How To Pass TOEFL Speak Like A JEDI

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Long ago in a galaxy far far away, lived a young

Brazilian boy named Lucas. Lucas always wanted to
explore the world but was never able to because he didnt
have the right qualifications.

Join the Real Life English International

One day Lucas met a TOEFL Jedi master who
went by the name of OB1. He told Lucas that if
he was looking for an opportunity to explore the
world, a proficiency test, like TOELF would be
a good idea.


The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is essential for anyone who is looking to
study abroad in an English speaking university or college. The test is sometimes required for
working in English speaking companies and for acceptance in scholarship programs. It is made
up of 4 sections; reading, writing, listening and speaking. Although most of the questions are
generally related to academic topics, prior knowledge to those topics can help but are not
necessary. The purpose of TOEFL is to test you understanding of the language, and to see if you
can handle a university environment. To learn more click here
The first step that any TOEFL Jedi must take, is to prepare themselves for the speaking section
of the test. To do this we must use a Jedi mind trick and familiarize ourselves with the questions
to know exactly what to expect from the test and what the test wants us to say.
In this article Im going to guide you through everything you need to know about the speaking
section of the IBT (Internet based test)TOELF test.

These first two questions are independent questions so you will be
required to express your personal opinion about a topic you are
given. Like any Jedi youll need some kind of weapon. Because
light sabers arent allowed in the test, youll have to do the best
you can with a pen and pad. Taking notes is essential in all parts
of the speaking section.
Generally in question 1, you will be asked to talk about a personal experience. This could be
about a situation, person, possession etc. And in question 2, youll have to talk about a personal
preference. Again, this could be about a situation, activity etc.
Some typical questions you may get on the test would be:


1. Who is your best friend? Describe this person and say why he/she is your best friend.
2. What is your favorite place to visit on weekends? Describe it and explain why it is your
favorite place to go.
3. What is your happiest childhood memory? Describe it and give reasons to explain why it is
your happiest memory.
Main focus- Coherently describe your experience/ preference, use reason.
Youll have 15 seconds to prepare and 45 seconds to give a response
To prepare yourself for these questions, make sure you are familiar with vocabulary for
expressing ideas and be ready to support your ideas with some examples and reasons.
Study some of this vocabulary here.
Questions 3 and 4 are integrated questions. In this section you will read a short passage, usually
about a campus situation or a general concept, then youll listen to a student talking about that
situation. The question is focused on how you relate what the speaker said to the written passage.
Question 3 always involves some kind of campus situation in the written section, then, youll
listen to a student giving his opinion. Your goal here is to summarize what the speaker said in
relation to the written passage.
Main Focus- Summarize the situation, give reasons, connect passage with listening
Question 4 is about a general concept. Youll hear a speaker and read a passage about this topic
and connect them by showing how they contradict with each other. There is no need to talk about
how to resolve this problem in this question.
Main Focus- Explain how example supports or contrasts a concept, connecting passage with
In both these questions youll have 45 seconds to read the passage then you will listen to the
audio. After this, youll have 30 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to speak.
Click on these links for vocabulary to express AGREEING / DISAGREEING and

In question 5 you will be asked to listen to a conversation,
commonly amongst students and teachers/professors, and



be able to explain the problem as well as a suitable solution.

In most cases question 5 will be a student talking about a problem they have with their class
schedule or a logistical problem they may have on the campus. Listen closely because youll hear
some possible suggestions to solve the problem.
Remember that in this question you have to give a recommended solution to the problem. If you
cant recollect exactly what was said in the audio, think of an alternative solution yourself.
Main Focus- Describe problem, express opinion about solution suggested or give alternative
You will be given 20 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to speak.
The best way to practice question 5 and 6 is with a practice test. I will put several links below.
Now this is the big one, question 6! If you wanted to use all your Jedi power in one question, this
one is it.
Here you will listen to an academic lecture and be able understand enough to give a clear
summary. Remember to take notes as you go along because its important to use some of the
technical language in your response.
Main Focus Summarize main points, Understand as much as possible.
You will be given 20 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to speak.


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