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Call to Order
The Meeting was called to order by Paul Oulahen at 10.55 a.m. following the
Question and Answer Period.
Paul asked four new members in attendance to introduce themselves. Each came
up individually from lots #621, 694, 561 and 630.
Approval of 2014 Minutes
Secretary Linda Parsley explained that the Board had decided to dispense with the
reading of the minutes from 2014 because they had been posted for nearly one
year on the DPPO website. There had been no objections during this time so she
moved to have the minutes accepted as presented on the web. The motion was
approved by Gina Thompson and seconded by Steven McKay. The motion passed.
Presidents Report
Paul explained that this is an all-inclusive community and the board is looking
forward to making it better. Cited resurfacing of tennis courts, construction of
new playground recently installed. Playground possible through matching funds
of DPPO and generous donations including major gift from the Kaptyn family in
Marys name. He thanked Sarah Allen for her work getting quotes, design and
funds to make it possible.
DPPO has 83 members and looking for input for a vision going forward. Looking
at replacing the shed which is in bad state of repair. Also looking into a small,

covered area opening into a shed for storage. This would be the last major
Treasurers Report
Glenn Gibson thanked Paul for his administrative support. He reported that the
financial statement had once again been audited by Ross Bell who volunteered to
conduct the audit. He said that all corporate tax returns and corporate
information returns had been filed.
Discussed the cost of the playground, $30,000. and said there is currently
$11,000 in surplus. This is about $3,000 ahead of budget because of
contributions to the playground.
He said the drop in membership is in part due to the number of properties in
transition but with the dues at $300 the cash is greater but with lower
Expenses were lower than budgeted and donations were higher. Glenn said that
about $200. per household goes towards normal operating expenses with $100
relegated to projects and repairs.
When asked by Lisa Vespremi about the high cost of the playground and liability
issues, he and Sarah replied it is a low risk playground up to code of safety
standards, meets all codes with minimum exposure to liability. It is anchored,
non-toxic and built by the vendor with the best price. The surface is up to safety
standards with buffers; followed strict guidelines and was inspected and
approved. Considered a safe playground by industry standards. Steve and
Andrew McKay were thanked for their involvement in preparing the playground
The liability is the same and the insurance would be the same amount as
budgeted. He did not anticipate any large increase. Our insurance representative
Dave Meadwell said he will know shortly if there will be a rise in rates for this

When asked if there is a minimum reserve required, Glenn replied that there
should always be enough for capital projects, tree replacements etc. This would
mean about $5000 in reserves for any emergencies.
Glenn proposed a motion to accept the financial statements as presented. Mike
Coyne approved and Dave Tomlinson seconded. Motion was passed.

Playground Report
Sarah reported that the playground had been installed after two years of
fundraising and preparation. Quotes from four or five companies were reviewed.
It is a beautiful playground and built according to all code requirements. It is
considered safe. One member noted the playground seems well designed for
safety and kids can reach from one piece of equipment to another with security.
Age ranges are posted on the equipment, which was designed for children 2 to
`12. Sarah gave thanks to Steve and Andrew McKay who excavated and prepared
the site, finishing in only 1 one-half days. She thanked all the DPPO donors and
the generosity of the Kaptyn family. A rock will be installed at the site in memory
of Mary Kaptyn. Member donations also helped fund replacement of belts on
existing swings in the park.
Sarah explained that the next stage is to place two benches and plant one or two
tress on the east side that will provide additional shade. We had to wait until the
playground was installed to access the locations of the trees and benches. Trees
best suited to the site will be selected and planted. A member asked if we need
Use At Own Risk signage and Sarah explained that age groups and advised
recommended usage are displayed on the equipment. Glenn noted that $19,000
was raised from donations from 24 members and $11,000 came from dues.
Nomination of Board Positions
Four board members, Paul Oulahen, Sam Manogaran, Linda Parsley, & Linda
Wahrer are up for re-nomination as their 2-year terms are up. Members Steve

McKay and Dave Buck said they would like to run for board positions. Since all
board members were standing for re-nomination an election would have to be
held. Dave Buck was nominated by Lisa Vespremi, Steve Mckay by Pat Guthrie,
Linda Wahrer by Wendy Lapointe, Linda Parsley by Lisa Vespremi, Paul Oulahen
by Bill Wahrer and Sam Manogaran by Gary Stortini.
Since the bylaws call for only seven board members, Paul asked that we confer
regarding procedure and carry on with the rest of the agenda in the meantime.

Tree Assessment
Linda Wahrer reported the emerald ash boar is very pervasive and is everywhere.
It has been discovered at Moores Beach. After a walk through with an arborist it
was found that we have dozens of ash trees at the south and west sides of the
oval, in the west right of way and at the top of the oval in the marshy area. Some
are huge and others smaller and more manageable. So it is only a matter of time.
We will have to deal with the township who will only deal with hazardous trees
at this time. Since the township is looking at their entire inventory from Keswick
and moving east it is unlikely we will get an assessment this year, maybe next.
They have limited resources and are overwhelmed.
Board has decided to be proactive and try to save a couple of trees at the north
end of the oval. Treatments have to be started immediately. Each tree treatment
will cost between $200 and $500 depending on the size. It is an effective
treatment done on mature healthy trees and must be done before August this
The ash tree issue will be a problem going forward as the township is not
replanting one for one but more like four or five to one. It will be up to DPPO to
invest in tree planting.
Linda explained that the treatment is complicated by weather conditions
(temperature and rain) and timing. The board is proposing $1000. Of the budget

be allotted to saving and treating as many trees as that will allow; in reality up to
3 trees. One member commented that may be a conservative amount. Another
member asked that any wood available from felling ash trees be offered to the
membership. Another member said why not let them die and invest in new trees.
Linda explained that the treatment does not go on forever, only two to three
years maximum. She underlined that it is not a big investment and from what we
know is the best idea for now. There was no objection to going forward with the
tree treatments for this year.

Budget and Dues

Glenn said that there is no proposed increase in the $300 dues for next year. He
explained that this was required for tree budget, replacing trees, swing costs,
pickle ball lines and one tennis court, 23 to 13 lawn cuts at $600 per cut;
administrative costs, bank charges, emergencies, electrical upgrades etc. We
need to continue to build up the fund to replace the electrical, repair or replace
the shed and build a shelter. This breaks down to approximately $15,000
shed/shelter and $3,000 for operating funds. He asked for approval for budget to
build reserves if we need them. Also to replace shed with is musty, rotting and
unable to support storage of DPPO items which are scattered all around the point
stored in members cottages. We need a weather proof spot to store our stuff
and couple it with a shelter where members can gather and get out of bad
Steve McKay raised concern of people thinking it might be a public space. Paul
replied that would be easy to approach people and ask them to leave and that
this type of structure was common in community parks. Other members
expressed concern about needing and funding a picnic area and wondered who
would keep it clean. Some members explained that the overall sentiment seems
to be to keep things as they are, as per last year on the discussion of the west
right of way.

One member suggested wording the budget motion without the addition of a
shelter only a shed. With that Glenn proposed a motion to pass the new budget
with funds for a shed only, removing mention of a shelter. It was seconded by
George Vertes and passed with 7 opposed votes. The new budget was approved
with the shed only element to be funded from the reserve.
Glenn then proposed a motion to keep dues at $300 for one more year. George
Vertes seconded and the motion was passed with no opposed.

Field Day & Corn Roast

Linda Parsley reported that she would be coordinating field day on Aug. 1 and
that Alex would be running the corn roast on Labour Day Weekend. She asked for
volunteers for both time and donations and handed out sheets for members to
return. Already there are people for set up, races and prizes but more help is
needed. Made a plea for members to come forward to help keep the tradition
going and help fund this effort. Linda also mentioned 2 members that have died
this past year: Susan Burford who died last July and was a co-founder of the
Toronto House of Lords Hair Design and Jim Lamb (a former member of yrs past).
New Business
The possible development of the Lamb property was brought up for discussion.
Paul suggested it is a difficult property full of environmental issues and would
take years to develop. It is apparently on a flood plain and zoned for small usage.
Members were told to be aware of whats going on and to check with the
township. At the moment the property is not for sale.
Revisiting Board Nominations
After consulting the bylaws it was suggested a show of hands for each candidate
as multiple ballots might be otherwise required and tallying could be difficult. In
the end it was decided that each voting member write down the names of four

candidates on their green voting card. The votes were counted up by Len Ricchetti
and Ross Bell. The following board members were elected: Linda Wahrer, Linda
Parsley, Steve McKay and Dave Buck. These board members were affirmed. Glenn
said he wished to thank Paul for all his hard work and Sam for his time on the

A motion was put forward by Paul to adjourn the meeting at 12.36 pm. It was
proposed by Bill Wahrer and seconded by Dave Buck

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