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Stores Corporation Organisational Development Plan

(Change Management Project Name)


Project Name
Prepared By




1. Introduction
In this section, we discuss the present situation, giving reasons, advantages and disadvantages of
the existing situation. We will need to list and discuss the factors that indicate the need of
organizational development.
Discuss the advantages of conducting t h i s organizational development, the need for clear and
timely planning and how this can minimize the impact of the disadvantages posed by the present

Discuss briefly how we expect resistance and how this reluctance to change will be managed.

2. Organizational Development Scope - Overview

This section can be brief. It provides an overview of the topics that will be covered in the main body
of the plan.

a. Stakeholder Management
Here, we need to identify who will be affected by the business process and technology changes
that the present plan will cause?

Discuss the degree of support we expect from each of the stakeholders, and how
much influence do they have on the organization. Discuss wer plan for building
greater suppor t among those with the most influence.

Discuss the level of stakeholders current awareness of the project. State the
importance of the stakeholders having an accurate understanding of the goals and
anticipated impact of the project.

Identify the suppor ters and the challengers to implementing the project?

Describe how we will engage stakeholders to participate and take initiative to

advocate and facilitate the changes?

This information could be written in an essay or report format or placed in a table such as



Degree of
Suppor t



b. Communication
Timely and well-planned communication is very important for any project. It is therefore essential
that the project manager provides proper information to all stakeholders. Communication is a twoway process and that is why getting feedback is crucial too. Describe how we will gather feedback
and then respond constructively.

Describe stakeholder groups including senior management, end-users, sponsor

etc. Develop a communication plan that specifies who will get:

What information

At what time

In what format

Through what means of delivery.

Discuss how we will attain and monitor feedback. Discuss how we will respond

Discuss how we will record lessons learned and use them to improve.

c. Training
The education plan is the roadmap for the training activities. It needs to be tailored to the needs of
the user, well understood and effective. Discuss how we will:

Learn and understand the training needs of each stakeholder group? Develop
targeted training activities?

Deliver content by the appropriate method?

d. Stakeholder Objectives
We need to know what is important to the stakeholders that we identified earlier so we can answer
their questions and concerns to gain support. We will be better prepared to meet the challenges and
obstacles if we are aware of them.

Describe how we will reach each stakeholder. What is the most effective method to
use? Should we meet individuals or groups, conduct interviews, prepare surveys or

Serious concerns or misunderstandings must be responded to promptly if we are to

assist concerned stakeholders to see why the project is in their best interest.

This information could be written in an essay or report format or placed in a table such as



Known Concerns:
suspected basis for resistance (if any)

Once we have the data, discuss the steps we will take. The detail of each step goes into the
Communication Plan.

We will need to be persistent and creative to those who demonstrate continued

resistance. Try very hard to make them aware of how the project works in their
favor. Turn them into allies.

Plan to make management commitment to the project visible throughout the


This information could be written in an essay or report format or placed in a table such as

Name of Executive Position

Proposed Suppor ting Actions

If we are aware and understand where the resistance is coming from, we can enlist the support of
others to mitigate this. Who can we enlist to alert we to resistance?


Division / Dept

Contact Information

3. Communication Objectives

The key to organizational development is effective and strategic communication. Talk to stakeholders
to discover what they require. Using this information we can then design an effective formal
Communication Plan. Ensure that we consider and incorporate every means of sharing information

Wer Communication must:

Identify the key stakeholders.

Identify the best format and means of communication that is of most value to
stakeholders. Describes the purpose, timing, location and attendees for regular

Describes the means of communication that will be used and whether any preparation
is necessary to put them in place.

Describes the specific steps that the project team and Stakeholders can take to keep
everyone who will be impacted by the project well informed.

4. Training Objectives
Training is a crucial component of wer organizational development Plan and more so if there are
changes to the business process or new skills will be required. Employees must be prepared and
trained before they are required to perform. Ensure that we:

Examine the organizational policies and procedures to determine if any modifications

are required.

Clearly understand where individual jobs and workflow will be impacted and ensure
that focused training is conducted.

Record specific training needs and information about the training materials and
facilities that we will use.

Prepare wer material. We may be able to present the same information but in different
ways for different stakeholder groups. Arrange for good trainers.

After the implementation there may still be a need for further training. Develop a plan
for the training support that may be required as new employees come into the
organization, or as existing employees change jobs.

Describe the changes that will need to be made to workflow, procedures and policies.
Discuss how we will address this need. It may be easier to list the changes in steps
which we would list here.

a. Perform and Analyze the Results of a Job/Workflow Impact Analysis

What changes do we expect to see? How will we measure and manage this? Describe how they will
impact on the organization and its people.

We may choose to continue, The employee information listed below will be used in all future
training plans:



Position Task Workflow Task

Skill Required

Skill Exists?

Type of Training

b. Provide the O r g a n i z a t i o n with I n f o r m a t i o n Necessary to

Prepare for Upcoming Changes

Earlier we reviewed the policies and procedures of the organization that will be
impacted by the change.
Now look at the departments or units within the
organization and consider the impact of the change on the policies and procedures
relating to each.

Once we have identified the policies and procedures that will change, list them and
provide a checklist of the changes that will be needed made to each in terms of the
organizational unit.

Help the organizational units to develop plans to adapt to the


We may choose to continue A summary of policy and procedure changes that this new system
will require is provided in the following table

Policy / Procedure

Type of Change Required

Suggested Plan

c .

Develop Curriculum and Content

Discuss the training programs that were used, the advantages of each, what information they
provided, what training materials and content were required for each group.

Discuss the training venues, delivery, presentations, and experience.

We may choose to continue The following tables summarize the key information that the training

team has collected as part of their training planning program


Type of



Suggested Job Aids

Training Documents



Training Facility

Stakeholder Group(s)

Type of Training


d. Post-Implementation Steps
What support will we provide after the training, how will it be accessed and implemented.
We may choose to continue Members of the support group are listed in the table that follows:

Depar tment/Division

Suppor t Staff Name

Suppor t Period

5. Organizational Change Management:

Approach and Resources
Ideally, all of the change initiators and the new users should become Change Agents for the project.
Following are some of the tools identified for Organizational development to be effective in a large
and complex implementation project. Review these tools with the project team. Select those that
will provide the most benefit to wer project and summarize how we intend to use them here.


Develop an

Identify someone in each department or unit to act as the Communication

Liaison. It is their responsibility to ensure that the project information is
disseminated efficiently and in a timely manner.

Organizational development



Liaison Name

Depar tment

Contact Information

Create a team who are responsible for identifying changes to the workload and planning
issues in relation to the workforce. They can review the implementation and impact to
ensure that employee skills and duties are equal or recommend training and development.

Team Member Name

Depar tment

Contact Information

Develop a Risk Response Plan for Organizational Change (An example of a Risk Management
Plan Template can be seen on the Homemart Stores Corporation simulated business,
Homemart Stores under Documents/Risk Management/Risk Management Plan Template.

Identify all sources of uncertainty in this Organizational Change project

Uncover and maximize opportunities to promote the change

Prioritize threats and develop response plans for those that pose true risk to the

What means of communication will we use to inform those who will be affected of the
benefits of the new system.

What face-to-face communication will there be and why are we under taking it?
We may choose to continue, These meetings can:
And then bullet point what is expected to be achieved..


Target Organization

Type of Presentation


How have we arranged for potential users to be able to provide feedback, ask
questions, etc.?

What process will we provide that allows specific groups to request modifications to
the existing project plan?

Provide trainers with full information about process issues and specific
circumstances within each group they will train.

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