rk2277 Papersummaries10

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Paper Summary-10
Raj Koushik Reddy Korpally (rk2277)
Title of paper and Video segment Viewed: High Contrast Computational Caustic Design
Authors: Yuliy Schwartzburg, Romain Testuz, Andrea Tagliasacchi, Mark Pauly
Affiliation : EPFL Presenter: Yuliy.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In this presentation the author starts with the stating what the definition of 'caustics'. He tends to say
that caustics are a complex patterns of reflections produced when light is reflected, refracted when
passing through different medium. Caustics have high density bundles of light. The aim of this paper is
to produce high quality caustics artificially designed by using some material object. Previous works
produced caustics using smooth surfaces and normalization techniques and 'Snells law'. This work
focuses on getting piecewise caustics as smooth as possible. For this purpose the author shows us a
pipeline to achieve his objective wherein he has the input light source which passes though a caustic
generator onto a receivers source irradiance and goal is to project onto a target object which needs to be
illuminated passing through a filter. The projection is examined for rays of light and using snells law
the optimum projection of normals is calculated and the surface is redesigned to be fabricated to get the
desired caustic projection on the target surface. For this purpose different point flux values of light are
calculated. The light source rays mapping onto the target surface in previous studies was always
bijective. In this study the author proposes it to have different mapping where the flux integrated over a
region of projection equals the incoming flux. This change creates the distribution of caustic to be even
smoother. Also. He wants the photons to as little distorted as possible. For this he uses the concept of
earth movers distance applied to photon packets, where the photons move from one configuration to
another. Then he shows us some results showing target distribution and the fabricated meshes used and
describes the projection of caustics onto them. The mapping used on the 2D mesh is non trivial to the
results it produces and we don't really know what projections are produced just by looking at them. He
then adds color to caustics to show color generated results. The caustics can also be adjusted to what
part of the incoming light flux goes to with part of projection. He shows an example where the light of
a laser getting bent to produce desired projection. Finally, he compares the results of previous works
and how much improvement the method described in the paper produces. Limitations of the paper
involve in using columnar light for best results, slow speed, relying on perfect fabrication of the mesh
for perfect results.

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