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Getting Started

Getting Started

Test & Measurement

7825476277 01

The firmware of the instrument makes use of several valuable open source software packages. For information, see the "Open
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Rohde & Schwarz would like to thank the open source community for their valuable contribution to embedded computing.

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1 Introduction............................................................................................ 5

Service Tests................................................................................................................. 5


Related Documents.......................................................................................................5

2 Using QualiPoc.......................................................................................6

QualiPoc Workspace.................................................................................................... 6


Menus............................................................................................................................. 7

Main Menu...................................................................................................................... 7

Actions Menu.................................................................................................................. 8


Cell Info Banner.............................................................................................................. 9


QualiPoc Settings......................................................................................................... 9


Creating and Running a Measurement Job.............................................................. 10


Stopping a Measurement Job....................................................................................... 17


Loading a Measurement Job.........................................................................................17


Battery Level and Disk Space Considerations.............................................................. 17


Managing Measurement Results............................................................................... 19


iBwave Mobile Planner..................................................................................................20

Importing an iBwave Floor Plan Into QualiPoc..............................................................20

Exporting Survey Data From QualiPoc to iBwave Mobile Planner................................22


Updating QualiPoc Android....................................................................................... 23

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Getting Started 7825476277 01



Service Tests

1 Introduction
QualiPoc Android has been designed for handheld radio network optimization and
quality assessment. This software supports a variety of devices and technologies
including GSM, GPRS, EDGE, WCDMA, HSDPA, HSUPA and LTE. Due to the ease of
use, you can use QualiPoc to collect data and voice services statistics.
QualiPoc fully supports Android motions and gestures as well as touch and double-tapping.

1.1 Service Tests

QualiPoc Android includes the following test functionality:

CALL: Uses the Call2anynumber test to set up a speech call connection to a number that automatically responds. Uses the Speech MOC test to measure intrusive
speech quality (MOS) on speech call connection to a responding station. The
answering station job could be used to answer calls for a MOC DL job.

DATA: Sets up a PS data connection to an access point name. This functionality

includes FTP UL/DL, HTTP Browser, HTTP Transfer GET/PUT, Ping, Email and
Capacity DL testing.

MESSAGE: Test SMS and MMS functionality

Multi-Data, Multi-Mix, Multi-RAB, and Parallel: Execute data and call tests
sequentially or in parallel.
You can also execute multi-RAB tests in random order.

Idle Monitoring: Allows you to monitor and to store RF parameters during normal
use of the phone when QualiPoc is idle.

1.2 Related Documents

Manual - QualiPoc Android.pdf

Manual - QualiPoc Freerider II.pdf

Manual - QualiPoc Freerider III.pdf

Manual - QualiPoc Remote Control.pdf

Manual - NetQual - NQView.pdf

Getting Started 7825476277 01


Using QualiPoc
QualiPoc Workspace

2 Using QualiPoc
The following section provides an overview on how to use QualiPoc. For more information, see the Manual - QualiPoc Android.pdf document.

2.1 QualiPoc Workspace

Fig. 2-1: Main workspace

The main QualiPoc workspace consists of the following elements:

Cell information banner at the top of the screen

at the top of the screen with the following items:

Action bar
Actions menu

Main menu

Side menu that contains the monitors for your measurements, for example, the
"Status" monitor

Context menu
that contains commands that are specific to the screen or QualiPoc monitor you are in

Fig. 2-2: Customize monitor

For more information on the menus, see chapter 2.1.1, "Menus", on page 7.
For a description of the available monitors see the
Manual - QualiPoc Android.pdf document.

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Using QualiPoc
QualiPoc Workspace

To view detailed information of a parameter on a monitor, for example, "MaxTxPower" or "RSSI", touch the parameter.

Fig. 2-3: LTE monitor and detailed information

2.1.1 Menus
This section describes the menus that are available in QualiPoc.

Main Menu
The main QualiPoc commands are available through the menu icon
screen as well as the physical menu button of the QualiPoc device

at the top of the


Fig. 2-4: Main menu

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Using QualiPoc
QualiPoc Workspace

Table 2-1: Description of the items on the Main menu




Create and run measurement jobs

"Start last job"

Runs the last job that you configured


Manage or replay measurement results


Configure basic QualiPoc settings, such as "Operational Mode".


Contains instructional videos


Opens a screen where you can view information about QualiPoc or update QualiPoc


Quits the application

Actions Menu
You can access the Actions men with the down arrow

at the top of the screen.

Fig. 2-5: Tools menu

The toolbar allows you to quickly perform the following actions when you monitor a
Table 2-2: Description of the icons on the QualiPoc main toolbar




Enables static forcing

This option is disabled when a measurement job is running.
To configure forcing in a measurement job, see chapter 2.3,
"Creating and Running a Measurement Job", on page 10.


Freezes the monitors until you touch the icon again.


Captures the screen and saves the image to the SD card in

*.PNG format.

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Using QualiPoc
QualiPoc Settings




"Add text marker"

Adds a text marker to the measurement file.

This option is only available during a live measurement, that is,
"Recording" mode.

"Add photo Marker"

Captures a photograph with the phone camera and saves the

photograph on the SD card in the QualiPoc/Results folder.
If you are in recording or testing mode, the photo marker is
added to the MF file.
Not supported in Freerider mode.

2.1.2 Cell Info Banner

The Cell Info banner is at the top of the screen and displays the values that you select.

Fig. 2-6: Cell Info banner

2.2 QualiPoc Settings

You can use the menus on your smartphone to easily configure QualiPoc Android.
To access the "QualiPoc Settings" screen, touch the menu icon
screen and touch "Settings".

Getting Started 7825476277 01

at the top of the


Using QualiPoc
Creating and Running a Measurement Job

Fig. 2-7: QualiPoc settings

For a detailed description of the "QualiPoc Settings", see the

Manual - QualiPoc Android.pdf document.

2.3 Creating and Running a Measurement Job

This section describes how to quickly configure and run a QualiPoc measurement job.
To create and run a measurement job
1. Touch the main menu

, touch "Jobs", touch "New job" and touch "Add job".

Note: If the screen already contains a job, touch the drawer icon
"Add job" icon, enter a name for the job, and touch "OK".

, touch the

Fig. 2-8: Add job

If the phone contains jobs that you created with a QualiPoc version older than 15.0,
QualiPoc prompts you to migrate the job files to the new version. To access this
option again, touch the drawer icon , touch the context menu
for the "All job
folder" screen, and touch "Import legacy jobs".

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Using QualiPoc
Creating and Running a Measurement Job

Fig. 2-9: Migrate old jobs

2. On the "Select job type" screen, touch a job group, and then touch a job.

Fig. 2-10: Select job type

3. Touch and specify the basic settings for the job, for example, the name of the

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Using QualiPoc
Creating and Running a Measurement Job

Forcing, APN and

PCAP capture
options (Time
settings as well as
for Speech Double
Ended jobs

Expand /
Collapse test
/ job list

Press for advanced

job settings

Quick job settings

Opens list of
existing jobs

Fig. 2-11: Job settings

To undo your recent changes, touch the main menu , and touch "Revert job".
This option reverts the job settings to the last time that you started QualiPoc.

Fig. 2-12: Job editor menu

To remove the job, touch the main menu

, and touch "Reset job".

4. Specify additional job settings.

Touch the name of the job, for example, "HTTP Browser".

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Using QualiPoc
Creating and Running a Measurement Job

Fig. 2-13: Additional settings

To configure the "Network", "Technology", "Band", and "Advanced" forcing

options, touch the "Forcing" icon

Fig. 2-14: Applying forcing

To select an access point for the job, touch the "Access points" icon

Fig. 2-15: Access points

To enable packet capture for the measurement, touch the "Packet Capture"
icon .

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Using QualiPoc
Creating and Running a Measurement Job

Fig. 2-16: Packet capture settings

When you enable this option, the icon turns green.

To specify the window timings, touch the "Window Timings" icon

Fig. 2-17: Window Timings

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Using QualiPoc
Creating and Running a Measurement Job


Fig. 2-18: Advanced Job settings

(Optional) To configure an advanced job, touch the main menu

"Advanced mode".

, and touch

"Scheduling": Scheduling options for the job

Fig. 2-19: Scheduling options in advanced mode

"Single job": Generates one measurement file for the entire job
"Job sequence": Specify "Forcing", "APN", and "PCAP capture" options for
each job in the sequence.
A "Job sequence" generates a measurement file for each execution of each job
in the sequence.

Note: figure 2-18 contains the context menu


Getting Started 7825476277 01

that is only available in "Advanced



Using QualiPoc
Creating and Running a Measurement Job

6. (Optional): Assign a name to the job and job file.

To assign a name to the job, touch and hold the name of the job, touch the
context menu , and touch "Rename".

Fig. 2-20: Rename job

To change the name of the job file in the QualiPoc/Jobs folder, touch the
drawer icon
at the bottom of the screen, touch the context menu for the job
, and touch "Rename."

Fig. 2-21: Rename job file

7. To start the job, touch the "Start" icon

Getting Started 7825476277 01

at the top of screen.



Using QualiPoc
Creating and Running a Measurement Job

2.3.1 Stopping a Measurement Job

To stop a job, touch the main menu

and then touch "Stop job".

2.3.2 Loading a Measurement Job

To load an existing measurement job, touch the drawer icon
list, for example, "FTP DL", and touch the drawer again.

, touch a job in the

Fig. 2-22: Load FTP DL Job

2.3.3 Battery Level and Disk Space Considerations

The following conditions prevent a measurement job from starting on the phone:

Battery level < 10%

< 150 MB of free space on SD card

The following conditions cause a running job to stop:

Battery level < 5%

< 100 MB of free space on SD card

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Using QualiPoc
Creating and Running a Measurement Job

If the phone is connected to the charger with a USB cable, the battery might not charge
fast enough to compensate for the power consumption of tests that use HS and LTE
technologies. In such a scenario, the phone can suddenly turn off when the battery
level drops below 5% despite being connected to a charger.
You can view the battery level and free space warnings on the "Log" tab.

Fig. 2-23: Low battery level and low storage warnings on the Log tab

You can view low battery and low disk space alert messages on the "Alerts and
Actions" tab in NQView . You can also find information about task failed starts and running task aborts on the "Log messages" and "System log" tabs.

Fig. 2-24: Alerts and actions tab in NQView

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Using QualiPoc
Managing Measurement Results

2.4 Managing Measurement Results

The "Results" screen allows you to compress, to upload, and to delete measurement
files and crash dumps.
To manage measurement results
To manage measurement results, touch the menu icon

, and then touch

To sort the list of results touch the overflow menu icon

Fig. 2-25: Results options

To delete results, touch and hold a result in the list, and then touch the delete
icon .
You can touch more than one result.
To upload a measurement file, touch and hold the results file, touch the overflow menu icon , and then touch "Upload".

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Using QualiPoc
Managing Measurement Results

Fig. 2-26: Main results menu

The files are uploaded to the server that you specify.

For a description on how to configure QualiPOc to automatically upload measurement
files to a server, see the Manual - QualiPoc Android.pdf document.

2.4.1 iBwave Mobile Planner

You can share QualiPoc measurement results with the iBwave Mobile Planner.

Importing an iBwave Floor Plan Into QualiPoc

To share an iBwave Mobile Planner project with QualiPoc

1. Create a project in iBwave Mobile Planner.

Add a layout plan, that is, a floor plan.

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Using QualiPoc
Managing Measurement Results

Fig. 2-27: iBwave Mobile Planner

Add a floor to the plan.

Add another building.
Customize your project.

Note: You can also open an existing project with the Download icon
2. Touch the share icon

to export the project.

3. In QualiPoc, load the iBwave *.ibwc file.

a) On the "Layers" menu, click "Import new iBwave project".
b) Locate the *.ibwc file and touch "Select".
Note: For a floor plan with multiple floors, you can separate the floors.

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Using QualiPoc
Managing Measurement Results

Exporting Survey Data From QualiPoc to iBwave Mobile Planner

You can only export survey data that you added to an iBwave *.ibwc file that you
imported into QualiPoc.
To export survey data from QualiPoc to iBwave Mobile Planner
1. Start a job and open the "Map" monitor.
2. Touch the context menu

and enable "Manual location mode".

3. Tap the map to add waypoints to your route.

4. Export the measurement data.
a) Stop the job, touch the main menu , and touch "Results".
b) Touch and hold the measurement file, touch the context menu
"Export survey data".
c) Touch an iBwave export option.

, and touch

Fig. 2-28: Export survey data

The "Generic Survey Data" option produces a *.zip file.


Fig. 2-29: Export ibwc

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Using QualiPoc
Updating QualiPoc Android

Fig. 2-30: Import ibwc file in iBwave Mobile Planner

2.5 Updating QualiPoc Android

You can update QualiPoc through a network connection, that is, mobile or a Wi-Fi network, or you can use a USB connection to update the software.
For a description on how to update QualiPoc through a USB connection, see the
Manual - QualiPOc Android.pdf document.
To update QualiPoc Android through a mobile or Wi-Fi network
1. Touch the menu icon

at the top of the screen and touch "About > Update".

Note: The "Update" command is also in "QualiPoc Settings".

2. Touch "Update now", touch a version in the list, and then touch "OK".

Fig. 2-31: Over-the-air update

Note: If you do not have the "Update" option, contact our support center.

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Using QualiPoc
Updating QualiPoc Android

Please consult the Customer Support Center.pdf document for the best
method to contact us.
If you cannot run the application, go to the system settings of the phone, touch "Security", and then enable the "Unknown Sources" option.

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