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High Level

Guide to Scope Reprocessing with Revital-Ox

Step 3: High Level Disinfecting


Have the following available:

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - When handling cleaning agents and/or disinfectants, PPE is always required.
PPE includes gloves, eye protection, impervious gown, face shield or simple surgical mask.
Lint-free cloth
70% isopropyl alcohol solution
Revital-Ox products, including
- Revital-Ox Resert XL HLD High Level Disinfectant
- Revital-Ox Container System
Prior to using Revital-Ox Resert XL HLD High Level Disinfectant (Resert), verify the minimum required concentration
(MRC) with Verify Chemical Monitoring Strips for Resert Solutions (see Verify Chemical Monitoring Strips for Resert
Solutions Wall Chart). Resert may be reused until the first of the following occurs: a) 21 days after first use; b) solution
falls below its MRC as indicated by a failing result on the indicator strip.

Step 3: High Level Disinfecting

Thoroughly rinse the device by immersing it completely in

water. Use sterile or potable water, as required by facilities
Manual Disinfection
Use Verify Chemical Monitoring Strips for Resert Solutions
to ensure the high level disinfectant is at or above the MRC - Keep the device immersed for a minimum of 1 minute in
duration, unless longer is specified by the instrument
before proceeding with disinfection. Document chemical
Completely immerse the device (including all removable and - Manually flush all lumens with large volumes of water
(minimum of 100 ml), unless otherwise specified by the
disassembled parts) in Revital-Ox Container System filled
instrument manufacturer
with undiluted Resert (Image a)
- Only 1 rinse is required when using Resert, unless
Use a syringe to ensure all lumens are filled with fluid.
otherwise specified by the instrument manufacturer
Follow the instrument manufacturers instructions for flowing
Remove device and discard rinse water
the lumens.
Dry exterior of device using a clean lint free cloth
Ensure the container system is covered with container lid
For drying channels use freshly drawn up 70% isopropyl
for entire soak time
alcohol solution to flush channels. To speed up the drying
Soak devices in Resert for a minimum time of 8 minutes
process, a medical-grade air purge within lumens may
at minimum temperature of 20C (68F)
be used.
Remove the device from the solution and follow instrument
manufacturers instructions for draining the lumens prior
to rinsing
Scan this code or visit
to learn more.

Document # M3560EN.2011-10, Rev. A

Printed 07/2013, 1000

2011-2013 STERIS Corporation.

All rights reserved. Printed in USA.

Automated Disinfection
Place the cleaned and dried device into the respective
automated endoscope reprocessor (AER)
Ensure the parameters are set to a minimum temperature
of 20C (68F) and a minimum immersion time of 8 minutes,
to achieve high level disinfection
Follow manufacturers instructions for connecting channels
and ports
Use Verify Chemical Monitoring Strips for Resert Solutions to
ensure the high level disinfectant is at or above the MRC before
proceeding with disinfection. Document chemical monitoring.
Conduct the reprocessing cycle per the manufacturers
instructions for use

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