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Language level
Content objectives


In this lesson, students will learn about one of the most
important elements in painting and drawing: lines.
Students will learn how lines are defined in visual arts and how
to recognize this element in painting.
At the end of this session lesson, students will be able to:
1. distinguish between artistic lines and geometric lines.
2. identify different types of lines in drawings, pieces of art
work and in the environment.
3. identify some of the characteristics of lines.
4. explain how some artists have used lines in their
5. use mobile learning to find out an important art work o
master piece.
6. learn how Picasso uses lines to create shapes.
7. create drawings using different types of lines.
8. learn about Picasso and Cubism.

Language objectives

Students will be able to:

- learn and use vocabulary related to lines:
Types: straight, curved, spiral, zig-zag, wavy,
horizontal, vertical, diagonal, converging, radial,
parallel, perpendicular, dash, dotted.
Characteristics (adjectives and opposites): long, short,
thick, thin, ragged, sharp, light, dark, simple, complex,
horizontal, vertical, convergent, radial.
- use comparative sentences in order to compare different
kinds of lines (speaking).
- exchange information about the use of lines in some art
works (speaking).
- write a brief text (50 words) related to specific task related
to an artwork (writing).
- read and understand a text with gaps in it (reading).
- follow instructions in order to make a drawing (listening).
- learn specific vocabulary related to the parts of the face
(eyes, nose, lips, ears, eyebrows, hair, ...)
- learn specific vocabulary related to edition menus in IT
software (scale up, scale down, rotate, bring forward, send
backward, flip, delete, ...)

CC BY-NC-SA. Paz Carpintero and Rosa Fernndez

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