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Dream Symbols: Images With a Meaning

Dream Symbols The images in your dreams may appear strange, but they are all deliberate parts of a meaningful story
about you and your life. Nothing appears in your dream accidentally, each component presents valuable information. You
may have an instinctive sense that the most baffling parts of you dream are also the most important to understand. This is
what drives us to find out more about symbols.

The Power of Symbols: Since the time of the ancient Babylonians, scholars have studied the meaning of dream

symbols and theorized about their meaning using the cultural beliefs of their age. While almost every theory about dreams
has a kernel of truth to teach us, the translations of symbolism from bygone eras have often been difficult to understand and
limited in their application to current dreams and life experiences. Not only are explanations based on historical information
sometimes challenging to understand, but the symbols in our dreams today are different as well. Because symbols arise
from the ground of current experience and cultural influences, many of the images in modern dreams are very different
from those of ancient civilizations. We dream today of elevators, planes, parking problems, shopping malls, and college
exams. Condoms, computers and e-mail are frequent symbols in dreams today, but they were not common as little as five
years ago. Understanding what these (and other) images represent to modern dreamers provides an excellent opportunity to
get to the heart of what your own dream means.

Modern Symbology Research: The lifetreks project is engaged in collecting, studying and translating modern

dream symbols to provide greater access to the language and logic of dreams today. Many modern dreams contain the same
images, and these symbols are consistently associated with certain real life conditions and feelings. Although each of us is
unique, we can benefit from seeing what we share in common with other people who are dreaming the same dream, or
whose dreams contain the same imagery. Certain conditions, stresses and personalities seem to be associated with particular
dream symbols. By translating the most common meaning of contemporary dream symbols we hope to offer you a chance
to understand your dream on a deeper level, and to benefit from the meaning it presents.
For those of you interested in exploring your dream symbols in more depth, we offer a subscription service for submitting
your dreams to have the symbols in your dreams identified and explained based on the most current findings of our research
data. This is extremely affordable, fast, and the interpretations of symbols come from actual dream research and study,
instead of superstition or folklore. Here is a sample dream and the resulting findings from the symbols service based on the
symbols the dream contains.
Sample Dream Submitted On-Line:
In my dream, I am on the way to work when I notice that I have a loose tooth. I wiggle it, and then to my horror, it falls out.
Then I notice other teeth are loose and they too begin to fall out. Soon my gums are empty and bleeding, and I rush around
wondering how I'm going to handle this or cover it up so no one sees me this way.
Results Received On-Line:
Your dream contained 3 dream symbols which are highlighted words in the following dream description you submitted:
In my dream, I am on the way to work when I notice that I have a loose tooth. I wiggle it, and then to my horror, it falls out.
Then I notice other teeth are loose and they too begin to fall out. Soon my gums are empty and bleeding, and I rush around
wondering how I'm going to handle this or cover it up so no one sees me this way.
Following are definitions for the dream symbols found in your dream (but you may have used an equivalent synonym for
the dream symbol). This information is based on current definitions and insights developed by Dr. Holloway for hundreds
of contemporary dream symbols.
Found: bleeding
Blood represents energy and "life force." Loss of blood in a dream implies that some person, situation, or relationship is
creating a very real drain on your energy. The vividness of the dream suggests this is more than mere "tiredness" but is an
actual loss of your vitality. For women it is common to dream of blood during the onset of the menstrual period. It is also
common to dream of a wound that causes excessive blood loss after an emotionally trying time or a romantic break up. In
response to this imagery, it is wise to limit activities that drain you as much as possible, and seek out people activities and
studies that "feed you" or give you a sense of being restored. If you are emerging from a severe crisis or a problem of long

duration it will likely require some time to restore your energies. Be disciplined with your program of restoration, and it
will be successful.
Found: gums
In symbolic terms anatomical gums are connected with the foundation that supports our power, particularly verbal power.
Some dreamers have determined their dreams of gum disease dealt with a tendency to suppress their own needs, and to
remain silent about their feelings and opinions. Bleeding indicates a loss of life force (just as loss of blood is eventually a
loss of life). So a dream of bleeding gums would indicate a loss of life force through the suppression of thoughts and
feelings, and lack of support for ones decisions.
Found: tooth, teeth
Teeth represent the very roots of the self, and the values and personal priorities that are involved in our decisions. Dreams
of tooth loss often occur when a compromise is made (even for good reasons) which undermines the self in an ongoing
way. The very "you" of you becomes eroded. Frequently something taken on as a temporary measure becomes more
permanent and is not a good fit. Then we "forget" that we never intended to live this way permanently. We focus on making
the self accommodate the situation. The friction between the arrangement and the self threatens to crumble the irreplaceable
parts of the self. The compromise isn't necessarily wrong, but the harmful aspects of it need to be evaluated with clear
understanding, and long-term options reviewed.
You can take advantage of this service by ordering the Symbols Analysis service on-line.
Recurring Dreams
Your Teeth Fell Out

Your Teeth Fell Out You feel something funny in your mouth.
Putting your tongue against your teeth you have a terrible
moment when you notice theyre all loose. You taste a little
blood. Pushing a little harder with your tongue you groan as the
teeth come out. You spit a few teeth into your hand, and to your
horror they all start falling out. You run to the mirror and look at
yourself. This cant be happening.

Most Common Meaning: Teeth appear strangely related

to our subjective sense of power; including the ability to take in

and manage new experiences, as well as the ability to speak out
and communicate our needs and support our own decisions and
preferences. Some researchers believe the loss-of-teeth scenes
may deal with fear of aging, or concern about loss of
attractiveness, and these are reasonable possibilities. In my own
work most dreamers indicate a stronger feeling-association with
not supporting their own decisions and preferences, or holding
back something they had to say. These dreams recur during
periods of increased stress, particularly when the dreamer is
caught in the middle of a bind and must try to satisfy opposing
points of view.

Useful Questions:

Are you feeling boxed-in by a certain situation?

Have you recently given up on a decision you made
Do you feel you must force yourself to make the best of a
bad bargain(1 an agreement between two or more people or groups as to what each will do
for the other: bargains between political parties supporting the government.

2 a thing bought or offered for sale much more cheaply than is usual or expected: the
table was a real bargain | [ as modifier ] : a bargain price of 99p.

verb [ no obj. ]

1 negotiate the terms and conditions of a transaction: he bargained with the local
council to rent the stadium.

[ with obj. ] (bargain something away) part with something after negotiation but get
little or nothing in return.

2 (bargain for/on) be prepared for; expect: I got more information than I'd bargained
for | he didn't bargain on this storm.


drive a hard bargain be uncompromising in making a deal.

into (N. Amer. in ) the bargain in addition to what has already been mentioned or was
expected: I am now tired and extremely hungrywith a headache into the bargain.

keep one's side of the bargain carry out the promises one has made as part of an


bargainer noun
ORIGIN Middle English: from Old French bargaine (noun), bargaignier (verb);

probably of Germanic origin and related to German borgen borrow.)

right now?

Discretion is indeed wise in many situations, so don't feel you are

making a mistake; you are likely taking the best course of action
right now. Consider how you can keep the peace with others
while still honoring your own principles, and supporting your
long-range hopes for the future.

Dream About Teeth Falling Out

Interpretation Tips
Help! What Does My Teeth Dream Mean?
Dreams About Teeth Falling Out
For Freud, teeth falling out in dreams point to anxiety about sexual repression and the desire to be nurtured. This
disturbing symbol also tends to show up in dreams during important moments of transition in the dreamers life.

Key Dream Meanings

What does it mean when you dream about your teeth falling out? This symbol has both negative and positive meanings:
Negative meanings
Insecurities, especially about a personal loss
Anxiety about sexual experience
A compromise that is costly to you
Life changes and growing pains
Fear of becoming older
Positive meanings
Signs of personal expansion
Wish or need to nurture yourself more carefully
An invitation to explore feelings of loss and personal growth
A call to look at your support system
The Jungian interpretation: Times of renewal and rebirth
Dream Interpretation Tip:

Check both positive and negative dream meanings before drawing any conclusion. For each definition, take the time to ask
yourself: How do I feel about this interpretation? Does it resonate with me? Does it make any sense to me personally? Sort
through the various meanings to find the one that is most relevant to you.
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What does my dream about teeth falling out mean?
Teeth falling out in dreams symbolize insecurities
In the field of dream interpretation, teeth falling out are associated with loss and important life changes. This symbol points
to feelings of insecurity or vulnerability regarding a recent event that disrupted your life.
Such dreams indicate that you are dealing with loss in one way or another: It could be a sudden loss, like an abrupt end to a
relationship or job change; it could also be a more gradual process of releasing old ways of living and adopting new habits.

For instance, you could have this type of dream after moving, changing jobs, ending a relationship or starting a new one.
These are important emotionally charged changes that may be expressed through the symbolism of teeth falling out.
Your dream reveals youre making costly compromises
Dreams about teeth falling out could represent the cost of making a compromise that is not satisfying for you or is bringing
your life out of balance. We tend to have this type of dream when we are confronted with decisions to make, but feel we
have limited options available. The symbolic images used in the dream language illustrate the risk making a decision that
could costly.
For instance, you may have disillusions about your career path or school work, be stuck in a job you do not really like, or
feel ambivalent about a relationship or decision youve made recently. Your dream would point to feelings of ambivalence
or the sensitive nature of that situation in your life.

Your dream indicates a lack of willingness to make a choice

Teeth falling out in a dream could signify that you are or were recently facing a dilemma in your life. It points out the cost
of a decision, but it could also bring light to the price of inaction or lack of willingness to make a choice.
Such dream generally indicates that you may be feeling like you lost your ability to chew on things or digest information
or an event. This symbolism could draw your attention to important matters that you may be unaware of at the moment.
A dream revealing concerns with self-image
A common dream interpretation for teeth falling out sees this symbol as a representation of the fear of aging or becoming
less efficient or productive. In other words, it would point to the loss of your means to fully bite into life, to break down
what life brings you.
This type of anxiety dream remind us of issues we may have in our waking life about self-esteem, decision-making, and
assertiveness. The overall tone and atmosphere of the dream can point to positive or negative meanings. For example,
dreaming about having bad teeth could be a call to examine the way you show or assert yourself in life, whether its at work
or in personal relationships.
Freuds perspective on teeth falling out dreams
According to the classical Freudian interpretation, teeth falling in dreams are considered symbols of castration and fear
regarding the male genitalia. For men as well as women, such dreams could relate to anxiety about sexuality or sexual
interaction with a partner.
Beyond this literal sexual and psychoanalytical analysis, this symbol can be interpreted as a representation of the fear of
being deprived of your personal power. As an extension, common interpretations revolve around the idea of powerlessness,
aggression, and concern about your safety.
Dream Interpretation Tip:

Keep in mind that a meaningful dream interpretation is multifaceted. The symbolism of the images featured in dreams are
generally made of several layers of meanings.
Note that if youre dreaming that a lot of teeth are falling out, the quantity or intensity of the pain or horror you feel while
you are dreaming is proportional to the cost associated with the fear youre feeling in your waking life.
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Positive Meanings of Teeth Falling out

Analyzing your dream is like looking at the two sides of a coin: For each seemingly negative meaning, you can uncover a
positive explanation that can help you understand the constructive message conveyed in your sleep.
Teeth falling out in dreams & signs of personal expansion
A modern perspective emphasizes teeth as symbol of the process of growing up, expanding and developing yourself. A
tooth falling out during childhood is often first time we experience the loss of something that is a part of us. It also represent
a time when we get tangible signs that we are growing up out of childhood and transitioning into a new phase of our life.
In dreams, this symbol represents the passage from one situation or one order to another. Dreaming that your teeth fall out
could therefore signal that you are in the process of changing, growing out of the old into the new.
While you are in the midst of change, the process may feel like you are loosing something or leaving a familiar environment
or habit and jumping into the unknown or the unfamiliarity of a new place, job, relationship or way of doing and seeing
things. As with any major change in ones life, this might be disturbing or even scary or painful just like when something
happens to your teeth. Transition times can also be seen as periods of discovery and personal growth.
Dream Interpretation Tip:

Dreaming of teeth falling out may be a reminder that something similar is happening in your present life. When you have
such a dream, be sensitive to your own development, how youre growing through experiences or challenges, or pushing
beyond your usual limits to discover new territories or ways of doing things.
A secret wish to be nurtured
Conventional psycho-analysts provide an additional perspective by arguing that dreaming of teeth falling out indicates an
unconscious desire to regress at early stages of childhood when we were toothless and nourished by the mother.
A brief explanation of that interpretation: During early childhood, we did not have to deal with difficult decisions and
constant adjustments to make to deal with reality. Dreaming of teeth falling out is therefore likely to come up when one is
struggling with problems or difficulties that seem insurmountable or when youre facing challenging decisions.
Its also an indication that youre facing a period of potential growth that could turn out positive if you pay attention to the
delicate balance between your needs and the requirements of the moment.
An invitation to look at loss and personal growth
Losing teeth when you were a child was probably the first time you experienced the loss of something that was so close to
you it was literally part of you. As you dream that your teeth are fall out, your unconscious is using images that play on
similar feelings. This symbolic imagery suggests that you are dealing with an event or situation in your life that prompts
you to deal with change and find support wherever you can.
When this symbol shows up in your dreams, it may point to the need to take care of yourself while youre undergoing
radical changes in your life. It may be an indication that youre in the process of growing, discovering and developing
aspects of yourself that were previously hidden or neglected.
Be sure to acknowledge that you need to take it easy on you, perhaps take some rest and give yourself the support you need
to accomplish the task at hand or challenge the obstacles that are on your way.
Symbols of strength and self-esteem
A traditional interpretation consists in seeing teeth as symbols of personal power or self-esteem. A number of common
idiomatic expressions evoke the relationship between teeth and the capacity to find your own edge or to live life more fully.
If the dream contains some tension or violence, the teeth images could be interpreted as a symbol of aggressiveness and
personal strength or lack thereof depending on whether the dream scenario is positive or negative. Look at how you are
using your instincts and primal drives such as fear, sexual desire, or desire to take control or dominate in your waking life.
On one side, you may be in the process of gaining more control over your environment or others, rising your level of

confidence in a business environment or a relationship for instance. On the other side, the teeth in your dream may reveal
tension or conflicting feelings regarding your personal power or ability to succeed.
Psychologist C. G. Jung and symbols of rebirth
For Jung, one of the most influential psychologist and dream analyst of the 20th century, having a tooth or teeth fall out in a
dream symbolizes giving birth to something new. According to him, this is especially relevant if the dreamer is a woman,
but the symbolism could be applied to anyones dream.
Dreaming of having your fall out reflects the tension and sometimes painful process that comes with starting or creating
something new whether its a project, personal resolution, decision or responsibility. It usually connects to emotions you
may be experiencing currently as you are going through changes or important shifts in your life, such as changing jobs,
home, ending or starting a relationship or simply going through a period of significant personal growth. In any case, it may
feel like youre ending something and starting something new.
Tips to interpret teeth falling out in dreams
A popular dream interpretation technique consists in connecting dream images to experiences you have or had in your
waking life. If you dreamed that your teeth were falling out, remember the feelings or thoughts that came up with the
experience in the dream and connect them with emotions or situations that evoke similar reactions in your waking life.
For example, imagine what it would feel like to have a tooth fall out and what it would mean to you. If you or someone else
in the dream has bright white teeth and a shiny smile, what do you typically associate with these traits: Is it seduction,
beauty, power to impress, cleanliness, something else? The answer could point to possible meanings for the symbols in
your dream.
The bottom line of this dream analysis method is to connect to the original feelings and emotional charge expressed in the
dream through teeth imagery. As you practice free associations, playing with symbols and their meanings, revealing more
and more layers of understanding, you gradually uncover the true meaning of your dream.
Dream Interpretation Tip:

Remember that your interpretation is far more meaningful when you connect it with events, situations or feelings you have
in your personal life. When analyzing the content of your dream, ask yourself what this image could represent or what role
they play both in your dream and in your waking life.
Video about dreams of teeth falling out

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Click the video Play icon above to see the digest of the most important dream meanings or watch the dream interpretation
video directly on YouTube.
Dream Research & Fun Facts
Dream research: Are Dreams About Teeth Falling Out Universal?
Confused or intrigued by your dream featuring your teeth falling out? Be reassured, youre not the only one. Contemporary
studies confirm what Freud was already saying in his classic, The Interpretation of Dreams back in 1900. The father of
psychoanalysis outlined a series of common dreams, such as flying dreams, dreaming about having an exam, missing a
train, falling, death of a person you know, and losing teeth.
Conclusion, dreams of teeth falling out and losing teeth are universal as they are common across cultures. They also tend to
be recurrent within ones lifetime.
This type of dream scenario is among the top 3 most common recurring dreams. In Barretts article, Trauma and
dreams (Harvard University Press), teeth falling out are the third most common recurring dream theme after dreaming of

being chased or pursued, having problems with house maintenance.

Through the eyes of scientists
Similarities between dreams about falling out and certain types of seizures
A study about the case report from Koutroumadinis and al. reporting tooth-brushing seizures makes correlations between
the imagery of losing teeth and teeth falling out in dreams and during this specific type of seizures.
The seizures studied in that case relate a womans seizure convulsions experienced during vigorous tooth-brushing with the
imagery and sensations as if my teeth were falling down into the sink one after the other.
The images of losing teeth reported during this type of seizure is very similar to the typical dream imagery featured in
dreams about teeth falling out. (Koutroumadinis M. et al., Tooth-brushing induced seizures: a case report. Epilepsia, 2001)
Do dreams of teeth falling out result from dental excitation?
Dreams about having your teeth fall out would be associated with neuronal stimulation focused on the trigeminal nerve and
some parts of the brain. This reinforces the hypothesis that some dreams about teeth falling out are somatic in nature; in
other words, they are triggered by a physical stimulus related to the mouth.
In addition to being precipitated by a somatic sensation, a dream of teeth falling out or losing teeth is the product of mental
and emotional states and associations the dreamer experiences. The research suggests that the neuronal networks that
support these states interact with the networks related to the teeth (e.g., the trigeminal zone).
Even if the imagery is similar in dreams and the type of temporal lobe seizures presented above, the neuronal network
excited during the dream state appear to have a much lower intensity. As the article concludes, dreaming itself is a product
of focal network hyperexcitabilities appearing below a recognizable seizure threshold. (Arthur W. Epstein, Department of
Psychology and Neurology, New Orleans, Louisiana. Epilepsia, 2002)
Need help with your dream about teeth falling out?
tTaylor July 6, 2015
I am 21 years old and i have had 3 similar teeth dreams in my life. They scare me and even talking about teeth scares me.
The first dream came right before i met my first girlfriend at 15. That dream i was walking down a street and i just started
spitting bloody teeth out in my hand. Very bloody but not all my teeth fell out. I felt no pain was completely horrified. All
teeth were in perfect shape.
The next time i had the dream was in the midst of another serious relationship at age 18. This time i pushed the bottom row
of teeth out with my tongue and it was also bloody but not as much as the first dream. I was just standing in the mirror
watching myself push my teeth out and fall into the sink. Still the teeth were in perfect condition and i felt no pain.
This last dream that happened last night is the weirdest one and i am still not sure on what it means because it is so much
different then the other teeth dreams i have had. I am 2 months in a new relationship just turned 21. So in the dream im
standing in a mirror and i feel no pain but start pulling out my back teeth. But they come out in rows. So im holding onto 3
rows of teeth. No blood. No pain. All of my teeth i had in my hand except 2 front bottom row ones. i then pushed those out
with my tongue. so i was left with this black infected rotting back tooth i picked pieces out from my gums. When all my
teeth were out in my hand i watched them crumble in my hand to little broken pieces. I was left standing in the mirror with
no teeth at all, broken pieces in my hand with no blood or pain. Then it was over.
I figured it has to do with relationships and BIG change but i would like more help looking deeper into these.

Mystin June 22, 2015

My father and I had some intense arguments last nights, he called me a faggot, I just laugh it off and go to bed. Hes a really
negative/aggressive person who is insensitive to people, borderline psychopath/sociopath
For the first time ever I opened up and told him that he should see people as people; no matter how stupid, annoying, or
small he may see them.
A buddy of mine got really drunk, started talking to my dad the same way (Many people have called him an emotional

Buddy of mine wanted to walk home, dad wanted to take him home, my friends refused and kept trying to get on the
motorcycle My pops started yelling at him telling him he had two choices to easily get in the car or to be forced in the
car Then he said my buddy would never work for him again in his life. My friend started crying (hes a wreck lots of
things going on in his life)
A lot of truth was revealed last night.
Anyways, Im done with this shit. I wont allow myself to be in a dysfunctional environment for long and last night I
dreamt of me gritting my teeth/biting down really hard and losing like 6 teeth. This happened as I was listening to my father
in the dream.
I wasnt anxious/helpless I was just curious in the dream; perplexed if you would.
I plan on moving to another state after saving tons of money and just focusing on my own personal career and relationships
away from both my parents. (One is a sociopath, the other is a controlling narc)
Any interpretation would be great. Thanks.

Alexandra June 17, 2015

I have had the dream of being a child Im sure because my teeth are childrens, but I keep spitting them out by the handful
and more and more keep coming.
But this time I kept spitting them out on a white handkerchief with fine mauve hand crocheted detailing and I just
kept spitting more and more baby teeth on the handkerchief and they were all splayed out all perfect with with just one with
a tiny bit of decay but then the last time I spit out my mouth full of teeth the handkerchief is splayed out with my teeth all
white with a smattering of all jewel tone teeth.
This is only time I have ever had this dream.
I am going thru very hard split from grown daughter and trying to regain visitation with grandchildren, but also going
thru very trying time in marriage in what had been 25 yrs of good marriage and serious health issues.
I am hopping the answer or insight to this dream will give me insight to path I need to take.
Any help honestly appreciated.

Ross June 9, 2015

I was sleeping in a dream or sitting i cannot recall but i opend my eyes and held my hands in front of my face and teeth
from lower jaw started to fall out to my hands,it was really creepy and all tough i am going trough a bad breakup an all.

Engineer May 27, 2015

In my dream, my upper jaw teeth from the left incisor to the right bicuspids started to detach as a group, as in the front ones
were completely detached from the gum like baby teeth, but the bicuspids and canine were attached by threads of tissue, the
group pivoting in my mouth. I tried desperately to clench my jaw, thinking that if I can keep pressure, the falling piece
would somehow adhere and heal.
Ultimately they fell out with a bit of my skull from below the nose, along with a few other pieces with teeth
attached. I remember trying to piece them together thinking how do I salvage this? I dont have the money for a dentist!
I am graduating as an engineer in a few weeks, so theres the change in life bit.
Some months previously Id seen a dream where my molars turned to a granular powder that didnt get wet, despite my
mouth being a wet environment.

kayden May 26, 2015

in my dream i was walking than i felt my bottom teeth to start touching my back top ones, so i pushed my bottom teeth
back with my tongue and than they just caved in, and just started moving around and were on the verge of falling out. i
woke up all freaked out and my teeth felt very weird. i just lost my cousin i was close too (she hung herself) could be

Ebony April 20, 2015
I woke up. MY body was fit, like the body I had always wanted. I was getting ready for school, and I woke up to floss my
My hair was short, which was unusual because I was always wanting to grow it.
As I began flossing, I felt the floss get stuck and flicks of my teeth starting breaking in my mouth.
At first it was no big deal, as I continued flossing, and the whole tooth fell out.
I started brushing to get the blood out of my mouth, and my wisdom tooth fell out, I showed my father and I said I
need to see the dentist. and he said Your brother can take you.
I wasnt my house I was living in by the way.
It was a house I cant recall, and the washroom of the first house I remember living in.
When I returned to the washroom to continue grooming my teeth, I flossed, and the teeth that were white, began
slowly turning black over, and chipping and crumbling out.
When the bigger pieces were falling out, I tried to rinse the blood off them to get a better look, and they literally
started to turn to mush.
Like wet sand or gritty melted marshmallow, but still held the form of the tooth.
Despite being black in my mouth, when the pieces came out, they were yellowish brown.
The only teeth that remained in contact, where the front ones. I flossed them first before the back ones.
I had only done the left side of my mouth. I wonder if the right side would have fallen out too.
I went to show my father that I needed to go to the dentist NOW, and showed him the mushy teeth.
He got mad at me Why did you have to go and ruin them? and he didnt want me seeing the dentist until after I
went to school. (which is weird, because I havent been to school in months).
The dream ended with me hovering over the sink, staring at myself in the mirror.

Mia April 16, 2015
I had a dream about my teeth falling out, all on the right side. One by one they all came out and I tried to save them so that
they could be put back in. Ive been having a difficult time facing the relationship with me and my childs father. Trying to

keep things together, take the hurt and pain that hes put me through. Today I didnt go to work wasnt feeling too well. Ive
been doing alot of arguing and under alot of stress because of this relationship. After reading this I feel like I havent made
the changes that I need to make. Im settling for less missing out on things that are important in life and Im scared to make
a decision because of how it would affect my child. Shes the only one I have and Im just trying my best to do whats right
and ive been trying I just keep trying but God has showed me many times what I need to do. It is so hard..

Teeth falling out April 8, 2015

Dream : I was at highschool on my way to class and suddenly all my teeth started falling out if my mouth. I called out to
one of my teachers to help but they couldnt help me. The funny thing was that there were thousands if teeth falling out. So
many that I was scared that I was going to choke on them all. They were overflowing my hands and into the ground. What
do you think this means?

Stefanie April 7, 2015

I often dream that i loose 3 teeth and in my dream i try to put thm back in my mouth In my dream i pannick and cry.

Jia March 28, 2015
No matter what dream I have there is some kind of teeth coming out wether its my teeth falling out or Bruce Willis
pulling them out of some guy (yes that dream was recent)

shawno March 4, 2015

Last night I had a dream that my teeth were falling out one by one. I was really okay with it and I would throw them away,
one by one. Then as the dream went on and I lost my last tooth, I decided I wasnt okay with just throwing them away. I
went back and found every tooth, soaked each one in milk and then jammed it back into my gums. By the end of the dream,
my teeth had all been returned to their place in my mouth and healed.

NoTeethOnlyDreamsNow February 28, 2015

It starts off with a faint wiggle of a tooth which i start tonguing. It becomes looser and looser but i cant help but continue
doing it. Thats when it falls out and it process starts again but this time it takes no effort, a single touch of my tooth with my
tongue and it falls out. I now have two teeth sitting in my mouth as i rush to the bathroom and when i finally reach it i have
almost all my teeth floating around in my mouth. The last thing that happens is i spit them all into the sink, see the blood/
teeth and think to myself well this sucks.. And that is the point at which i wake up and start checking to make sure my
teeth are still there.

alyel May 22, 2015

This is EXACTLY how mine starts! Always with a wiggle of a tooth This last time, all of my teeth were slowly chipping
away, they were jagged as all hell and nasty looking. I remember thinking I need to get to the dentist very calmly. And
then I wiggled my front tooth and it just came out. Ugh. Such disturbing dreams

Dr. Reginald Van Toothe February 22, 2015

This is an important message from a licensed therapist concerning a disturbing trend affecting young women and the rise in
frequency of dreams in which their teeth are falling out. A recent discovery in Vienna, Austria of a rather large satchel
containing a virtual treasure trove of notations and observation on a collaboration of effort between Dr Sigmund Freud and
Dr Carl Jung reveals that these dreams are a significant step in the development of a rather large number of physical failings
in young women; these dreams serve as a warning to young women that if they wish to remain youthful and maintain a
proper body representation and not develope certain cancers, the absolute best way to accomplish this is to get as much
semen on their teeth and gums as possible. It should be as natural and frequent as breathing air- in fact, it should be the sole
pursuit of all females who are relatively attractive, between 15 and 85, and even some of the older uglier ones as well. This
may be the most important scientific discovery of this new century, and more information will be forthcoming, I can assure
you of that.
Michelle February 19, 2015
I will have either one of the two dreams dealing with teeth: One scenario I will be trying to talk to someone in a very rushed
environment such as working in a restaurant or whatever, and I will try to speak to someone urgently, but my jaw will feel
as though it is clamped shut. I cant move it or open it in any way, and can not communicate. Usually when I have this
dream I wake up and find my jaw clenched in real life. The other dream which I have often I will be speaking to someone
generally, and my teeth will start to fall apart, directly out of my mouth. It will start with my front tooth being very loose
and I will, in the dream, try to keep it inline with the rest of the teeth. Eventually it will loosen and fall out and then the rest
will just crumble out of my mouth as if I was hit in the face. Though I have rare had any violence occur, just the teeth
themselves falling out.

In my dream Im parked outside the Sunset Grill on West Street, the one that you can do tequila shots from the girls belly
button. I been working on this bargirl Margie for the last three and a half years and finally shes polishing my knob and my

car is a 67 Vette- cherry and Riders on the Storm is playing on the radio. Margie looks up at me and she says-How am I
doing? and I said-How the Hell should I know, I aint no cock sucker!she stopped, looked up at me and all her teeth
fell out. I thought- I dint think it could get no better than this but it just did!Then I looked down and all I hear is like a
gagging noise. It was the wetness of thevGoddam dog puke that woke me up. My wifes Bitchin Freeze or whatever that
damn thing is called is crawled up onto my Easy Boy recliner and yakked right in my crotch.I hate that goddam dog.

Yong K. February 5, 2015

I was sitting in a classroom setting, all of a sudden I spit out 6 teeth. The teacher says oh my & I excuse myself to the
bathroom. When I look in the mirror, I see that all the teeth that fell out come from the right side of my mouth. I brush my
teeth to remove the blood in my mouth. No pain & Im calm throughout the experience. I remember thinking as I look in
the mirror that I dont look that bad physically. I also remember thinking that itll be easy for a dentist to fix with dentures.
Then I realize my left front tooth is loose. I touch it & it basically crumbles to pieces. No blood, it just looked decayed. I
wash my face which had smears of dried blood on it & go on my way.

keonaa January 28, 2015

my brother had a toy hammer and he did not put it away when I asked him to. He got mad and hit my bottom canine tooth
and I thought well look at that I could feel my tooth hanging in my mouth and it just feel out. Later on in the dream I was
taking notes at my desk then I decides to go get some water. When I was walk king back to get my water my entire mouth
just shut like a bomb was going off in my mouth and I could feel something squeezing really tight and my mouth I ran to
the restroom and when I finally got my mouth to open all my teeth just slid eight out and now Im up and like this
literally just happened a couple minutes ago
Nia January 16, 2015
Dreamed about a guy friend front teeth fallout but it seams like theres another tooth(maybe a crown) behind it coming out.
When he dropped it he catch it with his hands and we were laughing hard because he dropped his tooth on the floor.
Leah January 14, 2015
I was packing my things and moving when I couldnt feel my mouth any longer. There was no blood but as my teeth feel
out I could see they were rotting from the inside. The root of each tooth was a cavity filled with black and green like a
rotten apple. As each tooth fell out my friends and family left in horror. I rushed to the hospital but before I got there my
teeth had all fallen out and my life was draining from the holes in my gums. I laid down in the center of the road and
watched the life drain from me. Then I woke up.

LaWanda January 15, 2015

You prolly really should have took a good long dump before you went to bed. It sound like in your dream you is rotten
toothed because you be filling up with dookie and in your sub consios you needs to get that mess out. You was breakin
wind too, i bet but your was like all into you sleeps and dint wanna go to no bathroom. Its may be erry time you farted one
of you moms or dads and snivling got tired of that mess and just up and went. I remember one time DJbari made me do the

buttsex and i ant shit right for a week! My dreams was all just like that. I dream my teeth fell out erry night. If you and your
mans doing butt sex you need to chillax on that for a week unless you into it.
TGABonilla January 14, 2015
In my dream I was looking at myself in the third person! I was awake and speaking to my mom, when I was offered
something to eat so I did, it was something soft. A piece of bread, so I take a bite and I realize that my teeth are loose so I
dont bug them. Then I started to play with them with my tongue though I was still talking to my mom, I notice that one by
one they started to fall out, but I didnt spit them out because I couldnt believe it. Then i spit out most of them and my
mom just looked at me, like if nothing was wrong.I freaked out and woke up to being confused of what it means.

s. r. hilton January 7, 2015

I was at a hanging out with close friends we were having fun and eating. I was poking at my teeth with my tongue when I
heard something crack. I didnt think anything of it until I was poking my teeth with my tongue again and then my one of
my bottom teeth fell out into my hand. My first thought was, call my mom for the dentists phone number. As u was on the
phone with her, another tooth fell out. The next thing I know, Im sitting on the floor spitting out teeth slivers and metal (I
have a permanent retainer on my bottom teeth). When I looked in my hand, I was holding my teeth and other things that
looked like teeth but were too big to have been able to fit in my mouth. I then woke up and started to run my tongue across
my teeth to make sure they were all there.

Anonymous January 3, 2015

Ive had tooth loss dreams before, but this one was especially strange. First of all, I want to make it clear that I dozed off for
just a few minutes. Ok so I was with my sister somewhere that I had never seen. It was like a giant strange house but almost
like a student housing community place. It was comfortable and felt totally normal for me to be there. Anyway I had tripped
and fell, was fine but my hand instantly went to my mouth to touch my tooth and it was hanging on by a thread. I was
crushed. Im screwed I thought. No money, no insurance, cant get a job with no tooth, everything would be ruined. My
self-esteem would be gone. Id be toothless.
I wiggled my tooth again and out it fell, rolling oddly across a hardwood floor. (That I dont even have in reality) I
could feel the hole in my gums with my tongue, yet no pain and practically no blood even though I could taste it.. After I
did that I poked another tooth with my finger and guess what? Loose! It wiggled. My teeth!!! My poor teeth!! My life was
over. I tried thinking of a solution as I crawled reaching for my now 3 teeth that lay scattered on the floor. I laughed to my
self bitterly. Chiclets. I could find some toxic free glue, and viola. Brighter, whiter, mintier and fresher teeth. I thought how
I could make up for my humiliation, by laughing at myself. Hold my ciggarette in the hole of one and blow it how the other
empty space. Like a bar trick. But honestly Id be completely devasted if it happened for real. Now that was just like the
first 5 seconds of my dream. There was much, much more. Yet I was sleeping maybe 10-15min, if that. More like 8. But I
know it quickly turned the focus to the actions and reactions of others and they pertained specifically to my sudden and
multiple tooth loss. Then there was another point where I was felt almost drugged with a paralyzing dose of who knows
what and all I could do was lay there on my stomach, unable to move at all, while I drooled on the floor. But I knew who
was around me and there was life depending urgency. I needed to get moving. It was taking a very dark sinister turn and
something bad was gonna happen.. I was angry and getting a scared too. Very. I knew I was dreaming but I was starting to
lose that comforting knowledge that I would be awake soon. Before I was too immersed in such a strange, dangerous, scary
dream, I made myself wake up. This happened in less than ten minutes when I dozed off on the couch. Now can someone
analyze that little fragment of the dream for me please.

Skylar December 31, 2014

I woke up to my dream where I was at school in the gym. Everyone was sitting in a circle, then all of a sudden I felt a rush
of blood come out of my mouth along when with 2 teeth and 8 shattered pieces of the rest. The teacher helped me to the
washroom. Then out of now where his mood changed, and then he tried to punch me with his weak hands for no reason. His
image also changed, his weight and height went down. Then he just vanished. ~ Skylar
Q: What does this dream mean?

TeethFall January 1, 2015

so do I! For years, Ive been having these dreams where i feel my teeth are about to come out, i can move them with my
tongue, or theyre actually falling off. In real life i am insecure about my teeth and generally very stressed or
hypochondriac-ish :/ . maybe i m grinding them at night but my boyfriend says he hasnt heard me, and i assure you its a
sound straight from Hell.

stephanie December 13, 2014

I dont normally remember my dteams once i wake up, but recently ive been remembering small details about my teeth in
my dreams. Most recently when i woke all i could remember was thst one tooth fell out of my mouth. I got nervous but just
put the tooth riht back in my gums. It slid right back in and didnt hurt. I remember thinking well, ill just have to be careful
when i eat.

JAYJAY December 3, 2014

In my dream I was home over my kitchen sink, I think I was doing something prior but I cant remember what exactly.
Then I felt the sensation of a loose tooth then gradually I felt the sensation of spiting it out. But it very soon turned
into me spiting up my back teeth but with small white balls. In the palm of my hands I held them and ran to show someone
in my house. I ran toward my indoor porch and looked through the glass pane. I saw someone I knew outside and tried to
signal to them. I couldnt speak because the sensation of spiting up came over me again. Then I found my self on my knees
spitting up again. This time all my teeth big and small came rushing out my mouth along with small white little balls, like a
waterfall. As these fell through my hands I grabbed into something and tugged a little, as this waterfall thing continued, and
felt a tug in my throat. I pulled and a white rosary necklace came up and out of my throat with a small wooden cross at the
end of it. Then other one came up just after the first one. Both were lying in the pile of teeth and white balls I had threw up

Julia November 13, 2014

Ive had this reoccurring nightmare 3 times now. In the 2 times that I remember the most, my teeth continue to crack and
fall out as I frantically try to put them back in my mouth. Ive researched and found that these dreams can have both
positive and negative meanings, although each time Ive had the dream it is a very negative experience.
I took a nap today and my dream was as follows:
I was going about my regular, insignificant dream life when the teeth started falling out. First it was all my front teeth in

groups of 2 or 3, like connected kernels on a cob of corn. Then all of my teeth on the side began cracking and falling out. I
frantically tried to put them back and keep them in my mouth so the dentist could repair my teeth. Suddenly, my dad
walked in. In the dream my dad was Alec Baldwin irrelevant. I said, Dad, we need to go to the dentist NOW!. He says,
Oh, no worries, well go tomorrow, or next summer! I finally convinced him of the urgency and we sped to the dentist,
which was housed in an old English estate building on a beautiful grounds. As soon as I got into the building, I was
overcome with a sense of fear. I couldnt put my finger on it, but something didnt feel right; although I have never been
afraid of the dentist before. I told the dentist that I needed my teeth fixed immediately. I received the same response as the
initial reaction from Alec Baldwin/dad: Well do it next summer!. Eventually the gave me the paperwork and we headed
upstairs to get started on the surgery. There was a white door in an otherwise colorful room, with a beautiful view of the
lawn outside. I was instructed to go through the door alone, that no members of my family could accompany me even
though I was quite scared and that my younger sister (who I am very close with) would stand outside and hold the key.
At the last moment, I grabbed my little sister and pulled her inside the door. We stood in scared silence for several seconds
before my mom threw open the door. As soon as she closed the door behind her, she vanished, along with the surgical room
down the hall. My sister and I turned around, and on a white wall were a series of corkboards, much like I have on the wall
of my room. My corkboards have photographs mounted on decorative paper. In the dream, the same decorative paper
framed hand-drawn pictures. One of these pictures was about the size of a stamp: a small picture of an airplane, mounted on
blue paper. Rather than hanging flat like the rest of the pictures, this airplane kept rotating around its pushpin. At this point
I realized something wasnt right and eventually concluded that I was dreaming. I was still very scared by the dream and
wanted it to end. The only thing I could remember was that in the movie Inception, the act of dying wakes up the dreamer. I
had no idea if this had any element of truth to it or if it would work, but I grabbed my little sister by the hand and told her
we had to jump out the window. She immediately responded, No, Julia, I dont want to die!. But I assured her it was a
dream and we had to end it. I should clarify that I was terrified, my fear of death/pain was still very real and I had no idea
what the outcome would be. We were supposed to hold hands and jump at the same time, but at the last moment she
jumped a second too soon and hit the pavement dead. At this point I was devastated and still quite afraid, but I knew I
had to jump now too. I took 3 deep breaths and I jumped. I fell quickly but as soon as I made contact with the pavement, I
felt myself come back into my body in real life. I took a breath and sat up in shock but thrilled to have a full set of teeth.
What a dream.

joyce July 19, 2014


Tyrese June 25, 2014

I was in my Summer dress. We had marshmallows. There were poodles or bichon frise, depending on the light and tine.
My dress was Lake Placid blue with white polka dots, but tasteful, not like Zooey Deshanel or her retard sister; I looked

like a million dollars. My friend Calista was there, but her face seemed different. She had, like, I dont know, maybe three
hundred teeth. I saw my reflection in a silver tray the help was porting, and I, too had at least 200 teeth. Suddenly , Calistas
teeth all became one huge incisor, and she ate the dogs along with the marshmallows. There was toffee and chocolate and
lap dogs. I saw my reflection again, and it was like I was Korean or something. I, too had one single big tooth. I smelled
toast burning and my face got numb. The wire rim wheels on an old British car became my new home. I was skewed in
vision , perhaps by 45 degrees. My vagina was now just below my nose and I was in a bar in Halifax. I got raped by
toothless drunken Canadian dishwashers until I became Oprah. Rich, now, but relentlessly hampered by my blackness, and
constrained by the America that allows asphalt to cover her highways, I decide to become white and I marry Brad Pitt, and
adopt all of Africa and then my lower left bicuspid becomes loose. I wiggle it and my breasts become bronze and I defecate
a Ford Taurus with all the extras. I drive right the Hell out of this dream.

Dude June 14, 2014

In my dream Im having sex with Queen Elizabeth. She likes it rough and Im slapping the piss out of her. Suddenly she
says-Du ga whiffle ding! I ask her what she said and tell her I cant understand her accent. She reaches into a glass on her
dresser and puts her teeth in and says - Dear boy please do the nipple thing! I dont know what she means but like it is in
dreams, now I have a pair of 14 Channel lock pliers in my hands. I grasp both of her nipples in the pliers, put my foot
between her breasts, and pull with all my might. They stretch, like as far as I can reach in this position and it looks like Im
making poodles with balloons at a kids birthday party. I let go, and a snapping noise like a bullwhip goes off. She laughs
and it sounds just like Seth Rogen. Then the roof of Buckingham Palace opens up, and a spaceship is overhead. It beams me
up- just me, no queen. Im surrounded by aliens and they all look EXACTLY like Kim Kardashian, except their breasts are
where their buttocks should be, and their buttocks are where their breasts should be. Actually, there is very little difference
in the overall look. I ask them if they are going to probe me anally, and they all say in unison- No...That is an urban
myth.. Im relieved. Then they tell me that I have been selected to educate the people of Earth; make them smarter.
They tell me that they will know if the people of Earth are any smarter by monitoring our media waves, and if less people
are listening to country music and rap, or not watching Duck Dynasty or Keeping Up With the Kardashians, our planet will
be saved. Otherwise they will return and probe us all anally until we die. Then my teeth fell out. Wierd, huh?

Ashley June 10, 2014

Last night, I spent most of the night randomly waking up and falling back to sleep I could tell that I was trying to suppress
something. My Dream consisted of the following items; pulling my teeth out and new ones being there (I am 27 years old
new teeth would not be there) and being engaged to my best friend (male) and then cheating (done by him).
Dream part 1: I am out with friends/family was at a BBQ and we are enjoying the sun laughing and talking among-est
each other, as the sun is setting. I find myself, thinking i have something stuck in my back teeth near my wisdom and I start
pulling on it, and the tooth falls out then I feel all my teeth become very loose and I pull on them having all my teeth
from my mouth in my hands (and were I am panicking) as I see them i rub my tongue across my teeth and realize that
there are new teeth there. (wake up)
Dream part 2: I was walking into a party with friends and family members and we were laughing and enjoying ourselves, at
one point the music stops and my best friend (male) gets on the mic and says i have loved you since I first laid eyes on
you.. (Bends down).. Ashley, will you marry me there were tears everywhere and everyone kept saying finally we are
so glad that you both realized that you are meant to be together. You could feel the amount of LOVE there was in the room,
and he looked at me like I was a million dollarsso many kisses and hugs, we were even intimate.(woke up)
Dream part 3: Upon getting engaged we were living separate from each other and as tradition after work I came over to see

him. His house looked very different than it does now. I knocked on the door and he wasnt answering. So I rang the
doorbell, and he walks out of a room towards the door in his underwear looking at me strangely. I said hey, just stopping
over to see you and see whats going on (it was a very odd interaction for best friends but best friends who just recently
became engaged months before). One detail that kept sticking out when speaking with him, was there were so many cars
outside his house. He said, I am busy right now and I will have to talk with you later. I looked at him funny, and said
what do you mean? What are you doing? and he pointed to his underwear and he said what do you think.. Having
sex as I am walking away confused to my car about the situation (thinking okay, he just wants time alone, I will stop
over later) I then, notice his ex-girlfriend car is there; I walk back to the door and he says, (just looking at me) Yes she
is here. I then start walking towards the car in rage and I find myself keying her car and driving home. (Woke up)

celeste May 9, 2014
This is just one of the THOUSANDS of teeth-falling dreams Ive had over the course of my 16 year old life. I just had it an
hour ago when I woke up from a nap, panting. Heres how it went:
I wear braces on my upper jaw, and Im getting them off on the coming Monday. In my dream, my parents told me to
go to my room because they wanted to watch a movie (this doesnt make sense they never do this). When I went to my
room, I realized one of my braces from my right canine fell off, followed by the one next to it. In real life, I dont wear the
wire since the orthodontist took it off a while ago, but I had it in the dream. Therefore it caused an excruciating pain and a
screamed. One by one, the rest of the braces broke off too. I was screaming and crying and I came out of the room to tell
my parents, but they ignored me. I yelled at them, and went to my brothers room (whos 11) and stood in front of the mirror
checking my teeth and crying. He kept kicking me and teasing me. I told him to stop but he just continued. And then I dont
remember what happened but I woke up panting intensely.
Its extremely stupid and irrational, That Im actually crying as Im typing this. I really dont understand whats
happening to me. Its nothing to cry about. Im so confused..
Grandpa March 31, 2014
I dreamed that the country was in, like , a Civil War. I was watching. After the country was ravaged a alien race of people
who looked like us, but had no morals and a evil agenda came from afar and established banks and newspapers and took the
country over and the next thing you know after they had established a Social Security system and a income tax, they
monetized and had bought all our congressmen and senators and presidents and we were enslaved to them.They put a
monkey in the White House and gave all our money to beaners and chinamen and push starts and all. They ran our
economy; Hell- even a pair of jeans cost $50 and $ 45 went to ads on the tee vee.They only made up 2% of our populace,
but they owned 98% of everything.Funny thing was- if you pointed your finger at them, the idiots around you would grab
you and take you to a place far away.I lost my teeth a long time ago

Anonymous August 12, 2014

Are you sure this was a dream? other than the part at the beginning about the country being in a civil war, this sounds like
real life. There have already been at least 2 monkeys in the white house just in my lifetime.. George W. Bush and Barrack
Obama. The truth is, this country (USA), and possibly the rest of the world as well, is run by the richest people. They only

make up about 1-2% of our population, but they run the show. Our president, senators, and congress dont run this country,
the top 1-2% run this country. The president, congress, and senators are just their puppets. These people dont care about
us. They only care about themselves, their families, and their money. Heck, for all I know, maybe they dont even care
about their families, either. And if you try to bring these facts to peoples attentions, the reality is that theyre probably going
to think that you have lost your mind. The might even assume that you never had a mind to begin with. And the jeans
thing My brother bought a pair of jeans a few years ago that cost him $75, and they had holes in them.
P.S. If you look up the world congress in a dictionary, one of the definitions is a group of baboons. Its not important to
my point, but I just thought it might get you to chuckle a bit.

Jacquie March 28, 2014
I dreamed last night that my fillings were falling out, and my teeth came along with them! But underneath, there were new
teeth growing! Anyone know what this means?

Nikki April 17, 2014

Sound like there is a change happening in your life and you are releasing the past and seeing the new and future events that
are inevitable.

Molly March 27, 2014
I had the dream just now where my teeth were falling out. I had denture-like implants as well, and I took those out to find
my natural teeth destroyed and falling out. I was at my parents house in and out of the bathroom trying to to find the words
that my teeth were falling out, but all they could do was try to give me vacuum cleaners and hairdryers (they collect tons of
stuff from garage and estate sales). I felt extra uncomfortable because there were two acquaintances from college/same
internship as me there watching me, and I didnt want them to know about my teeth.
In my dream I kept thinking about how my childhood retainer from when I had braces for almost 5 years wouldnt fit and
this was why my teeth were not only falling out, but grew to point in different directions. I hadnt taken the denture like
implants off in so long that I neglected my natural teeth.
Point of reference: I just got out of a serious relationship of two years. I get the growing part and possibly rejecting other

aspects of my life in the actually losing my teeth.

But why am I at my parents house? Why are they trying to give me appliances? Why are there two sort-of friends there
watching my every move? Im confused about that part.

Shioski March 26, 2014

It seems like it happens to a lot of people, so why not? So Ive had these kinds of dreams several times. The situation,
setting, and people always change and theyre usually so random. But one thing that remains the same are the teeth. It starts
off with one tooth being quite loose. Id question it because Im able to reason in my dreams and I reason that Ive already
lost all my teeth. Usually, its because of my ability to reason in my dream that I dont usually have nightmares or stuff like
that. But for some reason, these teeth dreams are different. Its one loose tooth, then 2 or 3 loose teeth, then as they fall out.
The rest of my teeth are loose and falling out. The scary thing is, it is legtimitately so realistic, like the feeling of having
these teeth in my mouth. Another weird thing is that once I reach this point in my dream, there are WAY more teeth in my
mouth than possible. And I have no idea how to react to this

Mary Ellen McClintock March 25, 2014
In my dream I was working in the Wawa in Morgantown West Virginia- you know, the one across from the Piggly Wiggly,
next to the Pick & Lick Factory Chocolate Seconds store. My father, who is also my uncle AND my grandfather came in
and asked for a pack of Luckies and he smiled and winked at me, and I knew I was in trouble.It was his signature move, the
same one what got my sister, who is also my neice pregnant. I tried to run but I seemed to be in quicksand. I was in my
underwear and my pink bunny shoes and the whole floor of the store was covered in banjos and them cotton candy paper
cones like they have at the carnival.He was gaining on me and just as he grabbed my arm my only tooth fell out. It grew to
the size of a elephant and turned into a big couch and caught on fire. Then the strap from my bra caught the cigarette and
Slim Jim display and it was like a slingshot. All the cigarettes and Slim Jims shot into my daddy/uncle/grandpas mouth and
his only tooth fell out.He fell into the burning couch and turnt into The Devil and I was pregnant right then and there. The
baby come flying out of my butt and it was a monkey with wings and it got elected President and I was Queen of West
Virginia with a tiara and everything and I had me a magic wand and dentures that were made of gold and I was on Wheel of
Fortune and I could actually read and I won a trip to Wyoming. I was real excited on account of I never been to another
country before and then I woke up and my butt hurt real bad and there was my daddy in the doorway of the trailer and he
was leaving to get some oxycontin from the clinic and he was smiling and he winked at me. Am I going to be pregnant

Brittany Soulet March 6, 2014

[Repost Many typos]
Its stressing. The first dream I had a week ago [Febuary 27, 2014] started of with me waking up and feeling that
loose-tooth feeling. So I walk to bathroom and I look in the mirror and it looked like shark teeth. Like, my teeth were
normal but it looked like there were about 200+ dangling teeth and then I constantly spat them out. I tried to tell my mom
but I think I was either invisible or being ignored. Now for last nights dream, It was about the same, I woke up and had all
those dangling teeth and were spitting them out. But in this dream, I could finally talk to my mom and when I showed her

she freaked out. For this dream, I think it was about me hiding away in this glassy mansion with my mom from somebody.
Anyways, after she freaked out I figured she couldnt do much to help so I just pulled, scraped, and spat them all out. The
dream ended with me looking in the mirror with my mouth wide staring at my gums. Looked scary. I literally always have
dreams of fighting, killing, yelling, hiding from/finding people, I call them stress dreams. I always of course have
nightmares. Yes, sleeping isnt very pleasant..
If anyone would like to discuss these personally feel free, my Tumblr is

Brittany March 6, 2014
Its stressing. The first dream I had a week ago started of with me waking up and feeling that loose-tooth feeling. So I walk
to bathroom and I look in the mirror and it looked like shark teeth. Like, my teeth were normal but it looked like there were
about 200+ dangling teeth and then I constantly spat them out. I tried to tell my mom but I think I was either invisible or
being ignored. Now for last nights dream, It was about the same, I would up and had all those dangling teeth and were
spitting them out. But in this dream, I could finally talk to my mom and when I showed her she freaked out. This was
during the dream, I think it was about me hiding away in this glassy mansion with my mom from somebody. Anyways,
after she freaked out I figured she couldnt do much to help to I just pulled, scraped, and spat them all out. The dream ended
with me looking in the mirror with my mouth wide staring at my gums. Looked scary. I literally always have dreams of
fighting, killing, yelling, hiding from/finding people, I call them stress dreams. I always of course have nightmares. Yes,
sleeping isnt very pleasant..

Sam March 3, 2014
A few nights ago I had a dream where a bottom front tooth was loose, but it didnt fall out and that is all I remember. Last
night I dreamt that the very same tooth was loose again, but this time I kept playing with it with my tongue until I loosened
it enough to pull it out. After I pulled the one tooth out the rest began to feel loose and slowly started to crumble and
crunch in my mouth until I was spitting out blood and pieces of my teeth into my hands. I dont remember exactly where I
was, but I believe it was my bedroom, and my ex-boyfriend was there. I was frantic and scared in the dream and kept
pacing around wanting him (or anyone I guess, but he was there) to help me or make it better. Interestingly, I believe I was
scared of him and his reaction as well because I have an image of him being angry about it or mad at me. The last thing I
remember was being on my hands and knees with my hands cupped and full of teeth and blood, with him standing over
me. I was so scared and finally became almost lucid, wondering if this could be a dream. I decided to try to scream to
figure it out. I made no sound in my dream when I tried to scream, but in real life I screamed loudly in my bed and
managed to wake myself up. Thanks God, because it was honestly the most terrifying thing.


beejay February 26, 2014

wen i first start havin this dream my teeth would be loose and i would be careful not to let them fall out becuz no one wants
to lose their teeth the next couple of dreams one or two fell out me and my girlfriend of two years had been having
problems in our relationship during all of these dreams About 3 days ago i had a dream all my teeth fell out and around this
time i was so unhappy in our relationship Yesterday i told her it was over not knowing what this dream meant til i googled
it today I feel like she was the bad teeth in my mouth that i didnt want to get rid of becuz of that thing called love

weird January 11, 2014

I had a dream that i was at school and i was on my way home then out of nowhere the teeth on my left side were becoming
loose and once i touched them with my tongue they were hanging by the tip and i had to pull them outlater on these two
guys had repaired my teeth as if he had put new ones in because they looked different than the ones i had before after
they had fixed my teeth they made me swim and grab a coin that was at the bottom of the water (there wasnt a pool it was
just like a flood or something) i couldnt swim because i didnt know how even in reality i dont know how to swim. They
were moving their hands as if they were swimming so i just did the same thing, then this other guy told me to put the tip of
my toes toward the coin and kick it upward causing it to flip in the air, so i stood in the water and did exactly what he told
me then i grabbed the coin and the water disappeared. I heard the bell ring so i ran home when i got home i looked in the
mirror admiring my teeth then i noticed that there was a tooth all the way in the back and it was becoming loose as i was
watching it, then a lot of blood was coming out my only choice was to go back to the school and see the guys who had
helped me but they were gonethen i woke upplease tell me what this means (i am a girl and Im 15 1/2 years old)

Disturbing Dream December 3, 2013

I was in a setting with many other people (or at least it felt like there were many other people). It seemed like some sort of
group activity where we were moving down a hill walking/jogging not taking straight paths and slightly disorganized
but we were still moving in the general downhill direction and following the winding path, having fun along the way. There
were trees and grass and general shrubbery on the hill (jungle-ish but not too much). At the bottom of the hill was a plain
and it was a sunny and partially cloudy day (the weather wasnt much of a big deal but I remember that there was a good
amount of light and it was not dark). Somewhere along the path there was a bump and I (or somebody, might have been
some girl) tripped on it and fell, precisely landing on my bottom jaw on the edge of the path, which knocked out almost all
of my bottom teeth. At this point, whether or not it was me who fell or somebody else, I ended up transitioning into the
person who fell and stood up, and used my tongue to feel around my mouth. There was no gushing blood or pain, but there
was just a tiny bit of blood (no taste of blood) and just empty spaces where most of my bottom teeth used to be. There were
still one or two teeth left but they were on the sides. I remember thinking to myself in my dream, oh well my teeth are
gone, of course I understood the situation but I did not seem to panic. It was at this point that I woke up.
Tell me what you guys think

Anonymous November 24, 2013

My dream occurred about three days ago. In the dream I was talking to a friend and while I was talking one of my teeth (K9
I think) just fell down into my mouth. I was like WHAT IS THIS??!!! I pulled it out of my mouth and looked at it. It wasnt
bloody or painful; I was just in shock and so was my friend. I felt my gums with my tongue but couldnt feel the whole
where it had come from. I held onto the tooth and began talking again. Another tooth fell down! My friend was starting to

become alarmed but I was calm; shocked again, but calm. Felt for the location, but no whole again. The teeth werent
normal sized teeth. They were about 3inches long and pointed at the end, almost like an animals tooth. No blood or pain,
just confusion as to where they were coming from and why was this happening. We continued our conversation (as I kept
searching my mouth for the location). Just before I woke up, a third tooth came out. Very weird. I went to the bathroom
and looked in the mirror first. Again, no pain or blood. So does that mean the transitions and changes Im facing will come
without pain and be smooth??

Hildaaa November 17, 2013

I had the exact dream. Im standing in front of the mirror because I was worried my teeth felt loose and as I open my mouth
in front of the mirror with my mouth opened I just sucked out my lower right molars with my tongue. They just come right
out! I spit them out into my hand and when I look down its three bloody teeth sitting in my hand. I look in the mirror again
and with my tongue push out two left top teeth. As I rinse out those two teeth just flow into the sink. I look up I scream and
yell for my mom to show her as I smile to show her I remember telling her its OK that because its not my two front teeth.
I remember feeling scared but relieved that it wasnt my tooth front teeth. Now that Im typing this It makes sense to me!
Im currently taking a huge exam that will determine a promotion for a career change that carries a lot of stress and
uncertainty and I have not been able to do the things I usually enjoy doing like going out with friends for drinks because I
feel bad/guilty if Im hung over or tired that I cant study. Or even going to the gym makes me feel bad because I feel that
that time shouldve been spent studying instead. I keep telling myself this is temporary but its been months of studying and
I cant wait to get this exam out of the way which correlates with the uneasy feeling of discomfort I had when I noticed I
lost my teeth and also explains the feeling of relief I felt that it was not my front teeth because Im hopeful that this
unbalance in my life will end once I pass my exam.

Misty October 25, 2013
Im 46, a mom, living in a weird friends living room with 14 yr old son, been in on and off 2 1/2 relationship who lied and
betrayed me many many times. DREAM: I was living with a boyfriend but I dont who he was, but I believe it was a loving
relationship. I was talking when a bottom tooth fell out. I tried not to worry and said I think it was a baby tooth. But then
another bottom tooth fell out, then another and another into my hands. I began to cry saying its not right, somethings
wrong somethings wrong I called an old neighbor girl who is missing teeth and (for real in prison for accomplis to murder)
she arrived with her kids and I told her I called ber cuz i knew shed understand by the time she got there tho, I had lost
more teeth. Sometimes when theyd fall into my hands, thered be giant teeth not my own. I was crying on the couch saying,
im not beautiful anymore, I want to die if I cant be beautiful Ideas?

Jose Francisco October 22, 2013

My dream started with me and a girl i liked and her ex boyfriend. We were at my house, in the kitchen. When the girl i
liked smiled while looking at me, then looking at her ex, i realized that she only has 2 teeth, and her braces feel out.
Her ex started to talk to me, saying that i need to leave them 2 alone if I still respect their former relationship. Her ex
was one of my friends, but not one of my closest. When i left, i realized that one of my teeth is loose. when i went to the
bathroom, one of my teeth in the bottom front fell off. I panicked a little bit, but eventually stayed calm when it regrowing

after a while. But before it completely regrew, i did something to my mouth(i didnt remember if it was chewing, or
touching my cheeks) and eventually, all of my teeth broke and fell off. i panicked a little bit again, but stayed calm after i
felt that every tooth is regrowing. At the end of my dream, every tooth regrew and then i woke up.

Frayzure October 22, 2013

In my dream I just had ( woke up moments ago) my girlfriend hand a major fight. We were at a gamestop that was going
out of business and they were doing a sale. I saw these to hello kitty phone cases (she loves hello kitty) and I was trying to
show them to her. She refused to look at them nor look at me, and for some reason she was taller than myself. I got mad and
told her I has enough (everyone in the store went oooooh) I stormed out with her following close behind. we exchange a
few words and she goes back in the store. I then find myself in a comically small and cramped RV trying to move a table
into an empty room in it. That is where the first tooth is cracked and it falls out. the second one falls out while Im walk
back to the Rv after telling some people how to get to the state park.I was chewing gum and something hard was in my
mouth and felt slight pain so I removed the gum and it was in the shape of a large tooth. That jolted me awake and I had a
soreness in the areas where the teeth were missing in the dream.

Moorrie May 18, 2013

In the real I desire to buy my home, in a certain neighborhood, in my dream I was there speaking with 2 older women I did
not know, (in the real I lived in this place for 31 years and left due to divorce)these 2 women were very nice and charming
very much like talking to your grandmother, full of wisdom I have no idea what we spoke about, but I remember one
woman saying I have a wonderful home I want to show you, and I think you will love living here when I saw the exterior
of the home, knew exactly where it is located, and a little about the home, I was excited to see the house but thats when I
woke up rats! I hate when that happens.
Could God have some good news instore for me?

Ok in my case this dream must play a big role in my life because I have it ALL the time and its ALWAYS the same tooth
on the same side and when I wake up the tooth actually hurts and I ALWAYS remember my dream when I wake up. The
tooth also hurts in the dream and I can feel it and I was crying in my dream because it hurt so much, Usually dreams dont
hurt while you in them so thats why this dream is surreal and worrisome to me :/ (And this is in ALL my lost tooh dreams
But note my tooth never actually falls out it just was loose and I would always wake up before it actually fell out and I
actually remember my last dream and it was close to falling out and I put it into the socket and left it alone and it re rooted
its self) THIS DREAM I just had however the tooth actually falls out and hangs on by a nerve that I can feel :'( it hurts and
no one helps me and I just remember feeling helpless and eventually it fell out on its own. Once it was out I kinda felt
relieved and thought well this isnt so bad I need to go to the dentist soon to get the other pieces out of my gums so it dont
get infected :/ so IDK it seems SOOOOOOO symbolic in my life somehow but I dont know where to start

Anthony May 9, 2013

The situation in my waking life:
I just turned 30, 2 days after this incodentI was recently in an argument with my girlfriend and got cutt accidentally
someone phoned the police cause we were yelling at each otherthey saw my cut and arrested her. I kept saying itt wasnt
her it was an accidental scratch. We are. She is now not allowed within 50meters of me and cannot contact me directly or

through 3rd party. I hate this and really miss my girlfriend and just want this to be over so we can be together. It habeen 7
days now since the incodent and I have been a wreckhavent slept properly, havent had much of an apetite. Havent been
able to focus on work, exercise, or anything. It was a very traumatic and hurtful experience to watch her get arrested and
now compound that with no contct.she has articulated that she wants to be together still and, Move on with our lives
The Dream:
Last night I had a dream of seeing many women from my past and even doing something sexual with obe of them in the
dreamafter I was eating an apple and almost all of my bottom teeth fell out. What was interesting to me was how little it
hurtI even kept taking bited of the apple after they were all out and chewing with my teethless boTtom gumsnot sure
what this meansbut I just woke up and the first thought was how much I miss my girlfriend and then how weird the
dream was and what it may mean to me.
Side note:
Im used to communicating with her daily and live togetherI moved out for her to be able to stay homeI love her and
want to be with is hard to believe everything that others tell me even though I saw texts from her saying she wants
me back and cant wait to have ther restrictions liftedI would never fo this but if I were to go to the police and say she
attacked me she would be in waaayyyy more trouble than she is alreadyeven though her case wont even go to trialbut
she knows I hold her legal life in my hands, but all I care about is helping her get out of troubleIm just on the fence and
its leaving me with this thoughtt that is plaguing me, Is she just stringing me allong to help her get out of trouble and will
tell me anything I want to hear to keep me on her side knowing I can get her further in trouble, or is she telling me the truth
about wanting to be together. If it were me I would have already broken my restrictions and risked a week in jail to see
herbut then again I wasnt the one that spent the night in lock up. Every scenario can be looked at from both angles so
Im always stuck in the middle until we speak personally, and thats something shes not willing to do!
Also probably doesnt matter but there is a guy on my hockey team we call gums cause he has no teeth and in the dream
there were guys from my hockey team as well! Not sure where to go from here just hating the thought of 1 to 2 months with
no contact with her and always wondering where her loyalties are lying with us as a couple.

Daniele April 12, 2013

This is not the first time Ive dreamed of losing teeth.
But I only remember this one well (because I just woke from it).
Ill tell you the whole thing, because it all ties together.
The dream starts with my mom calling me and asking me to do her a favor. These people would be calling her to take
a survey so she could get a job, but she wanted me to take the survey for her, as the people said would be totally acceptable,
and she just didnt have the time to do it because she would be at work at the time of them calling. so i said i would do it,
and i got the phone call, and they wanted me to meet them somewhere (their headquarters, i suppose), so i went, and i
started the survey (it was like a day-long exam), and periodically they would come and give me these pills, and some water
to take with it. I didnt know what they did, or why i was given them, but i didnt question. after a few pills were taken (and
hours into the survey), my teeth (my front two teeth specifically) started to ache, and would hurt more as the hours went
on. eventually, i figured out that the feeling felt like they were forcefully being moved (like when i used to wear a retainer,
(and i have dreams still about that, and its been years since i stopped using them)) so i got up and went to find a mirror to
look at them, and they were definitely moved, there was a gap between them when there was none before, and one was
moved up way higher than normal. i pulled on it, to see what exactly was happening, and it just fell out. the other one
wasnt even attached to my gums anymore, it was growing from my lip, and there was blood pooling in my hand from
pulling the other tooth out. i was terrified, confused, i ran to find my mom (who i have no reason why she was there, she
was supposed to be working? but its a dream..) and she looked like she had been doing hard drugs.. but she was sober, and
was concerned for me but didnt see any need to freak out like i was. I was terrified because they were my adult teeth, and i

knew they would never grow back. I said for her to take me to a dentist NOW and i will give them all my precious money, I
dont have insurance. because i was NOT going to live with dentures for the rest of my life.
I woke up after that, because of a text.
I do believe its just about stress, and im to too concerned, but would love others opinions anyway.
Ash April 8, 2013
I was looking in the mirror and realized me teeth were spread farther apart than normal right as I was about to brush them.
Then, my two front teeth just fell right out in my hands and I tried to put them back into my gums. I ran out of the bathroom
trying to ask my mom what I should do about my teeth. In real life, I no longer live at home with my mom. I am married
and live with my husband and 3-year-old daughter. It was a very scarey dream for me, because I DO have bad teeth in real
life and now Im scared it means my teeth will really just fall out! Im hoping its not a sign of being in need of dental
procedures, because I sure as heck cant afford to go back to the dentist. Im still paying on a bill from LAST year for two
root canals I had doneand that was AFTER insurance paid what they would allow. =O

Tai April 4, 2013

Im in my room alone and my ex boyfriend sneaks through the bathroom window and walks into my room. Even though I
dont really care for him I gently place my hands on his cheek and neck. We kiss passionately and all of a sudden there are
two guys on ladders fixing stuff in my room. My moms leg is broken, shes upstairs and cant really get around. My ex
gets upset about something and starts to raise his voice. Worried that my mom is going to hear and call my dad to come
home, I panic and put my tongue in his mouth to shut him up. Of course he gets mad about that too so I seduced him like I
usually do to get my way; rubbing his head, touching his hands, kissing his face and lips. All the while these guys are still
in my room and acting like nothings going on. The doorbell rings and my grandma and Auntie walk through the door
coming to take my mom to surgery. I panic because hes not supposed to be here, so Im trying clothes on getting dressed
talking to my grandma and aunt and whispering to him at the same time. I walk him back to my bathroom window, which I
dont think you can get out of because its so tiny but he proves me wrong he gets out but stays. He sticks his head through
the window and he kissed me, as he backed away it starts raining on him and Im watching the rain fall when he dropped
down and leaves. When I come back the guys are gone and I leave to go with my grandma auntie and mom. And I woke up.
eeth represent our bite in life. The aggressive nature inside. When one struggles to complete a task in life, this
dream is common. If you lose teeth in your dream, then this represents fear. This dream is a message to make
sure you are hundred percent healthy, as it can signify some type of illness, Go to the doctor and get yourself
checked out if you feel unwell.
If you have a dream that your teeth are being removed by a dentist, it shows that you have lost control. If the
tooth is removed then you feel a sense of relief, this is exactly the advice the dream is giving you. Make sure
that you remove yourself from situations that are stressful. By doing this you will make sure that your life will
become a lot easier as you move forward with success. Remove the problem to feel relief. If you dream of your
teeth actually falling out, then this goes back to your childhood and that you have been living a carefree
existence for some time now.

In your dream you may have

Encountered the sensation that your teeth are dissolving or disappearing, or just falling out.
Worn false teeth in your dream.
The sensation that your teeth are starting to fall out on the floor and you try to pick them up.
The teeth are falling out into your hand.
Wore a brace.
Visited the tooth fairy or by the tooth fairy.
You swallowed a tooth or teeth in your dream, and it hurts as you choke on it or your teeth in general.
The teeth in your mouth just keep falling out over and over again.
Your dream features a visit to the dentist, doctor or hygienist.
You find yourself replacing the teeth which are lost.
Teeth are automatically replaced in your mouth and you can not understand why.
You have an additional tooth or more than one set of teeth in your mouth.
You cannot speak, and you find it really difficult to get out certain words.
Your teeth are crumbling in your mouth.
You have eaten something hard such as an apple, and your teeth were left on the item.
Your teeth are rotten.
Your teeth are knocked out in your dream due to anger or violence.
Your teeth are covered in tartar or food.
Grinding teeth in your dream.
Brushing your teeth.
Bleeding gums or teeth problems that cause pain.
Positive changes are afoot if...

You are able to fully communicate with other people that are featured within your dream.
You have a perfect smile, and the actual loss of teeth does not affect you in any way, shape or form.
Overall the dream turns out well, and it enables you to learn an important lesson.
You work out how to avoid looking odd with no teeth.
The dentist is featured in your dream manages to fix your teeth with no problems.
The overall dream ends on a positive footing.
Your teeth begin to heal, and everything works out for the best.
The action of the dentist or the removal of your teeth is a positive sign as it takes away the pain.
This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life

A lack of respect in a work situation.

Generally you are finding it extremely difficult to communicate with others in authority. This is specifically
related to work or school. By choosing better words and better ways to communicate, this dream indicates that
you are likely to improve your communication skills and progression in a work situation.
If you swallow your teeth or you find there is a tooth that has fallen out, and you subsequently choke on
this tooth, this dream indicates you are feeling that you are giving up for someone else's benefit. Have you been
feeling inadequate around others lately?
You have been feeling rundown stressed out lately.
People have commented on how you go about activities in your life.
You have got an overwhelming sense of struggling in order to keep up with buying material possessions in
your life.
You have found that a sense of material burden has crushed your pride and demolished your selfconfidence.

Detailed dream interpretation...

If the dentist actually pulls on your teeth in your dream and you feel it, it is an indication that you will encounter a
minor illness that will not be fatal, but it will be lingering for some time. To have a feeling of more than one tooth
in your dream it indicates that you are likely to lose some type of material valuable in the forthcoming future.
This dream indicates that you are likely to find that valuable following its loss.
If you dream of dentures or that your teeth are being made for you, it means that somebody is likely to take over
a part of your life in the future. It is important to throw yourself into a project and not let others take over your
responsibilities. To have your teeth knocked out shows a sudden sense of loss which is generally associated
with your finances. Maybe you feel like you would like to return to carefree days.

If you lose your teeth somewhere, you feel scared, and people are looking at you, this shows that you fear what
might happen in your old age, and you do not want to be helpless or undertake any dependency upon others. If
you have any symbols of biting in your dream, it means that some type of aggression may come into your life,
involving yourself or someone else. A dream which involves a woman swallowing a tooth will be seen as being
symbolic of her desire, or alternatively her fear of becoming pregnant. If you are a man and you dream of
swallowing your tooth or teeth, this is associated with the fact that you need to make sure you become more
dominant in your love relationship. This will enable happiness to continue. Make sure you give romantic
gestures to your love; this may involve flowers or arranging a romantic meal. This will enable the spark of
romance to return to your relationship. If your teeth appeared rotten or decayed or not in good general shape,
this dream indicates that you are going to experience some intense strain in an affair connected to a project. To
dream of spitting out your teeth indicates some sort of sickness; a family member is likely to become ill for some
time. If you find the teeth falling out into the palm of your hand, this indicates that your plans and desires are
going to be oppressed based on condition of illness.
If you find that more than two teeth fall out, then you are likely to encounter a serious accident. Make sure that
you always remember and check when you are reversing the car or that the road is clear when you walk across.
If you decide to pull your teeth out it means that you are going to take some time to relax and recuperate from a
stressful situation.
Dreaming that your teeth are covered in tarter, or if there is food in your mouth that is actually covering your
teeth, this represents that you need to find enjoyment away from your responsibilities. To actually look in the
mirror or admire your teeth or other people's teeth, or simply looking at somebody else smile it shows there are
going to be pleasant times ahead.

If you dream that you have actually lost your teeth, and you can not find them, and that you can feel them in your
mouth, then this shows you are about to enter into an engagement which is not going to please you. You are
going to find yourself in a difficult situation with associates or friends, and the best course of action is to actually
decline this offer; this may be a party or a work event. To dream that a dentist or hygienist actually cleans your
teeth and they are perfect it shows that you are going to believe your financial interests are secure when they
are not. The position in your life will expand, and you are going to find that you will encounter a stranger, most
probably female, who will help you in the future.

If new teeth grow back, or you have additional teeth, then this signifies the outcome of what is likely to happen in
the future. If they are bright and whiter, things are likely to be better. If they are bad or rotten, things are likely to

be difficult for some time. If your teeth are white this foretells pleasant occupations connected to work are likely
to happen in the future. If you find it difficult to communicate with others because your teeth have fallen out or
they have been moved, this is an indication there are pressures to agree with others in relation to work situation.
This also indicates that you have been feeling your faith has been lost in regards to a group situation.

If you dream of brushing your teeth, this indicates you are likely to borrow money from relatives. If you dream of
gold teeth it portends a state of happiness ahead. If you dream that your baby or child loses its teeth, this
suggests that you need to move on in your life, as you or childhood years are behind you. To dream of the tooth
fairy indicates that you need to reward yourself in some way, shape or form. It is clear that you have been
working too hard recently or are overworked. Take a holiday or a shopping spree to reward yourself. If your
dream involves wearing a brace it indicates you have been feeling that you are not heard, and that you have
been restrained in conversations with superior people. To dream that a child has gaps in his teeth suggests that
you have been feeling hurt by a family member.

If you are struggling to communicate to a large audience or to one person because of your teeth it shows there
is a deep sense of feeling inadequate in social gatherings. It is time for you to get your confidence back. If you
are experiencing a crisis in your waking life, than the dream of losing teeth is quite common. The gaps that are
featured in your mouth because of lost teeth often indicate a sense of morals which have been lost due to a
team or a group of people in a work situation. Things are likely to shift for you in the near future. If you cannot
speak in your dream, and you find that your voice is not the same, this indicates that you need to experience a
lot more opportunities open to you in your life. Teeth are also associated with an aggressive nature in life.

If you dream of touching your teeth, then you have control over situations in your life. If you dream that your
gums are bleeding, and you subsequently have a lot of blood, this indicates a loss of some type. Another
indication of bleeding gums is that you feel there is a lack of support around you. If you are grinding your teeth in
your dream, this determines the loss of honesty and integrity. To dream that you see another person with white
teeth shows that you are likely to have a beautiful lover who you will marry in the future. To dream that your
teeth are loose is normally associated with some type of personal sickness.

If you have fake teeth in your dream, then you are likely to enjoy some type of social event in the future. If you
have cut your teeth or a milk tooth has come through or falling out, this indicates some type of change of
residence, and that you are likely to encounter a marriage within the family. A wisdom tooth indicates that it is
time to grow up and face an event that is likely to cause many people to talk, especially if this is hurting you. The
other important area of this dream is how you translate from an adult to a child. If you dream of wisdom or milk
teeth, you need to change your life as new possibilities are on the way. If a doctor pulls out your teeth, then an
illness is likely. It is important to strive and re-evaluate your relationship with others.

If you dream that you are examining your teeth, or alternatively visit the dentist for a routine appointment, this is
an indication that it is important for you to be careful with your affairs. If you dream of opening your mouth and
your teeth are gone, it means that you may encounter somebody that is unlikely to carry out their plans, and can
also indicate a depressed state of mind in the future.

If you have a sensation in your dream where you cannot feel the teeth in your mouth or feel the cavity, and you
find that the whole dream is associated with mystery it means there are going to be a few problems in the

forthcoming months which do not please you. If you dream that you are toothless it shows that you are going to
find difficulty in advancing your interests due to limited prospects in the future. To see others teeth it generally
indicates there are enemies trying their best to make sure you do not survive in a work situation.

To dream of toothache indicates you will have great social gatherings in the future. Seeing a crown or brace in a
dream means that something is stopping you from going forward in your work or career. To dream of dental
floss it means it is time for you to approach a new project.

Historic Dream interpretation in the 1930s...

If you are a man under the age of 30, and you dream of losing a tooth, then you should listen to wiser,
older people giving you lots of good advices.
If you are male and over the age of 30, then you are likely to lose some type of valuable possession.
If you are a male and over the age of 30, you are likely to discover that you have a false friend.
If you are a female over 30, then your husband or partner is likely to become unemployed for a short
period of time.
If you are buying tooth powder (old word for toothpaste) or cleaning your teeth, this means that a visitor is
going to enter your home, and you are going to have enjoyable times.
If you dream of your teeth dissolving it means that an important problem in your life is likely to end.
If your teeth have fallen out, and they are growing back, it means new opportunities are coming your way.
Not being able to talk in your dream due to your teeth falling out means you will find it hard to
communicate in the future.
Gold teeth or a tooth means riches are within your reach.
If you have black teeth, then things are going to be hard over the next three months with regards to a
Bleeding gums or teeth mean that you need to take things easy for a while.
Brushing your teeth shows that you need to have a spring clean. If you look into a mirror while brushing it
means that you need to reflect on what is important to you going forward.
Large gaps in your teeth mean it is time to take a holiday.

Ancient meanings of teeth dreams (pre-1930s)

The general tendency in dream interpretation is to move away from isolated symbols and to interpret the dream
as a whole. The traditional oracles in connection with what teeth mean generally account for one's individual
thoughts and feelings. Historic meanings of spitting out teeth generally mean that you are going to eat your own
words. Remember what you say and think before you give your opinion to others. Teeth falling out or coming out
easily indicate that you are going through some form of transition in your life. This means that sexual maturity is
likely to happen in the future. If teeth are dropping out, this shows you have a fear of ageing or are scared about
moving on in your life. In traditional folklore, being born with one tooth it generally means that a baby is likely to
be a problem child. Ancient dream dictionaries foretell that any dream involving your teeth is generally unlucky,
especially if they have actually fallen out completely.

In Freudian times, this dream was likely to be associated with relationships. The dream generally indicates a
sense of loss in love. The image of an extracted tooth is symbolic and related to some type of loss. The emotion

that you feel in your dream is important, because the extraction of the actual truth may be positive, which
completely changes the meaning of this dream from negative to positive. Toothpicks in your dream would
indicate that you feel frustration in trying to communicate with other people. If you dream of cleaning your teeth
with toothbrushes, then you need to make sure you think before you speak. The mouth is generally associated
with the feminine side of a person, so the dream of teeth is often associated with improving relationships and
communications with a female people in the future.
This dream often occurs when you are going through a massive period of change in your waking life, as the
economic crisis is settling down, and many people are left with a feeling of loss. The loss of your teeth is always
puzzling and quite frightening.
Freud always believed it is impossible to fully interpret teeth dreams. When trying to find the answer to why this
dream has suddenly happened in your life, it is important to understand the emotions and feelings that you
experienced within your dream. It is important to realize that you are likely to experience a lack of
communication from someone close to you the next month.

The individual meanings associated with losing your teeth will be dependent upon how you feel during your
dream. Maybe you have had a difficult period of time around work, and it is time to think about what you really
want from life in general. It is important to note that this dream has been considerably searched for during June,
one of our top performers. Many people in ancient dream interpretation books especially from the 1920s
generally associate dreaming of teeth with erotica.

Raphael expresses a general view that to dream your teeth are loose it generally predicts illness of some kind.
He also stated that you for your teeth to come out it generally indicate that death is likely, but it is not sure this is
a true interpretation. It is not surprising that if you dream your teeth were lost, you are in essence losing
something in your life. Famously, Arabian Caliph dreamt that his teeth were dropping out. When he consulted an
interpreter, he told him this was a bad omen, and that his parents were likely to die. The Caliph had the dream
interpreter whipped. He later consulted a further dream interpreter who told him that his dream was a good
omen, and that he can expect to outlive his parents. His parents did not die, but it is interesting to note that the
ancient dream interpretation of the loss of teeth is generally connected to death or the death wish. Generally,
any dream involving teeth portends aggressive sexuality, but normally this dream means that you are
undertaking some type of transition from childhood thought to maturity.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of teeth.

Worried. Scared. Angry. Insecure. Confused. Alone. Abandoned. Controlled. Enlightened. Rage. Self-conscious.
Thinking that others are looking at you. Choked. Not able to speak. Fearful. A sense of being different from other
people. Feeling a strange pain in your mouth. Embarrassment. Shame. Frustrated at not being able to speak.
Lack of communication leads to arguments or lack of understanding.
(1) Teeth in a dream represent ones identity, age , clan, a boy, a girl, his family, money, servants, domestic animals, employees, weapons, life, death, unity, separation, trusts, or savings. In a dream, males or females upper
teeth represent the male members of ones family from the fathers side, and the teeth of the lower jaw represent the female members of ones family from the mothers side. The closer the teeth are to the incisor, the closer is
the relative. Divided in two sections, the upper right incisor represents the father, and the upper left incisor represents the paternal uncle, or it could represent ones sisters, sons, or a close friend. The upper canines represent
ones cousin, or two friends who are as close as cousins. The bicuspids represent ones uncles from the mothers side and their children, while the molars represent the grandparents and the grand children. The lower right
incisor represents the mother, and the lower left incisor represents ones aunt from his fathers side, or they could represent two sisters, two daughters, or two close friends who have the same compassion, concern and love.
The lower canines represent ones female cousin from either the father or the mothers side. The lower canine tooth, or the eyetooth represents the sire of the house, or the landlord. The upper and the lower molars also
represent the furthest members of ones family, including the grandmother and her grand daughters. If a tooth moves in its place in the dream, it means an illness. If it falls, or if it is lost, then it means death of the person to
whom it is attributed, or it could possibly mean that he will be separated from him and can no longer see him. If one saves his lost tooth and does not bury it in the dream, it means that someone will come forth and be to him
as good as that relative. Otherwise, if he does bury it, then it means the death of his relative. p, In a dream, the human limbs also represent the members of his family, and whatever condition they portray in ones dream may
become visible in the members of his family. Similarly, whatever may affect ones teeth in a dream can be interpreted as affecting such family members. If ones incisors look beautiful and bright in the dream, they denote
the power, honor and prosperity his father or uncle will gain. If extra incisors grow in ones mouth in a dream, it means that ones family will grow by either a new born brother or a new son. If one finds his teeth slightly
deteriorating in a dream, it means a trial, or that his family will engage in a disgraceful act that will bring him shame. If one attempts to pull out his teeth in a dream, it means that he may spend his money unwillingly, pay a
fine, or separate from his parents, thus cutting off his blood ties, or he may become untrue to his relatives. If ones teeth turn yellow or black in a dream, such a dream also represents a disgraceful act that will bring shame
upon ones family. Yellow teeth in a dream mean spending money to restore ones reputation, or it could mean being knowledgeable in ones own esteem. Developing bad mouth odor in a dream represents bad connotations
resulting from praises ones family may receive. Deteriorating teeth in a dream represent weakness in ones family. If one sees people biting him in a dream, it means that he could have pretended something in public, though
he fortunately restrained himself. (3) If ones mouth in a dream is interpreted to represent his household, then the teeth of the right side represent the boys, and those on the left side represent the girls. On the other hand, the
teeth on the right side could represent the older generation, and the teeth on the left side could represent the younger generation. The incisors represent the young men in the family, and the canines represent the young girls.
As to the molars, they represent elderly people. If one loses a molar tooth in a dream, it means the death of an elderly person in his household. Human teeth in a dream also represent ones business and management of his
life. In that case, the molars represent ones private life, the eyetooth represents what is semi-public, while the front incisors represent what is openly practiced, ones public character, words and deeds. If one sees his teeth
broken in a dream, it means that he pays his debts slowly. Long teeth in a dream mean enmity or a fight between members of ones household. If one sees his teeth curved and deteriorating, and if one decides that it is better

to pull them out in a dream, it means that he will escape from great adversities and dangers. If ones teeth turn gold in a dream, they represent benefits for a teacher or a preacher. Otherwise, golden teeth for everyone else in a
dream mean fire, illness, Candida, or an illness that is caused by ones bile. If ones teeth become glass or wood in a dream, it means his death. If they turn silver in the dream, it means harm or losses. If ones front teeth fall
and new ones grow instead in the dream, they represent major changes in ones life. If one sees himself forcefully pushing his tongue against his teeth in a dream, it means that he speaks ill of his own family, or it could mean
problems in ones house. If the crown or the enamel of ones eyetooth is damaged, or if it falls in a dream, it means the death of ones son. (5) Teeth in a dream represent ones clan, close relatives, or distant cousins. The
molar teeth represent the male members and the incisors represent the female members. Unnecessarily pulling out ones teeth in a dream means paying a fine, losing ones capital, or severing relationship with members of
ones family. Discovering one or two cavities in ones teeth in a dream means that one may beget one or two sons. Developing bad mouth odor in a dream means belittling someones ideas, or it could mean a family dispute.
Fallen teeth in a dream may denote that the husband and the wife sleep in separate beds, or it may mean poverty, or that one may die in a foreign land, or that the term of ones life span in this world maybe extended. If one
pulls out his teeth and buries them in the dream, it means that his entire clan or family will die before him. Pulling out ones teeth in a dream also means exposing ones secrets. Losing a tooth in a dream may imply a
punishment for a wrongdoing. If one finds the teeth of his upper jaw and those of the lower jaw intermixed in the dream, it means that the women control the men in his or family. Flossing ones teeth in a dream means
dispersal of ones family, or loss of money and property. If after flossing ones teeth some meat fiber remains stuck between the teeth in the dream, it means that he backbites his family members. (6) Teeth in a dream also
represent a pearl necklace, a grinder, or an army formation. The right wing, the left wing and the front assault formation, or they could mean severingblood ties. The incisors may represent the heart of a human being. Teeth
in ones pocket or in the palm of ones hand in a dream represent ones brothers. If one has an incarcerated relative, and if he sees his teeth pulled out in a dream, it means the release of his relative from prison. Pulling out
ones teeth in a dream could mean the return of a traveller to his homeland. Tartar in a dream represents weaknesses in the family. Black or broken teeth in a dream mean sorrow caused by ones relatives. Wisdom teeth in a
dream represent ones followers, while the incisors and the canines represent his wealth, adornment, pride, or child. The changing of their color into yellow or black in a dream mean changes in ones life. If ones teeth turn
into iron in a dream, they mean strength. Losing ones teeth in a dream also could mean losing ones job. Pulling out ones teeth in a dream so that no one can see them means infertility, or loss of ones business, loss of
ones savings, a bad relationship with ones family, an evil act toward ones family, or it could mean that he will try to sustain his business through a loan, then suffer from bankruptcy. Having a bad tooth in wakefulness and
pulling it out in a dream means trying to comfort or appease a difficult person whose hurtfulness will eventually cease. Replacing a tooth with a bridge in a dream means recovering losses, or balancing ones business.
Having an extra tooth in a dream means losing one in wakefulness. (Also see Body | Pain | Teeth)

A mirror in a dream
A mirror in a dream means illusion, arrogance, pride, or a woman. If one looks into a mirror and sees his beard black in a dream, it means honor, respect and dignity. If one looks into a mirror and sees the reflections of
someone who looks like him in a dream, it means that he will beget a son who will look like his father and carry his trade. Looking into a mirror in a dream also means loss of ones position, or getting married. If one is
already married, then it means the return of his wife from a journey. Looking at the back of a mirror in a dream means loss of ones crop, or entering ones wife from the anus during sexual intercourse. It is said that a mirror
in a dream also represents manhood, virtues and station, all of which are subject to the size of the mirror one sees in his dream. Looking into a silver mirror in a dream means loss of ones status, it also means suffering from
adversities, distress and fear. Looking into a golden mirror in a dream represents the strength of ones faith, religious commitment, prosperity after poverty, redemption and regaining ones position and status. A broken
mirror in a dream means the death of ones wife, for a husband and a wife are mirrors to one another. Looking into a mirror and seeing the reflection of a youth means facing an adversary or a competitor. If one sees an old
person, then he has seen a good friend. Looking into a clean and a shiny mirror in a dream means dispelling ones distress. A corroded mirror in a dream connotes a bad state or a trying situation. If the mirror is spurious, or
not genuine in ones dream, then it represents a great distress or a calamity. Gazing at a mirror and looking at oneself extensively in a dream means that God Almighty is not pleased with him and that he is disobeying Gods
commands both in public and in private. Consequently, one will suffer from financial losses or feel down. If a sick person looks into a mirror in his dream, it means his death. A mirror in a dream also means travels or a
pregnancy. If a woman looks into a mirror in a dream, it means that she will beget a girl, and if a man looks into a mirror in a dream, it means that he will beget a boy. Looking into a mirror and seeing the reflection of
someone else in a dream means hallucination, craziness, or loss of money. If a man looks into a mirror and sees the reflection of a woman in a dream, it means either begetting a daughter, or getting married. If a prisoner
looks into a mirror in his dream, it means that he will be released from jail. If one becomes a mirror in a dream, it means that he will meet with peoples wrath and despise. (Also see Basin)

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