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Finding Our Way Back to the Fathers Delight



Neal Lozano with Matthew Lozano, Abba's Heart
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2015 by Neal Lozano

Published by Chosen Books
11400 Hampshire Avenue South
Bloomington, Minnesota 55438
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printed reviews.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Lozano, Neal.
Abbas heart : nding our way back to the fathers delight / Neal Lozano with
Matthew Lozano ; foreword by John Eldredge.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 978-0-8007-9684-6 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. God (Christianity)Love. 2. Spiritual lifeChristianity. I. Title.
BT140.L69 2015
Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International
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Neal Lozano with Matthew Lozano, Abba's Heart

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Today the threat is against the very core of the

Christian faith[which] is the revelation of God
the Father, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
as St. Paul calls Him, and therefore of the Trinity
Itself. If Providence is today making again aware
of the mystery of Gods suffering, this is not just
by chance but because the Holy Spirit knows that
this is a necessary remedy to cure the sick mind
of modern man, who has found, in suffering, the
stumbling block that keeps him far from God.
Raniero Cantalamessa

Neal Lozano with Matthew Lozano, Abba's Heart

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To Fr. Michael Scanlan, for starting me out on

my journey back to the Father.N.L.
To Ray Liptrap, whose warmth, wit and wisdom
showed me the Fathers heart.M.L.

Neal Lozano with Matthew Lozano, Abba's Heart

Chosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2015. Used by permission.

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Foreword by John Eldredge 11

Foreword by Fr. John Horn 13
Preface 17
Introduction: Discovering the Father 19
Section 1: The Way Home

The Promise 25
A Broken Heart 32
The Tragedy of Slavery 40
Adoption: From Slaves to Sons 51
Freedom in the Son 58

Section 2: The Fathers Heart

6. The Fathers Heart 71
7. A Father Who Loves to Say Yes 84
Section 3: Coming Home
8. Dreaming of Home 99
9. Coming Home 110
Neal Lozano with Matthew Lozano, Abba's Heart
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Section 4: Life in the Fathers House


A New Foundation 123

The Fathers Table: Sitting at Jesus Feet 135
Standing in Authority 148
Empowered to Serve 160
Walking in Forgiveness 169
Overcoming the Counterfeit Father 183
The Father Seeks Worshipers 197
Conclusion 208
Appendix: Unbound: Five Keys to Greater
Freedom in Christ 215
Notes 219

Neal Lozano with Matthew Lozano, Abba's Heart
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his is a beautiful and hope-lled book. A very important book.

I tell you the truthI began to experience the Holy
Spirit using it in my own heart as I read the manuscript on
a recent ight. Right there, on an airplane, in the midst of a
very hectic week, I suddenly found myself drawn into a sort of
sanctuary of truth. The Spirit was so present in these pages,
ever so gently drawing me back to my Fathers heart in the moment. Like a drowning man coming up for air, I found myself
coming to realize Gods love for me, and just what it means to
be His son. Neal is rightcoming home to the Fathers heart
is our deepest and most desperate need.
Like many of you, I have mixed feelings about father. The
word does not always evoke warm feelings for me. My father was
an alcoholic, a good man but a very broken man who wounded
me deeply. And though for many years I found in Jesus the
refuge of my soul, I did not want much to do with His Father.
Like many before me, I had projected my own father experience
onto Father God, and my heart was hesitant to draw near. But
the ache for Father was always there. Sometimes it came out in
Neal Lozano with Matthew Lozano, Abba's Heart
Chosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2015. Used by permission.

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anger and frustration; other times it came in loneliness. Often

the ache arose in times of pressing needfor help or direction,
for provision or simply for comfort. I needed a Father. I was
tired of living without one.
My journey homeward has not always been smooth and clear.
Those wounds toward fatherhood needed healing. I needed to
know how He truly felt about me. I needed to know He was as
good as Jesus says He is. Lies had crept in that also needed breaking. This is precisely the homeward journey Neal so beautifully
lays out for us in this book. As you read his words, you will
soon discover that this is a man who knows what he is talking
aboutboth the fatherlessness, and the joy of returning to our
Fathers loving embrace. He knows the path home, and he can
guide us along the way.
This book bore witness to my own journey, and is spurring
me on with greater joy and deeper experience of our Fathers
love. My prayer is that it will do the same for you.
John Eldredge, president, Ransomed Heart; bestselling author

Neal Lozano with Matthew Lozano, Abba's Heart
Chosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2015. Used by permission.

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he life-giving truth and beauty of the Fathers love for

each of us is unveiled by Neal Lozano in Abbas Heart.
Neal makes tasting and seeing Abbas tender love easily
accessible. Through narrative, contemplative reections and
personal prayers, the reader is invited to receive anew the greatest of all gifts: Each of us is beckoned to receive the affectionate
and tender embrace of Abba.
Pope Francis frequently speaks about the Fathers tenderness
and His desire to caress us in merciful love. In his apostolic exhortation The Joy of the Gospel, Pope Francis writes about
our missionary labors:
Sometimes it seems that our work is fruitless, but mission is not
like a business transaction or investment, or even a humanitarian activity. It is not a show when we count how many people
come as a result of publicity; it is something much deeper, which
escapes all measurement. It may be that the Lord uses our sacrices to shower blessings in another part of the world which
we will never visit. The Holy Spirit works as he wills, when he
wills and where he wills; we entrust ourselves without pretending

Neal Lozano with Matthew Lozano, Abba's Heart
Chosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2015. Used by permission.

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to see striking results. We know only that our commitment is

necessary. Let us learn to rest in the tenderness of the arms of
the Father amid our creative and generous commitment. Let
us keep marching forward; let us give him everything, allowing
him to make our efforts bear fruit in his good time.
Evangelii Gaudium, No. 279

Abbas Heart carries us into new depths of receptivity in faith.

Through this work I can indeed savor interpenetrating intimacy
and regenerating glory within Abbas inestimable desires to
bless me in His mercy. If I listenin the rst personto the
Holy Spirit speaking about the reality of the Fathers heart in
Zephaniah 3:1418 (rsv), I begin to receive some of the fullness
of the love in Abbas heart for me:
Sing aloud, O daughter of Zion; shout, O Israel! Rejoice and
exult with all your heart, O daughter of Jerusalem! The Lord
has taken away the judgments against you, he has cast out your
enemies. The King of Israel, the Lord, is in your midst; you
shall fear evil no more. On that day it shall be said to Jerusalem:
Do not fear, O Zion; let not your hands grow weak. The Lord
your God is in your midst, a warrior who gives victory; he will
rejoice over you with gladness, he will renew you in his love; he
will exult over you with loud singing as on a day of festival.

Readers of this book learn to ask what song the Fathers

Spirit is singing over each of us. I am called to repent of unbelief if I do not believe the truth that the Father is singing in joy
because of me! Abbas Heart serves us as each chapter unveils
more particularity in relationship with Abbas love. This relationship is the Kingdom of God.
If I will surrender each day to receiving my spiritual inheritance in and with Jesus, all will be well. He reveals the Fathers
desire to strengthen and console me. This is especially true in
any suffering that I am being permitted to endure. The artful
Neal Lozano with Matthew Lozano, Abba's Heart
Chosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2015. Used by permission.

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prayers that are supplied with each chapter are keys that open
the heart to receive more of the gift of all gifts, Abbas affectionate embrace. As I prayed through these prayers I was very
mindful that Mary was the rst to respond in intimacy to the
Father as she received Jesus into her womb. Her yes echoes
down through history in our yes to the Father.
I pray that our Lord Jesus Christ bless you now with an
increase of faith, and that you will permit yourself to receive
new revelation about the Fathers affectionate care.
Fr. John Horn, SJ, co-founder, The Institute for Priestly
Formation, Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska

Neal Lozano with Matthew Lozano, Abba's Heart
Chosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2015. Used by permission.

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his book has been in my heart ever since I discovered

that I could write something worth reading. My bestselling book Unbound: A Practical Guide to Deliverance
highlights ve keys to freedom; the fth is the Fathers blessing.
As I have presented this message to eager listeners around the
world, I have noted a great hunger. People want to know the
Father, and I feel called to tell what I have learned about the
Fathers loving heart. As I look back over my 45-year journey
with Jesus, I see one central theme: Jesus is leading me to the
Father. As inadequate as I am, I feel compelled to write about
the mystery of the mercy of God revealed in the Fathers love.
I started writing this book more than eight years ago, but
the time was not right. When I returned to this theme, I again
stopped in frustration, unable to nd the words to express what
was in my heart. I prayed, Lord, this is my lifes messagethe
one book I want to write. Please let me write it before I am
too old.
My son Matthew, who has a masters degree in biblical
theology, now works with me in Heart of the Father Ministries, training people in Unbound ministry and sharing its
Neal Lozano with Matthew Lozano, Abba's Heart
Chosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2015. Used by permission.

(Unpublished manuscriptcopyright protected Baker Publishing Group)

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messagethat there is freedom in Jesus Christ. He has come

alongside me, digesting and editing all I have written on the
Father and weaving in his unique perspective. How appropriate that a book about coming home to the Father be born out
of a father giving what he has to his son and the son giving it
back to his father. How appropriate that a son who was once
estranged from his father came home to help complete the task
at hand. You will meet Matt in the introduction.
As you read, ask God to reveal Himself to you as your Father.
Mark the pages that speak to your heart; come back to them in
your quiet time and seek the face of the Father. It is the work
of the Son and the Spirit to answer your prayer.
The purpose of this book is to draw you into the heart of the
Father. Some may object that such a focus somehow takes away
from Jesus or the Holy Spirit. But we must always remember that
God is a Trinity of Persons. It is impossible to say something
of one Person in the Trinity and exclude the others. As Johns
gospel shows us, Jesus came to reveal the Father: No one has
ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God
and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him
known (John 1:18). With Jesus and His Spirit, we can say,
Father, glorify your name! (John 12:28).

Neal Lozano with Matthew Lozano, Abba's Heart
Chosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2015. Used by permission.

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Discovering the Father

I love you, Dad. Do you love me?


y son Matt found this note under the Christmas tree

after the last present was opened. His son Micah had
written the two lines in colored pencil along with a
homemade Christmas card. Matt wanted to run and nd his
own colored pencil and write, Yes! right then and there. Micahs note is now taped to Matts computer as he helps me
compose and edit. Just like the heart of the six-year-old writer,
the sentiment and question have become one of Matts dearest
Micah, the third of Matts four children, is a purebred rascal.
Small in stature with big, brown, twinkling eyes, Micah can
nd adventure and excitement wherever he goes. Since infancy,
if he felt something, you would hear about it. Listening to and
Neal Lozano with Matthew Lozano, Abba's Heart
Chosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2015. Used by permission.

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obeying his mother can be a challenge for him, but expressing

emotion is never a problem.
From his rst moments of awareness, he saw his dad as the
greatest hero on the planet. Micah always chooses to be on his
dads team. When his dad leaves on a trip, Micah is the rst
to ght back the tears. When he returns, Micah dives into his
fathers arms. He gets off the school bus, runs to his dad and
asks immediately if he wants to have a catch. He bounces with
delight upon his bed every Tuesday and Thursday night, when
his dad comes in to tell him a Micah and Jude story. (Jude is
Micahs cousin and best friend.) One day, watching my oldest
son, Philip, working in the yard, Micah announced, Uncle Phil,
my dad has bigger muscles than you. (This was true only in
the eyes of the young beholder).
Let me allow Matt to speak for himself:

I am not sure I did anything to deserve such exalted status in

Micahs mind. When I go to his parent-teacher conferences,
I wonder if the teacher is disappointed to meet me in person,
having learned the myth of Dad through the stories and pictures Micah writes and brings home. I want to help my dad
take out the trash, Micah writes. I like my dad because he
is nice. While others drew pictures of comic book heroes or
special friends, Micah chose to depict his friendship with me.
I am sure I will disappoint him someday, but there is one thing
I have resolved: This boy needs me, and I am going to give him
everything Ive got. I have the privilege of raising a young man
whose heart is wide open and who has chosen me as his leader.
From his rst moments, Micah instinctively knew that he
needed his dad and that his strength came from being close
to my heart. Micah loved to be held by me. He ran to me
when he was afraid, and he always sought to be close. He
never backed down from a good roughhousing session. My

Neal Lozano with Matthew Lozano, Abba's Heart
Chosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2015. Used by permission.

(Unpublished manuscriptcopyright protected Baker Publishing Group)

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older son enjoys my company for a while, but he also likes to

be alone. Micah, however, craves Dad time. When Micah
wrote that Christmas note, he already knew that I loved him.
He hears me say it all the time. Micah tells me that he loves
me because he wants to see me respond to him. He does
not ask, Do you love me? out of fear or insecurity. He asks
because he desires to hear me say, I love you. When he
hears me, his dad, tell him that I love him, when I hold him
close, it is as if my strength is owing into his heart. Micah
has chosen to identify himself with me, his father. As I pour
out my love on him, his heart brims over with condence
and joy in who he is: his fathers son.
Something else has happened: Micahs note has become
my daily prayer. Every time I turn to God, I begin by saying,
I love You, Dad. Do You love me? Deep in my heart, I sense
that my greatest need is to hear my heavenly Father respond
to me and tell me He loves me. It is not that I need a kind
word or touch from God just to feel better; rather, something
deep in my spiritual DNA cries out for my Father. To know
myself, I need to hear from Him. To face the world, I need
to hear Him say it. I need to know that He is my Dad and
I am His son.

My grandsons sincere love for his dad stirs memories of when

my four sons were small and I was discovering what it means
to be a dad. Each one has developed a unique way of receiving my love and loving me in return. My children made me a
father. With the exception of my beautiful and wonderful wife,
Janet, God could not have given me a greater gift. But today
it is Micahs story that inspires me as I write. It is a picture of
the relationship God wants with us.
Dad, do You love me? Do we dare pray this prayer? If you
are like me, you nd it far easier to ask God for His blessings,
Neal Lozano with Matthew Lozano, Abba's Heart
Chosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2015. Used by permission.

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protection and guidance. Perhaps it is easier for you to bury

yourself in work and ministry, in goals and pursuits, than to
ask this question. But why do we shrink from asking the biggest question of all? Why is it sometimes painful even to think
about this question?
Perhaps the memories of our fathers remind us of the love
and blessing we did not receive. The image of God as Father
might churn up memories of fear, violence, rejection or abandonment. Perhaps the idea of God as a Father produces a dull
ache that we cannot explain.
This book is an invitation for you to come on a journey of
discovering the Father. Here we will ask some difficult questions, such as Who is this Father? and How might I know
Him? Jesus revealed good news about the Father. In this
good news, we will discover our source, our beginning and our
destination. On this journey, you might become aware of a lie
that has hidden the Father from view or a root of bitterness
that has kept you from enjoying His mercy. We will also touch
upon the pain of our greatest loss, the loss of our Father. At
this juncture, you will nd a greater understanding of why Jesus
came, the reason for His death and resurrection. It is there also
that you will nd your Fathers heart. Do not be afraid, for He
is good beyond compare. You have been invited on a journey
to your home in the Fathers heart.

Neal Lozano with Matthew Lozano, Abba's Heart
Chosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2015. Used by permission.

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The Way
The Fathers gift of Jesus brings us freedom from
the power of sin, adoption as sons and daughters and the promise of knowing the Father.
Jesus has broken the bonds of slavery and lifted
the veil that shrouded the Father from view.

Neal Lozano with Matthew Lozano, Abba's Heart

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The Promise

Go instead to my brothers and tell them, I am

ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God
and your God.
John 20:17
No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son,
who is himself God and is in closest relationship
with the Father, has made him known.
John 1:18

nd it astounding the way many people have loved and

served Jesus for years without knowing the love of God
the Father. One man who recently discovered the Fathers
love told me that he had always thought of the Father as a big
policeman in the sky. Others have told me that they thought
the Father was like a disciplinarian or judge who is waiting
for them to make a mistake. Sometimes I feel guilty, as if He
Neal Lozano with Matthew Lozano, Abba's Heart
Chosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2015. Used by permission.

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The Way Home

is judging me for every little thing, they say. Other times I

feel the need to prove myself to Him. One personactually
a nun of Mother Teresas Missionaries of Charity orderput
it this way: I knew in my head that God loved me, but I never
thought that He liked me.
Sometimes people are brave enough to ask questions, like
little Micahs Dad, do you love me?: Why does the Father
seem far away at times? Why does God stay hidden? Or even a
basic What is God the Father really like? Can I know Him, or
do I have to wait until I die?
I myself have asked these questions. For many years I did
not know that my restless thoughts were fueled by a search for
freedom, a freedom that can be found only in knowing God as
ones true Father. It is only in the Father, who is revealed by the
Son, that we can know who we really are. I had no idea that I
was searching for my home.

Encountering God
When I rst encountered Jesus years ago, I met Him as my
Savior; I knew Jesus as the One who had cleansed me of sin
and given me new life. Later I yielded to Jesus as my Lord. He
called me to follow and obey Him. Since that time I have been
surprised to learn that Jesus sole agenda was to bring me to the
Father. He wanted me to see the Father by revealing Himself as
the Son. Knowing Jesus as the Son gave me access to knowing
God the Father.
Not everyone nds the Father in this way. In the New York
Times bestseller I Dared to Call Him Father, Bilquis Sheikh,
a wealthy Pakistani woman, shares how a vague awareness of
God prompted her to ask questions of a medical missionary
doctor. The nun said, Ask Him to show you His way. And
then, Talk to Him . . . as if He were your father.
Neal Lozano with Matthew Lozano, Abba's Heart
Chosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2015. Used by permission.

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The Promise

Bilquiss Muslim faith allowed no room for such an intimate

relationship. Talk to God as if He were my father? The thought
shook my soul in the peculiar way truth has of being at once
startling and comforting.
She went home and hesitantly prayed, Father, O my Father God. Suddenly, she says, He was there! I could sense
His presence. I could feel His hand laid gently on my head.
Sensing that divine presence, she boldly asked a question. She
picked up her Quran and a Bible and asked, Which one is
Your book?
The response again startled her; an inner voice spoke as
clearly as if I were repeating words in my inner mind. The
words were kind and authoritative: In which book do you meet
Me as your Father?1
The Holy Spirit, knowing Bilquiss background, introduced
her to the Father rst and then to the Son.

My Father and Your Father

I see a key scriptural truth in Johns resurrection account. Mary
Magdalene knew Jesus well; she devotedly followed Him, even
nancially supporting Him, after He delivered her from seven
demons. Mary followed Jesus all the way to the cross, and she
was the rst to return to His tomb while it was still dark
on a fateful Sunday morning. When she arrived to nd Jesus
body gone, she ran in distress to tell Peter and John. They
came, assessed the scene and left, leaving her alone again at
the tomb. That is where Jesus Himself greeted her. When He
called her by name, His voice opened her eyes to His identity.
She recognized her Lord.
To this passionate and unique woman, Jesus would entrust
a message that would echo throughout history, a promise for
you and for me. Go . . . to my brothers and tell them, I am
Neal Lozano with Matthew Lozano, Abba's Heart
Chosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2015. Used by permission.

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The Way Home

ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your

God (John 20:17, emphasis added).
Every follower of Jesus is an heir to this promise: You belong.
My family is now your family. My Father is your Father. This
was His mission from the beginning: to bring every follower of
His throughout the ages to the Father and to establish each, with
all the dignity of a child of God, in the Fathers house. Jesus had
already purchased Marys freedom. Now her joy would be complete as Jesus drew her into a relationship with her eternal Father.

Give Me Your Blessing

The promise of a father can be a painful one; until it is fullled,
we yearn for someone to ll the void. The expectation of nding
a worthy father is part of our nature, our very DNA, as it were.
Fathers are the source of life through which we were formed
in our mothers womb. In nding a father, we nd something
of ourselves.
What do we expect from a father? Is it not to protect us? Is
it not to see in us our true selvesour identitiesand to call
them forth? Is it not to teach us to think rightly about ourselves
in relation to the world outside? Because no human father, even
a great one, can ever fully meet our expectation, we all know
fatherlessness. We may feel it as weariness. We may be aware
of it as emptiness. Is there anyone who will love me unconditionally? Will there be someone to protect me on my journey?
These questions reveal the cry of our hearts for an earthlyif
not heavenlyfather.
In Charles Dickenss A Tale of Two Cities, Lucie Manette
nds her long-lost father in prison, but he is too sick and feebleminded to recognize her by name. She says to him,
Oh sir! Some other time I will tell you my name, and who my
mother was, and who my father was, and how I never knew

Neal Lozano with Matthew Lozano, Abba's Heart
Chosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2015. Used by permission.

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The Promise

their awful story. But I cant tell you right now, not here. All
I can ask right now is that you touch me and give me your

Despite his inability to remember her, Lucie knew at some

level that this fragile, gray-haired man held the key to her heart.
It is her father who can answer her deepest questions: Am I
good? Do I belong? Can I be courageous? Am I loveable? Will
I fulll the purpose for my life? Do I have what it takes? . . .
Though Lucies father had long been lost, his touch and his
voice had the power to bring healing to her heart.
I write this book for anyone who desires to know the Father.
Like Lucie, they recognize the need to receive His blessing. It
is for anyone who knows Jesus but has never encountered the
Fathers heart in the Son. It is for anyone who is afraid even to
think or ask questions about God the Father, because you are
not quite sure what a good father looks or acts like.
Rick came to me for prayer because he was ghting violently
in his sleep, sweating, punching and cursing. His wife was afraid
he would hurt her. When I asked about his family background,
Rick described his emotionally absent father, who never showed
him affection, verbally or physically. He never blessed him or
approved of his choices. When he was older, Rick discovered
that his parents had conceived him three months before their
wedding day. So thats why they never celebrated their anniversary, he thought. I was a mistake.
Though rejection and anger was deeply rooted in Ricks
heart, he visited his father on his deathbed, desperately hoping
to nd some resolution of the relational pain and sense of loss.
I want you to know that I am grateful for all you have done
for me, and I want to tell you that I love you. He had come
like a beggar, provoking in his father a long-awaited response.
What did he get? An emotionally insufficient I appreciate that.
Ricks father left him in his emptiness, doubt and pain.
Neal Lozano with Matthew Lozano, Abba's Heart
Chosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2015. Used by permission.

(Unpublished manuscriptcopyright protected Baker Publishing Group)

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The Way Home

As I led Rick to forgive his father, he confessed that he had

changed his namehe had been given his dads nameto distance himself, to subconsciously reject his own identity. But as
he repented of his anger and renounced a spirit of rejection,
he was reconciled to the Father through Jesus. He took back
his name, and, more importantly, he took back his identity as a
son. Rick entered his fathers hospital room with the spirit of a
fearful, begging slave. That afternoon in prayer, Rick followed
Jesus through repentance and forgiveness, and he left with the
spirit of sonship. This is the promise of Christ, the promise I
hope to relate in these pages.

Starting Out
I largely use the word sons and rely on male pronouns when
referring to the children of God. In this I am following the New
Testament pattern. This is not to say that women are excluded
from the spiritual promises of sonship; quite the opposite.
The promise of the Spirit was specically given to both men
and women on the day of Pentecost in fulllment of Joels
prophecy: I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons
and daughters will prophesy (Acts 2:17). No biblical story
illustrates this better than Jesus conversation with Mary at
the tomb, in which He tells Mary that His Father is also hers.
In the next chapters we will ask and discover, Who is God
the Father? What is He like? What is on His heart? Time and
again, we will note that we see the Father through His Son,
Jesus, who said, I and the Father are one (John 10:30). It is
the Father in Jesus who is drawing us to Himself. Jesus is not
the Father; they are distinct Persons who share the same nature.
But in Jesus we can see the FatherHis character and His heart.
I encourage you to do what Mary Magdalene did. She started
her journey to the tomb while it was still dark. She had no idea
Neal Lozano with Matthew Lozano, Abba's Heart
Chosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2015. Used by permission.

(Unpublished manuscriptcopyright protected Baker Publishing Group)

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The Promise

how she would move the heavy stone that kept her from Jesus.
But the stone was miraculously removed. When she saw the
resurrected Jesus, who carried the Fathers life and light, she
saw the Father.
Here and now, Marys story is our story: As we seek to follow Jesus, we will nd that He is leading us to His Father and
our Father.
Personal Prayer:
Lord Jesus, I want to know the Father. I ask You to give
me the courage not only to keep reading these pages but
to listen to my own heart and Your leading. Inspire me to
see more than what is written on these pages. Jesus, You
are the heart of the Father revealed. Let me see into the
Fathers heart to see who He really is and nd out who
I really am. I believe You are faithful and You will come
to me as You did to Mary Magdalene while she was in a
moment of darkness and unbelief. Thank You, Lord, for
the promise of making the Father known. I want to nd
my true home.

Neal Lozano with Matthew Lozano, Abba's Heart
Chosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2015. Used by permission.

(Unpublished manuscriptcopyright protected Baker Publishing Group)

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