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This survey is intended to give the researcher information on the teacher

trainees personal perceptions towards graphic novels



1 / 2 / 3

A Teacher trainees reading habit

1. Do you enjoy reading?
2. If yes, what kinds of reading do you like to do? (You may tick more than
a. newspapers

b. magazines

c. novels
Please state types of novel (mystery, science-fiction, horror, romance,
d. online reading materials

e. others (please state) :__________________________________________

B Teacher trainees perceptions towards graphic novels

1. What do you understand by the term graphic novel?
A type of reading material that incorporates the use of graphic as an
aid to enhance the readers comprehension regarding the story.


2. When was the first time you read a graphic novel?

Form 5. The Pearl by John Steinbeck.
3. Do you enjoy reading graphic novels?
Yes / No

If yes, what are the elements of a graphic novel that you like?
(you may tick more than one)
a. Linear narrative
b. Illustrations and images

c. Word balloons
d. Others:___________________________________________________

If no, why?

4. Do you prefer graphic novels to traditional text? Why?

Yes, because it makes the reading experience becomes more exciting
and real to the reader. Sometimes things or object being discussed in
the story does not exist in the readers country. Therefore, it makes it
difficult for the readers to imagine the situation faced by the characters
in the story. For instance, coyote is being discussed in the novel, The
Pearl by Johnsteinbeck. Coyote does not exist in Malaysia. Readers in
Malaysia need to surf the internet to see that animal to understand
how fierce the animals are. For weak reader, they may end up stop
reading the story when they unable to imagine the characteristics of
that animal. They feel that the story is difficult to be understood and
require a lot of thinking.
5. How do you make sense of a graphic novel? What do you think is more
important: graphic images, word balloons or a combination of both?
Please explain.
Both are important. Graphic images chosen helps in aiding the reader
in understanding the story better. The word balloon helps the reader to
capture the gist of each scene. Some people feel that reading long text
is tiresome and stressful. Reading short and simple text helps the
reader to enjoy the story better. They feel relax because they does not
have to rush to finish their reading.


C Questions on Teaching Graphic Novels

1. Have you been taught how to read and how to teach reading graphic
novels in
the Language Arts class in our TESL Degree Programme?
2. Have you ever taught your pupils to read graphic novels during any of
practicum? If yes, name the year of the pupil (year 4 or year 5) and the
No. I had taught Year 3 and currently teaching Year 2.
3. Before you introduced the prescribed graphic novel to your pupils, how
of your pupils do you think would have read graphic novels(of different

4. What was their reaction when they were asked to read the graphic

5. Did you ask your pupils how they felt about the graphic novel (without
them)? If you did, how did the pupils respond to your question?

6. When you first asked the pupils to read the graphic novel, did they
know how to
read them?

7. Do you explain the features of the graphic novel (ie. Frame, panel,
gutter etc) to
your pupils?
Yes / No


i. If yes, why do you think it is necessary to explain the features to your


ii. If no, why?

8. Do you think your pupils enjoy reading and learning the graphic novel?
Yes / No. Why?

9. Do you enjoy teaching graphic novels to your pupils?

Yes / No. Why?

10. Do you make use of the teacher module in teaching the graphic novel?
Yes / No

If yes, in what way does the module help?


If no, why?

11. What are the challenges that you face in teaching graphic novels?

12. In your opinion, are graphic novels a good choice of genre for primary
Yes / No. Why?
Yes. It creates a kind of excitement in reading the novel. Pupils gain
better understanding about the story by looking at the images while
reading the novel. Besides, it helps the reader to memorise the
story better. It provides the pupils with the mental picture about the

story. Pupils will be able to recall the incidents that happened in the
story by visualising the pictures that they have seen while reading
the story. Thus, it helps pupils to perform better in the examination
because they are able to memorise the story well.

Thank you for taking the time to complete the research questions.
Please kindly return the questionnaires to this email address:


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