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Purpose: For Decision




30 JULY 2015



Report of




The Committee, at its meeting on 19 March 2015, initiated discussions on the

processes and support required to enable town and parish councils to
undertake the delivery of discretionary services. Councillor Gill Kennett,
Chairman of the Isle of Wight Association of Town and Parish Councils
(IWALC), attended the meeting and gave an overview of the experiences of
town and parish councils on this issue.


It was decided by the Committee to seek the views of all town and parish
councils to enable a better understanding of their individual experiences.


Ten questions were compiled based upon those used in other areas of the
country where similar exercises had been undertaken. In addition the Local
Government Association/National Association of Local Councils publication
Modelling devolution working together to deliver local services assisted in
looking at the creation of improved working practices between principal
councils and local councils.


Of the 33 town and parish councils on the island 19 provided a written

response that was presented to the Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on
18 June 2015. In addition the Committee heard from representatives of
Bembridge Parish Council, Chale Parish Council, Newport Parish Council and
Yarmouth Town Council who had been invited to the meeting.


The Committee agreed to set up a task group to formulate relevant

recommendations based upon all the evidence provided. This would be aimed
at building on the things that went well with the process and seeking
improvements in other areas where difficulties have been evidenced.


The task group comprised of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the
Committee together with Councillors Geoff Lumley and Richard Priest.
Additionally as the result of the meeting on 18 June 2015 an approach was
received from Councillor Gill Kennett, Chairman of IWALC and

Emma Goldring, Clerk of Bembridge Parish Council, Maxine Yule, Clerk of

Newport Parish Council to help the task group.

A meeting took place between the task and finish group on 9 July 2015 and
was attended by Councillors Dave Stewart, Stuart Hutchinson and
Richard Priest. Councillor Geoff Lumley was unable to attend as he was
away. In addition the Chairman agreed that it would be beneficial to invite
Emma Goldring, Clerk to Bembridge Parish Council, Maxine Yule, Clerk to
Newport Parish Council and June Davison, Vice Chair of the IW Association
of Local Councils to attend.



The task and finish group looked at the following separate key issues that had
been highlighted as the result of the consultation exercise with the town and
parish councils :(a)

Value for money

Concern was expressed that the transfer of services just pushed the
same costs from the Isle of Wight Council precept to the parish/town
council precept without any cost efficiencies or more effective service
delivery. The concept of best value for money appears not to have
been factored in to the decision making process.


Detailed information on costs and service

There was a delay in supplying information for each town and parish
council regarding costs, services involved and timeframes. There was
a lack of follow up actions after initial discussions and difficulties in
being able to contact the lead council officer by telephone. Difficulties
were also encountered with the same message being delivered by both
council members and officers. The severity of the Isle of Wight
Councils financial position was not fully appreciated by all town and
parish councils.


Capacity within the Isle of Wight Council

There were capacity issues for those council officers dealing with the
proposed transfer of services. The help and advice that the town and
parish councils received was however welcomed. It was appreciated
the pressures that these were under due to the different demands
being placed upon them. The IW Association of Local Councils
indicated that it would have been easier for one officer within this
Council to act as the main contact point between all councils.
Town/parish councils were aware of the work being undertaken by the
Councils transformation team. It was believed that the skills within this
could be used to assist in the development of an effective and efficient
transfer process for services to town and parish councils.



Cluster working
There can be financial and practical benefits from partnership working.
Whilst recognising the skills and experience within each town/parish
council there should be encouragement to look at clustering/federation
to assist with the delivery of services.


Use of council assets

Town and parish councils were unsure as to what assets the Isle of
Wight Council had in each area. There was knowledge of these when
looking at the transfer of services but there was a need to widen this to
include all assets so that discussions could take place on others where
there could be an increased community benefit if these were under
more local control and management. Similarly all town and parish
councils could provide the Isle of Wight Council with a list of all their


Procurement and contract monitoring

Town and parish councils indicated that within any future framework
the process for procurement and contract management should be
included. This will ensure consistency and clarity for both those wishing
to undertake service delivery, those in receipt of the service and
compliance with standards expected.


Legal advice and documentation

One of the biggest criticisms made by town and parish councils was
the timescales for completing the necessary legal documentation for
the transfer of services/assets. Included within this was the
responsibility for the Isle of Wight Councils legal costs which in some
cases fell upon the individual town/parish council to pay in addition to
paying for their own legal costs.
There was also clarification required as to future public liability for
assets and services transferred to town/parish councils.


Pump priming and use of contingency fund.

It was noted that in some parts of the country pump priming money had
been made available to town/parish councils for the set up costs of
equipment required to undertake certain services. During initial
discussions on the transfer of services mention was made of a 2m
contingency fund being available. Details as to if and how this could be
used were not made clear.


Parish Protocol
There was discussion on the implementation of the Parish Protocol
which had been approved by the Executive on 8 April 2014. When the

Scrutiny Committee considered this matter at its meeting on 3 April

2014 it recommended That the revised protocol be supported but a
future review should include the process for town and parish councils
consulting the Council on key operational and policy issues where
services are being delivered to the public by them.
Given the transfer of services being undertaken there was a need to
undertake such a review in the light of recent practical experiences.
The town and parish councils strongly believed that many of the key
points were not being observed.
The town and parish council representatives at the meeting with the
task group referred to the motion at full council on 8 July 2015 relating
to rural bus services. They highlighted the need for them to be given
sufficient time to enable consideration to be given, by each council
affected, the ability to contribute towards the continued operation of

As the result of all the evidence provided to the task and finish group a range
of recommendations have been formulated. It is intended that once these
have been approved by the Scrutiny Committee they will be forwarded to the
relevant Executive member with a request that a response to these be
provided in sufficient time for submission to the 22 October 2015 committee

In the transfer of services it is essential to demonstrate that value for

money is being achieved by all partners which stand up to robust
auditing arrangements


That a process be agreed for the transfer of services, including a

frequently asked questions element, and that the framework document
previously produced by the councils parish support team should be
looked as part of this exercise.


The appointment of a nominated officer as the initial point of contact

within the council be noted as a step towards ensuring improved liaison
with town and parish councils. Consideration should be given to using
the Councils transformation team to assist with the development of an
effective and efficient transfer process for services and this should
include a specific joint working group with town and parish council
representatives to look at current and future devolved services.


That whilst respecting the individual nature and identity of each town
and parish council encouragement should be given to increased
collaborative working on the delivery of services to the wider


That a list of all council assets be supplied to the town and parish
councils so that consideration can be given by them to the possibility of

any suitable facility being utilised for improved community use and a
similar list be supplied by town and parish councils to the council on the
assets that they hold

That steps be taken to ensure that councillors and council officers use
the same information and the benefit of having regular liaison meetings
with representatives of town and parish councils be considered.


That there should be an agreed process for procurement and contract

management to ensure consistency and clarity for both those
undertaking the service delivery and those in receipt of this


Clarity should be provided as to the availability from the council of both

capital and revenue pump priming and whether use can be made of the
councils contingency fund


The aspect of future public liability should be included as part of any

work undertaken by the transformation team into processes so this is
clear to all parties prior to the transfer of any services/facilities


As part of any work undertaken by the transformation team there is a

clear understanding for town and parish councils of the legal process
and costs involved together with such work being completed within
reasonable timescales


That concern be expressed that the council does not appear to be fully
implementing the content of the parish protocol and the executive be
recommended that an urgent review should be undertaken of this to
see if amendments need to be made in the light of recent experience
and ensure that it is fit for purpose taking into account best practice
elsewhere in the country


In respect of the motion at full council regarding financial support for

rural bus services the executive should ensure that town and parish
councils are given sufficient time to undertake proper consultation
should they wish to consider taking over the responsibility for their
future operation


The Committee can :(a)

Approve all the recommendations of the task and finish group for
submission to the Executive member for a response.


Reject one or more of the recommendations of the task and finish



Amend one or more of the recommendations of the task and finish



In the transfer of services it is essential to demonstrate that value for money is

being achieved by all partners which stand up to robust auditing arrangements


That a process be agreed for the transfer of services, including a frequently

asked questions element, and that the framework document previously
produced by the councils parish support team should be looked as part of this


The appointment of a nominated officer as the initial point of contact within the
council be noted as a step towards ensuring improved liaison with town and
parish councils. Consideration should be given to using the Councils
transformation team to assist with the development of an effective and
efficient transfer process for services and this should include a specific joint
working group with town and parish council representatives to look at current
and future devolved services.


That whilst respecting the individual nature and identity of each town and
parish council encouragement should be given to increased collaborative
working on the delivery of services to the wider community


That a list of all council assets be supplied to the town and parish councils so
that consideration can be given by them to the possibility of any suitable
facility being utilised for improved community use and a similar list be supplied
by town and parish councils to the council on the assets that they hold


That steps be taken to ensure that councillors and council officers use the
same information and the benefit of having regular liaison meetings with
representatives of town and parish councils be considered.


That there should be an agreed process for procurement and contract

management to ensure consistency and clarity for both those undertaking the
service delivery and those in receipt of this


Clarity should be provided as to the availability from the council of both capital
and revenue pump priming and whether use can be made of the councils
contingency fund


The aspect of future public liability should be included as part of any work
undertaken by the transformation team into processes so this is clear to all
parties prior to the transfer of any services/facilities


As part of any work undertaken by the transformation team there is a clear

understanding for town and parish councils of the legal process and costs
involved together with such work being completed within reasonable



That concern be expressed that the council does not appear to be fully
implementing the content of the parish protocol and the executive be
recommended that an urgent review should be undertaken of this to see if
amendments need to be made in the light of recent experience and ensure
that it is fit for purpose taking into account best practice elsewhere in the


In respect of the motion at full council regarding financial support for rural bus
services the executive should ensure that town and parish councils are given
sufficient time to undertake proper consultation should they wish to consider
taking over the responsibility for their future operation

Isle of Wight Council Constitution Parish Protocol
Agenda and minutes of the Scrutiny Committee 19 March 2015 and 18 June 2015
Contact Point: Paul Thistlewood, Scrutiny Officer 821000 ext 6321





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