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March 6, 2014
0n some societies, it is said that when a woman dies, so does the family.This statement
points to the central role that women play in all societies.
I salute you all of us on this Womens Day Celebration . I thank you for
turning up for the first time in commemorating the International Womens
I am particularly pleased that we adopted a guiding theme that is in line with
Vision 2040 and the eight objectives of the National Development Plan. All
these can only be achieved with strong partnerships between women and
men at all levels.
Our National Vision Statement is A Transformed Philippine Society from a
third level country to a Modern and Prosperous Country within 30 years. To
achieve the aspirations as stated in this Vision, we need to have the right
attitudes and mind-sets, particularly towards work, improving our
competitiveness and collective participation in its implementation.
Implementing Vision 2040 will not be merely by words but by actions at the
level of every individual and every homestead.
Our major constraints which hinder our development are mainly gender
inequalities, negative attitudes towards work, mindsets, cultural practices
and perceptions. These must be addressed in order to achieve sustainable
and equitable development. This can only be addressed through partnerships
at different levels between men and women, boys and girls as well as
partnerships between various sectors and actors in the development
In order to ensure wealth creation and prosperity for all as envisioned
building partnerships is a matter of urgency and of utmost importance. To
take one example, partnerships in small business development between men
and women is a foundation for community empowerment to enhance
marketing and competitiveness. Women constitute 51.2% of the population
with a sex ratio of 95 males per 100 females. This implies that if
development is to be fair, womens contributions in social, political and
economic spheres should not only be solicited, but should be deliberately
promoted for equitable and sustainable development.
Over the years, the Phil.Govt. has put in place mechanisms for ensuring that
women are at the centre of socio-economic transformation. The
constitutional provisions for equality and non discrimination, and all related
strategies are proof of this. Our Constitution guarantee equality between
men and women which is a good starting point for building partnerships for
development purposes.
In the health sector, government has put in place the infrastructure and
systems to deliver health services to all. The minimum health care package
takes care of maternal needs and the health infrastructure reaches all levels.
As a result of the improved health care infrastructure and system, 95% of
mothers receive antenatal care from a skilled provider, 58% of births are
assisted by a skilled provider while 54% of children are immunized.
In the Education sector, the 4 Ps of the DSWD has help the govt. the UPE
and USE programmes in sending their children, particularly girl children, to
school and this has led to increased enrolment of girl children.

Through education, training and advocacy, the number of female teachers

has increased in schools and this increase has had a strong positive impact
on girls education through attendance and completion. The presence of
women in schools also impacts positively on girls retention in school and on
their achievement. A female role model can support and encourage girls to
successfully complete their studies and maybe even continue studying to
become teachers, themselves.
At the school policy level, women teachers act as advocates for girls,
representing their perspectives and needs and promoting more girl-friendly
learning. Thus women teachers play key roles in educating and socializing
children beyond gender stereotypes and so are crucial agents of change.
In the Land Act and Mortgage Act, we have protected womens land rights as
owners and users. As a result of these good laws, currently, four in ten
(40%) of women own a house and /or land, mostly jointly with a husband.
In the energy sector, the proportion of households with access to electricity
has increased. The domino effect lead to the increase of the standard of life
for rural women particularly since it helps them save time spent on domestic
chores for more productive work.
Increased telecommunication coverage has helped women to communicate,
make money through ownership of telephone booths and also market their
produce. Between 2006 and 2011, the percentage of rural households
owning mobile phones increased more than fivefold, from 10% to 53%. In
the urban areas, the growth of 64% was registered in the same period. The
introduction of mobile money or cell phones services has further improved
businesses through availing financial services more efficiently.
The government has put major focus on infrastructure development by
constructing farm to market road which enable women to access not only to
local markets, but also to hospitals and schools.
In the agricultural sector, loans has been extended especially the Typhoon
Yolanda affected area to ensure that women benefit.
Allow me to address to the vices of violence against women and girls which
are not only applicable to the Phil. But also to the whole world as well.
Violence against women disempowers women but also impoverishes families,
and the perpetrators who rape women and corrupt young girls on the lure of
wealth need a strong partnerships at community level to enforce these laws
in order to have peace at family level.
Men are called to partner with women in order to increase access to the
available government services. We need to build partnerships to enhance
access and utilization of the available health services. Both access and
utilization of health services is a sensitive matter at family level where
dialogue, consensus and partnerships are crucial. To take one example, the
effectiveness of reproductive health services including family planning , as
well as HIV/AIDS prevention and care services require consent of a couple.
In the education sector, I am calling upon all parents to ensure that the work
done at family level is shared between boy and girl children. This is done in
the traditional families. Boys dig in the garden, look after cattle and goats
while the girls care for siblings, fetch water and firewood as well as
cooking.The traditional home in the areas fairly distribute the work between
boys and girls. The discrimination comes with school completion. When a

choice is to be made as to who should continue with education or not, it is

the girl who is normally the victim. This must stop.
The key to prosperity is participating in the four economic sectors:
commercial agriculture, industry, services and Information communication
technology (ICT). This is apart from the public service where the women are
active already. Any training formal or informal that does not lead to a
woman joining one of these five is a waste of time. How will she live? How
will she support her family? Modern needs are money and food needs. All
focus must be on these 5: commercial agriculture, industry, services, ICT or
public service.
In order to attain a transformed Phil. society from a third world counry to a
modern and prosperous country as stated in the vision, we need to enhance
socio-economic empowerment and reduce household poverty. To achieve
this, we need to promote partnerships between women and men through
mobilizing them to participate in government programmes at all levels.
Mobilizers should encourage women to participate and engage in income
generating activities in their communities and mentoring programmes should
be established for knowledge sharing and skills development.
I challenge all leaders to seriously consider the role of men in achieving
gender equality. To this end, it is important to note that gender equality does
not mean women ruling over men, but it rather guarantees a level playing
field absent of all forms of discrimination that prevail against women.
I extend my best wishes to you all for a Happy Womens Day, and call upon
all women and men of this institution to work together in partnership in
order to address the challenge of poverty and move this nation into a
transformed and prosperous era as well as Palompon Institute Technology ,
Tabango Campus onwards to full development by opening more curricular
programs with the cooperation of everybody, males and females.

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