The Post at Gundooee

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The Post at Gundooee (1971): Lindsay thought she had been rather clever to obtain the post of

bookkeeper at Gundooee Station in the Australian Outback--although she might be said to have got it
under false pretenses. But the forbidding station manager, Rod Bennett, didn't think she had been
either clever or amusing...
The Shadow and the Sun (Harlequin Romance, #1190): She should never have said yes
But Anna Trent felt indebted to her guardian, so when he asked her to accompany his willful and
spoiled daughter, Cecily, on a trip to the continent, Anna had to agree.
Everything about the trip had gone awry, and now here they were marooned in Spain.
True, they were guests of a conde -- but one who both disliked and disapproved of Anna.
Unfortunately Anna had lost her heart to him....

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