Dppoagm 2015qa

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Question & Answer Summary

JULY 4, 2015

This years AGM began with a Question and Answer period with guest Mayor
Margaret Quirk and Ward 5 Councillor Dave Harding. President Paul Oulahen
introduced the guests and encouraged members to express their complaints,
compliments and issues to the mayor and councillor. He explained that the board
is in contact with the township works department and politicians on common
issues throughout the year.
Q A member expressed concern about garbage removal by Green for Life
contractors. Seems to be new rules for location of bins and asked if they had
suspended some services.
A The mayor said the companys contract is up in 2016 and that many Georgina
residents have been upset with changes and service levels. Have had issues with
company reaching out to residents ie. placing stickers on items and explanation
for non-removal. She explained the township is aware of the situation and
encouraged members to list their individual complaints for further investigation.
Q The issue of traffic on Ravenshoe Road was brought up as it relates to increased
A The mayor explained that they are conducting traffic counts and trying to come
up with accurate numbers and looking at the timing of the traffic lights.

Q Paul Oulahen listed issues of standing water, power to the park and ash tree
concerns, plus high taxes.
A The mayor explained the township is looking into tax burden on residents
exploring a bigger corporate tax base. This would involve attracting new
businesses to share the pain.

With regard to tree issue they explained that everyone is facing the same problem
and that pamphlets outlining ash board disease were available for members to
look over. Township/York Region have begun putting paint marks (orange/green)
on trees that need to come down. There is not enough staff to check every street
and driveway. She asked members call to let them know about a specific tree
problem. Some will be replaced. It represents millions in costs and noted that
some beaches will be decimated. Can ask for provincial money. Can request a
visit from works department if tree is on road allowance and it will go on a list, on
a priority basis.
Q Road repair to Duclos Point Road was brought up for discussion. Member
wanted to know why our entrance roadway had been left off the list for yet
another year.
A Its a budget issue. They have to work through the list and are not ignoring us.
Some roads are an easier fix and some roads are worse than ours. Duclos Point
Road is on a list and will come to the top, maybe in the next budget year but not
this year.
Q Ploughing of our roads was brought up in regards to destroying lawns.
A Will be dealt with on case by case basis. Have to wing back to size of ploughs
and to make roadways safe for travel.
Q Asked about clearing of ditches on Right of Ways. We have been working with
the township but need a general maintenance program on regular basis.

A Asked us to send in a request for be placed on a work list. Technically it is

private property but the township could assist in doing the work as it has done
Q Paul Oulahen requested that the township provide DPPO with turnover in
properties in our association so that we can update our records and provide
communication to new owners. This should be a matter of public record and
recorded on tax roll sheets.
A Asked DPPO to make the request.
Q Commented on the work done at the end of the point and positive movement
on placing rocks, although some have been hit possibly by turning trucks.
A Acknowledged work and issue of large trucks turning at the end of the point.
Q Member enquired about the septic inspections being conducted by kids.
Asked for explanation of the process.
A Septic checks being conducted by students who are in their third years of a
relatable program. It is being carried out throughout Georgina along lakefront and
river edges. They have the authority to come on to the property and do a visual
check. There is general information on the township website. Mr. Harding
explained that this effort is province-wide along any streams leading to the Lake.
All will be checked. Each lot checked for leeching and malfunction and then will
be flagged. If there is a violation you will receive a letter of inspection listing the
violation or giving the preliminary visual inspection a pass. Residents will be asked
to pump out the system while a certified inspector is present to do the final
inspection. Some of the contractors who pump systems are also able to do
certification otherwise there is a list of them suggested on the letter everyone
would have received. If not you can contact the township. If the septic does not
pass this inspection could ask for repairs and replacement. Systems that are new
would have been certified through provincial regulations, which contain
specifications. Maintenance is mandated by the province and is up to the
individual home owner. There is information about this at the town offices.

Q Member asked about the fox population and whether where was a program to
control them.
A Animal control will not trap only if there is a considerable threat and ongoing
problem. Would not likely come out for a fox issue.
Q Member at the top of the point enquired about damage created by trucks and
cars turning around the mini oval. The turns are too tight and cited occasion
where has garage bin, along with property had been damaged.
A There is no easy answer including limiting the length of trucks. Has to be dealt
with by resident builders and truck companies who should be made aware of the
Q Does the township have any control over the lake water levels.
A The levels are controlled by the Trent Waterway who lowered it in anticipation
of a larger spring melt that didnt happen. This is a Trent Waterway/Provincial
issue if residents want to look into it further.
The Mayor and Councillor were thanked for their participation and left a sign-up
sheet for residents with specific issues. **Councillor Harding eventually returned
to the meeting after fulfilling another engagement and talked to residents

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