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Weekly newsletter of


Telephone: 5985 2864

Email Address:

Issue 21

23rd July, 2015


Friday 24th July

Parents Association HOT DOG DAY

26th 31st July

Tuesday 18th August
Thursday 20th August

Tootgarook/Sorrento PS Combined Ski Camp

Tootgarook PS House Athletics Day
Book Week Musical Incursion


Take a deep breathe, you may be in luck?
In last terms newsletters we advertised that applications had to be lodged before Friday 26th June
2015. This has been extended until 15th September 2015. So . . . . check out the eligibility
requirements on and if
eligible, get your applications in as soon as possible. The sooner you lodge your applications at the
office (we need to copy your concession card or DHHS letter for foster parents), the sooner funds can
be allocated to your child's camp, sport or excursion charge. Those who lodged applications last term,
funds should be arriving in your schools account this week.


Next Monday, we will be distributing 38 surveys to families as part of the 2015 Parent Opinion Survey. The
survey will take parents about 15 20 minutes to complete and the feedback and opinions
provided through this survey play an important role in further informing our decision making
processes and helping to make our school the best it can possibly be. The survey is completely
confidential and all completed surveys are returned to the Department of Education for
collation and analysis.
If your family receives one of these surveys, we ask that you complete it during next week and then return the
completed survey in the sealed envelope provided, back to the office by Friday 31st July. It would be great if we
could get a 100% return to ensure the feedback we receive is truly reflective of our community.

Bikes & Scooters

Many children ride bikes, skateboards and scooters to school each day. All bikes and scooters must be stored in
the designated areas. Please ensure your child has a chain and a lock. All
children who ride a bike or scooter must wear a helmet which is a
requirement by the Government . The school regularly reminds all children
about wearing helmets for their safety. All bikes, scooters, skateboards,
rip sticks and helmets must be labelled, with your childs name and
class. Children are reminded they must walk their bike, scooter,
skateboard or rip stick to and from the school gates and
footpaths around the school boundary for the safety of themselves and other users. No bikes are to be
brought through the school buildings and we request, where possible, that Scooters are also not walked
through the building.


Excitement is building this week as some of our senior students, together with Sorrento
Primary School anticipate their annual six day camping experience to Mount Buller,
which is located on the outskirts of Lake Eildon and Mansfield approximately 290kms
from school. This year there will be 36 students participating in the camp with 10
teachers and parents also attending. We have our fingers crossed for some clear
winter days so that our students can enjoy the beautiful surrounds and the
wonderful outdoor activities schedule. I have planned to visit the campers next
Wednesday and Thursday, so I look forward to reporting back about the camp in a
couple of weeks.
In anticipation of another wonderful camping program, I would like to sincerely thank the teachers and
parents who will be attending next week to provide around the clock care and support for our students.


We are now in the midst of planning our Prep Transition program and liaising with
Kindergartens and Early Childhood Centres, as further planning unfolds for our 2016 prep
cohort. At this stage we have approximately 15 students enrolled, which will definitely
see at least one prep class for next year. If you know of any families in our zone who
are yet to enrol their eligible prep child for 2016, could you please let them know that
this needs to be done as soon as possible.


The Australian Government has recently formed the Office of the Childrens eSafety
Commissioner to respond to cyberbullying complaints that fall under the Enhancing Online
Safety for Children Act 2015.
This Act allows children suffering from serious cyberbullying to contact the
Office of the Childrens eSafety Commissioner to have content removed if
social media companies do not remove the offending content after it has
been reported to them. This complaints scheme commenced on 1st July
Whilst in some cases it may still need to be appropriate to contact the school
if cyberbullying is happening between any students at the school. This new
scheme now provides another avenue of support to families for addressing any cyberbullying
that may happen after hours from other children not associated with the school.
The Office provides a range of resources to support families and schools, so it might be worth
adding the following site to your list of favourites:

The children involved with State School Spectacular

together with Mr King, Mrs Young and Mrs Beagley
travelled to Melbourne for rehearsal at Melbourne Town
Hall yesterday. The student and teachers travelled in the

Tootgarook School Bus and left school at 7am and

returned at 5pm. It was a big day but everyone
thoroughly enjoyed the day.

Prep B - Mrs Bos Ty Smale for the great progress he is making in his writing and sounds. Well done and
keep it up!
Prep R - Mrs. Read Billy Wyhoon you have shown great resilience in the classroom this week Billy. Well
1H - Mrs Hughes - Lily Gaul for being an enthusiastic, self-motivated learner who is happy to help others.
We love having you as part of 1H. Well done!
1P - Miss Perkins Bryson Beagley for being so enthusiastic about our dinosaur topic. Well done on finding
things at home and bringing them into school.
2B Mrs Baird Kyanna Coffey brings such a positive attitude to school and this reflects in her efforts
towards her classroom work.
2J Mrs Johnstone Peter Bredl-Bilbrough for his fantastic start to the term. Keep up the focus in
Numeracy and Literacy. We are especially enjoying your connectives in sentences!
3A Miss Arnold - Travis Southon - For his perseverance during learning even with one of his hands in a
restraint. You still have a positive attitude towards everything you are doing. Keep up the great work!
3W Ms Walton Yazmin Mullineaux - for showing bravery when injured, and for the effort she is putting
into finishing her work. Well done Yazmin.
4S Miss Staley + Miss McGhee Holly Newman - Welcome to Tootgarook PS Holly! You have already made
some great friends and have settled in so well. Keep smiling!
5Q Miss Quintin - Max Gower - For being a kind and considerate classmate who has made it onto our Warm and
Fuzzy Wall. Your friends recognise that you are an independent learner, a great friend and so so so funny. Keep up
the great work Max!
6W - Miss Withers Geordan Duncan for putting in an excellent effort during 5/6 sport. I can see that
youre going to be a tough competitor and a real asset to the girls football team.
Art / Craft Miss Davey - Riley O'Brien -1P - For the fantastic work on his splatter painting. Well done on
experimenting with colours and trying new things!
Music - Mrs Young Joel Pearce 6W welcome to band! I am so happy to have a new tenor sax in band and
it is great you can have your last semester at primary school being part of the band.
Kira Boyle Vella-3W & Lily Buck 5Q you have done so well to get into band less than 6 months after you
started learning your instrument. I am really excited to have you in band Well done!
Phys Ed Mr Kitchin Ella Carver Prep R for being a great partner to Connor in his first P.E. lesson. You
are an outstanding member of the class Ella, keep up the good work.
Indonesian Prep Gr 3 Miss Lee Summer Dixon - 3W - For all your enthusiastic efforts in researching
interpretations of Indonesian words. You have taken the learning of language in your stride and have excelled
in it. Well done.

Tootgarook Community Market is on this Saturday 25th July with Prep R Mrs Reads
grade rostered on. Thankyou to the following parents who have offered assistance
on the day: Darren Walker, Marama Silvester, Leza Dixon, Sarah Aldridge, Nathan

Opie, Tara Eddington, Phil Eldridge, Bec Dickson, Eliza McIntosh and Eileen

Get your Tickets for the 2015 Victorian State Schools

Publication Date:20/07/2015 12:00 AM

We are proud and excited to have some of our students participating in the 2015 Victorian State Schools
Spectacular: What's Your Story?
This year's Spectacular will be held at Hisense Arena on Saturday 12 September, with two shows at 1pm and
6:30pm. The three-hour Spectacular will be filmed for broadcast by Channel 7.
For a fun, family entertainment experience, and to cheer on our students from the audience, be quick to secure
Talented young circus performers, skaters, musicians, dancers and singers will feature on stage, while many other
students will work behind the scenes, gaining unique, on-the-job, professional experience.
This program, run by the Department of Education and Training, helps to develop each student's performance
skills, discipline, perseverance, cooperation and confidence under the training of industry professionals.

General Admission tickets available from 9am on Monday 20 July

Adult $44

Concession $33

Child Under 15 $22

To purchase tickets, visit or phone Ticketek on 132 849.

For more information about the event and program, go to the Spectacular Facebook and website page:

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