Olimpiada Engleza 7, Scoala 2015

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I. Read the text and answer the questions:

24 points

The Olympic Games

The Olympics have a very long history. They began in the year 776 Before Christ, and took place every four
years for nearly 1,200 years at Olympia, in the Peloponnese in ancient Greece. They included many different
kinds of sport (although far less than today): running, boxing, wrestling, the pentathlon and chariot racing. The
pentathlon consisted of five different events in which a competing athlete was obliged to take part.
The games were held in honour of Zeus of Olympus (the Thessalian mountain on which lived the chief Greek
gods) and they included literary and musical competitions, too.
In 394 A.D., the games were stopped by the emperor of Constantinopole and the temple at Olympia was
destroyed. Fifteen hundred years later, in 1894, a Frenchman, Pierre de Coubertin, persuaded the athletic
organizations from fifteen countries to start the Olympic Games again. At present, nearly 150 countries are
represented in the International Olympic Committee.
1. When did the Olympic Games begin?
2. Where did the Olympic Games take place?
3. What kinds of competitions did they include in the past?
4. Who were the Olympic Games dedicated to?
5. What happened in 394 A.D.?
6. What nationality was the man who contributed to organizing the Olympic Games again?
II. Choose the correct answer:
1. A: Would you like to go out tonight?
B: No, Im too exhausted; but Im sure youhave a great time.
a. are going to
b. will
c. may
2. My parentsto bed by the time I got home.
a. have gone
b. went
c. had gone
3. A: You look serious.
B: Yes, I..to solve a difficult problem.
a. have tried
b. am trying
c. try
4. A: Wed better take a taxi to the airport.
B: Youre right. The plane off in three hours.
a. takes
b. will take
c. is taking
5. A: Does Peter know how to drive?
B. Of course. He.for years, now.
a. has driven
b. has been driving
c. is driving
6. Look at this athlete. He is ahead of the others. He...the race .
a. is going to win
b. wins
c. has been winning
7. The problem of pollution ...worse these days.
a. is getting
b. will get
c. got
8. This time yesterday we.in the sea.
a. swam
b. were swimming
c. had swum
9. Doris ..in this office since last year.
a. is working
b. works
c. has been working
10. What time..the concerttonight?
a. doesstart
b. is starting
c. willstart

III. Put the verbs in brackets into an appropriate tense.

1. If we ______________ (live) in Australia, obviously the weather would be better.
2. If we dont punish him this time, he ______________ (try) to do the same thing again.
3. If it ______________ (not/be) for Dr. Jones, I would be dead for certain!
4. Dont be afraid.If you touch the dog, it ______________ (not/bite) you.
5. If I decided to leave my room dirty, my mother ______________ (not/be) very happy.
IV. Add suitable tags questions to the following sentences:

Diana has got blonde hair, ..?

She doesnt work here, ..?
They went out,. ..?
Dad will be back soon,.. ..?
There is a key in the lock, ?

V. Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form:

1. The Himalayas are much ................. (high) than the Alps.
2. Driving on the motorway has become ..... ..(dangerous) than 10 years before.
3. China has ........................................ (large) population in the world.
4. John is ..... (happy) now than he has ever been.
5. Air pollution is ............................... (bad) in cities than in villages.
6. Mark lives ............................. (far) away from school than the other students.
7. Water pollution is .... (serious) than we think it is.
8. He is the ................................... (intelligent) person I have ever met.
9. Marys school results are .... (good) than last year.
10. July is . (hot) month of the year.
11. That was (hot).... holiday ever!
12. That film was (good) than I expected.
13. This is (bad) pizza Ive had in years.
14. This new sofa is ...(comfortable) than the other one.
15. Our house is (far)from the city centre.

VI. Complete each compound word by adding a word from the list:
about bringing

coat come







1. Jane has a high in., but she works very hard to earn it.
2. Im sorry I said that. I hope you are not up..
3. You have to turn left at the next round
4. Kevin fell down .and hurt his ankle.
5. Its cold today, so youd better wear your over
6. On our way home we got soaked in a terrific down..
7. Its a lovely day. Why dont we have lunch out?
8. They live in a small house on the out. of the town.
9. Its easy to travel in London if you use the under...
10. That child is so polite. She obviously had a good up..
VII.Your name is Patricia /Sam and you are going to attend a pop concert. Write an invitation (in 70
words) to your friend Sarah in which you will:
a) mention the name of the event
b) give the date, the time and the place of the event
c) tell your friends that they can bring one person with them
d) explain how to get to the concert
e) mention a time and place to meet before the concert
Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Se acorda 10 puncte din oficiu. Timp de lucru 2 ore.

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