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Paper I
Oct. 2008




For the purpose of acceptance of test flight report the observed climb performance shall in no case be
1. Lower by less than 2% of expected climb performance
2. Lower by more than 3% of expected climb performance
3. Lower by slightly less than 3% of expected climb performance
4. Lower by more than 2 % of expected performance
Which manual is carried on board and readily assessable to pilot
1. Flight manual
2. Engineering organization manual
3. Maintenance manual
For operation of private a/c, it is certify at the time of every renewal of C of A that the a/c has not been flown for remuneration
purpose whatsoever
1. Owner of a/c can certify
2. QCM can certify
3. DGCA can certify
4. None of the above
MEL is applicable for
1. For which MMEL is issued
2. General aviation a/c only
3. Scheduled operators only
4. Non-schedule operators only
Carriage of cockpit checklist is according to rule
1. 7 b of aircraft rule 1937
2. 37 of aircraft rule 1937
3. 7 a of aircraft rule 1937
4. 7 b of aircraft rule 1934
MTOW weight is specified in
1. Flight manual
2. Operation manual
3. QC manual
If any lifed component replacement is due & due date is in next starting validity of C of A
1. Renewal of C of A not carried out
2. Renewal of C of A carried out after replacement of part
3. Renewal carried out & indicated on C of A & also intimate to RAO
4. Both 2 and 3 are correct
Duplicate inspection carried out by pilot holding CPL when
1. Away from the normal base
2. At main base
3. Only 1 is correct
After registration the application form C-25 made
1. Certificate of airworthiness
2. Approval of organization
3. Initial issue of type certificate
Defect register normal kept at
1. At normal base
2. At any base
3. At transit base
Helicopter more tan 7000 Kg
1. Fitted with CVR & one set of FDR
2. 1 FDR & 2 CVR
3. FDR only
As per CAR 145 the org. shall ensure that authorized engineer must be involved in experience
1. 6 months of actual relevant a/c or component experience in last tow years
2. 12 months of actual relevant a/c or component experience in last two years
3. 6 months of actual relevant a/c or component experience in last twelve month
As per CAR 145 repair of an uninstalled a/c component (excluding and APU)
1. Class a rating organization
2. Class b rating organization
3. Class c rating organization
Foreign repair organization send form CA-182 b for renewal of approval shall apply
1. 60 days before expiry of approval
2. 30 days before expiry of approval
3. 45 days before expiry of approval
Which of the following is an example of un-schedule maintenance is task
1. Heavy landing
2. Time between overhaul
3. C of an engine
Approved organization will carry out internal audit
1. Twice in a year with a minimum gap of six months
2. Twice in two year with a minimum gap of six months
3. Twice in a year with a minimum gap of four months
Exit row seat not allotted to a person
1. Less than 15 years age
2. Not more than 15 years age
3. Less than 25 years gap
Usable fuel quantity is given in
1. Weight schedule
2. Flight manual
3. Operation manual
Approval means
1. In case of organization
2. Approval grated by DGCA
3. Granted by operator
4. By QCM
Group B hose include
1. Hydraulic return line hose
2. As in a and including instrument hose
3. 2 as in a and excluding instrument hose
Storage life of rubber part in case data not given by manufacture
1. 6 years
2. 4 years
3. Both 1 and 2 are correct
Minimum radio requirement is given in
1. Car section 2 series I part II
2. Car section 2 series I Part III
3. Car section 2 series I part III
Statement signed by accountable manager is a part of
1. Engineering organization manual
2. QC Manual
3. Operational manual


Rule No. 33 is for

1. Change of ownership
2. Licensing of A/c
3. Cancellation of registration
Cat. R issued under which rule
1. Rule 31
2. Rule 30
3. Rule 35
Psychoactive substance is given in which section
1. Section IV
2. Section V
3. Section III
AMO means
1. An organization approved category C
2. Approved organization in Cat. B
3. Approved organization in Cat. D
Psychoactive substance not include
1. Tobacco
2. Alcohol
3. None
If inlet to the tank are fitted with 10 micron, the internally inspection should be (car series, H-III) pat-II Pg H-15)
1. Once in 2 years
2. Twice in 2 years
3. Thrice in 2 years
4. None
Flight manual amended in accordance
2. Owner exp.
3. Manufacturer
4. All
Ferry flight permission is given by
2. RAO
3. QCM
After completion of ferry flight a report a report should be submitted to
1. RAO and issuing authority
2. Operator
3. QC manager
Maintenance control by RMU is applicable to
1. Schedule operator
2. Non schedule operator
3. Both 1 and 2 are correct
Fuelling can not be done in case of
1. 43 meter from Jet manuering
2. When any other a/c parked near by
3. 15 meter from Jet manuering
Upward revision in service lift after
1. Approval of DGCA
2. Approval of RAO
3. Approval DAW
AAC4 of 2003 deals with
1. Release to service
2. ESD devices
3. None
AAC of 2000
1. Refresher course
2. ESD devices
3. Good maintenance practices
Training of a person in accordance
1. Training manual
2. Human factor 9683
3. Both 1 and 2 are correct
In which case flight test is not necessary
1. Flight characteristic not affected with time
2. Flight characteristic has been affected with time
3. No need to carry out flight test
1. Type should be supported at 3 point
2. Tyre should be supported at 2 point
3. Tyre should be supported in 12 oc clock 7 3 o clock position
RMU will gather information from
1. Unscheduled maintenance
2. Schedule maintenance 3. Both 1 and 2 are correct
GPWS equipped in case of piston engine
1. Seating capacity more than 9 & 5700 kg above weight
2. Seating capacity more than 8 & 5700 kg above weight
3. Seating capacity more than 9 & 15000 Kg above weight
Every a/c weighing as per the in accordance rule
1. Rule no -58
2. Rule No. 55
3. Rule no. 52
CAR issued under rule
1. Rule no-133A
2. Rule No. 133 B
3. Rule No. 134
An unintentional landing that affect an account of a/c, a/c component malfunction is
1. Emergency landing
2. Hard landing
3. Normal landing
Modification is done
1. After type certification of A/c
2. Before type certification of a/c 3. When the first time C of A issued
MEL is invoke
1. By AME under acceptance to pilot
2. By QCM
3. Operator
Requirements for grant of approval to organization are laid down as
1. Rule 133 B
2. Rule 133 a
3. Rule 121 a
Small a/c mean whose AOW
1. >5700 Kg
2. > 1500 Kb
3. < 5700 Kg
NOC is issued by
2. RAO
3. Manufacturer
CCL is applicable to
1. Flight crew
2. AME
3. Operator
Duties & responsibility is given in
1. E O Manual
2. QC manual
3. QCA manual
Hoses are periodically tested
1. ONCE in a year
2. Pressure tested 1-1/2 of working Pr. In every two year
3. Both 1 and 2 are correct




Suspension of C of A in accordance rule

1. Rule No-55, Off A/c rule 1937
2. Rule No. 61, of a/c rule 1937
3. Rule No. 50, of A/c rule 1937
Flame resistance means
1. Not susceptible to combustion to appoint of propagating home after ignition source is removed
2. Will not catch fire at all
3. May catch fire some time
FDR calibration carried out at
1. Every 5 year
2. Every 10 year
3. Every 15 year
First aid kit for
1. Items for passenger miner injury treatment by trained crew
2. As in 1 and it contains life saving drug
3. Both 1 and 2 are correct
Suspension and cancellation of C of A when
1. A/c meets on incident
2. A/c is maintained in an airworthy condition
3. Mandatory modification is complied
CAR 145 or organization approved for following repeated preflight inspection carried out by
1. Commander & or flight engineer
2. CPL holder only
3. AME having open rating license
FRC validity for a/c operated for schedule cargo operation
1. Approved by DGCA
2. Approved by QCM
3. Approved by Manufacture
Maintenance programmed of schedule operator having exp. More than 3 years Exp. As a schedule operator
1. Approved by QCM
2. Approved by concerned LAO
3. Approved by DGCA
For dropping of part of a permission granted by
1. Magistrate
2. Police commission
Maintenance record for helicopter retained for the period
1. One year
2. Two year
3. Three year
Foreign AME approved by
1. DGCA only
2. RAO only
Performance & range of newly installed Radio/ Radar equipment tested by at
1. Various altitude
2. Certain altitude
3. On ground
Pilot voice recorded
1. In CVR track 2
2. In CVR track 1
3. In CVR track 4
1. Foreign AME contracted should not have 6 months exp. On particular a/c
2. Foreign AME contracted should have 6 months exp. On particular a/c
3. Either a or b are correct
Validity of C of A start from
1. The date of inspection
2. The date of modification
3. The date of expiry of C of A
Validity of C of A start from in case of imported a/c
1. From the date of issued of export C of A
2. From the date of issue of C of A
3. From the issue of last FRC
Renewal of AME license in case after 4 months of expiry
1.Validity start from initial date of expiry
2. Validity start from initial date of exam
3. Validity start from first time issued date
AAC 4 of 1998
1. Approval of foreign repair organization
2. Refresher course
3. Airworthiness approval for export
ESR submitted to RAO
1. Every month
2. Every 3 months
3. Every 6 months
Under MEL detected part, report shall submitted to
1. RAO
3. manufacturer
Group I detect
1. Engine shut down due to external damage
2. Engine shut down due to internal damage
3. False fire warning during flight
Ferry flight issued by incase of A/c at foreign land
1. Airworthiness authority where the a/c sustained damage
2. By DGCA head quarter
3. None
Accident of Indian registered a/c in foreign country investigation carried out by
1. Contracting state
2. By Indian investigation authority
3. By DGCA
IFR instrument
1. All instrument covered in VFR & also reading indicator
2. INCASE not in working condition an indicator given to AME
3. Informed to the operator
1. In case not in working condition an indication given to Pilot
2. In case not in working condition an indication given to AME
3. Informed to the operator



A/c ICO annex related to A/c operator

1. 1, 6 & 8
2. 10, 12
3. 2, 3, 7 & 5
Hose storage temp
1. 50F to 70F
2. 30C-40C
3. 50C 70C
Elements of filter separators should be replace after (car series, H-III, Part-UU, Hg H-16)
1. Three years use
2. Two years use
3. One year use
4. None
Engine parameter recorded at a time
1. Every 50 hours
2. According maintenance programme
3. Both are correct
Fueling not carried out in case of
1. When under carragepart of a/c extremely heated
2. When under carrage part of A/c normally heated
3. Tyre condition does not matter
Repeated defect means
1. Means a defect repeated on same a/c (particular)
2. Means a defect repeated on some a/c
3. Means a defect repeated on similar A/c (Particular)
CAT II operatio
1. DH in between 60-30 m & RVR 350m
2. DH in between 50-30 m & RVR 350m
3. DH in between 90-600m & RVR 350m
CAT III operation
1. DH Lower than 100 ft (30m)
2. DH lower than 200ft (60m)
3. DH lower then 500 meter
IMC (landing)
1. Radio signal providing guidance to a point from which visual landing can be affected
2. radio signal providing guidance to a point from which visual landing can not be affected
3. Either one is correct
During pooling of an a/c items the required document are to be insured is responsibility of
1. AME
2. QCM
3. Both are correct
AAC -6 of 2000
1. Electro static devices
2. Refresher course
3. Banner towing
In service life of component is given in
1. Ms manual
2. QCM
3. EOM
IFR includes
1. Slip indicator
2. Turn and bank indicator
3. Both 1 & 2
MTCS about GPS
1. Aid for navigation only
2. It is full proof system navigation
3. Both a and 2 are correct
MTCS about foreign AME
1. He should meet ICAO standard
2. Medical is necessary & valid till he is working
3. 6 months recent experiences preceding 12 months
4. All
Analytical static report given by scheduled operator
1. Concerned RAO in monthly
2. DGCA in 3 month
3. RAO/sub RAO monthly
4. None
Primary indicators colour for the grade of AVGAS and Jet A-1 are (Car series, H-III, Part-II, pg H-16)
1 Red and black
2. Black and red
3. Blue and black
4. Red and blue
To avoid refueling errors, primary grade indicator should be painted on (Car series, H-III, Part-II, pg H-16)
1. Delivery hoses or pipes
2. On the delivery nozzle
3. Both 1 & 2
4. Either 1 or 2
All filter separators, micro filter, gouge filters and other drain points on static equipment or pipelines should be purged to
remove water, (Car series, H-III, Part-II, pg H-16)
1. Once daily
2. Twice daily
3. Thrice daily
4. None
Fuel in delivery hoses should be recirculated no fuel has been dispensed from an installation for a period of (Car series, H-III,
Part-II, pg H-18)
1. Tow days
2. Less than two days
3. More than two days
4. None
If any fuel is let in hoses for a longer period than 2 days then (Car series, H-III, Part-II, pg H-16)
1. It should be re-circulated
2. It can be dispensed to A/c
3. As in 2 plus before dispensed sample check to e carried out

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