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SPM 2008

12.b. Decision making / Membuat keputusan

Study diagram 12.1 and 12.2.
Based on safety features, choose the most suitable
vehicle for your own use.
Kaji rajah 12.1 dan 12.2
Berdasarkan kepada cirri-ciri keselamatan, pilih
kenderaan yang paling sesuai untuk kegunaan anda.
Explain your choice based on the following;
Terangkan jawapan anda berdasarkan perkara berikut;

i. Aim of choice.
Tujuan pemilihan.
To choose the vehicle which has more safety features.
Untuk memilih kenderaan yang mempunyai lebih ciri eselamatan.

ii. Comparison between the safety features of the two vehicles..

Perbandingan ciri keselamatan antara dua kenderaan..
Diagram 12.1
1. Has air bag.

Diagram 12.1
1. No air bag.

Mempunyai bag udara

2. Small front bumper.

Tiada bag udara

2. Big front bumper.

Bumper hadapan kecil.

3.Longer front crumple zone.

Bumper hadapan besar


front crumple zone.

Zone remuk depan pendek.

Zone remuk depan panjang

4. Has seat belt.

Mempunyai tali
pinggang keselamatan.
12.a. ( Problem solving Penyelesaian masalah )
1. A submarine has ballst tanks / diagram
Kapal selam mempunyai tangki ballast / rajah
2. The ballast tanks are filled with water / diagram
Tangki ballast diisi dengan air / rajah
3. Apabila the weight of submarine is more than the upthrust
@ bouncy force , the submarine will sink.
Apabila berat kapal selam lebih besar dari daya tujah
ke atas @ daya keapungan , kapal selam akan tenggelam.
4. To move forward, a submarine rotates its propeller @ fan.
Untuk bergerak ke hadapan, kapal selam memutarkan
bebalingnya@ kipas.

4. Has seat belt.

Mempunyai tali
pinggang keselamatan.

iii.Choose the best vehicle according to its safety features.

Pilih kenderaan terbaik berdasarkan cirri keselamatannya.

State one safety features of the vehicle that you have

chosen and explain its uses.
Nyatakan satu ciri keselamatan pada kenderaan
yang telah anda pilih dan terangkan kegunaanya.
1st Alternative
the best
one safety
Diagram Has air bag
Has seat
Long front

explain its uses

Can protect the driver
during collision.
Can protect the driver
during collision.
Extend the time of
Memanjang masa

2nd Alternative
the best

Excellence by reDOING

one safety
Has seat belt

explain its uses

Can protect the
driver during
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C12 : Decision Making / Membuat Keputusan.

1. ? ( dry cells @ lead-acid accumulator )
2. ? ( alkaline batteries @ silver oxide-mercury batteries )
3 ? ( nickel-cadmium batteries )
4. 1. can be recharged / boleh dicas-semula
5.1 small
6.1 produce small current /menghasilkan arus yg kecil
7.1 cheap / murah

Spm 20xx

4.2 cannot be recharged / tidak boled dicas-semula

5.2 big
6.2 produce large current / menghasilkan arus yg besar
7.2 expensive / mahal

Exercise No. 3
1.a. state the advantage and weakness of using dry cells and lead-acid accumulators
Nyatakan kebaikan dan kelemahan menggunakan bateri kering dan akumulator asid-plumbum.
Type of cell

It advantage
Kebaikan menggunakannya

It weakness
Kelemahan menggunakannya

Dry cell
Sel kering


Produce small current


Produce large current


b. i. state the type of battery should be used

Nyatakan jenis bateri yang seharusnya digunakan untuk objek tersebut.
Object /

Suggested type of battery and the reson.

Cadangan jenis bateri dan alasannya.

lead-acid accumulators because it produce large current

Lorry / lori

Dry cells because it small

Calculator / kalkulator

Nickel - cadmium because it can be recharged

handphone / telefon bimbit


Choose the best battery for toy car.Give the reason of your suggestion.
Pilih jenis bateri terbaik untuk kereta mainan.Beri alasan anda memilih bateri tersebut.
Alkali battery
Choosen type of battery : .
Small size
Reason :
Excellence by DOING

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C12 : Decision Making / Membuat Keputusan.

1. 2 hard / keras
2.1 easy to corrosion / mudah berkarat
3. brass / loyang
4. bronze / gangsa
5. duralumin / duralumin
6. pewter / piuter
7. steel / keluli
Exercise No. 4
1.a. Compare between iron and steel.
Bandingkan antara besi dan keluli

1.2 harder / lebih keras

2.2 resistant to corrosion / tahan dari berkarat
3.3 shinning surface / permukaan berkilau
4.4 light
/ ringan
15. aluminium + copper
/ aluminium + kuprum
16. tin + lead
/ timah + plumbum
17. iron + carbon
/ besi + karbon


b. i. State the alloy chosen for that purpose and give the reason .
Nyatakan aloi yang dipilih untuk kegunaan tersebut dan alasan tentang pemilihan tersebut..

Choosen alloy and the reason .

Aloi yang digunakan dan alasanya.

Survenier / cenderahati

Bridges / jambatan

scissors / gunting

ii. Choose the alloy chosen to make a plane. .Give the reason of your choice.
Pilih aloi untuk membuat badan kapal terbang..Beri alasan anda memilih aloi tersebut.
Chosen type of alloy : .
Explain how to make this alloy : ..
Reason : .
Excellence by DOING

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