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Azadidome FIction LitERATURE

Wednesday. July 22nd of 2015

In this particular play, we try to clarify some of the concepts which we discovered to be very important
and vital such as 4 Main reasons for failures, 2 main factors of good deliberations, 3 factors of successful
deliberations, self-silencing, failures on steroids and so on However, in a less dogmatic way and in a
more visual way. Due to this, we aim to be highlight how groups may eectively use deliberations to their
own advantage.

Chapter 1: The Street

In the side of the street. Was a parked car. The car was red in colour. There were
many cars behind the red car. They were of a variety of colours. The lights of the
red car blinked. Two people entered the car. One was tall. The other one was
short. They had leather coats on. The ones which shined in the sun. Their shirt
was baggy and white in colour. They had dark green jeans and each of them
wore a Nike shoe. Two people walked by licking a pop sickle. There was an icecream stall right opposite their car. At the shop right next to their car it said
summer discount. Children in uniforms walked by celebrating that they were on
vacation. They closed the doors of the car.
Man the world is so cold,the tall person whispered.
A wasp came in from the open window and sat down on the top of the windshield.
What do you think about our deliberations?the short person screamed.
They dont consider the is,the tall person replied.
What do you mean?the short person questioned.
You know. I read somewhere. You need to consider two factors that groups that
are having a discussion need to consider the tall person replied.
What are they?the short person said.
Information signal and social pressure,the tall person replied.
What happens if you dont focus on the is,short person whispered.

Azadidome FIction LitERATURE

Wednesday. July 22nd of 2015

The red car seamlessly moved out of the parking zone. Suddenly a small spot of
blood splattered on the wind-shield.
Your deliberation dies kinda like the wasp,the tall one whispered.
Chapter 2:Meeting
There was a table. It was in the centre of the room. The table was round and
white. It had chairs around them. Which were white in colour and made out of
plastic. The table had small holes in them. The room was not too decorated.
They were no pictures on the wall with tape on them. However, they were some
blu-tacs stuck from the meeting before. Walls surrounded closely each of the
chairs. The windows had blinds which were for no open. On the side of one wall
was a mattress. One of the chair was shaking. The door handle was wriggled and
opened. The team had arrived to the meeting spot. All of them got in their respected seats. The oldest one of them sat in the middle.
Should we begin?he asked, you said that you have a new way to improve our
Yes, I do, the man said.
Please demonstrate it to us,the old man replied.
I will,the younger man said.
The main had big glasses. Was 20 years old. Wore saggy jeans. His shirt had pen
marks all over them. He poured out a glass of green tea while seated. He looked
up at the man. He got up. He then poured the green tea sitting up. The small
holes in the table were now full. Some of the posters and pamphlets were soggy.
What the heck are you doing?the old man screamed.
That is the wrong question which you are asking right now. For the past has
been done. The future is pretty uncertain. The present is the only conquerable
What is you doing?the old man screamed slamming the table.
Educating you,the younger man said.

Azadidome FIction LitERATURE

Wednesday. July 22nd of 2015

This is no proper way of presentation, may I remind you,the old man slammed
the table.
Urgency may only be communicated through improper acts,the young man responded.
He brought on of the soggy pamphlet to his side. The pamphlet got tattered
into pieces. The young man got out a pen from his back pocket and wrote two
letters is. The I with the capital followed by a small s.
What is this?the old man said.
Cant you read,the younger man said.
I have a job. You know. I cant deal with this style of time-wasting,the old man
Didnt you read the report,the younger man questioned.
I did,the old man said.
Did you read the report, carefully,the younger man asked.
I did, for gods sake,the old replied.
But you are an atheist arent you,the younger man questioned.
Typical young people,the old man groaned.
Typical old people not too bright,the young man replied back.
Dont you disrespect me,the old man shrieked back.
rules, no screaming, remember,the younger man warned.
Suddenly someone stood up.
You heard him, he shouldnt be disrespected,another person from the other
side of the room replied.
We supposed to be free to challenge each others views,the younger man reminded.

Azadidome FIction LitERATURE

Wednesday. July 22nd of 2015

He took out a permanent marker pen. He opened the blinds. And wrote Information Signals on one pane and social pressure on the other.
You young high school kid. You have yet to learn to respect your elders,the
older person reminded.
Elders shouldnt be respected, if they are retarded as fuck,the younger person
I rented this place out. You treat it with respect. This is not your mums
house,the older person responded.
My mum knows better than humping a mattress. What the fuck is this, plato
toilet paper. This is why our organisation has so little money,the younger person responded.
Back to the point, what is the is about,the older person asked.
Are you fucking blind see the window,the younger person responded.
Why is that so important,the older person asked.
If you dont know about the is, your organisation will become like shit. And we
will have shitty debates,the younger person replied.
What you mean, we always had good quality debates before you were even a little kid,the older person responded.
Good debates, bounce like this right. How much time has passed? 30 minutes.
When are you supposed to go for blow jobbing in a suit,the younger person responded.

Azadidome FIction LitERATURE

Wednesday. July 22nd of 2015

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