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Ascent to madness

Some of the things you will encounter here:

-generation nothingness
-metaphors(for example, why the name is ASCENT, not
DESCENT to madness...yes it is maybe rather tacky name
but it does drive a point will see)
-positive rate of kookoo...I feel this is absolutely necessary if
one is to CREATE the elusive little thing called ART...more on
this later
-Comprehensive Neurotic Solutions
-other stuff that might come to my mind
Why I do this? Ideas have been accumulating in my head all
my life and now they have reached critical mass. They need
a way out. This is the outlet.
Lot of things that I say might seem obvious but I don't really
care. I have a fetish for "noticing" things. "Everybody gets so
much information all day long that they lose their common
sense." That's what I want to give..common sense
information..and not so common sense as well.
"God-possessed men speak much truth but they do not know
what they say". Words of Socrates. I feel it captures perfectly
the state I aim for...
When jazz musicians improvise the brain region responsible
for self-consciousness(the self-critical you) shuts down...this
state is absolutely necessary to CREATE.
In times past art was regarded as product of divine
inspiration, coming outside of the artist.
Now it is "self-expression"...what a terrible development. It is
very good at killing the desire to express oneself(except you

are invulnerable in your narcissism...)...because then if the

art you create is bad, you are bad..and the ego will go to
extreme lengths to protect itself from feeling that -> no
desire to make share your creations with others.
Short disclaimer: by "art" I don't always mean the stuff you
put into museums or between book covers or on vinyls.
Back to subject...if art is are not in control: you
are not expressing "yourself" are letting the divine
work through you..->freedom from ego-investment.
Suddenly, you can create anything you wish..the divine is
responsible for everything.
Schizophrenics hear voices - artists do not often know where
their ideas come from:"the book wrote itself"..they feel as if
their works are dictated to if they were only
transcribers or receivers.
The picture I am painting here is that schitzophrenia and
artistic creativity are connected....genius and madness sides of the same coin.
Perhaps artistry is positive madness and schizophrenia
negative...controlled vs uncontrolled. Many artists
unfortunately lose control sooner or later..because artistry is
a constant practice of letting go of self-control and refilling
the vacated space with something that is very closely
related to insanity.
So the things you will read here are not written by
"me"..they won't go through the filter of selfcriticism...everything here will be the work of divine

I feel like I am a consciousness working atop an operating

system over which I have little control over..I can only

observe it's workings.
Every time I think I have complete control over myself I get
reminded of the fact that most of me is controlled by some
sort of autopilot that does things according to it's own
semilegible rules.
I am very rarely in 100% control. I want to do one thing but
end up doing something else...somewhere along the chain of
command my orders get garbled and changed..and the
autopilot ends up doing something else.
I think most people are like this..they just lack the selfawareness or honesty to admit this to
themselves..sometimes I think the main task of
consciousness is to rationalize and justify the autopilot's
I have learned how to predict the autopilot's moods though. I
know beforehand when I will be energetic, when I'll be
melancholic, when I want my solitude, when I become
friendly and so on.
When I feel the friendly mood come over me I make
sure to expose myself to social encounters.. meet old friends
or look for new ones...and withdraw when I feel the
melancholy come.
When I feel energetic I make sure to start many things and
work on them as long as the mood lasts in a hope that I build
strong enough foundations for them that they survive the
neglect in the periods of low energy.
Writing requires a specific mood...I am in it right now. I feel
ideas flowing from some place within me..but I don't know
where the source is. I feel compelled to write them down...I
am only a transcriber really..the ideas do the thinking for
me..yet the ideas are all based on what I have read and
experienced, so I know that the ideas are "mine".
After the mood is over and I read what I've written I

wonder where all that text came from...I almost don't

recognize myself, especially if the writing is good. When I'm
starved I write better, strangely enough.
I try to attune myself to my moods, strengthen them when
they come...this includes even the "negative"
moods..depression, melancholy, even psychopathy(I feel
unfeeling and uncompassionate, but this does not mean I act
on my feelings). I do this because it enriches my
experience...I know all these moods are temporary and I
want to experience every single one of them to the fullest
when they come.
Without these moods I would feel too much like a robot...It is
very refreshing to see the same things so differently through
the lens of different moods. The same mannerisms of a
person that endear her to you in one mood annoy you in
other..and because you are aware that the (negative)moods
are temporary you do not feel the need to act on them.
This also explains very well my interest in bodybuilding and
nutrition...hormones and many other chemicals inside the
body affect these moods and thinking...I know Descartes was
not a bodybuilder because of his conviction that mind and
body are separate...They very definitely are not as anyone
who has "lived better by chemistry" can attest. I want to
manipulate my moods if I can..and also, I do not want to use
narcotics or drugs to do it. They trigger almost instinctive
disgust in me...I do not want them inside my body.
Hormones? They are already inside.

About my writing style..I am a bit jealous of those who can

seem to get very close to "real"'s like you are
given a closeup of their emotions and's not
always beautiful or aesthetic, but it's real..flesh and blood on
paper. I seem to have a kind of gloss over myself..I'm

probably too wordy. But it's the style that comes to me

naturally, so I stick to it.
Comprehensive Neurotic Solutions
I think I promised in the opening post that you might run into
this here...
Read this. It is pure gold.

"The individual wants to- -express himself. And this now

means that he wants to express his idealized self, TO PROVE
In a post-scarcity society that is all you have...That is all the
meaning you can find here.
And it's rather fantastic...As long as you don't hurt
others(well that is "allowed" too, but you aren't a sociopath(I
hope) so you don't really want to do that) you can be
anything you want...
Design your idealized self...and start proving it in action
Truly a Comprehensive Neurotic Solution.
Generation nothingness = no idealized self or a very shallow
Idealized self designed by marketers to sell wonder
generation nothingness has so strong undercurrent of
INSECURITY. There is nothing constant in that idealized is always changing with the fashions..nothing is ever
enough because products have to fly off the shelf..some
reject consumerism..which is smart but there's the trap of
falling to another trap of shallow self-ideal..the rebel without
a cause.
How to find a "productive", happy self-ideal to emulate?
You need to read..and then read some movies,
find stories, look into different cultures, different ideas,
expose yourself to as much as you can..and separate
yourself totally from social pressures.
Meditation..there's a reason why WISE people all over history
have raved about its benefits..You need to CENTER find the thing called YOURSELF inside you and
get inside this space..Most are outside it.

When you expose yourself to ideas and philosophies you

start noticing that some appeal to you more strongly than
others..some very strongly. As you read more you start
noticing the weaknesses of each philosophy(the weaknesses
may be different for different persons, it's a matter of
taste...) and that is the point when you start combining
different ideas into something that is YOUR OWN...that is the
point when you truly start becoming an INDIVIDUAL...
Of course being a true individual is not something that
guarantees happiness or a good fact it can do the
opposite...but I feel it is a very worthy goal to strive
towards...there have been billions and billions of DIVIDUALS
in history...the unheard masses...why be a part of that?
It's not like you have anything better to do right now...You
have food, shelter and don't have to fight for
survival...chances are you have felt the existential boredom
at least sometimes...some feel it all the need
something to devote your energies to.
And when you become "UNIQUE"(I despise that word) you
might come up with ideas no one has voiced before...and
those ideas can be of great help to humanity don't have anything better to do with your don't really have to fight the Darwinian fight
against competing genes anymore...You need to find other
goals, otherwise you become a part of the mass called
generation nothingness with no real goals(except facebook)
to direct their life....
What is the antithesis of generation nothingness? Selfdirected individual...but you cannot become one if you don't
A: know yourself.
B: have a wide selection of building need to
have a lot more building blocks, ideals, than most
have...again it is all about the INGREDIENTS...average

building materials result in average build quality...

Who measures quality? What is quality? I refuse to get into
that discussion. But it very much exists as far as you are

I found myself. Hits home.

"Obliged to live out the contradiction between their
messianic aspirations and the reality of their practice, to
cultivate uncertainty as
to their social identity in order to be able to accept it, and
therefore condemned to a questioning of the world which
masks an anxious selfquestioning, these 'intellectual lackeys' are predisposed to
experience with particular intensity the existential mood of a
whole intellectual generation, which, weary of desperately
hoping for a collective hope, seeks in a narcissistic self
absorption the substitute for the hope of changing the social
world or even of understanding it."
-La Distinction, 1978, Pierre Bourdieu
"Furthermore, in similar terms to those employed by
philosophy, the military conceives of some of its own
practice as
forms of research. Naveh claimed that since very little
can be produced about guerrilla and terror groups before
operations actually take place (often it is hard if not
impossible for
the military to penetrate these organizations), one of the

only ways
to gain knowledge regarding its organizational logic
is to attack it.
The assumption is that attacking the enemy in an
manner, randomly prodding it, will induce it to
surface, reveal itself
and assume shape, and when its shape becomes
visible, it could be
further attacked with more precision. Ths mode of
action is what
philosopher Brian Massumi recently defied as incitatory
militaries consciously contributing to the actual emergence
of the
threat they are purportedly there to preempt."
Applies to thoughts...
For those blessed with an episode of OBSESSIVE LOVE in
their lives:
I'm alone, I hear you speak
On the streets, I hear your voice
Days go by, I still can't eat
Can't forget, that's my choice
Fall from grace, it's so steep
Being alive, it's only noise
Into depths, down so deep
Your ghost drags my sleeve
I close my eyes, I just can't sleep
Sick for you, it's too sweet

First comes a stimulus, an experience. Then a right balance

of hormones and neurotransmitters in the body are needed
to get the mind in the right mood, to feel the right feelings...

Then a period of free association...neurons in the brain

searching for novel ways to connect...suddenly the neurons
align, the right synapses fire...
A poem is born.
One bad shared poem is better than all the private drawer
masterpieces in the world.
Love is a beautiful intense whirlwind of hormones and
neurotransmitters...a cascade of nature's narcotics into the will make the the brain scream for joy and
curse the pain of existence at the same time.
And it causes sickness symptoms...cannot eat, cannot sleep,
cannot focus...and addiction...the object of love becomes a
source of happiness...simply seeing, being with that objects
releases chemicals that the brain craves...and therefore it
can also cause withdrawal....
Love may not be a "universal truth" like space or gravity...but
from our human perspective it makes a damn strong
case.....It might only be chemicals and molecules inside might isolate all that stuff in near future(which
might lead us to INJECTABLE LOVE) is not an universal
constant..I think..simply a beautiful piece of pschological
But as far as you are concerned, as human, it is very real
and one of the strongest things you can is
a narcotic - and of the reares kind of narcotic - a good
narcotic .
In relating back to my post about is the
strongest really changes how you see the
many things become, irrationally, simply
don't give a shit about them...paying the bills? Pfft, no do it butthe perspective is different. You are
completely unable to care about mundane things.

And the happiness! But happiness is a two-edged

sword....there is a cardinal rule to happiness...Happiness of a
moment directly correlates with the pain felt once it's forever is also addict behavior ABC....
But that is what creates love's value...for something to have
value it must have a PRICE...Love's price is the slow or not so
slow all drugs repeated intake builds
tolerance...the initial all consuming passion never
least not before we have injectable love..
Maybe the greates love experience is one that only lasts the
initial ultra-narcotic phase...there will be no memories of the
inevitable cooldown phase...and the experience is sanctified
by being short and intense...very high intensity and then cut
short...and when done right there will be great amounts of
the sweet pain sometimes called is something
that truly makes you feel alive and forget nihilism for a
There would always be the "what if"...imagination is always
stronger than the reality..."what if we had stayed
together?"...of course there would have been a cooldown
sooner or is inevitable...and, except in rare cases,
the cooldown period brings the MEMORY down a bit...less
space for the imagination to work..."what if we had known
possibilities!"...possibilities that often do not realize
themselves in reality.
So go out and find some short OBSESSIVE LOVE.
I know you, girl
You're someone looking to lose herself
And I know
I'd love to love someone like yourself
And who am I?

Just someone too bored with himself

And we could
Go somewhere and forget ourselves

Writing poetry is a self-learning tool...write, write and write

for months and months..keep at'll start seeing
patterns..themes, shapes in your writing. Those are likely to
be the "real" you...or at least his/her shadow...And those
shapes are likely to be different from what you thought they
would be...And once you have recognized a pattern, slowly
start incorporating it to your daily life..follow the way where
it points you towards...and you will see it is the path you
were looking for all along.
As someone wise has said before...if you don't know where
you want to go, you'll end up somewhere you don't want to.

I've noticed that my love poems are mostly about the pain of
it's absence..not about the bliss of the feeling. Pain seems to
be more conductive to poetry in general...have I said before
that poetry is a survival mechanism?
Applies to art in general...artist is solving conflicts within
himself and in the world he observes, through his
creations...we are again moving onto the territory where
words don't suffice.
What motivates the artist? Usually it is a drive..artist cannot
help but to create. There are of course artists who are in it
for fame and material gain and some are quite successful,
but they are a very recent phenomena..future will tell if any
of their creations will stand the test of time.
Back to the "real" artist's motivation...he does not really
know why he does what he does..he gets ideas and they are

too good to keep inside..they must be transferred to writing or painting or music or sculpture et cetera
et cetera.
Let me admit something: I started writing because writers
were cool: Hemingway, Mishima, Rimbaud..Writers of poetic
creations living poetic lives.. with a dash of tragedy(the
sweetest spice). Or so I thought. There is the image and
there is the reality. I still think they are a lot cooler than
normal people :-)
I wanted to be adored for my mind and my philosophy(by
which I would of course live by) many start
bodybuilding because they want to be held in awe by their
However, like many who start bodybuilding notice, the desire
for external validation disappears quickly: the bodybuilders
start to enjoy the lifestyle, the gym, the food, the discipline,
the structure and the soothing mental effect it all has(even
the occasional hunger can be by some masochistic process
transmuted to pleasure). Simply DOING it becomes
pleasurable, and what other people think is completely
secondary. It is the same with writing.
The perfect metaphor, a clever turn of phrase, a clean
flowing sentence, all these become pleasurable by their own
merit..when I come up with one I feel enjoyment and no one
else has to ever applaud or even see the piece of good
writing for me to feel good. It is almost completely
irrelevant(not completely, otherwise I wouldn't release this
stuff...), because CREATING them is enough of a reward.
This is why one should follow his dreams and aspirations, no
matter what the aspirations are and how shallow the reasons
for them are..because priorities can change and what is
currently useless won't be like that always..and it is always
worth your time to become better at something..if the

aspiration turns out to be nothing, "not for you", the drive

fizzles out (because the fuel is SHALLOW) and you are free to
turn to other frontiers..which always becomes easier the
more attempts you make.
There is a Japanese saying, "master one thing and you have
the keys to master anything"..It is very true. Once you
become very good at something, by your own work and
efforts, you should have acquired everything you need to
master long as the time is there of course.
First you need to gather info..on how to formulate your
practice and work..because working is not enough, you have
to work SMART..and keep at it for a long time..Sounds simple,
no? No.
All this can sound very very obvious but the point I am
making is that when you have done it once, mastered
something, you have INTERNALIZED all the necessary
steps..and you have the experience to distinguish whether
you are progressing towards your goals or standing still.
You don't need to "plan" anymore..the plan is already there,
in your don't have to follow an outline
anymore because the next step is always clear in your
What would you like to be able to do well? Start
might not end up where you plan to but you will always end
up at a better place than where you are now..
I would like to write about one modern phenomenom that I
very much do not like..very related to generation
nothingness...the rise of something I will call hipsterism.
No my definition of hipsterism does not mean that you like
oversized glasses and weird music.
We are groping blind in a world without accurate I
must use whatever is on hand. "Hipsterism" hits the closest

to what I am trying to convey...Though imagine you were in a

shooting range and there are targets that go from 1 to
10(bullseye),,,In terms of accuracy, "hipsterism" is 2 or 3. Oh
well, at least it hits the target...
The primary characteristic of this phenomenom is
matter what you do, you can hide behind a cloak of
matter what you say, you can say "I don't really mean it, I'm
being ironic".
"Ironic" doesn't completely cut it though. Again, we lack the
necessary terms here..where is the brilliant linguist who
updates language to suit 21th century...?
Post-modernism could be a good term...though it doesn't hit
anything above 5 either.
There is something very digusting behind this mentality that
I cannot quite grasp with words...Wriggling free of
responsibility of what you are..fear of standing behind
values. Twisted nihilism. Raising yourself above everything.
There is something terribly grand and final in true
nihilism...but this hipsterism manages to destroy even is convicing yourself of that you are so much above
everything that everything is a free target for your
contempt...this way "you" never comes under
attack...Because you don't truly believe in anything, your
ego is invulnerable...unfortunately to be human is to be
vulnerable..even weak..and standing strong in your
If you refuse yourself those battles, you miss much of what
makes living worth it.
You are human, not a god who can impartially judge
And do you know why I write this? Yes that is right: personal
Not too long ago I felt exactly like that about everything...As
long as I didn't take anything truly seriously I was
"safe" like a cloud of smoke that's completely can't be hit by flying rocks, the rocks go through it.
Unfortunately a cloud of smoke can't be hugged or kissed by

anyone either.
If you deny values, goals, deny humanity.
Modern Hipsterism(shortened to MH from now on) is selfperpetuating sickness of the soul. MH is to deny you even
have a soul...
It is nihilism of the worst kind...arrested development and
one of the prime characteristics of generation nothingness...
Every intelligent person will arrive to the gates of nihilism at
some point of their life - it is the most common form of
existential crisis - and the way it is solved will decide the
direction of rest of that person's life...
Though here I must doubt generation nothingness' capability
to think about matters like lurks on the edge of
consciousness but they will never let it enter their focus of
attention..but they are drawn towards it.
Back to is a very empty and gloomy space when
you arrive there..what are you and what can you do when
you are an insignificant piece of dust in an universe that
does not care about you? You are less than the quickest flash
in the pan..what is your 70-110 years on the small small ball
called Earth in an infinitely large universe that has existed
and will exist for billions of years?
But there it is possible to reach hope and happiness far
greater than in any other place before it. It is finally possible
to realize how FREE you is possible to realize you are
free TO PURSUE ANYTHING YOU WISH..realize that you do
not have to subsribe to can create your the architect of your own philosphy...realizing that it
is perfectly within your freedoms, because your freedoms
are INFINITE....take only the ideas and dreams that SPEAK TO
YOU...and from them build a life, a story entirely of your own
design...that is supreme sovereignty...owning everything you
have and are: ideals, morals, choices, feelings...actions.
If you haven't decided who and what you are, can you be
anything at all? And if it is not you who decides, what or who
makes you you?

True nihilism, what I think I called "grand" and "terribly final"

in the last post is something I am always fighting against
inside myself..sometimes I have a strong grappling hold over
it, sometimes it gains ground..I hope it never wins..never
scores a KO.
When you have viscerally experienced it, even for a second,
it stays etched on your an alcoholic is never truly
cured of his addiction..years may go by without a drop but
one drink it all it takes to relapse..
Never think too deeply about nihilism if you can avoid
makes far too much sense and it sticks to you..if you let it in,
it never lets's a sickness. Life and nihilism simply don't
match..I am talking about the viscerally felt nihilism..most
people can understand the concept, which is OK, it leaves
one unscathed..but to feel it viscerally, totally, in your every
cell and muscle, in every corner of your
SCARS you, makes you bleed..and the bleeding never only hope you don't bleed dry before you die of
old age.
This is why the chase for the idealized self is so
"therapeutic"...when you've felt the complete
MEANINGLESSNESS of everything you can build your own
meanings..and you must convince yourself of their value
very thoroughly..when your resolve falters the nihilism tricles
back in..and your mind will start feeling heavy again..there is
no worse question to have than "why do I even bother?"
This is also why there is value in fighting for
keeps you busy. It is the best could say(I
don't) it is the only way worth living..the only way where
there is truth and meaning. To survive against a world pitted
against you..the world is empty of meaning except
one..EXIST. When you have time for your mind to ponder
about nihilism you start to doubt even that..which is why you

must keep busy.

We all are just passing time here...
That is also the explanation, I believe, for the recent
explosion of escapistic games, drugs,
excessive partying, media, know them all.,we
instinctively search for anything to KEEP postscarcity society it is the only defense against the monster of have a vague idea what you are
doing, that is, running down the clock,..but the alternative is
too terrible to be let into the consciousness.
These are horrible thoughts to have..but I feel everyone
should think about them..everything else is wishful must think about these and take your time..feel
the darkness..and then resolve the conflict in your own create your own weapon against the
only have one life..and instead of ignoring the monster you
should slay it.
To repeat...we are all just passing time here...but some get
more fulfillment from it than others..that is what I want you
to realize by these to find out how you want to
pass your want to truly enjoy your time here, not
squander it.
I stand behind everything I write, no matter how tacky. I
refuse to hide behind a cloak of irony or of "I'm not really
That said I have great fun writing these things.
Three years ago I wondered where the artists received their
gift for self-expression because I felt I had no self to express.
The mythical number ten goes by many names...Fantasista,
Trequartista, Enganche..the most artistic player on the field.
He is always looking for spaces uninhabited by other

players..looking to make the passes no one else

surprise the opposition with creativity and technique..and
has the eye for style, flair and drama.
How to avoid getting sucked into generation nothingness:
Knowing what you want from life and WHY you want it.
Why do you want what you want? Why you dream your
dreams? What are your aspirations and why have you
chosen them? Why your goals are what they are? These are
very very important questions.
You also need to want SOMETHING...otherwise you will lose
the fight...
It is easy to want things and to be completely UNAWARE of
WHY you want them..I suggest you to watch Century of the
Self if you haven't already..We humans are suggestible, very
much so.
For true freedom high level of self-awareness is an absolute
necessity..brainwashed people do what they "want" but they
are not FREE..and they don't even know they are
Of course we all are brainwashed by some degree by our
culture..we drink it in through our mother's milk(or the Infant
Formula 3.0, now with even less essential
nutrients!)..through what we experience as kids, the most
impressionable, "brainwashable", of all humans. It is
completely impossible to completely unplug from the
Matrix..But you must always be working..pulling out cables
and keeping new ones from attaching..In this world and
If you love yourself like a healthy-minded person
should(what is healthy-minded anyway? An argument for

some other day and post maybe) unplugging should be your

prime a post-scarcity society there are many
opportunities hidden and the life is long..but too short to
never feel the unbearable lightness of true freedom..ok I
should lay off the poetic licence.
Me? I want to be a philosopher. Why? I think they are cool:),
and I like thinking about things like that..sounds very simple
and shallow, and it's true..of course reality is always more
complex than what words can desricbe, but that's the gist of
it...that is all the justification I need...Because I know the
drive comes from WITHIN and not from OUTSIDE SOURCES...I
wanted to be a rock star musician but I won't work towards
it..because I want the IMAGE of a rock star...I want it for
reasons that come from OUTSIDE MYSELF...It wouldn't suit
my natural tendencies and temperament(Such things
exist..tabula rasa is bullshit).
Philosophy, writing and poetry suit my natural tendencies...I
am introspective, "a thinker" with calm temperament and a
gift for language..I learned to read when I was 3 and learned
my second language English at 8 without any teachers.
Medium is the message..we all like to think we are more
talented than we are...when looking for your strengths look
at CONCRETE things in your past..measurable in real world..if
you haven't felt the need to transmute your passions
directed by your natural tendencies into something
"REAL"...chances are it is not your true natural tendency..of
course this is a huge can of worms with many what ifs(for
example a restrictive family, shitty childhood) but it gives
you a general idea.
Yes, such things exist, natural tendencies...and you must find
yours and live by them before you can be truly happy. And I
have my weaknesses too like everyone sensitivity
and moodiness..though I have learned to control them very
very well..I had to, otherwise suicide wouldn't have been an
unlikely option..but you don't need to hear too much from

my personal demons..we all have them and I'm sure you

have your hands full with yours.
That is one thing our society is very good at manufacturing,
personal demons..the age of neuroticism and existential
boredom...the testosterone+HGH+IGF-1 stack of those
And here we come to the end of the essay where I must
state something that is very obvious, except now I hope for
different reasons than before the essay, and I hope you also
realize that as simple as this sentence sounds like, acting on
it, truly acting like it tells you to do, is extremely difficult..
Do what YOU want to DO.

I am blamed for memories

Of happier times past
That turn to miseries
When moments don't last

I would like to drill into your mind the importance of

My definition of bodybuilding does not mean you strive to
achieve Ronnie Coleman-level of musculature. I don't even
mean you should strive to gain muscle...but you should
definitely have some...muscles are beautiful and there is a
reason for it.
Why bodybuilding is important? Because your BODY is is THE ONLY TOOL YOU HAVE FOR INTERACTING
WITH REALITY. Read and reread that until it sinks in..

When I see people completely disregarding their bodily

health I simply cannot process the mental reasoning behind is the highest level of illogicality. As far as you are
concerned, YOU ARE YOUR may have a soul, an
energy somewhere..but right now your body is the only
possession you need to treat it well.
Imagine that you are just a little guy inside your head
controlling the machinery of your would make sense
to keep the machine in high condition...because the little guy completely powerless.
This of course is bit of a simplification...the mind has power
as well(I could use quadriplegic artists as an example...they
make a mark on the real and physical despite their lack of
physicality) but those are need your body.
You need it in working order.
Your body is also the lens through which your consciousness
"sees" reality...the body is a buffer...all information you
receive about the world will go through the want a
clean smooth lens, not a dirty broken one.
If you are sick or unhealthy, it drains energy from the
consciousness, energy you could use to make a mark on the
reality...and improving the body increases the energy
reserves you have...if I didn't bodybuild I'm quite sure I
would not be writing....though you( and I ) shouldn't use me
as an example to emulate, yet...I'm sure there are many on
this board who have made a greater mark on the reality than
I have...but time is on my side.

Here I am going to write about the differences between my

native language and English. I am a born Finnish speaker,
and I learned English by accident when I was 8-10 years old.
Happy accident. Now I do 85% of my thinking in English.
Actually if my pronounciation was better you could easily
think that English is my first language(and I still make
beginner-level grammatical mistakes when I don't
focus(which happens often(please point them out when you
see them and I fix them)))Finnish is relegated to tasks it is
suited better cursing(I believe it is one of the best
languages in the world for this).
Why this development? Because English is better language
for thinking. It is more fluid than Finnish and it allows you to
build complex shapes more easily. Finnish has rigidness to it
that I cannot quite explain satisfactorily. There are many
things I cannot explain satisfactorily through English. But
even more with Finnish.
Finnish is a very concrete language. It does not have many
metaphors. In contrast English is full of metaphor.
I just used a metaphor unavailable to me in Finnish, FULL.
How can a language be FULL of something like a glass? In
Finnish I would have said "English has a lot of metaphor" or
something to that effect. "FULL" would have been OK but
stood out. "Stood out", that's another metaphor that doesn't
exist in Finnish.
I am starting to believe that not all languages are created
equal. Language shapes thought, that much we know.
I would be very interested in learning Arabic and Chinese to
compare the systems to western ones. Unfortunately I don't
have the time to study them as of now. I can't live like the
English scholar gentleman of the 19th century who had near
infinite amounts of disposable income and free time.
Would I be sad if one day I woke up and Finnish had
disappeared off the face of Earth? Yes.

Finnish has some fantastic characteristics that English does

not have. It has fantastic capability for terseness. Because of
agglutination and it's matter-of-factness you can say what
you want to say in far fewer words than it's possible in
English or in Latin languages like French. Hemingway could
have written magnificent things in Finnish..good writing in
Finnish is always "Hemingwayish"; little excess decoration,
getting as close and hands-on to the matter as possible. In
English it is easy to clothe everything in metaphor and
complex structures..which suits me.
In the end, the toolbox in English is larger than in Finnish,
and that is the reason why it has replaced my mother

The purpose of these posts is to make you think how I want

you to think I think and to make you think about things I
want you to think about in a way I want you to think about
them because you had not thought of thinking about them in
that way or you didn't know such thoughts existed.

About inspiration...when you tell a good spontaneous joke,

where did it come from? Were you in conscious control of the
whole process from start to finish, a process that lasted only
for a blink of an eye? Answer, you were not. But
you do take the credit for the joke instead of being grateful
to the Muses or whoever you subscribe to for sending such a
good joke on your way...
When do we start worshipping the unconscious?
So how to get good ideas if you cannot control them?
If you have been following what I've been writing, you have

seen that ideas come from the you need to

push it to the right direction. How? The answer is very simple
yet maddeningly difficult at the same time.
Simply decide what you want to be, and become it.
Say to yourself: I am a poet.
Or a scientist, visionary, artist, whatever you want to be.
Then becomes the hardest part: you must absolutely, 100%
believe you are this thing. Without any proof of such a thing.
And you must keep this illusion up every day, 24/7 if at all
And you need to work. Your unconscious won't believe this
unless you convince it by action. If you want to be a writer,
you need to read and write until you feel sick. If you want to
be a musician, you must do musiciany things. Or a creative
entrepreneur, identify what makes one and start working
your way up.
I've spent an hour thinking, writing an essay that essentially
tells you that the way to the top of any field is practice.
Quite an achievement.
Eventually your unconscious will bend..and you start to think
and behave like your'll be positively surprised by
the ideas that come to your mind and the actions you take in
real world.
In other words, you need to fake it till you make it.
To finish this post, here is a very short story I wrote some
time ago in a fit of inspiration, and back then I had no
inkling of the ideas in this post. But it does not take a genius
to spot the metaphor. Rather cool, huh? Art is always one
step ahead of logic.

And again we return to the idea of a consciousness strapped

on top of an autopilot. Sometimes I have spartan levels of
self-discipline. Sometimes it is absent. I do not know why.
Can it even be called self-discipline in this case? It's more
like a mood like any other.

"All the world's a stage, and all the men and the women
merely players."
That quote is 100% percent correct(in very many
ways...when you observe the world, always remember it.). If
you don't know where it's from without a google search, pity.
You are an actor. In every interaction with others and
yourself you play a role. It is very important that you
understand this. After you do, ask yourself this: who writes
your role?
Another metaphor: personality is a mask. Did you take yours
off the bulk sale rack or did you design it yourself?
Realize that it is very hard to give a honest answer to these
questions due to ego self-defense.
You won't have anything interesting or high quality in your
mask if you shop only at the big cheap a certain
fella says, IT'S ALL ABOUT THE INGREDIENTS! Go off the
beaten path to the obscure artisanal shops in the middle of
nowhere to get your supplies...
You have the freedom to write your role and to design your
mask. I'm the sensei who teaches you how to judo your ego
to submission...
Are you ready for the final secret? You can wear as many
masks as you like...get designing..let the ideas flow. Once a
mask is complete, move onto a new one..keep doing this and

your mind will have no limits.

When your mind cannot deal with complexity it removes it.

Cheerful endurance of hopeless suffering
Refusing to let pain having effect on your actions
I preach a marriage of cold hard thoughts and
feelings..feelings directing thought, thoughts directing
feelings..Right now we have a majority going only by their
feelings..then one group going only by "logic"...and a small
group capable of using both.
In times past it was not possible, but our consciousness has
evolved since then..evolvement that has continued
throughout history, and will continue to do so, ever faster,
ever higher.. faster..faster...Do you regress or will you keep
"The lunatic, the lover and the poet
Are of imagination all compact"
When I am sane I am miserable and cannot love or write
Sanity is like cardiac comes over you by
consistent bad habits
Sanity is the ultimate agent of arrested development
Modern sanity is life medicated to docility
Life is thoughts and feelings working in harmony...Modern

sanity is thoughts working for someone else and feelings

directing action, not thought.
Poetry is the best antidote against sanity
And not only reading it..writing it..searching your darkest
depths, mapping them, bringing what you find to the
surface, showing others what you found and where you
found it so that they may find it also...
After I was through with formal education I finally had the
time to learn.
I'm just a starving ghost
Floating down the streets
Madness for things of past
The shadows roaming free
In a mind gone and lost
Poems call when I'm gone
Lost in swamps of mind
They come by telephone
Voice who answers isn't mine
They never call when I'm home
I come back and I will find
Papers filled with noise
I read, I have no choice
Things they say are not kind
Grand deeds are what they demand
To be shaped and to be refined
And somehow a pen finds my hand
There is no difference between faking it and making it once
your self-conviction reaches sufficient level. Unfortunately for
most their ego is too weak for self-sculpture and they do not
know how to strengthen it through practice...
I am fortunate to be born a philospher in these unfortunate

times. Not since the Roman Empire has there been a better
time for a Will to leave a mark on the history...
Pulled between two lies
Called reality and dreams
Stuck between their ties
I see through the schemes
Schemes keeping them separate
Just illusions not too sublime
Ornaments made to decorate
Vulnerable for inspired rhyme
You're too desperate
To live in limits of knowledge
Unseen is not disparate
Don't restrict your forage
There's so much you don't know
The world is fast and logic is slow
So many things that never show
Let go and intuit the flow
I will bring poetry back to the people..refurbish it for a new
I personally thank everyone who compliments to show that I
care...And say "fuck you" to everyone who disparages..for
the same reasons.
If you don't love what you give and create, what can you
I don't write to amuse you, I write to transform you
I'm not afraid of contradicting myself. In fact, I always look
for excuses to do that.
It is the path to richness of get two for the
price of one
That is making most of your time here...I'm always looking

for value for my time and money...

Welcome to lessons in personality design
I will not stop writing...If the whole world asked you to stop
breathing, could you do it?
Poetry is not a fun hobby. It's a survival mechanism in a
world going crazy(or sane?)
I welcome all reactions..remember, the opposite of love is
not hate..It's indifference
Metaphors in language, question of the day:
Why in english we "speed UP" and "slow DOWN"? It's faster
to go downhill and slower uphill.
FORWARD and UP ->good, BACKWARD and DOWN -> bad
MADNESS is usually considered BAD...therefore we DESCEND
into it
Not necessarily true all the time...which is why I ASCEND to
Be aware of the little tricks in language...they strongly shape
how you think.
This is a performance that can annoy and sometimes dazzle
but never bore
The path to original artistic creativity is shielding the analog
"I" from all outside influnce..but therein also lies the path to
madness..thoughts and obsessions reigning
unchecked..everyone saying "you are losing it" will be turned
away and all warnings disregarded..
Generation nothingness is a phenomenom caused by fast
changes in society..whether the changes itself are good or
bad I have no comment, I only report what I see...
In generation nothingness, I see a deceived generation that
does not know it is being deceived. In fact, it celebrates the

illusion. They are sold a mirage, a lifestyle, a philosophy that

completely lacks a base, either in the natural world or the
workings of the human psyche...but it works because it is
engineered to hit the few basic desires in post-scarcity
humans...Why become anything WHEN YOU KNOW YOU
I finish this post with a poetry piece
There is something I'm sad to report
Million souls on permanent deport
Bodies coasting without passion
Who've forgotten how to feel compassion
I travel the streets and hear much talk
Loud speakers who do not walk
Posturing about with great poise
But when you stop to listen it's just noise
All they want is to be a part of the pack
Personalities bought off the rack
Yesterday hipster, artist tomorrow
All is OK as long as you borrow
I don't wanna write but reality makes me
It's so flawed, all I see is what it could be
Full of people sure of what they could do
Doing nothing because they don't want to
More poetry, from me, to the people
I'd love to fall in love with you
When was the last time I lost control?
I want to feel the fire burning anew
In closed rooms of my soul
I'm bored of things left unsaid
I'm bored of coffees in solitude
I'm bored of beautiful thoughts without a receiver

But I manage...
The poet is the most vulnerable of all artists to ridicule in our
world and era... Sincerity and wearing your heart on your
sleeve have suffered a severe value deflation...Especially
when the poet is writing about the oldest subjects(love and
hope) known to man, the critique can become intense...
But I feel it is important to have such things...Shakespeare is
a divine being, but he is not OUR divine he is a
mummified god....we must create our own divine, living
amongst us...we have so few symbols that are our
lolcats doesn't count.
This answers whe question, why did I become a poet...To
exercise my courage...and to give poetry to a generation
that has been sorely missing it...they miss it, they just don't
know it yet. WE don't know it yet.
In the world of today honesty is worth it's weight in gold.
If you think you understood that sentence, read it again. You
know when you get it.
In times past(I speak a lot of the times past(but also of the
future(and of the present(also let me remind you that time is
a very convincing illusion)))), in everyday life, money was
not the highest currency..that honor belonged to honor. Also
known as integrity. To be sovereign human being and have
others recognize be man of your word...because if your
words were not trusted you had nothing. In today's 95%
anonymous world where nearly all connections to other
humans are temporary, there is no incentive to develop
INTEGRITY. Does it matter if you lie to a person you meet
only once in your life? If it makes any difference if he thinks
you are a scumbag or a man of honor?
Of course, you still have your permanent
and long-term friends. For them you must present a
consistent interface. This leads to selective integrity....if you
are smart + callous.
Our world as of now rewards machiavellism and
psychopathy...the natural born and self-taught immoral

beings. Present whatever interface that gets you what you

want to other people..because you will never be punished for
it...contrast to rural village where everyone knows each
other and will know each other for decades...if you do not
have integrity(predictability) you have nothing...your social
power is absolutely nill.
In our world of temporary connections there is no reward for
integrity..those who change and adapt to ever-changing
situations and connections get rewarded.
Become fluid as water but do not lose yourself...immorality is
a never-ending abyss that can destroy every sliver of
meaning from your life..of course, some want exactly that...I
don't judge them but warn them
^I am rambling even by my standards..but as we know I
don't always want to make complete sense ;-)
Why I don't want to make sense: I aim to be a living,
breathing Zen koan(to make you understand, a short story is
in order...A Zen master was about to hold a sermon..then
suddenly a bird sang...and the master said "today's sermon
is finished")...I do not explain to you things by cold hard
logic...I stimulate your make jumps in
logic...epiphanies...To put this into metaphor(your brain loves
metaphors) I aim to be like a certain kind of no9 in
football..Benzema is a fantastic example of this..who creates
a goal without ever touching the ball...How? By moving into
a position where the defender must follow him to cover him
up..which creates space for CR7 to move into...without
Benzema there would never have been a goal...but he does
not get any credit...Except from the expert eyes that can see
his contribution. I do not demand an expert eye from you...I
want my team to win, not personal accolades...
That said, I am a narcissist to the bone:-)

High sensitivity to stimuli + stimuli causing mental conflicts

+ high capacity for intuition and thinking + high

independence -> conflicts are resolved in a creative way ->

A side effect of this...the artist is always in search of new is his raison'd tre...Artist is ALWAYS a conflicted
Another "side effect" so to say...Show me a happy artist and I
show you a failed artist..even the clowns in circus are deeply
unhappy fact the more happy the artist's art, the
more depressed he is likely to be inside.
Go search for conflicts and stop making so much sense:)
Fake it till you make it...Think and you shall become...your
brain has plasticity, you can mold it any way you wish...If
your will is strong. Thankfully it can be trained, like a muscle
We are suckers for cults of personality...imagine a cult where
you would want to be the head priest...and then become that
We are a generation the choice between booga
booga and the moment booga booga is
winning...and what is my choice between those two? Poetry:)
Generation nothingness suffers from two maladies(and more,
but I have yet to identify them satisfactorily)...lack of values
and meanings...and the lack of desire to aquire
fact we are ALLERGIC to values...history is full of examples of
misplaced values that led to we have
devalued them...and rightly so.
Collective hypnosis is very dangerous. Now we are under the
collective hypnosis of rejecting values...also known as
cosmic nihlism.
Booga booga until you die..because it is all the same
anyway. It may or may not be the truth, I do not know and I
do not wish to know(see what I did there?)...But in terms of
human life, it is wholly insupportable.

A generation where our main signal of selfhood, individuality,

of who whe are is....our consumption patterns.
You must remove yourself from this illusion.
Let me tell you one of the most important words you will
ever hear in this day and age....DEFINE YOURSELF BY WHAT
What you consume is meaningless...thoughts that you hide
inside yourself are meaningless...your potential is
meaningless...all the options you have are
meaningless...what you COULD be is meaningless...what you
THINK you are is meaningless...If you think you are
something or could be something, then BECOME it...and do
not masturbate to the porn of endless possibilities...
You know the symptoms...if you don't I am very happy for
you(or you delude yourself) know all the things you
could know how great you are...but you never do
anything...why? Because knowing all your potentialities is
almost as good as fulfilling them...and you don't want to
break your vision of is the thing you cherish
the most....the potential you.

Words are very very very limited...there is an enormous

world out there where words have no power to desribe...and
my chosen mission of this life is to capture those things with
the worst possible tools...How can you catch an eagle if all
you have is rocks on the ground?...But sometimes, just
sometimes, maybe once in a lifetime, you can hit an eagle
with a well-aimed rock...
Poetry starts where words end
Poetry opens a small small window into the world where no
words always know it's there but you cannot see
The only thing better than poetry is...poetry with music :)

How-to guide to create a member of generation nothingness:
-absent father
-lots, lots of TV as a kid
-not playing outside when a kid
-little attention from parents
-too much attention from parents
-little shared experiences with parents
List to be expanded
A member of generation nothingness is defined by one thing:
his/her values float like a leaf in the winds..a compass where
the arrow is constantly changing where it points, sometimes
it's north, sometimes west, sometimes southeast...A boat
with no sailors, going where the currents and wind take it..
-currents = social pressure
-wind = media&modern culture(they're almost one and the
Nothingness = lack of internal direction
A generation that doesn't know where it's going...and
doesn't want to know
There are so many great quotes I would like to share with
you, but I restrain myself...why? Because I want to learn to
create say the things that need to be said but no
one has done it, utter the unuttered truths...
That is also what defines art...Art is the art of saying the
unknown unknown truths...which also means that the
scientist and the poet are both artists...both seek the same uncover the unknown truths...

I admit, much of my writings do not apply to those blessed

with having to bust ass 24/7 just to make ends meet...these

are guides for the generation nothingness to navigate postscarcity world to avoid the pitfall of the terrible thing called
existential boredom.
When you create a mask at least TRY to make it larger than
life..for your pleasure but also for others' sake...they are
pleasant to behold and there aren't enough of them.
Once you've changed many enough times you will start
noticing the things worth holding onto.
I am allergic to oversweeping isms...they lack contradictions
and therefore refuse the infinite complexities of the universe.
I used to be reclutant of sharing my opinions because I knew
my opinions change and that there is always the "on the
other hand" I say what I think here and now and I don't
care if my opinion may change in the future or not..because
change is not a sign of weakness but evolution.
There is a riff that we are an individualistic culture...I don't
see it.
Unless it means that everyone individually decides to do the
same things as the it individualism to be able to
choose between rock climbing and guitar playing, between
nike and adidas?
Not that I have much against many ways we are too
separated from each other already...I simply want to shatter
the sweet illusion of the unique individual....a white BMW
and a black BMW look very different from the outside but
from the inside they are essentially the same car..copies of
each other.
In fact it is quite an be all so similar yet so
estranged...for the outside observer the ants of the anthill
look and behave more or less the same.
Do the ants ever feel alienated from each other?
Where have humans gone? Some time in the past I heard a

song from a singer named Bjork. I don't remember the

song's name or even 95% of the song but there was one lyric
that hit me like a bag of bricks.."There's no one here / And
people everywhere"..It hit home so good that I could have
cried if I had wanted.
What are these "people" who are everywhere? First of all,
"they" are not "these"..It is a mass, "it".
If you are agreeing at this point that I'm right and you've
noticed the same and you definitely know you don't belong
to that mass, belong to the 99,5%.
This is my problem here...I don't know myself if I belong to
that mass or not..I'm a quiet fella in real really need
to be something special to get me to TALK about the things I
WRITE here.
So if you'd meet me, you might easily put me to the "people"
I'm good at hiding my "human" side..when you expose it is
when you can get hurt...and I wonder how many of us are
Actors..I hear often how we should be acceping of human
tendencies and behaviors and we have indeed one deserves to be shunned for what they
are and cannot control..but that is where it ends.
Right now our efforts are focused on the easily seen: gays,
women, minorities, disabled...the ones you can tell from in
one glance what "is their problem", so to speak.
But those who are "normal", but yet, not quite "normal" are
also having a hard could call them the "dreamers".
I admit, this is as "1st world problems" as they come...but
these problems need their voice...You will never find me
champion the starving kids in Africa..why? Because there are
people far more qualified than I doing that already. I took the
vacant seats.
So, "dreamers".
These are the ones who see our society as indescribably
vulgar and ugly..a monster on the edge of consciousness just

waiting to pounce..always on guard against it. Because it can

truly swallow you.
Warning: in the proceeding writing I will try to describe with
words something that is not describable...there are many
many things like that and the whole matter deserves a post
of it's own, but the time for that is not now.
What makes a dreamer's hairs stand up on their end like a
cat smelling trouble:
-"be unique!"
-promises of future
-anything looking remotely like a cult
-too practiced authority
The list goes on and on..The point I want to make is that
these people have been conditioned to be wary of their eye for bullshit that they have been
blessed with and the amount of bullshit they have been
exposed to. The major channels of info, the mainstream, is
full of bullshit..and when you see bullshit all the time you
start to think everything is bullshit.
What is the end result?
Our best people withdraw from society...they present an
interface of "people" to the world and keep their "human"
side in privacy.
The aim of this long long rant: Encourage you to let your
human side out...

Life is short and you really don't have the time to be

someone else.
Conditioning...humans, Humans, afraid to show they're
humans. Joie de vivre..gone and dead. Or not, but very well
hidden..only let out in private.

I see people that could so easily be replaced by robots...I'm

sure you are not a robot, you have a fantastic, rich inner
What if ants have deeper feelings than we do, they just don't
show it or we can't detect it?
What's the value of that?
What is always hidden might not as well exist.
When the joie de vivre or emotions in general are let out in
public, it is done in very codified ways and through
predictable paths.
Have you ever felt you have met the person before..except
you met 5 minutes ago? Because you have met dozens like
him, who all said the same things, felt the same feelings and
let them out in the same way?
Is individuality even possible in a world of 6 billion people?
Forced anonymity is what we have come to
And me? I'm like a Don Quixote fighting against's my
windmill..I guess I think too much and have too much time in
my hands.
But more likely this fight chose me, not the other way
around. Comforting thought.
I'm never sure whether I am a crazy person in a sane world
or a sane person in a crazy world. What's the difference
In a world attempting very hard to become meaningless
insanity is the ultimate expression of Sisyphean rebellion to
extract meaningless meanings from one's short time in this
In other words, kookoos have more fun. Or at least less
A short story time...titled "A cynic and a true believer meet
in a cafe"
"We are connected by two things..we all do more or less the
same things...and we all think we are unique."
"That's not true, we are all very different, we think

differently, have different opinions."

"Oh yeah? I haven't seen them...I do hear and read about
them often though"
"What do you mean?"
"Imagine I went deaf and I couldn't hear you talk
anymore..and also went dysplexic at the same time and
couldn't read your facebook anymore."
"That's a stupid scenario, even for you."
"Bear with me, I'll make myself clear. What I am trying to get
at is that I wouldn't be able to hear or read your thoughts
anymore, know your opinions, and I would have to make my
judgment on you based on your actions."
"OK, and?"
"Well, how "different" are you?"

World growing cold

Only stories worth telling
Remain untold
Anomie is calling
The minds that are sold
Lifes without living
And dreams collect mold
Well I tried my best...words are too limited.
But this is poetry as survival mechanism...and as an outlet
for the divine insanity.
Lack of joie de vivre is often cured by letting some divine
insanity enter...
A poet makes the long journey to the edge of the abyss and
gazes deep into it...and records what he sees, so others do
not have to make that journey.
The travels of a poet are very lonely. Poet is drawn to the

places no one has been at before...there is only solitude

The price of original thought is disconnect...Utter disconnect.
Actually, it is the price and also a requirement. Nothing in
this dimension is free..
To think originally one must become fundamentally different
from other people. After you go there, you cannot no longer
truly relate with anyone...except if you are very lucky and
find someone who has traveled to the same places as
you...Such a relationship transcends friendship and love.

The greatest example of generation nothingness you are

ever going to see
What a clickbait headline. Thankfully it's not a link. I don't
have to sacrifice my morals, whatever they are.
This fella needs one thing, and that is a good punch to the
This is not a call for violence, don't worry. No need to call the
"Punch to the face" in this case is a METAPHOR.
The punch to the face means here an unkind hard drop back
into reality.
It can mean a real unmetaphoric punch to the face too, but
that is one of the many possiblities.

What he needs is a visceral experience of "real life"...I don't

know what that is but I know what it is not....spending your
preteenage years(yes I consider 14 year old a preteenager)
collecting 50k watches.
I hope the article is a "troll" aimed at people like me and to
vex the poor...I very much hope so. I write from the
perspective that it isn't though because I am a pessimist.
Though I admire the audacity here...the article is an
unapologetic worship of meaninglessness of modern life and
of pure excess.
If we take Maslow's hierachy of existentially
bored one has to be to pick up watch collecting at his age?
This is midlife crisis at 1/3 of the age of a middle-aged man.
The higher you are on the hierachy of needs, the more
vulnerable you are to existential boredom.
This is what creates generation nothingness...all basic needs
are satisfied by a snap of fingers...shelter, food, sex...and the
lack of imagination to come up with "higher" ones.
He has picked up watch collecting to satisfy a need for
needs...humans need the feel they are working towards
What I am wondering here is that how fucked up one has to
be in the head to see watch collecting as a worthy
goal...again AT HIS AGE.
50 year olds have a free pass to collect Lamborghinis and
such...they need it because they are losing their a
coping mechanism.
But why he sees, AT HIS AGE, watch collecting as a good use

of his time.
I admit, same argument could be used for my writing...but at
least I am CREATING something...making a statement of my
Of course if you subsribe to cosmic nihilism it's all the same
anyway...but I hope you are not that jaded yet...if you are
know that I am out to cure the ones such as you.
I am not even sure what I want to say here...other that I'm
rather appalled by the article...but I feel here is, somewhere,
something very telling about the climate of the world we live
in and are going towards...
One thing I am sure of, and it is that his story is a cautionary
tale of first-class quality...maybe worth the few hundred
thousand he has spent on watches.

In personal philosophies simplicity is also leaves

a lot of room for personal intepretation.
Mine? Could be summed as: Construct your idol and become
Art is aesthetically arranged truth.
A simple guide on becoming a truly original thinker
Only simple math is required:
Common stimuli -> Common thoughts
Uncommon stimuli -> Uncommon thoughts, A.K.A original

You are what you eat and what your food has eaten.(Latter
part is very unappreciated)
The same applies to the mind...To be an original thinker, you
must expose yourself to things that most people don't.
And me? I very much try to come up with original ideas...and
the ones I repeat are worth repeating. There is strength,
power in repetition, it is how ideas gain momentum...all the
ideas expressed by me are ideas that want to gain

The nature of Generation Nothingness

In upcoming posts I will write a lot about this a definition of it is in order...What it is,
what kind of behavior it that it can be brought
to light, so that you can RECOGNIZE IT WITHIN YOURSELF.
and those around cannot (consciously) stop a
disease you do not know you have...I am no physician but in
matters of Generation Nothingness I hold a doctorate.
Generation Nothingness' primary symptom is complete
absence of INTERNAL DRIVE..the drive does not exist or is
added from outside sources..At this point some will say "all
behavior comes from external sources", but don't worry,
what I mean by this will become clear sooner or later.
I would guess that at least 80% of under 25-year olds(and
many older people as well, though I lack the personally
collected data to make an accurate judgment, so I stick to
my own generation) belong to this group...many of you,
readers, will belong to this group..if what I will write
resonates with you, you have potential for "salvation"....and
if you cannot bring yourself to care you are forever lost.

Generation nothingness is a resident of the 1st is a

requirement for their existence. By 1st world I mean
something that can be desribed as near POST-SCARCITY, a
term I will be using a lot.
Post-scarcity = absence of struggle to



These are the things a human needs and is always in search

for them..they are necessary to fulfill the two prime
directives that all living beings share. They are
Directive A: exist
Directive B: multiply
A living being will go to any lengths to fulfill directives A and
B, which bring us to a question:
What happens when these directives can be fulfilled with a
click of fingers?
Let me tell you: A Directive C is added.
Directive C: pass the time.
After the struggles for A and B are abolished in one's life
Directive C will become the main focus of an individual's life.
How one fulfills Directive C will determine his level of
generation nothingnessness....

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