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Fenugreek is a herb commonly found growing in the Mediterranean

regions of the world.
The other names of Fenugreek are Alholva, Birdsfoot, Bockshornklee,
Bockshornsame, Chandrika, Egypt fenugreek, Fenogreko, fenugrec,
foenugraeci semen, foenugreek, greek clover, greek hay, greek
hayseed, Hu Lu Ba, Venthi yajn, medhika, methica, senegrain,
senegre, trigonella, trigo, etc.
Fenugreek is believed to have been brought into cultivation in the
Near East. Charred fenugreek seeds have been recovered from Tel
Halal, Iraq carbon-dated to 4000 BC and Bronze Age levels of
Lachish and desiccated seeds from the tomb of Tutankhamen.
Major fenugreek producing countries are Afhganistan, Pakistan,
India, Iran, Nepal, Bangladesh, Argentina, Egypt, France, Spain,
Turkey and Morocco. The largest producer is India, where the major
producing states are Rajasthan, Gujrat, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh,
Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Haryana and Punjab. Rajasthan
accounts for over 80% of Indias output.
Fenugreek is an annual plant in the family Fabaceae.
Scientific classification includes:
Binominal name:

T. Foenum-graecum
Trigonella foenum graecum

Fenugreek (also called Methi in Ayurveda) features greyish green

toothed leaves consisting of three small obovate to obolong leaflets
and pale yellow or whitish flowers that develop into seed pods. The
yellow brown seeds within are dried to produce the spice.
While the seeds and leaves are primarily used as a culinary spice,
given its very distinctive and slightly bitter taste, fenugreek may not
be a popular spice in world cuisine, but therapeutically, its
properties are unquestioned. It is cultivated worldwide as a semi-

arid crop and its seeds are a common ingredient in dishes from the
Indian subcontinent. It is also used to treat a variety of health
problems in Egypt, Greece, Italy, South Asia and Libya.
Fenugreek has been used in traditional Chinese medicine.
In India and China it has been used to treat Arthritis, asthma,
bronchitis, improve digestion, maintain a healthy metabolism,
increase libido and male potency, cure skin problems (wounds,
rashes and boils), treat sore throat, and cure acid reflux. Fenugreek
also has a long history of use for the treatment of reproductive
disorders, to induce labour, to treat hormonal disorders, to help with
breasts enlargement, and to reduce menstrual pain. Fenugreek
stimulates uterine contractions & induces childbirth. It is a remedy
to ease childbirth for pregnant women. A woman who are breast
feeding sometimes use fenugreek to promote milk flow. It also
prevents anemia in young girls, tone up their reproductive system
after delivery.
It is used traditionally for eczema, burns, abscesses and gout.
Fenugreek is used for digestive problems, such as loss of appetite, &
upset stomach (gastritis). It is also used for conditions that affect
heart health such as hardening of arteries, atherosclerosis and for
high blood levels of certain fats including cholesterol and
Fenugreek is used for kidney ailments, a vitamin deficiency
condition called beri- beri, mouth ulcers, boils and infection of the
tissues beneath the surface of the skin cellulitis, tuberculosis,
chronic coughs, chapped lips, baldness, cancer, and lowering blood
sugar in diabetics. Some men use fenugreek for hernia, erectile
dysfunction, and other male problems. Fenugreek is sometimes used
as poultice wrapped in cloth, warmed and applied directly to the
skin to treat local pain and swelling to treat inflammation, muscle
pain, pain and swelling of lymph nodes, pain in the toes (gout),
wounds, leg ulcer.
Fenugreek helps eliminating bad breath and body odour.
Fenugreek tea soothes inflamed stomach and intestines, while
cleansing the stomach, bowels, kidneys and respiratory tract of
excess mucous.
Fenugreek helps you lose weight. Cosmetically too, both Methi
leaves and seeds work wonders for the hair and skin, helps lengthen
hair, and prevent premature greying. Fenugreek helps hair growth,
improves hair complexion, and reduces dandruff.

It helps clear the skin and prevents early appearance of wrinkles. It

helps reduce dandruff and other minor fungal and bacterial
The taste and odour of fenugreek resembles maple syrup and it has
been used to mask the taste of medicines.
In food, fenugreek is included as an ingredient in spice blends. It is
also used as a flavoring agent in imitation maple syrup, foods,
beverages and tobacco. In manufacturing fenugreek extracts are
used in soaps and cosmetics. Fenugreek leaves are eaten in India as
a vegetable.
Fenugreek also promotes well-being: it is a powerful detoxifier,
increasing colonic health by overall body cleansing,
Fenugreek is used for many conditions, but so far there isnt enough
scientific evidence to determine whether or not it is effective for any
of them. Therefore, always take the advice of your doctor before
using fenugreek for any medical conditions.
To treat kidney problems, arthritis, & digestive problems; it has also
been employed in folk medicine in as a diuretic and antiinflammatory and in poultices to treat boils & swelling. Fenugreek
seeds are one of the original ingredients in Libya. Pinkhams
vegetable compound, a 19th century patent medicine marketed it to
treat menstrual cramps and menopause symptoms.
The seeds which have a rich, sweet taste, are also used in maple
Fenugreek is used as a herb (dried or fresh leaves), spice (seeds),
and vegetable (fresh leaves, sprouts, and microgreens). Sotolon is
the chemical responsible for fenugreek's distinctive sweet smell.

In Turkish cuisine, fenugreek is used for making a paste known as

emen. Cumin, black pepper, and other spices are added into it,
especially to make pastirma.
In Persian cuisine, fenugreek leaves are called shanbalile. They are
the key ingredient and one of several greens incorporated into
ghormeh sabzi and eshkeneh, often said to be the Iranian national

In Egyptian cuisine, peasants in Upper Egypt add fenugreek seeds

and maize to their pita bread to produce aish merahrah, a staple of
their diet.
Fenugreek is used in Eritrean and Ethiopian cuisine. The word for
fenugreek in Amharic is abesh (or abish), and the seed is used in
Ethiopia as a natural herbal medicine in the treatment of diabetes.
Yemenite Jews following the interpretation of Rabbi Salomon
Isaacides, Rashi, believe fenugreek, which they call hilbeh, hilba,
helba, or halba is the Talmudic rubia. They use it to produce a sauce
also called hilbeh, reminiscent of curry. It is consumed daily and
ceremonially during the meal of the first and/or second night of the
Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana.
Cuboid-shaped, yellow- to amber-colored fenugreek seeds are
frequently encountered in the cuisines of the Indian Subcontinent,
used both whole and powdered in the preparation of pickles,
vegetable dishes, daals, and spice mixes such as panch phoron and
sambar powder. They are often roasted to reduce bitterness and
enhance flavor.
Fresh fenugreek leaves are an ingredient in some Indian curries.
Sprouted seeds and microgreens are used in salads. When
harvested as microgreens, fenugreek is known as samudra methi in
Maharashtra, especially in and around Mumbai, where it is often
grown near the sea in the sandy tracts, hence the name samudra,
"ocean" in Sanskrit.
Samudra methi is also grown in dry river beds in the Gangetic plains.
When sold as a vegetable in India, the young plants are harvested
with their roots still attached and sold in small bundles in the
markets and bazaars.
Any remaining soil is washed off to extend their shelf life.
In general, Fenugreek should be protected from light and moisture
while it is stored.
Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum), native to southern Europe
and Asia, is an erect annual herb with white flowers and hard,
yellowish brown and angular seeds. Fenugreek seeds and leaves are
strongly aromatic and flavorful. Seeds are bitter in taste but lose
their bitterness if roasted slightly.
In Indian households, we frequently use both the seeds and leaves
of methi (fenugreek) in our dals, parathas, curries and various

dishes.Known as methi in Hindi, it is a popular ingredient in many

North Indian dishes.

Nutritional profile:
Fenugreek leaves contain these nutrients per 100 g of edible
Carbohydrates: 6.0 g
Protein: 4.4 g
Fat: 0.9 g
Calcium: 395 mg
Phosphorus: 51 mg
Iron: 1.93 mg
Total energy: 49 kcal

The nutritional values of "Spices, fenugreek seed" per 100 grams

Total Calories 323
Protein 23 g
Fat 0.4 g
Carbohydrate 58.4 g
Nutrients Amount %Daily Value
Calcium, Ca 176 mg 17.6 %
Copper, Cu 1.11 mg 55.5 %
Iron, Fe 33.53 mg 186.28 %
Magnesium, Mg 191 mg 47.75 %
Manganese, Mn 1.23 mg 61.4 %
Phosphorus, P 296 mg 29.6 %
Potassium, K 770 mg 22 %

Fenugreek Seeds and leaves are rich in vitamins such as thiamin,

folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, vitamins A, B6, K and C, and are a
storehouse of minerals such as copper, potassium, calcium, iron,
selenium, zinc, manganese, and magnesium.

Fenugreek is also a rich reservoir of medicinal properties. It contains

protein, fibre, vitamin C, niacin, potassium, iron and alkaloids. It also
contains a compound diosgenin which has oestrogen-like properties,
as well as steroidal saponins. These components impart many
benefits to methi.
In general, fenugreek should be protected from light and moisture.
Research also revealed that Fenugreek seeds contain a group of
glycoside steroidal saponins known as graecunins, as well as the
compounds diosgenin and fenugrin B and an alkaloid known as
trigonelline. The seeds are rich in protein and mucilagenous fiber.
Also present in fenugreek seeds are coumarin compounds,
galactomannans and the amino acids lysine and L-tryptophan. These
components impart many benefits to Methi., which provides peer-reviewed medical information to
consumers, reports that fenugreek's high levels of polyphenolic
flavonoids give it antioxidant properties in test tubes. Blue Shield
Complementary and Alternative Health credits the steroidal
saponins in fenugreek with the ability to inhibit both the absorption
of cholesterol in the intestines and its production by the liver. The
seeds' high levels of soluble fiber help to reduce blood sugar by
slowing down carbohydrate digestion and absorption. Fenugreek
may also have the ability to lower triglycerides.
Scientific research supports the protective and antioxidant effects of
polyphenols in fenugreek seeds. In a laboratory study published in
2004 in "Plant Foods and Human Nutrition," researchers found that
fenugreek seed extracts protected human red blood cells from
oxidative damage, supporting the seeds' potent antioxidant
properties. Researchers credited the gallic acid in the seed extract
with the beneficial effect.
Considering Taste, health and beauty, this super food is a super
performer on all these three fronts. So why not use it. Seem to be
well worth it.

World-renowned seed activist Vandana Shiva and Navdanya Director

Maya Goburdhun believe in the power of local superfoods. Navdanya
is actively involved in the rejuvenation of indigenous knowledge.
A survey was also done on rural and urban women to know more
about how they use Fenugreek in their food in their daily life.
The need to involve women folk in the community actively in the
rejuvenation of culture and forgotten foods has been felt. To fill the
gap, An attempt was made to collect information from various
Many recipes were collected and adapted and their nutritional value
was worked out with the help of nutritionists.
These recipes are presented in the following pages for health

problems (wounds, rashes and boils), treat sore throat, and cure acid
reflux.Fenugreek also has a long history of
use for the treatment of reproductive disorders, to induce labor, to
treat hormonal disorders, to help with breast
enlargement, and to reduce menstrual pain.



fenugreek helps hair growth, improves hair complexion, and reduces


Fenugreek Natural Remedies: Dandruff

Fenugreek is used traditionally as remedy for eczema, burns,

abscesses, and gout.

Fenugreek stimulates uterine contractions and induces childbirth.

Fenugreek extract has been suggested to assist in balancing

womens hormones as also to enlarge breasts..

Always take the advice of your doctor before using fenugreek for
any medical condition.

Fenugreek is a plant. The seeds are used to make medicine.

Fenugreek is used for many conditions, but so far, there isnt enough
scientific evidence to determine whether or
not it is effective for any of them.

Fenugreek is used for digestive problems such as loss of appetite,

upset stomach, constipation, and inflammation
of the stomach (gastritis). It is also used for conditions that affect
heart health such as hardening of the
arteries (atherosclerosis) and for high blood levels of certain fats
including cholesterol and triglycerides.

Fenugreek is used for kidney ailments, a vitamin deficiency disease

called beriberi, mouth ulcers, boils,
bronchitis, infection of the tissues beneath the surface of the skin
(cellulitis), tuberculosis, chronic coughs,
chapped lips, baldness, cancer, and lowering blood sugar in people
with diabetes.

Some men use fenugreek for hernia, erectile dysfunction (ED), and
other male problems.

Women who are breast-feeding sometimes use fenugreek to

promote milk flow.

Fenugreek is sometimes used as a poultice. That means it is

wrapped in cloth, warmed and applied directly to the
skin to treat local pain and swelling (inflammation), muscle pain,
pain and swelling of lymph nodes
(lymphadenitis), pain in the toes (gout), wounds, leg ulcers, and

The taste and odor of fenugreek resembles maple syrup, and it has
been used to mask the taste of medicines.

In foods, fenugreek is included as an ingredient in spice blends. It is

also used as a flavoring agent in
imitation maple syrup, foods, beverages, and tobacco.

In manufacturing, fenugreek extracts are used in soaps and


Fenugreek leaves are eaten in India as a vegetable.

Prevent anaemia in young girls,tone up their reproductive system

after delivery.
Cosmetically too, both methi leaves and seeds work wonders for the
hair and the skin. A paste of fresh leaves,
applied to the scalp regularly, helps lengthen hair and prevent
premature greying. At night, applied to the face
and washed with warm water, it helps clear the skin and prevent
early appearance of wrinkles. A paste made from
the seeds that have been soaked overnight, when applied to the
scalp, helps reduce dandruff and other minor
fungal or bacterial infections.
Fenugreek also promotes well being: it is a powerful detoxifier,
increasing colonic health and overall body
cleansing, eliminating bad breath and body odour.Fenugreek tea
also soothes inflamed stomach and intestines while
cleansing the stomach, bowels, kidneys and respiratory tract of
excess mucus.


Jump up ^ "Trigonella foenum-graecum information from

NPGS/GRIN". Retrieved 2008-03-13.
Jump up ^ Daniel Zohary and Maria Hopf (2000). Domestication of
plants in the Old World (Third ed.). Oxford:
Oxford University Press. p. 122.

Jump up ^ Cato the Elder. De Agri Cultura. p. 27.

Jump up ^ V. A. Parthasarathy, K. Kandinnan and V. Srinivasan (ed.).
"Fenugreek". Organic Spices. New India
Publishing Agencies. p. 694.
Jump up ^ Statistics[dead link]
Jump up ^ "Fenugreek recipes". BBC Food.
Jump up ^ "How to Series: Growing Methi (Fenugreek)". A blog
called "Fenugreek Love". Retrieved 2 March 2011.
Jump up ^ "Aish Merahrah-Egyptian Fenugreek Corn Bread". The
Taste of Aussie. Retrieved 29 June 2014.
^ Jump up to: a b Gall, Alevtina; Zerihun Shenkute (November 3,
2009). "Ethiopian Traditional and Herbal
Medications and their Interactions with Conventional Drugs".
EthnoMed. University of Washington. Retrieved January
27, 2011.
Jump up ^ "Hilba (Fenugreek_paste)".
Jump up ^ This is based on the assumption that the Aramaic
name ????? corresponds to it. (Karetot 6a; Horiyot 12a)
Rabbenu Nissim at the end of Rosh Hashana, citing the custom of R
Hai Gaon. This follows Rashi's translation of ?
????, cited as authoritative by Tur and Shulchan Aruch OC 583:1.But
Avudraham interprets ????? as black-eyed peas.
Jump up ^ C.Gopalan, B.V. Ramasastri and S.C. Balasubramaniyam.
Nutritive value of Indian food. National Institute
of Nutrition, ICMR Hydrabad.
Jump up ^ Sharma, RD; Raghuram, TC; Rao, NS (1990). "Effect of
fenugreek seeds on blood glucose and serum lipids
in type I diabetes". European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 44 (4): 301
6. PMID 2194788. edit
Jump up ^ McKenna, Maryn (2011-07-07). "E. coli: A Risk for 3 More
Years From Who Knows Where". Wired.

External links

Look up fenugreek in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Fenugreek resources
Fenugreek, Gernot Katzer's spice dictionary
About Herbs, Botanicals & Other Products, Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center
Encyclopedia of Spices.

1 tsp of fenugreek tea leaves.
1 tsp of fenugreek seeds for each cup of tea.
1 cup of water for every teaspoon of fenugreek seeds.
1 tsp honey for each cup of tea.
1 tsp of sugar for each cup of tea.

Lightly crush the fenugreek seeds. Use a mortar and pestle or place
the seeds on a wooden chopping board and crush

with the flat blade of a large kitchen knife. Boil the water in a kettle,
electric water heater or saucepan. Pour
the desired amount of boiled water into a teapot, small jug or other
container. Add the crushed fenugreek seeds.
Supplement with fenugreek tea leaves. you may add other herbs
and or loose tea leaves for color and taste. Cover
and steep the seeds for at least three minutes.
Strain through a regular tea strainer into a cup. Sweeten with honey,
sugar or stevia. Drink hot or cold.
Enjoy fenugreek tree and feel fresh.



Preparation Time: 15 mins

Cooking Time: 10 mins
Makes 4 rotis

1 1/2 cup whole wheat flour (gehun ka atta)
1/2 cup dry fenugreek (methi) leaves
1/4 tsp cumin seeds (jeera)
1/4 tsp turmeric powder (haldi)

1/2 tsp chilli powder

1/2 tsp coriander (dhania) powder
1/2 tsp finely chopped green chillies
2 tbsp finely chopped onions
1 tsp oil
salt to taste
1/4 tsp oil for kneading
butter for light frying on tawa

Combine all the ingredients together in a bowl and add knead into a
stiff dough using enough water.
Knead well and keep covered for 10 minutes.
Divide the dough into 4 equal portions and roll out each portion into
a 100 mm. (6") diameter circle.
Cook each roti lightly on a hot tava (griddle) on both sides.
When you want to serve the rotis, put butter on each roti on both
sides till the roti is golden brown and crisp
from both the sides (approx. 2 minutes). Serve immediately with
mango pickle and lassi.


Nutritious bajra and methi rotis stuffed with delicately spiced

mixture of paneer and tomatoes. Both bajra and
methi are iron rich with a wealth of fibre too. Paneer is a rich source
of protein and calcium. Preferably, use
fresh home-made paneer made with low calorie milk. If you wish, do
not fill the parathas and just make the jowar
and methi rotis. . . They are yummy on their own too.

Add your private note

Preparation Time: 15 mins
Cooking Time: 20 mins
Makes 4 servings

For The Dough
2 cups wheat flour
1/2 cup dry fenugreek (methi) leaves , chrushed
2 large garlic (lehsun) cloves , chopped
1 tsp low fat curds (dahi)
salt to taste

To Be Mixed Into A Filling

1/2 cup crumbled low fat paneer (cottage cheese)
1 green chilli , finely chopped
1/8 tsp turmeric powder (haldi)
1/4 tsp dried fenugreek leaves (kasuri methi)
3 tbsp chopped corriander (dhania)
1 small onian finely chopped
salt to taste

Other Ingredients
1 tsp oil for cooking

for the filling
take a non-sticking pan.heat 4 tbsp oil ,add onian,tomatoes,green
chilly,garlic and chopped coriander.cook
for 5 mins till it golden brown mixture. add salt and termeric powder.
mix paneer and keep aside.

For the dough

In a blender lightly crush the fenugreek leaves and add a little salt.
Add to the wheat flour and knead into a soft dough using the curds
and hot water.
Divide the dough into 4 equal portions and roll out each portion into
a circle of approx. 100 mm. To 125 mm.
(4" to 5") diameter.
Place a portion of the filling mixture on one half of each rolled circle
and fold it over to make a semi-circle.
Lift the parathas carefully and place it on a non-stick pan. Using a
little oil, cook on both sides till they are
golden brown. These have to be cooked on a very slow flame as the
rotis are thicker and will take a while to cook.
Repeat with the remaining dough circles and filling mixture to make
3 more parathas.
Serve hot wih curd.


Preparation Time: 5min

Cooking Time: 2min
FOR 4 servings

2 carrots
1 cucumber
1 onion
1/2 tsp fenugreek (methi) leaves
2 green chillies

8 pieces of bread
1 bunch of coriander (dhania)
1/4 spoon black pepper
salt to taste
2 tsp cheese sauce
2 tsp mayonaisse sauce
Green Chutney

grade all the vegetables mix them with cheese spread and meoneys
now add the salt, green chiley, fenugreek powder,black pepper and
mix again.
apply the mixture to 4 bread pieces.
Apply chutni on 4 bread pieces and cover the pieces of mixture.
cu finely with cutter from sides.

Ready to eat.....


Preparation Time: 15 mins

Cooking Time: 20 mins
Makes 4 servings

1/2 KG fenugreek (methi) leaves
1 tsp turmeric powder (haldi)
2 tbsp oil
2 tsp chopped garlic (lehsun)
2 green chillies
1 tsp cumin seeds (jeera)
1/2 cup chopped onions

1/2 cup chopped tomatoes

2 tsp chilli powder
salt to taste
4 eggs

For The Garnish

1 tbsp chopped coriander (dhania)

Wash, drain and chopped the fenugreek leaves, put the leaves in a
bowl add enough water, l/2 tsp turmeric powder,
mix well and keep aside.
Heat the oil in kadhai, add the garlic, whole green chillies, cumin
seeds and onion,tomatoes and saute till
the onions turn translucent.

Add the chilli powder, reaming turmeric powder and salt, mix well
and cook on a medium flame for 2 minutes.
Drain the fenugreek leaves and add to kadhai, mix well and cook for
3 minutes on a medium flame.
Add the eggs, mix well, cover it and cook on a slow flame till the
eggs are cooked.
Serve hot and garnish with coriander.


Whistles: High 3 (Pressure cooker)

Soaking Time: 1 Hour
Preparation Time: 15 mins
Cooking Time: 15 mins
Makes 4 servings

2 tbsp oil
1 tsp cumin seeds (jeera)
1/2 cup chopped onions
1/2 tbsp ginger paste
1/2 tbsp garlic paste

1 tsp finely chopped green chillies

1/2 tsp red chilli powder
2 tsp coriander- cumin seeds powder
1/4 tsp turmeric powder (haldi)
1 cup chopped tomatoes
1/4 cup chana dal (split Bengal gram) , soaked and drained
1/2 cup peeled and chopped potatoes
1/4 cup chopped brinjals (baingan / eggplant)
1/4 cup chopped red pumpkin (bhopla / kaddu)
3 cups chopped spinach (palak)
1/4 cup fenugreek (methi) leaves leaves
2 tsp lemon juice
salt to taste
4 ready pavs from market

Heat the oil in a pressure cooker and add the cumin seeds.
When the seeds crackle, add the onions, ginger and garlic paste,
mix well with green chiley and saut on a medium
flame for 3 to 4 minutes.
Add the chilli powder, coriander-cumin seeds powder, turmeric
powder, tomatoes, chana dal, potatoes and brinjals,
mix well and saut on a medium flame for another minute.
Add the spinach, fenugreek leaves, salt and cup of hot water, mix
well and pressure
cook on a high flame for 3 whistles.
Allow the steam to escape using natural release method, ( refer
handy tip) before opening the lid.

Blend the mixture well with lemon juice using a blender and serve
immediately with pav.


Preparation Time: 20 mins

Cooking Time: 5 mins
Makes 4 servings

2 cups wheat (gehun) flour
4 tbsp milk if you like
1/4 cup fenugreek (methi) leaves dry
1 tbsp coarsely ground cumin powder
1 tbsp coarsely crushed coriander (dhania) seeds
1 tsp carom seeds (ajwain)
1 tsp dried mango powder (amchur)
1/2 tsp chilli powder
salt to taste

oil for deep frying

warm water to bind the dough

Combine the above ingredients and form into a stiff dough using
enough warm water.
Leave the dough for 25 to 30 minutes to rest.
Roll into small puris on an oiled surface or roll between 2 plastic
Deep fry till golden brown.
Serve hot with sweet mango chuney.


Preparation Time: 20 mins

Cooking Time: 15 mins
Makes 4 servings.

1/2 cup kabuli chana (white chick peas)
1/2 tsp tea leaves
1 onion , chopped
1 tomato , chopped
2 green chillies , chopped
1/4 tsp turmeric powder (haldi)
1/2 tsp chilli powder
1 tsp coriander-cumin seeds (dhania-jeera) powder

1/2 tsp chana masala

1 tbsp fenugreek (methi) leaves
2 tbsp oil

To Be Ground Into A Paste

4 garlic (lehsun) cloves
12 mm (1") ginger (adrak) piece

For The Topping

chopped onion
lemon slices

Soak the kabuli chana for 7 to 8 hours. Drain and keep aside.
Boil 1 cup of water, add the tea leaves and leave aside for a few
minutes. Strain the water.
Add the soaked kabuli chana and pressure cook until soft. Drain.
Heat the oil in a pan and fry the onion until light brown. Add the
paste and fry for a few seconds. Add the
tomato, green chillies, turmeric, chilli powder, coriander-cumseed
powder, chana masala, nd kausri methi and cook
for 2 mins.
While cooking, sprinkle a little water if necessary.
Add the kabuli chana and salt and cook for a few minutes.
Serve hot, topped with chopped onion and slices of lemon.


Preparation Time: 12 mins

Cooking Time: 10 mins
Makes 15 idlis

1/2 cup arhar dal
1/4 cup yellow moong dal (split yellow gram)
1/2 cup chana dal (split bengal gram)
1 cup fenugreek (methi) dried leaves
1/2 cup chopped coriander (dhania)
2 chopped green chillies
1/4 cup finely chopped onions
salt to taste
1 tsp oil for greasing

Wash and soak the dals together at least 3 hours.
Drain and grind to a smooth paste, adding approx. cup of water,
fenugreek leaves, coriander, green chillies,
onion, salt and mix well.
Add water as required to make a thick batter.
Pour into greased idli moulds and steam for 8 to 10 minutes till
Serve hot with coconut chutney.


Preparation Time: 5 mins

cooking time : 5mins
Makes 2 cups(2 helpings)

1/4 cup dry methi leaves
5 dry red chillies , broken into pieces
1 tbsp coriander (dhania) (dhania) seeds
1 tbsp toovar (arhar) (arhar) dal
1 tbsp chana dal (split Bengal gram) (split bengal gram)
1 tbsp urad dal (split black lentils) (split black gram)
1 tsp turmeric powder (haldi) (haldi)
1/4 tsp asafoetida (hing)
1 tsp lemon juice

1 tsp oil

Heat the oil in a pan and roast all the the ingredients in it. Cool
Blend in a mixer to a fine paste using a little water and use as
heat and mix lemon juice before serving.



Preparation Time: 15 minutes

Cooking Time: 10 minutes
for 4 servings

1 cup besan ka atta (gehun ka atta)
10 gms fenugreek (methi) leaves
salt as per taste
1 tsp chilli powder
1/2 tbsp turmeric powder (haldi)
1/4 tbsp asafoetida (hing)


First add water in flour,then add,oil and salt, chilli powder,turmeric

powder, asafoetida and methi all in besan
Then make pakoda from it after all this fry in oil on high gas
serve hot......


Preparation Time: 20 mins

Cooking Time: 20 mins
Makes 4 helpings

250 gms fenugreek (methi) leaves
1/2 cup semolina (rava)
1/2 cup besan (Bengal gram flour)
1 cup whole wheat flour (gehun ka atta)
1 tsp sugar
salt to taste
1/2 tsp green chilli paste
2 tsp green chilli sauce
1/2 tsp soy sauce
2 tsp tomato ketchup

1 capsicum, cut into long strips

2 tsp cabbage, finely shredded
2 tsp carrot jullienes
1 tomato, cut into thin strips
1/2 tsp oil

Wash methi, mix in suji, besan, atta, sugar, salt, soda, green chilly
paste and oil.
Add little water and make a dough.
Make long and thin dumplings and deep fry into pakoras.
In a pan heat 1\2 tsp oil and add capsicum, cabbage, carrot,tomato
and saute them on high flame for 5 min.
Add all the sauces, salt and stirr, add pakodas and mix with sauted
vegetabbles.cook for 5 mins more.
Manchurian is ready.Enjoy........


Preparation Time: 15 mins.

Cooking Time: 15 mins.
Makes 12 khakhras.

1 cup whole wheat flour (gehun ka atta)
1 tsp fenugreek (methi) leave's powder
1 tsp carom seeds (ajwain)
1 tsp sesame seeds (til)
1/4 tsp chilli powder
1/4 tsp turmeric powder (haldi)
2 tsp oil
salt to

To the fenugreek leaves, add the ajwain, sesame seeds, chilli
powder, fenugreek powder, oil and salt and mix well
for 2 minutes.
Add the flour and knead into a dough, adding just enough water to
make a firm dough.
Divide the dough into 12 portions and roll out each portion into very
thin circles, using a little flour.
Cook one portion lightly for a few seconds on both sides on a tava
Apply a little ghee or oil on the khakhra.
Repeat for the remaining portions.
Cook again on a slow flame until crisp using a little pressure with
help of a cloth.
Cool and store in an air-tight jar.



Preparation Time: 20 mins

Cooking Time: 5 mins
Makes 6 wraps

6 whole wheat chapatis , semi-cooked (150 mm. (6) diameter each)

For The Methi and Moong Sprouts Stuffing

1 cup finely chopped fenugreek (methi) leaves
1 cup boiled sprouted moong (whole green gram)
1 tsp Vegeable oil
2 tsp finely chopped green chillies
salt to taste

1 tsp lemon juice

For The Garlic-onion Spread

1 tsp finely chopped garlic (lehsun)
2 tbsp finely chopped onions
1/2 cup fresh cheese (paneer)
1 tsp Vegeable oil
1/2 tsp cumin seeds (jeera)
1/2 tsp chilli powder
a pinch of asafoetida (hing)
salt to taste

For the garlic-onion spread
Heat the oil in a small broad non-stick pan and add the cumin seeds.
When the seeds crackle, add the garlic and onions and saut on a
medium flame for 1 minute or till the onions turn
light brown in colour.
Combine the sauted garlic and onions with the paneer in a deep
Add the chilli powder, asafoetida and salt and mix well.
Divide the spread into 6 equal portions and keep aside.

For the methi and moong sprouts stuffing

Heat the oil in a broad non-stick pan, add the green chillies and
saut on a medium flame for 15 seconds.
Add the fenugreek leaves and saut on a medium flame for 1
Add the sprouted moong,salt, mix well and cook on a medium flame
for 1 minute.

Add the lemon juice and mix well.

Divide the stuffing into 6 equal portions and keep aside.

How to proceed
Heat a non-stick tava (griddle) and lightly cook each chapati on it on
both the sides.
Place the chapati on a clean, dry surface and spread 1 portion of the
methi and moong sprouts stuffing in the
centre of the chapati.
Spread 1 portion of the garlic-onion spread evenly over it and roll it
up tightly.
Repeat steps 1 to 3 to make 5 more wraps.
Serve hot immidiately.


Preparation Time: 15 mins

Cooking Time: 15 mins
Makes 4 servings

1 cup yellow chana (split) dal
1 1/2 cups fresh fenugreek (methi) leaves
5 green chillies
1/4 tsp asafoetida (hing)
2 tbsp curds (dahi)
1 tsp baking powder
2 tsp oil
2 pinches soda bi-carb

Soak the dal for 4 hours.
Grind the soaked dal with the green chillies adding a little water.
Add the asafoetida and salt.
Mix the curds and baking powder.
Add the oil and keep the batter aside for 2 to 3 hours.
Sprinkle the soda bi-carb and salt over the fenugreek leaves.
Grease small mould tin (the size corresponding to the volume of the
batter). Put a few fenugreek leaves in the
mould and fill with a batter. Steam for 5 to 8 minutes.
cut into pieces.
Serve hot with green mint chutney.



Preparation Time: 20 mins
Cooking Time: 15 mins
FOR 6 servings

1/2 bunch of fenugreek (methi) leaves
1 bunch of spinach (palak)
1/2 cup cream
4 to 5 cloves of garlic (lehsun)
salt to taste
1 tbsp oil
8 cups water

Put oil in a non-stick vessal
Add chopped garlic pieces. let them fry till golden brown
Add methi leaves, plucked and washed and cut.
Add palak leaves, cut and washed.
Add water and let it boil for around 10 mins.
Add salt

Strain,now add cream,mix and serve hot.


Preparation Time: 15 mins

Cooking Time: 2 mins
for 4 servings

1 small sized bunch of fenugreek (methi) leaves
2 to 3 tomatoes
3 spring onions
1/2 cup finely cut carrot
1/2 cup cabbage
2 to 3 green chillies
pinch of chilli powder (optional)
salt to taste
1 tbsp groundnut oil

Clean, wash and cut finely fenugreek leaves.
Cut spring onions also in small pieces.
Add carrot and cabbage.

Finely chopp green chillies.

Mix them all together in pan add salt, oil & red chillie powder.
cook for 2 mins on a high flame.


Preparation Time: 10 mins.

Cooking Time: 2 min.
Serves 4

2 cups Kala chana sprouts , torn into pieces
1/2 cup fresh tomato finally chopped
1/2 cup capsicum finally chopped
1/4 cup fresh tender methi leaves finally chopped
1 tsp vegetable oil
1 tsp lemon juice
salt and black pepper (kalimirch) powder to taste

wash chana sprouts with hot water for 10 to 15 minutes. Drain and
discard the water.
take a nonsticking pan and heat oil.
Mix all the ingredients together toss for 1 to 2 mins and serve


Preparation Time: 15 mins
Cooking Time: 20 mins
Makes 4 rotis

1 cup besan flour (beasn ka atta)
1 cup wheat floor
1/4 cup dry fenugreek (methi) leaves
1 tsp green chilli paste
salt to taste
3 tsp oil for kneading and cooking
1 cup milk
wheat flour (wheat ka atta) for rolling

Combine the besan and wheat flour, fenugreek leaves, green chilli
paste, salt and 1 tsp of oil in a
bowl and knead with milk and using enough water to make a semistiff dough.

Divide the dough into 4 equal portions and roll each portion into a
125 mm. (5") diameter circle, using a little
wheat flour rolling.
Heat a non-stick tava (griddle) and cook each roti on a medium
flame, using tsp of oil, till light brown spots
appear on both the sides.
Serve immediately with lemon chutney.

Preparation Time: 10 mins
Cooking Time: 15 mins
for 4 helpings

2 cups rice (chawal)
1 cup matar dana
1 bunch(preferably small) fenugreek (methi) leaves
1 " piece of ginger (adrak)
5 to 6 flakes of garlic (lehsun)
3 to 4 green chillies
1/4 tsp chilli powder
2 tbsp oil or ghee
jeera,cinnamon (dalchini) , cardamom (elaichi) , a pinch of garam
masala , salt to taste


Initially, slice the onions into small pieces along with the tomatoes n
the methi leaves. then, take a pan or a
pressure cooker n add the oil. then add the ginger- garlic paste,
green chillies.then add the onions n fry till
golden brown.
Then add the methi leaves n fry to 1-2 min.( i mena till the leaves
shrink over),
add the garam masala n red chilli powder. then add the soaked rice
n fry for 2 min. then add
the required water with salt and jeera.
To taste n cook till rice is cooked.
serve hot.

Preparation Time: 10 mins
Cooking Time: 10 mins
Makes 6 servings

For The Rice
3 cups steamed rice (chawal)
2 onions
2 sticks cinnamon (dalchini)
2 cloves (laung / lavang)
3 garlic (lehsun) cloves (lehsun)
3 tsp sugar
1/2 Cup fenugreek leaves
2 tbsp ghee
1/2 tsp salt

For the rice
Chop the onions.
Heat the ghee in a vessel and fry the onions for a little time. Add the
cinnamon, cloves, crushed garlic and fry

Add the rice and fenugreek leaves, salt and enough water to cook
the rice.
Cook the sugar mixed with 1 teaspon of water on a slow flame.
When it becomes brown, add to the rice while it is
Serve this hot rice with plain curd , garlic tomato chutney and
masala papad.


Preparation Time: 15 mins

Cooking Time: 15 mins
Makes 4 servings

1 cup uncooked masoor dal (split red lentil)
1/2 cup dry fenugreek leaves
1 tbsp ghee
1 tsp cumin seeds (jeera)
1/4 cup finely chopped onions
1/4 cup finely chopped tomatoes
2 tsp dried mango powder (amchur)
1/2 tsp turmeric powder (haldi)
3/4 tsp chilli powder
salt to taste

To Be Ground Into A Paste

4 green chillies , roughly chopped
6 clove of garlic (lehsun)
25 mm (1") ginger (adrak)


Combine the dal along with 2 cups of water and pressure cook for 3
whistles. Keep aside. Allow the steam to escape
before opening the lid.
Heat the ghee in a kadhai, add the cumin seeds.
When the seeds crackle, add the onions and saut on a medium
flame for 2 to 3 minutes or till the onions turn
light brown in colour.
Add the tomatoes and prepared paste and saut on a medium flame
for few seconds.
Add the cooked masoor dal and cook on a medium flame for 1
Add the dry fenugreek leaves and cook on a medium flame for 5
Add the dried mango powder, turmeric powder, chilli powder, salt
and 2 tbsp of water, mix well and cook on a
medium flame for 2 to 4 minutes.
Serve hot with chapaties.



Preparation Time: 20 mins

Cooking Time: 25 mins
Makes 4 servings

1/2 cup toovar (arhar) dal
2 tsp moong dal (split green gram)
2 tsp masoor dal (split red lentil)
2 tsp urad dal (split black lentils)
2 tsp chana (split) yellow dal
1/4 cup chopped potatoes
1/4 cup chopped brinjals
1/4 cup chopped bottle gourd (lauki)
1/4 cup chopped red pumpkin (kaddu)
1 spring onion , chopped
1 tbsp fenugreek (methi) leaves , chopped
1 chopped tomato
3 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp oil
salt to taste

To Be Ground Into A Paste

1 green chilli
3 red chillies
4 cloves of garlic (lehsun)
1 stick of cinnamon (dalchini)
4 cloves (laung / lavang)
25 mm (1") piece of ginger (adrak)
1 cardamom (elaichi)
1 tsp coriander (dhania) seeds
4 black peppercorns (kalimirch)
1/2 tsp cumin seeds (jeera)
2 tsp chopped coriander (dhania)
2 tbsp water

To Be Made Into A Dry Powdered Masala

1 cardamom (elaichi)
1 cinnamon (dalchini)
1 clove (laung / lavang)

Combine the dals and wash them.
Add the vegetables to the dals along with 3 cups of water and
pressure cook for 3 whistles.
Liquidise the cooked dals and all the vegetables in a blender and
keep aside.
Heat the oil in a non-stick pan and add the ground paste. Saut it for
5 minutes and add the pured vegetable and
dal mixture, along with the dry powdered masala, lemon juice and
salt and simmer for 10 to 15 minutes.
Serve hot, with multi grain wheat bread or chapatis.


Soaking Time: 2 hours

Preparation Time: 15 mins
Cooking time : 10 mins
Makes 4 servings

1 cup green moong dal (split green gram)
1/4 cup chana dal (split yellow chana dal)
1/2 cup finely chopped tender small fenugreek (methi) leaves leaves
3 green chillies ,
1/2 cup grated cucumber
1/2 tsp ginger
1 tbsp lemon juice
salt to taste

For The Garnish

1/4 cup finally chopped onian
1/4 cup of finally chopped fresh tomato
1/4 cup finely chopped fresh green coriander (dhania)

Clean, wash and soak the moong dal and chana dal in enough water
for atleast 2 to 3 hours. Drain and discard the excess water.
Combine the moong dal along with chana dal,3 cups of water in a
deep pan and cook over a medium flame for 10 to 12
minutes or till the dal is cooked. Drain and keep aside to cool.
Add the fenugreek leaves, green chillies, cucumber, lemon juice, salt
and toss well.

Serve immediately garnished with onian, tomato and coriander.


Preparation Time: 5 mins

Cooking Time: 10 mins
Makes 4 serving

2 cups curds (dahi)
1/4 cup fenugreek (methi) dry leaves
4 tsp besan (bengal gram flour)
1/2 inch ginger (adrak) , chopped
2 green chillies , chopped
salt to taste
handful coriander (dhania) leaves
2 tsp oil
1 pinch turmeric powder (haldi)
1/2 tsp cinnamon (dalchini) powder

For The Tadka

1/4 tsp cumin seeds (jeera)
1/4 tsp mustard seeds ( rai / sarson)
few curry leaves (kadi patta)
a pinch asafoetida (hing)


Beat the curd and add two cups of water. Add the besan, salt,
turmeric powder and mix well.
Make a paste of ginger, chillies, cinnamon and mixed with coriander
Boil the curd mixture on slow heat and stir continuously. Add the
ground paste, and boil again.
Add methi methi
Heat ghee in a pan. Add all seasoning. Fry until they splutter.
Pour this seasoning over kadhi. Garnish with coriander leaves and
serve hot with rice or rotis.



Preparation Time: 20 mins

Cooking Time: 15 mins
Makes 4 servings

For The Cheese Koftas
1 cup grated processed cheese
1 cup boiled and mashed potatoes
2 tbsp chopped raisins (kismis)
2 tbsp cornflour
2 tsp finely chopped green chillies
salt to taste
bread crumbs for rolling
oil for deep-frying

For The Green Gravy

3 cups chopped spinach (palak) , blanched
1 cup fenugreek (methi) leaves , blanched
1 tbsp oil
1 tsp cumin seeds (jeera)
3/4 cup onion paste
1 tsp finely chopped green chillies
1 tsp ginger-garlic (adrak-lehsun) paste
1/4 tsp turmeric powder (haldi)
1/4 cup fresh cream
1/2 tsp garam masala

salt to taste

For the cheese koftas
Combine all the ingredients in a deep bowl and mix well.
Divide the mixture into 16 equal portions and shape into a round
Roll each koftas into the breadcrumbs till they are evenly coated
from all the sides.
Heat the oil in a kadhai, and deep-fry a few koftas at time till they
turn golden brown in colour from all the
Drain on an absorbent paper and keep aside.

For the green gravy

Combine the blanched spinach and fenugreek leaves in a blender
and pure to a smooth paste. Keep aside.
Heat the oil in a deep pan and add the cumin seeds.
When the seeds crackle, add the onion paste and saut till the
onions turn light brown in colour.
Add the ginger-garlic paste and green chillies and saut on a
medium flame for 1 minute.
Add the kasuri methi, turmeric powder, spinach-fenugreek pure,
cream, garam masala, salt with cup of water and
bring to a boil. Keep aside.

How to proceed
Just before serving add the koftas in the gravy, mix gently and cook
on a medium flame for 2 minutes, while

stirring occasionally.
Serve immediately.


Preparation Time: 15 mins

Cooking Time: 20 mins

Makes 4 servings

2 cups chopped spinach (palak)
3/4 cup fenugreek (methi) leaves
25 mm (1") piece ginger (adrak) , finely chopped
1 tsp finally chopped garlic
3/4 cup sliced low-fat paneer (cottage cheese)
2 tsp oil
salt to taste

In a deep pan, cook the spinach and fenugreek along with water and
cook on a slow flame until soft.
When cooked, drain out the water and blend the leaves in a remove
from the flame, drain out the excess water and
blend in a mixer to a smooth puree.
Heat the oil in non-stick pan, add the onions and saute on a medium
flame for 1 minute.
Add garlic and ginger and saute again for a few seconds.
Add the pureed leaves, paneer and salt, mix well and cook on a
medium flame for 2 to 3 minutes.
Serve hot.


Preparation Time: 25 mins

Cooking Time: 25 mins
Makes 4 helpings

250 gms fenugreek (methi) leaves leaves pureed
1 tbsp mustard (rai / sarson) oil
2 whole dry kashmiri red chillies
salt to taste
1 tsp garam masala
1 tbsp coriander (dhania) powder
300 gms paneer (cottagte cheese) cubes

Put the oil in a pan , fry red chillies for 2 minutes.
Add the fenugreek puree, salt, garam masala and coriander powder,
mix well and cover for 10 minutes,
stirring once.
Add the paneer and stir for 5 minutes again.
Serve hot.


Preparation Time: 20 mins

Cooking Time: 15 mins
Makes 2 servings

1 1/2 cup peeled and chopped boiled potatoes
1/2 cup dried fenugreek (methi) leaves
1 tsp cummin seeds (jeera)
4 tbsp oil
salt to taste
1 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 cup water

Crush dried fenugreek leaves with hand , put them in a cup and
keep aside.
Heat the oil in a pan and add the cummin seeds.
When they crackle, add salt.
Add the potatoes and stir-fry for about 5 minutes.
Add the fenugreek leaves and water. Cook covered for 10 minutes
on a low flame.
Sprinkle lemon juice.
Serve hot..


Preparation Time: 10 mins

Cooking Time: 15 mins
Makes 4 servings

2 cups mixed vegetables
2 tomatoes
3 peppercorns (kalimirch)
2 cloves (laung / lavang)
25 of cinnamon (dalchini)
2 to 3 cardamoms (elaichi)
2 dry red chillies , broken into pieces
1 tsp dry fenugreek (methi) leaves
2 tbsp tomato ketchup
1/2 cup milk
2 tbsp powdered cashewnuts (kaju)
12 tbsp butter
salt to taste

Boil a vesselful water and immerse the tomatoes in it for one
Remove, de-skin and deseed tomatoes and chop finely. Keep aside.
Heat the butter in a pan, add peppercorns, cloves, cinnamon,
cardamoms, red chillies and dry fenugreek leaves.
Add the chopped tomatoes and cook till mashed.
Add the tomato sauce and boiled vegetables and mix well.
Dissolve the cornflour in Water and add to the gravy.
Add the 1/4 cup milk and bring to a boil.
Add the salt and cashewnut powder. Cover and cook for 5 minutes.
Serve hot garnished with the coriander.


Preparation Time: 20 mins

Cooking Time: 20 mins
Makes 6 servings

1/2 cup cream
1 bunch fenugreek (methi) leaves leaves , chopped
salt to taste
3 tbsp ghee or butter
1/2 tsp cumin seeds (jeera)
a pinch asafoetida (hing)
2 tsp wheat flour

To Be Ground Into A Powder:

1 cardamom (elaichi)
1/2 inch stick cinnamon (dalchini)
2-3 clove (laung / lavang)

To Be Grounded Into A Paste:

1 big onion
1 tbsp poppy seeds (khus-khus) (poppy seeds)
1 1/2 tbsp cashewnuts (kaju)
1 tbsp curds (dahi)
2 to 3 green chillies
ginger (adrak)

Immerse the methi leaves in hot and salted water for 5 minutes.
Wash thouroghly, drain and keep aside.
Take a bowl and beat the cream until it becomes smooth.Keep aside.

Heat the ghee in a kadhai. Add the cumin seeds and asafoetida.
When the seeds crackle, add the paste and mix well.
Add the grounded powder and salt and mix well.
Add the methi leaves, cream and all the remaining ingredients.
Cook on a slow flame for 5 to 10 minutes.
add a little flour to make gravy thick. Mix well.
serve hot.


Preparation Time: 10 mins

Cooking Time: 30 mins
Makes 6 servings

1/2 kg mutton cut into small pieces
1 medium bunch fenugreek (methi) leaves (methi) , chopped
1/2 cup oil
3 onions , sliced
3 tomatoes, sliced
1 tsp ginger (adrak) paste
1 tsp garlic (lehsun) paste
1 tsp chilli powder
1/2 tsp turmeric powder (haldi)
salt to taste
1 tbsp chopped coriander (dhania)
6 green chillies , chopped

Heat oil in a deep pan, add sliced onions,tomatoes and saut till
lightly brown.
Add ginger paste, garlic paste and stir well for a minute.
Add red chilli powder, turmeric powder and stir to mix well.
Add chopped fenugreek leaves and cook for three to four minutes.
Add the prepared mutton and stir well.
Add a cup of water and salt to taste and simmer till the mutton is
Once the mutton is almost cooked, add chopped coriander leaves
and green chillies.
Cook till all the water has evaporated.
Serve hot with tandoori roti with butter......


Preparation Time: 20 mins

Cooking Time: 25 mins
for 4 helpings


Ingredients Quantities
Chicken 800 gms.
1 2 " piece of ginger (adrak)
10 cloves of garlic (lehsun)
5 green chillies
1 cup cream
salt to taste
3 tbsp coriander (dhania) leaves
3 tbsp ghee
1 onion
2 bayleaves (tejpatta)
1/4 cup fenugreek (methi) leaves dry
1 tsp coriander (dhania) powder
1 tsp cumin seeds (jeera) powder
1/2 tsp mace (javantri) and cardamom (elaichi) powder
whole wheat flour (gehun ka atta)

Clean the chicken and cut into 8 pieces.
Make a paste of ginger, garlic and green chillies.
Slice the onion, brown in a little ghee and grind to a fine paste.
Finely chop the coriander leaves.

Heat ghee in a narrow mouthed degchi, add bay leaves. add methi
leaves. stir-fry for three minutes.
mix paste of ginger , garlic and green chillies.
Add the chicken and cook till the gravy starts boiling. add dhania
and jeera powders and browned onion
paste. stir.
Cover the degchi and seal, using the dough. cook over low heat till
the flavours are given out.
Uncover the degchi mix cream and sprinkle the mace and
cardamom powder.
Serve hot garnished with chopped coriander leaves.


Preparation Time : 51-60 minutes

Cooking time : 26-30 minutes
Servings : 4

1/2 KG Lamb mince
1 cup fenugreek leaves finely chopped
1/2 cup Yogurt
Salt to taste
1 tsp Turmeric powder
1 tsp Garlic paste
2 tsps vegetable Oil
1 tsp Cumin seeds
3 medium Onions chopped
2 tsps Ginger chopped
2 Green chillies chopped
1 tsp Red chilli powder
1 tsp Coriander powder
1 large Tomato,chopped
2 tspsFresh coriander leaves chopped

Mix lamb mince fenugreel leaves, yogurt, salt, turmeric powder and
garlic paste. Set aside for at least an hour.
Heat oil in a kadai.
Add cumin seeds and saut. Add onions and saut till golden.
Add ginger, green chillies, red chilli powder and coriander powder.
Saut for a minute and add tomatoes. Saut
the masala.

Add marinated lamb mince with yogurt and fenugreek leaves. Cook
on medium heat for fifteen to twenty minutes or
till mince is done.
Garnish with coriander leaves. Serve hot.


Preparation Time : 40 minutes

Cooking time : 45 minutes
Recipe Servings : 4

1/2 kg sangara fish-cut into pieces
1/4 cup fenugreek dry leaves
1 medium onion, finely cut
1 medium tomato, finely cut
6-8 garlic cloves
2 fresh green chillies-deseeded and sliced
6 Tbsp oil
1/4 tsp red chilli paste
1 tsp coriander powder
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp salt
2 whole dry red chillies
1/2 tsp black mustard seeds
5 curry leaves
1/4 cup curd
1 1/2 cup water
2 tsps lemon juice.

Make a paste of onion, tomatoes, garlic and green chillies.
Keep aside.
Heat oil in a pan.
Add dry spices and cook for about 2 minutes, keep stirring.

Remove from heat and keep aside.

Heat the remaining oil in another saucepan.
Add whole red chillies, curry leaves and mustard seeds.
Fry until the seeds start spluttering.
Add onion paste and fry until brown.
Add the tomatoes, curd and water.
Stir well and bring to a boil.
Add fish pieces and fenugreek leaves simmer for about 10 minutes.
Serve hot with boiled rice.



Preparation Time: 10 mins

Cooking Time: 15 mins
for 4 helpings

1 1/2 cup Boiled white rice
1 tsp Jaggery , powdered
Salt a tiny pinch
2 tsps Nuts (almonds/cashew)
1 1/2 tsps fenugreek leaf
2 Cloves
1 small stick Cinnamon
2 tsps desi Ghee

Heat ghee in a non-stick pan. Add cloves, cinnamon and fenugreek
leaf. Stir for a few seconds, then add nuts
chopped or whole as you like them.
When the cashew turns golden, add rice. Stir gently to fry, taking
care not to mush the rice grains. Cook till the
rice turns crisper and darker (about 5-6 mins).
Add salt, stir once and then sprinkle powdered jaggery. Cook till the
jaggery melts and coats rice grains evenly
(about 3 mins).
Serve hot garnished with almonds.


Preparation Time: 20 minutes

Cooking Time: 1 hour
Serves: 4 servings

1/2 cup Almonds

1 tablespoon Ghee, optional

1 cup Milk
2 tablespoons Sugar (or to taste)
1/4 teaspoon Cardamom Powder (Elaichi)
4-5 Saffron strands (kesar)
1/4 tsp fenugreek leaves
1/2 cup condensed milk

Place almonds in a bowl and pour 1 cup boiling water over it.
Let them sit for around 5-6 minutes, transfer to a colander or
strainer and drain off water. Wash them with 1-cup
normal cold water.
Now, you can easily peel them. If skin does not come out easily,
then again repeat the process.
Blanched almonds are ready. chop blanched almonds.
Heat 1 tablespoon ghee in a non-stick pan and add almonds.
Cook it over low flame while stirring constantly until light brown,
approx 5-7 minutes.
Add milk, mix well and bring it to boil over high flame. Add
fenugreek leaves.
When it comes to boil, reduce flame to medium and add sugar,
saffron strands and cardamom powder.
Cook for 4-5 minutes while stirring continuously. Remove pan from
flame and let it cool at room temperature.
Add condensed milk and stir again.
Transfer it to individual serving bowls or one large bowl and place in
refrigerator for an hour before serving.
Chilled badam kheer is ready for serving.

Health Benefits of Fenugreek

15 ways methi or fenugreek can keep you healthy and beautiful.

1. Helps reduce cholesterol

2. Helps reduce risk of heart disease
3. Helps control blood sugar levels in diabetics
4. Aids digestion
5. Helps counter acid reflux or heartburn
6. Helps you lose weight
7. Remedy for fever and sore throat
8. Increases breast milk production in lactating women

9. Induces and eases child birth

10. Helps reduce menstrual discomfort
11. Helps slightly increase breast size
12. Helps prevent colon cancer
13. Helps soothe skin inflammation and reduces scars
14. Helps treat skin problems
15. Can help resolve hair problems

fenugreek seeds have been found to help increase libido and lessen
the effect of hot flashes and mood fluctuations
that are common symptoms of menopause and PMS. In India and
China, it has also been used to treat arthritis,
asthma, bronchitis, improve digestion, maintain a healthy
metabolism, increase libido and male potency, cure skin

Fenugreek is an herb that is commonly found growing in the
Mediterranean region of the world.

Fenugreek is an annual plant in the family Fabaceae, with leaves

consisting of three small obovate to oblong
leaflets. It is cultivated worldwide as a semiarid crop, and its seeds
are a common ingredient in dishes from the
Indian Subcontinent in South Asia.

Other Names: Alholva, Bird's Foot, Bockshornklee, Bockshornsame,

Chandrika, Egypt Fenugreek, Fenogreco, Fenugrec,

Foenugraeci Semen, Foenugreek, Greek Clover, Greek Hay, Greek

Hay Seed, Birds foot, Hu Lu Ba, venthiyajn, Medhika,
Methi, Methika, Sngrain, Sngr, Trigonella, Trigo...

While the seeds and leaves are primarily used as a culinary spice,
Given its very distinctive and slightly bitter
taste, fenugreek may not be a popular spice in world cuisines but
therapeutically, its properties are unquestioned.

It is also used to treat a variety of health problems in Egypt, Greece,

Italy, and South Asia.

Fenugreek seeds have been found to contain protein, vitamin C,

niacin, potassium, and diosgenin (which is a
compound that has properties similar to estrogen). Other active
constituents in fenugreek are alkaloids, lysine
and L-tryptophan, as well as steroidal saponins (diosgenin,
yamogenin, tigogenin, and neotigogenin).

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Fabales
Family: Fabaceae
Genus: Trigonella
Species: T. foenum-graecum

Binomial name

Trigonella foenum-graecum
L.[1] .


Fenugreek, botanically known as Trigonella foenum-graecum and

also called methi in Ayurveda,features grayish-green
toothed leaves and pale yellow or whitish flowers that develop into
seed pods. The yellow-brown seeds within are
dried to produce the spice. Fenugreek has been used in Traditional
Chinese Medicine to treat kidney problems,
arthritis and digestive problems; it has also been employed in folk
medicine as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory
and in poultices to treat boils and swelling. Fenugreek seeds were
one of the original ingredients in Lydia
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, a 19th century patent medicine
marketed to treat menstrual cramps and menopause
symptoms. The seeds, which have a rich, sweet taste, are also used
in maple flavoring.


Fenugreek is believed to have been brought into cultivation in the

Near East. charred fenugreek seeds have been
recovered from Tell Halal, Iraq, (carbon dated to 4000 BC) and
Bronze Age levels of Lachish and desiccated seeds

from the tomb of Tutankhamen.[2] Cato the Elder lists fenugreek

with clover and vetch as crops grown to feed


Major fenugreek-producing countries are Afghanistan, Pakistan,

India, Iran, Nepal, Bangladesh, Argentina, Egypt,
France, Spain, Turkey, and Morocco. The largest producer is India,
where the major producing states are Rajasthan,
Gujarat, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra,
Haryana, and Punjab. Rajasthan accounts for
over 80% of India's output.[4][5]

There are 15 ways methi can keep you healthy and beautiful:

Reduce cholesterol


Reduce the risk of heart disease


Control blood sugar level in diabetics.


Aids digestion.


Helps counter acid reflux or heartburn.


Helps you lose weight.


Remedy for fever and sore throat.


Increases breast milk production in lactating women.


Induces and eases childbirth.

10. Helps reduce menstrual discomfort.

11. Helps increase breast size.

12. Helps prevent colon cancer.

13. Soothes skin inflammation & reduces scars.
14. Helps treat skin problems.
15. Resolves hair problems.
16. Fenugreek seeds have been found to increase libido.
17. Reduce the effect of hot flushes & mood fluctuations that are
the common symptoms of menopause and PMS.

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