Oupa Nhambe - Control Project Part 2

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Oupa Nhambe

Student No: 587899

CHMT 4011: Process Control
Project Part Two: MIMO Control of
Ferrosilicon Pilot Plant
Submission date: 06 July 2015

Executive Summary
Proportional, integral and derivative (PID) controllers are the most widely used
controllers in Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) in most process industries. This
is due to their simplicity, easy implementation and their robustness. Various tuning
methods like the Cohen-Coon (C-C) method and the Zeigler-Nichols (Z-N) method have
been recommended for optimum set-up of PID controllers. In the project the
performance of a three tank MIMO system was tuned based on the Cohen-Coon and
Zeigler-Nichols method to determine the optimum PID parameters. The Relative Gain
Array of the system was also determined for best pairing suggestions. The PID
parameters, gain, integral time and derivative time were calculated to be 1, 600 and 120
for optimum performance of the controller. The RGA suggested that it is best to pair
water inflow with tank level, and solids inflow with outlet slurry density.
Keywords: Cohen-Coon, Zeigler-Nichols, PID Controller, MIMO, RGA

1. Table of Contents


2. Model Development and Description..................................................................1

3. Results and Discussion........................................................................................2

PID Controller Tuning for Water Only System...........................................2


Cohen & Coon Tuning Method...............................................................2


Zeigler-Nichols Tuning Method..............................................................4


PID Controller Fine Tuning for Water Only Operation..............................4


Solids Effect on Tank 3 Height and Final Slurry Flowrate........................5


Spillage Effects on Tank 3 Outlet Density...................................................6


The Relative Gain Array (RGA)....................................................................7


Recommended Instruments for Measuring the Level in Tank 3 and

Density of Qout...........................................................................................................7
4. Conclusions...........................................................................................................7
5. References.............................................................................................................8
6. Appendix...............................................................................................................9

2. Introduction
According to Fichte (2005), Ferrosilicon is a ferroalloy, an alloy of iron and silicon with
average silicon content in the range of 15 and 90 per cent by weight. In this project
ferrosilicon is used ain a pilot plant to make a dense-medium bath utilising three
identical tanks. The main objective of this project is to develop a Simulink model that
can control the level in each tank and also the final slurry density as recommended. This
will be done by determining the optimum PID controller parameters, and also determine
the Relative Gain Array (RGA) for controlling the level of tank 3 to a desired value and
to also maintain the final slurry density at a desired constant value. The RGA will help
in such a way that it gives the possible way for pairing the inputs and outputs for a
Multiple-Inputs-Multiple-Outputs (MIMO) system.

3. Model Development and Description

Developing Equations:
Mass balance equations were set-up as follows to prepare block diagrams in Simulink.
Tank 1:

mass mass ou t 2.1

QW W +Q FeSi FeSi=Q out 1 out 1 2.2


Qout 1


out 1

refers to tank 1 outlet flowrate and density respectively

Tank 2:

Qout 1 out1 +Q spillage spillage =Q out2 out 2 2.3

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spillage =

( 1C s ) + W C s

( )


Tank 3: Volume change with height

M tank t + t M tank t =M t+ M out t 2.5

Divide throughout by

t , and take limit as t

goes to 0

=M M out 2.6
V tank= A tank h ; M =tank A tank h 2.7

d ( Ah )
=Q out2 out 2Q out out 2.8

Assuming constant density in the tank, we have:

=Qout 2 out 220 h out 2.9

For perfect mixing, density within the tank is the same as the density of outlet stream;

dh Q out2 out 2 20 h

A out


Qout 2 out 2
20 h dt 2.11


From the overall mass balance we have the following:

M out =QW W +Q FeSi FeSi+ Qspillage spillage 2.12

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out =

Q W W +QFeSi FeSi +Qspillage spillage

20 h

Also the dynamic volume balance was performed. These equations were used to
construct the simulation for the project. See appendix for block diagrams.

4. Results and Discussion

4.1. PID Controller Tuning for Water Only System
4.1.1.Cohen & Coon Tuning Method
The method used for tuning the PID controller was the process reaction curve tuning
technique. According to Svrcek et al., (2014), in this method a process reaction curve is
produced in response to step disturbance. The curve was then used to determine the
controller gain, integral time, and the derivative time. This technique was done on an
open loop, which implies that no control action occurs, and thus the process response can
be isolated. To generate the curve, the process was allowed to reach steady state, then a
small disturbance was introduced, and the input and output responses to the step
disturbance were recorded. The two figures below depict the input and output reaction
curves, respectively. The curves were generated assuming that the maximum water flow
is 30l/min.

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Figure 3.1 Input reaction curve in response to a step disturbance from initial steady
state to final steady state of 30l/min

Figure 3.2 Output reaction curve in response to a step change from initial steady state
to final steady state of 30l/min
The process parameters that were obtained from the reaction curves above were as

L=lag time ( mi n )=(0.750.7) 10 4=5 00 s=8.333 mi n

T =time constant estimate ( min ) =(10.75) 10 4=25 00 s=4 1 . 67 min

P=Finaly steady state input valueinitial steady state input value=3022.21=

C p=change process variable response step disturbance=3022.21=

N=reaction rate=

0.1898 4 l
4 1 . 67

8.333 min
R=lag rati o= =
T C p 4 1. 67 min

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7.79 l

Cohen & Coon recommended the following expressions for calculating PID parameters:

Gain , K =

1.33+ =6.90

( )(

X p=14.49

Integraltime , T i=

L ( 32+ 6 R )
=1.895 103 min=18.95 s
( 13+8 R )

Derivative time , T d =

=2.924 104 min=2.93 s
( 11+2 R )

4.1.2.Zeigler-Nichols Tuning Method

The reaction curve tuning method for a PID controller was also used for the Z-N tuning
method. Figure 3.1 and figure 3.2 were utilised to determine process parameters as
outlined above. Zeigler-Nichols recommended the following expressions for estimating
the process gain, integral time and the derivative time:

Gain , K =

100 1.2 P

X p=16.67
Integraltime , T i=2 L=1.667 103 min=16.67 s
Derivative time , T d =0.5 L=4.167 104 min=4.17 s

4.2. PID Controller Fine Tuning for Water Only Operation

The improved PID parameters were obtained as follows. The gain, K, was obtained to be
1, which implies that the proportional band, Xp is 100. The integral time, Ti is 600, and
the derivative time, Td, is 120. At this values a steady state height is quickly reached for
tank 3. This minimises the error in the system, and shortens the dead time.

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4.3. Solids Effect on Tank 3 Height and Final Slurry

At time, t = 200s, V2 was opened to 50%. The figure below shows the response to this
step input.

Figure 3.3 Reaction curve to step change disturbance of V2 opening.

The final solids flowrate when V2 is opened to 50% was recorded to be approximately

Figure 3.4 Curve depicting the effect of V2 opening at 50% on tank 3 outlet flowrate
The figure above shows that when the step change of V2 opening to 50% is introduced,
the systems established steady state is disturb, thus the system moves away from this
initial steady state until a new steady state operation is reached. The new steady state
flow is established at approximately 1.5 seconds, and Q out moves from 20l/min to a new
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value of 24.26l/min. The density of the slurry is maintained at 2000kg/m 3 using the
density control loop. The same phenomenon is observed for the height of tank 3. The
height level moved from the initial steady state value until new steady state was

Figure 3.5 Curve depicting the effect of V2 opening to 50% on height of tank 3

4.4. Spillage Effects on Tank 3 Outlet Density

At time t = 2000, a stream with 40% FeSi was introduced into tank 2. The figure below
shows the systems response to this disturbance.

Figure 3.6 Curve showing the effects of spillage disturbance on tank 3 outlet density.

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Upon introduction of the spillage stream, the density of tank 3 outlet stream decreased.
The density PID controller was used to maintain the density at the required value of
2000kg/m3. The control valve, V2, was opened slightly above 50%.

4.5. The Relative Gain Array (RGA)


1.555 0.222
0.222 1.555

From the RGA above it advisable to pair water inflow with tank 3 level and the solids
(FeSi) with the slurry density since

l 11


l 22

are greater than

l 12


l 21


4.6. Recommended Instruments for Measuring the Level

in Tank 3 and Density of Qout
Level Measurement:
To measure the level in tank 3, it is recommended that an ultrasonic level transmitter is
used. An ultrasonic transmitter comprises of a sensor unit, installed above the
maximum liquid level, and a remote mounted transmitter and a display unit. The sensor
directs an ultrasonic signal downwards onto the liquid surface and time taken for the
reflected signal to return is used to calculate the distance. These units are very reliable,
reasonable priced and very robust.
Density Measurement:

Sampling methods this is a direct method for measuring solids concentrations.

It is important to ensure that the sample is representative of the slurry flow
stream. In small pipelines is preferable to sample the total discharge. Method is

not practical for large pipes.

Nuclear density meters for all pipe sizes.

5. Conclusions
The aim of the project was to simulate a three tank system with multiple inputs and
outputs in order to tune the PID controller and to also study the effects of disturbances
on the plant. Also the RGA of the system was determined to determine the best coupling
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of the systems parameters. After fine tuning the controller, the PID parameters, gain,
integral time and derivative time were determined to be 1, 600 and 120 respectively. The
RGA suggested that it is best to couple the water inlet flowrate with tank 3 level and the
solids flowrate with the outlet density.

6. References
Fichte R. (2005). Ferroalloys, Ullmans enclopedia of industrial chemistry, Weinheim:
Wiley-VHC, doi: 1002/14356007.a10_305
Svrcek W.Y., Mahoney D.P., Young B.R. (2014). A Real-Time Approach to Process
Control, 3rd ed. UK: Wiley. Pp., 303-305

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7. Appendix

Figure 6.1 Tank 1 solids balance

10 | P a g e

Figure 6.2 Tank 2 Solids Balance

11 | P a g e

Figure 6.3 Tank 3 solids balance

Figure 6.4 Tank 1 Volume Balance

12 | P a g e

Figure 6.5 Tank 2 Volume balance

Figure 6.6 Tank 3 Volume balance

13 | P a g e

Figure 6.7 PID controller controlling tank level

Figure 6.8 PID controller controlling outlet slurry density

14 | P a g e

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