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Urban Inspiration.

Human Sparks
[translated into English from the original version Ptillements Urbains]

Comfortably seated on my Henriksdal chair, I slowly open my eyes. There is the birthday dessert.
A nice surprise planned by my colleagues as extension of our professional lunch. A marvelous
blend of ingredients, a myriad of fruit, some sweet perfecting touches. A blissful delight.
The miniature fireworks keep everyone into the warm atmosphere. The flame of the candle is
dancing cheerfully from left to right, and illuminates the delicious creation, as well as the
radiant smile and sparkling eyes of my colleague.
"Do not forget to make a wish" she whispers.
"Winning the lottery, staying healthy and spending a lot of beautiful moments," is probably the
standard answer. But today, I leave that answer up to others. Up to everyone to see what their
heart, body or curiosity are longing for.
Thinking of the long weekend ahead, I am pleased to fulfill my duty of the enlightened wish. I
am blowing with conviction, and exchange a thoughtful look with my host. Her eyes smile back
at me in between two salves of applause, while the other colleagues praise me into the Olympic
Hall of Fame for my well controlled breath.
The cake disappears at a high speed. Some people are fond of the crunchy biscuit, others
negotiate a cherry or an additional strawberry. As soon as the coffee, tea and related are
served, all smartphones resurface - the price to pay when celebrating a birthday in the middle
of a hyper-connected day.
Unlike my colleagues, however, I have a carte blanche afternoon waiting for me - perfect before
the next round, scheduled for the early evening. Outside, gray clouds are moving away in favor
of the blue sky. The fresh air still smells like grass and wet stone. The benefits of the return of
the sun will be felt very quickly. What could be better now than starting my afternoon by foot?
My next destination is only a few blocks away - a library in which it is a pleasure to take an
inspirational dive. No need to wait to be there to enjoy myself though. The ten minutes ahead
are part of the fun. As the last rain drops are shining in the sun, the neighbourhoods lively
atmosphere is opening up again. The merchants are activating their biceps to retract the
awnings. In the local grocery store, the wooden displays have emerged, bringing in their wake a
varied pallet of vivid colors and delicious smells. Cosily intertwined, Ray-Ban couples are settling
on the terrace of the nearby bars.
While I am waiting to cross the street, the advertisements of the travel agency in front catch my
attention. During a fraction of a second, my mind is drifting away.
A summer starting with an outdoor cocktail. Meeting with people from all over the world.
Summer temperatures and a cool afternoon breeze. Discrete lights illuminating the setting in
complement to the first stars. Some discussions that continue until the end of the night.


2015 04

Walking barefoot and slowly sensing the daybreak. Stopping a moment to see the light at the
horizon change into a generous sun. And the sound of birds that announce breakfast time, the
moment to take a nap or the start of a divinely lazy day.
Divine moments, definitely. But enough dreaming for now. The green light reminds me to move
on and monitor the urban flow. Carried by the reviving feeling of this brief trip, I arrive at my
Inspirational Hub. With its delicately crafted steel faade and its generous skylights, the library
is a beautiful testimony of Art Nouveau elegance.
The front door and the guard welcome me with a slight creaking and grinding. It looks like some
traditions are everlasting. My inner happiness will be too.
I love to walk along their sections. History. Geopolitics. Art & Design. Not to mention a brief
look at the comics and popular science. Whether you have diverse reading preferences or not,
you will always find something interesting or fun.
With my latest discoveries, I move upstairs to the Parisian bistro style tables. This relaxation
area allows people to immerse directly into their reading, or share it in good company.
In front of me, a man in a fine tailored suit seems to be indulging himself. Although his phone is
vibrating with insistence, he is slightly loosening his tie and continues to flip through his novel
with a satisfied smile. The student next to him is working assiduously through her syllabus. The
red and yellow markers are changing hands at a high speed, while her right foot plays
rhythmically with her ballerina shoe - the ultimate proof of a well-honed concentration.
My cup of tea finished brewing. I take out my diary. It contains professional ideas, creative
thoughts, some articles, and a postcard or two. Some say it is a scrap book. Personally, I prefer
to follow Leonard De Vinci and Paul Smith, who call it the basis of cross-inspiration.
The mezzanine allows me to work in the midst of this private island and still feel the comforting
atmosphere of the library. In addition, the large bay window provides a breathtaking view on
the mosaic of surrounding roofs, composed of terracotta tiles, photovoltaic panels and ecologic
I start writing down some ideas when, suddenly, a sheet of paper slips out of my notebook. It is
an interview with a Belgian designer, modest at home, but an icon abroad. He explains that the
inspiration for his latest collection came from observing a girl he met at the airport. He tried to
guess and translate her passions, her vices and her personal desires. I do not know if he
succeeded in his analysis. But when looking at the result - a dozen models with prints, textures
and optical effects - she seems to have been a very potent muse.
It is amusing to find back this article when being seated on a Mt Olympus myself, enjoying
stimuli and sources of inspiration. I decide to follow the designers example and continue to
write - the prolific environment is contributing quite a bit in transforming my passion into
sparks and more.
As time passes by, my neighbors change progressively. Mr Out of Office and Miss Marker
change their seats for a few regulars. The elderly people come in the middle of the afternoon

2015 04

for their daily conversation. Young parents seem to prefer the after-school hours. Next to me, a
couple is enjoying the educational benefits of a cup of coffee, while their cherubs run along the
shelves, or contemplate the polychromic reflections of the crystal chandelier on the ceiling.
Suddenly, one of their children pops up at my table with a fascinated "Sir, what is this?". He is
pointing at a drawing that is slightly larger than my diary. With a smile, I explain that it is a
sketch of a surprise made for one of my nephews. A few beseeching looks later including the
approving parental nodding- I am finishing an adapted version. A masterpiece is in the make.
As I expect the girl and her little brother to be adding their colorful personal touch to my
'Snowmen with balloons, ballpoint pen on paper' for the next hour or two, I wish them fun and
success in their new mission, and put on my jacket to continue my walk through my urban
kaleidoscope. I am confident that this family will take good care of this inspirational gem.
Amid the incessant coming and going of the late afternoon, I am strolling along the shops
showcases. At the florist, the last sunflower-rose-fern bouquets seem to be popular. The
Australian Cabernet from the wine merchant as well. I personally prefer the discovery of the
nearby concept store. It offers a collection of high-end multimedia devices, highlighted by a
temporary exhibition, which is worth the visit.
This month, they chose to play with the contrast between their products and a visual
travelogue - 120x125 sized analogue pictures mounted on aluminum. They carry us through the
Central African tropical forests, Tanzanian schools and aquatic horizons, which I suspect to be
the Indian Ocean. Humanly intriguing. Visually stunning.
Some time units later, I am sitting down again. The ergonomic optimization of the lunchtime
setting and the creative twist of the afternoon spot gave way to a stylish and welcoming venue.
The joy of my colleagues finds a continuation in the smiles and good humor of my relatives.
Some came from the Ardent City for the evening, another one from Paris. My brothers and
sisters are already debating with some of my longtime friends and their other halves. The
discussions range from creative finesse to mathematical-scientific elegance, while going over
more down-to-earth or fun filled subjects. A mix that I like, no matter the occasion.
Towards the end of the meal, laid back conversations turn into discrete conspiring winks. The
lights are dimming. The cake arrives, accompanied by a polyphonic a cappella.
A nice surprise, as highlight of the special day.
A marvelous blend of people, a vitamin filled atmosphere, temptations ahead. A delightful bliss.
The sparks of the miniature fireworks keep everyone into the warm atmosphere. The inner
flame of these passionate people is cheerfully moving around, and illuminates my face, as well
as the radiant smile and sparkling eyes of each of the guests. What a great group.
"Do not forget to make a wish!" they whisper.
It is done. Every day these sparks - those my heart, body and curiosity are so fond of.


2015 04

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