Plant Microtechnique

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M c G R A W - H I L L BOOK C O M P A N Y , I N C .

C O P Y R I G H T , 1940, B Y






AU rights reserved. This book, or

part* thereof, may not be reproduced
. in any form without permission of
the publishers.

Four considerations prompted the preparation of the present text:
(1) the acute necessity for a sifting and synthesis of the hundreds of
methods and procedures that have been proposed during the past ten
years of rapid development in microtechnique; (2) the need for a manual
of modern botanical technique methods by botanists lacking special
training in that field but who must prepare slides as part of their work in
other fields; (3) to bring together the accumulated and mostly unpub
lished results of some sixteen years of extensive personal experience in
collecting materials and preparing slides of plants from over the entire
range of the plant kingdom; and (4) to provide an answer to the increas
ingly numerous enquiries received by the author concerning the methods
he employs in routine and research work.
The main purpose of the book is to acquaint the user with the prin
ciples and procedures of all phases of botanical microtechnique. The
specific aim is to enable elementary and advanced students, instructors
and research investigators to prepare their own microscope slides of plant
The text is in no sense an encyclopedia of botanical microtechnique
methods. M a n y proposed fixing fluids, staining and dehydration
methods, etc., have been omitted because it was concluded after thorough
trial that they had not demonstrated their superiority over accepted
procedures. With but few exceptions, every procedure cited has been
carefully tested by the author or by students under his immediate super
vision. Methods which are questionable under certain circumstances are
so indicated. Such minor changes as might be required to adapt older
schedules to modern conditions have been incorporated. In general, if a
procedure or formula has not been credited to a specified person, the
author may be held responsible.
The text has been divided, for reasons of convenience and experience,
into two sections.
The first section describes the apparatus, reagents, dyes, etc., and
the general methods universally employed by botanical technicians.
Partiality in the selection of methods for presentation has been avoided,
but it must be confessed that experience has engendered a preference for
the paraffin over the celloidin method. Each method, however, has been
described in sufficient detail to permit mastery in all its various phases.
Inessentials have been eliminated and procedures made as concise and
explicit as possible. The chapters on Whole-mount Methods, Smear
Methods, and Cytological Methods constitute features that have never
before been included as such in any text.



The second section takes up all plant phyla in phylogenetic order and
gives as detailed directions or suggestions as are available for the treat
ment of specific groups in each phylum. The plants described are mainly
those occurring naturally in the United States and Canada. The chap
ters on the algal phyla are particularly comprehensive. At the beginning
of each chapter are given both general and specific suggestions regarding
the collection, preservation, cultivation and manipulation of each phylum
as an entirety, following which the orders and families are taken up in
succession and more detailed directions are cited for genera and species."
Innumerable procedures are described for the first time. Whenever
references to other sources are not mentioned, the technical treatment
recommended for a particular plant or group of plants is the one which
has been found preferable from the author's personal experienceReferences to the literature are intended primarily for the guidance
of those who may wish to pursue a topic further, and secondarily to
indicate the sources of statements or for more detailed descriptions of
procedures. Only articles and books cited in the text, therefore, are
included in the bibliography at the end of the-second section.
A chapter on photomicrography has not been included because of the
large number of excellent texts on the subject now available. Paleobotanical methods are omitted since suitable material is not available
to most botanists and because the author has had insufficient personal
experience in this field.
The figures have in general been selected to illustrate the results of a
given technical treatment on the material concerned. Except as> other
wise noted, all slides from which the photomicrographs have been made
were prepared by the author. The photographs are practically all the
work of a former student, Mr. John D. Poindexter.
For assistance in- solving difficult technique problems and for a
critical reading of portions of the first section, the author is deeply
indebted to Miss Enid A. Larson. Portions of the second section have
been read, and numerous suggestions made, by Dr. G. M . Smith. The
author must also acknowledge the advice and assistance, particularly in
connection with the commercial aspects of microtechnique, rendered by
Dr. George H. Conant over a period of many years.
Botanical microtechnique is a science in which such rapid progress
is being made at present that it is difficult for a person, without access
to a large botanical library which receives all current journals, to keep
abreast with proposed new procedures and changes in older methods.
The author; therefore, would appreciate it if users of the text would favor
him with reprints of their articles, or would otherwise keep him informed
concerning new or improved methods.





D o n a l d












Laboratory Rules








Killing and Fixation







Staining Procedures



Special Methods



Whole-mount Methods



Glycerin Method



Celloidin Methods


Paraffin Methods




x .



Smear Methods.





Cytological Methods



Micbochemical Methods


Sources of
















. . . . . . . .















































Immense strides have been made during the past decade in all aspects
of microscopical technique, and even greater progress has been made in
revealing the life histories of plants and their phylogenetic relationships.
There has thus been rendered imperative an attempt to correlate the
information provided by these two sources and to digest it in such a
manner that it may be of the optimum service to workers in all the
various botanical sciences. The present text constitutes an attempt at
such a correlation.
Modern synthetic chemistry has made available innumerable reagents
with which both botanical and zoological technicians have recently begun
to experiment. Many of the attempts turned out to have been founded
upon overoptimism: there seems to be currently prevalent a delusion
that there exists such a thing as a single foolproof cure-all for every one
of the difficulties with which technicians are continually confronted.
Dioxan may be cited as an example: expectations at first were very
high, but this reagent soon turned out to have only a limited, though
valuable, application. Experiments with other reagents are continuing,
and every encouragement should be extended to such efforts. However,
statements with regard to the applicability of a new reagent should
always be made with .due caution: it would be well continually to bear
in mind that the innately complex structural differences among plants
will always prevent any one reagent or method-from being of universal
Although the older methods and ideas in vogue among botanical
technicians often verged on superstition, there are nevertheless many
sound conceptions which have been evolved and have survived all
attempts at obliteration. The-more prominent of the older superstitions
were that absolute ethyl alcohol must always be used to ensure complete
dehydration and that a clearing agent must be used to render the tissues
perfectly transparent before they were in a fit condition to be infiltrated
with paraffin. On the other hand, methods immediately became more
refined when botanical technicians got rid of a procedure, apparently
borrowed from clinical laboratories, in which time is the essence of any
method, and began to use a graduated series of reagents for both dehydra
tion and infiltration. None of the newer reagents provided by modern


chemistry has demonstrated its ability to work successfully at a given

single unitary concentration, and it is extremely doubtful if any ever will,
for the nature of plants cannot be changed any more than can that of
human beings.
Each species of plants must be treated as individualistically as are
specimens of Homo sapiens. The days when both plants and people
were treated en masse have passed. To deal successfully with a given
species, the "technician must know something of the life history, the
manner through which each stage is passed, the physical structure and
chemical properties of the various tissues composing the organism and
each of its parts, and the probable Teactions of the latter to the reagents
which it is proposed to use upon them. To this must be combined an
essential knowledge of the physical and chemical characteristics of each
reagent and of dyes and stains, their interactions with one another, and
their general effects upon plant tissues.
The amazing manual skill of the older technicians has been supplanted
by procedures which are partly physical but mainly chemical. In place
of learning how to wield a razor and how to keep it sharp, the present-day
technician must learn how to handle chemicals.. Probably no other
profession so abounds with "tricks " peculiar to it, as does microtechnique.
A technician becomes successful only to the extent that he masters these
strategems, in addition to inventing a few more of his own. It is not
possible to describe all the artifices. After a thorough mastery of
methods, one instinctively learns about them and recognizes the moment
when it becomes necessary to apply one of them. Some small or rela
tively insignificant matter very frequently determines the success or
failure of a procedure. Accidents and near accidents occur all the time:
the mark of the technician is his ability to avoid them and to plan
detours around obstacles placed in the path by the plants themselves.
Experience showed that there was more than one way of killing a cat;
likewise, there are different methods of dealing with obdurate plant
tissues. The only trouble is that the other and correct method is not
always immediately plain; more or less experimentation may be required,
but this occasionally gives one the chance to devise a new method which
would be of great service to other technicians. As a matter of fact,
very many methods have resulted because some one could not get the
customary procedure to work as it supposedly should.
The beginning technician and those who are proceeding for the first
time should always follow directions exactly as given. It is highly
presumptuous to imagine that one knows more about the procedure, even
before attempting to use, it, than did the- originator. One is not at
liberty to propeed differently until and unless one is convinced that the
nature of the material demands a digression. The formulae of most


reagents have been determined by carefully controlled experiments;

the schedules for all the principal staining methods generally represent
the combined experience of many competent workers over long periods
and with all sorts of plant tissues under a variety of conditions. The
iron-acetocarmin method, for example, as devised by Belling, has been
standardized in its basic principles, and one should first learn to obtain
exactly the same results as do other workers before one starts in to make
modifications. Others are prevented from understanding and inter
preting one's results if undesirable or unnecessary modifications are made
in familiar procedures.
A word of encouragement is in order. Many occasions will arise when
one experiences a feeling of helplessness when confronted with the task
of dealing with an unfamiliar plant. " Even experienced technicians often
find themselves in such situations. Their procedure is to employ a killing
and fixing fluid with whose reactions they are familiar, then to use
dehydration, infiltration and staining methods with which they haVe had
successful previous experience, and finally to observe the results in the'
completed preparation. A little study will quickly reveal where improve
ments should be made when the rest of the material is to be worked up.
This is only a sort of trial-and-error method, of course, but if each step
is carried out after due consideration, the result is generally fairly satis
factory, and only minor changes need to be made afterward.' The
beginner should follow the same procedure. If the plant concerned is
not specifically described in the text, then the methods recommended for
the most closely related forms should be used for guidance.
Persons who happen to be afflicted with color blindness are under
a handicap in microtechnique since the ability to judge variations in
stain reactions is one of the prerequisites, for successful work.

These rules are the self-imposed regulations of all competent techni
cians; by following them, the beginning technician will avoid considerable
1. First and foremost: Keep everything clean.
2. Know what you are doing. If in doubt, stop at once, and orient
yourself before proceeding further. Do not try to rush things: there is
no more certain way of courting grief. There will, of course, be frequent
occasions for becoming exasperated with the proverbial innate perversity
; of inanimate things, but one should never permit such irritations to
exhaust his patience.
3. Keep your desk or table in order. Have a definite place for every
object. Label all chemicals, reagents, and solutions; do not trust your
memory or senses to recognize them. <
4. Use only clean glass vessels in preparing reagents, except in such
rare cases as when special containers might be indicated. Always clean
^the glassware while still damp, or place it temporarily in a dishpan with
running water.
5. Keep your hands clean and dry, especially when mounting fjaraffin
ribbons on slides. Be careful not to leave traces of poisonous substances
(e.g., mercuric chloride and phenol) on your hands or clothes. It would
be wise to wear a rubber apron in order to protect the clothing.
6. Use acids with great caution. The fumes of most acids are
extremely irritating. Always pour acids into water, never water into
acids. If heat is evolved, add small quantities at a time and cool between
7. Keep containers holding anhydrous solutions tightly corked or
stoppered. Do not use the dregs, as of absolute alcohol, for completing
dehydration, for such remnants are no longer anhydrous. Use vaseline
or petrolatum on the covers and edges of all stenders and coplins contain
ing volatile or hygroscopic fluids, if they are to be left standing for more
than a day or two.
8. Keep card or other simplified records, as accurately as possible, of
all materials. Record on each card all data concerning the manipulation
of the material. Do not leave anything of consequence to memory.
9. In weighing solid chemicals, take care to avoid contamination.
Protect the pans of scales or balances with paper.


10. Do not throw solids or celloidin solutions into the sink. Flush
the sink with water when pouring acids or stains into it.
11. Do not use pipettes indiscriminately. Have one for each type of
alcohol, one for xylol, one for stains, another for acids, etc.
12. Take extreme care to avoid contamination of osmic acid solutions:
they are very expensive. Never breathe the fumes of osmic acid, nor
permit them to come near the eyes. .
13. Keep balsam containers out of the light. The balsam might
become acid and is then ruinous to stains.
14. In collecting material, remember that changes in the cells occur
rapidly after removal from the plant, from water, etc. Shorten the time
elapsing between removal and placing into'the killing fluid as much as
possible. It should not exceed more than a few seconds. Avoid crush
ing. Remove all superfluous tissue and cut into as small pieces as
15. Before starting to kill and fix tissues, be sure your have selected
what you consider to be the proper solution. Better still, use several
different fluids at the first trial, and later select for future collections the
one giving the best fixation. Make up the solutions and have ready for
use before starting work on the plants.
16. Study staining schedules carefully before starting to use one with
which you are unfamiliar. Make certain that all the reagents called for
are at hand.
17. Budget your time both a day and several days ahead. Plan
future Operations far enough ahead to ensure that the most may be made
of the available time. Experienced technicians frequently have as many
as a dozen operations proceeding simultaneously.
18: Remember not to leave tissues too long in killing solutions, in
j the dehydrating fluids, and in the paraffin oven.
19. Examine all your preparations critically and also, whenever
possible, obtain the opinions of competent specialists. Never be satisfied
with mediocre results. Judge on the basis of killing and fixing, infiltra
tion, microtoming, staining, and mounting. Be honest in your judg
ment, even if you feel that poor results were the fault of the material
or the schedule followed. You will be a better technician if you blame
yourself first and your materials and schedules afterward.
20. Finally, under no circumstances become discouraged if your first
efforts culminate miserably, but try again. Seek for the cause or causes
of the failure. As Bolles-Lee, one of the greatest of zoological techni
cians, has truly said, even the most experienced technicians often turn
out perfectly atrocious preparations on their preliminary trials.

It is presumed that a person commencing the study of plant micro
technique intends to familiarize himself, to some extent at least, with
the majority of the different methods. On this basis, each student
should provide himself with'vthe supplies noted in the following summa
rized list. Some of the items will be discussed at greater length.

or m o r e b o x e s of slides of t h e , s t a n d a r d size, 25

Coverslips: A medium


generally known


75 m m .

( 1 X 3 inches).

N o . 1, i s p r e f e r a b l e .

.As a

s t a r t , a h a l f o u n c e e a c h of. t h e f o l l o w i n g s i z e s w i l l s e r v e : 2 2 m m . s q u a r e s , 1 8 o r
22 m m . circles, a n d
100-cc. graduate

dozen ordinary



40 m m .

(also 50-cc. a n d


500-cc. sizes if d e s i r e d ) .



L a r g e all-steel scalpel, or sharp


Scalpel with e b o n y handle

long, thin, straight


blade; intended



t r i m m i n g paraffin blocks for m i c r o t o m i n g .

Several needles, in


2 or m o r e camel's-hair

brushes, assorted

2 pair o f scissors, s m a l l a n d
Forceps: a strong

one for handling


India ink and


10 o r m o r e C o p l i n


8 or m o r e Stender



slides, a n d

a narrow-pointed

one for#ise



12 o r m o r e solid ( S y r a c u s e ) w a t c h








8 o r m o r e bottles of 100-cc.
Several bottles of 500-cc.



Alcohol l a m p : (Use o n l y clean ethyl alcohol; traces of xylol, etc., will cause coverslips t o b e c o m e s m u d g e d . )
B a l s a m bottle, with glass-rod


6 or m o r e square Petri dishes

(for smears).

Suction p u m p

for water

Grease or china-marking



. Microscopes.A microscope is, of course, necessary, but all that

is required in microtechnique is an inexpensive one with a low-power
objective and a single ocular. A microscope intended for research
purposes emphatically should not be employed, as the chances are that
it will soon be somewhat damaged by chemicals and minor accidents.
The stage of the microscope should be protected by a glass plate; a large


lantern-slide cover serves the purpose admirably. It should not be

fastened to the stage, as it is frequently easier to move the glass than a
wet slide placed upon the glass. Also one might wish to examine a
completed preparation without getting it wet,, for which purpose it is
merely necessary to withdraw the glass plate.
If the student has not had nrevious experience'in the manipulation
of the microscope, he should first inform himself fully upon the sub
ject. The optical companies usually provide small handbooks to
accompany their own instruments. One can pursue with great profit
Simon H. Gage's "The Microscope'/' (Comstock Publishing Company,
Ithaca, N . Y., 15th ed., 1932). .
Microtomes.Although not required at the beginning, a microtome
soon becomes ah absolute necessity. The modern microtomes are, on
the whole, very efficient precision machines. They are of two general
types, the sliding and the rotary. Technicians are not in agreement
as to which type is the best; the choice of either type apparently depends
upon the possession of "mechanical ability." Those who have a feeling
for mechanical skill will do their best work with the sliding microtome;
beginners, and even those with little or no aptitude in the use of machines,
should place their main reliance upon the rotary microtome.
The rotary microtome should be used only for sectioning material
embedded in paraffin; in all other methods requiring the cutting of
sections, a sliding microtome is indicated.
Many students find it desirable to begin with a simple form of the
sliding microtome, and to'progress to a larger and'somewhat more
complicated as well as more accurate machine as skill increases.
There are two types of rotary microtomes. In the older type, as
exemplified by the Minot microtome manufactured by the Bausch and
Lomb Optical Company, the forward movement is directly related to
the up-and-down movement: For optimum results, the two movements
should be separated, but satisfactory sections can be cut on the Minot
models if due care is exercised. In the new Spencer No. 820 microtome,
the horizontal and vertical movements are-wholly-independent, giving
greater stability and precision. The universal joint clamp for holding
the object in this microtome, though of simple and rigid construction, is a
little difficult for beginners to manage.'.
Knives.Microtome knives are easily available, not too expensive,
and those intended for rotary machines are interchangeable. Each
student will find it more convenient to purchase his own knife, rather
than to depend upon a laboratory knife which is liable to have been
handled by careless students. Some sliding microtome knives have
special tworpronged handles for clamping into the sliding block. The
personal possession of such a knifeis at the stuclent's option> if he pre1



fers the sliding to the rotary microtome for cutting paraffin sections, it
would be better to secure a knife intended for use in the former. Knives
intended for rotary machines may also be used in some types of sliding
The student should learn how to sharpen his own microtome knives,
as a sharp knife is absolutely essential if perfect sections are to be cut.
Microtome knives should not be trusted to the "key maker and knife
grinder" in a dingy basement shop, nor to those who sharpen knives for
surgeons. Most such persons will only ruiri the knife. If the edge has
a few bad nicks, it is better to send the.knife to the manufacturer for
resharpening. Two hones should be available: a yellow Belgian hone
for the preliminary stages and a fine carborundum hone for the finishing,
but many people use only the Belgian hone.
Place the back on the knife and screw in the handle. Flood the
Belgian hone with clean water and place on the table so that one end is
toward you. Place the knife at the far end of the hone, as close to the
handle as possible and with the edge of the knife pointed in your direction,
then draw the knife diagonally toward you in such a manner that the
end opposite the handle reaches the near end of the hone. Do not exert
any pressure on the knife; its own weight is all that should be allowed.
Next turn the knife over so that it points toward the far end of the hone
and with the handle end again close to the hone. Move, diagonally
toward the far end of the hone, then turn over and repeat the entire
process for about 10 minutes. To detect nicks in the knife, draw the
nail of the thumb cautiously over the edge (turning the finger over far
enough to avoid cutting the ball), holding the knife pointed away from
you and moving the nail in the same direction; the nail will be momen
tarily stopped by even tiny nicks. If any nicks are encountered, con
tinue honing until they have disappeared.
There are a number of automatic sharpeners on the market. The
necessary skill required for manipulating these sharpeners is much less
than that required for stone honing, and is quickly acquired if the
manufacturer's directions are followed.
In stropping, use a stiff leather strop, or one mounted on a wooden
block, not one which is so soft as to bend the edge of the knife. The
honing back should also be placed, on the knife when stropping the final
edge. Knives are stropped in the reverse of the directions employed
during honing (otherwise, of course, the strop will be cut), and move
ments must also be diagonal. Never strike the knife against the strop
with the grandflourishthat barbers affect.
Any particular portion of the knife-edge should be used only once,
and not too large a number of sections should be cut at this point. As
soon as the edge shows signs of becoming-dull, which can readily be told



when the sections begin to become rough and torn, move to a new portion,
or remove, clean, and resharpen or strop. Always keep the back- (the
paraffin or object side) of the knife clean. Learn to do this with the ball
of the forefinger or little finger, quickly, automatically and frequently.
Safety Razor Blade Holders.-The optical companies advertise
clamps designed to hold a blade of the Gillette safety razor type, but
none of these holders has any great merit. The new Craig-Wilson
holder is superior to all others. This holder is so constructed that ice
water may be run through it when very thin sections are required;
or if sections 25/* thick or thicker are wanted, lukewarm water can be run
through and long ribbons obtained. When using this clamp, it must be
kept in mind that the blade is not straight, as is the microtome knife, but
is bent into a curve. The holder should not be inclined toward the
paraffin block as far as a knife is inclined, but should be as nearly vertical
as possible without permitting the paraffin block to scrape against any
part of the holder.
Safety Razor Blades.There is much difference of opinion as to
which brand of safety-razor blades is best for use in microtoming. As
all who use safety blades for shaving know only too well, there is a
very great lack of uniformity in all brands on the market. Manu
facturers' statements are so unreliable as to be meaningless. The only
thing, one can do is to get any brand of the Gillette type, but to avoid
those which are so thin as to be flimsy, and try one brand after another
until a suitable one is encountered. The writer prefers Dublekeen
blades. It is advisable to purchase a good quality Twinplex stropper and
strop the blades occasionally, first being sure to remove any adhering
paraffin by wiping the blade with xylol.
Paraffin Embedding Ovens.It is now relatively easy to procure a
satisfactory paraffin bath or oven. The various forms range all the way
from an electric globe i(earbon filament) suspended over a tumbler, in
which the paraffin is only partially melted, to the large Lillie water bath
with as many as 16 separate compartments. In localities where the
daily and yearly ranges in temperature are slight, a simple form of oven is
preferable, but in other places an, oven with double, insulated walls will
be necessary. The writer has used for many years a simple Thelco
Electric Oven (manufactured by the Thermo Electric Instrument Com
pany, Newark, N . J.). In large laboratories, where the number of
students'is considerable, one or more ovens of greater capacity are neces
sary. Excellent vacuum ovens have recently appeared oh the market.
Staining Dishes.Two types of staining dishes are available for
staining sections mounted on slides: the S tender dish and the Coplin jar
(familiarly known as "stenders" and "coplins"). The latter is difficult
to clean because of its construction but has the advantage over the



Stender dish in that the slides are always in position. Some technicians
prefer one type, some the other. As a general rule, coplins are used to '
hold stains and for the series of alcohols used in staining processes while
stenders are used for washes, mordants, etc. In the more precise work,
only a few slides are handled at a time and this is most conveniently done
in coplins. If a large number of slides are to be stained by a standardized
procedure and if the slides do not need to be handled individually until
the process has been completed, small battery jars, each with a capacity
of about 1 liter of solution, may be used. With such a container, some
form of slide holder is necessary. One or two have recently appeared on
the market, but it is just as easy to devise a suitable holder. One of the
author's students removed the wire coil from inside the roller of an oldstyle window shade and cut it into convenient lengths. Or stainlessosteel
wire of the proper gage (about 0.06 inch in diameter) can be wound
around, a broom handle; the coil should be about % inch in diameter.
The slides are inserted between the coils. A metallic rack holding 50
slides has been used for years by the writer; it should not be used in any
solutions other than plain water, alcohol, or xylolnever in staining
solutions and mordants.
Slides.Many brands of slides now on the market are worthless.
Slides of American manufacture are usually more dependable than those
imported from other countries. It is well known that slides of European,
and particularly of German, manufacture sold in the United States are
generally those remaining over after the perfect ones have been picked out
for home consumption. Dealers who furnish high-quality slides are
listed in the chapter on Sources of Materials.
The standard thickness of slides is exactly 1 mm.; this is a rather thin
slide more suitable for critical cytological work than for general purposes.
Some brands appear slightly greenish when viewed edgewise, but there is
no particular virtue residing in the claim that slides should appear per
fectly white. Greenish slides are less prone to corrosion.
Depression Slides.Depression slides (usually called "culture slides"
in most catalogues), in which to mount bulky objects permanently, are
expensive and for some purposes are unsatisfactory because the cavities
are of a standard depth and. width. The use of the dental engine and
suitable abrasives mounted on mandrels has been suggested for making
cavities of the exact dimensions required. The dental engine has its
drawbacks, but there are now on the market a number of small electric
grinders or hand pieces which are more easily manipulated and which
can be utilized to grind cavities of any dimensions, provided mounted
abrasive wheels of the proper shapes are used. The Handee grinder
(manufactured by the Chicago Wheel and Manufacturing Company, 1101
West Monroe Street, Chicago, 111.) has been used by the writer with very
satisfactory results. Use the green mounted wheels, which contain



silicon or carbide abrasives, and always lubricate the site with a saturated
solution of gum camphor in oil of turpentine. There is always consider
able wheel wear when grinding glass; consequently the wheels should not
be pressed too hard into the glass. Fairly thick slides should be selected.
The ground portion has a very rough appearance when the grinding is
completed, but after the cavity is filled with balsam the rough edges
almost completely disappear and do not interfere with observations under
the microscope.
Coverslips.The usual run of coverslips (or cover-glasses) are no
better than most slides. It is an anomaly that some of the most exten
sively advertised brands are, in the opinion of numerous competent critics,
the poorest of all in quality. Coverslips of Japanese manufacture have,
in the past, been of fairly uniform quality, relatively cheap, and satisfac
tory for general purposes. Coverslips that are of strictly American
manufacture are somewhat high in price but are usually to be preferred.
Certain manufacturers who claim that their coverslips are of American
manufacture are nevertheless practicing a deception: in order to take
advantage of lower import duties, the glass is imported in sheets and cut
up in this country. Coverslips cut from this kind of glass are usually
brittle and are difficult to clean, not to mention their tendency to
Coverslips come in four widely variable groups of thicknesses, desig
nated by the Nos. 0, 1, 2, and 3. Number 1 coverslips, which should
be about 0.17 mm. in thickness, are the standard. Squares and circles
come iij the following standard sizes: 15, 18, 22, and 25 mm.; rectangles
are either 22 or 24 mm. wide and 30, 40, 50, 60, or 70 mm. in length.
Coverslips of other dimensions may be purchased on special order.
Unless the coverslips are obtained from a thoroughly reliable firm, the
designated thickness should never be taken for granted but it should be
checked by measuring with a cover-glass gauge. If an immersion lens is
to be used on the completed preparation, the coverslips should be as large
as possible and No. 0 is the preferable thickness. Round coverslips are
indicated only with materials such as are run up by whole-mount meth
ods, freehand sections, when the mounts are to be sealed on a turntable,
and in similar cases. The large coverslips and slides used by zoologists
and pathologists for very large sections are so rarely employed in botanical
technique that they need not be discussed here.
Cleaning Slides and Glassware.One should never believe state
ments of the manufacturers that slides and coverslips are ready for use
but should always clean them, preferably in an acid cleaning fluid. Slides
on which paraffin sections are to be mounted or on which smears are to be
i made should always be chemically clean, otherwise the sections are certain
i to be washed off. The fluid which is most generally used for cleaning
J glassware consists of;





sulphuric acid







Dissolve the dichromate in the water, add the acid cautiously in small
amounts, and cool the mixture between each addition of acid. The
mixture must be stored in glass containers and may be used repeatedly
until it becomes too dark. Immerse the glassware for a few hours, and
wash thoroughly in running water, finally rinsing with distilled water.
Another mixture consists of 1 part of concentrated nitric acid and 4 parts
of concentrated hydrochloric acid. It does not keep so long, and the
fumes from the acids may be annoying. Immerse glassware for several
hours, then wash in running water.
If it is intended that photomicrographs are later to be made, the slides
and coverslips should never have been used before. If the slides have
previously had sections attached to them with adhesive, the images of the
earlier sections are rather certain to appear on the negative, particularly
when the exposure is over a long period.
Slide Containers.Containers for finished preparations are available
in several i different types. Cheap, flimsy cardboard boxes should be
avoided. Wooden rack boxes with slots for 25 slides are more commonly
used than any other type. They are convenient, permanent, and easily
handled. There are two types: one with the cover fitting over shoulders
on the base portion, and the other with the cover snapping into a depres
sion cut in the inner side of the base. The latter type is used by com
mercial concerns since the slides are more easily* held in position for
shipping, but the former otherwise preferable. Similaf boxes
holding 12 slides each are also available, as are hinged wooden or com
bination wood-cardboard boxes with a capacity of 100 slides each. All
such boxes should be stood on end so that the slides lie flat.
Slides should always be stored flat, particularly if they are wholemount preparations. If whole mounts are stored on end or on one side,
the material tends to flow toward the lower end, or even from under the
coverslip. If the balsam is not thoroughly solidified under the coverslip,
air pockets may also appear. Consequently, certain types of slide
holders, which carry the slides upright, cannot be recommended. These
holders, which may be large affairs constructed of metal, also generally
lack easy portability and are difficult to keep in order. There is no
really good container on the market for large numbers of slides.
Giant Pipette.This useful tool is made by purchasing a rubber bulb
about 8.5 cm. in length at a drugstore and attaching to it a piece of glass
tubing of suitable diameter and about 25 cm. in length.
A giant pipette may be used for removing unicellular and colonial
algae from pools, making changes of dehydratingfluidson materials to be
mounted entire, and for countless other purposes.



The alcohols have long been the most important of the &<muval
reagents used in microtechnique. No other reagents have such diversi
fied uses. There are.a large number of different kinds of alcohols, but
only ethyl alcohol can be classified as a general reagent. Formalin comes
next as the most widely used reagent.
Ethyl Alcohol.Whenever the term "alcohol" is used, whether/in
the present text or .elsewhere, ethyl alcohol is invariably meant: if any
other kind of alcohol is to be used, the exact kind is, and should always
be, mentioned.
Pure ethyl alcohol is commonly called "100%" or "absolute alcohol,"
and in the trade it is known as "200^proof " (abbreviated, rather con
fusingly, to 200%). It is sometimes rather expensive and not always
easily obtainable. It may occasionally be necessary for one to undertake
the tedious process of making hisown," but in such instances one musty be
careful not to violate government regulations. The most satisfactory
method is distillation over calcium chloride. Shake up the lower alcohol
with the chloride and allow to stand for some time. Put some of the
mixture, together with some fresh chloride, in a glass still. Heat with
an electric hot plate and distill over the alcohol slowly. The water will
remain in combination with the chloride. A second method involves the
use of cupric sulphate.- Heat some of the crystals until only a white
powder remains. Add this anhydrous sulphate to a quantity of ordinary
95% ethyl alcohol. The water is immediately absorbed by the sulphate,
which returns to the original blue color. Continue adding calcined
sulphate until it no longer turns blue. Finally filter quickly into a dry,
tightly stoppered bottle. Some workers keep a little bag of the anhy^.
drous sulphate in the bottle to insure its freedom from water.
A very sensitive test for the detection of traces of water in absolute
alcohol is to add a few drops of the suspected fluid to a solution of liquid
paraffin in anhydrous chloroform: if any moisture is present, it causes an .
immediate turbidity.
Ethyl alcohol is more commonly used at 95% or 96% strength, which
is sufficiently strong for all except a few special purposes. Mpst botanical
technicians have overemphasized the use of absolute alcohol. Some
claim that tissues and slides must be passed through several changes of
absolute alcohol to ensure a complete dehydration. The writer's experi15




ence, as well as that of many others, proves that this expensive process is
unnecessary. In the tertiary butyl alcohol dehydration method, absolute
alcohol is necessary at only one brief stage; a great saving of time and
money is thus secured in comparison to the expensive and tedious older
xylol method. In staining slides, if a clove oil counterstain is to be used,
95% alcohol dehydrates sufficiently, but 100% alcohol must be added to
the first clove oil wash to remove traces of moisture that might be carried
The stock dilutions of alcohol are 15,35, 50, 70, and 85%, although, bf
course, the series may be as extended as desired. These dilutions are
made from 95% ethyl alcohol (never 100%) and distilled water. The
quickest method of obtaining a given percentage of alcohol is to fill a
100-cc. graduate to the percentage required (as expressed in cubic centi
meters) with the alcohol to be diluted, and then fill up to the percentage
of the latter with distilled water. For example, if 35% alcohol is to be.
made from 85%, fill the graduate to the 35-cc. mark with 85% alcohol,
then the rest of the way up to the 85-cc. mark with water. In the average
laboratory it would be better to multiply the amounts just given by five,
and to use 500-cc. bottles as containers.
Methyl Alcohol.This poisonous fluid is also known as "wood
. alcohol." It is cheaper than ethyl alcohol but is of about 90% strength.
It is scarcely ever specified in botanical microtechnique but may be used
with caution if ethyl alcohol is not available. The "methylated spirits"
frequently mentioned iii English papers is ethyl alcohol containing about
10% methyl alcohol.
y- Formalin.Formalin is also known as formol and formolole and in
commerce is a 36 % to 40 % aqueous solution of formaldehyde. When, for
instance, a 5% formalin solution is specified, what is meant is 5 cc. of
commercial formalin to 95 cc. of water, alcohol, or other fluid. The
commercial formalin generally used is certain to contain some formic acid,
but it is ordinarily unnecessary to remove the acid. In fact the presence
of the acid is sometimes a distinct advantage, but if neutral formalin is
specifically indicated, one must resort to distillation. Add sodium
bicarbonate to a flask of formalin, and distill only enough for immediate
needs since the formic acid will soon reappear.
If the formalin has partially or wholly decomposed, which is indicated
by the presence of a white precipitate, it is useless for critical work.
It has been claimed that the addition of a little glycerin retards


Reagents which possess hygroscopic properties are those most com

monly used for dehydrating tissues. The perfect dehydrating fluid is


1 7

one which mixes equally well with water, ethyl alcohol, balsam, and
paraffin and which does not produce desiccation of the tissues (Johansen
1935). At the present time only two such fluids are known, viz., dioxan
and tertiary-butyl alcohol, although other fluids are commonly used for
dehydrating. The latterfluidsare not miscible with paraffin and balsam,
consequently anotherfluidwhich does mix with the two latter substances
must follow.
Acetone.Acetone is a satisfactory and safe dehydrating fluid but is
not a paraffin solvent. Secondary or tertiary butyl alcohol, chloroform,
or benzene may be used after acetone and preceding infiltration. Acetone
dissolves fats, resins, waxes, and oils, and it precipitates albumins.
Dioxan (1,4-dioxan) is diethylene oxide or dehydrated diethylene
glycol (Graupner and Weissburger 1931). With the exception of certain
Rhodophyta it normally does not harden or shrink plant tissues. The
principal disadvantage inherent in using dioxan is that it is considerably
heavier than melted paraffin. It is therefore necessary to take all pre
cautions to remove every trace of dioxan before embedding can be done;
This difficulty can in fact be circumvented by using a fluid lighter than
melted paraffin (such as chloroform, benzol, or secondary butyl alcohol)
to wash out most of the dioxan before proceeding to the infiltration with
paraffin. The use of calcium chloride to ensure perfect dehydration is
advisable, especially in damp climates, but there is considerable danger of
the chloride penetrating the tissues.
The Eastman Kodak Company product (#2144) is the only one which
at present can be unreservedly recommended. Other brands contain
considerable water and other impurities which will cause trouble.
Ethyl Alcohol.Formerly ethyl alcohol was the only dehydrating
fluid in general use, but as it has come to be suspected of shrinking and
hardening tissues, it is now replaced by other fluids. However, one may
safely go as far as 50% alcohol and then transfer to some otherfluidwhich
is miscible neither with water nor with grades of alcohol lower than 75%
or 80% but is miscible with paraffin or balsam.
Hygrobutol.This is a special type of tertiary butyl alcohol especially
prepared for dehydration of materials intended for mounting entire in
balsam (Johansen 1937-1938). Although somewhat more expensive, it
may be substituted for the plain tertiary butyl alcohol in paraffin infiltra
tion schedules. .
Iso-propyl Alcohol.This alcohol'may be substituted for ethyl alcohol,
except in killing fluids, with equally satisfactory results. Materials are
said not to be hardened so much as by ethyl alcohol.
Methylal.Methylal is so like dioxan in all its characteristics that
there is no apparent difference between the two for microtechnique pur
poses. Methylal is several times as expensive as dioxan. -




Normal Butyl Alcohol.This type of butyl alcohol has a different

molecular structure from tertiary butyl alcohol, lacks the soapy feeling
of the latter, has a slight shrinking effect on many tissues, and frequently
tends to harden others. Commercial normal butyl alcohol usually
contains around 10% water; it may be made absolute by standing over
. calcium chloride until 24 hours after gas evolution has ceased. A pure,
anhydrous product is on the market. It is soluble in water to the extent
of only 8% by volume.
Normal Propyl Alcohol.The possibilities of normal propyl alcohol
in plant microtechnique have not been sufficiently investigated. Animal
tissues have been run directly from water through three changes of normal
propyl alcohol into paraffin. The fluid is claimed not to harden or shrink ,
animal tissues.
Tertiary Butyl Alcohol.Probably the safest dehydrating fluid for
the beginner in technique is tertiary butyl alcohol; it is also the least
expensive of all. It is superior to dioxan in that it is lighter than melted
paraffin, otherwise the two fluids are somewhat alike in their microtechriical properties. The product derived from petroleum is more satisfac
tory than other types and more dependable for the best results. Like
dioxan, tertiary butyl alcohol will mix with all reagents in common labora
tory use.


The majority of clearing reagents are not miscible with water; tissues
must therefore be completely dehydrated before a clearing agent can be
Beechwood Creosote.In order to avoid excessive hardening by the
higher alcohols when dehydrating certain types of plant materials (such
as fern prothallia), which are unusually fragile and liable to become
damaged by pressure, the material may be carried as far as 80% alcohol
and then transferred to beechwood creosote to complete the dehydration.
Two changes of the creosote usually suffice. It may then be removed by
any balsam solvent (dioxan, hygrobutol, benzol^r toluol), the materials
transferred to balsam diluted at least.five^fcjmes with the solvent, and.the
latter evaporated gradually.
Some counterstains are' soluble in beechwood creosote. Fern pro
thallia, for example, may first be stained with Harris' hematoxylin, run
up to 80% alcohol, transferred to clear creosote, placed in creosote con
taining about 0.5% fast green dye, cleared with another change of creo
sote, and finally infiltrated with balsam.
The only brand of beechwood creosote that will give satisfactory
results is Hartmann and Hauer's. Some brands are synthetic and wholly



Benzol, Toluol.These fluids work almost as well as "xylol. Great

care must be taken when using these fluids because of their explosive |
Bergamot Oil.This was a favorite with the older botanists. One
may begin with the material in 95% alcohol and, by adding a drop at a
time, gradually replace the alcohol with the oil. Some oil will remain in
the material after embedding, but this is sometimes more advantageous
than otherwise. Bergamot oil does not affect coal-tar dyes if used in the
. clearing of stained preparations.
Cedar Oil.Good cedar oil is not easy to obtain. There is one type
for immersion lenses and another for clearing. Most of the cedar oil on
the market has been adulterated with xylol or other solvents. If there
is much danger of the material becoming too brittle when other fluids
are used, .resort to cedar oil. Use like xylol, but a less close series of
percentages may be used. Clearing is rather slow. Tissues may be left
in cedar oil indefinitely without appreciable damage.
Chloroform.Chloroform is the indicated clearing reagent for some
kinds of material and occasionally had to be used in place of xylol before
the butyl alcohols came into use. In the final stages of infiltration it is
more easily removed than xylol but not so readily as the butyl alcohols.
Equal parts of chloroform and carbon bisulphide sometimes constitute
an excellent clearing agent. Chloroform hardens celloidin. It has been .
accused of spoiling^delicate stain combinations, consequently one should
avoid using it on stained slides.
Clove Oil.The reagent most commonly used for clearing sections
on the slid^before mounting in balsam is clove oil. Before the mounting
is done, all traces of the oil should be removed by washing the slide in
xylol, otherwise the stains are apt to fade. Clove oil renders tissues brit
tle if they remain in it for any length of time. Clove oil contains about
82% eugenol. While no data are on record, eugenol may conceivably be \
substituted for clove oil if necessary, but it is far more expensive.
Terpineol.Terpineol is a constituent of many essential oils and is of
general value, although more appreciated by zoologists than botanists
for clearing materials embedded injcellpidin. It may be used as a sub
stitute for absolute ethyl alcohol whenever this fluid is called for (Wetzel
1931) and in bringing slides from water to xylol without using alcohol
(Volkmann 1933)." Terpineol is harmless to most stains. In the writer's
experience, the use of this fluid is fraught with danger because it appears
to shrink tissues excessively.
Trichloroethylene.This fluid is an excellent substitute for xylol.
When used as a clearing agent, extraction of stains has not been observed.
Paraffin is completely soluble in it, as is balsam. It has been claimed .
That slides cleared in trichloroethylene and mounted in balsam dissolved



in this solvent dry far more quickly than those mounted with the balsam
dissolved in xylol (Oltman 1935).
. Xylol.Most technicians use the term "xylol" in place of the chemlically more accurate designation "xylene." Tissues must be completely
\ dehydrated before being gradually brought into pure xylol. This" is a
time-consuming and expensive procedure as xylol* is generally considered
to be miscible with absolute ethyl alcohol only (this is not strictly true, as
traces of 95% alcohol will mix with xylol). A very close series of xylol
and absolute alcohol is required. Several hours in each mixture are j
necessary, and the pure xylol needs to be changedseveral times. The \
transfer from xylol to paraffin must also be gradual and is just as tedious
a process. Every trace of xylol must be removed from the tissues before
the latter are embedded, otherwise the paraffin will crystallize. Tissues
tend to become excessively hardened if left too long in xylol.
Xylol is still the prime reagent for clearing sections previous to mount
ing in balsam or other resinous medium.
Xylol should always be free from water and acids. To test a sample
j for freedom from water, add some of it to paraffin oil. If a cloudiness
i appears, the presence of water is indicated.


In botanical microtechnique, adhesives are fluids or substances used

for affixing paraffin sections to slides.
Haupt's Adhesive.This is by far the best fluid yet devised for the
affixing of sections to the slide and may also be used for affixing> unicellular
and miany colonial tJgae. To make it, dissolve 1 g. plain Knox gelatin
(use the type that comes four envelopes to the package) or other pure,
finely divided gelatin in 100 cc. distilled water at a temperature of 30C.
When completely dissolved, add 2 g. phenol crystals and 15 cc. c.p.
glycerin: Stir well, then filter. A 3 to 4% aqueous solution of formalin
is used for floating sections. . Place a drop of the adhesive on the clean
slide, smear evenly so as to leave a barely perceptible layer, then imme
diately add the formalin solution by means of a pipette. Place the
sections on the formalin solution, and put the slide on a warming table
(at a temperature of between 40 and 43C. for paraffin with a melting
point around 58 to 60C.) until the sections have straightened out.
Remove the slide from the warming table, and set aside until the water
becomes cool; then drain off excess water, arrange the sections as desired,
and set the slide aside to dry.
By putting mounted but still wet slides in a drying oven together with
a watch glass or two of full strength formalin, the fumes of the formalin
will further assist in coagulating the gelatin of the adhesive. 4



Mayer's Adhesive.This is the older standard adhesive. To the

white of a fresh egg add about an equal quantity of c.p. glycerin and 1 g.
of sodium salicylate or a crushed crystal of thymol. Shake well, and
filter through sterile cotton or two or three thicknesses of sterile cheese
cloth. Use clean tap water for floating sections. While it will keep for
as long as 6 months, solutions more than a month old lose their adhesive
quality. If eggs are cheap and easily available, one may use filtered
white of egg alone. Mayer's adhesive possesses less holding quality than \\
Haupt's and also has the annoying property of absorbing coal-tar dyes. '
Celloidin.Thick woody sections and serial sections of certain marine
algae which are retained on the slide with the utmost difficulty may be
coated with a 1 to 2% solution of celloidin (in equal parts of absolute
alcohol and ether) after first having been affixed with Haupt's adhesive
and thoroughly dried. Remove the paraffin with carbol-xylol (10%
phenol in xylol) and the latter with 95% ethyl alcohol. Under ordinarycircumstances the interpolation of a 1 % solution of celloidin in equal'
parts of absolute alcohol and ether in the staining schedule between the
absolute alcohol-xylol and 95% alcohol stages will make the majority of
sections adhere firmly to the slides.
Ullrich's Adhesive.To 100 cc. of distilled water add 1 cc. of standard
water-glass solution and 1 cc. of concentrated ammonia. Dry thoroughly
in the air after stretching the sections with the aid'of heat. Dissolve the
paraffin with xylol as usual and bring down the series of alcohols to 70%.
To this percentage add a trace of hydrochloric acid.


Bleaching methods which are of general application are cited below,

although other methods are being discussed elsewhere. In using*
bleachers, always watch the progress of the action, and stop it as soon as
complete, otherwise the continued action will hydrolyze or macerate the
Hydrogen Peroxide.The peroxide as it usually comes is of 2 to 3%
strength. It may be used full strength or diluted to as high as 50% with
either water or 50 or 70% ethyl alcohol. Merck's Superoxol is a peroxide,
of 30% strength and may be recommended where a powerful oxidizing
bleacher is required.
Peroxide-Ammonia.Ammonia water will accelerate the bleaching
action of hydrogen peroxide.
H y d r o g e n p e r o x i d e (10%

Ammonia water




200 c c .
1 cc.

Transfer the material or mounted slides from water, and wash thor
oughly in water after bleaching has been accomplished.





Paraffin.The problem of obtaining a satisfactory quality of paraffin

for embedding purposes has long been a vexing one. Most paraffins on
the market are worthless. There are many so-called "grades" offered,
designated by the temperature at which they are supposed to melt and
which, illogically, governs the selling price. One should never trust the
statements which appear on the wrappers. The majority commonly
crystallize readily after being cooled, despite all precautions. The
consistency of a paraffin is a matter of greater practical importance than
its melting point. It is recommended that one either prepare his own
embedding paraffin or procure a guaranteed product from one of the
reputable supply concerns.
For the infiltrating, ordinary Parowax serves satisfactorily. The
Standard Oil Company of Indiana brand is superior to others.
Rubber can be mixed with paraffin to improve the consistency of the
latter and thus make microtoming easier. A stock solution of crude
rubber in Parowax should first be prepared. Obtain some crude Ceylon
rubber in the form of thin rolled sheets (but do not use dental rubber).
A rubber which melts at the melting point of the Parowax is worthless;
what is needed is one that melts very slowly just below the smoking point
of the Parowax. Cut up the rubber into as small pieces as possible with
a stout pair of scissors. Heat the Parowax in a suitable vessel until it
is very hot but not actually smoking, then adjust the heat so that this
temperature is retained, and add the.rubber in small quantities at a time,
stirring the mixture occasionally. Depending somewhat on {he size of/
the pieces of rubber, it should require many hours to melt the rubber thor
oughly and completely. Finally pour the mixture into a clean tin can,
cool, and later cut away the tin and remove the mass. Approximately
20 g. of rubber can be dissolved in 100 g. of Parowax. The embedding
mixture consists of:' crude mixture, 3 to 5 g.; Parowax, 100 g., ceresin wax,
3 to 5 g. These proportions may be varied slightly to meet special needs.
The same embedding mixture is on the market under the trade name
Celloidin, Colloidin, Parlodion.These are forms of nitrocellulose,
highly inflammable but nonexplosive. They come either in the form of
tablets or as shreds. The shredded form is stored in water, and should be
prepared according to the directions on the label. Various brands are on
the market and most of them are unduly expensive. No particular brand
appears to be generally preferred over others.
Glycol St earate.This is a water-soluble wax melting at 48.5C.
Small portions of tissue may be placed directly into the melted wax (in a
paraffin oven) from water. Leave the material in the waxfor about 48



hours and give six successive changes of wax during this period. Solidify
at room temperature. Sections may be cut very thin with a sliding
microtome. Dissolve out the wax with chloroform, pass to absolute
alcohol, and thence to the staining process.


Dammar Balsam.Gum dammar, as this balsam is sometimes also

called, is considered to be superior to Canada balsam by many microscopists. It is not readily obtainable in a condition suitable for imme
diate use; the crude gum may have to be purchased and prepared for use.
It comes in the form of lumps of various sizes mixed with more or less
powdered material and debris. Pick out the lumps, melt ovej a hot
flame in a suitable container and pour the melted balsam into the desired
solvent, which should preferably be benzol as it dries more quickly than
xylol. Next filter through coarse filter paper placed in a ridged funnel,
and filter again through finer filter paper if the first filtrate shows some
cloudiness due to dust orfiner.specksof debris. Preparations mounted
in dammar balsam do not fade around the periphery as frequently do
those mounted in Canada balsam.
Canada Balsam.Formerly one had to make up his own balsam from
the' solid, dry substance, but this has now been obviated and neutral,
filtered balsam in the liquid form or dissolved in xylol or benzol may be
readily purchased. For freehand sections, the solution as it comes is of
about the right consistency, but it will sometimes need to be diluted
slightly for paraffin sections. Xylol, dioxan, or trichloroethylene may be
Aused as diluent. Balsam should never, under any circumstances, be
(heated to melt it. If the balsam comes from the jobber as a very dilute,
darkly colored liquid, it has been spoilt by the application of heat and the
use of too much solvent. It is highly essential that the balsam be kept
from becoming acid. Keep the bottle in the dark when not in use, or
paint it with black Duco. It would be well, as an added precaution, to
keep a piece of clean marble in the bottle, replacing it occasionally with a
fresh one. Always mount sections in Canada balsam from xylol, benzol,4
or trichloroethylene.
Euparal.This mixture, popular with English technicians, is a com
bination of camsal, sandarac, eucalyptol, and paraldehyde, with a much
higher index of refraction than Canada balsam. It has the property of
intensifying hematoxylin stains, and it is oftenthe practice to use this
medium on preparations stained with hematoxylin. Mount from 95%
Euparal has a slight solvent action on celloidin, but this may be taken
advantage of to make curled or too stiff sections unroll and flatten out



before adding the cover-glass. If the euparal gets cloudy before mounting
can be completed, warm the slide gently until the cloudiness disappears.
Diaphane.The American equivalent of euparal is diaphane, but it
has a slightly lower refractive index. Mounting may be from either 95%
or absolute alcohol, but one should work quickly to avoid clouding.
Diaphane is said to be nonoxidant and to preserve delicate stains well.
Styrax.Styrax is a synthetic mounting resin with a very high
refractive index, commonly employed for the mounting of diatoms to
bring out the sculpturing of their "shells." I t is best diluted, if neces
sary, with benzol. Mount from xylol or benzol.
Hyrax.This medium is similar to styrax.and is used for the same
purpose. Fine details in smears stained with brazilin are well brought
out. Mount from xylol.
Cedar Oil.The immersion type of cedar oil hardens only along the
periphery of coverslips, remaining liquid inside. Mount preferably from
xylol. Stains seem to be well preserved.
Venetian Turpentine.The resin of Larix europaea yields Venetian
Turpentine, known also as Venice Turpentine and Turpentine Venetian.
I t is used only in the so-called Venetian Turpentine (whole mount)
method. It usually has the fault of crystallizing in time and thus spoiling
the preparations.
Lactophenol.As a mounting medium, lactophenol consists of equal
parts of phenol crystals, lactic acid, glycerin, and distilled water. Some
times 2 parts of glycerin are added to 1 part each of the other reagents.
For special purposes other ingredients are sometimes added, sr\ph as stains
to color otherwise colorless tissues and copper acetate to preserve green
Karo.Karo is an excellent substitute for glycerin jelly when
employed for the same purposes. The blue-label type is preferable.
Karo is a mixture of dextrose, dextrin, and maltose, but the sugars do not
crystallize on drying. Materials may be mounted directly in Karo from
water or the lower alcohols, but for more delicate forms, the Karo should
be diluted with water or weak alcohol and concentrated b y evaporation
to a mounting consistency. When hard, Karo is as firm as balsam and
ringing of the coverslips is not necessary, except in very moist climates.
Synthetic Resins.During the last few years a large number of
synthetic resins have appeared upon the market, and several have already
been shown to have excellent possibilities as substitutes for Canada
balsam. The one which seems to be the most satisfactory is Clarite
(formerly known as Nevillite V ) ; it is colorless, strictly neutral, inert,
homogeneous and dries quickly. A n 80% solution in xylol is to be pre
ferred for mounting plant specimens, but a 60% solution in toluol has
been recommended for thin sections of animal tissues. The resin is



intolerant of water; consequently it cannot be substituted for balsam

in the hygrobutol method. There are other synthetic resins which are
soluble in water but insoluble in hydrocarbons (such as Abopon and
Stacol) and which form quick-drying, colorless, and nonhygroscopic
mounting media. The pH of: these resins varies from 6.65 to 8.0, there
fore further investigation of their effect upon stain preservation is









Alcohol, absolute ethyl


Alcohol, iso-propyl.






29 parts

Alcohol, secondary butyl

Alcohol, tertiary butyl



Carbon bisulphide. .




Trichloi methylene


.. .











At 5 6






W r y


Methyl benzoate

Oil of origanum


- .


Cedar oil




Beechwood creosote



Alcohol, propyl









x = mixes or dirwolves.
= does not mix or dissolve.
* Mixes with celloidin dissolved in absolute alconoI-<

Glycerin Jelly.Dissolve 1 part by weight of a high-quality gelatin

in 6 parts by weight of distilled water for 2 hours or longer: Next add
7 parts glycerin, and to each 100 g. add 1 g. phenol crystals. Warm for




15 minutes, stirring continually until the flakes produced by the addition

of the phenol disappear. While still warm, filter through two or three
thicknesses of cheesecloth into a convenient bottle. The mixture solidi
fies on cooling. The whole may be remelted by heating gently, but it is
preferable to cut out small portions and melt these since the mixture
deteriorates on continual remelting.



The killing and"fixingof the material to be made into permanent
preparations are important processes, and the student should constantly
bear this in mind. The day when a piece of tissue was dropped into any
fluid which happened to be at hand has passed. Today the most com
petent technicians are exceedingly critical of the methods employed both
by themselves and by others, and very rightly so. The student who
expects recognition of his published work by others must devote the most
careful and critical experimentation to secure the proper fixation of the
material with which he may be working. These preliminary processes,
in fact, are the most important of all, since everything else depends
upon them.





Although the action of the substances used in killing andfixingfluids

has been studied rather exhaustively, habit and prejudice rather than
reasoned choice often determine what reagent will be used. It should be
remembered that mixing together diverse reagents.will not combine the
excellent,properties of each, but will often result in difficulties. Certain
reagents which affordfinefixationwhen used alone or in certain combina
tions are mutually antagonistic when used in other combinations.
Killing and fixing are two distinct processes, but both are usually
obtained by means of a single fluid which in turn is commonly a mixture
of various chemical reagents.
The term killing means the sudden and permanent termination of the
life processes. It does not apply solely to an entire organism, but to the
individual cells of which the organism or tissues are composed. As long
as a single cell capable of reproducing itself remains alive and receives
nourishment, the organism is not yet dead. Any reagent used for
purposes of killing must, therefore, reach every cell in the organism Or
piece of detached tissue if it is to do its work completely and effectively.
Killing invariably precedes fixation since the reagents which do the
killing penetrate tissues faster than those upon which responsibility for
fixation rests. Alcohol, for example, is primarily a killing reagent.
Fixation is a process very difficult to describe in terms that are easily
understood. It is commonly said to be the preservation of all cellular
and structural elements in as nearly the natural living condition as possi27



ble. Or, to put it a little differently, a good fixative is one that changes
the cell chemistry the least and preserves the cell structure the best
(Schiller 1930). What one actually sees afterfixationis always a picture
entirely different from the picture during the living condition, as it is
utterly impossible to preserve anything in the exact condition in which it
existed during life. Fixation is thus an entirely empirical process. The
success or failure offixationis judged by the quality of its usefulness when
the completed preparation is examined. That is, it is good if the tech
nician finds what he desires to be revealed. Many technicians do not
need exact fixation; they are satisfied with a remote approximation.
For example, cytologists who spend most of their time, counting chromo
somes ask only that the chromosomes be spread out to facilitate count
ing, that the chromosomes be darkly stained, and that the cytoplasm be
so fixed (or partially dissolved) that it stains lightly or not at all. Accu
rate preservation of internal chromosomal structure and of the cytoplasm
is not necessary for them.
Fixation, consequently, is something that can be judged in the subjec
tive sense only, since there is no objective standard for the judgment of
the quality of fixation. Judgment is based solely on the personal attitude
of the observer. Opinions, obviously, are about as numerous as the
individuals expressing them. If one of these individuals were to be
asked to explain the reasons for his opinion and why it clashes with the
opinions of other technicians, he is generally at a loss for a satisfactory
and unbiased explanation.. This is not surprising since many technicians
labor under the mistaken assumption that "perfect fixation" actually
' '
Fixation is required in order that structures, which are obscured or
entirely invisible when cells are observed in the living condition, may
be seen more distinctly, and in order that soft structures may be hard
ened sufficiently for further treatment. This explanation is the one
most commonly given. The point at issue is the fact that the evidence
for the existence of many so-called "structures" not visible in living cells
is almost wholly oblique. To understandfixationmore fully, it becomes
necessary to know exactly what technicians mean by structures. There is
a sharp difference in the final picture of the effects of fixatives on fixed
structures and on the nonfixed structural elements of protoplasm.
There are three concomitant criteria for the definition of a structure:
(1) A structure is something that oan easily be seen and recognized at all
times in the living condition. Lignified plant cells, the nucleus, and
chromosomes are examples. (2) A structure is always accompanied
by an investing membrane, or may itself be made up of membranes.
Structures coming under this classification are not always easily visible
in the living condition and are more characteristic of plant cells than of



animal cells. Vacuoles are an example. (3) One test of the reality of
the structures seen in fixed material is their appearance under a diversity
of conditions and after the use of a wide variety of fixing fluids. Spindle
fibers are considered to be an example of substructures.
Originally the term fixation was applied to the grosser structures
which can be preserved without any relation to the change of the colloidal
state which is the fundamental structure of protoplasm. These struc
tures are not ordinarily affected by fixatives; at least, not in the violent
manner that cytoplasm is acted upon. The earlier plant morphologists
were interested more in definite cell regions or elements than in cellular
contents. They were therefore not disturbed by the difficult artifact
question, since what they saw in their preparations could also be seen in
the Jiving tissues. They fixed materials so that they could stain things
seen in living cells and thereby be enabled to make more precise observa
tions. To them fixation meant merely the preservation of structure,
and from this point of view it is possible to describefixationas being good
or bad. This idea has been carried over into cytology, often with
unfortunate results.
If the existence of a structure cannot be demonstrated by vital
observation, it has been contended that such a structure cannot be other
than some colloidal artifact since it becomes visible only after the living
colloidal structure has undergone an irreversible change of condition as a
result of fixation. The appearance of this structure in afixedand stained
preparation is said to be merely some one phase of the images occurring
during necrobiosis, the result of the toxic action of the fixing reagents
(Yamaha i927). .
Most technicians now grant that the fundamental structure of proto
plasm is colloidal. To state the case more fully, each protoplasmic
structure, such as nucleus, plastids, and cytoplasm, is an intricate col
loidal system, and the phase boundary where each colloidal system meets;
as at nuclear membranes and the tonoplast, is still another colloidal
system. These colloidal systems are all believed to belong to the hydroph
ilous colloid group. This, it should be emphasized, is the case with
protoplasm in the living condition only. When the reagents in a fixative
come into contact with protoplasm, the colloidal system undergoes an
irreversible change of state. As a consequence, the state of dispersion,
the grade of hydration, and every other physicochemical property which
accompanies these properties, are subject to marked and sometimes
violent changes. What actually happens is that, when protoplasm is
acted upon by a fixing fluid, it goes through various colloidal changes
before it finally attains the irreversible state. This has been demon
strated time and again by the fact that the instant when the action of the
fixing fluid was terminated has a direct bearing on the appearance of the



protoplasmic structure in the completed preparation. If the time of

action was brief; the final picture is very different from the one presented
when the time of action was too prolonged. This means that all the
structural changes preceding the final irreversible coagulation of proto
plasm can easily be followed out. We can, for example, observe the
formation of new dispersed phases in the hyaloplasm, the dissolution or
disappearance, transformation, and fusion of existing dispersed phases
such as plastids and mitochondria.
The ultimate aim in fixing protoplasm is to make invisible or barely
visible structures easily observable. The increase of optical contrast
between structures is generally considered to be more important than the
preservation of the substances forming these structures. A marked
optical contrast results from the great difference in the physicochemical
characteristics among the various colloidal systems making up proto
plasm, and another results from the distinct phase boundaries of these
colloidal systems. Now, when the final irreversible change in the col
loidal system occurs as a result of fixation, what has taken place is
actually destruction. The changes in optical differentiation just men
tioned are the results of the destruction of the original colloidal,systems.
In the original condition (i.e., in the living condition), there is little or no
optical differentiation; in the final condition there is usually great optical
contrast, provided a suitable fixing fluid has been chosen. The final
condition depends both on the nature and on the concentration of the
chemical reagents composing thefixingfluid,and on the particular nature
of the protoplasm. The latter expression is to be interpreted as meaning
the difference in the nature of the protoplasm between, say, a red alga and
an angiosperm root tip.
According to most authorities, the hydrogen-ion concentration (pH)
of the fixative influences the destructive action rather than the preserva
tive action. For example, the higher the concentration of hydrogen
ions, the less perfect is the preservation of purely cytoplasmic structures.
Protoplasm, regarded as similar to a protein solution, coagulates most
easily at the isoelectric point and absorbs the minimum quantity of the
various ions. Karyoplasm, with respect to the isoelectric point, is known
to be more acidic than cytoplasm. Since ordinary fixatives are strongly
acid, the lower the pH of a fixative, the less is its coagulating power and
the more is its dissolving power; this explains why strongly acidic fluids
give such poor fixation of vacuoles, for example. The dissolving action
is considerable in those fluids, such as Gilson's or Petrunkevitsch's modi
fication thereof, whose pH is less than 1.
To put it briefly, fixation is a contradictory process, consisting as it
does of both the preservation of some structures and the destruction of



others. The latter factor is to the microscopist actually the more impor
tant of the two since it is by this means that optical contrast is obtained.
Since staining of tissues is but another method of enhancing optical
differences, it in turn is dependent upon the nature of the fixed proto
plasm. Therefore, if the staining is not clear and sharp, the more or less
illogical conclusion is that the protoplasm was imperfectly fixed. It is
really possible to get perfect preservation of structures but to have
practically no optical or stain contrast, as all experienced technicians are
fully aware.
The failure to get sharp staining following "perfect" fixation is to a \
considerable extent also bound up with the chemical properties of the |
various dyes and the circumstances under which they combine with the
different types of fixed substances. This obviously is strictly a chemical
problem, and extremely little at present is known about it. The presence
of excessive amounts of phlobaphene (tannin) compounds can cause com
plications during bothfixationand staining, and, as another example, the
practice in some quarters of mixing potassium bichromate and chromic
acid (which really gives an excessive amount of chromic acid) gives poor
fixation and difficult staining. In any event, it is agreed that whatever
the mechanism of fixation and staining, all other conditions being equal,
the type of fixation employed greatly influences the ultimate staining of
the tissues (Naylor 1926; Sheinin and Davenport 1931; Tolstoouhov
One effect of fixation is the hardening of the tissues, but hardening is
ordinarily brought about by the dehydrating fluids. The latter differ
considerably in the degree of their hardening effects, but as a rule any
tissue that becomes hardened by one reagent is liable to become more or
less hardened by all other reagents. The tissue hardening that "Occurs
after fixation is presumed to be caused by precipitation, but swelling or
shrinkage may also influence it (Sheinin and Davenport 1931). There
is apparently no correlation between tissue hardening and tissue preserva
tion. While good tissue hardening does not necessarily result in good
tissue preservation, the latter-must be preceded by the former.
Certain powerful fixatives, such as Carnoy-LeBrun'sfluid,bring about
their effects by desiccating the tissues. Some plasmolysis, therefore;
must be expected.
It has recently been demonstrated that much of the criticism leveled
against certain killing andfixingfluidswas not merited since the trouble
was actually caused by inadequate and, to a certain extent, improper
dehydration methods. It should be borne in mind that killing and fixing
are only two phases of the entire process of transforming living materials
into permanent preparations and that each phase must be examined both



independently and in conjunction with each other phase. Violent

dehydration methods can easily give a false fixation picture, and it is
illogical to fasten the blame on thefixingfluid.









Each reagent used for purposes of killing and fixing has both its
advantages and its disadvantages.
Some reagents used for killing purposes penetrate rapidly, and others
penetrate slowly. Both classifications in turn include reagents which
simply do what is expected of them and have no further effect upon the
tissues, whereas other reagents will damage the tissues if their destructive
effects are not deterred by the addition of other reagents, or by washing
them out. Osmium tetroxide may be taken as an illustration: it is the
fumes that actually do the killing, which occurs within a few minutes; if
the substance is allowed to react for longer than
hour or is used in too
large concentrations, the tissues become first brown, then blacker and
blacker, and will eventually become reduced to a charred mass.
The reagents used for fixation may be classified similarly, but the
definition is far sharper among this class of reagents than with those used
primarily for killing.
The characteristics of the more important reagents used for killing
and fixing are noted below. The general principle involved in the com
bining of these and other substances to form a killing andfixingfluidis to
secure a balance between all the properties of the reagents involved. A
substance which tends to shrink cytoplasm, for instance, should be com
bined with one which tends to swell cytoplasm. In other words, a
disadvantage inherent in one reagent can be counterbalanced by that
peculiar to some other reagent if the two disadvantages are of a directly
opposite nature. Two reagents which have the identical disadvantages
should never be combined by themselves.
-Moreover,, substances which are easily oxidized should not, as a rule,
be combined with reagents that are powerful reducers.
Practically all suggested formulae areflexibleinsofar as the quantities
or proportions of each reagent are concerned. In fact, most proposed
formulae are merely variations of some one basic formula. No one fluid
serves equally well for all organisms because of the immense diversity in
structure, chemical and physical organization, etc., among plants. Some
elasticity is necessary, and the proportions of each reagent in any given
formula require adjustment according to the species, with relation to its
structure and, composition. If the standard proportions do not give
satisfactory fixation, it is ordinarily possible to determine which reagent

ned? to be increased or decreased, as the case m a y be, or some other



combination might be experimented with. A formula intended primarily

for cytological purposes does not always give goodfixationfor anatomical
purposes, and vice versa.
It is therefore apparent from the foregoing discussion that the choice
of the killing andfixingfluidis an important matter. The nature of the
material being worked upon shouldfirstbe determinedwhether it is soft
and easily damaged or tough, resistant, and not readily penetrated by
reagents in solution. Next the purpose for which the material is being
prepared should be considered. A fluid which might give good preserva
tion of root tips does not necessarily render the chromosomes of the
mitoticfiguresin the tips in a fit condition for critical study, consequently
there will be numerous occasions when it becomes necessary to sacrifice
some desirable qualities for the sake of others.



The greatest care should be exercised in handling tissues or organisms

preparatory to placing them in the killing fluid. Very small organisms,
such asfilamentous,colonial, and unicellular algae andfilamentousfungi,
Euglena, small Bryophyta, may be placed entire in the fluid. With
larger organisms, more or less dissection or reduction to smaller portions
is required. Avoid pressure of any sort, and work quickly- so that a
minimum time will elapse between removal from the plant, from the
aquatic habitat, etc., and placing in the killing fluid.
The smaller the piece of tissue and the larger the surface exposed to
the direct action of the killing fluid, the better the killing and fixation.
The weaker fixatives penetrate with difficulty. Occasionally it will be
found that the outer layers of cells are overfixed, while the innermost
portions are badly underfixed. caused by poor penetration of the
fixative portion of the fluid. The remedy, of course, is to use one of
stronger penetrating power. Acetic-alcohol and picro-aceto-formalin
combinations penetrate rapidly and easily, while mixtures containing
chromic and osmic acids penetrate poorly. Buds which are covered with
dense hairs should be treatedfirstwith a strong alcoholic solution for a few
minutes and then placed in another fluid, preferably an aqueous one.
For example, buds of nearly .all the Asteraceae are beautifully fixed if
they are placed in Carnoy's fluid at the time of collecting and after not
more than 10 minutes transferred to Navashin's fluid. All superfluous
tissue, should be carefully removed. In general, organs or pieces of tissue,
for the optimum results,'should never exceed 5 mm. in any one direction.


Fixation images are of two types, and the characteristics of each are so
pronounced that the technician should learn to recognize them promptly.



1. Acid Fixation Image!Chromatin, nucleoli, and spindle fibers

preserved; cytoplasm fixed as stringy spongioplasm; nucleoplasm and
mitochondria dissolved.
2. Basic Fixation Image.Resting chromatin and spindle fibers dis
solved; nucleoli, nucleoplasm, and mitochondria preserved; cytoplasm
fixed as hyaloplasm, and vacuoles more or less preserved.
Nearly all thefixingfluidsin common use give the acidfixationimage.
Very few fluids giving the basic image have been compounded, and the
most useful ones have been developed only during the past few years
(Zirkle 1927 et seq.). However, there are variations in each image accord
ing to the material; for instance, mitochondria are occasionally found after
distinctly acid fluids were used. Investigations on the effect of fixing '
fluids have generally failed to take into account the changes produced by
the dehydrating reagents. The correct procedure for describing the
final effect should include both the killing and fixing fluid, as well as the
dehydrating reagent and the infiltrating medium. The picture given
by Bouin's fluid with absolute ethyl alcohol and xylol as the dehydrating
fluids is quite different when tertiary butyl alcohol is used for
With certain reagents there is some overlapping of the two images.
Copper bichromate, for example, if used in a solution at pH 4.8, preserves
both chromatin and mitochondria (Zirkle 1928).
If the fixing fluid contains two or more substances, the resulting fixa
tion image is determined primarily by the component which penetrates
more rapidly (Zirkle 19336). The various reagents, it will be recalled,
penetrate at different rates, and also according to their respective
For most purposes a fluid giving an acid image will be the most satis
factory, particularly since the majority of the preparations that the
technician has become accustomed to observing have been from such
fluids. The basic fluids are employed mainly for studies on cytoplasmic
structure and for cytoplasmic inclusions such as mitochondria.




Under this heading will be described the substances most commonly

used in killing andfixingfluids,and the formulae for the variousfluidswill
be given in a succeeding section. The student should familiarize himself
with these substances and be able to recognize all of them instantly by
means of appearance, odor, and other characteristics.
Absolute Ethyl Alcohol.This is a fair killing and fixing fluid if
immediate results are desired. The time should be very short; in any
event, not over 1 hour should elapse before the fluid is poured off, fresh





absolute ethyl alcohol is added to ensure complete dehydration and the

infiltration then begun.
95 % Ethyl Alcohol.This is a fair general preservative but has noth
ing whatever to recommend it for even passable work. Alcohol is a
reducing agent and is easily oxidized to acetaldehyde and the latter in
turn to acetic acid. Chromic acid, potassium bichromate, and osmium
tetroxide should therefore not be mixed with this alcohol. It is much
more useful and efficient when in combination with formalin and glacial
acetic or propionic acid. Unless some glycerin be added, tissues left in
95% alcohol become too brittle for further use. Material which has been
killed andfixedin most of the standardfluidsmay, after the original fluid ,
has been thoroughly washed out, be kept indefinitely in 70% ethyl
alcohol. Proteins are precipitated by alcohol; the precipitates are
insoluble. Nucleic acid is precipitated, but not insolubly. Fats and
phospholipides are dissolved.
Alcoholic fluids should not be used at low temperatures.
Chloroform.Chloroform is never used alone. It is a constituent of
Carnoy's fluids.
Formalin.It is best to use only the chemically pure solution, which
costs but a trifle more than the ordinary brands. Used alone, fair fixation
sometimes occurs, but the results are generally unpredictable because
some types of material are shrunken and overfixed, while others may
become swollen and vacuolized. Formalin as a rule penetrates slowly
(Underbill 1932), and when used alone gives the basic fixation image.
Formalin is one of the best hardening agents. It does not precipitate
proteins dr render them insoluble in water but merely prevents ethyl
alcohol from hardening them excessively, by exerting a different harden
ing effect of its own. Fqrmalin neither preserves nor destroys fats but
more or less preserves phospholipides. In using formalin in combination
with other reagents, such as chromic acid, it should be kept in mind that
formaldehyde is a powerful reducing agent; it becomes oxidized to formic
acid. The fumes of formalin are extremely irritating to mucous
Formalin may be neutralized by adding about 5% pyridine.
Most marine algae are successfully fixed in sea water to which has been
added from 6 to 10% formalin.
Glacial Acetic Acid.This acid is very commonly employed as a
constituent offixingfluids,on the assumption that its presumed tendency
to swell cytoplasm counteracts the shrinking effects of certain other
reagents, such as chromic acid and formalin. Actually, however, acetic
acid shrinks tissues (Zirkle 19286). Its usefulness lies in the fact that it is a
fat-soluble acid which penetrates rapidly and produces the acid fixation
image in the tissues. The acid otherwise is more of a preservative than a



fixative, as may be recalled from its use in the pickling industry; it

preserves both ordinary proteins and fats, .hvtf Jjy can subsequently be
dissolved in water. It is primarily a chrQto<, .j preservative.
Fixation images identical with that < *>i&eetic acid are produced by
ferric, cupric, chromic, and mercuric acetates. Propionic, butyric, and
valeric acids may, under most circumstances, afford better fixation than
acetic acid.
Nitric Acid.Little use is made of this acid in botanical microtech
nique, but it has been included in certain fixatives.
Picric Acid.This acid, which comes in the form of a yellow crystalline
solid, sometimes slightly moistened as a precaution against explosions, |j
is invariably used in the form of a saturated solution. It shrinks strongly
and penetrates tissues readily. Proteins, nucleqproteins,_and nucleic acid,
are all precipitated.In whatever solution or fluid it is employed, it ^
should always be washed out with 70% ethyl alcohol, never withwater, I
unless the fluid contains some other reagent which indissolubly precipi
tates chromatin. The washing may be facilitated by warming the wash
alcohols to as high as 40C. It is not always necessary to get rid of all the
yellow color imparted to the tissues; if this is found necessary, lithium j
carbonate may be added to the 70% wash alcohol until the color hasj
' disappeared from the tissues.
Anthraquinone is superior to picric acid as a killing reagent and may
' be substituted; it is used in exactly the same way.
Chromic Acid.Microtechnicians, and particularly those engaged in
cytological work, can scarcely get along without chromic acid. It is the
aqueous solution of chromic anhydride, which comes in ttfe form of
reddish-brown, extremely deliquescent crystals. Chromic anhydride
should not be dissolved in alcohol as it will quickly become reduced tochromous oxide or sesquioxide, neither of which is of any value as a fixa
tive. Chromic acid is the basis of a long series of killing andfixingfluids,
which commonly also contain acetic acid.
Chromic acid tends to shrink tissues; to counteract this tendency,
other substances are usually mixed with it. It does not penetrate very
well into many types of tissues. Some technicians contend that at low
concentrations the acid exerts a considerable solvent action upon tissues,
but this apparently is more true of animal than of plant tissues. The
one great defect of chromic acid resides in the fact that, because it is a
powerful hardening agent, it tends to cause tissues to become brittle. >
The acid is one of the most powerful precipitants of proteins, nucleoproteins, and nucleic acid, none of which can later be dissolved. Fats
are not affected nor are lipoids.
Chromic acid stock solutions are best kept in strengths of 2 and 10%.
Practically all formulae in general use are based upon dilutions of these





stock solutions. Large volumes of any killing fluid containing chromic

acid should be used, f ' uids should always be washed out thoroughly
with either running wat
Yequent changes of large volumes of water.
Fixation with chromic ~ .Kand other chromic compounds is essentially
a tanning process, and tissues consequently become more or less brownish
in color. The tanning is most pronounced after the use of those fluids
which contain both chromic acid and potassium bichromate (e.g., La
Cour's fluids). If the sections appear to have too much chromate fixa
tion, which is invariably the case after such fluids, bleaching may be
effected by dipping the slides into 1 % aqueous potassium permanganate
for about 1 minute, rinsing very briefly in water, then dipping in 5%
aqueous oxalic acid for 1 minute, and finally washing thoroughly with
water. Or differential acidification (page 169) may be attempted.
As a rule, a cytological fixative weak in chromic acid will cause
chromosomes to become attenuated and to reveal constrictions that a
fixative strong in the acid will not show up.
Osmic Acid.Osmic acid is the name commonly given to osmium
tetroxide, although this compound is not strictly an acid. It is an
extremely expensive substance and usually comes in the solid form in
0.5- or 1-g. sealed tubes. The weight cited is not always accurate but
because of the extreme difficulty of checking up on this point, any prob
able discrepancies may for most practical purposes be ignored. . Solutions
of osmic acid are very readily reduced by the presence of the least bit of
organic matter. Exposure of plain aqueous solutions to the light does
not necessarily bring about reduction, as is commonly believed, provided
that the Vater is absolutely pure and quite free from dust. Such a
solution should be kept in a thoroughly cleaned dropping bottle with
grooved stopper. Before breaking the tube in which the acid comes,
clean it carefully, removing every evidence of the label, and finally rinse
in several changes of pure water. It would be a far more, satisfactory
procedure to purchase a 1 % solution in 1 % chromic acid direct from the
Reduction of solutions in distilled water may as a rule be prevented by
the addition of (1) a small amount of sodium iodate, (2) about 10 drops
of a 5% aqueous solution of mercuric chloride to each 100 cc. of 1%
osmic acid solution, or (3) enough potassium permanganate to give a
barely perceptible rosy tinge to the solution, adding more of the per
manganate whenever the solution becomes colorless.
Osmium tetroxide penetrates plant tissues poorly. The fumes or
vapor kill just as efficiently as does the solution, especially spores, zoo
spores, small unicellular algae, and similar organisms. The solution, how
ever, should never be used in a strength exceeding 2%. Many workers
consider 0.1 to 0.5% to be strong enough. Unacidified osmium tetroxide





precipitates proteins instantly and coarsely; acid solutions do so slowly

and more evenly. On the other hand, each of the two solutions works in
the opposite way on nucleoproteins. Osmium is the only reagent which
preserves both fats and conjugated lipides. Objects should always be as
small as possible, whether for killing by the fumes or the solution.
Fixation is complete as, soon as the material has become brown through
out. Killing fluids containing osmium tetroxide must always be thor
oughly washed out before dehydration is begun. If the material has been
left in the killing fluid too long, it will become blackened, with the result
that it is necessary to bleach the sections before a proper stain reaction
can be secured.
Under certain circumstances the use of osmic acid is contraindicated.
For example, it should not be used on the Rhodophyta because it aggra
vates the natural tendency of this group of plants to break to pieces
during almost any stage of the subsequent processes; nor, except for
special purposes, should it be used oh tissues rich in oily substances.
Mercuric Chloride.Corrosive sublimate is a synonym for this
extremely poisonous substance. Mercuric chloride is never used alone.
It is a rapid fixer and a powerful precipitant of proteins and nucleic acid,
but it tends to shrink tissues. Transparent tissues are rendered opaque
as soon as fixed. Aqueous solutions should always be based upon
distilled water. The sublimate must be very carefully washed out after
fixation. Aqueous solutions may be washed out with water, although it
would be preferable to use an alcohol of a strength below 70%. Alcoholic
solutions should be washed with alcohol of the same percentage as that in
the killing fluid. In the case of material which is to be embedded, the
deposits left by the mercuric salt are more easily removed from the sec
tions. Transfer the slides from 70% alcohol to 50% alcohol to which are
added about 1 g. of iodine and 2 g. of potassium iodide per 100 cc. After
a few minutes, transfer to a 0.2% solution of sodium thiosulphate (ordi
nary photographers' hypo is satisfactory) to remove the iodine, then
proceed to the staining after a thorough washing in water. The hypo
solution must be kept up to, but not beyond, its original strength by
the addition of a tiny crystal from time to time.
Material killed in solutions containing mercuric chloride should be
embedded as quickly as possible.
The use of mercuric chloride as the main or a minor component of a
killing fluid to be used on material intended for cytological study is not
to be recommended.
Iodine.A weak aqueous solution of I iodine and potassium iodide
is excellent for fixing microscopic plant forms; glacial acetic acid and
formalin may advantageously be added. Penetration is rapid. Wash
out thoroughly with water.



Potassium Bichromate.This substance is not often mentioned in

the literature on botanical microtechnique, but it is a decidedly useful
substance. It is the principal ingredient of many fluids devised for
the study of mitochondria. It is a superb hardening agent but has the
serious fault of penetrating so slowly and poorly that some plasmolysis
must be expected in large pieces of tissue. It has no effect on fats,
but its effect on mitochondria will be noted in the following discussion.
The bichromate reacts in two entirely different ways, depending
upon whether it is used alone or in combination with an acid. If the
solution containing the bichromate is acidified to make it more acid
than pH 4.6, the fixation image is that of chromic acid. The chromo
somes are well fixed, cytoplasm and chromatin are precipitated as
networks, and mitochondria are dissolved. When the solution is less
acid or more alkaline (i.e., with a pH of over 5.2), the chromosomes are
dissolved, a chromatin network is not apparent, the cytoplasm is homo
geneously preserved, and the mitochondria are well fixed.
It appears clear from the preceding discussion that mixtures including
potassium bichromate with chromic acid, and sometimes also acetic
acid, are illogical since the only effect is that of ah excessive proportion
of chromic acid.
Other Reagents.Dozens, if not hundreds, of other substances have
been proposed as ingredients of all sorts of mixtures. No good reason
exists for the use of some of them, but others, which might after all be
found to have valuable properties, were employed at a time when too
little was known concerning the effects both of these substances and of
the other'reagents with which they were mixed, and they were conse
quently discarded as of no value.



Killing and fixing fluids, in the present text at least, are classified
according to whether they produce a basic or an acidic fixation image.
Those which give a basic image are too few in number to require
subclassification, whereas there is practically no logical method of
differentiating the numerous concoctions that give acid images. All
classifications which have previously been proposed are wholly arbitrary
and need not be considered further.

In the following discussion the various mixtures are grouped accord

ing to whether the principal ingredient is formalin, glacial acetic acid,
chromic acid, or various combinations of these three substances, either
alone or with the addition of other reagents.



The optimum time required forfixationto be effected and the method

of washing out the fluid are given for each formula.
Acetic Acid-Alcohol


Carnoy's Fluids.Two different fluids bear Carnoy's name. In

the literature there has been hardly any mention as to which was
used, which may provide an explanation for the inequalities in published
reports. The second fluid is* the one more commonly employed. The
formula for Farmer'sfluidis identical with the first one noted below.

100% ethyl alcohol

15 cc.

Glacial acetic acid


5 cc.

1 0 0 % ethyl alcohol

30 cc.

Glacial acetic acid

5 cc.


15 c c .

Action of both fluids is very rapid, because of the great penetrating

power of each. For root tips, 15 minutes is long enough; for anthers,
1 hour should suffice. The practice of certain botanists of leaving
material in such violent fluids for over 48 hours is beyond all reason and
merely leads to overfixation. and the production of artifacts such as
cytomixis; These fluids alone are not to be recommended for studies
on plant cytology, but for such difficult subjects as the ova of Ascaris
and most insects the second formula is about the best yet devised. Wash
in two changes of 95% ethyl alcohol and proceed to paraffin as quickly
as possible.
Carnoy-LeBrun's Fluid.This mixture is probably the most rapid in
action of all. It. is not especially recommended for routine fixation but
might be tried where rapid action and strong penetration are required.
Wash in 95% ethyl alcohol.

ethyl alcohol

10 cc.

Glacial acetic acid

10 cc.


10 cc.

Mercuric chloride

T o


Gilson's Fluid.This is a rather unusual combination that has been

recommended by some workers for the fleshy fungi, particularly for the
softer, gelatinous forms such as Tremella.
The mixture does not keep
for more than--a day. Allow to react for 18 to 20 hours. Wash out
thoroughly with 50% ethyl alcohol, and remove the mercuric deposits
from the sections.

ethyl alcohol.

Distilled water

5 0 . 0 cc.
440.0 cc.

Glacial acetic acid



Nitric acid, 46 strength, about an 8 0 % solution...



Mercuric chloride

10.0 g.



Petninkevitsch's Fluid.This is a variation of Gilson's fluid, which

may be employed when large masses of tissue must be penetrated in
order to reach deeply embedded portions. It has given good preserva
tion of megagametophytes in angiosperms. Care must be taken not to
overfix. Most ovaries require 12 to 20 hours. Wash out as directed
For Gilson's fluid, and embed as quickly as possible.

ethyl alcohol



Glacial acetic acid



Concentrated nitric acid


Mercuric chloride


T o





Formalin-Aceto-Alcohol.This fluid, more familiarly known as FAA,

rmight almost bewailed the "standard preservative" of botanical micro
technique, since it is used more extensively than any other. The varia
tions that have been proposed are/almost endless, and some have even'
been given the names of the technicians who first mentioned them (Langdon, Rawlins, Lavdowsky,, among others). The standard proportions

( o r 70%)

ethyl alcohol

90 cc.

Glacial acetic acid


5 cc.
.. .

5 cc.

Some technicians habitually use 50% alcohol, others use 70%; the
lower percentage should be employed with the more delicate materials,
especially Jthe thalloid Bryophyta. The proportions of both the acetic
acid and \he formalin mayindeed, they sometimes must bevaried
according to the nature of the material, as determined by experience.
For hard woody materials, for instance, it would be advisable to decrease
the amount of acetic acid and to increase the formalin, since the latter
penetrates more slowly than the former.
This reagent may be used with almost any plant material intended
for anatomical or morphological study. It is unsuitable for chromosome U
studies. Material may be left in it almost indefinitely without appreci
able damage; this property of nearly perfect preservation makes formalinaceto-alcohol the ideal fluid to take on long collecting trips. The
minimum time of fixation is 18 hours, If the tertiary butyl alcohol
dehydration method is employed, it is unnecessary to wash out the
killing fluid; one may go directly to the 50% stage of that method. If <
other methods are used, washing in two changes of 50% ethyl alcohol <
is all that is necessary. Woody materials should be washed for two days v
in running water and softened for three to six weeks in a 50% aqueous 1
solution of hydrofluoric acid, if the use of the desilicifying acid appears, ]



Formalin-Propiono-Alcohol.Since propionic acid appears to give

more adequate fixation than acetic acid, it may be substituted for the
latter, in the same proportions, in the formula given above. The time
| of fixation and manner of washing are identical.
Chromic Acid and Acetic Acid Mixtures

Chromic acid is rarely used alone, but combinations of chromic and

acetic acids in various proportions, to which formalin is sometimes added
(see the following section), are extensively employed. Such combina
tions are almost endless, consequently the formulae for only a few will be
cited here. By studying those given, the student can easily adjust the
proportions of the two acids to fit any particular circumstance. A large
volume of fluid containing these two acids should be used, and it cannot
be used more than once. The time required is rarely less than 24 hours;
'a few days' immersion will usually do no appreciable harm. After
fixation, all fluids which contain chromic acid as an ingredient should be
washed out thoroughly with water, otherwise staining of the sections will
be obscured and differentiation rather poor.
The chromic acid should be made up as a stock solution of 1 %, 2%, or
even' 10% in distilled water. The tendency of the crystals of chromic
anhydride, from which chromic acid is prepared, to deliquesce so readily
makes it a disagreeable task to weigh out small quantities at a time. The
aqueous solution is perfectly stable. Practically all other formulae are
based upon one of these percentage solutions.
Stock Chrom-Acetic Fluid.A stock solution used by soye workers
as a general purposefluidconsists of 1 g. chromic acid, 1 cc. glacial acetic
acid and 100 cc. water and is commonly known as " 1 % chrom-acetic."
It is, however, not a very precise fixative.
W e a k Chrom-Acetic.This is a more precise formula and may be used
for filamentous algae and fungi, Bryophyta, prothallia of the Pteridophyta, moss capsules, and similar subjects that are easily penetrated.

aqueous chromic acid




aqueous acetic acid



Distilled water

. T o 100.0 cc.

Medium Chrom-Acetic.This is an excellent mixture for root tips

and small ovaries or isolated ovules with megagametpphytes. About
2% of maltose or urea or 0.3 to 0.5% saponin should be added to facilitate

aqueous chromic acid.


aqueous acetic a c i d . . .

Distilled water

7 cc.
. . .

10 cc.

T o

100 cc.



Strong Chrom-Acetic.For woody materials, tough leaves, and

similar objects. As indicated for the preceding mixture, the addition
of maltose, urea, or saponin will be found beneficial.


chromic acid



acetic acid

1 cc.
10 cc.

Distilled water


T o

Acetic, and Osmic Acid

100 cc.


These fluids constitute the so-called Flemming fluids, named after

their originator. They represent the mixtures which will, for the various
types of material for which each is best adapted, afford by far the most
truthful representations obtainable by present methods. The following
solutions should be made up only just before being used.
Weak Chrom-Osmo-Acetic.For more delicate tissues.



aqueous acetic acid

2 %

chromic acid


osmic acid in 2 % aqueous chromic a c i d . . . .

Distilled water








Strong Chrom-Osmo-Acetic.For more resistant tissues.




aqueous acetic acid

2 %

chromic acid.

osmic acid in 2 % aqueous



3 0 . 0 cc.
chromic acid. . . .

Distilled water





Taylor% Chrom-Osmo-Acetic for Smears.This is a very satis

factory killing fluid for smear preparations and gives fairly faithful
preservation of chromosomal structures. It is offered as a substitute
for Navashin's fluid, commonly used for similar purposes. The mixture
should be made up with a 10-cc. pipette graduated to hundredths. The
amount of maltose to be added should be determined by experiment on
each species. The purpose of the maltose is to preserve the identity of
trabants (satellites) and to avoid the obliteration of constrictions.


chromic acid




acetic acid





Distilled water






2 %

osmic acid in 2 % aqueous


chromic a c i d . . . .


Taylor's Modified Benda's Fluid.Benda's was one of the earliest

fluids used in investigations on chromatin and is still preferred by some
workers. It is valuable in the study of prophase stages of meiosis in



aqueous chromic


Glacial acetic acid

2 %

osmic acid in 2 %

aqueous chromic

Distilled water




cc. ,






Chamberlain's Chrom-Osmo-Acetic.This combination is suitable

only for fresh-water algae, filamentous fungi, and similar organisms and
should not be used for root tips, stem tips, or other morphological



1 g.

Glacial acetic acid

1 %

1 cc.

aqueous osmic acid

Distilled water




Chromic Acid, Acetic Acid, and Formalin Mixtures

Mixtures of these three reagents constitute the so-called Navashin
fluids, of which a considerable number of modifications have been
proposed, some bearing the names of the originators. All are designed
more for cytological than for morphological fixation purposes. They
are excellent for smears of microsporocytes, for anthers, buds and root
tips. Many cytologists fix buds first in Carnoy's fluid for from 5 to
10 minutes, then pour off the fluid and replace with a Navashin mixture.
This procedure is more satisfactory on the Asteraceae than on species
from other families and is better for buds covered with dense hairs or
which are difficult for the aqueous solution to penetrate. Microtoming
may be difficult with some materials, and the sections are liable to become
loosened from the slides.

If only a small quantity is needed for immediate use, the following

modification may be used. Belling's variation, which is always made
up in two parts and mixed just before being used, is to be recommended
under other circumstances. The great majority of other proposed
combinations differ merely in the proportion of formalin to be added.
This does not constitute sufficient reason for giving them new names.
Taylor's Modified Karpechenko Fluid.

aqueous chromic


aqueous acetic acid.

Distilled water..:










Belling's Modified Navashin Fluid.Make up the two solutions

separately, mixing equal volumes of each just before using. For metaphase smear preparations, Solution B may be composed of 100 cc.
formalin and 275 cc. distilled water. Three hours appears to be long
enough for most smears, but immersion for as long as 12' hours does no
injury. After fixation, transfer smear preparations to a stender of



0.5% aqueous chromic acid for not longer than 10 minutes, to remove
the formalin, then proceed with the staining.
Buds, root tips, and similar materials may be left in the fluid almost
indefinitely. Shortly after being mixed, the solution will turn a brownishgreen to greenish color, which indicates the reduction of the chromic acid.
Wash thoroughly in several changes of water when ready to commence
the dehydration.
Solution A : Chromic acid crystals

5 g.

Glacial acetic acid

Solution B :



Distilled water






Distilled water




3 g.

Randolph's Modified Navashin Fluid.The following fluid, to which

the abbreviation Craf has been applied, is claimed to be superior to
other Navashin-type mixtures (Randolph 1935). Fix for 12 to 24 hours.
Transfer the material, without washing, directly to 70% ethyl alcohol,
changing the alcohol three or four times at 15-minute intervals.
Solution A : Chromic acid
Glacial acetic acid


B :

1 g.
7 cc.

Distilled water



Neutral formalin



Distilled water

70 cc.

Mix equal portions of A and B just before using.

Potassium Bichromate Mixtures
As has been noted in the general discussion above, the mixing of
potassium bichromate with chromic acid is illogical and gives unsatis
factory results; therefore fluids of this type are scarcely to be recom
mended. LaCour's fluids, which have come into favor in some English
institutions but have not met with the same reception in the United
States, are in this category. Tissues become so heavily tanned that
they are hard to bleach sufficiently and staining has always been poor.
In fact the use of these fluids has been claimed by some observers to be
the direct cause of the erroneous interpretations of certain cytological
phenomena by one school of thought in that field.
The first fluid mentioned below has considerable to recommend it
for certain special purposes, but the others'are included merely as a
matter of record.
Tellyesnicky's Fluid.In this mixture potassium bichromate is
substituted for chromic acid. It has been used on the Bryophyta and
also on leaves with excellent results, It might be tried if a similar



fluid containing chromic acid fails to work. Fix 24 to 48 hours, prefer

ably changing once, and wash out in running water for 12 hours.
Potassium bichromate

Glacial acetic acid




Distilled water


LaCour's 2BE Fluid.


aqueous chromic




Potassium bichromate






aqueous acetic acid


2 %

aqueous osmic acid





Distilled water


LaCour's 2BD Fluid.

1 %

aqueous chromic

1 %

aqueous potassium bichromate









2 %

aqueous osmic acid




aqueous acetic acid



Picric Acid Mixtures

The first such mixture to be proposed was the familiar Bouin's fluid,
so widely used by zoological technicians. The original mixture is hardly
suitable for plant material since the tissues are apt to become brittle and
difficulty is often experienced in microtoming the material. The original
formula is as follows:
Saturated aqueous picric acid



25 cc.

Glacial acetic acid



Anthraquinone may be substituted for the picric acid and should

give more satisfactory results. Fix tissues for 24 hours, rinse quickly
with water, then wash thoroughly with 50% alcohol.
Allen's Modified Bouin's Fluid (Allen's B-15).This fluid has
proved to be very satisfactory with the buds of many species which
give poor results with alcoholic and chrom-acetic fixatives. Immediately
before using, heat 100 cc. Bouin's fluid to 37C. and add 1.5 g. chromic
acid. Stir thoroughly, then add 2 g. urea: Keep the fluid at between
37 and 39C. while the material is being placed in it; when finished,
allow it to cool gradually. ' Thefluidwill become greenish within 3^ hour
and rapidly loses its efficiency. Four hours' time should give thorough
fixation, but the material may be allowed to remain in the fluid overnight.
Wash with frequent changes of 70% ethyl alcohol over two days or until
no more yellow color is extracted.





The morphology of metaphase and anaphase chromosomes is well

brought out by this mixture, but it is not suitable for other stages in
either mitosis or meiosis. Cleland adds 1 g. of chromic acid to freshly
prepared Bouin's fluid and substitutes 1 g. of maltose or lactose for the
urea. With these modifications he has secured satisfactory results
with the very difficult Gnagraceae. Staining is usually brilliant with
iron hematoxylin.
Sass' Modified Bouin's Fluid.Beautiful results are obtained with
buds and anthers of the Liliaceae by means of this mixture. Dehydrate,
without washing out the mixture, in grades of acetone (5, 10, 15%, etc.),
and clear in five grades of acetone-xylol or acetone-tertiary butyl alcohol.


Saturated aqueous picric acid

1 %

aqueous chromic







Glacial acetic



Mercuric Chloride Mixtures

Schaudinn's Fluid.This mixture is widely employed on the Protozoa
and related organisms. It may be used to fix On the slide plant spermatozoids and zoospores and certain of the flagellated unicellular algae.
For this purpose it is used at a temperature of 70C. It was originally
made by adding 10 cc. of absolute ethyl alcohol to 20 cc. of a saturated
aqueous solution of mercuric chloride. A later version is to add 10 cc.
of absolute ethyl alcohol to 40 cc. (or twice the original quantity) of the
chloride, jftbst protozoologists add from 1 to 5 parts of glacial acetic
acid just before using, but it seems better to dilute the fluid one-half
with water and to add 2% glacial acetic acid immediately before using.
Fix for several hours, and wash out with a medium strength alcohol,
to which is added a little iodine solution to remove any mercury deposits.
Worcester's Fluid.Worcester's fluid has been found to give excellent
results with plant tissues whose cells are congested with various sub
stances. The enzyme-secreting cells of seedlings are well fixed. Allow
to react about 20 hours, and wash thoroughly with 70 % alcohol to which
is added about 1 % potassium iodide.
Saturated aqueous mercuric chloride

aqueous glacial acetic



4 cc.




Zirkle-Erliki Fluid.For mitochondria. The image is completely

basic, and all chromatin is dissolved (Zirkle 1934). Fix for 48 hours;
wash with water.




Potassium bichromate






Cupric sulphate



- Distilled water'.




Zirkle's Reduced Chromic Fluid.For mitochondria and vacuoles

(Zirkle 1932). Formalin when added to solutions containing unreduced
chromium compounds immediately reduces the latter, consequently
such mixtures are unsatisfactory. This disadvantage is obviated by
using a reduced chromium salt, such as chromic sulphate.

5 g.


Cupric oxide

Distilled water




should be









Fix 48 hours; wash with water. The purpose of the'copper is to bring

the pH to 4.6. The concentration of the formalin depends upon the
material being fixed and must be determined by experiment. If used
in too great a concentration, there will be some plasmolysis and swelling
of the vacuoles; if in too low a concentration, the mixture may be so
diluted by the liquid contents of the tissue that an erraticfixationimage
results. Even when thisfixativeseems to be at its best, perfect preserva
tion of the vacuoles and their tonoplasts does not always result.

The subject of dyes or stains and methods of using them has become
one of vast proportions. The number of dyes available is enormous,
and ways of employing stains are almost as numerous as the workers
using a particular dye or combination of stains. Standardization in the
manufacture and certification of dyes of American manufacture has been
attained, but the majority of technicians are still individualistic in the
utilization of these stains. These facts, however, need deter no one
because the most convincing and satisfactory results have been, and still
are being, obtained with a few well-known dyes. For example, plant
morphologists use safranin and fast green more extensively than any
other combination of stains; cytologists consider that crystal violet
has no rival as a stain for dividing chromatin; the bacteriologist would
be almost helpless without methylene blue; and Delafield's or Harris'
hematoxylin with a counterstain of eosin is in universal use by zoological
and clinical technicians. The preparation and use of stains has all
but become a science in itself, and there exists a most valuable journal,
Stain Technology, demoted to these and related subjects. Most of the
abstracting*journals, American and foreign, devote special sections to
stains and staining methods. One should make it a habit to read these
abstracts in order to k.iep abreast? of current trends. Experimenting
with new dyes and new staining schedules is a most fascinating occupa
tion, and there is a very great deal yet to be learned about stains and
their utilization.
It is not proposed to burden the present text with accounts of the
history of stains, their preparation, chemical constitution, and similar
purely technical details. For such information, the student cannot do
better than consult the very valuable manual by Dr. H. J. Conn, Biologi
cal Stains" (Biological Stain Commission, Geneva, N . Y., 3d ed., 1936).
The greater part of the information contained in the remainder of this
chapter has been derived from the publications of the Stain Commission
and other reliable sources.
The older botanical technicians placed much of their reliance upon
natural or textile dyes. Very few of the natural, and practically none
of the technical, dyes are still in use. The latter were always of doubtful
purity since manufacturing methods could not always be so standardized



as to give an identical product each time a batch was prepared, and they
were too often insoluble in the technician's customary solvents. Nearly
all the dyes now used in biological technique are synthetic chemical
compounds made from the substances found in coal tar. The two types
of dyes, natural and coal tar,'are; being discussed separately.



Only three natural dyes are still used by botanical technicians.

These dyes have not yet been manufactured synthetically. All are
important cytological stains. One, cochineal and its derivatives, is of
insect origin; the others are from plants belonging to the Caesalpiniaceae.
Brazilin.This dye is obtained from different trees known collectively
as "brazilwood," but principally from Caesalpinia crista or C. echinata.
It is closely related chemically to hematoxylin but is neither so active
nor so strong a stain. It has recently come into extensive use as a stain
for smears, its employment for the purpose having originated with Belling,
but refinements in the method have since been made (Capinpin 1930).
Brazilin is ordinarily employed as a 0.5% solution in 70% alcohol,
which is allowed to ripen for about a week. Keep containers well
stoppered, away from light and air. Brazilin by itself is not a dye; it
reacts only after mordanting with ferric ammonium sulphate!
Hematoxylin.Hematoxylin is a chromogeri derived from logwood,
Hematoxylin campechianum L., and is one of the most important of all
stains. It is a homologue of brazilin, possessing one more hydroxyl
group in its chemical constitution. The dye solution itself has little
or no affinity for tissues, unless iron or aluminum is present j"p. the latter,
consequently mordanting in some form is necessary. The stain is made
up in combination or in conjunction with various metallic salts, prin
cipally those of iron (always in the ferric form), aluminum, and copper.
Some of the schedules are progressive; others are regressive. The color
effects of hematoxylin vary with the character of the medium in which
it is dissolved and according to the after treatment. In the presence of
acids the color is red; in the presence of alkaline solutions it is blue. By
Heidenhain's iron-alum schedule, structures such as chromosomes and
pyrenoids are stained black, while the cytoplasm of sporogenous cells, for
example, is stained gray. However, by exposing the sections to the
action of ammonia fumes, the color is turned to blue.
The solution of the dye as used in Heidenhain's iron hematoxylin
technique is simply a 0.5% solution in distilled water. It will be found
to be more satisfactory to prepare a 10% solution in absolute ethyl
alcohol and to dilute a portion with distilled water to the 0.5% strength
when required. Formerly it was necessary to permit the solutions to
stand for some time to ripen (into hematein), but the certified dyes will



often be sufficiently ripe after a few days. The process may be hastened
by placing the solution in a very wide and shallow evaporating' dish and
exposing, at a distance of approximately 2 feet, to^any rather powerful
quartz mercury-vapor arc for about 45 minutes. "Stir the solution
frequently during exposure.

At high temperatures hydrolysis of hematoxylin solutions occurs; a

metallic scum or film forms on the surface. Such solutions must be
discarded. Spoilage is also indicated when the solution starts to turn
brown. A relatively stable hematoxylin solution may be prepared by
adding 5 cc. of a 10% absolute alcohol solution to 100 cc. methyl cellosolve, 50 cc: distilled water, and 50 cc. tap water that contains calcium
compounds in solution. If the solution on shaking does not acquire a
rich wine-red color, add a pinch of sodium bicarbonate and shake vigor
ously. Ripening usually occurs immediately, and the solution can be
used at once. This solution does not spoil at high temperatures; it also
retains its staining capacity for far longer periods than do simple aqueous
Most of the difficulties with hematoxylin arise during the destaining
and differentiation. The same solution should not be used for both
mordanting and destaining. Solutions of reagents other than ferric
ammonium sulphate frequently give better results: ugly precipitates
are avoided, thicker sections may be clearly stained, and disagreeable
tan or brownish colors do not result (Huther 1934).
Tuan's use of picric acid (Tuan 1930) has been extensively followed
by numerous technicians. If the picric acid solutions are warmed to
about 50C., the destaining willbe greatly accelerated. It is not
necessary that the color effects at the end of the destaining process be in
the nature of sharp black and white (or colorless) contrasts. This some
times indicates that one has merely painted various structures black and
has "not really stained them in order to reveal details clearly. Sections
differentiated in picric acid may be blued by washing out the acid thor
oughly and by adding 1 or 2 drops of ammonium; hydroxide to the 70%
dehydrating alcohol.
Ferric ammonium sulphate is both an acid and an oxidizer. A fairly
close approximation to the effect obtained with this reagent can be gotten
with the following mixture:


solution of hydrochloric acid in 9 5 % alcohol..




1 part

The solution should be freshly prepared. Destaining completed, wash

the slides with\70% alcohol, and blue with .ammonium h^roxide. Take
care that the higher dehydrating alcohols do not become acidified by the
hydrochloric acid.




Ferric chloride may be substituted for ferric ammonium sulphate,

both as mordant and as differentiator. Use a 2 to 5% solution for the
mordanting, for about 30 minutes. Rinse, then stain. Differentiate
in a 1 to 3% solution. The stain is more blue than black, and the
differentiation is more precise (Haggquist 1933).
Delafield's hematoxylin is still being made according to the original
formula, in which dye and mordant are combined. To 400 cc. of a
saturated aqueous solution of ammonium aluminum sulphate, add drop
by drop a solution of 4 g. hematoxylin crystals in 25 cc. of 95% ethyl
alcohol. Expose to light and air for four days. Then add 10 cc. c p .
glycerin and 100 cc. methyl^ alcohol. Allow to stand for at least two
months, exposed to the air, until the color is sufficiently dark. The
process may, however, be accelerated by exposure to the quartz mercury
lamp, as described above for plain hematoxylin solutions, the time of
exposure being about 2 hours. It is jather dangerous and unsatisfactory
to follow the recommendation of some microscopists to ripen the solution
with hydrogen peroxide. The ripened undiluted solution is a powerful
stain; a much more precise differentiation can be obtained by diluting the
staining solution with as much as twice its bulk of distilled water. The
stain is differentiated in either water or 70% ethyl alcohol acidified with
hydrochloric acid; the procedures are outlined in the following chapter.
Harris' hematoxylin resembles Delafield's in its color effects but is
made up in an entirely different manner. It is a superb in toto stain.
The formula is as follows:
H e m a t o x y l i n crystals

a m m o n i u m sulphate

ethyl alcohol



3 fj.


Dissolve the dye and the alum with the aid of heat, then add 6 g.
mercuric oxide (use only the red powder) and boil for 30 minutes. Filter,
then bring up again to the original volume with 50%;glcohoL ..^ji^fy'
in the proportion of 1 drop hydrochloric acid to each-lOO cc. of spj-^'&s^.
When one is in doubt as to the proper stain to''use, he may safely-,
use either Harris' or Delafield's hematoxylin. Even after they become
thoroughly experienced in the use of other stains and combinations of
stains,' skilled technicians often encounter difficulties. Many, if not
most, of them resort to either of these two hematoxylins and^nerally
obtain the desired effects." Delafield's will sometimes stain^hsh^ yjn
well when the regular chromatin stains fail; it also, brings out cellulose
walls more sharply than most other stains. If proper care in differentia
tion is taken, sporogenous cells are unusually well defined by" both
Mayer's haemalum has been recommended for the nuclei of filamen
tous algae nd fungi, having little or no effect upon cell walls or plastids



The improved formula is as follows: dissolve 1 g. hematoxylin crystals

in 1 liter water. Then add 2 g. sodium iodate and 50 g. aluminum
potassium sulphate. The solution acts much like Delafield's hematoxylin
but does not keep welljadd a crystal of thymol to prevent mold growth.
Excellent results are secured by diluting the stain about ten times with
distilled water and allowing it to act overnight. Follow any balsam
infiltration method with algae or fungi; transfer to the stain from water,
and wash out thoroughly with water before proceeding to the next step.
Ehrlich's hematoxylin has been extensively used with safranin on
woody tissues:
. 50
.' 50
. 50

' Distilled water,

Absolute ethyl alcohol
Glycerin, c.p

acetic acid



Aluminum potassium


cc. '

1 g. .
T o excess.

Keep in a dark place until the color becomes a deep red, or it may be
ripened in 3 or 4 hours by exposure to a quartz mercury lamp as directed
in the discussion of Heidenhain's hematoxylin above. Transfer sections
to the stain from 35% alcohol or water, allow to remain for 5 to,30 min
utes, wash off excess stain with water or 35% alcohol, and proceed with
the dehydration. Orange G or erythrosin may be used as a counterstain.
If safranin is used with Ehrlich's hematoxylin, stain first in the safranin.
Hematein.Many workers consider hematein superior to hema
toxylin (Kornhauser 1930) on the ground that "it is easy to prepare, easy
to use, saves time, and gives good results." A Mac Andrews and Forbes
product should be used.
To prepare the stain, grind 0.5 g. hematein in a glass mortar with
r>f 95% . yl alcohol, and add to 500 cc. of 5% aqueous aluminum
um sulphate* Transfer the slides to the stain from water. The
progressive; consequently the .slides should be inspected fre
quently for 5 minutes or so, which is the^average time required. Next
rinse 1 to 3 seconds in tap water. One may counterstain 1 to 3 seconds
with eosin bluish (1 part stock solutionMJ.5% solution in 20% alcohol
n c -ts distilled water). Wash in several changes of tap water,
^ua i, and mount.
Cochineal and Derivatives.Cochineal is a yellowish-red powder,
obtaihed'by grinding the dried bodies of the female cochineal insect and
extracting the coloring matter. Cochineal and its derivatives are some
of the most important bulk stains yet available. They are all progressive,,
stains but may- be used retrogressively. Cochineal itself is not used by
botanists to any great extent.



Carmin is a bright red in color and is the lake obtained by adding

alum to cochineal. It is a complicated mixture of which the essential
coloring agent is carminic acid. Carmin and carminic acid are so easy
to use and give such astonishingly beautiful effects that it is amazing
to what a slight extent they are used by botanical technicians. Cytologists, however, have a considerable appreciation of carmin, at least, as
indicated by its extensive use in the iron-acetocarmin smear technique.
Carmin is only slightly soluble in water at a neutral reaction; hence
solutions must be either acid, as is the customary case, or alkaline.
Carminic acid" is the active dye principle of cochineal and carmin.
It is a fairly strong dibasic acid. It is best known to botanists as the
principal ingredient of Mayer's carmalum.
Indigocarmin.Indigocarmin is only indirectly a natural dye, but
it is included among the natural dyes because it is based upon one. It
is the sodium salt of indigodisulphonic acid, and consequently has acid
properties. In color it is bluish; but when mixed with picric acid to
make the picro-indigocarmin stain used in staining algae, the color
becomes green. The solubility of indigocarmin at 25C. is 1.68% in
water and 0.01% in 95% alcohol.

C O A L - T A R


The older classifications of coal-tar dyes are largely artificial. The

classification at present used is based upon similarity in chemical struc
ture. Six groups have been recognized (Conn 1936):

T h e nitro



Picric acid.

T h e azo dyes.


T h e anthraquinone




T h e quinone-imide group of dyes:





none in c o m m o n


Oxazins: none in c o m m o n


Azins; subdivided



Orange G, Bismarck brown, Sudan I V .

Methylene, blue,

Example: N e u t r a l r e d . ,
Examples: S a f r a n i n 0, m a g d a l a
Example: N i g r o s i n .












Hydroxy-triphenyl methanes:



group of dyes:







T h e phenyl-methane


none commonly



Fast green, light green, malachite



A c i d fuchsin,

crystal violet, anilin

none generally used.




T h e xanthene group of dyes:


P y r o n i n s : none used in botanical


Rhodamines: none









The nomenclature of dyes is in great confusion because practically

no system was used in naming them. Unscrupulous dealers have
given new names to old dyes, actuated solely in adding to their profits
by the introduction of a supposedly new product. The syn
onymy of some dyes has reached amazing proportions. The confusion
in nomenclature of histological dyes has frequently misled users. One
would do well to follow the recommendations of the Commission on
Biological Stains as to acceptable names. This is the procedure followed
in the present text.
On labels and in certain published papers one will frequently meet
with numbers preceded by the initials C.I., e.g., C.I. No. 841; or by the
name Schultz, e.g., Schultz No. 679. The first refers to a publication
by the Society of Dyers and Colourists of England, known as the Colour
Index. It is a very complete manual listing textile dyes, their synonymy,
chemical formulae, methods of preparation, and distinctive character
istics. Schultz refers to the German equivalent, much less compre
hensive,, of the Colour Index, viz., Schultz V Farbstofftabelln. The
numbers are those given in the respective index; the two cited above
refer to Safranin 0 as given by each. Numbers are not being cited
in the present text as they are of little practical value to the average
In the following list the various stains are arranged alphabetically,
rather than according to the chemical classification given above, in order
to give greater convenience in reference. First comes the accepted
name of the dye, together with occasional citation of synonyms whenever
such are in common use. Next comes an indication as to whether the
dye is acidic or basic, then its chemical classification. Following this
is given the solubility of the dye at 26C. in water and in 95% ethyl
alcohol, as expressed in percentages. This indicates roughly how much
of any stain is needed to obtain a saturated solution in each solvent,
but allowances must always be made for the presence of impurities in the
dye sample,'particularly if it is uncertified or of foreign manufacture.
Solubility statistics are not given for dyes which are mixtures of two or
more dyes. Finally, information is given concerning the customary
solvents for each dye, together with occasional brief mention of treatment
subsequent to staining. Detailed stain schedules are reserved for the
following chapter.



Acid Fuchsin.Acid; triamino triphenyl methane (rosanilins).

Acid fuchsins are a complex mixture of sulfonated derivatives of basic
fuchsin, and any given sample is probably a mixture of several different
acid fuchsins. In plant technique it is used to stain the cortex, pith
parenchyma, and cellulose walls and is excellent for differentiating
, zoosporangia and paraphyses in the Laminariales. It has some use as a
' mitochondrial stain.
A 1% solution in 70% alcohol is preferable, but a 0.5 to 1% solution
in distilled water sometimes works equally well. The stain reacts very
rapidly and is easily extracted by the higher alcohols. In staining
morphological material, the stain should be allowed to react for 2 hours.
If the solution in 70% alcohol is used, one may differentiate in a saturated
solution of picric acid in 70% alcohol for about 1 minute and then rinse
in 70% alcohol until a bright reddish-magenta replaces the yellow of the
acid. Complete dehydration quickly, and mount at once.
Acid fuchsin must not be confused with basic fuchsin; when fuchsin
alone is mentioned by careless writers, without specifying the acid or
basic form, it is usually the basic form which is meant.
Acid Green: See Light Green, SF.
Alizarin Red S.Acid; oxyquinone group. Solubility: 7.69% in
water; 0.15% in alcohol. Used for differentiating chromatin when
crystal violet has been used for staining mitochondria. It has recently
been employed for staining chromosomes (Backman 1935).
Anilin Blue W S (Syn.: cotton blue, water blue, China blue).
Strongly acid; triamino-triphenyl methane group. During manufacture,
the exact composition of this dye cannot be controlled, hence it is rather
unsatisfactory for precise staining procedures. The dye is a mixture,
and no two lots will react alike. Nevertheless, it is very valuable as a
counterstain, especially to safranin when used on plant tissues. It will
stain cellulose walls and the achromatic figure, and (in conjunction with
erythrosin or phloxirie) it is said to be excellent for the filamentous
The dye is supposed to be soluble in water only, but an aqueous
solution is practically useless. A 1% solution in 90% ethyl alcohol
serves well; after a brief differentiation in 95% alcohol, the anilin blue
should be fixed and intensified in 95% alcohol slightly acidified with
hydrochloric acid. The writer finds it most satisfactory to dissolve as
much stain as possible in methyl cellosolve, and then to add clove oil
and a little absolute alcohol as diluents. Use such a solution from a
dropping bottle. Clear in clove oil or synthetic oil of wintergreen
(methyl salicylate), wash in xylol, and mount in balsam.
Aurantia.Acid; nitro group. Solubility: nil in water; 0.33% in
alcohol. Used for the demonstration of mitochondria.



Basic Fuchsin: See Pararosanilin.

Bismarck Brown Y.Basic; azo group. Solubility: water;
1,08% in alcohol. This stain was formerly much favored but has
fallen into disuse. A 1% solution in 70% alcohol gives the optimum
results. It works poorly on material fixed in reagents containing chromic ^ .jy"
acid. It rarely overstains and is quite permanent. Mucin and cellulose
walls are brilliantly colored. Solutions of the dye should never be heated,
otherwise the composition of the dye will be changed.
Bordeaux Red (Syn.: fast red B or P).Acid; azo group. Solu
bility: 3.83% in water; 0.19% in alcohol. A cytoplasmic stain after
iron hematoxylin. It renders centrosomes more brilliant. Use a 1%
aqueous solution, and stain for 12 to 24 hours.
Congo Red.Acid; azo group. Solubility: nil in water; 0.19% in
alcohol. In plant technique it is used as a cytoplasmic stain in contrast
to iron hematoxylin and other nuclear dyes. It also stains mucin and
cellulose. As a cytoplasmic stain, a solution in weak alcohol may be
used. Congo red should be used last, when employed in combination
with any other stain, and dehydration should be as rapid as possible.
In the presence of free acid, solutions of this dye become blue.
Crystal Violet (Syn.:. gentian violet).Basic; triamino-triphenyl
methane group. Solubility: 1.68% in water; 13.87% in alcohol. Crystal
violet is the most completely methylated of the various violets. It is
one of the most useful stains and is becoming increasingly important,
especially in cytology. In many cases it affords results not obtainable
from safranin, iron hematoxylin, or other nuclear stains. In nearly
all procedures it is now used in place of the mixture of dyes known as
"gentian violet," but even if the latter dye is specified, crystal (or
methyl) violet may nevertheless be safely substituted. In the Flemming
triple combinations "gentian violet" is considered by some workers to
react better than either crystal or methyl violet in staining the achro
matic figure, but such workers have apparently never bothered to ascer
tain whether other violets would riot work equally well. Various, lots
of crystal violet will be found to behave somewhat differently under a
given set of circumstances.
All the violets may be used in 1% distilled water solutions. These
solutions keep for some time, but in most of the critical staining proce
dures it is ordinarily the better part of discretion to use a freshly prepared
solution. All the violets wash out so quickly in the dehydrating alcohols
that one should either mordant the stain, use one of the special methods,
or dissolve the stain in clove oil. The clove oil solution may be kept in a
dropping bottle. Still another method is to make a saturated solution
in clove oil and to add a few drops of this solution to a staining dish full of
xylol. This mixture is very unstable, and when in use' needs to be



brought up to strength by the addition of more stain from time to

The violets frequently overstain the cytoplasm of buds and root
tips, thus making chromosome counts difficult. To avoid this, the
sections may be transferred from water to. 2% aqueous acetic acid for
about 30 minutes, then washed for twice the length of time in running
Eosin, Bluish.Acid; fluorane derivative. Solubility: 39.11% in
water; 0.75% in alcohol. Sometimes used as a counterstain but of little
value on plant materials. Erythrosin is far more satisfactory.
Eosin, Yellowish.Acid; fluorane derivative. Solubility: 44.20%
in water; 2.18% in alcohol. When eosin is mentioned, this is the type
meant. Little used by botanists, but a most valuable cytoplasmic stain
for animal tissues, especially after a 'hematoxylin stain. The eosin
should be used last, and preferably in a strong alcoholic solution.
For paraffin sections a 1% solution in 95% alcohol may be used;
stain for but a few seconds. For material to be mounted whole, either
in glycerin jelly or by any balsam infiltration method, use a 1% aqueous
solution, and stain several hours or overnight. It has been recom
mended that material be transferred directly from the stain to a 2%
aqueous solution of acetic acid for 5 to 10 minutes, changing the acid
several times, then transferring to 10% glycerin, leaving, about 1 cc.
of the acid to keep the whole solution slightly acid. When the glycerin
is sufficiently concentrated, mount in glycerin jelly. By the balsam
method wash out the glycerin with 95% alcohol slightly acidified with
acetic acid, and do not drain off the last alcohol too completely before
transferring to the diluted balsam. Eosin seems to keep better when the
mounting media are slightly acid.
Erythrosin, Bluish.Acid ; xanthene group (fluorane derivative).
Solubility varies according to the salt: 0.15 to 11.10% in water; 0.04 to.
1.87% in alcohol. Used generally by botanists instead of eosin. An
excellent counterstain, and fine for staining the geiatinous sheaths of
algae (e.g., Nosloc).
Erythrosin is much like eosin in all respects but is
an iodine rather than a bromine derivative. Use a 1% solution in
95% alcohol or in clove oil; stain for not longer than 3 minutes, although
the clove oil solution stains sufficiently in about 10 seconds. Erythrosin
may be substituted for magdala red or phloxine in all schedules calling
for these two dyes.
Erythrosin is a tetraiodo compound corresponding to the tetrabrom
compound of typical eosin (Conn 1936). It is the presence of the iodine
in erythrosin which apparently makes it such an excellent counterstain
to crystal violet in certain cytological staining methods (Johansen



Fast Green FCF.Acid; (iiamino-triphenyl methane group. Solu

bility: 16.04% in water, 0.33% in alcohol. This dye is far superior to
light green SF and fades practically not at al}.. It stains more intensely
in a shorter time. Solutions should always be made up several days in
advance of using and should be weak: not over 1% aqueous or 0.1%
alcoholic. The clove oil-absolute alcohol solution is recommended as
the one giving the optimum results: add enough dry dye to a mixture of
equal parts of methyl cellosolve, absolute alcohol, and clove oil to give
a dark greenishliorution (about 0.5%), and try it on a sample slide. If
too strong, dilute with clove oil until satisfactory. Fast green solutions
can be used for differentiating safranin, but the results in the writer's
experience have always been rather messy and a really sharp differentia
tion cannot be obtained in this fashion. Fast green turns blue in alkaline
solutions. On the stems and leaves of aquatic plants and with most
gymnosperm material it is generally blue to bluish-green, rarely a bright
Gentian Violet.See crystal violet and methyl violet.
Iodine Green.Basic; triamino-triphenyl methane group. Closely
related to methyl green. A selective chromatin stain; also excellent for'
lignified cell walls. Ordinarily used in contrast toTthe fuchsins. Stain
for 1 hour, or, if the stain washes out too rapidly, for 24 hours, in a
1% solution in 70% alcohol.
Janus Green B.Basic; related to both the safranin and azo groups. Solubility: 5.18% in water; 1.12% in^alcohol. Used in various high
dilutions as a vital stain for fungi and fdr-the flagella of the protozoa.
The vital stain is prepared by dissolving from 0.001 to 0:41 g. in 100, cc.
of physiological saline solution.
. /
Light Green SF.Acid; diamino-triphenyl methane group. Solubil
ity: 20.35% in water; 0.82% in alcohol. An excellent cytoplasmic
stain, and very extensively employed for staining cellulose walls. After
certain killing fluids it will show up the achromatic figure beautifully.
The stain, unfortunately, fades within a short time. Fast green FCF
is an excellent substitute and far more permanent. However, on some
filamentous algae, light green should be used rather than fast green as the
latter tends to overstain badly even when used in very high dilutions.
The solution, in whatever medium, should not be stronger than 0.5%;
a 0.2% solution is strong enough. Staining is rapid. The solution in
95% alcohol is commonly used, but many prefer to dissolve the dye in
absolute alcohol and dilute with clove bil, keeping the solution in a
dropping bottle. The stain will reduce other coal-tar dyes, especially
safranin, consequently it should not be allowed to react too long.
If a saturated solution of light green in either water or alcohol is
acidulated with hydrochloric or acetic acid, a differential stain for



lignified tissues is obtained. Simple washing with water will remove the
stain from all save lignified cell walls. By combining light green with
alcoholic Sudan IV, suberized and cutinized tissues are differentiated
from lignified tissues.
Care should be taken not to confuse light green with malachite green,
acid green, fast green, or methyl green.
Magdala Red.Basic; safranin group. There is much doubt as to
just what was meaiTt by "magdala red" in many schedules calling for
this dye. In plant technique, schedules calling for this dye give very
different results with various lots of the dye. It would be better to
substitute phloxine, which gives substantially identical results.
Malachite Green (Syn.: emerald green, light green E).Weakly
basic; diamino-triphenyl methane group. Now largely replaced by
methylene (not methyl) green.
Malachite green may be used as a 0.5% or somewhat stronger solu
tion in either 95% alcohol, distilled water, or clove oil. It may be
applied for 1 minute when used alone or for 20 seconds following 20 min
utes in safranin. The safranin should be 1 % aqueous and is not differ
entiated before applying the green. When used alone, the green should
v$ " reveal clearly all such histological elements as the cell walls, endodermis,
N. .
' bast, cytoplasm, nuclei, andchloroplasts._ When used following safranin
^-.-j" V j on plant pathological material, the host nuclei, xylem, and cutinized
walls, as well as the nuclei of the infecting fungus, should appear red; the
cytoplasm and cellulose walls of the host should appear green.
Martius Yellow.Acid; nitro group. Solubility: sodium salt, 4.57%
in water; 0.16% in alcoholcalcium .salt, 0.05% inwater; 1.90% in
alcohol. Used with malachite green and acid fuchsin for staining
infected plant tissues, and used alone for pollen tubes in styles.
Methyl j Green (Syn.: light green).Basic; triamino-triphenyl
methane group. This is generally an impure dye, as it usually contains
some methyl violet. The color thus is sometimes purple and not green,
as the name might indicate. A chromatin and nuclear stain, also for
lignified plant tissues. Very useful for staining chromatin in protozoa,
and for the gonococcus. The dye does not usually give a good stain after
fixation in afluidthat does not contain acetic acid. It does not ordinarily
keep well, according to many technicians. A 1 % aqueous solution is
Methyl Violet (Syn.: gentian violet).Basic; triamino-triphenyl
methane group. Solubility: 2.93% in water; 15.21% in alcohol. A
mixture of dyes (methyl pararosanilins). There are many shades,
designated by letters: R indicating the reddish shades and B the bluish.
The bluish colors are preferable as the reddish ones usually leave a
disagreeable transparency in chromosomes and other tissues. Use as
indicated for crystal violet.



Many cytologists prefer methyl violet 2B to all other types of violet

Methylene Blue.Basic; thiazin group. Solubility: 3.55% in water;
1.48% in alcohol. The most valuable bacteriological stain. Used to a
slight extent by zoological technicians, but rarely by botanists. It is a
good stain for yeasts, but tends to overstain.
Methylene Green.Basic; thiazin group. Solubility: 1.46% in
water; 0.12% in alcohol. Derived from methylene blue. Sometimes
substituted for methyl green for lignified tissues and chromatin, but
otherwise is little used.
Neutral Red.Weakly basic; azin series. Solubility: 5.64% in
water; 2.45% in alcohol. Used in vital staining, especially with the
protozoa, and to indicate the reactions of the contents of living plant
Nigrosin (Syn.: indulin black).Basic; composition poorly under
stood: a variable mixture. A 2% aqueous solution may be made up
as a stock solution and a few drops added to the water containing Chlorophyta or Cyanophyta to be mounted in glycerin. Stop action when the
stain seems to be right; it should look somewhat like iron hematoxylin.
The stain cannot be, satisfactorily used on plant material embedded in
Orange G.Acid; azo series. Solubility: 10.86% in water; 0.22% in
alcohol. One of the most useful cytoplasmic counterstains and specified
in innumerable schedules. A general rather than a selective stain. The
medium in which the dye is dissolved varies according to the specific
technique. The dye usually does not completely dissolve, but 1 g. of
the dye to 100 cc. of solvent may be used. Action is extremely rapid.
The methyl cellosolve solution is most satisfactory, and this may be
diluted with other solvents.
Pararosanilin (Syn.: basic fuchsin).Basic; triamino-triphenyl
methane group.-- Solubility: 0.26% in water; 5.93% in alcohol. Para
rosanilin is the chief constituent of the majority of samples of basic
fuchsin submitted for certification as biological stains (Conn 1936); it is
therefore more desirable to use the name of the specific dye rather than a
generic description. Basic fuchsin has never enjoyed much of a reputa
tion in general botanical technique, but since it is the stain involved in
the Feulgen nucleal reaction, an interesting future may be predicted. It
is a powerful nuclear dye and also stains mucin and bacteria. For
ordinary-; purposes a saturated aqueous solution will be found to be
Phloxine B.Acid; xanthene group. Solubility varies according to
the salt: 3.75 to 50.90% in water; 0.45 to 29.10% in alcohol. Phloxine
has been claimed to be a good algal stain, but the results in the writer's
hands have been disappointing.




Picric Acid.-Strongly acid; nitro group. Solubility: 1.18% in

water; 8.96% in alcohol. Sometimes employed as a general cytoplasmic
stain. In alcoholic solutions, picric acid is coming into extensive use as a
differentiator for the hematoxylins, safranin, and tlie violets. It is
almost invariably used as a nearly saturated solution.
Resorcin Blue.Basic; oxazin series. Used as a microchemical
reagent for callose, and, combined with martius yellow under the name
"lacmoid," for pollen tubes.
Safranin O.Basic; azin (safranin) group. Solubility: 5.45% in
water; 3.41% in alcohol. This is perhaps the most important stain
known to botanists and is used in both morphology and cytology. It
stains lignified, cutinized, suberized, and chitinized structures as well as
"" chromosomes, nucleoli, and centrosomes.
Safranin ordinarily dissolves better in strong alcohol than in water,
despite the contrary indications given by the solubility, data mentioned
above. A stock Solution may be prepared by dissolving 2.25 g. of a
certified sample of 95% ethyl alcohol, and a.part of this stock
solution may be diluted -with an equal volume of distilled water when
needed for use. If this solution should prove to be too strong, it may be
further diluted with 50% alcohol. Various other formulae for making
safranin solutions have been published, and certain schedules also call
for safranin to be dissolved in particular ways; it is best to follow such
directions explicitly in order to secure the expected results.
The writer, for example, prepares safranin by dissolving 4 g. of the
/vVdye in 200 cc. methyl cellosolve; when solution is complete, 100 cc. each
of 95% alcohol and distilled water are added, followed by 4 g. sodium
'. acetate and 8 cc. formalin. The purpose of the acetate is to intensify
- the stain; that of the formalin is in the nature of a mordant: Slides are
- /left in the solution for 24 to 48 hours; differentiation is exceptionally
\ / easy, giving sharp and brilliant contrasts.
Safranin invariably overstains indiscriminately and therefore requires
differentiation. This, in the past, was done in 50% alcohol slightly
acidulated with hydrochloric or acetic acid, but a much sharper differentir:
ation can be obtained by adding picric acid to the 95% dehydrating
alcohol. After tissues have been stained with safranin, the excess stain
should always be washed away with water, otherwise there is great
danger that ugly, irremovable precipitates may be deposited in the;
Sudan HI.Weakly acid; azo group. Now replaced by Sudan IV.
Sudan IV (Syn.: Scharlach R, fat ponceau R).-Weakly acid;.azo
group. Solubility: nil in water; 0.09% in alcohol. About the only
specific fat stain. Use a saturated alcoholic solution for about 10 min
utes, and Wash rapidly in alcohol. Mount in glycerin jelly. As alcohol



is a fat solvent, avoid leaving in the alcohols any longer than necessary.
Tissues should be fixed in a solution which does not extract or dissolve
fats. Lecithin, resins, latex, wax, and cuticles are also stained by
Sudan IV; chloroplasts are stained a dull red.
Thionin.Basic; thiazin group. Solubility: 0.25% in both water and
alcohol. This dye is little called for in botanical technique, but because
of its' metachromatic properties (i.e., the ability to impart different
colors to different cell structures) it is useful with animal tissues. To
stain chromosomes, allow a saturated solution in water or rather weak
alcohol to act for about 5 minutes. Followingfixationin a fluid contain
ing mercuric chloride and used diluted for about 15 minutes, it is a specific
stain for mucin; the mucin is red, and everything else is blue.

Vital Red (Syn.: brilliant Congo red).Acid; azo group.

An impor

tant vital stain.'






Stains, frequently of a specific type, are imparted by certain reagents

which act partly as color indicators of a microchemical nature.
Iodine.Iodine is well known as a specific color indicator for starch,
when made up in combination with potassium iodide. The color reac
tions of iodine on sections of fresh material.are as follows:










Inulin deposits




Osmic Acid (Syn.: osmium tetroxide).Osmic acid has the peculiar

property of blackening certain cell inclusions. This property has been
taken to be specific proof of the identity of such inclusions, but it has
recently >been severely questioned. It is highly probable that osmic acid
is reduced to an insoluble black precipitate by so many different sub- ^
stances that it is rather dangerous to draw inferences from its ability, to
blacken various cell constituents. By using special fixatives and staining
with iron hematoxylin, more precise and reliable results may be obtained.






In the following tabulated summary the structures or substances and

stains are arranged alphabetically. No discrimination is being made
between the different stains under any particular heading since it is
clearly recognized that under varying circumstances, and on different
materials the same stain will not react equally well.





Anilin blue





Fast green F C F

-'', ''

Iodine green 'Of


M e t h y l or crystal violet
Light green



S u d a n I I I o r I V (specific)




Carminic acid

' '








A c i d fuchsin






Crystal violet

Iron hematoxylin


Janus green B





Crystal or methyl violet Erythrosin

M e t h y l e n e blue





Fast green







' '


Malachite green

Crystal or methyl violet

( o ^ -'

Iron hematoxylin







Methyl orange

Orange G

Bismarck brown Y


Light green



''" i

i <> ^





methyl violets


Methylene blue



M e t h y l green





IoUine green





Crystal and

M e t h y l green






Congo red

. Acid

Ruthenium red

Delafield's hematoxylin



Iron hematoxylin

Bismarck brown Y



A c i d fuchsin
Anilin blue


M e t h y l e n e g r e e n t<v-

Resorcin blue


Methyl green


- Q F a s t

i '-* ^

Iodine green




Crystal violet

. Harris' hematoxylin

M e t h y l green

/ o h~



Carminic acid '



Sudan I I I or I V



t'n this chapter the methods df using dyes will be dealt with. As was
intimated in the preceding chapter, the technician has at his service
some 250 different dyes. No one could possibly learn how to use correctly
all these dyes, singly or in various combinations, whether according to
more or less rigid specifications or empirically. This, fortunately, is a .
matter which need give us no concern. One would do well to follow the
example set by competent technicians by selecting a very few combina
tions and practicing with them on all sorts of tissues until the procedure of
using each of these dyes has been thoroughly, mastered. The three
stain combinations which are undoubtedly used by a larger number
of botanical technicians than any other groups of dyes include (1) iron
hematoxylin with or without a suitable counterstain; (2) safranin and
fast green, and (3) a variant of Flemming's triple combination. While
all schedules will be outlined in sufficient detail, the foregoing three
methods will be elaborated at considerable length.
The nature of the dyeing or staining reactions which occur when
tissues are immersed in a solution of a dye are still imperfectly under
stood. Theories to account for the reactions have been based almost
exclusively upon either chemical or physical phenomena. A long dis
cussion of these phenomena could be presented, but as it is extremely
doubtful whether such an account would be of practical value it is being
omitted. An exception, however, is being made in the case of hematoxy
lin in order to explain the necessity for the use of a mordant since the
substance by itself does not stain tissues.
The question of using buffer solutions for the control of the hydrogenion concentration in staining procedures has received some attention
(French 1930), but such solutions have been chiefly used with compli
cated schedules involving compound stains on other than plant tissues.
Botanical technicians have generally ignored the entire subject.
The staining schedules which, are given below have been divided
artificially into two groups, according to whether the primary stain is
produced by a natural dye or by a coal-tar dye. The artificiality occurs
because the two are occasionally used together; in such instances the
procedure is listed in the second group of schedules.
Solvents.The nature^ of the most appropriate solvent for each dye
has been cited under that dye in the preceding chapter. Summarizing,




it may be stated that the basic j;oaMar_dyes, as used in botanical tech

nique, are dissolved in either water or 50% ethyl alcohol; the acid dyes
employed as cytoplasmic counterstains are usually dissolved in an alcohol
of high percentage or in clove oil, because they ordinarily wash out very
easily; hematoxylin may be dissolved in either water or absolute alcohol
but is never used without mordanting; the carmins are always in aqueous ,
solution with the customary addition of various salts or acids.
Under certain circumstances it may be desirable to employ a solvent
not ordinarily used with a particular dye. Whether such solvents can
be employed depends entirely on whether the dye or dyes will dissolve in
them. This can be ascertained only by trial unless one has a record of
such a solvent having been used by others. There is, of course, no reason
why solvents other than those specified cannot be employed, but the
effects of the solvent upon the tissues themselves and upon other stains
(if any are used) should be carefully watched, arid the necessary adjust
ments made.
The basic coal-tar dyes are often dissolved in acetin (glycerin mono|, acetate), the acid dyes in an alcohol-ether such as rriethyl cellosolve or in
beechwood creosote. Lactic acid or leonlinjc acid (dissolve the colorless
(.'crystals in either water or alcohol) is a good solvent of the indulins
("alcohol-soluble" indulin and nigrosin).
Strength of Solutions.In the preceding chapter the extent to which
each dye will dissolve in water and alcohol has been indicated wherever
known. These figures hold only for certified dyes of known dye
On the labels of all dyes certified by the Stain Commission is printed
the total amount of soluble dye contained in each batch tested. If the
dye content amounts to 80% or more, one may consider it sufficiently
high for most practical purposes. It is neither necessary nor desirable
to split hairs in such matters because it is the general rule to overstain
tissues and then to differentiate the stain until the desired intensity or
depth of staining has been acquired. This means that a dye certified as
having 80% or higher dye content may be used in the proportion of 1 g.
to 100 cc. of solvent to give a 1% solution. However, if the dye content
is below 80%, appropriate adjustments in the weight of the dye used to
make a' solution of specific percentage must be made. For example, if
the dye content is given as 50%, 2 g. of such dye to 100 cc. of solvent
would be required to make a 1% solution. On the other hand, if a
saturated solution is indicated, the problem is practically devoid of

Dyes may now be purchased put up in capsules which when dissolved

in the appropriate solvent will give a solution' of a specified strength or




The solubility of certain dyes is accelerated by the application of heat, *

but some dye users have exceeded the bounds of common sense in this
respect. Despite contrary recommendations, the violetsgentian,
crystal and methylshould never be boiled because the heated solutions,
whetherfilteredor not, generally leave unsightly irremovable precipitates :
in the tissues.
Many dyes remain in good condition for only very short periods, no
matter what the solvent. It is as a rule very risky to use spoilt solutions.
Mordants.The carmins and hematoxylins are always used after or
concurrently with various mordants, the salts of different metals serving
this purpose.
The coal-tar dyes do not as a rule require mordants but many tech
nicians have little strategems designed to improve the selectivity or
intensity of certain of these > dyes. Eosin and erythrosin, for instance,
are supposed to be improved by the addition of a trace of acetic acid or
to be differentiated in some solvent acidified with this acid. Barium
chloride (2 to 4% solution) has been used as a mordant for the acid dyes;
silicotungstic acid (the technical quality in a 4% aqueous solution) for the
basic dyes. Other mordants include potassium permanganate (a 1%
solution), ammonium chromate (to 4%) or ammonium dichromate (to
3%), aluminum hydroxide or aluminum potassium sulphate ("potash
alum") (to 3 or 4%). All these are best used for 5 to 10 minutes on the J
slides after they have been brought down to water. Excess mordant ll
should always be washed off with water before the slides are placed in the 1
staining solution. The addition of a trace of lithium carbonate is claimed
to improve the action of the basic dyes.
Iodine and picric acid are employed as mordants for the various violet
dyes after the stains have been allowed to react on the tissues.
The pH of the fluid used for washing out and differentiating the coaltar dyes determines ihe selective retention of the stain to a far greater
extent than has been generally' realized. Insufficient experimental work
has been done upon this important problem. Basic dyes should as a rule
be washed out with solutions which are definitely acid in reaction, while
most acid dyes (which are all used as couhterstains) should be differ
entiated in solutions which are slightly alkaline. It would be far better
if the solution containing the acid dye were buffered to a specified pH,
determined by trial, as affording a satisfactory stain which required no
differentiating. - It seems possible that the excellent results occasionally
obtained with counterstains were due to one's having unintentionally
gotten the optimum pH.
Effects of Fixatives on Stains.It is not so much the chemicals of the
fixatives themselves that affect the later staining of various plant mate
rials as the chemical nature of the various tissues plus the compounds




resulting from chemical reactions involving these tissues and the reagents
in the killing and fixing fluids which to a great extent determine the
results that are obtained with different dyes.
Let a few examples be taken. (1) Safranin has a strong affinity for
" chromatin. Fluids containing chromic acid and formalin, perhaps by a
<; sort of mordanting action, leave chromatin-containing structures such as
nuclei and chromosomes in a nearly perfect condition for staining with
safranin. If, however, the chromic acid reacts with substances in the
: cells to leave them colored dark brown, the safranin is correspondingly
dulled, the dullness and brownness increasing with the intensity of the
: reaction between the acid and the cell contents. A point will be reached
where there is no longer any differentiation between cytoplasm and other'
cell contents (as when the tissues are saturated with tannin compounds), i
and bleaching as a prelude to staining becomes necessary. (2) Some
killing fluids preserve the plastin of mitotic figures perfectly; of these
fluids some mordant the plastin so that it stains, but others fail to mordant
it. This explains why certain staining procedures which are supposed
to reveal the so-called "spindle fibers" occasionally fail: the fault is not
because the staining was not carried out properly but because the struc
tures involved were inadequately mordanted by the preservative.
Navashin's fluid, for example, preserves plastin but rarely mordants it.
(3) The triple combinations work as they should only on material origi
nally fixed in-a fluid that contained osmic acid or on sections that were
mordanted in a weak solution of osmic acid in chromic acid. Otherwise,
the chromosomes tend to appear purple rather than red, i.e., they have an
affinity for the violet rather than for safranin.
Bleaching.Sections cut from materials which were excessively
darkened by the fixing fluid require to be bleached before a proper stain
can be obtained. One should not, however, bleach sections without
being fairly certain that it should be done because bleaching frequently
is more or less damaging to the tissues. Many types of material which are
naturally dark (such as the mechanical tissue in fern rhizomes) do not
actually require bleaching and can be beautifully stained if a proper
selection of dyes is made.
Bleachingfluidshave been described elsewhere (see page 21) but a few
additional methods are being described below.
For the bleaching of sections to be stained in a triple combination, see
under StockweU's variation of this combination (page 85). This proce- '
dure is also excellent for removing excess phlobaphene precipitates.
If the sections appear to have suffered from too much chromate
fixation, immerse the sections for 1 minute in a 1 % aqueous solution of
potassium permanganate, rinse, remove the permanganate in a 1%
aqueous solution of oxalic acid, wash again, and proceed to the staining.



Chlorine gas fumes bleach excellently. Place enough crystals of

potassium chlorate to approximate the size of a grain of wheat in a coplin
and pour on a little dilute hydrochloric acid. As soon as the greenishyellow fumes become apparent, fill the jar quickly with 50% alcohol.
About 20 minutes' minimum immersion of the sections is required to effect
bleaching. Sections, however, cannot be stained if commercial bleaching
fluids containing chlorine are used.
Boric acid solutions have been used for bleaching as has a 2% aqueous
solution of ammonium persulphate. The latter should be used with
caution as it is a powerful oxidizer.
The blackening caused by osmic acid may be removed by dissolved
chlorine gas or by immersing the sections in hydrogen peroxide diluted
one-half with water. The process may be hastened by placing the con
tainer in the sunlight.
To restore the staining capacity of tissues, bleach if necessary, then
soak for 15 minutes in a 10% solution of benzoyl peroxide in acetone;
wash out in a solution of 2 parts xylol to 3 of acetone, followed by absolute
Differential Acidification.In order to intensify and localize stains in
tissues whose elements do not present sufficient contrast in their relative
degree of acidic or basic reactions, the hydrolysis phase of Feulgen's reac
tion may be employed to render nuclei more acid and thus to give them a
greater affinity for nuclear stains. This procedure is especially adaptable
to more or less thick materials which are to be mounted entiresuch as
fern prothallia, Ectocarpus, root tips, Elodea leaves, and similar objects.
The slides or fixed materials are brought down to water, placed in cold
1/N hydrochloric acid for exactly 1 hour, rinsed with one change of dis
tilled water, and then placed in the nuclear stain. The acid must not be
heated, as is done in the regular Feulgen technique, otherwise the material
is very likely to become dissociated.
Progressive and Regressive Staining.By observing the progress of
the staining under the microscope from time to time, any desired intensity
may be attained. This is known as "progressive staining." A sharp
differentiation usually cannot be obtained by this" method. Conse
quently, the general practice, is to overstain considerably and then to
destain or otherwise to differentiate until a satisfactory optimum has been
reached. This is known as "regressive staining." Practically all
the schedules given in the present chapter concern regressive staining
General and Specific Stains.-A general stain is one that stains every
thing indiscriminately. There is little or no selective differentiation,.but
such may to a slight extent be obtained by regressive destaining. In toto
staining of some classes of plant material represents this type of stain;



what differentiation occurs is usually produced by the dehydrating fluids.

Botanists find it more desirable to use specific or selective stains because
they need to distinguish the structural elements of tissues, e.g., between
lignified and nonlignified cell walls. The aftertreatment of the stain
determines almost wholly the degree of selectivity that is attained.
Some dyes are highly selective. Sudan IV, for example, stains only
fats or fat-containing elements such as suberin, Congo red is almost
specific for plant mucins, and alkanet gives a bright red color to oils.
In plant microtechnique, dyes have occasionally been classified
according to the structures for which they have the most marked affinity.
Some dyes may be found in more than one category, safranin being a
prominent example. Of course, the selectivity of a dye may by appro
priate chemical reactions be made to reverse its usual affinities, but such
procedures may be considered as being unnatural. At the end of the
preceding chapter a list of dyes recommended for particular structures is
given, and reference may be made to this list whenever one is uncertain
what stain or combination of stains to use.




Mayer's Alum Cochineal.Dissolve 12 g. aluminum potassium

sulphate in 160 cc. distilled water. Bring to a boil, add 12 g. powdered
cochineal, and continue the boiling for 20 minutes. Pour off the.clear
supernatant liquid after the mixture has cooled, add more water to the
cochineal, and boil again. Decant as before, adding this liquid to the
first, filter, and evaporate down to 160 cc. To prevent the growth of
molds, add a small crushed crystal of thymol.
This solution is suitable for in Mo staining. The time required is
from 24 to 48 hours. Wash in water for 20 to 60 minutes to remove the
alum. No differentiation is required, but to prevent the stain from
becoming extracted, run up through graded alcohols to 70% alcohol.
The material, if of a suitable type, may be mounted whole in balsam if
first carried through hygrobutol; or the material may be embedded and
the sections counterstained with Bismarck brown (in ,70% alcohol) or
other suitable stain.
Iron-Acetocarmin.As used on smear preparations, this stain is fully
described in the chapter on Smear Methods.
Grenacher's Alum Carmin.Boil 1 g. powdered carmin for 10 to 20
minutes in a 5% aqueous solution of aluminum ammonium sulphate.
Filter when cool. This is one of the easiest carmin stains to use since it
rarely overstains. After the killing fluid has been washed out, transfer
bulk material to the dye, and leaveuntil it appears to be properly stained;
this may occasionally be a matter of several days. Dehydrate (preferably



with hygrobutol, acetone, or dioxan), embed, and section. After the

sections have dried to the slides, remove the paraffin with xylol, and
mount in balsam.
With many materials some differentiation should be carried out.
After the material has been in the stain for a day or longer, transfer to
acid alcohol (2 drops hydrochloric acid to each 100 cc. of 70% alcohol)
until the color changes to a clear red. The time required varies from 1.
hour to 2 or 3 days. Wash in a few changes of 70% alcohol to get rid
of the acid, .then complete dehydration, and proceed to the embedding.
Alcoholic Borax Carmin.Dissolve 2 g. carmin in 100 cc. of a 4%
aqueous solution of borax by boiling for 30 minutes. Set aside for at
least three days, then dilute with an equal volume of 70% alcohol, and
filter. Leave -the material in the stain until it appears to be thoroughly
. stained. Differentiate in acid alcohol (5 drops hydrochloric acid to
each 100 cc. of 70% alcohol) until the material becomes clear and trans
parent. Wash out the acid with a change or two of 70% alcohol, then
proceed with the dehydration. This is perhaps the best stain for bulk
staining of plant materials.
Mayer's Carmalum.Dissolve 1 g. carminic acid and 10 g. aluminum
ammonium sulphate in 200 cc. distilled water, using heat if necessary.
^ Filter, and add 0.2 g. salicylic acid or a small crushed crystal of thymol to
avoid mold growth. This is an excellent in toto stain as one may control
the differentiation satisfactorily. If it is desired that the cytoplasm
remain stained, wash out the excess stain with distilled water; if a purely
nuclear stain is wanted, use a 5 to 10% aqueous solution of aluminum
ammonium sulphate for differentiating.
Some types of materials may be given a double stain if 1 volume of a
saturated aqueous solution of picric acid be added to 10 volumes of the
carmalum solution; or 1 volume of, a 0.2% aqueous solution of indigo
carmin to 4 to 6 volumes of carmalum. One might also experiment
with other counterstains, which should be used in high dilutions.
Lynch's Borax-Carmin.This is one of the most superb in toto stains
for small animals and the protozoa, and there is no reason why it cannot
succeed equally well on various types of plant material which are suitable
for staining with carmin. The following variation has worked well on
the Volvocales:
1. After fixation, wash out the killing fluid and run up to 50% ethyl
2. Stain in Grenacher's alcoholic borax-carmin, made up with
Griibler's "rubrum opticum" carmin (other samples of carmin dye have
not worked successfully), and diluted in the proportion of 12 cc. stain to
100 cc. of 70% alcohol and 1 cc. hydrochloric acid, for 2 hours or as much
longer as might be required to penetrate the objects thoroughly.



3. Agitating the container constantly, drop in hydrochloric acid with

a pipette until a barely perceptible brick-red precipitate is produced.
Avoid excess acid. Stir well, then let remain overnight.
4. Decant the stain, and transfer material to slightly acidulated 70%
alcohol. Differentiate by adding 5 % or stronger hydrochloric acid, and
wash with several changes of 80% alcohol when the differentiation appears
to be satisfactory.
5. If a counterstain is desired, a saturated solution of indulin (Grubler)
in 80% ethyl alcohol may be added to the 80% alcohol containing the
material until it appears a- light blue. Watch the process as the indulin
is difficult to remove if allowed to overstain. A few minutes to 1 hour
may be required. Stop action of the stain by pouring off the 80% alcohol
and adding 95% alcohol.
6. Complete dehydration with absolute alcohol, pass through absolute
alcohol-xylol, pure xylol, and mount in balsam.

Brazilin.This dye is scarcely used in general botanical technique

but is valuable on smear preparations (page 163).
Heidenhain's Iron Hematoxylin.This is by far the most important
stain in the technician's repertoire and is the one which above all others
he should strive to master completely as soon as possible. For this
reason the method of using this stain is being described in considerable
detail. All technicians use fundamentally the same solutions, but no
two follow exactly the same schedule. . Some even protest that the
procedure cannot be written down in precise terms since so much depends
upon the individual using it. It is almost wholly a matter of personal
idiosyncrasy: one should study the outline described below, striving to
understand fully the reason for each step, experimenting with all sorts
of properly prepared material, and noting the differences which ensue
upon varying the periods in the mordant and in the staining solution
itself. After that, one will soon find that he has practically formulated
a schedule of his own, which can readily be adapted to fit the necessities
of particular cases as they arise during the course of his work.
1. Bring sections down to water (i.e., remove the paraffin with xylol,
and pass through a mixture of equal parts of xylol and absolute -alcohol,
allowing 10 minutes in each; then pass into a mixture of equal parts of
absolute alcohol and ether plus 1% celloidin for 3 minutes, remove slides,
and keep in air until the sections become opaque but are not completely
dried out; plunge into 70% alcohol for 5 minutes, andfinallypass through
35% alcohol into water).
2. Wash thoroughly with water, and finally rinse in distilled water.



3. Mordanting is now carried out. Hematoxylin by itself does not

stain, even after it has been "ripened" by oxidation into hematein.
(However, if the tissues contain traces of iron, copper, or aluminum, the
dye will stain such tissues without mordanting.) The chemical most
commonly used for mordanting is ferric ammonium sulphate, colloquially
known as "iron alum," although other substances may also be used. The
crystals must be a clear violet color; any that have turned yellow should
be discarded. The strength of the solution is usually 3 %some tech
nicians use a 2%, others a 4% solution. Weaker strengths should be
used on more delicate objects, such as filamentous algae. Solutions must
be freshly prepared and used only once; or a quantity of the following
mixture, which keeps perfectly, may be made up: to 500 cc. distilled
water add 5 cc. glacial acetic acid, 0.6 cc. c.p. sulphuric acid, and 15 g. of
the alum crystals. The alum may be pulverized in a mortar to facilitate
The time required for mordanting should not exceed 2 hours. An
hour is sufficient with thin sections, a longer time for diluted solutions or
thicker sections. Sections over 12/u thick cannot be satisfactorily stained
with iron hematoxylin.
4. Wash thoroughly in running water for 5 minutes.
5. Rinse in a change of distilled water. (This step is necessary if
the tap water is hard. In any event, any water containing a high per
centage of dissolved salts will ruin the staining solution.)
6. Stain in 0.5% aqueous hematoxylin, prepared as described in the
preceding chapter (page 50). As a rule,, the slides should be left in the
stain at least as long as they remained in the mordant, but in most cases
24 hours is the optimum time.
7. Wash off excess stain with water.
8. Destain in 2% ferric ammonium sulphate (or. use ferric chloride),
using a large volume of the fluid. The time which will be required for
proper destaining varies with the material, the thickness of the sections,
and other variable factors. The slides may be arranged around inside a
stender, taken out in order, one by one, and examined on a glass plate,
placed on the stage of the microscope. If a glass_plateis-not used, the
microscope will be ruined by the iron compound. Put the "slideon~thcplate (section side up) while dripping wet, and examine quickly to judge
Whether differentiation is proceeding properly. Wih_ chromatincontaining bodies only, rather than judge by other structures which may
have been colored by reagents other than the hematoxylin. As soon as a
slide seems just right, place in a flat staining dish filled with water,
Remember that there is a considerable difference between the refractive
indexes of water and balsam; the stain when just right looks grayishblack while in the water, When destaining bulk material, one will learn




,to look for a grayish fluorescence emanating from the material: when it
(appears, it is a fairly safe indication that differentiation has progressed far
9. Wash in running water for at least 30 minutes, but preferably for 1
hour. The washing should be as thorough as possible; if traces of the
destaining solution remain in the tissues, their continued action will cause
the preparation to fade completely.
10. Dehydrate in 50, 70, and 95% alcohols, allowing at least 5 min
utes in each.
(11. Counterstains are sometimes undesirable, but if one seems
,' necessary or desirable, orange G, gold orange, or fast green may be used.
I These are iest used in methyl cellosolve-absolute alcohol-clove oil
| solution. Remove a slide from the 95% alcohol; with a clean cloth
quickly wipe dry the underside, hold the slide level, and apply with a
pipette just enough staining solution to cover the sections completely..
Let remain a few moments, then pour, the stain back into the bottle.
Wash off with waste clove oil diluted considerably with equal parts of
absolute alcohol and xylol; then clear in a mixture of equal parts of
clove oil, absolute ethyl alcohol, and xylol; wash with xylol plus a trace
of absolute alcohol to take care of any moisture that might be brought
over, then proceed to step 13.)
12. Absolute alcohol and xylol, equal proportions, 5 minutes.
13. Xylol, two changes, 5 minutes in. each.
14. Mount in balsam.
The periods noted for steps 3 and 6 are merely suggestive and need
more or less to be determined for each type of material. Bryophytes,
for instance, differentiate with extreme rapidity, but most root tips
differentiate comparatively slowly. When the slides are taken from the
stain, they should have the appearance of being badly overstained every
where. The excess stain will come out in clouds at first, but differentia
tion of; chromatin will proceed slowly. After a little experience in
judging appearances under the microscope, it can be controlled to a
.nicety, and any desired intensity of stain may be obtained. A sharp
jblack-and^white contrast is undesirable; there should be variations in
color from light gray through gray to black.
Iron Hematoxylin and Bismarck Brown.This particular combina
tion was designed for use on the phloem tissues of woody plants and is a
very useful combination for these structures (Harrar 1928).
1. If sections were cut freehand or on the sliding microtome, place
in: a 2% aqueous solution of ferric ammonium sulphate for 20 minutes.
If materials have been killed and fixed, the time may be reduced by half.

2. Drain mordant, and wash in at least five changes of distilled water

to insure removal of mordant.



3. Flood with distilled water, and add 2 or 3 drops of 1% aqueous

hematoxylin. Watch progress of the stain under the microscope, and
stop at the desired point by quickly changing to water.
4. Change the water two or three times, then cover the sections
with a 1 % aqueous solution of Bismarck brown for 3 to 4 hours, depending
on the thickness of the sections. .
5. Wash out excess stain with water.
6. Dehydrate gradually, and use at least two changes of absolute
alcohol to remove all traces of water.
7. Clear with xylol, and mount in balsam.
Stone qells of hard woods stain a cherry red, bast fibers a brilliant
orange, the ray cells and other parenchymatous tissues a chestnut brown,
and the middle lamellae a dark blue. The bast fibers, parenchymatous
tissues, and middle lamellae of Cbniferophyta stain as indicated, but the
stone cells turn a vivid burnt orange.
Iron Hematoxylin and Safranin.As originally intended, this com
bination is best used after a killing fluid containing picric acid as one of its
constituents, but it has been successfully used after chromic acid fixatives.
The completed preparation, which should be examined with an immersion
lens, is frequently of great beauty. The particular value of the combina
tion is to enable one to differentiate between nucleoli, which take a bright
red color, and other nuclear constituents in plants with large nuclei. The
chromosomes during metaphase and anaphase are a bright red and stand
out sharply against the dark background; during prophase and telophase
the chromosomes are much darker. Trabants are easy to/identify, they
often being a bright red and connected to the chromosome by a black
' 1. Bring the slides down to water (see p. 72).
2. Mordant in 3 % aqueous ferric ammonium sulphate for 2 to 3 hours.
3. Wash in running jvater for 5 minutes, then rinse in distilled water.
4. Hematoxylin solution. (Make a 10% solution of the crystals in
absolute alcohol. For use, dilute 10 cc. of this solution with 90 cc. of
distilled water.) Leave the sections in the stain as long as they were left
in the mordant.
5. Differentiate in 3 % aqueous ferric ammonium sulphate with great
care. Pay especial attention to the decolorization of the nucleoli. When
they are almost colorless, stop action by transferring the slide to water.
6. Wash with running water for at least 1 hour.
.7. Safranin solution. (Originally equal quantities of saturated solu
tions in 95% alcohol and anilin water, respectively, were specified. The
older the anilin water solution, the better the action of the stain. How
ever, any standard solution will serve.) Leave in the stain for 12 to 15




8. Differentiate either in 70% alcohol acidified with a few drops of

hydrochloric acid or use 95 % picro-alcohol for not longer than 10 seconds.
9. Proceed as usual to balsam.
Alcoholic Iron Hematoxylin.Sometimes the alcoholic solution of
hematoxylin affords better results than does the aqueous solution. In
other cases, as with many of the marine.algae which are with the utmost
difficulty retained on the slides and would wash off if brought down to
water, only the alcoholic hematoxylin can be used. The following
schedule has consistently given a beautiful and sharp stain.
1. Bring sections down to 70% alcohol.
2. Mordant for- 5 hours or longer in a solution composed of 10 parts
of 50% alcohol and 1 part of a 4% aqueous solution of ferric ammonium
3. Rinse briefly in 70% alcohol.
4. Stain for 12 to 24 hours in a hematoxylin solution made up of 10
parts of 70% alcohol and 1 part of the following hematoxylin solution:
Hematoxylin crystals
Absolute ethyl alcohol
Distilled water

1 g.
10 cc.
90 cc.
Small crystal

Dissolve the hematoxylin in the alcohol, then add the water.

5. Differentiate in the same solution that was used for mordanting,
which should finally be discarded. Watch the progress of the destaining
under the microscope; it will probably take a long time.
6. Wash thoroughly in several changes of 70% alcohol to remove the
7. Dehydrate in 95% and absolute alcohol.
8. If a counterstain is desired, a solution of orange G in clove oil is
preferable. . Use the methyl cellosolve-absolute alcohol-clove oil solution.
9. Xylol, then mount in balsam.
Harris' Hematoxylin.This stain was originally devised as a sub
stitute for Delafield's hematoxylin in zoological technique but has proved
to be more satisfactory than the latter stain with most plant materials,
such as fern prothallia, the Rhodophyta, many fungi and similar subjects
which are to be mounted whole, and for cytological staining.
1. Bring slides down to water, or wash the killing fluid out of the
material with water.
2. Stain for about 20 minutes in the hematoxylin solution.
3. Rinse in distilled water until all the excess stain has been washed
4. Destain sections in acid water (about 5 drops or less of hydrochloric
acid to each 100 cc. of water). As a rule, the time is about 5 seconds, but




one can easily stop the action of the acid, rinse the material with tap water
(which will "blue" the stain), and examine under the microscope. Bulk
material will require a considerably longer period.
5. Wash for a few moments in tap water. If the water is not suffi
ciently alkaline to "blue" the material, add 1 or 2 drops of ammonia to^
the water. If it is desired to clear the cytoplasm, place the slides or
material in a weak solution of lithium carbonate in water. About 10
minutes suffices.
6. Rinse in water again, then proceed with the dehydration as usual.
If a counterstain is desired, erythrosin is very satisfactory for marine
algae and also for many fresh-water forms (such as Batrachospermuni),
fungi, and other cryptogams, while fast green may be used on fern prothallia and bryophytes. Both dyes should be in fairly strong solution,
and .the sections or material should be left in the stain until completely
and evenly stained.
Delafield's Hematoxylin.A thoroughly ripened solution should
always be used.
1. Transfer to the stain from either water or 50% alcohol. The
length of time the sections may be left in the stain depends partly on the
character of the material, partly on the nature of the killing fluid, but
mainly on the thoroughness of the washing out of the latter. Some
materials are well stained in 3 minutes, While others require as long as
30 minutes. As a trial, a few slides may be left in the stain for 10 minutes;
if the time seems too short or too long, the duration of staining may
accordingly be regulated for future batches of the same material.
2. Wash in running tap water a few minutes to remove completely
all excess stain. The washing should be as thorough as possible to avoid
the formation of troublesome precipitates.
3. Treat with acidulated water: add about 2 drops of hydrochloric
acid to each 100 cc> of water. The sections, which should preferably
be slightly overstained, are treated for a few minutes until they turn a
pale pinkish-purple, but care must be taken not to extract too much of
the stain. Then transfer quickly to water, and wash in running tap
water until the sections acquire a rich purple color. If the tap*water
is not sufficiently alkaline, immerse the slides for a few moments' in
water to which a little sodium or lithium carbonate has been added,
then complete the washing.
4. Pass through 50, 70, and 95% alcohols. A few minutes in each
strength is sufficient.
5. If desired, mount directly from 95% alcohol in euparal or diaphane.
These mounting media possess the, property of intensifying hematoxylin
stains. Otherwise pass through absolute alcohol, equal parts of absolute
alcohol and xylol, then xylol, and mount in balsam.



A counterstain is ordinarily of not much value on plant tissues,

but most animal tissues are improved by counterstainirig with eosin Y.
From step 4 in the above schedule, proceed to the counterstain dissolved
in 95% alcohol; allpw to react for about 3 to 5 minutes, then wash excess
stain in a change of 95% alcohol. Mounting may be in euparal or
diaphane, or dehydration may be completed in absolute alcohol and the
slides passed through xylol to balsam.
Orange G or erythrosin B in clove oil solution may in some instances
prove satisfactory counterstains. Stain on the slide after dehydrating
in absolute alcohol, clear in clove oil, wash in xylol, then mount.
The clearing fluids and balsam are by most technicians required to
be perfectly neutral in. reaction, otherwise the rich purple color will
turn red and finally disappear if these reagents are in the least acid in
Sass' Modified Mayer's Haemalum.Primarily a histological stain.
1. Bring slides down to tap water.
2. Leave in the following staining solution until the desired depth
has been reached (in about 15 to 30 minutes): Dissolve 50 g. aluminum
ammonium sulphate in 1 liter boiling water. Remove from the heat,
and add 1 g. hematoxylin crystals. When dissolved, add 0.2 g. sodium
iodate, cool, and filter. Later filter whenever a metallic scum appears.
The solution is best used fresh but will keep for a few months.
3. Wash in distilled water, then in tap water (or in Hoo sodium or
lithium carbonate) and again in distilled water.
4. Dehydrate, and clear as usual.
Any desired counterstain may be used. Nuclear selectivity may be
increased by the addition of acid: the alum can be increased to saturation
and 2 to 5% of glacial acetic acid added. The results vary with the
nature of the fixative used.
Kornhauser's Modified Mayer's Haemalum.The customary pro
cedure of adding sodium iodate as an ingredient of Mayer's haemalum
has been criticized on the ground that the life of the solution is shortenedso that it turns brown and fails to stain (Kornhauser 1930). The
revised method is as follows:
1. Run the sections down to water.
2. Stain an average of 5 minutes in the hematein solution prepared
thus: grind 0.5 g. hematein (of MacAndrews and Forbes manufacture)
in a glass mortar with 10 cc. of 95 % alcohol, and add the mixture to
500 cc. 5% aqueous aluminum potassium sulphate. The solution is ready
for immediate use.
3. Rinse for a few seconds in tap water. It is claimed that, if the
rinsing is quick, a little of the alum solution is carried over and serves
to fix the counterstain in the tissues.




4. Counterstain with any suitable acid counterstain dissolved in

distilled water. The method was originally devised for animal tissues,
and eosin was therefore specified. This dye, of course, is of little value
on plant tissues, consequently erythrosin B is the first substitute to be
chosen. If, on washing with tap water, the counterstain comes out,
dehydrate as far as 95% ethyl alcohol, and apply the desired counterstain
from the usual alcoholic clove oil solution.
5. Complete dehydration, pass through xylol, and mount.
Ehrlich's Hematoxylin.An excellent in toto stain for algae, fungi,
small bryophytes, and similar subjects.
1. Bring slides down to 50% alcohol (or freehand, sections or bulk
material up to 35% alcohol).
2. Stain to 30 minutes in the following solution:
Distilled water




Absolute alcohol






Glacial acetic


10 cc.


2 g .

a m m o n i u m sulphate



Ripen in the light until the solution acquires a dark red color. If kept
well stoppered, the solution keeps for years.Hematein may be sub
stituted for the hematoxylin; 0.4 g. is the correct amount.
3. Wash out excess stain with 50% alcohol.
4. For woody tissues counterstain with safranin, or proceed with the
dehydration and counterstain with erythrosin B or orange G in clove oil.
5. Clear, and mount in balsam.
Ide-Roza Variation of Weigert's Hematoxylin.The mordant is
mixed with the stain; and an excellent general stain is produced:



1 g.






a b s o l u t e e t h y l alcohol a n d dilute t o 100 cc. w i t h distilled w a t e r )

D o u b l e distilled glycerin

(5 g.





chloride in 100 cc. distilled w a t e r )





.5 c c .

Stain for 12 to 24 hours, and differentiate with 2 to 2.5% aqueous ferric

ammonium sulphate. The staining appears much more uniform through
out a section in spite of accidental variations in thickness, a feature not
obtainable with other hematoxylin schedules.

C O A L - T A R


In employing coal-tar dyes, it is important to use the basic dye first,

if two stains are being used in combination. The basic dyes are generally
the non-cytoplasmic stains; they stain such prominent structures as
nuclei, chromosomes, and lignified cell walls. The basic dyes are usually




dissolved in alcohol of around 70%, some in water, a few in anilin water,

one or two in clove oil, and rarely in other solvents. Of course, one may
use a single' dye, but the final result is invariably improved by the
employment of a contrasting stain. Sometimes two basic dyes may be
used together (as safranin and crystal violet), but the rule is for an acid
cytoplasmic stain to follow .a basic stain.
Most of the coal-tar dyes are used as regressive stains. A few
may be employed, in high dilutions and with continual scrutiny of the
sections, as progressive stains; this type of staining has most frequently
been applied to counterstaining, particularly of filamentous algae for
whole mounts.

I Safranin is the most important and valuable of the coal-tar dyes to

the plant technician, just as the violets are indispensable to the cytologist.
It is easy to put a slide into safranin: the problem is to obtain an accurate
differentiation. The custom formerly was to use a solution of hydro
chloric acid in alcohol, but many of the more discriminating technicians
prefer to use picric acid, which seems both to differentiate and to mordant.
Advantage is taken of the fact that fast green not only provides an
excellent counterstain to safranin, but serves to remove the red com
pletely from structural elements where its presence is undesirable. In
fact, a fast green solution alone may be used for differentiating safranin,
but both colors finally appear too dull for this procedure to deserve
'When a safranin stain is specified, the dye known as safranin 0 is
always meant; if a safranin of another type is required, it is indicated
by the letter Y or B, as the case may be. Both safranin Y (yellowish)
and safranin B (bluish) are on the market; both are worthless in botanical
technique as they have never given results at all comparable in brilliancy
and accuracy of differentiation with safranin 0. There are two types of
safranin O on the market, one which acts slowly and the other rapidly,
but they can be recognized as such only by trial.
In using safranin, one should always remember the fundamental rule
of washing out the excess stain with water before proceeding with the
differentiation. If "this precaution is not observed, an irremovable pre
cipitate will be produced in the sections; this is particularly liable to
happen if the picro-alcohol method is used for differentiating.
Safranin and Fast Green.Long experience with this schedule leads
the writer to prefer it above all others. It has proved to be wholly
dependable on sections of almost every type of plant material except, the



1. Bring slides down to 70% alcohol (or freehand sections up to

35% alcohol), and give any special treatment which the nature of the
killing fluid might render necessary.
2. Stain in a 1% solution in methyl cellosolve-50% alcohol (see
page 62 for formula) for 2 to 24 or even 48 hours. Gymnosperm
material should have the minimum rjeriod.
3. Wash excess stain, with running water for a few moments. 4. Simultaneously differentiate and dehydrate with 95% alcohol, to
which 0.5% (i.e., almost to saturation) picric acid crystals are added (if
the acid comes in the moist form, make-allowances for the water)." A V
stock solution should be made considerably in advance as the acid dis- j
solves slowly. The used solutions should be kept in separate bottles \
and may be used until they become somewhat saturated with safranin.
About 10 seconds in the 95% alcohol suffices, unless the slides have beejri^
left in the stain too long, which naturally would call for a longer washj
in the picro-alcbhol.
5. Stop action of the acid by immersing the slides in 95% alcohol
to which is added about 4 to 5 drops of ammonia to each 100 cc. Avoid
excess ammonia. The sections should appear to be a trifle overstained
at this juncture. Do not leave the^slides in the alcohol-ammonia solution
longer than 2 minutes, as the alcohol during this period is extracting
some of the stain.' - . > ' '
6. Complete dehydration with absolute-alcohol for about 10 seconds.
(The writer goes only as far as 95% alcohol with purely morphological
material, but absolute alcohol should be used on cytological objects.)
The slides may remain in this alcohol as long as 10 minutes if a large
number are being brought up and are being counterstained individually.
7. Counterstain with fast green, prepared by making a nearly^^turated solution in equal parts of methyl cellosolve and absolute alcohol
and adding enough of this solution to a mixture, of 25 parts absolute
alcohol and 75 parts clove oil to give the desired intensity. Keep the;
stain in a dropping bottle; it may. be used over and o^er again for hun-[
dreds of slides. Sometimes one may prefer a weak,, sometimes a deep,
stain, according to the nature of the material. The fast green is such a
powerful dye that its action should not be allowed to proceed for more
than 15 seconds.

8. Pour the counterstain back into the dropping ^bottle and rinse off
excess stain with used clove oil. (As a matter of economy, the clove
oils clearing solution specified in the'following step, after it. has become
too saturated with dye, is poured into a bottle, diluted one-half' with
equal parts of absolute alcohol and xylol, and used for washing off excess
into a waste jar. See Fig. 15 for arrangement of.apparatus



9. Clear,in a mixture of 50 parts clove oil (U.S.P. brand serves as

".well as the more expensive cp.), 25 parts absolute alcohol, and 25 parts
. xylol for a few moments.
10. Remove, clearer by washing slide a few seconds in a xylol wash
(add 3 to 4 drops absolute alcohol to take care of any moisture acci
dentally brought over; the slides should not show any cloudiness).
-11. Two changes of pure xylol, then mount in balsam.
The safranin should appear a brilliant red in nuclei, chromosomes,
arid in lignified and cutinized cell walls; while the fast green should be
equally brilliant in the cytoplasm and on cellulose cell walls. - In some
cell walls at certain developmental or formative stages, portions will be
more or less sharply stained by the safranin, other portions weakly by
the green. Safranin and fast green are both durable and should show no
_signs of fading after six years.
) Safranin and Anilin Blue.Anilin blue may be substituted for fast
^/green in the preceding schedule. As the blue does not affect the safranin
to any appreciable extent, the latter must be somewhat more accurately
differentiated than is necessary when fast green is used as the counter
stain. The anilin blue solution is made by preparing a saturated solution
in equal parts of methyl cellosolve and absolute alcohol and later diluting
with an equal volume of clove oil; The stain should be allowed to react
for about 1 minute; it scarcely ever overstains and requires no differenti-,
ating. To avoid extracting too much of the blue, clearing is usually!
carried out in pure methyl salicylate (synthetic oil of wintergreen) I
instead of in clove oil.
Anilin blue is a little more precise than fast green on many types of
plant materials. If the effects given by the fasto green are too strong or
too gaudy, substitute anilin blue. " The combination is superb on gymnosperm ovules, archegonia, and embryos and on angiosperm stems and
roots. The anilin blue is occasionally a little fugitive, especially in acid

Safranin and Picro-anilin Blue.:The combination is intended for

use on freehand sections of woody tissues. First stain the sections in
safranin as usual, the optimum time being 2 hours. Wash out the excess
stain with water and destain with either 95% alcohol saturated with
picric acid or with a mere trace of hydrochloric acid in 50% alcohol.
Stain for 2 hours in a picro-anilin blue stain (make up saturated solutions
of picric acid and anilin blue in 95% alcohol, and when ready to use, mix
in the ratio of 78% picric acid to 22% of anilin blue). Wash for 10 sec
onds in absolute alcohol, clear in clove oil, and mount in balsam after
going through xylol.

Safranin and Crystal Violet.-A rapi^v schedule involving these two

stains has given very good results on various gymnosperm tissues. It




has been successfully used on various stages in the development of

the ovule and associated structures of Pinus, Cedrus, Ephedra, and
- 1 . Stain in safranin as usual and differentiate with 95% alcohol
saturated with picric acid, then complete dehydration with a change of
absolute alcohol.
2. Dip into a solution of equal parts of absolute alcohol and xylol
for several seconds, then into another composed of 25 parts of absolute
alcohol and 75 parts of xylol.
3. Stain in a crystal violet solution made by putting 6 to 8 drops of a
saturated solution of the dye in equal parts of absolute alcohol and clove
oil into a coplin of xylol. This staining solution is very unstable and
should be freshly made up for each batch of slides. The strength of the
violet needs to be renewed after every 30 or so slides by'the addition of
another drop of stock solution. The stock solution keeps indefinitely.
Leave the slide in the stain while a second one is being taken through the
picro-alcohol, and differentiate while the second is staining.
4. Differentiate the crystal violet in a mixture of equal parts of clove
oil and xylol. A few seconds generally suffice.
5. Wash thoroughly in xylol, pass through a change of pure xylol, and
mount in balsam.
Safranin and Harris' (or Delafield's) Hematoxylin.The following
schedule may be used either for freehand sections or for paraffin sections.
It is especially serviceable for semiwoody tissues.
1. Bring freehand sections up to 35% alcohol, or paraffin sections
down to 70% alcohol.
2. Stain in safranin (use the 1% methyl cellosolve-50% alcohol
solution) for 18 hours.
3. Wash out excess stain with water.
4. Differentiate carefully in 50% alcohol slightly acidulated with
hydrochloric acid. When xylem appears bright red and cellulose walls'
are a deep pinkish color, the stain is about right. Avoid too much
destaining since more of the safranin will be removed during subsequent
5. Wash thoroughly in water for 5 minutes.
6. Transfer to the hematoxylin for about 15 or 20 minutes. After
removing from the stain, the color of the sections should be a deep purple
all over.
7. Treat with water slightly acidulated with hydrochloric acid for a
very few seconds. (Slides should be handled individually.) As soon
as the sections appear reddish, transfer to tap water, and wash thor
oughly. It is vitally important to remove every trace of acid, hence the
washing process should be continued for at least 20 minutes. If the



hematoxylin is not sufficiently blued by the tap water, dip momentarily

in a stender of water plus a few drops of ammonia.
8. In the case of paraffin sections, run up through 50 and 70%
alcohols to 95%, allowing 3 to 5 minutes in each. Mounting may be in
euparal or diaphane, or one may proceed to absolute alcohol, and pass
through xylol to balsam.- With freehand sections dehydrate by gradually
substituting hygrobutol for the water, finally infiltrate with balsam,
and mount.
Safranin, Crystal Violet, and Orange G (Flemming's triple stain).
Botanists, and biologists in general as well, seem to be divided on the
merits of this combination. Nevertheless, it has its uses and its value,
but by some it is underrated, by others overrated, while still others have
flagrantly abused it. By this it is meant that it was used when other
and more appropriate stain combinations should have been chosen.
In cytological work, Flemming's triple stain may be routinely
employed to supplement and corroborate the results obtained with
iron hematoxylin. The contrasting colors are at times a pronounced
advantage. In a properly stained cytological preparation, the chromatin
of the metaphase and anaphase chromosomes should show the safranin
predominating, while the chromatin during prophase stages should retain
the violet. In the chromosomes the condensed chromatin should be red,
while the parts in which little or no chromatin is present should be violet.
In cytological terminology, in other words, the chromonemata should be
red and the chromosome matrix purplish, but it is extremely rare to
obtain such an accurate differentiation. The nucleoli should be red,
the spindlefibersand plastids violet, and the cytoplasm a buff-gray color.
The orange G is used not to provide a third (cytoplasmic) stainit is
in this respect that most technicians are in errorbut to differentiate
between the other two dyes.
In general only tissuesfixedin a mixture containing chromic and osmic
(acids can be successfully stained by a Flemming combination. Material
'killed in other fluids should first be run down to water and mordanted
for a day or so in a 1 % solution of osmic acid in 2% chromic acid, or as
directed under Stockwell's variation described below.
A. A typical schedule, which many prefer, is as follows:
1. Slides in 70% alcohol (or, if they have been mordanted, first
place in 35% alcohol for 5 minutes).
2. Stain in a standard safranin solution. The time varies according
to the material; in any case, it should not be less than 2 hours. For
most plant materials 6 hours is sufficient, but there is no harm leaving
in the stain for 24 hours.
3. Rinse thoroughly in water.



4. Stain in a 1 % aqueous solution of crystal violet. The time here

must be determined experimentally. Fifteen minutes to 1 hour or more
are required^
5. Rinse in water to remove surplus stain.
6. Dip twice in 95% alcohol and three or four times in absolute
7. Remove slide, wipe off underside, and put on just enough orange G
(saturated solution in clove oil) to cover the sections. The time should
not exceed 10 seconds.
8. Pour the orange back into the bottle, wash off the excess stain
with used diluted clove oil, and drop slide into a stender of pure clove
oil. In a few moments put the slide on a glass plate, and examine under
the microscope. When the violet is satisfactory, wash in xylol to stop
action of the clove oil.
9. Two changes of xylol, then mount in balsam.
B. A variation of the preceding schedule followed by some technicians
may be outlined, but the result is frequently sloppy in appearance.
1. Proceed to the end of step 4 in the preceding schedule.
2. Remove slide from staining jar, wipe off the underside, and flood
with a saturated aqueous solution of orange G. About 30 seconds
' *.
3. Drop 95% alcohol on the slide until clouds of color no longer
arise from the sections.
4. Wash with used clove oil, then differentiate as before with pure
clove oil.
C. Stockwell's Variation.If the sections are too dark, overchromated
or contain too much phlobaphene, they should first be run down to water
and bleached overnight in the following solution, which prepares the
sections for very sharp staining:
Potassium bichromate
Glacial acetic a c i d . . . .
Chromic acid

90 cc.

10 cc.

The theory underlying the use of this fluid, taking as examples

tissues such as the root tips of Quercus, buds of, Dudleya and other
Crassulaceae containing much phlobaphene, is that the chromic acid
renders the precipitated tannins soluble, the acetic acid then removes
them, and the dichromate thereupon catalyzes the tissues.
If the material was not. fixed in a solution containing sufficient
chromic acid to mordant it, the slides should first be mordanted in a
1 % aqueous chromic solution for at least 1 hour, but preferably overnight.
Wash out the acid thoroughly before proceeding to the stain.



Stain 1 to 24 hours in the following solution:


aqueous solution

of gentian

1 %

aqueous solution

of safranin

Distilled water

(crystal) violet

1 part


For most plant tissues an hour is sufficiently long, but a dilute stain
acting over a period of 24. hours presumably gives superior results.
Wash off excess stain with tap water, place for 30 seconds in 1 % potas
sium iodide plus 1 % iodine in 70% alcohol, then pass through the follow
ing fluids, allowing but a few seconds in each: 50 and 70% alcohols,
95% alcohol plus picric acid (about 1 g. per 100 cc), 95% alcohol plus
ammonia (8 to.10 drops per 100 cc), pure 95% alcohol, absolute alcohol,
clove oil plus orange G (0.2 g. per 100 cc), pure clove oil, and finally
through three jars of xylol to make certain that all traces of cloye oil are
removed before mounting in balsam.
The slides may be examined in the first xylol after the staining has
been completed. If there seems to be too much safranin, return the,
slide to absolute alcohol, then back to xylol. Excess violet may be
reduced by returning the slide to clove oil, then back to xylol.
Chromosomes are stained varying shades of fight to dark purple;
the spindlefibersare purplish, the nucleoli red, and the cytoplasm orange.
With morphological and anatomical material, the final effect is the same
as with the usual versions of the triple combination.
D. An abbreviated form of the preceding schedule, for use on noncytological materials, is as follows:
1. Bring slides down to water, then stain for 1 hour in the staining
2. Rinse thoroughly in water.
3. Rinse in 95% alcohol for a few minutes. This serves to remove
most of the surplus safranin.
4. Rinse in absolute alcohol.
5. Differentiate the violet in the clove oil-orange G solution for a
few seconds.
6. Wash in xylol, and examine under the microscope to determine
if the violet is satisfactory. If not, go back to a plain clove oil, and
differentiate until satisfactory.
7. Wash thoroughly in xylol, then mount in balsam.
E. Craigie's Modification.
1. Bring slides down to water and mordant in 0.5% aqueous osmic
acid for 30 minutes to an hour. This step is omitted for material which has been fixed in a fluid containing osmic acid.
2. Wash thoroughly in water and stain 1 to 3 hours (or longer if
necessary) in 1 % aqueous safranin.



3. Rinse in water and differentiate the, safranin in 0.025/N hydro

chloric acid. Allow the acidulated water to react until the outline of
the nucleus is definite and chromatin granules are discernible. Do not
remove too much stain at this point. After differentiation, rinse thor
oughly in water.
4. Stain in a 0.27 to 0.3% solution of crystal violet in 7% alcohol
for about 30 minutes.
5. Rinse in water and differentiate in a 0.025/N solution of hydro
chloric acid. Differentiation is far more important than the time of
staining; it should be stopped when the nuclei take a definite outline.
6. Rinse in water ,and put in Gram's solution (1 g. iodine and 3 g.
potassium iodide to 300 cc. water) for 1 to 3 minutes, or until the slides
have turned a deep black.
7. Wash away excess iodine solution thoroughly and immerse slides
in a 1% solution of mercuric chloride for 1 to 3 minutes, or until the
sections have turned a bright blue.
8. Wash in water and blot excess cautiously, not letting the sections
become completely dry.
9. Immerse in 95% alcohol for 4 to 6 seconds and transfer to carbolxylol (25 parts phenol to 75 parts xylol) while the violet is still coming
out in clouds.
10. Leave in carbol-xylol from 15 seconds to several minutes or until
proper differentiation has occurred, which will be when prophase stages
are deep blue and chromosomes and nucleoli are definitely red.
11. Wash in xylol, and stain in a 1 % solution of orange G in clove oil
for not longer than a minute.
12. Clear briefly in pure clove oil, wash thoroughly in xylol, and
mount in balsam.
If it is desired that the violet be intensified in the spindles, sections
should first be mordanted with potassium permanganate.

Safranin, crystal violet, fast green, and orange G may be combined

for use on tissues in which there is either a variety.of cell types or con
siderable chemical difference in. the structure of the cells. The combina
tion isriotsuitable for tissues with little differentiation, as in meristematic
Conant's Quadruple Stain.An excellent combination, giving clear
1. Bring slides down to 70% alcohol.
. . .
2. Stain 2 to 24 hours in 1% safranin in 50% alcohol.
3. Rinse thoroughly in water.
. ; ..



. ,4. Stain in a saturated aqueous solution of crystal violet for about a

" 5. Rinse in water.
6. Dehydrate through two changes of absolute alcohol.
7. Dip slides rapidly, for 5 to 10 dips, in 1% fast green in absolute
alcohol, then transfer quickly to a saturated solution of gold orange
(orange G may be substituted) in clove oil, agitating the slide until the
adhering alcohol is completely diffused through the clove oil.
8. Transfer through three more jars of orange-clove oil solution,
^allowing several minutes in each, for further differentiation and clearing
of the background.
9. Rinse thoroughly in xylol, then mount in balsam.
Johansen's Quadruple Stain.The preceding method is not intended
to correlate stain affinity with specific structures. To achieve as closely
as possible this effect, the following procedure has been devised, employ
ing the newer stain solvents. It is a simple procedure, even if the mix
tures are rather complicated, inasmuch as differentiation is automatic
and little need be left to personal judgment.
1. Bring slides down to 70% alcohol.
2. Stain in the methyl cellosolve-50% alcohol safranin solution
(page 62) for 24 to 48 hours. Overstaining is not possible.
3. Rinse in tap water.
4. Stain in 1% aqueous methyl violet 2B for 10 to 15 minutes.
5. Rinse in tap water.
6. Rinse for 15 seconds in a mixture of equal parts 95% alcohol,
methyl, cellosolve, and tertiary butyl alcohol.
7. Immerse for 10 to 15 minutes in a fast green FCF solution prepared
thus: take 1 part of a saturated solution of the dye in equal parts of
clove oil and methyl, cellosolve, 3 parts 95% alcohol, 3 parts tertiary
butyl alcohol and 1% glacial acetic acid. The time may require some
experimental determination according to the tissues and the fixing fluid.
(The time cited is for formalin-aceto- (or propiono-) alcohol; tissues fixed
in chrom-aCetic fluids may require more time.)
8. Rinse briefly, in a mixture of equal parts of 95 % alcohol and tertiary
butyl alcohol plus about 0.5% glacial acetic acid.
9. Immerse for about 3 minutes in an orange G solution prepared
as follows; 1 part each of a saturated solution of the dye in methyl
cellosolve, pure methyl cellosolve, and 95% alcohol.
10. Rinse briefly in a wash composed of 1 part each of clove oil,|
methyl cellosolve, and 95% alcohol.
11. Rin$e in a wash made up of equal parts of clove oil, absolute
alcohol, and xylol.
12. Rinse in two changes of xylol, then mount in balsam.




The staining solutions can accommodate a large number of slides

before replacement is required^ but the washing solutions in steps 6, 8,
and 10 will need replacement frequently. As soon ^ as one of them
becomes saturated with dye, it should be renewed, oiherwise the sharp
ness of the stains will be diminished'.
f (j
The staining effects should be as follows: dividing chromatin red,
resting chromatin purplish, nucleoli red (occasionally violet), nucleoplasm
colorless or greenish, lignified cell walls bright red, ctftinized cell walls
reddish-purple, suberized walls red, cellulose cell Walls greenish-orange,
cytoplasm bright orange, middle lamellae green, starch grains purple
with green or orange halos (the color of the halos soon becomes replaced
by the purple in some types of material), plastids purplish to greenish,
invading fungal mycelium green, the callose portion of the guard cells of
stomata bright red and the remainder purple, and Casparian strips red
and the remainder of the cell wall of the endodermis yellow. In sections
of roots for origin of the lateral roots, the cytoplasm of the latter should
be stained green, with purplish nuclei, while the cytoplasm elsewhere
should be orange with red nuclei. The combination is exceptionally
good for sections of lichens, as the algae are well differentiated, and also
for Puccinia graminis telia and uredinia.

Crystal Violet and Erythrosin.This method is especially valuable

where a sharp differentiation between weakly lignified and nonlignified
tissues is desired and is also particularly useful for general differentiation
as vascular structures are rendered readily distinguishable from neighbor
ing tissues (Jackson 1926). The schedule must be adapted for different
types and lots of material and often also according to the nature of the
fixing fluid; in some materials the xylem elements stain satisfactorily
in a few minutes, but in other types 30 minutes or longer may be required.
The action of the erythrosin must be closely watched as it tends to replace
the violet in lignified cell walls.
1. Bring slides down to water.
2. Stain in 1% aqueous crystal violet, 15 minutes as a trial.
3. Rinse quickly in tap water.
4. Dehydrate quickly but thoroughly in 95% and absolute alcohol.
5. Immerse in a saturated solution of erythrosin B in clove oil for
1 to 5 minutes.
6. Absolute alcohol and xylol, equal portions, 2 minutes or less.
7. Wash thoroughly in xylol, then mount in balsam.
Cooper's Triple Combination.Primarily a cytological stain. Stain
sections in 1 % aqueous methyl green (use a strictly fresh dye for making



up the solution) for 1 hour, counterstain in 1% aqueous acid fuchsin

for 1 minute, then stain in 1% aqueous erythrosin B for 2 to 3 seconds.
Chromatin granules and nucleoli in early prophase stages of microsporogenesis are stained green, and the linin threads are stained red. In
later stages the chromosomes are stained a brilliant green (Cooper 1931).
Smith's Picric Acid-Gram Stain.This is likewise primarily a cytological stain (F. S. Smith 1934).
1. Bring sections down to 95% alcohol, or smears up to 70%.
2. Mordant 10 to 20 minutes in a solution composed of 1 g. each of
iodine and potassium iodide to each 10,0 cc. of 80% alcohol.
3. Rinse in water, then stain in 1 % aqueous crystal violet for about
15 minutes.
4. Rinse in water again, then place into a second iodine solution, of
the same proportions as that noted in step 2, for a few minutes.
5. Rinse in 95% alcohol.
6. Flood slide quickly with a saturated solution of picric acid in
absolute alcohol, then wash immediately with plain absolute alcohol
for only a few seconds. The purpose of the picric acid is to fix the
violet in chromatic materials.
7. Differentiate in clove oil. The violet will be extracted from the
cytoplasm but not from the chromosomes.
8. Wash in xylol, then pass through two changes of pure xylol,
allowing the slides to remain in one of them for about 1 hour before
finally mounting in balsam.
Johansen's Methyl Violet-Erythrosin Stain.This is a beautiful com
bination for mitoses in root tips (Johansen 1932).
1. Bring slides down to water.
2. Stain 15 to 30 minutes in a 1% solution of methyl violet 2B in
distilled water.
3. Rinse off ^excess stain with water, then simultaneously differentiate
and dehydrate with a saturated solution of picric acid in 95% alcohol. '
About 10 to 15 seconds suffice.
4. Stop action of the acid by placing the slide for 15 seconds in 95%
alcohol plus 2 to 3 drops of ammonia per 100 cc.
5. Wash in pure 95% alcohol, for about 15 seconds.
6. Counterstain with a nearly saturated solution of erythrosin in
equal parts of absolute alcohol and clove oil for 5 to 10 seconds.
' 7. Clear in clove oil for about 30 seconds, then wash thoroughly in
two changes of xylol, and mount in balsam.
Resting and dividing chromatin is stained a brilliant purple; plastin
dark red, .cell walls red, and the cytoplasm pinkish.
Newton's Gentian Violet-Iodine Method.For this method, see the
chapter on Smear Methods (page 155).



Modified Cajal Basic Fuchsm-Indigocarmin Stain.A cytological ,

stain valuable on root tips (Hruby 1933).
1. Bring slides down to water.
2. Stain 5 to 20 minutes in a saturated aqueous solution of pararosanilin (basic fuchsin). (Do not use a dye labeled with the synonym
"diamond fuchsin" or with the German "Diamantfuchsin." Neither of
these dyes can be differentiated properly.)
3. Rinse in water until free stain no longer comes out.
4. Stain 5 to 15 minutes in a mixture of equal portions of saturated
aqueous solutions of picric acid arid indigocarmin.
5. Pass rapidly through 70% alcohol, in which the sections will
appear red, then through 95% and absolute alcohol until the sections
appear greenish.
6. Clear in xylol, and mount in balsam.
If acid instead of basic fuchsin is used, the procedure varies slightly:
1. Proceed to the end of step 4 in the above schedule.
2. Wash in water to which a trace of acetic acid has been added.
3. Wash rapidly in 70, 95%, and absolute alcohol, as indicated iu
step 5 above, then clear in xylol, and mount in balsam.
' With onion root tips as an example, the coloration should be as
follows: chromosomes and late prophase stages various shades of bright
or dark red, early prophases bluish-red, nucleoli clear blue, spindle fibers
*and cell walls a dark blue against a light blue cytoplasm.
Foster's Tannic Acid-Iron Chloride Method.This method was
primarily designed for the cell walls in meristematic tissues but is capable
of wider application, as noted in the Northen methods cited below.
1. Bring slides down to water.
2. Mordant in 1 % aqueous solution of cp. tannic acid for 10 minutes.
(Add 1 g. sodium salicylate to each 100 cc. of solution to prevent growth
of molds.)
3. Wash .thoroughly in water.
4. Bring out stain by placing slides in 3% aqueous cp. ferric chloride
for several minutes. Then examine under the microscope: if the cell
walls of the meristem appear, black or dark blue and the nuclei and cyto
plasm gray, the stain is correcN^ If the stain seems to be too weak, wash
the slide thoroughly in water,\and return to the tannic acid solution.
Alternate between steps 2 and 4 until differentiation is satisfactory; tak
ing care to wash the slide thoroughly in water each time a transfer is
5. Immerse in 50% alcohol for a few minutes.
6. Stain for 48 hours in a 1% solution of safranin in 50% alcohol.
7. Rinse in water, and destain cautiously in 70% alcohol very weakly
acidulated with hydrochloric acid.



8. Pass through 70% and higher alcohols to xylol, then mount in

Cell walls should be colored an intense black, the cytoplasm violet
or pink, plastin blue, and the nucleoli and chromosomes red. Other
cytoplasmic or nuclear stains may also be used.
Northen's Variations of Foster's Method.These procedures add a
third stain to those given by the preceding method (Northen 1936) and
are especially adapted to the staining of stems and of roots showing
stages in the development of lateral roots.
A. If the safranin is retained by the tissues, the safranin may be
applied first:
1. Stain 24 hours in 1% safraninan 50% alcohol.
2. Rinse for 10 seconds in 50% alcohol.
3. Immerse for 15 to 30 seconds in 0.5% tannic acid in 50% alcohol
(use c.p. Merck or Mallinckrodt tannic acid).
4. Pass through two coplins of 70% alcohol, allowing 10 to 15 seconds
in each.
5. Immerse for 10 to 20 seconds in 1% ferric chloride in 70% alcohol.
6. Place in 80% alcohol for 10 seconds, in 95% alcohol for 20 seconds,
and in absolute alcohol for 30 to 40 seconds.
7. Stain for 30 to 60 seconds in 0.5% crystal violet in clove oil.
8. Rinse in xylol (plus a trace of absolute alcohol), pass through pure
xylol, then mount in balsam.
When properly applied, the procedure should stain parenchyma and
collenchyma cell walls purple, fiber walls red or purple, lignified cell
walls red, walls of the cambial cells black, nucleoli red, and cytoplasm
purple. If too much safranin has been extracted, reduce the time in the
alcohols; if the safranin has been insufficiently differentiated, allow more
time in the alcohols or add a drop of hydrochloric acid to one of the 70%
wash alcohols.
B. If the safranin is, easily extracted, the tannic acid-ferric chloride
part should be applied first.
1. Bring slides down to 70% alcohol, then leave for 2 to 3 minutes
in 1% tannic acid in 50% alcohol.
2. Rinse for 15 to 20 seconds in each of two coplins of 50% alcohol.
3. Immerse in 3% ferric chloride in 50% alcohol for 30 to 60 seconds.
The slides will become blackened, but this is of no moment.
4. Rinse in 50% alcohol.
5. Stain for 24 hours in 1% safranin in 50% alcohol.
6. Rinse in 50 % alcohol.
7. Destain partially in 70% alcohol; since more safranin will be
removed during the following steps, the differentiation should not be
carried too far.



8. Dehydrate in 80, 95%, and absolute alcohol for 10 to 30 seconds

in each.
9. Stain for 1 to 3 minutes in 0.5% light green (or substitute fast
green) in clove oil plus 7 cc. absolute alcohol to each 100 cc. clove oil.
10. Rinse in absolute alcohol, then in xylol,; and mount in balsam.
By this procedure, cambial cell walls and parenchyma cell walls
are black, lignified walls are red, collenchyma walls are a blackish-red,
nuclei are red, and the cytoplasm a bluish-green.
Acid Fuchsin and Fast Green.This histological combination is
suggested for the marine Phaeophyta as a quick and easy method giving
good differentiation.
1. Bring slides down to 95% alcohol.
2. Stain 20 minutes in 1% acid fuchsin in 70% alcohol.
3. Rinse off excess stain by slowly plunging slide 2 to 3 times into a
large dish of tap water.
4. Rinse in 95% alcohol for a few seconds.
5. Wipe off underside of slide, and cover sections with the usual
solution of fast green in methyl cellosolve-absolute alcohol-clove oil for a
few seconds.
6. Clear in absolute alcohol-clove oil-xylol mixture.
7. Wash in xylol, and mount in balsam.
The sections should, as with all Phaeophyta, have been covered with
celloidin, either before or after removing the paraffin with xylol. When
used on sections of the fruiting frond of any of the Laminariales, for
example, the zoospores are stained a brilliant magenta, the nuclei and
pigment bodies various shades of red, the cell walls light green, and the
layers of the slime cap are differentiated by the green. This is the only
known combination which will reveal clearly the internal structure of
the paraphyses.
Iodine Green or Methyl Green and Acid Fuchsin.If one wishes to

stain lignified tissues with a green dye, iodine or methyl green (not
methylene green) Works admirably. These two dyes stain similarly to
safranin. Methyl green is probably easier to differentiate than iodine
green, but is extracted more rapidly.
1. Bring slides down to water (or have freehand sections in water).
2. Stain 12 hours or longer in 1 % aqueous iodine or methyl green.
3. Wash in water until the stain is almost but not entirely removed
from nonlignified elements.
4. Counterstain about 3 to 8 minutes in 1 aqueous acid fuchsin.
The stain should not be allowed to react long enough to extract the
green from the lignified tissues. The point may be determined by
removing a slide from the staining solution and examining under the




5. Rinse rapidly in 95 % and absolute alcohol.
6. Clear in clove oil solution, pass through xylol, and piount in balsam.
Both stains may be used'as 1% solutions in 70% alcohol if desired;
washing may be in 70% alcohol., This method may be better than using
the stains in aqueous solutions, but the use of an alcoholic wash naturally
makes it somewhat more expensive. The combination may be used as. a
cytological stain, but the washings must be made very quickly. Methyl
green is sensitive to alkalies, so that all solutions should have a trace
of acetic acid added to them. If there was no acetic acid in the killing
fluid, a chromatin stain is unobtainable. The resistance of the stain
to alcohol may be increased by mordanting the sections for 5 minutes
previous to staining with 1 % aqueous iodine solution. The green stains,
unfortunately, do not keep any too well. Chromosomes and nuclei are
stained green, plastin and cytoplasm light red.
Feulgen's Nucleal Reaction.-This is not so much a staining pro
cedure as a chemical reaction for chromatin; consequently it is being
described elsewhere (page 95).

Feulgen Nucleal Reaction.This procedure was originally devised
as a microchemical test to distinguish the particular type of nucleic
acid found in chromatin from similar types. The essential feature of
the method is the production of a specific purple (or occasionally magenta)
color when a reduced, or colorless, form of pararosanilin (basic fuchsin)
is brought into contact with an aldehyde in the presence of the nucleic
acid peculiar to chromatin.
The original version (Feulgen and Rossenbeck 1924) has undergone
innumerable variations. The majority of the proposed changes have
since been demonstrated to be of little or no value (de Tomasi 1936).
Botanical technicians who have experimented with the technique have
demonstrated beyond all doubt its great utility on all types of material
(e.g., Margolena 1932a, Westbrook 1930), and it has been of especial
service where it is necessary to differentiate between true chromatin
and other substances which give a staining reaction similar to that of
chromatin with ordinary coal-tar dyes.
The staining solution is prepared as follows (de Tomasi 1936): Dis
solve 0.5 g. basic fuchsin [use a Stain Commission type.especially certified
for use in the Feulgen technique (Scanlan and Melin 1937)], by pouring
over it 100 cc. boiling distilled water and shaking thoroughly. Cool
to 50C, and filter. To the filtrate add 10 cc. 1/N hydrochloric acid,
then 0.5 g. potassium metabisulphite. Shake thoroughly, stopper
tightly, and place in the dark for about 1S{hours.
All substances should be' of the highest purity: the water should
be glass-distilled and the chemicals of reagent quality. If a satisfactory
certified basic fuchsin sample is not available, Griibler's Diamantfuchsin,
as specified by the originators, almost always works well. The 1/N
hydrochloric acid may be prepared with sufficiently close accuracy by
adding 82.5 cc. reagent hydrochloric acid to 1 liter of glass-distilled
The staining is carried out as follows: Bring the slides down to dis
tilled water, and rinse in cold 1/N hydrochloric acid; place in fresh 1/N
hydrochloric acid, and heat the solution quickly to 60C. (but not above
that temperature), allowing the slides to remain for 4 to 5 minutes.
Next rinse in cold 1 / N hydrochloric acid, then in distilled water. Trans95




fer the slides to the staining solution, which should be either colorless
or of a light straw color. The optimum time for animal tissues is 2 hours,
but most plant tissues require from 3 to 5 hours. Remove a slide from
the stain, touch the lower edge to absorbent paper, then pass quickly to
the first of three closed coplins, each containing the following differentiat
ing solution: 1/N hydrochloric acid, 5 cc; 10% aqueous potassium
metabisulphite, 5 cc; distilled water, 100 cc. Wash the slides for 10
minutes in each of the three jars. Then rinse in distilled water and
dehydrate. Plant materials may be counterstained momentarily with
0.05% fast green in 95% alcohol. Mount preferably in dammar balsam,
although strictly neutral Canada balsam serves equally well.
Solutions should be made up only as required, since none of them
keeps well. In time the staining solution will become colored and should
then be discarded.
Various methods have been devised to secure satisfactory samples
of the basic fuchsin dye or to purify such samples (Scanlan and Melin
1937), but such treatments are either unnecessarily cumbersome or call
for more apparatus and chemical knowledge than the average technician
possesses. Given a certified dye sample, the staining solution can be
rendered practically colorless by adding a decolorizing carbon to the
solution after it has been allowed to bleach for 24 hours (Coleman 1938).
To each 200 cc. of the basic fuchsin solution prepared as directed above,
add 2 g. potassium metabisulphite and 10 cc. 1/N hydrochloric acid.
After bleaching for 24 hours, add 0.5 g. of a powdered decolorizing carbon
or charcoal (the brand known as Supra-neutral Norit, obtainable from
L. A. Salomon, 216 Pearl Street, New York, N . Y., has been recom
mended). Shake for a few minutes, then filter rapidly through coarse
filter paper.
A procedure has recently been devised (Semmens and Bhaduri
1939) for the differential staining of the nucleoli following the application
of the Feulgen technique. The originators claim that the procedure
does not affect the chromatin stain, but experience has shown that the
fuchsin is often completely removed. The method may be briefly
1. Mordant for 1 hour in filtered 5% aqueous sodium carbonate.
2. Wash for 30 minutes in distilled water.
3. Stain for 10 minutes or longer in a 0.5% solution of light green SF
yellowish in 100 cc. of 90% alcohol plus a few drops of anilin oil.
4. Rinse with 70% alcohol saturated with sodium carbonate. This
step has been the most troublesome one. The amount of carbonate
that dissolves in the alcohol is highly variable: if too little dissolves, ,
differentiation is poor, whereas, if the proportion is too great, complete

discoloration results.



5. Transfer to 95% alcohol, and leave until the green dye has been
removed from the cytoplasm. At least 10 minutes will be required.
6. Immerse in absolute alcohol for 10 minutes or longer.
7. Place in absolute alcohol and xylol, equal parts of each, for 10
8. Clear through xylol, and mount.
Osmium Impregnation Methods.All methods of osmic acid impreg
nation are in general tedious, variable, and frequently unsuccessful
(Bowen 1929). The following rules have been laid down:
1. Material should be absolutely. fresh. Do not use plants which
have lingered about the laboratory or greenhouse under unfavorable
conditions. Use pieces of material cut into as small portions as possible.
Large root tips and other massive parts will probably not react success
fully unless subdivided.
2. Use osmic solutions, both for fixing fluids and for the osmication
process, which are positively freshnot over one or two weeks old
and which have been kept properly clean and preserved from the action
of light.
3. Keep the ingredients of fixing fluids in separate stock solutions,
and mix them just before using.
4. All fixation, and especially all osmication, steps must positively
be conducted in glass-stoppered bottles. If such bottles are not available,
it is not worth wasting time and supplies attempting osmication.
5. After the material is finally washed out in running water after
osmication, do not spend more than five or six days at the most in the
alcohols before embedding in paraffin. For these post-osmication
processes, the use of corked shell vials is permissible.
The Kolatchev Method (Bowen's Schedule).
1. Fix for 24 hours in Champy's fluid:
1 %

aqueous chromic

3 %

aqueous potassium bichromate



aqueous osmic acid



7 cc.

Do not attempt to work up too much material in one bottle. Gently

agitate the bottle occasionally.
2. Wash in running water for 24 hours. It is very important to
remove all traces of the chromium.
3. Place the material in new glass-stoppered bottles and commence
the osmication process. This may be carried out by one or all of several
a. Place the material in 1 % osmic acid solution, and then
(1) Put the bottles in an incubator at 35C..for periods of
4-9 days.




(2) Put the bottles in an incubator at 40C. for 8 hours. Then

transfer the bottles to an incubator at 35C. without
changing the osmic solution. Leave in this second
incubator for periods such that the total time in the acid
is from 4 to 9 days.
b. Place the material in 2% osmic acid solution, and then proceed
(1) As in method a(l).
(2) As in method a(2). .
It is generally advisable, to obtain a greater chance of success, to
divide each lot of material into four portions and to try all four methods
simultaneously. Otherwise, method b(2) is most likely to afford suc
cessful impregnation. In all methods, a volume of osmic acid solution
at least equal to twice the bulk of the material should be used.
The osmic solutions will soon begin to become blackened. When the
blackening has become pronounced, rinse out with distilled water, trans
fer to a clean bottle, and cover with fresh osmic solution.
4. Wash in running water for 24 hours. It requires considerable
experience to determine when to terminate the osmication process.
There is no way of knowing when anything whatever has been success
fully impregnated. Trial by sampling is the only method. If the
^osmication period was too short, nothing will be blackened; if too long,
the material may be too overblackened for critical investigation. Each
day after the four-day minimal period a few samples may be removed
from the bottle with a pipette (take every precaution not to let the
pipette be contaminated by other substances, particularly chromium
compounds), dehydrated, and embedded.
5. Dehydrate by any rapid process, and embed in paraffin. The
impregnation is relatively stable, and no unusual precautions are necessary.
6. Cut sections not over 6M thick and mount on slides as usual. After the sections have dried down, remove the paraffin with xylol, pass
through a change of absolute alcohol to ensure complete dehydration,
then pass through another jar of xylol, and mount in balsam. Or one
may bleach cautiously by the potassium permanganate-oxalic acid
method after taking the slides down to water. Counterstaining, if
desired, may be with eosin, erythrosin, orange G, fast green, or a similar
dye, made up with 95% alcohol.
The Weigert (Mann-Kopsch) Method.
1. Fix in corrosive-osmic:
1 % aqueous osmic acid
Saturated solution of mercuric chloride in 0.75% aqueous sodium chloride

I part
1 part

As soon as the material has become blackened, which with some plants
may be in 15 minutes, pour off the fluid, and add fresh fixative, repeating




if necessary later on. The time of fixation is variable and can be deter
mined only qy trial. Periods of 1, 2, or 4 hours may be tried.
2. After fixation, wash in running water for 30 minutes.
3. Wash in distilled water, and begin the osmication with 2% aqueous
osmic acid. It would be best to place the material in an incubator at
25C. if the room temperaturefluctuatestoo much. As in the Kolatchev
method, the osmication step is subject to wide variables, which should be
determined as described for that method.
4. Wash material for 24 hours in running water.
5. Dehydrate, embed, section, deparaffin, and mount, as described
for the preceding method.
The results are so variable and interpretation so problematical that
one should proceed with great caution when studying the resulting
preparations. Reference should be made to the papers of Bowen (1929,
for bibliography) and other reliable investigators.
Mitochondria.Far more work has been done on the mitochondria
of animal tissues than on those occurring in plants, but the latter, despite
inherent difficulties, can be easily manipulated if the requisite attention
to details is exercised.
Ordinary technical methods do not reveal the mitochondria, since
the acids dissolve them. Special chemicals are required in the fixing
fluids, which should always be ones that give basic fixation images.
One of the most successful killing fluids consists of:
Cupric bichromate
Cupric oxide

aqueous acetic acid

Distilled water

5 g.
1 g.
1 cc.

100 cc.

The fluid should be made up at least a day before being used, and it
should be shaken frequently during that period. Fix from 36 hours to
six days, and wash out with two changes of 70% alcohol within
immerse for the same length of time in 80 and 95 % alcohol. Complete
dehydration with two changes of absolute alcohol, allowing 1 hour in
each, clear in xylol or- tertiary butyl alcohol, and embed. Cut sections
not over 10^ in thickness. Stain with iron hematoxylin; as the mito
chondria do not retain the stain so well as do chromatin-containing
structures, destaining should not be carried sO far as is ordinarily done
when nuclei or chromosomes are being studied (Fig. 1).
Another formula, which gives a similar fixation image, is
Chromic acid







If the glucinum carbonate is not in excess, a little more should be

added. Dehydrate as described above.
Still another formula also gives beautiful results on occasion:

1 0 % aqueous chromium sulphate

1 part
8 % aqueous formalin neutralized with an excess
of calcium or lithium carbonate
1 part

If the washing is with 7 0 % alcohol and the dehydration is carried

through rather rapidly, the cytoplasm is granular, and the mitochondria

F I G . 1.Allium cepa: p o r t i o n o f a l o n g i t u d i n a l s e c t i o n o f a r o o t t i p fixed and stained f o r

F i x e d w i t h Z i r k l e ' s r e d u c e d c h r o m i c fluid; s t a i n e d w i t h i r o n h e m a t o x y l i n .

are preserved in nearly every part of each piece of tissue. I f washing is

with water and dehydration proceeds slowly, the mitochondria are
dissolved from the epidermis and cortex, remaining only in the central



portions. Dividing nuclei and the cytoplasm are well fixed (the cyto
plasm is less granular than after alcohol washing), and in the cytoplasm
the vacuoles are so sharply delineated that their growth as well as their
behavior during mitosis can be studied.
Licent's fluid also gives good results:
2 %

aqueous chromic acid

50 cc.

Neutralized formalin

30 cc.

Glacial acetic acid

A few


10 cc.

aqueous nickel acetate


To this mixture 10 cc. of a saturated aqueous solution of mercuric chloride

may be added. Make up the fluid only as required.
Mitochondria are perfectly preserved by quinone (parabenzoquinone).
Treat tissues for 1 hour in quinone dissolved in normal saline solution,
then transfer to any other fixative (Bouin's or Allen's B-15 Bouin). The
quinone may be at any concentration: 0.05% for delicate tissues and 0.5%
for tougher ones. Stain with iron hematoxylin.
The complicated staining schedules used by animal technicians are
practically useless on plant materials.and fade quickly.



Differentiating between Bacteria and

Mitochondria.It is frequently necessary to distinguish between bacteria

and mitochondria in sections of infected tissue: the following method
affords a means of differentiating between the two (Dufrenoy 1928).
1. Kill and fix for 24 hours in



1 %

aqueous potassium

chromic acid

50 cc.


50 cc.

Formalin, neutralized with powdered calcium carbonate...

8 cc.

2. Wash for 24 hours in running water, then dehydrate aftd embed

by the tertiary butyl alcohol method. Cut sections as thin as possible,
preferably at 4/i.
3. Dissolve paraffin from slides, dip slides into a very thin solution
of celloidin in equal parts of absolute alcohol and ether, then run down
to water.
4. Stain in the following solution, heated to about 80C.




10 cc.

(Anilin water consists of about 2 parts anilin oil to 100 of water, very
thoroughly shaken.)
5. Wash in running water.
6. Destain for a few seconds in



100 cc.





7. Wash again in water.

8. Treat for a few minutes in
Phosphomolybdic acid
1 % aqueous sodium hydroxide
Distilled water



9. Rinse in water.
10. Stain for a few minutes in TJnna's polychrome methylene blue,
prepared as follows: a solution of 1 part methylene blue dye and 1 part
potassium carbonate in 20 parts 95% alcohol and 100 parts distilled
water is evaporated down to 100 parts. It may be used at once or
diluted with an equal part of anilin water for sections.
11. Rinse, again, dehydrate very quickly with 95% and absolute
alcohol, pass through xylol to balsam.
Bacteria stain a deep violet blue, mitochondria and plastids red.
Freehand Sections.The term "freehand sections" was originally
applied to sections which were cut by means of a razor from material
held in the hands or placed against a length of elder pith. Later it came
to include sections cut from live or preserved, but not embedded, material
by means of a sliding microtome. The present usage includes all sec
tions, no matter how cut and whether embedded or not, which are handled
loosely and not attached to slides by means of an adhesive.
Few, if any, technicians nowadays use the primitive sectioning meth
ods employed by the early botanical technicians, since the availability
of all types of sliding microtomes greatly facilitates sectioning.
To say the best for them, freehand sections of nonembedded materials
are rarely perfect insofar as the sectioning goes. The thickness, for
example,' is generally very uneven, but when microtomed at 25/i or
over, it becomes better. The material must be fairly rigid, not soft or
succulent or composed of mixed soft and hard tissues. The most
difficult problem is to clamp the piece of material tightly enough to
prevent it from bending when struck by the knife yet not so hard that
it is crushed. Pieces of wood or woody stems give comparatively little
difficulty unless they are very small.
Any type of sliding microtome may be used for cutting freehand
sections. None, however, has a"really satisfactory clamp, consequently
one must exercise some ingenuity to devise supplementary aids. For
instance, one may obtain a suitable cork, cut away sectors from opposite
sides, then bisect parallel to the flat sides and cut longitudinal U shaped
grooves down the center of the bisected sides. The depth of the groove
should be shallower than the radius of the piece of material. (Or use
two pieces of thick cork linoleum and cut a groove in each.) The material
is placed in the grooves and the whole placed in the clamp.



The operation of the sliding microtome should be carefully studied.

Most such microtomes require hand adjustment of the feed, although a
few models resemble all rotary microtomes in having an automatic feed.
It is impossible to cut good freehand sections thinner thin about 16/x;
most technicians cut at about 30/i. The knife should be oriented at a
wide oblique angle in order that as much of the length of the blade as
possible may be used for cutting purposes. The knife must, obviously,
be kept sharpened and free from nicks. With the material clamped,
adjust the feed until the material almost touches the underside of the
knife. If the material is fresh, moisten it and the knife with water by
means of a camel's-hair brush; if preserved, use the preservative or 50%
alcohol. In some instances, a mixture of equal parts of 95% alcohol
and glycerin affords a better lubricant. As the sections are cut, move
them toward the back of the knife with the brush and leave there for
a few minutes to lessen danger of curling. Many technicians hold the
brush over the piece of material as a further precaution against curling.
Fresh material should then be transferred to watch glasses containing
formalin-aceto-alcohol or other desired fixing fluid; sections of preserved
material should be placed in 50% alcohol. One should cut about twice
as many sections as might actually be required^) that the best ones may
be picked out for mounting after the staining and dehydration are
completed. /,
Hard woods should be sectioned as described in the following section.
Celloidin sections are commonly treated as if they were freehand sections
(see Chap. X I ) . Paraffin sections of woody stems and other objects
from which essential portions will not drop out and become lost may also
be treated as if they were freehand sections. Sections of old Aristolochia
stems may, for instance, be placed in a< watch glass of xylol to remove the
paraffin and then carried down to weak alcohol or water for staining.
The staining and dehydration may be carried out in watch glasses;
the liquids are removed by means of pipettes. - Useful stain combinations
include: safranin and either Harris' hematoxylin, fast green, anilin blue
or crystal violet (the last dye especially for gymnosperm tissues), iodine
or methyl green with acid fuchsin, iron hematoxylin and orange G, or
any other stain recommended for lignified cell walls (see page 64), plus
a contrasting cytoplasmic or cellulose cell-wall stain. Wide changes
between water and all alcoholic percentages can be made without much
damage to the tissues. When the staining is completed, commence
rapid dehydration according to the hygrobutol method (page 110),
no matter in what solvent the sections might he. Give two changes of
pure hygrobutol. Mounting may be done directly in balsam, but it is
preferable to place first in dilute balsam and partially evaporate the
solvent. Xylol and similar hydrocarbons should be avoided since they



desiccate the sections and cause, them to become very brittle and to
curl up.
Hard Wood Sectioning.Hard woody stems have long been exasperatingly difficult to microtome. It is now possible to cut relatively thin
sections in a good sliding microtome by a simple expedient (Crowell
1930). Arrange a large Erlenmeyer flask over a gas flame near the
microtome; from the flask run a narrow-bore aluminum or monel metal
(not copper) tube, in which a few coils have been turned, to a position
above the block holder in the microtome. Adjust the heat under the
flask so that the water boils slowly. Below the coils in the tubing place
another burner (preferably with afishtailattachment) in order to vaporize
all the water before it leaves the open end of the tube. No water of
condensation should leave the tube, but the steam should condense upon
the wood, keeping it hot and wet. Sections as thin as 10/i, free from air
and curling, may now be cut, and thereafter treated as freehand sections.
Maceration of Tissues.Sections of plant stems, roots, barks, and
other organs rarely convey an accurate conception of the real nature
of the cells of which they are composed. The only method which reveals
cells in their entirety is .the dissociation method. By this procedure
the stem or other orga>|^|s treated with chemicals which dissolve the
middle lamellae and allow the cells to become separated from one another.
Thickenings, pores, and other distinguishing characteristics of the cells
are clearly brought out.
Jeffrey's Method.First cut the material (either fresh or dry) into
small slices or slivers about 300ju thick. Either boil and cool repeatedly
until free from air, or use the suction pump for the same purpose. Then
macerate in a solution of equal parts of 10% aqueous nitric acid and 10%
aqueous chromic acid. The solution may be heated in the paraffin
oven for woody tissues, but not for herbaceous stems. The time varies
according to the material, but cells should begin separating in about
24 hours. A thick glass rod with rounded end may be used to crush the
material very gently. does not crumble easily, replace the macerat
ing mixture with fresh fluid and continue action. Wash very thoroughly
with water to remove the acids. TJie use of a centrifuge is advisable
in order to speed up the process. The material may now be stained with,
any suitable basic stain; safranin may be recommended. Leave in 1%
safranin for about 6. hours; rinse thoroughly in water, then dehydrate
by the fairly rapid addition of hygrobutol. Give two changes of pure
hygrobutol, then infiltrate with balsam highly diluted with hygrobutol,
and evaporate down to a mounting consistency. Take care not to put
too much material on the slide (see Frontispiece).
Various other methods have been proposed (e.g., Harlow 1928),
but'Jeffrey's method is the simplest and has been found to be entirely
adequate for all maceration purposes.



Preservation of Plant Materials.The permanent preservation of

all types of plant materials in their original colors has long been a per^
plexing problem. Considerable success has recently been attained with
many types of material, but others, such as the Rhodophyta, still give
plenty of trouble. In the second section of the present^ text, methods
are cited for many of the plants therein discussed, but the following
general methods may be utilized.
1. A saturated, solution of boric acid in glycerin is said to be excellent.
2. Conanl's Hot Method.Prepare a stock solution of 50% acetic
acid saturated with cupric acetate. For use, dilute 1 part stock solution
with 4 parts water, place the material in this diluted solution, and boil
until the permanent "copper chlorophyll" develops in the material.
3. Conant's "Cold Pack" Method.Dilute 1 part of the stock solution
described in the preceding paragraph with 10 parts of 5% aqueous
formalin. Place specimens in the fluid, and leave until the proper
chemical changes occur. This may require several weeks, but a more
natural green than that imparted by the hot method usually results.
For more delicate material, such as the Chlorophyta, add a few drops
of the stock solution to'the following formalin-aceto-alcohol variation:
Glacial acetic acid
5 0 % ethyl alcohol.




4. The standard formalin-aceto-alcohol solution may also be used,

adding 0.2% cupric sulphate (Blaydes 1937). Or the proportions of the
formalin-aceto-alcohol may be changed as follows, adding the same
percentage of cupric sulphate:
Glacial acetic acid..
7 0 % ethyl alcohol..



Material preserved in these mixtures may, if necessary, be embedded

for sectioning. Preliminary experiments show that formalin-propionoalcohol is even better than formalin-aceto-alcohol, since the acetic acid
of the latter occasionally causes artifacts.
5. Dissolve cupric acetate crystals in 50% acetic acid until no more are
taken up. To 1 part of the solution, add 4 parts water. Place the
material or specimens into this solution, and bring the latter to boiling
over a flame. The green color of the material will change first to yellow
ish-green, then back to green. The boiling may take from 3 to 15
minutes. When the color appears satisfactory, remove the material,
wash in water, and store in 70% alcohol plus about 5% glycerin, to
prevent excessive evaporation.




6. Keefe's Preserving FluidThis solution is supposed both to kill

and to preserve the green color. In the experience of most users the
results are very inferior to Cohant's methods. Gymnosperm material
and fruits, particularly, are badly preserved. The color of flowers is
not preserved, but the fluid, if 10 g. copper acetate is substituted for the
copper chloride and uranium nitrate and if it is diluted somewhat with
water, is excellent for the Cyanophyta.

ethyl alcohol



Glacial acetic acid.
Copper chloride
Uranium nitrate










Frozen Sections.The freezing microtome, so commonly used in

clinical laboratories, has scarcely been employed in botanical micro
technique because plant materials do not lend themselves readily to the
' customary freezing methods.
Many types of plant materials containing both soft and hard tissues
may, however; be embedded in an agar matrix and excellent sections may
then be cut on a freezing microtome (Evenden and Schuster 1938).
Fix with formalin-aceto- (or propiono-) alcohol, rinse with water and
immerse in 5% agar in distilled water, and pour into heavy paper trays
of the sort used, for paraffin embedding. Allow the agar to solidify.
Block and place in the freezing microtome.
Some practice is required in judging the degree of freezing of the
material. Before each section is made, the material should be partially
thawed to a depth approximating the thickness of the section to be cut.
This may be done by rubbing the finger gently over the face of the block
or moistening with 50% ethyl alcohol.. The directions for operation
of the freezing microtome, which come with each machine or which can
be obtained from the manufacturer, should be explicitly followed,
particularly with regard to the attachment of the cylinder of freezing
The solidifying qualities of the agar decrease with age and remelting.
The stock solution should not be remelted more than three or four times.
If necessary to preserve the blocks, wrap in wet paper toweling arranged
with a wick and water reservoir to insure a constant moisture supply,
then place the whole under a bell jar. The blocks will keep in this
fashion for two or three weeks.
Those who wish to experiment further with freezing microtome
methods should consult texts on histological technique, clinical laboratory
methods, or recent research papers (e.g., Geschichter, et al., 1931; Hjort
and Moulton 1931),





Tannins.To show the distribution and nature of tannin-contairiing

vacuoles, fix in



10 c c .


90 cc.

Wash in water after 48 hours' immersion, embed, section at not over

lO/i, remove paraffin from sections, and mount in balsam without staining.
Root tips of Pinus are exceptionally favorable material.
Nucleoli.After fixation with a fluid giving an acid fixation image,
the resting nucleus is a hollow body with a centrally located, darkly
staining, spherical nucleolus, and a periphery composed of the chromatin
reticulum. The colorless halo surrounding the nucleolus is thus quiteevident. The halo surrounding the nucleolus has been reported by some
cytologists to be a distinct structure in the living cell, but others more
correctly consider the halo to be an artifact. After fixation in a fluid
giving a basic fixation image, the nucleus is a solid body composed of
fixed nuclear lymph in intimate contact with a centrally located nucleolus.
In this type of fixation image there is no halo.
The best fixing fluids for nucleoli are mixtures of bichromates and
acetates. The acetates seem to penetrate the tissues more rapidly and
thus primarily determine the fixation image. The bichromates harden
the image and enable it to pass through the dehydration stages relatively
unaltered. Most of the fixing fluids designed to fix chromatin have no
cation except hydrogen. These solutions are satisfactory preservatives
of chromatin but are quite erratic in the fixation of nucleoli. When the
cation of a chrom-acetic mixture is one of the group of heavy metals
(e.g., copper, mercury, uranium, or lead), both chromatin and nucleoli
are well fixed and mordanted (Zirkle 1928).
In the chapter on Staining Procedures the. effects, of different dyes
on nucleoli have been noted. To distinguish the nucleolus during
mitoses, staining in the following mixture for about 12 hours has been



100 cc.








Dehydration should be rapid to prevent excessive removal of stain.

Mycorrhiza.Mycorrhizas of forest trees occur on the smallest
rootlets and in the more superficial layers of the soil. Alnus growing
on the banks of streams furnishes an excellent source of material, as the




mycorrhizas are easily recognized on roots growing in the water or along

the banks. Fixation of such types may be in 1% chrom-acetic or in
Another fixing fluid which has been recommended is 5% chromic
sulphate in 4% formalin saturated with picric acid or preferably with
salicylic acid (Cohen and Doak 1935). The ectotropic type of mycorrhiza is more difficult to recognize; the roots of the orchid Corallorhiza
furnish the best material. Portions of the root may be fixed with the
fluid just mentioned or with chrom-acetic.
The ordinary safranin-fast green schedule gives a good stain on Alnus;
a triple combination is usually excellent on Corallorhiza; or the following
method might be tried. Stain sections for. 30 minutes in 3% aqueous
acetic acid saturated with orsellin BB (a Griibler dye), rinse with
water, pass through the alcohols to 95%, counterstain with 1% crystal
violet in clove oil (prepare by adding enough alcohol to 1 g. of the
dry dye in a flask to form a paste, heat the flask gently to drive off
excess alcohol, then add 100 cc. clove oil) for 5 minutes, rinse with xylol,
then clear in another jar of xylol, and mount in balsam.
If it is desired to cultivate the mycorrhiza-forming organism, Arcularius' solution may be utilized:
30 g.

M a l t extract
Dibasic potassium


Potassium carbonate
Distilled water

25 g.
1000 cc.

Plasmodesma.None of the usual embedding methods gives as good

or as striking pictures of plasmodesma as do temporary mounts of freshly
stained tissue. Although the mounts are only temporary, the prepara
tions give a clear and vivid picture of protoplasmic continuity between
cells (Crafts 1931). The following solutions should be made up in
Killing Solution: Potassium iodide, 0.75 g.; iodine, 1.50 g.; water,
100 cc.
Mordanting Solution: Potassium iodide, 1.25 g.; iodine, 1.0 g.; 5%
aqueous sulphuric acid, 100 cc.
Staining Solution: (1) 5% aqueous sulphuric acid; (2) crystal violet,
0.5 g.; distilled water, 100 cc.
Mounting Solution: Glycerin, 30 cc.; distilled water, 60 cc; zinc
chloride, 2 g.; potassium iodide, a trace; iodine, 0.2 g.
The killing and mordanting solutions should be mixed and warmed
until the iodine has dissolved to the point of saturation. The mounting
solution should also be warmed a little and a small crystal of, potassium
iodida added, which dissolves some of the excess iodine. The resulting



solution should be of a light tan color. All solutions containing iodine

should be kept in brown bottles in the dark when not in use.
Place fresh sections in the killing solution for 5 minutes; then swell
for 5 minutes in 10% sulphuric acid. Transfer to the mordanting solu
tion for 5 minutes, followed by washing in the 5% sulphuric acid until
the iodine starts to fade. The staining solution is prepared by placing
1 cc. of the sulphuric acid in a small watch glass and adding the violet
solution drop by drop until a deep green color is obtained. This unstable
stain solution should be used at once, and discarded when it starts to
fade. Transfer sections to the stain and allow to remain until darkened.
Remove sections to a slide, brush with a camel's-hair brush on both
surfaces to remove any adhering precipitates, then mount in the mount
ing solution. The sections are good for several weeks, and may even be
mounted in glycerin jelly for longer preservation.
The most satisfactory and easily available material in which to
demonstrate plasmodesma is the pith tissue from the center of a potato
tuber. Cross sections of the leaflets of Cycas are also excellent.
Statoliths.The name is given to the starch grains found in the basal
region of the cells of the root cap. They are rarely found in root tips
grown in nutrient solution, consequently tips grown in soil should be
used.' Most fixing fluids, so hydrolyze the statoliths that they are not
revealed by the subsequent staining. LaCour's fluids have given good
fixation. When the sections are stained by a triple combination, the
statoliths usually but not always take up the violet dye; when a quad
ruple combination is used, they absorb the green.
Cilia.Drop material into a concentrated aqueous solution of mer
curic chloride; after 10 to 20 minutes, wash in water; mordant 10 to
15 minutes in 0.33 to 1.65% phosphotungstic acid (discard the mordant
after using once); wash well in water; stain in toluidin blue (a 1:1000 to a
1:5000 dilution) for 30 seconds to several minutes, depending on the form,
at 50 to 60C.; dehydrate through the alcohols, clear in xylol, and mount
in balsam. Use the centrifuge whenever necessary. Cytoplasm should
be light blue, cilia and basal bodies dark blue.
Antherozoids.Put 1 drop of water containing the antherozoids on a
chemically clean slide, andfixby inverting the drop over the mouth of a
bottle containing osmic acid. About 2 minutes is required for fixation.
Then set aside to dry. Place slides in a saturated aqueous solution of
tannic acid for several hours (Steil 1933). Remove and wash the slides
thoroughly. Almost any brilliant coal-tar dye may now be used:
safranin, the violets, and fast green all give excellent results. Iroiiacetocarmin is good for the. sperms of all Pteridophyta. The stain may
be allowed to react for 10 minutes to several hours. After staining,
rinse the slide in water, dehydrate with two changes of absolute alcohol,
clear with clove oil, pass through xylol, and mount in balsam,

The present chapter deals with methods of making whole mounts of
entire small or more or less flat objects. There are many types of
material which are most satisfactorily mounted entire, i.e., without
sectioning, although some trimming of excess tissue, or reduction of large
pieces to a more convenient size may often be required. Among the
subjects commonly mounted whole may be mentionedfilamentousalgae
and fungi, flat thalloid algae, fern prothallia, delicate bryophytes and
mosses, pieces of leaf epidermis with stomata and occasionally trichomes
or glands, sori of ferns, small flowers, and pollen grains.
Whole mounts display many features not revealed by sectioning
methods and frequently permit a better comprehension of the nature of
certain organs than do sections. In well-prepared fern prothallia, for
instance, the development of the antheridia and archegonia can be
followed out far more easily than in sections. Again, whole mounts are
the only means by which the surpassing beauty of some of the most
fragile of plants can be preserved permanently. The red algae Antithamnion and Ceramium are examples.
Certain types of preparations are actually whole mounts but are
commonly included under other classifications. Smears of pollen
mother cells are really whole mounts, but since they are objects intended
for specialized cytological investigation, rather than for general morpho
logical purposes, they are classified and described elsewhere.
Freehand sections of woods or stems might also be included as whole
mounts, but their treatment is so different that they must be excluded.
Various staining methods applicable to the classes of material men
tioned above are outlined in a special section at the conclusion of the
descriptions of the different procedures.

The Hygrobutol Method.This method is probably the one most

certain to afford satisfactory results. Even beginners in microtechnique
have had complete success with the schedule, as it works well even with
such a supposedly difficult subject as Spirogyra. It is the least expensive
of all.




It must be emphasized that each step, in its logical sequence, must be

carried out. Variations in or departures from any of the steps are likely
to result in disaster.
la. A weak or medium chrom-acetic killing fluid will probably, in
most cases, allow the most brilliant staining effects. The filamentous
Chlorophyta will come out better in such afluidthan from one containing
formalin. Wash out the fluid thoroughly with running water.
6. The marine algae of a filamentous or sufficiently thin thalloid type
may be fixed in a 1% chrom-acetic fluid, or in 10% formalin, both made
up with sea water; washed out thoroughly with sea water; and the trans
fer from sea to distilled water carriedout by gradual stages.
c. Formalin-aceto-alcohol works satisfactorily with all types of
material except those from aquatic habitats. Wash out the fluid with
distilled water instead of the customary 50 or 70% alcohol.
The material should be kept in deep solid watch glasses or low stender
or crystallizing dishes for this and all the succeeding steps. Fluids
may be removed with a giant pipette. All the steps may be carried out
in the one container, which procedure obviously lessens the danger of
damage resulting from too much handling of the objects.
2. Stain with an-aqueous stain or preferably some hematoxylin or
carmin mixture. Harris' or iron hematoxylin or Mayer's carmalum
are strongly recommended, the first and last particularly so. Differenti
ate the dye sharply, taking care not to destain too far since the following
steps may sometimes carry the differentiation a little further. Wash
out the differentiator thoroughly.
3. Dehydrate in 15, 30, 50, and 70% ethyl alcohol, allowing at least
20 minutes in each: Always keep the container covered between changes
of fluids.
4. Leave overnight or for at least 18 hours in 85% ethyl alcohol. The
purpose of the long immersion is to harden the tissues; no change will be
actually apparent, but the hardening nevertheless occurs. The material
does not become rigid or brittle; in fact the apparent lack of change during
this period may lead incautious technicians astray. If the step is short
ened, the material will become excessively brittle immediately upon the
addition of a stronger alcohol, and it generally will not be amenable to
further treatment.
5. Counterstain with any desired cytoplasmic dye dissolved in equal
parts of 95%. alcohol and methyl cellosolve. After a hematoxylin,
erythrosin B is recommended for the Rhodophyta, orange G for the
Phaeophyta, and fast green for the Chlorophyta, since in each instance
the material will be given a more or less naturalistic coloration. On
some materials stained basically with a carmin stain, a counterstain
may be undesirable, but on others one will reveal otherwise obscured or




unstained details. With leaves or portions of epidermis, for example,

anilin blue or fast green provides a good contrast for Mayer's carmalum.
The counterstain may be used in fairly strong concentration as there is
little chance of overstaining. The time should be about 15 minutes, but
one should make certain that the stain has thoroughly penetrated the
material. Differentiation of the counterstain is rarely required. The
hygrobutol, to follow in the next step, exerts a certain differentiating
effect at the same time that it prevents the 95% alcohol from extracting
too much of the stain.
6. Pour off the counterstain, and rapidly wash out excess dye with
95% ethyl alcohol. Replace with fresh 95% alcohol,, and immediately
(even if the second 95% alcohol is tinged with the counterstain) begin
the addition of hygrobutol by the gradual substitution method. This
consists in adding a small amount of the hygrobutol every 30 seconds or
so, avoiding strong diffusion currents, and mixing the fluids by tilting
the container back and forth. Between every third or fourth addition,
discard some of the, mixture. Continue in this fashion until the propor
tions are about 90 parts of hygrobutoband 10 parts ethyl alcohol. It is
unnecessary and probably undesirable to attempt to get rid of all the
ethyl alcohol, unless a very delicate counterstain which might be injured
by the ethyl alcohol has been used.
7. Pour off most of the mixture of butyl and ethyl alcohols, and replace
immediately with balsam (thick), diluted at least ten times with hygro
butol. Use many times as much diluted balsam as the bulk of the
material. Set the container aside, exposed to the air, but in a warm,
dust-:free. place, until the solvent has evaporated sufficiently to leave the
balsam of a mountable consistency.
The evaporation should not proceed too rapidly on delicate materials;
2 hours is- probably the safest minimum for the process. Watch the
progress of the evaporation; if the material should be in danger of
becoming exposed owing to an insufficient amount of diluted balsam
having been used at the. beginning, add more of the diluted balsam.
Never add thicker balsam to a diluted mixture.
8. Mount in balsam. Circular cover glasses should preferably be
used since a more accurate judgment of the required amount of balsam
can be made. .
Objects which are mounted singly can be manipulated without
difficulty. With filamentous algae or fungi, fine scissors should be used
freely. One should never attempt to pull filaments of Spirogyra, for
example, out of the mass of material, but the entire mass should be cut
into portions not over 5 mm. long. The mass can then be easily separated
and the individual filaments spread out in the drop of balsam on the




To make the mount, put a fairly large drop (about the size of two
grains of wheat) in the center of a clean slide. Take up some of the
material with a needle or tiny spatula hammered out of a needle, and
place in the drop of balsam, taking care that the balsam covers the
material. Carefully spread the material to avoid overlapping. It
would be a good idea to trace the outline of a slide on a 3 X 5 piece of
cardboard, then within the outline to trace around the size of coverslip
being used, allowing sufficient room at the left for the label (note the
first two slides in Fig. 13). Pick up the cleaned coverslip with finepointed forceps, pass once through an alcohol flame to remove moisture,
then apply to the balsam and lower in a slanting position so as to avoid
trapping air bubbles. If the amount pf balsam has been properly
judged, it should just come up to the edges of the coverslip. Slight
pressure on top of the cover with the forceps may be required if the
amount of balsam was somewhat insufficient, or if the material is curled
up a little. Finally place the slide on a warming plate for a day or two
to solidify the balsam.
The Dioxan Method.The dioxan method is also easy but is a rather
expensive method. It has one serious disadvantage, viz., that only
aqueous or weakly alcoholic stains can be employed. But even this
disadvantage may easily be circumvented if a thorough knowledge
of the manipulation of the various dyes is already possessed by the
Only pure anhydrous dioxan can be employed in this method; the
practical and ordinary commercial types are useless.
1. Kill, fix, wash, and stain the material with aqueous stains. Care
fully wash out all surplus dye with water; if unattached dye particles
remain, they will be precipitated by the dioxan.
2. Dehydrate with the following mixtures of dioxan and distilled
water, allowing about 30 minutes in each: 50, 75, 80, 90, 95%, then leave
overnight in pure dioxan and follow by two changes during a 3^-hour
period the next morning. The critical period is between the 90% and
pure dioxan. If any plasmolysis (apart from any produced by the killing
fluid) occurs, return to the next lower percentage, and leave until turgor
is restored and upgrade again by a more gradual series.
3. Infiltrate with balsam highly diluted with dioxan, in the same
manner as described above in the hygrobutol method. The evaporation
of the dioxan will proceed somewhat rapidly, consequently progress
should be checked at frequent intervals. In mounting, do not use too
much balsam because a small amount of dioxan-diluted balsam will be
carried over with the material, and it will dilute the balsam somewhat
but not enough to cause bubbles to form under the edges of the coverslip



The Creosote Method.While the two preceding methods should

prove satisfactory with most materials, one may occasionally prefer to
use for bulkier materials, such as fern prothallia with young sporophytes
attached, Nemalion and similar Rhodophyta, thick pieces of leaf epider
mis or styles with microgametophytes, a clearing agent which renders
them more transparent than does hygrobutol or dioxan.
Beechwood creosote is excellent for the purpose. The brand employed
should be Hartmann and Hauer's, as all other brands, most of which
are synthetic compounds, have failed completely to give even passable
results. Great care must be taken to avoid getting any creosote on the
skin as it produces extremely irritating blisters,
Kill, fix, wash, and stain ^ the material as usual. One may freely
transfer the material, if necessary, from water to 50% ethyl alcohol,
and vice versa, without appreciable harm. Pass through 70 and 80%
ethyl alcohol, allowing at least 10 minutes in each. Any counterstains
which are best employed "in strong alcoholic solutions may be used at
this juncture. Next pass through the following mixtures of creosote and
85% ethyl alcohol, allowing 15 to 20 minutes in each: 1 part creosote
to 4 parts alcohol, equal portions of the two reagents, 4 parts creosote
to 1 part alcohol, followed by two changes of pure creosote. Since
creosote and thick balsam are perfectly miscible, one could theoretically
go directly into balsam diluted with creosote. The practical difficulty,
however, is that it would be many months or even a year before the
creosote would evaporate sufficiently to permit mounting the material,
and many more months would elapse before the balsam mounts hardened.
It is therefore better to remove most of the creosote with a more volatile
solvent which is perfectly miscible with both creosote and balsam.
Either hygrobutol or dioxan may be used, in the following proportions of
solvent and creosote: 1:5, 2:5, 3:5, 4:5, then through a change of the
pure solvent. About 15 minutes in each change suffices. Next place
the material in balsam highly diluted with the solvent, then set aside
to concentrate as usual.
The Glycerin-Xylol Method.

1. Kill, fix, and wash as usual. Stain with an aqueous basic stain,
such as one of the hematoxylins.
2. Put the material in 10% aqueous glycerin, place the container
where dust will not settle in (but do not cover), and leave for several
days until the diluted glycerin attains the consistency of pure glycerin.
The process may be accelerated by placing the container in the paraffin
oven on an upper shelf. Do not allow the material to become exposed;
add more of the diluted glycerin if necessary.
3. Remove the glycerin with several changes of 95% alcohol. The
thicker the mass of material, the more the number of changes of alcohol



required to remove the glycerin, as it sticks to the mass rather closely.

If the material is placed in a wire strainer and, the latter placed in a
suitable dish so that about 1 cm. of space is left clear below the strainer,
the heavier glycerin will soon settle down.
4. Counterstain, if desired, with any suitable acid dye dissolved in
95% alcohol.
5. -Complete dehydration in a change of absolute alcohol.
6. Dealcoholize in a series of about six to eight intermediates between
absolute alcohol and xylol; a longer series is preferable to a short one.
Start with a proportion of 9:1, then 8:2, etc. The time in each mixture
may be between 5 and 10 minutes. It is not necessary to get rid of all
absolute alcohol as it will evaporate during the next step, but if there
seems to be danger that the alcohol may extract any stain, give two
changes of pure xylol.
Hygrobutol may be substituted for the xylol, and there is less danger
of the material becoming hardened.
7. Transfer to balsam highly diluted with xylol (or with hygrobutol
if that reagent has been substituted), then set aside to evaporate to a
mounting consistency.
The Venetian Turpentine Method.The following schedule repre
sents a modernization and simplification of the old Venetian turpentine
method, long a favorite with the older botanists.
1. Kill, stain, and dehydrate gradually with ethyl alcohol until
absolute alcohol is reached. Give two changes of the absolute alcohol.
Make a 10% solution of Venetian turpentine in absolute alcohol,
keeping it in a tightly stoppered bottle. If the turpentine is too thick
to flow easily, place the container in a hot-water bath until it flows easily.
Prepare an exsiccator. A specially constructed exsiccator should be
available in most laboratories, but if one cannot be found, it is not at all
difficult to.arrange a satisfactory substitute. In the regular exsiccator,
fill the bottom compartment half full of a mixture of equal portions of
sodium hydroxide (white sticks) and calcium chloride. Or fused calcium
chloride may be used alone. In lieu of an exsiccator, secure a piece of
plate glass and a bell jar of as low a height as possible but wide enough
to cover a saucer and one or more watch glasses. Place the hydroxidelime (or chloride) in the saucer. Cover the top of the exsiccator or the
bottom of the bell jar with a thin but even layer of vaseline or petrolatum.
The transfer is now ready to be made, and it should be performed as
expeditiously as possible in damp climates. Pour off the absolute alcohol,
place the watch glass or other container in the exsiccator, and fill with
the 10% turpentine. Then place the cover or bejl jar in position, and
see that the vaseline has spread evenly, leaving no air leaks. Be careful
not to let any of the drier get into the turpentine. The concentration



of the turpentine should not proceed too rapidly. The amount of drier
can be regulated so that the process takes four or five days. Do not
try to open the exsiccator until you are fairly certain that the turpentine
has become thick enough for mounting, which will be when it/has the
consistency of pure glycerin. If the cover is taken off too soon, the
turpentine is practically certain to become cloudy.
After the drier absorbs sufficient moisture to become nearly saturated,
it is best to remove it, heat until dry and then replace; or fresh drier
may be used. If the turpentine shows any sign of cloudiness, it is
spoiled. If the material is too valuable to be thrown away, wash in
absolute alcohol until the cloudiness disappears, then begin again with
the 10% turpentine.
To mount, first cut the material into suitable portions with fine
scissors, if this should be necessary. Gather up a small quantity of the
material with a needle, and place on a clean slide. Add the requisite
amount of xylol-balsam, then the coverslip (circles are preferable).
The material may be mounted in the turpentine, of course, but experience
has shown that it is far better to mount in balsam as the turpentine is
rather prone to crystallize, and one cannot be perfectly certain of its
If it is not convenient to mount all of the material at once, it may be
stored in vials which must be securely corke.d; the cork and upper part
of the vial should be sealed with melted paraffin as a precaution against
the turpentine becoming too thick.
2. Proceed as far as the end of step 2 of the dioxan method. Make
a 10% solution of Venetian turpentine'in dioxan and transfer the material
to this mixture. The solvent can be evaporated in the open air without
danger of the absorption of moisture. Mount in balsam as usual after
the turpentine has become sufficiently thickened.





W H O L E - M O U N T


The selection of the stain or stain combination to be used on objects

intended for mounting whole depends entirely on the nature of the
material itself. The greater the clarity of internal detail that may be
required, the more transparent the stain or stains must be. Some dyes
give an opaque stain, which obviously tends to obscure finer internal
details. Most of the coal-tar dyes are in this category, but with certain
types of material there frequently results more differentiation than
might be expected. One can only try the stain or combination on a
small portion of the material and observe the result under the microscope.
Harris' hematoxylin is an unusually transparent stain eminently suited
for bulky materials and is unsurpassed for many types.



The basic or nuclear stain should be used in rather dilute concen

tration. Differentiation is not always easy.
Iron Hematoxylin.For filamentous algae and many fungi of a
similar structure, this is particularly suitable. It is, unfortunately,
very difficult to apply to the Rhodophyta as these plants usually break
up in either the mordant or the stain. Nor is it suitable for pieces of
leaf epidermis, for Bryophyta, or for fern prothallia.
After the fixing fluid has been thoroughly washed out, mordant in 2 %
aqueous ferric ammonium sulphate for 2 hours, no longer. Then wash
thoroughly in running water for about 20 minutes, and rinse in two
changes of distilled water. Stain for at least 2 hours or overnight in
0.2% aqueous hematoxylin, well ripened. Wash out all excess stain with
distilled water. Destain in 2% aqueous ferric ammonium sulphate
or ferric chloride until the stain, as observed under the microscope, seems
to be satisfactory. When the nuclei appear dark grayish in water, they
will look black or bluish-black when finally mounted in balsam. One
soon learns to recognize a grayishfluorescencein the material, which is
generally an accurate criterion of proper differentiation. Wash the
differentiator out very thoroughly with running water.
Iron Hematoxylin with Counterstain.Many excellent counterstains
for iron hematoxylin are available, the one to be selected being governed
principally by the nature of the material. Sometimes one dye works
better than another; only experimenting can determine this point.
Erythrosin, fast green, orange G, anilin blue, and safranin may all be
used in 1% solutions in 95% alcohol. In the case of the safranin add a
few drops of the 1% solution in the 95% alcohol in which the material
lies, and watch the material critically for the next 20 minutes or so.
When the stain is just right, wash out the excess stain in a change of
95% alcohol.
Delafield's Hematoxylin with Iron Hematoxylin and Fast Green.

After washing out the ferric destaining solution, counterstain with

Delafield's hematoxylin. With some materials this solution (which
should be used in highly diluted form) imparts a violet stain, with others
it merely acts as a sort of mordant for the fast green and causes the other
wise faint or colorless cell walls to stain brilliantly. Apply the fast
green in 95% alcohol as usual. The combination is most suitable for
filamentous Chlorophyta.
Harris' Hematoxylin with Counterstain.Harris' hematoxylin is
really superb for the Rhodophyta and for fern prothallia with sex organs.
The stain is decidedly transparent and clearly reveals the internal
cellular organization of even thick .objects. The color imparted by
Harris' hematoxylin is similar to that of Delafield's but is less variable
and more precise.




For the Rhodophyta the best counterstain is erythrosin B; it may

be used in 95% ethyl alcohol as usual. If the dioxan method is used, a
1% aqueous solution of the erythrosin may be employed with safety
since the dioxan scarcely extracts the stain. Fast green should be sub
stituted for the erythrosin in the case of fern prothallia, leaf epidermis,
and similar subjects; the erythrosin will stain such material more evenly
but the red color is too unnatural.
Safranin and Fast Green.This combination is excellent for many
types of plant material, such as powdery mildews and similar fungi on
leaves, fern leaves with sori, and thick epidermis peelings. It would
be best to follow the glycerin dehydration method. When the. dehydra
tion with glycerin is begun, add a few drops of a 1 % aqueous solution of
safranin 0. As the glycerin concentrates, those structures possessing
an affinity for safranin become red. Wash out the glycerin as usual.
To the last change of absolute alcohol add a few drops of 0.2% fast
green in 95% alcohol. Proceed to Venetian turpentine. (Unpublished
method of Dr. G. H. Conant.)
Anilin blue may be used in place of the fast green, but a saturated
solution in 95% alcohol is required.
If the dioxan or creosote dehydrating schedule is used, the fast
green or anilin blue should obviously, and as a rule, be used in aqueous
solution. However, the fast green may be dissolved in 50% dioxan or
in pure creosote and used at the appropriate stage in the respective
schedule. It scarcely overstains, and only the surplus stain needs
to be washed out (with 50% dioxan or with pure creosote, as the case
may be).
Fast Green.The dye alone suffices for many classes of material,
especially those which are naturally dark colored and do not lose the
color during the various processes. Maturing zygotes of Rhizopus or
ripe sporangia of many ferns are cases in point. The stain will also
reveal clearly the embedded foot of the sporophyte in whole mounts of

Among the older botanists, and especially with the algologists, the
glycerin method was the only one followed in the mounting of algae and
similar plants. The method has fallen into disuse since the introduction
of more permanent methods, but it still has its occasional uses, and for
this reason it is being presented. When first proposed, the schedule
called for" mounting in pure glycerin, but later improvements included
final mounting in some form of glycerin jelly, which added to the per
manence of the preparations.
Unstained Preparations.Glycerin will frequently preserve the
natural colors of various plants, such as unicellular and colonial Chlorophyta, moss protonema, spores of fungi, Equisetum, and ferns. Delicate
objects which might easily plasmolyze may be placed in a drop of 10%
aqueous glycerin on a.chemically clean slide and the glycerin allowed to
concentrate. When this has occurred, add a coverslip very cautiously
so as not to allow any of the glycerin to ooze beyond the edge, and later,
seal as described below. If only temporary sealing is required, vaseline
will serve.
Stained Preparations.Kill and fix the material as usual. Only
aqueous stains may be used on material intended for mounting in glycerin
jelly. Iron hematoxylin with or without a counterstain will generally
be found wholly satisfactory. The staining completed, place the material
in 10% aqueous glycerin in a dish which permits the exposure of as much
surface as possible. Put the container where evaporation of the water
may take place. It may be put on an upper shelf or cooler part of the
paraffin oven, but care should be taken to see that evaporation does not
proceed too rapidly; otherwise some shrinkage may result.
When the diluted glycerin has become about as thick as pure glycerin,
the material is ready to be mounted. The best mounting medium is
Kaiser's glycerin-gelatin. To make it, place 1 part by weight of Knox's
or other pure gelatin in 6 parts by weight of water, and allow to soak for
at least 2 hours. Add 7 parts by weight of glycerin, and for every
100 g. of the mixture add 1 g. phenol crystals. Warm for about 15 min
utes, stirring constantly and vigorously until all the flakes produced by
the phenol have disappeared. Filter through cotton while still warm.
^ The mixture is best stored in a small bottle that can conveniently be




warmed in a hot-water bath. When ready to mount, put some of the

material, freed from as much of the excess glycerin as possible by touching
to absorbent paper, on a chemically clean slide, and add just enough of
the warmed jelly mixture to come to. the edge of the round coverslip
after the latter has been applied. If any of the mixture has oozed beyond
the coverslip, it is impossible to seal the mount properly. The mounts
may be sealed either as soon as the jelly has solidified, or they may first
be set aside for a week or 10 days.
Various cements and other media have been used for sealing the
mounts. Gold size has been most commonly used, Canada balsam com
ing next. Shellac, asphaltum, King's cement, Duco. cement and plain
Duco, Hazen's cement (8 parts rosin and 2 parts anhydrous lanolin:
melt the rosin first, then add the lanolin; apply hot), and different kinds
of varnishes have all been employed.
Sealing may be done freehand or with the aid of a turntable. In
either case considerable practice is required to turn out a satisfactory
ring. Brush a thin coating of the cement over the margin of the coverslip and the adjacent slide. Wait for one coat to dry thoroughly before
applying the next. The number of coats required depends mostly
upon the character of the cement used, but two should suffice. In using
the turntable, place the slide in position, and center accurately. Dip
a fine-pointed brush in the cement, give the table a spin and touch the
tip of the brush to the slide as far from the coverslip as it is desired that
the ring shall extend. Approach the coverslip gradually but without
actually touching it. Dip the brush in the cement again, and give the
table another spin. Bring down the brush so as to touch the coverslip
gently, and bring the ring of cement into contact with the earlier applica
tion. The cement should be extended over the coverslip about 1.5 mm.
from the periphery.
Glycerin or glycerin jelly preparations should always be stored flat,
never on edge, otherwise the material will sink to the lower edge.

To some schools of microtechnical philosophy, the celloidin method
is one that has lapsed into desuetude; to others it is the only procedure .
worth following. The one considers the smear and paraffin methods
adequate for practically, all purposes, while the other regards them
as distinctly inferior. The beginning technician will very soon find
himself confronted with this very sharp conflict of opinion and will
wonder why it should exist. The celloidin method as applied to plant
materials is practically the procedure developed by a single man and
his students, while the other methods were built up by numerous workers.
For plants one method is scarcely better than another, intrinsically;
it all depends upon the individual technician and his manipulative
ability, whether time is an important factor and cost no great object.
Despite the claims of its proponents, the celloidin method is a difficult
one to master in its details. It is also the most expensive one. Never
theless, anyone who has had sufficient experience with both the paraffin
and the celloidin methods will readily admit that the celloidin schedule
will afford better results with certain types of materials. For example,
perfect sections of woody stems cannot always be cut in paraffin, but
really remarkable results are obtainable with celloidin. On the other
hand, root' tips and buds for chromosome studies are better in paraffin
than in any other medium, if sections rather than smears are indicated.
Almost any sort of plant material may be embedded in celloidin, if
the nature of the material is carefully considered.
The treatment of the material preliminary to embedding is the same
as for the paraffin method. After the killing fluid has been washed out,
the material is gradually brought up to absolute ethyl alcohol, of which
at least two changes should be used to insure the removal of all water.
The material is then ready for infiltration.
By another method the material may be dehydrated with tertiary
butyl alcohol in the regular manner but carried only as far as the mixture
of 75% tertiary butyl alcohol and 25% absolute ethyl alcohol. From
this it is transferred to a mixture of equal parts of tertiary butyl alcohol,
absolute alcohol, and either.
The pieces of celloidin should be removed from the bottle in which
they are stored in water, washed with water, then with 95% alcohol,
and finally spread on paper toweling to dry thoroughly. Equal parts of





ether and absolute alcohol is the solvent almost universally employed.

Make up five solutions of solvent and celloidin, each in a separate,
tightly stoppered,bottle: 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10%.
From absolute alcohol the material is passed through an intermediate
stage of equal parts of ether and absolute alcohol, then transferred to a
wide-mouthed bottle and covered with 2% celloidin. Subsequent treat
ment may follow either of two methods, in one of which (1) the celloidin
is used cold, in the other (2) heat is employed.
1. From the 2% celloidin transfer to the 4% and so on to the 10%
solution, allowing from one to many days for each percentage. The
length of time required depends on the nature of the material and can
be easily judged. Or one may partially expose the material in 2%
celloidin to the air and allow the solvent to evaporate slowly. In either
Case, weeks are often required for the proper impregnation and embedding
of the material.
2. If heat is to be used to hasten the impregnation process, wide. mouthed flanged bottles are needed. After placing the material in the
bottle and covering with 2% celloidin, insert the cork stopper securely,
and either wire or otherwise clamp the cork in firmly so that it will not
be blown out by the pressure exerted through the vaporization of the
solvents Place the bottle on its side in a constant temperature oven,
with the temperature between 45 and 55C. The change from one
concentration of celloidin to the next higher one may be made about
every 24 hours. Always cool the bottle before attempting to open, and
clamp the cork tightly, as before.
After the 10% celloidin has been reached, it is impracticable to use
higher percentages because of the difficulty of holding back the material
when making transfers. The 10% solution may be thickened by the
occasional addition of small chips of dry celloidin. The thickening
process should be carried on until the celloidin mass appears more or
less stringy as it runs down the sides of the bottle when the latter is
quickly inverted.
Embedding is accomplished by removing the individual pieces of
material from the thickened celloidin with a pair of fine forceps and
holding in chloroform to harden. Care should be taken to see that each
piece of material is surrounded by an ample coating of celloidin before
being immersed in the chloroform. The mass will in a few moments be
sufficiently hardened on the surface to be cut from the forceps with a
scalpel. After 24 hours' immersion in the chloroform, transfer the.
pieces of material to a mixture of equal parts of glycerin and 95% alcohol,
in which they may be left indefinitely.
A sliding microtome is required for sectioning materials embedded in I
celloidin, although the new Spencer No. 820 rotary microtome may be




equipped with a special holder in which the knife may be oriented at an

oblique angle. The knives used should be heavier in style than those
employed for paraffin sectioning and a keen edge must be maintained.
After the embedded material has remained, in the glycerin- 95% alco
hol mixture for several days, it is ready for mounting and sectioning.
One should not attempt microtoming the material without first treating
with the glycerin-alcohol mixture. One end of a block of wood, cut to a
convenient size, is dipped in 6% celloidin, then allowed to dry. Remove
excess celloidin from the embedded piece of material which is to be sec
tioned. Then immerse both the wood block and the piece of material
in 6>% celloidin, place the object in position upon the end of the block,
and set the whole aside to dry for about 10 minutes.
Place the mounted block in the object holder of the microtome.
Insert the knife, and clamp tightly. The edge of the knife and the
object are^both kept wet with 95% alcohol, which may be applied with a
fine-pointed camel's-hair brush. Hold the brush on top of the object
(as is done when cutting freehand sections), taking care not to move it
or to allow it to project between the object and the knife, then move
the knife carriage forward with a steady stroke to cut a section. The
section may be moved toward the upper edge of the knife blade and left
there for awhile. If removed from the knife immediately, there is a
strong tendency for the sections to curl. Serial ribbon sections, such as
occur when one microtomes material embedded in paraffin, cannot be
obtained from celloidin material. The sections may presently be
transferred to a watch glass of 95% alcohol. After a section is cut, if the
sliding microtome is used, move the knife carriage back, and if the feed is
not automatic, adjust the object holder to the proper thickness for the
next section. The sections should be examined from time to time by
placing one on a clean slide and placing this under a low-power microscope
objective, paying attention to the proper thickness of the material and the
smoothness of the sectioning.
The angle at which the knife is oriented is a matter of importance
and is best determined by experience. As a rule, the softer the material
to be sectioned, the more obliquely the knife should be placed to the line
of movement of the knife carriage. For hard materials, for example, such
as tough stems or pieces of coal, the knife should be at a right angle.
Almost any desired combination of stains can be used on celloidin
sections. The celloidin matrix is usually not removed from the sections;
if it seems desirable to remove it, it is best to do so during the later stages
of dehydration or just before mounting. The matrix sometimes pre
vents the dyes from being as brilliant as they are with freehand or paraffin
sections; the tones, in other words, appear flat. The matrix itself is
usually stained more or less but this does not interfere to any appreci-




able extent when the completed slides are examined under the micro
scope. For woody sections iron hematoxylin and safranin form an ideal
To effect dehydration, transfer the sections to 95% alcohol for about
1 minute, then pass through two changes of absolute alcohol to which
about 5% of chloroform is added to prevent the alcohol from dissolving
the matrix. Clearing may be effected with either xylol or preferably
benzol. If it is desired that the matrix be removed, this can be done by
interpolating ether or a mixture of equal parts of ether and absolute
alcohol between the second absolute alcohol and the clearer. The 95%
and the first absolute alcohol will remove the excess stain, in case coal-tar
dyes have been used, from both sections and matrix. Dehydration
may also be effected by the use of beechwood creosote; the creosote
softens the celloidin just enough to prevent the sections from curling
when mounting and also removes excess stain from the matrix. Wash
out the creosote with xylol. When ready for mounting, the sections
may be transferred to a slide and arranged as desired. Place a few
drops of balsam, preferably dissolved in benzol and somewhat thicker
than that used for paraffin sections, on the sections, and add the coverslip. If the sections appear not to be sufficiently flattened, a lead weight'
may be placed on top of the coverslip to press out the excess balsam.
Dry the mounts on the drying table as usual.


Suitable materials may first be embedded in celloidin and then in

paraffin. Various methods have been proposed for accomplishing the
result, but all differ solely in the nature of the reagents employed for
making the transfer into paraffin. In any case; the infiltration with
celloidin is carried out as usual, and the block is hardened in chloroform.
From the chloroform the celloidin-embedded material may be trans
ferred to castor-xylol (1 part castor oil and 3 parts xylol) in order to
clarify and to complete hardening. Then place in melted paraffin in the
oven for a day or two. If desired, the material may be placed in either
pure xylol or pure cedarwood oil for 12 hours before going into the
paraffin. Finally embed, and section as for ordinary paraffin materials.
Another method is to transfer the material to 4% celloidin in clove
oil (an 8% solution of celloidin in absolute alcohol-ether diluted with an
equal volume of clove oil) for 2 to 24 hours (Tschernyachinsky 1930).
Place in chloroform for 30 minutes, then transfer to chloroform-paraffin
in the oven, and leave until the material sinks. Next transfer through
several changes of pure paraffin and finally embed.
A third method, which involves the chance of considerable danger
from explosion if ovens with exposed heating elements are used, utilizes




benzene (not benzine). From the chloroform, transfer to equal parts

of chloroform and benzene, then to pure benzene, next to a mixture of
benzene and melted paraffin, and finally to pure paraffin.
Sections may be cut on a rotary microtome, exactly as plain paraffin
sections are made, and a ribbon will be formed. To mount the sections
on slides, prepare the following adhesive: mix 2 cc. acetone with 1 drop
methyl benzoate, and add 8 cc. distilled water. Two or three drops of
Mayer's adhesive may also be added and the whole mixed thoroughly.
Flood the slide with this mixture, and place the sections thereon. Use
little heat for spreading, as the sections begin to straighten out as soon
as they are placed on the mixture.


The paraffin method is still the most popular one, and there is little
reason to suppose that it will ever become entirely supplanted unless
some as yet unknown substance can be found which has all the properties
of paraffin except that it does not require heat to transform it to the fluid
state and that it is miscible with all solvents. There is scarcely any
danger that either the smear or the celloidin method will supersede the
paraffin method since both have inherent faults not found in the paraffin
method, although it is freely admitted that the paraffin method has its
occasional difficulties. The different methods. should, as a matter of
fact, be considered as supplementary to one another.
The older paraffin infiltration procedures called for the use of bergamot oil, cedar oil, or xylol as a "clearing agent" but the recent introduc
tion of tertiary butyl alcohol as a substitute for these reagents has
permitted considerable refinement, shortened the time, allowed greater
latitude in the selection of materials to be embedded for microtoming,
eliminated excessive hardening of the material, and greatly lessened the
probability of failure, as well as making the method far less tedious and
expensive. The advantages of tertiary butyl alcohol over other fluids
are numerous, its disadvantages so few as to be negligible. However, for
the benefit of those who might wish to use them, several of the older
schedules will be described in sufficient detail.
Whether one uses xylol, tertiary butyl alcohol, chloroform, acetone, or
whatever other clearing agent, the preliminary stages of manipulating
the material are identical and may be discussed independently.


M A T E R I A L ,




Collection as well as preparation of the material to be embedded is a

far more important step than it has usually been regarded. Indeed, with
the newer and highly refined schedules, the preliminary stage becomes
the one upon which everything else depends. If the material is not
selected with sufficient care and properly prepared at the beginning,
none'of the succeeding steps will correct the initial errors.
In a single collection of material there should be included only one
species or form, and only some particular organ or portions of this organ,
such as anthers or sections of stem or leaf. If, for example, one wishes to
study meiosis in the anthers of Jjilium, the anthers should be dissected





out of the buds and partitioned into sections not over 8 mm. in length.
An entire series of stages in the development of the anthers should be
included in the first collection since one can learn only from personal
experience or by experiment the exact stage in growth during which a
particular phase, such as diaphase, occurs. Then, in later collections, any
desired stage may alone be collected. Buds, ovaries, and similar organs
with enclosed air spaces of considerable size should be opened in some
innocuous way to facilitate penetration of the various reagents. When
there is only one kind or type of material in a collection, far more uniform
fixation, dehydration, and infiltration are secured.
. . It is -presumed that the material to be embedded has been accurately
identified. It goes without saying that anything whose source and exact
I identity are unknown is not worth bothering about.
Some permanent record of the nature of the material, the procedures
followed, and other pertinent data, is necessary. A series of numbers or?
other symbols may be written on fairly stiff .w,hite paper with waterproof'
India ink, and,the corresponding symbols On ordinary 3 X 5-inch index
cards or in some sort of record book. A number is cut off and placed
in the vial or bottle with the material arid embedded with the latter
(note Fig. 4, A, C, and D), while all requisite information is written .on
the card or in the record book. In a large research laboratory'nit is
necessary to keep rather accurate and detailed records'; a printed form
will then be found most satisfactory.
The various killing andfixingfluidshave been described in an earlier
chapter, together with notes regarding their suitability for various kinds
of material and directions concerning aftertreatment. In the second
sectiori further suggestions with respect to the different groups or families
of plants are offered. It is well to bear in mind the fact that, simply
because a certain fluid gave excellent results with some particular
material, it does not follow that equally good results will be obtained
with almost anything else. To use the first availablefluidand to expect
the material to be properlyfixedis a common practice and one severely
to be condemned. Some study should be made of the nature of the
material to be fixed,-with special reference to exactly which structures
one particularly wishes to study, at the same time giving consideration
to suitable killing and fixing fluids. Formalin-aceto- (or propiono-)
alcohol, for'example, gives perfect fixation of such diversified structures
i! as filamentous algae and woody stems, but usually gives atrocious
\ fixation of chromosomes and dissolves mitochondria.
For ordinary purposes shell vials about 2.5 cm. in diameter and
7 cm. in length, with tightly fitting corks, are wholly satisfactory.. For
collecting in the field or on long trips, where there is danger of crushing

the rather thin shell vials, homeopathic vials of about the, same size are




preferable. If the collections are bulky, corked or screw-cap bottles

of an appropriate size may be used. In general, all the processes of
killing, fixing, washing, dehydrating, and clearing can be carried out
in the one vial or bottle. For infiltration other vials or bottles should
be used, since it is very difficult to remove the paraffin. Vials which
have once contained paraffin may be used for this purpose over and over
T h e amount of killing and fixing fluid should always be at least ten
times the volume of the material. A much greater volume, even to
fifty times, is necessary with material containing a high percentage of

F I G . 2.Suction pump setup: A, bottle containing vial with material; B, stopcock;

C, safety bottle; D, pump attached to faucet. The glass tubing at the right-hand side of the
safety bottle C should extend to within 1 cm. of the bottom of the bottle.

water. T h e water, obviously, dilutes the killing fluid, and allowances

should be made for this fact. W i t h the dehydrating and clearing reagents
one need use only a little more than enough to cover the material. All
fluids should be discarded once they have been used.
Some classes of material contain too much air for them to sink into
aqueous killing fluids; this also occurs in some alcoholic fluids as well.
T h e Bryophyta are of this type. T h e use of a motor-driven suction
pump for long periods, as advocated by a few technicians, can hardly
be countenanced because of the artifacts which such a violent procedure
demonstrably produces. A pump attached t o a water faucet can be
used safely ( F i g . 2 ) . T h e apparatus is rigged up as follows: connect the
side tube of the pump b y means of thick rubber tubing and a right-




angled glass tube to a safety bottle fitted with a two-holed rubber stopper;
insert another right-angled glass tube in the other hole, then attach a
short piece of thick rubber tubing to this, followed by a stopcock and
another piece of rubber tubing attached to a right-angled glass tube
inserted in a one-hole rubber stopper placed in a bottle whose mouth is
wide enough to allow for easy insertion of the vial containing the material.
The rubber tubing should be inserted well over the ends of each piece of
glass tubing, and all connections should be airtight. Insert the vial
.containing the material (or even several vials, if of a sufficiently small
size), plug the stopper; tight and then turn on the . water almost to full
force. Adjust the stopcock to prevent too rapid extraction of the air.
Exhaustion complete, close the stopcock, then turn off the faucet, and
wait a few minutes before opening the stopcock and then the bottle
containing the material. The safety bottle should be emptied of its
water occasionally.
Material which is heavily cutinized or suberized may take several
hours to sink. In fluids containing at least 50% alcohol, most materials
will sink either immediately or within a short time, but. the air.should
nevertheless be exhausted, or one might find the material floating when
put in the paraffin oven.


y It is almost always necessary to wash out the killing fluid thoroughly

before proceeding with the dehydration and infiltration. Some reagents
inhibit proper staining, others leave precipitates which will later cause
trouble and annoyance, not to mention their being a source of error in
interpretation when the completed slides are examined, while still others
must be removed lest their continued action damage the material.
In the chapter on killing and fixing fluids the nature of the washing
and the approximate time required for the process have been noted for
most of the solutions. The following general rules are, for convenience,
summarized here. Practically all aqueous fluids, particularly those
containing chromic acid, are washed out with water; if an arrangement
to utilize running water cannot be set up, then the water should be used
in large volumes and changed as often as possible. In some sections
of the country the water frequently contains so much air that it would be
advisable to exhaust the air first by boiling or by using a suction pump,
in order to prevent the air from driving the material to the surface.Alcoholic solutions should be washed out with plain alcohol of approxi
mately the same percentage as that in the solution. Reagents containing
r| picric acid, whether in aqueous or alcoholic solution, should always be
l| washed out with alcohol, never with water unless the fluid also contained
i S o m e substance whichfixeschromatin indissolubly.
If mercuric chloride




is used in an aqueous solution, it should be washed out with water, but

if employed in an alcoholic solution, it should be washed out with 70%
alcohol/ The deposits of'mercury are best removed from the sections
as described elsewhere (p. 38).

The washing completed, the next step is to remove the water from
the tissues. When xylol, chloroform, or an essential oil is employed
as clearer, or paraffin solvent, it is necessary to insure removal of every
trace of water before beginning replacement of the absolute alcohol with
the clearer or solvent. With the introduction of the tertiary butyl
alcohol method, this necessity was removed: in other words, one may
begin the transfer to^the butyl alcohol at a point where the dehydration
process is barely half completed. In any event, the transfer from one
step to another in the dehydrating process must be very gradual, other
wise plasmolysis is certain to result. The process should never be
rushed, but, on the other hand, tissues become brittle if left too long in
the higher alcohols beyond 7Q$&.
Dehydration with Tertiary Butyl Alcohol.From the writer's expe
rience, the tertiary butyl alcohol method is the most satisfactory of all
(Johansen 1935, 1937-1938).

If the washing was with water, commence the dehydration process
with 5% ethyl alcohol in distilled water, followed by 11, 18, and 30%
ethyl alcohol. Two hours in each percentage is ordinarily sufficient,
but bulkier or tougher materials such as woody stems should be immersed
for a longer period ' Material which has been washed with either 50 or
70% alcohol has already received sufficient preliminary dehydration.^
However, if the washing has been with an alcohol of a percentage above
70%, it will be necessary to use the xylol, chloroform, or an essential
oil schedule after first dehydrating the material thoroughly with absolute

, The following series of solutions of water, ethyl and tertiary butyl

alcohols should be prepared. The volumes are in cubic centimeters;
the various solutions may, for convenience, be designated^By^tEe^pproximate total percentage of alcohol:
Approximate total percentage

of alcohol



Distilled water.





e t h y l a l c o h o l . . . >.





Tertiary butyl alcohol





100%. ethyl alcohol








In the last solution put enough dry erythrosin dye to give a red tinge;
this will stain the material superficially so that it can be easily oriented
during embedding and microtoming. The dye will come out of the
sections readily after they have been brought down to alcohol when the
staining is being carried out.
Transfer to the 50% solution from either 30, 50, or 70% ethyl alcohol,
depending upon the circumstances of the previous washing. After
2 hours or longer, pour off, and replace with the 70% solution, which
should be allowed to remain overnight. If the killing reagent contained
chromic acid, the longer immersion in the 70% solution tends to correct
certain irregularities in the fixation image. After the 70 % solution,
an hour in each of the, remaining percentages will suffice as a minimum
. period for most materials. Following the 100% solution, there should
be three changes of pure tertiary butyl alcohol (one of which should be
allowed to remain overnight), by w;hich time every trace of unbound
water should have been removed from the tissues.
The solutions should be used only once because the stock solutions
are readily contaminated by the many substances dissolved out of the
tissues by the two alcohols. If strict economy must be observed, the
used solutions should be kept in separate containers and not poured back
into the original bottles.
The material is now ready for infiltration. The transfer from the
butyl alcohol to paraffin- should be gradual, but fortunately there is a
^.simple method of doing this. * Transfer the material to a mixture of
/^equal parts of paraffin oil and tertiary butyl alcohol, in which it should
remain for at least 1 hour or somewhat longer for.bulkier or tougher
materials. (Vials which have contained paraffin oil may be cleaned with
^.waste ethyl alcohol, then washed with water.)
Fill a vial or other suitable container three-fourths full of melted
Parowax (preferably Standard Oil Company of Indiana brand), and let
stand until the ParoWax has solidified but not cooled completely. If
the Parowax is allowed to become cold and hard, the glass will break
shortly after the vial has been placed in the oven.. Put the material
on top of the solidified Parowax^ just cover with the butyl alcoholparaffin oil mixture, and place the container in the paraffin oyen at once.
Do not place where the Parowax will melt too quickly; an upper shelf
is preferable to a lower shelf which is apt to be directly over the heating
elements. $It is important that the oven be well ventilated in order
that the evaporating alcohol will be carried away; if there is no air cir
culation, there will be no evaporation. The material will slowly sink
through the melting Parowax until it jests on the bottom of the container..
Infiltration is thus really a gradual process. The paraffin oil both pre
vents any actual damage to the tissues by the heat of the oven,~and allows




the Parowax to diffuse in gradually. About 1 hour (minimum period) j

after the material has sunk to the bottom of the container, pour off
the entire mixture of Parowax, oil and what traces of alcohol remain,
and replace with pure melted Parowax. (A large beaker of melted !
Parowax should always be kept ready in the oven, as well as another
beaker of the final embedding mixture.) Repeat the process twice
during the next 6 hours or so, discarding each change of Parowax.
Finally replace with a rubber-Parowax mixture (such as that/described
on page 22) or with a good quality of paraffin melting at around 56C,
and the material will be ready for embedding within the next 30 minutes.
Small, delicate objects require much less time" for infiltration than
do large and tough objects. Aquatic plants are more easily infiltrated .
than xerophytic material. The heat of the oven does not do much j
damage to plant tissues if paraffin oil precedes infiltration; consequently j
the time element may to some extent be disregarded. The important!
matter is to be rid of all the tertiary butyl alcohol and paraffin oil. >r
Just before making the final change of Parowax, there should be no"
discernible odor of butyl alcohol. The customary practice is to place/, |
materials in the oven the last thing before leaving for the day, to make j!;
the first change as soon as one arrives the next morning, and to get theij
embedding completed by late afternoon.
Normal butyl alcohol may be used in place of tertiary butyl alcohol,
but is far less satisfactory. It causes some hardening. It is miscible
with water to the extent of about 8 % by volume.

Dehydration with Xylol, Chloroform, Secondary Butyl Alcohol, or an i

.^Essential Oil.With all these reagents, the material must first be; I
i thoroughly dehydrated through a graduated series of ethyl alcohol and |
distilled water.
, i
If thefixingfluidwas washed out with water, a close series of dilutions^
of ethyl alcohol (based on 95% alcohol) should be used: 2 3 ^ , 5, 7J^, 10. j
15, 20, 30, 50, 70, 85, 95%, and absolute alcohol. In case the flui^'
was an alcoholic one, begin with the alcohol next above the one used for ;
washing. Several hours' immersion in each percentage should b e ,
allowed; the last three percentages should be used,for at least 12 hours,, j
each. The absolute alcohol should be changed-two or. three times. If it ,
is necessary to store the material for any length of time, it should be left
in the 70% alcohol.
The clearing should be as gradual as the dehydration. There should
be a series of mixtures of clearing agent in absolute alcohol in the follow
ing percentages: 2}4, 5, 10, 15, 25, 50, 75, and the pure clearing agent in
at least two changes. To either of the last two solutions add enough
erythrosin dye to impart a red coloration. The solutions may be used



again two or three times. The vials or other containers must always be
kept tightly stoppered except when solutions are being changed.
Xylol hardens nearly all plant tissues more or less and causes some
shrinkage or plasmolysis; chloroform and secondary butyl alcohol have
only a slight hardening action. Bergamot and cedar oils have none, and
these two oils furthermore clear bulkier pieces of tissue better than most
other reagents; it is obvious that the different grades should be allowed
to react far longer than in the case of the more volatile fluids. For the
latter, 2 or 3 hours in each fluid is ordinarily long enough.
After the pure clearing reagent has been reached, the material is
ready for infiltration with paraffin. This process must also be gradual.
There are three methods from which to choose. The easiest, but one
which can be dangerous to the material if one tries to rush things, is to
add very small paraffin shavings from time to time to the clearing reageat
containing the material until it is finally saturated with partially dis
solved paraffin. Wait until the first chips have dissolved before adding
the next one. A second method is to carve a small block of Parowax
into the form of a long, narrow cone and place it in the vial point end
down and resting at the bottom of the container. It will sink into the
reagent slowly as it dissolves. The third method is to cut coarse wire
gauze into squares just wide enough to be a fraction less than the diam
eter of the vial or bottles. Bend the corners down to serve as legs and
insert into the vial in such a position that the gauze serves as a table
above the material. Place chips of Parowax on the table; as they dis
solve, the paraffin settles down upon the material. Whatever the
method that has been used, the preliminary steps should be carried out at.
room temperature. As soon as the clearing agent has become saturated
with paraffin, the corks may be removed from the vials and the latter
placed on-top of the paraffin oven or in a warm place. Shake or stir
the contents occasionally, and add more paraffin chips. In about
? hours, the vials may be placed inside the paraffinjoven. After the
ials have been in the oven about 3 hours, pour off the mixture of xylol
i>nd paraffin and immediately replace with pure melted paraffin. It is
of no use to attempt to salvage the paraffin from the first change as
there is too much xylol present; Parowax is so cheap that it can be freely
used. Within the next 12 hours or so make at least two more changes;
it is necessary to get rid of all traces of xylol or chloroform, whichever
has been used,-otherwise the paraffin will crystallize after embedding.
Crystallization can to a great extent be prevented by embedding in
rubber-Parowax. It is not so imperative that all traces of the essential
oils be removed before embedding. In the case of bergamot oil, the
characteristic odor can be detected in paraffin blocks that have not been




cut for as long as 25 years, consequently it is probably impossible to

remove every trace of the oil.
If desired, one may go from the last change of xylol, chloroform, or
secondary butyl alcohol to a mixture of any of these fluids and paraffin
oil and carry out.the infiltration process as described for tertiary butyl
Dehydration with Benzol.Benzol may be satisfactorily substituted
in case absolute ethyl alcohol is unavailable (Kisser 1929). Dehydrate
the material as described in the preceding section. After 95% ethyl
alcohol, pass through each of the following mixtures of 95% ethyl alcohol
and c.p. benzol (benzene, water-free), allowing several hours in each:
3 parts 9 5 % alcohol and

1 part benzol

2 parts 9 5 % alcohol and

2 parts benzol

1 part 9 5 % alcohol and 3 parts benzol

P u r e benzol, changing at least once.

Infiltrate as described in the preceding section.

Dehydration with Acetone.Acetone constitutes a useful substitute
for ethyl alcohol when supplies of the latter cannot be secured (Sass
1932). The series of acetone in distilled water should be fairly close:
begin with 7} %, thence to 10 % and by 5% stages to 40 % and 10 % stages
thereafter until pure acetone is reached. The intervals can be less than
1 hour in each fluid. Clear in four grades of chloroform and acetone, and
infiltrate gradually.
Dehydration with Dioxan.Transfer the material from water directly
into 60% dioxan in distilled water, thence to 70, 95%, and at least two
changes of pure dioxan. Or one may transfer directly to pure dioxan,
then give two changes of the reagent. Add little chips of Parowax
gradually to the pure dioxan, and place the container in a warm place to
accelerate the solution of the Parowax, as dioxan is a very poor paraffin
solvent. After the dioxan becomes saturated, place the container in the
paraffin oven, give at least four changes of pure Parowax, then embed in

Dioxan is irrational in its action and apparently works far better on

animal tissues than with plant materials, but it is worth trial. It should
always be borne in mind that dioxan is heavier than melted paraffin and
consequently is difficult to get out of tissue's during the infiltration process.

v / T h e infiltration of the material completed, the next step is that of

embedding. This consists of pouring the contents of the vial or other,
container (with the paraffin or rubber-Parowax in the liquid or melted
condition) into suitable receptacles, arranging the material in proper
order and then quickly cooling the entire mass.




There are many kinds of embedding receptacles, or "trays" as they

are sometimes called, on the market. None of these, however, has any
great advantage over a simple folded paper tray. Use a fairly stiff paper
with slightly glazed) surface (if a porous paper is used, the paraffin will
penetrate it). The size of the paper may be regulated to any dimensions,
and the side walls may be made as shallow or as deep as required. Using
the diagram (Fig. 3) as a guide, first fold over along CC and DD', the
width of the fold being governed by the thickness of the material to be
embedded. This should be about 2 or 3 mm. more than actually heeded
because the layer of paraffin, when cooled, is somewhat thicker along the
periphery than in the center. Next fold over on AA' and BB', the width
being twice that of CC or DD'. Then
fold back along the middle of each of
these two flaps, as indicated by aa' and
bb'. Hold the paper in the fingers, and,
by using the nail of a thumb, make the
short diagonal creases. To complete
the folding, bring one end and one side
perpendicular, with the fold at the
short diagonal crease, and turn the
resulting flap back of the end wall.
Bring up the opposite side wall, and
fold its flap back. Fold down, back
ward, the upper flap of the end wall,
thus securely locking the entire end.
Follow the same procedure for the
opposite end. The size of the central
area should be so regulated as to allow
a little more room than may be actually F i g . 3.Paper embedding tray.
Description in text.
needed for the proper disposition of the
pieces of material. These trays are easily removed after the paraffin
has cooled and may be used over and over again if dried under pres
sure to prevent curling. In fact, they actually improve with use. Trays
may also be made from thick cellophane (No. 450 M.T. cellophane). Or
one,may use small porcelain trays or even solid watch glasses, first
coating the inside with a thin smear of glycerin.

Place the embedding dish at one side of the paraffin oven. A gas
flame should be placed near-by for heating the needle used for arranging
the material. Remove the vial or container from the oven, shake the
material to get it off the bottom and quickly pour into the tray. Add
more melted paraffin from the stock container if necessary; there should
be just enough to cover the material adequately. A superfluity of
paraffin prevents rapid cooling of the mass. With a needle, heated




slightly in the flame, quickly dispose the pieces of material into an orderly
arrangement; avoid overlapping and leave plenty of space between
neighboring objects. M a n y workers place the embedding tray on some
form of hot plate while arranging the material. This procedure is
scarcely to be recommended (except when the temperature of the room

F I G . 4.Methods of embedding various materials: A , root-tips by twos for transverse

sectioning; B, root tips (onion) for longitudinal sectioning; C, single stems; D leaves (pine)
in bunches of threes; E, single leaf portions; F, small buds in bunches, large ones singly.

is below 50F.) because of the danger of overheating and the unnecessary

prolongation of the cooling process. Quick work and skillful manipula
tion, gained after a little practice, are all that one requires.
I f the tray
is too cold, it m a y be warmed b y leaving in the paraffin oven for a short
time or by passing through the flame.



The accompanying illustrations (Fig. 4) indicate the correct methods

of arranging various types of plant material during embedding. The
arrangement of the material depends upon (1) the purpose for which the
material is to be used, (2) the size of the pieces, and (3) their nature.
Leaves should be arranged individually, but small ones, as well as needles
of conifers like Pinus, can be embedded in bunches of three or more.
Root tips which are to be sectioned longitudinally, such as those of Allium
cepa, are likewise embedded separately, but tips which are for cytological
purposes should be embedded in bunches for transverse niicrotoming.
Buds are in practically the same category as root tips. For studies'of
the meiotic chromosomes, buds should be embedded and cut in bunches
until they become of a size too large for this method; the chances of
getting the reduction divisions are thus increased and the amount of
work as well as the quantity of slides, covers, and reagents is lessened.
Some types of ovaries may be treated similarly, but it is safer to embed
and section such organs singly if critical studies of megagametogenesis
are being undertaken. If soft enough to section easily, stems may be
embedded in bunches, but most stems should be treated individually.
The paraffin usually begins to coolfirstat the bottom of the receptacle.
As soon as the tray can be moved without" disturbing the arrangement of
the pieces of material, transfer to a vessel of cold water. (Do not leave
the faucet running, if the tray is in the sink, and avoid splashing water in
from above. . Attach a piece of rubber tubing to the faucet, and run it to
the bottom of the dish: in this manner running cold water may be uti
lized.) Let the tray float until the surface of the paraffin becomes suffi
ciently firm to permit plunging the tray slowly beneath the surface of
the water. The tray may be weighed down by placing a heavy steel
scalpel or similar object across the ends. As soon as the paraffin is firm
enough, it may be removed from the paper tray by unfolding the latter.
The paraffin blocks will usually float out of watch glasses and similar
dishes after a while, but may need to be loosened by inserting the point
of a scalpel at some place where there is no material that might be dam
aged. Always leave the blocks in the water for
hour or until thor
oughly cooled.
The rapid cooling of the paraffin is a point which needs to be empha
sized. If the paraffin cools too slowly it may crystallize: the blocks
become full of fluffy white spots and patches. Such crystallized paraffin
cannot be microtomed. The only remedy is to cut the material out and
reembed it. In warm or hot weather ice water should be used for cooling
the paraffin.
Thefinishedblocks should be stored and not allowed to remain about
to become covered with dust. The small boxes in which slides come are
very convenient for storage purposes. Do not store one block upon




another without inserting a piece of stiff paper or thin cardboard between

them. Excess paraffin should be trimmed away first; it may be melted
down and used over again. If scraps of tissue are present in used
paraffin, the latter should be filtered through cotton before being reused.

T h e material is ready for sectioning as soon as the paraffin has

thoroughly cooled. Some materials seem to section better if cut at

F I G . 5.Method of cutting up paraffin blocks: make a straight cut across entire block
with tip of scalpel, then break apart. Next make similar cuts between individual pieces
of material and break up.

once, while others cut badly under the same circumstances.

or no definite information concerning this phenomenon has been collected.
A piece of tissue may be removed from the block of material by
inserting the point of a sharp, narrow scalpel and cutting a nearly straight
furrow across the block ( F i g . 5 ) . T h e furrow should be at least 2.5 mm.
deep, or deeper for thick blocks. H o l d the block firmly in the hands and
break apart along the cut. T r i m down the piece until surrounded by
about 3 mm. of paraffin except on the bottom, where at least 5 mm.
should remain. T h e photographic diagrams show the proper method of
trimming down the material ( F i g . 6 ) .




T h e round metal holders which are furnished with most microtomes

are cumbersome, too large, and generally unsatisfactory.
blocks are far better and can be made in any desired end dimensions
and in any quantity ( F i g . 6 ) . T h e wood should be of a kind not readily
crushed by the pressure exerted b y the holder of the microtome. T h e
length should be at least 2 cm., while the ends may be either square or
rectangular and of different dimensions t o receive paraffin blocks of
various sizes and shapes. M a k e a large and assorted quantity of such

F I G . 6.Method of mounting material embedded in paraffin on wooden blocks. Lower

row shows hardwood blocks of various widths and thicknesses, with mound of paraffin on
top. A, paraffin material roughly trimmed and ready for mounting; B, material mounted;
C, material trimmed down, ready for microtoming.

blocks if only a few sections are to be cut at first; the whole can be set
aside and there is no need of removing the pieces of embedded material, as
is the case with the metal holders.
H e a t waste paraffin very hot, immerse one end of the wooden block
for a depth of 2 mm. until saturated with paraffin, then stand on the
other end until all the blocks have been dipped. W i t h a pipette, build
up a mound of paraffin on top of each block, using paraffin that is barely
liquid. W h e n ready to attach a piece of embedded material to such a
block, heat an old scalpel or a similar flat instrument with nonmetallic
handle in a gas flame, and touch first to the paraffin on the wooden block
then to the bottom of the embedded piece, bringing the t w o together



while the paraffin is still more or less melted. Reheat the instrument and
cautiously melt together the two paraffins so that they form a single mass
on the wooden block. Avoid touching the plant tissue with the hot
instrument. Work quickly. Next stick a needle (inserted in a holder)
in the unused end of the wooden block, and put the latter in a dish of cold
water to cool the paraffin.
The next step is to trim away the excess paraffin (Fig. 6). Use a
sharp scalpel with a long, straight blade, not a curved one. It is abso
lutely essential, if perfect sections are to be cut and the ribbon is to be
straight, that the two longest edges be exactly parallel to each other. The
face may be square, of course, but the rectangular form is preferable.
Do not cut away paraffin until the object is exposed on the sides, but
leave at least 1 mm. of paraffin surrounding it. Some types of material
are very liable to swell up and break apart when the sections are warmed
to straighten out the kinks in the ribbon; the preventive of this sort
of disaster is to leave enough paraffin around the material, particularly
at the short ends. The rather gelatinous marine algae are likely
to swell if fixation has not been thorough. If only one or two sec
tions are to be mounted on a slide, the margin of paraffin can be
much wider than if as many sections as possible are mounted on
each slide.
The student should now familiarize himself thoroughly with the _
mechanism and operation of the rotary microtome, which is preferred
by the majority of technicians for sectioning materials embedded in
paraffin. Note particularly the following points: (1) the clamp or holder
for the wooden block and the method of orienting it at all angles; (2) the
feed mechanism and the method of setting it to give any desired thickness
(the scale is in microns); (3) how to reset the mechanism after it has run
its course; (4) the points at which oiling should occasionally be done;
(5) the knife holder and the method of adjusting both the holder as a
whole and the knife itself. Note that the holder is adjustable so that
the knife can be oriented at different angles to the vertical. This is to
allow for differences in the bevels of different knives. An ordinary knife
should be inclined at an angle of about 8 from the vertical,-which will give
ample clearance. Safety razor blades in holders should be set nearer to
the vertical, but take care to see that there is nothing in the way which
might scrape or be struck by the paraffin block. The blade should never
scrape against the paraffin at any point; if it is almost vertical it will
scrape rather than cut.
For one's own peace of mind, one should possess his own knife', or,
furnish his own safety razor blades if a holder is available, rather than
depend upon knives in, common use. The latter are too apt to have an
edge like that of a saw.




I t is of the utmost, importance that microtome knives be sharp.

N e v e r begrudge time spent in sharpening knives, for it is time well spent.
A regular microtome knife, kept in perfect condition, provides the best
of all cutting edges, no matter what the claims of those who favor safety
razor blades.
Begin cutting at one end of the blade and gradually work

F I G . 7.Arrangement of table for mierotoming: A, microtome; B, black cardboard on

which to place ribbons; C, bottles with adhesive and flooding solution; D, warming plate;
E, absorbent paper towel folded over, for draining excess flooding solution. Box of slides
is at one end of the warming plate. Lamp should be so placed that the light is directed in
front of the microtome knife.

over to the opposite end. T r i m down unwanted parts of the material

on a used part of the knife, then move the latter forward to a new place
when the desired sections have been reached. When the whole of the
edge has been used, remove the blade, and strop, or resharpen and strop.
Insert the wooden holder in the clamp and screw down securely (see
Fig. 8 ) . T h e part of the wood projecting from the clamp should not be
more than 3 mm. in length.
First look down upon the paraffin block




from above, and adjust, so that the face of the block is parallel with the
blade; move the carriage forward until the blade barely touches the
paraffin at its lower edge. ( I f the object is not oriented so that it is
perfectly perpendicular to the blade edge when examined from above,
adjust properly, cutting away any excess paraffin with a sharp scalpel.)
Then cautiously bring the block down toward the knife b y turning the

Fm. 8.Illustrating method of operating microtome and of holding ribbon away from knife
by means of a needle in order to prevent telescoping of sections.

wheel, and examine from directly in front.

If the lower (longer) edge
of the paraffin block is not parallel horizontally with the edge of the knife,
adjust the holder until the edges of block and knife coincide. T h e
vertical adjustment should be permanently fixed; there is no excuse for
not trimming down the front of the paraffin block so that when it is placed
in the holder the object is perpendicular to the knife when viewed from
either side. If the embedded object is nearer to one long edge of the
paraffin block than the other, orient with the nearer edge toward the knife






to avoid knocking the object out of the paraffin or tearing the upper edge
of the sections.
Set the micron scale at the desired thickness. On most modern
rotary microtomes a single notch in the geared wheel is equivalent to
in thickness, but on many sliding and a few older rotary microtomes
each notch is equal to 2/J. One can easily determine which is the case b y
studying the indicator scale. T h e scale should be carefully adjusted.
D o not leave the indicator between points on the scale; this will cause
sections of v e r y uneven thickness to be cut and will wear down the


MJl^M^Wiii A " "

'"''i ^ t t f . "

i' i L'i


' . tl

F I G . 9.Good and bad mierotoming: A, what happens when opposite edges are not
parallel; B, when the narrow edge is toward the knifean example of careless trimming
and orientation of the block; C, result of leaving a hard stem too long under waterall
sections torn, some curled; D, mediocre ribbon from a woody stem, but some of the sections
(ran be salvaged; E, perfect ribbon of old Aristolochia stem.

mechanism quickly., There is no such thing as fractional microns;

however, specially constructed machines which will cut at half-microns
are available. ( I f one is uncertain at which thickness to cut, run off a
few sections at 12yu, mount on a slip and examine under the lbw power
of the microscope to see whether they are too thick or too thin.)
One is now ready to commence cutting ( F i g . 8 ) . M o v e the wheel
with a steady, even stroke. T h e first few sections are invariably worth
less and should be discarded, except in the case of materials of which
complete serial sections are required.
I f the material was such that it
could not be trimmed down sufficiently before being killed and fixed, the
excess tissue is easily cut away; use for this purpose any part of the knife




that has already been used. On the rotary microtomes the sections form
a ribbon as they are cut one b y one. There is a v e r y slight heating of the
lower edge of the block as it strikes the knife; this is what makes the sec
tions stick together to form a ribbon. I f the cutting is stopped, the
ribbon is likely to become broken. T h e ribbon sometimes exhibits an
annoying tendency to curl up and under the paraffin block. T o avoid

F I G . 10.A perfect example of bad microtoming. A dull knife full of nicks caused both
sharp cuts (near bottom) and corrugated tears (above middle and elsewhere), while there
was so much compression that breaks parallel to the plane of sectioning were produced
(upper left) and portion^ of the section were also moved out of position. (Material is bud
of Botrychium.)

cutting it, learn to hold a needle or small camel's-hair brush in one hand
and keep the ribbon from getting under the block or from becoming
telescoped on the knife ( F i g . 8 ) . T h e ribbon should be straight ( F i g . 9E).
If it is not, the opposite edges of the paraffin block are not parallel; less
often, the object is of uneven hardness, or the paraffin may not have
solidified homogeneously. In any case, the remedy is to trim away care
fully a tiny wedge from the thick edge, cutting a few sections to ascertain
if the ribbon has become straightened or if not cutting away a little more




Of course, if the sections are to be mounted singly, it does not
matter if the ribbon is not strictly straight. I t will be observed that
the side of the ribbon toward the knife is smooth and glossy while the
other side is dull and slightly rough; keep the glossy side down and mount
likewise in order to secure greater adherence to the glass slide.



M a n y plant tissues, although soft and easily cut with a scalpel at the
time of collecting, are rather tough and difficult to section easily after
having been embedded.

F I G . 11.Illustrating a common fault resulting from failure to keep the back of the
microtome knife free from debris. The tear extends across an ovule, rendering the megagametophyte useless for-study.

T h e remedy is easy of application. Cut away enough of one end

of the paraffin block and through the piece of material to be cut so that
the latter is exposed. Place the material in a vial or bottle full of sterile
water, cork tightly, and set aside overnight. Of course, several pieces of
material may be softened simultaneously in the one container. The*
water will penetrate the cut end and soften the material. Some woody
stems may require a month or longer to become sufficiently softened, but
no specimen should be left in the water any longer than the time required
to soften it, otherwise maceration will set in. T h e rate of penetration
may be gauged b y the increased opacity of the paraffin around the
If a number of sections are cut and then trouble is encountered,




return the material for further soaking. Once material has been placed
under water, it cannot be dried and then resoaked; it should all be sec
tioned and the ribbons stored if all are not to be mounted. ,
Some objects, such as root tips, which have little paraffin in them, cut
better and one also obtains less wrinkled sections if the block with its
mounted object is immersed in ice water for a few minutes before being
microtomed. Do not leave in the ice water too long, otherwise the
sections will fail to ribbon. If this occurs, warm the knife on the drying
plate, but do not attempt to warm the paraffin itself.
It has frequently been claimed that better microtoming can be done
during rainy than during dry weather; this may be true for some geo
graphical regions but is otherwise merely a superstition. One should
easily be able to arrange things so that microtoming can be done at any
time in any sort of weather. If.the atmosphere is very dry and the
sections become so full of static electricity that they stick to everything,
the remedy is to keep a beaker of water boiling in the immediate'vicinity
^of the microtome.
The newer safety razor blade holders are so. constructed that either
ice or lukewarm water may be run through them. For ordinary purposes
and under average weather conditions, let ice water drip through some
what slowly; for very thin sections or during very hot weather, run the
ice water through rapidly; during very cold weather or for very thick
sections, which are prone to curl and refuse to form ribbons, lukewarm
water may be run through the holder. 'A little experimenting will reveal
the optimum temperature for different sorts of material under various
atmospheric conditions.


Place the length of ribbon on a piece of stiff paper or thin cardboard

with a smooth, more or less glossy surface. A'piece of black poster
board, as used by artists and sign painters, is excellent for the purpose,
as the sections are more readily detected against the dark background.
| Do not put the ribbons on paper towels or similar soft papers. Be
careful to avoid drafts and not to blow or to breathe heavily on the fragile
ribbons. The ribbon may be cut into sections of a convenient length;
juse a sharp scalpel for cdtting, and cut by drawing the scalpel rather
than by pressing down.
The number of sections to be mounted on each slide is governed by
the nature of the material. Sections of stems (if not too wide), leaves,
roots, and similar subjects are best as a series of not more than three,
since one section is about identical with the-others. Longitudinal
sections of root tips are usually mounted five to a slide, but cross sections
of root tips are usually all mounted on one slide (see Figs. 12-14). In



the case of ovaries the sections should be examined with a hand lens;
those showing ovules or ovules with clear spaces indicating the presence
{California Botanical
Materials C o .
Palo Alto. Calif.



(California Botanical
Materials Co.
Palo Alto. Calif.

(California Botanical
Materials C o .
Palo Alto, Calif.


/ n i l



T . S . l t O O T
B r a s s i c a
( T u r n i p )
S a n



Flo. 12.Illustrating various mounting methods: A, sections of root, rhizome and stipe
of the same plant mounted together; B and C, single large sections; D, three serial sections
of material embedded in bunches; E, three different growth stages of the same type of

of megagametophytes should be selected and the rest of the sections dis

W i t h such materials there are invariably a large number of
worthless sections, and it is only a waste of time and reagents to run all


of them up.


A l w a y s make allowances for the fact that the sections

expand when warmed to flatten them out.

California Botanical
Materials C o .
Palo Alto, Calif.

N o . 3*010

(California Botanical
Materials C o .
Palo Alto. Calif.

ICal if oroia Botanical

Materials Co
Palo Alto. Calif

iforn ia Botanical!
Materials C o .
Palo Alto. Calif.



California Botanical
Materials C o .
Palo Alto. Calif.

F I G . 13.Commercial preparations, showing how materials are mounted "upside

down," in the case of both whole mounts and sections, so that they will appear in the
natural position when observed under the microscope.

In still other cases, as in Ricciocarpus,

and other Hepaticae,
only certain sections are really worth anything. T h e difficulty is to
locate such sections. Fill either half of a large Petri dish half full of



distilled (or air-free) water; cut the ribbon into sections about 1.5 or
2 cm. less than the length of a slide (i.e., about 5 cm. in length), and

D . A . Johariscn
Stanford University

W' .'**. Us- ^

'Hpt s#

<S <Sfe 'jjft' *((^ ^

V ;

c- o o c c c c

< C C C- C C t. C . (


< C (

Fio. 14.Methods of mounting research materials: A, serial cross sections of root tips;
B, serial sections of a single bud; C, serial sections of bunched buds; D, serial sections of a
single bud for megasporogenesis; E, serial longitudinal sections of a sinfcle ovary for

place the sections on the water in the Petri dish. Place the dish on the
warming plate, and leave until the sections have wholly straightened out,
whereupon the dish should be removed from the heat and set aside for



the water to cool since the ribbons would be irreparably damaged if

handled while still warm. Smear adhesive over the entire surface of a
slide, flood with water, take up a length of ribbon with a scalpel-and place
on the slide. Drain off excess water, then examine the sections under the
microscope. Do not let all the water evaporate under the ribbons.
The desired sections may then be selected and cut away with a scalpel,
and the worthless ones rejected; then reflood the slide with water, pick
up the sections with a scalpel, transfer to other slides smeared with
adhesive, and warm again.
Haupt's adhesive is unexcelled for affixing sections to the slides.
Place a small drop of the adhesive on.the slide, smear it evenly over the
I surface with a finger, and wipe off any excess adhesive; only a barely
| perceptible film should remain. Place the slide on the table, or better
still on the bottom half of the box in which 24 X 50 mm. coverslips come,
and immediately flood with 3 % formalin in distilled water. The adhesive
' must not be allowed to get dry before the formalin is added. Touch the
point of the scalpel in the water, and insert the tip of the blade under a
section or portion of the ribbon. The drop of water will cause the
section to stick to the scalpel so that it can be lifted. Place the section
on theflood,then put the slip on the warm plate to flatten put the wrinkles
in the paraffin and incidentally to generate fumes of formalin which will
serve to coagulate the gelatin of the adhesive. The temperature of
the warm plate should not be over 43C, as it is important not to melt
the paraffin. ,If a thermostatically controlled electric warm "plate or
slide warmer is not available, hold the slide cautiously over an alcohol
flame and watch the sections to avoid melting the paraffin. After the
sections have stretched out, take the slide off the warm plate and set
aside for a few minutes until the water cools Do not try to move the
sections while the water is still warm, as the paraffin is easily damaged
at this stage. After the slide has cooled, hold the sections in place with a
needle, drain off the excess water, and touch the slide to absorbent paper
to get rid of as much water as possible. Then move the sections to the
position it is desired that they occupy, and set the slide aside to dry
completely. If the sections show a tendency to move around, watch
them, and restore to the proper position before the slide gets completely
dry. Do not attempt to move the sections from a wet to a dry place
on the slide: this is usually impossible without damage to the sections.

Set the^ciounted slide away in a dustproof place for several hours

or a day for the drying to be completed. The slides should not be left
| on the warm plate to dry as untidy stained backgrounds frequently
j result from this practice. Mounted slides may be stored for as rong as
several years if it is not convenient to stain them within a few days.
As soon as the slides have dried thoroughly, they are ready for staining.



Before the sections can be stained the paraffin, must be removed.

Xylol is used for the purpose by the majority of technicians. Place
the slides, either singly or as a series in a rack, in a jar of xylol for about
5 minutes or somewhat longer. There should be sufficient xylol, as well
as enough of all reagents subsequently to be used, to cover the slides.
' There is no economy in using as small quantities as possible since they
will soon become so badly contaminated that replacement becomes
necessary more frequently than is the case when ample quantities, are
From the xylol withdraw the slide slowly, and transfer to. a jar con
taining equal parts of absolute ethyl alcohol and xylol. The slides
; should not be pulled out of solutions quickly as this procedure causes
Jthem to carry over a Jarge amount of fluid, which contaminates the next
solution. Withdraw the slide somewhat slowly, thus carrying over a
minimum amount of fluid, but not so slowly as to permit drying, or
absorption of moisture from the air.
Thin sections and the average nonwbody tissues will stick safely
to the slides, but sections of woody tissues, those containing mucilage,
fats, and waxes, as W e l l as those which are overchromated, are retained
only by the exercise of great caution in avoiding diffusion currents.
, Sections may stick until water is reached, whereupon they float right
\ off the slide. It is therefore advisable to play safe at all times by covering
i the sections and slides with a protective coating of thin celloidin.,. The
carmin dyes are the only ones which have any tendency to stain the
celloidin, but, fortunately, these dyes are scarcely ever used on sections
of plant material.
After 5 minutes in the absolute alcohohotylol mixture, transfer the
slides to a mixture of equal parts of absolute alcohol and ether (anesthetic
ether should be used) to which has been added sufficient of any celloidin
solution to make the strength about, but not over, 1 % . Between 5
and 10 minutes in this fluid is long enough.
Withdraw-the slides, and allow them to remain in the air (which
should be warm and dry) until the sections show signs of becoming
whitish-opaque, which indicates that the celloidin film is nearly dry.
Then plunge the slides into either 95 or 70% ethyl alcohol for 5
minutes to harden the celloidin. Next transfer to 70% alcohol if
95% was used, otherwise to' 35%, for 5 minutes. If A alcoholic
stain is to be used, pass to this stain i f r o m the 70% alcohol; if the
stain is aqueous, go through 35% alcohol to water before placing in the
aqueous stain.
Staining procedures are outlined in Chap. VII,






After the sections have been stained, they must be dehydrated

preparatory to mounting in balsam.
M o r e or less of the dehydration
may be accomplished during the staining procedure. If aqueous staining
fluids alone have been employed, proceed to 3 5 % alcohol, thence to
70 and 95%. After alcoholic stains the slides are usually in 9 5 %
ethyl alcohol, or may be transferred to that percentage.
Counterstaining of most plant materials is done with the dye dissolved in clove

F I G . 15.Arrangement for counterstaining with clove oil solutions: A, slides in 9 5 %

alcohol in flat dish (covered with large crystallizing dish or similar cover); B, dropping
bottle with counterstaining solution; C, dropping bottle containing used clove oil solution
for washing off excess stain into waste jar D; E, jar containing differentiating solution; F,
xylol wash; G, first xylol jar; H, second xylol jars. Also shown are forceps and cloth for
wiping off underside of slides.

oil diluted with absolute alcohol, and frequently also with methyl cellosolve ( F i g . 15). T h e slides, in such cases, are taken from the 9 5 % alcohol,
the lower side swiftly wiped dry with a clean cloth, the counterstain
applied from a small bottle equipped with a pipette stopper, allowed to
remain for a few seconds, and then poured back into the bottle. Used
clove oil solutions should be saved up; put a portion in a bottle with a
pipette stopper, and dilute with one-fourth its volume of a mixture of
equal parts of absolute alcohol and xylol (if the slides were too heavily
coated with celloidin and it becomes stained, add a little ether to the
mixture). Use this diluted clove oil mixture t o wash off excess stain
into a waste bottle, taking care not to squirt the fluid directly against



the sections with the pipette, and thus avoiding too rapid contamination
of the clove oil differentiator with stains. T h e differentiator is made b y
mixing 1 part U . S . P . clove oil and 1 part of a mixture of equal parts of
absolute alcohol and xylol. M o v e the slide slowly back and forth in
the differentiator for about 10 seconds, then transfer to a jar of xylol
to which a trace of absolute alcohol has been added to take up any
moisture inadvertently brought over. (Always keep the clove oil mixture
covered except when actually in use, as it absorbs moisture readily.)

F I G . 1 6 . A typical example of the damage done to a section when there is little balsam
under the coverslip and the latter is moved around.

M o v e back and forth for a few seconds, then place the slide in a jar of
pure xylol. A large number of slides can be stained and left in pure
xylol for some time or until convenient to mount in balsam. Just before
mounting, place for a short time in a third jar of xylol.
R e m o v e a slide from the xylol; wipe the xylol from the underside with
a clean, dry, lint-free cloth and also wipe it from around the sections
(taking great care not to come too close to them) in order that, if too
much balsam should inadvertently be applied, it will not become dis
solved and run over the slide. N e x t place a small drop of thin balsam
on top of or at the left of the sections. Pick up^BTcleaned coverslip
(an entire box of coverslips should be cleaned at one time and placed




in an empty slide box: to clean them, dip in a-mixture of equal parts of

95% alcohol and xylol, touch to paper toweling to absorb excess fluid,
then polish quickly with a scrupulously clean cloth), with fine-pointed
forceps, pass quickly through a clean alcohol flame to remove surplus
moisture, hold so that the forceps are at the right, and bring the left
edge of the coverslip down on the slide, still holding up the opposite edge
of the coverslip with the forceps. Let the coverslip come down gradually,
allowing the balsam to spread to the opposite edges and then to be
pushed ahead as the coverslip is brought lower and lower. At times a
little pressure exerted with the nail of the left index finger on top of the
coverslip will be helpful, especially if bubbles have become trapped.
Do not lift the coverslip up once it has balsam under half of its area.
After three-fourths of the area under the coverslip has been covered
with balsam, withdraw the forceps (also the finger if it has been used),
and allow the uncovered area to become covered with balsam by the
weight of the coverslip. The size of the drop, of balsam must be learned
by experience; it is determined first by the thickness of the balsam itself
and secondarily by the thickness of the sections. Thin sections require
less, as well as thinner, balsam. The area of the coverslip does not
enter into calculations to the extent that might be imagined, unless the
balsam is quite thin. Thick balsam should be used on sections, no
matter what their number or size, that are over 20> in thickness. Some
kinds of material tend to lift the cover during the drying process, thus
admitting air bubbles or canals. Sometimes these can be forced out
by gentle pressure on the coverslip, but in other cases one can only run
in more balsam from one edge of the cover, or put the slides into xylol to
dissolve the balsam^and to loosen the coverslips, later remounting.
When the coverslip is first applied, it should be held in the exact
position desired, and after coming down completely, it should never be
moved sidewise in any direction, otherwise there is great danger of
damaging the sections (Fig. 16). The less balsam there is under the
coverslip, the greater the chance of damage. Sections containing loose
cell contents, such as very starchy tissues, are more liable to distortion.
The slides are now ready for drying on a warming table or in an
incubator heated to not over 60C. The balsam does not become
completely solidified throughout the area under the coverslip for several
months; consequently the slides should be removed from the warming
plate after a day or two (by which time the balsam will have become
sufficiently hard around the edges of the coverslip), lest the stains
become damaged by heat. The slides may then be placed in slide boxes,
which come in various types and capacities.

The more refined of the various smear methods afford, in a relatively
short time, preparations which are of the greatest value in counting
the monoploid and diploid chromosomes and in studying the chromo
somes themselves. In fact, smear preparations are so useful that at
the present time many critical cytological studies are based principally
upon such slides. The student consequently would do well to master
as soon as possible the technique of smearing either plant or animal
material or both, to gain some familiarity with the different methods of
staining smears, and to judge correctly what finally results.
The smear method is limited to some extent in applicability to cells
which are not firmly united to one another, as by middle lamellae. In
the higher plants this refers to the microsporocytes after they have begun
to round up, and in animals to the cells of the testis at the corresponding
stages. The microsporocytes of some plants (e.g., those of Acacia and
some orchids, which are collected together into pollinia) and the testis
cells of many animals cannot be satisfactorily smeared but should be
prepared by other methods. In the present chapter only plant material
will be considered.
The essential idea underlying all smear methods is to spread the cells
out into a single layer in order that they may be killed instantly and
fixed evenly and uniformly, without distortion or the production of
artifacts. Practically all cells which can be smeared will adhere to the
slide; hence the necessity of using a cementing agent (which might itself
be stained) is obviated. The slips can be carried through the various
staining and dehydration processes with the loss of only a. few cells,
provided, of course, that the changes are not too violent. Special pre
cautions will occasionally be noted in the procedures listed below.
Technique of Smearing.The slides upon which the smears are to
be made must be chemically clean. New slides should be given a, long
immersion in the sulphuric acid-potassium bichromate mixture (page
13), rinsed in running water, placed for a short time in strong alcohol
to which a little ammonia is added, rinsed again, and finally dried with
an absolutely clean cloth free from starch and lint. It will save time
if an entire box or two of slides are cleaned at one time. Slides which
have previously held sections should never be used for smears.




T h e fluid which is generally considered to be superior to all others

for the killing and fixing of smears is Navashin's. T h e t w o portions
composing this fluid are mixed together just before using. I t m a y be
necessary in some cases to v a r y the proportions of some of the ingredients,
particularly the acetic acid; this can be judged only b y trial.
T h e most satisfactory vessel in which to carry out the fixation of
smears is the square Petri dish recently placed on the market (obtainable
from E. H . Sargent and Company, 155 East Superior Street, Chicago,
111.). Place slender glass rods, cut to the proper length, at opposite ends
of the lower half of the dish t o keep the slide off the bottom. T h e dish

F I G . 17.Trillium ovatum: low-power view of the microsporoeytes at the first division;

permanent iron-aeetocarmin smear preparation. (Smear and photomicrograph by Dr. H. E.

will hold t w o slides placed one beside the other. Pour the killing solu
tion into the dish just before making the smears; it should be more than
enough to cover the rods (approximately 40 c c ) .
Different technicians have methods of making smears adapted to
their own needs. M o s t of them remove the anthers from the buds,
cut off both ends, or cut each anther into short segments if it is over
2 mm. in length, and place near one end of the slide. Previously a mark
should be made in the upper right corner of the slide with a grease pencil
(or etched with a diamond) in order that one may know on which side
the smear is made. W i t h a clean scalpel, which should be honed flat
and smooth, quickly and evenly crush and spread the anthers over the
center of the slide so that the microsporoeytes art; in a single layer over
the greater part of the slide. Immediately invert the slide and place



in the Petri dish in such a way that the entire smeared surface comes
into instantaneous contact with the killing fluid. If the slide is brought,
into the fluid in any save a perfectly horizontal position, most, if not
all, of the material will be washed off. T h e time elapsing from excising
the anthers to placing the smear in the killing fluid should not exceed
4 seconds. A s the capacity of the Petri dish is t w o slides, a second
smear may now be made, using anthers from another bud if desired, and
placed beside the first. Although the slides may be turned smear side up
after about 10 minutes, it will be safer to leave them as they are for the
duration of the time necessary for proper fixation, which with Navashin's
fluid is about 4 hours.

F I G . 18.Nicotiana alata: smear preparation of second division in microsporocytes.

The anthers contain a dense periplasmodium which absorbs some stain. Fixed with
Navashin's fluid; stained by Johansen's methyl violet method.

Another method of smearing the anthers or pieces of anther is to

place them in the center of a slide, to hold a second slide crosswise, and to
exert just enough force firmly to extrude and to spread the microsporo
cytes. Immediately invert both slides in the dish containing the killing
Other killing fluids may, of course, be tried.

T h e following has proved

excellent for chromosome structure:

10% aqueous acetic acid
10% aqueous chromic acid
2 % osmic acid in 2 % chromic acid

10.0 cc.
1.0 cc.
7.5 cc.

Distilled water

41.5 cc.




To the mixture add approximately 1% saponin; the amount may

have to be adjusted for different species. LaCour's 2BE fluid sometimes
gives good fixation, but frequently leaves the cytoplasm in such a con
dition that it is too dense to permit the chromosomes to be clearly
outlined by stains.
The fixation completed, turn the slide right side up, and with forceps
remove anther fragments and other thick pieces of debris that might
unduly elevate the coverslip when mounted. Then place in low staining
dishes, and wash for about 15 minutes in gently running water. The
slides should be examined under the microscope and any undesirable ones
rejected. The smears are now ready to be stained. There are available
a number of staining schedules, each adapted for particular needs and
each giving a different picture of the chromosomes and their structure.
Johansen's Methyl Violet Method.The principal attributes of this
method are its brevity, ease of manipulation, and the certainty of obtain
ing sharply stained chromosomes from diaphase onward. It will ordi
narily prove useless for prediaphase stages, except possibly in certain
1. Transfer smears from water to a 1% aqueous solution of methyl
violet 2B, preferably freshly made. This should should not have been
boiled, otherwise precipitates will be left in the cells. The staining
requires 15 minutes or less but may be increased if necessary.
2. Transfer slides to water, in which they may be left for as long as
3> hour. The slides should hereafter be handled individually.
3. Differentiate in 70 and 95% alcohol, to each of which is added
0.5% picric acid (if the crystals come in the moist form, add a little
more to make up for the weight of the water). Hold the slide with
broad forceps, and move back and forth gently in the vessel containing
the alcohol. About 10 seconds in each alcohol is long enough. Do
not use the series after they have become saturated with dye', nor should
used solutions be allowed to stand unused for more than a few days,
lest a greenish-yellow color be imparted to the cytoplasm.
4. Immerse the slide for 15 seconds or so in 95% alcohol containing
about 4 drops ammonia to each 100 cc. alcohol.
5. Complete dehydration in absolute alcohol for about 10 to 12
6. Complete differentiation in pure clove oil: this is the critical step
in the procedure. Eight to fifteen seconds is generally long enough.
Keep the slide moving back and forth to ensure even differentiation.
7. Wash in xylol containing a trace of absolute alcohol.
8. Leave the slides in pure xylol for about 2 hours, but not longer
than 3 hours, before mounting: this will improve the sharpness of the




stain. T h e slides may be examined under the microscope and any

unsatisfactory ones rejected before mounting in balsam.
I n general, a counterstain is undesirable with smear preparations,
and few if any cytologists use one. However, any of the usual cyto
plasmic counterstains may be used if occasion demands.

FIG. 19.rTrillium ovatum (above) and T. chloropclalum (below): prophase stages in

meiosis. Permanent iron-acetocarmin smears. (Preparations and photomicrographs by
Dr. H. E. Warmke.)
Newton's Gentian Violet-Iodine Method.Newton originally added
1 g. each of potassium iodide and iodine to each 100 cc. of solution of each
of the dehydrating alcohols, passed the slide through the series, washed
thoroughly in absolute alcohol, cleared in xylol, and mounted in balsam,
Any degree of depth of the stain could be obtained in this fashion,
Present-day workers, however, have eliminated the chemicals from all



the dehydrating alcohols save either the 70 or the 85% one. The
procedure is as follows:
1. Pass from water through 30 or 35% alcohol to the 70% containing
1 g. each of potassium iodide and iodine to each 100 cc. of solution.
The slide should be kept immersed until no more color comes off, which
will be in from a few seconds to a little over 1 minute. The smears
should look quite black.
2. Remove the iodine by washing in 70% alcohol.
3. Pass quickly, depending on how much stain is coming out of the
sections, through 85, 95%, and absolute alcohol.
4. Complete differentiation in clove oil. This should be rather
brief, or if necessary may be omitted altogether.
5. Wash thoroughly in xylol, clear in pure xylol for 2 hours or longer,
then mount in balsam.
Newton's method requires more experience than does the preceding
one and, furthermore, demands greater accuracy in judgment In order
to secure the optimum results. Most technicians use the gentian violet
(crystal or methyl violet may also be used) at a strength of 1 % (which
is almost a saturated solution), while others use 0.75 down to 0.2%.
If the stain appears to be too strong, it is 'a simpler matter to dilute it
with water than to cut down the time. The time depends upon the
material, but the optimum period is about 15 minutes. The method
does not succeed with many plants and is said to be inferior to other
procedures in,the staining of the diaphase and earlier stages. The
chromosomes often appear so transparent that this has called forth
objections. It has been claimed that the transparency can be greatly
reduced by judicious exposure of the completed preparation to sunlight.
The stained slides last about 1 year, then begin to fade.
Sax's Variation of Newton's Method.Make smears as usual, and
fix preferably with Navashin's fluid for 1 to 2 hours (Sax 1931). Wash
in 10 to 20% ethyl alcohol for 12 to 30 minutes, then stain with 1%
aqueous crystal violet for 1 to 5 minutes. Rinse in water, and immerse
in 30% alcohol for 15 to 20 seconds, followed by the same length of time
in 50% alcohol. Iodize in 80% alcohol containing 1% iodine and 1%
potassium iodide for 30 seconds. Destain and complete, differentiation
with absolute alcohol, clear with clove oil, pass through xylol, and mount
in balsam.
LaCour's Method.It has been found (LaCour 1935) that, if the
anthers are smeared, immediately placed, smear side down, in a dish
containing 3% aqueous cane sugar for a second or two, then laid flat
over an open dish containing concentrated ammonium hydroxide or
concentrated nitric acid for a few seconds, and next placed in the fixing
fluid (preferably a Flemming medium solution plus osmic acid) for 2



hours, the spiral structure of the chromosomes is more clearly revealed.

T h e main precaution in order to prevent loss of cells is always to keep
the slip flat and to m o v e it horizontally.
less danger of the cells washing off.

After fixation, there is much

Wash, bleach if necessary, and stain

as preferred.

Fio. 20.Trillium chloropetalum: permanent iron-acetocarmin smear preparations of

microsporoeytes; A, diaphase, sho%ving chiasmata; B, early anaphase. (Preparation and
photomicrograph by Dr. H. E. Warmke.)

Kauffmann's Iron-Hematoxylin Method.

1 . Prepare smears, and fix in Navashin's or a chrom-osmo-acetic
2. M o r d a n t in 2 % aqueous ferric ammonium sulphate for 1 hour.
3. Wash carefully in running water for a few seconds and rinse in
distilled water.




4. Stain for 1 hour or longer in 0.5% hematoxylin.

5. Rinse in water, then destain under observation in the same solution
that was used for mordanting, which is discarded upon completion of the
W h e n the stain seems satisfactory, transfer the slide
to water.
6. Wash in running water for at least 1 hour t o remove the iron alum.
7. Dehydrate b y stages of not over 10%, with 2 or 3 minutes in each
8. Clear in mixtures of absolute alcohol and xylol, of which about
four intermediate stages suffice. Then leave in pure xylol for a short
time before mounting in balsam.
Tuan's Modified Hematoxylin Method.This is a method requiring
considerable patience, but the preparations are usually of such surpassing

F I G . 21.Trillium ovaium: permanent iron-acetoearmin smear preparations of mitoses

in the young microspore; A, metaphase; B, anaphase. {Preparation and photomicrograph
by Dr. H. E. Warmke.)
beauty that the extra effort is amply repaid. When properly carried out,
it is possible to study the internal structure of metaphase chromosomes.
1. K i l l and fix the smears in Navashin's fluid, or in a chrom-osmoacetic mixture, for about 20 minutes.
2. Wash in running water for 20 minutes.
3. Bleach if necessary with diluted hydrogen peroxide, then wash
4. M o r d a n t in 2 % ferric ammonium sulphate for 20 minutes.
5. Wash in running water for 6 t o 10 minutes, then rinse in distilled

6. Stain in 0.5% hematoxylin for 20 minutes.

7. Wash out excess stain with water.
8. Differentiate in a saturated aqueous solution of picric acid. T h e
time varies according to the species and to the stage of development
of the microsporocytes or microspores: 20 minutes for divisions in pollen




grains, 40 minutes for tetrad stages, and 100 to 120 minutes for dividing
chromosomes. Examine occasionally under the microscope to note
progress of the destaining. It must be carried considerably further than
usual if one wishes to observe internal chromosomal details.
9. Wash in running water for 30 minutes, then proceed to the dehydra
tion and mounting in balsam.
Capinpin's Brazilin Method.Belling's original brazilin method
lacked certain desirable qualities, one being permanence. It was better
adapted for the Liliaceae than for dicotyledonous families, in the opinion
of many critics. In the Onagraceae, and particularly for Oenothera,
it was for years impossible to make really first-class smear preparations
of the peculiar rings of chromosomes found at the diaphase of many
species. A number of improvements over Belling's method have been
devised (Capinpin 1930), and it is possible to secure results of unusual
1. Make smears as preferred, using Navashin's fluid for fixation.
2. Transfer to a mixture of 1 part of Solution A of Navashin's fluid
(the chromic acid part) and 4 parts water. Turn slides right side up,
and remove the thicker fragments and other debris. Leave for about
15 minutes' in order to remove the formalin of the fixative.
, 3. Pass through 15, 30, and 50 to 70% alcohol, and allow to remain
4. Mordant overnight in a freshly prepared 1% solution of ferric
ammonium sulphate in 70% alcohol.
5. Wash about 45 minutes in several changes of 70% alcohol.
6. Stain in a ripe 0.5% solution of brazilin in 70% alcohol. (The
brazilin solution should be ripe a week after being prepared.) The
time varies between 2 to 6 hours.
7. Wash briefly in 70% alcohol.
8. Differentiate in 1% ferric ammonium sulphate in 70% alcohol.
This process takes from 5 to 10 minutes. When examined under the
microscope, smears rightly stained show chromosomes brownish-black
or black, cytoplasm pink or straw-colored, and cell wall colorless.
9. Wash in two changes of 70 and one of 95% alcohol, 10 minutes in
. each.
10. Dehydrate in absolute alcohol, and pass through the following
Equal parts of absolute alcohol and cedar oil ,Y
Equal parts of xylol and thin cedar oil
' 9 parts xylol and 1 part cedar oil

1,1. Complete the clearing in two changes of xylol, then mount in




Backman's Method.-This procedure combines the stain with the

fixing fluid (Backman 1935). It has not been thoroughly investigated
but is being presented because of its possibilities.
1. Prepare smears as usual.
2. Fix for 3 to 5 minutes, depending upon the density of the cyto
plasm, in the following mixture:


using anthraquinone

in place of the

picric acid

Alizarin R e d S







3. Rinse for 2 to 5 minutes with tap water.

4. Dehydrate through a rather close alcohol series up to 95% for
about 1 minute in each.
5. Differentiate by flooding the slide with 6.5.% sulphuric acid in
95% alcohol saturated with picric acid until the chromosomes become
clear; a few seconds generally suffice. A too prolonged treatment with
the acid solution is inadvisable. If the differentiation is difficult, shorten
the time in the fixative.
6. Wash thoroughly with 95 % alcohol to remove the acids. A further
neutralizing effect may be obtained by adding 0.5% potassium hydroxide
to the alcohol.
7. Intensify the stain, if desired or if the preparation is required for
immediate use, by washing for 30 seconds to 1 minute in 95% alcohol
plus 4% by volume of cymene. (The originator does not specify what
type of cymene should be employed.)
8. Complete dehydration with absolute alcohol.
9. Clear for 2 minutes in each of the following mixtures: 5 parts abso
lute alcohol and 3 parts xylol; 3 parts absolute alcohol and 5 parts xylol.
10. Wash for 5 minutes in each of two changes of xylol, then mount in
Belling's Iron-acetocarmin Method.Really superb results have
been secured by the use of this method. Much care is required to obtain
successful preparations, and the method is not applicable to every
organism. For example, beautiful preparations of the reduction divisions
in the ovaries and testes of certain Orthoptera, or in anthers of Triticum
or Nicotidha are easily made, but it is difficult to get even passable slides
of meiosis in the microsporoeytes of Lilium and impossible in Oenothera
and related genera. The preparations, as a rule and at their best, do
not remain in good condition for longer than a few months. Despite
its disadvantages, the student will find the iron-acetocarmin method
well worth trial and will feel more than repaid when good preparations
are secured.
Belling's formulae for the preparation of iron-acetocarmin have
varied somewhat. The one which the writer prefers is to add 90 cc.



glacial acetic acid to 110 cc. distilled water. Heat to boiling, remove
from the flame, and immediately add 1 g. (roughly) certified carmin dye.
Cool in the ice box, then decant. Add a few drops of an aqueous solution
of ferric acetate until the color on standing is a dark wine red. Be careful
not to add too much iron or the carmin will be precipitated. Keep in a
well-stoppered bottle.
There are several methods of using iron-acetocarmin. The method
to be used with a particular type of material depends upon the material
itself. Four methods are outlined below.
1. Place a few small anthers, or small pieces of large anther, in a drop
of acetocarmin on a slide. After a few minutes withdraw the fluid with
absorbent paper, and replace with a fresh drop of dye. Press out the
microsporocytes with a scalpel or by other means, and remove anther
walls and debris. Put on a large coverslip, withdrawing any excess
fluid with absorbent paper. Then seal as soon as possible by covering
the edges of the coverslip with melted paraffin (of a low melting point)
with a warmed metal instrument, say a flattened broad needle. Allow
to stand for several days for the stain to penetrate thoroughly. Any
particular microsporocyte may be flattened out, or the cytoplasm and
chromosomes may even be forced from the cell, by careful pressure on
the coverslip.
2. Anthers cut into small sections or very tiny pieces of testis or
ovary are put into a test tube with at least fifty times their bulk of
acetocarmin. After about five days, depending. upon the species,
preparations are made by putting a piece of the material on a slide in a
drop of acetocarmin, squeezing out the microsporocytes or flattening or
teasing the animal material, adding a coverslip, and sealing.
3. Smears of anthers or testis may be made on a coverslip in the
usual way and the latter immediately placed upside down on a drop of
acetocarmin on a slide.
4. If it is desired to stain the nuclei or chromosomes in microspores,
add just enough crystals of chloral hydrate to a few drops of acetocarmin
to clear the material. If too much of the chloral hydrate were added,
plasmolysis will ensue. Leave in the stain for two days or so. Indi
vidual cells may be squeezed or partially crushed to give better views of
their contents.
When viewing iron-acetocarmin preparations under the microscope,
a green filter should be inserted between the microscope and the source
of illumination. The bluish-red chromosomes will then appear, nearly
jet black.
McCallum's Iron-propionocarmin.Propionic acid gives better
fixation and staining than does acetic acid. The amount of propionic
acid in the staining solution need not be so critical as with acetocarmin,




therefore the amount may be varied to give the optimum results for
each type of material (G. A. McCallum; unpublished). Incidentally,
the propionic acid solution dissolves more carmin dye and gives a more
intense reaction, together with greater clarity of the cytoplasm.
Kill and fix the material in 1 part propionic acid and 2 parts absolute
alcohol. Place the material in iron-propionocarmin (prepared in exactly
the same manner as iron-acetocarniin, substituting the same volume of
propionic acid for the acetic acid) for 2 to 3 minutes, then transfer to a
slide in a drop of the staining solution, and flatten under a coverslip.
If the material is difficult to flatten, heat the slide slightly, Float the
coverslip off in 50% aqueous propionic acid, then if necessary destain
in the same solution. Heat may be applied to accelerate the destaining.
Next dehydrate through the following series of mixtures, allowing about
five minutes in each:

t e r t i a r y b u t y l a l c o h o l , J p r o p i o n i c a c i d , %

y% t e r t i a r y b u t y l a l c o h o l ,

propionic acid

propionic acid


tertiary butyl alcohol,

t e r t i a r y b u t y l a l c o h o l , }{o

Pure tertiary butyl alcohol.

propionic acid




(In the original method, tertiary butyl alcohol was

e m p l o y e d , b u t i t is p r o b a b l e t h a t h y g r o b u t o l w o u l d w o r k b e t t e r . )

Mount in balsam dissolved in tertiary butyl alcohol or hygrobutol.

McClintock's Permanent Acetocarmin Method.Place anthers
directly in a bottle containing 1 part glacial acetic acid to 3 parts absolute
alcohol. Material can be kept for 12 hours to several weeks (the stainability of the chromosomes is definitely improved by the fixative). For
longer storage transfer directly to 70% alcohol.
Transfer anthers from either killing fluid or 70% alcohol to a small
drop of acetocarmin. Carefully squeeze or tease out contents of anther.
Remove all debris, then add coverslip. Heat the slide over an alcohol
flame for about 1 second. This should be repeated four to five times
until the cells are somewhat spread and flattened. The solution must
not be allowed to boil. Examine slides at this juncture, and reject all
undesired ones. Be careful not to shift the coverslip or the sporocytes
will be loosened. Place slide in a Petri dish filled with 10% aqueous
acetic acid. The coverslip will gradually rise somewhat from the slide,
carrying some of the sporocytes with it. Push the coverslip gently
to the edge of the slide so that it can be grasped with forceps, but wait
until enough solution has run between the slide and coverslip to allow
the latter to float freely. The sporocytes stick to both slide and coverslip;
consequently both must be handled in the solutions that follow. Care
fully transfer both to a jar containing equal parts of acetic acid and
absolute alcohol. Then pass through the following mixtures, allowing
a few minutes in each;

1 part acetic acid to 3 parts absolute
1 p a r t acetic a c i d t o 9 parts- absolute
E q u a l parts of absolute

alcohol and


The slide and coverslip are recombined directly from the last solution
in xylol-balsam. A pure xylol solution must not be used on fresh slides
as it will cause a distortion of the sporocytes.
By one variation of the above method (Steere 1931), the anthers
are smeared on clean slides, then immediately fixed and stained by
placing the slides, smear side down, in a Petri dish full of steaming
acetocarmin for from 1 to 10 minutes. The slides are then transferred
rapidly through the following mixture: 2 parts glacial acetic acid plus
1 part absolute alcohol; 1 park acetic acid plus 2 parts absolute alcohol;
1 part acetic acid plus 9 parts absolute alcohol. Complete dehydration
by immersion for a few minutes in absolute alcohol, then clear for 2 to 3
minutes in a, mixture of equal parts of absolute alcohol and xylol, and
mount in balsam from this solution, but work rapidly during the mount
ing in order to prevent absorption of moisture from the atmosphere.
Zirkle's Methods.These methods have been designed to combine
the acetocarmin staining mixture with inert substances which solidify,
on standing and seal the mounts, thus avoiding the difficulties usually
attendant on transferring materials from the stain to a permanent
mounting medium (Zirkle 1937).
1. The material is macerated on a slide in a drop of acetocarmin,
then several drops of the following solution are added:

80 cc.


10 c c .


corn sirup (dextrose)

10 cc.


Next heat the preparation, then press down on the coverslip until the
smears are flattened to the desired extent. Excess solution oozing from
the coverslip need not be removed.
2. The following mixture combines in one operation fixing, staining,
and mounting. It may be used as made up, or it may be diluted with
acetocarmin in various proportions as required by the nature of the
material. If diluted, morefluidshould be allowed in order to compensate
for the greater amount Of water and acetic acid that evaporate.
Glacial acetic acid

50 cc.


50 cc.



^Ferric chloride
Carmin dye

1 cc.
10 g.



T o






Dissolve the gelatin in the water, then add the other ingredients.
and filter the mixture, exactly as is done with plain acetocarmin. T h e
medium becomes firm like balsam as the aqueous portions evaporate;
it will not liquefy when heated, once it has solidified.
Warmke's Method.The schedule affords permanent smears of
root tips and gives exceptionally beautiful and useful preparations
( W a r m k e 1935). I t may also be used on microspores in order to study
the first postmeiotic division.
1. K i l l and fix tissues as directed in McClintock's method.
2. R e m o v e from the killing fluid and place for 5 to 10 minutes in a
mixture of equal portions of 9 5 % alcohol and concentrated hydrochloric

FIG. 22.Trillium chloropetalum: cell from a root-tip smear prepared according to

Warmke's method. (Preparation and photomicrograph by Dr. H. E. Warmke.)

acid. This serves to dissolve the pectic substances of the middle lamellae.
The proportions may be varied considerably: 3 parts acid to 7 parts
alcohol may be used, but the time must be prolonged.
3. Transfer to Carnoy's fluid (with chloroform) for 5 minutes or
longer. T h e purpose is to harden the tissues again after the acid treat
ment, which more or less softens it.
4. Cut off a small piece (less than 0.5 mm. long) from a root tip or
piece of anther, and place on a clean slide in a drop of acetocarmin.
I t will be difficult to flatten the cells sufficiently if it is attempted to
use too large a piece of material. Press directly on the piece with a small
flat scalpel: the cells will separate and float free in the stain. Place a
coverslip over the drop of stain, and apply gentle pressure. T h e size
of the drop of acetocarmin is governed by the dimensions of the coverslip.
If too much stain is used, it will flow out from under the coverslip and




carry many of the cells with it. Small square coverslips will be found
more satisfactory than large rectangles.
5. Heat the slide cautiously by passing three or four times through
the flame of an alcohol lamp (take great care not to let the solution boil);
this serves to clear the cytoplasm.
6. The preparation may be preserved temporarily by covering the
edges of the coverslip with a mixture of equal parts of Parowax and gum
mastic heated together. Such mounts will keep in good condition for
about a week. Permanent mounts can be made as described under
McClintock's method, beginning with the placing of the slide in 10%
aqueous acetic acid.
Hillary's Method.Fix the root tip .with any suitable fluid, then
wash out the fixing fluid thoroughly, and apply the Feulgen technique
(Hillary 1938). Sufficient time should be allowed for the stain to pene
trate thoroughly. Dehydrate through three changes of dioxan. Place
a tip in a drop of balsam diluted with dioxan on a clean slide, and divide
the tip into small longitudinal sections by means of sharp needles or a
very small scalpel. Finally add more balsam if necessary, then apply a
coverslip. Further pressure applied to the coverslip aids in spreading the
This method may also, be used on anthers that are difficult to smear
before the microsporoeytes have rounded up.

Microtechnical methods employed in the field of cytology are the
most critical of all, and before a person enters this domain, he should take
the pains to become fairly well grounded in the basic principles and
procedures of general botanical microtechnique. Only in this way is it
possible to become sufficiently proficient to devise the special variations
in schedules demanded by the differences in structure and chemical
composition of the tissues of diverse plants. No two species react exactly
alike to the identical technical schedule, and the beginning technician
must learn how to adapt the composition of killing and fixing fluids and
the staining procedures to the particular plants under investigation. It
is impossible to interpret and to judge the final results accurately and
adequately unless considerable preliminary experience has been gained.
The common practice of attempting to learn microtechnique and to
investigate a cytological research problem simultaneously cannot be
too strongly condemned. Those who do this usually never become
other than mediocre technicians and poof cytologists, since they are
unable to master the finer points of microtechnique and consequently
cannot appreciate the value, from the standpoint of interpretative
cytology, of working withfirst-qualitypreparations.
'Cytological technicians in the past have been too content to adopt
pragmatism as their sole philosophy. The rationale of their methods
has too often mattered little or not at all, provided the final result was
according to their notions. As one critic succinctly put the matter: "As
a result, textbooks of cytological and histological technique have tended
to resemble the pharmacopoeas of the Middle Ages." A change in this
viewpoint is a vital necessity if cytological technique is to progress.
A complete understanding of the behavior of the different substances
entering into the composition of killing and fixing fluids, particularly
with regard to their effect upon both resting and dividing chromatin, is
the first and probably the most important point upon which the
embryonic cytologist should become thoroughly grounded. Next in
order of importance is the ability to manipulate stains and staining
schedules to obtain the optimum optical contrast, bearing in mind the
, fact that cytologists never employ general staining, as is commonly used
on purely anatomical materials, but always aim to procure the sharpest



possible staining of particular structures. The fact should incidentally

be emphasized that not only do stains differ in their action upon different
species, but even upon different stages in the same piece of material.
Many cytologists use only one dye and concentrate on some one phase
under specific investigation, such as the chromosomes at the metaphase
stage in either mitosis or meiosis. The more critical cytologists employ
more than one killing and fixing fluid and different staining methods in
order to obtain confirmatory evidence through diversity of methods.
The beginning cytologist further needs to become proficient in the
use of iron-acetocarmin or iron-propionocarmin, whether smears or
crushed materials are used. The majority of the most competent tech
nicians always make a preliminary study of their materials by means of
temporary mounts stained by some carmin method!
Cytological methods, on the whole, are the most painstaking of all,
but the final results, when successful, more than justify the trouble
entailed in their preparation. John Belling, one of the most critical
and competent of cytologists, thought nothing of spending weeks and
even months preparing a single perfect preparation: every step was
carefully considered in advance, and nothing was left to chance or guess
work. One would do well to emulate his brilliant example. Except for
temporary carmin-stained preparations, a passable cytological slide
cannot be made in a hurry, nor by lackadaisical methods.
It is not possible to write precise directions, step by step, for cytologi
cal methods. The best that can be done is to enumerate the methods
which innumerable cytologists have found by sustained experience to
afford the optimum results: using these methods as a guide; a person with
sufficient preliminary training and experience will find himself able to
adapt them to the peculiarities and idiosyncrasies of his particular
Smears versus Sections.The beginner who has followed the litera
ture, especially that between 1925 and 1932, will doubtless have noted a
sharp divergence of opinion between those cytologists who depend prin
cipally upon smears (or crushed and spread tissues) for their observations
and those who favor sections. No one method, however, can
possess any inherent superiority over another since none alone can be
wholly sufficient by itself. Each method has its good points, as well as
its disadvantages, consequently each should be considered as supplemen
tary to the others. ' Each supplies evidence of a type not readily afforded
by another; taken all together, each reveals a part of the whole. There
are circumstances in which one method is more useful than another, but
this does not necessarily rule out the applicability of the others. To cite
a few instances: the pollinia of Acacia and the orchids cannot be smeared;
the microsporoeytes of the Onagraceae are easily smeared but cannot




always be well stained and show only a few metaphase stages at a time;
the microsporocytes of the Liliaceae and related families are equally good
smeared or sectioned but only smears will show the entire nucleus or
chromosome garniture because of their large size; buds of many species
are too small to be handled for smearing, and so on.
The rule to follow should be to make smears whenever satisfactory
ones are permitted by the nature of the material and its staining capacity
and always to make sections, checking the observations on the one against
those on the other.
For smears, consult the chapter on Smear Methods (page 155).
One should commence with temporary carmin-staining schedules, pro
gressing to permanent carmin methods, thence to other permanent
methods. For paraffin sections, the tertiary butyl alcohol method of
dehydration is recommended. Celloidin methods are rarely satisfactory
for cytological studies since it is so troublesome to arrange serial sections,
but this difficulty can be partly circumvented by double-embedding.
Manipulation of Material.Materials intended for cytological inves
tigations must be more carefully handled than is generally recognized.
Post-mortem changes must be completely avoided; the time from the
removal from the plant to placing in the killing fluid should be as short a
period as possible, and the plants should also be healthy and turgid,
unless pathological material is being investigated (such as parasitic
fungi, mosaic diseases, etc.). Wilted portions should never be fixed,
otherwise the completed preparations will reveal excessive plasmolysis,
clumping of chromosomes, cytomixis, and similar artifacts.
Root tips may be obtained from plants grown in nutrient solutions
or in not too large pots. Aquatic plants or those grown in nutrient
solutions may simply be lifted out of the water and the tips cut off
behind the meristematic region (which is whiter and more opaque than
elsewhere) by means of a small sharp scalpel or pinched off with finepointed forceps. If the plants are grown in pots, they should have been
allowed to grow until the space between the soil and interior of the pot is
beginning to become filled with roots. Invert the pot, holding the stem
between the middle and indexfingersof the left hand with the hand itself
flat on the soil, knock the edge of the pot against something solid, and
the mass of roots and soil generally comes out readily. With the whole
thing still held in the hand, snip off the tips with fine forceps, and place
immediately in the killing fluid. To be on the safe side, as many tips
as possible should be removed from the potted plants. The tips from
such a source rarely have particles of grit adhering, but care should be
taken not to carry any over. Sometimes there may .be no root tips
visible; in such cases, the soil may be carefully washed away under a
faucet, when it is generally possible to find tips near the crown. Plants
dug out of gardens scarcely ever have tips in good condition.




Bulbs of Allium cepa may be grown in the dark in suitable containers,

using a somewhat diluted Knop's or other nutrient solution. The tips
will be long enough for removal in about three days. Bulbs of Hydcinthus, Crocus, Fritillaria, and similar genera are better grown in a cool, dark
place in finely sifted soil (with no sand, if possible) or in shredded peat in
pots or boxes, since they require from two weeks to a month to attain
sufficient growth for removal of the root tips. Remove the bulbs from
the container, wash quickly under a gently flowing faucet, then cut off
the tips with a scalpel.
It is a simple matter to remove the buds from dicotyledonous plants.
Anthers from one or two may be removed and smeared in iron-aceto
carmin to determine the stage of microsporogenesis, but ovules can
only be collected blindly. If the anthers have a yellow or reddish color,
the pollen grains have been formed; as a rule, meiosis has already taken
place by this time in the megasporocytes. If the buds are large, either
remove the anthers and ovaries individually, or reduce the entire buds
to convenient small portions; With small buds the procedure depends
on whether the ovaries .are superior or inferior, and in the case of the
latter whether both anther and ovary portion is to be removed as an
entity or separately. If the ovaries are superior, separate from the plant
by cutting between the base of the oVary and the apex of the pedicel, then
cut off the overlapping sepals at the top in order to permit the killing
and infiltrating reagents to enter more readily. In the large buds of
most Asteraceae bisect each capitulum in the median vertical plane; it
would be a good idea to do the same thing with other plants whenever
the nature of the material permits it. In the case offlowerswith inferior
ovaries one may remove the whole thing if it is small enough, and simply
remove the sepal tips. Otherwise separate the ovary and anther portions,
and run up independently. If the flowers come in small dense bunches,
it is the usual practice to treat the whole group as an entity, but care
must be taken to insure complete penetration of the killing fluid by mak
ing a few incisions in places where they will do no damage. All superflu
ous tissue should always be removed.
The remarks in the preceding paragraph refer to buds that are readily
visible externally. In many monocotyledons, particularly in the Liliaceae, the buds are concealed in bulbs or similar structures and must be
dissected out. It is necessary to have some knowledge as to the time of
year at which the various developmental processes are undergone. In
Trillium, for example, meiosis in the microsporoeytes occurs during
September and early October; in Hyacinthus it may occur as early as
August in some species or varieties, in October in others.
Plant groups other than the angiosperms, which have been considered
above, may be treated as suggested in the special sections devoted to the
pertinent groups.




Choice of Fixing Fluid.If a proper fixing fluid, with the ultimate

purpose for which the preparations are required always kept in mind, is
not chosen at the beginning, little or nothing can be done afterward to
remedy initial errors. Of course, there will be occasions when one will
be forced to use materials which from necessity were fixed in the only
available fluids (as on collecting trips to regions remote from a labora
tory) ; in such instances it becomes a matter of adapting staining sched
ules to obtain the desired result. There is, however, no excuse, when
adequate opportunities are at hand, for not using a carefully adjusted
formula for the killing fluid. In determining the constituents of such a
fluid and the proportions of the various ingredients, the factors which
require to be taken into account include: (1) the nature of the material,
(2) the size or bulk of the latter and its penetrability by fluids, and (3)
the dye or stain conbination to be employed for staining. If a violet
dye, for example, is to be used, the fluid should contain chromic acid; if a
triple combination is to be used, the fluid should contain both chromic
and osmic acids. If the bulk of the material is somewhat large, the fluid
should either be somewhat stronger than usual.or should contain ingre
dients of strong penetrating power. The same precautions should be
observed if the material is heavily cutinized or suberized, since such
tissues impede penetration of fluids. For cytological purposes aqueous
fluids are always preferable to alcoholic mixtures, since alcohol is a poor
preservative of dividing chromatin.
Statements in the literature to the effect that such-and-such a fluid
"gives the best results," without specifying under what conditions such
results were obtained, are meaningless. Conditions are not the same
everywhere at all times. In England, for example, LaCour's fluids are
popular and apparently afford excellent results, but on the Pacific Coast
the fixation is atrocious, and staining is most difficult. Climatic con
ditions apparently have a definite bearing onfixationresults and certainly
have one on the subsequent, staining. This statement refers more to
terrestrial plants than to those growing in aquatic habitats, as the latter
have a more nearly uniform milieu throughout the world when growing
in the same type of water. It is both desirable and necessary to experi
ment with several fixatives and with variations in these fixatives in
order to ascertain which provides exactly the desired results. One
should not blindly accept some writer's statements, except insofar as
these provide clues as to which formula might be most useful.
The majority of cytological technicians prefer killing fluids giving an
acid fixation image. The more they concentrate on dividing chromatin,
the more acid are the mixtures that they employ since their sole purpose
is to observe the chromosomes during mitosis and meiosis. Fixing
fluids which give basic images are employed only when cell contents and



inclusions are being studied; such fluids are useless for studies on dividing
chromatin since they dissolve it more or less.
Navashin's fluid, or some variation thereof, is generally considered
to be the most useful for cytological purposes. It is usually made up in
two parts. Few workers change the proportions of the chemicals in the
first part, but most vary the proportions of the formalin of the second
part in accordance with the idiosyncrasies of their material. Many
technicians, furthermore, especially when working with thick materials
or when these are heavily suberized or cutinized or covered with dense
hairs that prevent the material from sinking into the killing fluid, first
immerse the material in Carnoy's fluid for from 5 to 10 minutes, then
pour it off (some also give a quick rinsing with water) and replace with
Navashin's fluid. The beginning cytologist cannot go far astray if he
first tries Navashin's fluid, later making changes in the proportion of the
formalin if this seems desirable or necessary.
For reasons which have been amplified elsewhere, the simultaneous
use of potassium bichromate and chromic acid in a mixture is irrational.
Tissues fixed in such mixtures are always overchromated and staining is
difficult. It, is usually necessary to resort to bleaching, which at times is
dangerous since it may alter the fixation image.
If the morphology of the chromosomes is being studied, particular
attention should be paid to the amount of chromic acid in the fixing
fluid, since it has a direct effect upon accurate preservation of chromo
somal structure. Fixatives somewhat weak in this acid will reveal
constrictions that are not evident after fluids strong in chromic acid.
Infiltration and Embedding.Standard methods of infiltration with
paraffin are employed by most cytological technicians. It is very seldom
that any difficulties are encountered. The tertiary butyl alcohol method
is recommended since it produces the least variations in the fixation
image and permits easy mierotoming. The periods during which
materials remain in the dehydrating series and in the paraffin oven
should not be too prolonged.
Cytological materials are generally embedded differently than ana
tomical or other ordinary specimens. They are so embedded that the
largest possible number of sections can be mounted on each slide (note
Fig. 4A, F). For instance, root tips are embedded in bunches of from
two to as many as a dozen, for mierotoming transversely, and small
buds are embedded in groups depending on their size. If the buds are of
different sizes, one may either follow the less desirable method of grouping
together buds of various sizes, particularly if the exact stage when meiosis
occurs is not known and it is desired to ascertain this fact, or the buds
may be all the same size. The group of buds should not exceed 15 mm.
in any direction, but it does not matter whether they are arranged as



squares or rectangles. If they are to be cut longitudinally, they should

lie flat on their sides, all preferably pointing in the same direction; if
they are to be microtomed transversely, then the end which is to face
the knife should be pointed down. Not all types of buds, however, can
be oriented with reference to any particular plane, so they may simply
be grouped together. Separate anthers, ovaries, etc., may be treated
in the same fashion. All materials should be grouped together as closely
as possible, since it is exasperating to have to move the slide across wide
empty spaces when it is being examined under an immersion lens. Unless
a special electrically heated embedding plate is used, do not try to
arrange too large a quantity of material at one time lest the paraffin
become too solid before the task is completed'.
Microtoming.Although most plant materials for general study are
sectioned at from 10 to 12/*, cytological materials are not cut at any
standard thicknesses. Materialsfixedin fluids giving the basic fixation
image are cut rather thin; some technicians consider that 2 and 3/i are
none too thin, while others use sections as thick as 10ju. Mitochondria
are usually studied in sections cut at between 6 and 8ju; the cytoplasm
in sections anywhere from 2 to 10ju, depending upon the diameter of the
cells in which it is being investigated. In other words, the smaller the
mean diameter of the cells, the thinner the sections must be cut.
In sectioning root tips and buds for the study of the somatic and
meiotic chromosomes, the material should be microtomed at about threefourths of the average diameter of the cells. Microsporocytes and
megasporocytes increase enormously in size at a very rapid rate at about
the time meiosis is occurring in each, consequently sections should be
somewhat thicker than one would judge the thickness to be before this
stage is reached. Serious mistakes in the counting of chromosomes have
been made when too thin sections have been employed. A commercial
concern once advertised onion root tips allegedly sectioned at 1/n (which
is extremely doubtful) and designed especially for chromosome studies.
Such sections are very dangerous to use for that purpose since the
chromosomes have been cut into innumerable portions scattered over
as many as a dozen sections, and it is utterly impossible to match the
portions, much less to count the chromosomes accurately. The optimum
thickness for onion root tips, the more or less standard material upon
which beginning cytological technicians work, when microtomed longi
tudinally is lln; when cut transversely it should be 13 to 14>. The
majority of root tips should be microtomed transversely. , There are
very few which are as satisfactory as the onion when cut longitudinally;
among these may be mentioned Vici'afaba, Hyacinthus, Trillium, Lilium,
and Zea mays. It is problematical whether there is any species in which
the chromosomes can be accurately counted in side views (i.e., in longi-




tudinal section) of the spindle at either metaphase or anaphase of mitoses;

in any event, cytologists are skeptical of counts made under such circum
stances. These sections, however, are excellent for studying the struc
ture of the chromosomes. Very small root tips (using the onion for
comparison) with a comparatively short meristematic region should be
sectioned transversely at about 10>. In.very large tips the diameter of
the cells should first be ascertained, then the appropriate thickness may
be calculated. In Fritillaria meleagris, for instance, the chromosomes
are so large and numerous that sections 30 to 36ju thick are required.
Such thick sections are better cut with safety razor blades held in a
Craig-Wilson holder through which lukewarm water is allowed to run;
this will cause them to form a ribbon, which they will not do on an
ordinary knife. In Crocus the cells are larger than in the onion, but the
chromosomes are mostly smaller and more numerous; hence sections
should be cut transversely at 12 to 14/*.
The plane in which ovaries so small that it is impracticable to dissect
out the ovules for individual treatment are sectioned depends entirely
on the orientation of the ovules. It is invariably necessary to section
the ovules in the longitudinal plane perpendicular to the raphe or funicu
lus; consequently the technician should become familiar with the arrange
ment of the ovules while the material is being prepared for fixation. In
general, the ovules are arranged either horizontally or vertically, and thus
the ovaries may be sectioned transversely in thefirst'case and longitudi
nally in the latter instance. When they are in mixed positions, i.e.,
radiating from a common center in all directions, one can only cut blindly
and trust to luck to find ovules that were sectioned longitudinally. This
obviously means that a larger quantity of material must be sectioned in
order to afford a sufficient number of satisfactory sections. The megasporocyte differs greatly in size among different species,' and there is
little relation between the size of the ovule and the diameter of the megasporocyte. To contrast two genera: ovaries of Lilium and Oenothera of
approximately the same size may be taken; those of Lilium are sectioned
transversely at 24ju and those of Oenothera longitudinally at 12j*. The
ovules of Lilium will be found to be rather large with few, large cells;
those of Oenothera will be found to be small with numerous rather small
cells. The megasporocyte of Oenothera averages less than one-fourth
the size of that of Lilium and the chromosomes are even smaller. .
One piece of material should first be cut, stained, and examined under
the microscope. If the majority of the cells containing mitotic or meiotic
figures show that all the chromosomes are contained in either uncut
cells or in cells from which thin slices have been cut from either top or
bottom or both, then the thickness is correct, and the remainder of the
material may be sectioned at that thickness.




Staining Methods.Cytological staining must, above all, be sharp,

precise, and brilliant, with the clearest possible differentiation between
structures. Sloppy staining is worse than useless. Many beginners in
cytological technique overdo the staining and therefore should exercise
rigid control over this aspect of their work. Cytological staining is at
the same time the most simplified and the most difficult, yet if one takes
the necessary pains it can be easy. The secret of success is not to attempt
to do more than one thing at a time. To make this point clearer, it
will be recalled that in the average morphological preparation it is the
customary aim to attempt to stain as many structures as possiblecell
walls (whether cellulose, lignified, cutinized or suberized), cytoplasm,
nuclei, nucleoli, chromosomes, chloroplasts, sclereids, etc.; in cytological
preparations, on the other hand, one should not attempt to stain anything
besides the chromosomes, or the mitochondria, or the cytoplasm, as the
case may be. If, for example, anything besides the chromosomes is
stained, it should be looked upon as an accidental occurrence; if it does
not obscure the chromosomes, it is of no moment, but if the chromosomes
are rendered less visible, it is a serious matter that must immediately be
Most root tips take an adequate stain with iron hematoxylin for all
stages of mitosis; others do not. Those taken from plants which natur
ally grow in alkaline soils are especially unsatisfactory with this stain, as
are tips with very dense cytoplasm. Instances are known when certain
chromosomes became completely destained long before the remainder
were sufficiently differentiated, thus leading to inaccurate counts of the '
chromosomes. The tips of some species destain rapidly, but most of
them destain somewhat slowly, and in many such cases great caution
must be taken not to differentiate too far. A few cytologists destain
the hematoxylin until only the outlines of the chromosomes remain
visible, but this practice is hardly to be recommended. If the cytoplasm
is very dense, one can only judge from experience as to when the differen
tiation should be stopped. Few cytological technicians use a counter
stain on root tips in which the chromosomes are to be studied since it is
liable to obscure their morphology. Sometimes, however, one may be
required to reveal the otherwise invisible cell walls or to intensify the
cytoplasmic background; orange G may be recommended for the purpose.
Practically all root tips take a sharp and brilliant cytological stain
by one of the violet methods (page 89 et seq.). Most present-day
cytologists prefer the violets, crystal or methyl, as they can be sharply
differentiated and have a high specific affinity for dividing chromatin.
The violets are not always so good for resting chromatin as is iron hema
toxylin. There is considerable variation between species in the degree
to which the violet is concentrated in the dividing chromatin and removed




from other structures. When the slide is removed from the differentiating
fluid, the stain may seem to be still present in the sections generally, but
if the slide is examined under the microscope while still wet, it will
usually be observed that the stain is quite dilute in the cytoplasm and
cell walls and sharp enough in the chromatin. In still other species every
vestige of the violet is removed from the cytoplasm and other structures,
and the dividing chromatin alone (if lignified tissues are present, they
are usually also stained) stands out, brilliantly stained. . It will therefore
be seen that the macroscopic appearance of the sections is useless as a
guide to the adequacy or nature of the staining, and it should not be
depended upon. As a rule, the thicker the sections, the more generalized
the stain appears to be, but macroscopic and microscopic examination
are two very different things. Very few cytologists use counterstains
after the violets, but if it appears desirable to add one, either erythrosin
or orange G would be preferable.
Not all the violet dyes on the market are satisfactory for cytological
staining. Some are, in fact, worthless for the purpose. Gentian violet,
as explained in the chapter on stains, is not a single dye, but a mixture of
crystal and methyl violets in different proportions. Crystal violet
should be used whenever gentian violet is specified and is probably the
most satisfactory for use by Newton's method. Either crystal violet or
methyl violet 2B may be used in Johansen's method. Certified samples
should always be used.
Sections thicker than 10> cannot be satisfactorily stained with iron
hematoxylin, but the violets give sharp staining at all thicknesses.
Other stains may be used on root tips, but none is of greater value
than the violets or iron hematoxylin. Tips of Allium cepa are commonly
stained with safranin ajid fast green or by the Cajal-Brozek method, and'
both are very useful in elementary classes; hence one might experiment
with these two. If neither a violet nor iron hematoxylin stains ade
quately, resort may be had to a triple combination; Stockwell's modifica
tion is particularly useful, especially when the sections appear to be
Buds for the study of meiosis are commonly stained with a violet,
exactly as for root tips, followed by orange G. There is, however, far
more difference in the case of buds with regard to the extent that they
retain the violet stain. Sometimes it may be rather erratic, and in such
cases mordanting of one type or another is indicated. This may consist
in the application of 1 % aqueous chromic acid for at least 1 hour, or of
differential acidification previous to going into the staining solution.
Iron hematoxylin is frequently very sharp on buds, and it is to be pre
ferred for the prophase stages. The violets commonly do not stain the
prophase stages at all.




Feulgen's reaction is of the utmost value in cytological investigations.

The application of this chemical test appears to be rather complicated,
but once it has been mastered, it is a simple procedure and should be
adopted as a routine method.
The violet methods cannot be used on materials sectioned in celloidin,
but iron hematoxylin is generally quite satisfactory. Apparently no one
has yet applied the Feulgen reaction to celloidin sections.
A great many -methods have been devised by animal cytologists for
.the staining of mitochondria, but the stains all fade within a short time
and have never been any too successful on plant materials. Innumerable
staining methods for other elements making up animal tissues have also
been devised, but one need merely recall that animal and plant tissues
are radically different both chemically and physically, consequently these
methods are useless on plants.
Judgment of Results.'From the statements of many authors the
conclusion is inevitable that the problem giving them the greatest concern
is that of artifacts. The writer, on the other hand, is inclined to the
opinion that the question has been considerably overemphasized.
Modern technical methods, moreover, have gone far to remove the
commonest sources of artifact production.
An artifact has been described as "an appearance that arises from
treatment" (Darlington 1932). Consequently, when a living organism is
subjected to chemical treatment, artifacts are so liable to be introduced
that it could probably be stated categorically that no treated material
is entirely free from such appearances. Artifacts, on the other hand, are
rarely purely such. Those artifacts which are introduced extraneously
and as such are "pure artifacts," include deposits from certain fixing
fluids (e.g., those containing mercuric chloride) and certain stains. The
hematoxylins, especially when they have become aged and turn color,, are
notorious for leaving deposits when carelessly handled. All pure arti
facts, fortunately, are promptly recognizable as such.
Since artifacts may be considered as always being present, the prob
lem becomes simplified into one of determining the extent of their signifi
cance. The majority of,artifacts are dependent upon the nature of the
fixing fluid, but others have different causes. The appearance of cyto
plasm following the use of afixingfluidgiving the basic fixation image is
more nearly natural and normal; its appearance after a fluid giving an
acid fixation image is always an artifact. To cite another cause of arti
facts, if the chromosomes appear clumped following the use of Bouin's
fluid, the blame rests with the dehydrating fluids. The significance of
the artifact depends greatly on how far it was carried along to being what
it is. The chromosomes may show only a slight rounding up after
Bouin'sfluid,in which case they may serve for counting purposes if they



can be clearly distinguished each from the others, but they are in no
condition for any other purpose; if they are badly clumped, the prepara
tion is worthless.
Appearances will frequently be encountered where it is necessary to
determine whether an apparent artifact is natural or merely characteris
tic. If a presumable artifact appears after only onefixingfluid(generally
also when the same staining method is used) and not after others, then
it is a genuine, noncharacteristic artifact. If, on the contrary, it appears
after a variety of fixing fluids and staining methods, it is a characteristic
artifact. Again, if it can also be observed in the living material, it can
scarcely be considered to be an artifact. From this discussion it becomes
evident that the artifact question must be approached with caution, and
it ill behooves a critic to call an appearance an artifact and thereafter
ignore it. Its nature must be investigated; it may turn out to be a matter
of greater significance than was at first realized.
Cytology texts should be consulted by those wishing to go further into
the artifact question, since a discussion of the subject from the cytological
standpoint is beyond the scope of the present text (vide, e.g., Darlington
1932, Appendix I ) . Such texts should be considered in a critical vein
since cytologists themselves are not yet in agreement on many points.
The final problem to be considered is that of cytomixis. It is a
difficult one to answer. Most plant cytologists seem to consider the
extrusion of chromatin during meiosis in microsporocytes to be the result
of bad fixation or faulty technical treatment, but evidence has been
presented to show that the extrusion of nuclear material regularly and
constantly occurs in certain plants. It is also likely to be found in
material collected during very warm periods of the daytime.

The term "microchemistry" connotes two distinct phases: purely
chemical microchemistry and botanical microchemistry. We are not
concerned with the first phase, but with the latter only. In botanical
methods qualitative reactions alone are almost exclusively employed,
whereas in chemistry quantitative methods are of greater importance.
Those who wish to pursue the chemical aspects may consult the standard
works (e.g., Emich 1932, Haas and Hill 1928, Klein 1931-1933).
To many botanists microchemical tests are of significance only when
correlated with either anatomical structures or, to a lesser extent, physio
logical appearances. These tests, unfortunately, are of a fugitive nature
for the most part, and in but few cases is it possible to make permanent
preparations demonstrating microchemical reactions.
No attempt has been made to present an exhaustive list of procedures
or to include all substances for which tests have been devised.
Preparation of Sections.Only strictly fresh material should be
used, as a rule. Wilting of the tissues can sometimes produce changes in
reactions, and in some cases plant material that has been kept indoors
away from light and subjected to the influence of laboratory odors or
reagents will give a very different reaction from that of material freshly
collected outdoors.
Generally speaking, slightly thick sections are best for use in micro
chemical tests. Even those cut at around 50> are not too thick. Very
thin sections present too little tissue, especially if the substance for which
the test is being made occurs in quite small amounts, and there is thus
danger of obtaining a negative reaction. Such thin sections, moreover,
are difficult to handle.
Sections can be cut with safety razor blades, razors, or sharp scalpels
with thin blades. Clean the cutting implement thoroughly before each
operation to avoid contaminating the sections. In most tests the
sections are to be placed directly in the reagent, but if specific directions
concerning the immediate treatment of the sections are not given, it is
understood that they are to be placed in a few drops of pure distilled
Microchemical Reagents.The majority of the reagents are simple
solutions of various salts, dilutions of different acids, etc., and their



preparation is given in sufficient detail upon each occasion. Some general

reagents in common use, however, are being described at this juncture and
their ingredients and preparation described.
1. When the term "dilute" is used with reference to an acid, it usually
means a solution in distilled water of not over 5% strength. Dilute
solutions of salts may be of a strength not over 10% by weight.
2. Iodine-Potassium Iodide.Under certain circumstances variations
in the proportions of these two chemicals are required. When such are
not specified, the general formula may be employed. Dissolve 1 g.
potassium iodide in 100 cc. distilled water, then add 1 g. iodine flakes.
3. Millon's Reagent.Dissolve 1 g. mercury in 9 cc. concentrated
nitric acid of sp. gr. 1.52, and dilute the solution with an equal volume of
water. The reagent does not keep long, but its usefulness may be pro
longed by the addition of a few drops of potassium nitrite solution.

Formaldehyde.Sections of the fresh tissue to be tested are placed

directly in a few drops of a 1 % solution of diphenylamine in concentrated
sulphuric acid on a slide. Heat slightly over a flame. A permanent
green color, representing a condensation product of formaldehyde and
diphenylamine, appears. With other aldehydes the green color shortly
changes to red.

The number of known alkaloids is now so large that tests for each
of the individual alkaloids cannot be given here. Reference should be
made to manuals or monographs on the group (e.g., Henry 1924, Tunmann 1931). Alkaloids generally occur as colorless crystalline solids,
but a few are liquids. As a rule, they are insoluble, in water but will
dissolve in neutral organic solvents. Most alkaloids do not occur free,
but combined with some acid in the form of a salt;
Alkaloids, like most other substances having a nitrogen base, are
precipitated by the salts of the heavy metals. The best of such reagents
are 5% aqueous solutions of either gold or platinum chloride.
Parallel tests should be made on fresh sections and on sections which '
have been freed of their alkaloidal contents. To extract the alkaloids,
put the sections in 5% tartaric acid in 95% ethyl alcohol for several days,
then wash, and test. Iodine-potassium iodide solution gives a chocolatebrown precipitate with alkaloids; proteins give a yellow to brown color.
, Innumerable color reactions for different alkaloids are described in
Occurrence.Alkaloids are widely distributed. Saps of the Papa
veraceae contain several different alkaloids. In the Berberidaceae,



berberin forms tufts of needles of berberin nitrate when sections are placed
in 2% nitric acid.
Any species of Nicotiana may be used in tests for nicotine: with
phosphotungstic acid, deep yellow colors becoming yellowish-green are
produced; with saturated mercuric chloride the color is white;
with platinum chloride (2%), yellowish-white; with iodine solution,




In testing for most of the amino acids, it is best first to crystallize

them out of absolute alcohol. Fresh sections are placed directly in a drop
of the alcohol on a slide, and the alcohol allowed to evaporate. In addi
tion to the crystals of various amino acids, crystals of potassium nitrate
may appear. These crystals may be identified by their form, specific
reactions, and optical characters. Add to the slide a saturated aqueous
solution of asparagine (about 0.5 g. in 29 cc. of water). The waterinsoluble needle crystals of tyrosine remain; water-soluble plates of leucine
crystals dissolve; potassium nitrate crystals, which have one right angle,
dissolve; asparagine crystals, which have a 51 acute angle and a 129
obtuse angle, are not readily soluble but increase in size. Transfer the
sections again to absolute alcohol, add a coverslip, allow the alcohol to
evaporate, then heat cautiously to 170C. Leucine crystals sublime on
the coverslip; potassium nitrate crystals are unchanged;, asparagine
crystals become transformed into foamy oil-like drops which are readily
soluble in water.
Arginine, Histidine.The addition of a few drops of a dilute solu
tion of picrolonic acid to fresh sections produces a yellow crystalline
Asparagine, Glutamine.Quinone gives a red color to these two
amino acids: first crystallize the acids out of absolute alcohol then add 1
drop quinone solution. The asparagine crystals take a red color along
their boundaries, then dissolve slowly, and produce a red solution.
In order to distinguish between asparagine and glutamine, place the
sections in absolute alcohol, and dry for several days in a desiccator.
The glutamine crystals dissolve readily on the addition of water to
the sections.
A further test for asparagine may be carried out as follows: place
fresh sections in a drop of 7% aqueous cupric acetate on a slide. In
about 15 minutes begin adding traces of alcohol until ultramarine-blue
sphaerocrystals of copper asparagine appear.
OccurrenceAsparagine is of very widespread occurrence in plants;
it is easily demonstrated in etiolated seedlings of Lupinus and in tubers of




- Glutathione.Heat thin sections of fresh tissue in dilute acetic acid.

Wash in a saturated solution of ammonium sulphate, then place in a
watch glass containing about 5 cc. of this solution. Add 5 to 15 drops of
a 5% aqueous solution of sodium nitroprusside. Agitate thoroughly for a
short time, add about 1 cc. ammonium hydroxide, and at the same time
watch the sections carefully. On the addition of the last'reagent, a color
between pale pink and magenta will flash in the cells, lasting usually for
only a few seconds. The intensity and time of duration of the
color reaction vary, presumably with' the amount of glutathione
Leucine.As crystallized out of absolute alcohol, crystals of leucine
are in the form of thin plates arranged as rosettes, with angles of 70 and
110. It commonly happens that leucine and tyrosine crystallize together
as needles and planes arranged in sphaerite form. If the sections are
covered with a coverslip and heated to 170C, the leucine crystals sublime
on the coverslip.
Occurrence.Seedlings of most Papilionaceae, and those of Cucumis
and Chenopodium; buds of Aesculus; tubers of Solanum tuberosum and
' Tyrosine.To sections crystallized out of absolute alcohol, add a
drop of Millon's reagent. The tyrosine crystals are red at first but soon
dissolve into a red solution.
Place fresh sections in absolute alcohol on a slide, then after the
alcohol has evaporated, heat the sections in a few drops of a freshly
prepared solution of 0.01 g. sodium molybdate in 1 cc. concentrated
sulphuric acid. This dissolves the tyrosine crystals, giving a deep blue
color which soon turns violet.
With a solution of 2 drops acetaldehyde plus 1 drop concentrated
sulphuric acid, tyrosine gives a red color. When heated with a mixture
of approximately equal parts of formalin and sulphuric acid, a green color
is produced by tyrosine.
Occurrence.Shoots and , tubers of Dahlia; very young Lupinus

There are several color reactions distinguishing callose.

1. Permanent preparations of suitable small objects are easily made.
Place the material for 30 minutes in a freshly prepared and not too strong
aqueous solution of anilin blue. Transfer to a slide, add a small drop of
levulose sirup (10 g. levulose to 8 cc. warm distilled water) and cover
with.a coverslip. After the sirup has evaporated slowly until it becomes
thickened, ring the coverslip as for glycerin mounts. Callose is stained




2. Rosolic acid (corallin) may be employed in place of anilin blue.

Use a 1% solution in 4% aqueous sodium carbonate. A red color is
imparted to callose membranes.
3. Place the sections in a drop of a 1:2500 solution of resorcin blue.
After about 15 minutes, callose takes a brilliant blue stain. Transfer
to a drop of glycerin or levulose sirup on a slide for examination.
Callose, whose exact chemical nature is not yet definitely known, may
be distinguished from other membrane substances by its solubility
characters: (1) callose is insoluble, cellulose and the hemicelluloses
soluble, in copper oxide ammonia; (2) callose is soluble, cellulose and
chitin insoluble, in glycerin heated to 280C.; (3) callose swells but does
not dissolve in the alkaline carbonates and in ammonia; pectic acid (or
pectic substances changed to the acid form) dissolves.
Callose is also readily soluble in 1% aqueous potassium or sodium
hydroxide and in calcium or stannous chloride solutions.

Sugars.Sucrose is the principal sugar stored in tissues, but other

sugars are also present, notably fructose and glucose. It is necessary
to ascertain whether such sugars are actually present before tests for
sucrose are made. The Fliickiger test may be employed for this purpose.
In a drop of 15 to 20% aqueous sodium hydroxide on a slide dissolve a
small quantity of copper tartrate, place the sections therein, and add a
coverslip. Fructose immediately gives a yellowish-red precipitate of
cuprous oxide. On gentle warming, glucose gives cuprous oxide crystals.
On heating the sections for about 20 minutes, dextrin causes the forma
tion of cuprous oxide crystals. No precipitate is given by sucrose. Upon
the addition of 95% alcohol the fructose and glucose are dissolved, leav
ing the insoluble dextrin in the tissues.
The osazone test, when properly performed, is the most satisfactory
test for sugars (Mangham 1911). Its only disadvantage lies in its com
parative slowness. Make up the following solutions: (1) pulverize
phenylhydrazine hydrochloride in a mortar, then dissolve 1 part of the
powder in 10 parts glycerin, filter, and store in a brown bottle; (2) make
a solution of 1 part sodium acetate in 10 parts glycerin, and likewise
filter and store in a brown bottle. On the slide mix 1 drop of the phenylhydrazine solution and 2 drops of the sodium acetate mixture, then
place the sections in the reagent, and add a coverslip. Avoid using too
much of the reagent. Keep at a temperature of about 20C. In from
7 to 12 hours the formation of osazone crystals indicates the presence of
fructose; in two days glucose gives identical osazones. The difference
in the rate of crystallization makes it possible to distinguish between
fructose and glucose by the" forms and general appearance of the crystals.





The appearance of\ yellow droplets in the cells indicates the beginning
of the reaction. In the case of glucose these droplets crystallize slowly
and produce dense^ deep yellow to orange sphaeroclusters of needle
crystals. With fructose the clusters of crystals are less dense and clear
yellow in color. These distinctions are obtained only if there is more
than 1 % of the sugars present.
Maltose gives an osazone, which is soluble in 75 parts of boiling water
and can be crystallized from this solvent in rosettes of plates or broad
needles resembling sword blades. In the sections the osazone rosettes
are dense, lemon-yellow in color, and broader and larger than those
obtained with fructose and glucose.
Another procedure is to heat the slide carefully on a water bath for
15 minutes. The fructosazones are formed during the heating. Set the
slide aside to, cool;, the glucosazones form in about 30 minutes after
Methylphenylhydrazine gives osazones with fructose and sorbose
only. Since the sorbose osazone is soluble, the appearance of osazone
crystals indicates the presence of fructose alone. Prepare the reagent
by putting 1 part methylphenylhydrazine and 10 parts glycerin in a
brown bottle, add acetic acid until the pH is about 4.7, and shake the
bottle at intervals for several hours until the mixture becomes homo
geneous. Employ the reagent with sodium acetate as described for
phenylhydrazine hydrochloride above. The crystals appear in about
24 hours in the cojd or in 15 minutes upon heating the slide on a water
Sucrose can be inverted by dilute acids, but since the acids would
also hydrolyze any glucosides and hemicelluloses that might be present
in the tissues, this test is scarcely to be recommended. Instead, inver
sion by means of the enzyme invertase is preferable. Invertin, a watersoluble powder containing invertase, should first be prepared: mix
enough water with a cake of yeast to make a paste, keep at 40C. for
12 hours, then press to extract the enzyme, filter, and precipitate with
95% alcohol. The resulting white powder is invertin. (1) Put sections
of the fresh material in a drop of invertin solution on a slide, and keep
at 40C. for 3 hours or for a longer period if the tissues are somewhat
impenetrable, then test for glucose. (2) Put more sections in 5% citric
.acid on a slide, heat for 10 minutes, then test for glucose. If much
glucose is found to accompany the sucrose, test for sucrose as follows:
perform the Fliickiger test (page 186) for glucose and fructose; wash the
sections with 5% tartaric acid; add warm magnesium chloride solution
to dissolve the cuprous oxide precipitate; wash again with the tartaric
acid, then test for glucose. The test should react negatively; if so, invert
the sucrose, and test.




Amylodextrin.Amylodextrin is intermediate between maltose and

starch and is commonly present in solution in storage organs where
starch is being hydrolyzed. It gives a red color with iodine-potassium
iodide solution.
Inulin.Inulin occurs as sphaerocrystals in roots and tubers. Put
small pieces of fresh tissue in 70% ethyl alcohol for two to four days,
then cut off smaller portions, place on a slide in alcohol, add a coverslip,
and examine. T o bring out the concentric layers of the crystals, add a
drop of chloral hydrate solution (5 parts hydrate to 2 parts water) to
the sections.

Flo. 23.Solatium tuberosum: whole mount of starch grains from living tuber, photographed
by polarized light. Unfixed and unstained.

T o identify the inulin crystals, locate some in the sections under the
microscope, and add a drop of a 15% solution of thymol in alcohol and a
drop of concentrated sulphuric acid. T h e crystals become carmine-red
immediately and soon pass into solution.
Inulin is readily hydrolyzed to fructose. Consequently, to show
typical crystals in the cells, a nonhydrolyzing killing fluid must be used
when it is desired to make permanent sections b y the paraffin method.
of Dahlia (in autumn); in Taraxacum, Helianthus tuberosus, Allium, Galanthus, Leucojum, etc.
Starch.The familiar iodine test is still the most satisfactory one,
even if other substances also give a blue color reaction with iodine.
Use a weak solution (0.3 g. iodine, 1.5 g. potassium iodide, 100 cc. water).
The blue color disappears on heating but returns on cooling. Small
starch grains may be better observed if the chlorophyll is removed from



the sections with alcohol before applying the iodine. The grains will
appear black. Heat the slide, then place under the microscope, and
watch for the return of the color.
Different types of starch may be distinguished by their behavior
under polarized light (note the appearance of potato starch in Fig. 23).
Glycogen.Glycogen occurs in animal tissues and in certain fungi,
such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in Myxothallophyta and in the Cyanophyta. With iodine solution, glycogen gives colors which vary according
to the amount present. If a definite iodine solution (0.1 g. iodine, 0.3 g.
potassium iodide, 45 cc. water) is used, a fair determination of the relative
amount of glycogen present can be made. A brown, orange, or yellow
color indicates traces of glycogen, while considerable amounts give a
wine-red color. Glycogen is soluble in water and will soon disappear
if the tissues are left in the reagent.
Glycogen may be coagulated and then stained with any basic coal-tardye (e.g., safranin, methylene blue, or Bismarck brown). Put the
material in strong alcohol for about 15 minutes, then transfer directly
to-a 10% aqueous solution of tannin. After 10 minutes transfer the
material directly to 1% aqueous potassium bichromate for a few minutes,
then to 10% aqueous potassium bichromate for 10 minutes. This pro
cedure renders the glycogen insoluble in water.

There are two kinds of cellulose, viz., true celluloses and hemicelluloses,
that are readily distinguished by the fact that the true celluloses are
not hydrolyzed by acids, whereas the hemicelluloses are hydrolyzed by
both 3% and concentrated (sp. gr. 1.19) hydrochloric acid and by 3%
sulphuric acid. (Hydrochloric acid of a specific gravity other than
the one noted dissolves cellulose immediately.)
Cellulose is hydrolyzed by 70 to 75% sulphuric acid into a colloid
substance, hydrocellulose, which forms a blue adsorption compound
with iodine solution. Place sections in a drop of iodine solution (0.3 g.
iodine, 1.5 g. potassium iodide, 100 cc. water) on a slide, cover, and
observe the localization of the blue color reaction. Allow a drop of
75% sulphuric acid to diffuse in from one side of the coverslip, and watch
the swelling of the cellulose membranes. A few other plant substances
also give a blue color reaction, consequently the localization of any blue
color which appears before the addition of the acid should be noted.
Hemicelluloses are discussed below.

In an open beaker heat 100 cc. of a saturated aqueous solution of

potassium hydroxide to boiling. Put the sections in the boiling solution,



cover the beaker, and continue the boiling for 20 to 30 minutes. Remove
the sections, and wash in 90% alcohol. The chitin has been transformed
into chitosan. Test for the latter with a weak iodine solution (0.2 g.
iodine, 2 g. potassium iodide to 100 cc. water): a red-violet color demon
strates the presence of chitin.
Occurrence.-Principally in the higher fungi, but also in a few of the
lower; however, there is some question whether the substance actually
is chitin.
C U T I N ,


A saturated solution of Sudan IV in 70% alcohol imparts a red color

to all fatty substances. Leave the fresh sections in the stain for 20 min
utes, wash with 50% alcohol to remove excess stain and transfer to a
drop of glycerin for observation. Fats may be distinguished from the
other colored substances by the fact that they exist as drops within the
cells. Fuelgen's reaction also distinguishes cutin, suberin, and lignified
elements (Margolena 1932).
To differentiate suberized* and cutinized cell walls from cellulose
membranes, concentrated sulphuric acid or copper oxide-ammonia may
be used; these fluids dissolve the cellulose.
All membrane substances except cutin, suberin, and chitin dissolve
quickly in,the cold in 50% chromic acid; however, if the acid is heated, it
will dissolve all membranes after a time.
The fact that suberin contains phellic acid and cutin does not provides .
the method of differentiating between the two substances. After several
hours' maceration of the sections in concentrated potassium hydroxide,
suberin and also lignin become yellow. Upon slight warming, the layers .
of suberin swell, and the yellow color becomes darker. Raise the tem
perature to boiling: granular masses of potassium phellonate, which
become larger as the heating is continued, appear. Let cool, wash thor
oughly with water, arid add a drop of chlorzinc-iodide. The potassium
phellonate acquires a reddish-violet color.

There are but few microchemical localization tests for enzymes, and
these are not always either satisfactory or conclusive. Fairly good tests
for proteases, oxidases,, peroxidases, and catalase can, however, be
Oxidases.These enzymes are probably universally distributed in
plants. Place sections in a drop of 1 % benzidine in 60 % alcohol. The
reaction will appear in about 15 minutes. If the tissue is acid, oxidasecontainine cells turn blue; if the sections are alkaline, the color is brown.



A second test for oxidases is to place the sections in a drop of a 10%

solution of guaiaconic acid in strong alcohol. On oxidation there appears
a blue to blue-black precipitate, insoluble in water, but soluble in chloro
form, ether, and benzol. The presence of tannins or weak acids retards
the reaction.
Peroxidases.The two reagents described as tests for oxidases are
oxidized by peroxidases only if hydrogen peroxide is added.
Ursol tartrate may be used as a reagent. Prepare it by mixing a
saturated alcoholic solution of ursol with a saturated aqueous solution of
tartaric acid; filter to remove the precipitate, wash it with alcohol, and
recrystallize from ether. On a slide put 1 drop of this reagent, add 1
drop of hydrogen peroxide, and place the sections in the mixture. The
immediate appearance of a green color, which changes to blue and finally
to gray, indicates the presence of peroxidases.
Catalase.The prompt evolution of gas bubbles when hydrogen
peroxide is added to sections in a drop of 1 % gum arabic or gelatin solu
tion demonstrates that catalase releases oxygen from the peroxide.

True fats are always readily distinguished by their affinity for the
specific dyes, Sudan I I I and IV. The majority of lipoids do not take up
these dyes, nor are they absorbed by vacuoles. To distinguish fat
globules from vacuoles, neutral red dye, which is taken in by the latter
but not by the former, may be used.
The stain solution is prepared by dissolving 0.5 g. of the dye in 100 cc.
of 70% alcohol. Leave the sections in the stain for 20 minutes, wash
carefully but quickly with 50% alcohol, and transfer to glycerin for

Amygdalin.Tests for this substance are based upon the production

of hydrocyanic acid during its decomposition.
Guignard's test is one of the easiest. Immerse the sections in 1%
aqueous picric acid for 30 minutes, wash with water, and place in 1 drop
of 10% aqueous sodium carbonate on a slide. A red color appears if
hydrocyanic acid is released.
If the test is made quickly, the Berlin blue reaction is fairly good.
Place the sections in a'potassium hydroxide solution composed of 20
parts of 20% aqueous potassium hydroxide and 80 parts 90% alcohol, for
a few minutes. In a small watch glass mix equal parts of a 2.5% aqueous
ferrous, sulphate solution and 20% aqueous ferric chloride solution, and
heat to boiling. Transfer the sections to this mixture; after 5 to 10
minutes, transfer the sections to a slide holding a drop of 20% hydro-



chloric acid. A deep blue precipitate indicates the presence of hydro

cyanic acid.
A test that requires more skill in manipulation and interpretation is
the mercurous nitrate reaction. Place the sections on a slide in a few
drops of 3% aqueous mercurous nitrate for 1 to 2 minutes, wash in dis
tilled water, and place in glycerin for observation. The performance
must be carried out rapidly, and it would be well to moisten scalpel and
object with the reagent. If the sections are heated, other substances will
give the reaction.
Occurrence.Seeds of Amygdalus, Pyrus, Crataegus, and related
genera; leaves of Prunus laurocerasus.
Anthocyanin.The color of most red and blue flowers is due to
anthocyanin. If petals of such a flower are held in ammonia vapor for a
minute, the color changes to green. Anthocyanin is red in acid solutions,
blue violet when there are traces of alkali, and green in alkaline solutions.
Put the petals or portions of such in a drop of water under a coverslip
on a slide, and crush out the colored liquid. Some anthocyanins form
liquid globules on evaporation; others produce crystals. Or the petals
may be placed in a small drop of glacial acetic acid or 10% hydrochloric
acid and the acid (which extracts the anthocyanin) evaporated slowly in
a moist chamber. The anthocyanin forms various sorts of red crystals.
Arbutin.Place sections in 10% nitric acid. A dark orange color
immediately appears in cells containing arbutin, but it soon changes to
yellow and slowly disappears.
Arbutin on hydrolysis is transformed, into glucose and hydroquinone.
Heat the sections, placed dry or in a drop of water on a slide; the arbutin
sublimes in crystals. The latter become red-brown upon the addition of
ammonia, or pale green with ferric chloride solution.
Occurrence.Ericaceae and Pyrolaceae.
Saponin.Sections placed directly in 1 drop concentrated sulphuric
acid on a slide exhibit a characteristic sequence of color reactions, begin
ning immediately with yellow, changing to red within 30 minutes, and
finally becoming violet, or blue-green in a few instances. This test is
merely an indication of the presence of some type of saponin. To deter
mine the localization of the saponin, put the sections in a saturated solu
tion of barium hydroxide for about 24 hours. A practically insoluble,
colorless compound is formed by the barium and saponin. Wash the
sections in a weak aqueous solution of calcium chloride, then place in 10%
aqueous potassium bichromate. The compound first formed is broken
down, and the barium unites with the chromium to form barium chrcmate, yellow in color. Tannin-containing cells become brownish-red
during the reaction.
Occurrence.Roots of Saponaria, Laothoe (Chhrogalum), etc.



Tannin.The word tannin does not denote a single substance but is a

generic name covering a whole group of substances having certain charac
teristics in common. They are mostly colloidal substances and occur
either in solution in the cell sap or not infrequently in distinct vacuoles.
The amount of tannin present varies with the state of growth, time of
year, physiological condition, and other factors; but in some organs, such
as root tips of Pinus, the variations are within rather narrow limits
(McNair 1930).
Tissues, such as root tips, suspected of containing tannin localized in
vacuoles or circumscribed cell areas, may be fixed in an aqueous solution
containing 3 to 5% formalin and 10% ferrous sulphate for 24 to 48 hours,
washed, dehydrated, sectioned, the paraffin removed, and balsam and a
coverslip applied. The iron compound both fixes and stains the tannin.
If sections of fresh tissue are placed in 10% aqueous ferric chloride
plus a little sodium carbonate, a blue-green color is given by tannins.
Tannins are readily oxidized. In many types of prepared slides the
presence of dark red or reddish-brown, more or less isolated cells indicates
the occurrence of phlobaphene, which results from the oxidation of
Occurrence.Tannin is rather commonly present. All parts of
Quercus spp., the Crassulaceae, and the Coniferophyta readily react for
its presence.

Hemicelluloses are divided into two groups: (A) those entering into
the constitution of permanent cell walls, and (B) those occurring in
storage organs and which are consumed during growth. The distinction
is rather weak, since the same substance can occur in both groups. No
really distinctive localization reactions have been reported for the
A. Skeleton Hemicelluloses Occur Chiefly in Woody Cell Walls and in
Seed' Coats.

Galactase.There is no really satisfactory test for this substance.

Araban, Xylan.The phloroglucin-hydrochloric acid test may be
carried out. Place sections in a drop of 1% phloroglucin solution (0.1 g.
phloroglucin, 10 cc. 95% alcohol) on a slide, add 1 drop.hydrochloric acid,
and observe. Lignin gives an immediate violet-red color. Heat cau
tiously for about 10 minutes to hydrolyze the xylan to the pentose xylose,
which takes a cherry-red color.
Methyl Pentoses.Place the sections in 1 or 2 drops acetone on a
slide, add 1 drop concentrated hydrochloric acid, and warm gently for 15
minutes. The appearance of a red or violet color indicates the presence



of methyl pentosans (rhamnose, fucose, quinovose, etc.). The methyl

pentoses occur associated with pentoses as cell-wall constituents. The
pentoses also give a violet color by the above reaction, but this color fades
within 1 hour.
B . Storage or Reserve Hemicelluloses Are Found Principally in the Cell
Walls of Endosperm and in Very Young Bast Fibers.

Amyloid.This occurs mostly in fatty seeds. It gives a blue color

with iodine solution: by adding 2% hydrochloric acid and warming, the
intensity of the reaction is increased.
Mannan.Mannan is of somewhat widespread occurrence. Hydrolyze rather thin sections in a small watch glass in 2 % hydrochloric acid
for 30 minutes or slightly longer. Transfer the sections to a slide, neutral
ize with a few drops of 2% ammonia, then test for mannose as described
for the osazone reaction for glucose. Colorless plate-like crystals of
mannose hydrazone should appear within a short time.
Galactan.This reserve sugar usually occurs accompanied by other
sugars. If mannose or amyloid is found to be present, galactan is pre
sumably also present.

Sections are placed on a slide in a large drop of a solution of 0.1 g.

phloroglucin in 10 cc. of 95% alcohol and covered with a coverslip. Allow
part of the solution to evaporate, then let a little 25% hydrochloric acid
diffuse in at the edge of the coverslip. The appearance of a red-violet
color indicates the presence of lignin.
To a 0.001 % aqueous solution of methyl red, add just enough alkali to
render it yellow. A permanent color resembling that imparted by
phloroglucin is acquired byjignified cell walls in either fresh or paraffin
To test for the lignin oxide present in the walls of young bast fibers:
cover the sections on a slide with 1% neutral aqueous potassium per
manganate for 15 to 20 minutes (the Maule test). Manganese dioxide is
deposited on the woody tissues. Wash thoroughly, and place in 2%
hydrochloric acid (sp. gr. 1.06). The acid reacts with the manganese to
produce chlorine which in turn produces a chlorination. After the
dioxide has been dissolved, wash the sections thoroughly with distilled
water. Add a few drops of either ammonium hydroxide or sodium
bicarbonate solution. A deep red color develops in the lignified elements
of deciduous plants, an indefinite brown in those of coniferous trees. This
test is said to afford a means of distinguishing between deciduous and
coniferous (except Ginkgo) woods.



Solubility tests may be used to distinguish lignified membranes from

other membrane substances:
1. Suberin, cutin, and chitin are insoluble in 50% chromic acid;
lignin and all other membrane substances are dissolved.
2. Lignin is not soluble, cellulose and the hemicelluloses are soluble, in
copper oxide-ammonia.
Most oxidizing agents, such as hydrogen peroxide, potassium chlorate,
nitric, acid, etc., also dissolve lignin from membranes.

Lecithin.The same dyes, Sudan I I I and IV, for which fats have a
marked affinity, are also taken up by lecithin. It is therefore necessary
first to rid the sections of fats by placing them in a vial of acetone for
about 12 hours. The sections may then be stained with Sudan I V or
with 1% aqueous osmic acid. With the latter reagent, the lecithin
acquires a light brown color.
Phytosterol.Thick sections of tissue are placed in concentrated
sulphuric acid: they first show a red color, then the phytosterol dissolves
into a foamy mass whose particles turn olive green in 3 or 4 hours and
finally become colorless. Or the tissues mayfirstbe placed in chloroform
and the sulphuric acid then added: the phytosterol is first rOse-red and
finally brown. A second reaction is to add a trace of iodine-potassium
iodide solution after the sections have been placed in concentrated sul
phuric acid. The color at first is red, then after the' addition of the
iodine solution it changes to violet, next to blue, and finally to yellowishred or brown. A third method is to place the sections in strong tri
chloracetic acid (9 parts acid to 1 part water), heating slightly or adding
a little hydrochloric acid: the resulting color is violet or reddish-purple.


Calcium.The most sensitive test is the formation of calcium oxalate.

Place the sections on a slide in an excess of 2% aqueous oxalic acid.
Leave uncovered. After about 30 minutes, withdraw some of the acid,
add a coverslip,.and very carefully place 1 drop alcohol at one edge of the
coverslip. Very small but readily recognizable crystals of calcium
oxalate will indicate the presence of calcium.
When iron occurs in plants, it is often accompanied by calcium.
Fixing fluids containing acids might dissolve calcium compounds;
formalin should also be avoided. Calcium is stained by hematoxylin
and has an affinity for silver and other metals. The latter fact permits
the use of a simple method involving the reduction of silver nitrate.
Bring fresh sections from distilled water into a weak solution of silver
nitrate in distilled water, and leave for 5 minutes. Wash with distilled




water, then transfer to a weak solution of a photographic developer such

as pyrogallol, where the sections may remain until the calcium-containing
portions become blackened. Then wash out with absolute alcohol, and
pass through xylol into balsam. Keep such slides in the dark.
Calcium Oxalate.Small pieces of tissue or sections are treated with
a saturated aqueous solution of cupric acetate. The crystals of calcium
oxalate, if present, dissolve, and the oxalic acid diffuses into the inter. cellular spaces where cupric oxalate crystals are formed. To test for
the dissolved oxalate, a solution of ferric sulphate (made by adding 5 g.
ferric sulphate and 20 cc. acetic acid to 80,cc. water) may be used, result
ing in the formation of yellow crystals of ferrous sulphate.
Magnesium.If the cells are presumed to contain both magnesium
and a phosphate, the addition of a little concentrated ammonia to the
sections in 1 drop of water on a slide will cause the appearance of crystals
of ammonium-magnesium phosphate. Or if phosphates are absent, one
may be added in the form of sodium phosphate. Prepare the reagent
by adding a few drops of free ammonia to a saturated aqueous solution of
ammonium chloride, then sufficient sodium phosphate to make a 0.1%
solution. Put the fresh sections in 1 drop of this reagent, and warm the
slide a little. In about 10 minutes add a coverslip, and examine.
OccurrenceMagnesium is found in the meristematic tissues of most
plants and in latex (Ficus, Euphorbia) and resinous secretions (Pinus).
Potassium.Sections of tissue, which should be neutral or slightly
acid, may be placed directly in a 10% aqueous (some workers prefer an
alcoholic) solution of platinum chloride: yellow octahedron crystals of
potassium chloroplatinate appear. If ammonium is present, similar
crystals of ammonium chloroplatinate will be formed.
A second indicator of the presence of potassium is by the formation
of crystals of potassium-cobalt nitrite. The reagent is prepared by dis
solving 20 g. cobalt nitrate and 35 g. sodium nitrite in 65 cc. water plus 10
cc. glacial acetic acid. A precipitate of fine yellow crystals appears if
potassium is present.
Occurrence.Potassium is found in the cytoplasm of most plants; it
is absent in nuclei and chloroplasts. Favorable objects are the stem
apices and storage tissues of Daucus carota, Solanum tuberosum, and Beta
Sodium.Place the sections in a saturated aqueous solution of
uranium acetate on a slide, add a small drop of hydrochloric acid, then
place the slide, without a coverslip, in a desiccator so that the fluids
may evaporate slowly. In two to eight hours pale yellow tetrahedral
and rhomboidal crystals of sodium-uranium acetate appear. If mag
nesium should be present, this will be indicated by the formation of large
rhomboidal crystals of uranium-magnesium-sodium acetate.




Occurrence.Sodium is abundant in marine and strand plants and

also in many cultivated plants. Among the latter are Solanum tuberosum,
Spinada oleracea, Brassica oleracea and B. rapa.
Ammonium.The least complicated test is to observe the formation
of crystals of ammonium-magnesium phosphate. The sections may be
placed in a solution of sodium phosphate and magnesium chloride slightly
alkalinized with sodium hydroxide.
Occurrence.Stems of Helianthus tuberosus; bulb scales of Allium
cepa; leaves of Tradescantia.
Iodine.Tests for iodine are indirect, and all are based upon the
ability of iodine to color starch grains blue. Iodine occurs in the Phaeophyta, particularly in Laminaria. Place fresh sections in a small watch
glass with about 2 cc. of a 1 % aqueous suspension of potato starch flour,
together with 1 to 3 drops of a 20% aqueous solution of potassium nitrite
and 1 to 3 drops of 5% hydrochloric acid. The starch becomes colored
blue if iodine is present.
Iron.In manipulating tissues to be tested for iron, take extreme
care to avoid contacts with iron or steel instruments. If a scalpel or knife
is used for cutting sections, clean it very thoroughly; use glass needles for
handling the sections after they have been cut.
Have the sections in water; immerse for 5 minutes in 1% aqueous
hydrochloric acid, to each 25 cc. of which is added 3 drops of a freshly
prepared concentrated aqueous solution of potassium ferrocyanide (some
workers advise using 8 to 10 drops to each 25 cc. of a 2% solution of the
acid, for 30 minutes to 1 hour). Wash out the acid with distilled water,
and stain the nuclei with alum carmin. Wash out excess dye, mount, and
examine. The sections can be dehydrated and mounted in balsam if
desired. Any iron present should be stained a deep blue, the nuclei red.
Or immerse the sections in a slightly old (yellowish) solution of
ammonium sulphate for 5 to 30 minutes or until the sections become dark
green. Wash out quickly, then transfer to glycerin to which a little
ammonium sulphate has been added, and examine. If satisfactory, wash
out with absolute alcohol, pass through xylol, and mount in balsam.
Carmin may be used as a counterstain.
Occurrence.The capsules of the iron bacteria are saturated with iron.
This element is also present in many lichens and in the seeds of Sinapis
Manganese.Oxalic acid combines with manganese to form manganous oxalate crystals. If a prompt reaction does not take place, let
the sections dry, then touch a speck of potassium oxalate to them.
Immediate crystal formation should take place.
Occurrence.Manganese is especially abundant in the cortex and wood
of the Coniferales and in the epidermis of aquatic plants.

Silicon.Place the sections on a slide, then, without adding any liquid)
cover them with a Crystal of.phenol, and heat until a red color appears
wherever silicon occurs. If it is desired to preserve the sections, clear
with clove oil, and mount in balsam.
Silicon crystals frequently stain with methylene blue and crystal
Occurrence.Silicon is especially abundant in diatoms, in the Equisetums, Poaceae, and Cyperaceae; and occurs in the form of crystals in
the epidermal cells of the Orchidaceae and Palmaceae.
Nitrates.Cover the sections with a coverslip, and allow diphenylamine (0.1 g. diphenylamine in 10 cc. 75% sulphuric acid) to run in from
one side of the coverslip. A deep blue color indicates the presence of
nitrates; as the sulphuric acid begins to disintegrate the tissues, the color
changes to a yellowish-brown.
Occurrence.Plants growing in waste places and around rubbish
heaps generally are rich in nitrates. Such are to be found among the
following genera: Chenopodium, Urtica, Mercurialis, Solanum, Helianthus.
Zea mays and Cucurbita pepo are also favorable plants.
Phosphates.If both magnesium and phosphate are present, the
addition of ammonia causes the formation of crystals of ammoniummagnesium phosphate. If magnesium is presumably absent, treat the
sections with 1 drop of the following reagent: to 15 cc. water add 25 cc.
of a saturated aqueous solution of magnesium sulphate and 2 cc. of a
saturated solution of ammonium chloride. Ammonium-magnesium
phosphate crystals should form.
Another test is to place the sections on a slide in a drop of a solution
of 1 g. ammonium molybdate in 12 cc. nitric acid. The presence of
phosphates is indicated by the appearance of small yellow -black-bordered
drops, which turn into sphaerocrystals, then into cubes and octahedrons.
Occurrence.Parenchyma of leaves, the most favorable being those
of Aesculus, Allium cepa, and Ranunculus.
Sulphur and Sulphates.Sulphur occurs in plants principally in the
bound form but-is found free in some of the lower plants.
Any of the sulphur bacteria (such as Beggiatoa, or Oscillatoria among
the Cyanophyta) may be mounted in glycerin and the grains of sulphur
are usually visible. This type of sulphur occurs free. Free sulphur is
insoluble in weak acetic acid, weak hydrochloric acid, 1% chromic acid,
saturated aqueous solutions of picric acid, concentrated sulphuric acid,
glycerin, nitric acid, and potassium hydroxide; it is soluble in absolute
alcohol, chloroform, and partially so in carbon bisulphide.
Organically bound sulphur occurs in meristematic tissues. Place
sections in 10% potassium hydroxide, then add 1 or 2 drops of a fresh




10% aqueous solution of sodium nitroprusside; a red color reveals the

presence of sulphur.
Sections to be tested for sulphates may be placed in a 1% solution of
benzidine chloride in 3% hydrochloric acid. Small colorless needles or
glistening scale-like crystals of benzidine sulphate may appear.
Oil- or fat-containing tissues, such as those of cereal seeds, should
first be treated with ether to remove the fats. After the sections have
dried, add 1 drop of 10% hydrochloric acid, then 1 drop of 10% barium
chloride. A granular precipitate of barium sulphate is brought into
being, but it may be somewhat difficult to observe.
Carbonates.Add a saturated solution of strontium acetate to the
sections on a slide, then place the latter in a moist chamber for half a
day or longer, since the reaction proceeds slowly.
Chlorides.Put several sections, cut with a scrupulously clean scalpel,
in a drop of 5 % aqueous silver nitrate on a slide. Examine microscopi
cally without covering; the precipitate of silver chloride, which seems to be
white to the unaided eye, appears black under the microscope. Transfer
some of the sections, by means of glass needles,, to another slide carrying
a drop of 1.5% aqueous nitric acid, add a coverslip, and examine. The
acid clears the sections sufficiently to permit localization of the reactions.
To the remaining sections in the nitrate solution, add ammonia slowly
until the precipitate becomes dissolved. Set aside: in about 1 hour the
precipitate will reappear in the crystalline form. The crystals acquire a
deep violet color on reduction.
The silver chloride crystals are stained brilliantly with methylene
blue, Bismarck brown, and eosin.
Thallium sulphate or thallium acetate (1 g. in 15 cc. water and 2 cc.
glycerin) will develop gray or black crystals of thallium chloride in
Occurrence.Roots of Daucus carota and Beta; Solanum; stems of
Primula obconica.


Formic Acid.Sections may be placed in a few drops of mercuric

chloride solution (1 part of a concentrated solution diluted with 5 parts
water), heated on a water bath for 1 hour, and washed with water
acidified with 1 drop of hydrochloric acid. Then transfer the sections
to 1 drop of 1% potassium hydroxide on a slide. Cells containing
formic acid become blackened.
Occurrence.Leaves of Abies or Sempervivum; cell sap of XJrtica.
Oxalic Acid.Treat sections with a solution of 1 part ferrous phos
phate in 8 parts of phosphoric acid; an intense yellow color indicates the
presence of oxalic acid. If a considerable quantity of the acid is present,



crystals of ferrous Oxalate are formed. If calcium oxalate crystals are

also present, first dissolve them in dilute hydrochloric acid, then add
the ferrous salt.
With manganous nitrate, crystals of manganous oxalate in the form
of six-pointed stars are formed.
Occurrence.Oxalis, Begonia, Mesembryanthemum, Rheum, Rumex,
Salsola, and Salicornia.
Citric Acid.Sections presumed to contain citric acid may be neutral
ized with sodium hydroxide and heated in a 5 % aqueous calcium chloride
solution. A crystalline precipitate of calcium citrate is produced. This
precipitate is soluble in acetic acid, which distinguishes it from calcium
oxalate; it is insoluble in water, thus distinguishing it from the oxalate
and tartrate of calcium.
Calcium citrate crystals can frequently be found in small pieces of
tissue that have been preserved for a long time in alcohol or glycerin.
Malic Acid.Sublimation of malic acid into maleic acid and maleic
acid anhydride is claimed to be the best reaction for the acid. This
must be carried out at a very high temperature in order to avoid carboni
zation of the tissues. The crystals will appear in about 24 hours after
If there is much of the acid present, it will crystallize out when the
sections are dried; or if. put into 70% alcohol, the crystals appear on the
Tartaric Acid.Sections of tissue treated with a 4% aqueous solution
of any ferrous salt and a few drops of hydrogen peroxide, or 10 % potassium
permanganate with the addition of an excess of sodium hydroxide solu
tion, after a few minutes give a violet color which is produced only by
tartaric acid.
Large crystals of calcium tartrate, which recrystallize from hot solu
tions, are produced when the sections are heated in 20% calcium acetate
or 10% calcium chloride.


Ruthenium red is the classical dye indicator for pectic substances.

It is a very expensive dye, and its solutions are quite unstable. Make
up only a small quantity of solution as needed: to two or three tiny
crystals of the dye in a watch glass add distilled water drop by drop
until the solution is a clear reddish-pink in color. Leave the sections
in the ruthenium red solution for 30 minutes, then wash thoroughly, and
mount in glycerin on a slide. All pectic substances acquire a red color.
A 1:10,000 solution of methylene blue likewise stains all pectic
substances, giving- a violet color. This color reaction is not so precise
as that given by ruthenium red, since other membrane substances are



also stained. For example, cellulose is usually stained blue, lignin and
some of the hemicelluloses green.
The general procedure of testing sections for pectic substances is as
1. Stain with ruthenium red (or methylene blue); note localization
of pectic substances. The pectine becomes dissolved in the water of the
2. Either heat carefully in 2% aqueous hydrochloric acid for'20 min
utes, or leave in a solution of 1 part hydrochloric acid to 4 parts alcohol
for 12 hours. Pectose is transformed into pectine, which dissolves, or
into insoluble pectic acid. (The conditions which determine whether
pectose is to be changed into pectine or pectic acid are not understood.)
Calcium pectate is also broken down, resulting in the formation of calcium
chloride and pectic acid.
3. Wash thoroughly with water. Of all the pectic substances
originally present, pectic acid is the only one left. Stain the sections
again, and note localization of reaction.
4. Wash in 2% ammonia. This dissolves the pectic acid.
5. After 30 minutes wash in water, and stain once more. There
should be no reaction for pectic substances.

Carotin.Place fresh pieces of young green leaves in a solution of

20 g. potassium hydroxide in 80 cc. 95% alcohol in a closed vessel kept
in the dark until the chlorophyll is extracted. Remove the sections, wash
for about 12 hours in numerous changes of distilled water, then mount in
glycerin on a slide. Orange-red crystals of carotin and yellow crystals of
xanthophyll will appear in a day or two.
If older leaves are used, the carotin probably will not crystallize,
because of the heavier oil content in such leaves; the carotin dissolves
in the oil and appears as yellow droplets.
Carotin and xanthophyll both dissolve and become blue when treated
with concentrated sulphuric acid.
Crystals of carotin are soluble in ether, chloroform, xylol, and benzol
but are insoluble in water and dilute alkalies and acids.
Chlorophyll.Put the sections in 1 drop of ether on a slide, and add
a little of a mixture of 20 g. potassium hydroxide in 80 cc. of strong methyl
alcohol. The chlorophyll immediately turns brown, then after a while
changes back to green.
Or place the sections in a very small drop of 25% hydrochloric or.
glacial acetic acid on a slide. Large yellowish-green drops ooze out of
the chloroplasts within a few minutes and in about % hour long curved
brown crystals of chlorophyllan appear in the cells, Heat the preparation



slowly to about 90C, whereupon the chlorophyllan is recrystalhzed

into clusters of straight needles. These crystals are soluble in ether or
Xanthophyll.Place fresh sections in 1 drop of chloroform on a slide.
In a few minutes add 1 drop of petroleum ether. The insoluble xantho
phyll crystallizes out, while the carotin, which is soluble in ether, remains

Proteins.Most of the tests recommended, for the detection of

proteins are unsatisfactory because other substances simultaneously
react. With such reactions confirmatory tests should also be made.
A saturated aqueous solution of picric acid is an excellent precipitat
ing agent for proteins, staining them an intense yellow. . Allow the
reagent to react for 24 hours, then mount the sections in glycerin for
Extremely dilute solutions of eosin, reacting for about 10 minutes,
stain proteins red.
A fair localization reaction is given by potassium ferrocyanide.
Make up the reagent by adding 1 g. of the cyanide to 20 cc. water and
100 cc. glacial acetic acid (sp. gr. 1.063). Leave the sections in this
solution for 1 hour, during which time the proteins will be fixed, then
wash briefly with 60% alcohol, and add a few drops of aqueous ferric
chloride. A blue color results.
Aleurone.Aleurone grains are made up of protein crystals and
globules in a protein matrix. Saturate absolute alcohol with picric acid
and nigrosin dye. Place the sections on a slide in a few drops of this
reagent, and observe under the microscope. When the ground substance
of the grains appears blue, stop the reaction by adding absolute alcohol.
The globules should be colorless and the crystals yellowish-green. The
sections can be cleared with clove oil and mounted in balsam if per
manent mounts are desired. In place of the nigrosin, eosin may be
employed. With this dye the ground substance becomes dark red, the
globules slightly tinted red, and the crystals yellow.
Occurrence.Seeds of the Poaceae.

Ethereal Oils. The ethereal oils resemble the fatty oils in that they
stain with the usual fat stains, are blackened by osmic acid, and are
dissolved by fat solvents. The ethereal oils are odorous and volatile,
while the fatty oils are not. If the sections are placed on a slide and
covered and if either glacial acetic acid or chloral hydrate solution is run
under the cover, the ethereal oils are easily dissolved, but the fats gener-




ally remain unaffected. Sections, uncovered, may be placed on a slide

and heated over a water bath for about 10 minutes: the ethereal oils
evaporate, and the fatty oils remain.
Resins.Resins, found in secretory passages and heartwood, are
divided into seven groups (McNair 1930) which are of only theoretical
interest to the technician.
Thin fresh sections may be placed in. a watch glass, covered with
7% aqueous cupric acetate, and allowed to stand for from one to six days
until a greenish resin-copper precipitate appears. It would be desirable
first to remove ethereal oils from the sections by distillation. Tests for
fatty oils should also be performed.
Aromatic Acids.The aromatic acids, which occur in secretions,
resins, etc., can scarcely be identified by localization reactions. They
are detected mostly by the appearance of the crystals resulting from
sublimation. Benzoic acid sublimes out as feathery clusters of crystals,
soluble in sodium hydroxide. Cinnamic acid gives thin plate crystals.
Ferulic acid crystals are in the form of feathery rosettes and brush-like
clusters at the ends of narrow plates.
Gums.Gums, as they occur in plants, are mixtures of various sub
stances, consequently there are no microchemical tests for gums as such
but only for the constituent substances.
Four distinct classes of gums are recognized (McNair 1930): (1)
those containing arabin or arabic acid, (2) those consisting of mixtures
of arabin and cerasin (cerasic acid), (3) those containing bassorin, and
(4) those containing mixtures of cerasin and bassorin.
Mucilages.In some plants, such as the marine algae, mucilage is
very abundant, and in many others it is of constant occurrence. No
satisfactory tests are on record, probably because mucilages include a
number of chemically distinct substances, but the technician when work
ing with fresh tissues can generally recognize mucilage by its slimy
Occurrence.Most of the larger Phaeophyta; seeds of Linum and

Microchemical tests for waxes are the same as those cited for fats.
Waxes are soluble in all ordinary fat solvents, but somewhat less so than
the fats.
Most waxes are to be found on the epidermis or in the cuticles of
leaves and stems. Place sections on a dry slide, cover with a coverslip,
and run in ether from one side of the cover. Allow the ether to evaporate
slowly. Needles, plates, and aggregates of crystals will appear after the
ether has evaporated.

Many persons have on occasion felt dissuaded from attempting the
preparation of microscopic slides of certain plant materials because of
the presumed difficulty or impossibility of obtaining what might be
wanted. This difficulty is really more apparent than actual, except gen
erally in the case of tropical plants not in cultivation or of those which
are of quite rare occurrence. There are at present several satisfactory
sources for plant materials, equally available to all interested, and the
cost is usually far less than one would have to stand if the material were
personally collected.
Practically everything in the way of plant life is potential and legiti
mate game for the botanical technician. The whole problem is simply
one of knowing where, when, and how to look for things, if one must
depend primarily on one's own efforts. One should become familiar with
local floras, special manuals on the various groups, and other sources
which give detailed information on the occurrence, life histories, and other
facts regarding the special plants in which one might be interested.
Make the acquaintance of local florists and nurserymen, as well as of both
amateur and professional botanists of the vicinity. Establishments
conducted by elderly persons are a more likely source of interesting plant
material than are those run by younger persons primarily concerned in
quick financial returns from commercial crops. However, an acquain
tance with the latter would be profitable to those interested in plant
pathology. All these people will usually be much interested in what one
is doing; one should be patient and cordial in explaining matters, as it
frequently happens that the most unexpected favors are bestowed. It
makes literally no difference where one might be located: plant materials
of one sort or another are available everywhere.
The modern biological supply concerns, conducted as most of them are
by trained specialists, are veritable lifesavers for the technician. It has
long been the writer's opinion that too little is generally known of the
services that certain of them are equipped to render. There are, of
course, a number that are in business merely to make money rather than
primarily to serve biologists, but one quickly learns of their- unreliability
from the character of the goods which they furnish. Most of the ethical
concerns, unfortunately for botanists^ are directed by persons trained



primarily as zoologists, who therefore specialize in animal.materials. A

zoologist who can turn out superbly injected cats or dogfish simply does
not know a thing about preserving the Chlorophyta without plasmolysis.
For the most part, such concerns deal simply in "preserved materials,"
which are not always suitable for slide-making purposes!
There are two concerns which deal exclusively in plant materials and
both are staffed by competent botanists; these are also the only ones which
offer both fixed and embedded materials to technicians who wish to make
their own slides but are unable personally to collect the desired material.
Neither definitely offers such materials in their catalogues, mostly because
of the difficulty of keeping adequate stocks always on hand, but specific
requests will receive careful consideration, and every possible effort will
be made to supply the desired materials. These concerns are:





Melville Avenue, Palo Alto,


(Offers the w i d e r v a r i e t y of all t y p e s ; the o n l y source for Pacific C o a s t algal m a t e r i a l . )



H .


t y p e s , also f o r all










In addition, there are a few other concerns which, because they are in
excellent collecting regions, can supply certain materials in better quality
than can be obtained elsewhere:


(Excellent for





Mnium, Polytrichum, a n d





a n u m b e r of other B r y o p h y t a ; also for






Volvox, Spirogyra, Euglena, Nitetta,









N .






Fucus. c a n







cold weather, and it usually arrives in g o o d condition for i m m e d i a t e


excellent on some materials,

unable to


American Type
D .


extremely poor o n others.

unlisted species, a n d




Culture Collection, George Washington









T h e a u t h o r has
will not







(Carries cultures of a great variety of bacteria and fungi, including forms


Aspergillus, Rhizopus ( b o t h p l u s a n d m i n u s s t r a i n s ) , Mucor, Actinomyces, Fusarium,

Zygorhynchus, a n d i n n u m e r a b l e y e a s t s . A h i g h l y r e c o m m e n d e d s o u r c e . )

There are numerous concerns scattered over the country which carry
supplies of a general nature, such as staining dishes, dyes, slide boxes,
miscellaneous glassware, chemicals, etc. Some are also the agents for
other concerns which specialize in the manufacture of dyes, reagents, and
similar products. Inspection of their catalogues, obtainable upon
request, will reveal the extent and specific nature of their stocks. The
following, selected for their location in different regions, large stock list
ings, and known reliability, may be recommended:




Corporation, 2260 East Fifteenth



Scientific C o m p a n y ,

Street, L o s Angeles, Calif.



1700 I r v i n g P a r k




B o u l e v a r d , C h i c a g o , 111.

C o a s t representative: R e d m a n Scientific C o m p a n y , 585 H o w a r d Street, San



Chicago Apparatus

C o m p a n y , 1 7 3 5 N o r t h A s h l a n d A v e n u e , C h i c a g o , 111.

Standard Scientific S u p p l y Corp.; 34 W e s t F o u r t h


Street, N e w Y o r k , N r Y .

H . T h o m a s C o m p a n y , W e s t Washington Square,

W .

M . Welch Manufacturing



C o m p a n y , 1 5 1 5 S e d g w i c k S t r e e t , C h i c a g o , 111.

Will Corporation, Rochester, N . Y .



Most general supply dealers list slides and coverslips, but the following
supply superior grades of both items:

H . Thomas

Company, W e s t Washington Square,



Hellige, Inc., 3702 Northern Boulevard, L o n g Island City, N . Y .

R e d m a n Scientific C o m p a n y , 585 H o w a r d Street, San Francisco,



Instruments of American manufacture are preferable:

Spencer Lens C o m p a n y , Buffalo,

and L o m b

N . Y .

Optical Company, Rochester, N . Y .


Students in collegiate institutions should already be provided with

suitable microscopes. If one desires to possess his own microscope, Amer
ican instruments will be found to be as satisfactory as, if not superior to,
those of foreign make. They may be. purchased from local optical
dealers or from the optical firms listed above under Microtomes.



All ordinary chemicals may be purchased from the general supply

firms. Well-known brands should always be specified, and care should be
taken to see that the materials come in the original containers; this is the
only preventive against adulterations or substitution and deterioration.
The following list includes the manufacturers or sources of special chem
icals and reagents:
Eastman Kodak Company,

C h e m i c a l Sales D i v i s i o n , Rochester,

N . Y .


(Pacific Coast distributor: Griffin



M e r c k a n d C o m p a n y , R a h w a y , N . J.

C o m p a n y , 1000 Sixteenth Street, San Francisco, Calif.)












( F o r all reagent

N e w York,

N . Y .







(General and



N . Y .













Chemical Company,



N e w


(Synthetic organic chemicals; m e t h y l cellosolve, dioxan,

ethyl alcohol, etc.)





Amend, Third

N . Y .



(Pacific Coast


C o a s t distributor: Griffin

Street, San Francisco, Calif.)



Corporation, L o s Angeles, Calif.; Braun-Knecht-Heimann-Co.,





T . Baker Chemical C o m p a n y , Phillipsburg, N .




Avenue between


(Essential oils, w a x e s , special


Materials Company,
for botanical





Melville Avenue, Palo Alto,









Company,' Inc.,

thetic chemicals, w a x e s , resins, a n d

Baker and

148 L a f a y e t t e Street,

N e w York,

N . Y .

C o m p a n y , I n c . , N e w a r k , N . J.


(Osmic and




National Anilin and D y e C o m p a n y , 40 R e c t o r Street, N e w Y o r k , N . Y .

are carried b y most general dealers.)




6010 H a v e r f o r d A v e n u e , Philadelphia,



Akatos, Inc., 55 V a n D a m Street, N e w Y o r k , N . Y .

(For the true Griibler dyes.)

Pfaltz and Bauer, Inc., 300 Pearl Street, N e w Y o r k , N . Y .

dyes and


M a c A n d r e w s and Forbes C o m p a n y , 200 Fifth A v e n u e , N e w Y o r k , N . Y .

toxylin, hematein,


special solvents.)

(For Griibler-Hollborn.




Parowax may be purchased at any large grocery store. The brand

manufactured by the Standard Oil Company of Indiana is far superior to
others in that it does not crystallize readily.
All supply concerns list paraffin in their catalogues, but such paraffins
can be almost anything. It would be advisable to make one's own
rubber-paraffin embedding medium, as described on page 22, or to
purchase a similar brand, such as Parlax.
Most technicians prefer the Schering-Kahlbaum brand of celloidin.
This is of German manufacture but is obtainable through most dealers or
from Akatos, Inc., 5 5 Van Dam Street, New York, N . Y . The product
called "colloidon" in some catalogues is merely a solution of celloidin and
is intended for medical purposes, not for embedding. There are a number
of types of celloidin on the market, going under such names as Parloidin,
but the author is not prepared to express an opinion on their suitability for
microtechnique purposes.


Canada balsam of satisfactory quality is difficult to obtain. Most

of the balsam on the market has been highly diluted with xylol or other



solvents, and many samples show the dark brown color caused by exces
sive heating to accelerate solution. One may, of course, purchase the dry
balsam and dissolve it; but the pure, neutral, nearly colorless, thick solu
tion, filtered through paper, is best of all. Such a balsam, which can be
diluted with the proper solvents required by special techniques (e.g.,
hygrobutol, dioxan), may be obtained from the following:

Scientific C o m p a n y ,

585 H o w a r d Street, San



N o r w o o d , Ohio.


Bell Company,







Melville Avenue, Palo Alto,


Diaphane and Euparal are essentially similar products. The first,

which is American in origin, may be obtained from the Will Corporation,
Rochester, New York.. .
The special synthetic resins used for mounting diatoms are quite
difficult to secure and are expensive. A high-quality Hyrax may be
purchased from the Braun-Knecht-Heimann-Co., 1400 Sixteenth Street,
San Francisco, Calif.



Bacteria, which are to be found everywhere under the most extreme

of conditions, constitute a very low or primitive type of plant life, despite
the high specialization of some kinds. They are extremely minute, sim
ple,, unicellular organisms. A microscope equipped with an immersion
Iensis usually required for their examination.
The professional bacteriologist has evolved the study of the bacteria
into a separate scienceone so involved and with such a special termi
nology that the average botanist feels hopelessly bewildered at every
contact with the subject. Botanists are interested in bacteria primarily
for their own sake, not in phagocytosis, hypersensitiveness, or anaphy
laxis. The teaching of bacteriology is commonly conditioned by medical
school requirements, hence the subject is usually viewed with distaste by
the young botanist, who in most colleges is compelled to study the bac
teria on his own. initiative. The methods of most bacteriologists, more
over, are more complicated or specialized than the simple needs of the
botanist require. An Attempt is therefore being made in the present
chapter to cover the technical aspects of bacteriology as simply and
adequately as possible.
Morphology.Bacteria of known dimensions range in size frOm 0.5 X
0.2/t up to 50 to 60 X 4 to 5/t. Some of the pathogenic forms are so small
that they are invisible microscopically.
Three basic forms are recognized: the coccus (spherical), bacillus (rod
like), and spirillum (spiral or segment of a spiral). For a given species
the shape is fairly constant. During multiplication bacteria exhibit more
or less of a tendency to remain attached.
Single coccus forms are nearly spherical, but during multiplication the
form may become elongated or lanceolate. Cells which divide in one
plane only and remain attached occur as pairs, known as " diplococci," or
in shorter or longer chains, designated as "streptococci." Those which
divide in two directions, one at right angles to the other, form groups o'
four known as "tetrads." Division in three directions to form cubes
produces what are called "sarcinae." Finally, those which divide in any
direction to produce irregular bunches are described as "staphylococci."
Bacilli characteristically are cylinders with a straight axis, of uniform
thickness and flat ends, but there are numerous exceptions. Some types,



for instance, may have rounded ends; others, more slender in form, are
slightly bent. Spore development causes irregularities in the outline of
the cell. Multiplication of bacilli is solely by division in the plane per
pendicular-to the long axis.
Spirillum types may be either complete spirals or segments of a spiral.
The spirals may be large or small, slender or thick. Like the bacilli, the
spirillum types divide in one plane only.
Cell Structure.Probably all bacteria possess a capsule, a gelatinous
envelope presumably developed from the outer layer of the' cell membrane.
Some species produce such a thick capsule that they form slimy
growths. Capsules are more easily recognized on forms growing in
animal tissues. In slides prepared from culture media, they are usually
scarcely distinguishable. The capsule is not easily stained by coal-tar
dyes; special methods are required for its detection.
All bacteria possess a cell membrane. In some species it is more
highly developed than in others. Microchemically, the membrane lacks
cellulose, but in some species the presence of hemicelluloses has been
demonstrated. In still other species a substance closely related to chitin
Within the membrane the bacterial cell is generally, considered to
possess the two chief constituents of most cells, viz., cytoplasm and
chromatin. According to the species and also to 'the stage of growth or
division, the chromatin may exist in the form of definite granules or
may be so finely divided and scattered in the cytoplasm as to be
Metachromatic granules, characterized by their great affinity for
stains, occur in many bacteria. Some types of these granules are sup
posed to be nuclear in character. . Other granules are composed of.volutin.
The sulphur bacteria contain granules of sulphur, and the iron bacteria
similarly are filled with particles of ferric compounds.
Very few of the coccus bacteria possess flagella, but the bacillus and
spirillum types frequently show these fine hair-like appendages.. The
flagella are disposed singly or in tufts, over the entire cell or only at one
or both ends of bacillus forms. They are the only known means of
locomotion. Theflagellahave little affinity for stains; consequently they
are revealed only by special methods.
Vegetative reproduction is by fission. Many bacteria form true
spores, endospores. Each cell produces only one such spore. The spore
may lie in the center of the cell, at one extremity which becomes swollen,
or eccentrically, depending upon the species. Spores are very difficult to
stain. In old cultures of nonspore-formers a certain proportion of the
cells may become abnormally large with a thicker cell wall; such cells stain
more intensely. These bodies have been described as arthrospores.



There is a group of organisms intermediate between the true bacteria

and the true fungi which partakes of the characters of both groups. Some
students place the Actinomycetes among the Fungi Imperfecti, where
they perhaps properly belong, but since they are better known to bac
teriologists and require treatment similar to that demanded by bacteria,
they are included in the present chapter.
Sources of Cultures.Cultures are very easily obtained. Bacteria
are always associated with every form of decaying matter. A broth
obtained from meat, potatoes, or other foods, partially exposed to the air
for a few days until an odor is apparent, will yield an abundance of bac
teria. Scrapings from unbrushed teeth provide others. Water from
sewer outlets, stagnant pools or salt water in which seaweeds are rotting,
all furnish myriads of bacteria. Or a hay infusion, prepared simply by
pouring hot water into a battery jar half full of timothy hay, covering, and
letting the whole stand for a week, is an admirable source for other forms.
For pure cultures of specific forms, it is better to go to a professional
bacteriologist, a commercial bacteriological laboratory, or certain of the
biological supply concerns. There are some concerns which will specially
prepare cultures of highly pathogenic forms, such as B. anthracis, and
furnish them as a killed suspension in a salt and formalin solution; in such
a condition slides can be prepared at no risk of infection. The Cutter
Laboratory, Berkeley, Calif., is such a source. The American Type
Culture Collection is prepared to furnish hundreds of species.
Culturing.Each species of bacteria has its own special cultural
requirements. The methods employed for artificial cultivation are
therefore of fundamental importance. Bacteria of medical significance
require complex foodstuffs adjusted to a suitable pH. Such media have a
meat, serum, or blood basis.
A knowledge of hydrogen-ion concentration (pH) and its relation to
the preparation of media on which to grow bacteria is requisite to the
successful cultivation of the organisms. Very few botanical or private
laboratories are equipped for the determination of pH, consequently the
problem of adjusting the reaction is either a difficult matter or impossible.
Fortunately, however, there is an easy solution of the matter. This is
simply to purchase dehydrated culture media prepared according to
standard formulae, add the required amount of distilled water, and, by
autoclaving at a certain pressure for a specified period, the resulting
medium will have the requisite pH. The "Difco" products, manu
factured by the Digestive Ferments Company, Detroit, Mich., are
Bacteria are usually grown on agar slants. To make the slants, first
prepare the medium and add agar (in the proportion of 1.5 g. to each 100
cc. of medium) if a dehydrated medium already containing agar is not



used. If agar is added, dissolve it first by placing the container in a boil

ing water bath. Have standard Pyrex test tubes, scrupulously cleaned,
ready. Fill each tube with about 5 cc. of medium, then plug with a gen
erous Vad of ordinary nonabsorbent cotton, leaving just enough exposed
for the plug to be pulled out without difficulty. Place the tubes in the
autoclave and sterilize for the specified time at the required pressure (this
is usually cited as 15 pounds pressure for 20 or 30 minutes). After
autoclaving, wait for the pressure to go down completely before removing
the tubes. Before the agar has a chance to solidify, place the tubes on
their sides, with the plugged end slightly raised. Take care that the
medium covers the bottom end of the tube, otherwise the slant might
collapse of its own weight after cooling. The bacterium to be cultivated
is streaked over the slanting surface of the solidified medium.
For transferring cultures,' a platinum needle or small loop, attached
in a glass or special aluminum holder, is employed. Between every
transfer the wire must be sterilized by heating in a gas flame until white
hot. While making transfers, the tubes must not be kept open any longer
than necessary, otherwise contamination might occur. Hold the tube by
the base in the left hand. The right hand, also holding the platinum wire,
is used for removing the cotton plugs, the plug of one tube being grasped
by the little finger and that of the second tube between the third and
fourth fingers. After withdrawing the plugs, pass the mouths of the tubes
three or four times through aflamejthen transfer the growth, and replace
the plugs. Draw the needle or loop over the growth in the culture tube,
then in the new tube commence at the bottom and streak the needle
diagonally back and forth until the upper limits of the agar are reached.
Sterilize the platinum immediately after using and before placing it down.
Be extremely careful to avoid splattering.
Most bacterial cultures grow best at either of two-standard tempera
tures, 22 or 37C. For general purposes the first temperature is that of
the average room, but if a more uniform and exact temperature is indi
cated, an incubator must be employed.
In place of test tubes Petri dishes may be used as culture vessels.
An ordinary Petri dish requires about 10 cc. of medium. It is more
desirable to fill test tubes with that amount of medium in each, then to
plug, and to sterilize. The Petri dishes are cleaned and sterilized. When
one wishes to make a culture, a tube of medium is melted in hot water and
poured into the Petri dish: the cover is opened just enough to allow the
mouth of the tube to be inserted. As soon as the agar has solidified, the
transfer of culture may be made. As with slants, it should be streaked
diagonally across the surface.
Bacteria are either aerobic or anaerobic, but the average botanist will
scarcely meet with bacteria that can grow only in an atmosphere freed of



Preparation of Smears.The slides or coverslips on which bacteria

are to be smeared must be chemically clean. In the center of either, place
a small drop of distilled water. With the platinum needle or loop take up
a very small amount of the culture, place in the drop, and stir the two
together thoroughly but not violently, then spread ithe drop out some
what- It is best to place the slides in a warm protected place for 24 hours
to dry, but if in a rush, dry the drop by passing four orfivetimes through a
clean gas flame.
Or the smears, partially dried but still moist, may be fixed in any
standard fixative or over the fumes of osmic acid.
Dry, fixed, unstained bacterial smears keep indefinitely in a cool place,
If mounted in balsam or other mounting media, stained slides tend
gradually to fade.
Fixation of Tissues Containing Bacteria.Plant tissues infected with
bacterial diseases, such as Aplanobacter insidiosum in the roots of Medicago sativa, should be cut into small portions not over 3 mm. square and
2 mm. thick. Fluids containing mercuric chloride are said to be better
than others, but it appears that very little research has been done on this
phase of the problem. It seems probable, in any event, that any fluid
which gives satisfactory preservation of the host tissues will likewise pre
serve the bacteria, but dehydration should be carried out with tertiary
butyl alcohol as other fluids are suspected of damaging the bacteria.
Animal tissues should be fixed in Zenker's fluid:
Potassium bichromate







Distilled water.


Glacial acetic acid





Dissolve the bichromate and sublimate in the water with the aid of
heat. Add the acetic acid just' before the fluid is to be used. Wash
the fluid out thoroughly with running water, pass through three changes
of pure dioxan over a 24-hour period, transfer to a mixture of equal parts
of dioxan. and paraffin oil, then into melted parafin, and embed after
several changes of paraffin have been made.
Stains.The staining process, so far as bacteria are concerned,
depends upon the solvent condition of the dye. Stains dissolved in
absolute alcohol do not stain .well, if at all. Absolute alcohol, further
more, does not decolorize bacteria, while diluted alcohol is an active
decolorizer. The more completely a dye is dissolved, the weaker its
staining power becomes. The addition of an alkali to a stain renders
the solvent action less complete and intensifies the staining power.
The staining, process is further dependent upon the nature of the
bacterium. Some forms stain easily, others do not. Spores and flagella,
as has already been mentioned, are difficult to stain. Many species







possess highly selective staining properties, and this fact is of practical

i importance with regard to certain staining schedules. Gram's stain is
an example, but the differentiation of bacteria into two classesthose
L which react to Gram's stain and those which do notis unreliable and
/impractical because external circumstances often modify the reaction.
^Previous treatment of the bacteria with acids or alkalies frequently
inhibits the reaction. There is, however, no difficulty in finding a
suitable stain for all the different species.
Methyl and crystal violet are the most intense stains which may be
used on bacteria; they usually overstain and must therefore be differenti
ated. Methylene blue, thionin, basic fuchsin, and safranin give better
differentiation since they do not easily overstain. Bismarck brown and
eosin stain weakly and are commonly used as counterstains.
Mitochondria, in general, are also stained by bacteriological methods
(see page 101 for a staining method to differentiate between the two).
General Staining Methods.Bacterial smears are placed directly
into the stain after first having been thoroughly dried. Smears fixed in
killing fluids are washed carefully and then transferred to the stain.
Paraffin sections must, of course, first be deparaffined and brought down
to the appropriate alcohol or to water.
Practically all the coal-tar dyes are first made up as saturated alco
holic solutions. Stock solutions are prepared by filling a bottle about
one-fourth full with the dry dye, then nearly filling the bottle with 95%
alcohol. The bottle is then tightly corked, well shaken, and set aside
for 24 hours. If at the end of this time all the dye has dissolved, more
should be added, the bottle shaken again, and set aside for another
24 hours. The process should be repeated until some undissolved dye
remains at the bottom of the bottle.
Methyl (or Crystal) Violet.The simplest staining method is as
1. Stain 2 to 5 minutes in crystal or methyl violet (1 part saturated
alcoholic solution to 10 parts water).
2. Rinse quickly in water.
3. Differentiate by dipping into 95% alcohol until most of the color
is gone.
4. Dry as much as possible by blotting with filter paper, then pass
through aflameor put on the slide warming table to complete the drying.
5. The preparation may be examined without mounting, or balsam
and a coverslip may be added.
Anilin Water-Methyl Violet.An anilin water solution of either
crystal or methyl violet is considered to give a better stain. First
prepare the anilin water by shaking up 4 cc. anilin oil with 90 cc. distilled
water and filtering the mixture through a wet filter. Add 10 cc. of the



saturated alcoholic solution of either violet to 100 cc. anilin water, and
set aside for 24 hours to allow the precipitate which soon forms to settle.
The stain solution keeps for a week or ten days. Staining occurs within
5 minutes; differentiate as described for the preceding method.
Loeffler's Methylene Blue.This is one of the most widely used stains.
Mix 30 cc. of a saturated alcoholic solution of methylene blue with 100 cc.
of 0.05% potassium hydroxide solution. Smears are stained in 2 to 5
minutes; if the solution is heated, the stain is intensified. Sections are
stained for 15 minutes to several hours; decolorized with weak acetic
acid (1:1000) until a faint blue color remains; counterstained with 1%
aqueous eosin, dehydrated with absolute alcohol for 20 seconds, cleared,
and mounted.
Ziehl-Neelson's Carbol-Fuchsin.Add 10 cc. of a saturated alcoholic
solution of pararosaniiin (basic fuchsin) to 100 cc. of 5% aqueous carbolic
acid. This is a good spore stain and is used as described below under
Spore Stains. The solution keeps well.
Carbol-Methyl Violet.One part of a saturated alcoholic solution of
methyl (or crystal) violet is added to 10 parts of a 2 to 5% aqueous
solution of carbolic acid.
Cdrbol-Methylene Blue.Add 15 cc. of a saturated alcoholic solution
of methylene blue to 100 cc. of 5% aqueous carbolic acid.
Carbol-Thionin.This is made up of 10 cc. of a saturated alcoholic
solution of thionin and 100 cc. of 1% aqueous carbolic acid.
Gram's Method.First stain the sections or smears with anilin watercrystal violet. From the stain transfer to Gram's iodine solution (1 g.
iodine and 2 g. potassium iodide in 300 cc. distilled water) for 1 to 2 min
utes. Rinse in 95% alcohol until the violet color is no longer apparent
to the naked eye. If the slides are insufficiently decolorized by the
alcohol, treat again in the iodine solution. If permanent preparations
are wanted, rinse in absolute alcohol, pass through xylol, and mount in
balsam. Otherwise wash smears with water, and dry. With smears the
method works satisfactorily on young, actively growing cultures. Some
bacteria do not stain by the method: such are described as being Gramnegative, in contrast to the Gram-positive types, which retain the stain.
The above schedule is the classical one used by bacteriologists. A
version which will probably be found more satisfactory by botanists is as
The anilin water staining solution should be made up with methyl
violet 6B, or the most highly methylated violet obtainable. Stain the
slides for 5 to 30 minutes, the length of time depending upon the species
and whether the slide holds smears or sections; this time will need to be
determined by trial. Rinse in anilin water for 30 seconds (the slides
can remain in this solution for some time if necessary), then transfer



to the iodine solution for 1 to 2 minutes. Sections become brown-black

in color. Wash in 95% alcohol for 30 seconds, then wash in 95% alcohol
plus 10% hydrochloric acid for 10 seconds, followed by washing in
absolute alcohol, at which juncture no more color should come out of the
sections. Complete clearing in cedar oil (do not use clove oil, as it will
extract the remaining stain), proceed to xylol, and mount in balsam.
The bacteria should be blue or blue-black, tissues nearly or quite color
less. A weak solution of safranin can be used to.stain the nuclei, with
orange G for the cytoplasm. Before one attempts to stain bacteria by
this schedule, it should be ascertained if the bacterium is Gram-positive.
The schedule recommended by the Society of American Bacteriologists
(Hucker modification) is as follows. Prepare two separate basic dye
solutions: (1) Dissolve 4 g. crystal violet (85% dye content) in 20 cc.
95% ethyl alcohol; (2) dissolve 0.8 g. ammonium oxalate in 80 cc. dis
tilled water. Mix the two, and stain smears for 1 minute in the mixture.
Wash in water. Immerse in Lugol's iodine solution (1 g. iodine, 2 g.
potassium iodide, and 300 cc. distilled water) for 1 minute. Wash in
water, and blot dry. Decolorize in 95% alcohol for 30 seconds with
gentle agitation. Cover with safranin counterstain (10 cc. of a 2.5%
solution of safranin in 95% alcohol to 100 cc. distilled water) for 10 sec
onds. Wash, blot, and dry.
There is available a method for the differential staining of Grampositive and Gram-negative bacteria in sections of tissue (Brown and
Brenn 1931). Stain for about" 5 minutes in Harris' hematoxylin (filter
just before using), wash with acid atcohol (3% hydrochloric acid in
95% alcohol) until the sections are a light purplish-pink, alkalinize the
color to blue with 1% ammonia in water, and finally wash thoroughly
with water. Stain for 2 minutes in the following freshly prepared
solution: mix together 5 drops of 5% aqueous sodium bicarbonate to
which has been added 0.5% phenol and 0.75 cc. of 1% aqueous crystal
or methyl violet. Wash off excess stain with water and treat with
Gram's iodine solution for 1 minute. Wash again with water, then blot
the sections carefully to remove all excess water possible, but do not
allow them to dry. Put the slides in acetone for a few minutes, remove,
hold level with the sections up, and cover with 0.1% aqueous picric acid
until the sections become yellowish-pink. The last step is the critical
one in the schedule; the slides should be held above a white plate or
other white surface. Stop the action by draining off the acid and plung
ing the slide into a jar of acetone. Pass through a mixture of equal
parts of acetone and xylol, then pass through pure xylol, and mount in
balsam. The nuclei of the tissue are dark reddish-brown, the cytoplasm
yellowish, Gram-positive bacteria deep violet to almost black, Gramnegative bacteria bright red.



Fuelgen's reaction may also be used on bacteria.

Staining Methods for Spores.Smears should be made on coverslips.
Fix by passing many times through a flame.
Put the fixed smear in 5% aqueous chromic acid for 5 seconds to
10 minutes (if the spores are not stained at the end of the schedule,
lengthen the time in the chroiriic solution). Wash in water. Stain with
Ziehl-Neelson's carbol-fuchsin or anilin water-fuchsin (use pararosaniiin
in place of methyl violet as described for anilin water-methyl violet
above) for 1 minute, heating the solution until it steams but does not
boil. Destain 5 seconds in 5 % aqueous sulphuric acid. Wash in water.
Counterstain with methylene blue, wash with water, dry in the air, and
finally mount in balsam. The spores should be red, the bacteria blue.
Some workers contend that the use of an acid for differentiation is
undesirable because it damages the organisms and tends to decolorize
the capsules of the spores (Lote 1931). To avoid acids, use may be made
of the fact that some dyes differentiate other stains. Stain smears for
1 to 2 minutes with carbol-fuchsin, rinse with water, dry, and differenti
ate with 1 to 1.5% methylene blue. The time required differs according
to the species: some need only 10 minutes,, others as long as 1 hour.
Spores, also certain bacteria, are red, other bodies bluish-purple, blue, or
gray. Bismarck brown (0.5 to 0.25%) may be substituted for methylene
The following method gives excellent results, with sharp differentia
tion (Schaeffer and Fulton 1933). Smears are fixed by passing through
a flame three times. Flood the smear with 5% aqueous malachite
green, and heat to steaming several times within 30 seconds. Wash in
running water for about 30 seconds. Cover with 0.5% aqueous safranin
for 30 seconds. Wash, dry, and mount in balsam if desired. The spores
are stained green, cells red.
Staining Methods for Capsules.Smears to be stained for capsules
should be made from cultures not over 24 hours old. Dry the smears
in the air, without using heat. Perhaps the simplest method is the
following (Churchman and Emelianoff 1932): flood the smear with
10 drops of Wright's stain (best, purchased made up for use), and leave
until the. stain has nearly, but not completely, evaporated. This takes
3 to 4 minutes, and the original blue changes to a pinkish color. Next
wash off as rapidly as possible with a buffer solution of pH 6.4 to 6.5,
and dry without blotting. If the buffer wash is used before the stain
has evaporated sufficiently, the capsule will not be stained. If preferred,
the smears may be left in the stain overnight. The smears are removed
and the stain allowed to evaporate as before, dipped in the buffer solu
tion and dried. Occasionally there might be a precipitation of the stain
to cause granular deposits.



The Hiss capsule stain also gives excellent results and may be employed
if the preceding method presents difficulties. Prepare the smears on a
very clean coverslip, dry in the air, and fix by passing through a flame.
Flood the coverslip with methyl violet solution (5 cc. saturated aqueous
solution to 95 cc. distilled water), and steam for a few seconds over a hot
flame. Wash off the stain with 20% aqueous copper sulphate. Do not
wash with water at any time. Blot dry with filter paper (do not dry in,
the air or the copper salt will be precipitated out). The capsule is a
faint blue halo around a dark purple cell.
Staining Methods for Flagella.Make a thin smear by transferring
a very tiny amount from a culture not over 24 hours old, to 1 drop of
water on a slide. Let dry in the air. Cover with a mordant composed
of 3 parts 5% aqueous tannic acid and 1 part 10% aqueous ferric chloride
for 4 minutes (after Bailey 1930). Pour off the mordant, and cover for
9 minutes with the following freshly prepared solution: 7 drops of the
mordant mixture with 1 drop Ziehl-Neelson's carbol-fuchsin, with
the successive admixture of 1 drop concentrated hydrochloric acid and
1 drop concentrated formaldehyde. Wash in running water. Flood
with Ziehl-Neelson's carbol-fuchsin, and steam gently for 3 minutes.
Wash in running water, blot, and dry.
There is a second method which affords a slightly better differential
staining (Leifson 1930). Mix the following ingredients in the order

Ammonium (or potassium) sulphate, saturated aqueous solution 20 cc.

Tannic acid, 20% aqueous solution
10 cc.
Distilled water..
10 cc.
95% ethyl alcohol
15 cc.
Pararosanilin, saturated aqueous solution
3 cc.

Crystal violet may be substituted for the pararosanilin at the rate of

1.5 cc. instead of 3 cc. of the saturated solution; or methylene blue by
using 5 cc. and reducing the additional 15 cc. of ethyl alcohol to 10 cc.
The stain solution keeps for about a week. Stain for 10 minutes, first
warming the solution Jto not over 38C. Wash in water, and dry. To
counterstain: if pararosanilin has been used, 0.1% aqueous methylene
blue plus 1% borax reacts nicely; or if either crystal violet or methylene
blue has been used to stain the flagella, carbol-fuchsin diluted 1:10
counterstains excellently.
Silver staining may also be employed (Safford and Fleisher 1931).
Make smears as usual. Cover with a fixative composed of 100 cc. of
one-fourth saturated aqueous solution of picric acid, 5 g. tannic acid and
7.5 g. ferrous sulphate. A few minutes suffices for the mordanting. Wash
with tap water, dry, and cover with, the silver stain (to 25 cc. of 2% aque-



ous silver nitrate add dilute ammonia until the precipitate which forms
is redissolved, then add more of the silver nitrate until a faint turbidity
results-^-clear solutions are useless), heat to steaming, and allow to
react for 1 to 2 minutes. Wash in tap water, then dry.
Staining Methods for Metachromatic Granules.Prepare smears
as usual. Flood with Gram's iodine for 1 minute, rinse in tap water,
stain with Loeffler's methylene blue for 20 to 30 seconds, rinse, stain with
1 % aqueous safranin for 10 to 15 seconds, rinse, dry, andfinallymount in
balsam. Polar bodies are dark bluish-black, while the rest of the bac
terium is red (Kemp 1931).
Soil Microflora.The microscopic flora of the soil includes algae
and various fungi and bacteria. Formerly it was considered necessary
to dig a trench in the field soil for inserting slides, but a simpler method is
now in vogue (Conn 1933). Merely fill a jelly tumbler with the soil
whoseflorais to be examined, insert two or more cleaned slides, cover and
set aside for 5 days. Remove one of the slides at the end of the incuba
tion period, and replace by another. Do the same with, a second slide
on the seventh day, and repeat again after the lapse of another 5 days and
.7 days for the replaced slides, respectively.
For the miscellaneous collection of organisms that will probably be
found on the slides, only a general stain serves satisfactorily. Rose
bengal is perhaps the most useful. It is prepared in the following pro
portions: rose bengal, 1 g.; calcium chloride, 0.01 g.; 5% aqueous phenol,
100 cc. The slides are preferably laid on a flat surface over a boiling
water bath, the stain solution is poured upon them and allowed to remain
for 1 minute, care being taken that the slides do not become dry; but if
desired, the slides may be stained in beakers of the steaming stain solution.
Determination of Motility.When examined under the microscope
in the actively living condition, many bacteria exhibit motility in fluids.
Some species have a rapid movement; others move so slowly that it is
difficult to distinguish between actual movement and pedesis ("Brownian
movement"). Again, not all bacteria which possess flagella exhibit
spontaneous movement under all conditions, since external circum
stances such as heat, light, electricity, and chemicals may influence the ~
To test for motility, make hanging drop cultures from very'young
cultures (not over 4 hours old) preferably grown in neutral bouillon. A
hanging drop culture is made by placing a glass ring, 2 to 5 mm. deep, on
a slide; take a circular coverslip of greater diameter than that of the
ring, put a large drop of the culture in the center of .the coverslip, care
fully reverse, and place over the ring so that the drop remains suspended
in the well. To prevent excessive evaporation, both ends of the glass
ring may be coated with a thin layer of vaseline or petrolatum.






Special Methods.It is not possible here to present detailed methods

for all bacteria, consequently manuals which describe all that is known
about each form should be consulted (e.g., Bergey 1939). Other manuals
should be consulted for culture media and cultural methods (Levine and
Schoenlein 1930). H o w e v e r , methods are cited below for some of the
commoner and more interesting bacteria.

Flo. 24.Rhizohium radicicolum: portion of a nodule from Melilotus indica with bac
terial-infected cells. Fixed with chrom-osmo-acetic; differentially acidified with HC1 and
stained with methyl violet.
Rhizohium includes the forms which are capable of fixing free nitrogen
when growing in nodules on the roots of legumes. Some writers ctll
the association parasitism, others designate it as symbiontism, and still
others claim it to be a fortituous association. There are t w o species
generally recognized: R. leguminosum consists of rods occurring singly
and in Y-shaped formations; R. radicicolum ( F i g . 24) occurs singly and
in pairs, often swollen at one end or near the middle. T h e bacterial
cells always stain unevenly, perhaps because they secrete a mucilaginous



substance. T h e y are actively motile by means of a polar flagellum, but

some types are peritrichous (Stern and Sarles 1938). Nodules from the
roots of almost any of the Fabaceae or Papilionaceae, or less desirably
from the Mimosaceae, may be fixed in a solution made up of 4 cc. of 2%
aqueous osmic acid and 6 cc. of 1 % aqueous chromic acid, and the speci
mens may be embedded in paraffin. Sections should be cut not thicker
than 4/i in the lengthwise plane of the nodule. M e t h y l violet, carbolfuchsin, or Gram's method may be employed for staining.
If slides of the cause of gonorrhea, Neisseria gonorrheae, are desired,
take clean slides to a friendly physician, and ask him to make thin

Fiu. 25.Eberthella typhi: smear from a young culture, dried to slide, fixed with heat, and
stained by Leifson's method (using crystal violet) for the flagellae.

smears of urethral discharge from a three- or four-day preferably male

case. Fix b y exposure to sunlight for 10 minutes. T h e PappenheimSaathof stain for phagocytes containing gonococci is specific and strik
ingly beautiful. Stain smears in the following solution (use specially
certified dyes) for 2 minutes, then wash, dry, and mount in balsam:
Methyl green
96% alcohol
2 % phenol in distilled water



T h e genera Erwinia and Phytomonas contain practically all bacteria

pathogenic to other plants (Elliott 1930). On artificial media, growth






is usually whitish and often slimy. Erwinia includes motile rod-shaped

forms with peritrichous flagella, while the motile forms in Phytomonas
have polar flagella. T o show the bacterium in tissues of the host plant,
remove small pieces of the infected tissue, kill and fix preferably in a
strong chrom-osmo-acetic fluid, dehydrate and embed in paraffin, section
at not over 5/*, and stain with carbol-fuchsin or methyl violet, counterstaining with erythrosin.
Eberthella typhi, the cause of typhoid fever, is one of the best forms in
which to demonstrate peritrichous flagella (Fig. 25). Smears should be
obtained from a professional bacteriologist.

FIG. 26.Treponema pallidum: section of fetal lung showing the spirochaetes in abun
dance. Fixed with 10% formalin; stained by the Warthin-Starry silver impregnation
method. (From a preparation by Miss Enid Larson.)
There are five genera of so-called " i r o n bacteria." M o s t of them
cannot be grown on artificial media. T h e y are typically aquatic, algallike filamentous bacteria which may develop conidia but never endospores. T h e sheath surrounding them is impregnated with iron.
may be necessary to remove the iron encrustations with dilute acid in
order to reveal and to stain the cells more clearly.
Rotting marine algae are an excellent source for the so-called "sulphur
bacteria," Thiothrix and Bcggiatoa.
T h e y are filamentous forms which
show an oscillating motion similar to that of Oscillatoria.
One will have to go to a clinical pathologist for material of Treponema
pallidum, the cause of syphilis ( F i g . 26). Despite the prevalence of the
disease, it is actually quite difficult to secure suitable infected material;
fetal lung or liver is superior to other tissues,
T h e tissue, cut into v e r y



tiny portions, should be fixed for several days in 10% aqueous neutral
formalin, then washed thoroughly with water, and embedded in.paraffin.
Sections should be cut at 5 or 6ju. Clinical technicians and medical
pathologists commonly use the Dieterle silver-impregnation method
(Dieterle 1927), but the Warthin-Starry method (Farrier and Warthin
1930) will give results more to the liking of botanists.

The Actinomycetes constitute a group apparently intermediate

between bacteria and molds. They contain innumerable soil organisms
and a few forms pathogenic to man. They consist of extremely delicate
branching threads greatly resembling the mycelium of molds. The ends
of the filaments break up into spores.
The peculiar characteristic of the soil Actinomycetes is their con
spicuous musty odor. When these organisms are abundant in a given
soil, they give to that soil its characteristic odor. When grown in the
laboratory, the Actinomycetes produce pigments which are frequently
very beautiful and serve for purposes of identification and classification.
The Actinomycetes are better known to medical bacteriologists and
soil scientists than to botanists.
Cultivation.The Actinomycetes cannot tolerate an acid medium,
consequently the acid media recommended for yeasts and molds cannot
be used. Most of them will grow on the same media used for bacteria,
but it is too difficult to keep down the growth of contaminating bacteria
on such media. Most Actinomycetes thrive on very weak media which
will scarcely support bacterial growth (Heinrici 1930).
For general isolation of the saprophytic forms soil-extract agar or
Czapek's agar may be used. The method of growing cultures on slides
as described for the Myxothallophyta may be used for some forms, pro
vided bacterial growth can be kept down sufficiently. Coat the slides
with Czapek's agar.
Pure cultures of an unusually large number of Actinomycetes may be
secured from the American Type Culture Collection.
Preparation of Slides.For general morphological studies, Actino
mycetes may be treated like yeasts (page 334) or similar fungi, but the
very small size' of the former requires more careful methods. An oil
lens must ordinarily be used for examining them.
Permanent preparations of the spore-bearing bodies and the spores
are not difficult to make (Drechsler 1919). Smear a thin film of Mayer's
adhesive.over a coverslip. Carefully drop the coverslip, smeared side
down, on the surface of an actively sporulating colony, and then gently
lift it off again.. The spore-bearingfilamentswill adhere to the coverslip
and will be broken off from the culture but will retain their normal



arrangement. The coverslip with the adhering organisms may now be

placed in a dish of fixative and subsequently carried through the staining,
dehydrating, and mounting processes. Any of the basic coal-tar dyes
may be used.
Two staining methods adapted for sections are as follows.
Israel's Method.1. Stain the sections in a concentrated aqueous
solution of orcein, to which has been added a little acetic acid, for several
2. Wash with water, then dehydrate rapidly.
3. Wash in absolute alcohol for several hours.
4. Wash in xylol, then mount in balsam.
Actinomycetes are blue, clubs a light red.
Bostroem's Method.1. Stain in a 1% solution of crystal violet in
anilin water for 10 to 15 minutes.
2. Transfer directly to picrocarmin (add a strong solution of carmin in
ammonia to a saturated aqueous solution of picric acid until a precipitate
is formed; add a trace of phenol to prevent mold growth, then allow to
stand exposed to the air until the solution has evaporated down to a fourth
of its original volume; filter, and allow .the nitrate to evaporate to dryness;
make a saturated solution of the resulting crystalline substance in distilled
water for staining) for 5 to 10 minutes.
3. Wash with water, then wash in absolute alcohol until the sections
appear reddish-yellow.
4. Clear in cedar oil or oil of origanum, and mount in balsam.
The Actinomycetes are dark blue, clubs red, and nuclei reddish-yellow.


The green, algae from the earliest days of microtechnique have been
favorite subjects with botanical technicians. Spirogyra, for example, has
universally been worked upon perhaps more than any other plant. The
reason is that every reaction can be critically observed, and the results,
when different procedures are followed, can be readily compared. Killing
and fixing, dehydrating, staining, arid even infiltration with paraffin or
celloidin may be carried out under direct observation. These algae serve
as superb practice objects for the technician; they are to the botanist what
the guinea pig or rabbit is to the animal experimenter. They are superior
to all other experimental types in that what is happening is always plainly
visible. This is quite apart from their own inherent interest.
Occurrence.Chlorophyta occur everywherein pools, lakes,
streams, along rocky shores of the oceans, on damp soils, in ordinary
soils, in salt lakes and salterns, in aerial habitats, and as symbionts or
parasites. Many genera have a specific preference for particular habitats
and are to be found nowhere else.
Collection of Material.Most of the Chlorophyta are easy to collect,
even if the collector has only the haziest idea just what genus or species it
is that is being collected. Simply place the material, if taken from water,
in a bottle of convenient size. The bottle should not befilledmore than a
quarter of its capacity with any alga, the remainder of the bottle is to be
filled with the water in which the plants are growing. Lack of air causes
algae to begin rather prompt deterioration. Remove the cork or cap from
the bottle as soon as the return to the laboratory has been made.
Material collected on damp earth can be put in a pasteboard box or in
one of the cellophane wrappers from a pack of cigarettes for transportation
to the laboratory. Do not let such algae dry out.
Examine the immediate neighborhood of aquatic plants for flocculent
masses of algae. Take up some of the plants carefully, hold over the
opening of a wide-mouthed bottle and by running the fingers down the
length of the plant squeeze out the organisms which grow more or less
attached to the plants. Of course, one will scarcely get .a pure collection,
but many exceedingly interesting species are to be obtained in thistfashion.






If one finds especially desirable forms, cultures can usually be started from
As soon as the return to the laboratory has been made, the collections
should be examined microscopically. Discard all undesired material,
and preserve the remainder if cultures are not to be made. Watch par
ticularly for the motile forms while these are still in the living, active
condition. It will probably be impossible to make slides of such organ
isms, when very few in number and together with other and larger forms,
as they are very easily lost. It would be more practicable to grow a large
quantity of such species in more or less pure ("unialgal") culture and to
make permanent mounts from such a culture. If only a few are available,
they can be mounted directly into glycerin or glycerin jelly and might
retain their color for some time.
Cultivation.The unicellular and smaller colonial algae are not, as a
rule, difficult to cultivate and to obtain in practically pure culture. Vari
ous methods following the well known plating procedure as used in
bacteriology have been proposed.
In preparing media on which to cultivate the Chlorophyta, the impor
tant aspect to keep in mind is that "the algae are extremely sensitive to
slight. traces of metals. Pyrex glass-distilled water should always be
used, and containers which have previously held solutions of metallic
salts, mineral acids, or.formalin should never be used.
If the alga is one that has motile spores, the following method is excel
lent. If the form is sufficiently abundant, platings may be made on a 1 %
agar medium prepared with 0.2% Knop's solution. The alga will grow
rather slowly; it may be three weeks or longer before the colonies can be
observed amongst the numerous bacterial colonies which are rather
certain to appear in the meantime. After a plate showing a good growth
has been secured, allow it to dry slightly for several days to a week, then
transfer small colonies, as aseptically as possible, to vials of sterile dis
tilled water. Zoospores should be liberated promptly. These will
generally swim to the surface of the water and some can be scooped up
with a platinum loop and spread in a drop of nutrient solution over the
surface of sterile nutrient agar in a Petri dish. In this manner pure
cultures are readily obtained and may be transferred repeatedly to both
solid and liquid media. Hanging drop cultures and permanent prepara
tions can be made of almost.any stage in the life history. To embed
material from an agar culture, cut out small rectangular blocks of the agar
bearing the culture. The algae will adhere to the substrate throughout
the dehydration process (the agar is easily embedded and sectioned):
Sections should be cut at from 2 to 5fx. To distinguish between the
nucleus and pyrenoids, use a triple combination; for other purposes use
iron hematoxylin.



Present-day algologists consider soil-extract media to be far superior

to those composed solely of mineral salts for the cultivation of the green
algae. To prepare the stock solution (Bold 1936), autoclave 500 g. of
good field or garden soil in a flask with 1 liter of glass-distilled water, at
15 pounds pressure for 2 hours. Cool, decant, and filter several times
until the filtrate is clear. The filtrate is designated as the "stock soil
solution." It may be diluted in various proportions with distilled water
and to each 100 cc. of dilution should be added 1 cc. of 5% aqueous
potassium nitrate. The following dilutions are the most useful (quanti
ties are in cubic centimeters):









The above dilutions may be solidified by the addition of 1, 2, or 3 g.

agar to each 100 cc. of solution. Since the agar may contain impurities
(unless a specially prepared granulated bacteriological agar is used), it is
wiser to take the precaution to place the agar in a cheesecloth bag, to
wash for 24 hours under running water, and then to soak in several
changes of distilled water.
A large number of purely chemical solutions, have been proposed.
The following are the most useful of those which have given excellent
results in the hands of experienced algologists.
Modified Chodat-Grintzesco Medium (Fred and Peterson 1925):
Calcium nitrate



Dibasic potassium phosphate









Potassium chloride
Ferric sulphate..:


Distilled water
Agar, washed






Autoclave. The reaction should be about 7.3. Pour a large number

of plates of high dilution of the alga to be cultivated. Invert the plates,
place under a bell jar in a north window or under artificial illumination
(see below), and allow to incubate for several weeks. From welMsolated
colonies pick cultures, and streak on the surface of agar slants. To
determine whether contamination is present, make transfers from the
slppes which show a profuse growth into glucose broth and glucose yeast
water. To secuce the maximum growth of algae in a short time, add
glucose or sucrose to the Chodat-Grintzesco medium. The carbohy-



drates are very beneficial, and the sugars are entirely assimilated in about
60 days. Large amounts of alga growth can be obtained by adding 75 cc.
of the medium, without the agar, to tall 16-ounceflat-shapedbottles; keep
in the greenhouse, flat side down and plugged with cotton.
Modified Detmer's Solution (Bold 1936):
2 %


2 %

dibasic potassium phosphate

2 %

calcium nitrate

2 % magnesium
2 %

potassium phosphate



potassium chloride.

0 . 1 % ferric sulphate














Dissolve each of the chemicals separately in a large portion of the water,

then mix together, adding the calcium nitrate last.
Modified Knop's Solution (Bold 1936):
Calcium nitrate
Monobasic potassium


Potassium, nitrate
Ferric chloride

(1 %












Dissolve the chemicals separately in portions of the water, then mix

together. The solution is considered to be a 1 % Knop solution. For the
Volvocales, dilute to 0.05%.
Modified Benecke's Solution (Bold 1936):
A m m o n i u m nitrate


Calcium chloride
Dibasic potassium



Ferric chloride

(1 %



1 drop per


An intense but cold source of illumination is needed for the successful

cultivation of the Chlorophyta. The temperature should never exceed
22C; some species require a considerably cooler temperature. Most
people simply keep cultures in a window with a northern exposure, but
uniformly satisfactory results are rarely attained in this manner. A
source of artificial, controlled illumination is superior. The best type is
undoubtedly the new "cold light" apparatus recently devised by the
General Electric Company, but an equally satisfactory setup can be
arranged by utilizing apparatus found in practically every laboratory.
As depicted in the diagram (Fig. 27), the items consist of a bell jar with a
hole at the top for the insertion of a rubber stopper, a suitable tripod, a
500-watt electric lamp connected to an electric outlet in a suitable man-



ner, glass tubing, and rubber tubing for connecting the apparatus to a
water faucet. The diagram illustrates how the whole is put together.
As originally devised, the lamp was placed inside a large beaker placed
inside the bell jar, but experience showed that it was too difficult to keep
the beaker in position. Most 500-watt lamps have long necks, which
makes it possible to immerse the lamp in the water if care is taken not to
allow the metal screw end to get under water. The rate of flow of water
should be regulated so that no heat radiates below the bell jar. The
culture dishes may be arranged on glass shelves placed around the bell
jar, as well as directly below the
latter, and should be illuminated Water
for about 10. to 12 hours daily.
More detailed directions for
cultivating certain species, espe
cially where, concerned with the WaJer^''
inducing of reproductive phases, level
bell jar
will be given under the species
Herbarium Specimens.The
older botanists made a regular
practice of drying Chlorophyta on
paper for preservation as herbarium
specimens, but not many follow it
nowadays. Thick cellophane or
sheet mica is often substituted for
the paper.
Preservation.All Chlorophyta
can be permanently, preserved, after
fixation and washing, in 3% for
FIG. 27.Diagrammatic section of a p
malin, to which should be added 6%
paratus for furnishing artificial light for algal
glycerin in order that the mate cultures. (Based upon Bold 1936.)
rial may not become completely
dry in case the water evaporates Formalin-aceto-alcohol will also
preserve material almost indefinitely.
For preservation in natural colors, use copper-lactophenol:
Phenol, cp-.



Lactic acid, sp. gr. 1.21..



G l y c e r i n , s p . g r . 1.25.





Distilled water.;



. .





Fixation.Weak chrom-acetic fluids are by far the best for the major
ity of Chlorophyta, although with some species other fluids are strongly






indicated. Some technicians claim that the addition of osmic acid is

necessary for the most precise results, but in the writer's experience this
claim has never been substantiated.
The proportions of chromic and acetic acids to be used vary according
to the species, and even to different lots of the same species. One may
take 1 g. chromic acid and 1 cc. glacial acetic acid to 100 cc. water as the
standard proportions. If fixation appears to be inadequate after these
proportions, reduce the amount of chromic acid, and increase the amount
of acetic acid. Thus 0.7 g. chromic acid and 5 cc. acetic acid to 160 cc.
water may give better results. Fix for 10 to 24 hours, and wash thor
oughly with water. Some algae, such as certain of the Chlorococcales,
may be fixed satisfactorily for immediate transformation into permanent
mounts, but they cannot well be preserved unmounted for any length
pf time.
Chlorophyta are frequently well fixed with formalin-aceto-alcohol
in the proportion of 5 cc. formalin and 5 cc. glacial acetic acid to 100 cc.
of 50% alcohol. Wash in a change of 50% alcohol after 24 hours, and
proceed to the staining.
For marine Chlorophyta the above fluids (except for the formalinaceto-alcohol) may be used, but substitute sea water for distilled water.
Wash out with sea water, then transfer from sea to tap water for subse
quent treatment.
The flagella and other delicate structures in the small motile forms
are difficult to fix and preserve, but any sort of attempt may be better
than none. Try mixtures of iodine and formalin as suggested for Volvox.
Whole Mounts.The procedures outlined in the chapter on Wholemount Methods were designed primarily with the requirements of the
Chlorophyta under constant consideration, consequently reference to
that chapter should be made.
To prepare whole mounts of filamentous forms in nearly natural
color, add 6 parts formalin to 1 part of the copper-lacto-phenol mixture
described above, and fix the alga in this mixture. Then mount in glyc
erin to which has been added 10% copper-lactophenol.
Staining.As a rule, iron hematoxylin, with a suitable counterstain,
is the stain par excellence for the Chlorophyta. Since the cell walls are
composed mainly of cellulose, a dye having an affinity for this substance
should be employed if it is desired that the cell walls stand out prom
inently. Delafield's or Harris' hematoxylin can be combined with iron
hematoxylin (for the nuclei and pyrenoids) and fast green or safranin
(for the chloroplasts and cytoplasm, respectively) for this purpose.
Picrc^-indigocarmin gives a naturalistic green color to many of the colonial
species. Mayer's carmalum (made up with pure carminic acid) may
also be used for the same species.



Pyrenoids stain red or reddish after triple combinations; the starch

grains surrounding the pyrenoids should stain violet.

Members of the order are flagellated in the vegetative condition and

may be either solitary or colonial. Typically, the cell is enclosed by a
definite wall, with a cellulose layer next the protoplast. The colonial
species are commonly surrounded by a gelatinous matrix.
Polyblepharidaceae.In this primitive family the protoplast is not
surrounded by a cellulose wall but is fairly rigid in the peripheral portion.
DunalieUa, invariably present in salterns (thus giving them their
characteristic red color), is probably the only form which the technician
might encounter. It may be mounted directly in glycerin. If found
in a concentrated salt solution, put a drop of the brine containing the
organism on a slide, fix for 1 or 2minutes by suspending the drop over
the mouth of a bottle containing osmic acid, then let dry, stain in hema
toxylin, and mount in diaphane. Too much salt may cause trouble in
the foregoing method, consequently a better plan would be to kill the
organisms in formol-iodine and to centrifuge to concentrate the very small
cells, whereupon they may be washed, placed in distilled water, and
subsequently treated for whole mounts.
Chlamydomonadaceae.Chlamydomonas, naturally, is the genus of
greatest significance in the family. It is most likely to be found in
pools rich in ammonium compounds. Once one collects this genus, a
culture should be made; if a small amount is placed over clean white
sand in a Petri dish or similar receptacle and kept just moist, it will
remain in good condition for a long time. If zygotes should be formed,
the culture may be allowed to dry out and can be started into growth
again by simply adding sterile water. If grown on Detmer's .solution
solidified with agar, the colonies remain in a "PalmeUa" condition and
divide actively; if transferred to distilled water or to 0.05% Knop's solu
tion, they will return rapidly to the motile condition. Formol-iodine
fixatives (see below under Volvox) are preferable. Iron hematoxylin or a
carmin stain is satisfactory. To reveal the flagella clearly, special
staining is required; fast green might be tried.
Phacotaceae.Treat like Chlamydomonas.
Volvocaceae.The most interesting and intensively studied of the
Volvocales belong in this .family. The cells are arranged into coenobic
disks or hollow spheres. The genera may all be treated alike in the
manner described below in considerable detail for Volvox. The latter
genus has been selected simply because it is more likely to be found, and
recognized than are the other genera.



Getting Volvox in a satisfactory condition in nature is mostly a matter

. of chance. The best places are deep ponds, small lakes or large quiet
ditches, whose waters are wholly or principally, rain water. The plants
are more likely to be found along the edges, but the location varies
according to the species: some grow among grasses and aqUatic plants
along the margins, others float in the middle of ponds together with,
copepods and other plankton organisms, while still other species prefer
the bottoms. If the colonies are present in small numbers, they may be
collected in quantity by means of a plankton net of fine bolting silk:
draw it slowly through the water in a likely spot, and if Volvox is present,
the bright green colonies are easily recognized. Let nearly all the water
filter out, then transfer the colonies to a large bottle or.battery jar by
means of a giant pipette. The writer once collected more than a quart
of pure Volvox in less than half an hour by this method.
Volvox, as well as Gonium, Pandorina, and Eudorina, can be cultivated
without much difficulty: Luxuriant growth has been obtained on Nos. 2,
3, and 4 soil solutions (page 229) and in 0.05% Benecke's and 0.05%
Knop's solutions (Bold 1936). Cultures may be grown on 1.5% Detmer's agar, on which palmelloid colonies are produced, and may be kept
in this condition for some time. The following solution has also been
Potassium nitrate.











Monobasic potassium phosphate


Potassium carbonate.



Ferric sulphate

0 . 0 1 2 5 g.

Distilled water

1 liter


The pH of the above solution should be about 7.6 at 18 to 20C.

When ready to use, take 1 part of the solution and 9 parts distilled water,
and pour 100 cc. into flasks of 200-cc. capacity. The flasks should be of
alkali-free glass; if the freedom of the glass from soluble alkalies is ques
tionable, wash with strong sulphuric acid, and rinse out the acid thor
oughly with distilled water. Be sure that the colonies forming the basis
of the culture are reasonably free from other algae, and use only a very
few colonies for starting each culture. Grow under cool artificial
Volvox does not keep in preserving solutions without gradually
undergoing collapse. Consequently, when one obtains an excellent
culture, whether in nature or by cultivation, it would be well to make it
into slides at once.
In handling Volvox through the killing and subsequent procedures/it
is important to prevent the colonies from becoming clumped together.

This can be done by keeping all fluids slightly acidified (with acetic acid
if any particular solution is not already acid). The most satisfactory
killing fluid is composed of the following:


' Iodine
Glacial acetic acid

2 g.
1 g.

24 cc.




Dissolve the iodine and iodide in the water first, then add the othei
ingredients. The colonies may be concentrated, if necessary, by filtering
out the water through coarse filter paper or bolting silk. The colonies
should be left in the killing solution for about 48 hours, preferably longer.
Protoplasmic connections, flagella, and internal details of reproduction
should all be perfectly preserved. Wash out with water slightly acidified.
Picro-indigocarmin (0.25 g. indigocarmin in 100 cc. of a saturated
aqueous solution of picric acid) is an exceedingly beautiful stain for
Volvox, provided it kept,from, becoming extracted during the
dehydration. Leave the Volvox in the stain for a week or much longer,
as there is very little chance of overstaining (Fig. 28). Mayer's car
malum is also excellent, as is Lynch's precipitated carmin, but neither is
too precise. The carmin dyes also require a long period to take, effect,
and dehydration should be by an extremely gradual process. With
some species, but not all, iron hematoxylin can be used, but the mordant
must be used in very dilute concentration as it tends both to collapse and
to clump the colonies. About 1 drop of 2% ferric ammonium sulphate
in 250 to 300 cc. of acidified water may be tried. Use for about 24 hours,
wash with acidified water, then apply the staining solution in high dilu
tion. Differentiate in a warm saturated aqueous solution of picric
acid, and counterstain with highly diluted fast green.
The problem of getting Volvox through any dehydrating process is
exceedingly difficult. Stages must be extremely gradual, and all diffusion
currents must be avoided. The glycerin evaporation process, with
washing in 95% alcohol, is excellent. The gradual drop method may be
employed with hygrobutol, or dioxan in a very close series of stages
sometimes works beautifully.
Volvox is readily embedded and sectioned. Use the iodine-formalin
fixing fluid, wash out quickly, and dehydrate by a- very gradual series.
Almost any desired series may be used. The material is kept in thin
shell vials during all the various processes (the vials in which photo
graphic developers come are useful); the colonies will sink ^oon after
each change of fluid, and the liquids niay be withdrawn with a pipette.
Leave in the paraffin oven for only a short time, and make changes of
paraffin by means of a pipette warmed to the temperature of the paraffin.



The paraffin may be solidified in the

cooling, or the material may be poured
layer of material 2 to 3 mm. thick.
material in trimming down the block

vial and the glass broken after

into a small paper tray to give a
One will have to sacrifice some
for mierotoming. Cut sections

F I G . 28.Volvox sp.: whole mount of vegetative colonies. The colonies commonly

become more or less clumped together. Fixed in special formol-iodine fluid; stained with
picro-indigocarmin. Dehydrated with hygrobutol and infiltrated with balsam.

at about An. Stain preferably in iron hematoxylin with orange G for

Spondylomoraceae, Sphaerellaceae.Treat members of these fami
lies exactly like Chlamydomonas.

This order is made up principally of genera which may only occa

sionally be encountered.
Whether unicellular or united to one another in



colonies, the cells are surrounded by gelatinous sheaths. These sheaths

are either distinct or confluent.
Cultivation may be in one of the soil solutions, the optimum dilution
needing to be determined by experiment.
The smaller forms may either be dried down on the slide directly
after first killing over the fumes of osmic acid; or they may be killed and
dehydrated as far as 95% alcohol, when a drop of the material may be
placed on a slide smeared with Mayer's adhesive and then stained with
dyes dissolved in 95% alcohol or clove oil. If the species forms colonies
of a sufficiently large size to be easily handled, they may be killed,
dehydrated very gently, embedded in paraffin, and sectioned. Most
dehydrating fluids are apt to cause excessive hardening of the gelatinous

The genera in the order possess simple or branchedfilamentswhich

make unusually good preparations.
Ulotrichaceae.Filaments of all genera are unbranched. Ulothrix
is the commonest genus, but it is not so readily found in most regions as
are others. It occurs as light green masses in quiet or running cold water,
attached to stones. Reproductive phases occur only after midnight
and are completed early the next morning; vegetative phases only are
found after about 9 A . M .
Kill and fix in chrom-acetic. Wash, stain with iron hematoxylin and
follow the hygrobutol method, counterstaining with fast green. Fila
ments of Ulothrix commonly have the annoying peculiarity of clumping
together during the later stages of the dehydration, or at the beginning
of the infiltration, process. However, if the bunched filaments are cut
into portions not over 5 mm. in length, placed in a drop of balsam on a
slide, and then gently pressed with a needle spatula, they will become
separated. Care should therefore be taken not to place too much
material on each slide.
Ulothrix is easily embedded and sectioned. A large quantity of
filaments showing the formation of zoospores and gametes may be
wrapped in lens paper, carefully tied at the ends with fine thread, and the
whole run up into paraffin. Microtome at 3 to 6ju, and stain with iron
hematoxylin and fast green.
Cultivation of vegetative "filaments may be in undiluted Detmer's
solution or in No. 2 soil solution. Zygotes of Ulothrix may be germinated
on an agar medium:
Distilled water

aqueous potassium nitrate

Dried earth or loam


200 cc.
100 cc.
30 g.
T o




Autoclave, then pour into Petri dishes or similar containers. Keep the
cultures at 10C. under artificial light.
Ulothrix is perhaps one of the most desirable forms for demonstrating
the differences between zoospores and gametes. There is an alternation
of generations in the genus (Grosse 1931).
Microsporaceae.Microspora, to be expected in early spring in
pools and ditches, has a peculiar wall structure. Treat it as described
for Ulothrix.
Cylindrocapsaceae.Treat as for Ulothrix.
Chaetophoraceae.Stigeoclonium and Draparnaldia are found in
clear, cool, running water, but the first genus sometimes occurs in quiet
ponds or lakes. In such situations it is frequently found producing .
akinetes and is one of the best Chlorophyta in which to demonstrate this
method of reproduction. Kill with 1% chrom-acetic, stain with iron
hematoxylin (paying particular attention to the differentiation of the
akinetes) and fast green, and follow the hygrobutol method. Stigeoclon
ium usually breaks apart more or less, but Draparnaldia sometimes forms
such large plants that they must be reduced to smaller portions for
Genera such as Aphanochaete, Thamniochaete, and Chaetopeltis, which
grow upon other filamentous algae, should be worked up together with
the host since it is quite impossible to separate the two.
Protococcaceae.-Protococcus (Pleurococcus) is the only genus occur
ring in the United States, and should be available almost everywhere.
There is, however, great confusion as to the identification of the Proto
coccaceae and one should therefore be cautious before concluding that
any unicellular aerial green alga is a Protococcus. Protococcus is easily
isolated and cultivated on Beijerinck's ammonium nitrate agar:
Distilled water



A m m o n i u m nitrate



Monobasic potassium phosphate











.. ..


After the chemicals have been dissolved separately in portions of the

water and then mixed together, add 20 g. agar, boil until the latter is
dissolved, then autoclave. Pour into Petri dishes or similar containers.
To inoculate, mix a little of a coating of the alga from tree trunks (prefer
ably from Tilia), and pour over the plates.V Pour or pipette off any excess
water. The colonies will appear after about three weeks.
Staining of Protococcus is not easy. Many technicians stain with
fast green alone, others with a carmin stain (which obviously gives them
an unnatural color) or with picro-indigocarmin. A really satisfactory
stain has not been described. When iron hematoxylin is used, it is



extracted from the very small nuclei before the cytoplasm is sufficiently
Coleochaetaceae.Coleochaete is such a small plant that the use of a
high-power microscope is required to detect it. The largest colonies
or thalli probably will not be found to exceed 5 mm. in diameter. The
thalli grow on the leaves, culms, or stems of various water plants, par
ticularly Sagittaria, Isoetes, Elodea, or Typha, and occur from just below
the surface of the water to about 6 inches below (Wesley 1928) and on the
sides of the host that receive the most light.
It is inadvisable to attempt to separate the plants entirely from the
host. Small portions of the host bearing the thalli may be cut away; if
the plants grow on Elodea leaves, whole mounts of the latter are excellent.
Kill and fix with 1 % chrom-acetic for 1 hour, wash thoroughly, then stain
with either safranin and fast green (the latter in aqueous rather than
alcoholic solution) of Harris' hematoxylin and fast green, and follow the
hygrobutol method. Beechwood creosote or dioxan might be tried, but
the material will be so hardened after xylol or a similar fluid that it cannot
be mounted. Except for details of zoospore formation, sections are of
little service. Material which is to be embedded should be fixed in a
strong chrom-acetic fluid, dehydrated by a very gradual series, embedded
in bunches, microtomed not thicker than 8fi, and stained with iron hema
toxylin and fast green.
If zoospores are wanted, arrange slides on the bottom of a large,
shallow dish, fill the latter partially with tap water, place some mature
thalli of Coleochaete in the water, and set the whole in the sun. The
zoospores will attach themselves firmly to the slides, and the latter may
be carried through all the killing, fixing, and staining processes as if they
carried sections. For staining, try acid fuchsin.
Trentepohliaceae.Trentepohlia is a strictly aerial genus. Filaments
may be scraped off the bark on which they grow and mounted directly
in glycerin jelly without any special treatment. The color is retained
. for many years.

Ulvaceae.Most of the species are marine in habit, but some grow in

brackish, a few in fresh, waters.
Viva, a marine genus, is very common along both coasts and is easily
recognized and collected. Fix portions of the thallus, including some
from the marginal region, in 1 % chrom-acetic in sea water, dehydrate, and
embed in paraffin. Ulva tends to become excessively hardened during
the clearing and infiltration if either xylol or chloroform was employed,
consequently, tertiary butyl alcohol, which has little or no hardening
effect, should be used. Since sections cut perpendicular to the flat



surface are required if details of zoospore and gamete formation are

desired, pile several portions of thalli on top of one another to a depth of
2 mm. or so while the embedding is being done, and press together gently
with a blunt instrument if they do not lie perfectly flat. In this manner
a long series of sections can be cut with a minimum of effort. For repro
ductive details sections should not be over 3n; for general structure 10n
is thin enough. Stain in iron hematoxylin with orange G, or a triple
combination might be substituted.
Even if the thallus of Ulva is only two layers of cells in thickness, whole
mounts are usually unsatisfactory. The presence of considerable iron
in the cell walls inhibits proper staining.
Monostroma, which favors brackish waters, forms a sheet-like thallus
one cell in thickness. Use a weak chrom-acetic, but make the fixation
period very brief. The gelatinous consistency of the thallus causes it to
become readily dissociated. By fixing the entire plant rather than small
portions of the whole, one has a greater chance of avoiding disaster.
Embed as described for Ulva. Material intended for whole mounts
should be dehydrated with hygrobutol, or with glycerin, which may in
turn be washed out with 95% alcohol. Picro-indigocarmin is the pre
ferred stain.
Enteromorpha has a hollow tubular thallus one cell thick and favors
more or less saline habitats. It may be treated like Monostroma, but
the thallus would have to be cut open and spread apart for mounting.

Thalli of the Schizogoniales resemble those of the Ulvales. Repro

duction is by akinetes and aplanospores. It is scarcely to be expected
that any technicians save those specializing on the algae will come into
contact with members of the order. Nothing has been described in the
literature about their treatment, but Prasiola, which is to be found in the
Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada at isolated stations and at a few
marine localities on both coasts; may be dealt with exactly as if it were
like Ulva (Fig. 29). For whole mounts, stain with picro-indigocarmin.

The multinucleate cells of the simple or branched filaments have

numerous chloroplasts. Some species are marine, others are fresh-water.
Cladophoraceae.The thick stratified cell walls are composed' of
three layers: an outermost zone consisting chiefly of chitin, a middle
zone rich in pectic substances, and an inner cellulose layer. The absence
of an external pectic layer explains why Cladophoraceae are usually so
heavily encrusted with diatoms and other epiphytic algae.



Cladophora is one of the commonest of marine and fresh-water Chloro

phyta in the United States. It will be found more expedient to select
species, from either fresh or saline waters, that have short branching
filaments not so densely interwoven as to make it difficult or impossible
to untangle them when they have finally been brought into balsam for
whole mounts. Such forms, also, are more likely to be found with
reproductive stages.

FIG. 29.Prasiola nevadensis: whole mount of a portion of the thallus, showing charac
teristic arrangement of the cells. Fixed with formalin-aceto-alcohol; stained with Harris'
hematoxylin and fast green.

Kill and fix with a medium chrom-acetic fluid, stain with iron hemato
xylin and fast green, and run into balsam preferably by the hygro
butol method.
Rhizoclonium, Chaetomarpha, and other common genera of the order
may be treated in the same manner as Cladophora.
Some care should
be exercised not to destain the iron hematoxylin too far or to overstain
with the fast green.
Sphaeropleaceae.Sphaeroplea is of particular interest because of
its method of oogamous sexual reproduction. It develops to maturity
and disappears within a month; consequently it is not often collected. It
is most likely to be found in early or late spring. Fix with chrom-acetic,
stain with iron hematoxylin, but take care not to overdo the counterstaining with either fast green or orange G. Make transfers from one fluid



to another very gradual as the unusually large cells of the filaments

collapse readily.

Members of the order are particularly noted for the unique method
of cell division; manuals should be consulted for a description of the
process (G. M . Smith 1933). Very critical staining is required to bring
out the details of the process, and one should employ material killed after
midnight. The presence in certain species of dwarf malefilamentsbear
ing antheridia makes the group especially interesting.
All the genera, Oedogonium, Bulbochaete, and Oedocladium, may be
treated alike technically. Species of all genera may be easily grown in
soil solution No. 3 (see also Mainx 1931). If the material collected is
sterile, it can sometimes be induced to produce antheridia and oogonia
by artificial means. Place not too many of the filaments in a large con
tainer of any nutrient solution, preferably Knop's, highly diluted. After
several days transfer to distilled water, and observe from time to time.
Do not place in direct sunlight.
Fix in a chrom-acetic fluid, with the following proportions: 1 g.
chromic acid, 2 cc. glacial acetic acid, and 100 cc. water. The formoliodinefluidrecommended for Volvox, or even formalin-aceto-alcohol, may
be tried. Iron hematoxylin is the best stain, but the oogonia must be
very carefully destained to .the proper degree. For details of the methods
of cell division and reproduction paraffin sections are deemed necessary
by most workers.
Material may be preserved in a 2% aqueous solution of potassium
acetate to which are added sufficient cupric acetate to color the mixture
and a little phenol to prevent mold growth.

Members of the order are common, readily distinguished, and easily

manipulated algae. The cell wall is two-layered, consisting of an exter
nal pectic layer and an internal cellulose layer. The pectic external
layer becomes so mucilaginous in the'-filamentous species that they feel
slippery to the touch. In the Desmidiaceae there is a third, intermediate
layer composed of cellulose impregnated with pectic substances and ferric
salts. Special staining technique is required to differentiate between the
cell layers and their constituent substances (Lutkemuller 1902).
There are no marine.Zygnematales; the species are all confined to
fresh-water ponds, swamps, creeks, rivers, or ditches.
Zygnemataceae.-Wrhe most intensively studied of: all algae, Spirogyra, belongs in this family. The genus is cosmopolitan and should be



readily available to every student commencing microtechnique. Where

Spirogyrd is too rare, related genera should be easily found in place of that
genus, In many localities Zygnema, as for instance in southern Cali
fornia, is more common than Spirogyra. As a last resort, well-fixed
material is obtainable, from the botanical supply concerns.
It is not an easy matter under average circumstances to obtain Spiro
gyra and other filamentous Zygnematales in the conjugating, condition.
This requires periodic examination of specimens from any given locality.
There is a strong seasonal periodicity in the occurrence of conjugation,
which varies according to the species. Most species conjugate in the
spring, but there are some which do so in summer and others in the
autumn. Contrary to the claims made by a few writers (e.g., Chamber
lain 1932), conjugation cannot be induced at will (G. M . Smith 1933); the
writer, despite repeated attempts, has never been able to get any species
to conjugate by artificial inducements. It is probably impossible to
duplicate under artificial conditions the exact combination of circum
stances which induces conjugation in nature. It is also difficult to keep
Zygnematales in culture vegetatively and is scarcely worth attempting.
Methods for preparing whole mounts of Spirogyra are given in con
siderable detail in the chapter on Whole-mount Methods, to which
reference should be made. These schedules are applicable to all the
other genera. The combination of Delafield's or Harris' hematoxylin
with iron hematoxylin and fast green should particularly yield prepara
tions of surpassing beauty.
All the genera are easily embedded in paraffin, but such preparations
are of value only in critical cytological investigations.
Mesotaeniaceae.Treat like members of the following family.
There is, however', no impregnation of the cell walls with iron compounds.
Desmidiaceae.The unicellular Zygnematales, the desmids, are
among the most beautiful of all unicellular organisms because of their
astonishing diversity in cell structure and especially in ornamentation.
Unfortunately for the technician, who usually does not like to see "some
thing of everything" in his preparations, too many of the desmids occur
in mixtures of several species or even genera. Sometimes, however, the
patient collector may have the good fortune to find some particular form
in unialgal culture in nature. Under such circumstances the most should
be made of these opportunities. Most desmids occur in somewhat acid
waters, or where the pH ranges between 5 and 6. This fact gives a clue
to the method of treatment for these organisms. Follow the suggestions
given for Volvox. Use a centrifuge to get the algae to settle between
changes of fluids. Iron hematoxylin is the best of all nuclear stains,
especially for the larger species, and any desired counterstain may be
used when one seems advisable.






It has also been stated that excellent fixation may be obtained with
2 to 3% formalin plus a few drops of acetic acid. Dehydration is by a
5% series of steps of ethyl alcohol to 95% alcohol, allowing 15 minutes in
each percentage. Staining is for 12 to 48 hours in 1% light green in
95% alcohol; wash in clean 95%, then complete dehydration with hygro
butol, and infiltrate with balsam.

The Chlorococcales are mostly unicellular or colonial organisms, of

the greatest diversity in form. Because of the small size of most of the
species, they are difficult to handle during the dehydrating and mounting.
However, if one is fortunate enough to obtain any species in sufficient
abundance, the loss of a considerable proportion of the collection is not
such an exasperating matter.
The proper staining of Chlorococcales is a problem which has scarcely
been attacked. Different lots of the same species react differently to the
same staining procedure. The writer once had the experience of obtain
ing a beautiful iron hematoxylin stain on one lot of Scenedesmus but
failed completely with material collected from the same locality ten days
later. Others report experiences of the same sort. The difficulty appar
ently resides in differences in the pH of the water in which the organisms
were growing and which had a direct effect upon the affinity of the cells
for dyes.
For fixation of bulk material use a weak chrom-acetic (with 1 or 2
drops osmic acid solution to each 100 cc. fixative, if desired), or 5 cc.
formalin and 5 cc. glacial acetic acid in 100 cc. distilled water.
A method which has been found to be entirely adequate for all but
the most exacting cytological investigations is to smear a drop of Haupt's
adhesive over a chemically clean slide, add 1 drop of the suspension
containing the alga, then invert the drop over the mouth of a bottle
containing any osmic acid solution for about 10 seconds. Next put the
slide in a slide box, drop up, and when the box has been filled but before
the drops dry out entirely, place the box, together with a watch glass full
of formalin, in the paraffin oven. The fumes of the formalin will fix the
gelatin of the adhesive and cause the organisms to stick to the slides.
Remove the slides from the oven as soon as the film has dried completely.
Iron hematoxylin staining may be attempted. When successful, the
results are of surpassing beauty. Counterstaining may be with fast
green. For ordinary purposes, such as class use, a variation of Flem
ming's triple combination usually gives an excellent though exceedingly
variable stain. When this combination is used on Scenedesmus, there is
no consistency in the affinity of the different structures for the three dyes
involved. First immerse the slides in 10% alcohol, for overnight or



longer, to extract the chlorophyll. Place in 1% safranin in 50% alcohol

for 12 hours to 4 days; the time varies with each collection of material, but
there is little danger of overstaining. Wash in running water for 5 min
utes, then^place the slides in 1% aqueous crystal violet for two days.
There is more danger in overstaining with the violet than with safranin.
Rinse off excess stain with water, then place in a saturated aqueous
solution of orange G for not longer than 5 minutes. Rinse quickly with
water, then with 95% and absolute alcohol for a few seconds in each.
Differentiate with clove oil; the time is variable, but one should leave the
slides in the oil until the nuclei are clearly visible when the preparation
is examined under the microscope. Wash in two changes of xylol, and
mount in balsam.
These algae may, of course, be mounted entire in glycerin without any
special treatment, but they will retain their color for only a short time.
Only the more prominent genera are being mentioned in the following
Chlorococcaceae.Trebouxia is the alga most commonly present in
lichens, though not the only unicellular one to be found in these plants.
Sections of the lichen thallus (Sticta or Usnea is to be recommended)
should readily reveal the alga. - When staining such material for the
algal member alone, disregard the fungal member of the association as it is
impossible to stain both equally well in most lichens. Iron hematoxylin
or a quadruple schedule might be followed.
Protosiphonaceae.Protosiphon is usually found associated with
Botrydium, and the two are difficult to distinguish in the field. In the
laboratory the iodine reaction for starch may be applied: Protosiphon
reacts for starch, Botrydium does not. It is usually too difficult to sepa
rate the plants completely from the mud in which they grow. Cultures
of Protosiphon are easy, to secure (Bold 1936). Remove some of the
plants from the mud with a microneedle, and place in the darkened
portion of a unilaterally illuminated Petri dish containing sterile distilled
water. Gametes which are strongly positively phototaxic are liberated
in 5 or 6 hours. Some of these may be taken up in a loop and streaked
over the surface of sterile solidified Detmer's agar in Petri dishes. The
germlings will require about two weeks under artificial illumination to
reach a sufficient size. Gamete formation and conjugation may again
be induced as just described. Kill in a weak chrom-acetic fluid, and run
into balsam by a very gradual method, as plasmolysis easily ensues if
sudden changes are made.
Hydrodictyaceae.Pediastrum is frequently encountered in plankton
collections from pools or large ditches, but it is rarely found in abundance
at most localities where it occurs. Specimens may be isolated and grown
in No. 2, 3, or 4 soil solutions (Bold 1936). This fascinating little alga







may be treated as described for Scenedesmus (page 244), or if sufficiently

abundant to be handled in bulk, fix with a weak chrom-acetic or with
formalin-aceto-alcohol, stain with iron hematoxylin, safranin, or picroindigocarmin, and run up b y the hygrobutol method.
Hydrodictyon is widespread and can sometimes be found in enormous
quantities in quiet waters. T h e nets will generally be in the vegetative
condition, but one might be fortunate enough to encounter young nets
within the mother cells of the old nets. Under artificial illumination,
growth in soil solutions Nos. 3 and 4 has been luxuriant. A single young

F I G . 30.Scenedesmus sp.: whole mount from a pure culture. Fixed with osmic acid
vapor and dried to the slide; stained with safranin, methyl violet, and orange G. Note the
differences in stain retention by the various colonies.

net or a small portion of an older net should be rinsed through several

changes of sterile soil solutions 1 or 2 before being placed in X o . 3 or 4
in a large culture vessel (Bold 1936). If vigorously growing nets are
transferred to fresh nutrient solution, zoospore formation will be stimu
lated ( M a i n x 19316). Various fixatives have been recommended for
A l l of them may cause plasmolysis under circumstances
for which there is no plausible explanation.
may be used on species which feel rather brittle when handled; for the
others a weak chrom-acetic (say, 0.5 g. chromic acid and 5 cc. acetic acid
to 100 cc. water) may be satisfactory.
M a n y of the older technicians
found that JuePs fluid gave excellent fixation (96 cc. 50% alcohol, 2 g.
zinc chloride, 2 cc. glacial acetic acid). Iron hematoxylin with fast green
is a good stain combination, but take care not to overstain with the green.
Run up by a very gradual method into dilute balsam.
In mounting, use
scissors freely to cut the rets into suitable portions.



Oocystaceae.Free-living species may be treated as described for

Scenedesmus. Species of Chlovella are found in Hydra, Stentor, and Para
mecium. Texts on zoological technique should be consulted for methods
of preparing slides'of these animals.
Scenedesmaceae.General methods of dealing with the species
included in this, family have been described above. Scenedesmus is an
ubiquitous alga and exceptionally easy to culture (Fig. 30).

The genera are mostly marine and confined to warmer waters, but a
few are predominantly fresh-water, and three are parasitic.
Bryopsidaceae.Bryopsis prefers warmer seas but at least one species
extends into icy waters on both the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts. This
genus usually fruits in spring or early summer and occurs at, or below,
low-tide level. The species are rarely found in abundance. Most of the
available forms are sufficiently small for whole mounts. Kill and fix in a
weak chrom-acetic in sea water, transfer to distilled water, stain with iron
hematoxylin with a suitable counterstain, and run into balsam by an
extremely gradual schedule. The plants, as usually found, are sterile,
but if brought into the laboratory and kept in cold sea water, the gametes
will appear, in three or four days.
Codiaceae.The family is a peculiar and interesting one. The plant
body consists of branched coenocyticfilamentouscells twisted together to
form spongy thalli of more or less specific form. A few species are
Codium was not easy to get into paraffin by the older, .methods and
usually cracked to pieces during the mierotoming. Sections are of
dubious value, except for the reproductive stages. For such studies kill
in a strong chrom-acetic and get into paraffin by the method described
for the Phaeophyta (page 268). Microtome at not over. 10M, preferably
transversely, and stain in iron hematoxylin with either erythrosin or
orange G as counterstain. Whole mounts of the individual cells with
their gametangia attached at one side are of considerable service. Cut
out portions of the thallus under water, and place in 6% hydrochloric
acid until, on gentle stirring, the mass becomes dissociated fragments.
Wash by decantation or by pipetting off the water after the mass of cells
settles down, then place in a solution of 10% formalin and 3% glacial
acetic acid in sea water to complete fixation. Wash out this mixture
thoroughly, stain in iron hematoxylin or Harris' hematoxylin, counter
stain lightly with fast green,, and proceed to the hygrobutol method.
Halimeda is a tropical genus.and may be found in Florida. The
plants are calcified but are easily sectioned after fixation in a fluid con-







taining at least 5% acetic acid. Microtome perpendicular to one flat

surface, and stain with iron hematoxylin and fast green.
Derbesiaceae.Derbesia somewhat resembles Bryopsis in habit, also
prefers warmer seas and has about the same geographical range.
like Bryopsis.
Vaucheriaceae.Vaucheria is the most conspicuous fresh-water
representative of the order since it is to be found almost everywhere.
One may find it on pots in the greenhouse, on damp soil, in quiet fresh
waters, in brackish and saline waters. It usually forms felt-like masses,
easily distinguishable by their glistening appearance when examined in
Sterile material is worthless and uninteresting; only material
showing at least antheridia and oogonia is worth preserving.
is reputed to be difficult to kill and fix satisfactorily, and this reputation
is often found to be sustained. Formalin-propiono-alcohol gives good
results with most species; the weak and medium chrom-acetic mixtures
too often cause considerable plasmolysis and, as a rule, are not to be
recommended. T h e amount of formalin in the formalin-aceto-alcohol
should be increased to 10 cc. with the usual 5 cc. acetic acid to 100 cc. of
50% alcohol. After this fluid very satisfactory results have been
obtained with even a short balsam infiltration schedule, since Vaucheria.
if properly fixed, is not so prone to become plasmolyzed during the later
processes as are many other filamentous Chlorophyta. Iron hematoxylin
is b y far the best basic stain, but great care must be taken to differentiate
the oogonia properly, as they commonly tend to remain overstained.



terrettri*: whole

mount of a germinating aplanospore.

Use fast green for counterstain.

If the only available material is
sterile, it can sometimes but not
often be induced to produce the
reproductive structures. T h e fol
lowing methods have been sugJ.
If placed in a 4 % aqueous

g e s t e (


with formalin-aceto-alcohol; stained with

iron hematoxylin and fast green.


of SUCl'OSe, aplanospoies
obtained in a few days

and then germinated in a nutrient solution ( F i g . 31). In the same

solution, if placed in bright sunlight, antheridia and oogonia may also
appear. T o induce the formation of zoospores, place the material in
Knop's solution diluted to 0.2%, strength for a week or longer, then place
in tap water, and put in a cool dark place. Signs of zoospore develop
ment may be seen within two days. If such signs are not forthcoming,
strengthen the nutrient solution, place the culture in the sunlight for
several days, and then put back in the dark. Production of zoospores
under such conditions may continue for a fortnight.
In place of Knop's
diluted solution, one might try a 2 % sucrose solution.
For habit studies preserve the material in 3 % formalin.




The genera are all subtropical or tropical marine plants.

Valoniaceae.Valonia is common in Florida. Portions of the thallus
may be cut out and fixed in Bouin's fluid, which appears to be as good as
any (Schechner-Fries 1934). Rather thin sections (at about 4/i) should
be cut, and these may be stained with iron hematoxylin.
Dasycladaceae.Most of the species are calcareous, which explains
why exceedingly little about the technical manipulation of these forms is
available. However, since the lime-encrusted Rhodophyta have been
shown to offer practically no difficulty, there is no reason why the similar
forms in the Chlorophyta should not be equally amenable to treatment.
Species of Acetabularia and Neomeris from Florida are less than 10 mm. in
height and should be easy enough to decalcify and mount entire. Other
species of much larger size are also to be found in Florida.

The Charophyceae are placed by most recent writers with the Chlorophyceae (G. M. Smith 1938). Chara and Nitella are the principal genera;
both are aquatics inhabiting ponds and lagoons and to. a lesser extent
ditches: Chara generally grows in warmer waters; the most luxuriant
growth the writer has ever seen occurred in small pools on the floor of
Death Valley.
Chara is not mentioned in most botanical texts, but it nevertheless is
a most interesting and instructive plant and incidentally is one in which
the fixation and staining will try the skill of the technician. This is
because of its fragile structure, the calcium deposits, and its tendency to
become exceedingly brittle if proper care in the dehydration is not taken.
It is as difficult as with the aquatic Angiosperms to stain sections sharply.
Cultivation.Chara is easily grown in a large aquarium or in a jar of
at least 2-gallon capacity. Only a few plants should be put in the con
tainer, and they should be rooted in a layer of pond mud and sand about
1 inch deep.
Germinating stages can be secured by the culture method only. It
has been claimed (Chamberlain 1932), but not substantiated by the
experience of others, that old plants of Chara can be collected from a
dried-up pond, stored for at least a month, and the zygotes removed and
germinated in a shallow container containing tap water. Filamentous
growths are supposed to appear shortly and lateral buds give rise to the
typical Chara plant. These germlings, if available, are easily mounted
entire by the general methods for the Chlorophyta.
Whole Mounts.There are two general methods of preparing whole
mounts of the sexual organs and thallus of the Charophyceae. In one
the customary killing, fixing, and staining are carried out as desired; in



the other the plants are killed and fixed so as to retain the natural colors
of the different organs.
In preparing mounts by the first general method, kill and fix in a
strong chrom-acetic fluid or in formalin-aceto-alcohol. Wash out the
killing fluid, which should have dissolved most of the encrustations, and
stain by any desired in toto combination. Mayer's carmalum, Harris'
hematoxylin with fast green, methyl green acidified with acetic acid, or
even safranin and fast green, may be tried. It will scarcely be possible
to obtain excellent internal staining of older antheridia or oogonia, but
the development of the younger sex organs may be easily demonstrated.
The apical cell will be too hidden by the enveloping leaves to be seen in
whole mounts, although there may be species of Nitella in which this
would be possible. Older antheridia may be run up entire, then crushed,
teased apart carefully in a drop of balsam, and a coverslip added; thus the
filaments, shield, manubrium, and capitula may be observed.
Permanent mounts of the sexual organs and thallus, in which all the
natural colors are retained, are most instructive and apparently not too
difficult to prepare (Woods 1929).
1. Soak the desired portions in cool tap water for two days to remove
part of the encrusting lime.
2. Remove air by pumping or by immersion in cool boiled tap water.
3. Fix in the following solution for 4 hours:



Glacial acetic acid

8 cc.


1 g.

a c e t a t e , c.p-

(Cupric sulphate may be used in place of the acetate.) The volume of

solution should be fifty times that of the material. Agitate occasionally
to dislodge the bubbles of carbon dioxide.
4. Pour off the fixing fluid, and add to it just sufficient concentrated
ammonia to change the blue color to a decidedly purplish tint. Pour
back over the material, and let it remain for about 1 hour or-until the
thallus has turned a markedly blue-green color.
5. Wash in running tap water for 10 minutes, then soak in several
changes of distilled water for 5 minutes. The thallus should now be a
bluish-green, the antheridia orange, and the oogonia brown and green.
Transfer to 5% glycerin in distilled water. If plasmolysis occurs here,
omit the washing in tap water, and go directly to the 5 % glycerin.
6. This step must be carefully followed if the orange and brown pig
ments are to be preserved. Place portions of the material on chemically
clean slides, add sufficient of the 5% glycerin, then cover with No. 2
coverslips, and begin artificial evaporation at once. In warm and dry
regions this may be done outdoors. Otherwise place the slides on an



asbestos board, and adjust in front of an electric heater in such a manner

that the water evaporates steadily, but not suddenly, from under the
coverslips. Add 5 of 10 % glycerin as needed, but use solutions of higher
concentrations toward the end of the process, which should not require
more than 10 to 12 hours. Examine occasionally to avoid plasmolysis
or swelling. A little practice is needed to perform this step properly.
7. When the solution has reached the consistency of pure glycerin,
remove the coverslips, transfer the material to new chemically clean slides,
and mount in glycerin jelly. Put aside for a week to harden, then seal
carefully with balsam.
Fixation.All calcined species require a fluid containing acetic acid
in order that the calcium encrustations may be dissolved. For the apical
cell and younger stages of sexual development, a medium to strong chromacetic fluid is satisfactory. It would also be useful to fix some of the
material in a fluid giving a basic fixation image to reveal the vacuolar
system more clearly. Since the nuclei in the internodal regions increase
in number amitotically, special attention should be devoted to the fixation
and subsequent staining if it is desired that this feature be emphasized.
Formalin-aceto-alcohol has been found to fix the older reproductive'
organs satisfactorily, but it is useless for the apical cells.
The apical portions of the branches are easily removed; it is not neces
sary to dissect away the side "leaves" or smaller branches since it is not
difficult to orient the pieces so that longitudinal sections through the
apical cell are secured. The side branches bearing the developing sex
organs should be cut off separately, and as the organs are approaching
maturity, they should be removed individually or in groups of two or
three! Orientation otherwise will be difficult since the internodes have a
tendency to curl during dehydration. , Embed the branches on one side,
and section parallel in this plane at 10/i for the younger reproductive
organs and at 12/J for the older stages. Apical cells should be cut at 8MStaining.The quality of the staining is largely dependent upon the
fixation, and with some species it is rather difficult to obtain a sharp differ
entiation. Frequently everything else must be sacrificed for some
particular structure, such as the antheridia. A triple combination is
good for the apical cell and for anatomical details. For the earlier stages
in the development of the sex organs iron hematoxylin is satisfactory, but
it is usually rather unsatisfactory for the later stages. For these, safranin
and fast green have given sharp staining. In staining the developing
antheridia, care must be taken not to overstain, and all other structures
should be ignored. One might attempt Feulgen's reaction. The devel
oping oogonium is so gorged with foodstuffs that it is not easy to give
it a satisfactory stain. During the metamorphosis of the antherozoids,
the blepharoplast may be revealed with iron hematoxylin,


The euglenoid flagellates may not be considered as belonging among

plants, but as they contain pigments identical with those in the Chlorophyceae, one might as well be somewhat arbitrary with classificatory ideas
and treat them as plants (G. M . Smith 1933, 1938).

Occurrence.These organisms are most commonly found in small

pools rich in organic matter; the pigmented species are far more abundant
than the colorless types. Forms which are not free-floating occur on
algae, plant debris, or upon small crustaceans. One genus, Euglenamorpha, is endozoic in habit, occurring in the intestinal tract of tadpoles of

Structure.All free-swimming species possess a periplast, which may

be flexible or rigid. In two genera the protoplast is surrounded by a
lorica with an opening at the anterior end through which the flagella
project. The lorica, composed of a firm gelatinous substance, is without
any trace of cellulose but usually is heavily impregnated with
pounds. Paramylum, an insoluble carbohydrate with a chemical formula
similar to that of starch, is the chief product of photosynthesis; it does not
react to the ordinary chemical tests for starch. Cysts with thick walls are
common in many genera.
Cultivation and Manipulation.Since only one genus, Euglena, is of
common occurrence and has been cultivated artificially with its technical
handling worked out, the discussion of the various genera will be limited
to this genus. Most of the free-floating species can be treated similarly
as far as fixation and staining are concerned. Euglenamorpha must be
treated as smears.
Euglena occurs in pools or ponds, rich in organic matter, forming a
greenish scum. Other organisms will probably be found in company with
it, but a fair degree of separation may be obtained by placing a small
amount of the scum in a large covered dish containing 1 liter of pure tap
water and 1 g. of malted milk. In a few days there should be an abun
dance of Euglena, and subcultures can be prepared with this culture as a

A great many methods have been proposed for cultivating
(see also M a i n x 1927).


A choice m a y therefore be made between the

1. Although not all species will grow equally well on this particular
medium, perhaps the most useful one is split pea infusion, prepared by

F I G . 32.Euglena viridis: whole mount of pure culture. Fixed with Schaudinn's fluid;
stained with Lyneh's precipitated carmin and indulin. The flagella are faintly visible in
some specimens. (From a preparation by Miss Enid A. Larson.)
boiling 40 split peas in 1 liter of tap water (Baker 1926). A d d enough
citric acid to prevent excessive growth of bacteria.
2. A n autoclaved mixture containing 0 . 1 % yeast extract and 2 g.
sodium acetate per liter of distilled water has given excellent results.
3. Quince-seed jelly may be used for keeping cultures in an inactive
condition: boil 20 g. dry quince seeds for 30 minutes in 1.5 liters distilled



water, then pass the thick exudate, together with the water, through a
fine wire (80-mesh) sieve. Increase the volume to 2.5 liters with distilled
water, and place in a stoppered bottle, where it will keep for many
months. Put some of this medium in a test tube or smallflask,and inocu
late. Such cultures will last almost indefinitely. Molds are likely to put
in an appearance; they may be prevented by rendering the medium
slightly alkaline. Place the cultures in moderate light, and look for the
Euglena on the.side of the vessel toward the light. If a split pea infusion
be inoculated with material from a quince-seed jelly culture, abundant
active forms will be produced within a few days.
4. Small cubes of coagulated egg albumen added to sterilized tap
water constitute a good medium.
5. Soil dilutions No. 2 or 3 as recommended for the Chlorophyceae
are reported to support luxuriant growth (Bold 1936).
The most satisfactory killing fluid appears to be Schaudinn's heated
to 56CI For best results when studying nuclear details, the organisms
should be killed late in the evening; the largest number of mitoses are
to be found at 10 P . M . Material should be stained in toto. For staining,
a long iron hematoxylin method or Lynch's precipitated carmin (Fig. 32)
is preferable. A counterstain is required to reveal the motor apparatus;
eosin or Bordeaux red, or even light green, may be used. If eosin or
Bordeaux red is selected, which seems recommendable, apply it before
using the ferric mordant in hematoxylin staining. Other stains that may
be employed include Harris' hematoxylin, safranin and fast green, or a
triple combination.
Get the Euglena into dilute balsam by the hygrobutol or beechwood
creosote method.




The Dinophyceae are mostly marine planktonic organisms restricted

to the warmer parts of the ocean. The fresh-water species, with a strictly
algal organization, are not known in the United States. Several species
occur as parasites in protozoa and metazoa. The majority of the species
are unicellular (G. M . Smith 1933, 1938).
A few species have naked protoplasts, but the majority have cellulose
walls which usually consist of a definite number of articulated plates.
The umcellular motile forms, as well as the zoospores of immobile forms,
have a distinctive structure. There is always a transverse or a spiral
groove completely or partially encircling the cell. All motile forms have
two flagella inserted in the groove. The general color of the organisms
is yellow-brown, but others may be blue-green. The principal food
reserve of the fresh-water species, as a rule, is starch, that of the marine
species is ah oil.
Some investigators claim that the Dinophyceae are best studied in
the living condition, but this appears to have come about because they
paid more attention to the plates on the external walls than to internal
details. For permanent preparations, fix with 1 % chrom-acetic, stain
with iron hematoxylin, Harris' hematoxylin, Mayer's carmalum, or
safranin, and counterstain with a transparent dye such as erythrosin or
-orange G. Dehydrate rather slowly with hygrobutol, and infiltrate with
very highly dilute balsam.


With the exception of the diatoms, members of the Chrysophyta are
rarely collected in the United States, simply because so few searches are
made for them. Most of them are plankton organisms existing below the
surface of the water, but others are to be found in pure waters of pools
and ditches. The diatoms, on the other hand, are to be found in all
kinds of waters and are decidedly cosmopolitan.
All Chrysophyta have cell walls that are usually composed of two over
lapping halves and are frequently more or less silicified; there is a n
absence of starch formation, the reserve foodstuffs consisting of oils and
leucosin (Pascher 1924, 1937; G. M . Smith 1938).
Most of the Chrysophyta degenerate very rapidly after removal from
the habitat, consequently fixation should be effected as promptly as

( H E T E R O K O N T A E )

The Xanthophyceae are so rarely collected and so little known to the

average American botanist that an extended discussion appears to be
unnecessary. Two genera, however, are common and may be encoun
tered. Tribonema, afilamentousgenus, may be dealt with as if it were
one of thefilamentousChlorophyta. Botrydium is the only siphonaceous
genus in the class and may, when conditions are favorable, form an exten
sive growth. A portion of the damp substrate may be. dug up and the
organisms carefully washed out under running water. Kill and fix in a
medium chrom-acetic fluid, stain with iron hematoxylin, and bring up to
85% ethyl alcohol extremely gradually over a period of a week or longer.
Counterstain with fast green in 95% alcohol plus a little methyl cellosolve.
Then wash with a change of 95% alcohol, and add hygrobutol at the rate
of 1 drop per
hour or longer; days or even two weeks should be allowed
for the dehydration process. Infiltrate just as gradually with highly
dilute balsam. Mount in depression slides.

Chrysophyceae are as rare and as seldom. collected as are the

Dinobryon is said to be widespread in standing fresh waters, and
occasionally to occur in abundance. Most illustrations depict merely



the more or less silicified lorica. There is no record of dependable meth

ods for fixing and staining material.
Hydrurus is occasionally very abundant in the cold waters of montane
streams in mid- or late spring. The plants have a feather-like appearance
but are tough in consistency. As the name of the sole species, H. foetidus,
indicates, it generally has a disagreeable odor. Because of the yellowishbrown color, it may easily be ignored on the assumption that it is merely
' a mass of disintegrating green algae. Kill and fix with formalin-acetoalcohol or a 1% chrom-acetic fluid; stain with iron hematoxylin and fast
green. If dehydration and infiltration with balsam are attempted, it
should be done very slowly because of the danger of collapsing the gelati
nous portion of the thallus. Direct mounting in Karo would probably
be better.

Diatoms are almost ubiquitous organisms wherever there are aquatic

or moist situations exposed to sunlight (Boyer 1927a, 19276). Some
genera prefer fresh waters and others marine habitats; again certain
species are strictly planktoiiic, and others grow attached to rocks, to other
algae; or to aquatic Angiosperms. Most species prefer cooler waters or
at least are more abundant during the spring and autumn, but that
others can survive in hot waters is evidenced by their abundant occur
rence in Death Valley streams.
Collection and Preservation.Diatoms may for convenience be
divided into two groups: fossil and living.
Among the living diatoms most collectors will find the fresh-water
forms more easily obtainable, although under average conditions the
marine species can be secured in greater abundance and in purer cultures.
At most times of year, but particularly under any given set of circum
stances, certain species will be found to predominate over others.
In fresh- and brackish-water situations, diatoms may be free floating
on or below the surface. One method of securing such species is to obtain
a jar of at least 1-gallon capacity, with not too wide a mouth, whose sides
are painted black or covered with black paper, and to fill with the water
in which the diatoms are living. Place in bright sunlight; within a day or
so the living diatoms will congregate on the top and around the edge,
from which they can be removed by means of a giant pipette. Mud from
the bottoms of ponds, lakes, shallow bays, and sluggish streams may be
treated in the same manner.
Diatoms grow very abundantly in the form of slimy masses on rocks
and on other algae and aquatic Angiosperms that have been standing in
the water for some time. Such slimy masses are easily scraped off, but
if the host is old and decaying, it is a better plan to place the entire mass



in the collecting bottle and later to get rid of the host tissues by chemical
maceration and dissolution.
Marine plankton forms are most easily collected by towing a plankton
net, made of fine bolting silk, through the water. In order to collect a
sufficiently large volume of material, a large net should be towed behind a
motorboat. The net should float near the surface. About % hour's
towing will be required. Many marine species possess long hair-like
processes (as in Chaetoceros); consequently the materials should not be
handled roughly at any stage of treatment. Marine species growing
attached to various large algae frequently occur as "unialgal cultures,"
either as single specimens in large numbers or grouped in fasciae by the
millions. Those species which develop fasciae exhibit marked preferences
as to their hosts and also in many cases produce the fasciae in such definite
macroscopic forms that they are commonly mistaken fcf members of the
All living diatoms ,are easily fixed and stained if it is desired that
internal structural details be revealed. A weak chrom-acetic fluid will
give the bestfixation;it should be based on sea water in the case of marine
species. The standard stains may be employed (iron hematoxylin is
recommended), but differentiation will be somewhat difficult because of
the siliceous envelopes, and some unevenness 'must be expected. Dehy
drate by the hygrobutol or dioxan method; infiltrate with highly dilute
balsam, and evaporate the solvent very gradually.
Plants oTPolysiphonia, Vaucheria, Cladophora, and Chara made into
whole mounts, according to methods applicable to those genera, fre
quently have excellently fixed and stained diatoms attached to their
"Diatomaceous earth" consists mainly of fossil diatoms, which may
be either fresh-water or marine in origin, and is found in various parts of
the world, as in Ireland, New Zealand, Nevada, and particularly in Cali
fornia. If samples cannot be obtained by personal collection, it is a
simple matter to purchase a small quantity from certain of the supply
concerns or from diatom specialists.
Preparation of Diatoms for Taxonomic Study.Most diatomologists
are not interested in internal structure, their attention being primarily
concentrated on the surface sculpturing of the cell walls. Their methods
of preservation are, therefore, crude in the extreme, since the siliceous
walls are usually not damaged by ordinary reagents. Most of them
simply add from 5 to 10% formalin to the water to act as a preservative.
The formalin should be added as soon after collection as possible because
degeneration changes set in promptly.
To determine some genera and most species accurately, everything
except the cell walls must be removed: diatomologists call this the " clean-



ing" of diatoms. The mass containing the diatoms is placed in a large

test tube or small beaker, and a small quantity of hydrochloric acid is
added. The acid serves a twofold purpose. If an effervescence is noted,
it indicates the presence of chalk, limestone, or other calcium compounds,
and these substances must be entirely removed by the addition of more
acid until all effervescence has ceased. The other purpose of the acid
is to loosen those which adhere to other objects, consequently the diatom
material should be left in the acid for a day or two. Shake the contents
well, add considerable water, and strain into a small beaker through coarse
muslin (to remove the larger pieces of debris, portions of other plants,
sand, etc.). If calcium compounds appear to be present, the material
must be washed thoroughly with water, otherwise the next step in treat
ment will leave irremovable precipitates of calcium sulphate. For mak
ing rapid washings, a centrifuge may be employed. The tubes should
have" round bottoms (like those of test tubes) rather than the narrowly
attenuated ones with which most centrifuges are equipped. The centri
fuge should be revolved slowly; since the diatoms will settle quickly, not
many turnings will be needed. -If no calcium compounds appear to be
present, two thorough washings suffice. Pour off most of the water, add
a small quantity of sulphuric acid, and warm gently over a flame. The
acid will char or dissolve most of the organic matter present. Next add
a small crystal of potassium bichromate. Considerable chemical activity
is usually generated, and chromic acid is liberated. The liquid turns
greenish. If the mass is not completely freed of debris and the diatoms
well cleaned, wash with water, and repeat the sulphuric acid-bichromate
process. Whenfinallyclean, ,the diatoms are well washed with water. If
the diatoms are to be mounted as strews in balsam, simply wash with'
two or three changes of hygrobutol or dioxan, and infiltrate with balsam.
Mounting of individual specimens may be carried out as directed below.
The manipulation of diatomaceous earths depends on whether the
mass is composed almost exclusively of empty shells or mixed with more or
less debris. The former condition rarely occurs, but in such cases the
material requires no further cleaning. Most samples of diatomaceous
earth must be subjected to a laborious cleaning process before the diatoms
will be in a condition suitable for critical study (Shropshire 1931).
A> 1-inch cube of the earth is broken up into portions about the size
of peas. These are placed in a small Erlenmeyerflasktogether with three
times the bulk of sodium acetate and enough water to moisten the entire
mass thoroughly. Theflaskis boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes, then
set aside to cool quite undisturbed. When cold; a small crystal of sodium
acetate is dropped in; the forces of crystallization thus set up serve to
break up the masses of earth. Warm water is added in excess and the
mass brought to a boil. Theflocculentmaterial is poured into a beaker,



then the boiling and crystallizing process is repeated with the unbroken
part until all the material is broken up. The sodium acetate must now
be removed by repeated washings. Water is added to the material, and
the container is allowed to stand undisturbed until the diatoms have
settled; the water is then cautiously decanted, and more clean water is
added. The process should be repeated several times, until it is certain
that all traces of the acetate have been removed. If only small quantities
are handled at a time and proper care is taken, a centrifuge may be
employed to hasten the washing process. The washing completed, all
possible water is poured off, and concentrated sulphuric acid is added in an
amount equal to about three times the bulk of the material. The con
tainer is placed in a sand bath, brought to a boil, and the boiling permitted
to continue for at least 15 minutes. The sand bath should be placed
under a hood or out in the open air because of the dangerous fumes
evolved during the next operation. Remove the source of heat. Add
carefully drop by drop (by means of a pipette) a concentrated aqueous
solution of potassium permanganate until the solution becomes bleached.
The mass of material is then cautiously poured into a large flask contain
ing at least 500 cc. of cold water. The material is next washed thoroughly
with several changes of clean water until all acid is removed (the centri
fuge may again be utilized). The material is then poured into a 500-cc.
beaker, sufficient water and a teaspoon of any good soap powder are
added, and the solution is boiled for about 20 minutes. The material is
thereupon again washed thoroughly. Most diatomaceOus earths have
been completely cleaned after this laborious treatment, but if small
particles of dirt still adhere to the diatoms, the soap treatment may be
repeated. If microscopic examination shows the material not to be clean
enough for mounting, the only recourse is to repeat the entire process,
beginning with the sodium acetate. If the material is quite clean, it is
ready for mounting.
Mounting of Diatoms.For most practical purposes, mounting in
balsam is as good as in any other medium. The larger diatoms have
their charateristic markings revealed clearly enough, but for the very
small species, which require examination under an immersion lens,
mounting must be in Hyrax, Styrax, or some other synthetic resin with a
high index of refraction. It should be borne in mind that the diatoms
are entirely without color (they cannot be stained after having been
cleaned); consequently a mounting medium with a different refractive
index is required. It is, however, not an easy matter to obtain satis
factory samples of synthetic mounting media, and the aid of a specialist
on the group may have to be enlisted.
The elaborate groupings of diatoms which give the "cranks" on the
subject so much delight are of no particular scientific value; sometimes



even the alleged aesthetic value is questionable. However, if one wants

to go to the trouble of designing a rosette or what not with different
diatoms, he will gain the skill and fine touch necessary for the prepara
tion of type slides of diatoms for taxonomic purposes.
The simplest method of preparing strew diatom slides, especially
where quantities of such are required, is to drain off all possible water
from the cleaned material, to wash with three changes of hygrobutol,
and to transfer to diluted balsam. Instead of evaporating the solvent
until the balsam has become sufficiently thickened, as is ordinarily done,
mounting should be begun as soon as the diatoms have settled down.
Place a small drop of thin balsam on the slide, pick up a tiny amount of
diatom material with a needle spatula, and place in the drop of balsam.
.Pass a cleaned 15 or 18 mm. No. 1 circular coverslip through an alcohol
flame, then place on the drop of balsam. Accurate judgment is needed
both in estimating the size of the drop of balsam, which should be as small
as possible yet enough to spread to the periphery of the coverslip, and in
picking up just enough of the diatom material so that it becomes spread
as evenly as possible throughout the balsam without excessive over
lapping of individual diatoms.
Some diatomists merely place a drop of the watery solution of diatoms
on a coverslip, let it dry, then heat on a copper plate and, while still
warm, reverse over a drop of mounting medium on a slide. By this
method too many diatoms tend to collect at the periphery of the drop of
water; the difficulty can be remedied by smearing the slip with a thin
film of Mayer's adhesive. The diatoms must be thoroughly dried before
being mounted. Air is frequently trapped within them, but most of it
can be caused to disappear if the slide is heated.
In making designs or special-type slides, the desired diatoms are first
picked out of the general mass by means of fine pipettes (perform this
operation under a binocular microscope with suitable magnifications)
and set aside to dry.. Diatoms are more easily removed from alcoholic
than from aqueous solutions. Small circular coverslips are smeared
with a very thin film of acetic gelatin (liquid gelatin thinned with an
equal volume of 50% acetic acid) and this allowed almost to dry. Many
mounters prefer to make their adhesive by adding 2 parts clove oil to 3
parts acetone-soluble celloidin, which is spread as thinly as possible on
the chemically clean coverslip. The diatoms are picked up by means of
a bristle (a cat's whisker will do) and arranged as desired under the micro
scope. Place the completed coverslip on a warming plate until' thor
oughly dry. A drop of Hyrax (or similar medium) is placed on the
coverslip and the latter inverted and gently pressed down on a warmed
slide. If the Hyrax is too thick, it may be thinned with benzene.


( M E L A N O P H Y C E A E )

In North America the brown algae are exclusively marine plants.

Elsewhere only three fresh-water species are known. The brown algae
are far more complex in both structure and reproductive processes than
are the Chlorophyta or the Cyanophyta, but less so in both respects
than the Rhodophyta.
In size the thallus of the Phaeophyta varies from simple or slightly
branched filaments of a single row of cells and simple membranaceous
forms, varying from a single layer to several layers of cells in thickness,
up to solid plant bodies of various forms. Many of the smaller forms
are epiphytic upon or endophytic within other algae., An alternation of
generations occurs in most if not, all of the Phaeophyta outside of the
Fucales. The two generations are either similar or dissimilar in size and
vegetative structure. The sporophyte may be smaller or larger than
the gamefophyte. In some genera the gametophyte is an annual and
the sporophyte a perennial, but in other genera both generations are
annuals and in still other genera both are perennials.
Occurrence.Phaeophyta are predominantly cold-water plants, but
there are a few which prefer warm seas. Some, such as Pelvetiopsis and
an occasional Fucus, are found at the high-tide line, but the majority
prefer the middle littoral and sublittoral zones. In a few particularly
favorable locations species normally occurring at deeper levels may be
collected without much difficulty during extremely low tides. Under
such conditions on the Pacific Coast it is easy to obtain small plants of the
giant kelps, Macrocystis and Nereocystis.
There is not so great a variation in the colors of the various Phaeo
phyta as exists among the Rhodophyta. Some are a light yellowishbrown, others appear darker because of a greater thickness of the tissues,
while many crustose species become so dark brown as to appear black
when more or less dried out during low tides. There are a few Rhodo
phyta which might be mistaken by the inexperienced.collector for Phaeo
phyta', but such can readily be distinguished if the chemical tests noted
under the former phylum are applied.
There is an excellent manual for the Phaeophyta of the north Atlantic
Coast (Taylor 1937) and another for the Pacific Coast species (Setchell
and Gardner 1925).



Collecting.Nearly all Phaeophyta which are not crustose, endo

phytic, or epiphytic grow firmly attached to rocks and frequently where
they enjoy the full force of the surf. It is generally difficult to get them
loose; at times one may have to work quickly between waves, when
extreme caution is necessary. The upper part of the plants may be cut
off with a large sharp knife, but one usually wants to get the entire plant.
The easiest method of prying the plants loose is to use an old chiselwith
a blade about 1 inch wide or a stout geologist's pick, and to cut against
the rocky substrate. The rocks are usually in a disintegrating condition,
and it is easier and quicker to chip pieces of rock loose than to chop
through the mass of stout hapteres.
Although some collecting can be done at all times, the best specimens
are always obtainable during the lowest tides. At such periods the
larger forms, which grow below mean low-tide levels, can be secured.
A tide table for the locality should be available; it may be found on the
maritime or "waterfront" pages of local seaport newspapers, or a tide
table for the entire year may be obtained, usually gratis, at sporting
goods stores that cater. to fishermen. Tide levels and times differ
enormously for localities a few miles apart; consequently the tables of
mean differences and times, which accompany the tide tables, should
be consulted and the proper allowances made.
Masses of algae cast ashore should, as a rule, be ignored, since they
are either too dry or in too advanced a stage of decomposition to be
worth examining. At certain parts of every rocky beach, determined
by a combination of' currents and winds, masses of floating algae, cut
adrift from deeper regions, occur. One may cautiously wade out in such
areas and select the better, fully intact and nondiscolored specimens.
Material from such sources is fully satisfactory for slide-making purposes,
but one runs a certain danger of criticism if locality herbarium specimens
are made therefrom. If the material is dried, it should be used merely
for purposes of identification and the label should always bear the nota
tion "cast ashore."
In clambering over rocks in search of material, one should proceed
with great caution, as it is very easy to slip and receive bruises or abra
sions. If one slips against jagged rocks, barnacles or mussels, open cuts
on legs readily result, and when the salt water gets into the wounds, they
can become very painful. Concentrate on collecting algae and forget
about surf bathing or getting a tan or other extraneous mattersexcept
for keeping an eye open for waves and'the incoming tide. Wear stout
hip boots even, if the water is warm; these are mostly for protection
against slips and consequent abrasions. If the rocks are densely covered
with algae, place one foot downfirmly,twisting it sidewise to get a good
hold, before lifting the other foot, and do not attempt to take too long



steps or to jump from one projecting rock to another. In wading

through pools, walk very slowly, with short steps and the foot not lifted
too high, and in a direction so as to avoid reflections from the surface.
Search under and around large masses of algae for smaller forms. Exam
ine shady banks and overhanging ledges; the plants in such situations
are apt to be different from those growing on the sunny sides. In
removing plants, grasp the entire mass firmly as close to the base as pos
sible and pull up with a twisting motion, or use the chisel or pick to
assist in loosening them.
The plants, as removed, may be placed in a galvanized or enamelware bucket of about 2-gallon capacity. Do not put any water in the
bucket, but if the algae show signs of drying out, simply immerse momen
tarily in cold sea water, and replace. If the algae are placed in water,
most of the spores, gametes, oogonia, etc., may be liberated. Do not
cut the smaller epiphytic species from their hosts since it is frequently
necessary to know the identity of the host when classifying the epiphytes.
If cultures are to be started, put only one species in a bucket; otherwise
contamination may result. In a general collection there is little .danger
of spoiling if the different sorts are mixed, but Polysiphonia, Pterosiphonia, and Desmarestia (particularly D. herbacea) should never be per
mitted to come into contact with other algae.
As soon as the return to the laboratory has been made, sort out the
material. The species which cannot withstand much drying should be
worked up first. If an immediate identification is not possible, place
some of the material in a tank of running sea water for later study. If
any material appears to have suffered from drying, place in cold sea
water for a short time to restore turgidity.
Preservation of Material. 1. In-Liquid.In general, all Phaeophyta
may be preserved in 8 to 10% formalin in sea water, plus the addition
of enough borax to render the solution distinctly alkaline. Unfortu
nately, this solution corrodes all except all-glass receptacles. After
remaining in the formalin solution in sea water for about a week, this
fluid may be washed out with two or three graduated mixtures of sea
water and tap water and finally stored in 3 to 5% formalin in tap water
plus sufficient borax to prevent the fluid from becoming acid and about
5% glycerin.
2. Rough Drying.Old newspapers may be spread in some place
where the air is as dry as possible and not in full sun. The material may
then be spread apart on the newspapers, then turned over from time to
time so that the drying may be more uniform and molding is avoided.
The specimens should be taken up once in a while and shaken gently so
that the branches will not adhere but will dry separately. If the atmos
phere is damp or if the specimens are unusually large, it may be necessary



to utilize gentle artificial heat in order to avoid rotting or molding.

The. specimens might be placed in a warm room or near a radiator,
stove, or other source of heat. On the other hand, the specimens must
not be dried too rapidly, or they will become too brittle. When the
specimens have become fairly dry, but before they have become too
brittle to handle without damage, they should be rolled into a ball or
roll, tied with twine, and allowed to continue drying. They may finally
be wrapped,up in newspapers or placed in suitable boxes.
The plants should not have been washed in other than sea water;
the salt left in them during the drying process serves to keep them
flexible. After drying, even if they have remained in that condition for
years, they may be soaked out in either fresh or salt water and studied
as if they were freshly collected specimens.
To prepare dried specimens for mounting as herbarium specimens,
soak them in sea water until they are restored to approximately the
original condition, then transfer to a mixture of equal parts of water,
ethyl alcohol, and glycerin plus 10% phenol until thoroughly penetrated,
then they may be dried on paper. Or they may be dried without placing
on paper and will retain their flexibility indefinitely if stored in tin or
airtight boxes.
3. Herbarium Specimens.Practically all forms can be dried on paper.
The more slimy forms, such as Fucus, Pelvetia, and Hesperophycus, will
shrink badly by the time they are thoroughly dry. Most small speci
mens will adhere readily to the paper but species belonging in the Fucales,
Dictyotales, and Laminariales will need to be glued to the paper with
waterproof glue after they have dried completely. Most of the Lami
nariales are too large for the ordinary herbarium sheet; one must either
search for small specimens, cut the specimens into suitable lengths, or
mount selected portions of mature plants.
To prepare herbarium specimens, obtain a flat tray of a size to
receive easily a standard herbarium sheet. Of course, one does not have
to use the regulation-size herbarium mounting paper: almost any con
venient size of paper that.will not shrink badly from wetting may be
used. Ectocarpus and similar small forms may, for example, be mounted
on plain standard 3 X 5-inch index cards. Students have mounted
specimens on thick 8}4 X 11-inch notebook paper and incorporated the
finished mounts iri their notebooks. Fill the tray somewhat less than
half full with sea water, slip the sheet of paper in and float the specimen
above the paper. Hold the stipe or thicker end of the specimen at one
end of the sheet and partially raise this end out of the water. With a
small brush or needle arrange the rest of the speoimen as the paper is grad->
ually lifted out of the water, Drain off exeess water, lay the paper on a
drying blotter, and cover the specimen with a piece or two of cheesecloth



gr part of an old linen bed sheet, Place a couple of driers over the cloth,
followed by a piece of corrugated board. The next specimen may now
be added. If the specimens are being mounted on small pieces of paper,
several such pieces may be arranged on a single drier. After 2 hours
remove all driers, and replace with dry ones; do not try to remove the
cloths. If the 'atmosphere is too damp for drying to take place, some
form of gentle artificial heat must be arranged. The driers should be
replaced at least twice a day with dry ones until the specimens are
thoroughly dry. Between changes, keep the - mass under moderate
Cultivation.Methods have never been' devised for growing to
maturity other than the smaller filamentous species; the larger species
with massive mature structures have been grown to the older germling
stage only. Cultivation methods have, in fact, been directed mainly
toward obtaining the gametophytes in which these structures
are microscopic in size and cannot be found in nature.
No matter what the means of reproduction, cultural methods and
solutions are essentially identical. The following solution has given
excellent results (Schreiber 1931):

Sodium nitrate
Dibasic sodium
Distilled water
Sea water

: . .


0.02 g.


T o 1 liter

Autoclave at 15 pounds pressure for about 20 minutes. The solution

may be solidified with 1^4% agar if it is desired to raise the germlings
on such a medium. If the cultures are to be carried for longer than
three months and slides are not to be made of stages younger than welldeveloped sporelings, it is preferable to use a solid substrate. Cultures
have been carried along for 3 to 5 years on such media.
. If zoospores are to be germinated, obtain a small battery jar about
inches in diameter and 3 inches deep. Place two clean slides at
opposite sides on the bottom, then lay two more slides across the ends
of these slides and continue stacking slides until the pile is about 1}
or 2 inches deep. Pour in the culture solution, using more than enough
to cover .the .stack. If gametophytes with sex organs are to be raised,
use a similar jar of wider diameter, and arrange the slides in one layer on
the bottom and stacked in one row around the periphery, then fill with
nutrient solution. It may be more satisfactory to use large coverslips
(24 X 50 mm., No. 2) in place of slides for gametophyte growth. .'.
Place small pieces of fruiting material in the culture dishes. Portions
of the laminae of the Laminariales bearing sori, or receptacles of the
Fucales, should have been collected some time previously and kept in
the refrigerator for several hours or overnight, then rinsed thoroughly



but quickly in many changes of sterile sea water before being placed in
the culture. The aim of this procedure is to get rid of any foreign spores
and diatoms that might be present, but it is nevertheless very difficult
to keep down diatom growth in cultures. Most of the spores will have
been discharged by the next morning, whereupon the pieces of fruiting
material should then be removed. The spores of most species will have
germinated by the second or third day; growth at first is usually rapid
so that within a, week there is a brown layer over the bottom and sides
of the culture vessel and on the slides placed therein. Keep the cultures
in a cool location in moderate light.
Slides-may be removed at any desired stage of growth of the germlings
and plunged into 1 % chrom-acetic in sea water. Fix for about 2 hours.
Wash thoroughly in sea water, then transfer gradually to distilled water.
Staining of both germlings and gametophytes may be with iron hema
toxylin; but if details are obscured, treat for 1 hour with cold 1/N
hydrochloric acid, rinse with distilled water, and apply Harris' hema
toxylin. After either hematoxylin, counterstaining may be with orange
G. Before proceeding with the staining, determine on which side of the
slide the best or desired plants occur, mark this side so that the growths,
will not be accidentally wiped off, then clean the other side of the slide
and the edges.
Two methods are available for dehydrating and mounting the slides.
The germlings and gametophytes are easily plasmolyzed by too violent
changes of fluids.
1. Place the slides in a large, shallow flat-bottomed dish containing
an ample amount of 7% glycerin to which a trace of formaldehyde has
been added (G. J. Hollenberg, unpublished). The reason for the for
maldehyde is that fungal growths occasionally appear in the glycerin.
Place the container in a warm place, protected from dust, for the glycerin
to concentrate. Remove the glycerin with 95% and absolute alcohol,
as in,the glycerin method (p. 119), and follow with a graded series of
absolute alcohol and xylol mixtures, allowing 30 minutes in each, until
the material is in pure xylol. Return the slides again to a large flatbottomed dish containing a little xylol. This time place the slides with
the attached gametophytes on the lower side, and support each end of
the slides by means of glass rods or thin slides. Carefully add an ample
quantity of 3% balsam in xylol, and allow the solvent to evaporate in a
warm dust-free place. Just before the balsam becomes of a mounting
consistency, remove a slide, quickly wipe the balsam from the back and
other exposed portions of the slide with a cloth moistened with xylol,
then add a coverslip.
2. A faster and equally good procedure is to dehydrate with hygro
butol after the staining has been completed. Place the slides in a suitable






container in water or in alcohol, if they have already been partially

dehydrated, and add small quantities of hygrobutol at a time. Do not
add too much hygrobutol at a time, and allow at least 30 minutes between
additions. Pour off some of the mixture from time to time as the pro
portion of hygrobutol increases. Finally give two changes of pure
hygrobutol, and mount in thin balsam. However, if plasmolysis results
upon mounting, which is not likely since the hygrobutol will harden the
specimens somewhat, place the slides in 5% balsam in hygrobutol, then
evaporate the solvent, and mount as described in the first procedure
outlined above.
Whole Mounts.Filamentous forms such as Pylaiella,

and Sphacelaria,

frond tips of Desmarestia,



similar forms, gametophytes of the Laminariales if loose rather than

attached to slides, etc., are perfectly fixed in 10% formalin in sea water.
If a chrom-acetic fixation image is desired, use the standard formula
given below, but for the more delicate forms, dilute it considerably with
sea water.
Whether fixed with formalin or chrom-acetic, v^ash out the fixative
thoroughly with sea water, and transfer the material through (1) a
mixture of 75 parts sea water and 25 parts distilled water, (2) equal
portions of sea and distilled water, (3) 25 parts sea water and 75 parts
distilled water, allowing the material to remain in each mixture for at
least 1 hour. The transfer to plain water may be completed by washing
in several changes of distilled water, whereupon the material is ready for
staining. Iron hematoxylin may be recommended for most species (but
not for those with thick thalli), with a counterstain of orange G. Dif
ferentiation of the hematoxylin is'more satisfactory with a 1% solution
of ferric chloride., Or one may use Harris' hematoxylin, especially for
reproductive phases, particularly when a sharp, transparent stain is
required for revealing internal details of reproductive phases. For
example, whole mounts of the thalli of Myriogloia with all stages in the
development of the zoosporangia are very satisfactory after this stain.
A counterstain should be used on filamentous species, but it is usually
better not to employ one on thick thalli. Dehydrate with hygrobutol,
and transfer to highly dilute balsam. Plenty of material of the fila
mentous species should be mounted on each slide as stages in the develop
ment of the reproductive bodies are usually none too abundant.
Fixation and Embedding.With the exception of species belonging
among the Fucaceae, the Phaeophyta are exceptionally easy subjects
technically, this statement embracing all forms from those that are tiny
filaments up to the giant kelps of the Pacific Coast. The Fucaceae are
very troublesome to manipulate because of the excessive slime content
of the thalli.



Two standard fixing fluids are applicable to the majority of the

Phaeophyta and will be found to meet practically all needs. The
simplest is a 10% solution of formalin in sea water, in which the material
should be allowed to remain for at least several days before being sub
jected to further treatment. The second fluid is a 1% chrom-acetic in
the following proportions:
Sea water


100 cc.

Chromic acid

1 g.

Glacial acetic acid

1 cc.




If a quantity of the stock solution is to be made up, add the saponin

only as needed. Material should be allowed to remain just sufficiently
long to become properlyfixed;wash out thoroughly with copious quanti
ties of sea water. For many softer forms and for those which are deli
cately filamentous, the fluid should be diluted up to one-half its volume
with sea water. Such forms are sufficiently fixed in about 4 hours, but
portions of the thick fruiting laminae of the Laminariales need to remain
in the fluid for about 24 hours. The transfer from sea water to a paraffin
solvent is readily effected by a graduated series of fluids, as noted in the
following table (the volumes are in cubic centimeters):






Distilled water












ethyl alcohol

From the last mixture proceed to the 50% solution of the tertiary butyl
alcohol method. Since the tissues are readily penetrated by the fluids,
changes may be a little more rapid than usual: 1 hour is enough. Only
sufficient fluid to cover the material completely is required; it should then
be discarded and not used over again. Dioxan has proved to be very
unsatisfactory for the Phaeophyta, as it is nearly impossible to remove it
completely during infiltration. Xylol and similar fluids will harden the
tissues excessively. The time in the paraffin oven needs to be as short as
possible since the heat of the oven has a deleterious effect upon the
tissues. The paraffin penetrates rapidly; consequently the time in the
oven may be half that ordinarily required for vascular plants.
Mierotoming.All phaeophytean tissues are quite easily sectioned.
Very few are so hard that they cause trouble; such tissues might better
be embedded in celloidin. Among these are the hard stipes of Cystoseira
and old stipes of the larger Laminariales. Sections of embedded material
as thin as 2 and 3u. are readily cut, provided a paraffin of extremely fine
consistency (such as Parlax) is employed for the embedding.






Staining.The Phaeophyta, because of the nature of their cell-wall

structure, are not easy to stain adequately and sharply by ordinary
, procedures. The cell walls are composed principally of cellulose, and the
gelatinous portion is a pectic compound know as "algin." The pro
portion of the two substances varies greatly both according to the
species and to the tissues. The walls and cytoplasm as a rule both stain
deeply and quickly and are very hard to differentiate if overstained.
Care must also be taken not to allow the tissues to remain tod long in
killing fluids containing chromic acid since the tissues are readily overchromated and bleaching is useless. Overchromated tissues are notori
ously difficult to retain on the slides, and this is particularly true of the
brown algae. Except for sections of blades with zoosporangia, it is
always advisable to avoid going below 70% alcohol during the staining
process, but a momentary rinsing in water to remove excess stain usually
does not cause the sections to float off.
Combinations of stains commonly used on stems, leaves, roots, etc.,
of the vascular plants are.entirely useless on the Phaeophyta. There is.
for example, no xylem in these plants; consequently the use of safranin
would serve no purpose. Other combinations are therefore necessary.
A combination that gives excellent results and rather good differentia
tion on anatomical material is Bismarck brown and fast green. Deparaffin the slides and bring down to 70% ethyl alcohol. Place in a 1%
solution of Bismarck brown in 70% alcohol for 20 minutes (if left in the
stain for longer than 30 minutes, it becomes impossible to extract the
stain). Remove slides individually and wash for 5 to 10 seconds in each
of two jars of 95% alcohol. (After the first jar becomes too saturated
with excess stain, discard this alcohol, replace with the alcohol from the
second jar, refilling the latter with fresh alcohol.) Remove the slide
from the alcohol, quickly wipe the underside dry with a clean cloth, then
apply the fast green from a dropping bottle (the dye should be a methyl
cellosolve-clove oil-alcohol solution), and allow to remain for about 5 to 8
seconds. Differentiate for a few seconds in a mixture of 2 parts clove oil
and 1 part each of absolute alcohol and xylol, pass through a xylol wash,
thence into pure xylol, and mount in balsam. In sections of the stipe
of Macrocystis the sieve tubes and plates take the green and all other
structures the brown in shades varying from pale straw to dark brown.
Zoosporangia are best stained with iron hematoxylin and orange G.
Mordant for 20 minutes, and leave in the hematoxylin for not longer
than 2 hours; it is very easy to overdo the staining. If it appears to be
impossible to obtain a clear differentiation with the hematoxylin, advan
tage may be taken of the affinity of zoospores for acid fuchsin. The
zoosporangia of Postelsia, which do not take a good hematoxylin stain,



are clearly stained by the fuchsin. Use a 1 % solution of acid fuchsin in

70% alcohol and stain for not longer than 20 minutes. Rinse the slide
by plunging two or three times in tap water, then pass through two jars of
95% alcohol (strong alcohol has little effect on the stain, hence the neces
sity for rinsing in water). Then counterstain with fast green as described
in the preceding paragraph.
Antheridia and oogonia, microspores and macrospores, and similar
reproductive bodies should be stained with iron hematoxylin, although
the male elements occasionally take a.better stain with Harris' hema
toxylin. If a counterstain is desired, use orange G.
Taxonomy.-The classification of the Phaeophyta is now based upon
the life cycle (Kylin 1933, Q. M . Smith 1938, Taylor 1937)", and this
scheme has been adhered to in the following discussion.

Two similar generations alternate; they are identical in vegetative



A large number of families were formerly included in the order, but

as the life histories of the various species became better known, they were
transferred to other orders. This has incidentally made possible a
greater uniformity in technical procedures.
Ectocarpaceae.The species in the family are all filamentous forms,
commonly epiphytic on other algae. If large enough and sufficiently
abundant, remove from the host or other attachment. If too small,
work up both host and epiphyte together, and scrape the latter off with
needles when ready to mount; or the two may be brought into paraffin
and sectioned together. For whole mounts fixation is superior in a
weak chrom-acetic fluid. Ascocyclus, Streblonema and some species of
Ectocarpus bearing sporangia on the prostrate filaments are better
sectioned than mounted entire. Iron hematoxylin with a light counter
stain of orange G is the most pleasing stain combination, but care should
be taken not to leave plurilocular sporangia overstained. Iron hema-'
toxylin, for some reason, does not always stain some species sharply; in
such cases, resort to differential acidification, and stain with Harris'
hematoxylin and orange G. This combination is especially good for
critical cytological investigations (Fig. 33).
In Pylaiella the sporangia are mostly catenate, usually intercalary
in position. Some species have a strong tendency to become brittle
during dehydration for whole mounts; consequently the process should
be rather gradual.






Ralfsiaceae.The flat, crustaceous thalli may be scraped off the

rocks on which they grow, all the debris possible washed away, and the
specimens embedded and sectioned.

FIG. 3.3.Ectocarpus acutus: whole mount of portion of mature plant with gametangia.
Fixed in 10 % formalin in sea water, ionized with HC1, stained with Harris' hematoxylin and
orange G, dehydrated with hygrobutol and mounted in balsam.
Heterochordariaceae.Heterochordaria is one of the commonest,
brown algae on the Pacific Coast. T h e plants are too thick for whole
mounts but are easily embedded and sectioned. Microtome transverse
sections of the ramuli for the gametangia at not over 6M and stain sharply
with iron hematoxylin and orange G.




The family Sphacelariaceae is the only one, members of which are

likely to be found in the United States.. The plants occur rather rarely.
Most members of the order are filamentous plants ranging from 4 mm.
to 5 cm. in height, all species being characterized by prominent apical
cells. The plants become polysiphonous in the older portions. In
some species of Sphacelaria lateral branches are converted into propagulae. Permanent whole mounts are best made by the hygrobutol
method, after staining with iron hematoxylin. The counterstain should
be applied in very dilute solution since the tissues have an unusually
strong affinity for acid stains. In Sphacelaria and Stypocaulon,' the
latter occurring only on the north Atlantic Coast, mitoses are conspicuous.
At midnight or shortly thereafter, fix portions of the tips about 6 mm.
long in 1% chrom-acetic, embed, and section longitudinally, perpendic
ular to the flat surface, at Zp.. Stain critically with iron hematoxylin,
and counterstain very lightly with orange G.

Cutleria is said to occur in Florida; otherwise the order is not repre

sented in the United States. (For technical methods, consult Yamanouchi 1909, 1912.)

The Dictyotales differ from the other orders in the presence of aplanospores and in a heterogamous method of reproduction. Members of
the one family, Dictyotaceae, prefer the warmer southern waters, and
representatives occur on both coasts.
In Dictyota growth is by means of an apical cell; in the other genera
it is by division of marginal cells. The apical end of the thallus of Dictyota
should be sectioned parallel to the flat surface, the thalli of the other
genera should be cut perpendicular to the flat surface. Sections should be
cut at about 12/t; staining is superior with iron hematoxylin with or with
out a counterstain of orange G or erythrosin. Many people make whole
mounts of the apices of the thalli.
The aplanospores, oogonia, and antheridia are arranged differently in
the various genera; a knowledge of their location or the nature of their
distribution is therefore necessary when fruiting material is desired.
The antheridia and oogonia, however, are usually in dense sori and always
project beyond the surface. The sporangia are usually scattered, but
in Neurocarpus, for example, they are arranged insori along either side
of the midrib. The oogonia and antheridia may be on the same frond
or plant or on different individuals and disposed in some definite arrange-



merit or scattered. In many species one is more likely to find aplano-'

spores than antheridia or oogonia. In order to obtain the best fixation
of the critical stages in the development of the antheridium and oogonium
of the forms with thick thalli, a jchrom-osmo-acetic fluid is preferable.
The following formula has proved to be satisfactory with Dictyota,
Padina, and Zonaria:
1 %

10 cc.

c h r o m i c a c i d in sea w a t e r

2%,osmic acid in 2 % chromic acid


Glacial acetic acid



The centrosomes and radiations should show up clearly after staining

with' iron hematoxylin and no counterstain.
In Zonaria, which is common on the southern California coast, an
astonishingly large number of apical cells are readily obtained, and
developmental stages are easy to follow out. The following formula
has been used:
.Chromic acid.

1 g.

Glacial acetic acid

1 %

3 cc.

aqueous osmic acid

1 cc.



Sea w a t e r . . . . '



Two dissimilar generations alternate. The sporophytic is usually

macroscopic, the gametophytic microscopic.

Growth is trichothallic, the thallus being composed of one or more

filaments and their branches.

Practically all material of the Chordariales that one collects is the

sporophytic generation; the gametophytes are known only from cultural
studies. The cultural methods cited in the introductory paragraphs to
the Phaeophyta may be followed to obtain the gametophytic phases.
Chordariaceae.Chordaria, the more prominent one of the several
genera, grows farther south on the Atlantic Coast than on the Pacific.
Sections of the cylindrical fronds should readily reveal the zoosporangia.
Coliodesmaceae.Coliodesme is common on the Pacific Coast. It
usually grows on large specimens.of Ctysiosetra or Cystophyllum. Portions
of fronds of various developmental stages maybe cut out, embedded,
and sectioned in the vertical plane to show the unilocular zoosporangia.
Elachisteaceae.The species are pulvinate, microscopic in size, and
epiphytic on various larger algae. Work up portions of the host bearing



the epiphytes b y the hygrobutol method, finally scraping off the filaments
carefully, and mount in balsam.
Myrionemataceae.The thallus consists of a prostrate disk, com
posed of radiating filaments more or less closely united and not more than
t w o cells in thickness, and erect filaments, which may be free or united
in a common jelly. A l l the genera grow upon other algae or on marine
Angiosperms; the pneumatocysts of Macrocystis are particularly favored
by species of Compsonema.
Cut out portions of the host bearing the
epiphyte, embed, and section in the transverse plane of the host tissues
(Fig. 34).
Leathesiaceae.Most of the species grow on rocks, a few on other
plants. T h e thallus is thick, carnose, and composed of filaments held

Fia. 34.Myrionema strangulans: section of a young colony on Ulva lobata, with two
young zoosporangia in the center. Fixed with chrom-acetic in sea water; stained with iron
hematoxylin and orange G .
together in a thick jelly.


Cut portions of the thallus into small pieces,


Sporochnaceae.Two species of Sporochnus occur rarely on the

Atlantic Coast from South Carolina southward. W h o l e mounts m a y be
made of portions of the branches with terminal filaments; otherwise
sections are indicated.

Myriogloiaceae.Sections of embedded portions of the filaments

should show the unilocular zoosporangia. Prepare whole mounts of the
tips of the branches to show their interesting structure; stain with
Harris' hematoxylin ( F i g . 35).






Desmarestiaceae.Members of the family occur on both coasts,

being the most widespread genus, and certain of the species
have the characteristic peculiarity of turning a verdigris green on drying
and of bleaching other algae when coming into contact with them.
Decomposition commences almost as soon as the plants are taken from the
ocean. For this reason, when preserving material of the genus, the
plants should be placed in a quiet pool, and the desired tissues removed
and immediately immersed in the killing fluid. Portions of the stipe


Fia. 35.Myriogloia andersonii: portion of a whole mount of thallus with radiating

filaments and zoosporangia. Fixed with 1 % chrom-acetic in sea water; stained with
Harris' hematoxylin, dehydrated with hygrobutol and infiltrated with balsam.
and frond are valuable for morphological study; whole mounts of the
apices of the fronds to demonstrate the trichothallic apical growth are
easily made. T h e zoosporangia are very difficult to locate, and one may
have to examine a large number of fronds of fully mature plants before
finding them; they probably appear only in the autumn.

Growth not trichothallic; thallus parenchymatous.
Stilophoraceae.A single representative, Stilophora rhizoides, occurs
from North Carolina to Massachusetts and fruits at the end of the sum
mer. Whole mounts of the apices are possible, but sections should be
cut for the reproductive structures.



Asperococcaceae.The fronds are sometimes ligulate, but the more

common species are saccate. Soranthera is a widespread Pacific Coast
epiphyte (Fig. 36), occurring generally on Rhodomela. Plants in all
stages of development are usually to be found on a single host plant; conse
quently it is not difficult to prepare sections showing all stages in the
growth of the sori and zoosporangia. Section the thallus transversely

FIG. 36.Soranthera ulvoidea: whole mount of zoospores just before germination.

Diatoms are also present. Fixed with 1 0 % formalin in sea water; stained with iron

at about 7/u. Asperococcus, equally common on the Atlantic Coast, is

also excellent and may be dealt with similarly.
Punctariaceae.The simplest forms in the family are monosiphonous;
the more complex species are either filamentous and solid, saccate, or
membranous. T h e zoosporangia and gametangia form definite sori.
Whole mounts of portions of the thallus are easily prepared, but as they
are useless for detailed studies, sections are advisable.
Scytosiphonaceae.Scytosiphon lomentaria, the best-known species,
occurs on both coasts and is easily found. I t usually produces game
tangia in the autumn. Cut the long frond into pieces about 5 mm. in
length, embed, and section transversely at about 8ju. T h e frond is
likely to be very densely covered with diatoms and other small organisms.







The order includes the giant kelps, largest of all known marine
plants. The plants, as ordinarily seen, represent the sporophytic genera
tion: the gametophyte is microscopic and in most of the genera is very
much reduced. The fronds are usually differentiated into three regions:
(1) a holdfast, varying from discoidal in some species to clusters of simple
or branched hapteres in others; (2) a stipe, cylindrical or more or less
flattened and simple to dichotomously or irregularly branched, and (3)
one or more flattened blades. The zoosporangia may be borne either
on the typical blades or on specialized sporophylls and are generally
grouped into sori of considerable extent. Growth takes place in most
species in a meristematic tissue intercalated between the blade and
stipe; in Nereocystis growth occurs throughout the entire plant.
There is no necessity for dealing with the families or genera separately
since the same technique serves for the entire group with respect to the
various structures.
Holdfast.Cut out small portions of the main part; or in the case
of branching hapteres, remove pieces of both the older" parts and the
apical end. Embed, and cut both longitudinal and transverse sections
at 10/i. There is little or no tissue differentiation. A single stain
suffices: a 1 % solution of Bismarck brown in 70% alcohol or a 0.2% solu
tion of fast green in 95% alcohol will stain deeply enough in a few min
utes. Wash quickly in 95% alcohol, clear, and mount.
Stipe.In some species the stipe may attain a diameter of more than
15 cm., thus becoming so large that portions must be cut out for easier
manipulation. It is easy to cut such material in the fresh condition
with a sliding microtome, exactly as in the case of stems.. However, it.
will be better to embed since the cells are so small that rather.thin
sections are indicated. The solid portions of the hollow stipes of Nereo
cystis and Postelsia average 1.2 cm. in thickness, but it is not in the least
difficult to embed and section these parts. The stipes of the other
genera are decidedly variable in their internal structure.
Mucilage ducts are present in some, absent in others. When present,
there may be some difficulty in fixation; the remedy is to increase the
percentage of acetic acid in the fixative. As the sections are retained
on the slide only with great care, it is advisable to cover them with a thin
film of celloidin before removing the paraffin with carbol-xylol.
The stipe of Mdcrocystis is peculiarly interesting because of the
presence of large sieve tubes and sieve plates. Embed, and cut trans
verse sections at 14/x and longitudinal sections at 12/*. On account of
the more or less accentuated twisting of the stipe, the longitudinal sections
will rarely show entire sieve tubes and on the whole are usually disap
pointing. Stain with Bismarck brown and fast green.



T h e stipes of Pterygophora and those of some species of Alaria exhibit

concentric rings. In a few species the stipe becomes too cartilaginous
to be sectioned readily in paraffin. Resort might be had to celloidin.
T h e stipes of the algae cannot be soaked in water in order to soften them
previous to microtoming, as is frequently done with woody stems,
because they will promptly swell up and disintegrate.
Blade and Sporophylls.Despite
their rather thick and tough,
leathery character the blades and sporophylls of all members of the order
present no difficulty whatever.

F I G . 37.Postelsia palmarformis: Portion of cross section of lamina with zoosporangia

in the depressions. Fixed with 1 % chrom-acetic in sea water; stained with acid fuchsin
and fast green.

When borne on the blade, the areas containing the sori appear a
darker brown against the light; but in some forms such as Postelsia
the presence of zoosporangia can be determined only b y microscopic
examination of small pieces of the blade. In the Alariaceae and in
Lessoniopsis of the Laminariaceae the zoosporangia are borne not on
the blade but on specialized sporophylls. T h e latter appear as a rule at
certain seasons only and a careful watch must be kept for their appear
ance. Cut out small portions of the blade or sporophyll, taking care to
obtain a series of stages from the youngest to the oldest, and embed in
paraffin ( F i g . 37). I n Laminaria especially, the tissues tend to become
v e r y hard, but nevertheless they are surprisingly easy to microtome.
T o show the origin and development of the zoosporangia and
paraphyses, the sections should not be thicker than 3ju. Staining is
preferably with iron hematoxylin alone. On thicker sections, for general
morphology, acid fuchsin and fast green, or Bismarck brown and fast
green, should be employed.
Gametophytes.These are obtainable only b y special culture methods,
which can be readily carried out only at a properly equipped marine

Methods are described in the introductory paragraphs to the







A diploid generation only is present.
T h e order occurs on both coasts of N o r t h America. I t contains two
families: Fucaceao. in which the fronds are flattened in t w o ranks in one

. ,

V f E r .*." - "-*,...;*

' o

MS .

FIG. 38.Fucus vrsiculosis: portion of a cross section of a receptacle with a microsporangial conceptacle. Fixed with chrom-acetic in sea water; stained with iron hema
toxylin and orange G.
plane without differentiation into axial and lateral branches, and Sargassaceae, in which the branches arise on all sides of the main axis.
Fucaceae. - F u c u s is unquestionably the most widely studied of all
Phaeophyta but is exasperatingly troublesome to the technician because
of the chemical nature of the mucilage. T h e pieces of frond are usually
left hard and " d r y " by the usual fixation and dehydration methods; the
macrosporangia are too often completely disrupted.
Fixation may be in the following fluid:
Chromic acid
Glacial acetic acid
Sea water

1 g.
3 cc.
10 cc.
90 cc.



Wash with 10% glycerin in sea water, then place in 10% glycerin, and
set aside for the water to evaporate. Wash out the concentrated glycerin
with a mixture of equal parts of 9 5 % alcohol and tertiary butyl alcohol,
then with a short series of mixtures of these two alcohols in which the
butyl alcohol is gradually increased.
Finally give two changes of pure
tertiary butyl alcohol, and infiltrate with paraffin.
Or one might, after
washing out the glycerin thoroughly with the mixture of equal parts of

FIG. 39.Funis vesiculosis: portion of a cross section of a receptacle with a niacrosporangial conceptacle. Fixed with 1 % chrom-acetic in sea water; stained with iron
hematoxylin and orange G .

the two alcohols, go to a mixture of equal parts of absolute alcohol and

tertiary butyl alcohol (giving at least three changes to make certain that
all glycerin has been removed), thence to one of equal parts of absolute
alcohol, tertiary butyl alcohol and ether, and infiltrate with celloidin.
For the younger stages of micro- and macrospore development, the
very tips of the fronds should be selected for fixation. On the Atlantic
Coast, F. vesicuUms, a dioecious species, predominates.
On the Pacific
Coast, F. furcatus is a widespread monoecious species. Botanists on
the east coast prefer the first-named species, whereas those on the west
coast use the monoecious species in the classroom. From the technical
standpoint, F. furcatus is the more difficult of the two. For the first



8 to 10 mm. of the tips, the sections should be microtomed in the longi

tudinal plane, perpendicular to one flat face, at 10M- 'Older portions
should be cut transversely at about the same thickness. Stain with iron
hematoxylin and orange G (Figs. 38, 39).
For demonstrating the apical cell of the Fucaceae with its five cutting
faces (four lateral and one posterior) and for the origin and development
of the conceptacles, nothing is better than Pelvetia fastigiata. The conceptacles originate quite close to the apical cell (many tips will have two
adjoining apical cells); the one-celled to several-celled stages are usually
found in preparations showing the apical cell or cut for this structure.
Remove the anterior 2 mm. of the apices of vigorously growing young
fronds, taken preferably from plants which show definite indications of
being in the fruiting condition. Fix with 1 % chrom-acetic, and embed
by the standard tertiary butyl alcohol method. Section the tips trans
versely, parallel to, and.perpendicular to the flat surface in order that
the apical cell may be observed in different views. This method ought
also to show several stages in the development of the conceptacles; as
these are scattered irregularly over the thallus, they can be obtained
only in a hit-or-miss fashion. Sections should be at 8/*, and staining is
precise with iron hematoxylin and orange G.
If one is located in the Middle West or far from the coast, that need
be no deterrent to working with living material of Fucus or of many
other Phaeophyta. During cold weather material will travel safely from
either coast.
Sargassaceae.Probably all the genera within the confines of the
United States possess fronds provided with vesicles, which constitute an
easy character for distinguishing the genera. In Sargassum the vesicles
occur singly; in the other genera they are seriate. Sargassum for the
, most part prefers the warmer seas, but at least one species ranges as far
north on the Atlantic Coast as New England. Cystoseira is to be found
farther north on the Pacific side than On the Atlantic (Florida). ' Standard
methods are applicable to these two genera. In Cystoseira the conceptacles .
are formed in the more or less metamorphosed terminal branchletsjin Sar
gassum they are borne in specialized axillary branches, which are slender
and more or less forked. Cystoseira is scarcely less favorable than
Pelvetia for illustrating the origin and development of the conceptacles.
In Sargassum it is known that the development of the oogonia in general
is periodic and simultaneous. Desired stages can be found only at cer
tain hours on definite days. Meiosis can be found in the oogonium in
the daytime as well as at night.
In most of the genera, but particularly in Cystoseira, the macrospores
contain numerous large chromatophores which take a deep stain with
iron hematoxylin and are difficult to differentiate clearly.


( C Y A N O P H Y C E A E )

The Myxophyceae are of widespread occurrence (Geitler 1930-1932,

G. M . Smith 1933) and one cannot fail sooner or later to come into
contact with them. There are only three things about them to annoy
the technician: (1) to get any particular free-living species, with certain
exceptions, in a sufficiently pure condition; (2) to get enough material of
such forms; and (3) the primitivity of the nuclear organization, which
frequently makes exact stain differentiation difficult. If these do not
present too great annoyances to the technician, the group will be found
to be decidedly interesting, and preparations of any type will be most
valuable acquisitions to one's collection of microscope slides.
Before starting to work up any species, it should be carefully studied
in the living condition. Generic and specific determinations are, as a
rule, best made on living material, supplemented where necessary by
simple chemical tests.
A few Cyanophyta are unicellular, but most of them form filamentous
or other types of colonies. Infilamentouscolonies, a single row of cells
is called a "trichome"; the trichome together with the gelatinous sheath
is called a "filament." Some filaments may contain more than one
The cell wall is composed, of cellulose or hemicellulose. Earlier
reports that the wall is chitinous have been disproved by recent investi
gations. The gelatinous sheath is composed mostly of pectic compounds.
A definite nucleus or nucleolus is absent, but the central body, which
takes up most chromatin stains, contains nucleic acid and therefore may
be considered as being nuclear in nature. The reserve foodstuffs are
mostly glycoproteins but include other proteins and also oils.
Occurrence.Cyanophyta are to be found everywhere in an astonish
ing diversity of habitats, but they are principally fresh-water organisms.
Pure growths, however, are rarely found; these are usually species of either
Anabaena, Nostoc, or Oscillatoria.
The habitats of the more prominent
forms will be described in the discussions under the orders.
Cultivation.^Many Cyanophyta are easy to culture. Knop's,
Benecke's, or Detmer's solutions; diluted to about 0.2/N strength, are
excellent culture media. Other fluids, such as artificial sea water,
Wettstein's fluid (Wettstein 1921), or the following may be used:







A m m o n i u m nitrate

0 . 0 2 g.

Dibasic potassium phosphate



To obtain soil Myxophyceae, inoculate a medium consisting of 1 0 0 cc.

water and 0 . 0 2 g. dibasic potassium phosphate (in a 3-liter flask) with 1
or 2 g. garden earth. Place in partial sunlight at 1 6 to 2 0 C . Or make
the following solution and inoculate in the same manner:

Neutral potassium phosphate..



Magnesium sulphate







Potassium sulphate
Calcium carbonate
Ferric chloride.

'. . . .



Preservation of Specimens.Herbarium specimens are easily pre

pared. Simply spread and dry the specimens on pieces of mica or thick
cellophane. They may be wetted when it is desired to examine them
microscopically, and then allowed to dry again. The process may be
repeated indefinitely. Habit material may be preserved in 3 or 4 %
Fixation.Fixation, in general, is easily accomplished. The simplest
fluid is a 3 to 5 % formalin solution, in which the algae should
remain for a week or longer (Haupt 1 9 2 3 ) . Bouin's fluid is said to work
well. The material may be dehydrated by any desired method and
embedded in paraffin. Sections should be cut at 2/i for detailed cytologi
cal investigations.
Mitochondrial methods are wholly unsatisfactory (Guilliermond

Staining.Staining may be for one of three purposes: ( 1 ) general, ( 2 )

for identification of various cell contents, or ( 3 ) to outline the gelatinous
structure. It is rarely possible to accomplish all three simultaneously.
General staining, in turn, may be vital or on killed material. For
vital staining very dilute aqueous solutions of either neutral red, cresyl
blue, or toluidin blue are most useful. Preserved or microtomed material
will be more or less stained by almost any of the coal-tar dyes; methylene
blue is often used.
Volutin may be identified by placing the material in 0 . 1 % aqueous
methylene blue and, after the stain has reacted, adding a little 1 % sulphu
ric acid; a deep blue or black color results.
Plasmodesma, if present, may be demonstrated with a mixture of
6 cc. of a concentrated alcoholic solution of basic fuchsin and 1 0 0 cc. of
3 % aqueous phenol. Place some of the filaments on a slide in a large
drop of the solution, >and heat gently over a flame, The protoplast will



shrink and stain an intense red, but the plasmodesma will be clearly
For internal details iron hematoxylin surpasses all other stains in the
quality of the results obtained. Counterstaining may be with erythrosin,
fast green, or anilin blue. It would also be productive of valuable
results to try Feulgen's reaction. Picro-indigocarmin gives a superb and
occasionally quite life-like stain to many species.
The gelatinous envelopes may be demonstrated by using moderate
concentrations of the counterstains mentioned above, or of crystal
violet, ruthenium red, toluidin blue, or methylene blue.
Whole Mounts.All the Cyanophyta, with the exception of those
which form huge gelatinous colonies (such as Aphanothece, Aphanocapsa,
and Coelosphaerium) and those which invade other plants, are easily
mounted entire. Stain as desired, dehydrate by a gradual hygrobutol
method or glycerin concentration procedure, and infiltrate with very
highly diluted balsam. A very short schedule, satisfactory for all but
critical studies, consists simply of placing a drop of formalin-fixed
material to dry on a clean slide and proceeding directly to the staining,
mounting in balsam from xylol. Of course, one can mount directly in
"glycerin or glycerin jelly without staining.

Chroococcaceae.Gloeocapsa and Gloeothece may be treated as dried

mounts, as they will stick readily to the slip," whether or not Mayer's
adhesive is used. Merismopedia is frequently found; the flat colonies^
are easily stained and mounted. Stain some colonies with iron hema
toxylin, others with an alcoholic carmin stain or with picro-indigocarmin,
and mount some of the different colorations under the same cover.
Aphanocapsa, Aphanothece, Microcystis, and Coelosphaerium are
difficult subjects; quite apart from this fact, many algologists claim that
these genera are not worth mounting. The writer hasfoundMicrocystis
ichthyloblobe to be comparatively easy to manipulate; stain with Mayer's
carmalum. The others can probably be mounted in glycerin only, as
all attempts to get them into balsam or paraffin have met with failure
because of the complete collapse of the gelatinous matrix. Dissect the
larger colonies into fragments before proceeding with the staining or

Dermocarpaceae.Dermocarpa, a marine genus, is common on both

the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. On the west coast Rhodomela is almost
certain to be liberally encrusted with D. fucicola (Fig. 40). Embed not
too old portions of the host, cut transversely at 8 to 10n, and stain with







iron hematoxylin and erythrosin. Reproduction is by means of endospores, whose development is easily followed out, since a series of stages
are usually found in each preparation.
(Some writers describe the
endospores as gonidia, produced in an enlarged cell which functions as a
gonidangium.) Ceramium is frequently found covered with Dermocarpa
on the older filaments; host and epiphyte may be mounted together as
whole mounts. On the Atlantic Coast, D. prassina is abundant on
different algae and may be treated like the west coast species.

Flo. 40.Dermocarpa fucicola: section of two colonies on Rhodomela larix, . showing

the formation of endospores. Fixed with 1 % chrom-acetic in sea water for 10 minutes;
stained with iron hematoxylin and erythrosin.

Xenococcus grows, usually in

are small enough to permit the
together and mounted entire.
preparations are just as good as

profusion, on other marine algae, which

epiphyte and its host to be worked up
If the staining is critical enough, such


Oscillatoriaceae.The best-known genus is Oscillatoria,

there are others which are perhaps rather more interesting.
Arthrospira, Lyngbya, Phormidium, and Microcoleus, all of which have
fresh-water, brackish-water, and marine species, are of the greatest
value both for technique and for instructional purposes.
These forms may all be treated technically according to the general
methods. T h e cells of the larger species, especially in
are rather liable to collapse if too violent changes of fluids are made.
Those growing in warm salt water should also be handled cautiously;
it would be well to warm the killing fluid to the temperature of the water
in which they are growing, and let it cool slowly. I t would be interesting



to compare the fresh-water and marine species when prepared b y identical

Nostocaceae.Anabaena and Nostoc arc cosmopolitan forms and are
readily obtained in abundance and generally also in a pure condition.
Nostoc, which sometimes is found in enormous gelatinous balls in the
R o c k y Mountain region and in British Columbia, seems to prefer cooler
and more protected habitats than does Anabaena.
T h e latter is usually

FIG. 41.Nostoc colony in thallus of Anthoceros carolininniis. Fixed with formalinpropiono-alcohol; stained with iron hematoxylin and fast green.
a free-living aquatic alga, but Nostoc is sometimes found on damp soil.
T w o species of Anabaena are parasitic. A. azollac infests Azolla; material
of Azolla fixed and stained as described for that genus will afford excellent
preparations of the alga. Section the younger and vigorously growing
branches in the vertical-longitudinal plane at 11/*; the alga will be found
at even the very apex of the host and is easily identified if staining is in
safranin and fast green. A. cycadeae inhabits the cortical tissues of the
loots of various species of Cycas. Section portions of the embedded
roots transversely at 10/*. T h e parasite is not easy to locate in most,







roots. For whole mounts of free-living species, stain with iron hema
toxylin or picro-indigocarmin. Nostoc may be terrestrial, aquatic, or
parasitic, and occurs in the form of gelatinous nodules of various sizes,
some becoming as large as 50 cm. across. T h e species found free floating
or attached to various substrata in swiftly flowing streams are more

FIG. 42.Anabaena, Microcystis and Oscillatoria: whole mount of the so-called " Wasserbliite." Fixed with formalin-aceto-alcohol; stained with iron hematoxylin and fast
easily manipulated technically than those growing on damp ground.
K i l l and fix in weak chrom-acetic, 6 % formalin, or in formalin-acetoalcohol. Small colonies may be run up entire and the colony crushed
just before the coverslip is applied. Larger colonies are v e r y easily
embedded and sectioned for detailed investigations. Cut at any thick
ness up to 8M- Stain critically in iron hematoxylin. A counterstain of
acid fuchsin ( 1 % in 70% alcohol) will differentiate the sheaths enclosing



the individual trichomes from the common gelatinous matrix; anilin blue
is also excellent for the purpose and is perhaps less gaudy. Anthoceros
and its allies are parasitized by Nostoc, which can be easily recognized in
sections of the host thallus (Fig. 41).
Akinetes are most easily found in Cylindrospermum: they are developed
next to the heterocysts at one end of each trichome and are sometimes
found in a catenate series. Treat like free-living species of Anabaena.
Scytonemataceae.Members of this family are easily recognized by
their false branching. This character is shared by the Rivulariaceae,
but in this family the trichomes are conspicuously attenuated and possess
terminal hairs. Most of the genera are cosmopolitan in distribution.
In Scytonema the filaments grow over damp soil or on dripping cliffs
and are usually so interwoven as to form a felt-like mass of considerable
extent. Tolypothrix and the remaining genera are aquatic.
All species may be treated alike. The hygrobutol method has been
the most successful one. The basic stain is preferably iron hematoxylin.
A counterstain is necessary to reveal the sheaths and the nature of the
false branching. For this purpose orange G, fast green, acid fuchsin,
or anilin blue may be employed. These algae are easily embedded and
sectioned, but whole mounts are ordinarily adequate.
Stigonemataceae.Genera, belonging to the family are characterized
by true branching. Heterocysts are always present, but akinetes are of
rare occurrence. Stigonema is most likely to be collected. Treat as in
the preceding family.
Rivulariaceae.Cyanophyta which have trichomes conspicuously
attenuated either from base to apex or from the center toward both
extremities belong in this family. Each trichome usually terminates in
a hair. There are both fresh-water and marine species, the latter pre
dominating. Submerged species usually grow on the stems of other
plants, within the gelatinous envelopes of other algae, or on rocks or
Rivularia and Gloeotrichia are perhaps the best known of the genera,
but others, such as Calothrix and Dichothrix, are quite- as interesting
and useful. The nodule-forming species may be treated like similar
species of Nostoc, other species by the general methods for the phylum.
The soft nodules of Gloeotrichia are very apt to become dissociated in
tlie killing fluid. A drop containing dissociated filaments may be spread
on a slide smeared with a thin layer of adhesive and fixed in 95% alcohol
for a few minutes. Stain for 24 hours or longer in safranin, extract the
stain with acidulated water until only the internal details remain clear,
then counterstain with fast green to bring out the sheaths; or iron hema
toxylin with any suitable counterstain may be used. Complete dehy
dration and mount in balsam.






Colonies of Rivularia may be fixed with 1% chromracetic or with

formalin-aceto-alcohol and the fluid washed out; then the trichomesmay
be critically stained with iron hematoxylin, dehydrated to 85% alcohol,
and counterstained with fast green, and dehydration may be completed
with hygrobutol, and infiltrated with balsam;finallya single colony may
be crushed on a slide and the coverslip applied.


In structure and particularly in methods of reproduction the Rhodo

phyta are the most diverse and complicated of all algae. From the
technical standpoint very little indeed has previously been done on the
phylum as a whole.
In size the Rhodophyta generally are smaller than most of the Phaeo
phyta, but larger than the Chlorophyta. The designation "red algae"
is somewhat of a misnomer, for some species appear to be greenish
(Iridaea, Halosaeciori) and others have a brownish color (Nemotion,
Gracilaria, Ceramium). It has been claimed that sterile Rhodophyta
may be distinguished from Phaeophyta by the slower rate at which they
turn green when dipped in water heated to a temperature between 60
and 70C. Some known member of the Phaeophyta, such as Fucus or
Laminaria, should be used as a guide in making this test. A simpler
method may be found in the fact that when the larger Rhodophyta are
placed in the standard chrom-acetic fixing fluid, they lose all color very
rapidly, whereas most Phaeophyta are scarcely affected.
Occurrence.Although the Rhodophyta are predominantly marine
plants, there is a considerable number of fresh-water species (Skuja 1938).
These prefer shallow running waters and belong mostly to the primitive
groups. Batrachospermum, so commonly employed in elementary botany
courses as a representative of the red algae, is the most widespread genus
as well as the one with the largest number of species. Very few of the
fresh-water species are red in color; they are mostly bluish, green, grayish,
or brownish.
The Rhodophyta prefer warmer waters, but a few representatives
may be found in northern latitudes. In the United States the greatest
range in forms is to be found in Florida and along the Pacific Coast from
Puget Sound southward. Like the brown algae, the red algae grow
mostly on rocks or where the shores are rocky. On sandy beaches few,
if any, red algae can be found, except on pilings, stone jetties or similar
structures. The coralline types are practically the only red algae occur
ring in tide pools, which are otherwise well filled with representatives of
other algae and aquatic Angiosperms. The Rhodophyta prefer the mid
dle and lower littoral regions: the more deeply the plants grow, the



brighter red their color becomes. Those growing near the upper tide
line become more brownish (Agardhiella), darker (Chondrus and some
species of Gigartina), olivaceous (Gastroclonium, Lomentaria), or even
blackish (Endocladia, Rhodomela). One should therefore beware of being
deceived by color differences when collecting Rhodophyta.
There is no satisfactory manual available for the Pacific Coast
Rhodophyta, outside of one regional manual (Kylin 1925), but an excel
lent manual for the Atlantic Coast species was recently published
(Taylor 1937). A comprehensive review of the anatomical features of
the phylum (Kylin 1937; see the bibliography for references to the litera
ture) has recently been published.
Collection and Preservation.These procedures are identically as
described for the Phaeophyta (p. 263). In making herbarium specimens,
most Rhodophyta will adhere firmly to the paper and need no gluing or
taping. They dry quickly but are susceptible to mold infection.
Fixation.The two standard fixing fluids described as being satis
factory for the Phaeophyta serve equally well for most Rhodophyta;
viz., 8 to 10% formalin (neutral) in sea water, and a 1% chrom-acetic
fluid. Certain groups, however, notably the Bangiales, Ceramiales, and
Gigartinales, present exceptional difficulties, and special^ methods will
occasionally be cited.
It must be emphasized in the strongest possible terms that Rhodo
phyta should not be left in any of the various chrom-acetic mixtures any
longer than it takes to fix them properly. In some cases this is a matter
of seconds. The filamentous forms and some thalloid genera, such as
Porphyra, will break up quickly, and others will literally become dis- N
solved into a gelatinous mass if left in the killing fluid for even 1 minute
too long. Such Rhodophyta are good illustrations of the fact that
killing and fixing are two separate processes, even if they are usually
obtained with the same fluid; all Rhodophyta are promptly killed, but
few ever become sufficiently fixed for further treatment. As a safe rule,
it may be stated that fixation is completed in about half again the length
of time that it takes for the natural color to disappear. For example, if
the color disappears in 2 minutes, fixation (or what passes for fixation)
is completed 1 minute later, hence the washing out of the fixative should
be begun immediately. In neutral 10% formalin in sea water, material
may be left for several months without appreciable harm, provided it is
kept out of the light.
Embedding.This may be carried out exactly as described for the
Phaeophyta. Difficulty is likely to be encountered with many species.
Even if the material appears to have been killed satisfactorily, there will
be many occasions when it will be discovered that fixation actually was
not affected; the material either becomes excessively hardened or shrinks



completely after it has been carried beyond 80% alcohol. The Rhodo
phyta have a tendency to become brittle if left too long in the paraffin
oven, consequently the time devoted to this process should be as brief
as possible. In any event, infiltration takes place very quickly with
practically all species.
Whole Mounts.^-The best fixing medium is an 8 to 10% solution of
formalin in sea water, but as it is necessary to get rid of the natural pig
ments before staining can be effected in certain genera, a 1% chromacetic should be used on these. Even the fronds of large forms like
Ceramium and Ptilota are perfectly preserved by the formalin solution
and are easily stained and mounted entire. Fresh-water forms may be
fixed in the standard chrom-acetic or formalin-aceto-alcohol fluids com
monly used on the fresh-water Chlorophyta.
On no account should iron hematoxylin be used on whole-mount
material of marine Rhodophyta: it is practically a certainty that the
material will become completely dissociated when the mordant is poured
on or when the stain solution is applied after washing out the mordant.
The reason is that the acid of the mordant dissolves the gelatinous matrix
and allows the cells to become separated. By far the most satisfactory
results, as well as exceedingly beautiful preparations, may be secured with
Harris' hematoxylin and an erythrosin counterstain.
Species that have a loose filamentous structure held together in a
gelatinous matrix are adapted for the making of temporary mounts which
are exceedingly serviceable for investigating the structure and develop
ment of complicated carpogonial branch systems. Place the fresh mate
rial in 6% hydrochloric acid in sea water, and let remain overnight or at
least for several hours, whereupon it will be found to have become more
or less dissociated. Put a small portion on a slide, cover with a No. 2
coverslip, and crush and spread gently. The filaments will become
separated, and the entire reproductive structure with all its ramifications
may be located and studied. This is impossible in the case of even very
thick paraffin sections. If it would be possible to do so without too
much handling of the material, the dissociated mass might be stained,
dehydrated with hygrobutol, and mounted in balsam.

The majority of the species are marine, but a few fresh-water species
are found in each of the families.
Erythrotrichiaceae.Most of the genera are marine, and when grow
ing epiphytically are inseparable from the host. Erythrotrichia is com
mon on both coasts and is an instructive form because of the formation







of monospores by oblique walls in vegetative cells. Fix in 8 % formalin

in sea water, stain carefully with Harris' hematoxylin, counterstain with
erythrosin, and run up b y a gradual hygrobutol method (Fig. 43). Dis
regard fixation and staining of the host, which is usually in a bad
Bangiaceae.Bangia is fairly common on both coasts. Fixation is
difficult, whether for whole mounts or embedding, because of excessive

FIG. 43.Erythrotrichia carnea epiphytic on old filaments of Cladophora: this prepara

tion well illustrates the utter impossibility of separating host and epiphyte and why they
must be run up and mounted together. Fixed with 1 % chrom-acetic in sea water; stained
with Harris' hematoxylin and erythrosin.

plasmolysis. A s the thick gelatinous envelope will prevent the cells from
breaking apart, iron hematoxylin may be used on material intended for
whole mounts. T h e standard chrom-acetic fluid diluted in half with
sea water sometimes gives good results on material to be embedded. A
group of thalli should be embedded and sectioned together transversely
at about 5p..
Porphyra is v e r y common and abundant on both coasts. I t is a
difficult alga to fix adequately, but in this respect it is not so difficult as
T h e thallus in most species is too thick for clear staining for
whole mounts. Picro-indigocarmin is the only stain which, in the writer's
experience, does not hopelessly overstain.
T h e reproductive regions may
usually be recognized as differently colored areas along the margins of



the thallus. T h e fluid which has given the best fixation for embedding
and sectioning is composed of:
Saturated aqueous picric acid



Chromic acid

1 g-

Hydrochloric acid, c p

6 cc.

While observing the color changes, watch the vegetative areas of small
portions of the thallus, not the already discolored reproductive regions,
and stop fixation as soon as all color has disappeared. Microtome trans-

F I G . 44.Porphyra perforata: cross section of thallus with both vegetative cells anil
reproductive regions.
Fixed with 1 % chrom-acetic in sea water; stained with iron hema
toxylin and fast green.

versely at about 7p.; staining is generally very good in iron hematoxylin

(Fig. 44).
T h e great diversity in thallus structure and methods of reproduction
lead t o technical difficulties of one sort or another.
Even species in the
same genus will not react equally well to an identical method of treatment.
Laurencia spectabtlis and L. virgata afford an example of this sort; the
latter is far more amenable to treatment than the former, although the
two are scarcely different structurally.
T h e following discussions will not g o into any great detail, except in
the case of such common laboratory forms as Poly siphonia.
This, how
ever, should emphatically not deter one from trying the admittedly
difficult Florideae, for these plants, when properly worked up, constitute
some of the most beautiful and instructive preparations imaginable.

T h e order includes a few fresh-water and innumerable marine species.

It differs from the other Florideae in that a tetrasporic generation is
absent. T h e general impression seems t o be that Nemalion is the only
representative of the order worth studying. Such is not the case:
Nemalion is rather unsatisfactoiy if one wishes t o secure an abundance
of all stages in the development of the carpogonia, gonimoblasts, and
carpospores. Cumagloia, which unfortunately is restricted to the Pacific
Coast, is a more satisfactory genus.




Chantransiaceae.Acrochaetium, a filamentous marine alga, which

is far more abundant on the Atlantic than on the Pacific Coast, is espe
cially desirable for illustrating reproduction by means of monospores.
The plants are said to be not always in a good condition for study. Spermatia and carpogonia occur in some species. Pieces of the host bearing
the epiphyte may be fixed for about 10 minutes in 1% chrom-acetic,
stained with Harris' hematoxylin and erythrosin, and then dehydrated
by a gradual hygrobutol method; the epiphyte may be carefully scraped
off with needles and mounted alone. Some species are endophytic and
others endozoic; sections apparently can be made without difficulty.
Batrachospermaceae.One of the commonest fresh-water Rhodo
phyta is Batrachospermum, found in cool small streams, ponds, and pools.
It is easily recognized by the whorls of lateral branches on the conspicuous
central axis. Most species are a pronounced bluish or olive-green in
color when fresh and growing in the light; when found in shady places or
deep water, the color changes from reddish to purple. Adult fruiting
plants may be found only during the spring season. Fix in formalinaceto-alcohol or in a weak chrom-acetic, stain in iron or Harris' hematox
ylin, counterstain with erythrosin and make whole mounts. When
ready to mount, cut the thalli into suitable small portions.
Lemaneaceae.Small plants of Lemanea, which grows on rocks in
turbulent fresh waters, are readily mounted whole, but longitudinal and
transverse sections of the maturing thallus are required if stages in the
development of spermatia and carpogonia are desired. Sections should
be cut at iu for spermatia and 7/i for carpogonia. In staining sections,
iron hematoxylin is preferable, but it is not always possible to get the
spermatia and carpogonia differentiated to an optimum point for both
on the same slide. The carpogonia do not retain the stain well, whereas
a prolonged treatment is required by the spermatia. Counterstain with
Helminthocladiaceae.The more interesting species are grouped in
this family. A given species may be either monoecious, dioecious or
rarely both. The spermatia are borne on the ends of short, and often
densely crowded, branches. The carpogonia originate on short carpogonial branches; the terminal cell elongates into a trichogyne. The
fertilized egg develops into gonimoblasts whose terminal cells produce
Cumagloia andersonii, as previously noted, is one of the best species
to use (Fig. 45). Helminthora, which does not occur in the United States,
and Liagora, to be expected in Florida and perhaps farther north, are the
next best, but Nemalionc&n, of course, be used if none of the other genera
is available. Nemalion, which grows in scattered colonies on rocks in
the upper or middle littoral zone and is not common, is readily recognized



in the field b y the very slippery feeling of its dull brownish-red, terete
thalli. I n Liagora some species are slimy, but in others the gelatinous
matrix is more or less calcified; if a fluid containing acetic acid is used on
the calcified forms, no trouble should be encountered.
In order t o obtain the youngest stages in the development of both
spermatia and carpogonia, the very tips of the thalli must be used. T h e
younger plants are better. T h e terminal 1.5 or 2 m m . of the thallus
should be placed in one vial containing the killing fluid, the next 2 mm. in

FIG. 45.Cumagloia andersonii: median longitudinal section of portion of a carpogonial

plant, showing the essentially filamentous structure of the thallus. Fixed with chromacetic in sea water; microtomed at 16M; stained with iron hematoxylin and erythrosin.

a second vial, and the third 2 m m . in still another vial; portions of the
thallus over 5 or 6 m m . from the tip will ordinarily show only mature
structures. T h e standard chrom-acetic fluid may be used, or a few drops
of a 1 % aqueous solution of osmic acid m a y be added if desired, as well
as 1 g. of urea or saponin.
T o show the filamentous structure of the thallus, longitudinal sections
of the apex should be microtomed at about 18/i, transverse sections a
few microns thinner.
For the development of the spermatia, longitudinal
sections are best, cut at 8fi. T o show the characteristic downward growth
of the carposporophyte in Nemalion, which is rarely diagrammed accu
rately in botanical texts, longitudinal sections m a y be cut at I2fi.
studies in greater detail of either the spermatia or carpospores, the sec
tions should be much thinner; 5/x is about right, Such thin sections







naturally do not show the general topography of the thallus as well as

do the thicker sections.
Staining is exceedingly difficult with some genera, but iron hematox
ylin m a y be tried. T h e destaining must be rather carefully controlled

Flo. 46.Gtoinphloca confiisa: longitudinal section of thallus with three carpogonia

(one above the other, slightly to the left of the center). The very Small size of the carpo
gonia and their burial within the thallus indicate the careful search that must be made to
locate them. Fixed for 10 minutes in 1 % chrom-acetic in sea water; stained with iron
hematoxylin and fast green.

as the sex organs lose the stain long before the vegetative, portions are
properly differentiated.
Erythrosin differentiates the carpogonia and
spermatia unusually well, but the staining period with this dye should be
twice as long as when used on other plants.
I t has lately been found that Johansen's quadruple stain affords
clear and sharp results not obtainable with other stain combinations;
the material should have been fixed in a chrom-acetic fluid as formalinpreserved material does not take a good stain,



A l l the genera in the family lend themselves to the preparation

of whole mounts, but only fresh material should be used for this purpose.
Preserved material becomes too acid to take and retain stains. T h e
thalli of Nemalion and Cumagloia are so slippery that they can hardly be
kept in glass containers; small strainers, obtainable at any five- and tencent store, should be used to hold them. Pieces of thallus about 2 inches
in length should be fixed in 1 % chrom-acetic in sea water to remove the
pigment; wash thoroughly, transfer gradually to distilled water, then

F I G . 47.Gloiophloea confusa: longitudinal section of thallus with two young earposporophytes, the lower one being in median section. Fixation and staining as in Fig. 46.

pass through 10, 20, and 3 0 % ethyl alcohol. Stain with Harris' hematox
ylin, wash, and differentiate. Dehydrate somewhat slowly b y a gradual
hygrobutol method, and infiltrate with balsam. When ready to mount,
cut the thallus into portions about 1 cm. in length with scissors. I t will
be necessary to apply considerable pressure on the coverslip to spread the
thallus sufficiently; it would be better to crush the piece of thallus with
the flat side of a scalpel before adding the coverslip.
Chaetangiaceae.Scinaia, Gloiophloea, and Whidbeyella are found on
the Pacific Coast, Galaxaura on the south Atlantic. A l l are equally
interesting, but a little difficult to manipulate. T h e first three are softplants, but this is a deceptive quality, as they occasionally become so



cartilaginous after passing through the higher alcohols that they can
be neither embedded nor sectioned. Gloiophloea is exceptionally fine for
showing the development of the gonimoblasts from the carpogonium
(Figs. 46, 47). Galaxaura is more or less calcareous, but the hints given
as to the treatment of Liagora also apply here.
The apical tips of the plants should be collected if one is studying the
reproductive phases, as suggested under the Helminthocladiaceae. The
cells composing filaments, antheridia, and carpogonia are so small that
rather thin sections, at least 7 to 8M, are indicated. For general topog
raphy the sections may be cut a little thicker. Staining is very beautiful
with iron hematoxylin, which is comparatively easy to differentiate in
this family.

The order differs from the haplobiont Nemalionales in being diplobidnt; the carposporophyte develops directly from the carpogonium.
The plants are mostly slender or wiry and rather tough..
Gelidiaceae.Gelidium is a widespread genus, and some species are
of considerable economic importance as the source of agar. G. cartilagineum is common on the Pacific Coast, G. crinale on the Atlantic, and
other species are to be found on both coasts. The species first mentioned
is excellent for illustrating the development of the carpogonium peculiar
to the family, but the trouble is to get the material into paraffin without
its shrinking or becoming too cartilaginous. Satisfactory methods have
not yet been devised. The standard chrom-acetic fluid succeeds only
with the apices of the fronds or with the very youngest plants. Section
the material in the longitudinal plane.

Dumontiaceae.In this family the carpogonial branches and auxiliary

cell branches are distinctly separated from each other. Several genera
are available for demonstrating this condition. Cryptosiphonia wbodii
is supposed to be one of the best, but the technique for this plant has not
yet been sufficiently refined; the material is very apt to shrink completely
during dehydration. Fresh or well-preserved material may be treated
with hydrochloric acid and the complicated carpogonial filament and the
carposporophyte observed in their entirety.
Squamariaceae.The anatomy of Peyssonnelia is rather interesting;
the genus occurs from Florida to Maine. There are several other Atlantic
Coast genera. The usual methods should prove satisfactory.
Grateloupiaceae.In this family the carpogonia and auxiliary cells
are formed on inner branches of the cortical filaments; the gonimoblast
arises from a large basal stalk cell. On both coasts Grateloupia and



Halymenia are the genera most likely to be found, and on the west coast
Prionitis is very favorable material. It is not at all difficult to secure
series of stages by following the general methods.
Corallinaceae.The coralline red algae superficially form a decidedly
forbidding group of plants because of the heavy incrustation of calcium
salts on their fronds. There is little real basis for the claim that the
group is technically impossible since preparations of even the larger and
more heavily encrusted species are easily made. One need only make
certain that the lime has been completely removed during fixation. The
compact nature of the fronds permits exposure of the pieces of material
to the softening action of acids for long periods.
The larger crustaceous forms, which grow on rocks, stones, or wood
work, should be carefully scraped off in small portions. The small
crustose forms, which usually grow on other algae, are best removed
together with part of the host. For example, leaves of PhyUospadix or
Zostera or the main axis of Laurencia encrusted with Epilithon or Melo
besia may be cut into short'portions, dropped into the killing fluid,
embedded, and sectioned together. It is of no avail to attempt to sepa
rate them.' All the erect-branched species should be cut into convenient
short lengths. It is better to cut across the middle of an internode (or
segment) of the larger species than to break the joints apart at a node.
The nodes are not calcified.
' '
All the smaller species included in Melobesia and Epilithon are per
fectly fixed and sufficiently softened within 10 minutes or slightly longer
in the standard chrom-acetic fluid. In Epilithon (which is placed in
Lithothamnion by some authors and in Melobesia by others), particularly,
a fine series of developmental stages of all the reproductive phases are
easily obtained. The larger forms may be placed in the following solu
tion until soft (a month or longer may sometimes be required):

Distilled water


Glacial acetic acid




1 g.
10 cc.
8 cc.


Dissolve the salt in the distilled water first, and add the alcohol last,
pouring it in slowly while stirring the mixture; there should not be a white
turbidity. Wash out with 50% alcohol, and begin the dehydration proc
ess with the 50% step of the tertiary butyl alcohol method. The
material usually microtomes with surprising ease. Staining is excellent
with either iron or Harris' hematoxylin and erythrosin.
In genera with such broad joints as those of Amphiroa there may be
some difficulty in locating the sex organs, although tetrasporangia are
easily located,






Gloiosiphoniaceae.One species of Gloiosiphonia

occurs on the
Atlantic Coast, two on the Pacific. Whole mounts of portions of the
plant bearing tetrasporangia are possible, but since the material responds
nicely to treatment, sections should be made.
Callymeniaceae.The t w o most important genera are Callophyllis,
with several species on the Pacific Coast, and Callymenia, with one species
on the west and t w o on the Atlantic coasts. Plants of the former are
easily collected at v e r y low tides, but Callymenia grows in such deep
water that only floating or dredged plants can be picked up.

FIG. 48.Callophyllis furcata: longitudinal section of thallus perpendicular to flat

surface, with two young carposporophytes. Fixed with 1 % chrom-acetic in sea water;
stained with iron hematoxylin and erythrosin.
Callophyllis is probably the easiest of all Rhodophyta with thin, flat
fronds with which to work. Fixation with chrom-acetic is perfect; there
is no shrinkage or hardening during the embedding process, staining is
precise with iron hematoxylin, and it is a comparatively simple matter
to secure a complete series of stages from the two-celled procarp to mature
cystocarps ( F i g . 48). Cut off the tips of the plants about 6 mm. back
from the apex, and section these in a vertical longitudinal direction at
l()yu. T h e remainder of the thallus may be cut up into portions about
4 mm. long and microtomed transversely. Most of the plants collected
will be cystocarpic; finding the spermatia and tetrasporangia is a matter
of sectioning and examining material from a large number of plants. For
this reason only material from a given plant should be placed in each vial.
For a discussion of this order, one cannot do better than to study
Kylin's papers ( K y l i n 1928, 1932) and to follow the bibliographies listed



therein. A large number of the genera mentioned in these papers are to

be found on either coast of the United States (see also Taylor 1937).
Practically all of the species are perfectly fixed with the; standard
chrom-acetic fluid, but the species in the Gigartinaceae are exceedingly
troublesome. The writer has never obtained really good fixation of
either Chondrus or Iridaea after innumerable trials; success was had with
two or three species of Gigartina but not at all with others. Species with
the cells closely packed together are; easier to manipulate than those
with a rather loose cellular organization. Firmness to the touch does not
always connote solidity of structure; for instance, thalli of species of
Gigartina which have a rigid feeling when pressed with the fingers never
theless become reduced to formless masses either,during fixation or wash
ing. Since the gelatinous substance permeating the large intercellular
spaces is of a carbohydrate nature, there is no known method of pre
cipitating or coagulating it, as can be done with proteinaceous substances.
Sometimes treatment with hydrochloric acid, either during or immedi
ately after fixation, prevents excessive dissociation. Very young portions
of the thallus are generally more solid than the older parts; since these
bear the spermatangia and carpogonia, good fixation can usually be
obtained. Small portions of the thallus cortex with mature cystocarps
can be removed and fixed separately.
Agardhiella and Gracilaria are particularly to be recommended; they
are easy to fix, to section, and to stain with iron hematoxylin. If care
is taken to obtain the youngest fruiting tips, a fine series of stages in the
development of the carpogonia! branches and carpospores is readily
In the following discussion; those families which have no easily col
lected representatives on either the Atlantic or Pacific Coast are omitted.
Solieriaceae.Agardhiella tenera is found all along the Atlantic Coast
and A. coulieri on the Pacific side. They are exceptionally easy algae to
work with. Sarcodiotheca, occurring in Washington, is likewise easy.
The plants are heterothallic, large, bushy, with cylindrical, tapering
branches that have a peculiarly fleshy, firm texture. The tetrasporangia
and cystocarps are scattered, the spermatia are formed in patches on
young branches., For the origin of all stages, remove 2 to 3 mm. lengths
of the tips of the branches, and microtome longitudinally at 7 to llu.
For developing gonimoblasts and tetraspores, use the next few millimeters
of the tips, but section transversely at 12it. The mature cystocarps are
easily recognized as darker red spots in the thalli; cut out short portions
bearing such spots, and microtome them transversely at I0u. Stain all
stages with iron hematoxylin and fast green.
Rhodophyllidaceae.Two genera occur on the north Atlantic Coast.
RhodophyUis has flat, compact membranous thalli which appear to be






unlikely to give difficulty during fixation and dehydration. Fix short

portions of the apices for the younger developmental stages; otherwise
treat as in the preceding family.
Plocamiaceae.Two species of Plocamium are to be found on the
Pacific Coast. The thalli are richly branched, somewhat flattened, and
bear the reproductive bodies on the small side branches. Remove a
group of these branches, embed, and microtome in the horizontal longi
tudinal plane at 10/*. Mount as serial sections, since neither spermatangia nor carpogonia are abundant. Stain with iron hematoxylin, but
avoid overdoing the counterstain.
Gracilariaceae.On the Pacific Coast Gracilaria sjostedtii is very
abundant in late spring, and its manipulation gives absolutely no trouble,
although spermatangia and carpogonia are difficult to find. The devel
oping and maturing cystocarps are recognizable immediately as "warts"
scattered along the long, cylindrical thallus; section these both longi
tudinally and transversely, mounting only sections going 'through the
pore. There are two species on the Atlantic Coast; one is cylindrical and
the other flattened. All these species ^are found in shallow, quiet, and
warm bays or coves.
Gigartinaceae.Four genera which superficially do not appear to
be closely related are placed in the family: Chondrus, Iridaea (Iridophycus), Rhodoglossum, and Gigartina. The exceedingly variable "Irish
moss," Chondrus crispus, occurs on both coasts. Spermatia and carpospores are produced during the summer and tetraspores during the
autumn. The plants become extremely brittle during dehydration, but
if the process is made very gradual, efforts to get young tips into paraffin
may be successful. Section these tips in the vertical longitudinal plane
at 10M.
Only one very small species of Gigartina grows on the'north Atlantic
Coast, whereas the genus has about 10 species on the Pacific side, some
of them being among the largest of all Rhodophyta. The taxonomy of
these species is still chaotic despite recent attempts to straighten it out.
The cystocarps of Gigartina are borne in special short branches which
densely cover the thallus in most species. A all stages in development
save the very youngest are readily recognized externally, a series of stages
is easy to collect. G. canaliculata, a slender plant which feels soft when
handled in the fresh condition, is really cartilaginous and becomes so
hardened and desiccated during dehydration that it cannot be micro
tomed. If paraffin blocks of this and other species of the Gigartinales
are placed in water, the portions promptly "blow out." In fact the
sections can hardly be placed in water to straighten them out, as they
invariably twist themselves out of the paraffin. Celloidin embedding is
not much better. G. binghamiae^has proved to be the species most amen-



able to treatment, but it must be said that a satisfactory fixing fluid and
dehydration method for the entire family has yet to be devised.
Iridaea is one of the commonest red algae during the summer and
autumn along the Pacific Coast. All reproductive phases are buried
within the thallus. A long series of killingfluidsand various dehydration
methods were utilized in an attempt to manipulate this genus, but no
conclusive results were obtained. The most satisfactory fixation was
obtained with the following:

hydrochloric acid in sea


Glacial acetic acid
Chromic acid

90 c c .
6 cc.
5 cc.

Stenogramme interrupta, which may be found at, or below, the lowest

tide levels along the central California coast, is the only species in the
family with which the writer has had consistently good fixation and
staining results. Remove 4 mm. of the apices of the thalli, then fix
separately the next, the third, and the fourth 4-mm. portions. The apices
should be microtomed in the vertical longitudinal plane, the others
transversely, at not over 8u. In the apical portions the origin and devel
opment of the procarps or spermatia will be found; young stages of tetraspore formation will be found in similar portions from tetrasporangial

Included in the order are innumerable forms which are exceedingly

beautiful when observed under the microscope, whether living or stained
and mounted. For the most part these species arefilamentous,but some
are polysiphonous, others frondrose, while still others are more or less
saccate and solitary or colonial. Few technique difficulties are likely to
be encountered with any of the species.
Ceramiaceae.Material of the species belonging to this family is
abundant and easily collected. The difficulty is to obtain the sexual
reproductive phases, as the bulk of the material usually collected tends to
show only tetraspores, if fruiting at all.
All the species are readily transformed into permanent mounts. As
the family is strictly marine, fixation of material intended for whole
mounts is excellent in 10% formalin in sea water, or the usual 1% chromacetic fluid may be employed. The change from sea water to distilled
water should be more gradual than usual as there is sometimes a tendency
for the tetraspores to collapse either during this change or during the
dehydration process. Staining is very good in Harris' hematoxylin with
counterstaining in erythrosin. i



Material intended for embedding m a y be fixed in the standard chromacetic solution, which should be diluted with an equal portion of sea
water. I f division figures are desired, the material must be transferred
directly from the ocean into the killing fluid, and the only time when
mitoses are likely to be caught is around midnight. T h e time of fixation

FIG. 49.Ceramium californicum: whole mount of a portion of a vegetative plant.

The banded appearance characteristic of the genus, and the protoplasmic connections
between adjoining cells, are clearly shown. Fixed in 1 % chrom-acetic in sea water for
4 minutes; stained with Harris' hematoxylin and erythrosin.

is extremely short, even with the highly diluted fluids, hence its progress
must be carefully watched. T h e material should remain in the paraffin
oven for the briefest possible period. I t would save much time and work
later on if the pieces of material were embedded in bunches.
seems to be best with iron hematoxylin and erythrosin.
Antithamnion is one of the most widespread of the various genera.
grows on the piles of wharves and docks, on the bottoms of small boats.


3 0 7

and on the laminae and stipes of the larger Laminariales. The plants
generally contain tetraspores; plants with gonimoblasts and spermatia
are not often encountered, but when found a fine series of developmental
stages is often present. Whole mounts are preferable; critical attention
needs to be paid to the staining.
Callithamnion and Ceramium are also common, but it is sometimes
difficult to collect them, especially the latter, when in fruit.<. Ceramium,
however, has such an interesting thallus structure that even sterile mate
rial is well worth mounting entire (Fig. 4.9). Compared to the other
genera, Ptilota may appear to have too thick a frond for whole mounts to
be made, but such is not the case since a transparent stain; is readily
obtained with Harris' hematoxylin and erythrosin. Griffithsia is easily
mounted whole, but as the reproductive regions may be obscured if the
pieces of frond are not carefully examined before the coverslip is applied,
sections may be more useful. Fix in diluted 1 % chrom-acetic, section at
3 to 5/t, and stain with iron hematoxylin.
Spermothamnion is known from the Atlantic Coast, but it is said to
be difficult to find in the fruiting condition, and spermatangia have not
been found.
Delesseriaceae.Most of the species in this family possess mem
branous fronds, and all are easily fixed and microtomed. On the Pacific
Coast one may select Nitophyllum, which attains a considerable size and
is easily collected- There are a number of other genera, species of which
may be found on either or both coasts, which are so closely related to, or
otherwise so resemble, Nitophyllum that they may be treated similarly.
These include: Erythroglossum, Polyneura, Heteronema, Delesseria, Cryptopleura, Membranoptera, and others.
. .
Remove the very tips of the fronds from the plants, and microtome
these longitudinally both perpendicular and parallel to the flat surface at
about lO/i. Stain with iron hematoxylin and counterstain cautiously to
avoid overstaining. The procarps are rather difficult to locate, not
being any too numerous. Older portions of the fronds may be sectioned
Rhodomelaceae.Some of the commonest and most interesting of
all red algae are included in the. Rhodomelaceae. It contains Polysiphonia, which has doubtless been studied more extensively than any other
red alga. This perhaps is more because of its general availability than
for any other reasons, since there are other genera easier to handle and.
of simpler structure but with the same methods of forming the reproduc
tive bodies. Pterosiphonia is an example.
Despite their wide distribution many of the Rhodomelaceae are diffi
cult to collect at most localities, either for lack of abundance or of a
healthy and vigorous!" growing or fruiting condition. The various



species grow on rocks, in sandy areas between protecting rocks (Polysiphonia especially), or on piles or other larger algae. One will find
oneself compelled to study the habitat preferences of the different genera
rather carefully and to collect material frequently over a long period in
order to secure all the stages in reproduction. If not sterile, one too
frequently finds only tetrasporangia in most of the material collected.
Some species have been found to complete development and disappear
within 40 to 60 days.
A word of caution concerning Polysiphonia and related genera is in
order: the plants rapidly begin to putrefy after being removed from the
water and evolve a characteristic odor resembling that of hydrogen
sulphide; consequently they should be placed in a 6% formalin solution
in sea water while being collected and later transferred to some other
fixing fluid.
All the polysiphonous forms may be treated alike. This statement j
includes the following genera: Polysiphonia, Pterosiphonia, Helerosiphonu;,
Herposiphonia, and Lophosiphonia, most of which are Pacific Coast
genera. For whole mounts 10% formalin in sea water is satisfactory; for
embedding and sectioning, the regular chrom-acetic or the following fluid
may be used:



1 %

glacial acetic

Sea water

a c i d in sea w a t e r




- 10




Fix 5 to 40 minutes, depending upon the "toughness" of the species, and

wash out thoroughly with sea water. Cut longitudinally at 5 to
stain with iron hematoxylin or a triple combination. If the species is
one that shows a tendency to shoot to pieces when placed in a chromacetic fluid, the following alcoholic formula will overcome the trouble:

ethyl alcohol





Wash with 50% ethyl alcohol, and avoid going into water.
With material intended for whole mounts it is necessary to get rid of
the natural pigments before a satisfactory stain can be obtained. The
pigments inhibit staining. The process of extracting them is simple:
wash out the formalin killing fluid, place the material in 1 % chromic acid
in sea water, watch the process of color extraction (which should take
place rapidly if the material is exposed to sunlight), and stop as soon as
completed by washing with sea water. Harris' hematoxylin gives a
superb differentiation to material intended for whole mounts; counterstain
with erythrosin. Dehydration is preferably with hygrobutol.
The nonpolysiphonous forms, which for the most part possess thalli
too thick for whole mounts, present no difficulties in the way of fixation



and staining. Portions of the older thalli of the polysiphonous forms may
also be sectioned for anatomical details.
Rhodomela larix is very common on rocks in the middle littoral zone
on the Pacific Coast, and there are three species along the Atlantic.
Embed portions of the thallus, and make both transverse and longitudinal
Ricardia saccata is an unusually good type in which to demonstrate
the origin of the procarps and the development of the cystocarps (Fig.
T h e plants form brownish grape-like clusters on Rhodomela larix.
Small specimens may be fixed entire, but portions should be cut out of the
older inflated sacs. Microtome transversely at 6 to 8;u.

FIG. 50.Ricardia saccata: cross section of portion of saccate thallus with cystocarps
containing, at left, a young carpogonium and, at right, carpospores. Fixed with chromacetic in sea water; stained with iron hematoxylin and erythrosin.

Laurencia includes two or three species on the Pacific Coast and

several in Florida. L. virgata is an unusually good form with which to
work, as it is easily embedded and all developmental stages can be fol
lowed out (Figs. 51, 52, 53).

There are far more tropical and subtropical representatives of the

order than there are species occurring in the United States, and there
also are more on the Pacific than on the Atlantic Coast. T h e order is
made up of plants somewhat diverse in habit, but all give little or no
difficulty from this standpoint, with the exception of Halosaccion.
Rhodymeniaceae.Halosaccion forms obovate, hollow plants which
are difficult to section and stain and are not worth the trouble that they






Rhodymenia has one species which extends from N e w Jersey into the
Arctic regions and is a deep-water perennial; there are several species on
the Pacific Coast. Chrysmenia occurs in Florida and California. Gen
eral methods are applicable to both genera.

FIG. 51.Laurencia spectabilis: median longitudinal section of a spermatangium with

spermatia. Fixed with 1 % chrom-acetic in sea water for 20 minutes; stained with iron
hematoxylin and erythrosin.
Champiaceae.Considerable work has been done upon Gastroclonium
coulteri (Lomentaria ovalis), which occurs abundantly on the Pacific Coast
and is easily manipulated.
It is perennial and can be collected at any
time, but the plants often show the effects of their inability to withstand
the buffeting of the waves. I t is heterothallic, but the spermatangial
plants are very difficult to find. Fix the terminal 5 mm. of the short
lateral branches and microtome longitudinally at 10/i. These will show
the group of approximately 15 apical cells and probably carpogonial



filaments or gonimoblasts. Somewhat older portions of the branches

may be selected and sectioned transversely for the carpospores.
Tetrasporangial plants are less abundant than the cystocarpic; they m a y show

F I G . 52.Laurencia virgata: longitudinal section of apex of frond with very young

carposporophyte. Fixed in chrom-acetic in sea water; stained w ith iron hematoxylin and
fast green.

FIG. 53.Laurencia virgata: longitudinal section of apex of frond with developing carpo
sporophyte. Fixation and staining as in Fig. 52.

either tetrasporangia with four tetraspores or parasporangia with 15 to 20

T w o species of Lomentaria occur on the Atlantic side and may be
treated like Gastroclonium.
One species of Champia also occurs on the
East coast and is so small that whole mounts may be prepared.


The MyxothallOphyta are the simplest of the plants commonly known

as "fungi" (MacBride and Martin 1934). They are characterized by an
assimilative phase which consists of a naked, multinucleate, and mobile
mass of protoplasm known as the " Plasmodium"; and a reproductive
phase which in most cases consists of a membranous spore case. The
latter frequently contains, in addition to the spores, a capillitium of
netted or free threads and sometimes bears, inside or on the outside,
calcareous deposits.
Occurrence.Myxomycetes occur in all except the coldest regions,
thriving best in damp habitats. Most of them are very small and the
free-living forms are exceedingly fragile structures. Some of the latter
can be found in warm, moist locations at almost any time of year. The
amoeboid and plasmodial stages occur in the upper layers of soil and in
decaying surface vegetation. The beautifully colored saprophytic forms
are easily collected. Stemonitis, the most widespread and readily recog
nized form, grows on rotting wood, and its sporophore is dark brown in
color. Other forms are found on beams in damp-cellars and on other
fungi, such as agarics, boletes, and Polyporus.
Collection and Preservation.These delicate organisms must obvi
ously be handled with great care.
If the organisms are not to be killed and fixed in the field, they may
be placed in boxes for transportation to the laboratory. An ordinary
pasteboard box with a piece of cork linoleum covering the bottom serves
satisfactorily. The pieces of wood or other substrate carrying the
organisms may be pinned to the cork to hold them in place. Damage to
the organisms causes either cessation of development or abnormal growth
of the fruiting bodies, and the greatest care, particularly, must be taken
not to let them become dried. It is usually impossible to bring immature
fruit to normal maturity in the laboratory; if the myxomycete is in the
immature fruiting condition, leave it where it is, watch carefully until it
matures, then collect, and place immediately in the killing fluid. For
herbarium purposes only mature fruiting material should be collected.
Most botanists simply let the organisms dry on the substrate and later
glue or sew them to the bottom of small boxes, one species to a container.
The boxes in which slides come are ideal for the purpose. Entire colonies



may be preserved in a mixture of 5 cc. formalin and 10 cc. glycerin in 100

cc. distilled water, but there is always the danger that colors other than
brown or black will disappear in time.
Fixation.A weak chrom-acetic fluid is good. About 1 g. chromic
acid and 3 cc. glacial acetic acid to 100 cc. water have also proved to be
satisfactory. Allen's modification of Bouin's fluid has been strongly
recommended (Howard 193 lo, 6). Formalin-aceto-alcohol has worked
very well, but it is probably not to be recommended for the finest details.
For dehydrating, avoid xylol and similar fluids which tend to harden the '
tissues so excessively that they crack during microtoming. Infiltration
is not difficult, but avoid leaving overlong in the paraffin oven.
Free-living forms growing on rotten wood {e.g., Trichia) should not
be scraped off the wood, as damage inevitably results. Cut out suitable
portions of the wood bearing the plasmodia and sporangia, and work
up as if they were one. Rotten wood presents no difficulties whatever in
embedding and microtoming.-'
Sections need not necessarily be very thin, save for cytological details^
For general morphology, 10/* is not too thick; half that thickness is thin
enough for most purposes.
Simple Whole Mounts.Put fresh fruiting material on a slide, wet
with alcohol, and then, if necessary, with 2 to 3 % potassium hydroxide
to restore plumpness. The hydroxide may be mixed with a little glycerin
if the material is required for prolonged examination. Permanent prep
arations may be made by placing the material on a circular coverslip in a
drop of Amann's medium:
Lactic acid.

20 g.

20 g.


40 cc.

Distilled water

20 cc.

Cover with another coverslip of slightly smaller diameter, set aside until
the medium has hardened sufficiently, and then the whole may be inverted
over a drop of balsam on a slide.
Whole mounts of the forms which are naturally dark colored are
readily made. Kill in 95% alcohol for a few hours, and wash out with a
change of 95% alcohol. 'Transfer to a deep watch glass and give two or
three changes of hygrobutol, then add balsam diluted with hygrobutol.
Evaporate to a mountable consistency. To show up the capillitium,
however, it is necessary to get rid of most of the spores. Place the
myxomycete in a warm place for
hour, then, by tapping smartly
against the substrate, displace the spores, and when enough have been
removed, proceed to the killing.
Sections.All forms are very easily embedded and sectioned. Do
not leave the material in the oven too long since heat tends to harden it.



Staining.Most forms which are naturally dark colored can be

mounted entire without staining, as has been described above. Stemonitis is an example of the types which make beautiful whole mounts without
For the Plasmodium iron hematoxylin is the best stain. Resting and
germinating spores, killed andfixed,acquire a sharp and precise stain with
crystal violet (Cotner 1930). Acid fuchsin is said to be an excellent stain
for the plasmodial strands, and rose bengal is recommended for soil forms.
Spores may be readily germinated in aqueous dilutions of the vital
dyes (Howard' 1931). Use dilutions of about 1:20,000. Place a large
drop of the dye solution on a slide, sow the spores in the drop, then place
the whole in a humid chamber. The myxomycete will go through its
normal course of development, unless this is checked by contaminating
bacteria or protozoa, and abundant plasmodia may develop in about 72
hours after sowing the spores. To study the vacuoles, their size, distribu
tion, and movement, use neutral red. The cytoplasm takes an intense
stain with methylene blue. Both the cytoplasm and mitochondria take
up Janus green B. These methods have been tried only with the
- Cultivation.Spores of most forms will germinate as soon as they are
thoroughly ripened. Vitality of spores probably does not extend over
three years. Germination takes place in from 20 minutes to three or four
days, depending upon the species and the age of the spores. For the
details of spore germination, reference should be made to published papers
(Howard 1931).
Spores may be germinated in autoclaved tap water. Young plas
modia can be obtained in this fashion, and portions may be transferred to
solid media for further developmental stages. An acidified oatmeal agar
is probably the best medium. Put 30 g. rolled oats or oatmeal, 15 g.
agar, and 1 liter water in a double boiler, and cook for 15 minutes. Trans
fer the gruel to aflask,and autoclave for 15 minutes at 15 pounds pressure.
When sufficiently cool, pour into Petri dishes, flasks, or other suitable
containers. The medium should be definitely acid in reaction in order to
prevent excessive growth of' bacteria. The temperature at which the
Plasmodium grows best is slightly above room temperature (about 20 to

Mannite agar forms a favorite substratum for the cultivation of

Plasmodia. The formula is as follows:.

Dibasic potassium














15 g.

Distilled water





Autoclave, and pour into Petri dishes. This medium is unfavorable for
the growth of bacteria and most other fungi.
A great many other methods have also been proposed (e.g., Camp
T h e above methods yield an abundance of plasmodia but not in a
condition for them to be of direct use for slide-making purposes.
I t will
be necessary to grow the Plasmodium directly upon the slides; this,
fortunately can be readily accomplished. Obtain a shallow wooden box
about 2 inches deep and a pane of glass large enough to cover it. Place

F I G . 54.Ceratiomyxa jyorioidcs: vertical longitudinal section of pillar with mitoses.

with alcoholic Bouin's; stained with iron hematoxylin and orange G.


two or three layers of blotting paper or drying felt on the bottom and
moisten thoroughly with sterile water. On another piece of stiff absorb
ent paper, cut so that it can be easily placed in and removed from the
box, arrange chemically clean slides side b y side in rows. W i t h a steril
ized wide, thin, and soft-bristled paintbrush, cover the slides with a thin
film of the melted oatmeal agar medium described in the preceding para
graph. T r y to make the film as even as possible over the slides and
uniformly thick; as the Plasmodium will grow rapidly, the film should
not be over 0.1 mm. thick. Place the paper with the slides in the box, and
cover until the agar solidifies. T h e dry paper will absorb sufficient water
from the lower dampened layers. N e x t , taking all possible precautions
to avoid bacterial and mold contaminations, remove tiny portions of
vigorously growing Plasmodium from a culture by means of a platinum






loop, and place one in the center of each slide. Replace the coyer, and
set the giant moist chamber in a warm place to incubate.
In only a few
hours the slides may be covered with plasmodia.
When growth has
reached the desired stage, remove the slides, and plunge into jars of fixa
tive (Allen's Bouin has been recommended) for several hours.
from the fixative, wash, scrape off excess or unwanted growth, then
proceed to the staining.
If the film of agar was thin and perfectly flat,
no difficulty in mounting in balsam should be experienced.

FIG. 55.Ceratiomyxa porioides: section of pillar with early spore formation.

alcoholic Bouin's; stained with iron hematoxylin.

Fixed with

T h e agar may be omitted and the Plasmodium grown directly on the

slips, but growth may not be quite so regular and abundant.
B y exposing the plasmodia gradually to the air, sclerotization will take
place. After desiccation has been completed, the sclerotia may be stored
for at least a year. Reactivation of the sclerotium and development of
new plasmodia may be brought about by wetting the material (but not
submerging in water). A n abundance of oxygen appears to be necessary
for regrowth.
The division contains a single genus, Ceratiomyxa, which in turn is
probably monospecific. I t is actually an extremely common myxomycete



but is not often collected. It occurs on decaying wood. The Plas

modium is colorless when very young, but as it grows older, it turns white
or occasionally has a pink or bluish tinge. The Plasmodium grows within
the wood; when ready to fruit, it breaks through at the surface and pro
duces a stalk-line fructification composed of membranous, columnar,
simple or branching sporophores on whose surface stalked spores are
Ceratiomyxa is an exceedingly fragile plant: the slightest shaking, high
temperatures, or sudden drying will ruin the culture. It is better to fix
the material in the field rather than attempt to bring specimens to the
laboratory for the purpose. The spores, however, may be germinated
in the laboratory, using small culture vessels for the purpose, and the
entire culture may be killed by cautiously adding the killing fluid. The
most satisfactory reagent is a Variation of Bouin's fluid, made by using a
saturated solution of picric acid in 70% alcohol in place of the usual satu
rated aqueous solution (Gilbert 1935). Embed material as usual and
microtome at 5/x. Staining should be with iron hematoxylin for all
stages (Figs. 54, 55).

The forms whose beauty is so captivating belong among the Myxo

gastres, which includes upward of 400 species. The general methods for
the Myxothallophyta apply.

The Acrasieae resemble the other myxomycetes only superficially.

They pass the whole of their vegetative period as naked amoeboids;
neither swarm spores nor a true Plasmodium occur. In their fruiting
phase they merely become loosely aggregated together.
The Acrasieae occur in the soil, in decaying wood, and on dung or
other organic matter. Polysphondylium and Dictyostelium have fre
quently figured in morphogenesis investigations (Harper 1926, 1929;
Raper and Thom 1932). Growth appears to be most luxuriant on mannite agar to which sterile shredded rat dung has been added just before
the agar solidifies. The medium should be adjusted to a pH of 6.0.
Permanent preparations may be made according to the general methods
cited above.




The Mycophyta include the vast group of saprophytic. or parasitic'

plants known as "fungi." They differ from practically all other plants
in that they are unable to carry on photosynthesis.
. I The carbohydrate reserve is glycogen, never starch. In the cell wall
Ipf primitive species cellulose predominates, but in the more advanced
Ijspecies so-called "chitin" is commonly found. Pectose and callose
' also occur in fungal cell walls.
Cultivation.Methods of cultivating the fungi are so numerous that
it is impossible in the space available to cite even the general methods.
A compilation of culture methods for all the fungi has apparently never
been made.. Most fungi grow well on all ordinary bacteriological media
(Levine and Schoenlein 1930), but flourish better if a sugar is added.
Decoctions of horse dung, potatoes, beans, prunes, etc., may be solidified
with agar and used as culture media. Or 1% Difco peptone plus 5%
crude dextrose solidified with 1.5% agar is excellent for nearly all types.
Sabouraud's medium is extensively employed for the culture of fungi:







10 g.

Distilled water

1 liter

Dissolve the substances, adjust the pH to 5.5, filter, tube for slants or
talis, and sterilize at 15 pounds pressure for 15 minutes.
Still another medium is the Dox and Thom modification of Czapek's
solution agar, which is the standard medium on which to grow Aspergillus
(Thom and Church 1926) in controlled cultures; it is also suitable for fungi
in general, Actihomycetes, and Penicillium, but not for Mucor:






Dibasic potassium phosphate






Ferric chloride




Ferrous sulphate


Distilled water.

1 liter






One difficulty in cultivating molds is to prevent or keep down the

growth of bacteria. Most of the proposed methods are unnecessarily
complicated, requiring special apparatus, difficult techniques, or timeconsuming procedures. A simple mechanical method (Raper 1937) is
one of the easiest. Fuse three small glass beads not over 0.5 mm. deep
to one end of a Van Tieghem ring (merely a piece of glass tubing about
1.5 cm. in diameter and 6 to 7 mm. in length), and place the ring in a
Petri dish with the beaded end on the bottom. Pour sufficient nutrient
agar into the Petri dish until about three-fourths of the depth of the ring
is covered. After the agar has solidified, place a bit of the inoculum on
the agar within the ring. The mycelium will grow down within the ring
and out into the surrounding agar between the beads, thence to the
surface outside the exposed top of the ring. The contaminating bacteria
will not be carried along by the mycelium, consequently small portions
of the latter may be removed and transferred to fresh media and bacteriafree cultures obtained.
It has been recommended that citric acid be added: the addition of
about 5% of the acid should be sufficient. Tartaric acid also retards
the growth of bacteria. Make a solution containing 5 % dextrose and 5 %
tartaric acid. After autoclaving, this mixture may be kept for some time.
When a culture medium is needed, melt a deep tube (about 10 cc.) of
ordinary nutrient agar (preferably containing meat extract and peptone),
and add to it 1 cc. of the dextrose-acid solution. This gives a final
concentration of about 5% dextrose and 0.5% tartaric acid, with a pH
of about 3.8.
When fungi are grown on an agar medium and both fungus and
substrate are to be fixed and sectioned, the addition of a little lampblack
to the agar just before sterilizing has been recommended, as making it
easier to locate the sections of the fungus. The lampblack has not been
found to have any effect upon the development of any fungus grown on
media to which it has been added.
Further cultural directions will be outlined for many of the species
described in detail below.
Fixation.All the fleshy and parasitic fungi are excellently fixed with
formalin-propiono-alcohol. A weak or medium chrom-acetic or a weak
chrom-osmo-acetic also serve well. About 1 % saponin or 0.2% ethyl or
methyl acetate is advantageously added to all aqueous fluids in order to
lessen the surface tension. Gelatinous forms are apparently better
fixed in aqueous than in alcoholic fluids, since the latter may sometimes
cause such a contraction of the gelatinous substance that the hyphae are
distorted. Care should be taken not to overdo the fixation.
For mitochondria in fungi, any fixing fluid giving a basic fixation

image m a y be employed.



Many plant pathologists claim that it is impossible to obtain adequate

preservation of both fungus and host in the case of parasitic species, and
there appears to be considerable ground for, their complaint. The trouble
apparently has been due principally to the older dehydration methods.
General Staining.Most fungi are easily stained with all the various
hematoxylin schedules. Iron hematoxylin is particularly favored as a
cytological stain. The coal-tar dyes as a rule stain well but are fre
quently difficult to differentiate satisfactorily, particularly in the spores.
Differential Staining of Fungus and Host.Quadruple staining com
binations are the most satisfactory on parasitic species since the mycelium
is well brought out in the host tissues. Many methods have, in fact, been
proposed for distinguishing mycelium in woody tissues, but all of them
have the disadvantage of requiring much experience to obtain a really
first-class differentiation (see Stoughton 1930, Vaughan 1914).
Advantage may be taken of the oxidizing or reducing powers of the
mycelium: silver nitrate in weak solution stains mycelium brown or orange
and the wood a light brown.The following is a rapid method of detecting mycelium of wood-rotting
1. Boil infected blocks (about 1-cm. cubes) for 30 minutes or longer,
and soak for several hours to a few days in equal parts of glycerin and
70% alcohol, then cut freehand sections in a sliding microtome.
2. Flood sections with Bismarck brown (2% solution in 70% alcohol).
Time varies according to the material, but 1 or 2 minutes usually suffices.
3. Drain excess stain, and wash with distilled water.
4. Flood sections with a saturated aqueous solution of methyl violet
for 2 minutes (or use a diluted stain and increase the time).
5. Wash out excess stain with distilled water. Mount a specimen
section in water, and examine microscopically. If the brown is too faint,
begin the staining process again with step 2; if the violet is hot strong
enough, return to the violet stain. Wash again thoroughly before
proceeding tm the following step.
6. Flood sections with 50 % dioxan, pour off immediately, and replace
with 70% dioxan. After 10 seconds replace the 70% dioxan with pure
dioxan. Give two more changes of pure dioxan, then mount the sections
in balsam. The sections should never be placed directly in pure dioxan
as the latter will precipitate dye all over the sections. Hyphae are
stained deep violet; cell walls of the wood are yellow to brown. The
bordered pits and medullary rays of conifers are usually stained violet.
The following is an excellent method for paraffin sections of infected
tissues (Margolena 19326): bring slides down to water, and stain for 1 hour
in a solution of 0.1 g. thionin and-100 cc. of a 5% aqueous solution of
phenol. Rinse in water, counterstain in 0.5 % light green in 95 % alcohol



until the sections appear green; wash with water, which will remove all
the green color except from the xylem, pass through 95% alcohol and
absolute alcohol, and again counterstain in a mixture of orange G and
erythrosin (1 part saturated orange G in absolute alcohol to 2 parts
saturated erythrosin in clove oil). Clear in xylol, and mount in balsam.
Cutin and spore walls are yellow, cellulose yellowish-pink, cytoplasm
pink, lignified elements green, middle lamellae reddish, Ijyphae and spores
Another excellent method for sections (Ikata 1932) consists in staining
them 5 to 10 minutes in 1% methyl violet in 50% ethyl alcohol, washing
briefly in 50 % alcohol, and then staining for 30 to 60 minutes in 1 % eosin
in 50% alcohol. Differentiate in a mixture of 2 parts turpentine, 1 part
cedar oil, and-2 parts phenol crystals. Next wash in xylol, then mount.
The cell walls of the host are stained violet, the chloroplasts and granules
red, and the hyphae an intense red.

Members of the Mycophyta in which the asexual spores are produced

in indefinite numbers within a sporangium are included in the Phycomycetae. No single distinctive type of spore is produced. In most
species the zygote resulting from gametic union produces a thick wall.
and a resting period precedes germination. The mycelium is generally
nonseptate but may occasionally be transversely septate. Some genera
do not produce a mycelium. There is, in any event, no production of a
macroscopic plant body.
All the Phycomycetae are either saprophytic or parasitic and many
genera are aquatic in habitat.

The two more prominent genera are Plasmodidphora, in which the

spores at maturity lie free in the host cell, and Spongospora, in which the
spores are united in a solid sponge-like ball at maturity.
The single species of Spongospora, S. subterranea, is the cause of
powdery scab of potatoes. Accounts of the life history are contradictory.
Portions of infected tubers may be fixed in a medium chrom-acetic fluid.
cFor the myxamoeba stages thin sections of very recently affected tubers
are needed. For nuclear details stain in iron hematoxylin and fast green;
for general morphology any triple combination may be used.

brassicae occurs in the roots of Brassica

ohracea and

related species, causing readily apparent malformations (Fig. 56). For

the myxamoeba, roots of seedlings should be used if there is reason to
suspect that they are infected. Roots that have begun to swell will show
the later stages; spores will be found in badly swollen roots. Formalin-



aceto-aleohol has given excellent fixation of all stages when followed by

tertiary butyl alcohol dehydration.
Navashin's fluid or a medium chromosmo-acetic fluid might also be tried. T h e stains recommended for
Spongospora may be applied.


Members of this order, commonly called "chytrids," are regarded as

the lowest of the fungi by some authors (Fitzpatrick 1930).
T h e plant body is unicellular, or with only a weakly developed
mycelium. M o s t of the species are parasitic. In some species the entire
cell becomes transformed into a reproductive body; in other species, the
cell becomes differentiated into a globose fertile portion and a rhizoidal
vegetative portion. A simple and quick method of obtaining chytrids
is to place fresh or dry pine pollen in pond water. T h e pollen presumably
carries zoospores. T h e grains may be removed after 2 or 3 days and




Rhizidiaceae.The unicellular parasitic plant body is differentiated

into a walled fertile portion, which lies external to the host, and a naked
branched rhizoidal portion. T h e species, of which there are both marine
and fresh-water types, grow upon other aquatic fungi, on algae, or on
pollen grains. W h o l e mounts are probably the only kind of permanent
preparations that can be made; most of the published observations appear
to have been made from living material.
Olpidiaceae.The entire unicellular plant body, which lies completely
within the host cell, is fertile. Treatment is predicated b y the nature of

F I G . 57.Synchytrium amsinckiae: cross section of Amsinckia leaf with three uni

nucleate summer spores. Fixed with formalin-aceto-alcohol; stained with iron hematoxylin
and fast green.

the host; whole mounts should be made when possible. Iron hematoxylin
is the preferred stain for nuclear details.
Synchytriaceae.Most of the species are parasitic in the epidermal
cells of Angiosperms. T h e whole of the plant body lies within the epi
dermal cell, and all of it goes into the formation of an aplanospore which
in turn is transformed into zoospores.
is the best known of the Chytridiales. Its range is
cosmopolitan. Navashin's fluid, preceded or not b y a 10-minute immer
sion in Carnoy's fluid, appears to give very good fixation; formalin-acetoalcohol causes some plasmolysis. Cut out portions of infected leaves,
fix, embed, and section transversely at 10>. Iron hematoxylin gives an
excellent nuclear stain but care shoidd be taken not to leave the c y t o
plasm, which is somewhat dense, overstained (Fig. 57).



Cladochytriaceae.In Physoderma are placed the species which cause

merely a discoloration or slight thickening of the infected parts of the
host, while those which produce galls or cause pronounced deformations
are placed in Urophlyctis.,
In both genera, sections of portions of the
host bearing the parasite are required'. In selecting material of Urophlyctis, choose the youngest possible infections, since spore formation
begins early in the development of the malformations.
Woroninaceae.The family is composed of unicellular parasites,
each of which infects a single cell of the host. The entire body becomes
fertile during reproduction. The species infest primarily Saprolegnia,


and similar aquatic fungi, and a species of


inhabits filaments of Vaucheria.

Whole mounts of the host, if carefully
stained with iron hematoxylin and critically examined under high-power
lenses, should reveal the parasite if it is present.

The plant body is a true mycelium. Anisogamous sexual reproduc

tion is known in one of the two genera comprising the order.
Allomyces has received considerable attention and is an easily studied,
but not so easily collected, form (Hatch 1935). To induce production
of sexual mycelia, dry sterile agar cultures of mycelia at either 40 to
45C. for 1 to 2 hours, or at room temperature for a few weeks to several
months. Add distilled water to the dried culture to soften the agar, then
cut out portions of the agar 1 cm. square, and inoculate four halves of"
hemp seed cotyledons in aqueous culture. The sexual mycelia will have
developed sufficiently in three or four days. Gametogenesis may be
observed in hanging-drop cultures. Or the sexual mycelia may be fixed
with a medium chrom-acetic or other fluid which on trial gives good fixa
tion. For staining-, the Feulgen reaction is preferable.

Included in the MonoBlepharidales are the only fungi in which active

sperms are retained. All the species in the two genera are aquatic
saprophytes, commonly found on twigs. There is little mention of the
order in the literature, although material is easy to obtain (Sparrow 1933)
and it would appear that whole mounts are easily prepared by the general
methods. Growth of mycelium and production of zoospores are abundant
on pea broth (Cotner 1930).

The parasitic mycelium is small, sparingly branched, and grows within

a single host cell. Fresh-water members of the Chlorophyta principally ^




are attacked.
Whole mounts of the host may be made; staining should
be in iron hematoxylin, very carefully differentiated.

T h e mycelium is well developed. T h e reproductive organs are

terminal on the hyphae: asexual reproduction is by biflagellate zoospores;
sexual reproduction is oogamous. Gemmae are also present in some
Saprolegniaceae.Saprolegnia can generally be obtained by dropping
dead flies, bees, meal worms, ant eggs, small dead fish, etc., into pond
water. Within a few days to a week the host should be well covered
with mycelium. E g g masses of Triturus and frogs are often attacked by
A portion of the mycelium can be transferred to peptone
agar (1 % peptone and 1 % a g a r ) ; the outer ends of the resulting mycelium
can be transferred to a fresh culture dish and a pure bacteria-free growth
obtained. Pea decoction (1 pea to each 20 cc. of water) or soybean agar
are excellent culture media. Saprolegnia and related genera are very
sensitive to the minutest traces of copper, consequently glass-distilled
water should be used in making up culture media.

Flo. 58.Pythium gracile endophytic in Vaucheria terrestris. Fixed with formalin-acetoalcohol; stained with iron hematoxylin and dehydrated with hygrobutol.

T w o methods of inducing the formation of oogonia and antheridia

have been described. One is to transfer highly nourished mycelium to a
0 . 1 % solution of leucin; the sex organs should appear in about 24 hours.
T h e other method is to cut ordinary corn into small pieces, boil for 20
minutes, and place the cooled corn in Petri dishes. N e a r l y cover the
corn with pond water. T h e sex organs m a y appear in about 4 days
after inoculation.
There are nine other genera resembling Saprolegnia in a general way
(Coker 1923). A l l may be treated alike microtechnically. M a n y species
are well fixed in 10% aqueous formalin, particularly if mitochondrial
investigations are being made. Formalin-aceto-alcohol has also proved






satisfactory. For nuclear details, iron hematoxylin is the only satis

factory stain, but it must be very carefully differentiated, as the nuclei
may lose their stain before the cytoplasm has become cleared of stain.
Dehydrate and mount the material very much as if it were Spirogyra
(page 110), using the hygrobutol method.
Leptomitaceae.The mycelium, unlike that in the preceding family,
is constricted at intervals. Treat material as if it were Saprolegnia.
Pythiaceae.The species are aquatic parasites, some causing "damping-off" of seedlings. Vaucheria is also frequently invaded by Pythium,
whose presence is readily revealed in whole mounts of the host (Fig. 58).
Cultivation may be on corn- or pea-decoction agar (Dissmann 1927).
Fixation may be with 1% chrom-acetic or with formalin-aceto-alcohol,
staining with iron hematoxylin, not too far destained, with a counterstain
of fast green to aid in showing up the mycelium.

All species assigned to the Peronosporales are parasitic on land plants.

Asexual reproduction is by the production of cohidiosporangia that either
form biflagellate zoospores or germinate directly. Sexual reproduction
is oogamous.
Peronosporaceae.Species with a branched sporangiophore, each
bearing a single conidiosporangium, are assigned to the Peronosporaceae.
Since the mycelium and sex organs are intercellular, sections of the
host are necessary for these structures. For developing sporangiophores
sections are also- needed, but for the mature fructifications whole mounts
are more satisfactory. If. the affected part of the host is the leaves,
mounts of portions of a leaf with the parasite attached are easily made
according to the general methods described above.
Many of the genera can be cultivated artificially. The following
nutrient solution produces a good growth of all species of Phytophthora
(Leonian 1930):
Proteose peptone



potassium phosphate








Distilled water





1 liter

Or the following, used in Petri dishes at the rate of 15 cc. in each, is

also excellent:

malt extract

Dibasic potassium

5 g .






Distilled water

1 liter



Autoclave both at 10 pounds pressure for 15 minutes. The optimum

temperature for growth is 25C.
General staining methods may be used.
Albuginaceae.The sporangiophores are unbranched and form a
palisade-like layer beneath the epidermis of the host. Conidiosporangia
are formed successively. There is but. one genus, Albugo (Cystopus).
Only sections are of any value. Portions of the infected host may be
fixed in a medium chrom-acetic fluid or in formalin-aceto-alcohol. Sec
tions should not be over 8*t in thickness. Stain with iron hematoxylin,,,
and counterstain with orange G, or if preferred, a quadruple combination
might be tried.

The black bread mold is. one. of the commonest fungi that one
encounters. The generally unseptate mycelium is well developed and
branches freely. Asexual reproduction is generally by means of aplano. spores produced in sporangia; sexual reproduction is essentially isogamous. There are both affirmation and denial that nuclear fusion occurs
during the formation of the zygote.
Members of the Mucorales occur so commonly arid are so easy to
obtain in culture that they have acquired a prominent position in botany
courses. Methods of cultivating will be. given in some detail in the
following discussion.
Rhizopus, Mucor, and most of the other genera are difficult or impos
sible to immerse in, or to dampen with, water on account of the great
difference in surface tension. Alcohol should not be used for lowering the
tension, but a sOmewhat innocuous medium should be tried. A soap
solution or a. 0.5 % aqueous solution of gelatin may be poured over
the mass of mycelium until most of the air has disappeared in the form of
bubbles, washed out with water, andfinallyplaced in the killing solution.
Mucoraceae.Some 10 genera are included in the family, of which
those most likely to come to the technician's attention are Rhizopus,
Phycomyces, Zygorhynchus, and Mucor (Fitzpatrick 1930. Heinrici 1930).
The presence of a columella in the sporangium distinguishes the Muco
raceae from the other families in the order. Rhizopus and Mucor, which
are often confused, may be readily differentiated: in Mucor the sporangio
phores arise directly from the mycelium; in Rhizopus the sporangfophores
arise in a fascicle from a node on the stolon, opposite a tuft of rhizoids.
In Petri dish cultures Rhizopus mycelium grows over the underside of the
lids, forming sporangiophores; Mucor does not attach itself to the lids.
Some of the mucors are pathogenic. In addition to the spores produced
in sporangia, round bead-like blackish chlamydospores m a f ' sometimes
be found on the mycelium. The chlamydospores should not be mistaken






for zygospores. When grown in poorly aerated liquid media, spherical

yeast-like oi'dia may be produced. These oi'dia may reproduce by
All Mucoraceae are very easily grown on culture media. Sterilized
bread, horse dung, prune agar, or almost any of the sacchariferous agars
form convenient cultural media, or the following synthetic medium may
be employed:
Distilled water










Monobasic potassium




However, it is difficult to remove material from solid media, in an

undamaged condition, suitable for slide-making purposes. A simple
method of securing abundant and easily removed material is available.
Prepare a broth or decoction, whether synthetic or from such articles as
potatoes, prunes, or malt extract. Add agar to about a two-thirds
portion of the fluid, sterilize, and pour into Petri dishes as usual, but do
not fill the containers more than half full. Also sterilize the remaining
one-third portion. As soon as the agar has solidified, pour a layer of the
liquid portion over the agar to a depth of not over 2 mm. Inoculate.
The dishes must, of course, be kept level. When the desired degree of
growth has been attained, the entire mass of fruiting mycelium may be
lifted off, washed in water, and placed in the killing fluid.
Most of the Mucoraceae grow satisfactorily at room temperature.
Species of Rhizopus, however, can be roughly divided into three groups,
depending upon the temperature at which they grow most luxuriantly:
20 to 22C, 30C, 35C. The intermediate group contains the most
vigorous species. The culture vessels may be kept in the dark, but
Rhizopus seems to grow better in. moderate light.
In some species, or in entire genera, the mycelium is homothallic, in
others heterothallic. In the latter species the two distinctive types of
mycelium are classified as "plus" (the more vigorously growing strain)
and "minus." In the homothallic species zygospores are produced when
neighboring filaments from the same plant fuse. In the heterothallic
species zygospores are developed only when filaments of opposite strains
come into contact (Fig. 59). The zygosporic stage will hardly be encoun
tered in ordinary cultures since it occurs very rarely in nature. Cultures
of known plus and minus strains are available in practically all universities
which have a good mycologist on their staffs, or they may be secured
from the American Type Culture Collection. To produce zygospores,
prepare a prune decoction agar (or use moistened bread), and inoculate




one end with the plus strain and the opposite end with the minus strain.
The spores will develop where the t w o mycelia come into contact.
In genera, such as Sporodinia, which
lium instead of two, the zygosporic stage
dinia may be cultivated on bread soaked
or carrot roots, or on prune decoction
should commence in about four days.

possess only one t y p e of myce

is more easily secured.
Sporoin prune juice, on slices of beet
Zygospore development

Formalin-aceto-alcohol fixes the Mucoraceae splendidly, but the

amount of formalin may need to be increased to twice the usual volume.
Allow the material to remain in the killing fluid for at least t w o days.

FIG. 59.Rhizopus nigricans: whole mount showing formation of gametes and zygotes.
Fixed with formalin-aceto-alcohol; stained with safranin and fast green. {From a prepara
tion by Dr. Geo. H. Conant.)
Harris' hematoxylin with a counterstain of fast green brings out nuclear
details of sporangial development beautifully.
Iron hematoxylin may be
used, but the results are not always satisfactory because the dense cyto
plasm too often remains overstained.
After they have begun to
become darker, the zygospores are impossible to stain intensely.
nin and fast green has been successfully employed on material containing
mostly dark zygospores. For whole mounts the hygrobutol method has
been the most serviceable one.
Pilobolaceae.The best-known members of this family are the
species of Pilobolus inhabiting horse dung. Freshly dropped dung may
be placed under a bell jar and abundant mycelium should appear within



a few days. The sporangia are numerous and large.

for the Mucoraceae.

Treat as. described


, Some of the Entomophthorales are saprophytic; others are parasitic

on various insects, particularly flies. The thallus ranges in size, accord
ing to the species, from the vegetatively nonhyphal type to a profusely
branched mycelium. Asexual reproduction is by means of conidiosporangia that germinate directly; sexual propagation is by the fusion of
aplanogametes of equal or unequal size.
Basidibolaceae.Complectoria is an intercellular parasite in the
prothallia of ferns. Whole mounts of the prothallia should reveal the
parasite if it is present, but staining must be rather precise. Sections of
the prothallia to show the zygospores are easily made if the methods for
the treatment of the prothallia as described under the Pteridophyta
are followed.
Entomophthoraceae.Entomophthora (Empusa) is the largest genus
in the order, consisting entirely of insect parasites.; The host is invaded
by the mycelium-and the fungus usually develops to maturity in from
five to eight days after infection. Special cultural methods are required
for artificial cultivation (Sawyer 1939). There are two methods of
making permanent preparations. One is to kill and fix the entire insect,
first puncturing the abdomen and thorax and using a suction pump if the
material does not sink into the killing fluid. Then wash, stain (prefer
ably in a hematoxylin), dehydrate, and infiltrate with balsam. With a
needle and fine-pointed scissors, dissect out small portions of the insect
bearing the fungus, and mount in balsam. The second method is to kill
and fix the infected insect as before, then, after washing out.the killing
fluid, to soften the chitinous exoskeleton of the insect so that it can be
sectioned after embedding. Potassium hypochlorite (eau de Javelle)
may be employed as the softening agent, but sodium hypochlorite appears
to be preferable as being less violent in reaction. Dilute the commercial
solution of either reagent with 4 to 6 volumes of water, and immerse the
insects for about 24 hours, or until the chitin becomes sufficiently soft
ened. Wash with water, and treat cautiously with a weak solution of
acetic acid if precipitates appear to have formed. - Then proceed to
paraffin infiltration following tertiary butyl alcohol dehydration.


The Ascomycetae are so called because sexual reproduction is by

means of spores formed wjthin an ascus immediately subsequent to
roeiosis. Other types; of spores are also produced, but always asexually.



Morphology.The Ascomycetae include both saprophytic and para., sitic species. Some groups lack a mycelium, some have a slight mycelial
growth, a few others possess a loosely interwoven mass of hyphae, but
most often the mycelium is more or less developed into a pseudoparenchymatous structure of definite and often characteristic form.. The hyphae
are incompletely septate; there is a central perforation through which the
protoplasm of one.portion may stream into that of the adjoining portion.
Each septated portion is generally uninucleate, but in a few genera, such
as Pyronema, it may be multinucleate. The mycelium may be homo- or
Sources of Material.The commonest and most easily found of the
Ascomycetae are the so-called "laboratory weeds," Penicillium and
Aspergillus, the cup fungi and the powdery mildews. The latter are
abundant in many localities; Taphrina can be found on almost any
unsprayed peach tree shortly after the leaves appear; in short, np matter
where one may be located, some ascomycete or other can be found without
much difficulty. As a last resort, material can be purchased from the
botanical supply concerns.
Most Ascomycetae, as ordinarily found, are too old for other than
display or herbarium purposes. It is a difficult matter to find sexually
reproductive phases.
Cultivation.Cultures of most of the Ascomycetae may be grown with
a minimum of bother since their requirements are either simple, or, if
specific, are readily provided. Specific directions are cited below for a
number of the more interesting genera.
Little work, however, has been done on the nature and development
of very many species.
Fixation.In general a weak or medium chrom-acetic fluid or for
malin-aceto-alcohol serves satisfactorily. So much surface is usually
presented for direct contact with the killing fluid that perfect fixation is
the rule rather than the exception. The only precaution to observe is
to dehydrate with a well-graduated series of fluids.
Staining.For general morphology a triple or quadruple combination
serves well. For nuclear details, whether on material to be mounted
whole or in sections, nothing surpasses iron hematoxylin; a counterstain
is generally undesirable, but if one is wanted, a weak counterstaining with
erythrosin or fast green will assist in revealing the ramifications of the
mycelium of parasitic species in the host tissues.
Sexual Reproduction.In most of the Ascomycetae an antheridium
is developed so that it lies opposite an ascogonium (the female sex organ).
The ascogonium in some species consists of more than one cell; if not
broadly rounded at the apex, the distal end may be prolonged into a
trichogyne. In other Ascomycetae the sex organs are not paired. In



these species the antheridium is generally replaced by a spermogonium,

which greatly resembles a pycnidium and in which spermatia are pro
duced. In some species spermatia are not produced in a definite spermo
gonium. The ascogonium commonly has a multicellular trichogyne.
Material must be very carefully collected if the sex organs are to be
studied, and must be at a far earlier stage of development than seems to
be generally realized.
After fertilization the resulting zygote develops either directly into
an ascus or indirectly into one to numerous asci. The first method is
characteristic of the Protoascomycetae; the second of the Euascomycetae.
There are in addition irregular methods of. ascus formation in some species.
The entire group of asci and their enveloping hyphae form an ascocarp. There are three general types of ascocarps: the cleistocarp, which
always remains closed; the apothecium, open and more or less bowlshaped; and the perithecium, with a pore-like opening at the apex.
Among the most suitable genera in which to find the sex organs, pro
vided sufficiently young material can be secured, are Phyllactinia,.
Sphaerotheca, Pyronema, and Venturia.


In this group the zygote develops directly into an ascus. The asci
are borne singly on the mycelium and are never in an ascocarp or sur
rounded by sterile tissue (Dodge 1935).

Saccharomycetaceae.The family includes all the various types of

true yeasts which form endospores. So little is known concerning the
yeasts that it is extremely difficult to identify unknown forms (Heinrici
1930). Only a few species have such striking characters that they are
instantly recognized. Some genera exhibit so many intergrading types
and certain species are so variable in certain of their characteristics that
even specialists on the yeasts have trouble distinguishing between them.
Consequently, unless one is merely seeking to find yeasts in the different
types of situations where they occur, it would be better to obtain a culture
of known identity from a reliable source. The American Type Culture
Collection lists innumerable genera and species.
To show multiplication by true budding, use Saccharomyces ellipsoideus (found naturally on grapes) or S. cerevisiae (compressed yeast).
These forms may be induced to produce spores, as described below, but
it will be found much simpler to employ a species in which the spores are
regularly formed. For this purpose, Schizosaccharomyces octosporus
(Fig. 60) or some species of Zygosaccharomyces serve excellently.




Yeasts may be grown in liquid media or on nutrient agar; the sporeforming species should be cultivated on nutrient agar only. Malt
extract broth ( D i f c o ) , plain or solidified with agar, is preferable, but one
may use grape juice diluted with an equal volume of water or a 5 to 10%
aqueous solution of molasses.
Spores can often be found on the surface of cakes of commercial
yeast kept in the refrigerator for a week, but, on the whole, spore produc-

FiG. 60.Schizosaccharomyces octosporus: whole mount showing ascospore formation.

The staining is darker in the photomicrograph than on the slide. Pure culture suspension
dried to slip, stained with iron hematoxylin and fast green.

tion in most yeasts is a matter of great uncertainty.

It sometimes occurs
if the culture is kept overnight in the refrigerator (or at 9 to 1 3 C ) ,
then transferred the next morning to an incubator kept at 25 to 3 0 C ;
germination of the spores will begin after 2 to 3 hours, or at most after
7 hours. Another method is to make a weak carrot infusion agar and
to add a little calcium sulphate just before tubing; tube, sterilize, slant,
and inoculate (Heinrici 1930). Or use Gowodkowa's medium (Maneval
Sodium chloride
Beef extract
Distilled water

0.25 g.
0.50 g.
0.30 g.
1.5 g.
100 cc.



Most workers simply dry the yeast cells to chemically clean slides
preparatory to staining. Place 1 drop of water on the slide, mix in a
small amount of culture by means of a platinum loop, and, after the water
has evaporated, pass the slide through a flame eight to ten times to fix
the cells. Better adhesion of the cells to the slide may be secured by first
smearing a thin film of Mayer's adhesive, diluted 1:10 with water, over
the slide. Still another method is to smear with full strength Mayer's,
smear the yeasts on the adhesive (with the finger or a scalpel), and fix
the moist film with Bouin's fluid. Basic and acid fuchsins are the dyes
most commonly used for staining such smears, and there are innumerable
modifications. The slide may simply be placed in a 1 % aqueous solution
of the dye for a minute; wash off excess stain," and let the preparation
dry. A slightly better method is to stain in a stronger solution of the
dye for 1 minute, wash with 5% aqueous tannic acid for 20 seconds, then
wash with water slightly acidulated with 'hydrochloric acid, dry, and
mount in balsam. A 1 % aqueous solution of methylene blue employed
for 20 seconds is also good, as is a mixture of equal parts of 1 % aqueous
solutions of acid fuchsin and methyl green.
The most precise method is to fix a large volume of culture with a
-weak chrom-acetic fluid, wash thoroughly, and stain with iron hematox
ylin and fast green or orange G; run up as if for whole mounts. It will
be necessary to use a centrifuge between changes of fluids. Fixing fluids
containing alcohol or formalin should be avoided, as they appear to cause
flocculation of the chromatin. Mitochondrial fixatives give excellent
preservation. The mitochondria consist of long, wavy bodies. Vital
staining has been recommended (Heinrici 1930); suspend some of the
cells in water under a coverslip, and put a drop of 1 % aqueous solution
of neutral red at one edge. Dead cells will stain a uniform red, but in
living cells only the volutin vacuoles and granules will take up the dye.
The former stain light pink, the latter deep red.
Torulaceae.Placed in the Torulaceae are the so-called "false yeasts "
which do not form spores. They reproduce by budding and never form
a mycelium. They are difficult to identify. The red forms are very
common and are found particularly upon dairy products and on grapes.
Technically, they may be treated exactly like the true yeasts.
There are some fifty times as many species of Euascomycetae as of
Protoascomycetae. The sori are developed on ascogenous hyphae which
arise from a zygote. The asci are produced, generally in large numbers, in
an ascocarp.
In the following discussion only those families containing species of
fairly common distribution in the United States are included.




The asci are irregularly distributed in a closed ascocarp. A number

of saprophytic species of economic importance are included in the order.
Gymnoascaceae.The peridium is made up of loose floccose hyphae.
Species occur on earth, manure, feathers, cadavers, etc. Whole mounts
of small fructifications can be prepared, but sections should be made of
the ascocarps.
Aspergillaceae.The family is by far the most significant one in the
order. The ascocarps are small, sessile, and remain closed. Of the 13
genera, only the following are likely to come to the attention of the tech
nician: Thielavia, Penicillium, and Aspergillus.
Thielavia basicola appears in wet weather to cause a root rot of numer
ous Angiosperms, being especially serious on Nicotiana tabacum. In the
earlier stages the two types of conidia are abundant and the ascocarps
appear after the host is killed. Sections of roots at various stages of
growth may be prepared according to general methods; a quadruple
stain is good.
Aspergillus is more widespread in the tropics than elsewhere but is
nevertheless easy to secure. It frequently appears on bread on which
Rhizopus has been grown, at about the time the latter has run its course.
The Aspergillus will appear more quickly if the bread is moistened with
grape juice or 10% aqueous sucrose rather than with water. Place the
slice of bread on slightly dampened filter paper in a suitable moist cham
ber, after exposing the bread to the air for about 2 hours, and keep at a
temperature between 25 and_37C. Microscopical examination of the
growth which appears in a few days will be necessary to determine its
identity. Aspergillus is usually green in color, but Mucor and Penicillium
also have a greenish coloration. If this procedure is unsuccessful, cul
tures are obtainable from the supply concerns. Mildewed herbarium
specimens are a likely source for A. herbariorum or a related species, which
are excellent ones in which to induce perithecial development. Once
Aspergillus has been secured, cultures may be transferred to a simple
medium prepared by steaming 10 g. of either wheat or rice bran with
10 cc. water in a 400-cc. Erlenmeyer flask, stoppered with a cotton plug.
The proportions of bran and water may be varied to suit requirements.
Czapek's medium is the standard for growth studies on Aspergillus
(Thom and Church 1926). Whole mounts of the conidial stage are easily
made by standard methods; stain with either iron or Harris' hematoxylin
and fast green. Acid fuchsin also stains well. The conditions under
which perithecia formation may be induced are imperfectly understood,
but the availability of an abundance of easily assimilable carbohydrates
appears to be the principal prerequisite. Agar media seem to be prefer-







able: one might solidify either a 4 0 % solution of sucrose in prune juice

(obtainable in larger grocery stores), or a 2 0 % solution of dextrose or
glucose in grape juice, in suitable containers and sow spores thereon.
The culture should be kept at a temperature of at least 25C. T h e
perithecia are carried above the surface of the substrate and are loosely
borne in networks of hyphae. Cut out 15-mm. squares of the agar
containing either sex organs or perithecia, kill in a medium chrom-acetic
fluid, and embed the entire mass in paraffin (the agar gives no trouble).

FIG. 61.Penicillium glaucum: transverse section of orange rind with the parasite
growing in situ. Only sections can show the penetrating mycelium and the nuclei in the
aerial mycelium and spores. Fixed with formalin-propiono-alcohol; stained with safranin
and fast green.

Microtome perpendicular t o the surface of the agar at 10/*; stain with

iron hematoxylin and fast green, or substitute safranin for the
Penicillium is more easily obtained than is Aspergillus.
I t appears
more often than does the latter genus in aging Rhizopus cultures on bread.
Perhaps the best source, however, is decaying oranges which have been
kept slightly damp. Portions of the orange rind m a y be cut out, fixed
with formalin-propiono-alcohol, embedded, sectioned at 10/*, and stained
with safranin and fast green or a triple combination (Fig. 61). Details
are more clearly revealed in this fashion than b y whole mounts: the
penetrating mycelium, for example, may be followed out. Most species
grow well on sacchariferous media of the type recommended for Asper-



Perithecia are not often produced, and the species that form them
belong mostly to one section of the genus ( T h o m 1930). Some of these
species are known to be heterothallic and consequently produce perithecia
only when two different mycelia intermingle.


The species are almost all parasitic, usually superficially so. This
indicates that sections of portions of the host bearing the parasite in
various stages of development should invariably be made.

F I G . 62.Erysiphe cichoracearum: cross section of leaf of Amsinckia with vegetative

hyphae of parasite. Fixed with formalin-propiono-alcohol; stained with iron hematoxylin
and fast green.

Erysiphaceae.This is a widespread and common family, constituting

the so-called " p o w d e r y mildews." T h e most prominent representatives
are noted below. T h e life history of only Erysiphe has been completely
Sphaerotheca pannosa and S. humuli are very common on leaves of
Rosa, generally occurring in the conidial stage; the perithecial stage is
rare. Material of both host and parasite becomes rather hard during
dehydration, but soaking under water remedies the difficulty.
is good by quadruple methods, or safranin and fast green may be used.
Erysiphe cichoracearum is cosmopolitan, infecting chiefly Asteraceae
and Cucurbitaceae, and is excellent for the vegetative hyphae, haustoria,
and conidial development (Fig. 62). Fix portions of the host leaf in
either formalin-aceto-alcohol or Navashin's fluid, section transversely
at lOfi, and stain with iron hematoxylin. T h e cytoplasm of the hyphae
retains the stain more deeply than does that of the host. A counterstain
is inadvisable. E. aggregata, which is not so widely prevalent as the



other species, is the most favorable one for the development of the
ascocarps. They begin to appear as the growing season of the host is
ending. Stems are better than leaves; fix short portions in a medium
chrom-osmo-acetic fluid, microtome the host transversely at 10M, and
stain with iron hematoxylin and orange G for critical cytological details,
or with a triple combination for general structure. A series of develop
mental stages are usually obtained in a few sections. E. graminis is
common on various Poaceae but is not very satisfactory for sections.
Microsphaera alni occurs on numerous hosts in the northern states
but is usually collected on Syringa leaves. Leaves bearing perithecia and
their peculiar appendages may be fixed with 8% aqueous formalin for
24 hours, this washed out, then stained with 1% erythrosin in equal
parts of water and methyl cellosolve slightly acidulated with acetic acid,
dehydrated with hygrobutol or dioxan, and infiltrated with balsam; the
perithecia may be cut off with a small scalpel and mounted independently,
or portions of the leaves bearing the perithecia may be cut' out and
mounted. Great care should be taken at all stages not. to handle the
material roughly lest the appendages be broken off. However, sufficient
pressure may be exerted on the perithecia just before the coverslip is
applied in order partially to-force out some of the asci. The leaves may
be fixed in formalin-propiono-alcohol, sectioned at 11M, and stained with
any desired combination for detailed studies.'
Phyllactiniq coryleae occurs on a multitude of hosts.
treated like Microsphaera.

It may be


Of the three families in this large, mainly saprophytic order, only the
following occurs in the United States.
Phacidiaceae.Rhytisma is the best known of the 18, or so genera.
It produces conspicuous black areas on the leaves of Acer. Conidia are
produced before the leaves turn yellow, while the ascocarps begin develop
ment after abscission of the leaves. Remove portions of the leaves
bearing infected areas, fix with formalin-propiono-alcohol, soak under
water for several days after embedding, microtome in the transverse
plane of the leaf at about 10M, and stain with a triple combination.

Members of the order are distinguished by their typically dish- or

saucer- to Cup-shaped apothecia lined with a layer of sori. The apothecia
in size may be barely visible, up to bodies 10 cm. in diameter; in con
sistency they vary from fleshy or gelatinous to leathery, horny, or



Helotiaceae.Sclerotinia frudigena commonly occurs on mummified

drupes and pomes; the apothecia arise from sclerotia produced either
within or upon the latter. Cut off the sclerotia, and fix with formalinpropiono-alcohol; as the sclerotia are rather tough bodies, some soaking
under water will be necessary. Stain with a triple combination.
Among the other genera, cut the apothecia away from the substrate,
and treat as described below for Peziza.
Mollisiaceae.Pseudopeziza is the most important genus, occurring
as leaf parasites. P. medicaginis is common on Medicago sativa and

FIG. 63.Pyronema confluens: cross section of portion of the fruiting body with spores.
Fixed with 1 % chrom-acetic; stained with iron hematoxylin and fast green.

related species. T h e very small apothecium develops subepidermally,

breaking through only at maturity, consequently sections of the leaves
are indicated. Fabraea maculata resembles Pseudopeziza, occurring on
the leaves of pear and quince which have wintered naturally.
Pyronemaceae.Pyronema confluens has long been of interest to
botanists. I t is not an easy plant to collect, save by experienced mycolo
gists. I t is a saprophyte and generally is to be found on soils which have
been burned over, sometimes on partially burned, damp wood, or on soils
which have been sterilized by heat or steam. T h e older fructifications
are immediately recognizable by their bright rose-red color; the apothecia
become confluent in groups. T h e sex organs constitute the most impor-



tant phase, but the great difficulty is to collect the plants when they are
young enough for this stage. Growth is quite rapid: when grown in
artificial culture (Seaver 1909), the antheridia and oogonia begin to
appear in four to five days after the spores have been sown, and the
ascocarps are mature within the next five days. The plants are very
sensitive to carbon dioxide, and strong light is required for the optimum
growth. Spores may be sown on sterile earth; put the culture in the light
at about 25C.; fructifications will appear within a week. The following
is a still better method. Fill the lower half of a Petri dish with the
following nutrient medium:
2 g .



Inulin, pure
Monobasic potassium



Magnesium sulphate





0 . 0 2 g.

Ferric phosphate

0 . 0 0 1 g.

Distilled water

95 cc.

Place the dish inside another dish of somewhat greater diameter but of the
same height, and fill the space surrounding the inner Petri dish with the
same medium minus the inulin. Inoculate the inulin agar with spores
or a small portion of mycelium of the Pyronema, and cover the whole.
Fruiting will occur in a few days on the inulin-free portion. Fix material
with a medium chrom-acetic fluid, microtome in the vertical longitudinal
plane at 8ft, and stain with iron hematoxylin (Fig. 63).
Pezizaceae.Members of the family are of two sorts: hypogeous and
epigeous. Very little has been described for the technique treatment of
the hypogeous types. The epigeous genera, including Peziza,
and related genera, form their brightly colored fructifications on the
surface of the ground and are found mainly in damp woodsin thesummer and autumn in the Eastern states and in the winter and spring
on the Pacific Coast. To secure the youngest stages of ascocarp devel
opment, it is often necessary to dig beneath the surface near where
mature apothecia occur and to search carefully. Fix with a medium
chrom-acetic for the younger stages or with formalin-aceto-alcohol for
the older ones, and microtome vertically at 10ti. Young stages should
be stairted with iron hematoxylin, other stages with the same stain or
with safranin and anilin blue.

The Tuberales include hypogeous plants consisting of a colorless

mycelium and ascocarps that are more or less completely enclosed
apothecia. Nearly all species described from the United States are from
California: they are found under trees, mostly Quercus and Sequoia, and in



shaded locations under humus. They occur at depths of from 8 to 30 cm.;

consequently they must be dug up by means of a digging rake with long
prongs. As the external surface in many species is mucilaginous in
nature, they are covered with debris and may easily be overlooked because
of their resemblance to clods or small rocks. The apothecia are more or
less globular, or flattened slightly in some species, smooth, warted, or
convoluted, and they range from 3 mm. to 10 cm. in diameter. Slabs
should be cut from opposite sides of small specimens, and larger ones
should be reduced to convenient smaller portions for fixation. Formalinaceto-alcohol is excellent, or a medium chrom-osmo-acetic fluid may
be used. The bodies always become considerably hardened during
dehydration and require soaking under water before they can be sec
tioned easily. The sex organs have never been found, but it is not
difficult to secure sections showing young ascogenous hyphae. Micro
tome this stage at 8M, the later stages at 10 to 12M. Stain all stages
with iron hematoxylin; apply a counterstain of fast green on those for
the ascogenous hyphae, but omit on later stages. Other stain combina
tions have been unsatisfactory.

Members of this saprophytic order are characterized by a subter

ranean mycelium and an aerial, usually stalked, ascocarp. The latter
assumes many characteristic and sometimes brightly colored shapes.
Helvella, Morchella,

and Gyromitra

are the more prominent genera and

are of wide distribution, preferring cooler and damp woods. The sex
organs have never been described, but there is a possibility that they
have been replaced by a fusion of paired nuclei in certain vegetative cells.
Portions of the hymenium of the ascocarp may be cut out, fixed with a
chrom-acetic fluid or with formalin-propiono-alcohol, and embedded so
that sections may be cut perpendicular to the external surface. Micro
tome at 11M; stain with iron hematoxylin or safranin and anilin blue.

The asci are arranged parallel to one another in an open, loosely

palisade-like layer.
There are a large number of species of Taphrina (Exoascus), all of
them being aggressive parasites affecting leaves, twigs, and fruits to
cause all sorts of malformations. T. deformans, which causes peach leaf
curl, is the species with which the technician is most likely to deal (Fig.
64). It first appears on the leaves of Prunus persica shortly after they
unfold in spring and produces yellowish and red discolored malforma
tions. Remove portions so that each is made up about equally of infected



.and uninfected tissues, fix with formalin-propiono-alcohol, microtome

transversely at 10u, and stain with either safranin and fast green, a
quadruple combination, or iron hematoxylin, although the latter does
not always react sufficiently well. If material is unavailable locally, it
may be purchased from the supply concerns.

Flo. 64. Tai>hrina deformans: cross section of portion of hypertrophied peach leaf
with the parasite growing m i i he surface. fixed with formalin-aceto-alcohol; stained with
safranin and fast green.

The species are characterized b y soft and brightly colored (white,

red, yellow, violet, or brown) peritliecial walls, which do not become
hardened during dehydration. There are hundreds of species, including
many formerly included in Fusarium of the Fungi Imperfecti, whose
technique treatment is essentially similar.
Each genus u s u a l l y p r o d u c e s a t l e a s t o n e form of f r e e - b o r n

and, in some, several different kinds of conidia are present. T h e asciferous stage is often more or less suppressed. M a n y species which produce
asci do so only during the second growing season. Most of the species
are saprophytes, some are plant parasites, and others attack insects.
which has been the subject of important genetical
researches, belongs in the Hypocreales. Cultures m a y be obtained from
investigators on this plant. Related genera, such as Melampsora, are
also under controlled cultivation. Whole mounts of such genera are
readily prepared according to general methods.
Species of Nectria are both saprophytic and parasitic, even within the
same species, as in iV. cinnabarina.
I t is usually found in wounds of
hardwood trees. T h e mycelium does not penetrate sound tissues; con
sequently pieces of only the infected part of the stem need be removed
for sectioning.




Epichloe typhina is abundant on various grasses; the somewhatfleshy

stroma completely ensheathes the stem and becomes a bright orange in
color. Microtome short sections of the stem transversely after first
soaking under water for several days. Stain by a triple or quadruple
Claviceps abounds wherever rye and, to a lesser extent, wheat, oats,
and other grasses are grown. There are a number of biological races.
The ovary of the host is invaded at the time offlowering,and this organ
is soon covered with conidiophores on the surface. The mycelium
becomes metamorphosed into a compact sclerotium which matures at the
time the grains become ripe. The following spring those sclerotia that
have not become too far desiccated germinate to produce capitate out
growths. The stroma (capitate portion) of each outgrowth contains
numerous perithecia in which the sex organs and later the asci are pro
duced. The sclerotia and outgrowths may both be fixed with a strong
chrom-acetic fluid or in formalin-aceto-alcohol. The sclerotia may be
sectioned at lOu either transversely or longitudinally; the outgrowths
should be microtomed in the vertical longitudinal plane at the same
thickness. Fully mature sclerotia, however, become as hard as stone and
probably cannot be sectioned; they should be fixed just before they
commence hardening. A triple combination will stain both clearly, but
iron hematoxylin is better for the sex organs and ascogenous hyphae.
Hypomyces, parasitic on the underside of the fruiting bodies of the
Agaricaceae, is noteworthy for the extensive, development of gemmae.
Remove portions of the host bearing the parasite for fixation; microtome
Cordyceps is parasitic on various insects arid their larvae and is most
abundant in the tropics. The fructifications are usually large enough to
be cut off and embedded separately.

This order is a very large one, embracing about 11,000 species, mostly
plant parasites. Little cytological work has been done on the majority
of species; consequently there is a dearth of technique information. The
peridium of the perithecia is darkly colored and leathery, hard, or car
bonaceous and always becomes brittle after embedding has been
The family Mycosphaerellaceae has been most extensively investi
gated, with special emphasis on the damagingly parasitic Venturia
Infestation of young leaves or blossoms is caused by either
conidia or ascospores developed the previous season. The hyphae are
confined to the region between the cuticle and epidermis of the apple and
other pomaceous plants, except those of the pear. Conidia are then



formed, and the acervulus becomes exposed. Portions of the infected

host may be fixed with formalin-propiono-alcohol, sectioned transversely
at 10u, and stained with a triple combination. The sex organs are
produced in October, and the ascospores mature in February in warm
locations or as late as May in regions where spring comes late; the peri
thecia appear on the undersides of leaves or on decaying fruits and are
most abundant when protected by humus or sod. Perithecial stages are
difficult to section; methods applicable to woody stems should be used.
Xylaria is a cosmopolitan genus, generally inhabiting dead wood and
producing cylindrical, clavate, or branched fructifications. Conidia are
first formed in the autumn, followed in most species by perithecia the
following spring. Fix portions of the fructifications, and section trans
versely at lOjt. Stain preferably with iron hematoxylin.
D O T H I D I A I i E S

Little technique information is available on the more than 1200

species, of which only a few are plant parasites. They are distinguished
by their firm black sclerotium-like stromata. The perithecia occur in
vast numbers in the external layer of the stroma, embedded in the undif
ferentiated mycelium.
Plowrightia morbosa, which occurs on the branches of both wild and
cultivated species of plums and cherries, is the species most commonly
studied. The parasite requires two years for growth to be sufficiently
advanced for the production of conidia in the spring. Shortly before
the conidia disappear, perithecial development commences, and asci are
produced during the following winter. The stroma are rigid and brittle,
and only methods similar to those intended for hard woody stems can
be used successfully. Pieces of infected stem should be reduced to con
venient small portions, and these should be microtomed in the transverse
plane of the stem. Either a triple or a quadruple stain combination
may be employed.


may be encountered.

The stromata are jet

black in color. It is readily amenable to treatment, but some soaking

of embedded material under water will be necessary.

The Laboulbeniales are minute ectoparasites which produce their

fructifications only on the chitinous integuments of living insects. They
do not give rise to fatal epidemics, as does Cordyceps; their own existence
ends with that of the host. Most of the species are limited to definite
insect genera, and even to definite areas of the insect's body.
Botanists in general have given very little study to the Laboulbeniales,
mostly because they are hard to find in the United States, and partly




because of the great difficulty of fixing the material. The plants are
surrounded by a thin, homogeneous, impermeable membrane. Studies
for the most part have been made on living material or on whole mounts
of material removed from the host. Powerful fixing fluids and strongly
penetrating stains should be employed, followed by any gradual balsaminfiltrating method.

The Basidiomycetae get their name from the fact that the spores, or
basidiospores, are borne on a special one- or four-nucleate structure known
as a basidium. Many species produce other types of spores in addition to
The group includes the mushrooms, puffballs, rusts, and smuts.
Morphology.The mycelium, which is always multicellular and
freely branched, may either consist of a single mass of hyphae or develop
into a characteristic macroscopic body in which definite tissues are
Sex organs are not produced in the Basidiomycetae. There are,
however, two distinct cytological phases: the haplophase (gametophyte),
in which the cells are uninucleate, and the diplophase (sporophyte), in
which they are binucleate. The change from diplophase to haplophase
occurs during the development of the basidium. The two divisions of
the life cycle may be combined in the same mycelium or segregated on
separate mycelia. In the former type of mycelium the earliest cells are
uninucleate, those later developed are binucleate. The diplophase arises
when a conjugation tube is formed between two uninucleate cells and the
contents of one cell migrate into the other. The nuclei, however, do not
fuse. The conjugation takes place at various stages of development and
between different types of uninucleate cells.
Diplophase mycelia may produce spores, particularly in the rusts,
which upon germination always develop into mycelia with binucleate
cells. Only in the production of basidiospores does meiosis occur. Not
much work, however, has been done on the nature and development of
the mycelium of the fleshy fungi (Hein 1930) and of other types.
Sources of Material.The mushrooms and fleshy fungi, as a rule, are
easily collected in woods and, fields in most regions during the rainy
season. At other times recourse must be had to preserved or fixed
material, or a visit may be made to a commercial mushroom growing
establishment for Psalliota campestris.
For most general purposes this
cultivated form is quite satisfactory. The Uredinales and Ustilaginales
must be collected at the appropriate time of year for each stage in the
life cycle. The botanical supply concerns are fairly well stocked with
material prepared for slide-making purposes.






Cultivation.Methods of growing various phases in the life cycle

of the more significant species are given in the following discussion.
Preservation.To preserve the fleshy fungi, soak in a mixture of
2 parts formalin to 1 part liquid phenol,. and, after superficial drying,
suspend the specimens over strong ammonia until they set solid without
drying (Ewart 1933). The final appearance is somewhat like that of
candied fruit; the fungi keep indefinitely, are not attacked by insects,
and may be handled without damage. The impregnating material can
be removed by soaking the specimen in water or alcohol.
If preservation in a purely liquid medium is desired, use 10% aqueous
formalin to which is added 10 % sucrose to assist in preserving the colors.
All fleshy forms may be dried over gentle heat, then stored in boxes
with naphthalene flakes to prevent insect depredations. The parasitic
forms may be preserved by methods suitable for the preservation of the

The basidia develop directly from terminal vegetative cells of the

diplophasic mycelium and are arranged in continuous or discontinuous
hymenia borne on a macroscopic fruiting body.
Methods of arranging the orders differ considerably (GaumannDodge 1928, Killermann 1928, Stevens 1921, etc.), but the one most
recently proposed is being followed here (G. M. Smith 1938, based on
Killermann 1928).

The basidia are exposed, nonseptate, and club-shaped. A few genera

are parasitic on woody plants, the rest are saprophytic. The fructifica
tions usually develop as centrally stipitate pilei. The substance of the
fructifications is usually fleshy or-fibrous, rarely tough, leathery, or horny,
but they generally become more or less hardened during technical
Exobasidiaceae.Exobasidium, a widespread genus, is parasitic,
mainly on the leaves of Vaccinium,' Rhododendron, and related genera.
It is peculiar among the Agaricales in that it does not form a definite
fructification. The affected host areas are red and gall-like: these may
be cut out, fixed with formalin-propiono-alcohol, embedded, soaked
under water for about a week, and sectioned at 10it in the transverse
plane of the host. Stain critically in iron hematoxylin, without .a counter
stain, for cytological details. The cytoplasm of the parasite is so dense
that it is difficult to differentiate by ordinary staining procedures.



Hypochnaceae.Hypochnus, representative of a group of mainly

European genera, is parasitic on a variety of cultivated plants. H.
ochroleucus forms a brown felty growth along the twigs and petioles of
the host. It is occasionally abundant enough to be remoyed for treat
ment as whole mounts, but sections are required to show the development
of the basidia.
Thelephoraceae.The fructification of this very large family of
saprophytes is usually leathery or membranous, sometimes woody, A
species of Thelephora causes a root rot on oak trees resembling that of
The sterile mycelium-of Corticium vagum solani (commonly
known as Rhizoctonia) is parasitic on an amazing variety of hosts. The
sterile mycelium turns yellowish with age and forms brownish to black
sclerotial structures. The hymenophore, which frequently entirely,
surrounds the green stems of the host near the ground, is a dark network
of hyphae which change to grayish-white during sporulation. Practically
no definite technical information is available, but general methods as
determined by the nature of the material should be applicable.
Clavariaceae.All but one of the genera are saprophytes; about half
possess' small simple hymenophores, and the remainder have large
branched hymenophores. The fructification is fleshy or waxy in most
of the genera, but a few are cartilaginous, horny, or leathery and hairy.'
Clavaria, a very widespread genus growing in the humus of damp woods,
has numerous colorful species commonly used for laboratory study.
Many species harbor a symbiontic alga. The fleshy hymenophore may
be divided into suitable portions, fixed with a chrom-acetic fluid or with
formalin-propiono-alcohol, and sectioned either transversely (the better
plane) or longitudinally. The hymenial layer is so compact that sections
should not be over 8*t thick. Stain with either iron hematoxylin or
safranin and fast green.
Hydnaceae.The spore-bearing body is veiy variable in texture; it
may be fleshy, cuticular, leathery, corky, felty, or woody. In any event,
the body invariably becomes brittle after technical treatment. Most
of the species grow on rotting wood, forming shelfdike or resupinate
sporophores. The hymenium of Hydnum, common in woods, is beset
with subulate spines, which carry the basidiospores. A group of these
spines may be removed, fixed, sectioned transversely at 8/x, and stained
with iron hematoxylin.
Polyporaceae.The so-called "pore fungi," including the genera
Boletus and Polyporus, make up this family.
Boletus possesses a fleshy, capitate, centrally or laterally stipitate
sporophore, with a hymenium on the undersurface composed of tubes
that are adnate to each other. To show basidiospore formation, remove



rectangular portions of the hymenium long before it is fully mature,

embed, section transversely at 10/u, and stain with safranin and fast
green. The other genera most closely related to Boletus are more or IQBS
fleshy (Fistulina) or leathery and have the tubes separate.
Polyporus is a genus of over 500 species. The sporophore is usually
annual and may be simple or compound, stipitate or shelf-like, with the
pores developing from the base toward the outer margin. Several
species, such as P. sulphureus, are the cause of heart rot in native and
cultivated trees. Apparently the only preparations that are made of
these fungi are sections across the tubes. The sporophores are rather
thick, fleshy when young, becoming leathery or corky as they mature.
Material may be treated as indicated above for Boletus, but it is occasion
ally difficult to secure material that shows active spore formulation.
The other genera may also be treated like Boletus.
Agaricaceae.This is the largest family, whose 9,000 species have
been described as being of "fatiguing regularity." A single common
and easily collected species therefore will be described in detail, viz.,
Psalliota (Agaricus)
The fruiting bodythe so-called "mushroom"is a stipitate fleshy
sporophore. This mature stage is not quite so interesting as the initial
developmental phases. It is not possible to collect these stages in the
field under ordinary conditions; it will be necessary either to visit a com
mercial mushroom-growing establishment or raise them on artificial
media. Spores remain viable for at least a year if kept quite cold. In
tap water, germination occurs in about 24 hours. It appears to be
advisable to germinate the spores in sterile tap water first and then to
transfer to suitable receptacles containing various media, such as sterilized
dung, dung extract agar, malt extract agar, soil mixed with shredded
horse dung, or corn-meal agar. The young "buttons" will appear in
about 2 to 3 months. In case the medium shows signs of drying out, add
sterilized water cautiously by means of a pipette. Remove the young
buttons carefully, and place in the fixing fluid: it is advisable to cut slabs
from opposite sides to facilitate penetration, but this is a very delicate
operation since the material does not cut easily. If the material was
grown on agar, cut out small blocks of agar bearing the buttons. The
killing fluid should be a weak or medium chrom-acetic, and the time of
fixation should be short (one investigator states that the finest cytological
fixation was obtained from material that remained in the fixing fluid
for 5 minutes). Closed stages require several hours, .open button stages
about an hour. A suction pump, flowing gently, should always be used.
The material has always become excessively hardened by xylol and chloro
form dehydration methods; consequently these fluids should be avoided.
It would be better to employ an essential oil, such as that of cedar,



bergamot, or origanum. All changes should be most gradual because of

the fragile nature of the individual hyphae. Embed in a hard paraffin,
and section buttons longitudinally until the prelamellar chamber is fairly
well developed, after which transverse sections through this region may
also be microtomed. Sections should never be over 8fi thick; 6/* is the
optimum thickness. If fully mature sporophores are wanted, the spores
should have been sown in large Erlenmeyer flasks on a substrate of
broth or horse-dung decoction plus beech or spruce sawdust. The fruit
ing bodies begin to develop when the substrate becomes exhausted with
out completely drying out. Iron hematoxylin, both with and without
a counterstaining of fast green, is the most commonly used stain, but the
following combinations have also been employed: aqueous safranin
followed by crystal violet in clove oil; aqueous pararosanilin plus a trace
of phenol, followed by fast green; for photographic purposes, mordant
with 5 % aqueous' tannic acid, then stain with pararosanilin. A triple
combination has been suggested, but care must be taken not to overdo
the orange G.

The group commonly known as the Gasteromycetes composes this

entirely saprophytic order. Many well-known fungi are included; puffballs, stinkhorns, bird's-nest fungus, earth stars, false truffles, etc.
Several are characterized by foul odors. The basidia are permanently
surrounded by sterile tissue, or become exposed only after development
has been completed.
There are 11 families and over a thousand species (Coker arid Couch
1928), which differ considerably in external characteristics, but all may
be treated alike technically, at least in the earlier developmental stages.
Technical methods are the same as described above for Psalliota.

The Dacromycetales are minute, inconspicuous, gelatinous sapro

phytes found on decaying wood and leaves. The order is characterized
by the freely exposed, nonseptate, Y-shaped basidia. Growth is quite
The fruiting bodies of Bacromyces are scarcely over 3 mm. in diameter
and are yellow to orange in color. Cut them from the substrate with n
scalpel, microtome in the vertical plane at 6u, mounting all sections
serially in order, and stain with iron hematoxylin.

The order consists of a very few parasitic species and a number cf

fleshy or gelatinous saprophytes found on fallen branches and decaying



wood. The basidia are fully exposed and septate in a nearly vertical
The gelatinous types are extremely difficult to fix adequately.
Strictly fresh material should be collected in the field, and placed imme
diately in the killing fluid. Large portions should be reduced to smaller
pieces before fixation. Either of the following fluids may be used
(Whelden 1 9 3 4 ) :


Chromic acid


Glacial acetic acid



Distilled water



picric acid in 7 0 % e t h y l alcohol 100



aqueous mercuric chloride



Glacial acetic acid


Microtome in the vertical plane; for stages up to fusion of the two

nuclei in the youngest basidia, cut at 4/4, thereafter at 8 to 10u. Stain
"with iron hematoxylin and counterstain very lightly with either orange
G or fast green.

The Auriculariales are gelatinous saprophytes with irregular and

expanded or capitate fruiting bodies. They become horny when dry.
The species grow mainly on stumps or fallen trees, and are most abundant
in the tropics. Reduce the fructification to convenient portions, fix
with a weak chrom-acetic fluid, microtome vertically at 8/x, and stain
with iron hematoxylin. A counterstain is not desirable because of the
dense cytoplasm.

The life cycle alternates between a haplophase and a diplophase.

The basidia are produced by the germination of a special resting spore.
The life cycle is polymorphic. All species are parasitic.

The special one- to several-celled spore, the teleutospore, which pro

duces the basidiospores, is formed by the metamorphosis of the terminal
cells'of subepidermal hyphae.
The teleutospores are binucleate: if no other cells of a binucleate type
are produced, the species is described as microcyclic; if one or more
additional types of binucleate spores are developed, the species is described
as macrocyclic. Species that are macrocyclic include, in addition to
teleutospores and basidiospores; ( 1 ) binucleate aecidiospores originating
upon a haplophasic mycelium and producing a diplophasic mycelium
upon germination; ( 2 ) binucleate uredinospores borne upon a diplophasic



mycelium and producing a diplophasic mycelium upon germination; and

(3) uninucleate spermatia borne upon a haplophasic mycelium, which
may possibly produce a haplophasic mycelium upon germination but
generally assist in the initiation of a diplophasic one. Microcyclic
species usually produce only teleutospores and basidiospores but occa
sionally develop spermatia. The entire vegetative mycelium is haplo
phasic in some species, but in others certain portions may be haplophasic
and others diplophasic.
Melampsoraceae.Little technical information is available concern
ing the majority of the species.
Cronartium ribicola forms "blisters" on' stems of species of Pinus:
these constitute the uninucleate aecial stage. Pines which show infection
with this usually fatal parasite should be examined closely, and the
youngest possible branches which appear to have the sites of early growth
stages may be removed in short lengths and treated as described for
Pinus stems (page 426). The writer has never seen preparations of the
aecial stage which were adequately fixed or had a really satisfactory stain
differentiation. Triple combinations have usually, been used, but such '
are. apparently the worst combinations that might be selected. The
uredosori and teliosori are produced on the leaves of wild and a few culti
vated species of Ribes.
During recent years a systematic destruction of
plants of Ribes has been under way in an effort to check the spread of this
destructive fungus; consequently material of the telial and uredinial
stagesas becoming increasingly difficult to procure. If it is available, fix
with formalin-propiono-alcohol, microtome at lOtt in the transverse
plane of the Ribes leaf, and stain with safranin and fast green.
One species of Pucciniastrum
commonly'occurs on Hydrangea and
another on Agrimonia.
Only the uredinial and telial stages are present.
Treat as for Cronartium.
Biological specialization is unusually complicated in Melam-psora.
The aecial and spermatial stages occur on a wide Variety of gymnospefms
and Angiosperms; the uredinial and telial stages occur in abundance on
Populus and Salix.
Material may be dealt with as described for Cronar
tium stages on Ribes leaf.
The aecial stage of Coleosporium solidaginis, a macrocyclic rust, occurs
on Pinus, the uredinial and telial stages on Aster, Solidago, and the culti
vated aster, Callistephus.
It is a very common fust. The usual methods
are applicable.
Pucciniaceae.Teleutospores are either- disposed singly, mostly
stalked, not connected together, occasionally one-celled; or united*'to
form an umbrella-like head on a compound stalk.
It is needless to say that Puccinia graminis is the most extensively
investigated and'most widely studied species in the family, although



there are numerous other species in the genus (Arthur 1934, H o i way
1905-1924). P. graminis is most abundant, in all its stages, in the plains
states and the wheat-growing provinces of Canada.
Persons located in
other regions will experience difficulty in collecting material and identi
fying it accurately; in such cases, the safer course is to obtain material
from the botanical supply concerns, which have gone to considerable
trouble to stock really good material.
T h e haplophase occurs on the leaves of Berberis and Mahonia, and
the aecial and spermatial sori are frequently present in great abundance.

FIG. 65.Puccinia graminis: section of a telial sorus on wheat leaf. Fixed with formalinaceto-alcohol; stained with a quadruple combination.

Fix portions of the leaves with formalin-propiono-alcohol, soak the

embedded material under water for two or three days, and microtome in
the transverse plane of the leaf at 10/i. Stain with iron hematoxylin,
and counterstain with orange G ; this is the only combination which
satisfactorily differentiates the t w o nuclei in the aecidiospores, but no
basic stain is known which always gives perfectly clear differentiation
of the entire spermogonium (pycnium). T h e pycnia are evidently
developed before the aecidia; at least they are more abundant on leaves
which show the younger stages of aecidia formation. T h e pycnia are
usually formed on the upper side of the leaves, the aecidia on the abaxial




The diplophase consists of a number of biological races and occurs

parasitically on the leaves and stems of many grasses and cultivated
cereals such as Triticum, Secale, Hordeum, and Avena.
The reddishbrown uredosori appear in late spring, followed by the development of
teleutospdres in late summer. The latter usually first appear in the
uredosori, then in teleutosori. Both uredospores and teleutospores are
binucleate, but the former are unicellular with four to five germ pores, and
the latter are two-celled with a single germ pore to each cell. Portions of
the host containing diplophasic stages may be fixed with formalin-aceto(or propiono-) alcohol. The host tissues are hard to section; the use of
10% hydrofluoric acid for a day or two has been recommended, but it.
does more damage to the fungus than it softens the host tissues. Soaking
the embedded material under water for a week or longer is the better
procedure. Sections should be 10/u in thickness. A quadruple stain is
recommended; a variety of colors is produced, but all structures are
clearly differentiatedthe invading hyphae should be stained green to
indicate that the combination has been correctly applied (Fig. 65).
Uredospores germinate promptly when they come into contact with a
suitable host plant. The teleutospore must overwinter or be subjected
to prolonged freezing temperatures before it will germinate. Most
authorities state that it germinates within a few hours, but others claim
that months are required for basidiospores to be produced. The teleuto
spores of some species other than P. graminis should probably give better
results if one desires to prepare whole mounts of the basidiospores.
Germinate the spores in sterile water; kill at the optimum time with a
medium chrom-acetic, then stain with Harris' hematoxylin and fast
green or with a carmin stain, dehydrate with hygrobutol or dioxan, and
infiltrate with balsam. Handle the material with extreme care to avoid
breaking off the basidiospores.
Other species of Puccinia may be treated exactly as described above
for P. graminis, but the nature of the life cycle of each species should
first be ascertained.
Kunkelia (Caecoma) nitens has frequently figured in research investi
gations. It is one of the two orange rusts occurring on Rubus.
of the so-called "caecome" stage are easily prepared. The uninucleate
spores may be germinated on sterile tap water in Petri dishes; the temper
ature should be kept below 25C. To show the basidiospore develop
ment, attach the germinated spores to clean slides by means of Mayer's
adhesive, fix in a weak chrom-acetic fluid, harden in 70% ethyl alcohol,
then stain by a triple combination, dehydrate, and mount in balsam.
Phragmidium commonly occurs on wild species of Rosa and contains
a great many species. Prepare sections as described for the diplophasic




stages of Puccinia.
as for Puccinia.

The very large genus Uromyces may also be treated


The special spore producing the basidium is a chlamydospore formed

by direct metamorphosis of an intercalary cell of a diplophasic mycelium.
The order contains the so-called "smuts."
Ustilaginaceae.The basidium formed by the germination of the
chlamydospore becomes transversely divided into uninucleate cells, each
of which may produce an indefinite number of basidiospores.
There are about,a dozen genera, but only Ustildgo is sufficiently well
known. There are over 200 species in this genus.
U. avenae infects the leaves of Avena, then the mycelium grows
through the leaf and stem tissues until it reaches the ovaries, where it
produces sori. Sections of the infected portions of the plant may be
prepared without difficulty. The spores produce a well-developed
promycelium in about 24 hours after being sowed in sterile tap water,,
and this may be transformed into whole mounts by the hygrobutol
method. U. levis is not easily distinguished from U. avenae and occurs
on plants of the same host as the latter; the sori are formed in the spikelets. U. hordei occurs on Hordeum vulgare and produces the sori in the
spikelets. Prepare longitudinal sections of the young spikelets to show
the development of the spores. .The latter germinate readily in water
and produce abundant epibasidia. The equivalent species on Triticum
is U. tritici and occurs wherever wheat is raised. The chlamydospores
should be germinated in plain water; they do not produce epibasidia in
nutrient solutions.
The corn smut, U. zeae, is widely prevalent. The sori, no matter
where produced on the plant (they are usually found in the ovules, which
become enormously hypertrophied), are generally prominent. If a
stand of Zea mays should show indications of the presence of V. zeae,
young ears may be opened and ovules showing early stages of develop
ment removed and fixed individually. It is difficult to make out the
details of chlamydospore development, which takes place somewhat
late in the growth of the sori. Kill with formalin-aceto-alcohol, section
at 10tt in any plane, and stain with safranin and fast green. The chlamy
dospores germinate poorly in water, hence weak nutrient solutions
should be used. In such media the conidia are freely produced by the
Tilletiaceae.The basidium does not become ^ transversely divided
into uninucleate cells; a definite number of basidiospores are produced
at the distal end of each basidium.



Urocystis cepulae produces its sori on the leaves and occasionally in .

the bulb of Allium cepa. General methods for sections are satisfactory.
The chlamydospore is completely surrounded by sterile cells; the latter
are tinted, while the viable spore is reddish-brown. It remains viable
in the soil for many years. Upon germination in water, the basidio
spores arise on a short promycelium and then give rise either to conidia
or to a new infective mycelium.
In Entyloma the chlamydospores enter through the stomata, germinate
in the stomatal chamber, and produce the basidiospores on' tufts of
promycelia which emerge through the stomatal opening. Sections of
the host should therefore be prepared.
TMetia includes the stinking bunts, common on Triticum in the Pacific
Northwest. The bunts include two species, T. foetans and T. tritici,
which are rather similar in appearance. The host can be infected only
within the first six to eight days after the seeds are sown, but it is not
possible to determine definitely whether infection has occurred until the
wheat flowers appear. The mycelium can be found near the growing
point of the host stem apex at almost any stage; longitudinal sections of
this portion therefore can be prepared and stained with a quadruple
combination. The chlamydospores may be germinated in water to show
the development of the basidia and the primary and secondary conidia.
If desired, whole mounts may be made of these structures by standard


The Fungi Imperf ecti constitute a wholly artificial group which serves
as a more or less temporary repository for species in which a perfect stage
such as ascus, basidium, or zygote has not been discovered. There are
some fungi which never form spores of any sort: these are also included
in the present group.


Sclerotia, rhizomorphs, and various other forms of mycelium occur.

Technique treatment consequently depends upon the form assumed by
the mycelium. The general methods for parasitic species are readily
applicable since most of the species are plant pathogens.

Members of this order are .mostly leaf-spotting fungi, though some

grow on fruit and stems, causing rot, cankers, and blight.
The conidia are produced in pycnidia or in various modifications of
such a structure. The pycnidia are usually tough structures, occasion
ally becoming black, hard, and very brittle. Others are waxy. The






fructifications are easily embedded, but microtoming is frequently exceed

ingly difficult. The embedded material should be soaked under water
before sectioning is attempted. Staining may also be difficult on darkcolored forms; differential acidification should be resorted to. Quad
ruple stain combinations are excellent.

Many of the species or forms formerly included in this order have been
transferred to the Ascomycetae or Basidiomycetae but the perfect stages
have hot yet been found for even closely related forms; consequently the
same genus is to be found in two very different fungal groups. The
Aspergilli and Penicillium are examples. The very diverse order con
tains a multitude of forms of which most are saprophytes.
Moniliaceae.The hyphae occur in more or less fragile, loose cottony
masses; they and the conidia are clear or bright colored.
Oidium and Monilia are frequently confused. The present tendency
is to use the name Oidium for those forms that produce free cells by a dis
articulation of the mycelium itself and to refer to Monilia those species
that produce free cells by budding from the mycelium.
Oidium lactis is an omnipresent mold, especially troublesome in the
dairy industry. It probably causes the ripening of Limburger cheese.
In milk and artificial liquid-culture media it produces a white, firm felt
like mass. When grown on solid media, the mass is firmly adherent.
In older cultures the aerial hyphae bear conidia. The conidia- or o'idiabearing mycelium may be worked up like Rhizopus or Mucor (page 329).
Oidium dermatitidis
causes the so-called "blastomycosis" disease in
mankind. The organism, which can be cultivated on Sabouraud's agar
if not too heavily contaminated with bacteria, assumes all forms from a
budding yeast-like oidium stage to a typical mycelium. Technical
treatment therefore depends on the form, but on the whole permanent
mounts are best made from a considerable quantity of the organism
worked up in bulk. Staining may be with iron hematoxylin or acid

The so-called "anthracnose" diseases are produced by species placed

in the Melanconiales. The mycelium is internal in the host; true pyc
nidia are never developed. The conidia are variable, being borne on
conidiophores which form a stratum in immersed or erumpent black Or
light-colored acervuli. . Many important plant diseases are caused by
members of the order. General methods may be employed, conditioned
by the nature of the material.





Lichens occur everywhere under very variable environmental condi

tions, and material should therefore be readily accessible. The lichens,
however, have a well-deserved reputation for being formidable subjects
from the technique standpoint. This is due to their tendency to become
excessively hardened after dehydration, to buckle or wrinkle during the
mierotoming, and to be difficult to stain sharply. They greatly resemble
the Rhodophyta in these respects.
The lichen plant consists of a fungus and an alga in more or less inti
mate association, and these two components are the same in every plant
of a given lichen species. The algae are mostly referable to other freeliving species, but none of the fungi can be so referred. The fungi
in all save three genera belong in the Ascomycetae, the exceptions to
the Basidiomycetae.
Collection and Preservation.Lichens ordinarily occur where there is
considerable moisture. They make their greatest growth during rainy
seasons, then become desiccated when dry weather arrives, and become
revived when the rains again come. Crustose species should be cut
away from the substratum for fixation, but for preservation a portion
of the substratum should also be removed. Foliose species usually must
be cut from the substratum by clipping through the rhizines, while
fruticose species are simply lifted off. Plants too large to be run up in
their entirety should be reduced to smaller portions.
Most collectors simply dry the lichen thalli, either with or without
pressure, then store in envelopes or small boxes. The plants may be
preserved in formalin-aceto-alcohol to which are added about 0 . 2 % cupric
sulphate and about 5 % glycerin.
Fixation.Formalin-propiono-alcohol is the only fixing fluid which
the writer finds worthy to be recommended. Dehydration should be
by very gradual stages, but the length of time in each change should be
short rather than prolonged. Xylol as a dehydrating medium should
be avoided.
Mierotoming.Practically all species should be sectioned, ordinarily
in a transverse plane, at 10tt. If the material has become hardened, soak
the embedded pieces under water for two or three days. When the
sections are placed on the flood of the adhesive, they will buckle con
siderably and may even become loosened from the paraffin matrix, but
one should not be dismayed by such mishapssimply proceed as usual,
keeping the sections arranged in as natural a position as possible. After
the sections have dried to the slides, coat with a dilute celloidin solution,
as it is extremely difficult to retain many species on the slides during
the staining.






Staining.Safranin and fast green have commonly been used b y

technicians recently, as a substitute for the unsatisfactory cyanin and
erythrosin of the older botanists.
Fairly good differentiation is usually
secured ( F i g . 66). T h e best staining, however, is to be gotten from a
quadruple combination. When correctly applied, the various portions
of a foliose lichen such as Sticta pulmonaria should be colored as follows:
upper cortex light purple; algal layer: cytoplasm pale reddish-orange,
nuclei bright red; medulla orange; lower cortex bright purple; rhizines
purplish-orange; pycnidia bright green, spores orange; asci purple, spores
darker, nuclei red; paraphyses orange-brown.

FIG. 66.Physcia sp.: cross section of thallus with longitudinal sections of two apothecia.
Fixed with formalin-propiono-alcohol; stained with safranin and fast green.

Classification.Many genera form such characteristic thalli that

they are easily recognized as such, but species determination is a difficult
task, especially in the large group Cladonieae. A manual covering all
species found in the United States is available ( B . Fink 1935), as are
various locality lists {e.g., T o r r e y 1934).
In this connection, mention should be made of two tests used to
distinguish species of Cladonia, which are apparently applicable to other
genera. In one, a 5 % aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide is applied
to dry material: in some species there is no reaction; in others, various
color reactions are produced. If a reaction occurs, it indicates the
presence of a bitter-tasting substance, fumarprotocetraric acid. In the
other test, a small amount of paraphenylenediamine (paradiaminobenzine) is dissolved in a watch glass in alcohol. T h e proportions have
not been determined exactly; the efficiency of the solution is judged by
testing it first on a very bitter-tasting speciesif the reaction occurs, the



solution, which is stable for only a short time, is all right. If the bitter
acid is absent, there is no reaction or a pale permanent-yellow stain
results. If the acid is present, a yellow color quickly appears and deepens
to either orange, prange-red or brick-red, according to the species, as the
solvent evaporates.
Whole Mounts.Thalli of species in which the association between
the two components is loose can be made into whole mounts by standard
procedures. The most satisfactory stain will have to be determined by
experiment on the species concerned. Erythrosin, acid fuchsin, and
other acid stains may be tried. The thallus should be dissected to a
slight extent just before the coverslip is applied.

The Bryophyta, although cosmopolitan, reach their greatest develop
ment in the tropics. Species preferring the temperate zone are sometimes
to be found in widely scattered localities. Funaria is unquestionably the
most widespread of all, with Ricciocarpus natans a close second. Mosses
grow far north of the Arctic Circle, and species of Riccia have been
reported from desert regions: in short, Bryophyta of one sort or another
occur everywhere and, at the proper growth seasons, are readily accessible
to the technician. If unfamiliar with field collecting of Bryophyta, one
can, as a last resort, always find Lunularia or Marchantia and various
mosses in any commercial greenhouse. Professional botanists usually
despise materials from such a source, but they are very useful to the
Since general technical methods are essentially similar for the entire
phylum, these will be presented first. Structural peculiarities which
demand special treatment, particularly with regard to planes of section
ing, will be mentioned under the families or genera concerned.
Collecting.Some species are easily collected or preserved in the
field, but it is tedious work getting other species into a suitable condition
for, embedding and sectioning. Aquatic forms like Ricciocarpus
are simply dropped into the killing fluid, but if the rhizoids are long and
abundant they should be trimmed with scissors. Practically all other
forms require reduction to smaller portions. In the case of those that
adhere firmly to the substrate, a large chunk of substrate should be dug
up, the whole brought to the laboratory, and the plants there cut off, by
means of a scalpel, as close to the substrate as possible. It is of little use
trying to wash the plants free from the substrate since so much grit will
adhere that the sections will be torn and the microtome knife may be
badly nicked. Species which grow in large masses on the trunks of trees,
such as Porella, should be fixed immediately after removal since they dry
out very rapidly; the desired portions can be removed later.
It should always be borne in mind that most Bryophyta are essen
tially semiaquatic organisms and must be handled accordingly. They
should never be allowed to become dry before being killed. Some species
can, of course, survive desiccation better than others, but material that



has been allowed to dry out and then revived by soaking invariably gives
poor preparations. Genera such as Riccia, Fossombronia,
and various mosses can be removed together with generous portions of
the substrate, placed in trays, pans or shallow pots, kept watered and in
a cool and partly shaded place, and grown on until ripe spores are pro
duced. This cannot be done with epiphytic species.
There are few Bryophyta that cannot be preserved entire in formalinaceto-alcohol and the desired portions removed at any future time for
further treatment.
and formalin-propiono-alcohol
have proved to be entirely satisfactory for all stages of both sporophytic
and gametophytic development over the entire range of the Bryophyta.
For special purposes, particularly for critical cytological studies, a chromacetic or chrom-osmo-acetic fluid, with the proportions of each reagent
carefully adjusted by experiment, may sometimes be necessary. On the
other hand, a few investigators claim that only Carnoy's fluid will give
satisfactory fixation of chromosomes in the Bryophyta (see e.g., Lorbeer
1934, whose methods might be followed by those particularly interested
in the cytological aspects).
A water suction pump should always be used on the Bryophyta since
the tissues contain considerable air. The proper procedure in getting
rid of air, and consequently obtaining perfect infiltration with paraffin,
is to extract just enough air at the time of killing to cause the material to
sink, then after 24 hours or longer to pump out all remaining air possible.
If one attempted to exhaust all the air at the beginning of fixation, some
plasmolysis would result, and certain structures would actually be
collapsed. The sporophytes of Polytrichum, for example, will be crushed
inwardly. If only part of the air is exhausted, the fixing fluid will ordi
narily so harden the tissues that the remainder of the air can later be
extracted with no damage resulting.
Embedding.Certain investigators contend that the delicate thalli
of some species must be embedded in paraffin of a low melting point,
preferably not over 43C. Experiment has shown, however, that this
was necessitated because rather weak killing fluids were used, and these o
did not bring about sufficient rigidity of the tissues to permit paraffins
of higher melting points and coarser structure to penetrate without caus
ing some damage. With more modern methods of dehydration and
infiltration, no damage is likely to occur, and a medium Parlax permits
perfect infiltration. The older sporophytes of some mosses, notably those
of Funaria and Polytrichum,
have a tendency to become incredibly
hardened; consequently they should be embedded either in a paraffin of
around 62C or in hard Parlax, which can be further hardened by cqoling
with ice water at the time of microtoming.



* The time in the paraffin oven should be short, particularly if the

killing fluid contained chromic acid, because the heat renders the tissues
of a few species somewhat brittle.
The great majority of the Bryophyta are sectioned at 10>, both for
general morphology and for development of the sex organs and sporophytes. Very young antheridia and archegonia should be cut at 6/u;
this thickness should also be used for details of sperm formation in the
antheridia and for the early sporogenous cells of the sporophyte. Those
who claim that sections 1 and 2tt thick are the only useful ones are in
a class with microscopists who consider the diatoms to be the only objects
worth examining.
Orientation of the objects for mierotoming is always a difficult
proposition. Suggestions regarding specific forms will be given in the
following discussion, but there are nevertheless some species (Riccia and
Anthoceros in particular) which one can only microtome with' general
reference to the orientation of the thallus and trust to luck to get perfect
median longitudinal sections of the reproductive organs. This is not so
discouraging as it sounds, however, since the proportion of desirable
sections is actually quite high.
Staining.The most precise staining for "antheridia and archegonia
on all Bryophyta is to be obtained with iron hematoxylin and a counter
stain of fast green or orange G. The greatest care must be exercised
during the destaining because most species give up the stain with unusual
rapidity.. Sometimes only a few seconds in a 1% ferric ammonium
sulphate solution are permissible. In those species whose gametophyte
is a thallus and whose sporophyte is wholly or mostly embedded therein,
the same stain combination is preferable. In other types this combina
tion generally is to be selected for the antheridia, but not always for the
archegonia and sporophytes. It is excellent for the sporophytes of
Funaria but poor on those of Polytrichum.
With the latter, safranin
and fast green are superior. The archegonia of Marchantia and some
other genera are notoriously difficult to stain sharply; Harris' hema
toxylin preceded by differential acidification, and followed by couno terstaining with orange G, is the only combination which gives clear

Most commercial technicians use a triple combination, but the net

effect is a gaudy splash of colors which generally fade completely in two
or three years. In the hands of experienced technicians, such combina
tions can be manipulated to give beautiful and useful results, but-the
novice shouldfirstget considerable experience by using the stains on more
suitable objects, such as anthers or root tips.
On sections of stems and leaves of the mosses safranin and fast green
or a triple combination will be satisfactory.



W h o l e Mounts.The prime requisite to making satisfactory whole

mounts of the thalli, flat portions, or leaves of any of the Bryophyta is
to secure adequate fixation of the material, since the thin and delicate
structures have a pronounced tendency to curl up tightly during the
later stages of dehydration or during the infiltration. A strong fluid is
better than a weak one, and an alcoholic better than an aqueous fluid.
Stain with Harris' hematoxylin, counterstain with fast green, and
follow the gradual hygrobutol method. M a n y technicians stain in the

F l u . 67.Riccia glauca: cross section of thallus with longitudinal section of a twocelled and an older antheridiuni. Fixed with fonnalin-aceto-alcohol; stained iron hema
toxylin and fast green.

fast green alone, but the slight additional effort required for the hema
toxylin will be more than repaid b y the clearer internal differentiation.
Mount the material as soon as the balsam becomes thick enough. If
they are available, mount in depression slides.

Ricciaceae.In this family the sex organs are developed in a longi

tudinal strip running the entire length of the thallus. There are five
genera, and all but six of the species are included in the largest genus,
This genus is nearly cosmopolitan. Ricciocarpus natans and
Riccia fluitans are the only aquatic species. R. natans is more common
in the eastern part of the United States, with terrestrial species of Riccia
more abundant in the Far Western states.
Ricciocarpus natans commonly grows in pools and ponds which are
dried up during part of the year. It commences growth along the edges
of the body of water as a terrestrial plant and becomes floating after the







rising water level causes the plants to become detached. In some

regions, however, the plants always remain on muddy banks and are
said to become unusually large in such situations.
Development of the
sex organs commences while the plants are still small and attached to the
substrate; for the best preparations for the origin of the antheridia it is
necessary to collect material at this time or shortly after the plants
become floating. After the plants have been floating for a week or longer,
it will be nearly impossible to get very young antheridia.
Microtome the
thalli transversely at 10 to 12/i," examine portions of the ribbons under

F l o . 68.Riccia glauca: cross section of thallus with longitudinal sections of two young
archegonia. Fixation and staining as in Fig. 67.

the microscope, and select those that show median sections of the sex
organs, embryos, and sporophytes. I f the thalli are cut longitudinally,
median sections of the sex organs cannot be secured. For the apical
cells, cut off most of the sides to within 1 mm. of the central depression,
and section perpendicular to the flat surface at 10/*.
Riccia fluitans always grows submerged but is very rarely found in a
fruiting condition. Whole mounts of the thalli are useful.
T h e terrestrial species are quite firmly attached to the substrate, and
it will be necessary to cut through the rhizoids horizontally to get the
plants off without too much adhering grit. M o s t of the species of Riccia
are homothallic, but t w o are heterothallic, viz., R. bischoffii and R. curtisii
(McAllister 1916, 1928). Transverse sections of entire plants may be
cut, at an optimum thickness of 10/*, for all developmental stages (Figs.



67, 68). Since the sex organs are commonly close together, a few sec
tions will afford a number of stages. The transverse sections will fre
quently show the apical cells, which occur in a transverse row of three or
more attached laterally to one another, but vertical longitudinal and
horizontal longitudinal sections may also be cut. The latter will afford
fine views of the sex organs and sporophytes in transverse section.
Meiosis takes place in the sporocytes, and it is not at all difficult to
catch this phase in some species, notably R. glauca and R. sorocarpa.
One haploid chromosome is extremely small in nearly all species. Stain
meiotic stages critically with iron hematoxylin.
is abundant in the coastal region of
California and Oregon, and widely distributed in other states. The
principal character distinguishing Targionia from the other Marchantiales of the United States is the enclosure of the archegonia and sporo
phytes by an involucre.
The antheridia occur on short lateral branches. Cut these off, and
microtome in the vertical longitudinal plane at 10>. The archegonia
originate very close to the apical cell. They are strictly dorsal in position
but appear to be on the ventral side because of the overgrowth of the
thallus. While the presence of sporophytes can always be determined
by looking for the characteristic purple-colored involucre, the presence
of archegonia can definitely be told only by sectioning. The tips of the
thalli should be cut off, about 3 mm. from the apex, and most of the lateral
wings of the thallus eliminated. Section in the vertical longitudinal
plane at 12/1. The archegonia are rather few in number. Ordinarily
only one of them develops into a sporophyte, but it is not uncommon
to encounter two equally well-developed sporophytes or a sporophyte
and an embryo. The sporophytes are rather difficult to stain sharply.
Marchantiaceae.All Marchantiales in which the archegonia are
borne on a stalked archegoniophore belong in this family. Some genera
have a stalked antheridiophore; in other genera the antheridia are
partially or completely embedded in the thallus, and may be localized or
produced continually or intermittently.
Two genera reproduce vegetatively by means of gemmae. In
Marchantia these are developed in cup-shaped depressions, and in Lunularia in crescent-shaped cups. To demonstrate the origin and growth
of the gemmae, select thalli in which growth of the gemmae has not pro
gressed to the point where they break loose easily. Cut out portions
bearing receptacles, and microtome in the vertical longitudinal plane of
the thallus at 10>. Stain with iron hematoxylin and fast green or a
triple combination. Whole mounts of mature or germinating gemmae
are easily prepared: fix with formalin-aceto-alcohol, stain lightly with



alcoholic fast green, dehydrate with hygrobutol, and infiltrate with

dilute balsam.
Marchantia is the most widely distributed genus and if not readily
available locally (Evans 1917), material can always be secured from the
supply concerns. The antheridia are borne on a stalked receptacle
which can be distinguished from the archegoniophores in that it is flat
on top and has no involucres. The earliest stages of antheridial develop
ment are tp be found when the receptacle first becomes definitely recog
nizable at the apex of the thallus. Do not try to remove such young
receptacles from the thallus, but cut out narrow transverse portions of the
thallus bearing the receptacles. Fixation has always been excellent with
formalin-propiono-alcohol. Section the thalli at 8 to 10M in the trans
verse plane, which will give longitudinal sections of the receptacle and
antheridia. After the stalk becomes 3 mm. or more in height, the
receptacle may be removed from the thallus and sectioned longitudinally.
The youngest antheridia occur at the periphery of the receptacle. The
archegonia likewise appear when the archegoniophore is barely recogniz
able as a "button" at the apex of the thallus. At this time they point
upward but rapidly become turned over, to point downward, by an
upward growth and swelling of the central region of the archegoniophore.
There are actually eight archegonial receptacles on each archegoniophore
in Marchantia.
An involucre (a "ray") is developed between each
receptacle after the periphery of the archegoniophore has become
inverted. By the time the involucres are readily recognizable, most of
the archegonia are mature and may have already been fertilized. How
ever, in vigorously growing plants, archegonia continue to be produced
until the first two or three produced in each receptacle contain young
embryos. The very youngest archegoniophores should be manipulated
and fixed as has been described for the young antheridiophores; even the
somewhat older stages are more easily oriented for microtoming if
left attached to narrow portions of the thallus. Section at 9 or 10M for
the younger phases and 11 or 12M for the mature archegonia. If sec
tioned exactly parallel to the longitudinal axis of the stalk, most of the
archegonia will be medians. Stain with Harris' hematoxylin, first
applying differential acidification, and counterstain with orange G. Up
to the time that the sporogenous cells and elaters are differentiated in
the young sporophyte, entire archegoniophores may be sectioned. These
stages should be stained with safranin and fast green. As the sporo
phytes begin maturing, the archegoniophores should be cut into portions
which appear in triangular outline when observed from above, by cutting
through the involucres with a very small scalpel. If one attempted to
section an entire archegoniophore bearing mature sporophytes, very few
of the latter will be in median section. Microtome the sporophytes



longitudinally at 10/*; stain in a triple combination, although safranin

and fast green will do just as well, the elaters having a particular affinity
for the green. Meiosis occurs in the sporophytes but is an extremely
difficult stage to obtain.
Conocephalum is a larger plant in all respects than Marchantia and is
frequently to be found where the latter does not grow ( F i g . 69). Sterile
plants can be distinguished from those of Marchantia b y the absence of
gemmae cupules. Treat exactly as described for Marchantia.

FIG. 69.Conocephalum conicum: median longitudinal section through two mature

sporophytes. Fixed with formalin-aceto-alcohol; stained with iron hematoxylin and fast

Lunularia, whose sole species, L. cruciata, is an advent from Europe,

is common in and around greenhouses, and will almost invariably be
found only in the gemmiferous condition.
Asterella is v e r y common in Oregon and California, Cryptomitrium
less so. T h e antheridia are borne in more or less rounded, cushion-like
receptacles a short distance back from the apex of the thallus; these areas
are easily recognizable in both monoecious and dioecious species. Cut
out portions of the thallus bearing such regions, and microtome trans
versely at 10/*. Treat the archegoniophores as in Marchantia.





There are about a dozen other less well-known genera. T h e direc

tions cited for the better known genera in the family will serve as guides
for the treatment of these less known genera.

occurs in the Gulf and Pacific
Coast regions; in central California it is, in v e i y wet seasons, so abundant

FIG. 72.Sphaerocarpos cristatus: vertical longitudinal section of gametophyte with fourcelled embryo. Fixation and staining as in Fig. 70.

that it covers acres of bare ground or soil that had been plowed the
preceding summer. I t is - readily grown from spores and has been the
subject of significant genetical investigations. Preserved material can
be obtained from the supply concerns. When collected in the field, the
best procedure is to cut through the rhizoids, wash thoroughly in running
water to get all possible grit out of the involucres, then fix the plants
without attempting to separate the colonies to any great extent. T h e
species are all heterothallic, and the antheridial plants are often difficult
to recognize in the earliest growth stages. T h e y are not so abundant as



the archegonial plants. In many species they can be distinguished by

their purplish color. Fixation should be with formalin-aceto-alcohol;
chromic acid solutions have generally given atrocious results. Microtom
ing should be done with safety razor blades in a suitable holder, as plenty
of trouble will be encountered with grit which has lodged within the
involucres or among the rhizoids and it will nick knives badly. Micro
tome in the vertical longitudinal plane at lOtt for all stages. Series of
stages in the development of the antheridia, embryos, and sporophytes
are very easy to obtain, but good archegonia sections are rare (Figs. 70,
71, 72). Iron hematoxylin with fast green is the only combination that
can be recommended. If a triple combination is used, only a few seconds
in the safranin should be allowed.

Riellaceae.Biella grows entirely submerged in pools; one species is

known from Texas and South Dakota. In case material should be avail
able, section parallel to the flat wings. Sporophytes are readily recog
nized, but one will simply have to section considerable material to get the
sex organs. Staining has been found to be extremely difficult. Harris'
hematoxylin has given fairly good results.

By far the larger number of genera and species of Hepaticae are

included in the Jungermanniales, but little information of value from the
technique standpoint has been published.
The apical cell in the order is always solitary and is easy to find in
some species, but in others it is difficult to cut sections in the proper plane.
Both true gemmae and other vegetatively reproductive bodies some
times called "gemmae" are present. Gemmae cannot usually be col
lected so abundantly as in Marchantia, consequently whole mounts are
impracticable. Sections of the gemmiferous branches or receptacles are
more useful. The gemmae are frequently to be found in sections pri
marily intended for other structures.
If the gametbphyte is thallosey the antheridia are borne either on
special branches or dorsally along the midrib of the main axis. If the
gametophyte is foliose, the antheridia occur in the axils of the leaves and
may be solitary or as many as four in each axil.
In both thalloid and foliose genera the archegonia occur either on the
main axis or on lateral branches and originate close to the apical cell.
The Jungermanniales are separated into two suborders, in one of
which the apical cell is transformed info an archegonium (Acrogynae)
and in the other it is not (Anacrogynae).

The number of foliose Jungermanniales is very large, but remarkably

little technique information has been reported for the group. There is



scarcely anything in the literature concerning even so common a genus

as Porella.
There are also v e r y few descriptions of the development of
the antheridia and archegonia. Some species are homothallic; others
are heterothallic, with the sex organs produced upon either the main axis
or on short lateral branches; but many species, particularly those from
the tropics, apparently never fruit. T h e species in most of the genera

Flo. 73.Porella navicularis: median longitudinal section of antheridial branch with

antheridia in several developmental stages. Fixed with formalin-aceto-alcohol; stained
with iron hematoxylin and fast green.

are extremely difficult to identify, since splitting of both species and

genera has been carried to such an extreme that only a specialist of long
experience could understand the involved taxonomic literature.
Porella is the only genus with which the technician is likely t o work.
Plants of this genus are common on the bark of trees, principally Alnus,
and sometimes form extensive mats. Others grow on shady banks of
creeks. T h e sex organs occur on side branches which are easily recog
nized even in the earliest developmental phases. R e m o v e these branches,







fixing each sex and the sporophytes separately. A strong fixing fluid is
necessary; formalin-propiono-alcohol has given far better results than
ehrom-acetic fluids. Microtome parallel to one flat surface at 8/x for
antheridia and 10M for archegonia and sporophytes. I t will be almost
impossible to get perfectly median sections of the older and mature
antheridia because the organs are usually pushed around b y the stalks,

FIG. 74.Porella navicularis: longitudinal section of archegonial branch with archegonia.

Fixation and staining as in Fig. 73.

which do not have sufficient room for straight growth and hence become
twisted (Figs. 73, 74).
Riccardiaceae.Most of the genera are thallose. Riccardia and
Metzgeria are common in coastal Oregon and Washington, less so
in California; the first genus also occurs in the northeastern states. In
Riccardia the sex organs are produced on short lateral branches; in
Metzgeria the branches arise from the ventral side of the thallus. R e m o v e
these branches, embed separately, and microtome in the vertical hori
zontal plane.
Codoniaceae.A few genera are foliose, but most of them are thal
lose. T h e family is immediately recognized b y the globose sporophyte
borne on a relatively long seta.
Pellia is a well known and widespread thallose genus. I t has t w o
species in the United States. P. epiphylla is monoecious,- and P. neesiana
is dioecious. T h e latter is especially abundant in coastal Oregon, form
ing dense mats. Only material taken from moist habitats, or material
which is damp at the time of collection, should be fixed. For the anthe-



ridia and archegonia cut the thalli into portions not over 5 mm. in length,
fix with formalin-aceto-alcohol, and section in the vertical longitudinal
plane. Since both sex organs are somewhat obliquely oriented, with the
apices directed toward the apex of the thallus, transverse sections are
valueless. As soon as the sporophytes become recognizable, but before
the seta commences rapid elongation as the sporophyte matures, cut out
narrow longitudinal portions of the thallus together with the involucre
enclosing the young sporophyte, embed these portions on their sides and
microtome parallel to one side, thus obtaining longitudinal sections
through the curved portion of the seta. After the sporophyte emerges
from the involucre, cut it off through the seta at any convenient point.
Meiosis takes place comparatively late in the development of the sporo
phyte, but it is difficult to catch this important phase. The spores
germinate while still enclosed in the capsule, and they are shed as six- to
nine-celled ovoid masses. The spores at the discharging stage are so
gorged with reserve foodstuffs that thin sections are necessary8it is
about rightand staining must be critically controlled. Iron hematox
ylin is excellent, but a triple stain will better reveal the beautiful mitotic
figures occurring during spore germination.
Fossombronia, also widespread, generally occurs in patches of a few
to 3 5 to 5 0 plants intermingled with other bryophytes. The plants are
distinctly foliose and may be homothallic or heterothallic. The pres
ence of antheridia, archegonia, or embryos generally cannot be told
from the outward appearance of the plants. The latter are more readily
removed from the substrate than are most other terrestrial bryophytes.
Fix the plants entire, microtome in as nearly a vertical longitudinal
orientation as possible, then examine the ribbons under the microscope,
and pick out the satisfactory sections. Those species which are more
prostrate than erect may sometimes give good sections when microtomed
transversely, but longitudinal sections are preferable. As soon as the
sporophytes emerge, they may be handled separately.

Members of the order are seldom to be encountered. They are so

much like the mosses (Eubrya) that they may be treated similarly.

Of the Anthocerotae found in the United States, Anthoceros is wide

spread in the northern states and west of the Mississippi River, being
especially common in coastal California, and Notothylas has been found
in Texas and California.
These and the other genera of the Anthocerotae are superficially much
alike and can be dealt with by technical methods common to all. The *






plants grow on steep banks along roads, especially where there is dripping
water, near waterfalls, on rocks and boulders in damp situations, and on
rotting logs in the tropics. Some species have such a peculiar dark green
color that they can readily be distinguished by this character from the
thalli of other Hepaticae, with which they frequently grow intermingled.
The gametophytes are dorsiventral thalli. They are homothallic in
all genera. Both antheridia and archegonia are completely embedded in
the thallus, as are the embryos and the youngest stages in sporophyte
development. It is difficult to determine from external examination
what stages might be present, up to the time that the sporophytes are
well along in development, and it is impossible to know whether sex
organs are present without making sections. The gametophytes are
easily separated from the substrate.
A single apical cell is present, but it is a matter of sectioning and
examining literally hundreds of sections to locate it.
The thalli may be fixed entire in formalin-aceto-alcohol, a medium
chrom-acetic, or in Navashin's fluid. The writer's experience leads to
a preference for the fluid first mentioned. Many investigators have
complained that excessive brittleness results following dehydration with
xylol and similarfluids;if the tertiary butyl alcohol schedule is followed,
there should be no brittleness.
Microtome in the vertical longitudinal plane; 8a is usually the opti
mum thickness, but since the older archegonia are rarely oriented exactly
perpendicular to the dorsal surface of the thallus, it would be better to
cut at lO/i if these are particularly desired. The ribbons should be
stretched in water, examined under the microscope, and the satisfactory
sections picked out, since about three-fourths of the ribbon from a given
thallus will be found devoid of sex organs. One must search very care
fully for the youngest archegonia, as they are easily passed over. Some
times several archegonia and a series of stages in the development of the
antheridia can be found in a single section from a large thallus. If
'Nostoc colonies occur in sections otherwise lacking desirable structures,
these may be mounted separately as many instructors find them valuable
in courses on the algae. For the early sex organs and the Nostoc colonies,
iron hematoxylin and fast green are superior; for later stages a triple
combination might be substituted if preferred. It is entirely a matter of
chance that one obtains stages in the older embryo showing the differ
entiation of the archesporium (such as those shown by Campbell 1918,
Fig. 70E; G. M . Smith 1938, Fig. 46H) and any technician who takes
pride in his art will feel considerable excitement, as did the writer, when
this stage is found for the first time. As soon as the sporophytes have
attained a length of about 2 mm. above the surface of the thalli, the latter
should be trimmed away from each sporophyte in such a manner as to


3 7 5

leave a narrow zone around the foot. These portions should be embedded
with the sporophyte flat, so that it can be microtomed longitudinally. It
is actually difficult to get perfectly, median longitudinal sections of the
entire sporophyte, since the foot and involucre are curved and the capsule
is sometimes bent as it emerges from the involucre. Spores are produced
early and develop rapidly; since the basal cells of the sporophyte remain
embryonic, there is a continuous production of spores and elaters so
long as the gametophyte remains capable of nourishing the sporophyte.
Maturing portions of long sporophytes should be bisected and embedded
in bunches of four or more for sectioning both transversely and longi
tudinally. The younger stages should be sectioned at 1 0 / * and stained
with iron hematoxylin and fast green; the older stages at different thick
nesses, from 8 to 12/t, and stained with safranin and fast green or a triple

The plants commonly known as mosses belong in this homogeneous

group. In general the methods cited in the introductory paragraphs
to the Bryophyta are sufficient: for the Musci, but additional details for
various structures are given below.
Protonema.The spores of most mosses are viable for several years.
Unruptured capsules are the best source for spores for germination pur
poses. The culture medium found to be most consistently satisfactory
is made up as follows:
Distilled water
A m m o n i u m nitrate..

1 g-

Potassium sulphate



M a g n e s i u m sulphate



Calcium sulphate







Ferric sulphate



A few

aqueous potassium hydroxide


Sterilize in an autoclave for from 3 0 minutes to 1 hour at 5 pounds pres

sure. Pour sufficient of the medium into sterile Petri dishes. Open
the capsules by means of sterile needles, and scatter the spores as evenly
as possible over the surface of the medium. Keep the cultures in bright
or diffuse light, at room temperature (averaging 2 0 C ) . The time
required for germination varies from a few hours to a week. The
protonema will usually grow rapidly and branch profusely but will
rarely produce gametophoric buds in liquid media. To induce growth
of the gametophores, obtain some soil from the habitat of the species,
if possible, otherwise use any good loam to which some wood ashes have
been added. Put in 2 - and 3-inch clay pots, soak with the nutrient



solution, then sterilize in an autoclave at 15 pounds pressure for 3 hours.

After sterilizing, place the pots in earthenware plates in which water to
irrigate the plants may be kept. Place the whole in a Wardian case or a
similar container to avoid contamination b y air-borne spores and to
keep the plants in a humid atmosphere. T h e protonemata may be
removed from the culture dishes b y means of pipettes and transferred
to the surface of the pots. In controlled growth studies, care should be
taken to place only a single protonema in each pot.
Whole mounts of the protonemata at any stage of growth are easily
made. Kill and fix with formalin-propiono-alcohol or a weak chrom-

FlG. 75.Mnium affine: longitudinal section through central portion of an antheridial

liead with antheridia in various stages of development. Fixed with formalin-acetoalcohol; stained with iron hematoxylin and fast green.

acetic fluid, stain with iron hematoxylin, counterstain lightly with fast
green, and follow a gradual hygrobutol method.
G e m m a e . A considerable number of Eubrya produce multicellular
gemmae in groups at various points on the aerial portions. Solitary
subterranean gemmae, known as "bulbils," are produced on the rhizoids
of either the protonemata or the sporophores. When borne at the tips
or along the midribs of leaves, detach the latter, and mount entire.
T h e same procedure may be followed in the case of gemmae borne on
the branches or at the stem apices. If the plants are not too large, those
bearing subterranean gemmae may be mounted entire, otherwise the
rhizoids may be. cut off. Fix all types of material in a weak chrom-acetic



fluid, wash thoroughly, stain critically with Harris' hematoxylin, counter

stain with fast green, and infiltrate with balsam b y a gradual hygrobutol
method. T h e bulbils of some species have a distinctive bright color
that is not affected b y fixation or staining; they m a y even be mounted
unstained if fixed with formalin-aceto-alcohol and taken directly through
hygrobutol into balsam.

FIG. 76.Mnium affine: longitudinal section of archegonial head with archegonia. This
is a typical section, illustrating the difficulties in obtaining perfectly median sections of the
archegonia. Fixation and staining as in Fig. 75.

Antheridia and Archegonia.Tips, which b y dissection and examina

tion under a high-power binocular microscope art; known or strongly
suspected to contain the sex organs, are snipped off b y means of finepointed forceps and dropped into the killing fluid (Figs. 75, 76). F o r
ordinary preparations the more robust species are sufficiently well
fixed b y formalin-aceto-alcohol, but for critical studies of spermato
genesis a weak chrom-osmo-acetic fluid is needed. T h e following formula
may be recommended:




for the various



chromic acid



osmic acid

Glacial acetic acid

180 cc.
25 cc.
12 cc.

Distilled water

210 cc.

For the archegonia, a 0.25% chrom-acetic heated to 30C. is excellent.

The most satisfactory stain combinations are safranin and fast green,
and iron hematoxylin, without a counterstain or with fast green. The
archegonial heads must be very carefully oriented for microtoming in
order to obtain perfectly median longitudinal sections.
Sporophyte.The sporophytes of some genera give no trouble, but
those of others are likely to be exasperatingly difficult. Formalinaceto-alcohol is usually much better than a chrom-acetic fixing fluid,
and the dehydration should not be rushed. For the earlier stages, up
to and including the stage where the spores are rounding up, iron hema
toxylin is the preferable stain, but safranin is excellent for maturing
spores and for the structure of the sporophyte.
It is interesting to follow out the origin of the plastids during sporogenesis (Senjaninova 1927). First fix in Lewitzky's fluid for two to
three days:

aqueous formalin

1 % aqueous

90 cc.

chromic acid

10 cc.

30 cc.

then transfer to


chromic acid



osmic acid

8 cc.

for nine days. Wash thoroughly, dehydrate, and embed. Microtome

the sections at from 2 to 5jt. Bleach, then stain with iron hematoxylin.
Sphagnum, the peat moss, grows in moist places where the water is
quite acid and is restricted mainly to the North Temperate Zone. The
sex organs have been reported to be difficult to find, but this probably
came about because searches for material were made at the wrong time
of year. Some species are heterothallic and others homothallic. In
the Middle West and on the Atlantic Coast, the antheridia begin develop
ment in August; the heads of the antheridial plants are decidedly globose
and vary in color from yellow-brown to red-brown or almost black.
The archegonial heads appear early in September, are flatter on top
than the antheridial heads, and may be distinguished by the yellow-brown
to red-brown conspicuous bud in the center of the head. The archegonia
are fully mature early the next spring, and fertilization takes place at
this time. Plants with sex organs are said to be more readily found
than are those with sporophytes, but this may be only a regional difference.
Remove the short lateral branches bearing the sex organs individually,
as it will be much less trouble to obtain median sections by sectioning



these smaller portions than by attempting to microtome the entire mass.

Little has been reported regarding the proper fixation of the sex organs
in Sphagnum, but it appears that a 1 % aqueous chrom-acetic fluid diluted
with three times its volume of water and heated to 30C. gives excellent
fixation (Bryan 1915). Formalin-aceto-alcohol has been found wholly
satisfactory for the sporophytes. The lateral branches are wider in one
direction than in the other; microtome parallel to one flat surface at
10^ for the earlier stages and 12*i for later development. The long and
somewhat twisted stalk of the antheridia will make it difficult to secure
perfectly median sections of the entire organ. Iron hematoxylin usually,
but not always, stains brilliantly; a counterstain in fast green is desirable.
Safranin and fast green may also be used.
In Andreaea the cespitose plants are strictly saxicolous and are usually
found in cold regions or on high mountains but descend to sea level in
New York state. Their color is dark brown to black. The plants are
readily distinguished by the longitudinal dehiscence of the mature capsule
into four valves. The gametophytes are usually homothallic, but the
antheridia and archegonia are borne on separate branches in terminal
Material is generally quite brittle, consequently special methods,
involving the use of hydrofluoric acid, are required. The younger
portions, including those bearing the sex organs, should not give much
trouble if fixed with formalin-aceto-alcohol, embedded in a hard paraffin,
and then soaked under water for some time before being microtomed.
The true mosses are among the commonest and most widespread
plants, occurring almost everywhere. They are to be found in cold and
warm, fresh and brackish waters; in caves; on rocks, bare ground, tree
trunks, onflowerpots in greenhouses, and in other habitats too numerous
to mention. Most mosses are gregarious in habit and are but little
mixed with other plants; consequently material as a rule can be collected
in great quantity with ease.
Despite the fact that there are many thousands of species of Eubrya,
the differences are of such minor importance that almost any available
moss will provide satisfactory material for the technician. It will be
found, however, that material of the same species from widely separate
localities will react more or less differently to the identical technical
treatment. Material of Polytrichum commune from Wisconsin is some
what difficult to .work with, the tissues having a tendency to collapse and
become hardened; that from central California is less troublesome, not
shrinking but becoming hardened; while material from the coniferous



forests of Oregon is a delight to work with and gives no trouble whatever,

except for the older stems. Some species may prove to be objectionable
because the sex organs are too few in number: Funaria
which is extremely common, has few antheridia and fewer archegonia
in comparison with Polytrichum or Mnium, and in Buxbaumia there is
generally only a single antheridium and but one archegonium. Pre
sumably most species are heterothallic, but this condition may be more
apparent than real. In the homothallic species, the antheridia and
archegonia may either be freely intermingled in the same head, in separate
groups in the same head, or in separate branches on the same stem.
All factors considered, Mnium and Polytrichum (or Pogonatum) are
preferable for the sex organs, and these two genera together with Funaria
for the sporophytes. For bulbils Leptobryum pyreforme has proved to
be excellent, but on examination other species may be found to be
equally satisfactory.
Beautiful fixation has always been obtained with either formalinaceto-alcohol or formalin-propiono-alcohol. Chromic fluids may be
used, but they always cause brittleness and discolorations that are hard
to bleach.
The antheridial and archegonial heads are always microtomed in
the longitudinal axis. The first should not be cut at more than 10/i
if details in spermatogenesis are desired; 12/z is thick enough for general
purposes. Before the archegonial heads are placed in the killing fluid,
all leaves surrounding them should be carefully snipped off with finepointed scissors. At best, it is difficult to orient these heads to get most
of the archegonia in median longitudinal section. The archegonia are
always long and are commonly borne on elongated stalks, and as they
get older, the jacket portion becomes bent and even convoluted. In
practice, one might try microtoming at 12/*; if the younger stages appear
to be satisfactory and at least a quarter of the nearly mature archegonia
have been sectioned through most or all of their length, then that thick
ness may be considered as the optimum for that material. A series
of developmental stages of the sporophyte is far more useful and instruc
tive than merely sections of the mature capsule. Both transverse and
longitudinal sections should be prepared. In the latter the development
of the peristome may be followed out. Some mosses lack a peristome
(e.g., Pleuridium, which is common on both coasts). In some species
the sporophyte is extremely difficult to section at all times (Funaria),
and more or less shattering must be expected; in others the capsule
may become too hard to section^ although earlier stages give no trouble.
To avoid these difficulties in large measure, all air must be exhausted
during or following fixation, infiltration must be very thorough, and
embedding should be in a hard paraffin.

The ferns are a large, diverse, and extremely interesting group,
and in many respects they tax to the utmost the skill and ingenuity of
the technician. Indeed, they are exceeded only by the Rhodophyta
in the problems that they present. The beginning technician would do
well to acquire considerable experience on less difficult groups before
tackling the Pteridophyta. Ophioglossum, Isoetes, and Marattia are
the only genera all the parts of which section easily and give no trouble
with the staining; consequently, if material of one of these genera should
be available, the beginning should be made on it. Thereafter progress
toward the more difficult genera can be started, taking up such as
Botrychium, Azolla, Lycopodium,
and Psilotum, and progressing from
these to the Filicales and Equisetales.
Detailed directions for the various subclasses, orders, or species will
be given, since they differ considerably in the nature of the treatment
required. A number of general manuals are available, which contain
information of value to the technician (e.g., Ogura 1938, Verdoorn
Stelar Types.The ferns have played a prominent part in the develop
ment of the stelar theory. On the supposition that examples which
will illustrate each of the several types of steles in the stems and rhizomes
(G. M . Smith 1938) might be required, the following list has been
Haplostele; Lycopodium cernuum (mixed type), Selaginella
Lygodium palmatum,
Actinostele: Psilotum, Isoetes, Lycopodium phlegmaria, L. inundatum.
Plectostele: Lycopodium adpressum, L. clavatum, L. volubile, L. tristachyum.
Polystele: Polypodium,
Filix fragilis, Pleopeliis simplex (probably
most species of the Polypodiaceae).
solenostele: Dipteris
(old plants), Marsilea
Dicksonia punctiloba, Marattia (older stem), Pilularia.
Ectophloic solenostele: Ophioglossum (rare), Schizaea (older parts),
Botrychium virginianum (rhizome).
Dictyostele: Ophioglossum (usual' condition), Osmunda (older parts),
(older stems), Botrychium virginianum
(stem), Helmin381







Polycyclic solenostele: not known in any North American pteridophyte.

Occurs in rhizome of Matonia pectinata.
Polycyclic dictyostele: Pteridium (older rhizome).
Mixed types (recapitulation): Matonia pectinata, Cyathea, Gleichenia.

FIQ. 77.Psilotum nudum: longitudinal section from near stem apex with two young
sporangia containing spore mother cells and enclosed b y the bract. Fixed with formalinaceto-alcohol; stained with safranin and fast green.


There is one family with t w o genera, Psilotum and

T h e latter occurs only in the South Pacific, but the former is widespread
in the tropics and subtropics and may even be found in fern collections
as it grows readily under cultivation. Anatomical material should be
obtainable from the supply concerns. T h e younger sporangia and stems
section easily, but the older sporangia and stems, as well as the rhizomes,
become greatly hardened, and embedded material must be soaked under
water for some time, whereupon it cuts without difficulty. All stages
fix excellently with formalin-aceto-alcohol, but the dehydration and



infiltration must be very gradual and prolonged; at least a day should be

allowed for each stage of a closely graduated series of fluids. For some
unknown reason, most parts of the plants, especially the older stems and
rhizomes, have a marked tendency to shrink badly during the dehydration
process. Gametophytes are unobtainable. All parts give beautiful
staining effects with either safranin and fast green or a triple combination
(Fig. 77).


The order includes two living genera: the monospecific Phylloglossum

from Australasia, and the cosmopolitan Lycopodium.
Species of Lycopodium occurring in the United States are usually
trailing or shrubby terrestrial plants, but a few are epiphytic with either
erect or pendulous sporophytes. The tropical species are mostly epi
phytic and attain larger dimensions than do those from temperate
climates. Although Lycopodium should be present in most of the states,
it rarely occurs in abundance on the Pacific slopes and in the Southern
states, and colonies are rather sporadic and difficult to locate. If
definite locations are not known, herbarium specimens in a local collection
should be examined and notes made of the exact localities. In Canada
and the New England and Northern states it becomes as common as a
weed. Lycopodium is well represented in most fern collections, but the
species may be difficult to determine. Plants are easily obtained from
nurserymen. If all these sources fail, either preserved or embedded
material can always be procured from the botanical supply concerns.
The tropical species are less likely to give trouble during the microtoming
as they have softer stems and strobili.
Root.The root of Lycopodium has the typical differentiation char
acteristic of vascular plants (Fig. 78). Fix with formalin- aceto-alcohol,
microtome at lOu, and stain with safranin and fast green. The younger
roots section readily, but if trouble is encountered in older roots from
the hardening of the xylem, they may be soaked under water for two or
three days.
Sections of older stems frequently show the adventitious roots, which
grow down through the cortex before emerging. Among the species
which have this feature are L. serratum and L. pithyoides.
Stem.Apical cells are not known to be present in the stem of
instead, there is a mass of meristematic tissue. The
terminal portions of the stems may be detached about 5 to 8 mm. from
the apex, fixed in formalin-aceto-alcohol, embedded, and sectioned
longitudinally at 10>. These will show the apical meristem, the develop-







merit of the leaves, and the early differentiation into epidermis, cortex,
and stele. Serial transverse sections are also useful.
There is great variation, even within the same species, in the organiza
tion of the vascular tissues. A series of preparations of stem sections
of as many species as could be obtained will form a collection of inesti
mable value in any study of plant anatomy.
Contrary to the common

Fio. 7S.Kucopmlitun rlnvntum: cross section of a rhizophore with exfoliated epidermis.

The heavily selerizcd region of the inner cortex causes great difficulty during microtoming.
Fixed with formalin-propiono-alcohol; stained with safranin and fast green.

impression, it is not at all difficult to microtome perfect sections of even

the oldest stems. T h e stems of all species become, more or less hardened
during the dehydration; consequently it is better to treat them all alike.
Cut the stems into portions not over 7 mm. in length, fix with formalinaceto-alcohol, dehydrate with tertiary butyl alcohol (being sure t o use
the alcohol-paraffin oil mixture immediately preceding infiltration:
this is the critical step), then after embedding, expose one end of each
piece of material under water for about a week for softer portions and
longer for the tougher pieces. Microtome at 12u. and stain with safranin



and a counterstain of either fast green, Harris' hematoxylin, or anilin

blue ( F i g . 79).

Fio. 79.Lycopodium clavatum: cross section of vascular cylinder (plectostele) of

mature stem. Fixed with formalin-propiono-alcohol; stained with safranin and fast

L e a f . T h e younger stages of leaf development are t o be found in

sections of the stem apices. A single vein is present. I f the leaves are
sufficiently closely appressed t o the stem, the t w o m a y be worked up



as a unit. If the leaves are over 1 cm. in length or are inserted at an

angle, they should be removed. Cut off short portions at both ends.
Embed in bunches or layers. There should be no trouble with the
mierotoming, even though the leaves of most species become rather
Strobilus.Strobili usually appear in June and mature in October.
The strobili in the various species differ greatly in external form, but
there is little internal difference. Insofar as the technician is concerned,
the strobili of any one species are as useful as those of another. In
most of the species occurring in the United States, the fertile region is so
definitely delimited from the sterile portions that it becomes a simple
matter to distinguish between the two. In some tropical species there
are alternating sterile and fertile zones, and in others sporangia are
found in the vegetative region subtended by foliage leaves.
In northern regions, L. clavatum, L. inundatum, L. dendroideum,
and L. obscurum are the native species which have the most satisfactory
strobili. In the first two species the strobili become so long as they
approach maturity that they must be bisected. The sporangia are
progressively developed from the base of the strobilus toward the apex,
and in most strobili not too far along in development a fine series of
stages are to be found.
For ordinary purposes formalin-aceto-alcohol fixes very well; but for
critical stages a fairly strong chrom-acetic or chrom-osmo-acetic fluid
would be preferable. There may be a little plasmolysis at certain later
stages of spore development; to avoid this, individual sporangia will
have to be dissected out of the strobilus. If the sporophylls are large,
they may either be trimmed off with small scissors or slabs may be cut
from opposite sides of the strobilus. The strobili should not be bisected
longitudinally; ,if this is done, they will curl up tightly. The strobili
may be sectioned transversely if desired, but longitudinal sections are
preferable. In either case the sections may be cut at lOu for all stages.
When sections of strobili are mounted on the slides, it will generally
be observed that a milky substance runs out of them. This is due to
the fact that the spore mother cells and spores float in a viscous fluid;,
thefluidis only partially coagulated duringfixation,and the uncoagulated
portion becomes dissolved in the water on which the sections float.
The matter, fortunately, is of no moment since the spores are retained
in position and the dissolved matter does not become discolored by
Staining will occasionally prove to be troublesome. The earlier
stages and those involving maturation of the spores stain beautifully
with safranin and fast green. The intermediate stages are those that
give the most difficulty. Iron hematoxylin may be tried, but the



differentiation must be carefully controlled, especially when the chro

mosomes are involved.
Gametophyte.Innumerable attempts to germinate the spores of
Lycopodium have been made, but most trials have been unsuccessful.
Two difficulties are attendant upon such attempts: (1) spores of certain
species do not germinate until after the lapse of from three to eight or
more years; (2) the young gametophytes, especially those which are
subterranean, cannot be carried beyond the 4- to 10-celled stage unless
they become infected with the characteristic symbiontic fungus. It
has been suggested that the first difficulty can be removed if some method,
possibly chemical, can be found to break the resting period. As for
the second difficulty, no one apparently has made a special study of the
fungus; at least, no information concerning its identity is available,
although it probably is an Ascomycete.
In some species the gametophyte is only partially embedded in the
substrate, the aerial portions containing chlorophyll and bearing the
antheridia and archegonia. Some species have spores which germinate,
immediately upon being shed, the sex organs are soon produced and the
young sporophyte is established the same season. No gametophytes
of this type are apparently known which do not harbor a fungus.
The other type of gametophyte is subterranean, tuberous, and entirely
lacks chlorophyll. There are usually definite areas containing the fungal
symbiont., Spores producing this type of gametophyte require several
years for germination, and the. latter develop very slowly, sometimes
taking 16 years or longer for the development of the sex organs. The
gametophytes are buried at depths of from 0.5 to 6 cm. Their probable
presence can be inferred by the finding of a few very young sporophytes.
They are generally found at some distance from the parent plants and
usually grow in the shade (Degener 1924; Spessard 1917, 1922; Stokey
and Starr 1924).
The majority of the localities in the United States where gametophytes
have been found are in Massachusetts, but others have been discovered
in Michigan and New Jersey. These are all regions where rains occur
during the summer. Whenever the gametophytes are found, they
usually occur in abundance.
Formalin-aceto-alcohol has given perfect fixation of the aerial type
of gametophyte. Microtoming should be in the vertical longitudinal
plane at Hp. If the sex organs are at all present, they usually occur
in great abundance; the archegonia more so than the antheridia. Iron
hematoxylin is the only stain which has afforded satisfactory results
with the sex organs; fast green may be used as a counterstain, but orange
G is better on some species. For the embryo and young sporophyte a
triple combination might be tried.




The order includes one living genus, Selaginella, which differs from
Lycopodium in that it is heterosporous. The North American species
of Selaginella are found in habitats ranging from damp shade to xerophytic conditions. Some species are terrestrial and others epiphytic;
most of those occurring in the United States belong to the former group.
Selaginella is commonly planted in greenhouses as a ground cover
and in pots for table decoration. S. kraussiana is the species usually
employed as a ground cover. Tropical species are frequently to be
found in greenhouse fern collections, and these are the best source of
material, especially of the strobili, since they are less refractory than the
native species. The xerophytic. species should be avoided, except for
special purposes.
Root.The roots are very small, are adventitious, and are usually
borne at the ends of the rhizophores. They present no technical diffi
Rhizophore.This structure is generally considered to be a part
of the stem, but its anatomical structure is similar to that of a root. It
is easy to manipulate, but occasionally becomes so hard that some soaking
of the embedded material under water is required.
Stem.The stems of most species become too hard and brittle
to be sectioned without the expenditure of the utmost ingenuity. The
stem tips, whose apex may be occupied by either a mass of meristematic
tissue or a single apical cell, according to the species, gives no trouble, and
may be treated as described for the corresponding parts of Lycopodium.
As in Lycopodium, the tropical species of Selaginella have stems which
are easier to microtome. S. kraussiana is the easiest of all, but the
steles are of relatively small extent.
Stems of some species may be easier to section in celloidin, but con
siderable success has been had after dehydration with tertiary butyl
alcohol and prolonged soaking in water. Fix with formalin-acetoalcohol or a strong chrom-acetic, microtome at 11M, and stain with
safranin and anilin blue.
In the stems there is a space of considerable extent between the steles
and the inner face of the cortex; the space is bridged by trabeculae which
are easy to demonstrate in some species but not in others.
Leaf.The leaves are so small and so appressed to, or parallel with,
the stem that sections of at least the younger stems show their structure
Strobilus.The strobilus of Selaginella is one of the most difficult
of all plant organs to microtome. Up to the time that the walls of the
megaspores become thickened in the younger strobili, the latter section



without difficulty, but after that stage the megaspores cannot be cut,
except in rare instances, without shattering. A few technicians claim
that embedding in celloidin removes the difficulty, but others have had
no success with this procedure. The best that can be done is to fix in
formalin-aceto-alcohol or a medium chrom-osmo-acetic fluid, taking
care to exhaust all air; to dehydrate over a considerable period (allowing
each change to react for at least a week) by the tertiary butyl alcohol
method; to leave in the paraffin oven for several weeks or even months;
and to embed in a hard Parlax or a paraffin melting at 58C. After
embedding, the exposed material must be^soaked under water for months
(see also Slagg 1932). The strobili of an unidentified species from
Jamaica sectioned easily after 45 days' immersion; S. douglasii from
Oregon required 8 months' immersion, but even then there was some
shattering. All methods designed to soften the spore coats by chemical
means are worthless.
In most species microsporangia and megasporangia are borne,
usually rather irregularly, in the same strobilus, but in others only one
kind of sporangia are to be found in a strobilus. The distribution of the
sporangia follows four types of arrangement but occasional exceptions
may be encountered (Mitchell 1910): (1) a single large basal megasporangium subtended by an especially large leaf; (2) several basal
megasporangia with microsporangia above; (3) strobili wholly either
megasporangiate or microsporangiate; (4) megasporangia and micro
sporangia disposed indiscriminately.
The strobili should be microtomed longitudinally. The claim has
been made that, in order to cut through the stalks of the sporangia,
the plane of sectioning should be diagonal, from corner to corner; the
strobilus is square when viewed in transverse section. This may be
true of some species, but it does not appear to be so in others. The
strobili of some species are curved; consequently they can only be sec
tioned parallel to either flat side. The thickness for general purposes
may be from 10 to 12/t. It is difficult to keep the sections on the slides;
hence they should first be coated with a thin layer of celloidin and taken
through carbol-xylol for deparaffining, thence to 95% alcohol, and to
the staining. For the stages up to the rounding up of the spore mother
cells, iron hematoxylin is preferable; thereafter either a triple combination
or safranin and fast green will be preferable.
Gametophyte.Both microspores and megaspores commence develop
ment into the respective gametophytes before being shed from the
sporangia. In most species development is not wholly completed at
the time of shedding. The stage of development at the time of shedding
of the megasporangia is far more variable than that of the microspores.
If the spores are not sufficiently advanced before shedding, it is a simple

3 9 0


matter to sow the spores on filter paper or plaster of Paris blocks placed
in Petri dishes and moistened with distilled water or a weak nutrient
solution. After several days, spores may be removed daily and fixed.
It should also be possible to obtain sporelings in the same manner.
Sections to show the development of the androcytes should be cut at
Au; those for the archegonia and embryos at 8/i. Safranin and fast green
constitute an excellent stain combination, but in the megagametophytes
the cell contents acquire a very intense color from the safranin. Triple
combinations may be used, but tend toward gaudiness. Young sporelings are easily mounted entire, stained with Harris' hematoxylin and
fast green, and dehydrated by a gradual dioxan or hygrobutol method.


The single living genus, Isoetes, is essentially aquatic, and the locations
where it might be expected can be found in any flora or in monographs
(Pfeiffer 1 9 2 2 ) . It is common over the United States but may be easily
overlooked because of its strong resemblance to grasses and sedges.
The plants are herbaceous, consisting of ligulate leaves borne upon a"
corm-like stem, which is so short as to be externally indiscernible, and
roots borne upon a massive rhizophore below the stem.
Root.The roots may be snipped off, fixed with formalin-acetoalcohol, microtomed transversely at 1 2 u , and then stained with safranin
and fast green. Sections invariably look as if the roots were badly
disorganized, but this is the natural condition. The root tips are not
easy to collect; longitudinal sections will reveal the apical meristem.
Stem and Rhizophore.The two should be worked up together, since
it is useless to attempt to separate them. Take plants which have just
begun to produce sporangia, trim off the roots 1 or 2 mm. from the rhizor
phore, and cut through the leaves just above the apex of the stem (the
apex has the shape of an inverted cone). Provided they are not too
large, even older plants may be used. Fix in formalin-propiono-alcohol.
In some species the stem is bilobate; in others it is trilobate (Fig. 8 0 ) .
To show the ramifications of the interesting vascular system,' serial
sections, both longitudinal and transverse, should be cut and all mounted
in order. For this purpose microtome at 1 5 or 16u. Safranin and fast
green are the most adequate stain combination.
Leaf.Sections of young plants, prepared as noted in the preceding
paragraph, will show the structure of the leaves. However, there is no
reason why portions of the leaves cannot be removed from the plants and
run up independently.
Sporangia.The outer leaves on the stock are sterile, then come the
megasporophylls, next the microsporophylls, and near the center are
the younger leaves with the youngest stages in sporangia development.



H o w e v e r , plants will be found in which the older sporangia contain only

either megasporophylls or microsporophylls. T h e earlier ontogenetic
development is alike in both types.
Sections of young plants for the stem and rhizophore are v e r y likely
to show the sporangia also. T h e material intended for demonstration

FIG. 80.Isoetea nuttallii: cross section through middle portion of corm-like stem, show
ing ramifications of the vascular system. Fixed with formalin-propiono-alcohol; stained
with safranin and fast green.

of the sporangia should be prepared as described for the stem, but for
the earlier stages the sections should not be over 10/x in thickness.
safranin affords an excellent basic stain, iron hematoxylin m a y occa
sionally prove to be more satisfactory.
Unlike most aquatic plants,
Isoetes is easy to stain.
T h e megaspores, unlike those of Selaginella, give no trouble during
the microtoming; the real difficulty is to fix them properly. A fixative
of strong penetrating power apparently is required, and formalin-aceto-



alcohol appears to be as good as anything. A triple combination or iron

hematoxylin plus orange G give good results.
Gametophyte.Germination of the spores begins immediately after
liberation from the sporangia, provided suitable conditions are present.
However, large numbers of the spores are incapable of germination; in
the case of the megaspores, one will have to undertake the tedious job
of separating the sound from the shriveled ones previous to fixation.
Bring portions of the soil with corms, megaspores, and young plants
to the laboratory, place in suitable containers, and keep well watered.
It appears probable that the megaspores at least remain viable for about
a year. Transformation of the microspores into antherozoids occupies
about a week; the period elapsing from germination of the megaspore
to the well-developed embryo stage is about a month. To secure a
series of developmental stages, collections of germinating spores should
be made at frequent intervals during the respective periods. The
microgametophytes should be sectioned at 5 M ; the megagametophytes
at 6 to 8M- It is impossible to orient the megagametophytes and younger
embryos in the proper position for sectioning; hence one can only cut
blindly, but the number of usable sections is surprisingly high.

Equisetum, the only living genus of the Equisetinae, is well known to

every botanist, but there appears to be a general impression that it is
one of exasperating difficulty to the technician because the plants are
encrusted with silicon. It seems not to be realized that the more interest
ing and critical parts of the plants are not encrusted, or at most only
superficially so, and that microtoming of these parts is actually very,
easy. The only serious difficulty is that all parts have an exceptionally
weak affinity for basic stains. Equisetum, on the whole, is a genus well
worth the technician's effort.

Equisetum is a nearly cosmopolitan g e n U s and affects a variety of

habitats. Most of the species prefer aquatic or damp, shaded situations,
but others are almost xerophytic. Ponds, marshes, river and creek beds,
and shady banks are the best localities from which to collect material.
Some species are sporadic in occurrence, frequently forming very small
stands, but others form extensive mats and crowd out all other vegetation.
The aerial branches of a very few species are perennial, but those of
most species die down at the end of the growing season. The one
persistent portion of the sporophyte is the much branched subterranean
rhizome, which is usually a short distance below the surface but may



descend to more than a meter. This rhizome in many species is the

only active means by which the plants spread over new territory.
Root.The adventitious roots are borne at the nodes of the rhizome
and in most species function for only one season. Therefore, roots
which plainly appear to have been formed recently should be collected;
the old roots are shriveled and not worth collecting. Root hairs are
abundant and conspicuous in the finished preparations. There is an
apical cell at the tip of the root. The roots are not silicified and are
easily sectioned. .Fix the tips in a chrom-acetic or chrom-osmo-acetic
fluid and the older portions in formalin-aceto-alcohol. Microtome the
former longitudinally at 8u, the latter transversely at 12ju. Staining is
usually fine with a triple combination.
It is sometimes possible to obtain longitudinal sections of the origin
of the roots by sectioning young rhizome nodes transversely.']
Rhizome.There is a large apical cell, with three cutting faces, at
the tip of each rhizome. The apical cell of the rhizome is generally in
better condition, its divisions are easier to follow' out, and it stains
better than is the case with the apical cell of the vegetative branch.
The latter is very apt to have the external wall indented, and it is difficult
to section it in a satisfactory plane. The lateral apical cells of the
vegetative-stem are, in fact, usually in a better condition for study than
is the terminal apical cell. The tip of the rhizome is massive in many
species; slabs from opposite sides should therefore be cut off, and it would
be well to examine the sections under the microscope since only those
very close to, or containing, the apical cell are worth mounting. Fix
in chrom-acetic or formalin-aceto-alcohol and microtome at 8MThe structure of the subterranean and aerial portions of the sporo
phyte is nearly identical. The rhizomes are only slightly silicified;
consequently if the aerial portion is too difficult to section, the rhizome
may be substituted. Otherwise, it would be preferable to utilize the
aerial branches. Fix portions of the rhizome .internodes in formalinaceto-alcohol, section at 14/* transversely, and stain with safranin and
fast green.
Aerial Branches.These are of two types in most of the species.
The fertile branches, when present, are flabby, not much silicified, and
each is terminated by a strobilus. The sterile, or vegetative, shoots
are formed and appear aboveground after the fertile branches have, as a
rule, completed growth.
In the other type the fertile and vegetative branches are combined
into one organ. The strobili are borne at the termini of the lateral
branches. In addition, there are one or two evergreen perennial species.
The vegetative shoots differ in the amount of silicification according
to the species. Some are" slightly, others heavily encrusted. The







former can generally be sectioned, after the blocks have been soaked
under water for several weeks, without evident tearing, but the heavily
encrusted types must be treated with hydrofluoric acid. Fix with for
malin-aceto-alcohol, wash with t w o changes of 7 0 % alcohol, then treat
with 50% hydrofluoric acid in 7 0 % alcohol
for t w o days, finally washing thoroughly
with 70% alcohol, and proceeding to the
dehydration. T h e dehydration and infil
tration should be v e r y thorough.
and fast green are as good a stain combina
tion as any; triple combinations have not
been satisfactory.

FIG. 81.Equisetum arvense:

median longitudinal section of a
young strobilus with spore mother
cells. Fixed with formalin-acetoalcohol; stained with iron hema
toxylin and fast green.

There is an apical cell at the terminus of

each branch. T h a t at the end of the main
axis is the one which is meant when the
"apical c e l l " is mentioned in most texts.
This cell invariably looks better in drawings
than it does in the actual preparation, as it
is rare that this cell is either perfectly fixed
or sectioned in exactly the right plane.
T h e external wall is generally indented.
T h e apical cell of the rhizome, as was men
tioned above, is better organized and is
easier to fix. T h e apical cells of the pri
mordial branches are just as useful as
the terminal apical cell, although few
botany instructors seem to be willing to
admit the fact. E. arvense is one of the
best species for apical cells. Stem tips
that have just emerged from the ground
may be cut off about 6 to 8 mm. below
the tip, fixed with a medium chromacetic, and microtomed longitudinally at
8 t o 10/u. Stain with safranin and fast

L e a f . T h e leaves are small, chaffy or scale-like, and more or less

united to form a sheath around the base of the internode. I n most
species they are not worth the trouble required to section them, since
they are heavily encrusted with silicon.
Strobilus.The young strobilus is first recognizable at the apices
of the subterranean rhizomes in June or July; the sporogenous cells
are differentiated b y the middle of August ( F i g . 8 1 ) ; meiosis occurs late
in the same month, but the spores are not naturally shed until the follow-



ing March or April. However, if strobili are brought into the laboratory
and kept in a warm place, they can be induced to shed their spores any
time after mid-September. In those species in which the strobili are
borne on the termini of vegetative shoots, they appear in early spring,
develop rapidly, and the spores are ready for shedding by mid-spring.
The strobili of all species are easily fixed and sectioned at all stages
of development. In those species in which the strobili originate on the
rhizomes, dig up the latter carefully, wash thoroughly under running
water, and cut off the rhizome apices. If the particular colony is known
to produce strobili, the latter are fairly certain to be present at the
rhizome apices. Fix the earlier stages in Navashin'sfluidor in a medium
chrom-acetic; for the later stages following meiosis, formalin-propionoalcohol is good. Section at 10 to 12ju. The younger stages should be
microtomed longitudinally, but transverse sections may also be made
of the later stages to show the relation of the sporangiophore to the
central axis. For all stages up to meiosis, stain with iron hematoxylin
but omit counterstaining. The later stages are difficult to stain ade
quately; a quadruple combination may be attempted.
Gametophyte.The mature spores with their characteristic elaters
are easily mounted entire in their natural colors. The simplest method
is to mix a small quantity in a drop of melted glycerin jelly on a slip
and to add a coverslip carefully so as not to let any of the medium extend
beyond the periphery of the coverslip, then ring with Duco or other
ringing material. More substantial mounts may be made by placing
fresh spores in 95% ethyl alcohol for 15 minutes, then pour off the alcohol,
replace with Euparal or Diaphane diluted several times with 95%
alcohol, and place in a cool part of the paraffin oven. The alcohol
evaporates quickly; with a pipette draw up a small quantity of the
mixture, put 1 drop, on a slide, and add a circular coverslip 18 mm. in
diameter. Avoid jarring or shaking the spores, else the elaters become
detached. By either method the preparations will keep for at least
five years.
The spores of some species retain their viability for only 1 hour
after being shed, while those of others may remain viable for a few days.
Prothallia are easily raised artificially, provided fresh spores, secured
- from strobili that are about ready to discharge, are used. Boil shredded
sphagnum for about 1 hour, then pack tightly in sterilized moist chambers,
' of a suitable type, to the depth of 1 or 2 inches. Press out the surplus
water. Cover the receptacles until cool, then sow the spores on the
surface of the sphagnum. Keep the moist chamber covered, and place
in a north window. No special precautions to prevent the appearance
of fungi or algae need be taken, since it is possible to control these organ
isms with potassium permanganate. If they should appear, add enough






crystals of the permanganate to distilled water to give the latter a

purplish color. Pour over the affected areas, then drain off all excess
solution. T h e solution m a y be allowed to remain for as long as 1 0
minutes in cases of bad infection, as the permanganate appears to benefit
rather than to harm the cultures.
If only a few algae are present and
they do not seem to crowd the cultures, they may be allowed to remain.
It will be approximately a month after germination when the first sex

F I G . 82.Equisetum dehile: longitudinal section of young embryo. Fixed with formalinaceto-alcohol; stained with safranin and fast green.
organs (usually the antheridia) are recognizable. T h e cultures can be
kept growing for years.
Equisetum arvense is the species whose spores are most easily ger
minated in the above manner.
T h e gametophytes are more like those
of the Filicinae and whole mounts may be prepared in exactly the same
manner (see page 4 0 7 ) . Other species produce cushion-like prothallia
that are too thick for whole mounts. E. laevigatum is an example of
such species, but E. debile from India is better known. These massive
prothallia must be embedded and sectioned. T h e y usually grow in
mud. I t is impossible to get rid of all the enveloping mud; if the mud



does not contain grit that might nick the microtome knife, do not bother
about it, but proceed to embed prothallus, mud and all. Fix with
formalin-aceto-alcohol or a medium chrom-acetic fluid, and microtome
in the vertical plane at 10>. If the gametophytes are in good condition
(which is not always the case), a fine series of developmental stages of
antheridia, archegonia, and embryos is easily secured (Fig. 82). The
question whether the gametophytes of Equiselum are homothallic or
heterothallic has not been settled; in any event, most of the gametophytes
in the majority of species will be found to be homothallic. In those
species, like E. debiU, with the cushion type of gametophyte, the nature
of each gametophyte can be determined only by sectioning. It will
sometimes be necessary to search very carefully for the archegonia.
Even if the gametophytes are sectioned blindly in the vertical plane, a
very large number of embryos and young sporophytes can nevertheless
be secured. All stages are difficult to stain. One might try placing
the slides with sections attached, after bringing them down to water,
in 1% aqueous chromic acid for 1 hour, rinsing thoroughly with water,
and then staining with safranin and fast green. It was nearly impossible
to differentiate the hematoxylins on all materials which were available
to the writer.
Gametophytes of Equisetum have been found in many localities,
most of those in this country being in Nebraska.

The American ferns have been rather thoroughly studied taxonomically and can be readily identified from popular manuals, floras, and
special monographs. The ferns are widely distributed over the country,
but most of the species are included in the Polypodiaceae. There are
numerous dealers in native plants who advertise their local species; if
mature specimens are ordered, they are usually in a condition for immedi
ate fixation, except occasionally for the sporangia. All the botanical
and most public gardens possess extensive fern collections; if the head
gardeners are approached, they are almost always willing to permit one
to collect stems, leaves, and sporangia. Material of many tropical
species is purchasable from the botanical supply concerns. Altogether,
it is not a difficult matter for the technician to obtain, from one or another
of the sources just mentioned, suitable material of any desired type.
One is likely, however, to,encounter trouble in securing stages of
sporangial development. It will be necessary to learn something of the
life history of the species concerned, particularly with regard to the
time of year when the sporangia are first formed. This period differs
considerably even within the same family. Those species which have
the sori at the periphery or on the abaxial side of the vegetative leaves



commonly produce sporangia intermittently or continuously throughout

the year, especially when in cultivation indoors. Those which produce the
sporangia on special fertile spikes (as in Struthiopteris)
usually have
the sporangia already formed as these spikes begin to appear from the
crown. Sporangia may develop slowly or rapidly, and sometimes may
even turn out to be sterile. Different species in the same genus may be
more suitable from both technical and teaching standpoints and more
useful than others (e.g., Polypodium lineare, a Hawaiian species, is the
best of all the numerous species in the genus for the origin and develop
ment of the sporangia).
As has already been intimated, the ferns belonging to the Leptosporangiatae are very difficult technically. The stems of most species
are rigid; the leaves are tough and leathery; the rhizomes in many species
are massive and surrounded by heavily sclerized leaf bases; but if the
proper precautions are observed, it is entirely possible to cut perfect
sections as thin as 10> of even the most formidable specimens. However,
material that has been kept in plain alcohol for years is worthless as the
various tissues have become almost completely disorganized.
Certain precautions need to be observed when collecting fern material
in the field. If roots and- rhizomes of purely terrestrial forms are to be
collected, the plants should first be loosened all around by means of a
spading fork. Any roots or rhizomes that appear to be too long to be
dug out in their entirety should be cut off as far from the base as possible.
Avoid all pulling or stretching, as it is very easy to cause the vascular
bundles to become separated from the surrounding tissues. Each clump
after removal from the soil should be thoroughly washed in a near-by
stream or under a water faucet, whereupon the desired root or rhizome
portions may be cut off with a large, sharp scalpel. If they are not to be
fixed immediately, they may be wrapped in damp newspapers for trans
portation to the laboratory. Epiphytic species are easy to manipulate,
it merely being necessary to free them of adhering mosses, liverworts, etc.
The group is so designated because the sporangia develop from more
than a single cell. The antheridia are embedded in the gametophyte.

The order includes three genera of perennial herbs. One genus,

Helminthostachys, ranges from India through Malayasia north to Japan.
Ophioglossum and Botrychium are world-wide in distribution, but are
more common in the Northeastern states than west of the Rockies in
the United States (R. T. Clausen 1938).,. Both occur usually as scattered
patches consisting of few plants, although in some especially favorable



localities extensive stands are known. T h e plants are found in a variety

of habitatsmoist meadows, shady fields, grassy thickets, rich swamp
lands, and even on sandy beaches. If not already known, locations

FIG. 83.Roots of the Ophioglossales, in transverse section, showing nature of vascular
cylinder and comparatively large cortex: A, Ophioglossum vulgatum, B, 0. pendulum; C, O.
reticulatum, D, Botrychium virginianum. Fixed with formalin-aceto-alcohol; stained with
safranin and fast green.
where material can be obtained are difficult to find; it would be well to
check herbarium specimens whose labels bear precise collection data.
If material cannot be collected in the field, the botanical supply concerns
are usually well supplied with excellent material.
The genera will be treated together in the following discussion, since
technical methods apply equally to all.



Root.The adventitious roots are comparatively large, somewhat

fleshy in a few species, and usually gorged with starch (Fig. 83). Cut
them into portions 5 to 8 mm. in length, fix with formalin-aceto-alcohol,
microtome transversely at 12ft, and stain with safranin and fast green
or a quadruple combination. The material rarely becomes so hardened
as to require soaking; in any event, the blocks should not remain under
water for longer than a day.
There are no root hairs.
Stem.The stem is short,'subterranean, and upright, although it is
dorsiventral in some tropical epiphytic species. In some species of
stem is so short that one can only trim off the roots and
petioles and run up the whole mass. In old plants of Botrychium the
stem may become so long that it has been called a "rhizome."
The stem is easily manipulated, even when quite old. Section trans
versely at 12/*, and stain with safranin and fast green. If necessary to
soak, do not leave the material under water after it becomes whitishopaque, or it cannot be cut at all; two days' immersion is long enough.
The stem apex is particularly worth attention. There one will find
the buds of the leaves which will appear successively for the next three
(or four) years. The buds of the tropical species are naked; those of
. the temperate zone are closely covered with hairs which may occasionally
give trouble. . There is a single apical cell, but it is extremely difficult
to locate it and to be certain of its identity. In removing the apices
from the plants, cut them off carefully so as not to cut through the petiole
of the oldest one, lest it be lost. Wash the buds very thoroughly,
preferably under a small jet. from a thick rubber tube attached to a
faucet, as the buds are full of fine grit. Fix with formalin-aceto-alcohol,
embed with one flat side down, and section across the flat face at 10/*.
Examine the sections before mounting, and discard those that do not go
through all three buds. Stain preferably with a quadruple combination.
In at least the oldest bud it will be possible to find the origin of the
fertile spike.
Leaf and Petiole.Both are very easy from the technical standpoint
and general methods are applicable.
Fertile Spike.To obtain the very youngest stages, the plants
must be carefully watched. In early spring the plants may be dug up
and the leaves searched for the earliest stages, and, after this, collections
may be made at regular, frequent intervals in order to secure a complete
series of developmental stages.- The spikes are readily fixed, sectioned,
and stained at all stages. Both transverse and longitudinal sections
should be prepared; the optimum thickness is 10//.. Safranin and fast
green give a brilliant stain, but perhaps iron hematoxylin may be preferred
for the stages up to meiosis. The clusters of sporangia in Botrychium



should be reduced to smaller proportions as soon as they become large

Gametophyte.In both Ophioglossum and Botrychium gametophytes
have frequently been found (R. T. Clausen 1938). They are usually
subterranean in habit but may be located so near the surface that small
lobes appear aboveground and develop chlorophyll. No one has suc
ceeded in artificially raising gametophytes from spores beyond the
13-celled stage. The gametophytes, if one should be so fortunate as
to find them, may be fixed in a medium chrom-acetic or in formalinaceto-alcohol. If dorsiventrality can be distinguished, microtome in
the vertical longitudinal plane at 10"; otherwise try transverse sectioning.
Staining is better with iron hematoxylin than with coal-tar dyes for the
sex organs, but for general purposes a quadruple stain may be attempted.

All species are tropical; material consequently is hard to obtain.

Leaves with synangia attached should be available from the supply
concerns, but other organs probably are not. In any event, Marattia,
the principal genus, is one of the easiest of all Pteridophyta with which
the technician might work; Despite their large size, the stems section
with surprising ease in paraffin, but the mature synangia may require
some softening under water. If material of Marattia is unavailable,
either Danaea or Angiopteris <will serve equally well. The latter genus
might be found cultivated in conservatories or large fern collections.
The leaves and sporangia of these two genera are more rigid than those
of Marattia and will require softening under water for a week or longer.
Some care must also be taken to avoid overstaining.

The plants which are more commonly understood when the term
"ferns" is mentioned are included in the Leptosporangiatae.
The Leptosporangiatae are very widely distributed, but the majority
of the species are tropical. They range in size from the great tree ferns
of the tropics and subtropics to the tiny floating Azolla; from the fragile
"filmy ferns" (Trichomanes and Hymenophyllum)
of humid rain forests
to the tough and leathery xerophytic species of the deserts. In the
United States, however, most of the species are found in places where the
soil does not dry out completely during the rainless seasons, as in moist
woods, the shady sides of canyons and ravines, in fresh-water swamps
and marshes, and in deforested lands. Interesting species are to be
found growing under ledges and between boulders on high mountains.
Aquatic species are not so widely distributed: there is one species of
Azolla on the East coast and another in the West; Marsilea is commoner

4 0 2






but less readily found, and Ceratopteris occurs in the regions immediately
adjacent to the Gulf of Mexico. Such a wealth of material is available
to the technician that the question becomes one of making a satisfactory
choice of the species with which to work. Each species, as a rule, is
more favorable in some respects than in others, but all have their indivi
dual disadvantages. That is, each has an inherent technical problem
more or less peculiar to itself. These problems will be specifically
mentioned in the appropriate place in the following discussion.
The only characters which are constant in distinguishing one family
from another are those of sori and sporangia (G. M . Smith 1 9 3 8 , Verdoorn 1 9 3 8 ) . Almost every ^general and strictly local flora has a section
devoted to the Leptosporangiatae, and in addition there are several
popular manuals, all of which will be useful in identifying local species.
Warning should be given, however, that hybridization is rampant in
certain genera, and many species moreover are decidedly polymorphic.
Methods common to all Leptosporangiatae will be described first,
and these will be followed by fuller discussions under each family.
Root.The roots in general offer no special technical difficulties,
but those of some species are wiry (Filix) and consequently require
soaking under water. For the root tip and its prominent apical cell,
fix with a medium chrom-acetic, section some tips longitudinally and
others transversely at 10/i, and stain preferably with safranin and fast
green. For older roots, use formalin-aceto-alcohol, and microtome
transversely at 12/i.
Rhizome and Stem.The rhizomes and stems of certain species
offer very difficult technical problems, but the extreme beauty and
great utility of these structures are more than worth all the trouble
involved. Remove subterranean rhizomes carefully and wash free of
adhering soil. The stems of some species are covered with old leaf
bases, which should be trimmed away as much as possible since they
interfere with smooth sectioning. Any rhizomes or stems that can be
cut across with a sharp scalpel can be microtomed after embedding,
even if the portions should become hardened during the dehydration
and infiltration. The portions should not be over 1 cm. in length.
The rhizomes of certain species (e.g., Pteridium) arefilledwith a mucilag
inous substance whose dissolution during dehydration will cause more
or less plasmolysis. Fix with formalin-aceto-alcohol, embed in a hard
paraffin, and microtome transversely (and also longitudinally if desired)
at 12/i. All hard pieces of material should be well softened under water,
but any that are congested with starch should not be left in the water
too long, otherwise hydrolysis of the starch occurs, and the material
cannot be sectioned. Safranin and fast green afford superb differentia
tion; Harris' hematoxylin or crystal violet may be substituted'for the



fast green. Triple combinations are usually too gaudy, but quadruple
methods are excellent.
The stems and rhizomes of the Leptosporangiatae are exceptionally
valuable in studies on the various types of steles to be found among
vascular plants. The stelar type in the young stem is frequently very
different from what is to be found in much older stems; even in the same
stem it may differ at various levels. In some species of Osmunda, for
example, the portion of the stem first developed may be protostelic, but
the portions later developed may be dictyostelic. It is therefore neces
sary, to take into account the age of the plant when the material was
' collected and-also the portion of the stejn that was selected.
Leaf.In those species in which the leaves are all one type, it is the
common practice to make sections of the leaves and sporangia simul
taneously. Mierotoming is usually in such a direction (transverse or
longitudinal) as to go through the largest possible number of sori. Where
the leaves are dimorphic, the structure of the fertile leaf is sufficiently
well shown in sections primarily intended for the sporangia, but the
sterile leaves must be worked up independently. The vegetative leaves
differ considerably in structure, but particularly in the extent to which
the cell contents are revealed. Practically nothing can be found in
mature leaves of Pteridium and Adiantum, as it is almost impossible
to stain them differentially; those of Poly-podium or Cyathea are far less
troublesome. The leaves of the filmy ferns are only one cell in thickness.
To obtain the earliest stages in leaf development, when the activity
of the apical cells is especially prominent, select young, tightly coiled
fronds which have just emerged from the crown; those which are about
1.5 to 1.8 cm in diameter are excellent. Pithyrogramma is one of the
best genera for the purpose. Microtome across one flat side of the
circinate frond at 12ju. Safranin and fast green are excellent, but care
should be taken not to overstain with the basic stain since it is sometimes
not easy to differentiate.
Sporangia.The sporangia are as a rule borne in sori of different
types arranged in various positions on the leaf blade. In some sori
the sporangia develop simultaneously, in others they are formed in
basipetal succession, and in still others they are produced in an irregular
sequence (Fig. 84). When the sori are borne on the abaxial sides of the
leaves, at the periphery of the leaf, or at its apex (as in
it is a simple matter to watch the plants for the first appearance of the
sori, and a series of developmental stages is easily secured. In some
of the species in which the sporangia develop simultaneously, leaves
bearing the earliest sori up to the mature spores can be found on the
same plant. Species with special fertile spikes are more difficult to find
with the earliest stages: the sporangia are already' formed when the







coiled fronds emerge from the crown of the plant and develop rapidly
as the coils unroll.
For sections of the leaves and sori, fix portions with formalin-acetoalcohol, microtome in the plane which permits passing through as many
sori as possible (scattered as in Cyrtomium), or transversely (arranged
in a linear series as in Woodwardia), or longitudinally (when arranged in
widely spaced rows, as in Polypodium) at 11M- If the leaves have become
brittle or if the sporangia contain mature spores, soaking under water
becomes necessary. Safranin and fast green or a quadruple combination
stain adequately.

Flu. 84.Polupodium lineare: cross section through a very young sorus showing indusia
and origin of the sporangia. Fixed with formalin-aceto-alcohol; stained with t-afianin
and fast green.

I n some of the Filicales it is not so easy to produce slides showing

meiosis as it is in certain other species. Most of the Filicales have rather
high chromosome numbers.
Osmunda is the most suitable genus as
the spore mother cells are large, the chromosomes comparatively few
(w-22), large, and widely spaced. Stages in meiosis extend over con
siderable periods: in the Northern states the spore mother cells appear
in the autumn in 0. claytoniaiui and 0. cinnamomea, and meiosis takes
place during the last half of April; in 0. rcgalis the stages appear con
siderably later, meiosis occurring in early M a y . Fix material with a
strong chrom-acetic, microtome at 10M, and stain with iron hematoxylin
(which is not always so satisfactory as it should be) or with safranin and
fast green.
Sori scraped off the leaves may be mounted entire and give good
views of the sporangia. Species should be selected to show the various



types of annulus: rudimentary, equatorial, vertical, apical, and oblique.

Simply place the sori in hygrobutol for several hours, give a change, then
infiltrate with weak balsam, and evaporate down to a mounting con
sistency. A more refined method would be tofixfirstin formalin-acetoalcohol, replacing this gradually with hygrobutol, and infiltrating with
balsam. Staining is not required. Small portions of leaves bearing sori
may also be mounted entire, with the sori and sporangia remaining in
their natural positions. Fix with formalin-aceto-alcohol; staining is
unnecessary, but if one is desired, wash out the fixative with 85% alcohol
and apply a strong solution of fast green in equal parts of methyl cellosolve and 95% alcohol for several hours or overnight, then wash out with
two or three changes of equal parts of the two fluids just mentioned, and
infiltrate with highly diluted balsam, which should be brought to a
concentrated condition quickly. Mount the leaf portions, sori side
up, in culture slides. The leaves will become very brittle in a short
timeno method that circumvents this annoying propensity is known
therefore they should be mounted as soon as possible.
Gametophytes.Spores of all Filicales are easily grown in artificial
culture. The gametophytes are rarely found in first-class condition in
nature, and then only where the habitat does not become dried out.
In cultures, moreover, one may inspect the plants from time to time and
thus keep an accurate check on the growth stages.
Three general methods of cultivating prothallia are in use:
1. A shallow pot or fern dish is half filled with broken pottery chips
or fine gravel. Over this place a layer of rich loam to within 2 cm. of
the top, then follow with a layer of clean plasterers' sand about 5 mm.
deep. Water completely, and sterilize. When cool, scatter the spores
over the surface of the sand, and cover the container with a pane of glass.
Set in diffuse sunlight.
2. Procure a new porous clay flowerpot, wash thoroughly, and
pack tightly with damp sphagnum. . Invert and place in a convenient
pan or saucer and sterilize. When cool, put sterile water to a depth of
about 2 cm. in the saucer. Scatter the spores over the sides of the pot,
cover the whole with a battery jar, and place in diffuse sunlight. Turn
the whole around occasionally so that all sides will become evenly
illuminated, otherwise the prothallia will acquire abnormal shapes.
3. The third method is better adapted for research purposes since
it affords complete control over the cultures. Sow the spores on a film
of nutrient agar (use Knop's or Pfeiffer's solution) about 5 mm. deep in
small Petri dishes under strictly aseptic conditions. For purposes of
cross-fertilizing or producing hybrids, each individual immature prothallium may be transferred to a separate Petri dish, which transplanta
tion should be performed before the archegonia appear. Fertilization







may be effected when the archegonia are open, by flooding the culture
with nutrient solution and placing a prothallium with mature antheridia
in the solution. T h e solution is permitted to remain for about 12 hours
and is then poured off, and the antheridial prothallus removed. T h e
sporophyte will be visible in a week or t w o ; after the .root and cotyledon
have become well developed, the young sporophyte may be transferred
to soil in a small pot if it is desired to grow the plant to maturity.
T h e last method is probably the best one to follow if one wishes to
obtain an abundance of material of all stages in the origin and develop
ment of the sex organs, embryos, and sporophytes. I t m a y be necessary

Fio. 85.Filamentous fern prothallia. Fixed with formalin-propiono-alcohol; stained

with iron hematoxylin and fast green; dehydrated with hygrobutol and infiltrated with

to modify the conditions in the case of a few ferns. A s a rule, however,

one may sow spores on an agar substrate, and when the gametophytes
appear to have attained their optimum development, they may be
allowed to become slightly dry for a few days and then flooded with
nutrient solution for a period of about 12 hours. Beginning with the
pouring on of the solution, a number of gametophytes m a y be removed
at stated intervals and placed in a 1 % chrom-acetic fluid. In this fashion,
given an abundance of material, a complete series of developmental
stages is readily obtained.
T h e discharge of the antherozoids and their entrance into the arche
gonia is easily observed under the microscope. Place several fragments
of gametophytes with mature sex organs in 1 drop of water on a slide
and add a coverslip carefully. In a few minutes the antheridia will be
observed to burst open, and the antherozoids will be seen congregating
around the archegonia in large numbers.
T h e substance attracting the




antherozoids is malic acid, which fact may be demonstrated by placing

some antheridial fragments in water under a coverslip and placing a drop
of a weak aqueous solution of the acid at one side of the cover. The
antherozoids will promptly swim toward the acid.
The gametophyte of many ferns is at first either asexual or antheridial.
The antheridia may appear even during the filamentous stage, and are
usually very abundant. Considerable growth takes place before the
archegonia originate, customarily just behind the growing apex.
For sections, fix the gametophytes with 1% chrom-acetic. Micro
tome them in the longitudinal vertical plane; it is better to try to obtain
the archegonia in median longitudinal section and to get the antheridia
by chance. For the antheridia alone, 5 to 8/* is thick enough; stain with
iron hematoxylin. For the archegonia, 10/* is satisfactory; staining
may be difficult, but a triple combination usually gives passable results.
For embryos and young sporophytes, section at 10/*, and use safranin
and fast green. Cut all sections perpendicular to the anteroposterior
axis of the gametophyte. ,
Fdr whole mounts fix in either 1% chrom-acetic or formalin-acetoalcohol. Stain with Harris' hematoxylin, which will give brilliant
differentiation of the sex organs and embryos (Fig. 85). After differ
entiating the hematoxylin, upgrade to 85% ethyl alcohol, then leave
overnight or even for as long as 24 hours in a strong solution of fast
green (dissolved in equal parts of methyl cellosolve and 95% alcohol).
Overstaining rarely results; wash with two changes of 95% alcohol,
then dehydrate with hygrobutol, and place in diluted balsam. This
method is excellent with all developmental stages, but the counterstain
may be omitted on young embryos for the sake of greater clarity. In
mounting on slides, be sure to orient with ventral side up. The prothallia
should be mounted as soon as convenient, since they begin to curl up
and become brittle after remaining in thick balsam for more than three
Special directions for the gametophytes of the Marsileaceae and
Salviniaceae will be given in the appropriate places under these families.


Osmundaceae.The cosmopolitan genus Osmunda does not occur

west of the Rocky Mountains in the United States. The stem is very
difficult to microtome because of the large masses of sclerenchymatous
leaf bases; prolonged soaking under water sometimes renders them suffi
ciently soft to cut. The stelar portion of the stem is comparatively
small; the part first formed is protostelic and later portions are dictyostelic. The leaves are tough and leathery. Production of sporangia






differs according to the species: the sporangia are borne on slender brown
leaf segments4n 0. cinnamomea on two or three special leaves, in
0. regalis in the terminal part, and in 0. claytoniana in the middle portion.
Transitional types are also present. All sporangia of a region mature
simultaneously. The mature spores contain chloroplasts, germinate
immediately, and do not retain their vitality long. The gametophytes
are long-lived, rather large, thick, and fleshy; the antheridia are produced
terminally or on the margins, the archegonia ventrally either over the
entire midrib or only along its edges. Only the younger and thinner
specimens should be selected for whole mounts.
Schizaeaceae.The genera are mostly tropical or subtropical,
but Schizaea occurs in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey and Lygodium
in rare instances from Massachusetts to Kentucky and southward. The
vascular organization differs according to the Lygodium, which
is a climbing fern with a subterranean stem, it is a simple protostele.
Vernation is circinate, and the apical cells of the leaves are long-per
sistent. The sporangia are of a simple type. The gametophyte is of
the typical cordate thallus type in all genera save Schizaea, in which it is a
protonema-like branched filament containing a mycorrhizal fungus.
All the genera are difficult to manipulate in one way or another.
Schizaea is a tiny plant, except in the tropics, and considerable sporangial
material should be preserved. Older portions of all genera become dark
brown, and tannin deposits are sometimes so extensive as to interfere
seriously with staining. Older parts of Lygodium are more or less dis
organized. Alcoholic killing fluids should be used. Safranin and fast
green should be employed for staining since other combinations have
not been satisfactory.
Gleicheniaceae.There are two genera inhabiting the tropics or
subtropics of the Southern Hemisphere. It is doubtful whether Gleichenia, the commoner of the two genera, is in cultivation in this country.
Stems and leaves with sporangia should be procurable from the supply
concerns.- Most species possess long rhizomes. There is much variation
in the vascular organization. The sori are naked and borne on vegeta
tive leaves; the sporangia develop simultaneously. Fixation of all parts
is excellent with formalin-aceto-alcohol, but there is always some harden
ing; consequently soaking under water is invariably necessary. Smooth
sections of even the toughest stems are then not at all difficult to micro
tome. Staining, which is preferable with safranin and fast green, is
uncomplicated, except for younger stems and the rachis, which are hard to
differentiate. The prothallia resemble those of the Osmundaceae.
Hymenophyllaceae.This family includes the so-called "filmy
ferns," with two genera, Hymenophyllum and Trichomanes.
The former
is found in tropical rain forests, but fortunately material can be obtained



from the supply concerns. Trichomanes is abundant in Florida and

one species extends as far north as Kentucky, occurring on dripping
sandstone cliffs. The rhizome has a protostele. The leaves of many
species are only one cell layer in thickness; young stems and leaves are
very easily sectioned. The sori are marginal, and the sporangia are
borne in basipetal succession on a receptacle; the whole is surrounded by
an indusium. Pinnae with sori should be removed separately; embed
with one flat side.down, and section parallel to this flat side at 10/*.
Fixation of all organs is adequate with formalin-aceto-alcohol, and sharp
staining is given by practically all combinations. The spores are easy to
germinate, but cultures will require three or more years before they
commence producing sex organs. The monoecious gametophyte is
either a profusely branched filament (Trichomanes) or an irregularly
branched ribbon (Hymenophyllum);
the sex organs are borne on short
adventitious branches.
Cyatheaceae.The tree ferns are mainly tropical or subtropical
plants, but one representative (Dennestaedtia
occurs in
Florida. Specimens of Cyathea are common in greenhouse fern collec
tions in the East and are widely planted outdoors in central and southern
California. Material is thus relatively easy to collect or to purchase,
but stem material is of rather doubtful attainability. Fixations should
be in formalin-aceto-alcohol; staining is usually easy but stains giv
ing sharp contrasts should be selected." The sori are already
present when the circinately coiled fronds begin to unroll, but it is
not difficult to secure the earliest stages- of sporangial development.
As the leaves develop, they become tougher and are rigid after being
embedded; consequently soaking is required. Prothallia develop very
Marsileaceae.In the United States Pilularia
occurs chiefly on
the Pacific Coast; Marsilea in the same region and along the Gulf Coast.
One species of the latter genus has become established in a few ponds
in New England. Material of Pilularia is difficult to procure, but Mar
silea is easily raised from sporangia, which can be purchased if not
otherwise obtainable.
Marsilea. sporophytes have a branched, creeping rhizome, whose
ramifications may cover a considerable area. The leaves and roots
appear at the nodes. Young nodes may be fixed entire and sectioned
in the vertical transverse plane (i.e., as if the internode was being cut
transversely); these will provide a great variety of interesting and instruc
tive tissues: origin of the adventitious roots, young leaves, petioles in
longitudinal section, and even the origin of the sori and the youngest
developmental stages, as well as sections of the rhizome proper. Fix
with formalin-propiono-alcohol, use the water suction pump, soak the

4 1 0


embedded material under water for about three weeks, microtome

at 1 0 t i , and stain with either. safranin and fast green or a quadruple
The vascular cylinder in the rhizome is an amphiphloic solenostele.
The broad flat leaves of Marsilea should be cut into convenient widths
for fixation with formalin-aceto-alcohol, and the awl-shaped leaves of
Pilularia into short sections.
The youngest sporocarps must be looked for, in sections of the nodes.
As soon as they can be observed emerging, they should be cut out. They
are borne on peduncles inserted just above the bases of the petioles.
In Pilularia and in many species of Marsilea the sporocarps are solitary;
in other species of the latter genus they may number as many as 2 0 .
As long as they can be cut with a razor blade or sharp scalpel, the sporo
carps can be embedded and sectioned. Cut off a small segment at one
end to facilitate penetration of fluids, and fix with formalin-aceto-alcohol.
Infiltration with paraffin must be quite thorough. Soaking under water
appears to be only briefly needed by some species, a much longer time'by
others. Serial sections are better than a few isolated sections. The
sporocarps should be microtomed perpendicular to their flat sidetrans
versely for the younger stages and longitudinally as soon as the sporangia
are definitely recognizable. (When nodes are sectioned for the origin
of the sporocarps, the latter obviously cannot be oriented in a definite
plane, but practically all sections are useful.) The optimum thickness
is 10/i. Iron hematoxylin is the only satisfactory stain, and the solution
should not have been used before on other slides.
The sporangial initials at the apex of each receptacle become mega
sporangia, and those lower down develop into microsporangia. It is a
fortunate matter for the technician that after the sporocarps become too
hard to be sectioned, the stages between this period and the emergence
of the sporangia on germination are of' little importance.
The sporocarps require a resting period of three months or longer
before they can be induced to germinate. The spores remain viable for
3 0 years or longer. The sporocarps should be filed at one end until the
whitish cavity is exposed and may then be placed in large Petri dishes
containing sterile tap water (distilled water should not be. used). The
gelatinous sporophore will be extruded within
hour; the perfect ring
shape delineated in most textbooks does not always appear. The time
of emergence should be noted, since collections should be made at stated
intervals beginning as soon as all the sori have emerged. Development
proceeds rapidly; that of the microgametophyte requires from 1 2 to 2 0
hours, and that of the megagametophyte 1 4 to 2 2 hours, both at ordinary
room temperature. [At 2 8 to 3 0 C antherozoids appear in about 6 } ^
hours (Lang 1 9 3 6 ) . ]




For the development of the microgametophyte, collections should

be made at intervals of 30 minutes for the first 10 hours: at the first
Yi hour, the nucleus is in the center; at 1 hour, it begins to move toward
one side of the spore; at l j ^ hours, it has reached the side and prepara
tions for the first division are evident; at 2 hours the sori begin to dis
integrate, but enough spores are still caught in the gelatinous envelope
for the sori to be fixed entireafter this time the spores must be taken

FIG. 80.Marsilea vestita: sections of microspores 2% hours after germination, immedi

ately before the reduction divisions begin. Killed with Sharp's special chrom-osmoacetic fluid; stained with iron hematoxylin and fast green.

up with a pipette; at 2J~j hours the first mitosis occurs ( F i g . 8 6 ) ; and

at the end of the seventh hour, the 16 androcytes arc fully developed.
So close a series of stages has not been worked out for archegonial and
embryonal development. Matters here are complicated b y the prev
alence of parthenogenesis. Fertilization apparently occurs in about
24 to 36 hours.
In four or five days the cotyledon has attained a length
of 6 to 8 m m . ; it has a bright green color.
For the microgametophytes fix with Navashin's fluid made up in
the proportion of 13 cc. of Part A , 13 cc. of 4 % formalin and 1 cc. of
1% aqueous osmic acid, or with the following (Sharp 1914):
I % aqueous chromic aeid
Glacial acetic acid
2% aqueous osmic acid
Distilled w a t e r . . ,


25 ce.
1 ce.
14 drops
75 cc.



Chromic fluids are in general worthless on the developing megagametophytes, but a fluid which is completely satisfactory on these structures
is as yet unknown. Young embryos'fix well enough with formalin-acetoalcohol. It will be tedious changing the dehydrating' fluids after the
spores have become freed from the sori, but the cautious use of a cen
trifuge will be of great assistance. For embedding,, use small paper
trays or porcelain dishes about 5 mm. square, in order to concentrate the
material as much as possible. Microtome at 8it, mount the ribbon seri
ally, and stain with iron hematoxylin and fast green. The starch grains
stain so intensely that it is not easy to judge the destaining accurately.
Whole mounts of the megaspores with young sporophytes attached are
readily prepared: fix with formalin-propiono-alcohol, stain with Harris'
hematoxylin and fast green, and follow the hygrobutol method.
Polypodiaceae.This family contains the largest number of species and
is the dominant one in the United States, especially in the Pacific states.
Technical methods are essentially similar for all species and the
general methods outlined at the beginning of the Pteridophyta apply:
The one point to bear in mind is that any one species is not so equally
good in all respects as another might be. For instance, the rhizome of
Pteridium aquilinium is easier technically and has better organized
tissues than that of P. latiusculum.
The latter occurs in the Eastern
states and the former on the Pacific Coast. The very finest material of
P. aquilinium comes from the humid forests of the Northwest. All
species of Polypodium are fine for the stem* but only a few have sporangia
which make good slides. Aspidium is excellent for the development of
the sporangia; Pteridium and Adiantum are among the worst.
Parkeriaceae.The sole genus, Ceratopteris,
which occurs from
Florida to along the Gulf Coast, is aquatic. It may be found in a few
botanical gardens or living specimens may be purchased from fern
specialists or dealers in aquarium supplies. General methods are appli
cable, but the tissues are so fragile that great care with the dehydration
and infiltration is imperative.
Salviniaceae.Like the Marsileaceae, this family is aquatic and
heterosporous, differing in that each sporocarp contains either micro
spores or megaspores, but not both, and in that the plants float on the
surface of the water. There are two genera, Salvinia and Azolla, both
with only a few species each.
Salvinia is mainly an African genus, but S. natans is cultivated as an
aquarium plant. The sporophyte looks somewhat like a gigantic
The leaves are arranged in threes; of these, two are floating
and one is submerged. The former are covered with papillae on the
upper surface and are densely matted with brown hairs on the underside.
The submerged leaves are finely dissected and give the appearance of
being roots, but true roots are absent. In general the methods described



below for Azolla apply to Salvinia, but it is easier to distinguish the
young sporangia in the latter.
Azolla is to be found in small ponds and the quieter parts of slowly
moving streams. In the shade the color is a pale green, becoming a
distinctive reddish shade in full sun. As a rule, only those plants growing
in full sun produce sporangia, which generally appear in late summer or
early autumn. If unavailable locally, live plants may be purchased
from dealers in aquarium supplies or embedded material (which is
preferable to preserved material since the latter is likely to be sterile or
minus sporocarps) can be secured from the botanical supply concerns.
The plants may be fixed entire; if there are so many lateral branches
that the whole mass is too large, cut them off. The material should be
handled carefully since the maturing sporocarps are easily detached.
It is very difficult to get the sporophytes to sink into killing fluids. Use
a medium chrom-acetic, or formalin-aceto-alcohol, and add to the fluid
from 2 to 5% ethyl acetate, which should assist in lessening the surface ten
sion on the plants. Use the water suction pump to remove air contained
in, the leaves. Embed the plants singly, dorsal side down. Micro
tome at lO/i in the vertical longitudinal plane (i.e., lengthwise perpendi
cular to the dorsal surface), as the greatest number and variety of useful
sections will be obtained in this fashion. If vertical transverse or hori
zontal sections are desired, use small portions of the sporophyte; large
plants cannot be accurately sectioned in these two planes because the
tips are curved ventrally. Examine the ribbons under the microscope,
discarding those that apparently have no sporocarps or which do not
come sufficiently close to the stem. In A. filiculoides, the most
extensively studied species, the sporocarp will generally be microsporangial. Experience has shown that an older megasporangium will
be found in about 1 out of every 60 plants. The younger megasporangia
are relatively easier to find. Microsporangia in all stages of growth are
usually abundant. Azolla is not easy to stain sharply or brilliantly for
all structures simultaneously. It would be better to concentrate on tho
desired structures and to ignore the others. Safranin and fast green
constitute the best general stain combination; for mitoses in the micro
sporangia, which are easy to obtain, use iron hematoxylin.
To obtain the later stages in the development of the sporangia,
especially for the archegonia and embryos, it will be necessary to place
plants bearing nearly mature sporangia in a large glass receptacle, which
is then placed in full sunlight. After the megaspores have fallen to the
bottom of the container, they may be removed and fixed at frequent
intervals over a week or longer. It is, however, a gamble whether one
will secure anything worth while.
The endophytic alga, Anabaena azollae, appears in almost every



The order includes one family, the Cycadaceae, with nine genera
and about 65 species. Zamia floridana is the only cycad that occurs
naturally within the confines of the United States; it occurs abundantly
in certain portions of Florida. Plants of other cycads are commonly
grown in large conservatories, particularly those in the parks of the
larger cities.
The cycads are strictly dioecious. The male strobilus is always a
compact structure in all the genera. The female strobilus may be either
a crown of loose sporophylls or a, compact cone; all transition types
between the two extremes are also to be found.
It is a rather difficult matter to obtain material of the cycads, espe
cially of the reproductive phases. To obtain a series of developmental
stages, one would have to make collections over almost an entire year.
Some stages in the life history progress so rapidly that daily collections
are required, but for other stages one collection a week suffices. A
great number of plants are obviously needed to afford sufficient material
when a large number of collections are to be made. From cultivated
specimens one can usually obtain material at only one developmental _
stage, except in the case of such as Cycas revoluta or C. circinalis, when
it is possible to secure a series of stages at one time-^provided one comes
at the right time. Preserved material, or even embedded material,
may be secured to a limited extent from the supply concerns. Leaves
and perhaps petioles can be readily obtained from a public park or a
commercial florist upon request, but in such cases one should check
up on the identification of the plants. If one can establish contacts
with a collector in regions where the various cycads abound, it might be
possible to procure living cones as they usually remain in good condition
for two or even three weeks after removal from the plants.
Root.As compared to other seed plants, the primary root of cycads
is rather large in comparison with the stem. Root growth is frequently
aDunoanij, ano the roots may attain considerable length. The structure
is tetrarch.
Cycad roots are exceptionally easy to embed and to section in paraffin
and to stain sharply. For morphological preparations, formalin-aceto-o
4 U



alcohol fixes very nicely, but Navashin's fluid should be used on root
tips. After safranin, anilin blue is a more satisfactory counterstain than
fast green.
On all seedlings and on specimens in greenhouses are to be found
peculiar apogeotropic (aerial) roots; these produce profusely branched
coralloid masses. Such roots contain bacteria in the form of bacteroids,
and midway between the vascular cylinder and the epidermis there is an
enlarged layer of cells, usually only one-cell wide, in which Anabaena
grows. The general methods reveal the alga clearly, but for the bac
teroids, mitochondrial methods are indicated. A 10% solution of
neutralized formalin fixes well. If the usual mitochondrial staining
techniques fail to reveal the bacteroids clearly, resort may be had to
differential acidification, with subsequent staining in safranin and fast
green, since this procedure has worked well in the case of the bacteroids
in legume nodules.
Stem.The stems of most of the cycads are fleshy, with very little
wood present; consequently they are easily sectioned.. It has been
claimed that the stems can be most readily sectioned freehand while
fresh, but no trouble was occasioned in microtoming material that had
been in formalin-aceto-alcohol for 25 years. After killing and fixing
and with or without treatment with hydrofluoric acid, the stems or
stem pieces can be embedded in either paraffin or celloidin. Cutting
presumably should be easiest with a sliding microtome,'even for paraffin
material, but the writer had no difficulty microtoming paraffin material
that had been in water for a fortnight.
Bowenia and Stangeria are tuberous, with all or most of the stem
-located underground. Some species in Zamia, Macrozamia, and Encephalartos also have subterranean tuberous stems.
Petiole (Rachis).If stems are unobtainable, petioles of most
cycads provide interesting material. In some species the vascular
bundles are arranged in characteristic positions. In Cycas revoluta, for
example, they are disposed in a flaring horseshoe manner when viewed
in transverse sections.
The petiole, except when still young, is rather rigid and tough.
However, if fixed with formalin-aceto-alcohol, dehydrated with tertiary
butyl alcohol, and embedded in hard Parlax or a hard paraffin and the
cut ends of the embedded pieces exposed under water until really soft
(for months if necessary), microtoming will be found to be easy. Cut
at 16 to 18/x.
Leaf.The leaflets vary considerably in size among the different
species. The length may range from 7 to 40 cm., and the width from
1 mm. to 2.5 cm. In each genus the leaf type is characteristic (Lamb
1923). The leaflets of the adult plant are often quite different from those







of juvenile plants. T h e structure of the mature leaflet is strongly

xerophytic. The epidermal cells are thick walled and heavily cutinized,
which adds to difficulties in sectioning leaves. All genera save Cycas and
Stangeria lack a midrib in the leaflets ( F i g . 87). In Stangeria side veins
emanate from the midrib, but such secondary veins are absent in Cycas.
Bowenia is easily distinguished b y its bipinnate leaves. There is a gland
at the base of each leaflet in species of Macrozamia.
Young leaves are readily embedded and sectioned. T h e heavy
phlobaphene deposits and other substances in many species do not permit
a sharp stain differentiation, but results are generally satisfactory after

F i a . 87.Zamia floridana: cross section of a portion of the leaf. Fixed with formalinaceto-alcohol; stained with a triple combination. T h e dark areas represent tannin-con
taining cells.

either safranin and fast green or a triple combination. Thick, leathery,

mature leaves are quite difficult to section, but after prolonged immersion
in the softening effect of water, one can usually manage to obtain good
sections. T h e method of tying several mature leaves together and
sectioning them fresh in a sliding microtome, as recommended b y some
technicians, is too crude to merit further discussion.
Staminate Strobilus.In some genera, such as Dioon, there is a single
terminal cone; in other genera, such as Macrozamia, the cones are axillary.
T h e strobili v a r y greatly in size, ranging from 2 cm. in length in a species
of Zamia to the huge cone of Macrozamia denisonii which at maturity
becomes 80 cm. long and 20 cm. in diameter. Measurements, however,
are not of great import because the strobilus elongates greatly and
rapidly just before the pollen is shed. T h e microsporophylls also vary
greatly in dimensions.
T h e microsporangia are always borne on the abaxial (lower) surface
of the microsporophylls, in clusters of t w o , three, or as many as five in a


sorus. T h e sorus arrangement is like that in typical ferns; in fact, the

structure of the microsporangia is remarkably like those of Angiopteris.
Development of the microsporangium is of the eusporangiate type.
T h e number of microsporangia on a spo'rophyll varies, being greatest in
Cycas and fewest in Zamia, Z. floridana possessing only 25.

FIG. 88.Zamia floridana: apical portion of a young staminate strobilus in longitudinal

section, at the time of origin of the sporogenous cells. Fixed with formalin-aceto-alcohol;
stained with safranin and fast green.

T h e entire staminate cone, as can be judged from the dimensions

of the structure as cited above, is too large to be sectioned entire except
during the younger stages. Of course, the larger of the young cones
can be cut up into convenient portions, but for the later stages the
sporophylls should be removed and fixed individually. T h e sporogenous
cells appear first at the base of the strobilus, but the pollen grains mature
first at the apex and lastly at the base of the strobilus.
Formalin-acetoalcohol has proved to fix adequately at all stages. For the finer cytologi-






cal details, however, Navashin's fluid, or a modification thereof, should

be substituted and only v e r y small pieces of tissue should be fixed.
For staining, almost any combination will give satisfactory results,
although iron hematoxylin may be superior for cytological details and
safranin with fast green for general morphology ( F i g . 88).
After the microsporoeytes have rounded up and are more or less
free from one another, smears are readily made according to the general

FIG. 89.Zamia floridana: longitudinal section of an ovule through the apex of the
nucellus with young microgametophytes. Fixed with formalin-aceto-alcohol, stained with
safranin and anilin blue.
methods outlined in Chap. X I I I .
If the pollen, especially when at the
shedding stage, is obtainable in sufficient abundance, better results can
be secured if the material is worked up b y a whole-mount method. A
carmin stain or the Feulgen reaction will give the sharpest staining.
Dehydrate with hygrobutol and infiltrate with balsam.
T h e microspore germinates before shedding.
grain consists of a generative cell, a tube cell,
T h e grains are likely to be somewhat shrunken
putting them into the fixing fluid, they should be
20 minutes to restore turgidity.

When shed, the pollen

and a prothallial cell.
at this time. Before
left in water for about



The pollen may be germinated in a 5 to 10% solution of sucrose or

in various sirups. Only the earlier stages of pollen tube development
may be obtained in this manner. The later phases must be studied in
sections of the nucellus.
The microgametophyte is a haustorium that penetrates Jhe nucellus
and can be recognized as brownish lines radiating from the beak of the
nucellus. Cut across the young ovule in such a manner that the cut
is just below the lower portion of the nucellus, then remove those portions
from the upper half of the ovule in which the pollen tubes presumably
lie. Kill and fix in a chrom-acetic mixture in the proportion of about
2 cc. glacial acetic acid to 100 cc. of 1% aqueous chromic acid. The
material can be run into paraffin, or it can be stained in bulk, dehydrated,
run into balsam, and the tubes with their sperms dissected out of the
nucellus just previous to mounting. For the latter purpose, staining
may be in aqueous safranin (about 5 hours), Harris' hematoxylin, or
carmalum. Transfers in the dehydrating process must be very gradual.
Sectioned material is most satisfactorily stained with iron hematoxylin
or safranin and anilin blue (Fig. 89).
Records indicate that in the region of Miami, Fla., pollination occurs
in late December or early January, the blepharoplasts appear in March
and swimming sperms may be found during the first week of June
(Chamberlain 1932). The interval between pollination and fertilization
is about five months., The body or spermatogenous cell divides immedi
ately before fertilization.
Pistillate Strobilus.The mature pistillate strobili are such large
structures in most of the species that it is impossible to cut sections of
the entire strobilus. More or less reduction in dimensions is required.
Even the individual megasporangia are so large in some species that
they cannot be sectioned entire when mature or nearly so.
Under ordinary circumstances it is impossible to obtain material,
of the very youngest stages in the development of the megasporangia.
In the first place, the external appearance of the stem apices gives no
indication whether what is developing beneath the scale leaves is a
strobilus or merely a crown of leaves. In the second place, the plants
may be too scarce to run the risk of killing them by digging out the stem
apex. For the early stages portions of the ovule should be trimmed off
on opposite sides, but great care must be exercised not to cut within
2 mm. of the endosperm, which is so turgid that it ruptures easily. A
medium chrom-acetic fluid fixes splendidly. Staining may be in a
triple combination or with safranin and anilin blue. The same procedure
may be followed for all the later stages, including embryogenesis.


The order was once cosmopolitan but is now reduced to a single

living representative, Ginkgo biloba, which probably no longer exists
in the wild condition but is widely cultivated. Trees of G. biloba are
to be found almost everywhere in the United States, and anatomical
material is easily secured at any time. Material for cytological or
morphological purposes is more difficult to obtain at just the correct
times. Preserved or embedded material is readily purchasable from the
supply concerns, except for the critical stages between late free-nucleate
female gametophyte and young embryos.
Root.In most plants the root has a diarch vascular bundle, but
in the seedlings with three cotyledons it is triarch. The structure of the
mature root greatly resembles that of the mature stem. The root is
easier to section in paraffin than are young stems but nevertheless requires
long soaking under water after being embedded. Safranin and anilin
blue or fast green is a good stain combination.
Stem.Two types of branches occur in Ginkgo, as in many other
conifers: long branches and short spur branches. Long branches always
appearfirstand grow for at least a year before spur branches are developed
on them. The anatomy of the two types of branches differs. In the
long branch there are a comparatively small pith and cdrtex, there are
fewer mucilage cavities, and the wood is harder. Sections of spur
branches are easily cut in paraffin, but the embedded long branches
must be soaked under water for about two months before they can be
microtomed easily enough'. If they are embedded in celloidin, they must
be treated with hydrofluoric acid immediately after fixation. Fix with
formalin-aceto-alcohol; staining may be with any desired combination.
The wood is rather difficult to microtome; resort should be had to
celloidin embedding preceded by treatment with hydrofluoric acid.
Freehand sections may also be cut on a sliding microtome. The vascular
cylinder is an endarch siphonostele. Annual rings are present and
usually prominent. In the tracheids of the secondary wood there are
one or two rows of scattered bordered pits on the radial walls. Both
bars and trabeculae of Sanio are to be found in the secondary wood.
The medullary rays are almost invariably only one cell wide and rarely
over four or five cells in height.




Leaf.Portions of the leaf are readily embedded and microtomed.

In the leaves of the spur branches a palisade layer is absent, but one is
to be found in the larger leaves of the long branches.
Formalin-propionoalcohol fixes well; staining is sharpest with safranin and anilin blue, or a
quadruple combination may be used.

Fio. 90.Ginkgo biloba: longitudinal section of two young ovules; the one at the left is
sectioned medianiy through the micropyle, pollen chamber and megaspore mother cell.
Fixed with formalin-propiono-alcohol; stained with a triple combination.

T w o endarch vascular strands occur in the petiole, which m a y be

treated like the leaf, but may require soaking under water before being
Staminate Strobilus.The beginnings of the staminate strobilus
are first recognizable early in July by the swelling of the buds on the spur
branches of staminate trees.
Development proceeds slowly until cold
weather sets in, at which time the microsporocytes have become differ
entiated. T h e time at which growth is resumed depends upon the
locality: in the Palo A l t o , Calif., region, this has occurred in mid-January
during mild winters, but m a y be delayed until early March in other



localities. Once development has been resumed, it is Very rapid.

Meiosis takes place at once; if meiotic figures are desired, one usually
has to anticipate the recurrence of growth and make collections before
it appears to have definitely started. Fixation should be in a strong
chrom-acetic fluid, and only small portions of a strobilus should be fixed.
For general morphology of the strobilus even entire strobili may be
preserved, and formalin-aceto-alcohol is a better fixing fluid. Iron
hematoxylin is excellent for the reduction divisions, but safranin and
anilin blue are more useful for general topography.
Each sporophyll of the strobilus generally bears two microsporangia,
but as many as four and even seven have been reported. Development
of the sporangium follows the eusporangiate scheme. Throughout an
entire strobilus there is not so wide a series of developmental stages
present at any one time as might be expected, because of the rapidity
with which the spores are formed.
Pistillate Strobilus.The pistillate strobili are borne on the spur
branches at the apex. The ovules occur in pairs on long peduncles,
but one ovule frequently aborts early in development. The ovules are
first recognizable at about the time that the terminal bud on the spur
branch begins to swell. To get the earliest stages the tip of the, spur may
be cut off, the outer scales removed, and the whole embedded and
sectioned longitudinally in a plane as nearly perpendicular as possible
to the two ovules. When the ovules begin to emerge from the bud, the
single integument has partially covered the nucellus. Between the
middle and end of April the megasporocyte has appeared, and it is also
at this time that pollination occurs'' (Fig. 90). The megasporocyte
undergoes meiosis, a linear'quartet of megaspores being the immediate
result. Irregularities; however, are not infrequent. In any event,
only one megaspore becomes functional.
In the peduncle which carries the ovules there are four vascular
bundles, in contrast to the two bundles in the leaf petiole. This fact
has led to the interpretation that the peduncle is a stem bearing two
sporophylls (the prominent collars at the base of each ovule), each
supporting a single ovule. If more than two ovules are present, the
number of vascular bundles in the peduncle is twice the number of
Microgametophyte.The microspore germinates before being shed
from the microsporangium, as in the cycads. When shed, the microspore
contains four cellstwo prothallial cells, one of which is aborted, a
generative cell, and a tube cell. The lower two-thirds of the spore is
covered by the exine, the upper third by the intine alone. In the pollen
chamber of the ovule the generative cell divides into a stalk cell and a
body cell. Two blepharoplasts are developed in the body cell, which


divides to form t w o sperms.



T h e blepharoplasts eventually undergo

metamorphosis into cilia.

Megagametophyte.The megasporocyte undergoes meiosis, at about
the time of pollination, or in late April, to form a linear row of quartets.
T h e lower one becomes functional and enlarges rapidly, and free nuclear
divisions take place ( F i g . 9 1 ) . T h e nuclei are forced against the periph
ery of the cell b y a large central vacuole. A t first the mitoses are
simultaneous, but later on some nuclei lag behind the others, and finally

Flu. 91.Ginkgo triloba: early free nucleate female gametophyte. Fixed with formalinaceto-alcohol; stained with safranin and anilin blue.

a few fail entirely to divide again. These divisions occupy about t w o

months, or until the end of June or v e r y early in July. A t this time a
delicate membrane develops over the outer surface of the coenocytic
protoplasm, and cell walls perpendicular to this membrane are formed
between the nuclei. W a l l formation progresses centripetally, but,
before the gametophyte becomes completely cellular, t w o or rarely
three archegonial initials have already made their appearance at the
apex. T h e t w o neck cells and the central cell are organized quickly,
and the latter commences growth and enlargement. Early in September
the ventral canal cell and the egg become differentiated, a definite wall




being formed between the t w o .

same mitosis in the cycads.




Such a wall is not produced after the

Fertilization.Accurate and detailed descriptions of the fertilization

process have not been published.
Embryogenesis.Simultaneous free nuclear divisions follow upon
fertilization. Unlike conditions in the megagametophyte, the nuclei
are not pushed against the periphery b y a central vacuole but are evenly
distributed throughout the egg cell. About eight mitoses occur, where-

FIQ. 92.Ginkgo biloba: median longitudinal section of nucellus with beak and proembryos at beginning of cell formation. The typical shrunken appearance of the proembryos is apparent. Fixed with medium chrom-acetic; stained with safranin and anilin

upon walls are simultaneously developed all through the egg ( F i g . 92).
A t first the cells are of the same size, but presently those at the basal
end grow rapidly and become small and numerous, those in the central
portion enlarge greatly (Chamberlain 1935). A readily distinguishable
suspensor is not developed. T h e basal portion soon grows rapidly and
becomes differentiated into cotyledons, stem, and root. T h e e m b r y o
attains maturity in October.
A l l the stages of embryo development are easily fixed and sectioned.
A s soon as cotyledon development has partially progressed, it is advisable
to dissect out the embryo and to work it up independently of other
ovular structures, which will have become too hardened b y this time to



section easily. A strong chrom-acetic or even formalin-aceto-alcohol

fixes well; safranin and a suitable counterstain may be used. The cells
of the older embryo are so small and compact that somewhat thin sections
are required; about 1G> is thin enough.
The seeds mature in November and germinate if,planted at once.
As with the cycads, there is apparently no normal resting period.

Although the greatest natural concentration of the Coniferales is

to be found on the Pacific Coast and in the Northern states, conifers
nevertheless are to be found in practically every locality. If native
species are lacking, introduced forms are freely planted everywhere.
Material is thus readily accessible; even reproductive phases are not
difficult to collect, but they are unfortunately not always of a suitable
nature or desirable type. The most widely distributed genus is Pinus,
with Larix, Picea, Tsuga, Abies, Thuja, Cupressus, and Taxus of secondary
degree of distribution, particularly by.landscape plantings.
There are 10 families, divided into two groups: Pinares and Taxares
(Buchholz 1934, Chamberlain 1935). In the Pinares the seed cone is
conspicuous and -well developed, woody in most genera and fleshy
only in species of Juniperus, and the plants are mostly monoecious.'
In the Taxares the seed cones are mostly small, poorly developed or
reduced to only a few scales, and fleshy; the plants are mostly dioecious.
Despite a very extensive bibliography on the Coniferales, it has
been claimed that "a complete life-history has not been worked out in
any of the genera in this large order" (Chamberlain 1935). Pinus has
been more extensively investigated than any other genus, and thus
more is known about it. In the other genera there has been too much
emphasis on either wood anatomy or on reproductive structures, so
that in reality only some one isolated aspect of the complete life history
has been investigated.
The various Organs and reproductive structures will be discussed
separately in the following paragraphs.
Root.Preparations of the mature embryo, in both longitudinal
and transverse section, will show many details of the primary root
structure. The seeds may be removed from mature pistillate cones
and the endosperm with the embiyo removed from the seed. It is
difficult for fixatives and dehydrating fluids to penetrate the dense
endosperm, hence slabs should be cut from opposite sides to facilitate
penetration. Seeds may also be germinated and specimens fixed at
various stages of development. A strong chrom-acetic or formalinpropiono-alcohol may be employed.



To illustrate the origin of the stele in the primary root and the
development of the secondary roots, the seeds must be germinated in
fine soil or in sphagnum. Begin fixing portions of roots when the hypocotyl has attained a length of 2 cm. and continue until it is about 6 cm.
high. Root hairs are present but occupy a space rarely over 1 mm. in
length at the tip and are exceptionally fragile.
Longitudinal sections of the root tip of many species reveal, even by
ordinary fixation methods, characteristic features, but the results are
far more pronounced if mitochondrial fixatives are employed (Zirkle
1932). The tannin-containing vacuoles are well organized in the root
tips of the gymnosperms and form definite patterns. The tips may be.
fixed in a mixture of 100 cc. of 10% aqueous formalin and 5 g. ferrous
sulphate for 48 hours to several days. Wash with water briefly, embed
as usual, section at not over lOp, affix to slides, remove the paraffin with
xylol, and mount in balsam without further staining.
Portions of the fully mature root should be dealt with as if they were
stem sections, but pieces of younger roots can be cut without difficulty
until they are about 5 mm. in diameter. Avoid overstaining with the
basic stain.
Stem.As in Ginkgo, long branches and spur branches occur in
many of the Coniferales, such as Abies, Cedrus, Larix, and, Pirats, but
the leaves on the spur branches are in fascicles. Structurally, the
vascular cylinder is endarch siphonostelic. Annual rings are con
spicuous features of the mature wood of all but a very few species. The
transition between "spring" and "winter" wood is abrupt in many
species, but in others there is a greater amount of "spring" wood than
of the other type. "Spring" wood consists of larger, thinner walled,
and less hard cells; "winter" wood is compact, with thick-walled cells.
In Phyllocladus the spur shoot is borne in the axil of a leaf. It
becomes flattened (i.e.,'& cladode) arid" has the functions of a leaf. The
vascular bundles in these phyllbclads are mesarch.
The meristematic stem and young stems up to a year old are easily
embedded and sectioned without special treatment. Cut into portions
about 1 cm. in length; it is unnecessary to trim off the young leaves along
the sides. Fix with formalin-aceto-alcohol, not in an aqueous fluid.
Soak the exposed ends of the embedded pieces of material under water
for about 10 days, then sections as thin as 10ju are readily cut. Stain
with safranin and fast green or substitute Harris' hematoxylin for the
green. Quadruple methods are also excellent.
Older stems, up to four years old of all species, that can be cut across
with a sharp scalpel can also be embedded in paraffin and sectioned if
sufficient pains are taken at all stages, especially with the microtoming.
However, most conifer stems become too hard, particularly from the



heat of the paraffin oven, to section easily. If sufficiently rigid, young

stems may be cut freehand in a sliding microtome. It will generally be
impossible to cut sections of. even thickness across the entire piece of
material, but small pieces in any event are Just as serviceable and are
apt to be thinner in some portions than in others. Too often the cambial
region becomes impossibly crushed. The steam method for hardwood
sections may be useful on most conifer woods, but when all is said and
done, the celloidin method remains the most satisfactory of all.
Sections of five material cut freehand should be placed in formalinaceto-alcohol for 24 hours before being treated further. Well seasoned
wood of course does not need fixation. Useful stain combinations for
both types include safranin and anilin blue or crystal violet or Harris'
hematoxylin. The modern safranins stain so intensely in a short time
that the long periods recommended by the older authors should be
greatly abbreviated, else it will be difficult to differentiate the stain
sharply. Special attention should be paid to the clear differentiation
of the bars of Sanio and the bordered pits:
Live materials to be embedded in either paraffin or celloidin require
fixation. The pieces should be trimmed down carefully in order that the
radial longitudinal sections may be microtomed exactly parallel with
\ the rays, and the tangential longitudinal sections precisely tangential to the
rays. Formalin-aceto-alcohol is the most useful fixing fluid. Several
days in the fluid is better than the usual 24 hours, and the material can
be left in the fluid indefinitely if a little glycerin is added to prevent
excessive evaporation. The stains mentioned in the preceding para
graph are equally applicable to sections of embedded material, but most
workers apparently prefer safranin with Delafield's hematoxylin.
Whether freehand or embedded methods were employed, each slide
should bear cross, radial longitudinal, and tangential longitudinal sections.
The longitudinal sections should first be examined under the microscope
in order to make certain that they are either radial or tangential, as the
case may be, and not both radial and tangential.
The woods of all gymnosperms are easily macerated. An examination
of such slides will provide an idea of the nature of wood very different
from that given by sections. The acids of the maceratingfluidsometimes
render staining rather difficult if they are not very thoroughly washed
out. A basic dye or a hematoxylin may be used, but it is of little avail
to attempt double staining.
Leaf.In the Coniferales the leaves are all simple; no compound
leaves occur. Wide variations exist in the size and character of the
leaves. Some species have very small scale-like appressed leaves, Others
have fairly large needle leaves (as in Pinus coulieri), and still others
possess broad, thick leaves. The leaf of. Sciadopitys
consists of two



needles fused along the posterior margins. Most leaves are rigid and
sharp-pointed. A few species have deciduous leaves, but in others the
needles persist for two years, or in some species for as long as 14
Leaves of all ages are easily sectioned in paraffin. The youngest
leaves are to be found in cross sections of the stem apex, and these are
very desirable for comparison with mature leaves. The stem apices
are rather soft; after being embedded they need soaking under water for
only a day or two. . Microtome at 13/t, and stain with safranin and
anilin blue or by a quadruple combination. In Pinus there are both
primary and secondary leaves. The latter are the needle-like leaves
and are borne in the axils of the scale-like primary leaves. At the base
the leaves are surrounded by a membranous sheath, which is deciduous
in those species whose needles have one vascular bundle and is persistent
in those with two bundles. The contents of the mesophyll cells in the
leaves of Pinus and in a few other genera are generally shrunken and
tend to overstain.
Species with rigid, appressed, scale-like leaves are difficult to section.
The best that can be done is to cut off portions of the young branches,
together with what leaves they bear, and, after embedding, to soak under
water for several weeks or even months until they cut satisfactorily.
Aqueous killing fluids are quite unsatisfactory. Excellent fixation of
all types has been obtained with formalin-propiono-alcohol.
Staminate Strobilus.Throughout the order the staminate strobilus
is a cone or is cone-like. The strobili are dominantly monosporangiate,
but bisporangiate strobili have frequently been described. They should
be regarded as teratological. Monoecism prevails, but some species
and even genera are dioecious. For example, the Araucariaceae are
dioecious, with the exception of two monoecious species, Agathis australis
and Araucaria bidwilli.
So are the Taxaceae, with a few exceptions,
and in the Podocarpaceae the principal genus, Podocarpus, is dioecious.
If one is not familiar with any species of which material is being col
lected, it becomes necessary to determine whether the specimen is
monoecious or dioecious. The staminate strobili generally appear before
the pistillate strobili, but the remains of both can usually be found;
hence determination of sexuality is easy.
The strobili vary considerably in size, the smallest being found in
species of Juniperus and the largest in Araucaria.
In the Cupressaceae
the arrangement of the sporophylls is cyclic; in all other families it is
spiral. The sporophylls also vary greatly in size, and the extremes
are to be found in the same genera just mentioned. The sporangia,
which generally number 2 but may be as many as 15, are borne on the
abaxial side of the sporophyll.



The very youngest strobili are to be found at the apices of the stems,
partially or completely covered by the enveloping scales. Stem apices
intended for growth studies and for the origin of the leaves will occa
sionally show the origin of the staminate strobili if they, happen to
have been collected at a favorable time. The time at which the. strobili *
originate naturally depends upon the species. In some species, such as
old cultivated specimens of Sequoia sempervirens, strobili in various
stages of development can be found the year round. In most species
of Pinus, in the central California region at least, the strobili have pushed
out of the scales in early September and growth begins in earnest in
December. Meiosis usually occurs in early March but is governed
to *a considerable extent by the severity of the winter months. The
strobili in Cupressus, in both the native species and in those commonly
planted in the region just mentioned, appear much later, and develop
more rapidly; the mature microspores are shed from late spring to mid
summer. Many forms transplanted from the Southern to the Northern
Hemisphere appear to have difficulty becoming readjusted to the reversal
in the seasons and produce strobili at the "wrong" time. Altogether,
one must keep a close watch on the specimens, provided they are known
to be sufficiently mature to produce strobili, and to make collections at
appropriate periods in order to obtain a series of developmental stages.
For fixation of the early stages, formalin-aceto- (or propiono-) alcohol
has been found quite satisfactory; a triple combination should give good
differentiation. Sections should be about 10> thick. Longitudinal
sections are more useful than transverse ones.
Microsporogenesis.To determine the stage of development in
the young strobili, dissect part of a microsporangium from the base of
the strobilus in a drop of iron-acetocarmin, and examine under the
microscope. If it shows division figures, the wljole strobilus may be
fixed; whether cut into portions or not. If pollen tetrads are observed,
then examine a sporangium from near the apex; if microsporocytes are
found, the divisions are somewhere in between. In most species meiosis
commences at the bottom of the strobilus and progresses toward the
top, but in some species of Pinus with small strobili the divisions are
nearly simultaneous throughout. It appears that the longer the strobilus,
the wider is the variety of stages, ranging from microsporocytes to
pollen tetrads. The first division in the microspores, however, seems to
occur very unequally, even in the same microsporangium.
Strobili up to fully mature stages are easily embedded and sectioned,
but in large specimens equally good fixation cannot be obtained through
out. Penetration of the fluid will be facilitated if slabs are removed from
opposite sides. In order to secure the optimum fixation for cytological
purposes, the strobilus should be bisected and the individual sporangia

4 3 0


removed by cutting through the stalks with a tiny scalpel. For entire
strobili, fix in formalin-propiono-alcohol; for cytological purposes first
dip into Carnoy's fluid for a few minutes then transfer to Navashin's
fluid. Longitudinal sections of the strobilus are the most useful, but
transverse sections should be made for comparison. For the earliest
stages 1 0 / / is thin enough; for the later stages 12/x is satisfactory, but for
species with prothallial cells 1 0 / i is better; for meiosis and divisions in
the microspores, the sections may need to be somewhat thicker. Safranin
and fast green are good for the earlier stages, but great care must be taken
with the differentiation of the safranin. For the middle developmental
stages a triple combination will probably be most useful. The chromo
somes in the mitoses in the microspores stain beautifully with iron
The microspores of' many species can be smeared exactly like similar
cells of the Angiosperms. After the microspores begin to round up,
they become too dry to adhere to the slides and must therefore be treated
as if for whole mounts. It is not at all difficult to secure pollen at the
shedding stage, if the trees are frequently examined.' A wide paper
funnel may be fitted over the mouth of a bottle, and the pollen shaken
into the paper cone. Several times the amount of pollen that might
actually be needed should be collected, to make allowance for losses
during staining and dehydration. The pollen will be more or less
shriveled, but quickly restored if the pollen is placed in water
for a few minutes. Fixation may be in either formalin-propiono-alcohol
or Navashin's fluid. The material may be either embedded and sec
tioned or treated for whole mounts. In the latter case, the contents
are usually too dense for the nuclei and chromosomes to be stained by
the usual methods, Feulgen's reaction, when properly carried out, gives
superb staining. Dehydrate by going directly into hygrobutol gradually
after the staining is completed, thence into highly diluted balsam.
To embed the pollen, resort to a slow-speed centrifuge will probably
be necessary during the dehydration. Both dehydration and infiltration
may be carried out rapidly. Embed by pouring into a small paper tray
or embedding dish, which should not be over 5 mm. square, in order to
concentrate the material. Two less satisfactory methods are either to
pour the mass on a sheet of cold glass, or to solidify in a small vial, break
ing the latter and removing the block after the paraffin has hardened.
Microgametophyte.When the pollen grain of the Coniferales is
shed, the stage of development varies according to either the genus or
the family. In a few species, included in Taxus, Cupressus, and in
Juniperus, the microspore is uninucleate; when this is the case, pro
thallial cells are not developed later. In these species, the first mitosis
occurs after the microspore has reached the nucellus and produces the


generative cell and the tube cell. In the other species the prothallial
cells and generative cell are developed before the microspores are shed.
The prothallial cells are recognizable with difficulty in some genera
(Pinus) but are quite conspicuous in others (Podocarpus).
In most of
the Taxodiaceae and Cupressaceae and in all the Taxaceae prothallial
cells are absent: These cells are presumed to be vestiges of the tissues
which originally bore the antheridia.
In all the Coniferales the generative cell divides to form two cells;
in the Araucariaceae one of these cells aborts, and the other develops
gametes. In the other groups one cell assumes a stalk position, with the
other and larger cell attached at the other end. The nature or function
of the stalk cell is unknown, but in Microcachrys (Downie 1928) it has
the function of a spermatogenous cell, dividing repeatedly, each time
producing a body cell which in turn forms two gametes.
Internal organization in the microspore follows a definite plan.
Differentiation of base and apex is the exact opposite of that occurring
in Ginkgo and the cycads. In the latter the prothallial end of the pollen
tube grows down into the nucellus, carrying the whole pollen grain with it.
In the Coniferales the entire pollen grain and prothallial end of the pollen
tube remain where the former lodged on the nucellus; the tube grows
down into the nucellus, carrying at first only the body cell, then the two
gametes produced by this cell.
The microspore, in most species, grows straight down from the tip
of the nucellus to the archegonia. In Sequoia, Pseudotsuga, and Larix
the microspore lodges laterally and thus traverses the nucellus obliquely.
In the Araucariaceae, the microspore comes to rest at various locations
on the ovuliferous scale, or in its axil, or on the ligule.
Longitudinal sections, of the entire young ovulate strobili almost
always show various stages of pollination and the germination of the
microspore. If a series of developmental stages of the ovulate strobili
are examined, all the different steps may be reconstructed. If the species
is a dioecious one, pollination and fertilization obviously will not be
found in ovulate strobili if staminate trees are not present in the imme
diate neighborhood.
Growth of the microgametophyte, generally called "the interval
between pollination and fertilization," occurs over a highly variable
period, and may even be sporadic or with a resting interval, but commonly
requires months to a year or longer. The time of pollination is a highly
variable factor, but the duration of microgametophytic growth is rather
constant for the species. In other words, if the time of pollination is on
record from previously observed instances, the period required for
fertilization to be effected can be computed with a high degree of accuracy
from the following table, citing instances recorded in the literature.



Pinaceae: Abies balsaminea, 4-5 weeks; Cedrus deodara, 8 months;

Pinus, 13 months in most species; Pseudotsuga, 2 months; Tsuga cana
densis, 6 weeks; Picea excelsa, 1 month.
Araucariaceae: Araucaria braziliana, 6 months; Agathis
1 year.
Sciadopitaceae: Sciadopitys, 14 months.
Taxodiaceae: Sequoia sempervirens, 6 months; Taxodium
3 months; Cryptomeria japonica, 3 months; Cunninghamia, 3 months.
Cupressaceae: Libocedrus decurrens, 2 months; Juniperus
12J^ months; J. virginiana, 7 weeks; Actinostrobus pyramidalis, 3 months.
Podocarpaceae: Dacrydium intermedium, about 3 months.
Taxaceae: Taxus baccata, 1 month in some localities to twice as long
in others; Torreya taxifolia, 5}4 months.
Since the species most likely to be available in the United States
are included in the above list, it serves as a fairly reliable guide in making
collections. It should be borne in mind that in those species in which a
long period elapses between pollination and fertilization there is generally
a rapid initial development of the microgametophyte. The latter grows
down as far as the free part of the nucellus and there remains until
growth recommences.
As has already been noted above, stages in pollination and growth
of the microgametophyte are to be found in sections of the ovulate strobili.
The same technical methods required by the latter are generally equally
satisfactory for stages in the development of the sperms, but somewhat
more care is required with the staining. It would be betterSf the paraffin
sections were examined under the microscope immediately after mounting
and before the water has entirely evaporated under the sections (after
drying it is too difficult to observe structures clearly), and those that
appear to contain the desired stages may be picked out and stained
particularly for microgamete formation. Safranin is usually good
enough, but if a critical stain is desired, iron hematoxylin may be applied
provided the sections are not over 12/i thick. A triple combination may.
sometimes come out sharply enough.
Microgametes.Microgametes of the Coniferales are of two types:
naked nuclei or highly organized cells. The latter type is presumed to
be the most primitive form since it resembles the sperms of the cycads
and Ginkgo, but differs in that blepharoplasts which produce cilia are
lacking. These well-developed sperms occur in the Cupressaceae,
Podocarpaceae, Taxaceae, and Taxodiaceae. They are produced in
pairs and are equal in size in most of the genera but are greatly unequal
in Cephalotaxus, Taxus, and Torreya.
In Cupressus arizonica (Doak
1932) and C. goveniana several small sperms are present. The sperms
are naked nuclei in the Pinaceae.




Obtaining slides showing the microgametophyte with the microgametes is almost wholly a matter of chance. Material collected at
about the time that fertilization is presumably to be effected is most,
likely to show these structures. A large number of ovulate strobili
will have to be sectioned, and the apex of every ovule should be carefully
scrutinized. Any satisfactory slides that might be found are of great
intrinsic value.
Ovulate Strobilus.The point and time of origin of ovulate strobili
are quite unpredictable in most species. Getting the very earliest stages
is a complete matter of chance since it is impossible to distinguish between
purely vegetative buds and ovulate buds. The best that can be done is
to preserve a large quantity of suspected buds, to embed and section them,
and to examine the sections under the microscope before staining them.
If present, the ovulate strobili are easily detected, and the sections
containing them can then be stained. The ovulate strobili, in the
bisporangiate forms, appear to originate slightly later than do
the staminate strobili. After the ovulate strobilus has broken through the
enveloping bud, it is, of course, easily recognized.
The ovulate strobilus in the Coniferales is a compound structure,
in the sense that the ovules are not carried directly upon the axis of the
strobilus, as are the microsporangia. Save for the Cupressaceae and
in a few isolated genera, the bracts with their associated structures are
spirally arranged on the axis. The strobili vary enormously in size,
ranging from the small berry-like cones of Juniperus communis, 6 to
8 mm. in diameter, to the huge woody cones of Pinus coulteri, which
average 40 cm. in length. They are also very variable structurally,
but at maturity most of them are hard, woody, and difficult to cut open.
The ovulate strobilus of all genera is readily sectioned in paraffin
or celloidin until the ovules are at the late free-nucleate stage. Remove
slabs from opposite sides, fix with formalin-aceto-alcohol, dehydrate
slowly with tertiary butyl alcohol, embed in a hard paraffin (or in cel
loidin), and soak exposed portions under water for about two weeks,
whereupon longitudinal sections as thin as 10M should cut smoothly.
The tips of the scales will give the most trouble. If one will go to the
trouble of trimming off all projecting scale tips, especially from most
species of Pinus, a lot of exasperation will later be avoided. Transverse
sections can be cut just as easily but are of little service other than for
general structure of the strobilus. Stain carefully with safranin and
anilin blue or a triple or quadruple combination.
Megagametogenesis.The initial cell of the megagametophyte
is the megasporocyte. It arises soon after the origin of the ovule by
the periclinal division of a hypodermal archesporial cell into a tapetal
cell and the megasporocyte.






In the majority of species the megasporocyte is a single cell, but in

some species, such as Pinus muricata and P. contorta, groups of megasporocytes are regularly formed. Such groups are also present in Taxus,
where several megaspores may germinate and reach advanced develop
mental stages, but a similar condition is not known in the species of
Pinus just mentioned.
It is not at all easy, on the whole, to obtain slides showing the mega
sporocyte, and it is extremely difficult to get the meiotic divisions whereby
a linear quartet of four megaspores is formed. The writer has sectioned
and examined several hundred ovulate strobili in many species of Pinus
but in all that material he has never encountered either a reduction
division or quartet, although the stages immediately preceding and
succeeding were frequently observed. Scarcely anything has been
described in the literature regarding formation of the quartet, but it is
known to exist; it is also known that the megaspore nearest the axis of
the strobilus becomes the functional one, the three others aborting.
. Cases are on record in which only three megaspores were apparently
produced, the outer cell formed following the reduction division failing
to undergo the second mitosis.
The functional megaspore enlarges and, in all the Coniferales, embarks
on a period of free nuclear division. The extent of this period, and con
sequently of the number of nuclei produced, depends upon both the
size and the shape of the swollen megaspore. In long and narrow cells
the period is much shorter than in those that are nearly spherical. Low
numbers of nuclei occur in Taxus (256) and high numbers in Juniperus
and Pinus (2000). The free-nucleate stage is comparatively easy to
obtain in slides, but careful fixation is required. If entire strobili are
fixed for this stage, there will be a little plasmolysis, the term here
meaning that the thin layer of protoplasm with its nuclei is wrenched
away somewhat from the periphery of the megaspore. The ovules
should be carefully cut away from the ovuliferous bract and fixed sepa
rately in a strong chrom-acetic fluid. Since the tissues dry out rapidly,
one should work fast, and material not being worked upon should be.
kept between damp cloths. A great deal of the unpleasantness involved
in working with pitchy cones can be avoided if leather gloves are worn.
After embedding, section the ovules perpendicular to their flat sides; if
cut parallel to the flat sides, only oblique sections are produced;.
Wall formation presently sets in, and when more or less completed,
the formation of archegonia commences at the apex of the megagametophyte. There are two general types of archegonial plexus, and the
number of archegonia developed is directly related to the type of the
group. In one plexus the archegonia are separated by vegetative
tissue; in the other they are in contact with one another. In the first



group the number of archegonia is small, and they are arranged more or
less in a circle around the center. Pinus is of this type, the number of
archegonia ranging from two to not more than six. In the species
(common in Taxodiaceae and Cupressaceae) with an archegonial complex,

Flo. 93.Pinus laricio: longitudinal section of an ovule with two archegonia; one
at left with neck cells, ventral canal cell and egg nucleus. Fixed with strong chrom-acetic;
stained with safranin and anilin blue.

the number of archegonia ranges from 6 to 200. Sequoia sempervirens

has both types of archegonial plexus, while in Torreya taxifolia only a
single archegonium usually occurs. T h e archegonia in their youngest
stages are extremely difficult to find in most species, and the sectioning
and staining of considerable material are generally required. Among the

4 3 6


pines, P. laricio is the most favored species. Libocedrus

Thuja, and Juniperus are good, but the genus with the largest number of
archegonia (Widdringtonia)
neither occurs nor is cultivated in the
United States.
Division of the nucleus of the archegonial initial occurs about a
week after the cell is first recognizable. This results in the central cell
and the primary neck cell. The latter soon divides, but the central
cell requires about a month in which to become very greatly enlarged,
and its nucleus then divides to form a ventral canal nucleus or cell and
the egg nucleus (Fig. 9 3 ) . This division evidently proceeds; rather
slowly since it is commonly found in slides. Beginning with this stage,
it will be found advisable to cut sections somewhat thicker than before;
1 4 i i is about right. Material should have been collected daily as soon
as the archegonia are known to have begun growth, since development is
so rapid that important stages would be missed in case a critical study of
the fife history was being undertaken. As . all; the ovules in a- given
strobilus develop nearly simultaneously, the ovules from any one strobilus
should be kept separate.
Fertilization.The term "fertilization" is here taken,in its broad
sense, to include all phases from the arrival of the microgametophyte
immediately above the megagametophyte, up to and including the first
zygotic mitosis. The actual union of the male and female nuclei, to
which the term has by some been restricted, is more properly called
"syngamy." The latter term, nevertheless, has in turn a fairly broad
meaning since it includes both cases of actual nuclear fusion (as more
commonly occurs in Angiosperms) and those in which there is no fusion
of chromatin.
The probable occurrence of fertilization may be determined by
the external appearance of the ovulate strobili (Buchholz 1 9 3 8 ) : this
stage occurs at about the time, or just shortly before, the strobili have
reached their maximum size, following the period of rapid enlargement.
It has been claimed that this general size rule is infallible, with the
exception of Taxus, in which fertilization occurs long before the ovule
is fully grown, and certain of the Podocarpaceae, in which fertilization
takes place before the ovules themselves have attained their full size.
The microgametophyte reaches the megagametophyte while the
latter is in. various stages of development, which differ according to
the species. In Torreya, for example, the megagametophyte is still in the
early free-nucleate condition, while in Pinus, at the other extreme, the
archegonium has almost reached maturity. There is a direct relation
between the stage of megagametophytic development and the nature of
the microgametes: where the latter are highly organized cells, the earlier
the stage of development.




Fertilization phenomena differ according to the family:

Pinaceae: A t the tip of the microgametophyte a pore is formed b y
rupturing, and the contents are ejected with considerable force.
stalk, and tube nuclei are all discharged into the egg.

FIG. 94.Pinus larido: longitudinal section of an ovule with syngamy progressing

simultaneously in two adjoining archegonia. Fixed with strong chrom-acetic, stained with
safranin and anilin blue.

Sciadopitaceae: I n Sciadopitys
(with scattered archegonia), both
sperms enter.
Taxodiaceae: In all genera (with archegonial complexes) only one
sperm enters.
Cupressaceae: I n Juniperus
may follow it.

only one sperm enters, but the second



.Araucariaceae: Both sperms and some of the smaller nuclei (stalk,

tube, and prothallial, which all look much alike at this time) enter the .
Podocarpaceae: Although both sperms and stalk and tube nuclei enter,
all save one sperm nucleus remain on top of the egg and disorganize.
Taxaceae: In Taxus baccata only one sperm enters, but in T. cana
densis, sperms and stalk and tube nuclei all enter. Torreya taxifolia
resembles T. baccata in behavior.
Cephalotaxaceae: In Cephalotaxus both sperms enter, but one remains
at the top and there degenerates.
The interpretation of structures within the megagametophyte during
fertilization and syngamy is fraught with great danger. It is extremely
easy to make misinterpretations, especially as there are so many bodies
having the appearance of nuclei. If in doubt as to the identity of any
structure, the coverslip may be removed from the slide, the sections
bleached free of stains, and Fuelgen's reaction may be applied. This
will generally give a specific reaction to the, nuclei and chromosomes
directly concerned with fertilization and particularly with syngamy.
Accounts of syngamy are meager (Beal 1934, Hutchinson 1915).
Various stages in fertilization and syngamy may be found by chance.
Species of Pinus appear to be most suitable, since fixation and staining
are not at all difficult (Fig. 94). If a stage close to syngamy is found in
any ovule, the other ovules from the same strobilus are very likely to
yield earlier or later stages. Longitudinal sections of the ovule should
be cut at about 14/*; safranin will give: a Clear chromosome stain and may
be followed with a counterstain of ,anilin blue. Since the spindles are
very prominent, especially during the postsyngamic phases, particular
attention should be paid to clear staining of these structures.
Embryogenesis.In all Coniferales, with the exception of Sequoia
sempervirens, free nuclei are formed immediately after the division of the
syngamic nucleus. In Sequoia walls are formed after the first and sub
sequent mitoses. The free nuclei are produced in the center of the
archegonium; they then migrate, to the bottom of the archegonium,
and wall formation commences at the conclusion of the last mitosis in
such a manner that there are two or more tiers of cells with an average
of four cells in each tier. The next mitosis occurs in the cells of the
upper tier, followed by nearly simultaneous divisions in the lowermost
tier. Depending upon the species, the lowest or the next to the lowest
tier of cells goes into the formation of the embryonal organsroot,
stem, cotyledons, and leaves.
The number of free nuclei and also the number of tiers of cells is
somewhat variable:
Pinaceae: Usually 4 free nuclei and 4 tiers.




Araucariaceae: 32 free nuclei in Araucaria braziliana, 32 and 64 in

Agathis australis; 3 tiers.
Podocarpaceae: Phyllocladus has 8 free nuclei, Podocarpus 16.
Cephalotaxaceae: Cephalotaxus has 8 free nuclei and 3 tiers.
Taxaceae: Austrotaxus has 8 free nuclei, Taxus has 16 and occasionally
32, but Torreya has only 4.
Cupressaceae: Usually 8 free nuclei and 3 tiers.
Taxodiaceae: Usually 8 free nuclei and 3 tiers.
These early stages are readily found if the material has been col
lected at the opportune time. The ovules at this stage are broader in
one direction than in the opposite plane; they should be microtomed at
12^ parallel to the broader surface. Stain critically with safranin and
anilin blue. Mitotic figures are frequent. After the tiers of cells are
developed, it is very common to find more or less plasmolysis, which is
probably due more to partial desiccation of the tissues than to bad
fixation. Some technicians claim that this difficulty can be remedied
by soaking either the cones or the ovules in water before fixing, but
from the writer's experience the remedy seems to be worse than the
The most significant stages during embryogenesis are those occurring
after the organization of the proembryo and preceding the differentiation
of the embryo into the various tissues and organs. Sections of entire
gametophytes were formerly used for the study of these stages, but such
sections are inadequate in that they never present complete pictures and
many details are so obscured that their presence can hardly be detected.
It is, for example, impossible to make out much of the phenomenon of
cleavage polyembryony, or to differentiate between primary and second
ary suspensors. For these stages whole mounts of the dissected suspensor-embryo system are required. It takes but a little practice to
prepare relatively satisfactory mounts which are not only intrinsically
valuable in themselves but are very useful for purposes of instruction.
Living material is always preferable to preserved or.fixed gameto
phytes (Buchholz 1929, 1938); the writer has had extremely poor success
with fixed material. The dissections, in the case of live material, should
be made under water or preferably under a 15% sucrose solution, but
equally good results may be obtained if the dissection is done under
formalin-propiono-alcohol or under 6% formalin in 50% alcohol. The
beginner willfindthe chances of the cells rupturing to be less in a fixative
than in plain water. The ovules should be removed from the strobili;
if a number are being remoyed at one time, they should be placed between
damp cloths. In dissecting large, pitchy cones, such as those of Pinus,
it will be less messy to wear a pair of stout leather gloves and to remove
50 or so ovules at one time. The hardened seed coats and membranes






are* next removed, and the gametophytes are placed in a watch glass or
either half of a small Petri dish containing the sugar solution or fixative.
The container is then placed on the stage of a binocular dissection
microscope; both reflected and transmitted illumination are ordinarily
necessary for clear observation!
Pinus, since material of this genus is most easily collected and the
gametophytes are large and thus more easily manipulated, will be taken
as an example in the following discussion of the technique of removing

F i a . 95.Dissection


is b e g u n ;

t h a t i t is n a r r o w e s t

e x t e n d ; D,





at the




gametophyte (based on

optical section

n e c k ; C,


showing extent




optical v i e w showing h o w deep the preliminary

n e a r l y c o m p l e t e d ; E,

c o m p l e t e d ; F,

P. ponderosa): A, e x t e r n a l



cuts extended almost to

broken, and

(.Drawing by Mrs. Carl F. Janish.)




the suspensors and embryos. In Fig. 95A is shown the gametophyte

removed from the testa and ready for operation; Fig. 952? is a median
longitudinal section through the gametophyte, designed to show the
average extent of the corrosion cavity occupied by the suspensors and
embryos at the time; Fig. 95C is a combination of the two in optical
section and shows (by dotted lines) the points at which cuts are to be
made or portions of gametophytic tissue are to be removed. The anterior
end of the gametophyte appears more or less like a cap; consequently
the position of the transverse incision extending completely around the
gametophyte is easily determined. For making the incisions a very
small cutting instrument with narrow, sharp blade is required. Some




technicians use a needle flattened and sharpened to give a spear-shaped

end; others use a scalpel with a spear-pointed end, of which only one
edge is sharpened. H o l d the posterior half of the gametophyte, as
gently as possible, with weak-springed forceps, then, with the gameto-

A w

FIG. 96.Pinus ponderosa: dissected whole mount of proembryos and suspensors.

Although the preparation is brilliantly stained, this object does not photograph well.
Fixed with formalin-propiono-alcohol; stained with Harris' hematoxylin and fast green;
dehydrated with hygrobutol and infiltrated with balsam.

phyte submerged in the fluid and the operation carried out under the
microscope, cut away wedges of tissue at the anterior end, completely
around the gametophytein somewhat the same w a y that one cuts a
log in t w o with an axe. T h e nearly completed operation is shown in
Fig. 95D. Complete the lateral incision with great caution, lest the
suspensors be cut into, b y making a short, straight cut into the corrosion

4 4 2


cavity, as shown in Fig. 9 5 . Grasp the anterior cap with another pair
of weak-springed forceps, and pull gently by means of successive jerks.
The suspensor-embryo complex usually comes out in a few moments
(Fig. 95F). During later stages of embryo growth, some of the embryos
may become wedged into the gametophyte at various points and may
readily become If the suspensors pull straight without the
embryo becoming dislodged, make. a longitudinal incision down the
center of the gametophyte. A succession of short, jerky pulls is generally
more effective than a steady pull, and embryos are less likely to become
broken off. If the embryo complex still does not come out without
breaking off, wedges of gametophytic tissue may be cut away from all
around until the complex has been sufficiently loosened, but this should
be done only as a last resort since there is danger of cutting off embryos.
If the embryos were dissected in sugar solution, they should be trans
ferred immediately to a fixing fluid, in which they may remain inde
finitely. The embryos should be washed with water before being stained.
As the basic stain, Harris' hematoxylin diluted one-half with 5 0 %
alcohol or safranin is equally satisfactory; for counterstaining, orange G
may be used after the hematoxylin, and fast green after the safranin.
The older technicians mounted the embryos in Venetian Turpentine,
a slow and erratic procedure; they later dehydrated through 2 5 and 5 0 %
ethyl alcohol and then mounted in diaphane. By far the better method,
however, is to employ the gradual hygrobutol method (Fig. 9 6 ) .
For paraffin sections of the same stages, remove the gametophytes
as before, then cut off slabs from opposite sides, taking care not to
expose the corrosion cavity. Place in either formalin-aceto-alcohol
or a medium chrom-acetic fluid. Dehydrate slowly, and infiltrate with
paraffin over a period of several days. Microtome parallel to one of the
cut surfaces at 1 0 or ll/i. The ribbons are likely to give some trouble,
as they have a tendency to cling to the knife and other objects. If
this happens, only the most careful handling will help matters. Serial
sections are more useful than the usual two or three to a slide. Staining
is precise with safranin and fast green or a triple combination, but iron
hematoxylin and orange G may be used if desired.
In the upper portion of the corrosion cavity of Pinus and some other
genera there will usually be found a number of rosette embryos. These,
as well as all save one of the primary embryos, become aborted.
When several archegonia are present and an embryo arises from
each whose egg is fertilized, simple polyembryony is the result. When
each fertilized archegonium gives rise to several embryos, the phe
nomenon known as "cleavage polyembryony" occurs. The embryos
resulting by cleavage from a single zygote constitute an embryo system;
when several embryo systems are confusedly intermingled, the entire




mass is known as an "embryo complex." Among all these embryos,

the one possessing the greatest growth vigor is the one that develops to
maturity; it can frequently be recognized during early stages by its
straighter, stouter, and more rigid suspensor. The salient features
of the embryology in the different families, as far as known, may be
summarized (Buchholz 1929) as follows:
Pinaceae: Indeterminate cleavage polyembryony in Pinus, Cedrus,
Tsuga; each rosette cell may put out a suspensor with a multicellular
embryo (Cedrus, Pinus), or the rosette cells abort early (Tsuga). Abies,
Pseudotsuga, Picea, and Larix form only one. embryo from each archegonium.. Rosette cells are present, soon collapsing; early growth apical.
Abies undergoes cleavage in a few cases. No rosette cells in Pseudotsuga.
Araucariaceae: Highly specialized; probably a group of pah/em
bryonic initial cells rather than a single embryo, i.e., a compound embryo.
Sciadopitaceae: Cleavage polyembryony. Rosette cells none, few
or many. Apical cell present.
Taxodiaceae: Cleavage polyembryony in Taxodium and Cryptomeria.
> Rosette tier probably absent; growth apical.
Cupressaceae: Cleavage polyembryony; rosette embryos probably
present (Juniperus, Biota, Libocedrus). Determinate cleavage poly
embryony in Dacrydium. Primary and secondary embryos resulting
from cleavage polyembryony in Chamaecyparis. Single embryo in
Thuja; growth.distinctly apical; apparently no rosette.cells.
Podocarpaceae: Lowest proembryonic cells binucleate in all species
investigated; several types of embryonic development; cleavage poly
embryony in some species; rosette cells present or absent; sometimes only
one embryo from each archegonium; apical growth occasional.
Cephalotaxaceae: Considerable similarity to conditions in preceding
family, but proembryonic cells are uninucleate. Rosette embryos
present. Distinctive deciduous cap cells present.
Taxaceae: Simple polyembryony; rosette cells rare, absent in Torreya;
growth apical; tendency toward cleavage.
For the later stages in the development of the single embryo, game
tophytes may be treated as for the earlier stages up until such time as
the embryo fills most of the corrosion cavity. After this period it is
better to dissect out each embryo and to fix it separately. For mature
embryos of Pinus and certain other genera, seeds (which may be pur
chased from a seedsman) may be soaked in water for two or three days to
restore turgor, then the embryos may be dissected out. Fix with form
alin-aceto-alcohol, section at not over 12u, and stain with either
safranin and fast green or a triple combination.
The order of appearance of the various regions in the embryo is as
follows: plerome tip of root, calyptoperiblem, stem tip, cotyledons and



hypbcotyl, epiderrnis, procambium, resin passages, leaf primordia,

protoxylem elements in the cotyledons.

The order contains three genera, Ephedra, Welwitschia, and Gnetum,

generally combined into the one family, Gnetaceae. The two lastnamed genera do not occur naturally in the United States, but species
of Gnetum may rarely be found in cultivation in botanical gardens.
Ephedra, on the other hand, is one of the characteristic plants of the
Southwest, and it is widely distributed elsewhere.
It is so doubtful whether material of Gnetum and Welwitschia would
be available that no further description of these genera will be pre
sented. In any event, the various structures will require similar treat
ment to that described below for Ephedra.
Ephedra occurs abundantly in certain parts of Arizona, New Mexico,
and California; in the last state it reaches as far north as the Panoche
Pass, west of Fresno. The plants are so characteristic that once some
have been seen, the genus can always be readily recognized thereafter.
They form straggling, rough, xerophytic shrubs rarely over 2 meters in
height. In color they are grayish most of the year, becoming a bright
green in the younger portions in late winter and early spring, but some
Asiatic species when brought into cultivation become mesophytic and
remain a vivid green. Anatomical material can usually be obtained
from the botanical supply concerns, but care should be taken to specify
that it is for slide-making purposes, since "preserved material" is
Contrary to the statements in some texts (e.g., Chamberlain 1932),
Ephedra is easy to cultivate, except where it.might be snowed under
for long periods. The Asiatic species are more amenable than the North
American species; E. distachya and E. alata have nourished and produced
great quantities of staminate and pistillate strobili in central California.
Transplanted plants of the Californian species can be obtained from
nurserymen specializing in desert plants in that state.
Root.A persistent tap root is present, but the lateral roots furnish
more satisfactory material for slides. Root hairs are easily obtained
from young cultivated plants but are hard to find on plants growing
in nature. In the root tip there is little differentiation into growth
regions; consequently slides of this part of the root are not of so much
usefulness as are sections of. older regions.
Younger roots may be fixed in formalin-propiono-alcohol and micro
tome easily. Both transverse and longitudinal sections should be made;
safranin and anilin blue is a satisfactory stain combination, but others
may be experimented with.




Stem.Young stems, a few months old, section easily in paraffin

and afford most instructive preparations ( F i g . 97). T h e y reveal clear
evidence that photosynthetic activities are carried on within them.
Longitudinal sections of the first t w o to four nodes will show the meristematic region at the base of each internode, also the development
of the abscission layer. T h e beginning of the vascular system will be

FIG. 97.Ephedra alata: cross section of a young stem, showing assimilating tissue,
dark tannin-containing cells and gaps in central region. Fixed with formalin-acetoalcohol; stained with safranin and fast green.

encountered at about the fourth internode.

Microtome young stems
at not over 12M, and stain with safranin and anilin blue (or fast green,
with caution, m a y be used).
Older stems become hard and rigid, but those of many species can
be sectioned in paraffin following prolonged softening under water of the
embedded material. T h e tissues are so compact that sections thinner,
than 12/t are necessary.
Very old wood is not required to show the
characteristic structure elements; stems t w o to three years old show
everything clearly. Older wood requires treatment with 50% hydro-







fluoric acid for t w o months, following which dehydration should extend

over a period of about t w o weeks, and the time in the paraffin oven should
take a week. Since the wood exhibits both angiosperm and gymnosperm
characters, sectioning and staining should be carried out with this feature
in mind.
L e a f . M o s t species possess only small scale-like leaves, but E.
foliata from India has distinct leaves 1 cm. long ( F i g . 98). In Gnetum
the leaves are broad and externally greatly resemble those of Angiosperms.
T h e leaves of Welwitschia are the most characteristic feature of that

FIG. 98.Ephedra foliata: cross section of leaf. Fixed with formalin-aceto-alcohol; stained
with safranin and fast green.

Staminate Strobilus.Exceptions m a y occur with cultivated speci

mens, but in most species the staminate strobili originate in December,
the microsporoeytes are to be found early in February, and meiosis
occurs early in March (or a little later if the weather has been unusually
cold). A t the time of shedding in mid-April, the microgametophyte
contains t w o prothallial cells, one of which is naked and the other is
cut off b y a wall, a stalk cell, a body cell, and tube nucleus (Land 1904).
T h e staminate strobilus at all stages is well fixed with formalinaceto-alcohol, but for the meiotic figures the strobili should be dissected
somewhat and fixed in a strong chrom-acetic fluid. Longitudinal sections
at 10it are most satisfactory.
Staining m a y be in safranin with a suitable
counterstain; iron hematoxylin m a y be used on thin sections for cytologi
cal details.
Germination of pollen grains m a y be observed b y sowing them in
10% saccharose.
I n the ovules the grains come to rest at the bottom
of the pollen chamber v e r y close to the archegonia, into which the
microgametophyte grows directly (Land 1907).




Ovulate Strobilus.The ovulate strobilus originates at about, the

same time as the staminate strobilus but does not grow with equal
rapidity. The two may be distinguished in that the staminate strobilus
is shorter and broader. The integuments and archesporial cell appear
about the first of March, and the reduction divisions occur within a few
days. Free-nuclear divisions then take place in the functioning basal
megaspore, covering a period of about 2 0 days. Wall formation next
sets in, and the archegonial initials appear about Apr. 1. The average
number of archegonia is two, but there may be three in some species
(Maheshwari 1 9 3 5 ) .
Excellent fixation of all stages in the growth of the ovulate strobilus
is given with formalin-propiono-alcohol. The bracts should always be
removed, and from the older flowers the outer integument should be
dissected away. The material at all times should be handled very
carefully to avoid crushing. Sections should be microtomed rather thin,
lO/n being the optimum thickness. Safranin and fast green may give
good staining, but it appears that iron hematoxylin differentiated with
picric acid is superior for nuclear details.
Fertilization.Pollination occurs .about Apr. 1, but the exact date
is greatly dependent upon climatic conditions. Fertilization may occur
within 1 0 hours after pollination; consequently it is a difficult matter to
catch this stage.
Embryogenesis.Eight free nuclei arise following fertilization; of
these, from three to five develop into proembryos. Only one embryo
attains maturity.
For the earlier stages in embryogenesis prepare the material as for
older stages in archegonial development. For the later stages remove all
superfluous tissue possible, and cut slabs from opposite sides of the
gametophyte. The earlier stages may be sectioned at 12/t, but later
stages should not be over 10/*. Safranin and fast green have given excel
lent staining of all stages.

To the technician there is little difference between the dicotyledons
and monocotyledons; consequently the Angiosperms will be dealt with
by structures rather than by the phylogenetic sequence which has been
followed thus far. The dicotyledons, on the whole, are more difficult
than the monocotyledons by reason of their greater structural com
plexities, but the technical methods nevertheless are essentially similar
for the two groups. If materials intended for research purposes are
disregarded, the' problem is one of finding the plant whose root tips,
leaves, or whatever the structure may be, are most suitable from a
particular standpoint. It is possible in most cases to find equally satis
factory species from both groups.


The manner of treatment of root tips depends entirely upon the

purpose for which they may be wanted. The method to be followed if
the somatic complement of chromosomes is to be counted is entirely
different, for example, from the one to'be used if it is merely the general
structural details that are "wanted.
Methods of obtaining tips, however, are the same, no matter what
the ultimate purpose for which they are to be used. It is not a simple
matter of going out into the garden and digging up plants, for, as a
matter of fact, it is a very rare occasion indeed that any can be secured
in this way. The tips should be specially grown according to the method
most suitable for the plant concerned.
Securing Root Tips.Bulbs which produce roots quickly, as of the
Allium cepa and Hyacinthus type, may be germinated as follows: Bottles,
such as milk or cream bottles, with mouths of a diameter just wide enough
to hold the bulbs by their bases are the most convenient. Otherwise
obtain some wide-mouthed jars of about 1-quart capacity. If a suitable
place in total darkness is not available, paint the jars on the outside with
black paint. Fill the jars to the top with a suitable nutrient solution
(Knop's or Pfeiffer's); the solution must be thoroughly aerated, otherwise
the roots will bend upward. For the wide-mouthed jars suitable holders
may be provided by cutting stiff cardboard into squares wide enough to
project about 2 cm. beyond the mouths, then cut circular holes from the
centers of the cards of a size sufficient to allow the root ends of the bulbs





to project to a depth of about 2 cm. into the nutrient solution. To

prevent the cards from rotting, dip them into hot paraffin until they are
saturated, then remove, and cool. Insert the bulbs into the jars, then
set the whole in a dark place at ordinary room temperature. The tips
of Allium cepa are sufficiently long for removal in four days; those of
Hyacinthus require about 10 days. The type of hyacinth used should be
selected with care because most of the varieties on the market are either
triploids or have irregular chromosome numbers. The diploid variety
Yellow Hammer is best of all, with Gertrude as second choice. Other
diploid varieties of H. orientalis include: Garibaldi, Cardinal Manning,
Flora, King of the Yellows, and Roi des Beiges. Excellent triploid
(3n-24) varieties include: King of the Blues, Lady Derby, Grand Maitre,
and Lord Balfour.
All other bulbous plants should be started in clay pots; they require
a longer time than the onion and hyacinth to develop roots and do not
produce so satisfactory tips in aqueous media as in soil. Moreover, the
longer period required for development is prone to allow excessive
growth of bacteria and aquatic molds which penetrate the tips and spoil
them. Peat is sometimes the pots andis excellent for all bulbs
and tubers whose roots are not covered with slime: Tulipa, Erythronium,
Hyacinthus, Crocus, Narcissus, Lilium, Gladiolus, and tuberous species of
Anemone and Ranunculus may be planted in peat. Shred the peat
finely and pack tightly into 6-inch pots. In order to allow, as much room
as possible for the roots, insert the bulbs or tubers so that the crown is
just below the surface. Allow a single large bulb (as of Tulipa or
Lilium) or two or three smaller bulbs (Crocus or Anemone) to each pot.
Finely sifted garden loam, free from sand, may also be used. Place
a piece of broken pottery over the hole in the bottom of the pot, and
insert the bulbs with the crown barely emerging from the surface of the
soil. Soak the pots thoroughly with water, and set aside in a cool,
dark place for at least two weeks. Some bulbs will require about a
month before the root tips are large enough for removal. Take care
not to let the pots become dry. To remove the roots, knock the entire
mass out, wash quickly but thoroughly under running water to remove all
soil and other debris, then cut off the tips with a scalpel, and place in the
killing fluid with the least possible lapse of time.
From annual species which grow very rapidly in the seedling stage,
root tips may be secured by germinating the seed in fine soil in any
suitable container; as soon as the first leaves are well developed, remove
the seedlings from the soil, insert individually in paraffined cardboard
squares, using nonabsorbent cotton to hold the stem in position, and
place the cards over the mouths of jars filled with nutrient solution.
Great quantities of fine tips should be available in about a week's time.







If it is desired to grow the plants to maturity, they may then be replanted

in clay pots and later transferred to the open garden.
Seeds of perennials and slow-growing annuals should be planted
in suitable seedbeds (pots or boxes), transplanted to 2-inch pots (which
should then be placed in a large shallow box with the interstices packed
with damp moss) if the mature plants are of small stature, or into 6-inch
pots if.they grow to a large size. Fine soil without sand or organic
fertilizer should be used as the medium. In from two weeks to a month
the space between the soil and the pot becomes filled with roots and root
tips; few tips, if any, will be found within the soil. Place the base of the
stem between the index and middle fingers of the left hand, invert
the pot, and knock the edge against some solid object in order to cause the
mass of soil and roots to come free. The tips may then be snipped off
by means of fine-pointed forceps and placed in the killing fluid. The
plant may be reinserteddn the pot and grown on until buds are produced:
in this way both the monoploid and diploid chromosomal complements
of the same plant may be investigated.
Treatment of Tips for Cytological Purposes.This subject is dis
cussed in Chap. XIV. In many species there are definite periods when
mitoses occur with maximum frequency and other periods when they
are at the minimum. In Allium cepa the maximum periods are between
1 1 : 3 0 P . M . and 1 2 : 3 0 A . M . , and 1 2 : 3 0 P . M . and 1 : 3 0 P . M . ; the minimal
periods are around 7 A . M . and 3 P . M . In Vicia faba the maximum period
is from 7 P . M . to 1 A . M . ; in Pisum sativum from 9 : 3 0 P . M . to 1 : 3 0 A . M .
However, in most plants mitoses can be found in material collected at
any time if a large number of sections from a good many roots are
Treatment for Anatomical Purposes.The tips should be fixed as
for cytological purposes, i.e., preferably with Navashin's fluid. Sections
may be cut in any desired plane; since the chromosomes are of no particu
lar significance, the thickness should be uniformly 1 0 i t for all species.
If a single stain is desired, Harris' hematoxylin is superb; safranin and
fast green give an excellent double stain, and any triple combination
should be useful.


Root tips grown in water or in nutrient solutions rarely have root

hairs; those taken from plants grown in pots sometimes have root hairs,
but these are usually not in a very satisfactory condition. A few plants
have roots that are abundantly covered with root hairs that are well
shown in sections of the roots. Among such plants are nearly all species
of the Poaceae and Trillium, Vagnera, Raphanus, Brassica, Sdlidago,



Aster, Eupatorium, and Gleditsia. Roots which soon become woody or

fleshy are ordinarily poor for root hairs.
Some roots are better sectioned longitudinally for the hairs, par
ticularly if the hairs are turned toward the tip, but others should be
microtomed transversely. In either case the sections should be some
what thicker than usual: from 12 to 16/n should be about right. A
triple combination will give the most satisfactory staining.
By far the best method of demonstrating the origin and growth of
root hairs is to prepare whole mounts of root tips. The following species
are excellent: Raphanus sativus and other members of the Brassicaceae,
Hordeum vulgare, Secdle cereale, Avena saliva, and other cereals and
grasses. Sow the seeds thinly on damp filter paper in large Petri dishes
or similar moist chambers. In three or four days the roots will be
between 1 and 1.5 cm. in length. Cut off the roots at this time, if they
are abundantly covered with hairs, but avoid removing with older
portions that are over 1 mm. in diameter. Fix with Navashin's fluid
or with a fluid giving a basic fixation image, wash thoroughly, then place
in either Mayer's carmalum or Grenacher's borax carmin for 24 hours.
Wash briefly with distilled water, dehydrate with hygrobutol or dioxan,
infiltrate with highly diluted balsam, and evaporate the latter to a
mounting consistency. If the roots are over 0.5 mm. thick, they should
be mounted in depression slides. The hairs are well shown by this
method, as are any incipient lateral roots.

An amazing variety of roots are to be found in the Anthophyta:

fleshy, woody, tuberous, fibrous, etc., which may be subterranean,
aerial, or aquatic in habitat. The' structure, however, is relatively
uniform, and the vascular anatomy is of the same general type. Some
roots are easy from the technical standpoint, but most of them are
beset with difficulties, of one sort or another.
In digging up plants in order to obtain the roots, great care needs
to be exercised to avoid strains, since it is extremely easy to cause separa
tion of the tissues in different regions, as between xylem and cortex.
The roots should be washed thoroughly under running water before being
cut into sections about 1 cm. in length and placed in the killing fluid.
Grit that lodges in wounds and other breaks, in the exfoliating epidermis
and in other places, is a very common cause of torn ribbons and bad
nicks in the microtome knife. Use a sharp scalpel for cutting the roots
into portions. Formalin-aceto-alcohol and formalin-propiono-alcohol
fix nearly all roots perfectly, but a strong chrom-acetic fluid may also
be used.. Small fibrous roots should be embedded in bunches; it is
difficult to locate the tiny sections of single very small roots in the com-


plefed preparations. If a few trial sectionings on the microtome reveal
that some elements in the root have become too hard to cut, the material
should be soaked under water for several days to a month or longer.
Roots which contain much starch should be watched and sectioned as
soon as they acquire a whitish-opaque appearance; if left under water
too long, it becomes impossible to microtome themi.
Origin of the Root.The origin, structure, and development of
the young root must be sought during the growth of the embryo. This
can be found in any suitable plant, preferably one from the monocotyle
dons. Zea mays is most extensively used: obtain young pistillate
inflorescences whose stage of development is about a week or 10 days
after fertilization. Remove the ovules individually. The embryo is
readily recognizable; cut slabs from the ovule on each side of the embryo
perpendicular to the flattened surfaces, fix with formalin-aceto-aclohol,
and microtome at 10M in the longitudinal plane perpendicular to the
. flat sides. The young seed sections easily at this time, but afterward
soaking under water will be necessary. Safranin and fast green or a
triple combination both stain sharply, but the latter should be employed
only if it is desired to color the starch grains. Canna indica has a large
embryo which is also good for root origin. Among the dicotyledons,
Capsella has been most commonly employed, but it is a poor example.
The whole process of root origin is easy to follow out in the Onagraceae;
Epilobium may be recommended, as it grows wild almost everywhere.
One might try soaking seeds in water overnight, then removing the
testa, and killing the seeds before the roots have emerged.
Secondary Roots.The origin of secondary (lateral) roots occurs
about 1 cm. back from the tip. The best material for this is to be found
on perennial plants or trees growing with their bases submerged in water:
Salix pendula and other willows, Sagittaria and related genera, Typha
(the rhizome is even better than the root), and Pistia are all excellent,
but the roots of completely submerged plants are poor. Seeds of Raphanus and Vicia faba germinated on filter paper quickly produce roots
which should show the origin of the lateral roots at a distance of from
1.5 to 2 cm. back from the tip. Kill and fix in a strong chrom-acetic
fluid or in formalin-propiono-alcohol, section at 8 to 10M in either plane,
and stain with safranin and a suitable counterstain.
T U B E R S ,


The majority of tubers are comparatively easy from the technical

standpoint. The main precaution to be observed is with regard to the
mucilaginous nature of the cell contents of many tubers and rhizomes.
A fixative which will not cause excessive cytoplasmic shrinkage should
be used; if acetic acid is an ingredient, the least possible amount should



be used. Most tubers arid rhizomes contain starch, some (such as those
of Solanum tuberosum) in great abundance. For this reason a triple or
quadruple stain coiribination is indicated.
v Mature tubers are less useful, except possibly under certain circum
stances, as when the origin and development of the phellogen are particu
larly wanted, rather than younger examples. The latter possess most
of the structures of the mature tuber and reveal more detail in a much
smaller extent of tissue. Tubers of the type of Beta vulgaris, Dauciis
carota, and Pastijiaca sativd are in the optimum condition when about
.15 mm. in diameter, and it is easy to cut sections across the entire struc
ture at this stage. If sufficiently young tubers of the type of Ipomoea
batatas or Solanum tuberosum are unavailable, cut off triangular wedges
from large specimens, which should preferably have been freshly dug.
Specimens from grocery stores are likely to have been so vigorously
scrubbed that the epidermis is badly broken.
Rhizomes in general are less troublesome than roots, but those of
certain types may possess heavily lignified tissues which will require
softening under water. That of Iris, which has an unusually prominent
endodermis, is an,example. Large, fleshy rhizomes, like those of Zingiber
or Nymphaea, should be treated like tubers.



Longitudinal and even transverse sections of stem apices are useful

for a variety of purposes: such sections generally show how the cells
which make up the structure of the stem originate; the development of
leaves; the origin of lateral branches; the protective covering of the
delicate meristematic tissues; and other features. The cells are gener
ally small and isodiametric (probably 14-sided) and have delicate walls,
large nuclei, and tiny vacuoles., Mitochondria are occasionally present,
but most other cell inclusions are absent. Mitoses are abundant,
but, because "of crowding, the chromosomes usually cannot be counted. In
most woody plants the stem tips are covered with bud scales; these
scales are sometimes permeated with resinous or sticky substances which
interfere with staining.
Stem apices, on "the whole, are easy subjects technically; the one
outstanding difficulty is to orient them for sectioning in such a plane
that perfectly median longitudinal sections are obtained. Nonmedian
sections are of little or no value. Hard scales and excess leaves should
always first be trimmed away, then the apices may be cut off from the
stem about 8 to 10 mm. back from the tip, save that greatly elongated
types (as those of Lonicera and Veronica) should be about 12 to 15 mm.
in length.






Fixing fluids of strong penetrating power are necessary. Formalinpropiono-alcohol has given perfect results, but those who so prefer m a y
use a strong chrom-acetic fluid. A i r should be exhausted under a
suction pump, otherwise the material is certain to float while in the
paraffin oven.

FIG. 99.Hydrilla verticiUata: perfectly median longitudinal section of the stem apex,
with meristematic region and developing leaves. Fixed with formalin-aceto-alcohol;
stained with safranin and fast green.
Elodea stem apices are more generally used than any other t y p e ;
the related and much larger Hydrilla from the tropics is even better and
is also likely to have either staminate or pistillate flowers present ( F i g .
99). Some people prefer Hippurus
or Myriophyllum,
but both are
rather difficult to stain sharply. These plants are employed primarily
for the origin of the leaves. A m o n g herbaceous and semiwoody plants,
vines and scandent species are particularly useful. A m o n g them may



be mentioned Aristolochia, Lonicera, Ampelopsis, Parthenocissus, Vitis,

Clematis, Wisteria, Passiflora, Dolichos, Asparagus, and Cobaea. The
majority of the species in these genera have terminal buds that are
laterally flattened, which makes for greater ease in orienting for micro
toming, since it is merely necessary to cut parallel to either flat surface.
Other herbaceous plants which have broad apical meristems are preferable
to those in which this region is narrow and of slight extent. Excellent
types are found in Coleus, Syringa, Ricinus, Rosa, and Veronica.
It will be noted that most of these genera have opposite leaves; plants
with alternate leaves usually are not very satisfactory for the apical
meristems. These materials should all be collected in early spring when
growth is most rapid. The terminal buds of woody plants, on the other
hand, should be collected in late winter or in early spring before they
have expanded. The outer scale leaves, which are generally too hard to
be sectioned easily, should first be removed. Practically any woody
plant will provide suitable material; those that are deciduous are some
what better than those that are evergreen. Certain groups present
peculiar difficulties which require considerable ingenuity on the part of
the technician to circumvent. The buds of the Ericaceae, for instance,
are saturated with phlobaphene compounds which interfere with both
fixation and staining. The xylem in a few other types becomes so heavily
lignified at an early stage that soaking of the embedded material under
water becomes necessary.
Single and double staining methods should be employed. Triple
and quadruple combinations are of little service; there is, for example,
generally nothing for the violet to stain and the orange G of quadruple
combinations completely overshadows the green. Either Harris' or
Delafield's hematoxylin used alone is frequently excellent, as are safranin
and fast green. Foster's tannic acid method, when correctly. used, is
superb for differentiation of the embryonic cells.

Freehand Sections.All stems which are sufficiently rigid may be

cut either freehand or in a sliding microtome in the fresh condition.
The older generations of botanists employed the freehand method almost
exclusively, then graduated to celloidin embedding. The celloidin
method still remains supreme, but the newer methods of embedding in
paraffin plus soaking under water have enabled technicians possessed of
patience and a high degree of manipulative skill to produce thin, perfect
sections which can be mounted on slides for staining and do not require
handling as loose sections.
If the sections are cut freehand, fix them for 24 hours in formalinaceto-alcohol, then stain with safranin. The time in the safranin depends







upon the amount of lignification present. If scanty, the optimum time

is 24 hours or longer; if abundant, shorten the period to 2 hours. It is
difficult to differentiate heavily lignified tissues that have been overstained. If an aqueous counterstain is to follow, wash the sections
thoroughly with water, then differentiate with water slightly acidulated
with hydrochloric acid until the sections have a deep pink color generally,
with the lignified portions a bright red. Again wash thoroughly with
water to remove all acid, then apply the counterstain. Harris' or
Delafield's hematoxylin is excellent, or a 1% aqueous solution of fast
green may be substituted. After excess counterstain has been washed
out, or the hematoxylin differentiated in the usual fashion, dehydrate by
the gradual addition of hygrobutol or dioxan over a period of about
45 minutes, then infiltrate with dilute balsam, which should then be
concentrated quickly. Mount the sections as soon as practicable, as
they will become brittle in time and may crack when flattened.
If. an alcoholic counterstain is to follow the safranin, wash the latter
out with water, then cover with 70% ethyl alcohol nearly saturated with
picric acid for about 10 seconds. Remove, and replace with a change of
85% ethyl alcohol, then apply the counterstain. Anilin blue and fast
green are the dyes most commonly used, and these work better if first
dissolved in methyl cellosolve and mixed with an equal volume of 95%
alcohol. The period depends on the material: some types stain quickly,
others slowlythe sections should be allowed to remain until thoroughly
stained since there is little chance of overstaining. Wash with two
changes of 95% alcohol, then commence adding hygrobutol gradually,
andfinallyinfiltrate with dilute balsam. Xylol should always be avoided
since it hardens sections excessively and causes them to curl up tightly.
Paraffin sections of woody materials may be placed in xylol to dissolve
the paraffin, then brought down to alcohol or wafer for staining, later
treated as if they were freehand sections. Materials which are difficult
to retain on the slides should be treated in this fashion.
Celloidin Sections.^-Directions for manipulating celloidin sections
are given in the chapter describing the Celloidin Method.
Paraffin Sections.All meristematic, herbaceous, and young woody
stems can, and should, be sectioned in paraffin. Fix with either formalinaceto-alcohol or formalin-propiono-alcohol, and follow preferably the
tertiary butyl alcohol method. Infiltration with paraffin should be
thorough; some materials may need to be left in the oven for a week or
longer. Embed in a hard paraffin or in Parlax. After cooling, cut the
required pieces out of the block, trim roughly, expose the end which is
to be microtomed, then place under distilled water plus a small crystal
of phenol in a small bottle. The important point is to judge the period
of immersion accurately; this requires some practice. The optimum



time for young stems is overnight; for most herbaceous stems, the same
length of time suffices; for harder and older stems a few days are required;
for w o o d y stems a week t o t w o months may be necessary. A s the tissues
absorb water and become softened, they acquire a whitish-opaque appear
ance. T h e stems are ready for sectioning as soon as this appearance
extends for their entire length. There is great danger in overimmersion;
stems of the Pelargonium type, which have an extensive pith, should not
be left in the water for more than 36 hours. I f stems are immersed too
long, it becomes impossible to section them, since the tissues are torn

Flo. 100.Catsytha filiformis: cross section of the parasitic stem, with the haustoria
penetrating the stem of Passiflora foetida. Fixed with formalin-aceto-alcohol; stained with
safranin and fast green.

rather than cut by the knife. T h e thickness at which the sections arc
cut depends upon the nature of the tissues.
T h e tissues .of some stems
are composed of huge numbers of rather small cells; such stems should
be sectioned at 10 to 12a. Other stems are made up of relatively few,
large cells and should therefore be cut at thicknesses of from 14 to/24juA few trial sections, examined microscopically with or without staining,
should reveal the optimum thickness. T h e one great difficulty- in
mierotoming stems is to cut the cambium region smoothly and without
wrinkling; the cambial cells are the weakest structurally, and if proper
care is not taken, there will be more or less buckling at one or more
points. Another source of trouble is tearing of sclerenchyma and collenchyma cells, which may be in small isolated groups in some stems
(as in Aristolochia, Fig. 101), or in localized regions (as at the cornels
of the square stems of the Labiatae),






Sections of many stems come off the slides easily during the staining
or dehydration. For this reason, stem sections should always be taken
through celloidin during the deparaffining. A s a further precaution in
obstinate cases the sections on the dry slides m a y be coated with a 1 %
celloidin solution with a camel's-hair brush, and this allowed to dry.

FIG. 101.Aristolochia braziUnnsis: cross section of an older stem. The breaks in the
cortex at the left are caused by release of torsion and are faults that can not be entirely
avoided. Fixed with formalin-aceto-alcohol; stained with safranin and anilin blue.
Thereafter it is necessaiy to avoid any fluid that is a celloidin solvent:
deparaffining may be with carbol-xylol, thence to 9 5 % ethyl alcohol
and down to water, and dehydration may be done in the* reverse order,
except that the slides are passed through pure xylol immediately before
mounting in balsam.
Staining of stem sections is t o a considerable extent a matter of
individual preference. A great variety of combinations is available.
T h e simplest is safranin and fast green. Others include safranin and



Harris' or Delafield's hematoxylin; malachite green, methyl green* or

crystal violet and erythrosin or acid fuchsin; or safranin and anilin blue
or crystal violet. Quadruple combinations are more useful than triple
combinations since the orange G of the latter tends to overstain. T h e
basic stain should be selected with regard to the structures which are
particularly wanted to be shown to the best advantage.

FIG. 102.Sedum praealtum: cross section of succulent stem with leaf trace. Fixed
with Sass's acetone mixture, dehydrated with acetone and tertiary butyl alcohol; stained
with safranin and fast green.

Herbarium or other dried material of small stems, leaves, etc., m a y

be restored to a reasonably satisfactory condition for embedding and
sectioning by being cut into 4-mm. lengths, placed in absolute alcohol
for 24 hours, then taken through graded alcohols down to distilled water.
N e x t transfer to an 8 % aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide for a week
at room temperature, then wash in 15% aqueous glacial acetic acid, using
several changes. Wash thoroughly with water, dehydrate, and embed.






Vascular System.The ramifications of the vascular system may

be followed out by perfusing the living plant with basic (not acid) fuchsin (Gourley 1930). Prepare the staining solution by dissolving 50 mg.
basic fuchsin in 2 cc. of 95% alcohol and diluting this with 100 cc. tap
water. Remove the plants from the soil (the plants should be of a
somewhat succulent type), wash the roots free of adhering debris,
immerse the roots in the staining solution, and cut off part of them.
If the stain does not show signs of penetrating within 12 hours, recut
the roots. The vascular system, even to the minute veins in the leaves,
should be well stained in from 24 to 48 hours. The plants may then be
removed from the solution and the roots washed thoroughly with water,
followed by weak alcohol to remove all excess stain.
The plants or portions thereof may then be boiled in water or a very
dilute solution of potassium hydroxide in .order to secure partial dis
sociation. The parts are next placed under a binocular microscope and
dissected to the desired extent.
Or the plants may be cleared by placing them in a large test tube or
similar container and passed successively through 50, 70, 85, 95%, and
absolute alcohol, then cleared through 3 parts absolute alcohol and 1
part xylol, equal parts absolute alcohol and xylol, 1 part alcohol and 3
parts xylol, and two changes of pure xylol. The material should remain,
in each change for about half a day.
Other methods have also been suggested (Camp and Liming 1931,
Simpson 1929, Stebbins 1938, Varrelman 1938). They are essentially
similar to the one described above but do not include prestaining of the
vascular system.
Fresh, dried, or preserved material may be boiled in water for 2 to 3
minutes, then bleached for one to three days in a mixture of equal parts
of concentrated ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, or 2 parts of the former
to 1 part of the latter (Stebbins 1938). The higher the degree of oxida
tion, the more peroxide is used. Next transfer the material to 95%
alcohol, and harden for from 1 to 12 hours. Although staining is unneces
sary, this may be done at this juncture with 1 % aqueous crystal violet.
The original schedule called for passing through three changes of normal
butyl alcohol (allowing about 2 hours in each), passing through equal
parts of normal butyl alcohol and xylol, next through pure xylol, then to
mount in balsam; this long procedure may be simplified by the use of
hygrobutol or dioxan. All cell contents are removed; the walls appear
transparent (without staining), and lignified xylem strands stand out
The transpiration stream may also be traced with light green, using
the dye, which is nontoxic, in the proportion of 1 g. to each liter of
distilled water (Harvey 1930).


4 6 1

Macerated Stem Tissues.All stems may, by proper maceration

methods, be dissociated into the component cells. The term "macera
tion" unfortunately connotes, in the minds of many people, an entirely,
erroneous conception. It is taken to mean that the tissues are so
altered that nothing can really be recognized. All that actually happens
is that the middle lamellae, which bind the cells together, are dissolved
and the cells are freed more or less completely from each other. If the
material has not previously been fixed, there may be some plasmolysis
of the cytoplasm of the more delicate cells, but this is not a matter of
any great importance.
Jeffrey's method is recommended. In order to master the method
correctly, a semiwoody stem should first be experimented with. Young
stems of Tilia, Aristolochia, Liriodendron, Pyrus, or similar plants with
soft wood may be cut into portions about 2 cm. in length, then split
into slivers about the size of toothpicks. Stain with safranin after
maceration and subsequent thorough washing. It is advisable to use a
centrifuge cautiously in making changes of fluids. The stem of Pelar
gonium is probably the best of all herbaceous .types for maceration;
it affords a great variety of interesting cell types.
Slides of macerated tissues are very useful and furnish the only means
by which the entire topography of complete, uncut cells may be followed
out. A conception of the nature of cells quite different from that givenby sections is obtained.
Sectioning Hard Woods.Special methods have been devised for
the easy sectioning of mature woody stems, which have long been a
nightmare to the average technician (page 104).
Abscission Layer.Abscission layers occur at the junction of the
stem with petioles and pedicels. Some of the more suitable plants in
which to demonstrate the abscission layer include petioles of Coleus,
Salix, and Populus and pedicels of Lycopersicum.
Lactiferous Ducts.Stems which exude a white or yellowish fluid
when cut open may be presumed to contain either latex vessels or
latex cells. The following families contain numerous species with either
or both types of lactiferous ducts: Asclepiadaceae, Euphorbiaceae,
Papaveraceae, Caricaceae, Musaceae, and Moraceae.
Starch grains are frequently abundant in latex. For this reason a
triple or quadruple stain combination is indicated. Formalin-propionoalcohol is an excellent fixing fluid; the sections should be between 1 2
and 1 5 t i in thickness.
Resin Ducts.Ducts in which resins, oils, gums, and other sub
stances are secreted are present in many families. They occasionally
form extensive branching systems, but in certain families (as in the
fruits of the Umbelliferae) they are localized. Most fixing fluids dis-






solve the secretory substances; consequently the presence of such sub

stances cannot be employed to indicate the presence of resin ducts.
I t would be better to cut freehand sections of fresh material and to employ
microchemical tests.
Internal Glands.These structures are of rather rare occurrence
in the Anthophyta. Y o u n g stems of any species of Citrus, particularly
of lemons, are the most useful. T h e lysigenous cavities are v e r y promi
nent and readily recognized following the customary methods. Bud
scales that are sticky on the external surface should, after being sectioned,
have glands present.
Lenticels.Species of Sambucus are commonly used for the demon
stration of lenticels in woody stems, but the most satisfactory stem

FIG. 103.Viscum articulatum: cross section of the stein of a parasitic dicotyledon.

Fixed with formalin-aceto-alcohol; stained with crystal violet and erythrosin. (From a
preparation by Dr. Panchanan Maheshwari.)
for the purpose has probably not y e t been found.
Vorsythia, Aesculus, and Pyrus and many other plants have also been
Selected portions of the stem or cortex containing the lenticels may
be removed and fixed with formalin-aceto-alcohol. T h e sections should
be cut in the transverse plane of the stem and should not be over 12p.
in thickness. T h e cell walls are thick in the outer regions and take
stains intensely because of their heavy suberization.
T y l o s e s . M a n y semiwoody and woody stems contain tyloses in
their vessels. T h e y are conspicuous in certain species of Vitis (Fig.
104), Aristolochia, Menispermum, Aesculus, Robinia, Juglans, Sassafras,
Rhus, Catalpa, Quercus, and Populus.
T h e y are less common and more
difficult to find in herbaceous plants, having been reported from Coleus,
Rumex, Asarum, Convolvulus, and Cucurbita.
Formation of tyloses
may be induced by wounding.



The walls of the tyloses are generally so thin and delicate that some
plasmolysis must be expected. I n rare instances the walls may become
thick and lignified. Methods commonly used on stems will reveal the
tyloses with sufficient clarity.
Cladodia.These structures, variously also called " phylloclads"
and "cladophylls," are stems, usually more or less flattened, which are
adapted for carrying on photosynthetic activities in the absence of the
usual type of leaf. A l l species in the family Ruscaceae and the genera
and Asparagus possess cladodia. Semele androgyna, a

Flo. 104.Vitis vinifera: longitudinal section of a tylose through the stalk.

formalin-aceto-alcohol; stained with safranin and anilin blue.

Fixed with

member of the Ruscaceae, is widely cultivated in greenhouses

furnishes excellent material.
Material should be treated as if it were thick, leathery leaves;
difficult to section cladodia easily. T h e tissues are compact; hence
sections are desirable; 1G> is about right. Safranin and fast green
quadruple combination are both excellent for staining.

it is
or a


T h e origin and earliest stages of leaf development are to be found in

sections of leaf buds or stem apices. T h e cells which become the leaf
initials are usually several cell generations removed from the initials
of the main axis. T h e leaf initials are first recognizable as meristematic
Growth is at first apical, but this phase is of relatively
short duration, and growth thereafter is general throughout the leaf
tissues. I n the Poaceae and in certain other monocotyledons with long
linear leaves, such as Iris and Allium, intercalary meristems are of com
mon occurrence but of brief duration.







Leaves of all types are rather erratic in their reaction t o technical

methods. T h e underlying reason is undoubtedly that of photosynthetic
activity, less so to minor structural variations. T h e marked differences
between the leaves of monocotyledons and dicotyledons are also a
frequent source of technical troubles. T h e leaves of most monocotyle
dons possess parallel veins and have been considered t o be phyllodia
b y many botanists.
T h e majority of dicotyledonous leaves, on the

Fio. 105.Atriplex hymenelytra: cross section of portion of a densely trichophyllous

isobilateral leaf. Fixed with formalin-propiono-alcohol; stained with safranin and fast
other hand, are dorsiventral. Isobilateral leaves are not common among
dicotyledons and are generally* correlated with habitat factors. Those
of plants growing in regions of intense light and heat, as in Death Valley,
for example, are usually isobilateral in structure even though they appear
externally t o be dorsiventral ( F i g . 105). T h e most prominent technical
difficulty with leaves is to get sufficient sharpness and contrast with
stains. I t m a y be recalled that it is practically impossible to obtain
differential staining with the leaves of many Pteridophyta; the situation
is not quite so annoying with the Anthophyta, but it is sometimes bad



enough. The chloroplasts are the structures most difficult to stain

adequately in the majority of cases. The blame for poor differentiation
does not always rest upon the staining procedure employed; sometimes
it belongs to the fixing fluid, occasionally to the dehydration method.
Rosa leaves are among the best for the chloroplasts; the more commonly
used Syringa is poor.
For some reason, . possibly because the older botanists used the
handiest plant in their gardens, the leaf of the Jilac, Syringa vulgaris,
is more universally employed than any other to demonstrate the struc
ture of a "typical" dicotyledonous leaf. Objections on one ground or
another that it is not entirely a suitable type nevertheless do not prevent
it from being recommended as a test object with which the technician
can gain experience in the manipulation of leaves. Similarly, leaves
of the corn, Zea mays, may be utilized as a representative of monocotyledonous leaves.
Manipulation.Perfect examples should be selected for fixation.
Diseased, damaged, senescent, or wilted specimens should be avoided.
Evergreen leaves may be collected at any time, but deciduous types are
at their prime in spring 'and early summer.
There is considerable difference of opinion among technicians as to
the most satisfactory killing fluid for leaves. Many claim that strong
chrom-acetic or medium chrom-osmo-acetic fluids are the only ones
which give completely adequate fixation. These claims were made
pre*vious to the introduction of the newer methods of dehydration and
infiltration and can no longer be wholly justified. Chromic fluids are
objectionable mainly.on the ground that leaf portions over 3 or 4 mm.
in any direction are never completely and evenly fixed throughout.
Formalin-propiono-alcohol, if followed by tertiary butyl alcohol dehydra
tion, gives almost perfect preservation of all elements except mitochondria
and permits sharper' staining than has been obtainable after chromic
fluids. This method also has the somewhat strange virtue of not harden
ing the leaves to the extent that soaking under water is required; sections
as thin as 8p are easily microtomed.
If the leaves are fixed in the middle of a sunny day, most of the
stomata will be open; in late afternoon or after dark, they are mostly
closed. Most mature leaves have the stomata permanently open. Very
few leaves contain starch grains; iLpresent, they are usually in or close
to the vascular bundles, and are more likely to be found in leaves fixed
just before daybreak. Pellionia is the most conspicuous example of a
plant whose leaves contain starch.
Leaves, no matter how small, should never be fixed entire but should
always have opposite sides or ends cut open. This also applies to sub
merged aquatic leaves other than those of the dimensions of Elodea







leaves. The epidermal layers of the leaves of all but a few species are
cutinized, some weakly, others rather heavily. This prevents the pene
tration of all liquids, hence the necessity for open areas.
The majority of leaves are sectioned transversely, across the veins.
If the leaf is not over 18 mm. in width, it should be transected into
portions about 5 mm. deep. Leaves over 18 mm. wide should be cut
into strips lengthwise about 12 mm. wide 'and the strips next cut into
transverse portions 5 mm. deep. ,The strips should always include the
midvein or in the case of unusually large leaves one of the principal
secondary veins. It will be understood that portions prepared as
specified are to be microtomed vertically along the longer edge. If
longitudinal sections are to be cut, i.e., parallel to the midvein, then the
portions should be longer in the lengthwise direction of the leaf. The
two types of leaf portions should never be mixed together but be embed
ded separately, and record of their nature should be kept; it is virtually
impossible to determine their type from embedded material.
Scissors should not be used for cutting leaves since they compress
the tissues. Place each leaf on a hardwood board or piece of stiff,
smooth cardboard and make quick, straight cuts with a sharp scalpel.
As soon as the portions have been placed in the killing fluid, exhaust
the air under a water suction pump, but take care not to overdo the
process. There will be less danger of plasmolysis if only part of the air
is first exhausted and the remainder removed the next day, after con
siderable hardening of the cytoplasm has occurred.
As stated above, the tertiary butyl alcohol method has given perfect
results. Some technicians carry out the preliminary dehydration with
glycerin: if an aqueous killing fluid was used, first wash out the fluid
thoroughly, then place in 10% aqueous glycerin in a flat dish, and let
remain until the water has evaporated completely and the solution has
' the consistency of pure glycerin. Wash out the glycerin thoroughly with
95% ethyl alcohol, and complete dehydration with absolute alcohol.
Pass successively through mixtures of absolute alcohol and xylol in the
following proportions: 3:1, 1:1, and 1:3 (about 4 hours in each). Finally
give two changes of pure xylol, and embed in paraffin as usual. Or the
glycerin may be-washed out with tertiary butyl alcohol and then infil
trated with paraffin. If an alcoholic killing fluid was used, wash out
with plain alcohol of the same percentage as that in the fluid, place the
material in aqueous glycerin in which the percentage of water equals
that of the alcohol in the killingfluid,and thicken the glycerin by evapora
tion. Wash out, and proceed as usual.
Very succulent leaves, such as those of Sedum, Bryophyllum,
and Echeveria, are troublesome because of. the very thin cell walls and
excessive water content. If they show no shrinkage during fixation,

they may be brought into paraffin by the regular tertiary butyl alcohol
schedule, provided the changes are made over extended periods. Acetone
dehydration is often successful (Sass 1932).
Most leaves should be embedded singly, but some types may be
embedded in bunches, one leaf portion being laid on top of another.
The tougher and more difficult types should always be treated singly.
Many types of leaves become hardened during the dehydration and
infiltration and consequently require a brief soaking under water previous
to microtoming. The process should never be prolonged since the leaves
have a tendency to shrink sufficiently to become loose in the paraffin
matrix, and the sections then fall out as each" section is cut. However,
the greatest source of trouble in microtoming is the midvein. Some
midveins contain as great a quantity of lignified tissue as a small stem
and are even more rigid; hence particular attention should be paid to
this aspect at all times.
The stain combination^ most generally employed is safranin and fast
green. A quadruple combination is frequently very good, but there is
rarely any structure with a special affinity for the violet part. Many
people prefer to use either Harris' hematoxylin or Mayer's haemalum
alone; these stain practically all structures sharply in various shades of
purple and do not give color differentiation between diverse structures;
consequently they should be used only if one is familiar with the anatomy
of leaves.
Leaf Types.Leaves are usually classified according to the familiar
taxonomic types, but this classification is wholly useless to technicians
since they are primarily interested in anatomical structure. The follow
ing rough classification into anatomical types has been devised in order
to assist the technician in selecting species to show particular features
of the anatomy:
Typical dicotyledonous leaves, with one palisade layer (the preferred
types for elementary instruction): Ligustrum ovalifolium, Syringa.
Typical dicotyledonous leaves, with two or more palisade layers:
Quercus, Pyrus, Citrus, Polygonum, Hedera, Rosa.
Malacophylloiis types: Begonia, Tradescantiafluminensis,Scoliopus.
Sclerophyllous types: Banksia, Hakea.
Typical, with large hypodermal cells below the upper epidermis:
Piper nigrum, Peperomia refiexa, Ficus elastica, Rosa. Arachis has large
hypodermal cells above the lower epidermis.
Little differentiation and poor internal organization; not to be recom
mended: Beta, Zantedeschia, Amsinckia, Montia, Sedum, Chrysanthemum,
Dicotyledons with structure resembling that of typical monocotyle
dons: Eschscholizia, Portulaca oleracea, Eichhornia, Atriplex hymenelytra.







Isobilateral dicotyledons: Ranunculus aquatilis (aerial), Aptenia,

Prosopis, Larrea, Eucalyptus (adult), Encelia, Dianthus caryophyllus.
Typical trichophyllous dicotyledons: most desert species belong in
this category, e.g., Salvia apiana, Encelia farinosa, Atriplex hymenelytra.
Typical monocotyledonous leaves, no differentiated mesophyll:
Zea, Avena sativa.
Xerophytic monocotyledons, inrolled type, heavily lignified and
cutinized: all bamboos, such as Phyllostachys; Ammophila, Spartina.
Monocotyledonous phyllodia: Amaryllis, Typha, Semele.
Monocotyledons with structure resembling that of typical dicotyle
dons: Anthurium andraeanum, A Ilium, Trillium.
Aquatic types, with aerenchyma: Trapa, Castalia, Neptunia. 1
With conspicuous external glands: Potentilla glandulosa, Dionaea,
With conspicuous lactiferous ducts: Ficus carica, Jatropha, Eu
With conspicuous internal glands: Citrus, Ruta, Ficus elastica,
Phyllodia.Petioles which become flattened to carry on photo
synthesis are known as "phyllodia." Most species of Acacia have
phyllodia, at least in mature plants. In Coccohba the base of the petiole
is dilated into a phyllodium. Treat phyllodia as if they were cladodia
(page 463). Considerable care must be taken with the differentiation
of stains, as the tissues very readily overstain.
Leaf Epidermis.In order. to show the number, disposition, and
surface anatomy of stomata, the epidermis of the leaf may be peeled
off, stained, and mounted in balsam. The epidermis does not peel
equally well from all types of leaves; in fact, the number which can be
utilized is quite small.
The most useful type is Graptopetalum (Byrnesia) weinbergii, one
of the Crassulaceae. The leaves are large, grayish-green, and the
entire epidermis from either side may be stripped in one operation.
Take fresh leaves, cut off both ends and a narrow strip along each side,
then insert the edge' of a scalpel under one lower end, and peel off the
epidermis slowly. It should not be stripped rapidly, or it will curl
tightly. Submerse immediately in formalin-aceto-alcohol, taking care
not to allow the edges to roll inward. Afterfixingfor 24 hours, wash with
a change of 50% alcohol, then stain with Harris' hematoxylin. Differen
tiate, wash with water, dehydrate with hygrobutol, infiltrate with
diluted balsam, then cut into portions about 5 mm. square for mounting.
Be sure to mount with the external side up.
If Graptopetalum is unavailable, most species of the related Sedum
are good, particularly those with broad and somewhat flattened leaves.



T h e epidermis of Tradescantia virginiana is also excellent (Fig. L06).

Strip as large pieces as possible. Stain in safranin and anilin blue,
which gives a striking color contrast. T h e bulb scales of Allium are
modified leaves, and it is very easy to peel the epidermis from the inner

Flo. 106.Tradescantia virginiana: portion of whole mount of leaf epidermis, with

stomata, hairs and secondary vein. Fixed with formalin-aceto-alcohol; stained with
safranin and fast green, dehydrated with hygrobutol.

surfaces of the scales. This type of epidermis is good only for simple
cells and their nuclei; there are no stomata.
W i t h other leaves which do not peel readily, the epidermis can be
more or less loosened b y blanching with boiling water for a few minutes,







then plunging into cold water, and peeling small portions. Fix as usual,
even if the boiling water is in the nature of a fixing fluid.
Whole Mounts of Small Leaves.To show the venation in suitable
small leaves (Ulmus and Fraxinus are excellent types), stain them in the
living condition by Gourley's basic fuchsin method (page 460). Then
boil in slightly alkalihized 85% alcohol until all chlorophyll is removed,
pass through 95% and absolute ethyl alcohol, place in methyl salicylate
(synthetic oil of wintergreen) until cleared, then remove the salicylate
with xylol, infiltrate with balsam, and mount.
Another method (McVeigh 1935)', adaptable with either fresh, fixed,
or dried leaves, is to place them in any one of the common household
bleaching solutions (Chlorox, Sani-Chlor, or Purex) containing about 5%
sodium hypochlorite. The length of time required for bleaching depends
upon the thickness and texture of the leaves. Thin leaves and those of
most aquatic plants require 30 to 60 minutes, while thick ones, such as
those of Bryophyllum and Sedum, require 24 to 96 hours. After bleach
ing, wash thoroughly in running water for several hours, to remove the
bleaching agent. Next the leaves may be dehydrated with ethyl alcohol
and stored in a mixture of 75. parts glycerin; and 25 parts 95% alcohol
until they become impregnated with glycerin, whereupon they are
pliable, easy to handle, and the vascular system is clearly visible. If it is
desired to make starch tests, kill the fresh leaves with boiling water,
bleach, wash quite thoroughly, then apply the usual iodine-potassium
iodide solution.

The subject offlowersandfloralstructure is so vast that it cannot be

treated at present in any great detail. In any event, the flowers of
almost each species present idiosyncrasies peculiar to each; consequently
more or less experimentation must be devoted to the one under investiga
tion to determine the precise method of procedure! Reference should
first be made to a good general description of the family and order, to
the end that the salient structural features be understood (Hutchinson
1926, 1934), after which the general procedure becomes fairly clear in
most instances.
An enormous number of types of flowers exist, but a few general
features prevail.
Organogeny.The order of appearance of the different parts com
posing the entire flower is described as organogeny. At one end of a
hypothetical series of floral types are those lacking a perianth (naked or
apetalous), and at the other end are those with a perianth of sharply
differentiated calyx (sepals) and corolla (petals), with all sorts of modifica
tions in between. The more primitive arrangement of the parts is the



spiral, such as found in the strobilus of more primitive plants, graduating

to the cyclic disposition among the more advanced dicotyledons.
In the spiral flower the order of succession is acropetal, meaning
that the parts arise successively toward the apex of the receptacle. The
succession is sepals, petals, stamens, carpels. In a cyclic flower, if the
acropetal succession is maintained, the order of appearance is centripetal.
However, the primitive type of succession may be disarranged. In
Capsella, for example, the order is sepals, stamens, carpels, petals; and
in the Asteraceae it becomes petals, stamens, carpels, sepals. In 'cyclic
types there is frequently a definite number of organs in each cycle. In
cyclic monocotyledons, for example, the prevalent floral number is three,
although there are many spiral monocotyledons with no definite number.
Again, in cyclic dicotyledons, the floral number is usually four or five,
but there are innumerable spiral dicotyledons with indefinite numbers.
All parts of the flower do not necessarily attain a simultaneous cyclic
condition, so that exceptions are common.
The first step in preparing slides to demonstrate the organogeny of
flowers is to examine the plants and to determine the time and place of
appearance of the youngest possible stages. The origin is generally in
embryonic regions. In some species an entire year may be occupied by
the initial stages of development; this is particularly true of woody plants
and many semiwoody perennials. For such types, collections should be
begun in the summer preceding the unfolding of the flowers. Most
bulbous plants also first develop theflowersduring the preceding summer
or early autumn. The apical flower buds
rule, recognizable
without difficulty but are sometimes not distinguishable from leaf buds
when the two types are distinct on the same plant, as in Syringa. Cut off
the buds, remove all overlapping scales or other protective coverings,
fix with formalin-propiono-alcohol, exhaust all air, microtome longi
tudinally at 10M, and stain with safranin and fast green, Harris' hema
toxylin and erythrosin, or by Foster's tannic acid-iron chloride method.
Most buds section without any difficulty, except for tears occasioned by
raphides, but a few may need overnight soaking under water. If a
research paper is being prepared, one should, obviously, consult published
papers on related species or genera, using the indexes to Botanical
Abstracts (up to 1925), Biological Abstracts (after 1925), and the foreign
abstracting journals for the purpose.
Whole Mounts of Small Flowers.Flowers which are of a small
size and not too- thick when pressed flat may be fixed with formalinaceto-alcohol, which generally clears them of pigments, washed with
50% ethyl alcohol, stained with Harris' hematoxylin and erythrosin,
or with a carmin stain, dehydrated with hygrobutol or dioxan, infiltrated
with balsam, and mounted entire. Depression slides should be used if



they are available, otherwise glass threads should be arranged beneath

the petals in order to hold the flower level.
The flowers of Anagallis; Spiraea, CapseUa, Erodium, various native
orchids with small flowers (Ibidium, Liparis, Piperia, Limnorchis),
Clintonia, and similar types provide very instructive preparations when
mounted so that they are viewed from above. The flowers of various
Liliaceae may be cut open and spread out: Allium and Dichelostemma
are excellent. The petals of Calochortus may be mounted singly to show
the hairs and glands. The florets of the Asteraceae (e.g., Taraxacum,
Hieracium, or Erigeron) may be mounted flat for side views.
Vascular System.The pedicel is structurally a stem and may be
treated like one. The traces which depart to the various organs start
from the modified stele in the receptacle; they are similar to those of
leaves in origin, structure, and behavior. They pass off successively to
sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels according to the manner of arrange
ment of these organs in the flower. Petals and stamens typically possess
a single trace, carpels three traces, and sepals generally the number of
traces found in the leaves of the same plant. There are naturally
exceptions: in the Magnoliaceae there are three traces to each stamen;
petals that are more like sepals have traces comparable in number to
those normally possessed by the latter; and in some capsules the number
of traces is reduced to one. In most flowers the vascular system is
extremely complex, and confusion exists because of the fusion of adjacent
traces in the. proximal parts.
Sections of buds and very young flowers show more or less of the
vascular system, but never in its entirety. To reveal the complete
system, the buds orflowersshould be stained by Gourley's or a similar
method (page 460), cleared, and mounted.
Theflowersof the Ericaceae are especially desirable for demonstrating
the fusion of bundles in the proximal portions. Youngflowers,selected
at about the time they have just begun to expand, of any species of
Vaccinium are excellent, but the much larger buds of Arbutus menziesii
are even better. Buds of the Ericaceae, unfortunately, are saturated
with phlobaphene compounds, which render staining extremely difficult;
differential acidification might be attempted, followed by safranin and
fast green or a quadruple combination.
Petals and Sepals.Both of these floral organs are histologically
closely similar to leaves in structure, the sepals being the more so.
Sections may be prepared exactly as for leaves; the petals never give any
technical difficulties, but the sepals of some species may require treat
ment similar to that needed by tough leaves.
The epidermal cells of petals, as seen in whole mounts, have an
extremely interesting structure.



Stamens and Pistils.Sections of young buds of hermaphroditic

plants will reveal both the stamens and the pistils. In monosporangiate
flowers, the staminate and pistillate flowers may occur on the same plant
(the monoecious condition) or upon different plants (the dioecious condi
tion). In the monoecious plants the nature of the buds cannot always
be determined, especially during the youngest developmental stages,
from external appearances. The preparation and examination of a
' considerable number of buds will be necessary. It is usually possible to
distinguish the type of flowers of dioecious plants by crushing or dis
secting a few specimens and examining for anthers. Occasionally
pistillate flowers may contain aborted stamens (staminodia).
Longitudinal sections of the buds are better for the structure and
development of the stamens; transverse sections are principally useful
for determining the number. Both longitudinal and transverse sections
of the pistils will be required, as it is desirable to correlate observations
on the one with those on the other. For the later stages in the develop
ment of the pistils, especially after the buds attain too large a size for
sections of the entire bud, the pistils should be removed from the buds
and treated independently. After the style commences rapid elongation,
it should be cut'off; if sections of the stigmatic surface and the develop
ment of the microgametophyte are desired, the styles should be treated

Formalin-aceto-alcohol is an excellent fixing fluid for most plants,

but if plasmolysis or separation of cells occurs, resort should be had to a
medium chrom-acetic fluid. Safranin and fast green have always given
excellent results, but other combinations may also be tried. Special
methods for the treatment of styles will be described below under
i ;


For the earliest stages of the series of events leading up to the growth
of the microgametophyte, very young buds are necessary. The anthers,
as a general rule, make their appearance long before the ovules originate
in the ovary, and meiosis is completed at about the time the megasporo
cyte is differentiated in the ovule. The very young anther is a mass of
homogeneous cells. The sporogenous cells originate in the layer (hypo
dermal layer) immediately beneath the epidermis; they are usually
recognizable in four distinct regions by their slightly larger size, larger
nuclei, and more densely staining cytoplasm. In transverse sections
each sporogenous region consists of from one to several cells; in longi
tudinal section they may form a continuous row in most species (as in
the Liliaceae), but in others (as in the Onagraceae) there are alter
nating layers of sterile cells. Each band of initials divides periclinally







to form two layers of cells. The outer layer is the primary wall layer
and the cells later divide to form several wall layers. The innermost
wall layer usually becomes part of the tapetum. The inner layer formed
after the first periclinal division becomes the primary sporogenous layer,
which next divides two or three times to produce the microsporocytes.
Meiosis then occurs in the microsporocytes, which process results in
tetrads that become microspores.
All these stages, as a rule, are readily obtained, but the reduction
divisions are difficult to secure in many species. In Tritonia, for example,.
meiosis will be encountered in only about one out of the hundreds of
flowers composing a single inflorescence, and in certain species of Godetia
thousands of flowers have been sectioned without any showing meiosis.
Lilium is probably the most favored genus, as it is always easy to secure
a complete series of well-fixed and stained stages. Tradescantia is also
excellent and has large nuclei. In these two genera and in most plants
the stage of development is approximately the same throughout all
anthers in the same flower at any given time. In a few plants, which
have a series of isolated loculi arranged lengthwise of the anthers instead
of two or four continuous loculi in each anther, a progressive series of
stages occurs, commencing at the distal end and extending downward
(as in the Onagraceae), but occasionally development may either proceed
simultaneously in all loculi or in a most irregular fashion.
The procedures that are customarily followed in producing slides
for all the phases of meiosis are described in the chapters on cytological
and smear methods. It is recommended that the beginner start with
Lilium, as there is practically no chance of failure with this genus. It
grows wild in profusion in many localities and is extensively planted in
gardens. The so-called Easter Lily, the one most commonly found in
greenhouses, should be avoided as the plants are likely to have been
subjected to treatments which produce abnormalities. Those species
which produce a number of flowers in an umbel are far more favorable
than those with very few flowers to the plant, and likewise those with
small flowers are somewhat better than those with enormous blossoms.
Dissect out the anthers, but do not cut them open, fix with Navashin's
fluid or a medium chrom-acetic or chrom-osmo-acetic fluid, and embed in
bunches of three or four. Up to the time the microsporocytes begin to
round up, sections may be cut in any plane, but after this period trans
verse sections, at 12/u, are better. If one is unable to collect material
locally, it may be obtained from the botanical supply concerns. Blocks
tested for definite stages may be procured; they are well worth the high
price necessarily charged, since one avoids having to section a quantity
of material to find the desired stage.



In the case of other plants the fixing procedure depends upon the
nature of the flowers. Most of the Liliaceae and related families may be
treated like Lilium, but if the buds are too small to be easily handled
individually, all that is necessary is to cut off the of the buds
in order to allowfluidsto penetrate readily. With compact inflorescences
usually only the tips of the larger buds are removed, but the suction
pump should always be used to exhaust air. If the buds are covered with
chaffy scales or very thick sepals, these should always be removed as
much as possible. Buds of the Asteraceae, which usually give a beautiful
series of developmental stages, should be cut through between the apex
of the pedicel and the base of the receptacle and the outer overlapping
scales removed. If the buds (capitula) are over 1 cm. in diameter,
they should be bisected longitudinally. Short, broad capitula should be
microtomed transversely, other types longitudinally.
By far the best general stain for all stages up to, and including, meiosis
is iron hematoxylin; suitable counterstains, if one is desired, include
orange G and fast green. Cytologists rarely employ counterstains,
as they tend to obscure chromosomal details. For the meiotic chromo
somes, a violet stain, used alone, is superb; the violets, however,'rarely
stain the prophase stages adequately. Triple combinations are most
useful on materials difficult to stain with hematoxylin or the violets.
For the tetrad stage nothing is superior to certain genera in the
Asteraceae: Dahlia, Coreopsis, Crepis, Erigeron, Cosmos, and annual
species of Chrysanthemum. This stage is best stained with safranin and
fast green, carefully controlling the safranin so as not to overstain the
cytoplasm, or with a triple combination.
For the maturing pollen grain, Lilium again is the most suitable
material, but Silphium is also good. Do not cut the anthers open, lest
the loose microspores float out during the dehydration. Microtome
at about 8fi- Stain with a triple combination, which will differentiate
all structures; or with safranin and fast green, iron hematoxylin and
safranin, or any preferred combination. The developing exine and
intine, as well as the germ pores, are well shown at this time. If it is
particularly desired to differentiate the exine and intine layers, stain the
sections for 6 to 10 minutes with 0.5% aqueous Bismarck brown, rinse
in water, dehydrate with 95% alcohol, then counterstain with fast green
in clove oil-absolute alcohol-methyl cellosolvethe exine is green and the
intine brown. The mitosis in the' microspore which gives rise to the
tube cell and the generative cell, possessed by most species, is easily
found in a few species, but in the majority it is obscure and rarely encoun. tered. The finest genus for the purpose is Trillium, with Tradescantia
virginiana as second choice.







In the genera Acacia, Asclepias, Vincetoxicum, and in most orchids

the mature microspores are united into pollinia, with a common exine.
Sections are preferable to whole mounts or smears. The individual
microspores are rather small; consequently sections should not be over
10/x in thickness.
Smears.Methods of preparing smears of microsporocytes are
described in the chapter on Smear Methods.
Whole Mounts.Mature pollen grains embrace a great variety of
forms and are particularly noteworthy for their sculpturing; these two
characters are of taxonomic importance (Wodehouse 1935).
The simplest method of making whole mounts of pollen grains is
to place them in a drop of melted glycerin jelly on a slip and add a coverslip. No staining is needed. Or one may place the pollen on a slide,
add 2 to 3 drops of anilin oil which has been tinted with crystal violet
only to a pale purple color (Wodehouse 1933). . Heat gently over a
flame, but not beyond the point where the heated portion of the slide
becomes too hot to touch, until the grains become deeply stained. Cool
to room temperature, draw off excess oil with filter paper, wash by repeat
edly adding xylol and absorbing it with filter paper until all the oil and
linabsorbed dye have been removed, then add a drop of balsam and a
coverslip. The microspores may also be killed andfixedin any standard
fluid, washed, stained with safranin, a carmin stain, or by Fuelgen's
reaction (in all cases with a counterstain if desired), dehydrated with
hygrobutol, and infiltrated with balsam.

Pollen grains may'be germinated on glass slides appropriately coated

with an adhesive or solidified nutrient solution. The great difficulties
are (1) to retain the pollen tubes on the slides during the staining and
dehydrating processes and (2) to determine the optimum quantity of
nutrient to be added. Sucrose is the nutrient generally employed. The
amount varies from 0.5% to as much as 45%. A rough estimate can
be made by determining the relative stickiness of the stigmatic exudate
of the species whose pollen is to be germinated: the stickier, the larger
the amount of sugar required.

Various methods of producing whole mounts of germinating pollen

tubes have been proposed (Beatty 1937). One of the simplest methods
(Newcomber 1938) is to boil 0.5 g. agar and the optimum quantity of
sugar (1 g. may be tried) in 25 cc. tap water or any suitable nutrient
solution, cool to about 35C, add 0.5 g. powdered gelatin, and stir until
the gelatin is melted. Keep the solution at about 25C. in an incubator
or on a warming plate./ Smear a thin film on a clean slide with a finger,
and dust on the pollen. Next place in a suitable moist chamber for



germination, removing occasionally to determine, under the microscope,

the progress of the germination.
The most suitable killingfluidis Navashin's, especially since bleaching
is not necessary after fixation. The slides should be left overnight for ade
quate fixation. Stain the chromosomes by any preferred violet method,
and counterstain with gold orange in clove oil for about 2 to 4 minutes.
Another method is to fix stigmas on which the microspores have
germinated naturally, wash, stain with Mayer's carmalum, dehydrate,
infiltrate with diluted balsam, and dissect and crush the stigmas on the
slide just before mounting. The stigmas of Nicotiana and similar species
react well to this procedure.
Stigmas and styles may be run into paraffin, sectioned in the longi
tudinal plane of the style, and stained by any appropriate method.
The hollow styles of Lilium are commonly treated in this fashion, but
to make certain of the presence of microgametophytes, the stigmas
should be pollinated by hand and the pistils-removed at the optimum
times. The period varies with the species; it may be 24 hours in some,
up to 96 hours in others (see also under Fertilization, below).
Numerous methods have been devised for treating styles to reveal
the presence, distribution, and rate of growth of pollen tubes (Buchholz
1931, Chandler 1931, Nebel 1931).

In perhaps no other field of botanical investigation are there so many

opportunities for making erroneous interpretations as during the develop
ment of the megagametophyte. As an instance, there might be cited
the case of Lilium, whose development was intensely investigated for
many decades, yet it was not until a few years ago that the correct
sequence of events was described. Insofar as the purely technical
aspects are concerned, sources of error may arise because of inadequate
fixation, poorly differentiated stains, but above all from using too thin
sections. The last fault is the most prevalent one; many embryologists habitually Cut sections as thin as 5^ and then attempt to follow
out the course of events by means of reconstructions. It is a far better
procedure to determine the approximate diameter of the megasporocytes,
megaspores, and megagametophytes at their various stages of growth
and to adjust the thickness of the sections to correspond to each stage.
The megagametophyte of Lilium during meiosis averages between 30
and 36/u in diameter; consequently the optimum thickness for sections at
this stage is 24ju.
Megasporocyte.The megasporocyte (megaspore mother cell) orig
inates in most plants after the anthers are well along in development.
This cell is usually just at the stage when it begins to expand preparatory

4 7 8





to undergoing the first reduction division at the time that the anthers
are beginning to change color (if the mature anthers are other than white
in color); the color change also indicates that meiosis has been completed
in the microsporocytes. The majority of plants have a single mega
sporocyte, which is one of two cells produced by a single hypodermal
archesporial cell; the.other cell produces the layers of cells between the
apex of the megaspore and that of the ovule. In a few plants there
may be either a group of archesporial cells (quite rare) or two to many
megasporocytes (Godetia, Fuchsia, ^Calycantkus, Erigeron). In most
plants very young buds are required for the archesporial cells; the mega
sporocyte develops rapidly in some plants, but fairly slowly in others.
Unless one is working with a species whose course of development is
unknown, it is the better plan to start with a species with slowly develop
ing buds: Lilium is excellent, as are Fritillaria, Erythronium, Trillium,
certain species of Erigeron, etc. The reason for selecting a slow-growing
species is that it is thereby possible to obtain a more complete series of
stages. Developmental stages are more or less simultaneous in all
ovules of a given ovary in most species, but in others, as in Lilium, there
is a progressive series of closely related stages, with the oldest stages
usually at the pedicel end of the ovary.
It must always be borne in mind that the megasporocyte is usually
a cell deeply embedded in the ovule, covered with a few (Lilium) to
many layers of nucellar cells (Vitaceae, Onagraceae), and in addition
the ovule may be invested by thin or thick integuments. Ovules of
some species have a single integument, others may have an inner and an
outer integument. The presence of all these protective coverings means
that, if it is not possible or entails too much tedious labor to remove the
individual ovules, the ovaries must be reduced to as small, portions as
possible and that killing fluids of high penetrating power should be
employed. If there is considerable free space between the ovules and
the inner walls of the ovary, free circulation of the fixing and dehydrating
fluids within the ovary is permitted. All superfluous ovarian tissues
should be removed, not merely because they might inhibit penetration of
fluids, but because they may cause difficulties during the microtoming.
The ovarian tissues of the Onagraceae, for example, are full of raphides
which tear the ribbons badly, and the ovaries of other genera contain
vascular elements that are more or less lignified.
If the nucellar cells consist of only a few layers, a strong chromacetic or Navashin'sfluidmay be used. It has been found that the use of
Carnoy's fluid for a few minutes preceding Navashin's, as is commonly
done in the case of anthers, has a distinctly deleterious effect on the
subsequent staining. Many technicians have used Carnoy'sfluidalone,
but on the whole it does not appear to be recommendable. Others



use Bouin's or Allen's B-15 modification thereof. If the nucellus is of

considerable extent, then a powerful fluid such as Gilson's or Petrunkevitsch's modification of Gilson's may, with caution in regard to overfixation, be utilized. The mercuric deposits which such fluids leave in
the tissues should always be removed, preferably from the sections
after they have been brought down to water. The bVules should always
be microtomed in the longitudinal plane; it is a simple matter to orient
the ovules if they are treated singly, but if entire ovaries or portions
thereof are being sectioned, care should be taken to microtome in such a
plane that as many ovules as possible are cut lengthwise. If the ovules
are oriented approximately parallel to the placenta or placentas (whichare usually more or less straight), then section the ovaries longitudinally;
if they are attached perpendicularly to the placenta, cut the ovaries
transversely. The Liliaceae, for instance, should be microtomed trans
versely, the Onagraceae longitudinally. If the ovules are inserted
haphazardly, one can only cut blindly in either direction, but transverse
sections should first be cut since one is more likely to get most of the
ovules in longitudinal section in this manner.
The sections of all stages of megagametogenesis and embryogenesis
should always be mounted in serial order, and care should be taken that
none is lost. (Mount on the slide so that a 24 X 50-mm. coverslip
can be used.) This is a most important point: one should make it an
invariable practice to examine all the sections of any particular ovule
carefully in order that no nuclei or cells are overlooked. Commence
at the micropylar end and work toward the chalazal end: if the structure
under exarriination is the mature megagametophyte, for example, look for
the synergids, then the egg, next the polar nucleus or nuclei, and finally
the antipodal cells. In many species the antipodal cells are evanescent,
but vestiges nevertheless should be sought for. Haustoria may also be
present; sometimes they are lateral, but they usually occur in the chalazal
region and may assume a variety of forms.
A variety of stain combinations have been suggested, most of them
. being based upon individual preference. The writer's choice has long
been for safranin and fast green. Many ovules will take an excellent
iron hematoxylin stain, and a triple combination will frequently prove
valuable, as starch grains are common and a more precise differentiation
of obscure details is often secured. A number of investigators habitually
use Harris' or Delafield's hematoxylin or Mayer's haematein. However,
it is advisable to employ color-contrasting stains until one has acquired
sufficient experience in interpreting structures; then one should be able
to use a single stain with confidence.
Megaspores.The megasporocyte undergoes a short period of japid
growth before the first (reductional) mitosis occurs, This mitosis is






always difficult to secure as it proceeds with comparative rapidity. A

wall is laid down in some types, but the nuclei remain free in other types
(see below). If a wall is developed, the two cells thus resulting are
termed "secondary megasporocytes." If no wall is formed, the mega
sporocyte becomes metamorphosed directly into the.megagametophyte.
The second division is equational (with the monoploid number of chromo
somes); again, walls may or may not be established. Normally, there
is a linear row of four megaspores (the quartet), each of which is poten
tially functional. However, depending upon the type, either the chalazal
the one nearest the base of the ovuleor the micropylarthe outer
most one, nearest the micropylemegaspore becomes functional and by
two or three further divisions becomes the megagametophyte.
The original megaspore cell enlarges but little during meiosis; con
sequently methods are the same as described above for megasporocytes.
Chromosome staining, however, must be critically controlled; the
cytoplasm is dense and tends to overstain.
Megagametophyte.Four well-established types of megagametophytic development may be recognized (Schnarf 1936), and in addition
there are minor variations under each type, together with a few prob
lematical types. The principal types may be characterized as follows.
1. Normal Type.This type is considered to be the original one and
as typical for the Anthophyta for the following reasons: it involves the
largest number of mitoses; megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis
are separate processes within it; it is of general occurrence among the
Anthophyta, being absent in no group; and, finally, it is impossible to
regard any of the other types as the original one from which the normal
type may have been derived.
Two features characterize the normal type: the megasporocyte
undergoes five divisions before formation of the egg, and the mega
gametophyte develops from a single megaspore. Furthermore, two
phases can be distinguished during the course of development. The
first leads to development of the megaspore and consists of two successive
divisions which involve conversion of the diploidy of the megasporocyte.
into the haploidy of the megaspores: this is megasporogenesis. The
second phase, usually involving only one megaspore, embraces three
successive mitoses which produce the nuclei of the mature megagameto
phyte: this is megagametogenesis and is characterized by considerable
growth and by establishment of the micropylar and chalazal poles.
Immediately after the first division of the nucleus in the functioning
megaspore, the daughter nuclei migrate to opposite ends of the cell,
and a large vacuole appears between them. Each nucleus divides twice,
to form a complex of four nuclei at each end. At the micropylar end
two of the nuclei (sisters) are enclosed by cell walls and become the syner-



gids; one of the two others becomes enclosed by a wall (the egg), and" the
other remains free. At the chalazal end three nuclei become enclosed
by walls (or occasionally perish), and the other remains free. The two
free nuclei generally fuse more or less completely to form the polar
nucleus, which, after union with the secondary male nucleus, becomes
the primary endosperm nucleus.
2. Oenothera Type.This type is probably confined exclusively to
the Onagraceae. In contrast to the normal type, in which the chalazal
megaspore of the quartet is invariably the functional one, the functional
megaspore is the micropylar one. The megaspore next below sometimes
enlarges and rarely also develops into a megagametophyte. There are
four divisions leading up to the organized megagametophyte: after the
first, secondary megasporocytes are formed, then a linear quartet of
megaspores. Next the nucleus of the functioning megaspore divides,
and both nuclei remain at the micropylar end, with a vacuole appearing
below them. The two nuclei are arranged one below the other: the
upper one divides to produce the synergids, and the lower one produces
the egg and a single polar nucleus (which is haploid).
3. Scilla Type.This type of megagametophytic development has
been described for a large number of species in widely scattered and
unrelated families. It has apparently been derived from the normal
type. Four successive mitoses are involved in the transition from
megasporocyte to megagametophyte; megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis are not distinct but merged indistinguishably. After
the first division (meiosis) in the megasporocyte, a transverse wall is
formed, but after the second mitosis no wall is formed, although a purely
transitory one might appear. The four megaspore nuclei consequently
are situated in two adjacent cells, of which the micropylar one ordinarily
degenerates. The remnants of the degenerated cell remain visible for a
considerable period. The two megaspore nuclei in the chalazal cell
migrate to opposite poles: the micropylar one undergoes two successive
divisions Which produce two synergids, an egg, and a single polar nucleus;
the chalazal nucleus degenerates. Rarely, however, the chalazal nucleus
may divide once, to produce a six-nucleate megagametophyte.
4. Peperomia Type.Following the first two mitoses in the mega
sporocyte, no walls are formed. The four megaspore nuclei thus lie free
within the original megasporocyte cell. Two further divisions complete
the organization of the composite megagametophyte, which may assume
any one of six forms, depending upon the positions and behavior of the
four megaspore nuclei:
a. Penaea Form.This type is restricted to the Penaeaceae and to
certain species of Euphorbia.
No species with this type is known to
occur in the United States.






6. Pepcromia Form.This type is restricted to the genus Peperomia,

which does not occur in the United States.

FIG. 107.Lilium parryi: A, first division in the megasporocyte; B, binucleate mega

gametophyte; C. second division; D, first four-nucleate stage.
c. Gunnera Form.So far as known, this form is restricted to the
tropical genus Gunnera.
d. Pyrcthrum Form.This form has been described in a single
species of Pyrethrum, P. parthenifolium, now presumed to be a form of


Chrysanthemum parthenium, which occurs from N e w Brunswick to N e w

Jersey. A s a result of meiosis, four free nuclei are produced, arranged
in a linear row in the cell, and separated from one another b y vacuoles.

division; C, second four-nucleate stage; D, mature eight-nucleate mega*ametophyt.

(For figure of the fourth division, see Fig. 109.)

T h e y then undergo t w o successive divisions. T h e four micropylar

nuclei produce the synergids, the egg, and the upper polar nucleus.
Of the remaining 12 nuclei, 1 remains free as the lower polar nucleus,






4 become surrounded b y a common wall, and each of the 7 other nuclei

has a cell wall developed around it.
e. Maianthemum Form.This type, again, characterizes a single
species, Maianthemum bifolium, not found in the United States. There
are a number of closely related but as yet uninvestigated species.

Fio. 109.Lilium parryi: fourth division in the megagametophyte. Fixed with strong
chrom-acetic; stained with safranin and fast green.
/ . Fritillaria Form.After meiosis, the four megaspore nuclei are
arranged in a linear row down the center of the original megasporocyte.
Presently three of the nuclei (the three lower ones) migrate to the chalazal
end of the cell. T h e third division next ensues, during which the spindles
of the three chalazal mitoses fuse. There thus result t w o micropylar
haploid nuclei and t w o triploid chalazal nuclei, and each pair becomes
separated b y a vacuole. After the fourth division there are four haploid
nuclei at the micropylar pole and four triploid nuclei at the chalazal
end. T h e micropylar nuclei produce the t w o synergids, the egg, and the


4 8 5

upper polar nucleus. The chalazal nuclei form the three antipodal
cells and the lower polar nucleus. (The primary endosperm nucleus
thus becomes pentaploid after fusion with the secondary male nucleus.)
This form characterizes most of the Liliaceae but has been worked out
completely in comparatively few species in Lilium (Figs. 1 0 7 , 1 0 8 , 1 0 9 ) ,
Fritillaria, and Tulipa. It should be called the Lilium Form, but this
procedure is dangerous since it might be confused with the older and
erroneous so-called Lilium Type;, consequently the name of the genus
in which it was first discovered is being used.
5 . Adoxa Type.The older Lilium Type nevertheless has some
foundation in actuality and has been renamed the Adoxa Type. No
North American representatives of this type are easily available.
, There may possibly be other types which should be recognized
as distinct (Schnarf 1 9 3 6 ) , but the descriptions for the most part have
been based upon investigations made many years ago arid which should
be done all over again by modern methods and in the light of present
knowledge of megagametogenesis.
In preparing slides to show the development and organization of the
megagametophyte, the same procedure in preparing the material, fixing,
and staining as described above for the megasporocytes should be
followed. The thickness at which the sections are microtomed is a
matter requiring careful consideration and some experimentation; it
may vary anywhere from 1 2 to 3 0 / t . The aim should be to obtain as
many ovules as possible in which all the nuclei of any particular stage
are present. If individual ovules are being worked with and they are
more or less flattened, they should be sectioned parallel to one flat face.
If haustoria are present, the ovules should always be so oriented that
the haustoria are cut longitudinally. Staining should always be criti
cally controlled; the chances are that there will be either under- or over
staining. It is occasionally difficult to get all regions of the mature
megagametophyte equally well differentiated. Contrasting stains are
always better than a single uniform stain, since they aid in identifying ,
the nuclei and other structures.

Methods of preparing ovules for fertilization studies are the same

as for the megasporocytes. Sections should be a trifle thinner than for
the mature megagametophyte, and staining must be critically controlled.
Safranin and fast green are a good combination, but the best combination
is Fuelgen's reaction and erythrosin. The microgametophyte commonly
brings in considerable quantities of foodstuffs, demolished cells, and
partially digested nuclei. All this may add confusion when it comes to
interpreting what is seen within the megagametophyte, which, upon the







completion of fertilization, becomes the embryo sac. In species in which

triploidy and tetraploidy are prevalent, the origin of these features should
be watched for during fertilization.
If one collects a complete series of stages in the life history, fertiliza
tion is certain to be found, but if the fertilization phenomena alone are
sought, it becomes necessary to know something about the time elapsing
between pollination and fertilization. This period differs widely among
different plants and is conditional upon so many different factors that
it is impossible to cite definite hours or days. It is therefore wise to make
a series of collections, until dissections reveal ,the presence of young
The periods intervening between pollination and the time the micro
gametophyte reaches the megagametophyte are given for some common
plants: Betula, 1 month; Carpinus, 2 months; Alnus, 3 months; Corylus,
over 4 months/ Quercus, 2 months in some species to 1 year in others;
Fagus, about 6 days; Hicoria, 5 - 7 weeks. Polygonum, about a week;
Fagopyrum, 1 8 hours for self-fertilization or more than 7 2 hours for crossfertilization; Pyrus, 2 - 4 days; Phaseolus vulgaris, 8 - 9 hours; Trifolium,
1 8 hours in summer to 3 5 - 5 0 hours in autumn.
Oenothera, 3 6 - 7 2 hours
in most species; Citrus, 4 weeks; Convolvulus, only a few hours; Nicotiana,
about 2 days; Datura, in about 2 4 hours; Lactuca, about 7 hours. Zostera
marina, 1 0 hours. Lilium, usually 6 0 - 7 2 hours: in L. auralum, 7 days,
2 4 r - 3 6 hours in L. grandifiorum, 9 6 to 1 2 0 hours in L. martagon, 1 2 0 hours
in L. longiflorum. Tulipa, 8 - 1 0 days;Zea, 2 5 hours; Triticum, 3 2 hours
to 2 days; Secale, 7 hours. Various orchids require from 8 hours to
6 months.
The condition of the petals can sometimes be used as a criterion as
to what is transpiring within the ovule, but it is not a reliable one in
many plants. In Lilium, the Oenotheras, and many herbaceous plants,
one is likely to find fertilization if ovaries are removed fromflowerswhose
petals have withered but have not yet fallen.
There are not many plants which are ideal for fertilization studies,
and one is generally compelled to section a good many ovules or ovaries
before finding what is wanted. But when a good, well-stained prepara
tion has been secured, it is so interesting and instructive that one feels
repaid for all the trouble.

The polar nucleus, or nuclei, which may be haploid, diploid, triploid

(prevalent condition), or tetraploid (Lilium, Fritillaria), is usually
"fertilized" somewhat in advance of the egg nucleus and invariably
divides first.




Endosperm.The polar nucleus, or nuclei, which lies free in the

megagametophyte, customarily in the center or immediately below the
egg, is the original source of the endosperm, whether the latter is coeno
cytic or becomes cellular. Fusion of the secondary male nucleus with
the polar nucleus (whether this is a single nucleus or two or more fused
nuclei) initiates endosperm growth. There is no definite rule governing
endosperm formation, although it is more or less constant for a given
species. In long, comparatively narrow embryo sacs, such as those of
Nicotiana, Solanum, and Verbena, a cell wall is produced following the
first mitosis, and all subsequent mitoses result in walls. When the
megagametophyte is large and about as broad as long, the megagainetophytlc'cavity {i.e., the embryo sac) becomes almost filled with coenocytic
nuclei which then begin to develop walls, with a single nucleus to each
cell, but rarely with two or more nuclei in each cell. Lilium, Reseda,
Capsella, and Ranunculus are characterized by this type of endosperm
growth. Intermediate types of megagametophytes generally contain
few coenocytic nuclei; sometimes walls may later be formed, but instances
are known where both cellular and coenocytic endosperm exist in different
Ovules in the same ovary. Mitoses in the endosperm may be simul
taneous throughout during the earlier stages in both coenocytic and
cellular types; in the latter type the later mitoses are sporadic, and in the
former type the mitoses later commence at the micropylar end and
proceed in waves toward the chalazal end.
Coenocytic endosperm is invariably evanescent, the substance being
absorbed by the developing embryo. Endosperm which is at first
coenocytic, then becoming cellular, generally shows some vestiges even
during the final stages of embryo maturation, but is not always of a
permanent nature. Endosperm which is cellular from the first mitosis
onward is of a permanent nature and may even acquire very thick walls
and become incredibly hard (Palmaceae, Diospyros, Coffea, etc.). In
general the endosperm type is uniform throughout entire orders among the
dicotyledons but is not so uniformly typical among monocotyledons.
Among the monocotyledons, endosperm which is cellular from the
first mitosis on is very rare (Lemnaceae). In the Lilaeaceae and Orchidaceae endosperm is entirely absent. The other monocotyledonous
families are about equally divided into those which are coenocytic
throughout the life of the endosperm and those in which the so-called
Helobiales type prevails (this is essentially endosperm coenocytic at
first, then becoming cellular). Both types may be found within the
same family (Araceae, Potamogetonaceae, and Amaryllidaceae).
Preparations intended for the youngest stages in embryogenesis
will always reveal more or less of the endosperm development. Among
the more satisfactory types may be mentioned Nicotiana for the cellular







type; Lilium or Capsella for the coenocytic-cellular type, and some

member of the Onagraceae for the coenocytic type. A l l these except
Lilium also show fine stages in the growth of the embryo. T h e same
fixing fluids as used for embryos will preserve the endosperm.
and fast green are recommended for staining.
Those endosperms that acquire thick walls and become v e r y hard are
excellent for showing the nature of plasmodesma (protoplasmic con
nections). Nearly all palms (Palmaceae) have such an endosperm, as
do species of Diospyros.
Material should not be hard to secure: dates

F l o . 110.Diospyros discolor: portion of a freehand transverse section of mature

endosperm, with prominent plasmodesma. Fixed with formalin-aceto-alcohol; stained
with iron hematoxylin and orange G .

(Phoenix dactylifera) can be purchased at a grocery store, or seeds of

related species and numerous other palms may be obtained from nursery
men. T h e American persimmon, Diospyros virginiana, is available at
fruit stores from late N o v e m b e r into February, but not every fruit contains
seeds. T h e Philippine persimmon, D. discolor, is better, but seeds are
difficult to obtain ( F i g . 110). Fully mature endosperm has better
plasmodesma than does immature material. R e m o v e the pulp and
testa, and fix the naked endosperm in formalin-aceto-alcohol for about a
week. I f the endosperm is fixed whole, it is large and rigid enough to
be sectioned in a sliding microtome at 10/x. Small portions are just as
good as complete sections; consequently it does not matter if the knife has
a tendency to spring up. Or the endosperm may be cut into small



portions (4 to 5 mm. cubes), fixed, dehydrated very slowly by the tertiary

butyl alcohol method, embedded, soaked under water for two weeks or
longer, and cut in a rotary microtome at 10>. The sections are easily
cut, but must be treated as freehand sections as it is impossible to retain
them on the slides because of their oily contents. It may be difficult
to get good staining unless the oils and fats are first removed. Sections
cut either freehand or after embedding are therefore transferred to
chloroform (warmed slightly to dissolve paraffin from embedded sections)
or ether for a day or longer, then washed successively with absolute,
95, and 50% alcohols for
hour in each. Wash with water, arid place
in 4% ferric ammonium sulphate for 24 hours. Wash thoroughly in
water, then stain with 0.5% hematoxylin for 24 hours. Wash again
with water, then examine microscopically. If the plasmodesma appear
to be properly stained, dehydrate, and mount in balsam without differ
entiating. Otherwise first differentiate cautiously, being careful .not
to carry the destaining too far.
Young Embryo.In the majority of plants it is a troublesome matter
' to study the young embryo. If the endosperm is cellular, the difficulty
is usually to distinguish the few-celled embryos from the surrounding
endosperm cells. Main reliance in such cases must be placed upon the
counterstain, which has a greater affinity for the cell walls of the embryo
than for those of the endosperm: fast green is usually good, but anilin
blue is sometimes even better. For later developmental stages the
difficulty is that of sectioning them in the correct plane. It should be
borne in mind that the cells of embryos are comparatively small and
filled with dense cytoplasm; consequently sections should rarely be over
12M in thickness.
In mafiy plants the embryo grows slowly (Lilium, Nicotiana, Oeno
thera), in others it develops rapidly (Capsella, Zea). In any case, a long
series of preparations will be required in order to follow out the complete
sequence of events. In any one ovary the ovules will all show practically
the same stage of development. Fixation has usually been excellent
with formalin-propiono-alcohol, and staining is sharp with safranin and
fast green, but Harris' hematoxylin, with or without a counterstain of
orange G, is also good.
Older Embryo.After cotyledon development has commenced, the
ovules should always be dissected out of the ovaries, unless the latter
themselves are too small for easy manipulation, and treated individually.
The ovarian walls by this time have become hardened, with extensive
bonification and even sclerization, and sectioning becomes increasingly
difficult. Formalin-aceto-alcohol may be used forfixationbut should be
allowed to react for several days; also, the dehydration and infiltration
shouid tie gradual. In species which have very large cotyledons or an







extensive endosperm, these structures should be trimmed down as much

as possible before fixation; it is annoying to have to cut interminable
useless sections on the microtome until the embryo proper is reached.
Either safranin and fast green or a triple combination stain beautifully
during all the stages of embryo growth.

A fruit is essentially the matured ovary, accompanied or not by

various accessory organs, usually containing the seeds. The division
of fruits into those which are dry and those which are fleshy is excellent
in that it indicates the general technical treatment of each type. The
dry fruits are far more difficult to manipulate than the fleshy ones.
Botanists apparently have never been much interested in the structure
of fruits, being content to leave the problem to pharmacologists. As a
matter of fact, one can secure more information regarding the micros
scopical structure of fruits from a text on pharmaceutical botany than
from the average botanical text.
The structure of dry, dehiscent fruitslegumes, capsules, and
folliclesis well shown, during at least the earlier stages of development,
in preparations of the ovary intended for megagametogenesis .and
embryogenesis. After the ovarian walls become hard and more or less
desiccated, resort must be had to celloidin embedding.
. The dry, indehiscent fruitsr^-achenes, grains, nuts, schizocarps,
samarasare even more difficult than the preceding group. The
younger stages are, of course, not very troublesome. The most interest
ing of the indehiscent fruits is the schizocarp, characteristic of the
Umbelliferae, and featured by the presence of resin ducts and con
siderable variation in general structure. . The hard walls ofriutsrequire
special methods; none of the ordinary sectioning methods gives even
passable results. The best procedure is to cut out very small portions,
treat with hydrofluoric acid, then embed in celloidin.
Among the fleshy fruits, entire longitudinal and transverse sections
of young pomes are readily made until they become about 18 mm. in
either length or diameter. The central part of the fruit, to include the
core, should be taken. Fix with formalin-propiono-alcohol, microtome
at about ll,u, stain with safranin and fast green or a triple combination.
Young drupes may be treated similarly until the endocarp becomes too
hard to cut with a scalpel.
The berry of Musa, Lycopersicum, and Solatium, the pepo of Cucurbita
and Cucumis, the syconiun of Ficus, and the hesperidium of Citrus
are all easily fixed, sectioned and stained at all stages of growth up to the
time that the seed coats become too hard to cut readily. The young
fruits may be sectioned entire, but as they become larger, wedge-shaped




portions should be cut out. The berries of

Ribes, the pepo of
Citrullus, and similar fruits are composed of such thin walls and contain
so much water that it is hard to fix and to dehydrate them. Aqueous
fluids should be used. The, acetone or glycerin dehydration methods
afford excellent results; but whatever the schedule used, changes should
always be made over long periods.
Aggregate fruits of a type similar to those of Fragaria, Rubus, and
the Araceae, are easily manipulated until the walls of the carpels become
too hard. The walls of the carpels are thick from an early stage in
growth; consequently dehydration and infiltration should be prolonged
as much as possible. Embed in a hard paraffin or in celloidin. Mul
tiple fruits may be treated as a unit or cut into smaller portions; one
usually obtains the most satisfactory sections by microtoming per
pendicular to the long axis of the entire fruit.

As a general rule, it is a nearly impossible feat to make sections of

entire mature seeds. The trouble is to get fluids and embedding media
to penetrate. Seed coats may be cut into small portions and treated
as if they were hard woody tissues.



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Acetocarmin mounting media.


Numbers in boldface indicate pages on which special directions for treatment of the genus or species
concerned are given, or on which formulae, procedures, or methods are described in detail.

Abies, 4 2 6 , 4 4 3
balsaminea, 4 3 2



Abscission layer,



Acacia, p o l l i n i a , 4 7 6
Acetabularia, 2 4 9




Agardhiella, 292, 3 0 3
coulteri, 3 0 3
tenera, 3 0 3


Achrochaetium, 2 9 6






Achyla, 3 2 4
Acid, butyric,






glacial acetic,



Alcohol, absolute







9 5 % ethyl,


and fast green,





(see L i g h t g r e e n

Acidification, differential,
Acids, aromatic,








Alkaloids, 63,


Allium, 188, 4 6 8
cepa, 3 5 5





A l i z a r i n r e d S.,






Aleuria, 3 4 0










Alcoholic iron hematoxylin,

Actinostrobus pyramidalis, 4 3 2









Actinomycetes, 226-226,

slides of,



normal propyl,

A c i d fuchsin,



normal b u t y l ,






Acid green

e t h y l , 15, 25,


iso-propyl, 17,

picric, 36, 51,



Albugo, 3 2 7


o s m i c , 7, 3 7 - 3 8 ,






Agaricus (see Psalliota)

Agathis' australis, 4 2 8 . 4 3 2 , 4 3 9
Agrimonia, 3 5 1
Alaria, 3 7 9





Adiantum, 4 0 3 , 4 1 2
Adoxa, 4 8 6
Aesculus, 4 6 2




leaf, 198,


root tips,


173, 448,






Allomyces, 324
Aloe, l e a f , 4 6 6
Amann's medium,

m i c r o g a m e t o p h y t e , 476-477
m i c r o s p o r o g e n e s i s , 473-476
o r g a n o g e n y , 470-471




Amaryllis, 4 6 8


origin of root,



Ammophila, 4 6 8
Ampelopeis, 4 5 5

r o o t h a i r s , 450-161
r o o t t i p s , 448-460
r o o t s , 461-462

Amphiphloic solenostele, 381













Andreaea, .379


Anilin water-methyl



Anthoceros, 1 1 8 , 1 4 8 ,
carolinianus, 2 8 7










Araceae, 287, 491

Arachis, 4 6 7
Araucaria, 4 2 8
bidmlli, 428
braziliana, 4 3 2 , 4 3 8






leaf e p i d e r m i s ,
leaf t y p e s ,











Aptenia, 4 6 8

e n d o s p e r m , 487-489
f e r t i l i z a t i o n , 485-486
f r u i t s , 490-191


Anthurium andraeanum, 4 6 8
Antithamnion, 306-307
Aphanocapsa, 285
Aphanochaete, 2 3 8
Aphanothece, 2 8 5







A n i l i n b l u e - W S , 66



of leaf,

Anilin oil, 25



whole mounts, of


Anemone, 4 4 9
Angiopteris, 401
Anilin water,

t y l o s e s , 462





Anagallis, 4 7 2










s t a m e n s a n d pistils,

Anabaena, 2 8 3 , 286-287
azollae, 287, 4 1 3
cycadeae, 287



resin ducts,

Amsinckia, 4 6 7


petals a n d sepals,

A m i n o acids,



428, 431, 432, 438, 439,




Arbutus menziesii, 472





Aristolochia, 4 5 5 , 4 6 1 , 4 6 2



A r o m a t i c acids,


Arthrospira, 286


Asarum, 4 6 2



Asclepias, p o l l i i i i a ,
Ascocyclus, 2 7 1

Basidiomycetae, preservation, 346


sources of material,


Batrachospermum, 2 9 1 , 2 9 6



sexual reproduction,
sources of material,



creosote, 18, 25

Beggiatoa, 2 2 4
Begonia, 200, 4 6 7

Belling's acetocarmin,


Benecke's solution,

Asparagus, 455^ 4 6 3






Beijerinck's medium,






Aspergillus, 3 3 6 - 3 3 7
herbariorum, 3 3 6

B e r g a m o t oil, 25



Berlin blue reaction,




19, 25





Asperococcus, 2 7 7
Aspidium, 4 1 2
Aster, 3 5 1 , 4 5 0

Beta vulgaris, 453, 4 6 7


Betula, 4 8 6
Biota, 4 4 3






AstereUa, 3 6 7
Atriplex hymenelytra, 4 6 4 , 4 6 7

Bismarck brown Y , 57

Aurantia, 56,



Austrotaxus, 4 3 9
Avena saliva, 4 6 8
root hairs,






Boestroem's stain,



Azolla, 2 8 7 , 4 0 1 , 4 1 2 - 4 1 3
jUiculoides, 4 1 3







taxonomic study

B o w e n ' s schedule,

B a c k m a n ' s smear stain,




Balsam, Canada,





Banksia, 4 6 7
Basic fuchsin






(see Pararosanilin)

Basic fuchsin-indigocarmin,













Bangia, 2 9 4


Brassica, 4 5 0
oleracea, 197, 321
rapa, 197




Botrychium, b u d s , 1 4 4
virginianum, 381
Botrydium, 2 4 5 , 2 5 6 , 3 9 8 - 4 0 . l v
Bowenia, 4 1 5 , 4 1 6


m o u n t i n g of,



morphology, 3 4 6



Bordeaux red,




Borax carmin, alcoholic,




morphology, 331



whole mounts,


Bryopsis, 2 4 7
Bulbochaete, 2 4 2
Buxbaumia, 3 8 0




Cephalotaxus, 4 3 2 , 4 3 8 , 4 3 9



Caecoma (see Kunkelia)

Cajal stain,





Callistephus, 3 5 1
Callithamnion, 307
Callophyllis, 302
furcata, 3 0 2

Ceramium,"291, 307
californicum, 3 0 6
Ceratiomyxa, 316-317
porioides, 3 1 5 - 3 1 6
Ceratopteris, 3 8 1 , 4 0 2 , 412


Chaetoceros, 2 5 8 '
Chaetomorpha, 2 4 1
Chaetopeltis, 2 3 8


Callose, 63, 64,


Callymenia, 302
C a l l y m e n i a c e a e , 302



Chamaecyparis, 4 4 3


Calochortus, 4 7 2
Calothrix, 289
Calycanthus, 4 7 8
Canna indica, 452,


Champia, 311

C h a r o p h y c e a e , 249-261

o f , 219-220

Carbol-methylene blue,




China blue



(see Anilin







"rubrum opticum,"












Carpinus, 4 8 6
Cassythafiliformis,4 5 7
Castalia, 4 6 8

collection, 227
c u l t i v a t i o n , 228-231


herbarium specimens,





Catalpa, 4 6 2

i l l u m i n a t i o n of,

C e d a r o i l , 24,



Cedrus, 4 2 6 , 4 4 3
deodara, 4 3 2


Celloidin, 21,


Cellulose, 63,
cell walls,








Celloidin methods,



whole mounts,



crispus, 304
Chordaria, 274


Cephalot&xaceae, 438, 439,


Chondrus, 2 9 2 , 3 0 3







Cell walls, cutinized,



Chlamydomonas, 233
ChloreUa, 247



alcoholic borax,

Carminic acid,


Chenopodium, 1 8 5 , 1 9 8






whole mounts,








Carbon tetrachloride,




Carbon bisulphide,




Carbol-methyl violet,







CapseUa, 4 5 2 , 472, 4 8 8






Chordariales, 274-276
Chromic acetate, 36
Chromic anhydride (see Acid, chi
Chromosomes, 64
Chroococcaceae, 286
Chroococcales, 286'

Chrysanthemum, 467, 475

parthenium, 483
Chrysophyceae, 266-267,
Chrysophyta, 256-261
Chytridiales, 322-324
Cilia, 109

CilruUus, 491
Citrus, 467, 468, 486, 490
glands, 462
Cladochytriaceae, 324
Cladodia, 463

Conocephalum, 367
conicum, 367 ,
Convolvulus, 462, 486

Cladonia, 358
Cladophora, 241

Cooper's triple stain, 89

Coplin jar, 11
"Coplins," 11
Copper-lactophenol, 231
Corallinaceae, 801

Cladophoraceae, 240-241
Cladophorales, 240-242
Cladophylls (see Cladodia)
Clarite, 24

Corallorhiza, 108
Cordyceps, 343
Coreopsis, 475

Clavaria, 347
Clavariaceae, '347

Claviceps, 343

Cork, 63
Corrosive-osmic, 98

Clearing reagents, 18-20

Clematis, 455.
Clintonia, 472

Corticium vagum solani, 347

Corylus, 486
Cosmos, 475

Coal-tar dyes, 64-64

Cabaea, 455
Cochineal, 53
Mayer's alum, 70
Codiaceae, 247-248

Codium, 247
Codoniaceae, 372-373

Coffea, 487
Coleochaetaceae, 239

Coleochaete, 239
Coleosphaerium, 285
Coleosporium solidaginis, 351
Coleus, 462

Cotton blue (see Anilin blue)

Counterstaining, 152
Coverslips, 13, 206
Craigie's stain, 86
Crassulaceae, 193
buds, 85
Crataegus, seeds, 192
Creosote, beechwood, 18
Creosote method, 114

Crepis, 475
Crocus, 449
root tips, 173, 177

petiole, 46 i
Coliodesmaceae, 274

Coliodesme, 274

Concerns, botanical supply, 205

Congo red, 67
brilliant (see Vital red)
Coniferales, 426-444
embryogenesis, 438-444
f e r t i l i z a t i o n , 436-438
leaf; 427-428
megagametogenesis, 433-436
, microgametes, 432-433
microgametophyte, 430-432
microsporogenesis, 429-430
root, 426-426
staminate strobilus, 428-429
stem, 426-427
Coniferophyta, 193, 420-447

Colloidln, 22
Colour Index, 55

Complectoria, 330
Compsonema, 276
Conant's cold pack method, 105
Conant's hot method, 106
Conant's quadruple stain, 87

Cronartium ribicola, 361

Cryptomeria, 443
japonica, 432
Cryptomitrium, 367
, Cryptonemiales, 300-302

Cryptopleura, 307
Cryptosiphonia woodii. 300
Crystal violet, 67, 216
and erythrosin, 89


. "

Dahlia, 4 7 5

Cucumis, 185, 4 6 2 , 4 9 0
Cucurbita, 4 9 0
pepo, 108
Cumagloia, 2 9 5
andersonii, 296-299
Cunninghamia, 4 3 2
Cupressaceae, 428, 431, 432, 437, 439,

Cupressus, 4 3 0
arizonica, 4 3 2
goveniana, 4 3 2









with secondary


with xylol,





Dermocarpa fucicola,
prassina, 286







Cytological methods,


Cytological staining,





Czapek's medium,





Cyrtomium, 4 0 4
Cystophyllunij 2 7 4
Cystopus (see Albugo)
Cystoseira, 2 6 9 , 2 7 5 , 282



Dianthus caryophyllus, 4 6 8







Dichothrix, 289

Dicksonia punctiloba, 3 8 1




Dictyostelium, 3 1 7
Dictyota, 273-274




Dinobryon, 256

Dacromyces, 349


Desmarestia, 2 6 8 , 276

Cylindrospermum, 289







Dennestaedlia adiantoides, 409

Derbesia, 248

Cycas, 109, 2 8 7 , 4 1 7
circinalis, 4 1 4
revoluta, 4 1 4








with tertiary butyl






Delesseria, 307





Delafield's hematoxylin,


staminate strobilus,


w i t h essential oils,


leaf, 416-416



with chloroform,


Cyathea, 3 8 2 , 4 0 3 , 409



with acetone,





with dioxan,



Datura, 4 8 6
Daucus carota, 196, 4 5 3

with benzol,






cell walls,


184; 185,

of stained slides,

Cutleria, 2 7 3


Danaea, 401





Dacrydium, 4 4 3
intermedium, 4 3 2



Dionaea, 4 6 8
Dioon, 4 1 6
Dio'spyros, 487-488
discolor, 488
virginiana, 488


D i o x a n , 17,




Entyloma, 365

Dipteris, 3 8 1
Dolichos, 4 5 5

Eosin, bluish,

Double embedding,



DunalieUa, 233

Epilithon, 301
Epilobium, 4 5 2



64-64, 79-93
60-54, 70-79

aerial branches,






Eberthella typhi, 224

Echeveria, l e a f , 4 6 6



Ectocarpus, 2 6 5 , 2 6 8 , 271
aculus, 2 7 2
Ectophloic solenostele,









in paraffin,





E m b r y o g e n e s i s , 486-490


E t h e r e a l oils,

Empusa (see Entomophthora)

Encelia, 4 6 8
Encephalartos, 4 1 5
Endocladia, 2 9 2


Enteromorpha, 240










Eucalyptus, 4 6 8
Eudorina, 2 3 4
/Euglena, 262-264
viridis, 2 5 3
Euglenamorpha, 262



Eschscholtzia, 4 6 7


Emerald green


carnea, 294



Erysiphe aggregat'a,
cichoracearum, 337
graminis, 338
Erythroglossum, 307
Erythronium, 4 4 9 , 4 7 8

Elodea, 464

192, 455, 472


Eichhornia, 4 6 7



Erigeron, 4 7 2 , 4 7 5 , 4 7 8
Erodium, 4 7 2
Erwinia, 2 2 3




Equisetum, 1 1 9 , 1 9 8 ,
arvense, 394, 396
debile, 396-397
laevigatum, 396


. Ectocarpales,




solubility of, 55


rhizome, 393


phenyl methane,












E p i d e r m i s , leaf,




Ephedra, 444-447
alata, 444 445
distachya, 444
foliata, 446
Epichloe typhina, 343


Draparnaldia, 238
Drosera, 4 6 8
Dudleya, b u d s , 8 5











F r o z e n sections,



Eupatorium, 4 5 1
Euphorbia, 196, 4 6 8 , 4 8 1

2 6 8 , 280-282
F u c a l e s , 280-282




Fuchsia, 4 7 8


Fuchsin, acid,


Exoascus (see Taphrina)



Fagopyrum, 4 8 6
Fagus, 4 8 6








Fungi Imperfecti,

F a s t g r e e n F C F , 59,
Fast red B , P

basic (see

Fucus, 2 6 5 , 280-282
furcalus, 281
reticulosis, 281, 2 8 2
Funaria, 3 6 0
hygrometrica, 380


Exobasidium, 346






Fungus and


host, s t a i n i n g of,

(see S u d a n I V )


Fern prothallia,
Ferric acetate,


Ferric a m m o n i u m
Ferric chloride,





Ficus, 196
carica, 4 6 8
elastica, 4 6 7 , 4 6 8


Gigartina, 2 9 2 , 304
binghamiae, 304
canaliculata, 304



F l e m m i n g ' s ' t r i p l e stains,

Floral organogeny,




Ginkgo biloba, 420-426
G i n k g o a l e s , 420-426








Foster's stain,

pistillate strobilus,


Fragaria, 4 9 1
Fraxinus, 4 7 0




Forsythia, 4 6 2
Fossombronia, 373





Fluckiger test,


G e n t i a n v i o l e t (see C r y s t a l v i o l e t ;

F l a g e l l a , s t a i n i n g of,



G e m m a e , 365, 370,




Gastroclonium, 2 9 2
coulteri, 310-311
Gelidium cartilagineum, 300
crinale, 300





Filix, 4 0 2
fragilis, 3 8 1







Galanthus, 188
Galaxaura, 299-300


Feulgen's nucleal



Fusarium, 3 4 2


Fritillaria, 4 7 8 , 486
meleagris, r o o t t i p s ,





staminate strobilus,




Gladiolus, 4 4 9
Glands, internal,





Hakea, 4 6 7
Halimeda, 247
Hahsaccion, 2 9 1 , 3 0 9
Halymenia, 301

Gleichenia, 3 8 2 , 408


Gleditsia, 451
Gloeocapsa, 286
Gloeothece, 286
Gloeotrichia, 289
Gloiophloea, 299-300
eonfusa, 2 9 8 - 3 0 0
Gloiosiphonia; 302
G l o i o s i p h o n i a c e a e , 302




Glycerin jelly,




m e t h o d , 114-115











Gonium, 2 3 4
Gowodkowa's medium,









50, 72-76


60, 72-76,



Bismarck brown,







Hesperophycus, 2 6 5
Heterochordaria, 272




Gunnera, 4 8 2


Hillary's smear


M a y e r ' s , 62,







Heteronema, 307
Heterosiphonia, 308
Hicoria, 4 8 6
Hieracium, 4 7 2


Gyromitra, 341


H e m i c e l l u l o s e s , 1 8 9 , 193-194
H e p a t i c a e , 363-373
Herpo8iphonia, 308





Graptopetalum weinbergii, 468

Grateloupia, 300




Weigert's variation,

Gracilaria, 2 9 1 , 3 0 3
sjostedlii, 304







Gnetum, 4 4 4
Godetia, 4 7 8



alcoholic iron,






s t a m i n a t e strobilus,



ovulate strobilus,


Helminthora, 296
Helminthostachys, 3 8 1 , 398
Helvetia, 341







Glycol stearate, 22




Glycerin method,



Hedera,, 4 6 7
Helianthus, 198
tuberosus, 188




H a u p t ' s a d h e s i v e , 21,


Hazen's cement,




Harris' hematoxylin,





Hard woods,







Hippurus, 4 5 4
Hiss stain,







Hordeum vulgare, 3 5 4

root hairs,




Hyacinthus, 176, 4 4 9





r o o t tips,




Hydnum, 3 4 7
Hydra, 2 4 7
Hydrangea, 3 5 1
Hydrilla verticiUata, 454


Jatropha, 4 6 8
Johansen's m e t h y l violet stain,


381, 403,









Juniperus, 4 2 8 , 4 3 4 , 4 3 6 , 4 3 7 , 4 4 3 .
communis, 4 3 2 , 433
virginiana, 4 3 2


Hypomyces, 343
H y r a x , 24,











Internal glands,








Iridaea, 2 9 1 , 3 0 3 ,
Iridophycus (see Iridaea)
Iris, l e a f , 4 6 3



Iron hematoxylin,





















c o m b i n i n g of r e a g e n t s in,
















Allen's modified,



Iron propionocarmin,


Taylor's modification,






Iron acetocarmin,




acid fuchsin,





n a t u r e of,

Allen's B-15,


Iodine green,

Killing and

Killing and



I o d i n e , 38,



smear method,

Keefe's preserving



Kaiser's glycerin-gelatin,



Juglans, 4 6 2

Hypochnus, 347
ochroleucus, 347


v i o l e t - e r y t h rosin

Johansen's quadruple stain,






Hydrurus, 267


Jeffrey's m e t h o d ,

Hydrodictyon, 246
.H y d r o g e n peroxide,


Janus green B ,




Isoetes, 3 8 1 ,
nutlaUU, 391










Killing and




2 B D ,



LaCour's 2BE,

Belling's modification,









Lessoniopsis, 2 7 9





Leucojum, 188





Zirkle's reduced



K n o p ' s solution,



Kolatchev method,




Kunkelia nitens, 363







LaCour's smear method,

Lactiferous ducts,









Leifson's stain,


Lemanea, 296




Lilium, 176, 4 4 9 , 486, 4 8 8





478-479, 486

in anthers,

Leaf epidermis,




Laothoe, 1 9 2
Larix, 4 2 6 , 4 3 1 , 4 4 3
Larrea, 4 6 8
Laurencia, 3 0 1 , 309
spectabilis, 295, 310
virgata, 2 9 5 , 309, 3 1 1

(see M a l a c h i t e








Ligustrum ovalifolium, 4 6 7






(see M e t h y l g r e e n )

Lignified cell walls,


Lactuca, 4 8 6
Laminaria, 2 7 9


Light green

Light green SF,





whole mounts,







L a b o r a t o r y rules,




Kornhauser's haemalum,


Ldagora, 297
Libocedrus, 4 4 3
decurrens, 4 3 2 , 4 3 6


s h a r p e n i n g of,

























Lilium auratum, 4 8 6
grandiflorum, 4 8 6
longiflorum, 4 8 6
martagon, 4 8 6
parryi, 4 8 2 - 4 8 4
Linum, s e e d s , 2 0 3


Liriodendron, 4 6 1
Lithothamnion, 3 0 1
Loeffler's methylene



Lomentaria, 2 9 2 , 310-311
Lonicera, 4 5 3 , 4 5 5
Lophosiphonia, 308
Lumdaria, 365, 367
Lupinus, s e e d l i n g s , 1 8 4 , 1 8 5





4 0 1 , 409-412


Lycerpersicum, 4 9 0

vestita, 3 8 1 , 4 1 1














Lycopodium, 383-387

adpressum, 3 8 1
cernuum, 3 8 1
. clavatum, 3 8 1 , 384-386
dendroides, 386
inundalum, 3 8 1 , 3 8 6
obscurum, 386
phlegmaria, 3 8 1
pithyoides, 383
serratum, 383
tristachyum, 3 8 1 '
volubile, 3 8 1
Lygodium, 408
palmatum, 3 8 1
Lynch's borax


Mayer's adhesive,


alum cochineal,






Medicago sativa, 3 3 9
Adoxa t y p e , 486
Fritillaria f o r m , 484-486
Gunnera f o r m , 482
Maianthemum f o r m , 484
n o r m a l t y p e , 480-481
Oenothera t y p e , 481
Penaea f o r m , 481
Peperomia f o r m , 482




Pyrethrum f o r m ,
Scilla t y p e , 481


Lyngbya, 286


McCallum's propionocarmin,
McClintock's acetocarmin,
s t e m tissues,





Macrocystis, 270, 275, 2 7 8

Macrozamia, 4 1 5 , 4 1 6
denisonii, 4 1 6
M a g d a l a red, 58,





Mahonia, l e a f , 3 5 2
Maianthemum bifolium, 4 8 4













Melampsora, 342, 361





Melobesia, 301
Membranoptera, 307
Menispermum, 4 6 2
Mercurialis, 198





Merismopedia, 286
Mesembryanthemum, 2 0 0


whole mount,

M e t h y l benzoate,


Marattia, 3 8 1 , 401


M e t h y l green,








sources of, 2 0 4 - 2 0 8

Matonia pectinata, 3 8 1 , 3 8 2





Martius yellow,





a c i d f u c h s i n , 93

M e t h y l pentoses,


M e t h y l v i o l e t , 60,


M e t h y l violet^erythrosin,


M e t h y l a t e d spirits,
M e t h y l e n e blue,






Methylene green,


differential staining,

Microchemical methods,


Microchemical reagents,


Microcoleus, 286
Microcystis, 286, 2 8 8


general staining,








c o l l e c t i o n , 312-313
c u l t i v a t i o n , 314-316



M i e r o t o m i n g , o f paraffin,
of refractory materials,




M i d d l e lamellae, 64


Millon's reagent,



M i n e r a l s u b s t a n c e s , 196-199
M i t o c h o n d r i a , 6 4 , 99-102

Milovidnov's method,



















whole mounts,


Monostroma, 240
Monlia, 4 6 7





Motility, in bacteria,
Mounting media,




M o u n t i n g of paraffin sections,





Musa, 4 9 0

N e u t r a l red,




p r o t o n e m a , 376-376




M y c e l i a Sterilia,


Nevillite V






Nicoliana, 1 8 4 , 4 8 7
alata, 157
Nigrosin, 61



Neomeris, 249
Neptunia, 4 6 8
Nereocystis, 2 7 8
Neurocarpus, 273
Neurospora, 342

Mucor, 327, 3 3 5



Narcissus, 4 4 9
Nectria, 342
cinnabarina, 342
Neisseria gonorrheae, 223
Nemalion, 1 1 4 , 2 9 1 , 2 9 5 , 296-299





MorcheUa, 341




Monilia, 366



whole mounts,

Mnium, 380
afflne, 3 7 6 - 3 7 7



Myriophyllum, 4 5 4




Myrionema strangulans, .275





Myriogloia, 2 6 8
andersonii, 2 7 6




Microsphaera alni, 338

Microspora, 2 3 8




476-477 '





Metzgeria, 372
Microcachrys, 431

Niiella, 249





Nitopfryllum, 307 '


Oxalis, 2 0 0











58, 283,


Notothylas, 373
Nucleal reaction,







Nymphaea, 4 5 3

Padina, 274
P a l m a c e a e , 198, 487,






1261-64 1461-60


Paraffin methods,

Oedocladium, 242














fertile spike,

leaf and






Ophioglossum, 3 8 1 ,
pendulum, 3 9 9
reticulatum, 3 9 9
vulgatum, 3 9 9
Orange G,





198, 472,

Osazone test,








404, 4074-08





Penicillium, 3 1 8 ,
glaucum, 3 3 6
Peperomia, 4 8 1 , 4 8 2
reflexa, 4 6 7


Osmium impregnation

Osmunda, 3 8 1 ,
dnnamomea, 404, 408
claytoniana, 404, 408
regalis, 404, 408

Pediastrum, 246
Pelargonium, s t e m ,
Pellia, 372
PeUionia, l e a f ,
Pelvetia, 2 6 5
fastigiata, 282




467, 461,



Oscillatoria, 2 8 3 , 286, 2 8 8









Organic acids,







Pectic substances,





Parthenocissus, 4 5 5
Passiflora, 4 5 5
Pastinaca saliva, 4 5 3








Oidium, 356
dermatitidis, 356
lactis, 366
Oil, bergamot,

sections, m o u n t i n g


Oedogonium, 242
Oenothera, 4 8 1 , 4 8 6



Paramecium, 2 4 7




Pandorina, 2 3 4





P e t r i dish, square,


Peyssonnelia, 300
Peziza, 340








' Phacolaceae, 2 3 3

Pinus muricata, 434

ponderosa,. 4 4 0 - 4 4 1
Piper nigrum, 4 6 7

c o l l e c t i n g , 263-264
c u l t i v a t i o n , 266-268




Pipette, giant,










Phloxine B,


Phoenix dactylifera, 4 8 8
Phormidium, 286


Phragmidium, 353
Phycomyces, 327


Pollen, germination
w h o l e m o u n t s of,







Polypodium, 3 8 1 , 4 0 3 , 404, 412

lineare, 4 0 4

Polyporus, 348
sulphureus, 348
Polysiphonia, 307-308
Polysphondylium, 3 1 7



Pilularia, 3 8 1 , 409





Polytrichum, commune,


431-435, 440-



Populus, 3 5 1 , 4 6 2

root tips,



Pinus contorta, 434

coulteri, 427, 433
laricio, 436-437-



Polygonum, 467, 4 8 6
Polyneura, 307

P i l o b o l a c e a e , 329-330
Pilobolus, 329-330


428, 432, 436, 438, 439,

Podocarpus, 4 2 8 , 4 3 1 , 4 3 9
Pogonatum, 380




198, 202, 450


P i n a c e a e , 4 3 2 , 4 3 7 , 438,




196, 426,


Plocamium, 304
Plowrighiia morbosa, 344


Picea, 4 4 3
excelsa, 4 3 2







Polycyclic dictyostele,

Phylloglossum, 3 8 3
Phyllospadix, 301
Phyllostachys, 4 6 8 '
Physoderma, 324
Phylomonas, 2 2 3
Phytophthora, 326



Phyllocladus, 426, 4 3 9








Pleopeltis simplex, 381

Pleuridium, 380
Pleurococcus (see Prolococcus)


Phyllachora graminis, 344

Phyllactinia, 3 3 2
coryleae, 338
Phyllanthus, 4 6 3



(See also T a n n i n )



Phaseolus vulgaris, 4 8 6







Plasmodiophora, 321
brassicae, 321-322


whole mounts,


Pisum sativum, r o o t
Pithyrogramma, 403






Porella, 360, 371-372

navicularis, 371-372
Porphyra, 2 9 2 , 294-296
perforata, 2 9 5





Portulaca oleracea, 4 6 7
Postelsia, 270, 2 7 8 , 2 7 9
\palmaeformis, 2 7 9








gracile, 3 2 5



PotentiUa glandulosa, 4 6 8
Prasiola, 240
nevadensis, 2 4 1

Preservation of plants,

Primula dbconica,
Prionitis, 301
Prosopis, 4 6 8
Proteins, 63,

461, 462, 467, 486









Quercus, 193, 4 6 2 , 4 6 7 , 4 8 6
root tips,












Quince-seed jelly, 253


Protococcus, 238


Protosiphon, 246



Prunusjaurocerasus, 1 9 2
persica, 3 4 1
Psalliota campestris, 3 4 5 , 348-349
Pseudopeziza, 339
medicaginis, 339
Pseudotsuga, 4 3 1 , 4 3 2 , 4 4 3
Psilotum, 3 8 1 , 382-383


Rana, t a d p o l e s , 2 5 2
Ranunculus, 4 4 9
aquatilis, 4 6 8


Raphanus, 4 5 0
root, 452


root hair,





nudum, 3 8 2
Pteridium, 3 8 2 , 402, 4 0 3
aquilinium, 412
latiusculum, 412
Pterosiphonia, 307-308

stelar types,

Pterygophora, 2 7 9
Puccinia graminis,



Pucciniastrum, 351



Pyrethrum, 4 8 2
parthenifolium, 4 8 2


Pyronema, 3 3 2
confluens, 339-340








Resin ducts,



Resorcin blue,


Rheum, 2 0 0


Rhizobium, 2 2 2
leguminosum, 2 2 2
radicicolum, 222
Rkizoclonium, 2 4 1
Rhizoctonia, 3 4 7

PylaieUa, 2 6 8 , 271
P y r e n o i d s , staining of,



Rhizopus, 1 1 8 , 327-328
nigricans, 3 2 9
Rhododendron, 3 4 6
Rhodoglossum, 3 0 4
Rkadomela, 2 7 7 , 2 8 5 , 2 9 2
larix, 3 0 9





. Rhodophyceae, embedding,







Rhodophyllis, 303

Rhus, 4 6 2
Rhytisma, 338
Ribes, 4 9 1


Riccia, 364-365
bischoffi, 364
curtisii, 364
fluitans, 363-364
glauca, 3 6 3 , 3 6 4 , 366
sorocarpa, 365

Ricciocarpus, 148
nutans, 360, 363-364
Ricinus, 4 5 5
Riella, 370

R i v u l a r i a c e a e , 289-290

Salsola, 2 0 0
Salvia apiana, 4 6 8
Salvinia, 412-413
natans, 412-413


Sambucus, s t e m , 4 6 2
Saponaria, r o o t , 1 9 2
Saponin, 63,



3 2 4 , 326-326


Sarcodiotheca, 303


Sargassum, 282
Sass' h a e m a l u m ,


Sassafras, 4 6 2



Scenedesmus, 244, 247

Scharlach R


Sudan I V )

Schizaea, 3 8 1 , 408




R o o t t i p s , 172, 448-460
R o o t s , 461-462
R o o t hairs,

Rosa, 4 5 5 , 4 6 7




Robinia, 4 6 2



Sax's crystal violet-iodine,


R o o t , origin of,

Sagittaria, 4 5 2
Salicornia, 2 0 0
Salix, 3 5 1
pendula, r o o t ,

Ricardia saccata, 309

Riccardia, 372



and picrc-anilin blue,




and Harris' hematoxylin,

Rhodymenia, 310


and orange G,
a n d f a s t g r e e n , 80,




and crystal violet,





O, 62, 80-87

and anilin blue,


whole mounts,


Safety razor blades,

h o l d e r s f o r , 11









cell structure,


Rubus, 4 9 1


o r a n g e rusts of, 353



Rumex, 2 0 0 , 4 6 2

metachromatic granules,




Ruta, 4 6 8



soil microflora,

sources of,
Sabouraud's medium,


Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 189, 332

ellipsoideus, 332




special m e t h o d s for,












Schizosaccharornyces octosporus,


Sciadopitaceae, 432, 437,


S l i d e s , m o u n t i n g o f , 152-164
S m e a r m e t h o d s , 166-169
S m e a r t e c h n i q u e , 155-168
S m e a r s , s t a i n i n g o f , 158-169

Sciadopitys, 4 3 2 , 437
Scilla, 4 8 1
Scinaia, 209


S c l e r o p h y l l o u s leaf,







Belling's acetocarmin,



Sclerotinia fructigena, 339

Scoliopus, 4 6 7
Scytonema, 289

Hillary's method,


LaCour's method,




Johansen's methyl violet,





Scytosiphon lomentaria, 277

McCallum's propionocarmin,


McClintock's acetocarmin,

Secale, 4 8 6
cereale, r o o t



Secondary megasporocytes,

Sax's variation,




Sectioning of hard woods,





Sections, freehand,

g a m e t o p h y t e , 389-390



185, 196, 197 '

Solenostele, amphiphloic,


poly cyclic,









Soranthera, 277
ulvoidea, 2 7 7





Solidago, 3 5 1 , 4 5 0








picric a c i d - G r a m stain,

Solanum, 198, 199, 4 9 0

tuberosum, 4 5 3

Selaginella kraussiana, 3 8 1 , 388





Soil microflora,


praealtum, 4 5 9

Zirkle's methods,



Sedum, 4 6 7



Smears versus




Warmke's method,






Semele, 4 6 8
androgyna, 463
Sempervivum, 1 9 9





Sources of materials,


Spartina, 4 6 8



Sequoia, 4 3 1
sempervirens, 429, 4 3 2 , 435, 438

Spermothamnion, 307
Sphacelaria, 2 6 8 , 273







Silphium, 4 7 5
Sinapsis alba,


Slide containers,
S l i d e s , 12,






S p h a e r o c a r p a c e a e , 369-370
S p h a e r o c a r p a l e s , 369-370

Sphaerocarpos, 3 6 9 - 3 7 0
cristatus, 3 6 8 - 3 6 9
Sphaeroplea, 241














Sp/iaerotheca, 3 3 2
humuli, 337
pannosa, 3 3 7



. Sphagnum, 378-379
Spinacia oleracea, 197
Spiraea, 4 7 2
Spirogyra, 242-243
Spirulina, 286


Stenogramme interrupta, 305

Stentor, 2 4 7
Sticta, 2 3 5
pulmonaria, 368
Stigeoclonium, 238
Stigonema, 289




Stender dish,




Spongospora subterranea, 321

Stilophora rhizoides,216

Spores, Staining of,






Sporoehnus, 276
Sporodinia, 329











acid fuchsin,

picric acid-Gram,
of paraffin








Supply concerns,






Synchytrium, 323
amsinckiae, 3 2 3


Syringa, 4 5 5











effects o f fixatives on,



T a n n i c acid-iron chloride stain,



s t r e n g t h of,


for w h o l e m o u n t s ,



Stangeria, 4 1 5 , 4 1 6
Starch, 63,



Stem apices,

Stemonitis, 3 1 2




( S e e also P h l o b a p h e n e )
Taphrina, 8 6 1 , 341-342
deformans, 341-342
Taraxacum, 188, 4 7 2
Targionia, 365


solvents for,









m o r d a n t s for,









Sudan I I I , 62









Sudan I V ,

methyl green and







Suction pump,


iodine green a n d acid fuchsin,



Suberized cell walls,





and fast green,

Cooper's triple,



acid fuchsin


Streblonema, 2 6 8 , 271
Stypocaulon, 273




StockwelPs stain,



T a x a c e a e , 428, 431, 432, 438, 439,

T a x o d i a c e a e , 431, 432, 437, 439,

Taxodium, 4 4 3
distichum, 4 3 2
Taxus, 430, 4 3 2 , 4 3 4 , 4 3 9
baccata, 4 3 2 , 4 3 8
canadensis, 4 3 8







Thamniochaete, 2 3 8
Thelephora, 347


Typha, 4 5 2 , 4 6 8






Thielavia basicola, 336



Ullrich's adhesive,

Thiolhrix, 2 2 4
Thuja, 4 3 6 , 4 4 3
TUia, 4 6 1
Tilletia, 355
foetans, 356
trilici, 365



Ulva, 239






Ulmus, 4 7 0
Ulothrix, 237

Tissue maceration,

Unna's methylene






Tolypothrix, 289
Torreya, 4 3 2 , 4 3 6 , 4 4 3
laxifolia, 4 3 2 , 435, 4 3 8

Urocystis cepulae, 355

Uromyces, 364
Urophlyctis, 324
Urtica, 198; 199
Usnea, 2 4 5



Tmesipteris, 382
T o l u o l , 19,








Tradescantiafluminensis,4 6 7
virginiana, 469

Ustilago, 364
avenae, 354
hordei, 354



zeae, 364

Trebouxia, 246




Trentepohlia, 239

Treponema pallidum, 224

Tribonema, 266 f
Trichia, 3 1 3

Vagnera, 4 5 0
Valonia, 249







Trifolium, 4 8 6
Trillium, 176, 4 5 0 , 4 6 8 , 475, 4 7 8
chloropetalum, 159, 161, 168

bunts, 3 5 5



Tulipa, 4 4 9 , 485, 4 8 6
Turpineol, 2 5




Venetian turpentine method;





V i t a l red;


of stem,


root tip,




Vaucheria, 248, 3 2 4
terrestris, 2 4 8 , 3 2 5



canadensis, 4 3 2
Tuan's smear stain method,


Venturia, 3 3 2
inaequalis, 343-344
Veronica, 4 5 3 , 4 5 5
Viciafaba, 176


ovatum, 156, 159, 1 6 2

Triticum, 4 8 6

VaccimuTO, 346,



T r i c h o p h y l l o u s leaf,





Vitis, 4 5 5 , 4 6 2 , 4 9 1
vinifera, 4 6 3
V o l u t i n , 284











(see X y l o l )


Warmke's smear method,


W a s h i n g o f m a t e r i a l , 129,





W a t e r b l u e (see A n i l i n

Y e a s t s , false,





Welwitschia, 4 4 4
Wettstein's solution,


Whidbeyella, 299 \
Whole-mount methods,

Wisteria, 4 5 5
Woods, hard,



Ziehl-Neelson's carbol-fuchsin,


Woodwardia, 4 0 4
Woronina, 324


Zantedeschia, 4 6 7
Zea, 4 8 6
mays, 176, 198, 3 5 4 , 462, 4 6 8


Zingiber, 4 5 3
Zirkle's smear methods,


Zonaria, 274
Zostera, 3 0 1
marina, 4 8 6
Zygnema, 2 4 3





Zygorhynchus, 327
Zygosaccharomyees, 332









E D M U N D W . S I N N O T T , Consulting






Use ofthe Microscope

Boysen JensenGrowth
in Plants


and Fuller






a n d Flowering Plants






to Cytology
of Cytology






Vol. I , Algae and Fungi

Vol. I I ,Bryophytes and

Introduction to Botany

mentary Botany


Manual of Ele





in Plant


B o t a n y - g ^

and BrunerRoot

D % > p -

ment of Vegetable Crops






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Plant Physiology




Loomis and ShullMethods




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of Botanical











Translocation of Solutes
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T h e r e a r e also t h e related series o f M c G r a w - H i l l P u b l i c a t i o n s i n t h e Z o o l o g i
cal Sciences, o f w h i c h A . Franklin


is Consulting E d i t o r , and, i n t h e

A g r i c u l t u r a l S c i e n c e s . - o f ' w h i c h L e o n J. C o l e i s C o n s u l t i n g


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