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Flotation of Fine and Coarse Applied to Mineral Recovery


J. Concha 1, E. Wasmund2
1. Deputy Managing Director, EFD|Peru,
2. Global Managing Director, EFD|Canada,

Several re searchers report that one of the variables that have greatest
impact on the flotation process is the particle size of the mineral. In practice
it has been observed that the efficiency of
microns and in the opposite case when the particle size is greater than 250
microns. ERIEZ has studied the effect of particle size on the flotation process
and based on studies and based in industrial experiences have developed
technologies that can produce higher Metallurgical recoveries than
conventional flotation technology. For the flotation of fine particles, ERIEZ
has the column cells with Cavitation System, which is applied industrially
allowing to recover ultrafine particles up to 10 microns. Also, ERIEZ has
developed a patented technology called
HydroFloat, which has been working in the flotation coarse and ultra-coarse
particles (floating particles larger than 250 microns to 3,000 microns). This
paper will present the advances of both technologies applied to the flotation
of Copper Sulfides.


The particle size of the ore is a important in the flotation process parameter.
In the literature (Gaudin, et al, 1931; Morris, 1952) you can find many jobs
reported the effect of particle size in the recovery of valuable mineral.
Wyslouzil et al.
(2009) indicate that the efficiency of the process Flotation is negatively
impacted when operating in the extreme, that is, with fine particles (<10
microns) or coarse particles (> 250 .mu.m). For example, in flotation
Phosphate minerals in conventional cells the optimum range is often in
particle between fractions> 45 microns and <250 microns.
Copper Flotation is no stranger to this phenomenon, Bulatovic (2007)
presents a study conducted in three concentrator plants in South America.
Figure 1 shows the influence of the particle size Copper recovery. It is noted
that in the fractions of fine particles (<20 microns) the recovery falls to
values below 50%, while at the opposite end to coarse particles (> 150
microns) recovery Copper is also less than 50%. the same is mentioned by
Jameson (2013), who indicates that the recovery of particles greater than
150m is poor when used conventional cells, although these could be
appropriately particles released to be floated.

figure 1. Recovery of Copper size fractions in different concentrators

(adapted of Bulatovic, 2007)

Presented so far, most optimum seems to be floating particles size means

(30 microns - 100 microns), in order to optimize recovery of valuable
mineral. Without but sometimes this is not possible various reasons, for

Sometimes the valuable mineral needs fine grinding to liberate and

power be recovered and / or to produce a commercial grade
concentrate. In various concentrator plants Copper, after the Rougher
flotation, the concentrate is re-ground before go to the cleaning step.
Without But in this re-grinding could produced a large amount of
superfine particles (<20 microns), which They end up impacting
negatively recovery.
In certain cases when it has a polymetallic ore, any of the This could
be mineral fragile (Ex. Molybdenite), so that said mineral tends to
When a mineral has a greater specific gravity comparing the
remaining minerals of the ore, ore causes higher specific gravity is
reported in the hydrocyclone underflow (circuit grinding), despite
having the size and the appropriate level of release to be float. This
creates a circulating load generating over-grinding (eg. Galena,
Cassiterite, gold).

In the opposite case, where despite operations than 250m particle size,
300 microns or even larger sizes have for a suitable release Rougher
flotation; this recovery particle size is limited by the efficiency of
conventional cells. The thick flotation processes Conventional is not efficient
for reasons as:

The high turbulence that is generated in conventional cells.

As the size of the particles increases, the forces detachment increase
more forces quickly adhesion.
If the particles are not fully released, recovery is further affected.

Conventional cells are widely used in the flotation of particles of size

medium. In practice it is observed that depending on the type of technology
in some conventional cells allow cases obtain high recovery (> 90% Cu) of
average particle size (30 x 120 microns). Recently manufacturers of cells
conventional mechanisms have been developed flotation (rotor and stator)
that would help optimize recovery of fine and coarse. Some of these
companies also suggest applying a hybrid flotation, ie in one bank is having
cells rpm working standards and other cells I work at higher rpm (if you
want to optimize recovery of fines) or lower rpm (if want to optimize the
recovery of coarse). Yes well, you can increase or decrease the rpm in
conventional cells; it should be mind that there is a limit.

Thus, if the rpm is increased excessively (eg> 20%), it is likely that generate
excessive turbulence within the cell, generating bubbles rupture and finally
end up impacting recovery adversely. in addition, per unit rpm is increased,
the energy consumption will increase by three times. That is, at higher rpm,
greater consumption energy, and probably will require engines higher
power, then higher costs.
In contrast, if desired improve thick recovery, manufacturers conventional
cells suggest decrease rpm mechanism. If the rpm is reduced to values
greater than 10%, is likely to sedimentation problems occur, which they
could even result in stoppage of the cells.
That is, although the conventional technologies with certain modifications
might present improvements in the recovery of fines and thick, by its design
characteristics have limitations that hinder recovery optimum of fine
particles (<20 .mu.m) and particles thick (> 250m).
To efficiently recover the particles Thin (<20 .mu.m) requires a type of
technology to generate micro-bubbles (greater surface area) and that
maximizes particle contact - bubble. Furthermore, for the recovery of coarse
particles requires a cell that does not generate turbulence, which will work
without mattress foams, and avoid coarse particles reach their terminal
velocity sedimentation easily.
Eriez Flotation, having investigated both phenomena has developed
technologies specific for optimal recovery flotation of fine particles (Column
Cells CavitationSystem) and flotation thick (HydroFloat). The present
work shows results of tests for mineral flotation Copper (fine and thick).
2.1. Cavitation System
The Cavitation system is a type of sparger Flotation Eriez
developed for optimize the recovery of fine particles and superthin. This type of sprinkler uses the principle of hydrodynamic
cavitation for bubble generating extremely pico-called small
bubbles. While smaller the bubbles, the higher the bubble surface
area, which will favor the probability of contact bubble - particle,
and thus improve recovery. Figure 2 shows the relationship
between bubble size and area superficial.

Figure 2. The relationship between the bubble diameter and surface

area generation.
Is a hydrodynamic cavitation process formation and growth of
bubbles very Small gas and / or vapor-filled (picobubbles) in a liquid.
Cavitation is a phenomenon appears when the liquid pressure falls
under pressure liquid vapor at the temperature. Generally it is a
process that appears associated with high flow rates (Fan et al.2010).

Figure 3. Schematic of flotation through the peak-bubbles generated

by the system Cavitation
Cavitation bubbles are generated by naturally adhere to the surface
of the particle, the collision process removed and union, which is
often the determining step in flotation. One can say that the peakbubbles act as a secondary collector, thereby reducing the intake
manifold, while improving Particle adhesion probability - bubble, and
reduces the probability of detachment. This leads to a substantial
improvement in the recovery, especially fine particles / super-thin
that are usually difficult to recovering, and it has also been observed
that improves recovery of coarse particles. For example, the
application system Cavitation in the flotation of coal has enhanced
the recovery in 15%, foaming reduce consumption by 10%, and
reducing collector consumption by 90%

Figure 4. Photograph of an Eriez Tube Cavitation demonstration.

The Cavitation system consists of theCavitation tubes (Figure 4),

a pump recirculation and air manifolds and pulp. In a split operation
not floated pulp (tailings) is sucked by the pump and recirculation
through a system piping manifold is fed to pulp (installed around the
column). Through manifold, the pulp is distributed equally Cavitation
all tubes (CavTube). Before the pulp entering the CavTube mixed
air from the air manifold Compressed (installed around the column).
Then the pulp air mixture is fed to the CavTube, cavitation occurs, is
generated peak-bubbles and pulp enters the new Flotation cell
aggregates bubble-particle be recovered. Figure 5 shows the
layout of a cell column Cavitation system.

Figure 5. Schematic of a cell column system Eriez Cavitation

2.3. Flotacin fine concepts basic
A common problem in multi-storey concentrator is the loss of
mineral valuable in fine particle fraction (< 38 microns). Figure 6
shows an analysis of
Cleaner valued mesh of tailings / Scavenger of a concentrator
plant Cu / Mo in the United States. Shown as much clearly that
the mineral valuable (Copper and Moly) lost, is in junior sizes to

Figure 6. Fishnet valued for Rougher tailings -Scavenger for Cu

(left) and MoS2(right). (Source: Govenderet 2012.).
As mentioned above in operations in which ore is processed high
specific gravity (Ex. Galena, free Oro, Cassiterite, etc.) and fragile
minerals (eg. Molybdenite) this phenomenon is accentuated. In
Some operations are not usually listen must be ground fine
because the mineral is "Lamea" then it is not possible to recover
it. The Question jumping is because the mineral "It lameado" can
not recall it being conventional cells? It is known that large as
fines loss is due to the lack Contact particle (fine) - bubble. This
also can be expressed through the equations, and in the literature

we find that flotation rate constant (k) has the following


Jg: Superficial Gas Velocity
Pc: Probability of Collision
P: Probability of adhesion.
Pd: Probability of de-adhesion.
Db: Diameter of the bubble.
Dp: diameter of the particle.
The above equations indicate that the rate constant of flotation
and probability of collision are inversely proportional to the size of
the bubble. this is small bubbles say favor the collision particle bubble, and hence kinetic recovery. Furthermore, the probability
of collision depends directly on the size of particle, that is, smaller
particles negatively impact the likelihood of collision bubble particle.
2.4. Flotacin of copper ore
Eriez Flotation pilot tested (preliminary) flotation plant that
produces copper and gold concentrates. In this plant is Rougher
concentrate regrind and then sent to cells 50 m3 mechanical (first
stage cleaning), the first concentrate cleaning is sent to the
second and final cleaning step. The tailings from the first Cleaning
proceeds to step Cleanerscavenger is done in mechanical cells 50
m3, the tailing Cleanerscavenger is willing final tailings. The plant
wanted optimize recovery, mainly Oro, where the main losses
occurred in the finer fractions.
Knowing that major losses Gold occurring in fine fractions, we
chose by testing in a cell Pilot column (0.5m dia x 3m H)
implemented with the build system Cavitation bubble. Figure 7
shows the installation of the pilot cell this plant.

Figure 7. Photograph Eriez pilot cell used in the tests.

The pilot cell column was installed to working in parallel as first
cleaning, to compare the results with plant operation. We worked
with same (physical and chemical) conditions pulp entering the
cells conventional (first cleaning). Time residence in the cell
column was 12 minutes, while the time residence in the plant
cells Conventional is around 24 minutes.
The results of these tests Preliminary shown in Figure 8 and Figure
9. It is noted that recoveries were higher than column Ground
reached. It is also seen there is a difference between the results
of day 1 and day 2. This is because the varied mineralogy, which
also impacted the food P80.
In the case of copper, we can see that the column cell recovery
was higher by about 2 percentage points, compared to the
recovery obtained in mechanical cell. Table 1 shows that higher
recoveries are due mainly the cell column presented higher
recoveries in finer fractions.

Figure 8. Copper Recovery in the pilot test cell column.

Table 1. Meshes rated for copper concentrates produced in the

cell column.

In the case of gold, the cell column also allowed to obtain higher recoveries
in comparison to conventional cells. The higher recoveries in cell column
also occurred in the finer fractions.

Figure 9. Gold Recovery in piloting column cells.

Tabla 2. Mallas valoradas para Oro de los concentrados producidos en la
celda columna

In general, it can be said that the cell showed better recoveries column
compared to those obtained in cells conventional. This despite the weather
residence in the cell column was the half the residence time of the cells
conventional. It is estimated that although the results are preliminary, there
is still possibility of optimization of the cells column and may represent
improvement opportunity for optimization Copper recovery, and especially
Gold in the cleaning step of this plant.
3.1. Cell HydroFloat Eriez
To overcome the limitations of the cells conventional in flotation
of coarse, Eriez developed a novel cell called HydroFloat. The cell
divides HydroFloat particles based on the differences of apparent
density, between particles hydrophilic and particle-bubble
aggregates after the selective attachment is occurred air bubbles
in the hydrophobic mineral powered. The principle of operation of
the cell HydroFloat has been widely discussed by Mankosa
Kohmuench (2003), Kohmuench et. al. (2007), Kohmuench et. al.
(2010) and Kohmuench et. al. (2013). In This paper will present a
summary Operation of this cell.
The process performs HydroFloat concentration based on the
combination of two principles:
Gravimetry: Uses difference bulk density of the mineral
Flotacin: El agregado mineral-burbuja, que se forma por la adhesin
selectiva del mineral hidrofbico en la burbuja de aire.
For the concentration of a given mineral, the cell HydroFloat uses
pulses of water and microbubbles fluidizing air. Figure 10 shows the
scheme of the cell HydroFloat, which can be identified two main
areas: An upper where the separation is performed, and an area
bottom (cone) where the dewatering is carried out

Figura 10. Diagrama esquemtica de la celda HydroFloat

Feeding (pulp) is performed by the part higher while fluidizing water is

added through a piping installed at the bottom around the cross
section of the cell. Water together with the fluidizing. Feeds air
(compressed) flotation and small amounts of foaming. The mineral
particles are hydrophobic transported by air bubbles and fluidizing
water to the top of the cell and are recovered in the chute. The
tailings are discharged by the party cell bottom through a valve
The HydroFloat cell has the following characteristics:
Processing capacity: 20 t / hm2 - 30 t / h-m2
Flotation air consumption: Is about 10% air consumed by flotation
cells conventional
Reagent consumption: In some applications, after HydroFloat
installation, it has been I managed to reduce consumption reagents
(collector) 10% - 40%.
Parts: Cell conventional parts haveinternal moving (rotor & stator),
the which when in contact with the have a high coarse ore abrasive
wear. Cell HydroFloat having no parts has no internal moving this
In Particle Size Supply: The HydroFloat is being used industrially
particles to float up to 3,000 um (phosphates). To optimize your
performance is recommended to work distribution within particle
sizes of 1: 6.
Percent Solids: The cell HydroFloat can work with percent solids
slurries between 40% - 80%. Tailings produced out HydroFloat with
percentage of solids similar to food, this due dewatering the area it
By having low reagent consumption, air floating and spare parts, cell
HydroFloat have enough operating costs efficient. The HydroFloat is
being used industrially since 2004. To date There are more than 50
units in operation, flotation plants Phosphate, Potassium, Coal and
3.2 Copper mineral flotation
An important fact to keep in mind in the development of future mining
projects is the trend of steady declines the head grade copper
deposits. Currently there are projects in Peru Head miners whose law
does not pass the 0.45% Cu, and in countries like Chile and is Project
talks with head grades 0.35% Cu. Is to be expected that for offset
lower head grades, necessary move / process higher mineral
quantities, so that consumption energy will be greater, will be
required each increasing amount of equipment and / or higher
capacity machines, which will lead to projects to have higher CAPEX

and OPEX, At present it has already begun to discuss whether it is

possible to employ processes Alternative to optimize the CAPEX and
OPEX, for future projects miners. One alternative that comes charging
interest is floating thick or pre-concentration. Researchers as Prof.
Jameson (2013) indicate that be possible floatation thick (600
microns) / pre-concentration was could reduce total operating costs of
a mining operation at over 12%. Knowing this challenge in the mining
industry, Eriez has begun to investigate the possibility operating the
cell in HydroFloat flotation of sulfide minerals. In one of the first
studies to sulphide ores, Eriez Flotation together with the Wark
Research Institute (Australia) conducted tests at laboratory flotation
Sphalerite. In such evidence was obtained recoveries up to 95% when
worked with particle size fractions between> 425m and <850m
(425 x 850 microns) (Awateyet. Al. 2013). These results prompted to
assess the Use of the flotation cell HydroFloat Copper ore, carrying

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