François Guizot

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Franois Guizot

Franois Pierre Guillaume Guizot (French: [f swa

pj ijom izo]; 17871874) was a French historian,
orator, and statesman. Guizot was a dominant gure
in French politics prior to the Revolution of 1848, a
conservative liberal who opposed the attempt by King
Charles X to usurp legislative power, and worked to sustain a constitutional monarchy following the July Revolution of 1830. He then served the citizen king Louis
Philippe, as Minister of Education, 183237, ambassador to London, Foreign Minister 18401847, and nally Prime Minister of France from 19 September 1847
to 23 February 1848. Guizots inuence was critical in
expanding public education, which under his ministry
saw the creation of primary schools in every French commune. But as a leader of the "Doctrinaires", committed to
supporting the policies of Louis Phillipe and limitations
on further expansion of the political franchise, he earned
the hatred of more left-leaning liberals and republicans
through his unswerving support for restricting surage to
propertied men, advising those who wanted the vote to
enrich yourselves (enrichissez-vous) through hard work
and thrift. As Prime Minister, it was Guizots ban on the
political meetings (called the Paris Banquets, which celebrated the birthday of George Washington) of an increasingly vigorous opposition in January 1848 that catalyzed
the revolution that toppled Louis Philippe in February and
saw the establishment of the French Second Republic.


a table with his own hands, which is still preserved. In the

work which he entitled Memoirs of my own Times Guizot
omitted all personal details of his early life.
In 1805 he arrived in Paris and he entered at the age eighteen as tutor into the family of M. Stapfer, formerly Swiss
minister in France. He soon began to write in a journal
edited by Suard, the Publiciste. This connection introduced him to the literary society of Paris.
In October 1809, aged twenty-two, he wrote a review of
Franois-Ren de Chateaubriand's Martyrs, which won
Chateaubriands approbation and thanks, and he continued to contribute largely to the periodical press. At
Suard's he had made the acquaintance of Pauline de Meulan (born 2 November 1773[1] ), a contributor to Suards
journal. Her contributions were interrupted by illness,
but immediately resumed and continued by an unknown
hand. It was discovered that Franois Guizot had substituted for her. In 1812 Mademoiselle de Meulan married
Guizot. She died in 1827. (An only son, born in 1819,
died in 1837 of consumption.) In 1828 Guizot married Elisa Dillon, niece of his rst wife, and also an author. She died in 1833, leaving two daughters (Henriette
(1829-1908), a co-author with her father and prolic
writer herself; and Pauline (1831-1874)) and a son (Maurice Guillaume (18331892), who attained some reputation as a scholar and writer).
During the First French Empire, Guizot, entirely devoted to literary pursuits, published a collection of French
synonyms (1809), an essay on the ne arts (1811), and
a translation of Edward Gibbon's work, with additional
notes, in 1812. These works recommended him to the notice of Louis-Marcelin de Fontanes, grand-master of the
University of France, who selected Guizot for the chair
of modern history at the Sorbonne in 1812. He delivered
his rst lecture (reprinted in his Memoirs) on 11 December of that year. He omitted the customary compliment
to the all-powerful emperor, in spite of the hints given
him by his patron, but the course which followed marks
the beginning of the great revival of historical research in
France in the 19th century. He had now acquired a considerable position in Paris society, and the friendship of
Royer-Collard and leading members of the liberal party,
including the young duc de Broglie. Absent from Paris
at the moment of the fall of Napoleon in 1814, he was at
once selected, on the recommendation of Royer-Collard,
to serve the government of King Louis XVIII, in the capacity of secretary-general of the ministry of the interior, under the abb de Montesquiou. Upon the return
of Napoleon from Elba he immediately resigned, on 25

Early years

Guizot was born at Nmes to a bourgeois Protestant family. On 8 April 1794, when Franois Guizot was 6, his
father was executed on the scaold at Nmes during the
Reign of Terror. From then on, the boys mother was
completely responsible for his upbringing.
Madame Guizot had great inuence over Francois Guizot
and was part of his circle of friends. In the days of his
exile in 1848 she followed him to London, and there at a
very advanced age died and was buried at Kensal Green.
Driven from Nmes by the Revolution, Madame Guizot
and her son went to Geneva, where he was educated. In
spite of her decided Calvinistic opinions, the theories of
Jean-Jacques Rousseau inuenced Madame Guizot. A
strong Liberal, she even adopted the notion inculcated in
Emile that every man ought to learn a manual trade or
craft. Guizot learnt carpentry, and succeeded in making


March 1815, and returned to his literary pursuits.


The Man of Ghent

Franois Guizot.

After the Hundred Days, he returned to Ghent, where he

saw Louis XVIII, and in the name of the liberal party
pointed out that a frank adoption of a liberal policy could
alone secure the duration of the restored monarchy advice which was ill-received by the kings condential advisers. This visit to Ghent was brought up by political opponents in later years as unpatriotic. The Man of Ghent
was one of the terms of insult frequently used against
him in the days of his power. The reproach appears to
be wholly unfounded. He was acting not to preserve the
failing empire, but to establish a liberal monarchy and to
combat the reactionary ultra-royalists.
On the second restoration, Guizot was appointed
secretary-general of the ministry of justice under de
Barb-Marbois, but resigned with his chief in 1816. In
1819 he was one of the founders of the Liberal journal Le
Courrier franais. Again in 1819 he was appointed general director of communes and departments in the ministry of the interior, but lost his oce with the fall of
Decazes in February 1820. During these years Guizot
was one of the leaders of the Doctrinaires, a small party
strongly attached to the charter and the crown, and advocating a policy which has become associated (especially
by mile Faguet) with the name of Guizot, that of the
juste milieu, a middle path between absolutism and pop-

ular government. Adhering to the great principles of liberty and toleration, they were sternly opposed to the anarchical traditions of the Revolution. They hoped to subdue
the elements of anarchy through the power of a limited
constitution based on the surage of the middle class and
promoted by the literary talents of the time. They were
opposed alike to the democratic spirit of the age, to the
military traditions of the empire, and to the bigotry and
absolutism of the court. The Doctrinaires fell out of inuence following the July Revolution in 1830
In 1820, when the reaction was at its height after the murder of the Duc de Berry, and the fail of the ministry of the
duc Decazes, Guizot was deprived of his oces, and in
1822 even his course of lectures were interdicted. During
the succeeding years he played an important part among
the leaders of the liberal opposition to the government of
Charles X, although he had not yet entered parliament,
and this was also the time of his greatest literary activity. In 1822 he had published his lectures on representative government (Histoire des origines du gouvernernent
reprsentatif, 18211822, 2 vols.; Eng. trans. 1852);
also a work on capital punishment for political oences
and several important political pamphlets. From 1822 to
1830 he published two important collections of historical sources, the memoirs of the history of England in 26
volumes, and the memoirs of the history of France in 31
volumes, and a revised translation, of Shakespeare, and a
volume of essays on the history of France. Written from
his own pen during this period was the rst part of his
Histoire de la rvolution d'Angleterre depuis Charles I
Charles II (2 vols., 18261827; Eng. trans., 2 vols., Oxford, 1838), which he resumed and completed during his
exile in England after 1848. The Martignac administration restored Guizot in 1828 to his professors chair and to
the council of state. During his time at the University of
Paris his lectures earned him a reputation as a historian
of note. These lectures formed the basis of his general
Histoire de la civilisation en Europe (1828; Eng. trans. by
William Hazlitt, 3 vols., 1846), and of his Histoire de la
civilisation en France (4 vols., 1830),
In January 1830 he was elected by the town of Lisieux to
the Chamber of Deputies, and he retained that seat during
the whole of his political life. Guizot delivered an address
in March 1830 calling for greater political freedom in the
Chamber of Deputies. The motion passed 221 against
181. Charles X responded by dissolving the Chamber
and called for new elections which only strengthened opposition to the throne. On his returning to Paris from
Nmes on 27 July, the fall of Charles X was already imminent. Guizot was called upon by his friends Casimir
Perier, Jacques Latte, Villemain and Dupin to draw up
the protest of the liberal deputies against the royal ordinances of July, while he applied himself with them to control the revolutionary character of the late contest. Personally, Guizot was always of opinion that it was a great
misfortune for the cause of parliamentary government in
France that the infatuation and ineptitude of Charles X


The second Soult government

and Prince Polignac rendered a change in the hereditary

line of succession inevitable. Once convinced that it was
inevitable, he became one of the most ardent supporters
of Louis Philippe. In August 1830 Guizot was made minister of the interior, but resigned in November. He had
now joined the ranks of the conservatives, and for the next
eighteen years was a determined foe of democracy, the
unyielding champion of a monarchy limited by a limited
number of bourgeois.


A minister of the Citizen-King

Franois Guizot accepts the charter from Louis-Philippe, the


expense of the state.
The July Monarchy was threatened in 1839 by LouisMathieu Mol, who had formed an intermediate government. Guizot and the leaders of the left centre and the
left, Thiers and Odilon Barrot worked together to stop
Mol, Victory was secured at the expense of principle,
and Guizots attack on the government gave rise to a crisis
and a republican insurrection. None of the three leaders
of that alliance took ministerial oce, and Guizot was
not sorry to accept the post of ambassador in London,
which withdrew him for a time from parliamentary contests. This was in the spring of 1840, and Thiers succeeded shortly afterwards to the ministry of foreign affairs.
Guizot was received with distinction by Queen Victoria
and by London society. His literary works were highly esteemed, and sincerely attached to the alliance of the two
nations and the cause of peace. He also secured the return
of Napoleons ashes to France at the insistence of Thiers.
As he himself remarked, he was a stranger to England and
a novice in diplomacy; the embroiled state of the Syrian
War question, on which the French government had separated itself from the joint policy of Europe, and possibly
the absence of entire condence between the ambassador
and the minister of foreign aairs, placed him in an embarrassing and even false position. The warnings he transmitted to Thiers were not believed. The treaty of 15 July
was signed without his knowledge and executed against
his advice. For some weeks Europe seemed to be on the
brink of war, until the king ended the crisis by refusing
his assent to the military preparations of Thiers, and by
summoning Guizot from London to form a ministry and
to aid his Majesty in what he termed "ma lutte tenace contre l'anarchie.

In 1831 Casimir Perier formed a more vigorous and compact administration, terminated in May 1832 by his death;
the summer of that year was marked by a formidable republican rising in Paris, and it was not until 11 October
1832 that a stable government was formed, in which Marshal Soult was rst minister, Victor, 3rd duc de Broglie
took the foreign oce, Adolphe Thiers the home department, and Guizot the department of public instruction.
Guizot, however, was already unpopular with the more
advanced liberal party. He remained unpopular all his
life. Yet never were his great abilities more useful to his
country than while he lled this oce of secondary rank
but of primary importance in the department of public
instruction. The duties it imposed on him were entirely
congenial to his literary tastes, and he was master of the
subjects they concerned. He applied himself in the rst
instance to carry the law of 28 June 1833, which established and organized primary education in France.
The branch of the Institute of France known as the
"Acadmie des Sciences Morales et Politiques, which had
been suppressed by Napoleon, was revived by Guizot.
Some of the old members of this learned body
Talleyrand, Sieys, Roederer and Lakanal again took
their seats there, and a host of more recent celebrities
were added by election for the free discussion of the great
problems of political and social science. The Socit
de l'histoire de France was founded for the publication
of historical works; and a vast publication of medieval
chronicles and diplomatic papers was undertaken at the

The second Soult government

Blue plaque, 21 Pelham Crescent, London SW7

Thus began, under dark and adverse circumstances, on

29 October 1840, the important administration in which
Guizot remained the master-spirit for nearly eight years.
He himself took the oce of minister for foreign affairs, and upon the retirement of Marshal Soult, he be-

Dalling) at Madrid led Guizot to believe that this understanding was broken, provoking the Aair of the Spanish Marriages after Guizot came to believe that Britain
intended to place a Coburg on the throne of Spain. Determined to resist any such intrigue, Guizot and the king
plunged headlong into a counter-intrigue, wholly inconsistent with their previous engagements to Britain, and fatal to the happiness of the queen of Spain. By their inuence she was urged into a marriage with a despicable oset of the house of Bourbon, and her sister was at the same
time married to the youngest son of the French king, in direct violation of Louis Philippe's promises. This transaction, although it was hailed at the time as a triumph of the
policy of France, was in truth as fatal to the monarch as
it was discreditable to the minister. It was accomplished
by a mixture of secrecy and violence. It was defended
by subterfuges. Its immediate eect was to destroy the
Anglo-French alliance, and to throw Guizot into closer
relations with the reactionary policy of Metternich and
the Northern courts.

His rst object as prime minister was to unite and discipline the conservative party, which had been broken up
by previous dissensions and ministerial changes. In this
he entirely succeeded by his courage and eloquence as a
parliamentary leader, and by the use of all those means of
inuence which France supplied to a dominant minister.
No one ever doubted the purity and disinterestedness of
Giozots house whilst Ambassador in London, 21 Pelham Cres- Guizots own conduct. He despised money; he lived and
cent, London SW7
died poor; and though he encouraged the fever of moneygetting in the French nation, his own habits retained their
primitive simplicity. But he did not disdain to use in othcame prime minister. His rst care was the maintenance ers the baser passions from which he was himself free.
of peace and the restoration of amicable relations with Some of his instruments were mean; he employed them
the other powers of Europe. His success gave unity and to deal with meanness after its kind.
strength to the conservative party, who now felt that they In 1846 the opposition accused the government of buyhad a great leader at their head.
ing the votes of the electorate. Guizot acknowledged that
During Guizots tenure as foreign minister, he and Lord corruption happened but the government could not reAberdeen, the foreign secretary to Sir Robert Peel, car- ally prevent it. Non-voters exaggerated the occurrences
ried on well and thus they secured France and Britain of corruption to point to their need for enfranchisement.
failed to satisfy the demand for expansion
in the entente cordiale. Part of the formation of the Guizot utterly
Some scholars point out that corruption,
entente came about when Guizot secured the transfer
present, did not have a large eect on the
of Napoleons ashes from St. Helena to the French
those in the Chamber of Deputies.[4]
government. The opposition in France denounced
Guizots foreign policy as basely subservient to England.
He replied in terms of unmeasured contempt: You
may raise the pile of calumny as high as you will; vous
n'arriverez jamais a la hauteur de mon ddain!" In 1845
British and French troops fought side by side for the rst
time in the Anglo-French blockade of the Ro de la Plata.

The strength of Guizots oration was his straightforward style of speaking. He was essentially a ministerial
speaker, far more powerful in defence than in opposition.
Nor was he less a master of parliamentary tactics and of
those sudden changes and movements in debate which, as
in a battle, sometimes change the fortune of the day. His
condence in himself, and in the majority of the chamber
which he had moulded to his will, was unbounded; and
long success and the habit of authority led him to forget
that in a country like France there was a people outside
the chamber elected by a small constituency, to which the
minister and the king himself were held responsible.

The fall of Peels government in 1846 changed these intimate relations; and the return of Palmerston to the foreign oce led Guizot to believe that he was again exposed to the passionate rivalry of the British cabinet. A
friendly understanding had been established between the
two courts with reference to the future marriage of the
young queen of Spain. The language of Lord Palmerston Guizots view of politics was essentially historical and
and the conduct of Sir Henry Bulwer (afterwards Lord


1848 and after

philosophical. His tastes and his acquirements gave him

little insight into the practical business of administrative government. Of nance he knew nothing; trade and
commerce were strange to him; military and naval affairs were unfamiliar to him; all these subjects he dealt
with by second hand through his friends, PS Dumon
(17971870), Charles Marie Tanneguy, Comte Duchttel (18031867), or Marshal Bugeaud. The consequence
was that few measures of practical improvement were
carried by his administration. Still less did the government lend an ear to the cry for parliamentary reform.

power, and ordered to take the necessary military measures, and as your Majesty has at this moment no minister, I am ready to draw up and countersign such an order. The marshal, who was present, undertook the task,
saying, I have never been beaten yet, and I shall not begin to-morrow. The barricades shall be carried before
dawn. Adolphe Thiers and Barrot decided to withdraw
the troops. Guizot found a safe refuge in Paris for some
days in the lodging of a humble miniature painter whom
he had befriended, and shortly afterwards eected his escape across the Belgian frontier and thence to London,
On this subject the kings prejudices were insurmount- where he arrived on 3 March. His mother and daughters had preceded him, and he was speedily installed in a
able, and his ministers had the weakness to give way to
them. It was impossible to defend a system which con- modest habitation in Pelham Crescent, Brompton.
ned the surage to 200,000 citizens, and returned a The society of England, though many persons disapchamber of whom half were placemen. Nothing would proved of much of his recent policy, received the fallen
have been easier than to strengthen the conservative party statesman with as much distinction and respect as they
by attaching the surage to the possession of land in had shown eight years before to the kings ambassador.
France, but blank resistance was the sole answer of the A professorship at Oxford was spoken of, which he was
government to the moderate demands of the opposition. unable to accept. He stayed in England about a year,
Warning after warning was addressed to them in vain by devoting himself again to history. Back in Paris in
friends and by foes alike; and they remained profoundly 1850, Guizot published two more volumes on the Enunconscious of their danger till the moment when it over- glish revolution--Pouruoi la Rvolution d'Angeterre A-Twhelmed them. Strange to say, Guizot never acknowl- Elle Reussi? and Discours sur l'Histoire, de la Rvolution
edged either at the time or to his dying day the nature d'Ang. In February 1850 Karl Marx and Frederick Enof this error; and he speaks of himself in his memoirs as gels co-wrote a critical assessment of this two-volume
the much-enduring champion of liberal government and history.[5] In 1854 Guizot published his Histoire de la
constitutional law. He utterly fails to perceive that a more rpublique d'Angleterre et de Cromwell (2 vols., 1854),
enlarged view of the liberal destinies of France and a less then his Histoire du protectorat de Cromwell et du rtabintense condence in his own specic theory might have lissement des Stuarts (2 vols., 1856). He also published
preserved the constitutional monarchy and averted a vast an essay on Peel, and amid many essays on religion, durseries of calamities, which were in the end fatal to ev- ing the ten years 18581868, appeared the extensive Mery principle he most cherished. But with the stubborn moires pour servir l'histoire de mon temps, in nine volconviction of absolute truth he dauntlessly adhered to his umes. His speeches were included in 1863 in his Hisown doctrines to the end.
toire parlementaire de la France (5 vols. of parliamentary
speeches, 1863).


1848 and after

In the afternoon of 23 February 1848 the king summoned

his minister from the chamber, which was then sitting,
and informed him that considering the situation in Paris
and elsewhere in the country during the Banquet agitation
for electoral reform, and the alarm and division of opinion in the royal family, led him to doubt whether he could
retain Guizot as his prime minister. Guizot instantly resigned, returning to the chamber only to announce that
the administration was at an end and that the king had
sent for Louis-Mathieu Mol. Mol failed in the attempt
to form a government, and between midnight and one in
the morning Guizot, who had according to his custom retired early to rest, was again sent for to the Tuileries. The
king asked his advice. We are no longer the ministers of
your Majesty, replied Guizot; it rests with others to decide on the course to be pursued. But one thing appears
to be evident: this street riot must be put down; these
barricades must be taken; and for this purpose my opinion is that Marshal Bugeaud should be invested with full

After having resigned as Prime Minister of France, he

left politics. He was aware that the link between himself and public life was broken for ever; and he never
made the slightest attempt to renew it. The greater part
of the year he spent at his residence at Val Richer, an
Augustine monastery near Lisieux in Normandy, which
had been sold at the time of the rst Revolution. His two
daughters, who married two descendants of the illustrious
Dutch family of De Witt, so congenial in faith and manners to the Huguenots of France, kept his house. One of
his sons-in-law farmed the estate. And here Guizot devoted his later years with undiminished energy to literary
labour, which was in fact his chief means of subsistence.
Proud, independent, simple and contented he remained to
the last; and these years of retirement were perhaps the
happiest and most serene portion of his life.
Two institutions may be said even under the second empire to have retained their freedom-the Institute of France
and the Protestant Consistory. In both of these Guizot
continued to the last to take an active part. He was a
member of three of the ve academies into which the In-

stitute of France is divided. The Academy of Moral and

Political Science owed its restoration to him, and he became in 1832 one of its rst associates. The Academy
of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres elected him in 1833 as
the successor to M Dacier; and in 1836 he was chosen a
member of the Acadmie franaise, the highest literary
distinction of the country. In these learned bodies Guizot
continued for nearly forty years to take a lively interest
and to exercise a powerful inuence. He was the jealous
champion of their independence. His voice had the greatest weight in the choice of new candidates; the younger
generation of French writers never looked in vain to him
for encouragement; and his constant aim was to maintain
the dignity and purity of the profession of letters. In 1842,
he was elected a foreign member of the Royal Swedish
Academy of Sciences.


3 References

In the consistory of the Protestant church in Paris Guizot

exercised a similar inuence. His early education and his
experience of life conspired to strengthen the convictions
of a religious temperament. He remained throughout his
life a rm believer in the truths of revelation, and a volume of Mditations on the Christian Religion was one of
his latest works. But though he adhered inexibly to the
church of his fathers and combated the rationalist tendencies of the age, which seemed to threaten it with destruction, he retained not a tinge of the intolerance or asperity
of the Calvinistic creed. He respected in the Church of
Rome the faith of the majority of his countrymen; and
the writings of the great Catholic prelates, Bossuet and Franois Guizot.
Bourdaloue, were as familiar and as dear to him as those
of his own persuasion, and were commonly used by him
Unless noted with a footnote below, this article inin the daily exercises of family worship.
corporates text from a publication now in the public
In these literary pursuits and in the retirement of Val
domain: Chisholm, Hugh, ed (1911). Encyclopdia
Richer years passed smoothly and rapidly away; and as
Britannica (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press.
his grandchildren grew up around him, he began to direct their attention to the history of their country. From
The 1911 Encyclopdia Britannica, in turn, gives the folthese lessons sprang his last work, the Histoire de France
lowing references:
raconte mes petits enfants. The history came down
to 1789, and was continued to 1870 by his daughter
Guizots own Mmoires pour servir l'histoire de
Madame Guizot de Witt from her fathers notes.
mon temps (8 vols., 18581861)
Down to the summer of 1874 Guizots mental vigour
and activity were unimpaired. He died peacefully, and
Lettres de M. Guizot sa famille et ses amis (1884)
is said to have recited verses of Corneille and texts from
Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve, Causeries du lundi
Scripture on his death-bed.
(vol. 1., 1857) and Nouveaux Lundis (vols. i. and
ix., 18631872)

"You may raise the pile of calumny as high as you
like; it will never reach the height of my disdain"
(#The second Soult government)
"The spirit of revolution, the spirit of insurrection, is
a spirit radically opposed to liberty"
"Not to be a republican at 20 is proof of want of
heart; to be one at 30 is proof of want of head".[6]

E Scherer, Etudes critiques sur la littrature contemporaine (vol. iv., 1873)

Mme de Witt, Guizot dans sa famille (1880)
Jules Simon, Thiers, Guizot et Rmusat (1885);
E Faguet, Politiques et moralistes au XIXe sicle
G Bardoux, Guizot (1894) in the series of "Les
Grands Ecrivains franais"

Maurice Guizot, Les Annes de retraite de M. Guizot
For a long list of books and articles on Guizot in periodicals see HP Thime, Guide bibliographique de
la littrature franaise de 18001906 (s.c. Guizot,
Paris, 1907).
For a notice of his rst wife see Charles Augustin
Sainte-Beuve, Portraits de femmes (1884), and Ch.
de Rmusat, Critiques et tudes littraires (vol. ii.,
[1] Colburns New Monthly Magazine by E.W. Allen, 1828,
pg. 174
[2] Stanley Mellon. The July Monarchy and the Napoleonic
[3] E.L. Woodward. Three Studies in European Conservatism: Metternich: Guizot: The Catholic Church in the
Nineteenth Century. Archon Books, 1963.
[4] Patrick and Trevor Higonnet. Class, Corruption, and Politics in the French Chamber of Deputies, 18461848
[5] Collected Works of Karl Marx and Frederrick Engels: Volume 10, (International Publishers: New York, 1978) pp.
[6] See page 327 in The Yale book of quotations, Fred R.
Shapiro & Joseph Epstein, Yale University Press, 2006

External links
Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Guizot, Franois
Pierre Guillaume". Encyclopdia Britannica (11th
ed.). Cambridge University Press.
Works by Franois Guizot at Project Gutenberg
Works by or about Franois Guizot at Internet
Works by Franois Guizot at LibriVox (public domain audiobooks)
The History of the Origins of Representative Government in Europe
Condition of the July Monarchy, 18301848 at the
Modern History Sourcebook., Ocial website on Franois
Guizot on the initiative Franois Guizots descendants, containing unpublished archives.


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SchreiberBike, HIS33407SB, MaxSem on AWB wheels, Addbot, Download, Cambalachero, Equilibrium007, Lightbot, Legobot, Luckasbot, Yobot, Amirobot, WellsSouth, AnomieBOT, Ventdemer, Bob Burkhardt, Obersachsebot, Xqbot, Jayarathina, Ulf Heinsohn, Omnipaedista, , Green Cardamom, FrescoBot, D'ohBot, Winterst, Leondumontfollower, RjwilmsiBot, TjBot, EmausBot, RenamedUser01302013, ZroBot, PBS-AWB, Cracked acorns, EricWR, Alekes, DBigXray, PhnomPencil, Scoutkatie, AvocatoBot, JYBot, VIAFbot, Lekoren, KasparBot and Anonymous: 44



File:AduC_225_Mortier_(E.A.C.J.,_duc_de_Trvise,_1768-1835).JPG Source:

e/e1/AduC_225_Mortier_%28E.A.C.J.%2C_duc_de_Tr%C3%A9vise%2C_1768-1835%29.JPG License: Public domain Contributors:
Album du Centenaire; photographs by User:Havang(nl) Original artist: H. Rousseau (graphic designer), E. Thomas (engraver)
File:AduC_293_Soult_(N.J.-de-Dieu,_duc_de_Dalmatie,_1769-1854).JPG Source:
commons/6/68/AduC_293_Soult_%28N.J.-de-Dieu%2C_duc_de_Dalmatie%2C_1769-1854%29.JPG License:
Public domain
Contributors: Album du Centenaire; photographs by User:Havang(nl) Original artist: H. Rousseau (graphic designer), E. Mons (engraver)
File:De_Broglie_1843.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Hocquart, Physionomies des hommes politiques du jour, Paris, 1843. Original artist: Lacoste (graveur)
File:Flag_of_France.png Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Flag_of_France.svg Source: License: PD Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Franois_Guizot_-_Project_Gutenberg_eText_16943.jpg Source:
Fran%C3%A7ois_Guizot_-_Project_Gutenberg_eText_16943.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Franois_Pierre_Guillaume_Guizot.jpg Source:
Pierre_Guillaume_Guizot.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Original
Source: Duyckinick, Evert A. Portrait Gallery of Eminent Men and Women in Europe and America. New York: Johnson, Wilson &
Company, 1873. Original artist: Unknown
File:Guizot_1843.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Hocquart, Physionomies des hommes politiques du jour, Paris, 1843. Original artist: Lacoste (graveur)
File:Lpguizot.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original
artist: ?
File:Mol_par_Baugniet.jpg Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: Galerie des contemporains illustres, par un homme de rien, t. I, Bruxelles, 1841. Original artist: Charles
File:Pelham_Crescent,_London_15.JPG Source:
London_15.JPG License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Edwardx
File:Pelham_Crescent,_London_17.JPG Source:
London_17.JPG License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Edwardx
File:Royal_Standard_of_Louis-Philippe_I_of_France_(18301848).svg Source:
5/52/Royal_Standard_of_Louis-Philippe_I_of_France_%281830%E2%80%931848%29.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own
work based upon, [1][2][3] Original artist: TRAJAN 117
File:Speaker_Icon.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:tienne_Maurice_Grard_1773-1852.jpg Source:
Maurice_G%C3%A9rard_1773-1852.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Original artist:


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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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