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A look at homonyms


Words that are spelt the same and sound alike but with different meanings.
MY neighbours 11-year-old girl asked me, A man whose wife was ready to give birth, took
her to Pizza Hut. Do you know why?
I thought for a minute and then shook my head.
Pizza Hut promises free delivery! she shouted triumphantly.
I had to smile. The word delivery does have two meanings! A mother delivers a child and
Pizza Hut guys do deliver the pizza you ordered to your house!
Come to think of it, I used the word minute a minute ago. This word, too, can be used in
different ways.
For example: It will take me 30 minutes to finish writing the minutes of this meeting.
Yes, while one refers to time, the other meaning for the word minutes refers to the detailed
account you give about a discussion.
As for the word account, it also has another meaning! When you give an account of an
event, you are telling what transpired and happened. But, when you do the accounts, you
are giving the facts and figures of a transaction in ringgit and sen.
Hey, did you notice that I just used the word figures? This word has several meanings.
For beginners, its a word that refers to the numbers involved. But, if someone compliments
you on your figure, you know hes talking about your curves!
Also, if you are confused about an issue, you may be asked to take some time and figure it
out. In this case, you are asked to work out the meaning of what you have been told.
Did I just use the word issue? I did, didnt I?
Welcome then to another word with double meaning whats the issue about issue?
Well, for one thing, while an issue can refer to an important matter, it can also mean
something else. For instance, if someone asks you whether you have any issues, he could
also be asking whether you have any children!

And, if someone were to issue you a summons or a receipt, this now refers to the act of
handing you a slip of paper.
Slip? Oops, did I just say slip? Yes, I did!
Well then, a slip of paper means a sheet or document but if I wrongfully addressed my boss
as Mrs instead of Miss, and shes upset, then Id better be quick to apologise by saying
that it was a slip of my tongue which means it was a mistake on my part.
How about the word quick? Any double meaning here? Definitely!
To be quick is to be fast (in terms of minutes taken) but if a friend has cut you the quick, this
means that he has hurt you deeply.
Okay, have I left out anything? Ah yes, the word left itself. If I have forgotten and left my
purse at home, I might have to turn left at the next junction to get to the nearest bank.
If someone gave me directions to an unfamiliar bank, I might ask, Do I have to turn right or
left? just to make sure.
That someone might say to me, Yes, youre right. You have to turn left!
So, the joke about the right and left side of the brain still holds. You dont know the joke? Let
me throw some light on this issue. The joke goes like this:
A man went to have his brain examined. When the surgeon checked his left brain, nothing
was right. When he examined the right brain, nothing was left!
Ah, I used the expression throw some light, right? Here are two more words that can be
spelt in one way but have two completely different meanings.
Throw could well be substituted with the word shed but do you know that if you throw
away something, you are getting rid of it?
Also, if you throw on a sweater, you are not giving it to the dustbin but actually putting one
As for the word light in one respect, I could be talking about the light from the sun or a
lamp. In another, I could be talking about weight issues. For instance, if youre a gentleman,
dont be upset if I told you that my bag is light enough and I can carry it myself without your
Ever met people who dont laugh enough? People who are too serious for words? We tell
such people to lighten up that is, take it easy and be more relaxed and open.

But if someone tells you not to light up in your restaurant, he is telling you politely not to
smoke in his eatery.
Ah, the word light how much warmth it generates when you tell a child, You light up my
life or You are the light of my life.
Are you on track with me so far? Am I on the right track when I tell you that English is as
fascinating or as confusing as you choose to make it?
Anyway, I think Ive said enough. Its time for me now to make tracks for the kitchen and
track down my maid as well as track what she has been doing while I was writing this piece.
Oh dear, did I say piece? Oh, oh, this word has a few meanings, too. But, no, I think Ill stop
here. Ive said my piece and made my peace with you, I hope.
Until we meet again through this column, let me take a minute to remember whether I have
any minutes to write.
No, I dont think so but I do think I have a group meet-up this afternoon. A meeting of similar
minds ah, that I shall look forward to.
Look did I say look? Ok, Ok Im stopping here but if you can find some time, do look up
the many meanings of the word look.

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