3 Chapter 1 To 5

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Asian Secrets Sdn Bhd is one of the companies under Victor Group. Victor Group
organization is mainly divided into three business focus which includes, Human
Resource (HR), Information Technology (IT) and Retail. For human resource, the
companies included are J connector and Info-house which focus on recruiting and
coaching people. Under Information technology, the company known as Bizaid, the
business is responsible for the software and the online purchases for business functions.
Asian Secret is under the focus of retail business. The main of role of the retail are
mainly focus on the manufacturing, marketing and wholesales business, special projects
and franchising activities at group level. Whereby the order of Asian Secret is
concentrate on retail trading, marketing sales and e-commerce.


Company Profile

Companys/ organizations name: Asian Secrets Sdn. Bhd.

Company Logo:
Figure 1: Asian Secrets Logo

Company Location: C-11-4,5,6, Wisma Goshen, Plaza Pantai No. 5, Jalan 4/83A Off
Jalan Pantai Baru 59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: +603 2201 8899
Fax: +603 2284 1181

Figures 2: Asian Secrets Company Location.

Source: Google Map

Retail Location:

Fine Batik outlet

Lot MS04,Mezzanine floor ,Central Market, 50050 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: +60322722954
Rahsia Herbal outlet
Lot G-33, Ground Floor, Central Market, 50050 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: +60322601388
Company Website:
Asian Secrets Sdn Bhd (www.asiansecrets.my)
Fine Batik Sdn Bhd (www.finebatik.com)
Rahsia Herbal Sdn Bhd (www.rahsiaherbal.com)
ecoWarna Sdn Bhd (www.ecowarna.com)
Exotica Multiverse Sdn Bhd (www.exotica.my)
Exotica Universe Limited (www.exotica.hk)


Company History and Background

Asian Secrets Sdn. Bhd. was originally created as the retail business for heath, beauty
and indulgence products. The business was start in the October of 2006. In 2011, Asian
Secrets is re-positioned as the lifestyle brand that transforms the centuries old
traditions into contemporary modern lifestyle. Asian Secrets Sdn. Bhd. has now carries
the four sub-brand product of Fine Batik, EcoWarna, Rahsia Herbal and Exotica.
Among four brands in Asian Secrets, Fine Batik was the eldest brand as it was
established in September of 2004. Fine Batik was showcasing the talents of
contemporary batik painting masters across the region of South-East Asia. Although
Fine Batik is exist longer that than Asia Secret, it was later reposition under one of the
sub-brands in Asian Secrets. EcoWarna was the next brand that existed in February of
2007. EcoWarna offers natural fiber products, naturally dyed products as well as gift
boxes and bags made from natural renewable resources.
Rahsia Herbal and Exotica was the youngest brand which created on later of
2011. Rahsia Herbal is mainly offers a wide range of herbs and herbal formulations.
Furthermore Rahsia Herbal was formed to take over Asian Secrets business as selling
health, beauty and indulgence product. Last but not least, Exotica offers rare and
precious luxury items from all over Asia, specially selected and made to order for high
net worth individuals who seek them to complement their prestigious lifestyle and
constantly upgrade their social status.
Currently, Asian Secrets has fronting transactions with Exotica Universe Limited
(Hong Kong) which focus on the North Asia Market. Asian Secrets Sdn Bhd is currently
located the office at Plaza Pantai, Bangsar and operate two two outlet known as Asian
Secrets and Fine Batik located in Central Market, Kuala Lumpur .


Objective & Philosophy


Short term Goals


To propel the growth of trading business with the support of the IT and HR arms


To remain as retailer while expending into wholesaler and corporate gifts market
in both offline and online space


Long Term Goals

To consolidate the trading (chain retailer, wholesaler, caf operator), ecommerce,
HR and IT business with the core competencies complimentary to each other.


To develop into a diversified group of the above with addition of and investment
portfolio in the group.


Company philosophy

Business Transformation for Next Phase of Growth

a. Leverage on competent team and efficient key processes to execute big
dollar earning projects to achieve quantum sales.
b. Allocate resources and effort to make online sales a major revenue


Organization chart and structure


Victor Group Organization Structure

Figure 3: Victor Group Organization Structure






Asian Secrets




Rahsia Herbal

Fine Batik



Source: Victor Group corporate profile


Asian Secrets Sdn Bhd Organization Chart

Figure 4: Asian Secrets Sdn Bhd Organization Chart

Accounting,Finance &
Internal Audit
Bavani Sengran

Tan Chee Khoon

Human Resource &

Bavani Sengran

IT Management
Tan Chee Khoon

Victor Ooi
Managing Director
Victor Ooi
Performance and
Process Management
Tan Chee Khoon
Branding & Creative
Lee Sok Teen

Procurement and
Product Development
Gillian Ung

Retail Operation
Gillian Ung

Stock Control, Logistics

& Maintenance
Tan Chee Khoon
Source: Victor Group

1.6 Conclusion
This chapter is explaining about the company profile structure of Asian Secrets. Asian
Secrets is the retail business company of Victor Group. Asian Secrets was carries the
four sub-brands as this will give the opportunity for the company to provide the variety to
the market. Besides that, Asian Secrets have now to develop their new product and also
expand their market into international. The company has clear goal and vision to keep
the business in track of the company development. Although Asian Secrets is smallmedium Company, the company has the strong fundamental in the relevant market.
Therefore, Asian Secrets is continue to path their way to grow and expand to achieve
their vision.



Introduction: Company Operation; Product and service

Apart from that, Asian Secrets Sdn Bhd does start to expand their business into
electronic channel as this channel able to extend the market coverage and reach to
international market. Therefore Asian Secret is basically divided into retail and
ecommerce to run through all the primary activity.
Asian Secrets is the umbrella brand of four brands; namely Fine Batik, EcoWarna,
Rahsia Herbal and Exotica. For the brick and mortar business, Asian Secrets Sdn Bhd
operate two retail outlet namely Asian Secret and Fine Batik in Central Market also
known as Pasar Seni. Locate in Kuala Lumpur. Asian Secret outlet is selling the product
of Rahsia Herbal and also Exotica product. Whereas Fine Batik is selling self brand
product and also ecowana product. Both located different floor in Central market
according to place strategic.
For the E-commerce business, Asian Secret does have own website as the main
channel of e-commerce. Apart from the main website, Asian Secret will use other
intermediary as the selling channel like e-bay, Amazon.com and lelong.com. The overall
operation of e-commerce is run by the IT department.

Product of Asian Secrets


Rahsia Herbal Products

Rahsia Herbal product is including with the wide range of herbs and the herbal
formulation. There are two core products of the Rahsia Herbal known as Tongkat Ali and
Kacip Fatimah. Other than that, Rahsia Herbal does offer other natural herbs products
which categorize as below:


Wild Herbs
Herbs under this category are responsibly harvested directly from the rainforest
in the South East Asia. These products include the range of Tongkat Ali product
such as Tongkat Ali Kuning (Eurycoma Longifolia), Tongkat Ali Hitam (Polyathia
Bullate) , and Tongkat Ali Merah (Stema Tuberosa), Kacip Fatimah (Labisia
Pumila) products and other rare and wild herbs.


Garden Herbs
Asian Secrets also provide variety of garden herbs include herbs such as
Penutup Bumi, Ashitaba, Stevia and Lemongrass are grown organically without
any pollutant to the environment and are free from the pesticides.


Herbal Solution
These are perfectly concocted recipes by the various traditional medicine
practitioners, specially designed to help specific health ailments such as diabetes,
high blood pressure and rheumatism. As the aim of incorporate traditional
remedies as part of daily life, all of the Rahsia Herbal products are produced in
easy to consume forms, like extract capsules, tea bags and soup bags. Apart
from that, Asian secret also see the products in it natural raw form.


Other product information and the function:

Table 1: Other product information and the function



Sky Fruit

-Treat diabetes , gout,

cardiovascular diseases
- Eliminate stress
- Anti-aging





- Cooling effect, reduce heat

- Detoxification
- Relieves sore throat
- Lowers sugar level
- Reduces hypertension
- Suitable for diabetic patients

(Tea Bag)

- Anti-bacterial
- Detoxification
- Reduces blood pressure
- Better digestion
- Reduces cholesterol level, blood pressure, body fat
- Reduces risk of diabetes, cancer
- Increases stamina, helps diuretic


(Tea Bag)

- Improves blood circulation

- Cure nausea, upset stomach
- Relieves painful arthritis
- Anti-inflammatory properties


- Improves blood circulation

- Cure nausea, upset stomach
- Relieves painful arthritis
- Anti-inflammatory properties


- Prevents tooth decay

- Anti-cancer, anti-aging
- Reduces blood pressure, body fat, cholesterol level
- Promotes weight loss

Pandan Leaf

- Relieves headache, chest pain

- Anti-septic, antibacterial, anti-diabetic
- Reduces stomach pain, leprosy

Pandan Leaf (Teabag)

- Relieves headache, chest pain

- Anti-septic, antibacterial, anti-diabetic
- Reduces stomach pain, leprosy
- Eliminating body odor
- Promotes better digestion for children, increases their
- Treats scabies
- Prevents rheumatic pain, backache

Beluntas (Teabag)



- Lowers blood pressure

- Relieves headache
- Treats cold, fever, flu, skin problems, eye pain, tinnitus
- Detoxification and calming purposes

Butterfly Pea Flower

(Blue Flower)

- Calming properties
- Reduces fatigue and stress
- Promotes better sleep


- Reduces blood pressure

- Nourish liver
- Brighten eyesight
- Strengthen bone and joints
- Anti-aging
- Lowers blood pressure, cholesterol level
- Prevents thyroiditis, constipation

Sea Bird nest

Mt Kinabalu Honey

- Anti-aging
- Relieves sore throat
- Cooling effect

Handcrafted Tea

- Good for skin

- Improves blood circulation
- Improves memory

Green Folium Tea

- Reduces body fat, maintain body weight

- Promotes blood circulation
- Improves bowel movement

Jasmine Dragon Pearl

- Reduces the risk of cancer, strokes

- Lowers cholesterol level
- Antioxidant agent

Green Tea

- Relieves headache
- Promote better blood circulation
- Anti-aging

Super Green Tea

- Relieves headache
- Promote better blood circulation

Source: Asian Secrets Sdn Bhd



Fine Batik Product

Fine Batik is currently one of the popular batik art and crafts brand in the central market.
It is a specialist in handmade batik interior decoration products such as batik art painting,
batik painted wood carving, batik accessories and wooden hangers.
In line with vision to introduce the beauty of batik into every home and offices
around the world, Fine Batik is home to hundreds of thousands of batik art and crafts
produced by own resident batik artists, each of them master in their own right, providing
our customers with a wide spectrum of designs ranging from traditional nusantara styles
to contemporary art deco. Asian Secrets also constantly engage independent artists
from all over Asia to collaborate with us to produce new series of batik art and crafts to
complement Fine Batik existing product lines.
Through fair trade and multiple marketing channels, such as e-commerce, online
marketplaces and art exhibitions, Fine Batik hopes to elevate the social status of Asian
batik artists who are mostly impoverished and have no resources to promote their works,
into the world stage, where millions of people can appreciate their masterpieces.

EcoWarna Product

There are two product lines that EcoWarna is offering, which his Natural Dye Products
and Nature Crafts. Natural dye form minerals and plants are used for centuries in all
aspects of human lives before the introduction of synthetic chemical dye. With the
advancement of cheap and mass produced synthetic dye, natural dye has been
neglected and long forgotten.
Asian Secrets hopes to reintroduce natural dyes through education and mass
production. Asian Secrets current application of natural dye is on clothing and


accessories. By introducing natural dye on organic natural fabrics such as cotton and
silk, and also banana and pineapple fiber, company was strive to produce a 100%
natural apparel like that is biodegradable and friendly to Mather Nature.
Other than that, Asian Secrets also offer the crafts and household products. Nature
craft made from natural materials such as bamboo, coconut shells, sea shells and other
plant based materials have long been a tradition in Asia. However, with the invention of
plastics, most of these traditional items had make way for the cheaper alternative.
Therefore this will become a challenge for Asian Secrets to revive the use of natural
material into market.

Exotica Product

Exotica created to serve high net worth individuals. Exotica offer life enhancing tonics to
improve consumer health, mystical power to protect their statue, exotic food and
beverage to tame their adventurous taste buds, and luxury adornment to complement
their image. For life enhancements, Exotica provides its customer with centuries old
Tongkat Ali, Tiger Milk Lingzhi, Wild Honey skincare products and specialty formulate
tonics to improve health and overall wellbeing.
Rare wood and minerals such as Raja Kayu, Kemuning Hitam and Emas, and
Leklai are also part of Exoticas product to imbue mystical powers to its lucky owners.
Exotic food lovers will be thrilled to know that they do not need to search through high
mountains and deep jungles as Exotica has gotten the finest food and beverages in Asia
all under one roof for them. Futhermore, the worlds most exclusive coffee, Kopi Luwak,
the rarest virgin, purple and island birds nest, Bario rice and salt are just some of the
products that available in the Exotica brand.



Functions and Responsibility of Each Department/ Unit

Table 2: Functions and Responsibility of Each Department/ Unit

Managing Director (MD)

Branding and Creative


Functions and Responsibility

Strategic planning
Team building
Performance Monitoring
New retail outlet launching
New revenue project launching
New business opportunities

Branding and corporate identity

Advertising and promotion
Purchase and maintenance of branding and
packaging material
Public relations
Corporate social responsibilities

E-commerce sales
Online marketing
Resource planning
Human resource recruitment, training and retention
Payroll preparation and pay out
Human resource policy management
General administration

Implement and maintain software and hardware

Implement e-commerce capability for retail
business to derive online revenue
Information management
Information provision to relevant end user


Online incoming enquiries

Corporate sales
Department store marketing
Expos and promos
Wholesales or dealership
Festive season promotions

Procurement and
Product Development

Product procurement
Product categorization
Product costing and pricing
Product sales analysis
Product research and development
Product consignment

E-Commerce (EC)
Human Resource and
Admin (HRA)

Information Technology
Management (ITM)


Performance and
Process Management

Retail Operation (RO)

Stock Control, Logistic

and Production
Department ( SLP)


Plan and create standard operation procedure,

guideline and frameworks
Seek ways to improve organization efficiency and
Key performance index management
Retail outlet sales
Outlet management(sales
transaction, sales
collection, stock management, staffing, training,
scheduling, product display and market feedback)
Retail outlet sales analysis
Retail outlet promotional activities
Stock ordering and replenishment ( from
Stock control
Maintenance for office and outlets
Stock ordering and replenishment ( from
Identify and report slow moving and fast selling
item to RO and PPD department
Barcode and price tagging

Current Strategies Used to Meet Goals

In the business plan of Asian Secret of 2013, Asian Secret have shift some of the
strategies in order to handle the market changes and to meet the goals and objective.
Currently Asian Secrets not only will focus on the traditional European Tourist but start to
shift their focus on the North Asia tourist like China and Russia. Apart from that, Asian
Secret also officer on more general Malaysian based product in term to attract the
patronage of local customer.
Besides that, have now to eliminate the non-moving third parties or consignment
product but also focus on product that able to generate potential big sales. This strategy
will minimize the capital invest on the low margin product but also maximize the
investment on the high margin product. Instate o generate the strategic from retailing ,


Asian Secrets also plan to have branding their product and increase the awareness to
the north east country customers. Furthermore, Asian secret also have the strategic to
open the wholesales channel in the Chow Kit wholesales market. This will help to
increase the exposure of the Asian Secrets product to the local customers.
In order to have further growing of the company, Asian Secrets will set up the
product development department to make R&D on the new product. Asian Secrets will
not only focus on the market development but have decide to create several new
product like, honey based products with wild herbs, series of he herbal coffee and
extend the product line as possible. Through product development strategies, it may
generate more revenue from the new potential market segment.


In chapter 2, overall chapter is about companys operation, products and services. Asian
Secrets sell and offer four different brand of products. Most of the product offer by Asian
Secrets is come from Rahsia Herbal. Rahsia Herbal does provide variety of herbs
product and every herb also have own remedy purpose. Besides that, other product
from Ecowarna and Fine batik were also product by using handmade. The only higher
range among the four brands is Exotica. Apart from that product offer, this chapter also
describes about the company operation of every department and what is the current
strategy to meet the goals.














implementation of planning in term to create sustainable competitive advantages in the

market. According to the study of strategic management, the process for the strategic









implementation and strategy evaluation. Before a company to implement the strategies,

analysis of the market is very important as the first stage in the formulation.
Asian Secrets still consider as young company in the market, although other
company in Victor group for in 1990s of time, Asian was form in 2006. Besides that,
Asian Secrets still have a lot of opportunity to expand their business into further big
picture. Currently, Asian Secret still focuses on the domestic corporate sales and their
retail business. In order to further outlook of the company, Asian secret have extend a
brand known as Exotica and have corporate with a partner in Hong Kong. In lately,
Director of Asian Secret Mr. Victor has make decision to enter their Exotica product into
China market.
Therefore, in this chapter will briefly explain about Asian Secrets strategies
management, vision and mission and the recommendation for company. This will help
Asian Secret to identify external opportunities and threats, internal strengths and
weaknesses, recommend establishing the long term planning and helping company
make a better decision and resources allocation.

Vision, Mission and Goals



An integrated business group that supporting the realization of vision to transform

products of centuries old traditions into contemporary life style





To maintain win-win relationships with all our stakeholders


To attract, retain and develop competitive-minded and dependable


To continuously think of new ideas and improve all out business processes


To build the best knowledge based organization together with our valuecreating employees


To empower quality employees to deliver excellent product and service


External Factors Evaluation


List of Internal Factor Evaluation

a) External Opportunities

Increase of China and India tourist visit to Malaysia

Due to the economy boosting in China and India market, tourists come from both
of these countries have increase dramatically. Hence this affect the retail sales in
Central market as it is a strategic place for tourism to visit.


Increase of healthy awareness from consumer

Healthy concern nowadays has become topic for everyone. Junk food and
artificial product have become one of the problem that cause increasing case of

obesity, diabetes and also other relevant diseases cause be unhealthy eating
habit. Hence, this has effect the public begun to have the awareness to
consuming healthy product. This is a good opportunity for Asian Secrets to
promote their product in the market.

Developing markets in China

Fast growing in the China market create opportunity for the further expansion of
the Asian Secrets in the mainland of China. As mention in the part of 3.1, Asian
Secrets director have aim to distribute Exotica product in China, therefore , fast
the developed China market able to create more revenue for company.


Limited of competitors supply sources

Asian Secrets products are very unique and some of the product has a very
limited supply sources. For example, most of the herbs selling in Asian Secret
were harvest in the rainforest of Malaysia. It is required a experience of local
native to get the sources. Therefore, competitors will found difficult to get the
sources as the production and supply is very limited. This will become an
advantage to Asian Secrets sustain in market.


Construction of Mass rapid transit (MRT) in Klang Valley

In the June of 2010, Malaysias prime minister has announced to propose the
construction of Mass rapid transit (MRT) in Klang Valley is approval. With the
estimate of the complete time, MRT will start the operation in 2016. Therefore
this will increase the accessibility of the public transport, and able to attract
tourists from domestic or international to visit Klang Valley region.


b) External Threat

Economy crisis in the European Union (EU) countries affect to the buying
power of European tourists.
During 2009, European Union faces serious economy crisis. This has effect
market of Europe shrink down and most of the citizen facing financial difficulties.
Therefore, their buying power have also affected as most of the European
reluctantly to spend much. Although the economy have recover the in the later of
time, this still have the dropping result of the spending rate of European tourist in
Malaysia . Hence this will become a threat for Asian Secrets as most of the
revenue in retail is generate from the visitors.


Rising of crime rate in Klang Valley region.

Uncontrollable of the criminal case in recently have become worries for tourists to
visit. Especially for the snatch thieves and pickpocket case in Klang Valley affect
the image of Malaysia. This will become barrier for the for the outside visitor to
coming have enjoy their holiday. Therefore, this may result of the dropping of
revenue from the tourist.


Avian influenza A (H7N9) virus was reported first infection in China

Influenza A is a virus that able to transmit through air by only inhalation of virus-

laden aerosols. Therefore, when there is new mutation of the new virus
exist have worry the people to avoid and visit on the high concentration
and busy region. Although the infection was happen in China, but due to
the easy transmission, most of the people may take on the precaution.
Therefore, this will affect the retail business on Central Market.



Implementation of Good and Service Tax (GST) in Malaysia.

Implementation of Good and Service Tax cause customer increasing of their
spending cost. This will influence people reluctant to spend much on the service
and good purchasing. Therefore, increase of the cost spending may reduce the
desire of the customer to spend on their wants instead of their needed. Sales of
product like indulgent and painting may affected as consumer percept it as a
want but not needed.


Malaysias bribery rates have deteriorated for three consecutive years

since 2009.

Deteriorate of the Malaysia bribery rate will affect Malaysia image and
reputation. Most the national income was general through the expenditure of
the tourism. A broken image might be perception by the outsiders and they
will try not to visit Malaysia again as the perception image is not good. Hence,
this will become a threat for Asian Secret because the doping number of
tourists will tremendously impact on the sales of retail.
3.3.2 External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix
Table 3: External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix


1. Increase of China and India tourist visit to



2. Increase of the healthy awareness from



3. Developing markets in China



4. Limited of competitors supply sources



Key External Factors




5. Construction of Mass Rapid Transit( MRT) in

Klang Valley


6. Continuous debt problems in the European

Union (EU) countries affect to the buying 0.15
power of Europe tourists


7. Rising of crime rate in Klang Valley region



8. Avian influenza A H7N9 virus was reported

first infection in China


9. Implementation of Good and Service Tax

(GST) in Malaysia


10. Malaysias bribery rates have deteriorated

for three consecutive years since 2009






From the table above, it shows the external factor evaluation (EFE) matrix of Asian
Secrets Sdn Bhd. The total weighted of Asian Secrets is 3.03, this result show that the
organization is responding an appropriate way to existing opportunities and threats. In
other words, the organizations strategies effectively take advantages of existing
opportunities and minimize the potential adverse effect of external threats.

Internal Factor Evaluation


List of Internal Factor Evaluation


Internal Strengths

Only One Specialize herb Shop Located in Centre Market

Asian Secrets retail outlet is located in a strategic placing. Centre Market is a
famous place for tourists to visit. Most of the tourists or visitor in Klang Valley


region will come to Centre Market because in Centre Market is a place for them
to search for Malaysia culture and artwork products. In addition, Asian Secrets is
the only Herbs shop in Central Market; tourists who visit central market are easily
to identify the outlet. Therefore, Asian Secrets does have the advantage as
without any competitors in Central Market.

Uniqueness of Product
Uniqueness of products and services are the advantage for a company. Because
most of the competitor unable to duplicate from Asian Secrets. If the customer
easily to get a similar product in the market, they may easily to grab by other
competitor. Asian Secret carry four brands and each of the brands do have their
own uniqueness. For example EcoWarna products are using natural color from
fruit and plant to apply on the fabric products, every art piece of the Fine Batik do
have the own special design and for Rahsia Herbal do have the own unique
herbs formulation which is good for health.


Product market value rising from time to time

As mention in the product section, products of Asian Secret will increase from
time to time. Especially for the painting product from the brand of Fine Batik, the
value of the collection will increase as the time increase. Therefore, Asian
Secrets market value will increase as the time go by.


Natural product friendly with environment, free from chemical.

Natural product of from the EcoWarna range does promote the image of Asian
Secrets Sdn Bhd. People will have good perception to Asian Secret as all of the
products are nature without any chemical. Hence customer was worry- free to
consume and using the product from Asian Secrets. One of the strength that
were visible is the nature dye product, it is friend use for all of the skin allergy
people. Hence that market value also can be enhancing through this strength.


Market Expansion to China Market and Hong Kong market

Market expansion of Exotica in Hong Kong and China able create opportunity to
generate revenue for Asian Secret. Asian Secrets does realize only focus on
local market is not enough for future growth of the company. Therefore, market
expansion in China is the most profitable for Asian Secrets and this is the
strength for Asian Secrets that have larger market to distribute the products.

Internal Weaknesses

Limited of productivity
Asian Secrets does consist of many healthy products range and also have
various range of the brand to operate the retail business. However, productivity
of the Asian Secrets is still limited as the production unit is small-medium size
and insufficient of professional employees to support the overall production
department. Therefore, this will become a weakness for the company to expand
their market as limited of productivity will not able to meet the demand of the


Lack of manpower of permanent employees

To extend and continue to develop into international market, Asian Secrets has
undertaken of permanent employees to support operation of the company.
Besides that, most of the supporting employees are the internship student.
Experience and professional employee have limited power to cover the overall
operation or even full guidance to the internship student. Therefore, to utilize the
organization tasks, more human resources are required.



Minimum of customer retention program.

In order to retain existing customer, well-build customer relation is very important
to reduce the operation cost of the company. However, Asian Secrets do have
minimum of customer retention program. Lack of the customer retention may
cause of outflow of loyal customer. This may required company to spend more to
acquire new customer.

Therefore, company operation cost will dramatically

increase as company has to spend more to attract new customer but also to pull
back the outflow customer.

Lack of brand awareness to the public.

Asian Secret Sdn. Bhd. is still lacking of promotion in developing the public
awareness to its own brands. Asian Secrets does carries four brands, but most of
the customer does not know about the brand Rahsia Herbal, Fine Batik,
EcoWarna, and Exotica. Although most of the customers in retail do recognize
the specific products in retail outlet, they have only minimum knowledge on the
brand in Asian Secret. Therefore, branding is need for Asian Secrets as company
will soon extend the market into international.


Lack of organize and structure.

Although Asian Secrets formed in more than seven years, company still have the
problem of least organize and structure. Due to the limited numbers of
permanent employees, most of heads of division are handling in more than one
department. On this point of view, some of the employee may required to work in
the multitask environment. In order to have a well organize company, human
resource has to be well established. However, in the future of time, company will
recruit more of the employee to stabilize the company operation.



Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix

Table 4: Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix


d Score

1. Only one specialize herb shop located in Centre



2. Uniqueness of product



3. Product market value rising from time to time



4. Natural product friendly with environment, free from

artificial chemical


5. Market expansion to China Market and Hong Kong



Key Internal Factors



6. Limited of productivity



7. Lack of manpower of permanent employees



8. Minimum of customer retention program



9. Lack of brand awareness to the public



10. Lack of organize and structure






From the table above, it shows that the internal factor evaluation (IFE) Matrix of Asian
Secrets Sdn Bhd. The total weighted of Asian Secrets is 2.83. This result shows t6hat
Asian Secrets still inappropriate and weak to responding to current and expected factors
in its internal environment. The majority reason for the results is due to minimum that
customer retention program and lack of man power. This will affect the daily operation of
the company and also the cost spending.



SWOT Matrix

Table 5: SWOT Matrix

Strengths (S)
Internal Factors 1. Only One Specialize
herb Shop Located in
Centre Market.
2. Uniqueness of Product
3. Increasing of product
market value.
4. Natural product friendly
with environment, free
External Factors

from artificial chemical

Weaknesses (W)
1. Limited of productivity.
2. Lack of man power of
permanent employee.
3. Minimum of customer
retention program.
4. Lack of brand
awareness to the public
5. Lack of organize and

5. Market Expansion to
China Market and Hong
Kong market.

Opportunities (O)
1. Increase of China and

SO Strategies

WO Strategies

1) Develop new herbs

1) Hire and training the

India tourist visit to

product through the

young generation to



become permanent

development. (S1,

employee (W2, W6,

S5, O1, O2)

O1, O3)

2. Increase of healthy
awareness from
3. Developing markets in
4. Limited of product
supply sources.
5. Construction of Mass

2) Set up the product

2) Expand market to


other region other

department to make

than Klang Valley

R&D on the new

(W4, W5, O1, O2)

product.(S2, S3,S5

rapid transit (MRT) in

Klang Valley.


Threats (T)
1. Continuous debt

ST Strategies
1) Shift focus on North

WT Strategies
1. Eliminate the non-

problems in the

Asia tourist market

moving third parties

European Union (EU)

segment (S1, S2,

or consignment

countries affect to the

S4, S5, T1)


buying power of Europe

2. Rising of crime rate in
Klang Valley region.
3. Avian influenza A H7N9
virus was reported first

2) Focus on product
that able to

T1, T5 )
2. Open the

generate big sales

wholesales channel

(high margin

in the Chow Kit

product)(S1, S3, S5,



market.(W 2,W4,

infection in China.


4. Implementation of Good
and Service Tax (GST)
in Malaysia.
5. Malaysias bribery

rates have
deteriorated for three
consecutive years
since 2009.


Recommendation for Future Improvement

In my opinion, Asian Secrets should have to recruit more permanent employees to
handle with daily operations. Asian is facing a problem that lack of permanent
employee to support the operation. As the training period for internship student only
stand for three to four months. Employee turnover will be very high in Asian Secrets.
In order to stabilize the structure and operation of Asian Secrets more manpower is
needed to handle in different task in every department. Furthermore lack of
employees and customers service representative will be slow down all the retail

growth and due to decrease of the retail performance. Permanent employee will be
more loyal, better perform and generate more sales. Therefore, this is able to assist
the company to expand the retail business when there is sufficient of man power.
Besides that, Asian Secret also recommended to implement market
development strategy. Market development is the strategy that is used to seek for
the new market to sell its existing products and service. This strategy able to
increase its market share, broaden its customer base and increase the brand
awareness to public. By implementing market development strategy it would promote
Asian Secrets to new market, it could help Asian Secrets to expand their consumer
exposure, create public awareness and make the companys brand more recognized.
While another advantage would be by using market development strategy, the sales
and revenue of Asian Secrets will increase due to its expansion to new market and
identified new potential segment of the market.
Apart from that, Asian Secret also should focus on the new product development.
Company should have to develop some new product to create new channel of
revenue. Apart from that, well product development also able to generate motivation
for customer to purchase on the new product or create the new segment for Asian
Secrets product. This will not benefit on the company but also able to boost up the
market demand. Last but not least, product development although is a long term plan
it is highly recommended to Asian Secrets.



As conclude, strategic formulation is very important to a company as its need to be
used for company future growth and survive in the industry. When evaluating a
strategic alternative, the most critical part is to proposed strategy able to deal with
the external and internal factor. If the alternative does not take advantage of
opportunities and corporate strengths, and ignore for the threats and corporate
weaknesses, it will lead to losses for a company and cannot stay longer in the
market. Developing situation analysis therefore is a must for the company to
deciding each alternative are feasible for climate change of the environment.





In 10 weeks of industrial training, I have a great opportunity to experience the real

corporate world. Asian Secrets Sdn. Bhd. has provided internship training for pregraduates students several years ago. Hence, Asian Secrets Sdn. Bhd. does provide
well-fundamental training to internship student. During the period of training, I am
realizing that working in the real world corporate is different with situation when we study
in school. As the one of the employee in the company, we have to committee to
complete our task no matter how tough the situation; we also have to work as a team to
fulfill our task given.
At the beginning of the training I may few some difficulties that, everything is new
and strange for that. Therefore I have to keep asking question, inquiry and getting advice
from my supervisor and companys directors. Through this internship practical, I have
gain a lot of new experience and also learn a lot from my mistake. I also very appreciate
the companys director, supervisor, and my colleague give a lot of opportunity to work as
a team with them. Although some of the task may overloaded and even I have stay over
time in the company to complete my task, I have always show the positive attitude as
this is a chance for me to explore more in the real business situation.

Completed Tasks/ Assignment/ Duties

As a whole, Im being assigned under my supervisor and company directors to

supporting three major departments the company, which are retail operation (RO),
procurement and procurement and product development (PPD), and marketing
department. During my first week, I have allocated in the PPD and RO department to
review and understand Asian Secrets company profile, products and service, operations
of these two departments. Besides that, my supervisor trained my organize skills with re31

arrange PPD documents and update control sheet in the company file system. After that,
my supervisor gives a task for the modified and the retail operation training guideline
(PET file). In the meanwhile of the modifying the training guideline I was assigned to
retail outlet in the central market about four days to studies and experience the operation
of the retail, study about the products in both Asian Secrets and Fine Batik outlets.
After I completely modify the training guideline, I was asking to assist my
supervisor Ms Gillian to propose on the next promotion planning. Ms Gillian has also
thought on the right way to calculate range of the sales margin in term not to giving over
rate of discount. Furthermore, Ms Gillian also always ask me to study about the process
of the procurement in term provide a guideline to me, request to find the sources of the
supplier and also request me to contact with the supplier through phone call and email.
Apart from that, Ms Gillian was guide me on the process of selecting the right supplier
and the delivery term should always take but not only the price. Therefore, I have
increased my knowledge on the process of purchasing and how to make deal suppliers.
Besides that, I was having the chance to assist Companys director Mr Victor, to
involve in the marketing related task. During the fourth week my practical training, I was
ask by company director Mr. Victor to assist one of my colleague Ms Carmen to
complete the master distributor marketing plan in China. This task was a challenge to
me and Ms Carmen as we both are the internship student and without any real situation
experience to propose the marketing plan in China. With advisory of the our companys
director Mr Victor, we able to finish our marketing plan within 1 weeks of time and
propose to the potential distributor in China. Through this task, I have learned a lot from
Mr Victor as he is very attentive, and experience in marketing field. Somehow, I am also
always being brainstorm with Mr Victor to generate more creative idea. Instead of the
marketing plan, I also had given a task to make marketing material like booklet and

brochure for the next coming new product of Exotica. To complete this task, I was
request to make a research based on the honey and herbal product through internet.
Based on the research information, I will decide on the content of the material and then
after approval of Mr. Victor, my work will continue to complete the booklet.
Last but not least, I am also involved in retail operation tasks during my practical
training period; my role was a supporting staff in the retail outlet. During the period of
insufficient staff in retail outlet, I was assigned to work in the outlet and play as role the
customer service representative. Through the experience of working in the retail outlet, I
was given the chance work in the front line which I able to meet with the customers and
approach them to buy our company products. This will help me to improve my soft skills
and communication skills.

Suitable of Training Program with Study Field

During the 10 weeks of industrial training in Asian Secrets, I have been assigned to join
the department is related with my study field, my responsibility is in the daily to support
the company operation in the department of procurement, retail and marketing.
Throughout this industrial training,

I was given the opportunity to explore to the real

marketing skills, to make a proper market analysis in China with the professional advice,
train to have overall consider before implement decision and enhance our soft skill on
how to make a proper presentation.
Since I am marketing study student, my supervisor and company director have
give me to handle on marketing related activity. First of all, our company director
assigned international marketing task for me as an experience to explore the oversea
market as it will be vary with the local market. This is a good chance for me to apply my
international business study to complete this task. Beside on preparing the marketing
plan, I have also spent plenty of times to research on the market segment in China.

China is a huge land as it is different with Malaysia, therefore, they may have a lot of
barrier as introduce a new product into the market. With the advisory of managing
director, I have gain a lot of knowledge that may never able to apply with the theory that
inside the books.
In addition, working as the retail supporting staff, I am able to apply my retail
management study during my school time. Some of the theory knowledge is very useful
to me when I have the chance to give some idea during some of the decision making.
Besides that, updating of the daily sales update is very useful for a company operation to
identified the sales trend and implement the suitable strategies. Hence I have the good
opportunity that to apply my strategic management knowledge.
Involving or the procurement department was also extending my knowledge on
the study in logistic management. Procurement processes are very important for a
company operation as it will reduce the cost of the company sending and even able to
maximize the margin generate. Therefore during my internship period, I have been
exploring to communicate with different sources of the supplier and my supervisor had
advice me on how to make proper deal with them. Apart from that, with wisely of
selection suppliers sources, will affect the overall logistics process from begin of
production until the product reach to customer.

Problem and Difficulties Faced

During the practical of my industrial training, I have face a lot of problem no matter form
the big issue or small matter. I will also able to solve as to complete the task. However,
after have training in the Asian Secret, I find that some of the difficulties might take some
for me to solve and even I have to spend more commitment to complete the task. One of
the problems that I face is limited time to complete the task. Some of the task given may
have the short dateline as it is urgent for some reason. Therefore I have to give extra
time to complete as when I have doing on the China marketing plan, short period of

dateline given is make me frustrated and I will spend for several days of over time to
complete the task. However, with the guidance of company director, I manage to
complete it without much of the delay job. This is the chance for to discover something
that I dont know and I have to spend time to learn. After the task is complete, I was
feeling satisfied as company director have praise on us who have involve in the task.
Besides that, limited of language knowledge will become a burden as it will slow
down all of the operation process. Although Im a Chinese based study student, when
we dealing with the China distributor we face the problem of communicate with them as
the sentence structure using are different. Hence, I have to slow down my step to make
sure that every Chinese wording structure will able to create efficient communication
with the China distributor.
Apart from that, I also face a problem of overloaded task during my internship
period. Due to the insufficient of the permanent employee, I found will working into a
multitasking situation as sometime there are several tasking incoming t the same time. I
will have to manage myself on coordinate the task given and complete it according to the
priority. Although this good opportunity for me to learn more and experience more, this
might drop my performance as I am not able to focus on each of single task.
Last but not least about the transport problem to arrive the office. Although in
Klang Valley area if full with the facility of public transport, when the peaking hour road
way full with vehicles. Furthermore my home is limited with the public facility; I choose to
drive to office for everyday. This has increase my cost and I will have to wake up in the
early morning in order to avoid the late attend to office.
However, all the problems able to solve as my supervisor has been supportive of
my training program and has assisted in providing me the information that is needed for
me to complete this report.




As conclude, chapter 4 is explain about the industrial training analysis, problem and
difficult that I faced during 10 weeks of the training. During this period, the task given to
me is also related with my study field as marketing student. I have gain a lot and also
face a tough time when there is a problem happen. However all of this problem have
solve and this have make me realize working life is different from student life. Students
may be excused and given many chance to correct their mistakes, whereas when we
working we may get fired though only once doing the mistake.


Asian Secrets Sdn Bhd is a good working place for internship student to train their skills
and knowledge. Unlike when we study in the University, working in the real corporate
world is very challenging. Every step that we have decide will affect the overall operation,
thus mistake is not allow to happen when we have go into the real business world. Start
from the beginning of 24th of June 2013, I am just a normal student we I have first step
into the company, everything of the company operation is new for me and there is a lot
question mark appear in my mine.
Until the 10 weeks of training, I was feeling that Im a lucky person who able to
join this company as the company director, managers and colleagues always lends their
hand when I face the problem. In the whole program of internship, I have learned a lot of
either from the theory, experience and the skills. Every task given to me I will also very
appreciate as this is the good time for me to learn and even I still have the chance to
learn from mistake.
In overall experience of working in this company, I found that each of the
department is always interrelated. Therefore communications among the team can build
effective and efficient operation. Although Asian Secrets facing the problem of limited
permanent staff, a well communicate always make the works goes smoothly. However, I
will kindly suggest the company to increase the recruitment of permanent employee. As
the internship student were only stay in a short period, thus the turnover will be high and
new coming internship will face difficult if there is lack manpower to handle them.
As conclude, my practical industrial training had completed successfully. I was
satisfied with my performance in the company as task given by the supervisor can be
handling and complete it without much of the obstacle.


Asian Secrets. (2013). About Asian Secrets. Retrieved July 18, 2013, from
David, F. R. (2013). Strategic Management Concept and Cse (Fourteenth Edition ed.).


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