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217th Military Police Company

Rising to the Top

With very little notice this
former platoon sergeant
was promoted to First
Sergeant of the 217th MP
Co. Becoming the top
enlisted member of the
unit; or Top, as First
Sergeants are often called;
is a tough challenge.
However, to become First
Sergeant for a unit, on the
eve of deploying, is a
whole different animal all
together. First Sergeant
Berry has not only
accepted the

June 2015
Issue 1

promotion but embraced

all of the challenges head
on. He has been proactive
in learning his Soldiers
positions, their day to day
duties, and making sure
that his Soldiers are
equipped for success and
their morale is high.

Inside this
Rising to the Top

Relieve in Place/
Transfer of Authority

Miles and Memories

between Us

Rock, Paper, Scissor,


1SG James Berry

Soldiers Involved

Commanders Corner 5

Relieve in Place/ Transfer of Authority

Throughout the month of
June Soldiers of the 217th
Military Police Company
have been conducting their
RIP/TOA (Relieve in
Place/Transfer of Authority)
with the 252 Military Police
Company. RIP/TOA,
Soldiers work side by side
with their outgoing counter
parts to learn the ins and
outs of their daily duties.
These duties include the
inspections of all outgoing
items leaving the Middle
East, from conex containers,
up-armored vehicles and
individual bags of US
Soldiers heading back to the

During this tedious process,

Soldiers are inspecting for
dirt, insects, seeds, birds or
other prohibited items that
could potentially harm the
balance of eco-system and
agriculture. Attention to
detail is paramount to the
safety and vital to the
security of military and
civilian personnel and the
United States. During the
Transfer of Authority the
217th stood proud and
ready to except this great
responsibility of carrying out
the mission.

This photo shows the casing of the outgoing units

Guidon(252 MP Co) and the uncasing of the Guidon for the
unit assuming authority (217th MP Co)
Picture above: Unknown 252 MP Soldier (Left) SPC George

Miles and Memories between Us

One thing the unit has found out about being
active duty is active duty enjoys
running.ALOT!!! So far in the last month the
MWR (Morale, Welfare and Recreation) has held
two 5k runs. One was for the Army Birthday and
the other for the infamous SSG Audie Murphys
Birthday. Service members and contractors from
all over the Camp are invited to come out and
enjoy an early morning run, and to be rewarded
with a t-shirt for their participation.

The Above photos shows Soldiers from 217th MP Company that

attended both the Armys birthday run and Audie Murphys birthday
run. Soldiers pictured are SPC Todd, SPC Ragland, SPC Green,
SPC Bouchard, SPC Hudson, SGT Mirabile, SGT McClellan, SGT
Acord, and SGT Jenkins

These types of runs keep Soldiers motivated and it

also keeps them healthy and involved while
simultaneously boosting morale. Many Soldiers find
themselves highly anticipating these runs. SGT
Mirabile has attended both runs in the last month and
has just recently completed the 10k run in celebration
of our Independence Day. The comradery out there
on the track is motivating she said, and waking up
early with the others is a feeling unlike any other.

Rock, Paper, Scissor, SHOOT!

The USO (United Service
Organization) here at Camp Arifjan is
always filled with fun and games; Games
which, sometimes get a little competitive.
SPC Tristin Biggs decided to accept the
challenge by competing in the Rock,
Paper, and Scissor (RPS) competition.
With his eye on 1st place, SPC Biggs
waded into the fray, When they first
announced the prize, its like I smelled
blood because I was like, I have to have
it! Many other Soldiers from the 217th
MP CO stood by on the sideline, as they
cheered SPC Biggs on. They watched as
SPC Biggs strategically mapped out his
wins, which later led him to becoming the
reigning champion of the RPS

The above pictures shows SPC Biggs showcasing his

projector his was awarded with for winning the rock,
paper scissor competition.

competition. As a result of gaining the

winning title, SPC Biggs was awarded a
Mini Pico Projector that projects up to
145 inches! After speaking with SPC
Biggs after the big win, he had this to say
about the USO; I was ecstatic and
grateful because they really do an
excellent job of keeping up the morale for
the Soldiers. We would like to thank the
USO for all that they do for the Soldiers,
and would like to encourage them to
keep up the good work.

Soldiers Involved

SPC Biggs (pictured above) showed great sportsmanship

after he was crowned champion of the Rock, Paper Scissor
tournament by embracing his just defeated opponent.

SPC Smith and SPC Bibb enjoying 4 th of July festivities

provided by the MWR.

Pictured above: SPC Blackmon, SPC Alexander, SPC Smith,

SPC Bibb, PFC Murry and SPC Norman cheering on SPC Biggs
during the Rock, Paper Scissor tournament.

SPC Hudson is pictured above receiving a face painting

during the 4 th of July festivities.

Commanders Corner
Friends and Family of the 217th MP Company, I am happy to report to you that your Soldiers
are doing well and are executing their mission superbly. As an Iraq War Veteran, I know how isolated
from both their Soldier and the mission families can sometimes feel. Therefore, I have directed my staff
to compile and publish a monthly newsletter that accurately captures the life and times of the Soldiers
serving in our ranks. The product of their efforts is what you are reading now. I sincerely hope that you
enjoy reading it as much as I and my staff have enjoyed bringing it to you.

Nathaniel W. Slaten
Captain, US Army

Were on the Web!

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