Grammar Review Intermediate 3

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Reported Speech.

1. Put the following sentences into reported speech. Replace the verb said by a suitable
reporting verb from the list. The first sentence has been done for you as an example.
announced explained protested Ordered


suggested promised

a Yes, I broke that window with my ball, said the boy.

The boy admitted that he had broken the window with his ball.
b Lets go to the cinema this evening, said David.
c Stop crying Anne, or youll stay in your bedroom the whole afternoon, said my father.
d You cant take me to prison. I know my rights, the man said to the police officer.
e You must come to Sarahs party with me on Sunday, said Tom.
f Well, Id like you all to know Emma and I are getting married next summer, James said to
his friends.
g Dont worry, son, Ill fix your bike this weekend, said Mr Turner.
h The delay occurred because of a mechanical problem, said the information officer.
2. Change the following sentences into reported speech. Assume that the time and place are
quite different from those of the original statements.
a I just dont know what to do now, Mrs Williams complained. This news has come as a
complete shock.
b Ive got a job as a computer programmer in London and Im moving there next month,
David told his girlfriend.
c When did you start getting severe backaches, Mrs Darby? asked Dr Martell.
d Dont go walking in the fog. It can be dangerous, the mountain guide warned us.
e I may be able to give you a lift to Oxford, Sophie, but I wont know until this evening,
explained Edward.
f Do you know many people here, Martin? I asked.
g Go away and stop bothering me ordered my mother.
h I want to finish this job today, said the painter.

Reported Questions, Commands and Requests.

3. Report the following commands and requests
a) Come and play with me, said the little prince.
b) Do not come to see that, said the little prince.
c) Dont leave, said the king.
d) Clap your hands, the conceited man advised.
e) Admire me all the same, he said.
f) Please do me that kindness, asked the little prince.
g) Order the sun to set, said he.
h) Come a little closer, said the king.
i) Please forgive me, the little prince told the rose.
j) Tame me, begged the fox.
4. Report these questions
a) Have you grown to care for the boy?
Dumbledore asked Snape ____________________.
b) Was the sword stolen by Gryffindor?
Harry asked Hermione ____________________.
c) Does the wand in your hand know its last owner was disarmed?
Harry asked Woldemort ____________________________.
d) Can you forgive me for not trusting you?
Dumbledore asked Harry ___________________.
e) Will it make him truly invulnerable?
Harry wanted to know ___________________.
f) Are you saying there is a Horcrux in the Lestranges vault?
Hermione asked Harry ___________________________.
g) Are you sure we cant do anything?
Harry asked Dumbledore ______________________.

Clauses of reason, concession and purpose

5. Rewrite the following sentences beginning them with the given words:
a) He studied a lot; however he had a bad mark.
In spite of ___________________________________________________

b) Although it is very late, she isnt at home yet.

In spite of ___________________________________________________
c) In spite of being rich Tom has never been abroad.
Although ___________________________________________________
d) He lives very near, but he always arrives late.
Although ___________________________________________________
e) She has many problems, but she is a diligent student.
In spite of ___________________________________________________
f) In spite of living far away he always arrives on time.
Although ___________________________________________________
g) He was sick, however he went to school.
In spite of ___________________________________________________
h) Although he is foreigner, he speaks English very well.
In spite of___________________________________________________
i) In spite of living in the USA she misses her homeland.
j) She lives close to her school. However, she never arrives on time.
In spite of___________________________________________________
k) In spite of being rich she isnt happy.
l) He never pays attention, but he hasnt got very bad marks.
In spite of___________________________________________________
m) Although he has lots of work, he has time for his family.
In spite of___________________________________________________
n) In spite of the rain Im going out.
6. Rewrite the sentences using the connector given in brackets.
a) Paul was an hour late. He missed the train. (because)
b) I borrowed your lawn mower. You werent using it. (as)
c) We had no electricity during the storm. We hed to use candles. (so)
d) He needed a good mark. He studied hard for the test. (Since)
e) Its raining. We have decided to stay at home. (As)
f) Tom wont be able to go with us to the theatre. He has to work. (because)
g) Would you consider it? He asked nicely. (since)
h) Mary Joined the school theatre. She wanted to increase her circle of friends. (because)
i) I dont know the way. Ill take a taxi. (due to)
j) Ive forgotten my password. I cant read my email. (so)
k) I got home late. There was a flight delay.(because of)
7. Rewrite the following sentences using the purpose expressions in brackets. Make the
necessary changes.

a) He kept the door open. He wanted to let fresh air in. (so as to)
b) Some firms had to close as they didn't want to go bankrupt. (in order not to)
c) Peter locked his bedroom door because he didn't want his sister to disturb him. (so that)
d) She calls a meeting because she wants to hear everyone's opinion. (in order to)
e) He gave up sugar and butter because he didn't want to put on weight. (to avoid)
f) Everyone was pushing because they wanted to get to the front of the queue. (in order to)
g) They speak quietly because they don't want to disturb anyone. (to avoid)
h) Susan lifts her son onto her shoulder. The boy wants to see the parade. (so that)
i) He went on foot because he didn't want to be heard. (so as not to)
j) He came to live in the country because he wanted to have trees around him instead of
buildings. (so as to)
k) He wrote a covering letter because he wanted to apply for a job. (so as to)
l) She went to Lisbon because she wanted to buy some clothes for her children. (so that)

Passive Voice
8. Go through the following sentences and decide whether they should be naturally used in the
passive or in the active, by choosing the correct verb form.

English also speaks / is also spoken in New Zealand and Australia.

We spent / were spent too much money last summer holidays.
Jaguars dont make / arent made in USA.
The factory produces / is produced thousands of sports shoes and most of them
export / are exported.
e) Can we play on the football pitch?

f) No, the grass is cutting / is being cut.

g) The two lost children have found / have been found alive in a suburban park.
9. All the sentences are in the passive. Read them and correct any verb forms that
are incorrect. Tick the correct answers.
a) Our passports were taking by a woman in uniform.
b) Three men were arrested last night when they tried to break into the Museum.
c) Stamps can be buying at the post office.
d) Simons car has be stolen from the car park.
e) We have been invited to Helens party.
f) The new library wont be building in the town centre.
10. Make these sentences passive, mentioning the agent only when necessary.
a) Yesterday morning somebody attacked Mr. Foster on his way to work.
b) The Prince of Wales has opened a new university in York.
c) Paul and Karen are redecorating the living room.
d) Tim gave Lucy a diamond ring on her birthday.
e) We must warn them of the danger.
f) Phil will leave the tickets for us in the box office.
g) They sent a birthday card to Gary.

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