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1. What is microcontroller?
2. How many I/O ports are placed in microcontroller 8051?
3. Define DPTR.
4. What is the purpose of PSW register?
5. What is use of EA pin?
6. How many bit addressable location are placed in internal RAM?
7. What is interrupts signal?
8. Name the types of 8051 interrupts signals.
9. Define clock cycle.
10. Define machine cycle.
1. Explain the Architecture of 8051.What are the blocks in Microcontroller.
2. Explain the Pin Diagram of 8051.
3. Explain the Instruction set with examples.
4. Explain the block diagram of 8051 Microcontroller.
1. What is assembler?
2. Mention the different fields in assembly language instructions?
3. What is operand field?
4. What are fields used in assembly language instructions as optional?
5. Mention two assembler directives?
6. Mention any four addressing modes of 8051?

7. Mention any two examples of direct addressing instructions?

8. What are the instructions used to access external RAM?
9. How can you perform multiplication using 8051 microcontroller?
10. What is the operation carried out when 8051 executes the instruction
1. Write an ALP for multibyte addition.
2. Explain the different modes of addressing used in 8051.
3. Write an ALP for finding maximum value in an array.
4. Explain assembly and running of an 8051 program.
5. Explain the structure of assembly language.
6. Write an ALP to arrange the given set of n numbers in ascending order.
1. Mention the timers of 8051?
2. Mention the bit addresses of ports p0 and p1?
3. How many bit addressable locations are placed in internal RAM of 8051?
4. Mention the SFR registers used in timer operation?
5. Mention the operating modes of 8051?
6. What is the function of C/T bit in TMOD register?
7. Find the timers clock frequency for the crystal frequency of 11.0592MHz?
8. State the function of M1 and M0 bits in TMOD register?
9. What is the function of TF0 bit in TCON register?
10. State the use of T0 pin of 8051?

1. Explain the bit addresses for I/O of 8051.
2. Explain TMOD and TCON registers.
3. Explain bit addresses for RAM.
4. Explain the steps to program the timer 1 in mode 2.
5. Explain in detail about the programming of 8051 timer.
6. Explain the various modes of timer operation with diagram.
1. How will you double the baud rate in 8051?
2. What is the function of SMOD in PCON register?
3. What is RS 232C?
4. How many timers are in 8051? Specify their names.
5. Mention the four modes of timer operation.
6. Mention are the registers used for timer/counter operation.
7. Define timer operation.
8. Define counter operation.
9. What are registers used for serial communication in 8051?
10. Why are drivers bused in between RS232 and microcontroller?
1. Explain the baud rates of serial communication in 8051.
2. Explain the interrupts of 8051.
3. Explain about the serial port programming.
4. Draw the interfacing diagram of RS232 with 8051 and explain its operation.
5. Explain the functions of each bit of SCON and PCON registers.

6. Explain IP and IE registers.

1. Define peripherals.
2. What is interfacing?
3. What is the use of 8255?
4. Mention the ports placed in group a and group b of 8255.
5. Specify some important LCD modules.
6. What is the use of stepper motor?
7. What is the use of RTC?
8. Mention the capacity of nonvolatile ram placed inside of ds 12887.
1. With the diagram explain how 8051 interfaced to external memory.
2. With the interfacing diagram, explain the operation of delay.
3. Draw the functional diagram of 8255 and explain each block.
4. Draw and explain the interfacing diagram of opto isolater with 8051.
5. Explain the control word format for i/o mode of 8255.
6. Draw the interfacing diagram of LM35 with microcontroller and explain its operation.


PART A (1 mark)
1. What is digital communication?
2. What is cross talk?
3. Define baud rate.
4. What is synchronous communication?
5. Define Shannons limit for information capacity.
6. What is serial communication?
7. Mention the channels for digital


8. What is an echo compressor?

9. What are the functions performed during the process of analog to digital conversion?
10. Mention any two advantages of digital communication.
11. Mention any two disadvantages of digital communication.
12. What are the advantages of parallel transmission?
13. Draw the block diagram for analog to digital converter.
14. Define nyquist rate.
15. Mention the characteristics of data communication system.
16. Define information capacity.
17. Define adaptive equalization.
18. Define data transmission.

19. What are the applications of parallel transmission?

20. What are the disadvantages of parallel transmission?

PART B (12 mark)
1. Explain briefly about synchronous and asynchronous communication.
2. Write notes on sources and signals.
3. Explain about the characteristics of data communication system.
4. Draw and explain the block diagram of digital communication system.
5. Explain the channels for digital communication.
6. Explain serial and parallel transmission.


PART A (1 mark)
1. Mention the type of pulse modulation.
2. What is the difference between PCM and DPCM?
3. Define compounding.
4. What is uniform quantization?
5. What is non-uniform quantization?
6. Define pulse modulation.
7. Define DPCM.
8. Define PCM.
9. Define sampling.
10. Define quantization.
11. Mention the advantages of delta modulation.
12. State any two Disadvantages of DM.
13. Define slope overload.

14. Define granular noise.

15. State any two advantages of ADM.

16. State any two advantages of DPCM.
17. Mention any two limitations of DPCM.
18. State the types of pulse time modulation.
19. What are the applications of PCM?
20. Write the principle of PCM.
PART B (12 mark)
1. Explain the Delta modulation transmitter and receiver with block diagram.
2. Explain DPCM transmitter and receiver with block diagram.
3. Explain PCM generation and block diagram.
4. Explain adaptive delta modulation receiver and transmitter with block diagram.
5. Explain pulse code modulation transmitter with block diagram.
6. Explain DM receiver and transmitter with block diagram and state DM advantages
and disadvantages.
7. Explain PCM receiver with block diagram.
PART A (1 mark)
1. Define frequency shift keying.
2. Define digital modulation.
3. Define QPSK.
4. What is MSK?
5. What is ASCII framing?
6. Define PSK.
7. What is amplitude shift keying?

8. What is TDM?
9. What is T1 framing?

10. What E1 framing?

11. Mention the bit rate of T1 framing.
12. Write the comparison between different modulation techniques.
13. Differentiate E1 framing and T1 framing.
14. Write the common characteristics of E1 framing and T1 framing.
15. Draw the TDMA frame structure.
PART B (12 mark)
1. Explain MSK transmitter and receiver with block diagram.
2. Explain ASK transmitter and receiver with block diagram.
3. With block diagram explain FSK generation and reception.
4. Explain Time division multiplexing with block diagram.
5. Draw and explain the block diagram of QPSK transmitter.
6. Explain TDM frame structure.
7. Explain T1 framing.
8. Draw and explain the block diagram of PSK modulator and demodulator.
9. Explain E1 framing.
PART A (1 mark)
1. Define parity.
2. What is the advantage of baud dot code?
3. What is ASCII code?
4. What are the convolution codes?
5. What is error control?

6. What is EBCDIC code?

7. Mention the types Parity.

8. What is transmission?
9. Mention the types of error control.
10. Define linear block code.
11. What is systematic code?
12. What are the codes used in data communication system?
13. Expand ASCII, EBCDIC, and IBM.
14. Write advantages of ASCII code.
15. Write the advantages of EBCDIC code.
16. Write the limitations of baudot code.
17. What are the drawbacks of baudot code?
18. What are the uses of baudot code?
19. Differentiate even parity and odd parity.
20. What are the types of error detection codes?
21. What are the types of error correction codes?
22. Expand ARQ, ACK, and NAK.
23. Write the disadvantages of EBCDIC code.
24. Draw the functional block diagram of linear block coder.
25. Define baudot code.
PART B (12 mark)
1. Explain Retransmission and Forward error correcting code.
2. Write notes Hamming codes.
3. Explain ASCII code.
4. Explain parity check codes.

5. Explain EBCDIC code.

6. Explain linear block codes.

7. Explain baudot code and mention its drawbacks and limitations.

8. Explain the types of error control.
9. Explain convolution coding.
10. Write notes on error detection codes.
PART A (1 mark)
1. What is a network?
2. What is LAN?
3. What is meant by switching?
4. Mention the different LAN topologies.
5. List the types of networks.
6. What is multiple access communication?
7. What are the types of switching?
8. What is ring topology?
9. State the applications of data network.
10. Mention the transmission mediums used in communication network.
11. What is circuit switching?
12. Mention the two basic types of store and forward switching.
13. Mention any two layers of OSI model.
14. Mention the different types of packet network.
15. What is the use of network layer protocol?
16. State advantages of packet switched network.
17. Expand TDMA and FDMA.

18. Expand CSMA/CD.

19. What are the general characteristics of LAN?

20. Define routing.

PART B (12 mark)
1. Explain about LAN and its topologies.
2. Explain OSI model or Layered Architecture.
3. Give brief notes on packet networks.
4. Write notes circuit Switching and store and forward switching.
5. Explain communication network.
6. Explain routing.
7. Explain flow control.
8. Explain multiple access communication.


Time: 3 Hours

Max.Marks: 75

Answer any 15 questions

1. What is digital communication?
2. Define Shannons limit for information capacity.
3. Define baud rate.
4. Mention any two advantages of digital communication.
5. Mention the type of pulse modulation.
6. What is the difference between PCM and DPCM?
7. Define compounding.
8. What is uniform quantization?
9. Define frequency shift keying.
10. Define digital modulation.
11. Define QPSK.
12. What is MSK?
13. Define parity.
14. What is the advantage of baud dot code?
15. What is ASCII code?
16. What are the convolution codes?
17. What is a network?
18. What is LAN?
19. What is meant by switching?
20. Mention the different LAN topologies.

151=15 Marks

Answer all questions

512=60 Marks

21. A) Explain about the characteristics of data communication system.


B) Draw and explain the block diagram of digital communication system.


22. A) Explain the Delta modulation transmitter and receiver with block diagram. [12]
B) Explain DPCM transmitter and receiver with block diagram.


23. A) Draw and explain the block diagram of PSK modulator and demodulator. [12]
B) Explain Time division multiplexing with block diagram.
24. A) Explain convolution coding.


B) Write notes on error detection codes.


25. A) Explain about LAN and its topologies.


B) Explain OSI model or Layered Architecture.

Prepared by

Staff in charge


Approved by

Head of the Department


Periyar Nagar, Vallam 613 403, Thanjavur

Question Bank
Unit I
Part A (One Mark)
1 Define Radar.
2 Mention the important parts placed in a radar system.
3 Classify the radar according to the principle of operation.
4 Define the maximum range of radar.
5 Mention the types of pulse radar system.
6 State the different type display method used in radar
7 What Is Direction Finder?
8 What Is Radio Range?
9 Expand PSTN.
10 Mention the frequency bands of radar system.
11 Mention the two applications of radar.
12 Mention the type of aircraft landing system.
13 What Is Telephone?
14 Define Cordless Phone.
15 Define Video Phone.
16 What Is ISDN?
17 What Is Fax?
18 What Is IOC?

Part B (12 Marks)

12 Marks
1 Explain Radar Range Equation?
2 Explain The Factors Influencing Maximum Range?
3 With The Block Diagram Explain Pulsed Radar System?
4. Explain Radio Compass In Radars.
5. Write Notes on Radio Aids To Navigation.
6. Explain Instrument Landing System and Ground Controlled Approach
7. With The Block Diagram Explain Video Phone.
8 With the Block Diagram Explain Public Telephone Network.
9 Explain Electronics Switching System With the Block Diagram.
10 Draw The Architecture Of ISDN And Explain It.
11 Explain Facsimile Sender and Facsimile Receiver.

Unit 2
Part A (One Mark)
1. Define Semi duplex And Full duplex Connection.
2. Mention The Characteristics Of Digital Communication System.
3. Define The Speed Of Digital Communication.
4. Define Nyquist Rate.
5. Define Baud Rate.
6. Define Cross Talk.
7. Define Distortion In Digital Communication.
8. Why Are Eaqulizer Used In Digital Communication.
9. What Is The Use Of Echo Compressor?
10. Define ASCII Code.
11. Define EBCDIC Code.

12. State the Advantages Of EBCDIC Code.

13. Define Odd Parity And Even Parity.
14. Define Redundant Code.
15. Define Hamming Code.
16. Define ASK Modulation.
17. Define PSK Demodulation.
18. Define FSK Modulation.
19. Define QPSK Modulation.

Part B (12 Marks)

1. Explain the Fundamentals Digital Communication.
2. Explain the Characteristics of Digital Communication System.
3. With The Block Diagrams Explain ASK Modulation And Demodulation.
4. Explain The ASCII Code.
5. Draw the Block Diagram Of FSK Modulation And Explain Each Block.
6. What Is Error Detection And Correction Codes? Explain Any One Of Them.
7. Explain The Block Diagram Of FSK Modulator and Demodulator.
8. Explain Parity Check Codes.
9. Explain The Block Diagram Of PSK Modulator and Demodulator.
10. Explain Forward Error Correcting Code and Hamming Code
11. Explain The Block Diagram Of QPSK Modulator and Demodulator

Unit 3
Part A (One Mark)
1. What Is Light Pipe ?
2. Mention Any Two Advantages Of Optical Fibre.
3. Mention Any Two Disadvantages Of Optical Fibre.
4. Define Critical Angle.

5. What Is Step Index Fibre?

6. What Is Graded Index Fibre?
7. Define Single Mode Fibre.
8. Define Multi Mode Fibre.
9. Mention The Type Of Fibre.
10. Define Attenuation Fibre.
11. Mention The Various Types Of Absorption Losses.
12. Mention The Various Type Of Scattering Losses.
13. Define Bending Loss
14. Mention the Various Light Sources Used In A Fibre Optical Communication.
15. State The Different Type Of Light Detectors Used In Fibre Optical Communication.
16. Define Splice And Connector In Optical Fibre.
17. Mention The Various Type Of Fibre Splicing Techniques.
18. Mention The Various Types Of Connectors.
19. State The Advantages Of Buffer Jacket.
20. What Is Coupler?
21. State The Different Type Of Coupler.
22. Mention The Various Applications Of Fibre Opticals.

Part B (12 Marks)


Block Diagram Of Optical Communication System.

Explain Absorption Losses and Scattering Losses and Bending losses
Explain The Principle Of Light Transmission In A Fibre Using Ray Theory
Explain Single Mode Fibre And Multimode Fibre.
Explain Single Mode Step Index Fibre And Graded Index Fibre.

6. Explain The Block Diagram Of Optical Transmitter and Receiver.

7. Explain The LED Optical Source.
8. Explain The Various Types Of Connectors Used In Optical Fibre.

9. Explain Laser With Diagram

10. Explain the Various Type Of Coupler Used In Optical Fibre
11. Explain the various types of splicing techniques.
12 Explain APD With The Diagram.
Part A (One Mark)

Define Satellite Communication.

Define Keplers First Law
Define Keplers Second Law.
Define Keplers Third Law.
Mention The Different Types Of Satellite Orbits.
Define Geostationary Orbits.
Mention The Height Of Geostationary Orbit.
Define LEO And MEO.
Define Apogee And Perigee.
Define Active Satellite.
Define Passive Satellite
Define Earth Eclipse.
What is use of launching orbit?
Define Antenna.
What Is Station Keeping?
Define Transponder.
Define TTC Subsystem.
Mention the parts of ground segment of a satellite.
Explain TWT.
What Is Intelsat?
Define GPS.
How many satellites are used In GPS?
Define Msat.
Define Microwaves.
Mention the range of microwave frequency.
Mention any two types of microwave devices.

Part B (12 Marks)


Briefly Explain Keplers 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd Laws.

Explain The Different Types Of Orbits Used In Satellites.
With The Diagram Explain Attitude Control In Satellites.
Explain Apogee And Perigee With The Diagram
Explain Active and Passive Satellites.


With the Block Diagram Explain Transmit Receive Earth Station.

Explain Parabolic Reflector and Cassergrain Antenna
Explain TT And C Subsystem.
Explain Station Keeping In Satellites.
Explain The Operation Of Transponder.
Explain Travelling Wave Tube With Diagram.

Unit 5
Part A (One Mark)

1. What is AMPS?
2. Define micro cells.
3. Define pico cells?
4. What Is center exited cells.
5. Define co -channel interference.
6. Define adjacent channel interference.
7. State the equation of number of simulation users in cellular topology.
8. Define MSC and MTSO.
9. Define Forward Voice Channels.
10. Define Reverse Control Channels.
11. Define Frequency Reuse.
12. What Is Footprint?
13. Define Cluster.
14. What are the basic types of interference created in cellular telephones?
15. Define the maximum traffic load of a cell.
16. Define Roaming.
17. Define Hand Off.
18. What are the three types of multiple access techniques?
19. Define digital Cellular System
20. What are the three major inter connected systems Of GSM?
21. Mention the various interfaces used in GSM?
22. What is GPRS?

Part B (12 Marks)


Explain the fundamental concepts of cellular telephone system.

Explain GSM radio subsystem and GPRS
Explain frequency reuse various interfaces used in GSM
Explain Co-channel interference and adjacent channel interference


Draw the architecture of GSM system and explain its operation.

With the diagram explain cell splitting and cell sectoring
Explain CDMA, FDMA and TDMA
8 Explain roaming and handoff in cellular system.




PART A (1 mark)

1. What are universal gates?

2. Define glitch in digital circuit.
3. Distinguish between combinational & sequential circuits.
4. Draw the circuit for a full adder.
5. Draw the transistor level implementation of NAND gate.
6. What do you meant by hazards in digital circuit?
7. List few combinational circuits.
8. Draw the circuit for half adder.
9. Draw CMOS NAND gate.
10. Define multiplexer.
11. Define de-multiplexer.
12. Define encoder.
13. Define decoder.
14. What is race condition?
15. What is MOSFET?
16. Draw the symbol of NMOS and PMOS.
17. What is CMOS?
18. Draw the symbol of CMOS.
19. Expand the term XOR.
20. What is the value of A+AB?
21. Write the commutative law.
22. Write the associative law.
PART B (12 mark)
1. Implement the function with f = (0, 2, 3, 7).
2. Implement the above function f = (0, 2, 3, 7) with 4:1 mux.

3. Implement the function with do not care conditions of 4 & 6 with minimal gates
f = (0, 2, 3, 7).
4. Implement the function with minimal gates with 4:1 mux f = (0, 2, 3, 7).
5. Implement the function with f = (1, 2, 3,5, 7,10,13) with minimal gates.
6. Implement the function f = (1, 2, 3,5, 7,10,13) with 4:1 mux.
7. Implement the function f = (1, 2, 3,5, 7,10,13) with do not care 4 & 6 with minimal gates.
8.Implement the function f = (1, 2, 3,5, 7,10,13) with do not care 4 & 6 with 4:1 mux.

9. Draw the circuit of NMOS NAND, NOR, AND, OR.

10. Draw the circuit of CMOS NAND, NOR, AND, OR.


PART A (1 mark)
1. Define Synthesis.
2. Draw the circuit for Half adder.
3. Give two examples for combinational circuits.
4. Distinguish between combinational circuit sequential circuit.
5. Draw the circuit for full adder.
6. Define Timing Simulation.
7. Expand VHDL.
8. What are the different levels of abstractions?
9. Define selected signal assignment.
10. What are assignment statements?
11. Define for Generate statement?
12. Distinguish between concurrent assignment & sequential assignment statement.
13. List any Two VHDL operators.
14. Define data flow modeling.
PART B (12 mark)
1. Explain in detail about different levels of obstructions.
2. Explain in detail about assignment statements.
3. Write a VHDL code four bit adder.
4. Write a VHDL code four bit comparator.
5. Write a VHDL code four bit Multiplier.
6. Write a VHDL code for AND,OR,NOR gates.
7. Write a VHDL code for 4:1 mux.
8. Write a VHDL code for Demux.
9. Write a VHDL code for mux.


PART A (1 mark)

1. What is the main element in the sequential circuit?

2. Write the excitation Table for T Flip Flop.
3. What do you mean by SISO & PISO?
4. Are Latch & Flip Flop same?
5. Distinguish between combinational circuit sequential circuit.
6. Write the excitation Table for D Flip Flop.
7. List the various shift Register present in digital circuit.
8. Distinguish between Latch & Flip Flop.
9. Write down the count sequence for Modulo & Counter.
10. Distinguish between synchronous & Asynchronous Counter.
11. Define state table.
12. Define state diagram.
13. Write down the excitation Table for JK Flip Flop.

PART B (12 mark)

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