Incep & Gram. I Pres. Perf & Past Tense 21.07.2015

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Present Perfect or Past Tense ?

1. A: I (cycle / just)

50 km.

2. B: I (cycle)

100 km last week.

3. A: I (write)

an essay yesterday.

4. B: I (write / already)

two essays this term.

5. A: I (ring / just)
6. B: I (ring)

my friend.
my friend 10 minutes ago.

7. A: Two days ago, I (watch)

8. B: I (see / already)
9. A: I (spend)

a Madonna concert on TV.

Madonna live in concert.

my summer holiday in Australia last year.

10. B: I (be / not)

to Australia yet.

1. A: (you / be / ever)

to London?

2. B: Yes, I (be)

there three times.

3. A: When (be)

the last time you (be)

4. B: Last summer. I (spend)

we (go)
5. (you / like)


two weeks in Brighton with my parents and

to London one weekend.


6. Oh yes. We really (have)

a great time in London.

7. Lucky you! I (be / never)

to London.

1. A: (you / buy)

the tickets for our journey yet?

2. B: Yes, I (go)

to the station yesterday and (buy)

3. A: What time (you / go)

4. B: I (take)
5. A: (you / pack)


a friend to the station in the morning. His train (leave)


your bags yet?

6. B: Of course. And I (ask / already)

about you?
7. B: I (pack)

the tickets.

my bags two days ago.

my neighbour to empty my letter box. What

1. Yesterday, my brother (come)

home from school, (switch)

TV until dinner (be)

2. Oh no, it's raining and I (leave)

on the TV

my umbrella at home.

3. Look! There is so much food left. Nobody (eat)


4. Where (you / be)

to the shopping centre

and (buy)

yesterday? - I (go)
a new computer game.

5. Why don't you want to play football with us this weekend? - I (break)
6. The road is closed. There (be)
7. I (have)

an accident.

an accident when I (be)

8. Come on, let's celebrate! Our team (win)

in Manchester last year.

the match.

1. He (leave / just)
2. We (build)

his house.
a tree house last week.

3. Two years ago, Fiona (break)

4. I (wash / already)

her leg.

the dishes.

5. The other day, our cat (bring)

home a mouse.

1. We (empty / not)

the bin last week.

2. She (be / not)

there an hour ago.

3. He (lose / not)

any game so far.

4. My brother (pick / not)

5. I (make / not)

me up at 8 o'clock.
up my mind yet.

1. (you / see)
2. Who (switch)
3. When (she / become)
4. (you / ride / ever)
5. (you / hurt)

Bob recently?
off the lights a minute ago?
a teacher?
an elephant?
your knee when you were playing football?

my leg.

1. Last week I (be)

very busy and I (have not)

2. On Monday I (work)
in the evening.

three hours overtime and (come)

3. From Tuesday to Thursday I (be)

4. On Friday I (go)
I (visit)

the time to do a lot in the

home very late

on a business trip.

to a friend's birthday party and at the weekend

my grandparents.

5. Tomorrow some friends are coming over. I (see / not)

they (be / never)

them for ages and

at my place before.

6. I (clean / just)

my house so I can show them around. Now everything is perfect.

1. I (just / finish)

my homework.


Mary (already / write)

five letters.


Tom (move)


My friend (be)


I (not / be)


But I (already / travel)


Last week, Mary and Paul (go)


I can't take any pictures because I (not / buy)


(they / spend)


(you / ever / see)

to this town in 1994.

in Canada two years ago.
to Canada so far.
to London a couple of times.
to the cinema.

their holiday in New Zealand last summer?

a whale?

1. We (watch / not)

TV last night.

2. Joanna (read / not)

the book yet.

3. Collin (not / go)

on holiday last year.

4. I (have / not)

any problems so far.

5. They (learn / not)

the new words yet.

1. (they / be / ever)

to New York?

2. (you / see)

Catherine a minute ago?

3. What time (you / get)

4. (he / hear)

a new film yet.

up today?
the news yet?

5. How often (you / play)

that game up to now?

1. A: I (see / not)

you for a long time. Where (you / be)

2. B: I (come / just)

back from Canada.

3. A: Oh really? What (you / do)

4. B: I (take)

in Canada?

a nature tour.

5. A: Wow! (you / see)

many wild animals there?

6. B: Of course. I (watch)
That (be)

bears, wolves and whales in the wild.

so interesting. (you / spend / ever)

7. A: Yes, I (travel)

a holiday in Canada?

around Canada twice so far.

8. B: When (you / go)


9. A: The first time I (go)

10. B: (you / enjoy)

there (be)

in 1997 and the second time in


11. A: I absolutely (love)

it, especially the west coast.

1. How many times
2. How many times
3. I

to the cinema last month? (she/go)

my first school. (like)


to the cinema this month? (you/be)

to Russia? (you/ever/be)
to Moscow when you were in Russia? (you/go)

6. Freddie Mercury
7. Clint Eastwood
8. I

an interesting life. (have)

an interesting life. (have)

John today. (not see)

9. But I

him yesterday. (see)


John Lennon ever go to Japan? (go)


Paul McCartney ever been to Japan? (be)

13. No, he still

his homework yet? (he/do)

it. (not finish)
football when you were younger? (you/play)
baseball? (ever/you/play)

16. My life has been very sad because I

in love. (not/ever/ be)

1. 'This is my house.' 'How long have you lived here?' 'I
2. He lived in London for two years and then he

(go) to Edinburgh.

3. When I left school, I cut my hair and

4. Shakespeare

(wear) it short ever since.

(write) a lot of plays.

5. My brother
6. I

(live) here since 1997.'

(write) several plays. He has just finished his latest.

(not see) him for three years. I wonder where he is.

7. He

(not smoke) for two weeks. He is trying to give it up.

8. Chopin

(compose) some of his music in Majorca.

9. 'When

(he/arrive)?' 'He arrived at 2 o'clock.'

10. I read his books when I was at school. I

11. I can't go out because I
12. 'I

(not finish) my work yet.

(never/drink) whiskey.' 'Well, have some now!'

13. Here are your shoes. I

(just/clean) them.

14. I left home at 8.00a.m. and I

15. I

(enjoy) them very much.

(get) here at 12.00p.m.

(meet) him last June.

(you/see) the moon last night?

O. (text)
1. Mother: I want to prepare dinner. (you / wash)
2. Daughter: I (wash)
yet to do it today.

the dishes yesterday, but I (have / not)

3. Mother: (you / do / already)

home from school.

5. Mother: You (come)

home from school two hours ago!

6. Daughter: Well, but my friend Lucy (call)

when I (arrive)

the phone call.

7. Mother: (you / see / not)

Lucy at school in the morning?

8. Daughter: Yes, but we (have / not)

time to talk then.

P. (text)
1. A: (you / try / ever)
2. B: Oh, yes!

the time

your homework?

4. Daughter: No, I (come / just)


the dishes yet?


3. A: How often (you / eat)

4. B: Two times exactly.

haggis yet?

5. A: When (you / eat / first)


and I (finish /

6. B: That (be)

in 2005. We (have)

they also (sell)

a Scottish festival in our town and

traditional Scottish food. So I (buy)

7. A: (you / like)


8. B: It (be / not)

too bad. And I (know / not)

9. A: When (you / find out)

anything about haggis then.

10. B: When I (be)

in Scotland in 2007. I (go)

to a restaurant

and (order)
haggis. Afterwards, the waiter (tell)
me about haggis: it's
the heart, liver and lungs of a sheep, boiled in the animal's stomach. Well, I (eat /

haggis again since then.

R. (text)
1. A: (you / play / already)

the new computer game?

2. B: No, not yet. I only (buy)

it yesterday and I (have / not)

3. A: (you / go)

to the cinema last night?

4. B: Yes. I (be)

there with Sue and Louis. (you / be)

5. A: I last (go)

the time yet.

to the cinema

to the cinema two weeks ago.

6. B: So you (see / not)

the new action film yet.

7. A: No, unfortunately not. (you / enjoy)

8. B: Oh, I really (love)

it. But Sue (like / not)

9. A: But why (you / take)

she (hate)

it - too much action!

her with you? She (tell)

me last week that

action films.

10. B: I think she has an eye on Louis. She (try)

he (can / concentrate / not)

to flirt with him all the time. So

on the film.

S. (text)
Film maker George Richards
a small child. He

(make) his first film when he

He is now almost forty and he


(be) interested in the cinema since he

(be) just twelve years old.

(make) thirty films. George loves travelling. His

(take) him all over the world. He

China, the USA and South America. Last year, he

(be) to Africa, India, Australia,


Russia for the first time. George is married to the singer Kathy Burke. They
married for ten years. They live with their two children on the Greek island of Kos.


(buy) a house on the island in 1987 and they


(live) there since

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