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Idioms Meeting

for the record oficjalnie

In order to make one's position clear and public:
e.g. I wish to state for the record that I am completely opposed to this decision.
when all is said and done w ostatecznym rozrachunku
When everything has been considered
e.g. When all is said and done, Microsoft will probably make a great deal of money
on its $ 150 million investment in Apple
a show of hands gosowanie przez podniesienie rk
A vote in which each person shows his position by raising his hand
e.g. It was clear that the management team was divided on the question. To save
time, the chairman suggested the matter be resolved by a show of hands.
lose sight of something staci cel z oczu
(a purpose, a target, etc.) To forget something, to fail to keep it in view
e.g. Hayes reminds his sales team that when they feel discouraged, it's probably
because they've lost sight of their goals.
lay it on the line nie owija w bawen
To say something directly and forcefully
e.g. Let me lay it on the line for you, gentlemen. If there are any more accidents
because basic safety measures are being ignored, I will hold you directly responsible
play it by ear improwizowa
To act according to the situation and without a definite plan, to improvise
e.g. Of course it's always better to prepare for meetings properly, but often you
simply don't have time. And if you're unprepared, all you can do is play it by ear.
tie up loose ends zapi wszystko na ostatni guzik
To complete small jobs or take care of details that are still undecided
e.g. We've covered everything on the agenda. However, before I bring the meeting
to a close, I'd like to tie up a few loose ends.
short and sweet krtko i treciwie
(speech, announcement, etc.) Without unnecessary detail or without waste of time
e.g. I realize you're all very busy men, so, although this is a highly complicated
matter, I'll keep my remarks short and sweet.
in a nutshell w skrcie
Concisely, reduced to the essential facts
e.g. We are losing customers because we are unable to supply them quickly enough
that's the problem in a nutshell. The next question is: what are we going to do
about it?

in a nutshell w skrcie, suche fakty

for the record oficjalne zaznaczenie swojego zdania/wypowiedzi

when all is said and done w ostatecznym rozrachunku, po rozwaeniu
wszystkich moliwoci
a show of hands gosowanie przez podniesienie rk
lose sight of something staci cel z oczu, zapomnie o gwnym celu

lay it on the line nie owija w bawen, powiedzie wprost

play it by ear improwizowa
tie up loose ends zapi wszystko na ostatni guzik, wzi pod uwag wszystkie
szczegy (np organizujc spotkanie)
short and sweet krtko i treciwie, bez zbdnych szczegw, nie marnujc

for the record

when all is said and done
a show of hands
lose sight of something
lay it on the line
play it by ear
tie up loose ends
short and sweet
in a nutshell

Making a presentation

Bar chart wykres supkowy

Pointer wskanik
Pie chart wykres koowy
Graph wykres
Felt pen pisak

Screen ekran
Handout materiay pomocnicze
Flip chart tablica
Slide projector rzutnik
Overhead projector rzutnik, grafoskop

Below you will see extracts from a presentation. You must complete each
blank with a word or phrase from the list below. Use each item from the
list once only
Purpose - cel
Priorities - priorytety
Finally, - wreszcie
Next, - nastpnie
First of all przede wszystkim
May I begin mog zacz
As you know jak wiecie
In other words innymi sowy
Up to date na bieco

To sum up podsumowujc
As a whole jako cao
As far as w miar
At such short notice w tak krtkim
On the contrary wrcz przeciwnie
On the other hand z drugiej strony
Draw your attention zwrci

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