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Hindus are on the Hit List

If you are a Christian, dont read this. You might feel ashamed of your communitys leaders. If you are a
journalist, read it only if you have an open mind and your pocket is not lined by NGO and similar funds. If
you are a Hindu, you must read it. You must know that you are on the Hit List.
A senior Delhi Police official told me a recently What you are seeing is only a tip of the iceberg. None of
us can really fathom the money and resources put behind this so called attack propaganda. All I will say is
that something very ugly is taking shape and Modi has an uphill task as many vested interests feel
threatened with India seeming to be growing stronger under his leadership. [Emphasis added]
Here is a Christian, Robert Rosario, who will never get invited to fear mongering TV debates that are
part of the concerted church agenda to create communal discord and target Hindus. Yes Hindus are
on the Hit List.
This is what Robert has to say How much Indian is the church in India? This is a serious question that needs
to be asked given the turn of events unfolding every day. The cry of victimhood on one hand, and on the
other the bishop claiming that we are Indians and the Government of India should ensure our safety. This
gives an impression that true Indian Christians are being targeted systematically, which is not a fact.
On the contrary,the church in India is very much unpatriotic and also teaches and preaches the same to
its flock. The Church condemns democracy and practices hierarchy.The Bishop appointed by the
Roman pontiff claims to be the representative of Indian Christians. Over and above that,the bishops of
India owe allegiance to the Nuncio the ambassador of Vatican to India, and pledge to obey him.
Nuncio enjoys Government of India privileges till date. He is neither elected or nominated by Indian
Christians. Yet the Nunciohas the audacity to attack the elected government of India on silly instances and
imaginary threat perception.
He is not the only one. Watch these two videos here: 1and 2. Do a cursory research on the Internet to know
the filth these conversion factories are indulging in.
It is a fact that missionaries ask Hindus to spit on pictures of their gods, stamp on them with their feet
to prove that Jesus is the only God. They teach Hindus to hate everything remotely connected with
Hinduism, not enter their homes, not to eat with them or wear Indian clothes as that is the only way they
can be true followers of the Religion of Love.
These sellers of Jesus use threat, intimidation, violence, hate, bribes in fact, every imaginable dirty trick in
the book to convert Hindus. But a GharWapsi makes the CBCI (Catholic Bishops Conference of India) say
Christians are under attack ever since the Modi government has taken over.
Ghar Wapsi is creating a negative image about India, is posing a threat to all Minorities, as it is an attempt
to communally polarise and a bid to homogenise India and so Christians need assurance from the
Government that they are safe in their motherland.
So the logical question arises: are these Christians behaving like its their motherland? Or are they
treating India as the largest unreached mass of people just like a manufacturer targeting his market?

In the video above, this guy says that even Pepsi and Coke have done a better job of marketing than the
Church in marketing the Gospel. Are we talking religion or are we talking brands? Is Jesus a corporate logo?
Secular pastors call 300 million Hindus demonic and Hinduism satanic. Demography is changing in most
border states. In a matter of a few decades, 80 per cent of Nagaland became Christian. These same secular,
Christian people behaved like a mob and marched in Dimapur, many in school uniforms, to deliver justice
to one they believed was a rapist. Secular murder?
Its now pertinent to recall the case of State vs Catholic Popes Francis Bergogli et al in which the Chief
Prosecutor said, The Catholic Church is the worlds largest corporation and appears to be in collusion
with the mafia, governments, police and courts worldwide.

Indian Christians need to look within

The CBCI claims that Christians are under attack since Modi took over, which is an utter lie. The
Evangelical Fellowship of India, in its recently published Persecution Report 2014says, Violence against
Christians picked up in independent India in the early 1990s reaching its peak in 20082009 with more than
1,000 incidents of violence and hate crimes reported against the Christian community.
But then, out of the blue, and a paragraph later, as if on cue, the report says Much of the violence has taken
place after the new government of the National Democratic alliance headed by the Prime Minister, Mr.
Narendra Modi, came into power on 26 May, 2014.
I read the report and couldnt figure the Modi connection, although throughout the report they
liberally blamed him, the RSS and Hindutva. I challenge anyone to show me a case of institutionalized
persecution of Christians in India.
The Niyogi Committee Report of 1956 held the activities of Christian missionaries and conversions to be a
threat to the Indian state. Later, through the 60s and 70s, many restrictions were put on them by the then
Government. Missionaries were asked to leave the country, visas were cancelled, bills on Religious Freedom
were passed, and for a while, the conversion business went into a slump as CBCI (Catholic Bishops
Conference of India) faced enormous flak. The tainted track record of Christian evangelists is nothing new.
So, is that why a storm broke out over Mohan Bhagwats justified criticism of Mother Teresa?
In fact, the events unfolding in India are a mere manifestation of a global design. With not all, but most of
the traditional missionaries gone since the 70s, today the Indian Missionary Movement is Hot as per Dr.
Timothy Tenet from Asbury Theological Seminary who himself has trained many in India for this
movement.Per him,there are over 50,000 Indian missionary workers mainly from South India who are
travelling up north to spread the gospel.
South India has already converted well. And due to their amazing work, he estimates that over 100 million
in India will be Christians in this generation. He bluntly tells evangelists, in this video, how to work, train,
plan, resource and discipline countries like India and China, which constitute one third of the world
population. Now China is not easy to deal with, and unlike India, the Nuncio in China does not report to
the Vatican but to the Communist Party. So that leaves India as the ripe target.
The conversion business plan for Asia in this millennium is ready with funds, charts, training schools,
translations of scriptures, workers and the plan has been well articulated by many.

More than a traditional religious war,its a geo-political-cultural war by a well-funded and well-armed
worldwide missionary network. There has been a sharp decline in the number of church faithfuls across
Europe and America. Many lonely churches are being converted to bars, showrooms and museums. This is a
huge threat and the church desperately needs the numbers in this survival game.
Yoga and Ayurveda have been giving the Vatican sleepless nights, what with many priests/churches in
Europe and US declaring Yoga as Satanic and warning Christians to stay away from it. The only continent
left where natives havent converted to either Christianity or Islam in a big way is Asia. Now the church
wont dare go into the muslim dominated countries, would it?

But Father, where is the Proof?

Seriously, Father, I cant see it, I cant see these attacks against Christians and Churches in India Father.
Do you realize this behavior of yours is changing Indias view of the average patriotic Indian
So what is making well-informed people like Admiral Isaac, Valson Thampu, the principal of St
Stephens, the top cop Julio Rebeiro, the principal of Sophias College and others in red, purple, black
and white skulls caps lie and foment hate?
To answer this, lets try and understand how this Church Agenda of crying wolf, played out in the last couple
of months.
The Catholic Church is the worlds largest corporation and appears to be in collusion with the mafia,
governments, police and courts worldwide.
Three roadside drunkards over a mid-night bet enter a Church in Delhis Vikaspuri to steal a petty thing or
two. At 8:30 the next morning, a news channel gets the sound bytes:Father, what happened? A gasping
father says, Our Church was attacked! This is the fifth Church in six months. There is a pattern to these
attacks since Modi took over as PM. Hindu extremist elements are behind this. The reporter: But father
how can you be so sure, without an inquiry? Father: I know it!. Of course the Father would know
In 2009, seven Christians attacked a church in Mangalore and planted Saffron flags to defame the Hindus. Of
course he would know it. I mean how else do you explain I know it?
This is the same reasoning that is at the core of the doctrine of Christianity and Islam: Mine is the only
true religion. And I know it. Go figure which one really is, but please ask no questions.
Recently, almost all of the 436 mosques in the Central African Republic have been destroyed, in months of
vicious fighting between Christians and Muslims to settle that question.
As per Delhi cop CP Bassi, the attacks on the five churches and one Christian school were not communal
attacks but stray cases of petty thefts, robberya Christmas tree caught fire in the Rohini church due to a
short circuit, and in Jasola church, the window broke when a kids ball accidentally hit it.

Meanwhile 206 Temples, 30 Gurdwaras, and 14 Mosques were

vandalized in Delhi in 2014. And 14 Temples, 5 Gurdwaras, 2
Mosques and 1 Church in 2015 till 2Feb. But ask those who wear
skull caps and you will be told that Temples are never vandalized or
desecrated only Churches are, so Hindus need to be tolerant.
Father Dominic Emmanuel, in an interview to Rediff played victim:
The rhetoric of the right wing is creating such a situation. FIRs have
been filed and the police are investigating the cases. But, we are not
happy because they are calling it a robbery in spite of the fact that all the moneyboxes are intact. They are
not calling it desecration. They are not calling it communal. They never do thatChristians dont matter.
Our Christmas doesnt matter. You see, unless the police toes Father Goebbels line, nothing can satisfy
Laterhe said, We are feeling very helpless and insecure. Why are we being attacked? The same day Sister
Lucy, Principal of Holy Child Auxilium said, The school was not vandalized. No religious symbol touched.
Rs.8000 were stolen. CCTV cameras were off. No communal angle.For some, the agenda is set.
5 February, 9.30 am: Word about a protest had already spread via social media with several event pages on
FB and Twitter hashtags like #stopacttacksonchurchesand #stopattackingchurches. Frothing and fuming
churches all over India blamed Hindus and Modi. Padres appealed to Christians to vote for Arvind Kejriwal.
A WhatsApp message by Father Lourduswamy (6B)to his congregation read
Ever since the BJP has come to power, there is insecurity among minorities, especially the Christians It
may become difficult for us to practice our faith freely. Please make sure to make the right choice to elect a
right Government
And, as Tareq Bukhari confirmed, Imam Bukhari declared support to AAP in Jama Masjid during Friday
And as if in unison, Barack Obama contributed his bit to the Delhi elections saying Acts of religious
intolerance(in India)..would have shamed Gandhi; this when many American Presidents could be booked
for gross crimes against humanity. In 2012 alone, the US had a whopping 293,790 hate crimes, 30,252
property hate-crimes and 263,540 violent hate-crimes (7). So while the U.S. funds Pakistan to unleash
Jihadi terrorism and funds Christian Conversion factories to unleash religious extremism on India, Hindus
need to be tolerant.
We all know of Hillary Clintons Get Modi policy thanks to this brilliant piece by Madhav Nalapat.
Clearly its not Christians but Christian missionaries, NGOs and their illegal activities that are under threat
from Modi. So while Obama was under pressure from his Evangelical Theocrats to pressurize the Modi
Government into stalling the Anti-Conversion Law, it was amusing to see Christian and Muslim clergy
orgasming over Obamas ill-informed sermon to Hindus. Of course, Hindus need to be tolerant.
Long story short, none of the churches were attacked under the Modigovernment. From the PM to the HM
to the HRD Minister,everyone personally assured and took steps to ensure the safety of the Christian
community. The clairvoyant Archbishop Anil JT Couto whose miraculous third eye saw a clear pattern of
orchestrated attacks of churches where they were none, later rejoiced at AAPs victory or should I say BJPs
defeat? Well, thankfully the church non-attacks and the Delhi elections are over. So lets move to other
stateswhile remaining tolerant.

The Sangh Parivar enjoys raping septuagenarian nuns

Ranaghat, where the septuagenarian Nun was allegedly raped, falls under the Nadia District in West Bengal.
Many localities around Ranaghat, like Begopara are mostly inhabited by Christian converts. Nadia
also has a Muslim population of 25.4 per cent, higher than the national average.
As per National Crime Records Bureau data of 2012, West Bengal tops the charts for crimes against women
and Nadia (146) gets the third highest position in number of rapes after South 24-Parganas (224) and
Murshidabad (174). As per a Home Ministry report, there are 5.2 million Bangladeshis illegally staying in
India. In West Bengal alone, there are a staggering 3.2 million. Nadia borders with Bangladesh and crime
in that area is rampant.
The Nuns alleged rape case is a murky story. Some news reports
stated that the land Mafia was involved, others said As per
church sources, she has been asked to leave Ranaghat and keep
quiet, as the culprits belong to same community as hers. Some
said she wasnt raped at all since the police, West Bengal
Government or the church are yet to publish her medical
bulletinand so on.
But as per the police, some Muslims from Bangladesh living
illegally in India have now been arrested. The police suspects a
church insider is involved in this case.
But for top cops like Julio Ribeiro and hate fomenting clerics, it was an open and shut case. They
proclaimed, on cue, that the Sangh Parivar rapes septuagenarian nuns. It is as if they are waiting to
read out a photocopied allegation every time such an incident happens.

Serial Crimes of the Clergy

The same church went deafeningly silent when a clergyman in West Bengal was recently caught for
repeatedly raping a 16-year-old girl for over a month in a rehabilitation home. This is the same church,
whose priests and spokies were the first to brutally character assassinate a 14 year old girl when the serial
rapist Father Falcao from Pune, was finally caught. The same church whose priest in Andhra, after raping,
burnt alive a minor girlwhen she threatened to inform her parents. The same church whose pastor repeatedly
raped a 13 year old in a childrens homein Guntur. The same church whose pastor and two sons,gang
rapedtwo minors for six long months. And the same church has ostracized, bribed, threatened and killed
Sisters for speaking against sexual crimes committed by the church.
Rape and pedophilia within the church have taken such horrific epidemic form across continents that
finally, even the UN was forced to slam the Vatican in its reportstating that the Vaticans policies allowed
priests to rape. Pope Francis told the BBC in 2014 There are cases (of pedophilia/rape by priests) in
almost every institution in this land. One in 50 Catholic priests is a pedophile. Ofcourse, later,he too
was found guilty of rape, torture, murder and trafficking of children. So Im guessing the percentage is much
And what about the three Melbourne Churches set ablaze in as many days? Were they also the handiwork of
RSS and Hindutva forces? A report on these fires in, dated 2 April 2015, details a gory history
of sexual abuse inflicted on scores of children by notorious paedophile priests for decades.

Under these circumstances, naturally, the first suspect would be the church. Also because the nun was
allegedly raped within their premises. Her security was their responsibility. Alas, the proverbial pot calls the
kettle black, accusing millions of Hindus under the guidance of Prime Minister Modi, to be potential rapists
and communal goons.
That morning when the news broke, my jaw fell hearing some of the communal hatred, provocative lies
and open threats being spewed by none less than the Archbishop, the Cardinal, Minority
Commissions Maria Fernandez and other Christian activists.

Why has Indias Minority declared war on the Majority?

1. Cardinal Cleem is in a Machiavellian exercise par excellence said The country has a responsibility
towards every human being, not just cows. In all his religious finery, he not only mocked the Cow, a symbol
of Hindu faith, but also politicized a human tragedy like rape when he implied that Cows, not Nuns are safe
in India. Further he warned India this is bad for Indias image globally and bad for the economy. Of
courseIndias image is not the churchs responsibility and he has freedom to indulge in baseless
propaganda by the grace of Jesus.
2. Listen also to Sister Ananda, principal of Sophias College who compared India under Modi to the Nazi
Holocaust on NDTV. She politely forgot to tell us that it was Christians who killed Jews. She forgot to
tell us that a Catholic Hitler supported by the Catholic Church was responsible for the Nazi
Since this Ananda lady likes to mislead, let me remind her that the Nazi Holocaust was not the only one the
Catholic Church was involved in. Remember the Canadian Holocaust? A deliberate extermination of
indigenous people, murder of thousands of children in Indian Residential Schools by the Church? Here are
some excerpts of the case:
Children were regularly kidnapped, raped, tortured and murdered by the Vatican-directed Ninth Circle
Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult according to over 60 eyewitnesses who since 2011, have testified before the
ICLCJ Court. Cardinal Lacroix was a member of Catholic Archbishop Bernard Fellays notorious St. Pius X
Society. The SSPX, a Catholic cult connected to the Ndrangheta crime syndicate, remained in negotiations
with Pope Francis to be readmitted into the Roman Catholic Church.
Documents from Vatican secret archives presented to court clearly indicate that for centuries the Jesuits
had a premeditated plan to ritually murder kidnapped newborn babies and then consume their blood, the
ICLCJ Court Chief Prosecutor told the five international judges and 27 jury members. The plan was born of
a twisted notion to derive spiritual power from the lifeblood of the innocent, thereby assuring political
stability of the Papacy in Rome. These acts are not only genocidal but systemic and institutionalized in
nature. Since at least 1773, they appear to have been performed by the Roman Catholic Church, Jesuits and
every Pope.
Arrest warrants on People v. Bergoglio et all were issued on July 19 2014. Court records would remain
sealed for now according to yesterdays ITCCS press release. The first ICLCJ Court regarded 50,000
missing Canadian native children and ended in Feb. 2013 guilty verdicts for 40 global elites including
Queen Elizabeth.
3. What prompted Admiral Sushil Kumar Isaac, who was made Chief of Navy Staff during the previous
BJP led NDA Government, to make such irresponsible statements, play the Christian persecution card, and
shamelessly cast aspersions on the Armed forces? Even 1984 or 1992 couldnt shake the secular armed

forces, but a few stray crimes according to the former Admiral will make the communal virus permeate the
forces. In 1984, some Sikhs in the Army rebelled but they were quickly disciplined. Admiral Isaac has
retired from the Navy but has he also retired from his professed nationalism? Or is he speaking at someones
4. Even the Supreme Court was not spared of the sordid communal angle. Justice Kurian Joseph, objected
to the Chief Justices Conference being organized on Good Friday claiming that holding this conference on a
national holiday like Good Friday could result in marring the nations secular fabric.
The Chief Justice of India explained to Justice Kurian that the Conference is scheduled on Holidays because
the CJI and his two senior most colleagues and 24 Chief Justices of high courts will be free from regular
court work and be able to contribute to the cause of judiciary. In 2007, we had the judges conference on the
day of Good Friday and in 2009 it was held on the Independence Day, which is a national holiday. In 2004,
it was held on Valmiki Day.
Speaking to Live Law, former Supreme Court Judge Justice K.T.Thomas said that there is nothing wrong in
conducting the Conference on Good Friday. There is only one Christian (HC) Chief Justice in India at
present. I talked to him. He told me that there is no inconvenience for him to attend the Conference , because
he can attend the church service either in the morning or in the evening.. In USA, where the Christian
population is 98%, Good Friday is not a holiday. Yet sadly Kurian continued to play hurt.
5. Christian MPs coming together in a joint front condemn BJP for the increase in attacks since BJP
Government reported Times of India. Muslim leaders joined the hate chorusand another journalist called the
rape an act of terrorism supported by Mr. Mohan Bhagwat. No stone was left unturned to instigate communal
violence. But then in no other country does the media work as perspicuously to demonize its majority,
even when every shred of evidence and investigation says that this has nothing to do with Hindus.
6. If this wasnt enough, the focus of this Good Friday was
persecution as declared by Catholic Secular Forum (CSF) and
Christian Thought Leader Dennis Taraporewale plumbed (he
has since deleted his tweet pic) to filthier depths by communalising a
case of voyeurism. As per Financial Express, Union Minister Smriti
Irani raised an alarm after she spotted a hidden camera at Goas
Fabindia outlet that was pointed towards the trial room she used
while trying out clothes, which led to a case of voyeurism being filed
and arrest of four employees. The Goa Crime branch SP Kashyap and
the Goa MLA Lobo confirmed When we went through the hard disk
and computer to check the recordings we saw everything. All things were getting recorded over there when
anybody was changing clothes. From the level of stomach till above everything was getting recorded. This is
mischief Somebody has been watching the recording.
But you see for the Christian Thought Leader it was a case of Christian FabIndia attacked by Hindu
BJP in Fascist Goa on Good Friday.

A Ghar Wapsi that never happened

The Uttar Pradesh Minority Commissions 2 February report concluded that the Agra Ghar Wapsi where 200
muslims were converted, for which the opposition stalled the parliament, turned out to be a Ghar Wapsi
which never happened. No conversion has taken place in Madhu Nagar on 8 December2014. The people
living there are still Muslims and are following Islamic culture and religion said Shafi Azmi, spokesperson

of the Commission. I fail to understand how the custodians of the Christian Conversion factories, create a
hullabaloo over Ghar Wapsi. Isnt conversion legal in India? Then where is the issue? Mr Ribeiro is no
stranger to that, is he?
Yet top cop Julio Rebeiro played victim claiming he is on a hit list because of Ghar Wapsi and RSS Chief
Mohan Bhagwats statement on Mother Teresa. What did Mr Bhagwat say? People like Mother Teresa did
good work and service. But the aim was to convert the poor to Christianity. This kind of service is devalued
if conversions are done in the name of service or work,, he said. Was Ribeiro sleeping when, from Sita
Ram Goel to Christopher Hitchens and thousands in-between said the same about the Albanian nun he
calls Saint?The Pope claims the same about the Church: The principal mission of the church is
evangelisationThe best way to practise charity is to evangelise. So, MrRibeiro, either Teresa did not
follow the basic principles of the church or are you charging the Pope with putting you on a hit list?
One may or may not like him, but Mr. Mohan Bhagwat runs amongst the largest social organizations in the
world with lakhs of members, who work in 54,000 villages, with 1,38,667service projects, but does not
evangelise as he doesnt feel the need to do so. Yet he is attacked and vilified on a weekly basis thanks to
self-loathing Indians. For him, its water off the ducks back.
Mr. Ribeiro speaks of Hindu Rashtra in a denigrating manner. He says he is threatened by those who
promote Hindu Rashtra. Well, with a 80% Hindu population, India by default is a Hindu Rashtra. And it is
only because its a Hindu Rashtra that he, despite belonging to a minority, became a top cop, not likely in a
pure Christian country. And he forgets that he inherited the parampara of persecution mania from the
Catholic Church, as his forefathers were born through this persecution, not by Hindus but the Invaders who
converted them from Hinduism.
Another Indian Catholic Mrs Hilda Raja (22A) asks Ribeiro We are scandalized by Ghar Vapsi. What
about the Inquisitions held in India in Goa. With so much of baggage how can we point a finger to
others and then pretend that we are being victimized and discriminated?
The baseless hate propaganda against RSS is nothing new. For example, The South India Church of Christ
Mission had on 16th May 2014 declared in its letter to supporters :The RSS has won control of the
Central Government through its political party, the BJP.God has made His will known today. We
are now beginning the time of the Second Great Persecution of Christs church in India this century.
The goal once again will be to make India Christian freeThe RSS is the Indian branch of Hitlers
Nazi PartyThey are ruthless and driven with a Satanic energy.

Lies, damn lies and media mischief

In the meantime, bricks were hurled at a church in Mangalore, and everyone screamed Hindutva. However,
it turned out to be the handiwork of a disgruntled Christian ex-employee.
Similarly in the Panvel church, an incident of minor stone pelting turned out to be an act ofrevenge, as the
accused believed that the Church had complained against their gambling den, which led the police to raid it.
ButMumbai Archbishop Oswald Gracias who continued with his alarmist rhetoric even after the arrest,
probably maintains to the day that the church complained against a gambling den run by Hindutva Forces
under the leadership of Mr. Narendra Modi.
Of course, this is not the first time the Church lobby in India has cried wolf. In 2014, Hindu organizations
were accused of murdering Priest KJ Thomas. It turned out to be an insiders job where three other
priests were involved.

Again in 2014, the cross in a Vile Parle Church was desecrated. This one turned out to be the work of a
Christian named Agnelo Pereira who did it in a drunken state.
Mangalore, 2009 was the same refrain: Our church has been vandalized. Hindus have done it.But the fact
seven Christians had vandalized and planted saffron flags to defame Hindus.
Hindus were also blamed in Jhabua MP, 1999, when four nuns were raped. As it turned out, all the 12 rapists
were Christians.
And so, the game goes on, with everything given a communal colour and the final blameinvariably, in every
single sickening instance, pinned on Hindus.

India must wake up and now

Well, the UPA had its advantages and I could give you a host of numbers to back my claim. I could tell you
of the explosion in conversions in Arunachal Pradesh or (undivided) Andhra Pradesh. I could also tell you
how the landscape of Tamilnadu has changed within a decade as new churches have sprung up across the
But why do that when I can quote none other than John Dayal who has given a litany of anti-Hindu
testimonies in Washington over decades. Here, he himself admits to illegal conversions:
More Christians in India than officially counted. The official Census is not the best guide to the number of
Christians in India. Anyway, the desegregated Census data on the religion-wise composition of the
population is not available after 2001 because the Indian government feels the disclosure of such
information will ignite and inflame passions in a society deeply divided in faith and belief identities.No
one believed the official figures (2001 Census) that Christians constituted just 2.3 percent of the population.
The Catholic Church, Protestant groups and particularly the Pentecostal churches collectively claim a total
figure that may be two or three times the official Census numbers.
Statisticians Todd Johnson and Kenneth Ross estimate that Indias Christians constitute 4.8 percent of the
population at 58 million, a figure accepted by some academicians such as Chad Bauman, Vice President of
the Society for Hindu-Christian Studies in the United States. Jason Mandryk puts the figure even higher, at
71 million, or 5.84 percent of the population, and reports that others estimate it as high as 9 percent.
The Indian Christian population is unevenly distributed. In some states and districts the Christian population
is negligible, whereas in others Christians predominate. In the South, Christians constitute 35.5 percent of
the population of Kerala, and 19 percent of the population of Tamil Nadu. But the biggest concentration is in
the culturally and ethnically distinct small Northeastern states of Nagaland, Meghalaya, and Mizoram.
It is high time Hindus and India woke up to this menace of evangelism that has spread across the nation like
cancer. Stories of Christian victimhood are just that: stories with no facts or truth to them. Powerful sections
in the government, bureaucracy, academia, intelligentsia and media have been cultivated over decades and
activated at will whenever Hindus raise their voice and protest against evangelism which is a threat to
national security.
If anything, Hindus are on the Evangelical hit list. And this faux Christian persecution story does not end


5. Truth behind Delhi Attacks :
6. Report on church attacks
6B. Church tells followers not to vote for BJP
11. WB 16 year raped by a clergyman for 30 days

19. Pope Francis found guilty of rape, murder, child-trafficking

20. Child Sacrifices tied to Vatican, Mafia, Canadian PM Stephen Harper Child
20A. Justice Kurien Joseph
21. GharWapsi
22. Julio Rebeiro writes he is on the hit list
22A. Letter to Rebeiro by Hilda Raja
23. RSS hatred by South India Church
24. Mangaluru Church ATTACK case. Disgruntled ex-employee.
25. Panvel attack. A case of revenge.
26. KJ Thomas murder
27. Vile Parle attack
28. Seven Arrested for Damaging Church Property All Christians.
29. Jhabua rape case
30. John Dayal
Sumedha Sarvadaman
Sumedha is a designer and writer and a strong nationalist who doesnt believe in being a bystander or a

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