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Introduction to Teamcenter Student Guide December 2010 MT25100 - Teamcenter 8.3 Publication Number MT25100_S_0330 Proprietary and restricted rights notice This software and related documentation are proprietary to Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc 10 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved All trademarks belong to their respective holders 2 Ineraduetion 10 eamcenter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Contents Proprietary and restricted rights notice .......6.0c0eeeseee ee 2 Course overview .. Course objectives Key benefits Prerequisites Audience Learning tracks Training materials provided Accessing Teamcenter online help Introduction to Teamcenter ... 64. .00sseeeeeeeeeseeeeee teens Product lifecycle management Basic concepts Getting started Teamcenter applications Teamcenter interfaces Rich client interface ‘Teamcenter rich client perspectives and views Starting Teamcenter sessions Logging on to the Teamcenter rich client Using the Getting Started application Selecting application perspectives in the rich client Using the Show View command Activity Summary Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface ... Managing the Teamcenter client interface Open a rich client perspective Switch between open perspectives Close a rich client perspective Views available to rich client application perspectives Display and move a view in rich client Working with the rich client navigation pane Configuring the display of applications Display primary and secondary applications Show or hide the navigation pane in the rich client Introduction to Teamconter 9 9 10 10 BES oS oahod pew 3 Contents 4 Configuring the Quick Links section Add a folder to your rich client quick links Manage your links in the rich client ‘Add a link to your list of links in the rich client Customize your I Want To links in the rich client Adda task to the rich client I Want To list, Searching in Teamcenter Manage rich client saved searches ‘Use favorites to organize your data ‘Add a subfolder to your Favorites list Rename a folder in the Favorites list Remove a link or folder from the Favorites list Customizing the toolbar Button groups Remove buttons from the toolbar ‘Add buttons to the toolbar Change the order of buttons in the toolbar Show or hide the toolbar in the rich client Using the information center Set information center display options Activities Summary Working in My Teamcenter . Working with My Teamcenter My Teamcenter and My Teamcenter (2007) applications Basic My Teamcenter concepts Basic My Teamcenter tasks Using component views Using the Summary view Using the Details view table Using the Viewer view Using the Impact Analysis view Organize data in folders and pseudofolders Home, Newstuff, and Mailbox folders Working with folders Create a new folder Rename a folder Reorder objects in a folder or view Print a folder Delete a folder Object references Cutting, copying, pasting, and deleting data objects Cut data objects Copy data abjects Pasting data objects Introduction to Teamscenter PSBSRSBSSSRR BSR SEEIGERE PEP EE EEE PY YH HHH PO OPC! som aww @ BBISREBBESSSSEESboah aD POP OH OHHH OHH HHH” 1Mr25100_s_0890 Contents Paste the contents of the clipboard 3-30 Paste an item or item revision and specify the relation type 3-81 Pasting object references to applications outaide the Teamcenter environment 3-82 Dragging and dropping data objects 3-38 Activity 3-85 Summary 3-36 Viewing and modifying object properties ..........00.00e000041 Viewing and modifying object properties 42 View property values in the Details table 44 View properties ofa single object in the Properties dialog box 45 View properties of multiple objects in the Properties dialog box 46 Modify the properties of a single object 47 Modify the properties of multiple objects simultaneously 49 Find and replace property values and add prefixes and suffixes au Working with relation properties 412 Modify the properties of a single relation object 418 Modify the properties of multiple relation objects simultaneously .. 4-14 Configuring table data display in the rich client 4165 Configure the Details view table 416 Reposition columns in a table 417 Sort data in a table 418 Remove columns 419 Printing information about your data 4-20 Print object information 422 Print objects information from the Properties dialog box 428 Activity 4-95 Summary 426 Working with items in Teameenter ........ 60. 00se0eeeeeee ees el Items and item revisions 5-2 Basic item structure 5-3 Item types 5-4 Creating items 5-5 Create on item 5-6 Add master form data to an item 5-9 Creating item revisions 5-10 Create a new revision of an item 5-11 Using sequences 5-12 Sequence ID display Managing revision sequences Item and item revision relations Automatically defined relation types User-specified relation types Soo & Introduction to Teameconter 8 Contents Managing alternate and alias identifiers Initial identifier attributes Alias identifiers Alternate identifiers Opening items and item revisions in My Teamcenter Open an item or item revision in My Teamcenter Filtering the item revision display in My Teamcenter Filter the item revision display in My Teamcenter Creating new items based on existing items or item revisions Activities BBSERREBESE Summary ; Creating and managing datasets .......6.. 6. 60s eee eee eee GL Dataset objects 62 Dataset named references 63 View and modify named references e4 Create a new dataset 66 Open datasets in the rich client 68 Dataset versions 610 Key points about dataset versions el Revert to a previous dataset version o1 Purge dataset versions 613 Create a new dataset by drag-and-drop ol Creating datasets or dataset revisions based on existing datasets 615 Activities e16 Summary 617 Performing and managing searches ...........0s00e00eeeeeee TL Searching in Teamcenter 12 Using quick search 18 Perform a quick search 4 Perform an advanced search 15 Query for dataset sequences 16 Using the Search view TT Change your search Using wildcard characters Saving searches Save search results to your My Saved Searches folder Save search results to a subfolder of My Saved Searches My Saved Searches Perform a saved search Customize saved searches Share saved searches Working with search output Working with search results 6 Introduction to Teamscenter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Contents Using the Search Results view 0 Navigate the search results and adjust the display setting 2 Renaming search results 3 Rename search results 4 Close search results 6 Compare search results 6 Printing search results 8 Print a snapshot of the search results tree 29 Running reports -30 Examples of reports 1-31 Generate a Report Builder report 32 Generate an item report on a Teamcenter object 33 Item report examples 34 Activities 35 Summary 36 Navigating the relation hierarchy of an object ..........6.66.. 81 Getting started 8-2 Access Relation Browser 8-8 Relation Browser user interface 8-4 Using the Relation Browser view 8-6 Using the Image Thumbnail Preview view 8-7 Using the Graph Overview view 8-8 Using the Properties view 8-9 Where-referenced and where-used searches s-10 Perform a graphical where-referenced search sal Where-used search overview $15 Activity: 8-21 Summary 8-22 Course summary .... 206s cece eect t eect eee e een GL Applying data security practices 6... 60.60. c0e cece eee eeee Mel User groups and roles AQ Key points about groups and roles A4 Change your group and role setting AD Set your default group and role A6 Checking data into and out of the database AT Using explicit checkout Ag Using implicit checkout Alo Check out an object All Check in an object Als ‘Transfer checkout to another user Als Canceling a checkout request Alt View the checkout history of an object Als Controlling data access and ownership Als Introduction to Teamconter 7 Contents Rules-based protection A-20 Object-based protection A21 Controlling object access working with ACLs A22 View access privileges A238 View access privileges example Aad Add accessors and grant privileges A265 Modify access privileges on an object you own A27 Authorized data access A238 Configuring authorized data access (ADA) A29 Activities A-30 Summary A831 Index oe ce cece cece eec cece eet ee ee ee esse seen eee ees Index] @ Introduction to Teamscenter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Course overview The Introduction to Teamecenter course introduces the concept of product lifecycle management (PLM) and working in a collaborative environment to share product data, You will become familiar with the rich client user interface and learn the basics of using the Teamcenter® software. These software applications include My Teamcenter, embedded viewer, and Relation Browser. Course objectives To become familiar with the rich client user interface and learn the basics of using the Teamcenter software * To learn the basic concepts of product lifecycle management. * To use the rich client user interface to perform basic user taska * To create and work with Teamcenter items and item revisions * To organize, manage, and secure product data. © To use various navigation methods to locate, view, and report on product, data Introduction to Teameconter Course overview Key benefits Key benefits for completing the course objectives include * Working in a product lifecycle management environment to organize, manage, locate and secure product data, such as parts, documents, requirements, throughout the product lifecycle * Using the rich client interface to perform basic user tasks and organize product data. * Configuring the navigation pane for efficient access to frequently used product data and functions * Creating Teamcenter items and managing the item revisions Prerequisites + Familiarity with basic Windows operating system commands Audience The primary audience for this course is the consumer ‘The potential audience for this course includes: [User profile Hob goal Consumer Gather information Reviewer [Provide feedback |Administer product structure, create data, Author land relate objects installer HInstall, upgrade, migrate, and configure software [Administer users, configure security, deine [Application administrator | vorkfow handlers, and define dataset types Learning tracks Learning tracks for Teamcenter are found on the Siemens PLM Software training Web site: 40 Introduction to Teamcenter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Course overview Training materials provided [Material Description ‘Student Guide (Contains all content. Is yours to keep and make notes. Reference tear-out pages in the back of the book linclude the * Course agenda © Claseroom data sheet. ‘Student login user IDs and numbers. Student profile, to help us better meet your training needs, * Course evaluation, which is also provided online Activities [Activities are provided online in electronic format land designed to appear on the left of the monitor lAsk your instructor how to access the activities lfollowing the conclusion of the class. Introduction to Teameconter "4 Course overview Accessing Teamcenter online help The Teamcenter Help Library covers functionality from end-user tasks to customization instructions. To access the Teamcenter Help Library In the rich client, choose Help® Help Library or press CTRL+F1 In the thin client, choose Help® Web Collection to access the thin client help, or choose Help® General Collection to access the full library. To access help for the current application In the rich client, choose Help® Current Application or press the Fl key. Note ‘You cannot access application-specific help in the thin client. 42. Introduction to Teameenter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Lesson Introduction to Teamcenter Purpose This lesson introduces the basic concepts of the Teamcenter product lifecycle management software and some commonly used Teamcenter applications Objectives After you complete this lesson, you should be familiar with * Basic concepts of product lifecycle management (PLM) * An overview of some commonly used Teamcenter applications ¢ How to start Teamcenter. Help topics Additional information for this lesson can be found in * Getting Started with Teamcenter * Rich Client Interface Guide © Thin Client Interface Guide Introduction to Teameonter 44 Introduction to Teemoanter 1.1 Product lifecycle management Product lifecycle management (PLM) is an essential element in effectively creating and using global innovation networks to enable organizations and ‘their partners to collaborate at every stage of the product lifecycle. PLM provides businesses with unified information at every stage of the product lifecycle include planning, development, execution, and support 4-2. Intraduetion 10 Teamcenter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Introduction to Teemoanter 1.2 Basic concepts Teamcenter is a suite of digital product life cycle management solutions built on an open PLM foundation that * Integrates idea management and requirements planning into the digital life cycle management, product development, and manufacturing process + Links OEMs, partners, and suppliers with secure global access to your product knowledge based on access rules. * Enables consistent, repeatable processes and commonality. Teamcenter supports all phases of the product life cycle, including planning, development, execution, and support by providing tools for: * Content, report, requirements, and schedule management * Product structure and configuration management * Product visualization * Change management * Manufacturing process management * Classification and reuse * CAE Data Management * Repeatable Digital Validation * Teamcenter vendor management * Maintenance, repair, and overhaul * Data sharing * Industry solutions * Dimensional Planning and Validation (DFV) © Electronic Design Automation (EDA) Introduction to Teameonter 4-9 Introduction to Teemoanter 1.3 ov Getting started Teamcenter is a virtual gateway to your company’s product information connecting all who need to collaborate with product and process knowledge Teamcenter enables you to digitally manage your product and manufacturing data in the context of the product lifecycle Using Teameenter software, you can: * Provide all users in your global organization access to data in real time * Connect people, processes, and information while integrating with current business systems. * Establish a flexible solution to manage change in a globally distributed environment. * Create, capture, secure, and manage corporate knowledge for greatest corporate leverage. + Reuse physical and intellectual capital of the organization. * Provide information to downstream applications, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 1.4 Introduction to Teemoanter Teamcenter applications Some of the most commonly used Teamcenter software applications include My Teamcenter, Structure Manager, embedded viewer, Workflow Viewer, and Change Manager + My Teamcenter is the workspace you use to manage your product information, such as parts, documents, specifications, requirements. My Teamcenter serves a8 the main access point for many commonly used functions, such as creation of items, checkin/checkout, task management, and query execution. Note ‘Much of the basic functionality present in My Teamcenter is available in many of the Teamcenter applications © Use Structure Manager to create, view, and modify product structures Structure Manager also manages product structures that were created in an MCAD program such as NX®. Structure Manager allows creation of generic bills of materials that show different configurations of components © The visualization tools available in Teamcenter, both the embedded viewer and stand-alone Lifecycle Visualization, enable nontechnical users to interpret design data, review product structure, and mark up issues for collaboration. * Workflow Viewer presents a dynamic user interface to view the progress of aworkflow process for an object, whether it is currently in process or has already achieved its final status. * Change Manager enables functionality to initiate, administer, review, approve, and execute product changes, By automating the change process, Change Manager can minimize change-related rework and coordinate tasks to be performed by individuals across the organization. Introduction to Teameonter 4-5 Introduction to Teemoanter 1.5 +6 Teamcenter interfaces ‘The rich client interface is used by authors, manufacturing authors, administrators, and other users to * Manage the design and configuration of product data. * Create and maintain processes and process structures * Configure and maintain Teamcenter * Access data stored in the Teamcenter database ‘The thin client interface is used by consumers, manufacturing consumers, and reviewers to: * View data, including product structure and variant information * Approve data attached to a workflow task. * Visualize 2D drawings and 3D model ‘The thin client interface is ideal for suppliers, production staff, and other users who do not require extensive authoring or administrative access to ‘Teamcenter. Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Introduction to Teemoanter 1.5.1 Rich client interface The rich client interface has a standard menu bar and toolbar with options that vary depending on the currently active application perspective. You can place the cursor over a rich client toolbar button to display a tool tip description. © @ tree ra (omer Po a) Back and Forward Application banner Search box BB romncotere e 3 cent tence ace Bi vexsctnannascaae ©, ven seas conpmesarsnecomste ‘The Back and Forward buttons allow you to move between loaded Teamcenter applications, The small arrows next to the buttons let you select from the list of currently loaded applications. ‘The application banner shows the name of the active application and lists the current user and role, You can double-click the user and role to display the User Settings dialog box in which you can change your current role if multiple roles are available to your user. ‘The Search box provides predefined quick searches using dataset, item ID, item name, keyword search, and advanced search features. Introduction to Teameonter 4-7 Introduction to Teemoanter 4 Navigation pane Application pane 6 — Getting Started application button Primary applications S$ Secondary applications 2 Server and user interface condition symbols 468 Intrauetion to Teamcenter ‘The navigation pane provides quick access to the data you use moat. In addition to finding, organizing, and accessing your data, you can configure the display of the Teamcenter perspective buttons in the navigation pane to display only those perspectives that you use regularly to perform your tasks ‘The application pane displays the application perspectives that are open in your Teamcenter session. By default, the Getting Started application perspective displays a single Getting Started view. Note Application perspectives are composed of views that can be moved elsewhere in the Teamcenter window, or can be dragged out to the desktop Such detached views remain connected to Teamcenter and continue to function in concert with other views Provides access to the Getting Started application. Primary application buttons provide access to your most frequently used Teamcenter application ‘perspectives, Secondary application buttons provide access to Teamcenter application perspectives you use infrequently. ‘The server and user interface condition symbols show the current status of the rich client interface and the Teamcenter server. * The user interface responsiveness symbols indicate the condition of the rich client — BiThe user interface is responsive — ©The user interface is unresponsive ‘The server readiness symbols indicate the state of the Teamcenter server — GU The server is ready, but there isno current communication between the client and the server 1Mr25100_s_0890 10 Clipboard button Introduction to Teemoanter — 80 The server is busy. — i The server appears to be idle - ©The server appears to be disconnected. ‘The clipboard button displays the Clipboard Contents dialog box, which contains references to objects that have been cut or copied from your workspace. The total number of objects on the clipboard is displayed to the right of the symbol Introduction to Teameenter 4-9 Introduction to Teemoanter 1.5.2 Teamcenter rich client perspectives and views Within the Teamcenter rich client user interface, functionality is provided in perspectives and views. Use perspectives and views to rearrange how the functionality is presented Perspectives Are containers for a set of views and editors that exist within the perspective A perspective exists in a window along with any number of other perspectives, but only one perspective can be displayed at a time You can add and rearrange views to display multiple sets of information simultaneously within a perspective. ‘You can save a rearranged perspective with the current name, or create a new perspective by saving the new arrangement of views with a new name Views Enable you to navigate a hierarchy of information, display information about selected objects, open an editor, or display properties Views that work with related information typically react to selection changes in other views Changes to data made in a view can be saved immediately. Any view can be opened in any perspective, and any combination of views can be saved in a current perspective or in a new perspective. Objects selected in a view may provide context for a shortcut menu. ‘The shortcut menu is usually displayed by right-clicking. 4:40 Introduction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Introduction to Teemoanter 1.6 Starting Teamcenter sessions When you start Teamcenter, you establish a session. After the session is established and Teamcenter is running, you open the perspectives (rich client) or applications (thin client) used to perform your tasks. Introduction to Teameenter 4-44 Introduction to Teemoanter 1.6.1. Logging on to the Teamcenter rich client ‘The rich client logon window has the following fields © User ID This is a required value. User accounts are created by administrators in the Organization application. You must provide a valid account ID to interact with Teamcenter. * Password Pasawords are created by administrators in the Organization application. + Group This is an optional value. A group is an organizational collection of users who share data. A user account can belong to multiple groups and must be assigned to a default group. Groups are created by administrators in the Organization application. Ifyou do not specify a group, the default group associated with the user account is used * Role This is an optional value. Function-oriented cluster of users that models skills and/or responsibilities. The same roles are typically found in many groups, Roles are created by administrators in the Organization application. If you do not specify a role, the default role associated with the group is used * Server Specify the server to provide database access for your rich client session Servers are configured during installation 4:42 Introduction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Introduction to Teemoanter 1.7 Using the Getting Started application The Getting Started application lets you begin work, WD Toarconers de Test 3 co ioeedreiesae cach cto our wate stat an accent ravtei co ‘Rivanlcbismsgenent nt eo eof no on nat osha eed et Nelo eer yar space wth Tecate, Welk bart Qt ntniner wa aR —] gy 1 Find apart ‘This option is the same as the Search box in the and begin my navigation pane work io Open My Loads My Teameenter with your worklist displayed, Teamcenter if it has any tasks to perform or track, or loads My orWorklist Teamcenter with your Home folder displayed 3 View/Edit Loads and displays the Structure Manager application a product structure 4 ViewlEdit my Loads and displays the Classification application company’s classification data Note ‘The navigation pane also lets you start an application or search for data to begin your work. Introduction to Teamcenter 1-49 Introduction to Teemoanter 1.8 118 Selecting application perspectives in the rich client In the rich client, you can select an application perspective either of two ways: * Use the navigation pane to select a primary or secondary application or to include other available applications in the primary or secondary listings Tip If the navigation pane is not visible, use the Window—Navigation Pane menu command to display it * Select a perspective using the Window—-Open Perspective menu command. Note Not all perspectives may be installed or licensed at your site, and your site may have added or renamed perspectives after installation. ‘Also, the order presented by the Window—-Open Perspective menu command is an automatic alphabetization that gives precedence to uppercase letters over lowercase letters. The order of presentation may vary at your site Introduction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Introduction to Teemoanter 1.9 Using the Show View command Relevant views are displayed automatically when you select an application. To display a view in an application, you can use the Window—-Show View menu command * Choose the Window—Show View menu command to display a list of common and recently-used views * Choose Window—-Show View—-Other to display the Show View dialog box ‘The Show View dialog box organizes views in categories such as General, Admin, Application, Diagnostic, Inspector Category, Manufacturing, Projects, Teamcenter, Utilities, Visualization, and Other Note Available views and categories may be different at your site Introduction to Teamcenter 1-48 Introduction to Teemoanter 1.10 Acti ity In the Introduction to Teamcenter section, do the following activities * Start Teamcenter and open a perspective 4:46 Introduction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Introduction to Teemoanter 1.11 Summary The following topics were taught in this lesson * Basic concepts of product lifecycle management (PLM) * An overview of some commonly used Teameenter applications © How to start Teamcenter Introduction to Teamcenter AT Lesson Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface Purpose This lesaon provides instruction about working in the Teamcenter user interface and configuring the user interface to efficiently perform your standard tasks Objectives After you complete this lesson, you should be able to + Work in perspectives and views * Configure the navigation pane * Configure the toolbar. Help topics Additional information for this lesson can be found in * Getting Started with Teamcenter * Rich Client Interface Guide Introduction to Teameonter 24 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 21 Managing the Teamcenter client interface You can make your Teamcenter client a more efficient tool to accomplish your work by * Changing the view layout in your applications * Changing user settings * Adjusting information center options * Working with the navigation pane * Configuring the toolbar * Managing options and preferences * Configuring data display in tables 22 Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 2.2 Open a rich client perspective You open an application perspective in the rich client in any of the following ways * Click the application button in the navigation pane * Select the perspective from the Window—Open Perspective menu * Select an object in a navigation view and use the Send To shortcut menu command to select an application. * Double-click an object in a navigation view to open the perspective associated with that object type For example, to open My Teamcenter in the rich client, click My Teamcenter in the navigation pane Ifyou do not see My Teameenter listed as a primary application, check for ‘the My Teameenter button * in the secondary application button bar at ‘the bottom of the navigation pane. You can use Configure Applications (>) at the bottom of the navigation pane to find and place the My Teamcenter button in the navigation pane Introduction to Teameenter 29 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 2.2.1 Switch between open perspectives Use any of the following methods to change from the currently displayed open perspective to another open perspective © Use the Back button @ in the toolbar, its associated menu, ™, or Ctrl+Shift+FS to display an application opened before the current application © Use the Forward button @ in the toolbar, its associated menu, ™, or Ctrl+FS to display an application opened before the current application * Hold down Ctrl+Fs to display a Perspectives menu, and then release FS ‘and use your mouse or your keyboard arrows to select the perspective to display. 24 Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 2.22 Close a rich client perspective You close an application perspective in rich client in any of the following ways © Click El in the application banner. * Select the application, and then select File+Close Note Ifyou click the X in a view tab, only the selected view is closed and the application perspective remains active 2 arevew Introduction to Teameenter 25 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 2.3 Views available to rich client application perspectives Rich client perspectives may have one or more views, most currently have a single view. For example, the Schedule Manager application perspective has, by default, a single Schedule Manager view. You can add views to any perspective, remove views, rearrange views and, in the case of perspectives provided with the rich client, restore the default, layout of a perspective. 26 Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 2.3.1 Display and move a view in rich client ‘This procedure uses the example of opening and moving the Image Thumbnail Preview view in the My Teamcenter perspective 1, With the My Teamcenter application open, choose Window—-Show View—-Image Thumbnail Preview The Image Thumbnail Preview view appears in the My Teamcenter perspective. Click the Image Thumbnail Preview tab. Do not release the mouse button 3. Move the mouse to drag the tab to another area in the perspective or outside the Teamcenter window entirely. Note & ‘The stack cursor view tabs. appears as you drag the view across other 4, Release the mouse button to drop the view in the desired location. As you move the view around the current perspective, the mouse pointer changes to the appropriate drop cursor to indicate where the view will be docked when you release the mouse button Note Ifa view is moved outside the Teamcenter window, you can click and drag the view tab into the application perspective to return it to the Teamcenter window. Drop cursor __ Description ‘The view is placed at the top of the window. ‘The view is placed at the bottom of the window. ‘The view is placed on the left side of the window. ‘The view is placed on the right side of the window. ‘The view is placed in the stack of views in the current area. ‘The view cannot be placed in the current area. Oberst Introduction to Teameonter 27 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 24 Working with the rich client navigation pane ‘The rich client navigation pane provides quick access to the data you use most. You can use the rich client navigation pane to find and organize your data and to help you perform common tasks, such as creating a part, creating a dataset, or applying a status to a part. 1 Upper part of the navigation pane 28 Introduction to Teamoonter aa eran ease vi ere @ Hy teameenter Stereo Pionnucnnne Chea 9 * Quick-open Search provides predefined searches using dataset, item ID, item name, keyword search, and advanced search features * Quick Links provide access to your Home folder, worklist, saved searches, and web links * Open Items displays links to items that are open in an active perspective * History displays links to Teamcenter perspectives or objects that you opened Links are displayed in reverse order, the last object you opened is the first displayed in the History list. * Favorites displays links to Teamcenter objects that you have designated as favorites. 1Mr25100_s_0890 io Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface * [Want To provides links to the tools used to complete tasks that you perform repeatedly, such as initiating a process or change Primary application _Provide access to your most frequently used buttons Teamcenter applications. Secondary application Provide access to the Teamcenter applications buttons that you use infrequently. Configure Provides access to the tools you can use to Applications button configure the display of primary and secondary applications, Note ‘You can also show or hide the navigation pane To show or hide the navigation pane * Choose Window® Navigation Pane Introduction to Teameonter 29 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 2.4.1. Configuring the display of applications You can configure the display of applications in the navigation pane by choosing a command from the Configure Applications menu imi at the bottom of the navigation pane. Menu commands include the following * Show More Applications Shows more applications in the listings for primary applications and secondary applications. + Show Fewer Applications Shows fewer applications to the listings for primary applications and secondary applications. + Navigation Pane Options Specify and organize applications for listing as primary applications and secondary applications. * Add or Remove Buttons Moves applications between the primary applications and the secondary applications list. * Dragging the sash up or down in the navigation pane automatically adjusts the number of application buttons that appear in the primary and secondary application lists Note Ifyou use the Show Fewer Applications command and the secondary application area cannot contain all the applications you select to display, the applications that do not fit are displayed at the bottom of the Configure Applications menu ba 240 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 2.4.2. Display primary and secondary applications For each application you want to display in the navigation pane as primary or secondary applications, follow these steps: 1. Click: li at the bottom of the navigation pane and choose Navigation Pane Options 2, In the Navigation Pane Options dialog box, select applications from the Available Applications list and move them to the Primary Applications list or Secondary Applications list using the + button Ciepay Alans nhs ard, Use the butonsta reorder the arpa deslayed nthe evigain pane Prneryapnleatons 1D cetera stated Ip teancercer Stuctre Menage Change ranece| (G, Cassfesten \Warilow Veer Project valate applescers ‘uthoriation CAE Merecer Ce Sucre Desioner Sete nn Seconds ees IF covmand Suppression (G Schedule Maaco Biornencenmns E Reuters arco |) Database Utitties (E) CAE Manoaer (ob DesiorContext |9@ Manufacturing Process Planner Getting Started (ge Mut-Structare Manager Benes 25 utecyce ener Tip ‘You can change the display order of the applications using the up arrow and down arrow buttons located next to the Primary Applications or Secondary Applications lists 3. Click OK Introduction to Teameenter 2-44 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 2.4.3. Show or hide the navigation pane in the rich client Choose Window—Navigation Pane to display or hide the navigation pane. A check mark v on the left of the Navigation Pane menu command indicates the navigation pane is displayed. 1Mr25100_s_0890 242 Introduction to Teameconter Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 2.4.4 Configuring the Quick Links section You can configure your Quick Links section by * Adding or removing containers (folders) * Renaming containers * Organizing the display order of quick links containers. Note ‘You cannot delete or rename the Home, My Worklist, My Projects, My Links, My Saved Searches, or My View/Markup containers. Introduction o Teamcenter 2-43 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 2.45 Add a folder to your rich client quick links 1, In My Teamcenter, select a folder from the tree and click the Customize link in the Quick Links section of the navigation pane In the Customize Quick Links dialog box, click the Paste button © 3. Click OK The folder is added to the Quick Links section of the navigation pane Note If there is not enough space to display all your Quick Links in the navigation pane, click View Alll to display the full list. 244 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 2.4.6 Manage your links in the rich client ‘The My Links section of the navigation pane provides quick access to the Web sites that you visit most, When you click a link in the list, the Web page opens in a separate browser window. You can add links to the list, remove links from the list, and change the order in which links appear in the list Introduction 0 Teamcenter 248 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 246 2.4.7 Add a link to your list of links in the rich client 1 Click the My Links link in the Quick Links section of the navigation pane In the Customize My Links dialog box, click the Create a new Web link button In the New URL dialog bos, enter the following information a. In the Name box, type the name that will be displayed for the link in your My Links list. b. Type the URL for the link in the URL box. c. Click OK Click OK to close the Customize My Links dialog box ‘The link is added to your My Links list Introduction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 2.4.8 Customize your | Want To links in the rich client The I Want To links, which are both user-specific and application-specific, can provide quick access to the tools you use to perform common tasks. + When you create an I Want To action, you do ao in the context of the currently active application. * To create the same action in a different application, you must repeat the process ‘The Create an Item, Create a Dataset, and Create a Workflow Process links are provided in your Teamcenter installation = TWant Tox cuteriea ase a workflow Precest You can add links to other tasks, remove links to tasks, and organize the display order of tasks Introduction 0 Teamcenter 247 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 248 2.4.9 Add a task to the rich client | Want To list 1 Click the Customize link in the | Want To section of the navigation pane In the Customize | Want To dialog box, select an action from the Available Entries tree Click the Add button + to add the action to the Selected Entries list. Click OK ‘The task is added to your | Want To list. Introduction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 2.5 Searching in Teamcenter The Teamcenter search functionality lets you find data in the Teamcenter database. ‘The Quick Search feature in the navigation pane lets you search for data by specifying the dataset name, item ID, item name, or a keyword Note Quick search results cannot be saved to your saved searches list. ‘You can use saved queries to search for your work in the Teamcenter database or in databases that are part of a Multi-Site Collaboration network, Saved queries are grouped into three categories: + My Saved Searches This category contains queries that you ran previously and chose to save for later use You can save the results of a search and add the search to your My Saved Searches list, In both the rich client and thin client, you can share a saved search. In the rich client, you can restrict sharing to specified groups of users * System Defined Searches This category contains both standard queries and custom queries defined by your Teamcenter administrator. Standard queries allow you to search by common parameters auch a8 item identifier. Custom queries allow you to search for data that is unique to your site or company. * Search History This category contains the most recently run queries. By default, the last eight queries are listed, but you or the administrator can change the number of queries shown. Introduction 0 Teamcenter 249 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 2.5.1 Manage rich client saved searches ‘To manage saved searches in the My Saved Searches container, you can * Add searches + Remove searches + Rename searches. * Organize searches You can also choose to display search results in a list or in a tree format to show relationships between objects 220. Introduction to Teameconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 2.6 Use favorites to organize your data You can use favorites to track objects you access frequently, such as parts, forms, or processes Use one of the following methods to add the objects to your Favorites list in the navigation pane: * Right-click the object and choose Add to Favorites _®! * Select the object in any hierarchy or detail view and drag it to a folder in ‘the Favorites list in the navigation pane To display the object, click the link in the Favorites list. The file is opened in the application associated with the object or data type. For example, clicking alink to a Word document opens the file in Microsoft Word. Clicking a link to an item revision opens the item revision in My Teamcenter. Note ‘You can organize your favorites into folders using the Organize Favorites dialog box. Click the Organize button in the Favorites section to access the Organize Favorites dialog box Introduction to Teamoenter 2224 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 2.6.1 Add a subfolder to your Favorites list 1. Click the Organize link in Favorites section 2, In the Organize Favorites dialog box, click the Create New Folder button *. 3, Type aname for the new folder and click OK. 4, Click Close 222 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 2.6.2 Rename a folder in the Favorites list 1 Click the Organize link in Favorites section In the Organize Favorites dialog box, select the folder to rename Click the Rename button ‘The Rename favorites folder dialog box appears ‘Type the new folder name in the New name box Click OK Click Close. Introduction o Teamcenter 2.28 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 2.6.3 Remove a link or folder from the Favorites list 1. Click the Organize link in Favorites section 2. In the Organize Favorites dialog box, select the link or folder from the list, 3. Click the Delete button = 4, Click Close 224 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 27 Customizing the toolbar ‘You can add commands or remove commands from Teamcenter rich client perspectives. ook: Ip x 892088 * The Customize Toolbar 7 shortcut menu command displays the Customize Toolbar dialog box * The Customize Toolbar dialog box lets you add commands to the toolbar or remove commands from the toolbar for each Teamcenter rich client perspective you use frequently. * The Restore Defaults ~ shortout menu command returns a perspective toolbar to its default state. Note Some Teamcenter options do not have symbols associated with them. ‘When you add these options to the toolbar, the generic button is displayed and the command name is shown as a tool tip when you move the mouse cursor over the button Introduction o Teamcenter 2.25 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 2.7.1 Button groups Buttons in the toolbar are grouped by default, The groups displayed by the Getting Started application cannot be edited. For other groupings, you can move buttons to different positions. 1Mr25100_s_0890 228 Introduction to Teameonter Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 2.7.2 Remove buttons from the toolbar 1, Right-click in the toolbar and choose Customize Toolbar. The Customize Toolbar dialog box appears. In the Toolbar details list, select the button you want to remove 3, Click the Remove ~ button 4, Click OK ‘The button is removed from the toolbar. Introduction 0 Teamcenter 227 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 228 2.7.3 Add buttons to the toolbar 1 Right-click in the toolbar and choose Customize Toolbar The Customize Toolbar dialog box appears. In the Toolbar details list, select the group to which you want to adda button. In the Menubar details list, select the button you want to add Click the Add button + ‘The option appears in the Toolbar details list. (Optional) Select the option and click the Move Up button 4 or the Move Down button ¥ to change the position of the button in the toolbar (Optional) Insert a separator after a button by selecting the option in the list and clicking the Sep button Click OK ‘The button is added to the toolbar. Introduction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 2.7.4 Change the order of buttons in the toolbar 1 Right-click in the toolbar and choose Customize Toolbar The Customize Toolbar dialog box appears. Select an option in the Toolbar details list. Click the Move Up button “ or the Move Down button * to change the position of the button in the toolbar. Click OK Introduction to Teamcenter 2.28 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 2.7.5 Show or hide the toolbar in the rich client Choose Window—Toolbar to display or hide the toolbar. A check mark v on the left of the Toolbar menu command indicates the toolbar is displayed 290 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 2.8 Using the information center When you select an object, such as an item, in a Teamcenter rich client application, information about the selected object is shown in the information center. The information center is located at the bottom of the Teamcenter window, to the left of the clipboard Information center symbols convey where-used and where-referenced, access privilege, child count, and status information about the selected object. To display the information, point to the symbol. The information displays in the form of a tool tip PREPARES Note ‘The © indicator in the upper-right corner of any of the symbols in the information center indicates that the status represented by the symbol does not apply to the selected object. For example, the © indicator in the corner of the In Process symbol indicates that the object is not in process Symbol Description Object access: Write access is permitted on the selected object. Object access: Delete access is permitted on the selected object. Object access: Change access is permitted on the selected object. Object state: The object is the target of an active workflow process Object state: The object is checked out of the database Object state: The object is released @©BBCFXKN Object state: The object is published Object state: The object is classified i , Where used: Where-used count for the currently selected object »® Where referenced: Where-referenced count for the currently selected object. fay Children: Number of children of the selected component. Introduction toTramoenter 2.94 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 2.8.1. Set information center display options 1, Right-click in the information center. ‘The Update Options dialog box appears. Select or clear the check boxes to configure the display of information. 3. Click OK 292 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 2.9 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface Acti ies In the Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface section, do the following activities * Configure the navigation pane * Work with perspectives and views. Introduction 0 Teamcenter 298 Configuring the Teamcenter rich client interface 2.10 Summary The following topics were taught in this lesson * Working in perspectives and views * Configuring the navigation pane * Customizing the toolbar 294 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Lesson Working in My Teamcenter Purpose The purpose of this lesson is to introduce the basics of working in the My Teamcenter application and organizing your working environment, Objectives After you complete this lesson, you should be able to * Work in My Teamcenter views * Organize data in folders * Use various commands to work with data Help topics Additional information for this lesson can be found in * Getting Started with Teamcenter * Rich Client Interface Guide Introduction to Teameonter 34 Working in My Teamcenter 3.41 Working with My Teamcenter The My Teamcenter perspective consists of component views, for selecting objects and navigating hierarchies, and various related views for displaying and working with summaries, details, impact analyses, and related information. Along with the various views, the user interface consists of menus, toolbar icons, symbols, and display panes, Some of these are generally available in Teamcenter, while others are specific to My Teamcenter or to a particular scenario in My Teamcenter. 32 Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Working in My Teamcenter 3.2 My Teamcenter and My Teamcenter (2007) applications ‘The Teameenter rich client provides both the new My Teamcenter perspective and the previously released My Teamcenter (2007) perspective * The My Teamcenter user interface consists of multiple views perspective designed to provide access to the latest Teamcenter features and functionality. ¢ The My Teamcenter (2007) user interface consists of a single view provided for compatibility with customizations that may need to be updated for My Teamcenter. Both the My Teameenter user interface and the My Teamcenter (2007) user interface consist of menu commands, toolbar buttons, and related user interface elements common to multiple Teamcenter applications. Most of what you do to accomplish a particular goal is the same in either interface Note This training uses only to the current version of the My Teamcenter user interface. Introduction to Teameonter 99 Working in My Teamcenter 3.3 Basic My Teamcenter concepts My Teamcenter displays product information as various graphical objects Each user has a unique personal My Teamcenter perspective. Therefore, although you may share product information across the enterprise with other users, you can always organize this information in the way that best meeta your individual needs 24 Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 3.4 Working in My Teamcenter Basic My Teamcenter tasks You can use My Teameenter to perform the following tasks: * Create folders to organize commonly referenced objects. * View the contents of your Home folder, My Worklist, My Saved Searches, and My Links + Perform and track tasks * Send and receive mail * Open objects, automatically launching the related Teamcenter application * Search for objects, both in your local site database and at remote sites, using predefined queries * Compare search results to other searches or other open search results © Create and manage items, item revisions, and datasets Introduction to Teameenter 35 Working in My Teamcenter 3.5 Using component views Every object opened in My Teamcenter gets its own component view, which supports standard navigation functionality such as expand, expand-all, and double-click, as well as standard context-specific shortcut menus. Search Text Pie [y 2212 B® ze12/ajt-R-wheel [2 zzi2j0 tg 2212-0 DW 2212-8 Be view ®» To open an object in a new component view, you can. * Select an object in the navigation pane, right-click, and choose Send to® My Teamcenter * Select an object in a current component view and choose File® Open * Double-click an item or item revision in a current component view. When you open an object in My Teamcenter, a new component view opens with the opened object as the root, This view lets you navigate the content of the opened object. For example, opening My Worklist from the navigation pane opens an instance of the component view with your worklist as the root node. Similarly, opening the Newstuff folder opens a component view with your Newstuff as the root node and clicking My Projects opens a component view with your current project ‘as the default node A component view includes the following elements Search Text Qe\e © Search Text box and button Finds and select objects whose display names match the search text. * Clear button Removes the text from the Search Text box, * Collapse to the root object button 26 Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Working in My Teamcenter + Expand the selected objects button + Expand the selected objects to all levels button Introduction to Teameonter 97 Working in My Teamcenter 3.5.1. Using the Summary view The Summary view lets you see properties for a selected object and edit attributes such as name or description for supported items for which you have appropriate permissions. in = wow Dopey oa] (B, 000487-test Grea sietnsy Sano i ae Baw ‘The configuration and contents of the Summary view vary according to the information display configured for type of object selected + The Summary view toolbar includes buttons to let you check out and edit the properties of objects, check in and save edited properties, cancel checkout, or save changes and keep checked out. * The area at the top of the view displays basic information about the selected object. * The Summary view may include the following expandable and collapsible areas: — One or more Properties areas — A Preview if a 2D dataset is selected or is attached to the selected item or item revision — An Actions area listing actions appropriate to the selected object * Tabs, such as Overview, Attached Files, and Available Revisions are displayed, as needed, to organize information about the selected object 38 Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Working in My Teamcenter Action buttons Add New, Paste, and Copy are displayed. The location of these buttons vary based on the objects selected. List, table or tree view selection buttons for objects, When the functionality is enabled, you can see when other users are available for instant messaging with Microsoft Office Communicator. You can view the current status of the owning and last modified users, and you can click the Microsoft Office Communicator symbol in Teamcenter to initiate communication. Owner: (@_Hone. Rohetta (rhe Group 1D: Ll Send Instant Message Last Modifying User: @ Hope, Roberta (rhape) ¥ Introduction to Teameenter 39 Working in My Teamcenter 310 3.5.2 Using the Details view table Tables presented in separate views have their own menus for configuration. ‘The Details view presents a tabular display of properties of the children of the object currently selected in the component view. © Sunmary FREER Reo ewer) 2 impact Anahss| 5) TrPreview |W) VS & 2212-R-Wheel fewer Cbiect ype Relation cuner tenRevicon——Revisons Andee wre (andra) ‘The Details view menu includes the following options + Refresh * Column Displays the Column Management dialog box. Use this dialog box to select properties to display and column order * Save Column Configuration Displays the Save Column Configuration dialog box. Use this dialog box to save the current column configuration of the Details view table display. You can access saved column configurations using the Apply Column Configuration command. * Apply Column Configuration Displays the Apply Column Configuration dialog box. Use this dialog box to select and apply a previously saved column configuration to the Details view table display. * Sort Provides three levels of sorting. * Filter Displays the Auto Filter dialog box with available conditions. You can also access the Filter Condition Editor to create conditions + Find In Display Displays the Find In Display dialog box that lets you find objects based on property names and search values. * Print Table Introduction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Working in My Teamcenter Lets you print to either HTMLIText using the Teamcenter Print dialog box, or Graphies, using the system printers. Copy Selected Data Lets you copy selected rows, with or without headers Objects to Word Displays the Export To Word dialog box. You can specify — Output: Either Static Snapshot or Live integration with Word — Template Override: Either Specification Template or Override Object Template for Note The Available Object Templates option provides access to a list of templates. Objects to Excel Displays the Export To Excel dialog box. You can specify — Object Selection: Either Export Selected Objects or Export All Objects in View — Output Template: Either Export All Visible Columns or Use Excel Template. Note The Use Excel Template option provides access to a list of templates — Output: Hither Static Snapshot or Live integration with Excel or Work Offline and Import Introduction to Teameenter 3-44 Working in My Teamcenter a2 3.5.3 Using the Viewer view ESS % 2212/A;1-P-Wheel The content displayed in the Viewer view depends on the type of the object selected in the current component view or in the Details view. * Click the Viewer tab to display the fiewer view. * To display the form attributes, select a form object in a component view or in the Details view. * To display 2D or 8D data, select on item or item revision with attached 2D or 3D data, or select an object such a a snapshot or associated image or direct model (JT) data in a component view or in the Details view. * To display the object properties for the item or item revision with no associated displayable datasets, select the item or item revision Note When the functionality is enabled, you can see when other users are available for instant messaging with Microsoft Office Communicator. You can view the current status of the owning and last modified users, and you can click the Microsoft Office Communicator symbol in Teamcenter to initiate communication. wren: (tone Rebetia fein) ceap in ad Send instant Mesage Last Nodyng Leer: (@ hope, Reberia ince) * To display users assigned to perform a signoff task, select a task to perform in the My Worklist component view, and then use the Viewer view with Task View selected * To display Web Link object properties in the Viewer view, select a URL link object in a component view. Note When you select a URL link object, Teamcenter automatically opens a Web Browser view to display the Web page associated with the object, * To display the content of a text file or PDF file in the Viewer view, or to display or edit standard office files such as Microsoft Word or Excel files Introduction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Working in My Teamcenter in the Viewer view, a Details view Ic on the dataset object in a component view or Note This functionality depends on your system settings for browsing documents in the same window. For example, to enable editing of a Microsoft Word document in the Viewer view in a Teamcenter client on a Windows XP system, open a My Computer window and choose Tools® Folder Options. In the Folder Options dialog box, select the DOC extension for the registered file type, and then click Advanced to display the Edit File Type dialog box. For the Open action, select Browse in same window. Introduction 0 Teamcenter 3-49 Working in My Teamcenter au 3.5.4 Using the Impact Analysis view =o BT sueary |e onal [o> vener Tatham ® 2212/A;1-R-Wheel ‘Where used ontens Pl © cielo: [cere Cnterby i) [Allee Indu ublypes » ssn od car ‘The Impact Analysis view responds to the current selection in the active component view. The Impact Analysis view toolbar provides the following functionality * Search Text box and Find button. Search supports the following actions Press Enter or click the Find button to start a search. — Press F3, Page Down, or Down to find the next matching object — Press Page Up, or Up to find the previous matching object — Press Home to find the first matching object. — Press End to find the last matching object. * Clear button to clear the Search Text box * Open button» to display the Open by Name dialog box that lets you use names, wildcard characters, and revision level to find objects. You can copy found objects to the clipboard, load all found components into the table, and step through found components in groups * Where Select either Referenced or Used + Depth Select One Level, Alll Levels, or Top Level Introduction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Working in My Teamcenter SF Reverse horizontal layout style © Vertical layout style ‘TS Tree layout style Where-UsediReferenced Report Note ‘The Impact Analysis view lets you disable @ and enable responsiveness to selections in other views, so you can keep the currently selected root object in the view while you investigate other objects in other views. Introduction 0 Teamcenter 3-48 Working in My Teamcenter 3.6 346 Organize data in folders and pseudofolders A folder & is a container for an aggregation of objects, such as parts, documents, drawings. Some folders, such as the default Home “®, Mailbox ®, ond Newstuff & folders, have unique icons You can use folders to organize both company-wide and individual user data. * Your company moy create a visual method of organizing data using folders. * Folders can be nested to practically any extent desired * Data, such as your parts, documents, drawings, can be referenced by any number of folders. * A folder in Teamcenter is not the same as a directory in the operating system. When you delete a folder in Teamcenter, only the folder is deleted, not the contents of the folder A pseudofolder (a is a special container that stores and displays item and item revision relations in My Teamcenter. & © 4500-Madel car [& 4500 ‘ff 4500-View © ® 4s00/a;1-Model Car Be [& as00/a 8 as00/A-view BE ig 4500-8 Be ® 4500_A owe 2 30 (2) 3700-Rear Asm () 3600-Front asm () 9800-chassis ASM BF Released Pseudofolders let you easily see and navigate to objects related to the current abject, because pseudofolders are configured in hierarchical structures. + Teamcenter automatically creates pseudofolders to display relations for many item types. * You can use preferences to specify properties displayed as a pseudofolder under anode for an object. Introduction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Working in My Teamcenter Note Pseudofolders show relations, but pseudofolders are not physical folder objects in Teamcenter. Introduction to Teamcenter 347 Working in My Teamcenter a8 3.6.1 Home, Newstuff, and Mailbox folders The My Teamcenter application always contains the three default folders Home », Mailbox #, and Newstuff These folders are automatically created by the system. ® maibox (Bi Newstult Home folder The objects you want to work with in the My Teamcenter application can be placed within your Home folder or within some folder structure beneath ‘the Home folder. Mailbox folder The Mailbox folder is the receiving point for any Teamcenter mail that has been sent to you. When you receive new Teamcenter mail, you see an envelope object in your Mailbox folder. Newstuff folder ‘The Newstuff folder is the default folder for newly created database objects You can designate other folders as the default location for newly created database objects Introduction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Working in My Teamcenter 3.6.2 Working with folders Folders are a flexible way to organize your product information. Folders can contain references to other objects including other folders. Use Teamcenter to © Create a new folder © Rename a folder © Print a folder © Delete a folder Introduction 0 Teamcenter 348 Working in My Teamcenter 3.6.3 Create a new folder * Choose File® New® Folder to create a new folder. Sei Name! Description: Mail Folder [open on Create Key points Key points about the New Folder dialog box: * Ared asterisk indicates a required entay. * Enter a short descriptive name. The limit is 32 ASCII characters * You can enter a general text description of up to 240 characters. This is optional, + Set the Type to Folder Ss. general-purpose folders 2:20. Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Working in My Teamcenter 3.6.4 Rename a folder 1, To change the name of a folder, right-click the folder object and choose Edit Properties The Check-Out dialog box appears (Optional) Type a value in the Change ID box and add comments 3. Click Yes to check out the object. ‘The Edit Properties dialog box for the selected folder object appears (Zuieorypentie Name: iy Parts Contents; Descrition < Type! [Folder Owner: Q) ware, Connie (ware) ¥ Group 10: Se body ¥ Last Moding User: iz Connie (cware) uP Save and Chedlein Caneel Check-out 4, In the Edit Properties dialog bos, you can enter a new name and/or description for the folder, if desired Note ‘You may need to scroll down to access the Name and/or Description boxes to edit. 5. Click Save and Check-In, Save, Cancel Check-Out, or Close. Introduction to Tramoenter 2:24 Working in My Teamcenter 3.6.5 Reorder objects in a folder or view You can reorder objects in a folder or view in My Teamcenter using the Move command. 1. Select an object in a My Teamcenter folder or view. Search Text Qe 2, Click the View Menu button ~ for the folder or view. 2 AB Home @ ® Maibo: @ Ea Newstuft 3, Choose the applicable Move command For example, choose MoveUp to move the object closer to the top of the list of objects in the My Teamcenter folder or view. (25 1100_15-Wheel cover 2:22. Introduction to Teameonter GeochTet lene BB Hore =m Matbox Newsturt objet Bau 1Mr25100_s_0890 Working in My Teamcenter 3.6.6 Print a folder © Select the folder and choose File® Print or File® Print... Choose File® Print to print the folder name and a listing of the folder contents Ont, Contents of My Parts(1 level ) My Parts 5100_000-Caster Assy 5000 _000-Caster Assy 003 _000-Shatt 5004_000-Spacer 5555_000-Wheel Choose File® Print... to access additional print options ee ers © object Properties O contents Level © Application (HTML Text) © Apotceion Grapes) Introduction o Teamcenter 3-28 Working in My Teamcenter 3.6.7 Delete a folder 1. Select the folder object and click Delete x. A confirmation dialog box appears so you can confirm the deletion. GB my Pats 3. Click Yes if you want to delete the folder. Note When deleting a folder, the contents of the folder are not deleted. ‘The folder content remain in the database and can be located and retrieved using the search feature in My Teamcenter. 324 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 37 Working in My Teamcenter Object references While it appears that object folders contain other objects (because that is what you see) the folders actually contain references to the objects The distinction is subtle but very important, Several folders can contain references to the same object, however, that object is only stored once in the Teamcenter database Therefore, these folders provide references to the same product information References allow product information to be shared throughout your enterprise without having to make multiple physical copies of the data. [Ay soan's Folder Fy Bovis's Folder EH COT ECN COT Ey erematon PD sata daa Research Request ECN C01 Research Request P snzzapae Ej Oriemation ES terpiates Teamcenter Database Introduction o Teamcenter 3.25 Working in My Teamcenter 3.8 328 Cutting, copying, pasting, and deleting data objects You can use cutting, copying, and pasting to move data in your workspace by: * Cutting an information object from one application and pasting it into another Teamcenter application * Copying data to the clipboard and pasting it into another Teamcenter application * Copying data to the clipboard and pasting it into an application outside the Teamcenter environment. Ifyou have delete permission for an object, you can also delete data from the Teamcenter database, but you cannot delete an object from the database if that object is referenced in multiple locations. To delete an object from the database, you may need to © Perform awhere-referenced search to locate all references to the object. * Contact all the owners of the references and ask them to delete their references to the object. + When there are no remaining references, you can delete an object for which you have delete permission Introduction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Working in My Teamcenter 3.8.1 Cut data objects 1, Select one or more objects from a tree or table Choose Edit-»Cut or click the Cut button %” ‘The object reference is removed from its current location and placed on the clipboard Note ‘The Cut menu command removes a reference to an information object, but it does not delete the actual object from the database. To delete an object from the database, use the Delete option. Introduction to Teamcenter 3-27 Working in My Teamcenter 3.8.2 Copy data objects © Select the objects that you want to copy and click the Copy button “= press Ctrl+0, select Copy from the shortout menu, or choose Edit® Copy A reference to the object is copied from its current location and placed on both the Teamcenter and aystem clipboards 3.28 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Working in My Teamcenter 3.8.3 Pasting data objects ‘The Edit menu paste commands create a relation between a copied object and the destination object, such as selected folder or item When the system pastes an object reference into an item or item revision container, a relationship is established. This relationship is referred to as the default relation type. Because data objects are complex entities, the paste options are more complex than similar options in other software applications Menu Description command Paste Creates a relation between a copied object and the destination object. It is important to select the proper destination for the data object reference before choosing the Paste menu command. You must have read and write privileges to the destination object. Paste Special Allows you to specify a relation type rather than using the default paste relation when pasting an object reference into an item or item revision. Introduction 0 Teamcenter 3.28 Working in My Teamcenter 300 3.8.4 Paste the contents of the clipboard 1 Cut or copy the data object to the clipboard Select the destination container for the copied object reference Right-click the container and choose Paste, or click the Paste button on the toolbar, or choose Edit+Paste, or press Ctrl+V, ‘The system pastes all object references contained on the clipboard into the selected container object. Introduction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Working in My Teamcenter 3.8.5 Paste an item or item revision and specify the relation type 1. Cut or copy the item or item revision to the clipboard. 2, Select a container object. 3, Choose Edit—Paste Special 4. In the Paste dialog box, select a relation type from the list and click OK Note If your Teamcenter administrator has configured mandatory properties (attributes) for the relation type you select, the Properties dialog box appears, If the Properties dialog box appears, enter values for the mandatory properties and click OK Introduction to Tramoenter 234 Working in My Teamcenter 3.8.6 Pasting object references to applications outside the Teamcenter environment References to objects that have been copied to the system clipboard can be pasted outside of the Teamcenter environment as URLs Outside of the Teamcenter environment, you can access the data object by clicking the URL. This launches Teamcenter and displays the data in My Teamcenter. Note To access objects from a URL, the Teamcenter rich client must be installed on your machine and you must have a valid user ID and password. 292 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Working in My Teamcenter 3.9 Dragging and dropping data objects ‘You can move data in the Teamcenter rich client by: + Dragging a data object from one location to another For example, you can add an item to your favorites list by selecting it in My Teamcenter and dragging it to the Favorites area in the navigation pane + Dragging a data object from one application to another application. You can also open applications by dragging an object and dropping it on the application button in the navigation pane For example, you can drag an item revision representing a subassembly from ‘the My Teamventer tree and drop it on the Structure Manager button in the navigation pane. The system opens the Structure Manager application and shows the subassembly structure You can select multiple files and use drag and drop to link them to a business object. For each file a dataset is created and linked to the item revision * When you drop files from your computer file system on an folder, item or item revision in Teamcenter, the Drag and Drop of Multiple Files dialog box displays file information in a table on eed Drag and Drop of multiple les Fie None Dataset Hare Desiplin | Delose Type | Fikes | Relerene | ToolUend ‘Ghana irenerts.does —_RRRRecir ements. doce Words docx werd Ser 7E)onoUce A Eng Rewewcoe SOUNDS. A. Eng Reton dor, MaWord doer sions (worsens) (_—@ (are) * The table populates the most suitable Dataset Type, Tool Used, and Reference based on the Default_dataset_type preference set by your administrator. In the rich client you can drop multiple files on following types of object and their subtypes * Items and item revisions ‘The relation between the item or item revision and the dataset is automatically selected, based on the default paste relation for the item or item revision type. © Folders Introduction 0 Teamcenter 3-98 Working in My Teamcenter Datasets are pasted in corresponding folders. * BOM line objects Created objects are pasted in the user Newstuff folder. 234 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Working in My Teamcenter 3.10 Acti ity In the Working in My Teamcenter section, do the following activity + Find items and add them to a favorites folder © Create and rename a folder. Introduction 0 Teamcenter 3-98 Working in My Teamcenter 3.11 Summary The following topics were taught in this lesson + Working in My Teamcenter views * Organizing data in folders * Using various commands to work with data 2.98 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Lesson Viewing and modifying object properties Purpose In this lesson, you learn to use various methods to view and modify Teamcenter object properties. Objectives After you complete this lesson, you should be able to * View objects and their properties + Modify object properties * Configure table data display. * Print information about your data. Help topics Additional information for this lesson can be found in * Getting Started with Teamcenter * My Teamcenter Guide Introduction to Teameonter 44 Viewing and modifying object properties 41 Viewing and modifying object properties Objects have properties * Object properties, such as ownership, description, and unit of measure, can be viewed and modified, either for a single object or for multiple objects, using the Properties dialog box. arr net end) * Property modifications can automatically be propagated to related objects using type and relation filters, cee (DS 2210 Fea! ekcton Rules Tee elton UswasreR Spectators UGPART Specifications 42 Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Viewing and modifying object properties For object properties, the Properties dialog box can incorporate a Check-Out and Edit button that lets you quickly check out an object and edit applicable information in an Edit Properties dialog box. inp ‘ers net, endae ¥ ap: ois Leet Motta Ur: Cts, Mi rt) ee ‘You can then. Click Save to save the changes and retain the dialog box. — Ifyou click Save, and then Cancel Check-Out, the changes are reverted and the checkout status for the object is canceled. — Ifyou click Save, this does not check in the object. Click Save and Check-In to save the changes and check in the object, Click Caneel Check-Out to cancel the checkout without saving the changes. Click Close to close the dialog box Introduction to Teameonter 49 Viewing and modifying object properties 4.1.1. View property values in the Details table 1. In the component view or tree pane, select the parent of the object or objects that you want to display. Click the Details tab. The system displays the properties of the children of the selected object in the Details table &% 2212-R-Wheel ype EreMmerare) By r212{81-RWhesl CCC TteniRevision Revisions ‘Andeetti, Mara (mandretti) 44° Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Viewing and modifying object properties 4.1.2. View properties of a single object in the Properties dialog box 1, In the component view or tree pane or Details table, select the object that you want to display. Choose View—Properties or right-click the object and choose View Properties The system displays the properties of the selected object in the Properties dialog box mn = diet Enemas) es ‘Onner sess, Warn nade) ep: fy bade ¥ Last Woifyrguser: sneer, ata tvande) “ Note ‘The Properties dialog box for a dataset may display read-only boxes for relationships such as UG Expressions, UG WAVE Geometry, and various others, These boxes, which are normally blank, are used to display relationship information stored in the database Introduction to Teameonter 45 Viewing and modifying object properties 4.1.3. View properties of multiple objects in the Properties dialog box 1, In the component view, tree pane, or Details table, select those objects for which you want to view properties Tip To select contiguous objects, click the first object, press the Shift key, and select the last object. To select multiple noncontiguous objects, click the first object, press the Ctrl key, and select the remaining objects. Choose View—Properties or right-click the selected objects and choose View Properties The system displays the properties of the selected objects in the Common modifiable properties dialog box emuesin sonra. is X.Y Property Name = slay efauk 1D )L_ Gov Cessiation Soup Zan toi 2212 body < al 88 46 Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Viewing and modifying object properties 4.1.4 Modify the properties of a single object 1, Select the object that you want to modify from the tree or Deti js table 2, Choose Edit-Properties or right-click the object and choose Edit Properties ere uns In the Check-Out confirmation dialog box a. (Optional) Type a value for Change ID and add comments. b. Click Yes to check out the object. The system displays the properties of the selected object in the Edit Properties dialog box. The properties that can be modified vary from object to object, and you must have write access to make modifications. ee Cont ron None: FiResd Desert ‘nner: sede apa nara ‘aoip tt fy boa © Last Mayr User: elt, arin nade) ae (Faenen Se | RTT Sse | Introduction to Teameonter 4.7 Viewing and modifying object properties Note ‘You cannot change ownership of the selected object from the Properties dialog box. You must use the Change Ownership option on the Edit menu 3, Modify the property values, as required 4. Click Save and Check-In =”, Save “i, Cancel Check-Out %, or Close @ If errors occur during the update process, a dialog box displays the objects and properties on which the failure occurred and states the cause of the failure. This error report can be saved or printed to an HTML or text file 48 Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Viewing and modifying object properties 4.1.5 Modify the properties of multiple objects simultaneously 1. Select the objects in the tree or Details table. Note ‘You must have write access to modify object properties. If you do not have access to one or more of the selected objects, an exror message is displayed. 2, Choose Edit-Properties or right-click the object and choose Edit Properties If you have previously applied filters for propagating property modifications to related objects, the affected objects are displayed os children of the selected objects 3. In the Check-Out confirmation dialog box ere uns a. (Optional) Type a value in the Change ID box and add comments b. Click Yes to check out the object. The Common Modifiable Properties dialog box displays only those modifiable properties that are common to all of the selected objects 4, Select the cells corresponding to the property values that you want to modify, You can select a single cell, multiple cells in the same column, or all cells in a column. To select all cells, click the column header. Note ‘The ID properties of multiple objects cannot be modified, because duplicate object IDs are not permitted in Teamcenter. Introduction to Teameenter 49 Viewing and modifying object properties 5. In the Additional Options = box at the top of the dialog box, enter or select a new value 8 Common modifiable properties [oup, chan "=" Ben Tcirfeten Jt |__| Fie ol aan aol tat, ra, * This area displays either a box or a list depending on whether the values associated with the selected properties are strings or lista of values, ‘+ When using the box to enter string values, you can click Caneel Changes X to revert to the last submitted value at any time prior to submitting the changes 6. Click Submit Changes “ or press the Enter key. The modifications are reflected in the table but are not updated in the database until you click Apply or OK 7. Click Save and Check-In”, Save“, Cancel Check-Out &, or Close @ If errors occur during the update process, a dialog box displays the objects and properties on which the failure occurred and states the cause of the failure. This error report can be saved or printed to an HTML or text file 440 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Viewing and modifying object properties 4.1.6 Find and replace property values and add prefixes and suffixes soup ean = bar a a | al oat pate feastnassn 2) Be) * When modifying string properties, you can click Additional Options [=] to find and replace a specific text string or add a prefix or suffix toa property value Note ‘The system displays the Change OwnerlGroup dialog box when the Additional Options feature is used to modify the Owner or Group ID properties Introduction toTeameenter 4-44 Viewing and modifying object properties 4.1.7 Working with relation properties Objects are associated by relations. For example, datasets (secondary objects) are associated with item revisions (primary objects) using relation objects ‘The meaning of the secondary object may vary from one context to another. Properties on relations enable you to record information specific to the association or context in which the object is used. Your administrator can create custom attributes (properties) to apply to relation business objects in the system. A single item can be associated to multiple items or contexts. Objects are associated by relations, and the meaning of the relation may vary from one context to another. 442 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Viewing and modifying object properties 4.1.8 Modify the properties of a single relation object 1 In the component view, tree pane, or Details table, select the secondary object for which you want to view relation properties. Choose Edit--Properties on Relation or right-click the object and choose Properties on Relation ‘The system displays the properties of the relation between the selected secondary object and the primary object. Note ‘You must have write access to modify relation properties. Modify the property values, as required Click OK or Apply Introduction to Teamcenter 49 Viewing and modifying object properties 4.1.9 Modify the properties of multiple relation objects simultaneously 1. Select the secondary objects in the tree or Details table Note ‘You must have write access to modify object properties. If you do not have access to one or more of the selected objects, an exror message is displayed. Choose Edit~-Properties on Relation or right-click the object and choose Properties on Relation The Common Modifiable Properties dialog box displays only those modifiable properties that are common to all selected objects. 3, Select the cells corresponding to the property values that you want to modify, You can select a single cell, multiple cells in the same column, or all cells in a column. To select all cells, click the column header. 4. Enter anew value at the top of the dialog box, This area is either a box or a list depending on whether the values associated with the selected properties are strings or lists of values. When using the box to enter string values, you can click Cancel Changes to revert to the last submitted value at any time prior to submitting the changes 5. Click Submit Changes or press the Enter key. ‘The modifications are reflected in the table but are not updated in the database until you click Apply or OK. 414 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Viewing and modifying object properties 4.2 Configuring table data display in the rich client You can configure the way data is displayed in tables throughout the rich client interface. The method of configuring data display in application table panes, such as in Structure Manager and My Teamcenter (2007), differs from ‘the method of configuring data display in view tables, such as the Details view in My Teamcenter. After you configure the table data display using either method, you can + Apply the configuration to the current table * Save the configuration and apply it another time you want to view data, To configure the data display in an applications table pane, right-click a column header and choose the applicable command from the Table Function Menu ie elon as ean - [2 ne cE RAW: | BIG Enable Cauen Seen bod ConvSebiedDale 21 sat ee — Remove th colin sp meee eluent) TB S2re Cobrn configuation 1 Apply acotma Configuration rt Tate > To configure the data display in a view table, click the View Menu button ~ and choose the applicable command from the view menu % 2212/A;1-R-Wheel Fasten We ctu ic Reenseellate, Saye Cn Coit, Ucrasien ool Colina Comaurzben, Drectrods 250 Veit Fra iDisk. ne rable copy Sects ata Wetypetste wo Phos toexcel Introduction 0 Teamcenter 8-48 Viewing and modifying object properties 4.2.1 Configure the Details view table 1. In the Details view, click the Column from the view menu w Menu button ~ and then choose The Column Management dialog box appears. eee valet Fraps Diplyed Clune bce a cee os flan futorshgFaragaph——rectt=s ee test On recto OF cane brews er ie Date Ghetto Preaead oe ‘Checked-Out By Drecttocel Release Status Ghecadone changend recta Ghecld Oeste rectal Gestion rece Gastot Draco Gasfedin rece Garett Desaipion rout iter ate rect show reeinal nares of ravers Add or remove columns from the Details view table a, Toaddacolumn, select a property from the Available Properties list and click the Add to Displayed Columns button» b. Toxemove a column, select a property in the Displayed Columns list and click the Remove from Displayed Columns button ¢ 3, (Optional) Click the Move Up and Move Down buttons, to the right of the Displayed Columns list, to adjust the order of the displayed columns 4. Click Apply to apply the configuration to the current view, or click Save to save the configuration for later use Note ‘You can use the Apply Column Configuration command on the view menu to apply a saved configuration, or the default configuration, to the current table display. You can use the Save Column Configuration command on the view menu to save the current configuration of the table display. 5. Click Close to close the Column Management dialog box. 448 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Viewing and modifying object properties 4.2.2 Reposition columns in a table 1. Click the header of the column that you want to move and hold the mouse button. Note For ease of use, leave the Object and Type columns in the first and second positions in the table 2, Drag the column to the desired position in the table and release the mouse button. ‘The column appears in the new position. Introduction to Teamcenter 847 Viewing and modifying object properties 4.2.3 Sort data in a table 1. Click the View Menu button w in a table view 2, Choose Sort from the menu. ‘The Sort dialog box appears @ascending Obescendng ascending descending @ascending Odescending Table data can be sorted in ascending or descending order using up to three properties as sort criteria. 3, Select the primary property to be sorted on from the list in the Sort By section. Select Ascending or Descending to designate how to sort the property values. 4. (Optional) Select up to two additional properties to use as sort criteria by selecting a property from the list in each of the Then By sections of the dialog box. Select Ascending or Descending to designate how to sort the property values. 5. Click OK to sort the property values in the table display or click Cancel to close the Sort dialog box without sorting the property values 448 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Viewing and modifying object properties 4.2.4 Remove columns Right-click the header of the column you want to remove from the table pane and choose Remove this column. ‘The column is removed from the Details table Introduction 0 Teamcenter £48 Viewing and modifying object properties 4.3 420 Printing information about your data Use the Print and Print... commands on the File menu to display, format, save, and/or print the following types of information about your Teamcenter objects * The hierarchical structure of a selected object and its descendant objects For example, you can select a folder and display all of the first-level descendants or you can enter a level of descendants to be displayed. This allows you to display and print any level of the structure * The hierarchical structure of a selected object (first-level descendant objects only), including the object properties and corresponding values, + The properties of a selected object and their corresponding values. * The active Teamcenter table, as it appears in the application window, Note ‘You can only print information related to a single selected object. The following table describes the printing options and the expected output for each option based on the selected object type Note ‘The following table describes only the Object Properties and Contents options in the Print dialog box. Selected object type File®Print File® Print...© Folder Displays the folder Objects Properties displays the folder and its first-level properties descendant objects Contents displays the folder and its descendant objecta to the level in the hierarchy that you specify. Form Displays the form Object Properties displays the properties. properties associated with the form. Form Properties displays the property values of the specific form. Item or item Displays the item Object Properties displays the revision. or item revision properties of the item or item revision. and its first-level descendant objects, CONtents displays the item or item revision and its descendant objects to the level in the hierarchy that you specify. Introduction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Viewing and modifying object properties Selected object type File® Print File® Print... BOMlne Displays the BOM Object Properties displays the BOM line structure line properties currently displayed eo ntents displays the structure of in Structure Manager the BOM line as it is displayed in Structure Manager Dataset Displays the Object Properties displays the properties of the properties of the dataset. dataset Ifyou select a text dataset and choose File—Print...-Data, you can select, the text editor in Tool Used and view the contents of the file associated with the dataset. Other Displays the Object Properties displays the properties of the workspace object properties of the selected workspace object. Contents displays the object and its descendant objecta to the level in the hierarchy that you specify. Introduction toTramoenter 4-24 Viewing and modifying object properties 422 4.3.1 Print object information 1. Select the object in the tree structure or Details table and choose File—Print... Note ‘The contents of the dialog box differ depending on the type of object, you select 2, Select one of the following content options Object Properties Contents Application (HTMLIText) Application (Graphics) 3. Click OK Creates a report of the properties of the selected object. Creates a report of the contents of the selected object. When the Contents option is selected, the Level text box is activated so that you can define the level of content to be reported Increasing the content level is similar to expanding nodes in a tree structure For example, ifyou type 1 in the Level box, the selected object and its primary components are included in the report. Ifyou type 2 in the Level box, the selected object, its primary components, and the children of the primary components are included in the report, You can continue to increase the level until you reach the bottom of the structure Creates a tabular report of the properties of the selected object in HTML format. Creates a graphical report of the active table as it appears in the application window, When this option is selected, the results are sent directly to the printer. There are no options for previewing and formatting the report 4, (Optional) Modify the print format settings 5. Click the Print button 9 or the Save button lis] to print or save the output, 6. Click Close. Introduction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Viewing and modifying object properties 4.3.2 Print objects information from the Properties dialog box 1 Select an object from the tree or Details table Choose View—Properties Click the Print button “* located in the lower-right corner of the dialog box. (Optional) Change the print format to Text. (HTML is the default print format.) (Optional) Modify the print format settings. To save the file, open it in a Web browser or send it to a printer and complete the process that is appropriate to the file type and desired output. Open HTML files in a Web browser a. Click the Open in Web Browser button “0. b. Execute your browser's print command c, Return to the Teamcenter window and click Close. Print a text or HTML file a. Click the Print button “? in the lower-right corner of the Print dialog box. b. Define the printer to which the file is sent You can accept the default printer or select a different printer from the list. c. Click Print. d. Click Close. Save output to auser-specified (HTML or text) file a. Click the Save button ‘sin the lower-right corner of the Print dialog box. b. Navigate to the directory location where you want to save the file c. Type the name of the file, including the .htm, html, or .txt extension, in the File name box Introduction 0 Teamcenter £23 Viewing and modifying object properties d. Click Save e. Click Close. 424 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 44 Viewing and modifying object properties Acti ity In the Viewing and modifying object properties section, do the following activity: * Customize the Details view data display. Introduction to Teamcenter £25 Viewing and modifying object properties 45 Summary The following topics were taught in this lesson * Viewing objects and their properties + Modifying object properties * Configuring table data display * Printing information about your data 428 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Lesson Working with items in Teamcenter Purpose ‘The purpose of this lesson is to learn the basics of working with Teamcenter item and item revision objects, Objectives After you complete this lesson, you should be able to © Identify items and the item structure * Create an item and populate it with master data, * Create a new item revision * Create new items or item revisions based on existing data. Help topics Additional information for this lesson can be found in * Getting Started with Teamcenter * Rich Client Interface Guide Introduction to Teameonter 84 Working with items in Teamoenter 5.1 82 Items and item revisions Items and item revisions are the fundamental data objects used to manage information in Teamcenter. © Items are structures that are generally used to represent a product, part, or component, Items can contain other data objects including other items and folders. * Item revisions are data objects used to manage revisions to items + Eooh item revision has one or more associated sequence IDs. Checkout actions increment the sequence ID for the item revision, with the most recent sequence ID becoming the default. + Naming rules that control the format of the item ID, item revision ID, and name may be in effect at your site. These rules are managed by your administrator using the Business Modeler IDE application. Key points * An item can be thought of as a package contains all data related to that item. ¢ Each item has at least one item revision * Enoch item revision has at least one sequence ID © Items store all revisions of the item, Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Working with items in Teamcenter 5.1.1 Basic item structure An item in Teamcenter is a structure of related objects. The basic structure of any item consists of the following minimum objects: “Item © Item Master (Form) ® ItemRevision © ItemRevision Master (Form) + Item Collects data that is globally applicable to all revisions of the item + Item Master (Form) A form object that is often used to extend the stored property data for an item. Collects data that is applicable to a single revision of the item + ItemRevision Master (Form) A form object that is often used to extend the stored property data for an item revision. Note Customer properties can be added to the Item and ItemRevision and their children, Siemens PLM Software recommends not to use customer-specific attributes in the Item Master and ItemRevision Master forma Introduction to Teameenter 59 Working with items in Teamoenter 5.1.2 Item types The term item is used to generically describe all types of items that exist in the system ‘The system comes with several generic item types including * Item * Document * EngChange Note Many customers define additional item types in their system. This allows for more specific categorization of data beyond these types 84 Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Working with items in Teamcenter 5.2 Creating items ‘The New Item dialog box provides a wizard-like tool for creating items, entering item and item revision attribute information, creating alternate identifiers for the item, assigning the item to a project, and defining options for displaying the item and alternate identifiers. Steps in the New Item dialog box ® select Type Enter Item Information @ Enter Additional Item Information @ Enter Additional Item Revision Information @ Enter Attach Files Information ® Define Workflow Information Enter Identifier Basic Information @ @ @ assign to Projects ® Define Options Mandatory steps required to create a new item are indicated by a red triangle, Once the mandatory steps are performed, you can continue through the remaining steps in order, select individual steps from the list, or exit the wizard * You do not have to work through the steps sequentially, nor is it necessary to complete all of the steps * Ifmandatory item master or item revision master attributes are defined for the item business object, values must be entered before the system can create the item. Introduction to Teameenter 55 Working with items in Teamoenter 36 5.2.1 Create an item 1, Selecta container for the item, such as a folder or another item. 2, Choose File+New—ltem peeaeegaaee Select Type Enter ern Ifcrmatic Enter Aditional Fem Enter Actions ten Enter Attach Fie Int Define Wolow info Enter Identifier Base cCCIter ‘company ‘The system displays the New Item dialog box 3, Select the item type that you want to create Note s e es e e e e e Select Type Enter ern Ifcrmatic Enter Aditional Fem Enter Actions ten Enter Attach Fie Int Define Wolow info Enter Identifier Base ‘The item types displayed in this dialog box are controlled by your administrator. It is possible that you may be unable to create item types that are visible to you in your workspace. Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Working with items in Teamcenter 4, (Optional) Select the Configuration Item check box Note Configuration items define the point in a product structure where the effectivity context changes 5. Click Next The system displays the basic information pane Define the base rfanaton forthe new kom, Select Te om Inornsbon Enter Ttem Information gration estoy ions 7 ff Enter itech Fes Tosti Deseiton Define Wer Infermation Enter Metis Ease Internation Ieeqrecorc Enter atonal inormation| 6, Enter an item ID, revision, and name for the item, or click Assign to ‘automatically generate the item ID and revision identifiers (Dee the Be ron Foto Ew Seles Te “Tom Ifernton Enter Item Information 35 peviion-tone Enter Addtonal on Intra | Esss-ag —___* fa >) - [arnt] Fs Ente atonal ten Revon Enter tac Fes tifmnatin Deseo Define Were Information Enter Mentor Ease Incr ng of Measure Enter aon 2 norton Enter atonal Rey Format Assit Project Dato Orton Introduction to Teameenter 8:7 Working with items in Teamoenter Tip It may be necessary to resize the dialog box to view the Assign button. Note ‘The Assign button is active only if naming rules and automatic generation have been implemented for the selected object type 7, (Optional) Enter a description of the item and select a unit of measure At this point, you have provided all of the information necessary to define the item. Define the base nfanaton forthe new kom Select Type tem nfermaton Enter Item Information 35 peviion-tone Enter aston on Ivemat oss gg a —*)- wat) Ente atonal ten Revon riteratad tls ivwnecen Detibtion —[optana deeoeten Define Were Information Enter Mentor Ease Incr ng of Measure Enter aon 2 norton Enter atonal Rey Format Assit Project Dato Orton [rene ][_@ cee | 8. Click Next to move to the next step and further define the item or click Finish to create the item immediately. @ chose 88 Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Working with items in Teamcenter 5.2.2 Add master form data to an item Every time a new item is created, an Item Master form object is created automatically, When a new item revision object is created, an ItemRevision Master form object is created automatically, You can enter data in the item master and item revision master forms when you create an item or by opening the ItemMaster or ItemRevision Master form object after it has been created. Introduction to Teameonter 59 Working with items in Teamoenter 5.3 Creating item revisions ‘The initial item revision associated with an item is automatically created when the item is created To create subsequent revisions for the item, select an existing item revision and choose File@ Revise. * Creating a new revision copies the objects and object references related to the existing item revision to the new revision based on your corporate configuration. © The related objects can be copied as references, new objects, or not at all. Note ‘The method of handling related objects when revisions are created may be automatically configured for your site and you might not be able to change it 5:40 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Working with items in Teamcenter 5.3.1 Create a new revision of an item 1. Select an item revision in the tree or Details table to be the basis of the new revision Note ‘To create a revision of an item, you must have write privileges to the item. Choose FileRevise The system displays the Revise dialog box. 3, Enter the revision identifier or click Assign to automatically generate the revision identifier. The Assign button is only available ifnaming rules and automatic generation have been implemented for the selected object type Tip It may be necessary to resize the dialog box to view the Assign button. 4. (Optional) Enter a description of the new revision Note ‘The unit of measure is carried over from the original item and cannot be modified At this point, you have provided all of the information necessary to create the item revision. 5. Click Next to move to the next step and further define the item revision or click Finish to create the item revision immediately. Tip ‘The item revision is not created until you click Finish, If mandatory item revision master attributes are defined for the item type, you must click Next and enter attribute information before you can click Finish. Introduction to Teameenter 5-44 Working with items in Teamoenter 5.4 Using sequences You use sequences if your business requires additional management of progress within revisions. * A sequence is an iteration of the object, complete with properties and relations, A sequence of a file is similar to a version of a file, but the sequence encompasses all information about the object. * Sequences record a sequence of changes to a work-in-progress. The information contained in each sequence varies depending on the modifications made to the new sequence * A sequence is complete and represents a single point for the object as it is prepared for release When you create an item revision, an initial sequence, to which Teamcenter assigns an initial sequence ID, is also created. This sequence becomes the active, or default, sequence * Checkout actions increment the sequence ID for the item revision, with ‘the most recent sequence ID becoming the default. * The default sequence is the only sequence you can check in and check out Attempting to check out a nondefault sequence results in an error. * Only one sequence can be active at any given time for an item revision. * Assequence does not track incremental changes. * Canceling a checkout decrements the sequence ID and discards any changes that have been saved to the database 842 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Working with items in Teamcenter 5.4.1 Sequence ID display Teamcenter displays the sequence ID appended to the item ID and revision, separated from the item revision by a semicolon (;). The sequence ID is, followed by a hyphen (-) and the object name. For example, the third checkin for item revision 3640/A of part Bumper is displayed as follows 3540/A;3-Bumper * By default, the system displays only the active sequence * All sequences for an item revision can be found and displayed using a search query. Note ‘The sequence IDs can be hidden from view by your site administrator. Introduction 0 Teamcenter 5:43 Working with items in Teamoenter 5.4.2. Managing revision sequences * When you create a new item revision, such as from revision A to revision B, the new revision starts with the first sequence ID. * You can set immunity for sequences to prevent their automatic removal * To add anew sequence after you reach the limit, you must remove at least one sequence by using either the delete or purge actions 5:44 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 5.5 Working with items in Teamcenter Item and item revision relations There are typically many pieces of information that describe or are related to an item or item revision. Teamcenter uses relations to define the correlation between data objects and items or item revisions. Introduction 0 Teamcenter 5:48 Working with items in Teamoenter 216 5.5.1 Automatically defined relation types Many item or item revision relations are automatically defined when you create or add certain objects to an item or item revision structure. For example, when you add a new item revision to an item, the new item revision is automatically defined as a revision relation. The automatically defined relation types are + Revision * Item master and item revision master * BOM view and BOM view revision * Alternate ID + JTSESSION and 3DMarkup ‘These relation types apply to datasets. + IMAN_Drawing Specifies the relationship between an NX part and a drawing dataset. Note ‘You site may be configured to automatically create relation types other than those listed here Introduction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Working with items in Teamcenter 5.5.2 User-specified relation types In addition to the automatically defined relation types, the user-specified relation types relate objects to items and item revisions, ‘These relationships are typically defined when you paste an object reference into an item or item revision using the Edit~Paste or Edit—Paste Special menu commands. Note Ifyour administrator has defined mandatory properties for the type of relation object you are creating, a dialog box lets you define attribute values for the objects Relation type Description ‘Specification relations Requirement relations Attaches relations Manifestation relations Detailed methods, designs, processes, and procedures used to satisfy requirements. Specification relationships can only be established with item revisions, not with items. Although requirements may remain fairly constant for a product (item), actual manufacturing methods, designs, processes and procedures may change drastically from model to model (item revisions) Criteria that must be satisfied by the item or item revision, However, requirements often do not specify how the criteria should be satisfied. For example, an object related by a requirement relation might specify maximum weight of a component associated, but not how the component is constructed ‘The default relation for referencing a dataset to an item revision, these relations are created between item revisions and datasets. When datasets are referenced to item revisions with the attaches relationship, control of the dataset is delegated to the referencing item revision. View, edit, check out, check in, and delete actions performed against the dataset initiate the save action against the attaching item revision Nondefining snapshots of a particular aspect of an item or item revision at a particular moment in time. For example, numerically controlled (NC) program files are common manifestation. Consider that they represent one aspect of an item revision (for example, machining information) and that this information is only accurate so long as the item revision does not change. If the item revision changes, the NC program files may no longer be accurate and might need to be recreated Introduction o Teamcenter 547 Working with items in Teamoenter Relation type __ Description Reference General nondefining relationships of data objects ta relations items or item revisions. This relation type can be thought of as a miscellaneous relation type. Typical examples of reference relations are white papers, field reports, trade articles, customer letters, and lab notes. Alios relations Specifies the relationship between on item or item revision and an identifier object. It signifies how an alias is defined 8.48 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Working with items in Teamcenter 5.6 Managing alternate and alias identifiers Items and item revisions can be identified in a number of ways to match the business practices of your enterprise and those of your business partners Initial identifier attributes, alternate identifiers, and alias identifiers are all used to communicate information about items and item revisions. Note ‘You can do this only if your administrator defined alternate and alias identifiers in the database Introduction 0 Teamcenter 5:48 Working with items in Teamoenter 5.6.1 Initial identifier attributes When an item or item revision is created, an initial identifier (ID) attribute is assigned to the object, Initial identifier attributes have the following characteristics: + They are required. * They are case-insensitive and unique within the Teamcenter database © The identifier attribute cannot be modified if any revision of the item has been released 520 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Working with items in Teamcenter 5.6.2 Alias identifiers Alias identifiers store part numbers and other attribute information for similar parts, and they can be associated with many items or item revisions Alias [Ds let you store information about external entities. For example, alias IDs can be used to do any of the following * Store parts according to internal naming conventions and also according to the naming conventions of other companies, such as suppliers * Maintain a cross reference of the relationships between other manufacturer's part numbers and the part numbers used by your organization. * Distinguish between parts tracked in other systems. For example, you can use the alias ID ta indicate that a Teamcenter item has information stored in on external database of part attributes. Based on the alias ID, you know whether the Teamcenter item has information stored in the separate database, This information can also be useful in workflows Introduction to Tramoenter 5:24 Working with items in Teamoenter 322 5.6.3 Alternate identifiers Alternate identifiers store information about part numbers and attributes of the same part from different perspectives. They allow different user communities to identify and display an item or item revision according to their own rules rather than according to the rules of the user who created the object. Assigning alternate identifiers to a part at different stages of development and production allows you to maintain a history of the lifecycle of the part Both alias and alternate identifiers are created within a context. The context is used to denote a specific organizational focus, such as a supplier or a department in your organization. You can also use identifiers to store custom information, such as a supplier's name and address or cost data. Alternate identifiers have the following characteristics + An alternate ID identifies only one item or item revision in the database * Once created, the context and owning item revision cannot be modified © The identifier cannot be modified if any revision of the alternate has been released, © The item alternate cannot be deleted if any of the revision alternates cannot be deleted © The last revision alternate of an item alternate cannot be deleted Alternate IDs let you define additional identifiers for an item that are then useful for setting up appropriate display contexts, For example, the design department can use item IDs, but other departments or other companies may have other IDs. A single item can be assigned any number of IDs, each unique within its context and controlled and assigned by its own naming rules The following example shows possible alternated IDs for an item MyTeen123 123456 7es@depeo1 keessoosscs@company0l 0000-ss9ssesecoxpanyO2 © Auser in department 01 can set the display context to see all items with their dept0l number * Amanager that deals primarily with company 01 can set the context to show all items with the company01 ID values * A designer can switch between display contexts, depending on the current situation. Introduction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Working with items in Teamcenter 5.7 Opening items and item revisions in My Teamcenter Opening an item or item revision in My Teamcenter allows you to display ‘the object data in a tri-pane window. In the tri-pane window, you can apply revision rule filters to sort through the item revisions generated during the design process 2 Home | % 2210A;1-F-Wheal 5% 2 BYE senna - Hey” cet |Q 2 BF ® lla, o910-F-Wheel © 2210 whaat po = ipa cbyect “ype aaton Be zaaa. ered aie ier tisser item tore PDAG|AL FhaslRenfovien Revises 5% zacis1-F-vheol zzi018 Bg 2210-8 BD 208 FG view ‘The tri-pane window displays the Item tree (upper-left) and Item Revision tree (lower-left), as well as the standard panes and views (right) * When you open an item, the item and all its related item revisions are displayed in the Item tree, and the latest item revision is displayed in the Item Revision tree * When you open an item revision, the associated item and all related item revisions are displayed in the Item tree, and the item revision that you opened is displayed in the Item Revision tree Introduction 0 Teamcenter 5:23 Working with items in Teamoenter 5.7.1 Open an item or item revision in My Teamcenter 1, Select an item or item revision in the My Teamcenter tree 2, Choose File® Open. The selected object appears in the tri-pane window. 524 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Working with items in Teamcenter 5.8 Filtering the item revision display in My Teamcenter home | 2210/8:1-- Wheel SG ZAGF Wel Baw we BZ210m:1 Whos 3B Rw SF Whe Be zag iy moa © 2210.46 yan B tew =O) summer ene ik % 2210-F-Wheel obit Bre, Tenet er sey SBiniN APT” Tenkertn Revie i > The Revision selection button “Win the upper-left or lower-left pane in the tri-pane window can be used to filter the item revision display. The item revision display can be filtered by revision rules and by released, in-process, or working revision status. Note Revision rules and status are explained in later lessons Introduction 0 Teamcenter 5:25 Working with items in Teamoenter 9.28 5.8.1 Filter the item revision display in My Teamcenter 1. Select an item or item revision in the My Teamcenter tree. 2, Choose File+Open 3, Select the item or an item revision from the tree in the upper-left or lower-left pane in the tri-pane window. 4, Click Revision selection “on the toolbar between the upper and lower panes 5. Select the filter to be applied to the display list using the Released, In-Process, or Working buttons, or select a revision rule from the Revision Rule list, The item revisions matching the filtering criteria are displayed in the dialog box, arranged from latest to earliest revision 6. Select an object in the Revision selection list to display it in the Item Revision pane Ineoction to Teamcenter wr2st00_s_0890 Working with items in Teamcenter 5.9 Creating new items based on existing items or item revisions You can create new items from existing items or item revisions, ‘The Save As menu command creates new items from existing items or item revisions, The copy options for the objects related to the item revision differ depending on whether an item or item revision is selected as the basis for the new item. * When you use an item as the basis, most of the objects related to the selected item revision are copied as references. The exceptions are the item revision master and BOM view revision. These are copied as new objects. * When you use an item revision as the basis, you have the option to copy the related objects as references, as new objects, or not to copy the selected objects. Introduction o Teamcenter 527 Working with items in Teamoenter 5.10 Acti ies In the Working with items in Teamcenter section, do the following activities * Create an item and edit properties * Create a new item based on existing data * Create a new item revision * Print information about your data. 528 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Working with items in Teamcenter 5.11 Summary The following topics were taught in this lesson * Identifying items and the item structure * Creating an item and populating it with master data © Creating a new item revision * Creating new items or item revisions based on existing data Introduction 0 Teamcenter 5:28 Lesson Creating and managing datasets Purpose In this lesson, you learn the basics of working with Teamcenter dataset objects. Objectives After you complete this lesson, you should be able to * Identify datasets and dataset types. * Create a dataset and work with versions * Create a new dataset from existing data. Help topics Additional information for this module can be found in * Getting Started with Teamcenter * My Teamcenter Guide Introduction to Teameonter 64 Creating and managing datasets 6.1 62 Dataset objects When non-Teamcenter applications are launched from Teamcenter, the files generated are maintained by Teamcenter. The object used to manage these files is called a dataset Datasets are typically related to item revisions. The symbol preceding the dataset name may vary depending on the associated application Examples of some dataset types [Symbol [Type [File [Purpose B [Text txt [Text document r sWord doe [MSWord document y [MSExcel [xls [MSExcel spreadsheet 2 [DirectModel [jt [SD visualization model @ [UGMASTER |-prt INX part file Double-clicking a dataset object launches the associated software application ‘and loads the file in the application. Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Creating and managing datasets 6.2 Dataset named references * « ference | ane Sea _Renote | Type Laat Mode Yeluve UenT.ATTe UcpaCT-ATTR Uta 88 irony S8CK IE Ueartoundngiortrm Sse renrar . 0-8 Uiceatarrbuesrory23augz0. 1548 UUSCUAC. Images proved 70K Tae isaugen..ss9 kdl USCuidAc.. efvetedteceh | SOP Tuoi (aue20.0 1559 aed UFaRT HEIDE 766) TnFle 5 a0g20. 1559 aed va pen Exc %) Mal GX Ee * Datasets are often used to manage several different types of files. + The files managed by datasets are referred to as named references * Datasets are the only Teamcenter objects that use named references Introduction to Teameenter 69 Creating and managing datasets 6.2.1 View and modify named references 1. Select the dataset in the tree or Details table 2, Choose View® Named References. ‘The Named References dialog box appears, listing all the named references of the selected dataset. 3, (Optional) You can delete, cut, copy, paste, import, and export named reference files, Note Using the Open button in the Named References dialog box is not recommended for opening dataset part files 64 Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Creating and managing datasets 6.3 Create a new dataset 1, Select the folder, item, or item revision under which the new dataset will reside 2, Choose File>New—Dataset or press Ctrl+D, ‘The New Dataset dialog box appears. eae a ladobeulust. Desoiptions SSS SL tootusec trpar: 8 efease Fazal] Clonenon craze Note ‘You can create anew dataset from a file by using the Import option on the New Dataset dialog box. 3, Type a descriptive name (up to 82 ASCII characters) in the Name box. This name is used as a label in the object area, It is good practice to keep the names short so that you can see the entire name in the My Teamcenter tree 4, (Optional) Type a description (up to 240 ASCII characters) to help identify this dataset in the Description box 5. Select a dataset type from the Type bar by clicking the icon. If the type names are truncated, click the arrow located in the upper-left corner of the Type bar, and then select a type from the list. The Type bor displays the dataset types that you use the most. Ifyou do not see the type you are looking for, click More to display all defined dataset types. Introduction to Teameenter 65 Creating and managing datasets eae Name: 100_##2/4 4 Description & Tool Used: wow... ¥] CHEResuts gga; fa} Clopenon costo (eT Note ‘The dataset types displayed in this dialog box are controlled by your administrator. Therefore, you may be unable to create dataset types that are visible to you in your workspace 6. Select the Tool Used option to edit the dataset file if more than one option is available 7, To select.a file, click the ~ button to the right of the Import box pees Name: 1100_##2/4 i Desorption | Bd toatusec: jaw... ¥] CHEReatts agg Clopenon crscte The Import File dialog box appears 66 Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Creating and managing datasets Import File 2 Hy computer s°me (5% Peppy 0s) |-Peraveters (so Lecal Disk (C:) MyRecent (5 Shered dow.ments Docurants | |G my Docunerts Reference: werd Fle Tyee! ry eave Fits ye nore 60) » 8, Navigate to the file to be imported, select the file, and click Import ‘The system closes the Import File dialog box, and the path to the file appears in the Import box Note ‘The type of file that you import must match the dataset type selected in step 5 9. Select Open on Create to launch the tool associated with the dataset and immediately open the file upon creation eae Name: 100_##2/4 4 Description & Tool Used: wow... ¥] [cAEAnalssD5 i Import: [iy Dacursents\i 100_#4#2.dor] 10. Complete the procedure Introduction to Teameenter 67 Creating and managing datasets * To close the dialog box without saving the information you entered, click Cancel * Click OK or Apply to save the information in the database ‘The Paste dialog box appears, Clicking the Stop button ends the dataset creation process. The new dataset object appears in your My Teamcenter tree. If you selected the Open on Create option, the system launches the tool associated with the dataset and opens the file 68 Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 6.4 Creating and managing datasets Open datasets in the rich client ‘You can open and update a dataset from the rich client using Client for Office The Teamcenter tab appears and the buttons are active. To save changes to the dataset, click the Save button Sy on the Teamcenter tab, not the Microsoft Office Save button lal SED snmey Howat] tome] me weiss] Barer z aa Seeeel= 3 ame vice W) New Feature senda: [ieee teow fl ey ons lan Meio Resa satst Tp Grane senctes CGrdon ek arn) O7Sep 20104 eee 1 Gy wht ew Doane 1 onto eer be soeone + Proper + neti = Amaia teae chyen: newts sue ceomeis en Ghaevranae S were @_) a2-0* New Feturedoce - i - =) Home tase’ Page Layout References Mating: Review View aacine | Teamcenter | *RP Ro eba es) & Ss s & © Ney Open Sve Se Revie Bowe fae Seen nei | CHEEIVOU KiMGD WY ew cnet | He Note ‘Your administrator must enable Client for Office for the rich client, and configure SSO to avoid multiple logon Introduction to Teameenter 69 Creating and managing datasets 6.5 Dataset versions Whereas changes to items revisions are captured in item revision sequences, changes to datasets are captured in versions. When you save changes to datasets, new versions of the datasets are created, rather than allowing the software application to overwrite the dataset, Teamcenter continues to manage multiple dataset versions until the version limit is reached. The version limit provides a practical way to specify the maximum number of dataset versions that are stored in the database In Teamcenter, dataset versions can be * Used to track changes and undo changes to a dataset by reverting to a previous version of the dataset. * Used as the basis for creating a duplicate of an existing dataset 610 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Creating and managing datasets 65.1 Key points about dataset versions As work progresses and you successively modify a particular dataset, new versions are added to the database, but version 0 (no value) always references the latest version of the dataset ‘The default version is the latest. In most cases, you should work with this version unless you have some specific reagon to open an earlier version Dataset versions can be used to revert to a previous version of the dataset and they can also be used as the basis for creating a duplicate of an existing dataset. Normally, you only see the version 0 dataset in My Teamcenter Teamcenter hides other dataset versions to reduce clutter. When the version limit is exceeded, the earliest version of the dataset is purged from the database in order make room for the new version To hide dataset versions in Teamcenter searches, choose Edit® Options® Search and select the Latest Dataset Versions check box. Introduction to Teameenter 6-44 Creating and managing datasets 6.5.2 Revert to a previous dataset version Revert to a previous dataset version to track changes and undo changes to a dataset, 1. Select the dataset. 2. Choose File® Open With © Open With. & Were 1100_##2/a select a eng 00 #FIBS1 tion. peatne Se ees [je] 1100__2_ Ada ce Notetdter Ge Notepad op 4 Texttdtornt 6-5 Smipteol Using the Open dialog box, you can specify a particular version of a dataset and/or a specific software application (tool) to use for the current editing session 612 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Creating and managing datasets 6.5.3 Purge dataset versions Purge versions to explicitly remove old versions of a dataset from the database. * Teamcenter manages multiple dataset versions until the version limit is reached. When the version limit is exceeded, the carliest version of the dataset is automatically purged from the database to make room for the new version * Use the Edit® Purge command to explicitly remove old versions of a dataset from the database — You can select whether to purge all old versions or specific versions of a dataset. — To purge a dataset, you must have read, write, and delete privileges on the versions of the dataset that you want to purge. — The Purge command completely and permanently removes old versions of a dataset from the database Note When a dataset is assigned a release status, all earlier versions are automatically purged Introduction 0 Teamcenter 649 Creating and managing datasets 6.6 ou Create a new dataset by drag-and-drop 1, Ina Teamcenter component hierarchy view, folder view, or table, display ‘the folder, item, or item revision under which the new dataset will reside Ina file system window, select the file to add and drag it over the Teamcenter folder, item, or item revision. ‘The New Datasets for Multiple iles dialog box is displayed 8. (Optional) Edit information as needed * Accept the name or type a descriptive name (up to 82 ASCII characters) in the Dataset Name box. This name is used as a label in the object area. It is good practice to keep the names short so that you can see the entire name in the My Teamcenter tree * Type a description (up to 240 ASCII characters) to help identify this dataset in the Description box * Change the values in the Dataset Type, Reference, and Tool Used boxes 4. Click OK The system displays the new dataset object under the drop-target object. Introduction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Creating and managing datasets 6.7 Creating datasets or dataset revisions based on existing datasets Using the Save As command on the File menu, you can create a new dataset based on another dataset. If dataset identification is implemented at your site, you can use this command to create a revision of a dataset, ees Name: [110n_##2ia, Descripten SY leased OnVersent |p =) Type: Text ToolUsed: TextEdear Open On Create Caution When using the Save As command to duplicate a dataset, the new dataset will be of the same type and use the same software application (tool) aa the original dataset. You cannot change these characteristics during this procedure, You can, however, specify which version of the dataset to duplicate. Introduction 0 Teamcenter 648 Creating and managing datasets 6.8 Acti ies In the Creating and managing datasets section, do the following activities © Create a dataset, © Import a dataset. © Modify a dataset and work with versions 618 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Creating and managing datasets 6.9 Summary The following topics were taught in this lesson * Identifying datasets and dataset types * Creating a dataset and working with versions * Creating a new dataset from existing data Introduction to Teamcenter GAT Lesson Performing and managing searches Purpose ‘The purpose of this lesson is to use various methods to locate and view Teamcenter data. Objectives After you complete this lesson, you should be able to * Perform queries * View search results * Generate reports on Teamcenter data. Help topics Additional information for this lesson can be found in * Getting Started with Teamcenter * Rich Client Interface Guide Introduction to Teameonter 74 Performing and managing searches 7.1 712 Searching in Teamcenter The Teamcenter search functionality lets you find data in the Teamcenter database. ‘The Quick Search feature in the navigation pane lets you search for data by specifying the dataset name, item ID, item name, or a keyword Note Quick search results cannot be saved to your saved searches list. ‘You can use saved queries to search for your work in the Teamcenter database or in databases that are part of a Multi-Site Collaboration network, Saved queries are grouped into three categories: + My Saved Searches This category contains queries that you ran previously and chose to save for later use You can save the results of a search and add the search to your My Saved Searches list, In both the rich client and thin client, you can share a saved search. In the rich client, you can restrict sharing to specified groups of users * System Defined Searches This category contains both standard queries and custom queries defined by your Teamcenter administrator. Standard queries allow you to search by common parameters auch a8 item identifier. Custom queries allow you to search for data that is unique to your site or company. * Search History This category contains the most recently run queries. By default, the last eight queries are listed, but you or the administrator can change the number of queries shown. Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Performing and managing searches 7.1.1. Using quick search Use the quick Search input box, Perform Search button, and menu (1 at the top of the navigation pane to locate objects in the Teamcenter database. A quick search can be performed based on item ID or other search criteria listed in the quick Search menu Tip ‘You can use wildcard characters such as * and? in the value you enter in the Search input box for your search criteria. + Item ID ‘Type an item ID to search the Teamcenter database for item ID attributes * Keyword Search ‘Type a keyword to search indexed classes for attributes and indexed class content. © Item Name ‘Type an item name to search the Teamcenter database for all item name attributes. * Dataset Name Type a dataset name to search the Teamcenter database for all dataset name attributes. * Advanced Access the advanced search capabilities and predefined search forms Introduction to Teameonter 7-9 Performing and managing searches 7.1.2 Perform a quick search 1, Locate the quick Search input box and Perform Search button and menu (160 at the top of the navigation pane Click the menu icon ¥ and select a search type Note Item ID is the default search type 3, ‘Type the appropriate value for your search criteria in the Search box Note ‘You can use wildcard characters such as * and ? in the value you enter in the Search input box for your search criteria. 4, Click Perform Search & to execute the search. The Quick Open Results dialog box appears showing a list of objects, that match the specified criteria. Note Ifyou do not find the object you seek using the quick search, click Cancel, You can use advanced search to access predefined search forms with additional search criteria. 5. In the Quick Open Results dialog box, you can either double-click an object to open it or select an object in the list and click the Open button. ‘The object is retrieved and opened in a My Teamcenter tri-pane view. 74 Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Performing and managing searches 7.1.3 Perform an advanced search 1 Click Search on the toolbar or select Advanced from the search menu at the top of the navigation pane. ‘The Search pane appears showing the default search name and description followed by the search criteria form. Note ‘The software ships with Item ID selected as the default search. The Item ID search form has only the Item ID box for criteria. (Optional) On the Search pane toolbar, click 17 to select a search from the list of search types ‘The search form with the criteria for the selected type appears in the Search pane (Optional) Click ™ to clear the content of all boxes on the search form ‘Type the values for the search criteria in the boxes on the search form Tip ‘You can use wildcard characters such a * and ? in the value you enter for your search criteria. Click Eto perform the search. Tip The Progress Information dialog box appears showing the progress of the search. You can click the Cancel button on this dialog box to stop the search before the processing is complete Results appear in the Search Results view. Introduction to Teameenter 7-5 Performing and managing searches 16 7.1.4 Query for dataset sequences 1 Click Search on the Teamcenter toolbar or choose Advanced from the quick search menu to display the Search pane Click Select a Search “1 in the My Teamcenter application to display the Change Search dialog box Choose System Defined Searches Select either All Sequences or Selected Sequences * All Sequences returns all previous sequences for objects that match the specified criteria. * Specific Sequence returns the specified sequence Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Performing and managing searches 7.2 Using the Search view ‘The Search view, which provides access to search functionality and a wide range of predefined search criteria queries, has a standard tab, a toolbar with options and a menu, a title, and a criteria area. 1 Search view Contains the following options: toolbar * Change search from search history © Select a Search + Re-execute search. Show results in currently open search view pane + Executes the search and displays the results in the search result view * Clear all search fields + Add Search to My Saved Searches * Organize My Saved Searches * Sort * Menu — Lock Search Introduction to Teameonter 7-7 Performing and managing searches Locks the current search criteria pane when you open an executed query. — View Search Criteria Definition Lets you view current search criteria in a query clause format. — Change Search Criteria Definition Lets administrators modify query criteria — Extended Multi-Application Search Lets you perform advanced searches spanning multiple applications. For example, you can run a Classification search with multiple applications in the target list — Preferences Launch the preferences dialog box. Note This accesses the same settings as the Window® Preferences menu command 2 Search title Indicates the name of the current search 3 Search Contains input boxes and lists of values for search criteria criteria, 7.8 Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Performing and managing searches 7.2.1 Change your search 1. In the Search pane, click the Select a Search — ~ button. ‘The Change Search dialog box appears Select a new search from the System Defined Searches or My Saved Searches categories, 3. Click OK ‘The search form with the criteria for the selected search appears in the Search pane Note ‘When you change the search, the content of the currently displayed Search pane is overwritten to display the form associated with the new search. To prevent the search criteria from being overwritten, you can choose Lock Search from the menu in the Search toolbar. Introduction to Teameonter 7-9 Performing and managing searches 740 7.2.2 Using wildcard characters Wildcard characters (*%) broaden your searches by allowing you to match single character or multiple characters occupying specific positions in a search string. Each box in the search form corresponds to an attribute of the search class This attribute can be a string, date, integer, or logical type. Wildcard characters can only be used in boxes corresponding to string attributes. Date, integer, and logical type search boxes do not support wildcard characters, Three wildcard character sets (SQL Style, UNIX Style, and Windows Style) are available and can be set using the Preferences dialog box accessed from ‘the Search view menu Preferences command Once the wildcard style has been set, it applies to all saved searches; however, it does not affect Classification searches. To enhance local metadata searches, your administrator can set the search_automatic_wildeard site preference ta automatically add the asterisk (*) character os a prefix, suffix, or both for search criteria for all string attributes, This feature is available in all Teamcenter clients, By default, this feature is turned off. Introduction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Performing and managing searches 7.3 Saving searches You can save searches ta the My Saved Searches folder, or you can create a hierarchy of subfolders in which to save searches. Note If the Search pane is not open, you can access your saved searches from the My Saved Searches expand button » under Quick Links in the navigation pane Introduction to Teameenter 7-44 Performing and managing searches 7.3.1 Save search results to your My Saved Searches folder 1. In the Search pane, display the desired search form and set the criteria to the values for the search you want to save. Click iJ to perform the search to verify the criteria values are set accurately for the intended search results 3. Click Save ll at the top of the Search pane The Add Search to My Saved Searches dialog box appears 4. Type a unique name for the search in the Name box 5. Click OK ‘The search is saved and listed in your My Saved Searches folder, 7.42 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Performing and managing searches 7.3.2 Save search results to a subfolder of My Saved Searches 1, In the Search pane, display the desired search form and set the criteria to ‘the applicable values for the search you want to save Click iJ to perform the search to verify the criteria values are set accurately for the intended search results 3. Click Save ll at the top of the Search pane The Add Search to My Saved Searches dialog box appears 4. Type a unique name for the search in the Name box 5. Click the Create In button ‘The Add Search to My Saved Searches dialog box expands to show the saved searches folders. 6. Select a folder to save the search in or, if you want to create a new folder, select a folder to create the new folder in and click New Folder A new subfolder is created in the selected folder. With the new subfolder selected, click Rename and type a new name for the subfolder. 7. Click OK ‘The saved search is listed in the subfolder of the My Saved Searches folder structure on the Change Search dialog box. ‘The saved search is also listed in the navigation pane under Quick Links in My Saved Searches Introduction o Teamcenter 7-43 Performing and managing searches 74 My Saved Searches Searches saved from the Search pane are listed in the My Saved Searches menu in the Quick Links section on the navigation pane. They are also listed in the My Saved Searches folder in the Change Search dialog box 7.44 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Performing and managing searches 7.4.1 Perform a saved search 1, Expand the My Saved Searches menu » in the Quick Links section in the navigation pane Select a saved search ‘The search criteria for the saved search appears in the Search pane. The results of the search appear in the Search Results view. Introduction 0 Teamcenter 7-48 Performing and managing searches 146 7.4.2 Customize saved searches 1 Click the My Saved Searches text in the Quick Links section on the navigation pane The Customize My Saved Searches dialog box appears Select a saved search from the list of saved searches. Use the buttons to delete x, rename i, or reorder v the saved searches. Click Apply to accept your changes; OK to accept your changes and close the dialog box, or Cancel to discard changes and close the dialog box Introduction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Performing and managing searches 7.4.3 Share saved searches ‘You can: * Create new shared searches. * Shore existing saved searches with other users * Use saved searches that others users have shared 1. Click the Search button “ on the My Teamcenter toolbar in the rich client, In the Search view, click Select a Search — ‘The Change Search dialog box is displayed 3, Choose a search type and provide search criteria, and then click Perform Search 4. Click Add Search to My Saved Searches & The system displays the Add Search to My Saved Searches dialog box 5, Type aname for the search 6. Click Is Shared to create a shared search. 7. Click Create In to expand the dialog box to display existing saved searches and folders In the expanded area, you can create new folders, rename or delete searches or folders, or specify access privileges for searches Click OK to create the shared search. Note By default, saved searches are private. You must select Is Shared in the Add Search to My Saved Searches dialog box for others to view your saved searches Introduction to Teamcenter TAT Performing and managing searches 7.5 748 Working with search output You can © Print search results. * Lock the search pane to view results panes without overwriting search criteria. * Work with objects in search results panes that persist from session to session. © Rename and save search criteria to My Saved Searches or another folder * Compare results to the contents of your Home folder, My Worklist view, or to other recent search results. * Use the property finder formatter (PFF) to view additional data related to the objects listed in the search results Introduction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Performing and managing searches 7.5.1 Working with search results In My Teamcenter, search reaults appear in the Search Results view. Item D-(1~ 29/132), oz 1S) onoae- Reef _snec tenia forvew 1 2) onan Re_defou bled tune 1 & ononottens & T onnnmpaas & ©) onoomsomnce-hanget = & ooo Each time you execute a search, the results of the latest search appear in the Search Results view, replacing the reaults of the previous search, Right-click ‘the search name at the top of the list of search results to access the shortcut, menu Tis ID-(1 30/152) 9x 2 Coe H Cese a Ravan (B Reftesh Conpare To > [il $270 scare recut, facto my savas searches bint Prope > From this menu, you can perform various actions on the search results including assigning the objects to a project and comparing the results to those of another search Introduction 0 Teamcenter 7-48 Performing and managing searches 7.5.2 Using the Search Results view The Search Results view provides a listing of objects that satisfy the search criteria. 1 Search Results view toolbar io Search title 3 Search Results view page toolbar 7.20. Introduction to Teameonter [1 " ogoon- Rea sefal_ spec enplte ‘8% cco002 6% afte elate ‘9 © coo0sdoe3 ‘2 i ons drures 2 onan ms a Contains the following options: Rerun current search + Show Previous Searches + Select PFF + Refresh property formatter search + Edit property formatter + Run Adhoc from Property Formatter * Menu® Preferences Indicates the name of the current search and the number of items returned, Contains the following options: Previous page * Next page + Load all * Show Note ‘The Show option is available only when thumbnails are enabled 1Mr25100_s_0890 Performing and managing searches If thumbnails are enabled, options are Tree, to display the standard tree view, and Thumbnail, to display Small, Medium, and Large thumbnail graphics Search Lists objects that meet search criteria, results Introduction to Teamoenter 7-24 Performing and managing searches 12 7.5.3. Navigate the search results and adjust the display setting When you run a search, the total number of objects found and the relative position of the displayed objects within that total appears at the top of the search results. Item ID-(1~ 80/127) 4—~Number of items = —Novigational buttons Item ID (1) ¢— Search results (version) standard_thread_inch “5 cap_screw_cb_inch * You can see the number of items displayed (for example, 1 ~ 30) and the total number of items found (for example, 127) * You can move back and forth through the results by clicking the navigational buttons and load all buttons located in the search results pane * You can see the search results version (for example, 1). When searches are run multiple times, the version number distinguishes each result, * To set the number of objects loaded in a search results pane, choose Edit® Options and select Search. Click the General Options tab and adjust the gauge for the Set Loading Page Size option Introduction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Performing and managing searches 7.5.4 Renaming search results Ifyou plan to keep a search open in your My Teamcenter window for an extended period of time, or if you have multiple queries open, renaming the search reaults is a convenient way to make your My Teamcenter window more manageable Introduction to Teamcenter 7-23 Performing and managing searches 7.5.5 Rename search results 1, Right-click the search name at the top of the list of search results. ‘The Explorer Popup Menu appears Select Rename from the menu. 3, Type anew name for the search results. 4, Press Enter. ‘The name of the search is changed to reflect the new name 7.24 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Performing and managing searches 7.5.6 Close search results Note Search results that have not been saved to a folder are lost when you close the pane 1, Right-click the search name at the top of the list of search results. ‘The Explorer Popup Menu appears Select Close to close the current search or select Close All to close all open searches Introduction to Teamcenter 7-25 Performing and managing searches 7.6 Compare search results 1 7.28 Introduction to Teameonter Execute the applicable search to display the search results list you want to compare. Right-click the search name at the top of the list of search results, ‘The Explorer Popup Menu appears Select Compare To to access a list of open searches ‘* Select an open item from the list or, if the list is extensive, from the expanded list under the More option. * If the number of open items is difficult to navigate from the menu list, select Compare to Search Result List ‘The Compare To dialog box appears. You can use this dialog box to scroll through the open items and make a selection Select a search name from the Compare To list or dialog box ‘The Compare Report dialog box appears showing the contents of the selected search results, Differences between the components in the selected search results lists are highlighted in green, identical objects have a transparent background, and the object currently selected is highlighted in blue pr 1D OO) =n 4 Fy oovizsPatz_adnn 4% nou 25-9art eng 3% onol2sayien01 -% 001 27-Asm ba % onni204 3% o00i2t-Press 3% 000122 Propt 31% 000124-Conpe of ouoizeparatze 2 lo ovterence [4\/4)>) Dbl terres oF 73 Mii) Bl stot afcent cin) fund Dotens| 'Mr25100_s 0300 Performing and managing searches 5, (Optional) Browse the differences using the navigation buttons at the lower-right corner of each pane This can be useful when comparing components containing a large number of objects 6. (Optional) Select the Differences check box to display only the differences between the components 7. Click Close to exit the dialog box. Introduction to Teamcenter 7-27 Performing and managing searches 7.7 Printing search results You can * Print a snapshot of the search results tree * Print the properties of an object in the search results tree 7-28 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Performing and managing searches 7.7.1 Print a snapshot of the search results tree 1, Right-click the search name at the top of the list of search results. ‘The Explorer Popup Menu appears Select Print The Print dialog box appears 3. (Optional) Modify the print options and properties, 4, Click OK The list of objects in the search results tree is printed. If the tree displays all of the results, all results are printed. If the tree only displays one page of results, only that page is printed Introduction 0 Teamcenter 7-28 Performing and managing searches 7.8 720 Running reports Teamcenter provides a number of standard report designs that you can use to extract information and generate reports based on saved queries of the database. For example, you can generate a report to show * Allitems ofa specified type that have achieved a particular release status. * Information, such as name, address, and employee number for specific users in your organization ‘The report generation wizard in My Teamcenter guides you through the steps required to generate a report including: * Selecting a design format * Specifying the information you want to extract from the database * Choosing an output format. In addition to the standard report designs, Teamcenter administrators can create custom reports using Report Builder. Introduction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Performing and managing searches 7.8.1 Examples of reports Business Objects Details hitb Obie Oring Orang Ree cant Bt becomes Bata fms-05- (0s. en jos Bag | lsrezoeaez psrzzoease. Several reports are provided with Teamcenter Report name Description ‘Admin Employee Information Admin GroupiRole Membership Admin Item Ownership Admin Items By Status Admin Object Ownership Admin Objects By Status Business Objects Details Item Revision Structure Information Returns employee information of a specified person/user Returns membership information for a specific group/role Retums items of a specified type that are owned by a specified user/group. Retums items of a specified type released to a specified status. Retums objects of a specified type that are owned by a specified user/group. Returns objects of a specified type released to a specified status, This is a sample COTS report to display any business object details Provides the hierarchical information of the item revision. Introduction toTramoenter 7-34 Performing and managing searches 7.8.2 Generate a Report Builder report Report Builder reports are created from saved or dynamic queries, When you select a Report Builder report from a list of available reports, you are prompted to input query criteria. 1, In My Teamcenter, choose Tools—-Reports—-Report Builder Reports ‘The system displays the Report Generation Wizard If no reports are listed, no reports have been created by your system administrator. Select a report, 3. Click Next. 4, Fill in criteria for the query. Only the objects that match the query are placed into the report, 5. Ifyou want to choose the format for the report, click the arrow in the Report Stylesheet box to select a style sheet. 6, Ifyou want to save the report as a file, select Create Dataset and type aname in the Dataset Name box 7. Click Finish Ifyou did not choose a style sheet, the report is displayed in your default XML application. If you chose an HTML spreadsheet, the report is displayed in a Web browser If you saved the report as dataset, the report is saved in your default Home folder, for example, Newstuff. 7.92 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Performing and managing searches 7.8.3 Generate an item report on a Teamcenter object Generate an item report from My Teamcenter by choosing one or more Teamcenter objects, such as an item revision. Only objects with associated reports have report definitions displayed in the selection wizard. When you select an item report from a list of available reports, you may be prompted for additional parameters 1, In My Teamecenter, choose a Teamcenter object, such as an item revision. 2, Right-click the object and choose Generate Report ‘The system displays the Report Generation Wizard If no reports are listed, no reports have been created by your system administrator for the selected object type. Teamcenter has standard item report definitions for item revisions. 8. Select an item report. 4. Click Next. 5, Fill in criteria for the query. Only the objects that match the query are placed into the report, 6. To select the display locale, select the locale from the Report Locale list. play 7. Ifyou want to choose the format for the report, click the arrow in the Report Stylesheet box ta select a style sheet. Ifyou want to save the report as a file, select Create Dataset and type aname in the Dataset Name box 9. Click Finish Ifyou did not choose a style sheet, the report is displayed in your default XML application. If you chose an HTML spreadsheet, the report is displayed in a Web browser If you saved the report as a dataset, the report file is saved in your default Home folder, for example, Newstuff. Introduction o Teamcenter 7-98 Performing and managing searches 7.8.4 Item report examples ItemRevision Master Form Data Form Dita Lat Tie Revicin| Ovest Oraing Ong Crean ‘Ue eer ses Tevet ID) MD | Name CHT se Group Date Med Baie 0 Data Data Dae mlaiks 7009.03. 1 anus lms tems 0805 cn00.03 2 Chase A tne nena iin Pate as 5 (GOOKIR Henman eden Hearne 2005.05. 500.08 Mow omareaee OoTe200402 Several item reports are provided with Teamcenter. Report name Description ECO Details Report Returns engineering change order details for the specified item revision ECO Signoff Details Returns engineering change order signoff details for the specified item revision. Item Revision master form Shows the data of the master forms associated data with the item revisions. PS BOM Structure Retums unpacked BOM information for a specified item revision 7.94 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 7.9 Acti Performing and managing searches ies In the Forforming and managing searches section, do the following activities: Perform an advanced search. Rename and save a search. Generate a report of items by status. Generate a BOM structure report, Perform a search for checked-out objects Introduction to Teamcenter 7-98 Performing and managing searches 7.10 Summary The following topics were taught in this lesson + Performing queries * Viewing search results * Generating reports on Teamcenter data 7.98 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Lesson Navigating the relation hierarchy of an object Purpose ‘The purpose of this lesson is to view and navigate the relation hierarchy of an object Objectives After you complete this lesson, you should be able to * Navigate the relation hierarchy of an object in the Relation Browser view. + Review the properties of an object in the Properties view. * View the 2D preview image of any node in the hierarchy with an associated 2D preview image * Identify the location of the selected node within the overall object relation hierarchy using the Graph Overview view + Perform where-referenced and where-used searches Help topics Additional information for this lesson can be found in. * Rich Client Interface Guide Introduction to Teameonter 4 Navigating the relation hierarchy of an object 8.1 a2 Getting started ‘The Relation Browser view is part of the Relation Browser perspective. The Relation Browser view lets you traverse relationship hierarchies in either direction and supports the inversion of the current selection in the Impact Analysis view in My Teamcenter In conjunction with the Image Thumbnail Preview, Graph Overview, and Properties views, you use the Relation Browser view to perform basic tasks including: * Browsing object relations * Viewing 2D images * Locating an object graphically in a map of relations + Examining the properties of a selected object Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Navigating the relation hierarchy of an object 8.2 Access Relation Browser Access the Relation Browser perspective using one of the following methods * Click Relation Browser in the navigation pane Note Depending on your configuration, Relation Browser may appear as primary application, a secondary application, or as an available application. * Choose Window® Open Perspective® Relation Browser. © Select an item in the Folders pane and right-click and choose Send To® Relation Browser. Note In any perspective, you can choose Window® Show Browser or any of the associated Image Thumbnail Preview, Properties, and Graph Overview views Introduction to Teameenter 89 Navigating the relation hierarchy of an object 8.3 ea Relation Browser user interface ‘The Relation Browser perspective displays four views. aoe oly. es (% 3001/a51-Steer gear 1 Relation Browser view 2 Image Thumbnail Preview view 3 Graph Overview view 4 Properties view Introduction to Teamoonter > ‘When you send an item to the Relation Browser view, it becomes the root node in that view. ‘When a selected node has an associated 2D preview image, the preview image is displayed in the Image Thumbnail Preview view ‘When you zoom in on a complicated graph in the Relation Browser view, the Graph Overview view shows your display location within the graph. You can pan around the display in the Graph Overview view to examine other objects. ‘When you select an object in the Relation Browser view, the Properties view displays properties of the object. 1Mr25100_s_0890 Navigating the relation hierarchy of an object 8.4 Using the Relation Browser view ‘The Relation Browser view displays objects related to selected nodes EE (9% 3500_##B;1-Chasss ASM a, @ s000_##- crass As Use the Relation Browser view to traverse relationship hierarchies. Double-click a node, or right-click the node and use shortcut menu commands, to browse further related objects one level at a time Use the Relation Browser View Menu ™ to select the Orthogonal layout or the Hierarchie layout and orientation, and to specify the Default context or the Traceability context. Use zoom in “4, zoom out “4, and fit content buttons to adjust the view. The type aymbol and object string associated with each node represents the component on the graph. If any node has an associated 2D preview image, the preview image can be displayed as a thumbnail image along with the text string in the Relation Browser view layout. The 2D preview image associated with the selected node also appears in the Image Thumbnail Preview view. Right-click a node in the Relation Browser view to access the shortcut menu commands associated with the object type In addition to the standard shortcut commands for the object type, the Expand Predecessors, Expand Successors, Collapse Predecessors, Introduction to Teameenter 85 Navigating the relation hierarchy of an object and Collapse Successors menu commands are available in the Relation Browser view. + Ench node in the Relation Browser view can have predecessors and successors based on the application with which the object is associated You can select an object and use the applicable shortcut menu commands to expand or collapse predecessors and successors. For example, an application can show predecessors as where-referenced objects and can show successors by showing default children context. 86 Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Navigating the relation hierarchy of an object 8.5 Using the Image Thumbnail Preview view The Image Thumbnail Preview view displays 2D images related to the selected node inage ThurbnalFreview 230 The Image Thumbnail Preview view supports raster images only, such a8 bitmap (bmp), JPEG (jpg, jpeg), and TIFF (.tif, .tiff) files, Vector formats are not supported. Introduction to Teameonter 7 Navigating the relation hierarchy of an object 8.6 Using the Graph Overview view ‘The Graph Overview view identifies the location of the nodes displayed in the Relation Browser view, within the overall relation hierarchy of the rot object. WE crap Overview eo When you select an object in the navigation pane, the Relation Browser view and the Graph Overview view display the newly selected object as the root object. * When you zoom in on anode or area of the graph in the Relation Browser view, the Graph Overview view shows the location of the area within the overall hierarchy of the root object. Drag the view box in the Graph Overview view to examine other objects in the Relation Browser view. 88 Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Navigating the relation hierarchy of an object 8.7 Using the Properties view ‘The Properties view provides on adaptable listing of property values for the selected object. BE creph overview Property vue 4] a es ‘Abecute Transformation Matric 0100-10000 100.17875 0.00499... AllNotes UG ENTITY HANDLE, UG HAME,UG REF SET — ‘etachments ‘onco%abe, oon0%abf, opodateD bol det_oce_xform _0.000o09aco000000, 1.ocoo0a0a00000, blrev.lost yelease status Released blrevtelease statuses Released CoM Line 9500/8 1- Rack OM Line Bare ‘3502)8)1-Race OM Line Tle 9502/81 Rack Che Teen 3502 2 ‘The Properties view menu includes the following commands also available the Properties view toolbar + © show Categories Sort and display properties in categories, For example, properties with assigned values are listed separately from Unassigned properties + 3? show Advanced Properties Display all properties When the properties for a checked-out node appear in the Properties view, you can edit the values for properties with appropriate permissions. Click in the property box to begin editing, the Restore Default Values = button is available Introduction to Teamconter on es Navigating the relation hierarchy of an object 8.8 a10 Where-referenced and where-used searches In addition to locating your data, you can also perform where-used searches and where-referenced searches, These searches are available in the Impact Analysis view. Search Text CS Where: Used v De > 3 fs) * Where-referenced searches determine where a part or component is referenced within the Teamcenter database. The database objects that include a reference to the item or item revision are found + Where-used searches enable you to identify all assemblies that contain, or use, a particular item or item revision. All assemblies that contain, or use, an item or item revision are found. Using these searches, you can determine the effect that modifying an item or item revision have on assemblies and database objects, You can assess the impact of engineering changes to the product structure and determine if changes in one assembly affect other assemblies Introduction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Navigating the relation hierarchy of an object 8.8.1. Perform a graphical where-referenced search 1 Select the Impact Analysis view. Select an object in the tree view. ‘The selected object appears in the Impact Analysis view. Select Referenced from the Where option list, located in the upper left area of the pane Select a depth level from the Depth option list Search Text Referenced v ‘One Level =e) Seen Se [ts] All Levels [Top Level Fle) * One Level Reports only immediate parent components of the object. Note With this level selected, you also have the option to set the Type and Relation filters, * AllLevels Reports all parent components of the object, up to the top-level directory. + Top Level Reports only the top-level component. (Optional) If you selected a depth of one level, you can also select a search filter from the Type and Relation options Double-cl 1k the object in the view pane to activate the search, Introduction to Teameenter 44 Navigating the relation hierarchy of an object a Search Text Referenced Vv 32 ts & 4500-Model Car ‘Where Referenced Options Type: Relation i CorParts-#- SB; 4500-Nodel Car The object and the objects by which it is referenced are displayed in graphical format. The results can be used as the basis for another where-used or where-referenced search, or they can be formatted and printed Introduction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Navigating the relation hierarchy of an object Perform a where-referenced search using the Referencers print wizard 1. Select the Impact Analysis view. 2. Select an object in the tree view. ‘The selected object appears in the Impact Analysis view. 3, Select the Where-Used/Referenced Report option from the menu in the upper-right of the Impact Analysis view. ; Search Text ‘Open By Name [view Menu © Sp Reverse Horizontal Layout Ei Nertical Layout & 4500-Model Car Fa ree Layout ‘Where Referenced Options type: [I Relation ‘The Referencers Print Wizard dialog box appears showing the first step of the wizard 4, Select the Where Referenced option. 5. Click Next Step 2 of the wizard appears in the dialog box 6. Select a depth level One Level Reports only the immediate parent component of the object. All Levels Reports all parent components of the object, up to the top-level directory. Top Level Reports only the top-level parent component, 7. Click Next Step 3 of the wizard appears in the dialog box In this step, the object to be used as the basis of the search is shown along with report generation options. Select a report generation option Introduction to Teamcenter 43 Navigating the relation hierarchy of an object Generate Presents the where-referenced results in HTML format HTMLIText in the Print dialog box, From this window, you can report format the report and either print it or save it to a file Generate the Presents the where-referenced results in tree format structure report in the Report dialog box 9. Click Yes ‘The where-referenced search is generated and the results are displayed At this point, you can format, save, or print your report. 844 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Navigating the relation hierarchy of an object 8.8.2 Where-used search overview Where-used searches let you identify all the assemblies that contain an item or item revision. You can do this to assess the impact of engineering changes to the product structure or to check if changes in one assembly affect other assemblies ‘There are two methods of performing where-used searches, + The first method produces a graphical representation of the assembly or assemblies in which the item or item revision is used * The second method uses the Referencers Print wizard and produces 0 report of the where-used results Awhere-used search can take into account the revision rule when searching the product structures, and you can choose one of the following outputs * Allrevisions Reports all item revisions that have an occurrence of the source item revision. This search result displays all combinations of usage that can possibly occur; when a particular set of revision rules is applied not all paths moy be realized. * Only the revision configured by a selected revision rule The search result is filtered to include only those revisions configured by the selected revision rule Note Revision rules and status are explained in later lessons, Introduction to Teamcenter 848 Navigating the relation hierarchy of an object 18 Perform awhere-used search to display a graphical result 1 Select an item or item revision in a component or details view. In My Teamcenter, select the Impact Analysis view. Select Used from the Where option list, located in the upper left of the pane Select a rule from the Rule list. This rule provides parameters to locate the assemblies in which the item or item revision is used, Revision rules are made up of sequential lists of entries, each of which is evaluated to obtain a configured revision of the item, For example, if you select the Latest Working rule, only the latest working revision of the assembly is retrieved. Released assemblies and earlier versions of the assembly are not retrieved when this rule is selected Select one of the following depth levels from the Depth list located in the bottom-right corner of the window Search Text SO % Where: | Used (Depth: |One Level v see Pee | 38% fattevet cpterel ol#] | * One Level Reports only immediate parent components of the object. + All Levels Reports all parent components of the object, up to the top-level directory. + Top Level Reports only the top-level component. Double-click the object to start the search © If the item or item revision is not part of an assembly that matches the selected revision rule, the system displays a message to that effect, * If the item or item revision is part of a configured assembly, the structure is displayed in graphical format Introduction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Navigating the relation hierarchy of an object p18 Ba ® 3600-Front ASM a Rue Disney: (bec Corte by i] « [teres | Christos © 480/431 Model Cer- R s800_# 4 fa; L-Model Car ‘The results can be used as a basis for another where-used or where-referenced search or they can be formatted and printed Introduction to Teamcenter 847 Navigating the relation hierarchy of an object Perform awhere-used search to create a text or HTML report 1, Select an item or item revision in the tree or Details table 2, In My Teamcenter, select the Impact Analysis view. 3, In My Teamcenter, choose the Where-UsedlReferenced Report menu command. Search Text ‘Open By Name [view Menu © Sp Reverse Horizontal Layout Ei Nertical Layout & 4500-Model Car Fa ree Layout ‘Where Referenced Options type: [I Relation a. Select the Where Used option to generate a where-used report and click Next. b. Select one of the following Depth level options and click Next * One Level Reports only immediate parent components of the object. * All Levels Reports all parent components of the object, up to the top-level directory. * Top Level Reports only the top-level component. c. Select a Where-Used rule and click Next. ‘The Where-Used rule provides parameters to locate the assemblies in which the item or item revision is used. For example, if you select the Latest Working rule, only the latest working revision of the assembly is retrieved. Released assemblies and earlier versions of the assembly are not retrieved when the Latest Working rule is selected. Note Revision rules and status are explained in later lessons 848 Introduction toTeameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Navigating the relation hierarchy of an object d, Select the item or item revision properties to include in the report and click Next. The system displays the item or item revision and selected revision rule that will be the basis of the search, together with report generation options. Note ‘The preselected properties are those used when you last ran the wizard, You can change them as necessary. 4. Confirm that the required items, item revisions, and revision rules are shown correctly, and then choose a report generation option * Generate the HTMLIText report Presents the where-used results in HTML format in the Print dialog box. From this dialog box, you can format the report and either print it or save it to a file. © Generate the structure report Presents the where-used results in tree format, 5. Click Yes ‘Teamcenter runs the where-used search and displays the resulta, At this point, you can format, save, and print your report. * (Optional) Change the print format — HTML Displays results in the default print format. — HTML Table Displays results in tabular format. This improves readability for large reports. — Text Format Displays results as text. * (Optional) Format the report by performing the following steps a. Click Set Result Format '? in the upper-right comer of the Print dialog box Teamcenter displays the Print Format dialog box. The formatting options vary depending on the type of object selected and whether you ore printing in HTML, HTML table or text format. Introduction 0 Teamcenter 848 Navigating the relation hierarchy of an object b. Modify the result format. c. Click Update 4, Close the Print Format dialog box 6. To save or print the report, complete the appropriate process * Print a text or HTML file a. Click Print ~ b. Define the printer to which the file will be sent. You can accept the default printer that is displayed in the Name box or select a different printer from the list c. Click OK to print the file and exit the dialog box. d. Click Close to exit the Print dialog box. * Save output to an HTML or text file a. Click the Save button W (located in the lower-right corner of the Print dialog box) The Save dialog box appears b. Navigate to the directory location where you want to save the file c. Type the name of the file, including the .htm, .html, or .txt extension, in the File name box. d. Click Save to save the file and exit the dialog box. e, Click Close to exit the Print dialog box. 820 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 8.9 Navigating the relation hierarchy of an object Acti ity In the Navigating the relation hierarchy of an object section, do the following activity: * View and navigate a relation hierarchy, © Perform where-used and where-referenced searches Introduction to Tramoenter 24 Navigating the relation hierarchy of an object 8.10 Summary The following topics were taught in this lesson * Navigating the relation hierarchy of an object in the Relation Browser view + Reviewing the properties of an object in the Properties view * Viewing the 2D preview image of any node in the hierarchy with an associated 2D preview image * Identifying the location of the selected node within the overalll object, relation hierarchy using the Graph Overview view * Performing where-referenced and where-used searches 822 Introduction to Teameonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Lesson Course summary Course objectives ‘The overall objectives of this course were to become familiar with the rich client user interface and learn the basics of using the Teamcenter software. To learn the basic concepts of product lifecycle management. To use the rich client user interface to perform basic user tasks To create and work with Teamcenter items and item revisions To organize, manage, and secure product data To use various navigation methods to locate, view, and report on product data Introduction to Teameonter 94 Appendix A Applying data security practices Purpose ‘The purpose of this lesson is to learn how data is secured and access is controlled when working in a collaborative product data management environment. Objectives After you complete this lesson, you should be able to * Identify your group and role * Change your group and role setting * Check in and check out data. * View data access settings. Help topics Additional information for this lesson can be found in * Getting Started with Teamcenter * Rich Client Interface Guide Introduction to Teamoenter Act Applying data security practices Ad User groups and roles Your account is set up by your application administrator. The account includes the following * Person Name ‘Your actual name and e-mail address © User ID Your Teamcenter account name Your application administrator also sets up the necessary groups in Teamcenter. * A user may be in multiple groups * One group is designated as your default group. * Inside a group, you (as a user) can perform multiple roles 2 Introuetion to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Applying data security practices ‘The user name, group, and role for the logged-on user appears in the My Teamcenter window, as shown in the following example ‘Wayne, Joan (jwayne) body Design Engineer (default) Grou Rol Group = training Role =Author Role=Consumer In this example, the person name is Joan Wayne. The user name for this person is jwayne Joan is in two groups, body and training Inside the body group, Joan performs the Design Engineer role * Inside the training group, Joan fulfills the Author and Consumer roles Introduction to Teamcenter 3 Applying data security practices AAA Key points about groups and roles Groups and roles can be applied to * Manage data access privileges (read, write, and delete) per group and role * Define and control review/approve processes based on group and role. * Organize data according to which group created it. A Introuction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Applying data security practices 1.2. Change your group and role setting Typically you work in your default group and role and the data you create is owned by that group, During a logon session, you may need to change your group or role, so you can find and access data owned by another group 1. Choose Edit® User Setting ‘The User Settings dialog box appears eee Sarai a ue ean Engneer 2, Ifnecessazy, click Session 3, Select the desired group and role setting from the respective menus Note Only the groups of which you are a member and your possible roles are available for selection 4, Click OK Introduction to Toamcenter—&S Applying data security practices AA.3. Set your default group and role You can set the group and role you typically work in as the default setting This is used by the system at logon 1. Choose Edit® User Setting ‘The User Settings dialog box appears 2, Click Login, if necessary. See T isan setaras ‘Senn ORCC ody % Login Def oie: | Rew | cxaunae: Ea ih pres wor 3. Set your default group and role. + In the Default Group box, select the default group for logon Note Only the groups of which you are a member are available for selection. ‘+ In the Default Role section of the dialog box, select the default role for the group Note If desired, you can select a default role for each of the groups you are a member 4. Click OK Note ‘You can also change your password from the User Settings dialog box by clicking the Change Password button A Introuction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Applying data security practices A.2 Checking data into and out of the database You can check objects into and out of the Teamcenter database, reserving exclusive access and preventing the data from being modified by other users, Teamcenter database Check-Out Check-In Locks object so only Releases the lock, allows you can modify it others access to the object \ a 7 * The Check-Out option locks an object in the database so that only you can modify it. * The Check-In option releases the lock, allowing other users to access the object * Only your administrator can circumvent the security that the checkout function provides A checkout is either explicit or implicit * Explicit checkout occurs when you use a menu command or button to check outan object. You must then choose to check in the object when you are finished with your modifications * Implicit checkout occurs when you open a dataset from Teamcenter, typically by double-clicking the object Implicit checkout only occurs if the object is not already checked out. Checkin occurs automatically when you close the document. Introduction to Toamcenter eT Applying data security practices ‘The following objects can be checked into and out of the database © Folders © Items and item revisions * Datasets ° Forms * BOM views and BOM view revisions A Introuction to Teamconter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Applying data security practices 2.1 Using explicit checkout When you check out an object by using the Check-In/Out commands on the Tools menu, or when you use the Check-Out and Edit button in a view, you explicitly check the object out of the database. Explicit checkout ensures exclusive modification access to an object You define the checkout directory by choosing Edit~-Options and setting the General Check-In/Check-Out options. To explicitly check out an object, the following conditions must be met * The object must not be checked out by another user * You must have write access to the object. * The object cannot be archived Introduction to Teamcenter—&9 Applying data security practices a0 A.2.2 Using implicit checkout When you double-click a dataset object in Teamcenter, the aystem automatically creates an implicit checkout to ensure that two processes are not allowed to simultaneously update the dataset, Implicit checkout differs from explicit checkout in the following ways * Implicit checkout is automatic and occurs when you open a dataset for modification. When the modifications are completed, the dataset is automatically checked back into the database * You cannot use a menu command to initiate an implicit checkout operation. * Implicit checkout actions are not logged in a history file * Users included on notification lists are not notified when implicit checkout takes place * An implicit checkout in the Viewer view is released when you select a different object while the Viewer view is active, The checkout lock is not released if you only select another view such as the Summary or Details view Note ‘The implicit checkout lock is released automatically when you return to Viewer and close the object, or select another object to open in the Viewer view. Introduction to Teamscenter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Applying data security practices A.2.3. Check out an object 1 Select objects in the My Teamcenter tree or a BOM line in Structure Manager. Choose Tools—-Check-In/Out® [Check-Out The system displays the Check-Out dialog box 3) Check-Out If you want to check out only those objects displayed in the dialog box (no attachments or component objects), go to step 5 (Optional) Check out component objects or attachments along with the selected objects a. Click Explore Selected Component(s) ¥ © check Out [1% 2210 Fhe Sector Rue Wee eaten UchASTER —[peencatins UGPaRT pert Introduction to Toamcenter M4 Applying data security practices The system displays the component structure of the selected object in the Explore dialog box along with a pane for defining rules that determine which related objects are included b. Select the related objects, using one of the following methods: * By individual selection Select the check box corresponding to the component in the tree * By selecting all components Click Select all component(s) pi located beneath the tree D Explore “Hedin ules Tee Relation UgwasTeR — Spectiatns SD z0-8 US ART Specifications © tersMasters oe Pa zzs0%e Fa Menitestszens 5. Click Yes (in the Check-Out dialog box) to check out the selected objects. If an error occurs during the process, the error button @ in the right margin of the dialog box (opposite the object) is displayed, You can double-click the error button to display details about the error. The checkout symbol [4 next to the object indicates that the process was successfully completed AA2 Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Applying data security practices A.2.4 Check in an object 1 Select one or more objects that are currently checked out or select a checked-out BOM line in Structure Manager. ‘The Check-In option unlocks objects in the database, including assemblies in Structure Manager, that were previously checked out, Choose Tools—Check-InOut—-Check-In The Check-In dialog box appears. If you want to check in only those objects displayed in the dialog box (no attachments or component objects), go to step 5 (Optional) Check in component objects or attachments along with the selected objects a. Click Explore Selected Component(s) ¥ The system displays the component structure of the selected object in the Explore dialog box along with a pane for defining rules that determine which related objects are included pei pect b. Select the related objects, using one of the following methods: Introduction to Teameenter AAAS Applying data security practices ats * By individual selection Select the check box corresponding to the component in the tree * By selecting all components Click Select all component(s) i located beneath the tree D Explore [1 2107 Whoo ection Fules FB 22101616 4ecl = ete > Geena USvASTER Spectr BL zie USART ——Specficatins 2 Bitemtosters ‘eer __‘oeditotine Poe ato SaWantesatene & 5. Click Yes (in the Check-In dialog box) to check in the selected objects The button in the right margin of the dialog box (opposite the object) indicates whether the process was successfully completed If an error occurs during the process, the error button @ is displayed for that object Introduction to Teamscenter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Applying data security practices A.2.5 Transfer checkout to another user 1. Select an object that has been checked out of the database 2, Choose Tools—-Check-In/Out—-Transfer Check-Out. ‘The system displays the Transfer Check-Out dialog box Sane oe New User: 3. Click List of Values © to search for a user. ‘The system displays the List of Values dialog box. yireantey Nalue: | Cuddy belison) Ardea, Mara (randhet asia Fran (fastare) Baker, Bobby (baker) bal, Ler dal] Burns, Georgia (gburrs) j5urton, 23y (burton) Search) [79 values Feund(1-50 shovin) 4, Select a user name from the list, and click OK. The system closes the dialog box, and the user is designated as the New User to whom checkout will be transferred. 5. Click Yes to transfer checkout Introduction to Teameenter AAS Applying data security practices a6 Introduction to Teamscenter arenes: son [Andrew Warie 1Mr25100_s_0890 Applying data security practices A.26 Canceling a checkout request ‘You can select a dataset that is checked out and right-click to choose the Check-In/Out--Cancel Check-Out... command The system displays the Cancel Check-Out confirmation dialog box. * Click Yes to cancel the checkout * Click No to stop the cancellation operation. Note ‘The Cancel Check-Out command cancels only explicit dataset checkout, Introduction toTeameenter AAT Applying data security practices Ae A.2.7 View the checkout history of an object Sere eA iene y) (Pp 1100_##/A2-Wheel Cover DatejTime 2010-08-04 15:36:57 User |ware, Connie (cware) Activity (Check-out Change ID | Comments 2010-08-04 15:37:41 ware, Connie (cware) (Check-in 1. Select the object in the tree and choose Tools—-Check-In/Out—-Check-Out History The system displays the Check-Out History dialog box containing the following information * Date and time of each checkout transaction + Name of the user who performed the checkout © Status of each transaction: checkin, checkout, transfer checkout, or cancel checkout * Change ID and comments 2, Click Close to exit the Check-Out History dialog box Introduction to Teamscenter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Applying data security practices A3 Controlling data access and ownership Managing object protection and ownership is crucial in a distributed-computing environment. Because workspace objects represent actual product information in the database, they must be protected from unauthorized or accidental access, modification, and deletion. Teamcenter implements two different tiers of data protection. Rules-based Rules-based protection is configured by your protection administrator and includes conditions or rules that control access to objects. These rules affect your entire Teamcenter site and are enforced by the Access Manager (AM) Object-based Object-based protection uses access control lists (ACL) protection to create exceptions to rules-based protection on an object-by-object basis. Object ACLs are most useful for either granting wider access or limiting access ta. a specific object. Introduction to Teameenter AAAS Applying data security practices A.3.1 Rules-based protection Rules provide security for your Teamcenter data by: * Controlling access to data on a global basis, * Determining whether a user has permission to view or perform an action on an object. * Filtering data according to the attributes of the data * Granting privileges to the data according to the users’ IDs and their session context (the group and role they used to log on). & Accessor Apply action ACL vaid actions Evaluate rules Object To”| © Ruletree ACL object patmissions 20 Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Applying data security practices 3.2. Object-based protection Object-based protection uses access control lists (ACLs) to create exceptions to rules-based protection on an object-by-object basis, Object ACLs are most useful when you need to. * Grant wider access to a specific object. © Limit access to a specific object. SS Accessor Overide ACL. object parmissions Object Teamcenter uses ACLs to determine access to an object. Users with proper permissions can override the ACL for an object to grant or deny permissions for certain users but only when the rule tree allows For example, the rule tree does not allow object-based access rules to override the rules-based protection when * An object has on assigned status * The object access rule is granted in a workflow, Introduction to Teameenter 24 Applying data security practices A.3.3 Controlling object access working with ACLs ‘You work with access control lists (ACLs) to view, modify, add, or delete privileges on an object. You can grant or deny various types of access privileges on an object you own if you have the proper permissions on that object. 22 Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Applying data security practices A34 View access privileges 1, In My Teamcenter, select the object affected by the access rule and choose View—Access Tip ‘You can also right-click the object and choose Access from the shortcut menu or you can click # on the toolbar. ‘The Access dialog box appears, showing the privileges that the logged-on user has to the selected object. Ps 0 FAB Uhesl cet « tar [avec forme 3- eon) ton secs of wae Come (ate) erarbasg Eno aimnta soe use esgnto Rope — pachk Se change chawe Oweiip Seley ey ey % ae oni DDR Epo © P xserver Prmadnimae Hep Fitatap Soc Q ralich ov heed Gee cero Remvehom rope Sheri Tren asian Rumen pas We Casto cos os) To view privileges assigned to your other roles and groups, select the role or group from the lists in the Access dialog box. ‘The system updates the Access table to reflect the privileges of the selected group and role 3, To view the privileges of a different user, select the user, group, and role from the lists in the Access dialog box ‘The system updates the Access table to reflect the privileges of the selected user, group and role Introduction to Teameenter 23 Applying data security practices Am A35 View access privileges example In this example, you see privileges for two users for one object, To view access on a selected object, choose View—-Access ‘The Access dialog box shows the user taylor has Write, Delete, and Change privileges to the 000001/A dataset. 7 gnueoya con 2— cee at Qu) - Erne Maact Rtas Fret 5b Charo Ge Chane Onmete Ho, Cdn ee X due Boe fy Ee feng Pitaeadnn Pinte Gast | Sremosetiemrojee sukeaee By yandere eer To view the privileges of a different user, select the user, group, and role from the lists in the Access dialog box. ‘The Access dialog box shows the user smith has Write privileges but does not have Delete or Change privileges to the 000001/A dataset, 7 oue04é a- sees of eth aren) -tgronmaloesret Reson rraiee Ge cposecunets Ha, cheanyneaine copy Pte Introduction to Teamscenter ice A Boer fe rene stn Prem ston enn creed é ShemovetomPraier arent dasenieoe SB Umnage O@ 1Mr25100_s_0890 Applying data security practices A366 Add accessors and grant privileges a Select an object in a tree pane or component view and click Access the toolbar or right-click the object and choose Access on ‘The system displays the Access dialog box, showing the access properties assigned to the owner of the object. Note Master forms inherit access privileges from the parent item or item revision. Therefore, changing access privileges to an item or item revision affects the privileges on the master form. Click Get access control list. in the lower-right corner of the Access dialog box to display the ACL Control List dialog box. ‘Access Control List of 000010-Test Access ‘werd (Owning User (Owning Group (World Ka Click Add “+ to add a blanik row to the list. The system displays a blank row at the bottom of the ACL list. You can click this button more than once to add multiple entries Select the accessor type, as follows a. Double-click the blank box in the Type of Accessor \™ column to display the list of predefined accessor types, b. Choose the accessor type that you want to add to the list. Double-click the blank box in the ID of Accessor © column to access the list of predefined accessor IDs, and choose an ID from the list, Grant or deny privileges for the accessor by double-clicking in the column corresponding to the privilege you want to grant. Choose ¥ 4 granta privilege or the % to deny the privilege Introduction to Teameonter 25 Applying data security practices Note To clear a privilege box, double-click in the box and choose the blank entry. 7. Click OK to save the list 28 Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Applying data security practices 3.7 Modify access privileges on an object you own 1 Select an object in the tree or component view, and click the Access button @ on the toolbar or right-click the object and choose Access ‘The system displays the Access dialog box Note Master forms inherit access privileges from the parent item or item revision. Therefore, changing access privileges to an item or item revision affects the privileges on the master form. Click the Get access control list. button 4 in the lower-right corner of the Access dialog box. The system displays the ACL Control List dialog box. In the ACL Control List dialog box, choose the entry that you want to modify, Note ‘You can only change entries you have created or entries you have been given permission to change by the Teamcenter administrator Grant or deny privileges for the type of accessor by double-clicking in the column corresponding to the privilege you want to modify. * Select the check mark “ to grant a privilege © Select % to deny the privilege Note To clear a privilege box, double-click in the box and choose the blank entry from the list. Click OK to save the list Introduction to Teameenter AZT Applying data security practices AA Authorized data access Restricted fz") > 5 : 3 Users License a & 6 ¢@ Do 6 (Auth Doc) @ Lists License(s) License & ¢) @ Oo Authorized data access (ADA) is a generic term that applies to the configuration of Teamcenter security for intellectual property (IP) data and for data that is deemed military in nature and is, therefore, subject to International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) policies ADA controls access to classified data using user clearance and authorizing documents (licenses) that grant limited-time access to specific users or groups of users ADA facilitates data access control by * Identification of users as restricted * Identification of data as restricted * Authorization of access to restricted data by restricted users using authorizing documents, such as licenses, Technical Assistance Agreement (TAA), non-disclosure agreements, and contracts. ADA assesses validation during any access attempt by restricted user. 28 Introduction to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Applying data security practices AS Configuring authorized data access (ADA) Authorized data access (ADA) is a security solution that complements other Teamcenter security features, such as Access Manager rules and access control lists (ACLs). Authorized data access controls sensitive data through the use of data classification, user clearance, and authorizing documents. When users or groups attempt to access classified data in Teamcenter, their clearance level is evaluated against the classification of the object based on Access Manager rules. If the user or group clearance level is equal to or greater than the classification on the object, access is granted, There are three types of licenses for authorized data access: * IP license Grants discretionary access to data for a specific user for a specific period of time. Your administrator can configure the rule tree to check for a valid IP license associated with on object and user. If found, other access checks are bypassed * Exclude license A mechanism for denying users access to data for a specific period of time Your administrator can configure the rule tree to check for a valid execution license associated with an object and user. If found, other access checks are bypassed © ITAR (International Traffic in Arms) license Grants access for U.S, nationals outside the United States or foreign nationals named by an effective Technical Assistance Agreement to access protected product data, which in the United States could contain technical information that is restricted by ITAR Your administrator can configure the applying of logging and menu suppression (blocking) when classified data is loaded in Teamcenter Integration for NX An administrator with an ADA administrator role (IP Admin or ITAR Admin) uses the ADA License application to create and maintain licenses. Once created, access is either granted or denied to users and groups by associating the license directly with the data objec Introduction toTeameenter 29 Applying data security practices AG Acti ies In the Applying data security practices section, do the following activities * Change your group setting. * Use implicit and explicit checkout. * View checkout history of an object * View access privileges for an object. 90 Introductin to Teamoonter 1Mr25100_s_0890 Applying data security practices AT Summary The following topics were taught in this lesson * Identifying your group and role * Change your group and role setting * Protecting data using checkin and checkout * Viewing data access settings Introduction to Teameenter 34 Index A Access control entries (ACEs) Adding A265 Modifying AQT Adding Access control entries (ACEs) ... A25 Advanced search 15 Alias identifiers 5-21 Alternate identifiers 5-22 Application banner LT Application pane 1s Rich client 1s Applications Configuring display of 2-10 Display as primary 211 Display as secondary 211 Primary 211 Secondary 211 Authorized data access A-28-A-29 B Back and forward buttons LT Basic concepts 13 Product visualization 16 Workflow 15 Basic tasks, My Teamcenter 3-5 c Cancel checkout requests Alt Change Search ie) Check in an object A183 Check out an object All Check-Out and Edit button 43 Checkin and checkout, data AT Checkout Cancel Alt Defining checkout directory Ag Differences between implicit and explicit Alo Explicit Ag Implicit Alo Transferring Als Checkout history Als Clipboard Pasting contents 3-30 Clipboard button Description -2 Closing search results -25 Columns 419 Repositioning 417 Compare search results -26 Configuration items 7 Configure Applications button 2-9 Configure Applications menu 2-10 Configuring table panes 4165 Configuring view tables 415-416 Copying objects 3.28 Create Folder 3-20 Create item ‘Add master data 5-9 Creating Items 5-6 Creating datasets 6-5,614616 Cutting objects from the workspace 3.27 D Data Checkin and checkout AT Data model 5-8 Database objects Reference 3.25 Dataset Introduction to Teamcenter index Index Named references 638 Object behavior 62 Objects 62 Version limit 613 Versions 612 Datasets Create by drag and drop e14 Create by menu commands 65 Create by Save As 615 Default paste relations 3-29 Defining Checkout directory AS Delete Folder 3-24 Deleting objects 3-26 Dialog boxes New item 5-5 Differences between implicit and explicit checkout A-10 Displaying ‘Search results 1-19, 7-22 Drag and drop data 3-38 E Exclude licenses A298 Explicit checkout Ag Explore dialog box All, A13 Explore Selected Components option All, Als F Favorites 29 Rich client 29 Favorites folder Rename 2-28 Folder Create 3-20 Delete 3-24 Home, Newstuff and Mailbox folders 3-18 Print 3-23 Rename 3-21 Folders Working with 3-19 Form-based Index2 Introduction to Teamconter Search G Getting Started button Rich client Graph Overview view 8. Group Rich client login H History links Home folder IWant To links Rich client Identifiers Alios Alternate Attributes Image Thumbnail Preview view 8-7 Implicit checkout Information center display options, setting Information center, symbols Information center, using Interfaces Rich client IP licenses ITAR licenses, Item Relations Item identifiers, initial Item reports Rich client Item revision display Filtering Item revisions Opening Item types Items Creating Opening 1Mr25100_s_0890 Index L Licenses Exclude IP ITAR Load search results Lock search view Login, Rich client M Mailbox folder ‘Menu bar Rich client ‘Menu commands Paste Paste Special Modifying ‘Access control entries (ACEs) Object properties Relation object properties Single object properties Modifying multiple objects Modifying single object Move Objects Moving data ‘My Teamcenter Basic concepts Basic tasks Open Overview My Teamcenter (2007) user interface ‘My Teamcenter user interface N Named references Modify View Navigation pane Rich client New item dialog box Newstuff folder aber SooO i ° Object Check in Check out Object references Object references, pasting Object-based protection Objects Copying Cutting Deleting Moving Printing Open My Teamcenter Open dataset Rich client Open items Opening Item revisions Items Overview My Teamcenter P Password Rich client login Paste Outside Teamcenter Specify relation type URLs Paste command Relations Paste menu command Pasting Clipboard contents Object references Performing advanced searches Performing quick searches Perspectives Closing Opening Switch between open perspectives Preferences REEVES Beass Insroduction toTeamcenter nda: Index search_automatic_wildcard 7-10 Prefix property value an Prevent overwriting of query form content 18 Primary application buttons 1-8, 2-9 Rich client 18 Primary applications a1 Primary perspective buttons Rich client 29 Print Folder 3.28 Printing Object properties 4.28 Objects 422 Search results tree 7.28 Product visualization 15 Properties Modifying 47,49, 414 Prefixes 41 Printing 4.28 Suffixes 411 Properties dialog box 43 Properties dialog box, printing 4.28 Properties view 8-4, 5-9 Property values Find and replace 41 Q Query Cancel 15 Form lock 18 Quick links 29 Rich client 29 Quick open results Search TA Quick Open search 29 Rich client 29 Quick search TA Rich client LT R Reference Database objects 3.25 References Named 638 Index Introduction toTeameonter Relation Browser Accessing User interface Using Relation Browser view 8-4-6- Relation object properties Relation types 3-29 Relations Automatically defined 5-16 Created by Paste command 5-17 Item and item revision 5-15 Removing Columns from table pane 419 Rename Favorites folder 2-28 Folder 3-21 Rename search results 7-24 Renaming Search results 7-23 Reorder Objects 3 Report Builder 1 Report Builder reports Rich client Reports: Item reports Repositioning columns Rich client Application banner Application pane Back and forward buttons Clipboard button Configure Applications button Favorites Getting Started button History links 1 Want To links Information center Item reports Menu bar Navigation pane Open dataset Open items Primary application buttons .. 1-3, Quick links Quick Open search Pt by 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 2-81 1-38 1 9 9 9 9 9 1Mr25100_s_0890 Index Report Builder reports 7-32 Search 1 Search field LT Search results 7-20 Secondary application buttons 15, 29 Server condition symbol 19 ‘Teamcenter login 112 ‘Toolbar LT User interface condition symbol .. 1-9 Rich client interface LT Rich client perspectives Closing 25 Opening 28 Rich client perspectivesand views .. 1-10 Role Rich client login 112 Rules Definition A20 Rules-based protection A-20 s Save search results rg Saving Search results to a folder 718 Search 2-19, 7-2 Advanced 15 Change 18 Form-based 15 Quick TA Quick open results TA View 1 Wildcards 7-10 Search field LT Search results Closing 7-265 Compare 7-26 Displaying 7-19, 7-22 Printing results tree 7.28 Rename 7:24 Renaming 7-28 Save to My Saved Searches rz Saving to a folder 718 Search results view 7-20 Search type Advanced 18 Dataset Name 18 Item ID 138 Item name 138 Keyword 18 Search view Lock 19 search_automatic_wildeard preference 7-10 Searches Cancel Loading results Share saved searches Where-used Searching Wildcard support 7-10 Secondary application buttons .. 1-8, 2-9 Secondary applications 211 Selecting related components All, Als Server Rich client login 1 Server condition symbol 19 Sessions, perspectives, and applications a Sort Table data 41s Specify relation type Paste 331 Suffix property value an T Table panes Configuring 416 Removing columns 419 Tables Configure view tables data display 416 Configuring data display 4165 Repositioning columns 417 Sorting data 418 Teamcenter Search Te Search results 7-20 Teamcenter interfaces Rich client ut Teamcenter overview 13 Ineraduction to Teamcenter dex Index Teamcenter perspectives and views Teamcenter sessions Toolbar Toolbar, customizing Transferring checkout u URLs Paste User ID Rich client login User interface My Teamcenter (2007) User Interface ‘My Teamcenter User interface condition symbol User-specified relations v Versions Dataset Specify a version Version limit View Graph Overview Index Introduction to Teamconter 110 li Lt 2-95 Als 3-3 3-3 19 6-17 612 612 613 8-4 Image Thumbnail Preview 84 Relation Browser 84 View tables Applying column configuration .. 3-10 Configuring 3-10, 415-416 Copying selected data 3.1 Exporting to Excel 311 Filtering 3-10 Finding in display 3-10 Managing columns 3-10 Printing 3-10 Refresh 3-10 Saving column configuration 3-10 Sorting 3-10 Viewing Checkout history Als Views Search Te Search results 7-20 w Where-used searches $15 Wildcard Search Wildcard characters Classification search Workflow Viewer 1Mr25100_s_0890

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