduce Absenteeism)
Enhance Safety at Work Place
Better management (Skills and attitudes training results in promoting
discipline and need forLesser Supervision)
Maintenance of Demographic impact and individual aspirations
( Concerns career Path, Placements And overall organisational
demographic impacts e.g. Recruitment versus Internal resourcing via
Face impact of Globalization - cross cultural trg / off-shoring

The decisions on Training commence with assessing Training Needs

Training Needs Assessment
Indicators to Training Needs
Need for adoption of New Technology
Low Performance, reflected by output, quality and symptomatic
associated behavior
Gap in Expected versus Given Performance Productivity
Sustenance Competition in Market, Change in product
designs ,costing , retention etc

Sources of Information on Needs

The Organisation
The task
The Person
Each provides Important Inputs for the Nature of Training to be
The Organisation provides inputs on
Appropriateness of Trg vis a vis Business Strategy

(e.g. Concentration market share , Costs Maintenance, Growth

Internal or External )
Availability of Resources
Support for Training
The Person Analysis
Relationship of performance Deficiencies with Skill, Ability and
Who all need training
Readiness for training ( Inclination towards trg and remedial
activity if not Inclined)
Task analysis
Specifics of The Knowledge
Specifics of Skills and
Specifics of Attitudes and Behaviours

Needs assessment Process

Performance Management is a means of getting better results from

the organisation,
Teams and individuals by understanding and managing performance
within an agreed
Framework of planned goals , standards, and competencies required.
It is a process for Establishing a shared understanding about what is
to be achieved (Goals /Tasks ) and an approach to managing and
developing people in a way that it will be achieved in the Short and
Performance Management is different from Performance Appraisal. At
best appraisal is a sub-set of the performance
management.Performance management is a strategic and integrated
approach to delivering Sustained Success to org by improving
performance of People and by developing the capabilitiesOf teams
and Individual Contributions. STOREY AND SISSON
Performance is about optimally realising an individual Potential and
this can be in 3 parts.
BEING concerns the potential/competencies of the Individual that
are relevant
DOING Concerns activities that are effective at different Levels in
any organisation and impact one anothers Role and the
Organisations Performance,
RELATING Nature of relationship Vertical /Horizontal
Performance management as a system

Performance Appraisal
Dale Yoder :- Performance Appraisal includes all formal procedures
used to evaluate
Personalities and Contributions and potentials of Group Members in a
Organisation . It is a continuous process to secure information
necessary for making
Correct and objective decisions on employees.
Thus it is a process of (Objectives )
1. Evaluation of employee s performance in terms of the
requirement of the job .
2. For purpose of Administration that includes
Placement/Selection for Promotion Rewards and other
differential treatments (salary Increase /Increments)as
against commonly affecting actions
3. And Considers potential as a part of Career and other
aspects(trg etc) over longer periods
4. Performance of specific Periods considered for assessment.
(Feedback and Stimulant Mechanism)
Performance Factors or Criteria

These are the Competencies associated with a Job/Role performed

and are classified as
Managerial /Leadership
These are further sub-divided as under
1. Communication Skills Clarity, Logic, Concise, listening etc
2. Analytical and Problem Solving Thinking Logically, practically ,
analytically ,application
3. Planning and Organising Prioritising , Scheduling, optimising
,time management etc.
4. Focus on Excellence and Simplicity
5. Efforts on Self Development
6. .Accountability Assuming Responsibility , Customer Focus ,
Managerial /Leadership
1. Strategic Thinking
2. Adopting to Change
3. Developing Sub-ordinates /Mentoring
4. Team work Sharing, Grooming, Balancing, confronting ?,
5. Delegating & Empowering
6. Decision making
7. Motivating and Inspiring
1. Relationship Building
2. Innovativeness and Adaptability
3. Dependability orientation to commitment , accomplishment
4. Initiative and Drive
5. Endurance

6. Sensitivity

Compensation Includes Direct Cash payments , Indirect Payments in

the form
Of employee benefits and incentives to motivate employees to strive
for high
Levels of productivity Cascio
Components :Wage /Salary Time based payment
Incentives :- Additional payment linked to Productivity , may be
individual or
Group based and may relate to Improvement in Production or
Reduction in Costs
Fringe Benefits :- Provident Fund, Gratuity, Insurance, Uniforms ,
Canteen ,Bus Facility etc.
Perquisites :- Staff based payment e.g. Fuel Allowance, White Goods ,
Others :- Lunch Coupons /Tickets (Sodexho /Meal Ticket), Annual Gift,
Reimbursement of Medical Expenses , LTA
Beach :- Wage and salary administration refers to the establishment
implementation of sound policies and practices of employee
compensation and
Include Job Evaluation, Surveys of Wages and Salaries, Analysis of
Organisational problems, development & maintenance of Wage
establishing rules for administering wages, wage payments,
incentives, profit
sharing, Wage Changes and adjustment, supplementary payments,
control of

Compensation cost and other costs.

1. Conduct/Acquire Salary Survey

This involves acquiring of information on bench Marked Jobs across
the companies
where salaries are compared for similar jobs and data is widely
2. Evaluate Jobs
Pertains to Systematic Comparison amongst jobs to consider
Aspects considered include Skills, Efforts, Responsibility, Working
Conditions and risks involved.* Methods include
Ranking Based on the Job Analysis , Job Description are
prepared and based on a compensable Factor (e.g. Job
Difficulty ) ranks are assigned .If need be ranks can be
Clustered /Averaged
Job Classification Job description are the basis , however jobs
can be Classified or Graded and across the organisation in
spite of different Jobs these could be Favourably Graded *e.g.
Helper Vs Gen Attendant H 1, Gen Asst Vs Clerk Vs
Receptionist S1, Mechanic Vs Security Inspector Vs Driver etc
T1 .
Point Method A quantitative Method where compensable
factors and their relevant presence in each Job is considered .
E.g. Responsibility can have 5degrees. Compare Cashier with
a General Clerk. The Totalling of points provides a Value
Factor Comparison A progression of the Ranking Method,
every single Compensable factor is assessed for each job and
a cluster prepared. Data is more evened out

Computerised Job Evaluation concerns quantitative Job

Evaluation by

assistance of computers e.g. simplifying Job analysis based

on Data entries
and assessing response on Comparable factor
questionnaire etc. Method is

Paired Comparison Here jobs are compared to another for

arriving at a RankingThough good for small numbers complex
for large samples

Grouping Jobs into Pay Grade

arrive at Wage Curve
Fine Tune the assessments/ Pay Rates
Create Broad Brands, Plot as Cluster in Broad Brands
Determine Pay Grades
Benchmarking Jobs This includes such jobs that are Stable over
time and are well known e.g. Project manager, Cashier,
The job is common across a number of different
A large number of employees are employed in this job

Retirement - /Separation
Retirement is a time bound event in which an employee by virtue of
having attained a particular age ceases to continue to be in the
active employment of the organisation.
These concern legal Norms and Rules .The Separations have
implications of settlement

Like PF, Gratuity, Annuities, Leave Salary, Switchovers of payments to

LIC etc , and other benefits .
It is one of the means of Separation amongst others that include
Pre Mature Retirement Has same connotations of Retirement
except a separation happening earlier than the mature time
Voluntary Retirement/Redundancy Compulsions
Involuntary Separations Include deaths, Attrition of self will
The Examples are as under
Termination: - Means available to Employer to sever the relations
Normally with provisions of Notice or Severance Pay
Resignation: - Means available to Employees to sever the relations.
Also has a Notice Period binding that can be waived. This activity
strongly relates to the ATTRITION
impacts where the figures for
such separations are considered most seriously
Dismissal /Discharge: - A separation on disciplinary grounds .these
can be Misconduct, Lack of qualification, Integrity issues.
Release on Non Confirmation: - This is a simple separation post the
Probation wherein, the employees services are not confirmed and the
reasons include Lack of desired Performance, Incompatibility on
cultural or other grounds, and Referrals not up to the mark
Downsizing /VRS
These terms are not synonymous but the effect is similar leading to
reduction in size of Employment.Attributable to various business
compulsions Business Decisions (Mergers /AcquisitionsDe-mergers ),
Strategy, Legal Difficulty,
Severe impact of market conditions
(Funds, Demand, Regulations etc).

The Voluntary Retirement is a mechanism to reduce manpower

drawing higher
salaries with due considerations of Age and Retirement benefits in
line with

the trends enabling organisations to carry out business plans post

VRS. e.g.
shifting base , fresh recruitment etc.
Union Carbide, M Forge,
Daimler Chrysler , Bajaj Auto, Kinetic , Satyam
Layoff /Closures Similar to Downsizing , however have legal
implications needing approvals sanctions of government and support
from Union . A difficult decision , layoff would be temporary ,but
closures have serious ramifications.
Block Closures :-These are temporary measures of stoppage of work
on account of various business compulsions. These need support of
Trade Unions and can have various issues like Rate of Pay during the
Block Closure , period of Closure and other aspects .e.g. SKF Bearings
Tata Motors , Maruti in recent times.

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