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1 The British & The Isles

a) The Home Office has now announced that a new version of the
UK citizenship test will have more questions on British culture,
history and traditions 2013
b) the old test was too focused on access to welfare provision, such as
free prescriptions, free legal advice, free healthcare and free training
c) PROMS: 2011: Viking with union Jack, poppy, shamrock, daffodil
d) The Proms koncerty promenadowe muzyki klasycznej,
zorganizowane po raz pierwszy w 1895 roku. Od r. 1927 z krtk
przerw organizowane przez BBC, obecnie w Royal Albert
Hall w Londynie
e) Proms jest nie tylko festiwalem muzyki powanej, ale te witem
sztuki i dobrem narodowym Anglikw stanowic przejaw
wyspiarskiego stylu ycia. Koncertw Proms suchaj dziesitki
tysicy ludzi, nie tylko mionicy muzyki klasycznej. Dotyczy to
szczeglnie finau, znanego jako The Last Night of the Proms,
bdcego okazj do manifestowania uczu patriotycznych i
przywizania do wsplnoty. Proms wywar znaczcy wpyw na kultur
muzyczn wiata, poniewa by pierwszym demokratycznym
festiwalem w historii, przeznaczonym od pocztku dla wszystkich
chccych w nim uczestniczy, bez wzgldu na status spoeczny czy
materialny. Stanowi poczenie masowoci (dua ilo uczestnikw,
transmisje radiowe i telewizyjne BBC) z dbaoci o najwyszy
poziom artystyczny[1].
f) 2012: training suit

2. The Monarchy
a) Powers of the queen

honours and appointsments: confer peerages other honours

Parliament: summon & dissolves the Parliament, open & closes

sessions (speech from the throne), Royal assent for a bill,

Justice: pardon and show mercy, shes immune (but her family is

Privy Council (The Privy Council therefore deals with a wide variety
of matters, including university statutes,[77] graveyards,[78] coinage,
and dates of bank holidays.[60]): approves orders-in-council,

b) gender equality approved (succession): lift the ban on anyone in the

line of succession marrying a Catholic and no longer Descendants of King
George II need the monarch's consent to marry
c) Christmas message: Reconciliation WWI (ceramic Poppies at the Tower
of London), Glasglow commonwealth games, referendum,

3) Law and Judicary

a) Consitution and Monarchy

Entry to the EU 1973 & devolution 1998-1999 impacted constitution

No clear separation of powers

Constitutional monarchy (also: parliamentary system): house of

lords, commons + queen are the legistlature

Executie mainly house of commons (Acts of Parliament <their

policies passed through the Parliament)

Supreme COuts the highest Court of Appeal

Queen head of all three branches

Constitution: Acts of Parliament, common law (judge-made case

law), conventions, ancient documents, EU law (now more important
than British Law, 775% of the law in Britain is EU)

Devolution: Scotlands new building in 1999

UK parliament still has right to abolish the Scottish Pariament, the

Welash and Northern Irish assemblies, to withdraw from the UK

Human right act 1998, Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Labour)

Government criticized for appertain gon too many unaccountable


Both criticized & praised for its flexibility

b) Courts & Judicary


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